#destiel valentines day fic
gococogo · 4 months
♡ Destiel Valentine's Day Special ♡
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Synopsis: Castiel has never celebrated Valentine's Day and so he wishes to do so with Dean. He wishes to show Dean how much he loves him and from the YouTube tutorials he's watched, things seem to work
Word Count: 3.4K
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Warnings: Childhood trauma/anal/biting/marking
Notes: @ja3hwa helped me a shit ton on this fic. I couldn't have finished it without her ehhe. But I did it, it is here on time and I'm quite happy with it. I wish I had more time, but eh, what are you going to do? Sue me!?
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Flowers had just been the beginning of it all. He had found them by his bed side when he woke up. Being very confused and still very tired, he went to seek out anyone in the bunker for an answer.
Then it had turned into petals down every single corridor in the bunker. That had Sam laughing up a lung when all Dean could do was look around confused in the main foyer. Everywhere was covered in red rose petals. On the chairs, on the table, on the bookshelves. It was like some cupid had come around and vomited up petals.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Dean had asked with his face scrunched up with one of those looks.
Sam had only shrugged and said, “Maybe.”
Then, he had walked away with a shit eating grin on his face that had Dean boiling with anger. With that, the discission to go back to his room was adamant. He wanted to change and get dressed for the day. But, he found something else.
Castiel, an angel of the lord and a warrior for heaven, throws unwrapped chocolates onto Dean’s bed.  
For a moment, the hunter can only stand there and watch the angel grab a handful of chocolates from a larger than life box -most likely from Costco with Sam’s membership if his brother is in on this- before throwing them onto the bed like he’s throwing a frisbee. The sight is… it’s a sight.
Dean clears his throat and Cas whips around with wide blue eyes. If the angel had any feathers, Dean can take a guess that they would be ruffled.
“Was that you with all…” Dean waves his hand as if shooing a fly, “that out there?”
“Do you like it?” Is the reply he gets from the angel as he takes a step away from the bed.
Dean can only stare, his gaze flicking to the chocolates on his bed to the angel with his brows raised waiting for an answer. He clutches the large box to his chest, almost like holding a child it’s that big. But Dean doesn’t know what to say. Like, yeah he likes it but… this has never happened to him before.
“I uhh-“
Cas’s brows furrow before he crosses the room to Dean, throwing the box of chocolates beside the bed.
“You do know it’s Valentine’s Day today, right?” Cas asks.
Valentine’s Day!? It’s February already!? Dean tries to hide his panic but it’s clear on his face. Where in hell did January go!? They’ve been on so many hunts lately that they nearly missed New Years! And now Valentine’s Day!? This year was going by quicker than he thought.
He tries to play it off with a smirk and a gruff, “Of course I knew!”
But the angel doesn’t look impressed.
He raises a hand to cup Dean’s cheek who flinches slightly at the touch. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Cas, but he makes no comment of it.
“It’s alright if you forgot,” Cas says softly.
Dean chortles at this as he softly takes the angel’s hand off of his face. But he doesn’t let go of it, holding onto it between them.
“That’s not the point,” Dean murmurs.
Cas raises a brow with a tilt of his head, urging the hunter to go on. This leads to Dean letting out a staggered sigh. He didn’t really know the point himself, nor why he constantly acts so recoiled with Cas’s affection at times. He did love the angel, but the image of his father would come creeping in his mind at times. And it always left a distaste in his mouth.
Why couldn’t he just love the angel they way Cas wanted, the way he needed.
“I’m just…” The hunter huffs, rubbing his scruffy chin, then his eyes. Before pinching his nose with another huff. Cas could see Dean turn on himself, something he did a lot. He’s self-destructive.
“Dean. It’s okay.” Cas can’t recall a moment he didn’t say this to his lover.
It’s okay. Two simple words that humans use to reassure one another. Normally it’s always hollow and more of a silent lie, but Cas had never meant it as such. It’s okay meant; I’m here. I understand. I love you.
“How did you get stuck with me?” Dean scoffs, thinking low of himself.
Cas is so attentive; Dean would always question if he would be a perfect fit for someone else. Someone more like him. Maybe another angel perhaps? Not some hunter that can barely face the fact he is in love with such an angelic man.
Someone that it’s been drilled into his head time and time again that all creatures are bad. That it’s always shoot first and ask questions later. That did happen the first time he met Cas, but beside the point.
Something has changed inside of him that’s changed only for the angel.
“I like being stuck with you,” Cas tries his luck again, tugging a hand free from Deans tight grasp to lay a cupped hand on his bearded cheek.
Dean doesn’t flinch this time. In fact, he moulds his hand over Cas’s much softer one, his rough palms such a wild contrast to the angelic beings. One would thing that a warrior of heaven would have a soldier’s hands. But Dean doesn’t care, he leans into the touch and lays a small, soft kiss into the palm of the angel. Cas chuckles softly to himself, a deep rumble that Dean always loves.
“Thank you…for the uh stuff.” Dean mumbles letting go of Cas’s hand so the angel could place his it back to his sides in almost an awkward manner.
Cas turns to face the bed again inspecting his work. He spent almost three whole days with Sam trying to find the best way to please Dean with this human holiday. So, to say he was nervous that Dean was not going like it was an understatement.
“I’m glad. I watched a tutorial on that YouTube thing you showed me.” Cas emphasised the word Tube with a strong ‘B’.
Cas then begins to ramble on about how he purchased such items and how he managed to use one of Sam real credit card. Dean rolls his eyes with a grunt before coming forward and wrapping his arms around Cas’s waist. He kisses the nape of his neck where the skin is exposed above his trench coat and the angel goes ridged, his words getting caught in his throat.  
“Oh…” The angel peeps out. The tutorial was correct.
Dean begins undoing Cas’s buttons from behind, his fingers skilled from doing this many, many times in his past. He may not be great at sappy words, but he could classify himself an expert in other departments.
Cas turns around in the hunter’s hold to only have a pair of desperate lips crash into his. The angel grimaces but holds onto Dean’s face and doesn’t let him go. He pulls the hunter closer as his shirt is pulled out his pants. He’s slowly walked backward into the back of the bed. As soon as his knees hit the bed, he spins Dean around as if they were dancing.
Dean lands on the chocolate ridden bed with a gruff, “Oof,” before he can even register what just happened.
The hunter watches Cas shrug off his trench coat that flops to the ground heavily. Then, he pulls off his jacket and already undone shirt in the same motion. Dean can’t help but let his eyes wonder over the angel’s toned chest.
A little heavily, Cas sits down a top of Dean’s hips. The bed creaks under the added weight, but it’s nothing it can’t handle. Cas grinds down ever so softly but the motion has Dean grunting deep within his throat, his hands instantly grabbing onto the angel’s waist.
“Let me show you, Dean,” Cas grumbles deeply as he bends down, so close to the hunter that their noses touch, “Let me show you that you’re loved. That you’re cared for. That I love you.”
Dean breathing hitches in his throat as the angel kisses him deeply. Many would dream of this moment. To be kissed by an angel that they’ve read about in the bible. Or heard about from their priest and how the lord will send one down to help them in their worries. Well, Dean has many worries and problems, but he doesn’t think any priest or bible reader would be able to wrap their head around a sight like this one.
One that has an angel of the lord, grinding his hips down on his hardening crotch. One that has him doing something special for Valentine’s Day. Showing him how much he loves him and how much he’s cared.
At this affection, it has Dean feeling all weird and gooey inside. Something that he has never felt before with his one-night stands. There’s something about Cas that has Dean feeling desperate every single time. Out of breath, red in the face, weak in the knees.  
It’s Dean that has to pull away from the kiss for air. He pants as his head spins from lack of oxygen and because Cas is still grinding down onto him, it makes his feel even dizzier in the head. The angel’s been either watching too many pornos or he’s picked up some shit from the hunter.
“Get these clothes off me,” Dean growls deeply before bringing Cas down for another kiss with a hand on the back of his head.
The angel groans as Dean tugs at his hair, keeping him as place so that he can abuse his mouth. But he does as the man wishes, breaking the kiss once again. He begins taking Dean’s clothes off as quick as he can. Pulling his shirt off over his head and unbuckling his jeans to pull them down. Dean’s half hard cock becomes exposed to the cold bunker air and he hisses through his teeth.
Cas is quick to follow suit, slipping his own pants off as well. And Dean soaks up the view all the same. He’ll never get over seeing the angel like this.
And certainly, won’t get over how the angel plods over to the bedside drawer and opens it up. His bare ass is open to the world and Dean can’t resist. It’s like there’s a massive red, neon sign pointing to his lily white ass saying, Smack me. So, he leans over where he is on the bed and slaps it.
The only reaction Dean gets from Cas is a slow turn of the head with a frown deep set on his face. He’s slightly disappointed in the hunter. He grabs Dean’s still outstretched hand and pins it to the bed as he climbs onto the bed again and over the top of the other.
“That was impulsive,” Cas murmurs.
“Hey,” Dean pipes up. “It was right there.”
Cas rolls his eyes at this but let’s go of his hand so that he can pop the lid of the lube he grabbed from the bedside table open. It should be embarrassing that he knows where to look without asking Dean, but he shouldn’t be all too worried. All worrisome thoughts are quickly ridden of though. Dean can’t help but runs his fingers over the angel’s thighs as he pours a generous amount of lube onto his fingers.
He's all too tempted to reach in between Cas’s legs and touch. But he holds himself strong, waiting for the angel to say he can. He’s learnt well in the past to not touch in certain places without asking. The angel explained it as overwhelming but in a way that every single sensitive touch is like a hundred fireworks. What a thought.
Touching your own dick and fireworks begin bursting out of you.
Then, the angel lifts himself up a bit. And all while making eye contact with Dean, those blue eyes so dark now that they’re almost like midnight, he pushed two slicked fingers into himself. Dean bites the inside of his cheek as he grips Cas’s thighs tighter. Small grunts escape the angel’s throat as he leans over Dean more, working himself open for him. Dean swallows thickly, a warmth coiling in his gut at the sight. All for him. He grips Cas’s thighs tighter again, not being to break eye contact with him.
He feels like he’ll miss something. The sight of Cas is intoxicating. He wonders why his father saw this as wrong and unnatural. There’s nowhere else Dean would rather be right now. He would never be able to admit that out loud, but he just hopes that his angel knows that. Maybe one day he’ll be able to speak his mind without thinking he’s sounding like a little boy.  
Then all of a sudden, like something out of Dean’s pornos, Cas reaches around to grab the hunter’s cock. He gives it a few strokes with his lubed-up fingers and each touch feels like fire to Dean. He holds his breath as the angel lines himself up, biting his lip with the amount of concentration on his face. The head of Dean’s cock pushes in smoothly and it feels like the hunter can’t breathe, all the air being punched out of him.
Slowly, the angel works himself onto Dean’s cock. Inch by inch, he’s determined to get every bit of the hunter into him. Cas breathes heavily through his nose as he closes his eyes, getting lost in the feeling himself. Dean can’t help but imagine the fireworks and it has him grinning.
Finally, the angel sinks down fully and sits on top of Dean with a shaky sigh. Dean can’t let go of the angel’s thighs. If he does, he reckons he’ll float away and never come back.
Only because it’s Cas, it feels so much different for Dean. The angel has Dean throwing his head back into the blankets and chocolates with a little movement of his hips. His finger nails scratch into Cas’s thighs and he can’t help but pant and groan deep within his chest. His angel hasn’t even done anything special, and he feels his skin buzzing.
Cas spreads his hands out onto Dean’s chest, his thumb rubbing over the tattoo on his peck. He sits on Dean for a moment, fully flush against his hips. He breathes slowly, taking in the beautiful sight of Dean trying to hold it together. He begins a slow yet brutal pace to watch Dean writhe. Moving his ass up an inch before moving back down with a twist of his hips. Each movement he’s able to get a small whine from his lover beneath him.
He keeps up the slow and agonizing pace though, waiting for Dean to say something. But he won’t force it out of him, he likes seeing him squirm a little.
“C-Cas,” Dean pants out. “Cas, please move fa-ah-ah,” he’s cut off for a moment, having to find his words in the muddle of moans and groans that force their way from his mouth. “Faster,” he gets out finally.
The angel can’t help but grin as he does as Dean wishes. He rises up until the head of the hunter’s cock sits at his rim then comes back down with another twist of his hips. He quickens his pace and his own hard cock bobs between his legs. The heat that coils in his own gut is intoxicating. Something he’s had to get use to with feeling everything tenfold.
With the new pace, Dean quivers and groans with every movement and coarse of pleasure that strikes through him. He looks to the angel through squinted eyes and feels his heart jump in his throat. Cas, his angel, he’d have to be an idiot to not see beauty in him.
He brings his angel down with his hands on either side of his face to kiss him. He just needs him close. Needs to feel his breath against his face. Needs to taste him on his tongue. He moves his hips upwards every time Cas comes down and each time it gets a grunt from the angel. A beautiful sound that is silky to the ears.
Dean pulls away from the kiss, having to catch air. But it’s very hard when Cas begins pecking and sucking at his jaw and neck quickly after. It’s all too much. He tries to flip Cas over like he’s done so many times. So that he can get at a better angle to fuck into Cas. But the angel holds him down tight on the bed.
Cas continues his pace, working himself on Dean’s dick without a faulter in his progress. He also continues nipping at Dean’s skin, kissing and sucking at him. Leaving marks wherever he’s been that will be there for days to come.
Dean holds onto Cas as his gut tightens, everything becoming fuzzy. He’s close and Cas is going to make him come his way tonight. And he holds on for dear life.
“C-Cas,” Dean pants out. “’M close.”
He can feel the angel smile into his neck as he changes the pace again. To something that has him taking the entirety of Dean and grinding down where he sits. Dean splutters, trying to move his hips but his legs begin to feel like jelly. He moves his knees up the best he can, so that he can move his hips in a way that he’s actually getting a grip on Cas. What the angel is doing to him is torture.
Cas sits up again and arches his back. He breathes heavily, sweat trickling down his chest and stomach. He rests his back against Dean’s knees, using it as a support so that he can concentrate on what he’s doing.
Dean squeezes his eyes shut, his breath hitching in his throat at his loss of simple thoughts. And he doesn’t register it at first. The thing that’s pressing up against his flushed lips. But when he opens his eyes, he gladly takes the sweet chocolate being pushed into his mouth. Two fingers follow after it and Dean sucks at them before he knows what he’s doing. The chocolate breaks inside of his mouth and a gooey caramel covers the angel’s fingers and his tongue. He groans at the taste of the chocolate. If only if the brown sweet could taste this amazing all the time.
Without even asking, Dean begins licking and cleaning the angel’s fingers from the sweet and salty caramel and chocolate. He never breaks eye contact, looking at Cas through long lashes. His tongue twists and curls around Cas’s soft fingers, not leaving an ounce of caramel behind.
Once deemed acceptable, Cas removes his fingers and smiles at Dean’s work. He wishes to grab another, but the hunter has other plans.
With this new found position from Cas, Dean is finally able to move his hips properly. He grips onto Cas’s waist and begins driving his cock into the angel. The angel shivers and trembles at the abuse, having to hold onto Dean’s chest for support. He’s so close and he needs that little extra oomph. He grunts and whines as he comes closer and closer until finally.
Cas lays a hand over one of Dean’s hands as the hunter comes undone deep inside of the angel. His thrusts stutter but he gets a few more in before letting himself go fully. He can’t help but moan as his body goes ridged. He doesn’t let go nor does he move from inside Cas. He lets himself get lost in the orgasm and the sticky feeling dribbling down his balls.
It takes awhile before Dean comes back to the land of the living. Out of breath, sweaty and having lust filled eyes stare down at him is a wonderful mixture of things.
Cas moves off of Dean and the hunter’s softening dick flops onto his thigh. The angel sits down on his stomach gently, his stare never leaving the man under him. Dean swallows thickly, licking his caramel sweet lips. He looks down at Cas’s still hard and reddened cock between his legs and grunts in his throat.
“Give me,” Dean swallows thickly again. “Five minutes and we’ll go round two,” he says as he holds up two fingers.
Cas raises his brow. “Are you sure?”
Dean nods with a snort. “Of course, it’s Valentine’s, isn’t it?”
Happy Valentine's Day bitches :)
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Destiel Valentine's Exchange
Ao3 Collection Sign up form
SCHEDULE: (All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC on the date specified. Guidelines for extensions are in RULES section.) 20 December - Sign-ups open 31 December - Sign-ups close 07 February - Works Due 13 February - Potential Pinch Hits and Extensions Due 14 February - Gifts Revealed
MINIMUMS: Fic must be 1,000 words minimum. Art must be a completed sketch
1) YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER BY DECEMBER 20, 2023 TO PARTICIPATE. Anyone found breaking this rule will be banned from this exchange, all future iterations of it, and any other events that I run.
2) Be respectful of all other participants. If there are any issues, please contact me through the exchange Tumblr account and we will work together to solve it.
3) Respect Do Not Wants (DNWs) and use common sense – if someone requests fluff and doesn’t DNW torture, they probably still don’t want torture unless otherwise requested.
4) All other romantic/sexual ships are OPT-IN. Do not include background ships that have not been opted in. These should only be background relationships and creation must focus on Destiel. If you opt into a background ship, it is not a guarantee that your creator will include it.
5) All Archive Warnings are OPT-IN, no exceptions. Do not include Major Character Death, Rape/Non-con, Graphic Depictions of Violence, or Underage unless your recipient requests it. If you opt into an Archive Warning, it is not a guarantee that your creator will include it.
6) To request an extension, contact me on the exchange's Tumblr account through asks or DMs. Include your Ao3 handle and how long of an extension you need. You don't need to give a reason or explanation, just a heads-up so that I don't give your assignment to someone else.
7) If you for some reason cannot complete your work, hit the "Default" button next to your assignment in your Ao3 "Assignments" page. No reason or explanation is necessary, but please do this sooner rather than later if you are sure that you will not be able to complete your creation.
Send any questions through asks or messages on this account and I'll get back to you as soon as possible <3 Be sure to follow for updates and reminders if you're interested!
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brainrotarchive · 4 months
Little Valentine’s Day treat
just a little chat within my Wolfstar Prettiest Star ´Verse I wrote the other day. I‘m not sure if it will fit into the fic I‘m somewhat working on so I‘m giving it to you as a treat. All you need to know is they are neighbours in an established relationship, Sirius is an tattoo artist who also paints and Remus is a classics professor.
Remus: Please, for somebody‘s sake, stop this!
R: Sirius!
R: I‘m suffering here!
Sirius: ???
S: I‘m working
R: You know exactly what you’re doing and I‘m BEGGING you to stop!
S: what am I doing, my love?
S: tell me and I‘ll know what to stop
S: don‘t want you to be so upset, of course
R: Don‘t act so smug. This is ridiculous.
S: aren‘t you supposed to work for that deadline or smth?
S: I was working but somebody distracted me with accusations
R: It‘s your fault I can‘t work right now and you know it. Please, Sirius.
S: still don‘t know what this is about
S: Are you alright?
S: do I need to to call a doctor
R: I can SEE you grin!
S: I can see YOU grin
R: If you stop it for the rest of the day, I will spend all day with you tomorrow and we can do one of your date list dates.
S: but that‘s the plan anyways
S: this reward sucks
R: Oh, would you prefer a punishment? I could always buy black out curtains for my office and change the locks
S: but you love sunlight in your office
S: and when I come over
R: I do love you and that's why I need you to stop this. I need to get this done.
S: fine
S: but only if I can come over tonight
S: and you need to say what I’m doing that bothers you
S: love you too btw
R: Don’t look at me like that! You’re the silliest man I know. It’s infuriating.
S: say it and I will stop
R: You’re horrible.
R: And your little naked neighbour painting number is driving me insane. Here you go. Happy now?
R: Stop laughing!
S: you’re so cute when you blush
S: you make me so happy
S: always
S: gonna go put some more clothes on and make lunch
S: good luck with your thing
S: let me know when you get hungry and I will bring you leftovers
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certain-blue-eyes · 4 months
New story! 📚💚💙
Written for the Destiel Writers & Readers Fic Exchange: Be My Valentine on Facebook
This story is for you, @dustyl 🤗 Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
(Day 11: Fever)
Dean's sick. Cas just wants him to take some meds and eat some soup. It's not always easy to talk a forty-something man into doing something, even when it's for his own good.
Little return to the Flare 'Verse, but with a caretaker role reversal.
It's just kinda sappy and silly, there's more serious whump coming but you know me. Some days are just gonna be like this.
I also had Meatloaf's "Anything for Love" stuck in my head most of the time while writing this.
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destielangst · 1 year
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Ships in Fic: Dean/Cas & Sam/Gabe
Super Short Summary: Dean goes to visit his brother Sammy for his summer break from college. While he expects to have a good time and catch up, he doesn't expect to find someone he is interested in.
Why you should check it out: This fanfiction is inspired by music by recording artist Mika (with a few other artists included). There are full songs in this written work that are written out like a big gay musical cabaret of live music, not like they are listening to songs or break out into songs on the streets.
Song Count: 8 (15 total planned! Much more to come!) Not sure what I mean by song count? Take a look at the first song in Chapter 3 to get an idea! :)
Notes: Chapter 46/? (Last update: 2/07/23)
Start From the Beginning
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sketching-fox · 4 months
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Hi everyone! Nice to see you all!
Sorry for a long time without posts!
In good timing, I finally finished this Destiel comission for @fanficwritergwen, based on her beautiful fic Centerfold! Thanks for your patience waiting, while I was stuck in too much work and personal issues!
LINK to the fic
Also, in a good moment to wish Happy Valentine’s Day! And happy anniversary to them!
My hugs!
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found--family · 11 months
i dont want to hear any complaints about a shortage of content bc of the strikes when theres 15 seasons of Supernatural to consume thats 327 episodes at 45minutes each of Dean Jackles Winchester and 12 seasons of Gayngel Castiel in the longest running tv fantasy series and one of the most meta-rich shows ever created from 2005 to 2020 the likes of which we will never see again with Destiel awarded best onscreen chemistry before it was canon and most popular ship on ao3 with over 100k fics plus a prequel series and hopes for a reboot and while we're talking you can also check out their other recent projects including award-winning Roadfood and The Boys and Big Sky and Gotham Knights and you might even enjoy over 400 vintage episodes of young jackles on Days Of Our Lives circa 1997 to 2000 and various other guest and spot and main appearances for Jensen and Misha on shows like Dark Angel and Dawson's Creek and Smallville and NCIS and 24 and Charmed and ER and Monk and Timeless and the masterpieces that are TSA America and The Plight of Clownana and movies like My Bloody Valentine and Devour and Ten Inch Hero and Stonehenge Apocalypse and Finding Home and Moving Alan and of course voicework of animated Batman and podcast Bridgewater and if thats still not enough you have 17 years (and counting) of convention footage and countless other projects the rest of the spn cast have appeared in so dont worry there is no shortage of content
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if the supernatural movie doesnt include a reference to
nevada and georgia turning blue, stop the count, destiel making putin resign, sherlock season 5 rumors, destiel news meme, which political person had to be briefed on what destiel is now?, jensen looks like he was holding back homophobic slurs, weird cuts in the confession scene, which way was dean thrown now?, bury your gays speedrun, gay angels get send to superhell/eeby-deeby/cas plinko, recognizing the confession scene only by the first letters of each word, 'homosexual declaration of love', The Tapes™ (Release them now jensen!!!), meta analysis after 15x18, 'i gripped you tight and raised you from perdition' callback as dean saves cas from the empty, why lamp?, onion field, pizza man montage, parallels be paralleling, dean screaming cas name so loud in one take that people heard it blocks away, dean offering to kill sam if it means chuck brings cas back, the 4 year old son of lucifer becoming god, chuck won theory, 'we explore the nature of destiel in act two', excitement for a long finale which could only be about dean saving cas, right?, the insanity inducing quotes of the day for episodes, 'the night we met' and 'angel with a shotgun' songs of the day on set, filming in a barn, worst finale ever (even worse than game of thrones), weirly short with 11 scenes cut, two thirds montages, carry on wayward son playinf twice, back to back, one a weird cover version, vampmimes, no cas in the finale but instead some random vampire from season one no one remembers, dean finally gets nailed from behind, dean dies from tetanus, party city wig, good cars go to heaven, Car/Cas and Biden/Bi!Dean/Bye!Dean, 'cas helped', blurry wife, misha and jensen are not in the thank you video, everyone was supposed to be at the roadhouse originally but no one was informed of those plans, walker backdoor pilot, covid/capitalism destroyed everything, misha was in vancouver for filming the last episodes and was in less episodes than he was contracted for, misha denies ever having been in vancouver, misha says originally he was supposed to be in the finale as jimmy, misha says cas was supposed to be in the finale and 'sidle up to dean in the roadhouse', heterosexual destiel whose kisses would have created entire universes, destiel reciprocated in spanish, rogue translator, #TheySilencedYou, Jensen Ackles sexy silence, jensen ackles longcon, deanbenny breakup in season 8 script leak, Heller Obama, fake italian dub, misha collins x bill clinton sex scandal, misha addressing the "scandal" and tagging bill clinton and monica lewinski, 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', mishapocalypse 2.0 and 3.0, 'eyes like the sky' beer from jensens brewery rumored to be misha description, cockles anniversay photo, chaos machine jensen ackles' production company, 'rainbow road' beer close to deans birthday, blue green ('destiel') shotglasses from jensen brewery, ash and ellen's actors roleplaying roadhouse reopening in twitter, people think they are planning destiel wedding, disappointment when thats not the case, fans celebrate Destiel Wedding anyway on Valentine's Day 2021, fallout with both actors after one said a 'queer interpretation would damage the integrity of the show',
*takes a deep breath*
jared calling cas junkless and comparing his love for dean to the love he has for his children, misha collins cameo including 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', saileen and midam wedding, spn prequel announcement and subsequent j2 fallout, '@/robbiethompson et tu brute wow. what a trully awful thing you've done #bravo you coward', the prequel being about the least favourite characters of supernatural and a love story disproved by canon, 100000 destiel fics on ao3, misha tweets about that, rumors if mishas secret ao3 account, real italian dub going 'you're kinda okay' instead of i love you, misha tweeting a video of him saying 'te amo' in response to that', jensen saying if there'd been more time he (he meant dean but he used first person pronouns) would have hugged cas and said 'i love you too', first anniversary, misha collins coming out as bisexual on accident and then saying he 'happens to be straight' three days later in a five post apology thread, hot sauce from adam/micheal actor advertised by him playing midam, casbaiting in the winchesters trailer, jarlos shipping by winchester main actors, dean with beard and turtleneck, jensen saying he wanted misha in the winchesters but it didnt work out because of scheduling conflicts but hed be there in a season two shortly before the show was cancelled, death of the rogue translator and destiel getting dragged to the trending page every time there is news
*panting* then i dont want it.
yes this is all i could remember without looking it up
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2 Days Left…
Sign-Ups for the Destiel Valentine’s Exchange close on the 31st of December! Don’t miss out 💗
Ao3 Collection Profile
Sign Up Form
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DESTIEL TROPE COLLECTION 2023 | DAY 16 | Two Person Love Triangle
Secret Admirer | NannaT (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 5,627 Main Tags/Warnings: Valentine's Day, Fluff and angst, Secret admirer Summary: Cas has a secret admirer and it's driving Dean nuts
An Angel's Tale | @seidenapfel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 30,175 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fanfic Writer Castiel, Fanartist Dean Winchester, Two Person Love Triangle, Episode: s15e18 Despair - Castiel's Confession Scene, President Castiel (Supernatural), Custodian Dean Winchester, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Hunter Dean Winchester, Canon Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Fix-It, Angel Wings, Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair, Minor Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Alcohol, Dean Winchester Has Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Mutual Pining, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: After being Dean’s roommate for over a decade, Castiel can’t go on like this anymore. He leaves their shared home and flees to Europe for a year, no longer able to deal with his feelings for his best friend in such close proximity. Left behind heartbroken and grieving, Dean distracts himself with Charlie’s favorite fantasy book series. Intrigued by the tale of an angel and a hunter, Dean stumbles into the realms of fandom and fanfic. For the first time since high school, he picks up his drawing utensils, and, not before long, signs up for a fandom big bang. Dean is thrilled to be paired with his favorite author. Chatting reveals that Dean isn’t the only one who is head over heels in love with his best friend. In jest, they make a deal: They confess their feelings to their friends, and if that doesn’t work out, they’ll try their luck with each other.
Go Down With This Ship | @porcupine-girl
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31,354 Main Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings, Epistolary, Online Friendship, Online Romance, Tumblr, Characters Writing Fanfiction, Alternate Universe - Fans & Fandom, Two Person Love Triangle, Identity Reveal, Librarian Dean, Dom/sub, Dom Castiel, Light Bondage, Rimming, top cas/bottom dean (fun fact: This was the first fic on ao3 to use the two person love triangle tag! I found the term on TV Tropes.) Summary: Since he has to stay deep in the closet to protect his job as a children’s librarian in conservative Wichita, Kansas, Dean’s main outlet for sexual frustration is writing and reading slash fiction for his favorite show, Devil Boys. When he starts corresponding with AngelofThursday, another male slash writer in his ship, he really is just looking for friendship… but when it seems like more might be on the table, he’s not going to turn it down. If only he didn’t also have a crush on Cas, the hot volunteer at his library branch…
Salt & Iron | @abi-cosmos
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 36,221 Main Tags/Warnings: Human Castiel, Online relationship, Two person love triangle, Mutual pining, Depression, Drinking to cope, Love Confessions, Dom/sub undertones, Dean Winchester wears panties, Canon divergence, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Dean is lonely since Castiel became human. It’s been six months of throwing himself into cases, pining around the bunker, and radio silence ever since they parted ways. Charlie takes matters into her own hands, signing him up for a hunter’s networking website where he meets new hunter Steven. They start a friendship, Dean enjoys his online companionship and Steven seems to understand what he needs without ever having met him. When things heat up between the screens, Castiel is brought back into his life, and Dean soons finds himself face-to-face with secrets and sin.
Love, Dean | @friendofcarlotta
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 48,050 Main Tags/Warnings: Gay Dean Winchester, Closeted Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel, Closeted Castiel, Dean Winchester's First Time With a Man, Kid Fic, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, Threesome - M/M/M Summary: Dean has a job he’s good at, and people he loves. Really, he’s got most things a man in his thirties could wish for. He also has a huge secret: he’s gay. The only one who knows is his best friend Charlie. Dean is content to keep it that way, until he strikes up an anonymous email friendship with a colleague who’s also closeted and struggling to come out. As Dean’s feelings for his new friend grow, he begins to wonder if it might be time to let himself be seen.
Dear Western Red Cedar #2409 | @mittensmorgul
Rating: Mature Word Count: 63,433 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, forest ranger/author!Dean, librarian!Cas, idiots to lovers Summary: For a decade, Dean had been living his dream life in Montana as a national park ranger. When Sam and Eileen followed him there a few years later, he had no idea how to tell them about his side gig as the author of a wildly popular series of novels loosely based on his own experiences. Well, minus the monster hunting. He never expected them to become bestsellers—or potentially a tv series, if his agent could only convince him to out his real identity. While Dean's also writing his latest bestseller on a deadline, a misunderstanding and his own social ineptitude leave him completely cut off, aside from his new pen pal who Dean only knows as Bluebird. Cas had spent the last two years desperate to hold Dean’s attention. Right when he felt they might be getting somewhere, Dean was called away on an emergency. Of course he had to go and lament about his troubles to a random tree, thanks to a distracting plaque inviting the public to participate in a new town project. To his surprise, he seems to hit it off— completely anonymously of course— with Western Red Cedar #2409.
American Rebels | @valandrawrites
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 78,973 Main Tags/Warnings: Professor Dean Winchester, Graduate Student Castiel, Goth Castiel, Tattooed Castiel, Pierced Castiel, 2 person love triangle, Identity Reveal, Idiots in Love, Anonymous Sex, Bathroom Sex, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, Dean Winchester Has a Sexuality Crisis, Eventual Happy Ending, Dean/Cas Switch Bang 2022 Summary: Graduate student Castiel Novak shows up excited for his American Lit course titled *American Rebels* taught by the Dean himself! But the man who arrives is none other than Cas’ anonymous bathroom hookup from the summer. Professor Winchester cannot figure out why the hot, weird, tattooed, and pierced guy who fucked him within an inch of his life in the Roadhouse bathroom is in his favorite class. And why does he insist on using his full name every time he addresses him? Maybe Charlie can help… **This is based on a real story involving me and a Professor named Dean Flowers. He was not, as I later learned, actually the Dean. For the record, I did not have sex with Dean Flowers.
kept on climbing til our stars collided | @whaddyameanno
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 84,801 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Two Person Love Triangle, Alcohol usage, Recreational Drug Usage, mentions of medical procedures, Anesthesia mention, Panic Attacks Summary: Dean is a Youtuber. Castiel is a college student who gets introduced to his channel. Both Dean and Castiel also have unknowingly been talking to each other on their secret stan accounts for Dr. Sexy.
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angelsdean · 4 months
my dash is full of destiel wedding aniversary. I love it but i feel like i missed something. whats up? was there a wedding last year?
back in 2021 we all threw them a wedding on valentine's day and made art / gifs / fics / etc and now every year since we celebrate their anniversary<3 they've been married for 3 years!!
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disabled-dean · 5 months
so i just recently followed you bc of the destiel wedding anniversary valentines exchange event you are holding. and i saw you have a Fic. i read the summary last night. thought it might be my jam and planned to read it tonight. and i did. i just read it. i feel like i exploded. i dont know how to put this into the words i want especially bc its 3am and i just read the fic for the first time. but ohhhh my god. the way you captured dean and cas' character and the way they speak and interact. the tension and the knowing but not acting on it. and i dont think i can even start unpacking dean's entire inner monologue. you tore something out of me that i didnt know was there and put it into words. and after reading it i immediately turned on the lights im my room and started pacing. i have so many thoughts i am not able to unpack enough to put into words. i feel like i could run a marathon right now...oh my god this ask is already too long but i have so much i need to say. your writing in that fic is so impressive. it is so tangible and i want to marinate in it for so long with no outside disruptions. how do i ignore every single responsibility in my life so i can read it until i have it memorized. i feel like its already a part of me but i also need to read it again and again. Its the being seen through words in a way you did not know you existed. holy shit i just scrolled up by accident and saw how long this is i need to go eat something and then maybe cry or do my laundry or both. Hello
Bestie omg 😭 Words cannot possibly describe how much life this ask gave me!!! It is absolutely not too long at all I am always down to talk about Asterism <3 Hearing people's feedback on the piece has been such an important part of the writing process. I love that it resonated with you and I love the image of the 3am pacing/could run a marathon. This one was like. 6 month of blood and guts for me (and a more accurate ptsd diagnosis) so really what you've said means more than I can say <3 Happy to chat more if you're interested!! (And yay anniversary v-day event my beloved)
I've read this ask like. Four times this morning. I feel like I could run a marathon.
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deancaskiss · 1 year
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Hi my lovelies 💟 First, I wanted to say thank you! To be celebrating such a huge milestone with yall means everything to me, and I’m continually astounded, amazed, and thankful for all the love and support from you all! I’ve been hinting at this event idea for months and I’m so excited to finally share this with yall! I wanted to do something magical, with a special event date, and I really hope yall will like this one. It’s time for….
Disneynatural!!! ✨
This event can include the Disneyland or Disneyworld theme parks (my personal favorite), Disney movies, Disney songs, Disney characters, Disney shows, Disney merch, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Disney magic, etc etc. The only rule here is to combine Supernatural with something Disney themed!
Posting for this disneynatural event will be on February 14th!
Bonus: since this event posting date falls on Valentine’s Day and the destiel wedding anniversary (because what’s cuter than a wedding anniversary and a Disney theme), you’re welcome to combine your disneynatural creation with their 2 year wedding anniversary and/or Valentine’s!
Feel free to create any type of content you want (fics, gifs, edits, poetry, playlists, art, amvs, etc) inspired by the theme of disneynatural. When you post your creations, you can either tag me (@deancasroadtrip) or use the tag #disneynaturalmagic. This might just be my most favorite event I’ve ever hosted (because Disney really is my happy place) and I can’t wait to celebrate with yall! <3
As per usual, yall can make destiel content or anything else supernatural related! Please keep your creations suitable for minors, and no i*cest. Please reach out to me if you have any questions, and I hope y’all enjoy the disney(natural) magic!
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gococogo · 1 year
Coco's Masterlist
「 Navigation 」
Information: Warnings and other information will be listed when you click into the fic. this is just a list and a simple description about said one. Enjoy what I've written!
⋆ Fics will be added here that are coming soon or when they have a schedule. So don't be shy to check up on here every now and again ⋆
Last updated: 19th of March
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♡ Kinktober Masterlists ♡
✾ 2023 Kinktober
: Total, 9 fics
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♡ Supernatural Fics ♡
✾ Playing Couple [Unfinished/Currently being updated]
[Dean and Cas are forced to play as a couple to undergo a job. But sooner than later, the job starts to go sideways and Dean's feeling towards the angel come forth]
One Shots
✾ Warming Up
[Dean is left alone in the snow and calls upon an angel to warm him up]
✾ Desperation
[Dean gets hit my a mysterious pollen on one of their jobs. Cas is the only one with him and he knows what the pollen does. And the effects hit Dean before they're able to finish and head home]
✾ Destiel Valentine's Day Special
[Castiel has only heard of Valentine's Day from other humans on earth and would like to participate in this celebration with Dean]
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♡ Marvel Fics ♡
One shots
[Steve is worried that Bucky doesn't remember anything but he quickly finds out that the former soldier remembers more than he lets on]
✾ Bucky oneshot
[Bucky decides to wear something different]
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♡ Assassin's Creed Fics ♡
✾ Having Earned More
[Haytham realizes that Shay hasn't been receiving the attention he needs and wants to make sure the former Assassin knows that he is wanted]
✾ Childlike Innocence [Unfinished]
[No older than sixteen, Haytham travels to America with Birch for business. It should be a new experience, something that Haytham should be able to explore out by himself and meet new people. But Birch wants him by his side and to learn of the things he does.
But all Haytham can think of is a boy around his age he met on the docks. A boy called Shay]
✾ Heart of the Sea {Shaytham Titanic Au}
Coming after Childlike Innocence
✾ In The White Roses
[When Shay doesn't come after a couple of days, Haytham becomes extremely worried. More so than he usually would. And when he finds Shay, hurt and injured, he realizes there may be more than he is letting on]
✾Night of Christmas - Shaytham Christmas Special
[Christmas has rolled around and while Shay is out celebrating, Haytham is brooding. And it's on this night that Shay finds a little understanding on why Haytham doesn't enjoy this time of year]
✾ A New Day for the New Year - Shaytham New Years Special {Kind of a sequel to Night of Christmas}
[Having invited Shay to a New Years party because there's no one else he'd rather be with, he quickly realized they should have stayed home. He can't touch Shay or hold Shay like other couple under the fireworks. Too many eyes, too many people. But Shay makes it work.]
✾ A Fool's Life (Shaytham Fic)
[Shay has come back into Haytham's life after so long, only to send him away to search another artifact. All to push away feelings that aren't permitted in an age of his time. When the time comes that Haytham can express these thoughts he's had, would such a man like Haytham be able to admit them?]
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♡ Cyberpunk 2077 Fics - Male!V ♡
✾ Share Your Toys - SilverV
[V buys something interesting and Johnny isn't all too interested in playing along. All until everything becomes unbearable and he has to show V just how to use it correctly]
✾ Feeling Tense - SilverV
[Johnny realizes that V isn't feeling so good and wants to release some tension in those joints of his. Which is very out of character for a prick like himself.]
Do not steal, plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape or form
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 4 months
fell asleep for two hours. woke up sweating (literally) & with an idea for a destiel valentines day fic. sent a 7 minute voice message to my friend detailing said fic. need to go back to sleep, but am vibrating with a Need to Write This Fic.
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