ad1jahk · 3 months
So yesterday I was out in my garden helping my father with garden stuff when all of a sudden I saw a wasp chilling on a leaf and rubbing It's thin legs together as if it was planning a mischievous plan and it reminded me of an idea I had once when I saw a praying mantis in my garden one day and suddenly thought about how they remind me of Komaeda for some reasons so I drew him as a praying mantis
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Btw did you know praying mantis can dance
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despairforme · 4 months
headcanon generator.
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❝ My balance is fuckin' perfect so of course. ❞
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The Search For Alicia Continues!
*It's been an hour now since the group continued their search for Alicia, but as expected, they haven't found her yet.*
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"Gosh....she's really good at hiding, huh?"
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"Don't worry! I'm sure we'll find her....!"
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"And you said that with a frown. You are NOT sure we'll find her."
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*Eventually, a bunch of robots were spotted in a distance.*
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"Well shit. Seems like she managed to activate the robots again."
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"Don't worry, guys! This isn't something that we can't do~!"
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"Well Arei's right, I guess. Let's get ready to fight them. We'll move after I count to three."
"You're no match for someone like me!"
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"What the fuck-?"
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???: "Ha! Take that you stinky heads! I told you all that you're no match for me."
AREI: "What the-?! Who the hell is that...?!"
DAVID: "Well how would I know, you obnoxious blue highlighter?!"
XANDER: "Guys! Let's not fight! Let's just approach him."
TERUYA: "Ah! Wait! Are ya sure, though? What if he's a threat?"
KANADE: "We never know unless we try, they say."
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geekywritings · 1 year
I thought you were dead
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Another Cal Kestis x Reader story as requested by one of my lovely readers! Thank you very much for the idea: “Your writing is GORGEOUS! Would you mind wrighting a Cal x Reader where they get separated for a while (I mean like everyone is almost sure that Reader is dead) and the reaction to when the Reader shows up or when they run into Reader on a mission? Perhaps with a new scar? Like on their leg or something.“
The chance of something bad happening to either of you, or any of the crew, had always been high. Such was the risk of working for someone like Saw Guerrera, after all. But Cal had not been prepared for the crippling sensation when the day did come.
The mission had appeared so easy. Go in, demolition the newly built Imperial supply base on Alderaan, steal as much intel as possible and leave. You had done it a dozen times already.
But this time, the clue you had received had been a trap. They had been waiting for you, ready to apprehend the terrorists that had been messing with their logistics for far too long. The crew had barely made it out alive. Well, most of the crew. You had been captured.
“We need to go.”, Bode, the newest member of your merry band had insisted and Cal had to agree through gritted teeth. Even if every part of his soul screamed to go back and look for you. If there was even a sliver of a chance of you being alive, he wanted to take it.
But the rest of the crew had given him the grief reminder that the Imperials weren’t known to show mercy. Especially not to rebel scum. All he could do now was come to terms with his loss and seek revenge.
For months, Cal fell into a hole, trying to fill the inner emptiness with work. His missions got more and more reckless, the fight more aggressive. He was beginning to walk dangerously close to the Dark Side, and he didn’t give a shit.
Attachments were forbidden for Jedi and now he partly understood why. Because losing the person in his heart broke him in ways he never could have imagined. If the loss of the Order and his Master had been bad, this was nothing short of a never-ending nightmare.
He would wake up in the middle of the night, trying to reach for your body next to his, just to find the space empty. Your clothes were still in the little cabin you shared on the Mantis, as Cal didn’t have the heart to remove them. Everything was as if you could return any moment and although the crew tried to convince the Jedi to let go, he refused. Something deep inside rejected the concept that you were truly gone.
Perhaps it was the Force whispering to him, because he was right. You were alive. Barely at first, but you were breathing. They had not shot you on the spot, which was a miracle in itself. What awaited you instead had been torture. Days and days of it in the hopes to extract some information about the rebellion. You didn’t say a word and tried to meditate instead, as Cal had taught you how to do.
Weeks passed between pain, unconsciousness, and despair until they finally grew bored. Instead of granting you a merciful death, they sent you to the Imperial prison on Wobani for hard labor. A mistake on their part, really. Didn’t they know who you were?
Getting out of the shithole was difficult, but not impossible. You just needed to bide your time to learn about the place, the people who worked there, the schedules of the transportation going in and out. After that, it was just a matter of moving quickly.
With the ship you stole, you made your way to the last rebel base you had called headquarters, switching ships in-between to cover your traces. All you wanted was to sleep for a few days. And maybe get a good meal.
But what awaited you at the landing platform was worth more than any comfortable bed or delicious food. The Mantis was there! You hadn’t expected it! Even though Cal had been on your mind constantly, the one thing that kept you going, you hadn’t thought to find him here.
“Cal…”, your voice didn’t carry, too parched from a lack of water.
Leaving your ship, you forced your body to walk across the platform and toward the familiar ship. As if on cue, the Jedi you were hoping to see emerged, looking left then right, his eyes stopping on you.
Impossible! He had thought he had felt you, but to see you there… Alive.
His pulse sped up a hundredfold, as he rushed toward you, wrapping you in his arms and holding you close for what felt like eternity. You could feel his body shake lightly, his tears wetting your hair. You had never seen him like this. Then again, you were crying yourself, so you weren’t judging.
“How?”, he whispered, not managing to say much else.
“Long story…” You weren’t exactly capable of much more.
Finally releasing you, Cal took a good look at you, noticing the changes. You had lost weight, your hair a mess of knots and tangles and scars across your arms and even across your cheek and eyebrow. He could only imagine that there were more hiding beneath your clothes. Yet despite it all, he was just glad to see you alive.
“Are you in pain?”, he asked.
“I forgot what it’s like not to be in pain.”, you couldn’t hold back the bitter reply. “But I am even more tired and hungry. Imperial prisons aren’t exactly known for their excellent cuisine.” The humor was lost on Cal, as worry still reflected in his eyes.
“Let’s get you checked up. And then you can sleep and eat as much as you want.” And with that, he picked you up with ease, heading back toward the small base the rebels had built for themselves on this desolate moon.
“I never expected to see you again… But I thought of you every day.”, you whispered on the way.
“I thought of you too… I couldn’t accept that you were gone.”, he admitted, eyes on the road.
“Did you do stupid things while I was gone?”, you asked, noticing the change in him as well. Harder, more serious, broken in a new way.
“When am I not doing stupid things without your supervision?” Ah, he could still smile. The Cal you loved with all your heart was also still there. Relieved, you cuddled into him and fell asleep long before you even reached the medical unit. You were back. You were together again. And you would never be separated again, you both silently vowed.
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third OC revamp of the trio!
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SERAPH (TFA version), she/her
no faction brand, begrudgingly Autobot aligned
fancy new Sumdac Systems hovervehicle alt mode
brought to life by an Allspark shard, sister of Mantis and Quetzal
Seraph is in dire need of an attitude adjustment. Her sneering disdain and snide dismissal of friends, enemies, and regular bystanders alike is both haughty and baseless, and her sisters despair of her ever saying a kind word to anyone. She's okay at search and rescue work like her alt mode was intended for, but she needs to be convinced to lend a helping hand and stay on task, and will complain the whole time anyway. Her sisters are the only ones spared of her constant cattiness while  everyone else has to suffer, despite doing nothing to earn it. She even made sweet Bulkhead cry once! In fact, the ones most likely to tolerate her for any length of time are people like the Dinobots or the Constructicons. Both of these rough-and-tumble groups are unafraid of escalating a conversation to a smackdown and are more than capable of making Seraph eat her words, especially considering she rarely wants to expend the effort to actually fight. She can occasionally be found halfheartedly hunting for shiny things along the beach with Swoop or begrudgingly holding up a support for Scrapper after they bully her into cooperating, steaming in irritation the whole time.
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honourablejester · 2 months
Thinking about homebrew deities for ttrpgs, I’ve been pondering deities that are not default humanoid. A while back I made a post about D&D 5e’s version of Spelljammer, where the Astral Sea is littered with the corpses of dead gods, and I posited what some of those vast corpses might look like:
“These are the deities of a thousand worlds and a thousand species and a thousand forgotten realms. They might look like anything. Shaped by the echoes of the god’s nature and its domains and its species. The dead sea god that looks like a vast alien whale, whose gut is filled with strange waters and strange creatures, and into whose belly the party must venture. A forgotten deity of knowledge whose vast skull now contains a calcified, crystalline ‘library’ with aeons of knowledge written in light onto spun fibres of crystal. A deity of madness, darkness and despair whose corpse is a labyrinthine maze of passages that leech will and soul the further you venture into them, a lingering undead malice that doesn’t want you dead so much as maddened and undone.”
And I’m coming back around to that now. Particularly the sea god who’s a vast alien whale, because space whales, but I’m thinking about gods that are not mostly humanoid figures a-la the RL Greek or Norse pantheons, but are fully alien or weird or just non-humanoid. (I’m including elves and dwarves and most broadly human-shaped fantasy races under ‘humanoid’ here). Gods that do not appear in humanoid form. Gods whose primary worshipers are other forms of life. Gods who are weird.
I do have a couple of homebrew deities that don’t appear in humanoid form already. Nuissas, goddess of primal darkness, who usually appears as a vast eyeless abyssal fish. Ket, the First and Formless, deity of primal evil, who as the titles suggest is formless and possibly doesn’t actual exist at all. And while I was looking at them, I did notice a little … A little mental bias maybe. Because both of them are primal deities. Primordial. The first and the formless. Nuissas is likely the oldest deity in her cosmology, the primeval darkness that existed before all things. Ket is the first and formless evil, the first malicious whisper of a thought a sentient being ever had. They’re primal. Elemental.
Which made me wonder … Do I consider non-humanoid forms to be more primitive than humanoid ones? Not consciously, but just instinctively? Looking at it, gods of civilisation, knowledge, invention, law, are they usually humanoid? What sets humans apart from beasts? Fire. Science. (Possibly also thumbs). Is there a bit of post-Enlightenment bias at work here. Heh.
Although, to be fair to myself, Ineia, my goddess of city and civilisation, is also a spider as well as a humanoid woman. But she’s still humanoid, she just needed extra arms for all the work. So. Not quite enough to count, methinks.
This is only an idle thought, I want to mull on the idea of non-humanoid deities some more. See what I come up with. I just wanted to note to myself, while I’m considering, to look beyond just the primal sorts of domains while I’m at it.
That said, I do still want a sea god who’s a vast alien whale with innards full of strange waters. Being eaten by a vast divine whale-god is just too entrenched an image, you know? Maybe also a deity of light and twilight who is a vast beautiful bioluminescent jellyfish. No, I’m not stuck on sea creatures over here, absolutely not. But if you had a waterworld setting, you could have a LOT of fun drawing up a fishy pantheon. The deity of invention and adaptation is a cephalopod. The deity of war is a mantis shrimp. The deity of trickery and hunger and malice is an anglerfish.
But even in a standard fantasy world, some deities that are not and have never been humanoid. A dwarven knowledge deity who is the stone itself, a vast tracery of mineral veins across the world that carry thoughts and dreams and memories. A deity of trickery and magic who turns out, at the base of all its million forms, to be a simple mote of potential, something that looks visually a bit like a will-o-wisp or a soot-sprite made of light, a thought given vaguely physical form. A forge-god who built themselves, a machine-thing of metal and magic that built itself limbs and systems and housing as it required them, a monument to self-expression and self-construction, function over form, with no care for the aesthetic sensibilities of lesser forms of life. A black hole that is the deity of absolute law, remorseless and inexorable and pitilessly even-handed. A deity of remorse and sacrifice and healing that formed from the regretful blade of a monstrous killer, given life and divinity by their final act of self-murder. Gods who are dark moons and balls of mangled flesh and rivers of space time and tiny trembling animals and perfectly mundane objects and abstract shapeless things. Gods who are weird and funky and abstract and just do not deign to appear in familiar form for mortals. If I must look like you for you to worship me, you are not worth my time. I shall appear as I am, or as I choose, and you must simply deal with it, or shatter, as you so choose. Heh.
Non-humanoid deities, is my point here. I need to think on it some. Heh.
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lazywriter-artist · 6 months
Important question! If your mantis Magos was to facepalm, would he do so with his "regular" hand, mantis claw or both?
A mix of both I think! Would really depend on which he’s using more prominently to gesture at the time!
He’s definitely burrowed his face into his claws in despair when it was just too much effort to use his regular hands
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Kinda like so me thinks
But he definitely has and will use his ‘regular’ hands as well
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Whatever is convenient really, dare I say when he’s really fed up and is close by, he’ll bury his face against his Crab Logis companion
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Though that one is a bit more uncommon for him to do and tends to be when he wants to be REALLY dramatic (it is his favorite to use when dealing with those outside the Adeptus mechanicus tho bc it always seems to startle the various commissars and Inquistors he’s chattered with when they say something he finds especially arrogant)
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I want to make an angsty ROTTMNT fanfic where it takes parts of the show seriously.
But not like a usual post-movie fic where the brothers express (or don’t) their trauma, or in general a fic putting the boys in whumpy situations.
No, I want to talk about Jupiter Jim fans being horrified when they see the reports about the people their favourite actor kidnapped and trapped in a twisted museum for who knows how long, and who only escaped thanks to the turtles. Fans feeling that crushing despair over finding out that your idol / parasocial father figure did something horrible, something that is surely a major crime.
I want to talk about Repo Mantis and his cat, his beloved pet that is the only soft spot he allows himself to have in his tough-as-nails line of work. The only living thing he can’t ignore the suffering of when money’s involved. Having to lock her in a cage because she got mutated (and in an indirect way, because of him) and now wants to eat him. Imagine that? Your pet suddenly turning into a monster and there’s nothing you can do about it except keep them away. Maybe even, him in an alternate universe deciding to get the cure (and revenge) from Draxum, knowing he doesn’t stand a chance against that Warring Warrior Scientist with no gifted powers and not even any hands.
I want to talk about Meat Sweats running away from the video station, from the crazy hog people who tried to eat him (and up until now he could ignore that he was in fact food in a way, he could ignore his mutation when he cooked pork for himself alone) who he only escaped from because his monstrous form could overpower the group. Thinking about how he had almost managed to get his life back, but ended up reliving the worst night in his life by being transformed live on stage after he’d almost convinced the audience everything was fine. Maybe, him finding Warren Stone, and the two of them have a conversation about the specific sucky situation of being famous but having everything (your source of income, the love of your fans, even your body) ripped away from you thanks to five teenagers and their associates. You know, there’s another person who could relate to that... except he knows and acknowledges who was really to blame for the rampant oozing, and has more love in his heart than hate.
I doubt anyone would read these, but they sit irremovable in my head like Splinter watching Scorpion Treadmill, and I wanted to share at least the idea with some of you. I can’t be the only one who obsesses about minor characters and non-lore episodes in this show in this way.
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rwbyofmyheart · 3 months
TWST OC Nicknames
Floyd’s Nicknames:
Mia- Mantis Shrimpy
Diana- Pufferfish
Maybelline- Blue Tang
Hawk- Hawkfish
Cristal- Catfish (Cristal absolutely hates it, Kaira thinks it’s hilarious)
Kaira- Lionfish
Naia- Lil Sharky
Lysie- Leaf Slug
Alodie- Cleaner Goby
Lia- Candy Darter
Eui- Axolotl
Beatris- Spider Crab
Rook’s Nicknames:
Mia- Trickster & Reine des Fantômes (Queen of Ghosts)
Diana- Mademoiselle Riposte (Miss Riposte)
Maybelline- Mademoiselle Caterpillar (Miss Caterpillar)
Hawk- Monsieur Birdbrain (Mr. Birdbrain)
Cristal- Mademoiselle Menteuse (Miss Liar)
Kaira- Mademoiselle Arnis (Miss Arnis)
Naia- Mademoiselle Blanche (Miss White)
Lysie- Mademoiselle Sirène (Miss Siren)
Alodie- Mademoiselle Souhaite (Miss Wish)
Lia- Mademoiselle Ruse (Miss Ruse)
Beatris- Mademoiselle Vengeance (Miss Vengeance)
Maybelline > Hawk: Falcon
Ace > Diana: Riddle 2.0
Hawk > Beatris: Princess
Hawk > Maybelline: Blue Freak
Cristal > Kaira: Dep La
Cristal > Diana: Duchess of Despair
Kaira > Cristal: Binturi
Naia > Neptune family: Neptune scum
Naia > Lysie: Princess Black Sheep (called her that for a week before stopping)
Alodie > Floyd: Maniac McLeech
Lia > Mia: Glitch
Lia > Deuce: Mr. Fix-it
Beatris > Hawk: himbo
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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despairforme · 3 months
Why's he showing off his chesticles cover them up slut
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❝ Ain't nothin' sexual 'bout a man's chest. ❞
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murmiss · 1 year
Side story
Summary - This story will tell you about a planet destroyed by humans even before the events of Pandora, about a girl who was captured and survived the loss of wings - an important attribute of their species, about survival, first love and human cruelty.
Warning on this chapter - Mention of death, brief description of death and wounds, mention of war, Neteyam is sad!
Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt4, Pt5, Pt6 Pt7-1
Part Six
-Go away, run away from here! Run, and don't turn around..." Grace said, breathing heavily. The bullet had damaged her vital organs, causing the scientist to writhing in the sharp, unrelenting pain. Her eyelids grew heavy, and it became harder and harder to move. Quaritch was probably already on their trail. Grace knew her end was near, and she struggled through the jungle, hoping to evade their pursuit. But it was too late. She had probably lost too much blood.
-No! I won't leave you! - The fairy howled beside her, lifting her up from her helpless collapse and lowering her gently to the cold ground. Oh-he'll get Norm! Everything will be all right!
-No! L.. Listen to me, now you must run as far away as possible.
-But... I don't want to!
-Walk away! - With the last of her strength, Grace cried out, making Iris twitch with fear. The scientist had never raised her voice to a fairy before. It seemed the fairy had no other choice.With one last look at the painfully shrunken scholar, the Sixth dashed toward the forest, sobbing in despair and nervously grabbing her head, hysterically pulling and tugging at her white curls.
Grace leaned back, leaning against a tree and sighing heavily. She looked around, trying to memorize every silhouette, absorbing the flora and fauna of Pandora. The scientist recognized many plants, such as the Mantis Orchid, a herbaceous plant with a large, bright flower that reaches 3.5 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide at flower level. Certainly one of the most beautiful species. Oh, but what about the Sun Lily? Grace was simply crazy as she studied this amazing flower in her lab.- Amazing, and what are you doing here? - With a warm smile, the scientist turned to the flower, gently stroking the purple petals with her thumb. Usually these flowers grew elsewhere, more sunny. Suddenly the little flower twitched as if alive, causing Miss Augustine to recoil in surprise -Oh! Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to -But the flower, as if understanding the scholar's speech, reached for the wounded woman's fingers with its leaves, embracing them and pressing them to its flower. Grace was surprised, not just surprised, but amazed! She and Norm had been studying these plants together for quite some time, but to have them show emotion? That had never happened before. Of course, she knew that Plants somehow communicate with each other through the intertwining of roots, like the Magellanic trees-the most famous example of a symbiotic relationship between individuals of the same genus. When both species of this tree grow side by side, the Unildelta tree (non-toxic leaves and poisonous roots) intertwines its roots with the Delta tree (toxic leaves and non-poisonous roots), forming a strong bond. In this way, toxins from one tree enter the other, after which the roots of the latter also become poisonous. But for plants to interact with na'vi or humans?Meanwhile, while the scientist was pondering, the plants were reaching for her, as if anticipating the woman's imminent death. One by one, small flowers began to emerge from under the grass bed, resembling the chanterelles that we know from the ground - chanterelles. Normally this species of flora reaches six meters in height, but what Grace saw resembled a smaller version of the healing rose. Could it be Eywa's shenanigans? Numerous little rose crows clung to the scientist's tormented body, wrapping their long roots around her. Some of them, when they touched the bullet wound, instantly died out, taking with them the aching pain. - Oh! No, wait... don't," the scientist whispered, trying to remove the roots. -It's all over for me anyway, and you might live a little longer.
-Grace, don't go! -A child's voice came from somewhere nearby, causing the xenobotanist to turn sharply toward the source of the sound. Standing in front of her was a small toddler, no more than 40 centimeters tall. It had a Star Lily on its head, like a hat, covering its owner, and it was also wearing a little green skirt of leaves.
-Who are you? - Grace asked in amazement, looking wide-eyed at the little creature standing before her. At this time the creature, smiling mischievously, turned abruptly on its axis, turning back into a flower.
-Saint Eywa! I think I've lost my mind! - The scientist exclaimed. Her gaze was fixed on the spot where the little man had stood before.
-Could not be! - together answered the sisters, turning Miss Augustine's gaze in her direction, where instead of the mantis orchid there stood three pretty potbellied girls, dressed in purple dresses.
-Wow... -After the orchids, others began to turn. Where the Lionberries had previously been, little men in mottled tutu skirts stood. From the bushes, da lianas jumped carpels with flowers on their heads, coming closer to Grace.
- You see! - Starling Lily exclaimed as confidently as ever.
- I think I've died and gone to heaven-Raising Grace laughed as she stroked one of the roses hugging her finger. The pain is long gone, and the wound has healed a little-all thanks to those beautiful flowers.
- What kind of paradise is this?! I'm here! - The lily answered, crawling into the lap of her new acquaintance.
- All right, all right, whatever you say," laughed Grace. She'd been studying the flora of Pandora for several years, but she certainly didn't know about such an impressive property. The forest came alive with a new glow. And she was truly happy.
It seemed that the scientist had spent the whole day with the little creatures, listening to their stories. Evening came, and now the clearing where Grace was was blooming with bioluminescence, making the woman gasp at the picture before her: The soft light shimmered, forming beautiful transitions, now going out, now coming back on.
Suddenly, as if they had heard something, the little people began, one by one, to turn into flowers.
- What's the matter? - Grace stretched her hands excitedly toward the petals, but they were unresponsive, as if they were the ravings of a madman.
-They're here! - shouted one of Quaritch's men, making his way through the vines, approaching the wounded woman with a snide grin.
- So that's the problem," Grace said faintly. The soldiers followed the rest, until the famous Colonel Quaritch, in full RDA uniform, oxygen mask and rifle, appeared at the very end.
-What a pity, Miss Augustine.
- Nice to see you, too, Miles." Grace smiled broadly, which made the colonel even madder.
-Let's just shoot the bitch, that's all! - The soldier was indignant, shifting from foot to foot.
- Exactly! Why should we waste our time with her? - Another one exclaimed, raising a big one.
-Then he turned back to the Weyrwoman and put his fingers under her chin, tilting her head so she was looking into his eyes.
- Why didn't you ever sit down in that bloody lab? Why didn't you sit around and pick plants and raise Xenomorphs... And now, thanks to you, we've got to go back to hauling that dopey Jake-head Sally... And you pay for what you do... what were your last words? - The colonel put a shotgun to the wounded woman's head.
-Go to hell, Miles-" Grace said, laughing, and then a shot rang out. An accurate shot to the head.
Quaritch was about to return to base, but his plans were thwarted by the plants that suddenly pounced on the soldiers, clearly not part of his plans. The cries of his comrades echoed around him: The brazen one had the role of lunch, becoming a victim of Gineman, a "spotted Pandora's snake," one of the plant-zooplants that digests its victims alive to the point of meat broth. The second was attacked by the thorns of prickly pawpaw, a plant similar to Earth's cactus, but the couples behind them trying to get away were the least fortunate. Behind them was Pandora's blue geranium, a plant of amazing beauty and intimidating qualities. The sari is a tall plant with a powerful stem and iridescent blue inflorescence. The explosive blossom subjected the remaining soldiers to torment, entailing a swift demise. The explosion was so powerful that even dozens of kilometers away you could hear its echo. But Grace's body was not harmed; one of the trees covered her with its roots, forming a protective cocoon.
-A goddamn scientist! Quaritch had no choice but to run. Run for his life.
That day Grace met her end. Tree spirits fluttered over her body for a long time, landing on her already frozen hands. Yes, Quaritch had killed the physical shell, but not the soul. Grace Augustine died, but she died with dignity. She stared bravely into the eyes of death, and truly enjoyed it, for instead of death with a scythe, Grace saw Eywa .
The great mother took her with her.
So why didn't Grace leave, go looking for the fairy?"-you ask. The answer is really simple. If she had been na'vi, she could have healed completely, thanks to the healing roses, but since she is human, the flowers could only take away her pain and stop the bleeding. Even if she could have walked, though, she would still have stayed where she was, not wanting to lead Quoritch to the Sixth. She just couldn't let it happen.
Meanwhile, after Grace and Sixth were separated from the group, Jake couldn't find his place. Honestly, he was scared, but there was no turning back. He blamed himself for everything: for not telling anything to Neytiri, for putting his friends in such danger. Of course, Norm tried to support his comrade, but he himself knew that the wounded Grace had little chance of survival. Though Norm didn't want to think about it, entertaining the hope that the scientist would return with Six in good order.
There was an explosion in the distance. Jake glanced over at Norm. Maybe it was Grace!
But alas, on reaching the source of the explosion, the two Avatars came upon only the breathless body of Grace Augustine, covered by roots and covered in "fireflies.
-Tree Spirit..." Norm whispered, kneeling before Grace's body. The little atokyrins whirled in the air.
Later Jake would take Grace's body to the sacred tree, finally reuniting the scholar with the Great Mother. He still has much to do, and Jake is determined. Yes, he made a mistake earlier, endangering his beloved and her people, but now is the time to turn things around. Neytiri had told him about Toruk Makto before, about its importance and the difficulty of taming it, and since there was nothing to lose, why not give it a try, right?
Thanks to his willpower, the Marine was able to prevail, uniting the clans for the duration of the war. He was able to regain the Na'vi's trust by taming Toruk Makto. Jake Sully's soul was moved into his avatar, and he himself eventually became the Oloe'yktan of the Omaticaya clan, and Neytiri became his Tsahik.
Soon Neteiam te Suli, Neytiri and Jake's firstborn, was born. Since childhood, he was destined to become a brave Olo'eiktan, leading his clan on the path to prosperity. So from an early age, Teiam was trained in hunting, archery, and various political matters. In the beginning it was fun, he liked to stand out and spend a lot of time with his father. Until Loak and Kiri were born. Grace's body was buried by the Great Ava while the scientist's avatar was still in the lab capsule. No one knew Kiri's father, but Jake and Neytiri decided to adopt the baby. And even later, Tuck, the adorable little girl with a lot of energy, came along as well.
Little by little, Nateyam was fading more and more into the background. He added childcare and supervision to his responsibilities. The parents were almost always busy, the father was busy with clan politics while Neytiri was helping her mother with Tsahik's business, yes raising the babies, Touk was still a baby and required enormous attention from her parents, Kiri stood out for her ability to communicate with the Great Mother, and Loak often left problems, forcing Jake and Neytiri to pull him out of the fray time and time again.
Meanwhile, Nethayam was assigned the most unenviable role of the ideal eldest son.
Teyam had felt superfluous since childhood. Of course, in the beginning there was an excitement to please and repeat after his father, but after that there was also a realization. Hunting became difficult. Outwardly it didn't show much, the future Olo'eiktan after all, but inside, behind all that veil of exemplarity, Neteyam couldn't hurt a living creature. He liked to sit by the waterfall, observing the peaceful life of the same tapirs. He even tried to make contact with the little creatures, but alas, most of them ran away and hid in the tall grass, unless, of course, you count the tapirs bred on the Na'vi. And almost always Netheyam wondered, "If my father had seen. What would he do? Would he make him catch them? Would he reprimand a future Olo'eiktan not behave like that? Or would he have kept quiet?" Of course, Teiam knew the hunt was necessary. The Clan needed food, and killing was a must, and the Tapirs were, and always would be, the perfect prey in this harsh world.
And even now, Nethiam owed it to his sisters and brother to help them escape the clutches of the Celestials. Not that he minded, undoubtedly Teiam loved the younger ones, but it was exhausting to get them out of trouble every time Loak found an adventure on his ass time and time again.
-Why did they have to go to the old tombs in the first place?! - Nethayam grumbled to himself. As soon as Jake heard what Loak was up to, he told them the coordinates of the youngest, urging the boy to hop on his spawn and fly to the right place.
After a while, Teiam spotted Quaritch's gang from some height. Then he was already there. Landing nearby, the boy waited. His mother should give a sign soon, and in the meantime, Nethayam hoped that Loak would not make a mess.
-Oh, holy Eywa .. -Loak, don't do anything stupid... -whispered the young Na'vi to himself. But alas, his prayers were not to be. Loak held up his middle fingers, provoking the Quaritch gang even more
-What a jerk you are, Loak! - invited snarled Netheyam, already preparing to fight back, but was interrupted by his mother's whistling. "So your parents are close by"-this thought allowed Teyam to exhale a little, allowing him to distract himself from checking his ikran and remove his quiver of arrows, ready to fight back at any moment against the celestial enemy. And standing at the ready, Netnjam noticed something strange :A white-haired girl wrapped in leaves reached out to the celestials, wanting to jump out from behind the bushes with... oh my...With a stick...
And by reflex he jerked toward the crazy white-haired girl, yanking that one aside, not allowing her to pounce on anyone.
-What are you doing?! - Nethayam growled, knocking the "weapon" she was trying so hard to hit him with out of the girl's hands. Of course Teiam would have liked to know more, but there was no time; a hail of arrows was raining down on the Recombinates, and if they didn't get out of here now, they would obviously get hurt, and Nethayam would get a hell of a reprimand. So the only thing he could think of was to throw the screaming girl on his shoulder and run away. But our fairy didn't like it very much, and taking this gesture as a hostile one, Six started twitching hysterically, slamming her fists into the guy's back and kicking, but, not noticing no particular reaction, tried to bite while her tail was mercilessly pounding Teiam on his sides. Suddenly. The girl stops moving, and that scares the hell out of Nethayam. He was already beginning to think that the stranger was ill, or maybe she was wounded? Panicking, he pushed the girl to her feet, but had no time to react when she, with a wild, as if a cat's roar, lunged at him and clutched at his shoulders with her teeth.
-Stop it! It hurts!" wailed Netheyam, pushing the girl away from him, and then Jake... he had to answer his father on the radio.
-Neteiam! Where the hell have you been?!
-I'll be there soon. - Soon." The boy answered succinctly, clutching the bite mark where the fairy teeth still showed.
- You're coming with me. I have to take you to your father! - The young Na'vi growled, grabbing Six by the wrist and leading the way. And, to Netheyam's surprise, the white-haired woman calmed down as she stared at the Omatician in front of her. This was not good. Honestly, he didn't know why he'd come to her rescue. Did he... just want to? No, he's the future Olo'eiktan! He had to do it.
Hi everyone, thank you so much for your likes and comments!
In the next chapter you'll be able to see the heat! You'll see Loak x Fairy x Neteyam, fairy interactions with Na'vi and the water clan, and much, much more)
(Also sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language)
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geekywritings · 1 year
The gift of love
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This is just a load of fluff and some dad Cal!! Also, apologies for changing the request a little. The story just wrote itself!
The request: “Oooo ok I thought of something! Cal x reader where the reader gets pregnant and Cal finds her crying about it cause she thinks their whole Mantis operations are now in danger and she is just really scared and he comforts her. And then skip to the birth and it’s a little girl and they name her Y/D/N Cere Kestis???”
This should be a joyous moment. Yet you couldn’t stop the tears as they spilled from your eyes, sinking to the floor in the room you shared with Cal on the Mantis.
It’s not that you didn’t want a child, but the revelation of your pregnancy had the most inopportune timing! Together with the crew, you had revived Cere’s project of the Path to find a safe spot for those trying to escape the Empire. Tanalorr was a good safe haven, but the infrastructure was still lacking and even though the first refugees were working hard on it, it would take weeks if not months before the planet offered true comfort.
Yet you couldn’t sit around and wait. Finding survivors and allies wasn’t always easy and getting them into safety even less so. Sometimes smuggling worked, other times, a fight was unavoidable. And then there was also the perilous journey to the hidden planet. Greeze had already settled down there, making you the official pilot for the dangerous trips. And that’s why you were now a sobbing mess on the floor. They needed you. The cause, these people out there… you couldn’t let them down.
So lost in your despair, you didn’t hear the door sliding open or Cal entering. Not until you felt his hands on your shoulders, a worried voice asking: “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
You couldn’t speak, instead you threw yourself into his arms, grateful for the way he held you, a hand just gently stroking through your hair as he patiently waited for you to calm down. All the while, he was whispering sweet assurances to you that everything was fine. That he was there.
“I’m so sorry…”, were the first words you managed to get out.
“Sorry about what?”, he asked, worry and confusion thick in his voice.
Puffy red eyes were focused on him as you fought with yourself to get the words out. He needed to know. He deserved to know. After all, it was his child as well.
“Cal… I’m pregnant.”
Green eyes widened and you saw a waterfall of emotions rush through them. Everything from surprise, shock and wonder, all mixed into one.
“Are you sure?”, he managed to choke out.
You nodded and were about to apologize again, when Cal suddenly pulled you into another hug. “That is wonderful.”, he spoke and you could hear in his voice that he was smiling.
“But the mission…”, you began and Cal instantly let you go again, so that he could look at you.
“Is that why you were crying?”
Another nod from you, earning a gentle smile from Cal, before he leaned forward to press his forehead against yours.
“The fight is important… but you are even more important to me. We wanted to build a future on Tanalorr, remember? This…” He placed a hand on your stomach. “Is even more motivation for me. Besides, the Path isn’t just us anymore. We have an entire network of allies. We can retire any time and know that Cere’s vision will live on.”
Every word was like a calming balm for your soul, at the same time, you felt your eyes prickling with tears again. Great, were you going be be extra emotional for months now?
“You would really stop fighting for me?”
“I would do anything for you, love. For you and our family.”
His smile grew. “I still can’t believe I’m going to be a father…”
He seemed so genuinely happy. So amazed by the turn his life was about to take. And seeing him like that, you couldn’t help but feel happy as well.
10 months later
“Shhh, your mom is sleeping.”, Cal cooed to the crying infant, as he walked up and down the bedroom, gently rocking the baby in his arms. Not wanting to wake you, he finally opted to go outside, the night air of Tanalorr warm enough during this season.
You had a small home, far on the outskirts of the ever-growing town the people had called Haven. Although Cal still did the occasional run for the Path, he had mostly hung up his lightsaber, focusing on helping people in other ways. He was good at fixing things and enjoyed farming. Both skills desperately needed on this new planet.
And he had a family now. One he didn’t want to leave. With a smile, he stared at the child. His son, who still seemed like a little miracle to him.
“Want me to tell you another story about your namesake?”, he asked. “He was a great Jedi Master. Strict, but also incredibly patient and kind.” Little Jaro was quickly calming down, as he always did when Cal began to tell stories.
“That’s one of my favourites as well.”
Your voice caught Cal’s attention after he had just finished one of his tales. “I hope we didn’t wake you.”
You shook your head and joined him, placing a kiss on his cheek and then one on your sleeping baby boy’s forehead. “The bed just grew cold without you.”, you explained with a smile, which he returned.
“I’ll be right back. Seems like the little one fell asleep again.”
“He won’t be for long. So let’s stay and enjoy the view for a while.”, you suggested and both your heads turned to the magical display of Tanalorr’s nightsky, as you stood arm in arm. This was your home. This was your future. And you had fought long and hard to finally enjoy it. Together.
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
Warning Bells
Greez and Merrin talk about Cal after Nova Garon. Found family, family feels, We Need to Talk About Cal vibes. ~1500 words. Thanks to @gerundsandcoffee for feeding my feral Jedi feels with the prompts Merrin, Greez, Nova Garon, and rage! Spoilers for Jedi: Survivor.
Greez let out a sigh of relief, hearing the familiar clatter of Cal and Merriin climbing up the gangway.  He poked his head out of the cockpit to greet them, grateful to have them back so they could get off this blasted base.  “Oh, finally!  I was worried sick. Glad you both made it back in one piece,” crowed Greez, a split second before he did the biggest double take of his life.  “Cal, what the kriff are you wearing?”  He turned to Merrin.  “Don’t tell me.  He was fighting the entire base, wasn’t he?”
Cal slammed the controls to the gangway, retracting it back into the ship, and brushed off a smudge of blaster bolt residue on his uniform.  His Imperial white, officer-level IS-freakin-B uniform.  He gave Greez a wild look and smoothed the hair back out of his eyes.  “What?”
“I assume you needed a disguise?  Well, it looks terrible on you,” Greez said.  Cal’s face, already paler than usual, drained until it was an unhealthy white.  He looked abashed for a moment, but quickly recovered, his mouth hardening.
“Don’t worry about me, Greez.  Worry about Bode.  He got away.  Again.”
BD-1 beeped sadly, popping up from over Cal’s shoulder, still in one piece. 
Merrin clucked her tongue. “Do not despair, droid.  There is always hope.  Isn’t there?”
“I don’t know,” said Greez.  “We got no Bode, we got no compass.  Now tell me the truth, Cal, I can take it.  We’ve lost, haven’t we?”
Cal ignored him, striding to the holotable and inserting a disk.  Santari Khri filled the view.  
“What’s this?” Merrin asked curiously.  Greez watched as the holo said something about the compass, the one and only, the one Bode had made off with.  But Cal shook his head.
“This isn’t just the last goodbye,” he insisted.
The recording continued, showing schematics.  A map.  Cal paced to it, examining it keenly.  “There’s a control center here.  If we align the arrays we can create a flight path through the Abyss.”  
Greez snorted.  “Let me get this straight.  You want me to fly the Mantis through a ship-eating nebula using a tiny tunnel carved out by two-hundred-year-old tech?”
The kids were nothing if not predictable.  “Yeah,” said Cal at the same time as Merrin saying “Yes.”
Greez shrugged.  “All right, I’m in.”  What else was there for it?  They had to do what they had to do.  As he headed to the cockpit, he turned back to Cal.  “You gotta get out of that uniform, kid, it’s freaking me out.”
“I agree,” said Merrin.  “Better a man of many ponchos than an Imperial.”
“Oh, so now you’re coming around on the ponchos,” said Cal, but it was without a smile.  He nodded.  “I’ll go change.  Set a course for Koboh.  We’ll finish this.”  He and BD took off for the engine quarters, leaving Greez and Merrin alone.  She punched in Koboh’s coordinates and joined him up in the cockpit, taking Cere’s old seat.  
Greez sighed, climbing into the pilot’s seat and getting the ship off the ground.  He’d be happy to see the last of this awful place.  He piloted the ship up and through, and got her safely into hyperspace before he at last relaxed.  He turned to Merrin, considering.
“You all right?  You’re awfully quiet over there.”
“I am fine, Greez.  As usual,” said Merrin, but she seemed distracted.  Distant.  Merrin was always aloof, even at her most social, but this distance felt accidental, out of her control.  Greez frowned.
“‘I’m glad you’re okay, Merrin.  It’s been good to have you back, you know.”
“It is good to be back.  I have missed your jokes, Greez, as bad as they are.”
“Now that’s a backhanded compliment if I ever heard one,” Greez laughed.  He paused a moment, then hedged, “And Cal?  Does he seem… a little off to you?  Like, driven, even for him.”  He avoided the word obsessed.
Merrin crossed her arms.  “I do not know.  But something happened out there, Greez.”
“He didn’t seem hurt,” Greez began, but Merrin shook her head.
“Not like that.”  She looked thoughtful, as if trying to choose her words carefully.  “He showed a side I have never seen before.  Powers I have never seen him use before.  He was so angry.  I could see it, I could feel it.”  She let out a long breath, and Greez felt a sick swoop in his stomach that had nothing to do with the motion of the ship.  If Merrin was unsettled, then he, Greez, was scared shitless.
“You’re scaring me, Merrin,” said Greez slowly.  “Talk me down, here.  That doesn’t sound like Cal.  I mean, I know he’s hurting about Cere and Cordova, the compass, the Archive -- we all are.  But Jedi are supposed to be careful with that sort of thing, right?  I don’t know much about the Force, but that sounds -- it sounds --”
“Dark,” she said quietly.  “In his eyes I could see something that wasn’t him -- except that it was.  I have heard him and Cere discuss Jedi and the dark side many times.  It is the same and yet different from the magic of my sisters, but it holds a danger for them that it does not for me.  I do not understand it, Greez, but I know Cal fears it.  And yet… if you had seen him…”
“What did he do?”
“I stopped him -- or, he stopped himself -- before he crossed a line he should not cross,” said Merrin.  She did not elaborate further, which was ominous; if Cal could spook a Nightsister…  “But I fear this may be a door that once opened is not so easily shut.”  She gazed at him, troubled.  “I do not doubt we will succeed in finding Bode and Tanalorr.  We must.  But we must not lose Cal to do it.”
“We’re not losing anyone else on my watch,” said Greez.  He blinked back sudden tears.  “This family’s been through enough, dank farrik.”
“Look, thanks for telling me.  Not sure what exactly a Latero pilot can do against the dark side of the Force, but I can keep after the kid to take care of himself, I’ve got that one down.”
Merrin chuckled, relaxing a little as he’d hoped she would.  “It is sweet to see how you fuss after him like a mother nydak.”
“I’d be offended, but the kid inspires fussing,” Greez said, shrugging all four shoulders.  “What am I gonna do, leave him to his own devices?  You shoulda seen the state of him when he first showed up in Pyloon’s a few months back.  Overgrown hair, way too skinny, clearly living off of caf and Turbo Dogs.  Looked like he’d been wearing the same clothes for weeks on end.  Without washing ‘em, mind you.”
Merrin laughed, leaning back in her seat.  “That sounds about right.”  Her laugh dwindled to a small smile.  “Thank you, Greez.  My heart is more at ease.  We will look after him together, you and I.”
“Look after who?” asked Cal.  
Greez swiveled around, wondering how much he’d heard.  Cal was back in his regular clothes, with a dark blue jacket that reminded him a little of the clothes Cal had been wearing back when he and Cere had rescued him, years ago.  But he wasn’t a scared scrapper kid anymore, fresh-faced and uncertain; this Cal was far more sure of himself.  
Which made Merrin’s information that much harder to understand.  Cal, using the dark side?  It was still hard to wrap his brain around.  He hoped, looking into Cal’s green eyes, that Merrin had somehow been mistaken.  
“You, of course,” said Merrin.  
Cal raised his eyebrows.  “I’ve been on the run for a decade.  I think I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“Are you kidding me, Cal.”  
“You come close to death on a daily basis.”
“Brrrooop beep.”
“Really, Beedee?  You too?  That’s a low blow, buddy.”  Cal sighed and sank into his seat, leaning back and closing his eyes.  
Greez reached out and patted his shoulder.  “Hey, you know we only get after you because we care, kid.”
Cal looked over, giving Greez a small, careworn smile.  The kid looked tired up close, his eyelids reddened and puffy.  It put an ache in Greez’s chest.  Yeah… the strain was starting to show.
“I know, Greez,” said Cal.  “Thanks.  All of you.  I couldn’t do this without you.”
“We are in this together, Cal.  Always remember that.”
Hyperspace shrank and stilled before them, stars leaping back into pinpoint form.  Koboh and the Abyss swam into view.  Greez only spared a glance at the seething, roiling maw before firmly fixing his gaze back on the planet below.  One problem at a time.
“Come on, let’s regroup at the saloon.  It’s getting awfully emotional up here,” said Greez, trying to keep it breezy.  “Let’s get our plan of attack in line and get on this.  For the Hidden Path.  For Cere.”
“For Cere,” said Merrin.
“For Cere,” Cal echoed.  He watched their approach intently, his eyes sharp, his face drawn.  Greez shared a glance with Merrin.  
We’ll look after him.
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numberonepeacock · 23 days
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Characters as Mobians
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Nozomi Yumehara/Cure Dream - Dark Magenta Rabbit/Bright Pink Rabbit
Rin Natsuki/Cure Rouge - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)/Red Cheetah (has bright red hair, like flames)
Urara Kasugano/Cure Lemonade - Golden Blonde Mouse/Bright Yellow Mouse
Komachi Akimoto/Cure Mint - Dark Green Echidna
Karen Minazuki/Cure Aqua - Dark Blue Whale/Bright Blue Whale
Milk/Kurumi Mimino/Milky Rose - Pale Pink Rabbit Cure Flicky/Purple Rabbit
Coco - Fox Cure Flicky/Brown Fox Mobian
He can transform into a human and later becomes a teacher at Nozomi's school to keep watch over her under the alias Kokoda Kouji.
Nuts - Squirrel Cure Flicky/Dirty Blonde Squirrel Mobian
He can transform into a human, acting as the clerk of a jewelry shop called Natts House, by the name Mr. Natsu.
Milk - Rabbit Cure Flicky
She can transform into a human and attends the Cures’ school as a second-year transfer student under the alias Kurumi Mimino and is in the same class as Nozomi and Rin.
Syrup - Bird Cure Flicky/Orange Bird Mobian
He has two forms he can turn into: a human and a giant bird, used as an aerial transport when necessary.
Magical Allies:
Pinkies - Spirits
Flora - Rose Deer
Is the youngest sister of Vanessa and the guardian the Cure Rose Garden, which holds the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
The boss of Eternal is interested in her.
Goddess of the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
Four Rulers:
King Doughnut - Dragon Flicky
Queen Bavarois - Phoenix Flicky
Princess Crepe - Tiger Flicky
King Montblanc - Turtle Flicky
Mailpo - Walking Pink Mailbox
Is a walking pink mailbox that works with Syrup.
She helps with sending and receiving letters.
Palmins - Flicky Spirits
A Pink Mouse with a butterfly mark on it’s head
A Blue Wolf with a six-point star mark on it’s head
A Yellow Goat with a flower mark on it’s head
A Red Bird with a sun mark on it’s head
A Green Dog with a apple mark on it’s head
Desperaia - Crane
The leader of the Nightmares who intends to gain eternal life and to bring despair to the world.
Kawarino - Chameleon
Desparaia's secretary.
Girinma - Mantis
The first Nightmare to appear.
Gamao - Toad
The second Nightmare to appear.
Arachnea - Spider
The third Nightmare to appear.
Bunbee - Bee
The boss of Girinma, Arachnea, and Gamao.
Bunbee also worked for Eternal as a low-ranking member, often acting as comic relief.
Hadenya - Bird
She appears after Arachnea's death. She likes to take what she wants and often forces Bunbee to serve her in some way.
Bloody - Vampire Bat
Bloody is the last Nightmare to show up. He usually tries to win by persuasion and talking, only using Kowaina to help him rather than to do all of the work.
Boss - Crow
The leader of Eternal, intending to gain eternal life by finding the keys to Cure Rose Garden.
Anacondy - Purple Gorgon (Eternal)/Purple Snake (Mobius)
Anacondy acts as an administrator among Eternal
Scorp - Brown Emperor Scorpion (Eternal)/Indian Red Scorpion (Mobius)
Scorp is the first Eternal member to be shown.
Nebatakos - Octopus (Eternal)/Squid (Mobius)
Nebatakos is the third original member of Eternal to be shown.
Isohgin - Sea Anemone (Eternal)/Jellyfish (Mobius)
Isohgin is one of a duo from Eternal that are said to be the best hunters.
Yadokhan - Hermit Crab (Eternal)/Lobster (Mobius)
Yadokhan is the partner of Isohgin and the small, fat one of the two.
Shibiretta - Mice with a large Mushroom on their head
Shibiretta manipulates fairy tales to fight Pretty Cure, trapping them in fairy tale worlds with Hoshinas.
Mucardia - Orchid Mantis (Eternal)/Dragonfly (Mobius)
Mucardia is the most recent member of Eternal.
For Nightmare, In their humans forms they look like normal Mobians but in their monster forms they are still the same as their Mobian form but more like what they look like in the fandom
Tsutomu Yumehara - Brown Rabbit
Nozomi’s father.
Megumi Yumehara - Dark Purple Rabbit
Nozomi's mother.
She is a beautician and runs a beauty shop called "Espoir".
Kazuyo Natsuki - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)
Rin's mother.
She and her husband run a flower shop "Fleuriste Natsuki".
Ai Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Her brother Yu and she are twins and Rin's younger siblings.
Yu Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Rin's young brother and a twin with Ai.
Heizou Kasugano - Gray Mouse
Urara's grandfather, Maria's father, and Michel's father-in-law.
Maria Kasugano - Brown Mouse
Urara's late mother.
Michel Kasugano - Lion
Urara's father.
Madoka Akimoto - Dark Green Echidna
Komachi's older sister.
Minako Minazuki - Black Cicada
Karen's father.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Taro Minazuki - Dark Teal Whale
Karen's mother.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Supporting People:
Sakamoto - Harp Seal
Minazuki's butler and takes care of Karen when her parents are overseas as Famous Musicians.
Mika Masuko - Bat
Mika is the chief editor of the Cinq Lumieres News.
Otaka-san - Border Collie
The mistress of the cafeteria in the girls' school where they always eat lunch.
Secretly, she is the school headmistress.
Kouta Washio - Jackal
Urara's manager from Production Eagle.
Previously: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕 | Next: 🍎🪩♠️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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manofmanymons · 6 months
I know this sounds somewhat hypocritical as someone who loves Survive and Hollow Knight very very very much, one of the biggest things that puts me off from series is when there's too much death and/or general carnage. And it's not even that I'm sensitive to gore or can't handle some death.
It's that once everyone starts dying, I stop having fun! I'm not enjoying cool action scenes because everyone I liked is dead, but I'm not even properly sad about any of the deaths anymore because goddamn everyone else is fuckin dead am I supposed to be surprised now? You can only cram so many emotional scenes into a short period of story before I completely stop feeling anything at all.
The reason I like Survive anyways is because there's a truthful route where everyone lives, and even if there wasn't, there's still the moral route where most of them live. If it was JUST the wrathful route or JUST the harmony route I'd fuckin hate it! The fact that that would be a dreadfully short game notwithstanding, I'd be pretty pissed if I spent so much time gaining affinity with these characters and watching them bond with each other and the mc just for the game to end with half of them dead and the other half living in a post apocalyptic hellhole. As full games those routes are ass! But existing as they are as just extreme hypotheticals of what could have happened to these characters if just a few more things went wrong and they weren't as strong of a team, and we get to learn more about them by seeing how they act when pushed to the brink...yeah that is fun. It's like "well I know that this character is okay but it's cool seeing what COULD have but did not happen to them." And you know what despite Ryo literally being one of my favorite characters, I still would've loved Survive just fine without the truthful route because the moral route is a very good stand alone story of a bunch of kids who were met with tragedy but only became closer because of it and still managed to find a happy ending for themselves.
And Hollow Knight, well. For one it's largely helped by the fact that it is a video game and not a show, therefore the fact that it is just INCREDIBLY fun to play goes a long way in making me mentally insane about it. But it's not just that! From the very start of the game you KNOW you're playing through something sad. The sad doesn't sneak up on you, it's always there. Rather than playing through the downfall of a kingdom, you're exploring the ruins of a once-beautiful kingdom, learning what happened to it, meeting the inhabitants, befriending the last little glimmers of hope in this dying world, and fighting to save them. And yeah depending on the player's actions you lose a few of them along the way, but a) as I said some of them only die depending on what the player does, and b) I feel like enough of them have satisfying endings that I'm not too fixated on the ones that die. Ofc Quirrel being probably dead bums me out, and it sucks that you can't do anything for Myla, but hey, your homie Elderbug is fine, Cornifer is fine, you can save Cloth and even Zote if you'd like. Your Mantis buddies are still around. Brumm can be having a silly good time OR you might have a son now. Idk to me HK is finding hope and happiness amid despair rather than losing hope and falling into despair.
Unlike series that are like whee we're a fun action adventure--just kidding everyone is dead.
Oh well we started sad but if everyone works together then maybe there's hope that--psych they are all in fact still dead.
What a silly goofy show about kids having a fun--lmao you fell for that? Nah they're dead too.
Obviously other people are into that otherwise there wouldn't be so many popular series that do that but my god do I hate it literally every single time I have never once gone "you know what this story IS better now that none of my favs are in it and whoever's left has been doing nothing but fighting nonstop without an ounce of the playfulness or humor that originally drew me into this series."
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