#despair anon
im autistic and half of my verbal stims are from my f/os. i apologize to everyone in my house who has to listen to me scream YOU INTERRUPTED MY SPEECH!!! every 30 seconds
love always, despair anon
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Despair anon here
I'm not sure why Maki thought it was a smart idea to walk around in a skirt when she has such delicious ass, oh well shuchi isn't complaining since he's currently fucking her so hard she's doesn't even remember her boyfriend kaito at the moment
(Sorry if you were looking for something more NTRy Despair Anon, this is how it flowed. Hope you still like it!)
Shuichi had of course noticed Maki's strange change in wardrobe. Everyone had.
When the most bottom-heavy girl in class' skirt suddenly failed to hide how her pale cheeks swallowed her thong, everyone noticed.
Of course, no one dared speak a word of it in earshot of the assassin, lest they catch a sudden onset of knife-in-the-chest.
Still, Shuichi had overheard more than one whisper about Maki's pale globes, or the new sway to her hips she had seemingly gained overnight.
Or at least, that's what someone less observant might've thought. But Shuichi was the Ultimate Detective. He'd noticed Maki's changes a few weeks back when they'd first started.
The first time Maki had forgone wearing a bra at school, the first time she'd worn makeup, the first time she openly flirted with Kaito…
This was but the last in a series of developments, though this one was the most shocking to Shuichi. He'd previously thought she had simply been trying to seduce Kaito, but they'd finally gotten together last week. He'd expected Maki to either hold steady as she was or roll back these changes, not continue on.
But even more than that, there was something about Maki's attitude, her own reaction to those changes…
Yes, she was adapting too naturally. She wasn't showing any signs of discomfort, or embarrassment. As if…
Hmmm. Shuichi thought he had it, but… verifying it might necessitate more, drastic methods. Ones he wasn't sure he was comfortable with.
But as he watched her walk by him in the hallway, an easy smile on her lips as everyone's necks turned to follow her-
He couldn't look away from the truth.
"Hey, Maki!" He said, rushing to her side, and casually letting his hand come up behind her, cupping a handful of her doughy ass and pulling her against his side.
For a moment, Maki's eyes widened, staring up at him. Her mouth opened to say something, but Shuichi reaffirmed his grip on her, letting his fingers dig deep into her ass meat, and the girl's words died in her throat, replaced by a breathy sigh. 
Her eyes became half-lidded, and she turned her body just so, allowing Shuichi to feel her braless chest press against him.
It was just as he'd feared. Maki was becoming a slut, desperate for cock. And she wasn't even cognizant of it. 
But even if she herself didn't know it, she was begging every guy around her to come and fuck her. And judging by the looks he'd already spotted, she would soon have her way with the first stranger to approach her.
Shuichi couldn't let Maki go around like this, but on the other hand, Kaito was out of school for a full week for some sort of astronaut training camp.
And if Shuichi were to judge, from the way Maki was already trying to sneak a hand past his belt buckle, the assassin wouldn't wait for her boyfriend to return before completely losing it.
He licked his dry lips and shuddered as Maki's agile fingers managed to slip past his clothes, encircling his hardening cock.
He finally managed to find an empty classroom and didn't waste a moment before pushing Maki inside, immediately following her, and locking the door behind him.
Just as Maki didn't waste a moment ripping his pants down, liberating his hard cock, which was immediately swallowed by Maki, who fell into a lewd squat in front of him.
Shuichi moaned as Maki swiftly took his cock down her throat, her lips kissing his crotch, and not even a hint of thoughts in her eyes. She was completely focused on sucking his soul out through his cock.
Shuichi clenched his jaw, before grabbing hold of Maki's hair.
He would have to satisfy Maki himself, before she did something she would regret.
- - -
Shuichi was panting desperately. Sweat was falling in his eyes, and his every muscle was screaming. Not to mention how his balls felt like shriveled-up raisins.
But finally, Maki had passed out.
She was lying on her back, completely nude, covered in sweat and cum.
Her hair was a mess, many strands having escaped her twintails during the hours of fucking that had just occurred.
But judging from her expression, Shuichi might've gone too far. Her eyes had completely rolled back into her skull, and her mouth was stretched into a dumb smile of pleasure, drool rolling down her lolling tongue.
That, coupled with the downright animalistic way she had been acting in the last few hours…
Shuichi could only hope that Kaito was fine with a brain-dead slut for a girlfriend.
And that he would see the necessity in having Shuichi stick around to help satisfy her.
Hopefully, two dicks would do better than one. Otherwise, the detective worried Maki would fuck the both of them into the ground, before moving on to the closest available guy or girl.
Well, one way or another, Shuichi would do his best to support his friends.
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What are your opinions on hamsters?
DANGAN: Hamsters?
DANGAN: They're cute;; Yeah. I believe that's more of a the HOPEful answer for this. But frankly, I'm not super obsessive with them.
DANGAN: I like the small rodents. But not much more than a liking and adoration for how cute they can be.
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hellscap3 · 11 days
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Well drawing I was thinking of his first time playing vs his 100th. You may notice in the top left one of these bullets is not like the other..
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calciumdreams · 1 month
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Extended Parting
Synopsis: After being separated from you for so long, Childe finally finds you again.
Foul Legacy x Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Warnings: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, fear, pain, crying, allusions to being attacked
Original Request by Anon: requesting requesting! beep bop beep bop ! more foul legacy × reader hurt/comfort, perhaps? :3
hear me out- in the format of a scenario; just pure comfort, reader is perhaps sent of to a dangerous mission/commission while childe is away doing his own thing. when he is going back home however, he stumbles across a group of fatui, taking the reader hostage & hurting them. foul legacy's reaction to his "allies" hurting the love of his life? and how he would take care of the reader after, assuming the reader got pretty severe injuries (even though they're not fetal).
Im a big sucker for this big boi getting all soft when the reader is hurt, and i wanna see more of him just holding the bleeding reader in his arms while trying to comfort them
~ * ~
Two weeks, three days, seven hours, and eight minutes. That’s how long you’ve been apart, how long Childe has gone without being in your presence, and he’s hated every second of it. Important commission, hah! No commission could be so important that it took you away from him for this long- almost half a month! All of your other missions took you a week, tops, and even then he could barely handle it, missing you more and more as each day passed without a single word or letter. Of course, he admits, it’s not like Childe didn’t also have his own duties to attend to during this time, this extended parting. As usual, he was forced to store Ajax and Childe away, slipping on the mask of Tartaglia, the Eleventh Harbinger, and taking delight in violent diplomacy. But even fighting and bloodshed did little to satiate his longing for you; how much he wished to see your wonderful smile and that keen twinkle in your eyes, hear your lovely voice, cradle you in his arms and kiss your cheeks- Childe groans, burying his face in his hands. It makes him irritable, constantly yearning for you, and Foul Legacy is even worse. His Abyssal half is constantly clawing at the back of his mind, worrying his talons and whining as he asks why they haven’t seen you yet? Where are you? When will you be back? He wants cuddles something fierce, desperately seeking out the attention and affection you always give him only to find that you’re nowhere near. They’re both so lonely without you, only each other for company, and Childe has to physically bite his hand to prevent Legacy from simply snatching control of their body away and flying off to find you. With a sigh, the Harbinger wipes the blood from his blades, then his hands, and finally his face, ginger hair all wild and unruly. At the very least, today was when he would finally return home to Liyue. He never thought somewhere other than Morepesok could be considered home, but it turns out that “home” is wherever his heart is, and he gave it to you long ago to keep safe from everything that hurts.
Home… Childe’s mind drifts back to the house you both share, a small smile instinctively tugging at his lips. With a quiet snap of his fingers and a salute, his underlings are dismissed- they’ll be going back to the Fatui Headquarters in Snezhnaya. Childe, however, packs his supplies near the road back to the harbor city, waving the agents away, and the moment they’re out of sight his smile widens into a full-on grin, a delighted gleam in his azure eyes. 
Even just thinking about you seems to bring out the best in him, Foul Legacy chirping happily in the back of his head when Childe reassures him that yes, they’ll be seeing you again soon. If you’re done with that horribly long commission of yours, that is, which he’s sure that you are- even the most arduous never take up to three weeks. Despite being exhausted, he finds a spring in his step, dust swirling as his boots land against the dirt path. You, you, you- he’s going to see you again, his beloved and most treasured. Childe almost glows with energetic joy as he jogs, as if he never fell into the Abyss at all. His hand twitches, Foul Legacy begging and pleading to be let out after spending so long locked away, but Childe hushes him gently. You’ve said that you like it when he’s kind to Legacy and Legacy is kind to him- they are part of each other, after all, and you love both of them- so he tries to treat the monster as a friend rather than a weapon, and with a huff Legacy settles back down. Something faint and distant as the moon pierces the night, and Childe pauses, ears pricking. He tilts his head to listen, and for a moment he hears nothing but silence. Until- there, there! A scream! It’s far off, over the next hill, but unmistakably there. Even from a distance Childe can hear the desperation, the terror burning into his bones like a raging fire with a familiarity that makes him stop in his tracks.
No… no, it couldn’t be. It can’t be- Please, please let him be wrong- Childe’s feet carry him towards the sound, dread spiraling and twisting in his gut as another awful shriek rings out and he looks up, eyes widening. He was right. Oh, he was right, and he wishes he wasn’t, because it’s you. It’s you, gripping your weapon like a vice and covered in blood, expression filled with panic and fear and pain. It’s you, still in your adventurer’s gear, bag packed with whatever stupid, insignificant item the commission wanted. It’s you, surrounded by Fatui agents- not his, thank the Archons- the rest of them laughing and sneering. It’s you, hurt and scared and looking as if you’re about to collapse onto the ground and never rise. It’s you, and Childe’s veins freeze over with cold, splintering ice. You’re pressed against a ruined wall, swiping the blade in your hands at the soldiers, who merely snicker at your weakened attempts. The leader- one of those Electro vanguards with a giant hammer- smacks the weapon aside and seizes your arm, and you let out an involuntary yelp of pain as tears prick in your eyes. The yelp is all the motivation he needs, and Childe barely feels his restraint shatter like glass. They never even saw it coming, Foul Legacy throwing his spear and ripping the agents apart as fast as lightning, vibrant purple sparks searing the grass as he roars, driven only by wrath and fury. The vanguard who grabbed you so violently shouts in surprise and horror- then everything goes silent, apart from Legacy’s heavy breathing, claws dripping with blood. He exhales, curling his talons into fist with a tight crackling noise, letting out a low, guttural growl of rage. You bite down fiercely on your tongue, trying to stay quiet, but you can’t help but gasp in pain as the slashes in your body flare, and Foul Legacy’s anger burns away as quickly as a dying candle. He turns and rushes to you, chittering frantically, only to freeze when he sees you stiffen, petrified with fright. His chirps and trills lower to soft croons, gentle and sweet and familiar, crouching slowly to your height and holding out a hand. He tentatively inches forward, hand extended and palm up, claws curling delicately around your wrist when you desperately reach for him. “A-Ajax…?” Legacy’s Abyssal heart cracks, and he swiftly gathers you in his arms, whimpering and nudging his forehead against your cheeks as you cling to him and let out anguished, hitching cries. You suck in a breath when his talons ghost over a wound, and Legacy almost sobs with despair. Some part of him- the rational, trained soldier that is Childe- tells him to get you home, heal you, make sure that you’re well- he carefully gets to his feet, holding you close to his armored chest and adjusting your head so it’s pillowed by his lavender fluff. You shudder with pain again, and Legacy gently licks his tongue over the shallow scrapes on your face, cooing softly; with a flutter of his glimmering wings he takes to the sky, his arms cradling you like you’re made of crystal and gold.
He lands near your shared home not ten minutes later, hastily unlocking the door with the key he always sees Childe using. The house is quiet and a little dusty from being empty for so long, but your bed is as soft as ever as Legacy delicately lowers you down onto the mattress. Childe is the one who tells him what to do, again, guiding his claws to gently wrap your wounds with snow white gauze. None of them are fatal, and Legacy thanks his constellation with a grumbling sigh of relief. A quiet croon slips out when he sees you fading in and out of consciousness, sweetly cupping your cheek with a clawed hand- he’s shaking. Why is he shaking? He’s not the one who nearly died- but your hand comes up to weakly grasp his, and Legacy’s heart melts and breaks and patches itself up all over again.
Your lips twitch into a shaky smile, exhausted, your fingers resting on Legacy’s and soothing the minute trembles running through his body. The Abyssal creature- your wonderful, sweet Abyssal creature- blinks slowly at you, crystalline eye filled with tears that drip down his crimson face and pool in the divots of his mask as he fights to contain the sobs that threaten to break out, and when you reach up your other hand, covered in bandages, to caress his cheek, his breath hitches and he collapses into your arms, burying his head against your neck and weeping. In a whispered voice you coo and murmur and hum to him, repeated words of “it’s okay, I’m here, I’m okay”, and he tries so, so hard to do it back to you, his own sounds cracked and stuttering, something along the lines of “don’t leave, I miss you, I’m sorry”, or as close as he can say with a mouth made for biting and gnashing. Your hands lightly tug him closer- or rather, your hands tiredly loosen and he moves to follow them- until he’s close enough for you to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Legacy immediately purrs, tearful and whimpering, and your silent offer of lifting up the blanket is met with an instance moth monster at your side, curling around your body and holding you close. He’s careful not to squeeze you, trying to get as close as possible and mold his form around yours as you rake your hands through his fluffy coppery hair, drawing more deep, comforting rumbles from within his chest, the type he makes when you’re dreadfully ill.
Cats’ purrs are healing, so you’ve heard. Perhaps Abyssal beasts’ purrs are much the same. Slowly, your eyes begin to droop, and you yawn, exhausted and worn. Foul Legacy quietly nudges you, a croon of reassurance falling from his fanged maw, claws dancing over the wraps on your skin now stained brilliant red. It hurts, it hurts like fire- but you’re safe. Safe in your bed, and in Legacy’s arms, and the tension leeches from you and dissipates into nothing. You vaguely hear a soft melody, low and rumbling and familiar from when you’ve sung Foul Legacy to sleep, and the arms around you tighten ever so slightly as the sun finally dips beneath the horizon into the locked box of night. Two weeks, three days, eight hours, and thirty minutes. That’s how long Foul Legacy refused to let you out of his sight, even after your injuries had closed and healed.
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justsomedumbstuff · 4 months
Draw t4t komahina
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I lov trans ppl <3
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drdtfuitgumies · 1 month
whit and veronika playing trivia murder party 2 would be unstoppable i think ^^ i love the fuit gumies style sm CONTINUE BEING SILLY AND WHIMSY!!!!! >_<
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none of these people are defeating the mastermind allegations. thank you for the request! and happy birthday veronika!!
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koryokuu · 1 month
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SCARF BUDDIES !!!!!!!!!!!!
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She's doing all of it for the Greater Good, despite not knowing what it's supposed to be.
Like, let's look at the actual bad end on how Komaru reacts
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This isn't a girl who's going to become Junko 2.0 this is a girl who killed a lot of children without realizing it, going to get gaslight by the people around her that she did a good thing and she's a good person and she'll buy into it because she can't handle the guilt, because fireworks are easier to think about then bombs. A figurehead, a puppet, it has to be a good thing, or she'll break. If she's not a hero, then she can't live with this. She can't live with herself as a person, so she twists into an ideology
So she becomes Hope! She's a horrifying twisted Hope! That's what the game's about! that despair and hope are basically the same thing! Komaru doesn't become Despair! She becomes the funhouse mirror version of Makoto! It's only by rejecting both is she able to break the cycle!
So in a bad end she becomes Hope! The hope of the abuser! the hope of the murderer! the hope of the oppressor! Don't those people have hope too?!?! Don''t they use this Hope to do horrific things?! That is the Hope Komaru becomes in the bad end! The cruel vindictive Hope of the people who use their Hope to do horrific acts! That is still a kind of Hope! Komaru represents that Hope in the bad end!
Junko is the cruelest form of Ultimate Despair
Makoto is the kindest form of Ultimate Hope (This isn't calling it soft, just that it's trying to be nice about slapping you in the face)
Komaru is the cruelest form of Ultimate Hope
I'm not sure who the kindest form of Ultimate Despair would be, Kokichi? Shuichi? Probably one of those two.
Komaru's good end requires to look past the binary of black and white, hope and despair, good and evil, and go "yeah this sucks, im just gonna leave now actually i dont need to play your game actually?"
Hope doesn't look like a real word anymore!
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valyrfia · 5 months
charlos? really? they don’t even like each other. sorry i can’t support you on this one
Anon you misunderstand me. I’m not compelled by them play-acting at besties in Ferrari PR videos. I’m compelled by Carlos enacting every inter-teammate warfare tactic known in the sport and Charles seeing it as foreplay.
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i found out literally 15 minutes ago that one of my f/os canonically dies and i am already extremely upset over it to the point where i am about to cry writing this. i know hes in a better place but im still sad i feel like i shouldve been there for him more i feel like a failure. i miss you so much prowl :(
love always, despair anon
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thelewdpokemanik · 2 years
Despair anon
The reason they did let kaede live in v3 is cause if we saw her when shuichi peaked on the girls we would've died from her lewd thickness
Had Kaede been there the game would've devolved into a H-game as all the survivors fight for the privilege of worshipping Kaede's thiccness
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fluffypotatey · 1 month
y’all help i’ve got two hangster x twister aus haunting my brain and one is mostly silly and fun while the other is angsty Bradley character study
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anonzentimes · 5 months
Hii!! I agree with your points and your interpretation is valid. But just wanted to say that I think that using a guy character not acting like a pervert and borderline assaulty around women as a proof of them not being attracted is a very flawed and harmful logic (talking ab the scene of Komaeda falling under Mikan’s skirt you mentioned). I’m attracted to women but if I fall under girl’s skirt or witness an embarrassing situation I will be uncomfortable too. Komaeda’s reaction is how a normal respectful person would react and I’m very saddened that the amount of pervert anime characters has normalized such behaviour
That's super fair! I only realize now I am using it under the expectations of Danganronpa since there are so many perverted characters in the franchise, you're right and thank you for pointing that out. That actually is really upsetting now that you mention it, yeah I'm going to edit that out ew.
I've made posts on twitter of small, even if silly, praises about how Nagito seems to really value consent. He's always the loudest and most annoyed about teruteru's behavior, and within the franchise he's the one who's the most respectful and realistic when it comes to the problematic subjects. It's sad that not every character is as respectful as him. In fact almost all of the dr2 male cast is crushing on girls, some being gross about it, the only ones who don't are Nekomaru and Nagito. Crushing on girls is definitely not the issue, but half of them being gross about it is.
Just to redeem the example because I'm upset by it here's some instances of his weird somewhat lack of interest in women that we've seen or general vagueness
Chiaki saying this isn't as straightforward but it still implies her being sexy wouldn't work to get Nagito's attention which still says things about his possible disinterest or respectful nature maybe even both.
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During fan service scenes in every manga adaptation he never blushes while every other character does
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He avoids the question of sexuality every time it's asked, he either doesn't know it himself, doesn't think about it because he thinks he's unworthy, or has to beat around the bush because he's closeted. Although outside of characterization wise it may just be kodaka staying vague because that's the common pattern Lmao. The question is avoided during Q&as and during ultra despair girls he just ignores Kurokoma altogether lmao (would add more but image limit on mobile is my worst enemy)
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i've seen multiple interpretations for this so just ???
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Either way the status of canon is: Nagito shows interest in men and we see he has sexual desires, he's anything that isn't straight or aroace. He doesn't show evident interest in women and there's been no official word on his sexuality, it is up in the air when it comes to specifics. He is absolutely a queer coded character, whether he's gay, pan, bi, or something else there's no doubt about that. I believe Nagito is gay because there's a lot of evidence supporting this, I think it also makes his storyline more impactful. But at the end of the day there is no said canon and people are free to headcanon what they want to, whatever people say that isn't invalidating important parts of his character we actively see is preferred.
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danganronpa-mm-au · 8 months
mermaid sonia x werwolf gundham? this au is scratching my brain in a good way i hope ur pillow is always cold :)
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Thank you
May the water never reach your sleeves, my friend :)
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