#destory me
washiinmachiine · 2 years
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jellydrawsposts · 6 months
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Screenshot redraws(ish) of The Boy King and his Royal Guards
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prettybard · 1 year
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Me when the flashback of Mike biking home crying bc he thinks Will is dead shows up in s5:
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Contrary to popular belief Eddie was no blushing virgin. Sure, the whole metal head mixed with nerd thing wasn't a cheerleader's cup of tea, but there was a certain type of Hawkins girl who dug the whole bad boy aesthetic, and even a few boys. He'd managed to get into the pants of more than one closeted jock over the years to know his way around the block, for men and women alike. 
So no, Eddie was no stranger to relationships, he had his fair share of partners over the years, and had even managed to be an alright boyfriend to a few of them. But even with all that, he had still been woefully unprepared for dating Steve Harrington. 
Maybe it was because he got to bear witness to him being a sexy badass who bit the head off of demons, or maybe it was because Steve turned out to be the sweetest guy on the face of the earth and saved him from literal hell, or maybe Eddie had just never expected to even get this far, but whatever the reason Eddie was obsessed with the guy, in a way he just wasn’t used to. He had been since Steve kissed him for the first time, or if he was being honest with himself, since he had that bottle to his throat. 
Besides the shallow fact that Eddie had never been this attracted to another person before, Steve was just so...fun. And he made such an effort to get to know all of Eddie’s nerd shit. Even if he was a snarky bitch more than half the time in their DnD sessions, Eddie didn’t miss how much he was paying attention to the plot, even if it was just to make fun of the kids' bad party decisions from the sidelines. And that wasn’t even mentioning how much he tolerated his music. Despite the fact that Eddie had fallen in love with a pop princess, Steve still let him blare his metal tapes in his car, and when he got Eddie Metillica tickets for his birthday, Eddie had nearly passed out. Steve just made him feel so…free. Free to be himself, in any way he wanted, with no worries that he would ever be too much for him. 
He liked to think that Steve felt the same way around him. The guy had Eddie doing shit he never would have even considered before he met. If Steve wanted to go on a hike, then Eddie was more than willing to risk experiencing the horrible, great outdoors, especially since Steve always gave him a piggyback ride at the last leg of the journey. If Steve wanted to be at one of Lucas’ games, then suddenly postponing Hellfire was no longer a big issue. If Steve was having the kind of bad day that only corny ABBA songs could fix, then Eddie would happily blare Dancing Queen in the van, his image be damned. 
It’s not like he had had low expectations in terms of dating Steve, he just…hadn’t expected to be so whipped so soon. He had known he was Steve's first boyfriend (and planned on being the last, if he had anything to say about it) so he kinda figured he would have had the edge here. But no, of course, Steve had him wrapped around his finger by the end of the first week and there was really nowhere else Eddie would rather be. 
But as wonderful as all of that was, loving Steve so fully led to some unexpected consequences. Like the fact that Eddie had become a possessive freak overnight. He was jealous, plain and simple, and it was constant.  He was jealous of every girl that made star eyes at his Steve at the checkout counter of Family Video, he was jealous of the way every Hawkins housewife shamelessly flirted with him at any of the kid's events, christ, he was even jealous of how easy Robin had it when it came to being affectionate with him in public. 
Kissing his cheek, holding his hand, their weird platonic soulmate relationship didn’t bother him, but he wanted to be able to do all of that too. If he could just start making out with Steve everytime someone even looked at him the wrong way, he wouldn’t have a problem, but their options were so limited in shitty Hawkins. Everything had to wait until they were alone and behind closed doors and Eddie hated it. He was lucky when they managed to even link pinkies in public, when in reality all he wanted to do was stamp a giant Property of Eddie Munson across Steve’s forehead. 
He was lucky that Steve hadn’t caught on yet, just how much Eddie wanted him all to himself. And Eddie wanted to keep it that way. The last thing he wanted was for Steve to think he didn’t trust him, not with how hard the guy worked to be sure Eddie was fully aware he was loved.
It wasn’t an issue of What if Steve finds someone better than me and leaves? But more of, If that bitch doesn’t stop touching my future husband I’m going to flip a table. But Eddie wasn’t going to risk even the chance of hurting Steve’s feelings over something so dumb.
Somehow Eddie Munson, the exonerated, drug dealer who lived in a trailer park, managed to bag the best man in the state of Indiana, and he was not going to ruin that over some stupid jealousy. Even if all he wanted to do right now was beat the shit out of the jackass who wouldnt stop trying to dance with his boyfriend.
They were on an overnight trip to Indianapolis for Robin’s birthday, which of course meant they had to go to a gay bar at her insistenace, “This could be my only chance to kiss a girl before college, we have to do it!”
And from the looks of Robin making out with random girl #2 at a booth, at least they accomplished that mission, but that didn’t stop the fact that Eddie was about five seconds away from being a wanted killer all over again. Steve, his perfect, lovely Steve was too captivating for his own good because no one would stop hitting on him in this place. They saw one look at his pastel sweater and soft hair and swarmed and Eddie felt like he’d been beating them away with a stick ever since. 
Though Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t like the feeling of chasing them away, because at least here, he could be all over his boyfriend, in anyway he wanted. And he didn’t hesitate to use it. Someone tries to chat Steve up at the bar? Eddie’s there with a hand around his waist and his lips on his temple. Someone tries to slip him their number at their booth? Eddie's in his lap and tosses it away. Someone's asking Steve dance? Eddie will pull him onto the floor before the words are even out of their mouth. And sure, maybe he’s going a little overboard, but Steve was tipsy enough to let it all slide, or if anything encourage it. 
It worked well enough to keep them all away, all but one. Eddie wasn’t sure what the dude’s problem was, but he had had his eyes on Steve the second they walked in the place. Very fratboy-esque, and not the type Eddie expected to see here, more like someone he’d expect to see on the cover of Erica’s teen magazines. 
The type that obviously wasn’t used to the word no. 
Eddie had been in the bathroom for less than five minutes, but that had been plenty enough time for that asshole to crowd Steve on the dancefloor. He watched as Steve pushed him away again. Robin was with him now at least, drunk and pissy enough to stick her tongue out at the guy as she draped herself over Steve’s shoulders. 
It was enough to make him retreat back to the bar, alone. Eddie followed, taking a seat next to him at the counter. The guy barely glanced at him, eyes still fixed on Steve.
“Got your eye on someone?” Eddie asked, casual as he ordered a beer. He reconginzed the song playing, and knew that the crescendo was deafening enough to be of use. 
He nodded in Steve’s direction, “You could say that.”
He wasn’t paying any attention to Eddie, not even as he snaked his hand closer to his, already getting the perfect angle, “Pretty sure that one’s taken.”
The guy scoffed, “A few more drinks in him and he won’t be able to tell the difference. That’s all I need.” 
Eddie’s eye twitched, all of his rationality flying out the window. The music was finally swelling, perfect timing for Eddie to do what he came for. He jerked the guy’s little finger back, the loud snap and surprised cry completely covered by the music. 
Eddie leaned in, hissing in his ear, “Y’know, you should really learn to watch your mouth in front of strangers.” 
He let his finger go, taking a sip of his beer as the guy sputtered at him, “Are you crazy?!”
“Yep,” Eddie shrugged, “And if you touch him again and I’ll break your fucking hand.” Honestly, if he so much as looked at Steve again he was going to smash his teeth in, the fucking creep. Eddie wasn’t sure what his face looked like with when he let that threat out, but it was enough to make the guy turn tale, speed-walking for the front door.
Eddie turned around, fully intent on joining Steve back on the dancefloor, when he was met face to face with the man himself. Steve stared at him mouth slack, probably because Eddie just went full psycho on a stranger. 
Eddie froze, mind racing as he tried to think of what to say here, but Steve was already grabbing his hand and dragging Eddie out through the back door. He stopped when they were outside, crowding Eddie against the wall.
Eddie swallowed, trying to say something, “Stevie-” 
Eddie barely got a word out before Steve was kissing him, pressing him against the wall with a moan. Eddie’s brain short-circuited for half a second before he was pulling Steve closer. So not mad then. 
“God, that was hot,” Steve panted against his lips, “Love it when you get all jealous.”
Eddie pulled away to blink at him, not quite sure if he heard that right, “You do?”
Steve nodded, moving to start kissing at Eddie’s neck, “Mmhm, even at home, when you get all touchy and pissy over girls. You’re too fucking cute man, it kills me.”
Eddie grinned, heart full as Steve attacked his neck. All that worrying, for absolutely nothing. Because of course Steve just got it, “I’m so fucking glad you’re mine baby.”
Steve giggled against his throat,“Good, because there’s nothing I love more than being yours.”
Eddie groaned, chasing back after Steve’s mouth. 
Maybe jealousy wasn’t such a bad thing afterall. 
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
When I was a kid, I have a distinct memory of borrowing a laundry basket from my parents, and putting it back when I was done. Now, I hadn't put it back exactly where I saw it, and do you know the "punishment" I received? My entire room was completely trashed multiple times.
As an adult, I realize that the parent who did this wanted to teach me a lesson about respecting people's spaces enough to put things back in its proper place. I realize that it was supposed to be a kind of "eye for an eye" type of punishment, but that's not what I remember learning.
I remember learning as a kid, though: Never rely on other people for help, they will enact revenge on you. Don't go to other people. They will fucking hate you for it, they don't care about you enough, and the punishment you receive will be payment.
And in many ways, I still see this type of parenting being practiced. You aren't going to teach your kids jack shit by doing this. Kids' brains are typically not going to connect the dots the way yours is doing. A kid isn't going to have a grand sense of consequence because to them, they did a thing and then their parent fucking lost their mind.
What do you do instead? Preferably, you seek to communicate with them, show them the behaviour you want from them, and don't resort to corporal "punishment" or humiliation.
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VINCENT PRICE as Mr. Robur -
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viarayy01-blog · 17 days
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shhhh.... quiet your incessant chatter.... Power Of Love from the hit indie game In Stars and Time is playing.....
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lesbiantrish · 2 months
every day i think about yowzah’s marriage scene and then i start violently sobbing
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copypastus · 1 year
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A bit of a rant under cut coz ACOFAS broke into my house, tore my heart from my chest and smashed my feelings with a sledgehammer.
Warning: Strong Feelings about a Fairy Book Xmas Special
Why is this book so fucking mean to Tamlin? Dude messed up at the beggining (with good intentions) but after a certain point he's doing everything right to make up. He drags Beron to help in battle. He save's Feyre from Hybern. He passes on the INCREDIBLE opportunity to be a petty bitch and revives Rhys with a 'Be happy Feyre' and then fucks off to be sad by himself. What more redemption do you want? What more can the dude possibly do?? Clearly nothing. As multiple characters just randomly think to themselves he's just the worst and no matter how much good he does it'll never make up for *checks notes* locking Feyre in a house that one time. Like I'm going crazy here. Dude's not doing anything anymore. Not like he's coming back with a vengance he's just highkey depressed in his sad house. And here's Morrigan thinking how much she'd like to kill him one day. Here's Rhys poping in to berrate him. God forbid he fixes things with Lucien. Stay miserable you sad fuck. Ok maybe he feels a little bad after but everyone assures him it's fine acctually. It's always moraly ok to bully Tamlin. You're the bigger male most times. ugh Then you think ok maybe he'll fix it, maybe there was a point to it all. Sure enough here comes Rhys again. His approach is a little better! 'Eat, Tamlin'. Wow did he get some godamn empathy for Solstice? But no he just can't help himself. 'You can waste and die when it's convenient for me. What you thought I'd actually had sympathy for you??'
I just??? it's so MEAN. so petty. If it was the villain Rhysand arc I'd be cheering. But I'm supposed to be rooting for this dude?? I thought it was a low stakes filler book where they exchange gifts and have a delightful little snowball fight. what is this???
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space-woomy · 2 months
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Big octo gf is big Squishy in swim form!!!!! Best squishes!!!!!!
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calamitoustide · 2 months
Thinking about Regulus running away to a small ocean-side town to get away from his family. It's completely unfamiliar to him, and he's always been afraid of water, but it's somewhere he knows no one will look. He meets a sailor in one of the shops. A sailor who teaches him how to find beauty in everything, even in the destructive sea. A sailor who can only stay a week or two before he has to leave again. A sailor waits with him patiently by the tide until Regulus is ready to actually step foot on his boat. He learns his name is James, and when he goes on the boat with him he learns many other things. James talks freely about his family, and what brought him to rest on the sea to begin with. Regulus keeps it all locked away he can't say anything, and he listens instead. Of course one day James needs to go away to another small town and leave Regulus behind. Regulus stands, the tide licking at his ankles as he watches him ride off. James' vow to come back to him replays in his mind. A strange part of Regulus actually believes him. So he waits for his lonely sailor who taught him the beauty of fear, to come home to him.
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ind1c0lite · 9 months
Ok when I get home I'm gonna buy TGAA I saw something on my dash that finally convinced me
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Mayor, I like people who play instruments.
Can we have a date? ;)
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souredfigs · 10 months
Me,a starstruck 15 year old reading the Odyssey for the first time : *sighs* wish I was born in 12th century BCE so I could see Troy and-
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kdjojo · 5 months
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Huge sneak peaks of my fanfic that's gonna be on a03.
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