#dess you mean so much to me. dess please come home
sweatertheman · 7 months
@pap03 this was SUPPOSED to be in a reblog of your explanation of noelle, following me reiterating that its correct to say noelle will justify any shitty behavior so long as someone she trusts says its okay, but the post got EATEN by the FUCKING SCHOOL WIFI and now I have to write it all again, so.
I don't know if you'll agree with me on this, but isn't there just something unfair about the way Noelle gets treated compared to Susie? I mean, Noelle gets pretty much everything handed to her. Everyone likes her and treats her well, and is willing to justify her actions and have everything she wants, because she's sad and having a hard time at home, but guess what! So is Susie!
Noelle may have a mean mom and sick dad, but she has a home, money, friends, a family, food, and Susie doesn't get any of that! Susie may not even have a place to sleep at night! And what does Susie get? She gets treated like dirt by everyone around her! She gets demonized by people over nothing, excluded from social activities, mocked behind her back.
Noelle has pretty much everything, success, safety, love, and she's still unhappy! She feels entitled to Susie's affection, feels like Kris owes her information on Susie because she was nice to them. She treats Susie like a possession. And what, Susie is supposed to accept that?! To accept whatever crumbs of respect Noelle can throw her? To be happy to recieve a lunchbox full of chalk?!
The utter gall of Noelle to give the homeless starving girl chalk to eat, when she has the money to buy her real food that she needs, just because Kris happened to say that she ate some chalk. Even if Susie likes eating chalk, its not like she has a choice! She's starving! I am 100% sure Susie would rather have some fucking rice and hot dogs than chalk, but noooo! Noelle gets to decide for her, because she's the starry-eyed blonde althetic rich girl, and Susie is the filthy, poor bully who Noelle gets to whisk away into romance.
This isn't to say Noelle doesn't have problems, but it sure is to say Noelle acts so entitled about them! She feels owed Kris' cooperation in her obsession because she was nice to them, she feels like Susie is hers and no one else's, because her dad told her it was okay. I don't even really blame her for this, because everyone has always treated her with nothing but respect and admiration.
But God, Susie deserves better! Susie has nothing at all, no food, no home, no family, no friends, not even the freedom to choose! Everyone treats her like she's scum, mocks her, everyone would absolutely bully her back if they weren't so scared of her. And despite all this, Susie doesn't get anything! She's expected by the people around her to simply put up with it to take this awful hand and bear it. When Susie lashes out at the world, it's treated as proof that she's terrible. And when the perfect angel that is Noelle deigns to give her some fucking office supplies to eat and gives her a compliment or two, she's expected to thank her and give her all her love and affection, expected to be hers now just because Noelle is sad and needs some comfort?!
Likewise, Noelle has a giant house, a loving father, a strict bitch of mother who does still seem to love her, money, success, food, the love and respect of all her peers, and she still wants to lash out! Life gave Noelle like, three hardships. Her dad is sick, her mother is mean, and her sister is missing. Despite that, she has a great life. But it's not enough for her! The slight fate made against her is something she can't move on from, she can't move on from the hole Dess left in her life. When Noelle gets upset or lashes out, people come to comfort her, they respect her anger, they disregard her cruelties. Noelle is given all the choice, all the freedom. The most you can say is that she has the social pressure of others on her not to excersize that freedom how she pleases. But what does Noelle want to do with that freedom? She wants to lash out over the one tragedy she can't move on from, or to lash out at the world for not giving her what she wanted. Her pain over the loss of her sister is valid, but she doesn't get to act like it means she deserves to do whatever she wants!
It's honestly insulting how Susie gets treated compared to Noelle. Noelle gets everything handed to her because everyone likes her and feels bad for her, and she's still unhappy despite that. Susie has nothing, and is constantly demonized, but isn't expected to want more, isn't allowed to have the freedom to do as she pleases.
Noelle's idolization of Susie makes me angry for this reason, because Noelle already has everything, but still wishes she had the power to lash out at the world, to be mean to people who only ever show her kindness, to get back at the world for hurting her and to tear back the things she lost. She has no respect or understanding for Susie's situation, and just romanticizes the idea of not having to follow anyone's rules, not having to be nice. Susie doesn't make aggressive shows of her freedom because she wants to, she does it because if she didn't, she would loose the few freedoms she had. If Susie didn't steal food and eat trash, she'd starve. If she didn't wear a tough front, she'd be mocked and bullied herself. Susie doesn't have a choice! She isn't allowed to be all touchy feely, isn't allowed to be sad about the wrongs done to her. The world chewed her up and spit her out and she has to fight tooth and nail to claw back everything they took from her!
I got a bit worked up there, but yeah. Susie deserves better. It isn't fair for Noelle to be woobified because she's sad about the couple things which went wrong for her, while being ungrateful for everything she has, while Susie is demonized for every action she takes no matter how mundane because she's weird and has dirty clothes and looks scary, and to be expected to be grateful for whatever spare change the world that fucked her over can be bothered to throw.
Please, let me know what you think, pap!
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the-white-soul · 5 months
Flowey: If you're not dating nor are friends, you're acquaintances with a silent crush phase. Heehee, I know what you should say when someone asks what you are next time! You're blockheads.
That uh… that means you're not heartheads or smileyheads. *Flowey smiles innocently and snickers to himself as he tries to trick you into insulting yourselves.*
Anyway, got any root beer left for me?
(Kara) "Really? Blockhead."
(Dess) "What's so wrong about it? We're blockheads through and through. I'm sorry if you don't like the word for some weird reason."
(Kara) "*Slaps head* Should I tell her?"
(Dess) "Tell me what?"
(Kara) "I don't know. Hey, do you want to watch Peanuts?"
(Dess) "Sure. I don't know why you want me to watch it now."
*12 minutes into the story*
(Lucy) "Charlie you blockhead. This is what you call a tree?"
(Dess) "Oh! Flowey you trickster."
(Kara) "Oh also sure Flowey you can have it. *gives the rest to Flowey. After he finishes...*"
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(Kara) "I appreciate the respectful gifts. You all are so much nicer than I thought you'd be. When I heard horror stories about you all I was scared. Granted not all of you are good. I mean my arm got cut off by someone that seems to be part of the wind. That's fun. I always wonder why me? People like you though show how not all Anons are bad. Hell besides that airspeaker, you're all fantastic. Now back to our original problem."
(Dess) "Now we need an actual title."
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(Kara) "Perfect! Now that we've done something completely unimportant like naming ourselves we should probably go out and get to work."
(Dess) "On what?"
(Kara) "I didn't think that far ahead."
*John walks in looking like he hasn't seen the sun in 3 days*
(John) "Well that was difficult but I finally got Asgore's case. Does anyone want to talk with him again? I negotiated one more call."
(Dess) "I'll do it. *Grabs phone.* Hey Asgore how are you doing?"
(Asgore) "I want to say good but that'd be a lie. I've been burning from the heat and the work they make us do. These monster prisons are more brutal than I thought. Guards go up to you on occasion and beat you till you cry. It's a game they play and if you end up being last you get socked in the eye. If anyone tells anyone anything they get abused even further. It's scary and to say it's ignored would be too nice. They outright encourage it here. Anytime something goes wrong I get hit by their bats while everyone else laughs and throws whatever they want at me."
(Dess) "That sounds awful! Do you have any way to have them stop? Surely what they're doing is illegal."
(Asgore) "Those types of laws are barely enforced in normal prisons, let alone a species everyone hates."
(Kara) "Do you have air conditioning?"
*Dess and Asgore started laughing.*
(Asgore) "This is Britain! We're lucky to have air conditioning in our own homes. You really believe they care that much about monsters?"
(Dess) "Well, try to stay a low profile, okay?"
(Asgore) "Alright. *Hangs up.*"
*In the prison.*
Asgore walks back to his cell seeing the high amount of monsters entrapped. Some of them go into a room of complete white if they misbehave. Suddenly, while no one is watching Asgore, Chara burrows out of the ground.
(Chara) "So how do you feel? Don't worry you'll only get killed by the executioner, not me. I wonder if you'll ever crack?"
(Asgore) "Can you stop teasing me? You're the only reason I'm putting effort into stopping the death penalty."
(Chara) "You know it's funny. People think you are a great serious leader. The only smart ones are Papyrus and Alphys. They know who you are. I'm mostly here to make your situation worse and to observe what you do. I bet they give you food that tastes like poop."
(Asgore) "They gave us a bun for a meal. Two on special occasions. Help me please!"
(Chara) "WAH! Boo hoo. Oh, also one thing I want to do. *Slices his left thumb in half and watches it bleed.*"
(Asgore) "Why would you do that!!!"
(Chara) "So I can hurt you without killing you. Oh, people are coming. See you when you're fried!"
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fallenwillow21 · 9 months
“Hes back!” (1st person)
I set ralsei on his bed after he fainted, he mumbled something like "don't leave me" and "please stay", but I can't stay here forever, he knows that. I sighed, petting ralsei's head, I heard a knock on the door. I got up, going to the door, opening it.
"Wow, your actually in here"
Susie said, then looking at ralsei.
"Holy shit, did you-"
I kicked her leg before she can finish her sentence.
"Ow! You ass! I was joking!"
"Can you lower you voice?"
Susie looked at me after I said that.
"Anyways, we're about to leave"
I looked back at ralsei, the prince was sleeping peacefully. I sighed, looking back at susie.
"Ok, give me a minute"
Shutting the door, I walked back to ralsei's bed. I set my scarf next to him, then kissing his forehead.
"Sorry my prince, but I have to leave.."
I left the castle, seeing susie, Noelle, and berdly wait for me.
"Finally, hurry up next time!"
Susie said, as lancer laughed, then started to speak.
"Yea blue person!"
The two then started laughing. I looked at the other two, asking them a question.
"What did you two think about castle town?"
The two looked at each other, then the bird spoke.
"It's impressive that you two are friends with a prince"
Berdly said, making susie laugh.
"A prince AND a king."
Susie laughed, as lancer spoke.
"That king is me!"
Berdly looked at the two, wondering how a kid could be a fucking king? Honestly, that story is for another time. Noelle looked confused like berdly, as I started to walk to the front.
"Hey! Wait up for us kris!"
Susie yelled, catching up, as the other two followed.
"How is lancer a king? He's just a kid.."
Noelle asked, then realizing something.
"Is his father...dead..?"
Susie scoffed, then speaking.
"God I wish. That asshole doesn't care about anyone but himself."
"Then where is he...?"
I looked at noelle, responding to her.
"In the basement.."
Berdly looked at me and susie as we were about to leave.
"When will we come back?"
Noelle asked, susie sighed and looked at her.
"Me and kris were gonna come back and stay for All of winter break."
We were back at school, in the old classroom. I looked out the window, seeing it was late. Noelle noticed this too, knowing she was gonna get in trouble with her mother, so was I...
"Welp, see ya nerds tomorrow"
Susie said, leaving. Berdly also left, do it was just me and noelle.
"W-well kris, do you wanna go home?"
Noelle asked, as we were walking out of school.
"We can visit your father"
I suggest, Noelle looked at me, smiling.
"Sure! That's what I do after school"
Noelle said, as we started walking to the hospital. When we got there, we both saw that the hospital was closing soon, we both went inside, it was quiet...too quiet... Noelle asked if she and I could see Rudy, which the monster at the front nodded, telling us we have ten minutes.
We both went to the room Rudy was in, only to see someone familiar. Noelle froze, she started to tear up.
Noelle ran to to dess, hugging her.
"Noelle! I've missed you so much!"
Dess laughed, does that mean...
"C'mon kris, join the group hug"
Dess said, as I walked to the two, joining the hug. Was she just visiting from collage or was she done?
"Kris, there's a surprise at your house go check it out"
I looked at dess, nodding, rushing to the house.
When I got there, I stared at the door, hesitating to open the door. Why was I hesitant? If he's back, I should be happy... happy the he's back..I sighed, opening the door, closing it from behind.
"There they are!"
I turned, tearing up from seeing him, I ran and hugged him.
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acaciapines · 2 years
the spamton sweepstakes are everything to me they gave me EVERYTHING specifically the icee page w noelle’s lil story about a sighting bc i am VINDICATED the holiday dreemurr kids DID hang out dess WOULD do things like burn a pizza box to make her sister feel better and smack kris when theyre trying to scare noelle....oh my god and she calls asriel ‘azzy’ its the FAMILY OF IT ALL
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Hey!! Could we please get more sugar daddy fics with a black reader ofc 😋 idk if you've done shoto already but that'd be nice or hawks and deku💕
A/N: “wrist on glitter, waist on thinner, imma show you how to bag a eight-figure nigga” 👅💋 I enjoyed this way too much
All characters are 18+
Warnings: it got a lil spicy so imma put the line 
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Todoroki Shouto:
this mf has money to burn 
we all know todoroki came out the womb w cash from his hair to his ass 
he’s on some “yes, jeff bezos knows me” type shit so if you’re tryna end up with someone that’s gonna possibly buy you a house, he’s your guy 
he slid into your dms after you posted a pic with your skin moisturized and glistening under golden hour and your body had him wanting to run laps 
he had been plottin on you for a min but never got the motivation to do something about it until then
he’s a no strings attached type of sugar daddy
todoroki is a big name even outside of hero work and he’s well aware of all the people that have tried to use him. so instead of letting that happen, he’s decided to do things on his own terms 
when yall first started talking, he questioned you like this was managerial position at apple 💀 
best believe he ran an in-depth background check and made you sign an NDA 💀💀💀
he was a tough one
but you passed w flying colors and y’all settled on an arrangement
you have a weekly allowance that hits your bank account every saturday with some bonuses that he’ll give you depending on how the week goes
todoroki isnt needy nor is he one to be all up in your business 
it’s actually weird in an endearing kind of way? 
he only wants to have conversations with you 
i mean, dont get me wrong, he’s up for anything you are
todoroki would be a liar if he said he never ended some nights with a picture of you and a hand down his pants 
but that’s not what he’s mainly looking for 
you figure out very quickly that shouto just wants someone to talk to 
he’ll randomly hit up your phone and have a 30 min convo about something like the weather or hero politics, and then he’ll dip
next thing you know, you got $1000 in your cashapp
you kind of panicked bc like...wtf? 
your dumb ass messaged him: “did you mean to send $1000?”
sis, dont put a question mark where God put a period
him: “Yes.”
and that was the end of that
you dont question anymore
he’s not doting in any kind of way, and sometimes you lowkey think he forgets about you, but you still get your allowance 
doesn’t send a lot of gifts unless you explicitly state you want something
he doesnt text back a lot, but he tried to respond when he can
but i do see him liking it when you send him mundane things you do throughout your day, like pics of cookies you baked, or a cool plant you saw at home depot
and he enjoys the times you and him end up just trashing his father for nearly an hour. expect to find flowers, with some expensive ass coats or something at your door the next morning 
he really fucks w your laid back vibe 
sometimes he forgets you guys arent really supposed to be friends 
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Takami Kiego (Hawks):
this is not hawks’ first time being a sugar daddy
he’s hot, rich, and one of the most eligible bachelor’s in japan with a life that prevents him from having anything too serious
so, long story short, he’s a veteran at this 
he used to be the type to reach out to instagram baddies but he had a couple bad run-ins and decided to stick with the official sites because it was a lot more secure on both ends 
the funny thing was, you set up your account a long time ago as a joke. though at one point, you did take it seriously, but you came in contact with a lot of super creepy men that sexualized you for your skin and ethnicity. 
you were tired of the “chocolate king/queen” and “amazonian god/dess” comments,so you took a break. you didnt have much activity since
so imagine youre surprise when the #2 hero hit your line talking about some 
“Hey~ I’ll get straight to the point. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to talk with you about an arrangement” 
you thought this was a fake account, but after he chatting for a little and sending some pictures, you knew he was the real deal 
hawks is your standard tit-for-tat transaction sugar daddy
he’s the type to hit you up at night with a “how ya doing, dove? got any pics for me?”
he’s good about his respect ad won’t do anything out of line
it’s the bare minimum, be he doesnt fetishize you so that’s always nice 
however, he does make you call him daddy, sir, etc. whether it’s through text, call, or when y’all get together for...reasons
ngl his dicc game is fire
he might ghost you for a week or so but he’ll always come back with a nice check to make up for it 
just be careful about catching feelings bc he’s so fucking smooth. he makes you feel like you’ve got his heart, but dont fall for that shit
if you think you can “change him” or fuflfil whatever wattpad romance fantasy lives in your head, he is not your guy. you better get on w your life before you get your heart broken
he’s here to suck, fuck, send pics, do a little phone call here n there, send some money, and go 
if you’re not with all that, you might as well dip 
but if you’re cool with that, rest assured, you’re gonna be living your best mf life with this man in your wallet 
and good news, you might not be his only, but you are his favorite
there’s just something about you that’s got him giving you a few extra thousand than he normally does 
he doesnt take his sugar babies on proper dates bc he’s gotta stay away from media outlets, but he will invite you to his office for a “lunch break”
if you ever surprise him with a cute but sexy hawks cosplay, you won’t have to work for two whole weeks bc you cant walk  
overall, he’s a good sugar daddy. defintely good for your pockets and any other non-romantic desires you want fulfilled
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Mirodirya Izuku:  
the way you two met and came to this arrangement was more or less an accident
the life of the number one pro-hero was lonely and stressful 
he’s tried to dip his toes in the water here and there, but it never worked out because not many people could deal with the fact that he’d always put hero work first
he was teetering on the edge of signing up for one of those sugar daddy/baby websites until he met you at some cafe he passed by 
it’s cliche really. you were his server and, honestly? he was hooked on day one 
he watched you intently as you pranced around in your cute uniform. he couldnt stop admiring your brown skin and eyes and how cute your hair was. you spoke with such enthusiasm and cheerfulness that he couldnt help but swoon. and it didn’t hurt that you were very easy on the eyes
he listened to you as you went on a spiel about how college was a fortune and how you stayed up last night for a project bc you had to pick up extra shifts
that’s when he made his decision
by the time the hero is out of the door, you collected the reciept and almost fainted when you realized he left you a $500 tip and his personal number 
“i enjoyed talking to you today and i hope we can continue that...here’s something small to help with your bills. and i hope this isnt too forward but you’re very beautiful. stay safe. deku.”
and what did you do that night?
you called his ass right back
you were nervous as hell bc you still couldnt believe this was real, but after talking on the phone with him for two hours, an arrangement was set
midoriya is the most gentlemen like sugar daddy out there 
you wake up to good morning texts and a few hundred in your bank account almost every two days 
he goes crazy over your insta posts. and if you wear something green? expect a bonus
takes you out shopping unprovoked 
izuku: “are you busy? i saw you were having a rough week and was wondering if you wanted to go to that new outlet mall downtown”
you: 🏃🏾‍♀️💨  
you most certainly had homework due that night but what tf you look like missing out on that offer? 
it’s after so many “dates” that deku realizes that he prefers hanging around you more than he should but he doesnt wanna ruin anything so he keeps that underwraps 
he’s the idiot that goes into this thinking he won’t fall in love
deku defintely has some dirty thoughts about you but he doesnt try to bring it up unless you do first
if you’re comfortable with anything nsfw, you gone see a whole different side to izuku
he’s a giver, giver, giver, but when he recieves, he just about loses it
send him “innocent” pics of yourself matched with a string of filthy texts and he’ll combust 
when you send him pics of yourself in deku-themed lingre, he deadass sends you a whole black card with your name on it as a thank you
you guys get very comfortable with each other very quickly
soon enough, DA’s start turning into y/n stayng over for a week 
you both realize this relatiosnhip runs a lot deeper than an arrangement when he accidentally let it slip that he told his mom about you 
he’s profusely apologizing but you shut him up with a kiss and tell him that you’ve kinda caught feelings yourself 
your next conversation works out well for the both of you 
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In The Broom Closet?
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I know it's Pride Month but we're not talking about stepping out of the broom closet. Sorry. No. Some of us cannot afford to do that. I mean massive kudos for coming out of ANY kind! I came out as Polyam and at the time Polysexual a while ago and it's as scary as it is liberating. But this ain't about that.
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That's what this is about. There are witches who feel like this. This is for y'all. I got some tips, use what works for you. Feel free to add your own. We in this together.
Hide Your Shit In Plain Sight
I know how it sounds. But listen. Most people will not notice shit unless it's intended to be hidden. By all means hide your fucking altar if you can. And do it well. But if you try and hide every candle, every crystal, every coin? Shit is gonna look weird and if you have fucking snoopers like I do....you're gonna be in a world of hurt.
Don't get all your witchy tools now
If you can't hide things don't get them. I know you want that crystal/wand/knife/etc babe. But if you can't hide it easily or you don't have an explanation for keeping it in the house it's better not to get it. Much of witchcraft is intention and creativity anyway. And that's free. Just wait until you're in a safe place to do as you wish.
When in Rome
That's right. Don't change anything....to them! Yeah you're gonna feel uncomfortable in church every Sunday maybe, but...trust it's the better option if you want/need to stay where you are. I've pretended to pray to the very God I've abandoned a many of times. Hell if you're not the one conducting group prayer or speaking (Bonus tip: Work on your acting/praying skills. If you're rusty they'll make you do it more. Lie and lie well) talk to your diety if you have one. Or just quick ground. Sneaky witchcraft. Or just wait it out. Do whatever you need to play the role they want.
Find excuses to be free for a while (If you can!!!)
Find ways to go on hikes on your own, go to the library, etc. Find reasons to be free, do as you wish as your authentic self as safely as possible if you can. Just to keep your sanity. I know this is ridiculously hard for you and I'm so sorry my dears. I'm right there with you. Cover your tracks as you do. Don't just go to where your family thinks you are for five minutes and bounce. That's suspicious. Linger. You want a solid alibi if you need it. If you can't move out much (Fucking pandemic) Find time to do small witchy things in the privacy of your room if you have it. I meditate, do tarot when no one's home.
Most important of this tip is not to force yourself. If it's not feasible, don't fucking do it. Better to err on the side of caution.
Don't feel like you're a failure/not a good devotee (in cases of witches with an entity to worship)
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You're not. You're so not. I struggled with this thought so much too. Sometimes the thoughts still linger. Your diety/entity will understand, those who judge you and have caused you to be in the closet in the first place will not. Your god(s/desses) and/or guides do not want you endanger yourself. They care and love you too much to fuck over your life like that. They know and they're there to give you strength. You did not disappoint them, your situation saddens them and they don't blame you. You aren't a failure. You're so damn strong.
Witches who aren't closeted: DO NOT FUCKING OUT OTHERS! Don't out people in general. Just don't be an asshole. If you know someone in the broom closet who feels they need to stay that way, you better help them stay that way or mind your fucking business. I swear to everything holy and not. You do not out anyone. Ever! Don't be a piece of shit.
All in all, fellow closeted witches just do what you think will keep you safe until you are out of whatever situation you're in. Please be safe. Be wise. And I hope one day you can feel safe enough to be your witchy self in the future.
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New Year, New Us
A Deltarune fanfiction
By Sannaturek
- 31 of December, 202X
Again, Noelle is alone at home in New Years Eve.
Her mother is working in the city getting ready everything for the midnight. Her sister, Dess, couldn't come home this year. And her father, in the hospital, and she didn't want to bother them until tomorrow, since the hospital is working with closed doors on the holidays.
The big house at the northwest of the town is cold, almost all the lights are out. The only light visible comes from Noelle's room. She's writing with a pretty calligraphy in her diary, usually she doesn't have time from school or helping her father, but now it's a good time for her to let out some feelings:
*Dear diary: Now, another New Year Eve, it's the worst tome of the year again. Since the start of December, everyone is getting festive, I just don't see a lot of appealing, maybe some candies and the pretty lights are okay, but everything else it's a mess! It's embarrassing going under a mistletoe just to someone to kiss or hug you. Santa is so scary! Imagine a big old man going down the fireplace in the middle of the night! And if you are a bad person you get coal? No thanks. Also, since everyone is coming back for this time of the year, there's more people on the streets, I hope there's a way to say hi to everyone without having to talk... Oh yeah, Christmas cards, I forgot the exist hehehe... Talking about, we send our cards this year, but it was an old photo from two years ago, since dad is on the hospital, Dess is at college and mom is working, we didn't have time to take a new one. Dess, I wish you were here, you were the one of the few who calmed me at midnight. Thanks for all those New Years that you helped me staying safe and sound during the fireworks. Ugh, yeah, fireworks, as always I don't like them a lot, they are so noisy and scary, I just can't stand them. From home I can't hear them as much, but mom always ask us to go to the town for the countdown and the fireworks display. Usually I stand in the back with dad and Dess, but I don't know what I will do now, but I guess I can always count with some special people like my friends, even after everything, Kris is always there and listen to me, I'm so thankful for that... But hey, don't be sad now Noelle, it's New Year Eve, a time to let the sadness go away and make a new you! I guess... This was a great year! I made a new friend, Susie finally is more open to me and Kriss! I can't believe this is actually happening! Yaaaay! After that dream I had some months back in the library, everything started to go better with my new friends. Susie, Kris and I went to the Town Carnival, it was so much fun! We ride the ferris wheel at the Carnival. It was such a pretty view, and with Susie by my side, I didn't feel scared. Also, Kris invited me a couple time to his house, Miss Toriel make the best of the Butterscotch Cinnamon Pies, and she also taught me how to make them, isn't that great! Mom says I don't have to be so modest, and now, I am so proud of how much I improved myself this year. But I hope I can do it tonight, the fireworks on my dream that time looked better...*
As she wrote this last words, she hear a distant firework, scaring her a little. She saw the clock, 8pm, it's time to go to the town New Year festival.
There will be a lot of people, and if they see me, they will notice I'm scared of the fireworks, and that will just scare and embarrassed me more!" Noelle thinks "But it would be worse if I stay at home, and it's scary since I'm alone here, better be on the way now..." She thinks as she takes her bag, and a scarf since it was cold outside.
Now in the town, she saw some familiar faces, of course Susie and Kris would be here, good thing since it's better with friends.
"Hello guys, happy N-new Year Eve! G-good thing to see you two here!" Says Noelle.
As soon as Susie can she starts "Hello Noelle, how's everything going? You seem cold. But anyways, I hope you're fine, since this year you're here alone, we saw your mom working over there and everything it's going fine and(...)"
At this point, Noelle is just distracted at how good Susie was dressed tonight in comparison to an everyday look, boots, black pants, and a black and white sweater with a scarf, looking very warm, since she's a cold blood creature (Pun intended). She could evade and blush like a tomato.
"... Because Kris and me were about to eat some of... Are you ok? You are red! Are you cold? Please don't freeze, let's go to a place where the wind isn't that strong!"
Without letting them say a word, Susie took both of them by the hand and started running to a warmer place, near some food stands. Noelle couldn't believe it, happening again!
After that, they eat and go around the festival, the time is passing, but they are having so much fun Noelle doesn't notice it.
It's almost midnight, and the group of friends sit in a bench, they are full and tired for the night. They ate everything on the fair and had fun, now it's better because they are friends now, so much that Noelle forgot about the fireworks.
"Oh geez, it's almost midnight Kris! You know what that means!", Susie says. *Oh no, it's right, just some minutes and then...* (BOOM!), some fireworks slowly start to blow up.
Noelle starts hyperventilating, one explosion behind another. "Look Noelle, Kris! The fireworks are starting, yeah! " Susie and Kris seen to enjoy them but Noelle it's at her limit. So she steps up from the bench and goes "I'm-I'm sorry, I have t-to go now, thanks for-for everything guys(Boom) (Eek!)H-happy new y-year" Noelle says and quickly goes on the way to her house.
"Noelle wait! Where and why are you going!?" Susie says "Kriss let's go find her" so the two friends try to go behind Noelle.
Afters a little time, of looking for her, they find her in a Street near her house, sitting down a tree, shaking, sobbing and with her little reindeer ears down, in the back some fireworks keep exploiting in the back.
"Oh geez, Noelle, are you! We were worried for you..!" Says Susie as she crouches down to catch up with Noelle "Hey, are you okay? Kris what we should do? Noelle are you hurt? " Susie seems more worried for Noelle that herself. "Oh, I see, thanks Kris..." She says as Kris give her a napkin for Noelle "Here Noelle, take this and clean you face first, so, I guess you should breath slowly first, or that's what Ralsei said? I don't remember, Kris do you remember what Ralsei said about that" Redundantly, Noelle took the napkin, but could barely form words "N-no, I j-just w-wanna go ho-home, t-thanks-s (Eek!)"
As she keeps shaking, Kris carefully approaches with care not to scare her, gives a look at her and goes "She's having a panic attack, talk to her" Susie looks confused but at the same time used to a scared Noelle "Soo, it's anything you need to say?" With help of Susie, she stands up again, and little by little, talk again "I-I don't, r-really like fi-fireworks that much. (Eek!) Come on! Laugh at me, it's ok..."
Susie looks at the sky, shining with fireworks "Ooooh so that's it. What? I'm not gonna make fun of you, we are friends? Why I would...?"
As she says that, a big row of fireworks started exploiting, Kris take a look at his phone, it's midnight. Noelle starts shaking again, crying a little.
"Ok ok Noelle, first of all, Happy New Year, second, I need you yo look at me, don't look at the fireworks, look at me, we can figure it out, just give me a second..."
In a flash attack of nerves, Noelle doesn't think about it and kiss Susie in the mouth.
Noelle still shaking, so Susie understand something of it, so she hugs at her. After some second, they stop for a moment, and they look at each other, Noelle and her are shocked, but at least she isn't crying anymore.
After the commotion, they sit down on the cold sidewalk, Susie makes an improvised protection for Noelle with her scarf. Noelle jumps and let a little sound out of her mouth every time a fireworks goes off, but now she's ok because Susie (and Kris) she feels safe again.
Every time she gets scared, Susie hugs her a little more, and give her a little kiss on her fluffy cheek.
Maybe this will be a good year after all.
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White Day: Iori
I really like his route but at the same time I find it kinda sad. Enjoy :3
Iori: Hello, is this [Your name]-san? It’s your Tsukimitsu Iori. Are you free to talk right now?
Iori: I apologize for getting straight to the point, but would you mind spending some time with me tomorrow?
Iori: Because tomorrow is White Day, of course. …… Huh? I thought you were excitedly waiting for my call, but…?
You: (Tomorrow…)
Player Choices:
1. I was hoping for it
2. I forgot
Option 1:
Iori: I thought so~ That’s good, that’s good. That means it was worth preparing a gift.
Option 2:
Iori: Eh~? That wounds me. Ahaha. I’ve prepared a thank-you gift just in case, you know?
[Rest is the same]
Iori: It will be a little late, but please come to the meeting place at around 10 PM.
Iori: Well then, see you tomorrow.
(He hangs up)
You: (… I wonder if it’ll get late because he has to give gifts to a lot of people)
~ 3/14 ~
Iori: [Your name]-san, sorry to keep you waiting. Please, get in.
You: (Eh, he came by car?)
Player Choices:
1. Is this your car?
2. You can drive?
Option 1:
Iori: No, this is the company’s. I’m sorry, I ended up coming after work just the way I was. It’s pretty embarrassing to come with such an uncool car.
Option 2:
Iori: Huh? Did I say I couldn’t? Or do I look like someone who can’t drive?
[Rest is the same]
Iori: I’ll drive safely. Ah, please put on your seatbelt properly.
Iori: Well then, today is White Day, isn’t it? Yes, of course I prepared a thank you gift. … Here you go.
You: (This box is from a famous high-end store…)
Player Choices:
1. A tart?
2. Millefeuille?
Option 1:
Iori: Yes. I can guarantee for the taste, so please take your time to eat it at home.
Option 2:
Iori: Yes, I really like millefeuille, too. I can guarantee for the taste, so please take your time to eat it at home.
[Rest is the same]
Iori: There are two in this box, so you can either enjoy it to your heart’s content alone, or eat it together with a friend.
You: (Two…?)
Player Choices:
1. I’m glad I get to eat a lot
2. I can’t eat that much
3. … Would you like to eat with me? [Note: Gives you another choice before the branch merge]
Option 1:
Iori: Ahaha, that’s good, I like people who can eat a lot.
Iori: Shall I take you to afternoon tea next time? There’s a restaurant I’m interested in, but their afternoon tea is for two or more people…………
Option 2:
Iori: Oh, you’re a light eater? Or do you dislike sweets?
Iori: In that case, please give it to someone else. Next time, I’ll prepare something else to make up for it. What would you like………
Option 3:
Iori: Ahaha, what a passionate invitation. I’m happy, but I’ll decline for today.
You: (… He refused…)
Player Choices:
1. …… I see
2. Why is that?
3. When would be good for you?
Option 3-1:
Iori: ……… Could it be that you perhaps don’t know much about me?
Iori: If you’re talking about me as a “human”, I’m proud of being reasonably above average, but if you’re talking about me as a “family man”, how should I say…
Iori: … I’m the lowest of the low who’s far beyond help. That’s how it is.
Iori: That’s why you, [Your name]-san, should definitely…………
Option 3-2:
Iori: Ahaha, why indeed? Hmm, should I answer it’s because I’m busy with work, or………
Option 3-3:
Iori: Ahaha, hmm, how about we eat together in the staff canteen next time? I do in fact go there occasionally, so I’ll treat you to desse…………
[Rest is the same]
Iori: ………………………………………… … Ahh, I’m sorry. It seems we got caught up in something troublesome.
Iori: Look back, they’re following us, aren’t they? Ahaha, that’s bad. Even though I thought I’d completely thrown them off my trail.
Iori: No, it’s no big deal. We’ll give him the slip quickly. Or, if we see a good alley, I’ll take care of them.
Iori: I’ll speed up a little, so please take care not to hit your head.
Iori: … Ahh, right. So…
Iori: Do you like ramen?
You: (Ramen?!)
Player Choices:
1. I like them
2. I don’t like them
Option 1:
Iori: I like them a lot, too, and there’s a good ramen place nearby. In the old days, I went to eat there with Toru and Toma after work. I miss those days.
Option 2:
Iori: Eh?! There are people in this world who don’t like Ramen? No no, there’s no way there are, it was a rhetorical question.
Iori: I like them a lot, too, and there’s a good ramen place nearby. In the old days, I went to eat there with Toru and Toma after work. I miss those days.
[Rest is the same]
Iori: So, I’ll get rid of the guys behind us quickly.
Iori: Once that’s done, how about we eat Ramen together? I’ll treat you, as an apology for getting you involved in this.
You: (… Ramen after work…)
Player Choices:
1. Do the three of you still go there?
2. Did the three of you get along well?
Option 1:
Iori: Ahaha, it’s great if you can ask such a thing in a situation like this. Very good.
Iori: I’ll always go if I’m invited. If I invite them, they refuse. That’s how it is.
Option 2:
Iori: Ahaha, it’s great if you can ask such a thing in a situation like this. Very good.
Iori: I did enjoy it. I think it’d be good if the other two felt the same. That’s all.
[Rest is the same]
Iori: Well then, please hold on tight. I’ll speed up some more.
T/N: Literally, what “you” say after Iori hangs up is “[...] because he walks around and gives thanks”, but what’s meant is probably handing out White Day Gifts to a lot of people.
Iori in general has the tendency to draw out some vowels (”Lua-saaaaan”, "White Day desu neeeee”, etc), but it looks... Weird in English to go “It’s White Daaaaaay”. The English term for that I think is drawl? *checks* Yeah, drawl. So uh. Just know he speaks with a slight drawl.
About the “That’s why you, [Your name]-san, should definitely...“ - In Japanese, he also says “motto” at the end, which means “more”. I’d assume he’s about to tell you that you should go date someone who’s more of a family person, or nicer, or younger, or something like this - basically, someone who has (more of) a quality that Iori thinks he lacks.
I’m not 100% sure about the “If I invite them, they refuse” line. Japanese line is “断られたって誘います“ (kotowararetatte sasoimase). Sasou means “invite”, “kotowaru” means refuse, and “tte” is often used to indicate you’re quoting someone, so to me it sounded like he’s inviting them and getting “nope” as a reply.
Middle of a car chase. Iori:”So, do you like Ramen?”. His response if you say no though lmao. That’s how I feel if someone tells me they don’t like Marzipan. Like I’m aware there’s people like that but also....... you’re wrong. Also, the quiet (kinda somber, kinda romantic) music cuts out when Iori notices your pursuers, and after the Ramen question, a goofier music starts up again lmao.
But. “I’m the lowest of the low who’s beyond help” there is a STORY behind this and I want to KNOW it dammit! And I just! Iori!!! That just?? Sounds less like “I don’t want a family” and more like “I’ve given up on it because I think I’d do a terrible job” and DAMMIT I want this man to be HAPPY, PLEASE!!! T_T
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prince-toffee · 4 years
Entrapdak Month
9. Human AU
“Oh sorry. Is Hector home?” The short woman in purple asked with a smile on her youthful tanned face. Freckles on her cheeks and nose, spread out like stars in the night sky. Her smile wide enough to go ear to ear. Two purple pigtails on the back, a beanie hat covering the top of her head. She wore a sleeveless shirt with ‘Dexter Morgan is my role model’, two strange fingerless gloves, a pair of dirty purple sweat pants and a pair of high welling boots. Also dirty. And muddy. She stood proud, she gave off a feeling of mighty height, always towering with her personality. A bag hanged across her left shoulder. She stood on the welcome mate - which had a red ‘not’ sprayed on it, probably one of V’s pranks. She seemed unphased by it or by the light drizzle of rain that night.
Infront of her, in the doorway of the dark mansion, stood eight or so oddly similar looking siblings. Most towering over her, with the exception of Moe in his wheelchair, and Zed who was ten. All of them looked at each other, heads and eyes turning from side to side, disbelief plastered on their facial expressions. After a few moments of awkward silence of staring at each other the disbelief turned to satisfaction and smug happiness. A smirk formed on each of their faces, except for Lee who never smiled, and Zed who was too young to understand. They looked as if they had won a deal or a prize, which they did.
“Sure. He’s in the living room. He’s been waiting, all nervous like.” said V, he was the one with the short shaved hair dyed red, even though all of them looked identical, boys and girls alike, yet he had a more vulture-y look to him with his pointy chin and even skinnier form then Hector, which Entrapta thought was impossible. His voice held a cocky tone to it.
“Please come in.” The woman with the blue mohawk welcomed her in, moving off to the side giving her space to move past them, gesturing with her hand to come into in the house. This was Dess.
“Oh, thank you.” Entrapta tapped her boots on the not-welcome mate getting off the mud before entering the household. The tap was half-hearted so the boots still left semi-muddy imprints on the nice wooden floor. Which had Moe scrunch up his face at the sight, he decided to just pass it, he was going to take care of that later. But hey, it’s the thought that counts. She was kindly asked to take them off and walk around freely in her socks. Dess gestured to the living room. Once again all observers stayed under the door frame of the living room, looking in on the interaction with giddy expressions on their faces.
Sure enough the short visitor spotted Hector in the centre of the room pacing back and forth, looking down at his phone screen. He looked nervous. Entrapta, from over his shoulder, saw her and Hector’s photo from the science fair, with her name above in contacts. She suddenly realised her phone was buzzing the entire way here, Hector must’ve been texting her all this time. He was always so worried, so self-conscious and unsure of himself, but only around her. She found it cute, in a way. Hector still hadn’t noticed her. Entrapta pulled out her phone and glanced at her messages from ‘Hordikins’, 48 messages unread. A giggle almost escaped her throat, she looked at the stream of continuous texts, her lips curling up. Messages were minutes apart. First:
‘Entrapta, you wished to meet. Where would that take place?’
‘Did you mean at your house? I would like to make sure, I wouldn’t want to intrude unwelcomed.’
‘WAIT, did you mean my house?! Because it is a bad idea!’
‘No. No. No.’
‘That is an awful idea. My Brother would kill me.’
‘My Brother will NOT allow it!’
‘Pls stay away!’
‘No please hold on, that sounded wrong. I’m sorry!’
‘I did NOT mean it like that!!’
‘Entrapta please answer!’
‘I am sorry!!!’
‘We can meet at your household. I could come over to your place.’
‘NO wait i didnt mean it like that either!’
‘Plase text bak’
‘Or call’
‘if you wish’
Entrapta had never seen Hordak’s grammar diminish as it continued, well not in text, he turned to an intelligible red tomato in real life every time he talked to her. And just as she finished reading over the last text bubble a new one blipped in. Hector must’ve heard it, because he turned around, his gaze was met with her own eyes, and for a moment he froze. A blush ran across his face, he was paralyzed on the spot with a heatwave storming inside him. Entrapta took the sight in, he wore a black turtle neck, his standard glasses and a black and gold dress with none of his famous slits - which slightly disappointed her. But it got better when she noticed he was wearing the pair of Star Trek socks she gave him for his birthday, she couldn’t believe he actually wore them. She felt her heart melt a little. She could barely hold back an ‘aw’ and it took all of her willpower to do so.
Hector’s blue dyed hair was messy, like he was, prier to her arrival, running through it frantically. A single lock of hair hung down his face, she looked to see Hector nervous, confused and paniced. They maybe realised that they stared at each other in silence a little too long, so Hector cleared his voice. He combed back the rogue lock of hair to look more presentable. His gaze shifted to the cluster of his siblings in the door way to the living room, pocking their heads in with smiles on their faces. Some suggestive ones too. He scowled at them. He set his phone aside.
“Entrapta, could we step out for a moment?” He asked with a wobble in his voice, trying his best to act tough and strong like he always did.
“No, no. We were all just going out for the game anyway... So you two will have the house to yourselves.” Dess stated as she directed her brothers out to the front door. She and Hector locked eyes, she was up to something he felt like. He narrowed his eyes at them, but didn’t do much else. Entrapta was pretty oblivious to the tension and implication.
Hector rubbed his nose, the unwanted audience wasn’t leaving quick enough for him, so he barked at them to chase them off, “Get out!” he yelled as they exited the house with V being the last one out, showing his tongue to him. The doors closed. He returned his gaze to Entrapta. He gestured with his hand to the coach as he himself sat down, Entrapta gladly followed suit as she plopped down on it. “I- um- I’m sorry about them... W-why are you here, Entrapta?”
Entrapta smiled back at him, “Because I wanted to see you silly. I missed you.” Hector wanted to reseed into the coach and never come out, she missed him? He didn’t know she cared that much for him. He found he didn’t know what to do with his hands so he had them strangely intertwined with each other. “And also because I wanted to show you something!” Stars in her eyes, Hector loved looking into them, he could do so all day. Entrapta unzipped her bag and plunged her hand into it and retrieved an item from it. She held it high into the air, “Ta-Da!”.
“What is it?”
“It’s a movie! I thought we could watch something together. Haven’t seen you all week. I missed you.” There it was again that confession, she missed him. He could not believe it, he couldn’t wrap his head around it. He looked at the DVD cover his guest waved in his face, he did not recognise it, he didn’t watch many movies. Nonsensical activities were not allowed in their household by their big Brother. The first game he ever played was Candy Crush on Entrapta’s phone, two weeks ago. He had very limited knowledge and interaction with pop culture. He did not go out much.
“Again, what is it?” Hector asked discombobulated.
“Well, I don’t exactly know, the blurb is super enigmatic. But I heard it’s really good, or that it’s a sin against god, no real middle ground when it comes to it. But I thought we could watch it together!” She rotated the rectangle container side to side, like a mother dangling keys infront of a baby, “Come on, I know how much you love being negative and critique things. You could actually have fun with it.”
“Fun?! You take that back.” He actually managed to make a joke, and it seemed to get Entrapta as she started to giggle. He really hoped it was genuine rather than a pity laugh. The short woman got off the coach and slotted the CD into the DVD player. Hector almost had a heart attack, they weren’t supposed to use it, it was off limits. He thanked the lord that his older Brother was out of town. Entrapta hopped back to the couch. And laid her own head on his shoulder. He stayed quiet, his pose stiffened, his breathing became heavier, his heart rate became more rapid. He hoped his heart wouldn’t jump out of his chest. He looked down on the resting angel woman, she was otherworldly, outstanding, absolutely gorgeous. He then turned to the screen of the television, and saw the movie starting. Perhaps this wasn’t going to be so bad. This could be fun.
Well, it would’ve been, if he didn’t spot his siblings spying on them through the living room window from the outside.
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autisticbee · 5 years
What, no ring?
Master Frown twirls spaghetti around his fork, the only joy (ha.) being watching the strands break. He's known to be a complainer but this is without exaggeration the worst spaghetti he's ever had, it doesn't even slightly compare to what he and Brock can make at home.
"Dude, are you not gonna eat that?" Brock eyes his plate like it's not too much of an abomination to even call food.
Frown's brow creases even more. "Nope." Without any further words he shoves the detested plate to Brock's side of the table.
Brock shrugs. "It's not that bad, not that good either but not that bad." He shoves a fork full of the discarded meal into his mouth and Frown isn't sure what to make of the fact he keeps thinking about how that fork was in his own mouth a few minutes ago.
Stop being weird, brain. He thinks to himself.
"I dunno why we even had to come here, their food is shi-" Frown cuts himself off realising there are kids at a table nearby and then internally scolds himself for being soft and to stop letting Unikitty, or Brock for that matter, rub off on him. "-Garbage."
Brock stifles a laugh. "C'mon, eating out once in a while is cool, I don't wanna cook alllll the time."
"Well, maybe I do." Frown crosses his arms in petulance. "We don't even have the money for desert, which is the only good part about eating in a stuffy place full of too many happy-dappy people." He glares indiscriminately around the room.
Brock rolls his eyes. "Whatever man, just, stick it out for a little while longer, Okay?" He asks, pleadingly.
Frown keeps his glare for 3 seconds, before heaving a heavy sigh. "Fine. But we are getting dessert."
"What? You just said we don't have the money-"
Frown waves an arm wildly. "Gimme a second, I'll think of something." He has like 2 cents so yeah, he's broke. Could order something then not pay but then they'd get banned and maybe he'd do that on his own but Brock would be pretty peeved off because for some reason he actually likes this place sooooo-
He leaps up from the table, a slightly maniacal smile on his face. "Ha! I got it."
"The perfect plan to score free dessert."
"Oooh, fake a birthday?"
"What? No! no one falls for that anymore." Yeah he had kinda used that one to death.
"Then....? Can you kinda hurry up I need to pee."
"Wait, you're part of the plan you can't go yet." Frown reaches across the table and grabs Brock's hands in a vice grip. "Fake. Proposal." He whispers.
"Um, I don't know...how about we just go home now and I can make cookies, my treat!"
"Dude, we could get like the most expensive dessert on the menu! People love all that sappy stuff, especially people who work at restaurants." He leans back into his seat and sticks out his tongue in (faux, not that he'd admit) disgust.
Brock glances at the menu nervously. "It does sound really good. Aren't you worried something like that could get back to the doom lords though, pretty sure that'd damage your image."
"Pffft. It won't, even it did I'd just tell them the truth and we could have a good laugh about it. Look I've been really good with minimal complaining today, can't I do a little something to tip the balance to the other side?"
"Okay, but I'm not taking the blame if they figure us out, this is the only good place we're still allowed into."
"Yeah, sure." Frown loudly screeches his chair back, drawing the attention of various patrons. "Play along." He whispers to Brock before standing up on the chair. "Brock, baby," He pitches his voice a bit louder. "Will you marry me?"
Brock feels unexpected heat in his cheeks and wills it to go away. "What, no ring?"
"Uhhhhhh." Frown rubs the back of his head. "It's...taking longer than expected to get it engraved...?"
"Then maybe you should have thought about that before proposing? Kind of a let down."
"The ring isn't important!" 
"Oh wow, if that's how you feel about it I'm not sure I should say yes." 
Frown face-palms, willing Brock to remember the plan. "Can we not argue before we've even had dessert." He says pointedly.
"Oh. Oooh, yeah you know what you're right it doesn't matter, so yes, I guess."
"You guess?" This was not working out well, why the heck did Brock have to get so into it?
"I think I'm just still kinda hungry, also I still need to pee and it's making me cranky, heh that rhymed." Brock smiles to himself. "Uh-Anyway, 'course I'll marry you, who else is gonna be by my side." 
Frown tries to ignore how that almost sounded genuine, and plasters on a fake smile. "That's great, go to the bathroom and I'll order us something special."
He notices a waiter approaching as Brock gets up and practically runs to the closest toilet. "Hey can we have Ultimate Desse-....oh nooooo, I seem to be out of cash." Frown says in a dramatic tone.
The waiter rolls their eyes. "It's on the house, for the sake of your poor fiance."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Frown sulks back into his chair.
By the time the order arrives, which makes Frown cringe at how it must have been prepared for quite a while to come so quick, Brock has come back to the table.
In theory every dessert on the menu mixed together sounds great but in actuality it's a monstrous mix of ice cream and chocolate and cheesecake and bananas and...gingerbread? And jelly and sprinkles and it just...
"Wait, you don't even like sweet stuff." Brock points out, the 'except for my cookies' is left unsaid.
Realisation hits Frown like a brick. 
Brock just looks uncomfortable. "I don't think I can eat all this, why did we want this again?"
"I don't know." Frown bangs his head against the table top.
"That was pretty impressive I've got to admit." 
"I made myself eat half of it and then I threw up." Brock clutches his stomach as they enter their apartment. "All that mess..."
"Uh yeah! That's why it was so impressive, think of how much longer the person who has to clean that up will have stay after work." Frown tries his attempt at evil laughter, which in the past has earned mocking from his fellow doom lords.
Brock collapses on the sofa. "I can't think about it anymore, I just wanna sleep for like ten thousand years."
Frown fits himself in the gap at the free end of the sofa. "Does that mean I can have the TV to myself?"
"Go for it man, just not too loud." 
But Brock starts shifting about on the sofa, which Irritates Frown too much to let him watch tv. "What's wrong with you?"
"I can't get comfy, and my tummy hurts." Brock whines. 
Frown rolls his eyes. "Come here, dork."
Brock does as told and Frown motions for him to rest his head on his lap. "Hey that's no way to talk to your fiance." He giggles then regrets it as his stomach jolts.
Frown starts rubbing his stomach, it's not really something entirely out of the usual for them both but for some reason things this have started seeming more and more intense. "...You're never gonna let that go, are you."
"Nah." Brock grins lazily, the motion making him want to sleep even more. Frown's rarely soft with anyone but him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't sorta revel in it. Brock wonders for a moment what would change between them if earlier hadn't been a ploy for free food, what it'd be like if they actually got married. They basically bicker like a old married couple already and they even kiss every night.
Just not, you know, in a romantic way.
They just kiss on the lips every night in a totally platonic bro way. Yep. 
Brock leaps up, startled by a sudden revelation. 
"Hey what the heck, you need to puke again or something?" 
"No! Just decided I'mma head to bed, haha." 
"Oookay." Frown stares at him strangely. "Want me to tuck you in and-"
"Nope! I'm good!"
"Thought you couldn't sleep without your nighty-"
"I'm good! Goodnight!" Brock rushes off to his room and slams the door.
"That was weird." Frown stares at the closed door for a minute, feeling oddly disappointed, then he shrugs and turns up the TV. 
"Whoa, look at that." Brock points to poster on a nearby building. "Free vacation."
Frown raises an eyebrow, and reads it closely. "Yeah, for couples. And it's a competition in the unikingdom, ew."
"Well...what if we...pretended again?"
"What?" Frown baulks. He did consider the idea himself but wouldn't have imagined Brock being the one to bring it up. "Why?"
"We could never afford something like that, plus you could always like, tell Unikitty it was fake after the holiday and that would make her pretty sad maybe?"
"...I'm listening." Frown pauses in thought. "We'd have to play it up more."
"By play it up more do you mean holding hands orrr french kissing?" 
"I don't know! just whatever it takes." The blush on Frown's cheeks could in fact ruin his reputation and he needed it stop like right now, There's no reason to blush about the idea of kissing your best friend on a more...intimate...level like a teenager with a crush. 
Because obviously he doesn't have one. "When does this thing happen anyway?"
"In about, twenty minutes." Brock squints at the poster. "How long has this been here?"
"Where the heck is everyone?" Frown glances around the empty gymnasium that was supposed to be the setting for the vacation competition.
"I hear crying behind that curtain on the podium." Said crying abruptly stops.
Frown rubs a hand down his face. "Oh boy."
There's a quiet like the lull before a storm before a pink and glittery blur flies out from behind the curtain. "OHMYGOSH THERE'S ANOTHER COUPLE HERE PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT FAKE-" Unikitty cuts herself off and glances down at Frown and Brock. "Oh it's you two...Master Frown if you're here to ruin this you're too late! Everyone was a bunch of fakers." Unikitty bursts into tears.
Frown groans. "No, we're here to enter your stupid competition, buuuut since no once is here I guess we win by default." 
Unikitty's tears stop again. "Whaaa? You guys are TOGETHER? LIKE REALLY TOGETHER?! SO THAT PROPOSAL RUMOUR WAS TRUE!"
Frown scowls. "How do you know about that." Great, now they really needed to put on a ruse.
"Uh, Unikitty, the competition?" Brock prompts kindly.
"Sorry, sorry! I can't help it I just looooOve weddings, ahem, I can't just let you guys win, Hawkodile needs to make sure you're the real deal because everyone who else who came earlier were just pretending to be a couple, can you believe it! It's so sad." Unikitty pauses to suck in a deep breath. "But I'm sure you're not lying, I always knew there was a thing between you two." She winks.
"Since when-Ow!" Frown glares at Brock after getting jabbed in the ribs.
"Dude, you'll blow our cover." Brock tries to subtly whisper, despite being a bit taken back too. Sure they're close but did they really give off that vibe? Or was that just because of Unikitty's rose coloured glasses?
"Princess, do I really need to test them? They're obviously faking! I mean, it's Master Frown." Hawkodile gestures exaggeratedly at Frown.
Frown creases his brow. "When did you get here." 
"Yeah but it's also Brock! We can trust him." Unikitty looks pleadingly at Hawkodile.
Brock winces.
"Ugh, fine. But they're gonna have to pass the quiz of true love to convince me." Hawkodile crosses his arms.
"That's a ridiculous quiz name." Frown tries to ignore the fact he's started sweating.
"You're ridiculous!" Hawkodile turns his gaze to Brock and points a finger at him. "You!"
"Yeah...?" Brock tries to keep a neutral face.
"What's Master Frown's favourite colour?" 
Frown bursts out laughing. "Oh come on that's an easy one-"
"Black?" Brock speaks tentatively.
"Wait it is? I just thought black would be your thing because darkness and all that sort of stuff."
"Blue is the colour of sadness and tears!" Frown pouts, aghast that that they had failed on the very first question.
"Hmmm." Hawkodile strokes his chin. "Okay, Frown you're up."
"What's Brock's favourite video game?"
"Uhhhhh, the dead one 7?" 
"Are you serious?! Don't you remember me saying how I had to wait out in the rain to get a hold of dawn-breaker 3 and that it was all worth it because it was the greatest game ever?" 
We are not getting that trip. Frown thought, as Brock looked ready to cry.
"Guess I was wrong about you two." Hawkodile speaks.
"You were? I mean, uh yeah you were." Frown fakes confidence.
"Yeah, anyone actually faking would have memorised each other's favourite things too well, like they had only just found out that day, and tried to look like the perfect couple but clearly you guys have some issues." 
"No kidding." Brock turns away from Frown with a 'Hmph.'
Unikitty, who had been unusually quiet for the last few minutes, flies around and groups up Frown and Brock into a hug. "Yaaaay, I'm so happy you guys didn't let me down, HEY! If you get married at the beginning of next year you could use this holiday as your honeymoon!!! WOULDN'T THAT BE AMAZING."
"Get off." Frown struggles out of her grip, leading to a short fall to the ground. "Ugh."
"Wait, why did you say next year?" Brock asks in befuddlement. 
"Didn't you read the poster? The vacation is for next year! This competition was kindaaaa a last minute idea what with valentine's day coming up and all and it turns out that everything was already booked up for this year...sooo..." Unikitty sets Brock on the ground gently.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Frown screams, face down on the floor. 
"It's still better than never, right?" Brock laughs nervously. "Sorry bro, I must have missed that part..."
"She did write it in really small print." Hawkodile points out.
"Shhhhhh, thanks for your help Hawkodile! But I need to discuss something with Master Frown and Brock in private please." 
Hawkodile squints, turning to leave. "Uh, okay. I'm watching you, Frown."
Frown gets up, dusting himself off. "Can we leave now." 
"Hang on." Unikitty pulls out a piece of folded up paper. "While you two were busy with Hawkodile I decided to write down some wedding planning ideas!" The folded piece of paper unfolds into a very, very long list.
"Well, I would really like to hear your ideas, Unikitty." Brock smirks at Frown.
"I should have just stayed on the floor." 
"Did you seriously have to listen to every single one of her hare-brained ideas in excruciating detail?" Frown gestures wildly, standing in front of the TV.
Brock moves his head to the side, trying to see and continue playing his game. "You really hurt my feelings, you know how important gaming is to me." Brock exits the game in frustration as Frown moves to block him even more. "I thought we had gotten better at this communication stuff since...you know..."
"And you know how important misery is to me! You couldn't even remember my favourite colour." Frown glances down at the ground. He knows he's being childish...but he's naturally defensive.
"That's not the same thing, this is a huge part of my life! One day I could be one of those gamers that wins those like huge tournaments and bringing in the big money! And then we could live in a huge awesome house and wouldn't have to worry about landlords, or the rat infestation we can't afford to deal with or-"
"Hang on, you still see us living together even if you became a big shot gamer?" 
"Duh! Look we've been faking a lot of stuff but I meant it when I said 'Who else is gonna be by my side', you're always gonna be a part of my future no matter what happens. I just wish you'd support me more..."
The guilt Frown had been pushing down for this entire conversation pushes it's way out at the sight of Brock's sad eyes. "Look...I'm sorry, okay? You're right, I just expect you to go along with my schemes and then I don't support you enough with what you wanna do, I'll...work on that." Frown rubs his arm.
"I mean, you did support with that holiday thing, and there was cheerleading thing..."
"...Maybe, you should do the cheerleading thing again sometime, you were pretty good at it and it could be a back up plan in case the gaming falls through."
A small smile appears on Brock's face. "You really thought I was good at it?"
Frown rolls his eyes. "Uh, yeah. You were awesome. Uniform suited you too-I mean, yeah, pretty good." 
Brock contemplates on if he should risk saying something, to test the waters for a whole other kind of thing I wants to ask. "I thought you looked pretty cute in the uniform too." 
Frown splutters. "I-I'm not cute! What are you even-Cool and handsome maybe, but cute? Seriously?!" 
Despite his protests, Brock notes how Frown's face is turning incredibly red. "Nah, you're definitely really cute."
"Yeah?! Well, you're really handsome, so there." Frown's head screams a chorus of WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING. 
Brock stifles a laugh. "Was that supposed to be a comeback? You think I'm handsome? Oh no I'm so hurt." This time he can't stop the laughter and doesn't even mind the pink on his own face. 
Frown scrunches his face up. "Whatever! You realise Unikitty is never gonna leave us alone now, it's my worst nightmare." He walks over to the couch and sits down next to Brock, quietly fuming.
Brock coughs to clear his throat. "I mean...there is a way we could stop that happening in the long term."
"Like what?"
"She just wants to help us plan our 'wedding' right? As soon as that's over it'll be back to the usual."
"Which is never going to happen since a wedding is not actually going to happen, how does that help." 
"What if it did?" 
"What if...what did?" 
Brock taps his hands together, focusing on them. "What if we got married, like, for real."
"...You've lost me."
"Think about it, we kiss every night-"
"That's just to get you to sleep."
"-We have baths together-"
"It saves time!"
"-We've even shared a bed before-"
"Look sometimes I just get really cold, and it saves on heating in the winter."
"What I'm saying is, it's already like we're married, and if we were actually married we could get the benefits that come with that too. It makes sense, right?"
"Like one of those platonic marriages? Between bros?" 
Brock sighs. "Is that how you feel? I just thought-Never mind."
It dawns on Frown that all the confusing thoughts and feelings he's had for a while now, proved that was in fact not how he felt at all. He'd been trying to deny it the whole time but truth is... "No. I kinda...enjoyed pretending we were together, we didn't do much but just knowing people thought that-" Thrilled him, didn't seem like the right words. "I might be...in love with you or something." He refuses to look at Brock.
"Phew, that's a relief. Pretty sure I'm in love with you too, dude."
"Oh." Still stubbornly not looking. 
"C'mon, look at me." Brock reaches out and cups Frown's face, turning him to face him. "I love you."
"Oh." Frown repeats, in a much softer tone. He's not really good with words, more so with actions, he leans in without thinking. 
They've kissed many times before, but they were always brief pecks and without overt romantic intentions. Because of that, it's still a fairly light kiss but with more passion, more feeling given into it. 
"Mmm." Frown finds himself moaning as Brock pulls away. "That was embarrassing." He mumbles.
"Nuh uh, that was great. I like kissing you."
"Stop, this is already too mushy. Hey, is that why you ask for one every night?" 
"Huh? You don't remember?" Brock asks, clearly perplexed.
"Remember what?"
"When were kids, and I had my first sleepover at your house but I couldn't sleep because Mama used to kiss me on the cheek every night, so you offered to do it-"
"Ugh, yeah. You never specified where so I kissed you on the mouth and you said I did it wrong." 
"And youuuu said you weren't my mom so 'Of course I'll kiss you different, silly'." Brock mimics the high pitch child's voice he can still hear in his mind. 
Frown groans. "Don't remind me, I was a weird kid."
Brock snorts. "Weird adult too. Also really sweet, I mean you're still willing to give me a nighty-night kiss so you're not as bad as you like to make out."
Frown gasps. "You take that back! I'm a menace!" 
"Oh yeah, sure. A real menace who gives his best friend tummy rubs when he's sick, kisses him before bed, and who just said he's in love with me."
"Yeah...but you're different, yanno? There's no one I like as much as you, I wouldn't do that stuff for just anyone." Frown recoils at his own words. "Gross, I'm being sappy again." 
"Aw, I don't know dude, I like it." 
"Can we just go back to the kissing?" Frown pouts.
"Not until you answer my question."
"What questi--Ohhhh." It's Frown's turn to look nervous. "I'm not opposed to it, as long as we have a loooong engagement period, there's no way we're actually gonna have our honeymoon early next year."
"Wait, so that's a yes? You're really okay to jump straight from a blooming relationship to engaged?"
"I'm saying, yes, I will probably marry you at some not yet set date in the future. Thought you'd be thrilled."
"I am! I totally am! Just, if you don't want to you don't have to...I know it's kinda rushing things."
"I know I don't have to, I want to. Is it that hard to believe that I wanna marry your dorky butt and grow old together or whatever." 
"We gotta do this right then, and go ring shopping."
"...I don't think you're supposed to do that together."
"I thought you were a bad boy." 
"You better believe I am, baby! In fact, maybe we should go steal rings."
"Okay, not that far. What was that you said about going back to the kissing?"
Frown grins as he draws closer. "Now that's a better idea."
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
SVT Hip-Hop Unit Reaction to You Falling in Love W/ Them Even Though They’re Aliens
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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Author’s Note: Hey anon, thanks so much for requesting! And this is by no means too tame, I think it’s really cute and this was super fun to write! I love fluff and you can always feel free to request it. I really hope you like it. Since it’s only four members, I tried to give you a long one! 
Trigger Warning: none
Genre: fluff 
Word-Count: 5.7K+ 
You are on: Gaia, a dwarf planet 
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Seungcheol has a decent amount of brain cells and if it wasn’t for the fact that he almost died in the crash, he probably would have been off Earth pretty quickly and never would have even met you.
Unfortunately, when his ship crash-landed, he broke several bones and was in pretty critical condition.
On the night this happened, you happened to be walking your dog when there was a gigantic streak across the sky and a loud crash that shook the earth and made you think the world was ending for a split second. It all sounds very dramatic but it happened pretty quick actually.
For a second, neither you or your dog knew what had happened and you just stared at each other in stunned silence. Finally, you both recovered from the shock and, being the dumbasses you are, raced in the direction of the crash site.
When you got there, your jaw dropped upon seeing a gigantic vessel, obviously a spaceship, resting against a large tree, smoke emitting from the top. There was a deep gouge in the earth from where the ship had slid across the meadow upon collision. Despite how sleek and delicate the ship looked, there weren’t too many dents, but the smoke and various disturbing noises coming from it didn’t really sound so good, so you figured the inside didn’t really look as neat and undamaged.
So stunned from what you were seeing, your brain hadn’t even had time to process what was happening before your dog ran over the side of the ship, barking urgently.
“Hey, D/N, come back here!” you ran after them. “You don’t know what’s over . . . . there . . . oh no.”
The glass, that probably served as a windshield, was cracked, shattered almost completely and in the middle was a giant jagged hole where a man’s body had launched through.
The man was motionless, arms at odd angles and blood leaking rapidly from the cuts littering his body. But the blood...was...blue?
It was a pretty periwinkle color and it stunned for a moment before you remembered that the man was probably severely hurt. But also he was apparently an alien. What if he was dangerous?
Your dog continued barking at you, growling a bit as if to say What are you waiting for? Help him!
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” you hissed frantically to yourself, trying your best to haul the man out of the busted windshield without furthering his injuries.
He was quite heavy, a decent height frame lined with muscle and you yelped as you finally pulled him out and toppled over with the force of his weight leaning on you.
A blue cuff on his left wrist was beeping frantically and, not knowing what else to do, you pressed the blinking red button.
Immediately, several frantic voices flooded through the cuff (or maybe a communication device) and you balked at the sound of the alien language coming out of their mouths.
“Hello?” you tried and immediately the voices stopped.
“Hello? My name is Y/N, and I’ve got your friend. His ship crashed here and he’s hurt really bad. I-I don’t know what to do, do I take him to a doctor?”
There was a rustling noise and the murmuring of voices. You thought you caught the word “English” a few times, but their accent was thick and unlike anything you’d ever heard before, so you could easily be mistaken.
Finally, someone came on the phone, his English perfect and accent identical to yours, “Hi, Y/n. I’m Joshua. The man you have is Seungcheol. Can you describe his injuries for me, please?”
“Uh, he flew out of ship windshield, he has glass embedded in him, probably a few broken bones, losing a lot of blood, some deep cuts and gouges, and he’s unconscious.”
There was a large sound of relieved sighs before Joshua spoke again, “Ok, that’s good, that’s easy. All you have to do is push the yellow button on the communication device you’re speaking on.”
You wasted no time in following his directions and yelped when a blue net enveloped the man, clinging tight to his skin. The glass embedded inside him shot out and blue blood began clotting against the cuts.
“The external damage should heal quite quickly, but the internal damage will take some time. He needs lots of rest and not to be disturbed.”
“I-I can take him back to my house until someone comes and gets him.”
There was silence for a moment before a new voice spoke, accent a lot thicker but words still understandable. “It will be a few months before we can get him. Earth isn’t exactly close to us.”
“That’s fine,” you said with no hesitation.” I’ll take care of him.”
It took three weeks for Seungcheol to wake up. You supposed his internal damage was quite extensive, but considering the face that he never got any medical treatment, you found it quite impressive.
Seungcheol would be very grateful that you agreed to let him stay at your house until his brothers came to fetch him. He found the fact that you even stopped to help him and activated his communication device to be very kind-hearted and he treated you like a god/dess among men.
He would be at your beck and call, doing anything you asked of him in an attempt to repay you for saving his life and giving him a place to stay.
It would take a bit of coaxing for you to finally get him to relax and start treating like an equal instead of his boss or royalty from a foreign land.
He would open up slowly about his role as the caretaker of his twelve younger brothers and the antics they get up to.
Despite the looming threat of his departure, you couldn’t help falling for the kindness in his eyes and his thoughtfulness and selflessness. It was hard not to swoon at the gentle way he touched you and the strength with which he protected you.
Seungcheol was so kind and so grateful to you for saving him that it was incredibly difficult for you to tell if he actually had feelings for you or if he was just being nice.
But when a tall boy showed up on your doorstep, the same Joshua you spoke to months ago, and said they were ready to take Seungcheol back, you couldn’t help the tears from falling.
Joshua left to let you two have a moment in private.
Seungcheol was panicked and flabbergasted.
“Why are you crying?” he said, taking your face in his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumbs. The feeling of his warm hands cupping your face so softly, like you were the most precious thing on your planet or his, made you spill your feelings before you even realized what was happening.
“I’m in love with you, Cheol. I tried to ignore it because I know you have to go back, and I didn’t know if you felt the same, but I don’t want you to leave, I love you so much,” Seungcheol’s eyes were wide, jaw dropped as you collapsed onto his chest, crying into his t-shirt.
He never thought you’d feel the same. He didn’t think you’d want someone like him, someone with blue blood and a different home planet and twelve people who depend on him. But you do. You’re in love with him. And no matter the obstacle, he wasn’t planning on letting your feelings or his go to waste.
“I love you too,” he said, closing his arms around you.
“We’ll figure it out,” he resolved. “I don’t care what we have to do, as long as we stay together.”
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Wonwoo is not concerned about going back to his home planet.
Like, at all.
He lets his brothers know where he is so that they won’t have to worry, but that’s about it. He knows that they will eventually come to retrieve him, but until then, he figures he might as well enjoy this impromptu vacation away from their stupidity.
He seems to be more concerned with learning about Earth and studying the culture of your town where he landed.
You meet him at the coffee shop you frequent. You’re there to do your normal studying one evening and get in a quick caffeine fix when you see him walk in, arms filled with at least eighteen different library books on the most random topics.
You assume that he’s a college student, too. Maybe he’s studying for his thesis or whatever.
You’re really too preoccupied with the test you’re pretty sure you’re going to fail to care.
You get your drink and sit down at a table, cracking open a book and your notes to get started.
You have even begun to start concentrating when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You look up to see cute library book boy standing over you, face expressionless, hands cupping various coins and dollar bills.
“Excuse me, how much of this is nine dollars and seventy-two cents?” he asks.
Your brows raise in bewilderment and you glance to the barista who seems to be equally confused, looking at you and shrugging.
But Wonwoo’s expression doesn’t waver, and you realize he’s dead serious. Figuring that he must be a foreigner that hasn’t yet grasped the currency exchange rate, you pick out the necessary currency and hand it to him.
“Thank you. That is what you say here, right?”
“Uh,” you blinked, “yeah.”
The man nodded and walked back to the counter.
You stared for a moment, trying to shake yourself out of the bizarre conversation and focus back onto your schoolwork.
You’re just about to succeed in doing that when you feel another tap on your shoulder.
Beginning to get annoyed now, you turn to see cute library book boy once again, but this time, he has a coffee in his hand and his eyes are focused on some of the homework problems you’d completed in a study session a couple of hours prior.
“Those are wrong,” he deadpans before pulling a seat next to you and correcting them.
 A part of you wanted to curse him out, but when you thought about it, it was actually a nice, helpful thing he was doing, even if he wasn’t really minding his business at all.
Wonwoo turns out to be a pretty good teacher. He seems to know everything about this complicated-ass college math you’re learning and he explains it all to you in a very clear, easy-to-understand way.
You cover twice the material in half the time, and you’re astounded by the time you both are done.
“Thank you so much!” you gush, looking back and forth between him and your much better notes in disbelief.
For the first time since you two have spoken, you see a hint of emotion on his face, his expression sheepish as he looks down into his nearly empty cup of coffee and nods, without saying anything.
“Are you a student too? You’ve taken this class before?”
Wonwoo stares at you for a moment before nodding.
“Yes,” he said, nodding. “I most certainly attend,” he takes a sly peek at the cover of your textbook, “advanced calculus.”
Wonwoo isn’t particularly hard to get used to. He doesn’t really say much, just follows you around and observes, while reading books at an admittedly alarming rate.
He claims that he reads so many strange and arbitrary things because he’s a foreign exchange student from South Korea who’s studying the culture of your country.
You have no reason to not believe him. Some of the things he's curious about or asks about are a bit strange. You’ve caught him giving completely commonplace things like the toilet or refrigerator very odd looks, opening the fridge doors and flushing the toilet as if trying to see what’ll happen or what the machine will do. You’ve seen him read the weirdest books, on the evolution and making of bees and their honey, and satellite dishes, and infrared waves.
He always comes up with good excuses though, and who in their right mind would really come to the conclusion that someone’s an alien, so you have no problem believing him.
Even when you get to know Wonwoo more, he’s still not a talker, but he does talk a little. He tells you of his family and a bit about his home. But he’s very reserves since he doesn’t know how you’ll react to him being an alien, and he can’t risk giving himself away.
He doesn’t want to lose your company, or worse, have you turn him in to the authorities.
But he does an excellent job of listening to what you have to say. He remembers every single thing you tell him, even down the small things like which incredibly minor character you hated in a show you both watched months ago. He always gives you the best advice and a shoulder to cry on and never judges you. He protects you in his own little tsundere way and you find yourself forgetting what it’s like not to have Wonwoo around.
It becomes a rare occurrence to see one of you without the other. You both feed off each other's strengths and energy, becoming a powerful whole when combined.
Being with him in as natural as breathing, so it becomes very easy to notice when he starts pulling away.
Wonwoo knows he only has a couple of weeks left here, that his brothers can’t be too far away. And he knows that he’ll probably never be able to see you again. He knows that he can’t give you a satisfactory explanation. Because if he really was in South Korea, at least you guys would be able to Skype and talk on the phone and visit each other every once in a while, maybe even exchange letters and emails or something.
But there couldn’t be any of that, and he wouldn’t be able to give you any explanation as to why. Just had to abandon you without a backward glance, ignoring the pain in your eyes, and that constricting feeling in his heart that appeared whenever he was away from you for too long.
He couldn’t bear to go through any of that, so he resolved that this way was better. Just gradually stop being around each other until, by the time he left, you wouldn’t even notice he was gone.
But Wonwoo greatly underestimated both your feelings for him and his importance in your daily life.
You couldn’t get coffee without thinking about him, couldn’t eat without thinking about him, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t read, couldn’t study, couldn’t attend lectures.
You missed your other half, you needed an explanation for why he was pulling away from you.
One night, you’d had enough.
Wonwoo rented a small house on the edge of town, kind of near the woods, and you wasted no time in driving there and bursting in with the key he gave you.
You couldn’t find him in the entire house and the entire thing looked very clean....like someone had moved out.
Your heart sank.
“Wonwoo! WONWOO!”
Panic raced through your veins as you took off into the nearby woods, startled birds fleeing their coops at the sound of your shrieks, but you were too preoccupied to care.
He couldn’t have left, not without saying goodbye, not without even mentioning it to you. He wouldn’t do that. Maybe he didn’t have romantic feelings for you like you did for him, but you knew he felt something for you, he couldn’t have gone back to Korea without saying anything.
“Y/N?” Wonwoo said, confused.
You skidded to a halt, taking a few cautious steps back, in befuddled awe at the giant spaceship you were looking at right now.
You’d run right in a clearing where a giant disk of unidentified metal, glowing a bright blue, sat. Twelve other boys were there, looking at you quite surprised and scared but Wonwoo was just confused and astonished.
“What are you doing here? How did you get out here?” he said, coming closer to you.
You just continued staring at the spaceship and stammering. “You, y-you, how....” You looked at him, realization finally dawning on him.
“You’re a—”
“You shouldn't be here,” Wonwoo interrupted, looking away as if he could bear to hear the word alien come out of your mouth. His shoulders were slumped and his eyes downcast, you’d never seen him look so defeated.
“I didn’t tell you goodbye for a reason, Y/N. I didn’t want to have to say goodbye to you or tell you what I am. I didn’t want you to think bad of me or turn me in.”
You frowned, the shock wearing off as you stepped closer to him, taking his hand in yours.
“I don’t think badly of you, Wonwoo. I don’t care what you are, it doesn’t change my feelings for you.”
Now it was Wonwoo’s turn to look shocked and confused. “What feelings, Y/N?” he said cautiously.
Instead of responding, you just stood closer and lightly touched your lips to his. The kiss was gentle, short, barely-even-there, but it still snatched the breath from your chest.
Wonwoo’s eyes were wide, his grin broad. It was the happiest you’d ever seen him.
“If it means I never have to see that again,” drawled an incredibly short, pale boy whose face looked like he’d rather be anywhere but here, “then Wonwoo can stay.”
“You’re the worst brother ever, Woozi,” Wonwoo said with no malice in his tone before kissing you again.
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Mingyu wasn’t quite as lucky as Vernon. He got a concussion in the crash and passed out, but he wasn’t in nearly as bad a shape as Seungcheol, so that’s lucky.
But what Mingyu makes up for in not being injured, he loses in the amount he panics. Mingyu is one of those people that starts freaking out and loses ALL of his damn common sense.
He ran around in circles screaming for fifteen whole minutes, scaring away all the small animals nearby.
Eventually, as he got a good look at the foreign planet around him, his hysteria mounted even higher and his idiot brain told him to run until he came to civilization.
That’s exactly what he did. Arms up and screaming like a Spongebob character, Mingyu ran all the way to your house.
When you opened the door, the last thing you expected was to see a six-foot-tall screaming man with lilac skin like a fucking alien Sim. Mingyu had completely forgotten that he had purple skin and was stranded on a planet full of humans who had never even discovered that aliens existed yet.
You shrieked, which made Mingyu scream even louder.
For a moment you just stood there shrieking at each other, waking your confused and angry neighbors up in the process.
Thankfully, your bran eventually realized the potential consequences of someone coming out to get their mail and seeing this purple man in your doorway and you pulled him in by his shirt-collar, slamming the door behind him, and immediately crossing to the window to look out and make sure that no one had seen.
No one appeared for a moment, but eventually, heads started to pop out of windows and front doors flew open as your neighbors looked for the source of the disturbance.
No one seemed to have seen the strange purple man on your doorstep.
The man who was still screaming.
It took six slaps for you to finally get Mingyu under control and he pouted intensely as he rubbed the red and slightly swollen left side of his face.
It didn’t take much for Mingyu to explain the situation and, after the fright he’d given you on your doorstep, it was easy for you to accept the circumstances as he contacted his brothers who told him that they would be there as soon as possible to pick him up.
Unlike Vernon, Mingyu actually made himself useful when staying at your house. He cooks and cleans and takes care of most of your housework while you’re at work or school. You may have to teach him how to work some of the things, like the microwave or the oven, but once you show him a couple of times, he’s got it. He makes use of the internet and learns the most common recipes for your culture and area and he’ll make sure to have hot meals ready for you when you leave and when you come home. He’ll also pack you a lunch and some pretty tasty snacks.
Mingyu is incredibly easy to talk to and you and he will spend hours of the night in conversation with each other. He listens to every single word you say and he loves how gentle and patient you are about explaining the way things work on earth.
He loves how hard-working and passionate you are and anything that annoys/saddens you, he will instantly hate.
You two don’t have an instant connection, it’s something that’s almost even more special, that slow melding of souls as you two get to know each other until eventually, you both know each other’s deepest darkest secrets.
Mingyu is the only one of the fours who will sit down and have a mature conversation with you when he sees that both of you are catching feelings for each other. He’s perceptive enough to see that you don’t give a fuck about him being an alien and that you’re falling for him just as hard as he is for you, so he doesn’t hesitate to talk to you about it.
"We need to talk,” Mingyu says by way of greeting the moment you get home from school/work.
Your brow furrows as you set your bag down.
Mingyu’s sitting at the dining table and your heart skips a beat when you see that in the seat across from him, a hot meal is already fixed and waiting for you.
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you sit down in front of him, too anxious to pick up the fork and dig in yet.
Mingyu twiddles his thumbs for a while before sighing, leveling you with a serious look that’s rare for him.
“I’m falling in love with you,” he says simply.
You stare at him for a few seconds before slowly nodding.
“Me too. I know you’ll have to leave soon, but I can’t help it. I love you a lot.”
Mingyu smiles, slyly sliding his large hand across the table, entwining his fingers with yours.
“I don’t have to leave. They can fix my ship so I can go back if I need to, but I don’t have to.”
“Then stay,” you breathe, looking into his eyes pleadingly, “Or I’ll stay with you. I don’t care what planet we stay on, as long as we stay with each other.”
Mingyu nodded. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
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Considering what just happened, Vernon isn’t nearly as worried about the situation as he should be.
His ship isn’t particularly banged up, its fixable with the technology his alien race has. The only issue is Vernon isn’t very tech-savvy, to say the least, so he has no hope of fixing it by himself. If he wants to make it back to his homeworld, he has to call one of his twelve brothers to come to get him.
But Vernon is pretty curious and fascinated by Earth and he also doesn’t want to get scolded by Joshua and Woozi, so he really isn’t in a hurry to call for help.
You’re in a nearby forest, trying to take some notes and pictures of local animals for your Biology class. Your earbuds are in and you’re focused intensely on your task so you don’t even notice the crash.
When you come upon Vernon, you’re pretty surprised to see him standing next to a gigantic glowing blue disk, made out of no metal you’ve ever seen before in your life. You figure it has to be a pretty strong metal to have left digs in the soil that deep but not really be damaged.
But the more surprising thing is Vernon standing there with an anxious but elated smile on his face, using a finger to stroke the snake that was wrapped around his neck.
Your eyes widened at the sight.
You didn’t really want to alarm cute mystery boy but that snake was one of the animals your teacher had told you about. It was extremely venomous and known for being very aggressive.
You didn’t understand why it was actually letting the boy touch him, even seeming to almost enjoy being pet, but you didn’t want the boy to die in case the snake suddenly decided to change its mind.
“Excuse me,” you piped up. “Uh, I don’t want to scare you or anything but that snake around your neck? Its venom is really lethal.”
The boy's eyes widened and for a second, you thought he was going to freak out.
“Really?” he said, looking at the snake before glancing back at you, his face breaking out into a broad grin. “Cool!”
It’s at that moment you’re convinced that he’s crazy.
Vernon refuses to take the snake off of his neck, and he also refuses to stop following you as you traipse around the forest looking for things to study and take pictures of for your assignment.
He absolutely would not stop talking, pointing at perfectly normal things and asking the most absurd questions while he bounced in place like a toddler.
“What’s that?”
“Why does it have so many colors?”
“How does it have babies if it can’t move?”
You’re highly annoyed at first, you’ve told him to shove off multiple times, but that seems to be the point in time at which he goes deaf.
But eventually, you start noticing that his questions are quite helpful to your assignment. You’re noticing things that you normally wouldn’t, and his questions are helpful like they would be if a friend was quizzing you from your notes for an upcoming test.
It’s only when you’re through with the assignment and heading out of the forest when you stop dead in your tracks, finally processing what you saw Vernon standing next to a couple hours ago.
“You’re an alien!”
He looks at you like you’re stupid.
“Uh. Yeah? You think I just normally going around asking about a planet’s common flora? I’m not an idiot, Y/N.”
You were under the impression that he was exactly that but you kept your mouth shut.
His behavior made a lot more sense, but you sighed as you came to a realization.
“You’re coming home with me, aren’t you?”
“Yup, pretty much.”
It takes a lot of adjustment to get used to Vernon being in your house. He has a device on his wrist, which you previously thought was a watch, that he actually uses to revert back and forth between his human disguise and his real form.
His real form is exactly the same, just a different skin color.
“People are a lot more interesting on your planet. Pretty browns and pinks. We’re just blue, green, and purple. Booooringgg.”
You just stared at him blank and wide-eyed, not sure whether tell him that those colors weren’t boring at all for skin colors or to just let your brain focus on the fact that you were looking at a blue boy right now.
His skin was a very pretty teal with lovely faded magenta hues in various parts of his skin. It was beautiful but extremely hard to get used to.
Vernon asked questions about every. Single. Thing.
He wanted to know what everything was, where it came for, how you got it, what it did, what would happen to it when you didn’t want it anymore, how to break things, how to put them back together and so much more.
And while this made him look very strange the first few weeks, his incessant need to know everything about everything meant that he acquired so much knowledge after a certain period of time that you’d think he was human.
His grasp on your language had been rudimentary when he arrived but now he was speaking like a native.
You found it hard not to have fun with Vernon.
He did things just because he felt like it, there normally wasn’t any rhyme, reason, or logic.
“Because it’ll be fun, that’s why! Come on, I don’t want to do it without you!”
Vernon was pretty extraverted. He was charming and funny and made a lot of friends very quickly, but no matter how many people he met, he always wanted to stick close to you.
After three months, Vernon was telling you about his brothers one night when you asked why they hadn’t tried to contact him.
A look of absolute horror dawned on his face.
“You forgot to tell them what happened, didn’t you?”
The minute Vernon used his wrist-thingy to get into contact with one of his brothers, he got a scolding the likes of which you’d never heard.
There were twelve voices yelling at him at once in a language that you couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
Even with the language barrier, you could tell that this was a scolding you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of, and you wanted to feel bad for Hansol, but really how could he forget to contact his brothers, who’d probably thought he was dead all this time.
Plus, his expression, wide-eyed, jaw-dropped, terrified, and hands shaking was too hilarious not to laugh at.
The moment you let out the sound, everyone stopped scolding him.
“You’re with a human?” one of them said, in English now.
Vernon, eager to get off the topic of his idiotic mistake, practically shoved the communication device in your face, yelling, “Yes! Yes, this is the person that found me, this is Y/N! Say hi, Y/n!”
“Hi,” you said, frantically trying to fend off Vernon’s flailing arm, “now get off me, you idiot!”
“I’m so sorry you’ve had to put up with him for so long,” the same boy said.
“Hey!” Vernon said indignantly and you laughed.
“Yeah, it’s been a challenge, but I enjoy his company for the most part, actually. Sorry about you probably thinking he was dead for three months, I honestly thought he at least had the brain cells to let you know he was alright.”
“People make mistakes!” Vernon tried to defend himself, clamming up when all twelve voices started screaming at him again.
You talked for a little while longer, readily agreeing when his oldest brother asked if you could keep him for a few more months until they could come and fix his ship.
“They don’t need to keep me, I’m a grown man!” Vernon yelled. “I go wherever I want!”
“Yeah, I’m fine keeping him,” you said, smoothly ignoring Hansol cursing in the background. “Have a safe trip.”
Nothing much would change between you and Vernon as you both waited for his brothers to come to pick him up, he'd still be the same curious, loud, funny annoying boy that he always was.
But if you’re very observant then you’ll notice that he’s a lot clingier, spending nearly every waking moment with you before they get here. He has no idea if you’ll want to hang out with him anymore after his hip gets fixed, has no idea if he’ll even be allowed to stay.
He wants to savor his time left with you while he can.
Meanwhile, you’re not far behind. You’re trying to grind your romantic feelings to a slow halt, but, if anything, the looming threat of Vernon’s departure only makes you fall for him more. You’re so busy spending time with him and trying to take note of his each and every physical and personality feature that you don't even notice that it’s only making you fall more and more in love with him.
One night, after Seungcheol just contacted Vernon to let him know they were a day away, you both sat on the sofa, trying to watch The Witcher that seems like it would be right up Vernon’s alley, it’s a good show, you guys should try it. There was a heavy silence settled over you both, very uncommon for when you were with Vernon.
Vernon’s eyes looked uncharacteristically wistful and you were trying your best not to cry. You had no idea if you’d ever see him again. This wasn’t his home planet, he had every right to want to leave.
You didn’t want him to go without revealing your feelings, but what if he wasn’t into it and it ruined what could very well be your last night together?
“Vernon, I have something to tell you before you go.”
Vernon flinched at the phrase and he nodded, not taking his eyes off the tv as he said, “What's on your mind, Y/n?”
“I’m in love with you.”
Vernon’s head snaps toward you and he gapes silently at the revelation. You don’t notice, too busy twiddling your fingers and looking away, too scared to see the rejection on his face.
You sighed heavily. “Damnit Hansol, I’m in love with you, okay? I can’t let you go without telling you that! When I’m with you, I feel like a little kid again! I can laugh and be myself with you and I can tell you everything that’s on my mind and when you smile at me, I feel like I’m gonna — like I’m gonna explode! I can’t —”
The rest of your rambling is cut off by Vernon crashing his lips onto yours. He’s inexperienced and the kiss is a little sloppy, but it’s comfortable and passionate, no awkwardness or boredom between you too as his arms close around you and your hand comes up to caress his cheek.
You really hoped he returned your feelings because there’s no way you’d get over that kiss if he left tomorrow and didn’t give a damn about you.
“I love you too,” Vernon rushed out, eyes twinkling as he looked at you and held you closer.
“I love you so much, Y/N. When they come tomorrow, I’m not leaving. They can fix my ship and I’ll go back home every once in a while, but I'm staying home with you.” 
Gaia, a dwarf planet 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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robinmoray · 6 years
Naughty Advent, Day Sixteen
Wordcount: 980 Pairing: MM, Nate/Ewan Content Tags: contemporary, established relationship, dressing up Rating: Mature Summary: Advent snippet, day sixteen. Nate can't hide his obsession.
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The stars are about 3 inches in diameter, and have the texture of duck tape. They're also gold, and stuck squarely over each of Ewan's nipples, as if he has anything to hide.
The second he sees them Nate can't help touching them.
"Get off," Ewan says, but he sounds more pleased than mad.
It's strange how the pasties make him look more naked, as if by hiding his usually PG nipples he's rendered them R rated. Nate traces a finger over the edge of one firmly stuck point and imagines ripping them off. "I don't get what you're supposed to be."
"Carnivale angel," Ewan says, and sure enough, the outfit comes with a pair of glittery, white and gold wings, which Ewan keeps catching on things. Between the gold-sequined shorts and glitter-glued roman sandals he looks a lot more Carnivale than angel, and he makes it worse by dusting shimmer powder over his cheeks, down the ridges of his belly.
"Where's your costume?" he asks, eyeing Nate critically.
"I'm wearing it," Nate tells him. "I'm going as me."
"I said you had to wear something sexy," Ewan snaps, but his mouth is turning up in a grin.
"You said I looked sexy in anything."
"That was flirting. I was trying to get in your pants.This is different." He starts unbuttoning Nate's shirt. "It's political. Boys get sexy outfits, girls wear proper ones. Sadie's done it every year since she tried to find a paramedic costume that fit her and couldn't get anything except 'sexy paramedic'. It's feminist."
"It sounds like Sadie wanted an excuse to dress men in skimpy shorts," Nate says, letting Ewan take his shirt off.
"I mean, yeah. But also politics."
Ewan hands him a crop-top that barely stretches over his shoulders. It has a bright yellow bat-symbol on the chest. Something about it is obscene, as if Nate is far less dessed than he looks. Ewan makes him wear leather pants, which is more familiar, and a domino mask with pointy cat ears.
"That doesn't even make sense," Nate says, stroking one of Ewan's taped-down nipples. "Am I Batman or Catman?"
"It doesn't matter, it's ironic," Ewan tells him, squirming under his hand. "Stop it, you'll make it fall off."
They're like magnets, those pasties. His hands keep wandering back to them, worrying at the edges. Ewan bats him away absently, but Nate can't help it. He should stop, he knows. Plus this isn't the club, it's the kitchen of Sadie's apartment surrounded by Ewan's painfully hipster friends, a space in which Nate feels old and outcast, deemed irrelevant by everything from the music to the jokes, to the currently raging debate over what constitutes a slur.
Ewan cruises through it like a social glitterbomb, ignoring people he dislikes so hard they practically cease to exist. Nate trails behind him, increasingly aroused by the cut of his shorts, the swell of his ass cheeks peeking out below the hem, and the forbidden territory beneath those fucking pasties.
He corners Ewan in the bathroom. "You look so fuckable."
Ewan grins, slithering up onto the sink. "You look like a randy old goat."
"You dressed me like this," Nate says, ducking his head to nip at Ewan's chest.
"God, you're not going to stop until you get one of those, are you?" Ewan pushes himself up on his palms, pouting beautifully. "Go on, then. You can have one."
"What are your friends going to think?"
"That I let you fuck me in the bathroom. Come on, get on with it!"
Nate slides his tongue over the edge of the the tape. It comes up under his teeth, the edge teasing back as he gets a grip on it, and he slowly, slowly peels it away. Ewan's chest heaves under him, his breath hitching, and Nate tears the thing loose with his teeth, spitting it into the sink.
"Fuck," Ewan mutters, and then Nate gets his mouth over Ewan's red nipple, sucking on him hard. He wants Ewan now, wants to rip his shorts down the back and fuck him over the sink, but this is a house party and there's no time, it's not appropriate. None of this is. He has to stop.
Ewan whines, and in the hallway someone laughs in a scandalised ort of way. Nate bites Ewan hard, and comes up to nuzzle his throat.
"God, you fucker," Ewan mutters. "I can't take you anywhere."
"You can take me home," Nate says, and Ewan laughs, careless and happy.
Someone knocks on the door, and they push apart like teeagers caught in the back of a cinema, When Nate catches sight of himself in the mirror he's covered in glitter from throat to crotch, a shimmering trail that gives them both away completely. "Well, fuck."
Ewan ignores it, sticking his hair up in all directions. He stuffs the pastie in the pocket of Nate's pants, tips him a flirty wink, and opens the door.
"Hold your fucking horses, we're almost done!"
The girl in the hall laughs and pushes her way inside. Ewan catches Nate's hand to drag him out, and it's worse, now, just one pasty and a reddened star-shaped space on Ewan's chest more obscene than two stars, so much more than none.
He looks debauched. Nate feels debauched. Ewan's hand is warm and sweaty in his, and no-one cares.
Except him. When Ewan grins back over his shoulder Nate feels it in his gut, this bright hot thing that buoys him up. He wraps an arm around Ewan's midriff, fingers coming up to stroke the one remaining star.
"Oh, you're fucking kidding me," Ewan mutters, batting his hand away. "Wait half an hour, you fucker."
"I'm holding you to that," Nate tells him, grinning like his face will break.
Ewan snorts, which he counts as a yes. Good enough.
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materialgwrl · 6 years
# pros que quiser!!
﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐏𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐘 ﹠ 𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐄 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  baby 🌷♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  essa. não acredito que poppy é 100% apaixonada!♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  uma versão de spoonful of sugar que ela mesma, poppy bergstein, gravou com seu conjunto de sinos.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  adele, you have to come outside… i’m pretty sure im spotting a whale in the sea… 
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐑𝐈𝐑𝐈 ﹠ 𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐙 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  first lady 💎♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  a mulher mais linda que há.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  screwed, da janelle monae.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  GIRL TURN ON THE TV!! THEY TALKING BOUT US PITZ   (  era sobre um dos heists delas, mas enfim.  )
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐀 ﹠ 𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  star girl ♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  um anjo que literalmente caiu do céu.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  space oddity, bowie.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  can’t we just call off all the interviews and stay in? watching some amelie classics? please? darling, i’m in a mood here…
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 ﹠ 𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐍 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  abu’s owner   (maldosa!)♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  inventor do estilo.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  sweet transvestite, claro.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  i found the most iconic nail polish yesterday and i’m sure you’ll love it. come over, whatever. bring abu or don’t come at all.
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐀 ﹠ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐘 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  other half 🔎♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  ícone renascentista.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  another one bites the dust.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  and TURNS OUT he mayor was in fact the one dressing up as a monster and trying to steal the money from the children… i KNOW! CRAZY! are you… still there, shaggy? it’s been a long story…
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀 ﹠ 𝐀𝐌𝐄̀𝐋𝐈𝐄 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  devil herself 👿♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  dona do mundo.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  cherry da lana, né!♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  i SWEAR darling if you make me attend to any other of those ridiculous interviews i’m leaving you!!!
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 ﹠ 𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐀 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  wife 💸♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  maravilhosa em seu de vil hat.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  devil pray, madonna.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  dearest i know how much of a busy woman you are, but your wife needs attention… attention… ATTENTION!!!! TO ME!!!!
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐀 ﹠ 𝐋𝐔𝐙𝐈𝐀 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  luzia  –  personal♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  as vezes nossa esposa fake é maravilhosa.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  o toque normal do iphone :(♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  well where the hell are you luzia your family is about to spank me like a piñata if they have to wait any longer
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐄 ﹠ 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄 .
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  light of my life 💃♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  é que ela é muito apaixonável…♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  dress you up, madonna.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  morning, sunshine!! i hope you’re feeling better. you don’t have to reply to this if you’re not –  i’m coming to your place with some candy anyway, so just hang in there a bit. love you!
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄 ﹠ 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄 .   modern au ?
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  cariño♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  amar doguinhos é essencial.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  brooklyn baby, da lana♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  mi amor, i’ve got a surprise for you… meet me in ten?
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐀 ﹠ 𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐙𝐄𝐋 .  
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  zee 🌞♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  tão linda que vem em arquivo .anjo♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  back to you, twin forks.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  baby, you left your brush here… how are you going to take care of all this beautiful hair now? Xx.
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐀 ﹠ 𝐈𝐒𝐀 .  
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  isadora (girl in the village)♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  deusa grega sem pôr nem tirar.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  toque normal do iphone♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  look young lady i’m only saying this once… you never got last night’s texts… they were a very drunk mistake and i should never have sent them.
﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐁𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐘 ﹠ 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐄 .  
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  miss monroe 💎🌷♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  não é difícil adivinhar porque todos se apaixonam por ela...♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  guy, lady gaga.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  baby, i’m borrowing one of your necklaces. this guy wants to take me to dinner... y’know what that means, right? will be bringing some goodies home... and will share them with you. 😉
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐋𝐎𝐋𝐀 ﹠ 𝐃𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  queen of  💖💕♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  í - co - ne !♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  guy, lady gaga.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  i was just about to tell you i got tickets for us to watch psyche chamberlain’s summer spring opening night! babe, we’re a match made in heaven.
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐀 ﹠ 𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐒.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  garota dos olhos♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  é muito a oitava maravilha do mundo.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  coisa boa, gloria groove.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  piscina hoje? pensa com carinho! preciso de SOL! ÁGUA! VOCÊ!
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 ﹠ 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐔𝐑.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  die hard 🐍♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  eu sei, conviver com a venice dá muita dor de cabeça.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  paint it black, rolling stones.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  the air seems profoundly ghastly, deadly and awful today, dear... did you get up early or something?
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐍 ﹠ 𝐘𝐈𝐍.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  miss yin♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  trabalhar com um anjo desses é uma honra, vai dizer.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  look what i found (asib soundtrack)♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  Oh, good morning, Yin! I was thinking of grabbing something to eat after shooting today... you wouldn’t care to join me, would you? Well, I don’t mean to bother you or anything, I just thought I’d like some company. Don’t mind me! Xx, C.
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐈 ﹠ 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐀.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  pequena♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  tudo na vida de ceci.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  um áudio que ela mesma gravou de madalena cantando pela casa, quando não sabia que ‘tava sendo gravada.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  gemer e gritar no microfone? meu anjo, achei que nunca fosse pedir...
﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐀 ﹠ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐄.
♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  🍎 of my eye♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  a foto fala por si só. uma certa linguinha é tudo nessa vida da romana.♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  you spin me ‘round (like a record)♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  so i might have... made it into the competition. against all the young pretty ladies in short skirts. well, i mean, i skate better than them, but they’ve got better asses... you still coming to watch me? 
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♡  what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone.  bloody bitch♡  what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone.  é que a namoradinha imortal dela é linda demais...♡  what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone.  ela não sabe colocar musiquinha personalizada... ainda.♡  my muse’s last text to your muse.  How the fuck do you turn off the fuckin alarm donatella this cellphone is KILLING ME
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#ritaslee#*      ⊱   ❪    stuck in the middle﹗  ❫  * ◞    p & a.#*      ⊱   ❪    heist queens﹗  ❫  * ◞    r & p.#*      ⊱   ❪    sun and stars﹗  ❫  * ◞    n & c.#*      ⊱   ❪    show me the world﹗  ❫  * ◞    j & a.#*      ⊱   ❪    mystery kids﹗  ❫  * ◞    v & s.#*      ⊱   ❪    they know you secretly love to hate me ﹗  ❫  * ◞    l & a.#*      ⊱   ❪    wanna dress you up in my love﹗  ❫  * ◞    p & c.#*      ⊱   ❪    maybe your madness will fit mine﹗  ❫  * ◞    c & u.#*      ⊱   ❪    lay all your love on me﹗  ❫  * ◞    t & l.#*      ⊱   ❪    push and pull like magnets do﹗  ❫  * ◞    v & v.#*      ⊱   ❪    still i’m thinking about you only﹗  ❫  * ◞    t & i.#e & r.#*      ⊱   ❪    in diamonds we trust﹗  ❫  * ◞    b & j.#*      ⊱   ❪    lets do it like were doing it now﹗  ❫  * ◞    l & d.#b & e.#*      ⊱   ❪    not even death will spare you from my revenge﹗  ❫  * ◞    v & f.#*      ⊱   ❪    a love for the big screen﹗  ❫  * ◞    c & y.#*      ⊱   ❪    mas nao esqueça que tambem te amo﹗  ❫  * ◞    c & m.#*      ⊱   ❪    you spin me right round  /  like a record﹗  ❫  * ◞    r & l.#*      ⊱   ❪    a fine romance from the golden ages ﹗  ❫  * ◞    r & d.
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shadowsheyla · 6 years
The “not-so-crazy” Cat Men in Apartment 502
I signed up the the TodoBaku discord exchange and got the lovely @todorokie who wanted anything to do with pets... I’m honestly just shameless in my idea of Todoroki being horrible at naming things (anything) and it spiraled from there. (Will be cross posting onto my AO3 in a little while. Will add the link later). 
TODOBAKU – anything with animals/pets
 The first time it was Bakugou who tucked the animal into his arms, crudely covering the beast as he ducked under an awning, shushing at it as he jostled and wrapped it in his jacket in efforts to warm its small furred body. It’ll be another ten minute walk from that moment to his (their) home.
“Katsuki,” the man watched from the doorway, head pressed to the door frame as he observed the blond man allow a cat to claw up his arm as he bathed it. No hello, no other form of greetings. He’d taken it straight to the bathroom and the sight before him was all he’d seen. Washing old crusted blood from its fur, cleaning away the crusts of battle wounds—it didn’t even have front claws. Someone had declawed it and let it out onto the streets.
Red-orange eyes turned to him, hair dripping, casting slow crawling rivets down his nose and cheeks. “If you’re not going to be of use, think of a fucking name to call him.” And that was the first mistake, the very moment the door opened—or well, the floodgates would be a better metaphor for what’s to come.
…Todoroki named the cat Muffin.
Muffin the Cat is a tiger tabby cat, with one ear a mangled and missing a large portion of it (but still completely functional), and face scarred. And despite it all he was a sweetheart—a genuine lap cat. Slept on or beside one of them at night, would sprawl across the backs of their couches demanding kisses when he’d catch them sneaking a smooch.
And Muffin wasn’t the last—next came the kittens Mittens and Socks. Named for the patches of white on their otherwise black bodies. Again, it was Todoroki who named them—had found them too. Out back when he stopped in for groceries after his patrol. Their little heads poking out of the neck of his jacket as he carried both them and their groceries into the apartment.
The next was a mother, a small long haired tortoiseshell, and her five kittens—all five kittens have been pawned off to their friends but their mother remains. She’s got… a bit of a personality. Opinionated, hisses at affection unless its stickily during the three minutes a day that she wants it. Todoroki named her Princess Perch, after the fact that no matter how many balled up socks they’d try to hit her with (cause the spray bottle? Didn’t work for Muffin, ain’t working for the twins, and for sure not for Princess) she’d refuse to relinquish her favourite perch on top of the kitchen cabinets... or the fridge… or on top of the bookcase in the living room.
The next one was found on patrol by a little boy who handed the squirming kitten over to the pro hero, “I found him being bullied by a big cat. Mama won’t let me keep him.” And… well, Todoroki was getting off in an hour. And Cupcake didn’t seem to mind getting tucked into his uniform—and then later carried home. By this point Bakugou knew better than to question how he’d come across the cat—they may have four (now five) but many more have seen their apartment walls. Cupcake was just one of the few that stayed with them.
There were many more cats, many (way too many) more kittens, since Cupcake. Their local shelters knew the couple by name; maybe it was due to the sheer number of felines they’ve rescued, maybe it was the fact that they always gave a donation when dropping off the latest batch, maybe both. Todoroki had gone off, off to look at the cats that they had not brought in—down the row he went as Bakugou finished at the front. It didn’t even take five minutes. Not even five minutes before he’d gone off to find his partner. “They don’t like people,” Todoroki informs him, staring at the two cats curled together in the cage. “They’re being put down at the end of the month.” The names on the papers read: VEN and DESS… the names Todoroki gives them when they’re talking them home is Shrimp and Lob(ster)—Bakugou prays that the man never decides he suddenly wants to adopt a child.
The day was long; routine patrols, not much activity in the section of city he had signed up for. It made for a long day and too much excess energy still left to burn. He thought of making use of that free gym membership that he had; kill some time tonight… after Todoroki gets home.
The man was twenty-seven and if Bakugou wasn’t there to cook for him… well fuck, who knew exactly what’ll happen. Any meals Todoroki insisted on cooking was when Bakugou was sitting in the living room, ears trained towards the kitchen—the bangs, the clattering… the smell of slightly charred meat. Always under supervision.
Opening the door, the purrup of pleased kittens (grown cats in all actuality, but his kittens all the same) sounding as he dropped his keys into the bowl by the door, kicking his shoes off as three of the seven ran up to great him. Lob(ster) had come a long way in the two years, her dislike for people still present, just lacking its heat towards her two humans. Cupcake and Muffin quick to follow, the latter meowing loudly, how dare you leave me all day.
“Yes yes,” kneeling to run his fingers down the length of their backs, taking a moment to give each one a nice long pet. Muffin meowed again, stepping up onto his knee and headbutting his lips. Demanding a kiss. A toll to pass into the rest of the house.
Bakugou simply complied.
The tap squeaked off; he glared at the knob, pulling the towel from the over handle to dry his hands. He’d need to look in to getting that taken care of. How long had that made noise? Bakugou glanced towards the blue numbers on the microwave. Late, his eyes narrowed. Clicking his tongue he covered the stir fry and removing it from the heat.
Bakugou wasn’t about to eat without him—didn’t want to endure the pouting as Todoroki ate alone at the table and Bakugou was all cuddled in under the mountain of cats. And its like his very thoughts summed the man; the door closing with a soft click, Muffin purrup’ing and darting towards the door. He tossed the towel over his shoulder, arms crossing as he settled into a lean against the counter. Waiting for him to slink his way in.
The man takes his time—each second he doesn’t call out to him, every shuffle and bump, made Bakugou’s brow crease. He’s up to something, he thought crossing his ankles, fingers tapping against the meat of his arm. He’s hiding something, his brain repeats. Bakugou doesn’t hear him darting towards their room, so its nothing he’s trying to hide (like the engagement ring those years back). If anything it’s a guilty lingering.
It lingers, hanging around him when Todoroki finally, finally, enters the kitchen. His face sweet, smiling softly. “Katsuki,” he greets him, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. Bakugou doesn’t close his eyes, brow slowly smoothing as the other hums, moving from his lips to kiss his cheek, his jaw and finally just under as Bakugou tilts his head just so to allow it.
His hands take his, one hand still cooler than the other, and leads him from the counter, from the kitchen. Muffin is looking into the large white temporary cat carrier—guilty. He was guilty. He fucking called it!!
“No,” Bakugou frowned, stopping just as his toes hit the carpet.
Todoroki released him, ducking away and towards the open box where the other cats were poking around it. Reaching into it he pulled a long blonde furred cat, the fur long and poofy as it dangled. It didn’t fight, didn’t hiss or claw or struggle. Even as Todoroki held him towards Bakugou. The cat—no longer a kitten but not quite an adult—blinked it large green eyes at him, staring blankly. “Katsuki,” the man started.
“Shouto,” Bakugou answered, frowning harder. Glancing away from the cat to the man holding it. “We have seven,” he hissed gesturing to the five cats around their living room (Princess Perch was still on top of the fridge, and Shrimp was still trying to jump onto the counter to get at the sponge).
“Katsuki,” he tried again, tilting his head down and tucking the cat in close to his chest. “But he looks like you.” He’s calling bullshit on that. Utter bullshit. The only similarity he has with that cat is the whole blond thing, and maybe the volume of… hair/fur. And okay, so it was cute—Bakugou had a love for cats, sue him. “But calmer.”
Any good thoughts dried up with that last piece—fuck it, no eighth cat. “No,” he stated. Again. Crossing his arms over his chest and glaring towards Muffin as he pawed up Todoroki’s leg to see the new kitten.
Todoroki looked up through his lashes, wetting his lips. Fuck, Bakugou glared, ears colouring. Why did he find him so fucking pretty like this? With Todoroki outgrowing him their last year of high school, it made sights like this rare (or deliberate. Like this… Bakugou knows exactly what he’s doing). “But I already signed the paperwork, Katsuki.” He flutters his eyelashes—yeah, Todoroki knows exactly what he’s doing. And fuck if Bakugou’s not just gonna play right into his hands. “I named him.” Those eyes twinkle as he curls the cat closer to his chest.
The blond groans, knowing at that damn moment he’s lost. They’ve got their eight cat. They’re going to need to find a different place to live—it’s going to be a bitch to find a place. Do they go apartment again or a house? If they go house that means Todoroki’s just going to bring home more cats.
Bakugou Katsuki is too damn young to be a crazy cat person!
“Kitsuki—after you.”
Bakugou slaps a hand over his eyes. They’re never going to have any biological children—and even adoption is looking slim. Bakugou can’t subject a child to this man’s horrible names. He just can’t.
He feels his cheeks darken, burning under his fingers as he wills the creeping blush to subside. Naming a cat after him is nothing to be blushing about. But fuck if he doesn’t love the man a little more because of it…
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ferociousqueak · 6 years
All the odds for my favoritest Dess, please!
She’s my favorite too! I luf her so much
1. How do theysneeze?
Do turians sneeze? They must, right? I can imagine she doesher best to sneeze as discreetly as possible.
3. Are theysuperstitious?
She would never admit it, but yes, she is superstitious. She’ddo the turian equivalent of throwing salt over her shoulder if she spills it oravoiding stepping on cracks, but more out of habit than a sincere belief thatshe will break her mother’s back if she does.
5. Have they ever hadice cream before?
I like to imagine—and I feel like Andromeda backs me up herebecause of everyone’s enthusiasm for this delicious treat—when human cuisinestarted to trickle onto the galactic menu, ice cream was one of the first to beadapted for a dextro diet. I’m sure at some point, Dess notices it on theCitadel and asks Hannah about it, who immediately insists she try it. Herfavorite flavor is mint :D
7. Do they believe inkilling others?
She does, but only in a strictly defined set ofcircumstances that include either self-defense or defending those who can’tdefend themselves. The threat of death must be imminent to justify killinganother person.
9. What would makethem loose hope?
At any given moment, she’s always sort of expecting theworst to happen, even if she doesn’t know what “the worst” actually is. So herhope gauge is already sort of middling at best. But for her to be trulyhopeless, she would have to be cut off from the people she loves with no way toget back to them.
11. What are theirhobbies?
She writes poetry that she shows to exactly no one becauseher parents insisted it was a useless and hobby that didn’t benefit anyone andshe still sort of believes them. She also likes to grow flowers, but she’spretty limited in what she can grow on the Citadel.
13. What would theychange about their past?
She wouldn’t have tried so hard to get her mother’s approvalwhen it was clear she was never going to get it. She probably would’ve stoppedgoing home a lot sooner, too.
15. Do they have athick skin?
She does, thanks to her mother. That being said, she haslittle patience for anyone being passive aggressive or manipulative. She’s hadher fill of that shit and will call it out every time.
17. Would they everkill someone?
She would and has, but if she’s in a position where she hasto kill someone, she figures the odds are pretty good she fucked up somewherealong the way.
19. What is theirfavorite food?
There’s a fruit from Taetrus that she loves, but mostly, sheloves the blossoms that grow with them. So when she eats the fruit, she thinksof the flowers and it makes her happy and nostalgic at the same time.
21. Have they everbeen in a plane?
As a former combat pilot, yeah. She’s been in a few.
23. What are some oftheir traits?
She’s tall and lanky, even for a turian. She has a lot oftattoos. Like, a lot. They’re mostly to commemorate victories and significantpostings when she was in the military, but there are also quite a few that shejust thought were pretty. As an Internal Affairs agent with C-Sec, she masteredthe art of being virtually invisible when she wants to be. When she speaks, sheuses few qualifiers or intensifiers to couch her language.
25. What is somethingthey like that others wouldn’t suspect?
She actually is occasionally attracted to men (and man-codedpeople). But I mean. Have you seen ladies? Who can blame her, really.
27. Can they handletheir feelings in a healthy way?
Yes and no. Most of the time, she’s pretty good atrecognizing her emotions and finding a positive outlet for them. But when itcomes to complicated emotions that she’d rather ignore, she well she ignoresthem, which is very not good.
29. What makes themsmile?
Hannah. Doesn’t matter what she’s doing, if Hannah is near,it’s going to make Dess smile. She could be red and messy and dripping withsweat after running for an hour, and the moment Dess sees her, her heart woulddo that thing that makes your face all smiley.
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freshoutofthegutter · 3 years
Lunch, continuation.
Your clothes", she giggled.
"Put your hand out",
She complied instantly.
She knew it was a ring but didn't expect it to be anything like this.
He placed it on her right hand's forefinger.
As he stroked the one on her right.
"This is spectacular", she put the ring up in better light.
He watched her eyes pop in recognition as she held the ring up to his face.
"It matches your eyes", she jumped in excitement. Jumping in his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist.
"And the pools", he added. Cheekily.
"No fucking way!", she made cute puppy noises. In contentment.
"Yes baby. Yes fucking way", he laughed as he carried her up the stairs.
"What should I get you as a present?", she spoke out loud as he began stripping.
"Well. I do have something in mind",
"Shoot", she sat on the vanity.
"Just accept the love that you'll receive today and try not to panic", he placed his forehead against hers.
"And dont hide away or doubt yourself. Know that I love you and I think you love me", he shrugged.
"Nah man", she pinched his side.
"Kay", she smarted back.
She had to lotion her entire body and take the crazy ring he had given her from the collection. When he told her no more hiding. With her hair straight and clothes she walked to her side of the closet to pull out the jewels.
She was putting perfume as Drew rang her.
"Helllloooo, morning", she dragged.
"Hi, sup",
"Wow you sound like Tina", she commented.
"Whatsup", she murmured putting shoes on.
"I just wanted to say, that I'm.gonna deal with the issue today and good roast yesterday", he praised.
"Oh, oh yeah that thanks man", she smiled. Putting shoes on.
She stayed on the phone with Drew as she walked down the stairs it was almost 12.
"Okay talk later".
"what Drew?" she was now growing impatient and the caffine wasnt helping either.
"know that ive sent a fish too". Drew spoke leaving her confused. it was when the bell rang. She reconsidered calling him again but didnt have the time. maybe he wanted to pick a fight.
She walked to the foyer to see the door open, their staff standing outside as cars carring their relatives began to come in. As usual Tina and kitty were the first ones to get out. Tina was well aquainted with their entire staff and security. What puzzled her the most was that both her sisters were carrying white boxes no bigger than six inches each. it took about a minute for the family to pass through. Uncle Peter's car was the second on to pull up right outside the stairs assending into the house. she was about to ask Celine where her husband dearest was he appeared from the left and helped Dado out of the car.
"Nona, welcome". he greated kissing her cheek. she laughed and patted his hand with adoration. Tirza was just about to explain but she saw a look of understanding on Dado's face. Tirza took her moment to greet dado before moving to her own parents. Oliver was pouring compliments out like they were free. she took the time to greet everyone her aunt and uncle and both the twins.
laughter was heard. Celine was introduced. Christina and dad were going to make a Celine Dion joke but didnt.
"where are papa and shalom?", Tirza asked as the girls too had boxes identical to Tina and kitty.
"they are getting something on the way", Uncle p said.
"whats with the boxes", she asked hugging Tina.
"why did you not tell me", tina whispered.
"bout what", she asked hearing Oliver's english accent shifting into an italian. to say something humerous.
"b12", Tina glared.
"Oliver told me not to, heck man i didnt even know", she pointed with her chin.
"whats with the boxes", Tirza raised her eyebrows.
Tina's head shot in Oliver's direction, "Oliver".
she looked at oliver who had began directing their estemed guests to the outdoor sofas.
"are we having a bbq?", she asked puzzled, "and why are we not ging inside", her anxiety was picking at her.
"Cara, Mia all will be known", he spoke in italian kissing her shoulder as they walked to the elevated levels.
everyone was gobsmacked by the elegance and vastness of the property. The boxes were now stacked on top of eachother. The family began to indulge in conversation.
dad, uncle p, Aimen and Oliver talked about the pool, while dado began pouring tears of joy.
it was then, when her own mother asked why they weren't at church today.
"we had a small work emergency, Tina didnt even know about it", tirza explained.
her mum and aunt listened cautiously.
"thats why she left early, this morning worried. i was worried too", her mom added.
her aunt expressed how everyone was excited to meet them as a couple.
uncomfortable by that she ended up sitting on her hair, in an attempt to free them they ended up getting stuck in the teeth of the ring on her right hand.
she had to take it off and pull her hair to the side. "a hair tie perhaps?", Celine offered.  her mother and aunt agreed.
"its absolutely fine, i spent 20 minutes getting my hair done, there", she spoke putting the ring back on.
"why arent we going inside?", one of the twins spoke. bored.
"Babe...", she began.
"carissima, two minutes more", he did an italian accent.
she mentally face palmed. as he explained the meaning to aimen in english. that too accented.
"why is he doing that accent", it was kitty this time. Tirza had asked the same thing to celine. who replied with an unsure "non lo so".
"tutto bene". she supplied, as the aunt asked if Celine spoke urdu. to which Celine replied in urdu.
"Cosa va bene?", he asked repeating the question in english.
"i understood what that meant, but mio amore, why are you doing that accent?", she asked everyone seemed to quiet.
"what accent?",
she turned to Celine who nodded.
"im messing with Aimen", he winked at her stroking her jaw.
"its a joke between them", her aunt spoke.
"he only does that with Aimen", Tina entered the conversation.
"like taking early morning selfies with me", she pulled out her phone to show proof, it was in front of the small fountain.
"you guys took selfies without me",
"yea, what would someone want to take selfies with you, ya look like a troll", tina sassed.
"wooooohhhhhooo!", tina cried, almsot jumping up, " what are those", she pointed to his feet.
"dess are my sandles", he laughed,
"you planed that didnt you"
"come", he extened his hand to Tirza, as the last car pulled in the drive way.
papa, stella mama, sumbal and shalom carrying three more boxes walked up.
stella mama was in tears as she hugged the happy couple, she asked about joy and his grade.
"what about baba?", tirza asked as they bagan to walk towards the right. not using the front door. Annie walking along dado on the steps.
"through that door please", Oliver pointed raising his arm to point to the narrow door.
"where are we going" Tina asked.
"celine will show you". he told her.
" i love you so fucking much", he whispered as he grabbed her hand and they ran across the steps.
she was still processing this when she saw her entire family gathered at the edge of the pool that had the koi's swiming in it.
"thank you all for coming to our home", Oliver began she squeezed his hand in motivation. "gratzie", he whispered quickly.
" Tirza doesn't know what's going on", he revealed. "So this is for you too. Dillito mio", he kissed her. Someone hollered. Tina prolly.
"Okay. The miracles of abundance involves fishes", he pointed to uncle Peter. "Right" who nodded back. "Fishes in various cultures represent blessings and prosperity", people nodded. Hooked into his every word.
"When Celine asked you all not to bring gifts or sweets. Some of you must have been shocked. Because she asked you to get a small living fish of your choice",
Everyone nodded again. This was news her.
"Thank you Celine", he nodded at her.
"To my family a fish represents acceptance, honour and protection", he continued.
"I've asked you to bring a fish, it is because it is a part of you that will stay in our house, beautify it", he explained.
"We", he pulled her into his side.
"Promise to protect and nourish the gifts that you have given us, as the representation of our relationship as a family",  a few sniffles were heard. All the moms were wiping their tears.
"I would like to ask Pastor Peter to pray and then we can commence", he requested.
Tirza clung to her man as uncle peter prayed. It was a moment of extreme peace. She felt her tears flow but they were tears of love. She felt acceptance. No hatred existed.
When everyone said Amen.
"Darling this is yours", he handed her a small glass bowl with a lone fish swimming in it. A small black and gold spotted fish.
"Our home becomes yours, our walls become yours. As long as your fish is here security will never stop you", he announced before releasing his fish into the water. And so did she.
There was so much joy and excitement.
Some of the cousins recorded.
"Mio Amore", he called tapping her shoulder. As she was speaking to Shaloom.
"Just a minute", she said to her cousin.
He had a box in his hand that as labelled joy. He walked up to Stella mama who was talking to Dado.
"This is Joshua's fish, do you want to put it in the water", he asked offering her the box. She understood and did what he asked. Laughing happy tears.
"Its orange", Tirza observed. An orange Koi. "Its his favourite colour",
"Drew told me he sent a fish too", Tirza remembered.
"Yes and I asked Tina to release it and I had it recorded". He winked.
"One more stop", he said directing her to her other aunt.
"This is Michelle and Caleb's do you want to do the honours?", she laughed loudly and accepted the offer.
It was a moment to remember for a very long time.
"Can I bring a turtle, the next time I'm here?", kitty asked.
"A lion would suit you more but we will agree with a turtle for now", he agreed.
"Then I want a cat", Aimen butted In.
"Sorry that's not possible", he declined.
"Because we already have a dog", Tina jumped in.
The girls jumped with excitement.
"Take. Me . To. It", kitty punctuated.
"Ask Celine nicely. And maybe she will give you a nice house tour". He pointed.
"House tour!!!!", one of them shouted.
And soon relatives began to follow.
When alone.
"Thank you so much, it was a wonderful gesture.", she kissed him with love and adoration.
"It was nothing. It's not my original idea I must admit", he linked their hands and began walking as the other staff began to pick up the discarded boxes.
"So who's idea was it", she nudged him in his side.
"My mother but that's not the interesting bit.", he looked at his nails.
"Oh wow its 12:37". He announced.
"Do continue", she urged as the crossed the door. And was now walking towards the front fountain.
"My aunt once irked my mother and she took her fish out and put it in a container and had it transported to my aunts house", he recalled. He opened the front door. And found everyone waiting in the foyer.
"Papa has a present for you", Annie announced. Shalom was holding the a white box. With gold swirls on its borders.
"From all of us to you", Papa said.
And handed it to Dado who presented it to Oliver.
"What is it?", Tirza asked. Genuinely intrigued.
"Picture", papa laughed. As Oliver lifted the top of the box.
"A picture of us from the wedding",  he was shocked.
"Dios Mio", he was really happy.
"Best day ever", Oliver commented. Looking at Tirza. She knew what he meant
And winked back.
"My heart", he placed his hand as if experiencing a mortal wound.
"Can we please have a house tour now?", Tina spoke from the stairs.
"Si", he agreed.
"Celine, please do the honours", Oliver requested.
"Alright upstairs or downstairs", she asked.
A small debate started about upstairs and downstairs. The younger people went upstairs while the Parents sat in the semi formal sitting area.
" technically it's not a house tour. It's a dog hunt", Aimen pointed out with much enthusiasm.
"What kind of dog is it?", her dad asked.
"A mastiff", she recalled.
"Where are baba and nathan?", She asked taking her own mimosa.
"Sharak pur, apparently one of Nathan's many cousins are getting married", Papa joked.
Everyone laughed.
"When did you get the house?", Uncle P asked.
"We saw the property an year go. Finalised it 8 months ago. A few things needed to be fixed", he admitted.
"Its very nice", he appraised.
"Thank you I'm glad you like it", he smiled sipping his drink.
Lunch was an outstanding success to say.
People over indulged in meals and around 4 was when they all had tea. Oliver and Tirza in true Italian fashion settled for an espresso.
" you never finished your story", she poked his side as they lounged on the Divan.
"Ah, yes", he agreed sipping his bitter brew.
"Where was I?", he tried go recall as he played with a wisp of her hair. Tracing it across the back of her ear.
"How mama had the fish transported to your aunt's house", she filled in.
"Yes. My aunts house", he looked into distance. She slipped her hand into his because he had began to play with her hair again.
"And so my aunt's fish. Was packed in a Tupperware with adequate volume of water, but the delivery guy didn't bother with a fragile sticker and neither did he make the delivery his primary priority", he stopped to take a small sip of his coffee and kissed his wife softly.
"Because when the box recieved its destination the fish had almost died", he huffed. She visually flinched.
"Your mom is scary", she admitted after a moment of silence.
"That's precisely how my sisters reacted. But I saw my mother fill the box with water with my own two eyes", he stroked her face. "She didn't mean to harm the fish but the universe wish otherwise". He grinned.
"Was the purpose of this story to scare me regarding your mum?", she leaned back to observe him.
"The purpose of this elaborate tale. Regina Mia is that my mother didn't mean to harm the fish but to merely send it back. But if these people try" he laughed at that. " think that they can try to harm you. Then I will simply have their fish isolated in a separate bowl outside.", he suggested.
"Where exactly?", she eyed him.
"You know somewhere and we will name it the pollution pond. That fish was making the other sick. Now we cant have that can we", there was a dangerous gleam in his aqua orbs. Which he winked at smiled at her to calm its intensity because he saw her shiver.
She out of habit placed her hand at the pulse point in her neck. Which was somewhat flushed. He had to make a herculean effort to pull himself off the sofa. He picked both of their cups and walked away from her. She was still processing what he had said to her. He would protect her and eradicate those who wish to hurt her.
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