#details and summary tags
toburnup · 1 year
hi! i'm wondering if you can share what code you use for the 'click for details/spoilers' in your author's notes in the parasomnia fic on ao3. i normally just use the end notes for warnings/spoilers, but it would be nice to be able to have that upfront like in your fic
yess happy to help!!
nest the summary tag within the details tag. summary is the section you want the reader to see, and if they click it, it will drop down to reveal the details.
example taken from ch 14 of iylo if anyone wants to see the live version.
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and if they click:
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thetarttfuldickhead · 11 months
Fic: Roy & Jamie & and that time when Jamie was NOT in a car crash
With ten minutes left until training officially began and still no sign of Jamie, there were a few raised eyebrows and murmurs and Isaac telling Will to put the player down for a 100 quid fine, but no one thought to be worried. People ran late, sometimes. Not usually Jamie, no, but Colin figured there was a first time for everything. Besides, he was busy listening to Bumbercatch explain the intricacies of post-Brexit labour shortages and the way it served to reproduce notions of capitalist realism, none of which Colin understood, but Bumbercatch was at his fittest when he was passionate and mysterious so Colin hung on to his every word all the same.
When Roy stepped into the dressing room a little while later and noticed the distinct lack of number 9 and rang Jamie to demand where the hell he was only to receive no answer, a slight sense of unease settled over the room, though Colin suspected that had more to to with the sinister look on Coach’s face rather than any real fear that Jamie might be in danger (at least not until he showed up and had to deal with Coach anyway).
And then they heard about the car crash.
It was Sam who – always eager to play peacemaker, bless him – checked his phone to see if Jamie had left any messages in the group chat to explain his absence, and Sam who went very quiet and stared at his screen in silence for so long that everyone else fell silent too and turned to stare at him. Never a good sign, that sort of silence in the dressing room.
“Yo, bruv, he write something?” Isaac asked when it became apparent that Sam was not going to volunteer whatever information he had found.
“No, nothing,” Sam said. “But… “
“But fucking what?” Roy demanded, words sharp and jagged like broken glass.
“There’s been a car crash,” Sam’s voice was quiet and slow and reluctant. “A big one, not far from Jamie’s house. At least two people are dead, and several injured. It doesn’t say anything about Jamie,” he quickly added into the collective intake of horrified breath. “I’m sure he’s perfectly fine.”
“Yeah,” Thierry agreed quickly. “He probably just got delayed because it caused a traffic jam or something.”
Eager nods around room, and Colin found himself nodding along because of course that was the most reasonable explanation, of course Jamie hadn’t— he wasn’t—
“But then why didn’t he pick up his phone?” Bumbercatch asked. “Or call to say he’d be late?”
A relevant question, and as with most of Moe’s questions, without a ready answer.
“We would have heard, wouldn’t we?” Nate suggested uneasily. “I mean, they would have called, if— “
He didn’t finish the sentence. No one else spoke.
Trying to distract himself from the quickly growing pit in his stomach, Colin turned his gaze on Roy, who had gone so still that he didn’t even seem to be breathing. His face was a blank mask, utterly devoid of any emotion, but his fists were clenched so tight that Colin’s own hands twinged in sympathy.
“I’ll go talk to Higgins,” Beard said abruptly, breaking the fraught silence.
“Yeah, no, that’s a great idea,” Nate quickly chimed in. Like Colin, he’d been eyeing Roy nervously. “He’ll know what—“
The door slammed open. Jamie rushed inside. “Sorry, sorry I’m late,” he called as he dumped his bag on the bench by his cubby and started pulling his vest off, “been this massive car accident, was stuck for ages and then the road was closed off so I had to go round and— Eh?“
Cockburn, by virtue of being closest, had pulled Jamie into a tight hug, and the rest of the players immediately closed in to follow suit, Colin among them. In his relief he wasn’t sure whether to kiss Jamie or smack him on the head for worrying them, and in the end he settled for briefly squeezing his neck. Jamie grinned at him, at all of them, looking a little bemused but very much delighted by the attention.
“Fucking hell, lads,” he laughed. “Thought I’d be getting a fine, not a fucking group hug. Realized how dull training would be without me, huh?”
“You are getting a fine,” Isaac told him, even as he put his arm around Jamie’s shoulder and shook him gently. “But we’re fucking happy you’re here, yeah?”
“We thought you had died in the car crash,” Jan explained.
“Sí, amigo, we were so worried for you!”
“Oh! Yeah, no, I’m fine, I’m fine. Not fucking Colin, am I? I don’t get into any car crashes.” He caught Colin’s eye and winked, sticking his tongue out like the utter tosser he was and Colin rolled his eyes and was so, so stupidly happy the idiot was there to be annoying.
Eventually, after everyone had gotten to hug Jamie or pat him on the back or ruffle his hair (to his loud but clearly half-hearted protests), the team drifted back to their own cubbies, happily chatting amongst themselves—
— leaving Roy standing on the middle of the floor, staring at Jamie with a look on his face that had Colin take an involuntary step backwards. Their gaffer did not look relieved. In fact, he looked absolutely murderous.
“Why the fuck,” he intoned, emphasizing each word, “did you not fucking call to say you were fucking late? And why the fuck did you not answer your fucking phone?”
The tone of voice would have had anyone with even an ounce of self-preservation running for cover if directed at them, but Jamie just blinked. “Oh, er, left it at home, didn’t I? Already had it in me black bag, right, only I realized the tan one went better with this outfit so I grabbed that instead, but I forgot about the phone ‘cause I was in a bit of a rush, yeah?” He shrugged a little sheepishly. “It was stupid. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, you’re sorry about that, are you? Do you have any fucking idea—“ Taking a step closer, getting right up into Jamie’s face, Roy launched into a dressing-down of such volume and viciousness Colin was convinced it had the walls vibrating. Even by Roy Kent’s considerable standards, it was a lot and it lasted for well over a minute until Roy growled, “If you’re not out on the pitch running laps in two minutes you won’t have to worry about getting into any car crashes going home ‘cause you’ll be here all night, running ‘til you fucking drop in your own puke, got it?”
Initially, Jamie had seemed slightly taken aback by Roy’s furious remonstration, but then something that looked strangely like understanding passed over his face and he settled into a determined stoicism, neither talking back nor looking cowed. By the end of it, though, there was definitively barely suppressed anger glinting in his gray eyes, leaving Colin worried he might snap and then they’d have a full-on brawl on their hands, just like back in the bad old days when Roy and Jamie well and truly hated each others’ guts and wouldn’t that be exactly the sort of fun they all wanted on a Tuesday?
He gave a sigh of relief (and could hear Richard do the same just next to him) when Jamie just offered a curt, “yes, Coach,” and set to getting changed at an appropriately hurried speed.
“And fucking apologize to your teammates for delaying training!” Roy barked.
“We’d be out there already if you hadn’t spent the last hour shouting at me,” Jamie muttered to the boot he was tying.
“The fuck did you say?”
“Nothing, Coach. Sorry, everyone.” He looked up. “Really am,” he added, sounding quite sincere about it. “Didn’t mean to hold you up or, you know, worry you or nothing.”
Training was an awkward and quietly tense affair. Once Jamie had finished his laps and was allowed to join the rest of them, Roy pointedly and resolutely ignored him, refusing to so much as spare him a glance while the team muddled through the day’s exercises and scrimmage.
Jamie, for his part, seemed utterly determined not to give a shit. He went through the drills as diligently as ever, dribbled and passed and shot with his usual flair, shouting encouragements and slapping Colin’s butt after a particularly good free kick. For all intents and purposes, it was just another day at the job for Jamie Tartt – but Colin saw the looks he kept shooting Roy when he thought no one was watching, and he noticed how Jamie didn’t just play well but played brilliantly, stubbornly lining up one little footie miracle after another on the pitch. He wasn’t being a prick about it either, prompting Colin to mutter to Isaac: “Looks like Jamie’s trying to get back on Roy’s good side by going for player of the year.”
Isaac glanced over at Jamie, then shook his head in dismissal. “Nah, bruv,” he said. “He ain’t trying to appease the gaffer. Sticking it to him, innit.”
“Oh. Okay.” Colin frowned. That… didn’t make a lot of sense, really, but Isaac usually knew what he was talking about, and it wasn’t like Colin begrudged Jamie a little bit of pushback, not after the way Roy had chewed him out in front of everyone. It was just that, if this escalated and the two of them got into it properly, the way they used to back when Roy was still the captain rather than the coach… Well. It’d be a shit time for everyone. Colin could do without it. They could all do without it.
Not that that sort of consideration had ever stopped either Roy or Jamie before.
On the other side of the pitch, Jamie threw himself down in a bicycle kick that saw the ball soar right past two defender’s and Thierry’s outstretched hands.
“Whistle,” Roy snapped. “Training’s fucking over.”
“Oi! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
Colin, with Dani, Jeff and Jamie in tow, had almost made it out of the dressing room, freshly showered and changed and very ready to put the training session behind them, when Roy’s bark brought them to abrupt heel. Dani stopped so suddenly that Jeff almost walked straight into him, and Colin himself accidentally elbowed Jamie when he startled at the sudden roar.
You’d think they’d be more than used to Roy’s yelling by now, Colin thought. Then again, he supposed it’d been a strange day and they were all a little on edge. Jumpy.
“We’re going to my place, Coach,” he quickly offered, hoping to stave off another round of shouting. “To play some FIFA.” He briefly considered inviting Roy to join them, it would only be polite, right, and could be good for morale maybe, but he was held back by the notion that the gaffer might say yes.
“Tartt isn’t,” Roy informed him curtly.
Jamie cocked his head to the side. “I’m not?” Definitively a hint of challenge in his tone, and Jesus, this was all going to go straight to hell, wasn’t it? And after they’d almost made it out of here, too.
Roy was unmoved; unyielding as stone. “No, you’re coming with me so I can keep an eye on you since you’re too much of a fucking child to be trusted on your own.”
For a moment, the two men simply stared at each other, both faces shadowed by stubborn scowls. Colin realized he was holding his breath, and glanced over at Isaac getting ready for dinner with his parents in front of the mirror to check if he, as captain, was maybe planning to step in and deescalate the situation. How he was going to do that Colin had no idea; he wasn’t the captain.
Isaac said nothing, though, just watched the exchange with an unreadable expression. Figures, Colin thought a little sourly; his friend was utter shit at keeping secrets but could pull inscrutable like nobody’s business when it suited him.
“Fine.” In the end, Jamie relented with an exaggerated sigh. “But I’m taking me own car, which I have, what with me not actually being in a car crash today and all.”
Roy looked furious at that, as if Jamie’s lack of fiery death in a burning inferno was somehow a personal insult to him, but then he pressed his lips together and jerked his head in a sharp t nod. “Fine.”
He spun around and stalked away, leaving Jamie rolling his eyes and muttering Jesus fucking Christ you overdramatic grumpy fuck under his breath. Then he turned to the rest of them and shrugged. “Sorry, lads. Another time, yeah?”
Dani made a small, unhappy sound. Colin exchanged a look with Jeff, who looked about as unsure and uncomfortable as Colin felt. Over on the other side of the room, Isaac was still quiet, potentially a sign to the others to keep out of it as well, but in spite of that Colin found himself compelled to ask: “Boyo, do you want us to… talk to Coach?”
It was a mildly terrifying idea, and it very much went against the unspoken agreement that nobody interfere with the continued absurdity that was Roy and Jamie’s relationship these days. But, today had been weird in a way that seemed to have little enough to do with training, extracurricular or otherwise. A particular kind of weird, even for these two. Besides, his whole idea of an impromptu game night had been, at least in part, a bid to cheer Jamie up after all that, and it seemed a shame that he’d miss it for more of the same.
Jamie, however, waved his hand dismissively. “Nah, mate, it’s fine.”
He looked like he meant it, too. There was a frown on his face, sure, but as far as Colin could tell it spoke more of mild annoyance than actual upset or worry.
“But forgetting your phone was a simple mistake, and it is not your fault you were late. It’s not right that Coach should keep punishing you for it.” Sam, who had declined FIFA in favour of being a responsible restaurant owner (“and bad fucking flirt, it’s been almost a year mate, why haven’t you asked her out yet?”), had walked over from his locker and was eyeing Jamie with customarily earnest concern.
Jamie just shrugged.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said, and off their worried stares added, “He’s not going to do anything bad or anything. It’s just, I fucking scared him, right, and he’s being a twat about it ‘cause he’s an idiot who doesn’t know how to have feelings properly and he’s only been in therapy for like three months and it’ll probably take a year for anything Dr. Sharon says to go through his big stupid head, yeah? That’s all.”
Which. Okay. Colin could see how the prospect of Jamie actually dying might scare even Roy, but on the other hand… it was Roy. Roy Kent. And besides—
“I don’t know, man, he didn’t seem scared,” Jeff ventured.
“No, amigo, he seemed like he wanted to rip your head off,” Dani helpfully filled in. “And maybe use it as a football.”
“Yeah, because he’s a twat,” Jamie said. “But it’ll be fine, I promise. Probably just wants to make me dinner or something.”
Colin blinked. That… was a leap. Even by Jamie’s particular kind of logic, that was definitively a leap.
“He’s right.” Oh, so now Isaac decided to speak up. “Roy’s not mad at Jamie, he’s mad because he was frightened.”
Jamie raised his eyebrows meaningfully and pointed at their captain. “Yeah, that. So don’t worry.” Adjusting his cap he shot Colin a cheeky wink. “Whoever plays me better score a fuckton of goals tonight, yeah? See you tomorrow, lads.”
And he was out the door, fucking humming as he went. Doing that Jamie Tartt thing of untouchable and unshakeable confidence and you think you can get to me? Nothing ever gets to me and even now that Colin knew Jamie wasn’t quite as invulnerable as all that, some of the old awe and jealousy stirred, mixed with concerned incredulity.
“Is it just me,” he asked after a protracted moment, “or are those two getting even weirder?”
“It’s not just you,” Jeff muttered.
“Don’t worry, my friend,” Dani promised brightly, “I will play Richmond tonight and score a fuckton of goals and I will crush you for the sake of our amigo Jamie.”
Colin sighed. “Fantastic.”
At least he’d have the comfort of knowing that getting trashed by Dani Rojas was still far, far better than whatever cruel and unusual punishment Roy had planned for Jamie.
Jamie leaned back against Roy’s surprisingly comfortable couch and let out a small sigh of contentment. He wondered whether he ought to be still annoyed with Roy for being a massive wanker or pleased with himself for how utterly he’d called this. He settled for alternating between the two; he was complex like that. People didn’t know it, but he had depths.
Roy hadn’t tried to make him run a marathon or do a million burpees or whatever Colin and the rest had imagined. He hadn’t yelled. Hadn’t said much at all, really, since Jamie stepped through the front door without knocking; mostly he’d glared and grunted and used those funny little head jerks to communicate that Jamie should sit down and be quiet and drink the water Roy put in front of him.
Jamie had sat down and drunk the water. He had not been quiet. He’d watched the Spurs game on the telly last night and he had opinions relevant to their upcoming match against them, which by rights should interest the gaffer and if it didn’t, too fucking bad.
Roy hadn’t told him to shut up.
Instead, he’d made them dinner (fucking called it), a nutritionist approved salmon pasta with saffron and fennel that Jamie was particularly fond of, and then sent Jamie off to the couch while he did the washing up. He hadn’t said a word about Jamie’s choice of entertainment either, when he appeared a little while later with two steaming cups of tea and found the telly turned on to an old episode of Doctor Who. The show had been a staple of Jamie’s early teens and remained a nostalgic comfort; just a bit of silly fun, really, and so naturally something Roy fucking loathed, sad old fuck that he was.
Normally even the suggestion of watching it (or anything else even halfway interesting) would have been met with foul-mouthed refusal and something about Roy’s house, Roy’s rules, but tonight Roy just put the tea down wordlessly and sat down next to Jamie, as on the screen Martha, Jack and the Tenth Doctor (fittest of them all, although Jamie had a soft spot for Eleven) narrowly escaped an exploding flat.
Jamie smiled to himself. For all Roy was utter shit at saying stuff, he could be fucking transparent at times.
It had been dead obvious when Roy’s anger finally and fully faded, and guilt started trickling in to fill the void. It was right there in the way Roy went all the way quiet and started shooting him little looks out of the corner of his eye when he thought Jamie wouldn’t notice throughout dinner; there in the way he sat down far closer to Jamie than he normally would on the couch now, their legs all but touching.
It was as blatant an invitation as you could ever expect from Roy Kent, and tempting, but Jamie stubbornly held himself to himself, upright and with his arms crossed over his chest. Roy had been a right proper arsehole today and he hadn’t even said sorry so if he wanted a cuddle he could fucking ask for one, or he could wait until Jamie felt inclined to indulge him.
Eventually, though, after what Jamie deemed an appropriate amount of time (which may or may not have amounted to two whole minutes), he relented and allowed himself to lean against Roy, casual like, and tipping his head to rest Roy’s shoulder.
He smirked at how Roy not only failed to ask what the fuck he thought he was doing but also was very quick to put a tentative arm around his shoulders, the grip growing firmer when Jamie didn’t shrug him off or ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing.
For a while there was only that; the warmth of Roy’s body pressed into his; the sounds of the television. I love it when you say my name, the Master declared.
“I’m sorry about today,” Roy said suddenly. The words came haltingly, reluctantly. Still, he pressed on. “I … fucking overreacted.”
Jamie snorted. “Little bit, yeah.” Then he added, not bothering to conceal his smugness, “All the lads think you were dead mean to me.”
He glanced up at Roy who was determinedly staring at the telly while his eyebrows were doing something complicated and seemingly painful. “I think that… maybe… I got a bit… fucking worried, when we thought you’d been in that car crash.”
He offered like it was some great admission, a grand fucking reveal, and Jamie rolled his eyes. “Uh, yeah, mate, I know.”
Roy’s eyes snapped to his face at that, all disbelieving like, so Jamie rolled his eyes again, even harder. “Come on, man. Pretty obvious, that.”
For a long moment, Roy didn’t respond. He looked away from Jamie again. Then finally, “It wasn’t obvious to me.”
And the thing was, Roy sounded so fucking unhappy about it that Jamie clamped his mouth shut around a reflexive no, but you’re an idiot.
“Maybe something for Dr. Sharon, yeah,” he suggested instead, noting with some satisfaction that he was being really mature about all of this.
He’d have liked pointing that out to Roy, too, but had a feeling that maybe that would take away from the maturity a little. He’d mention it to Keeley later instead.
“Yeah,” Roy said after a moment of looking like he’d rather let Isaac kick a football straight at his head. “I’ll talk to her.”
“And maybe fucking apologize to my teammates for delaying training,” Jamie added innocently, feeling a smirk tug at his lips and then blossom into a full-fledged grin when Roy pulled back a little to stare at him, seemingly trying to gauge whether he was serious or not.
“You’re a prick,” Roy said eventually, relaxing again and sounding right fond about it.
“Mmmhm,” Jamie agreed happily, pulling his feet up on the couch and curling up closer to Roy. It was nice, this. Worth all that, maybe. “And here you are, fucking glad I’m not dead and all.”
Roy sighed. His arm around Jamie’s shoulder was warm and solid.
“Yeah,” he said, quietly enough that they might both pretend it wasn’t meant for Jamie’s ears at all. “I am.” 
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elliwoods · 5 months
I need to buy myself a really expensive lego set.... as a treat.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
ok im beggin y'all for a few incredible folks to do a summary of whatever the fuck happens at the dinner tomorrow bc i won't be able to watch until at absolute minimum an hour after it starts and by then i imagine if there's going to be a firestorm, it'll already be over, so i need the DEETS i am begging someone to put it all in one place
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mihrsuri · 3 months
So at some point recently I saw a ‘put your friends OC into your OC’s world’ (it may in fact have been via @emilykaldwen I feel like) and my brain went ‘….okay but Abby in Tudors OT3 verse’ and so here, have Lady Abigail Harren daughter of the last wife of Lord Lionel Harren - Lady Cecily Grenville and cousin to Lady Helen Norwich.
Her mother was Helens mother's sister - both she and Helen were surprise late in life babies, when their parents had given up on having children but while Helen is an only child Abigail has some much older half brothers.
The thing is, Helen’s uncle, John Welles is one of thee main horrible people in this universe. Not to her, so much - she’s an asset he can use (and so is Abby).
(A note: my knowledge of ASOIAF/GOT lore is uh, select fanfiction and my friends but Abby is such a good character and my brain was like ‘this needs to happen’ so)
Cecily and Helen’s mother Maude were incredibly close and remained so after their marriages but while Maude did not come to court, preferring the country Cecily was one of the principal ladies to her younger cousin Alice, the daughter of the second son of the Earl of Kent.
After Alice was married off to a much older northern nobleman as his second wife, a choice that was not without controversy as it seemed to displace his daughter Ruth (and Alice’s former best friend) by his first wife who had been his heir. Despite Alice giving her husband three sons (Arthur, Anthony and Daniel) his heir remained Ruth.
Helen spent half her time with Abigail at the Earl of Kent’s estates in Canterbury and half with her parents in Norwich at Welles Hall - a place that Abigail also visited - all the children were close - Helen and Abigail considered themselves sisters all their lives and the children all played together.
It was Helen and then Arthur above all who bought Abigail back to herself after the deaths of her father and all but one of her brothers (her mother died when Abby was very young) perished in a fire and she found herself the heir to a rich estate after her brother Lambert.
It was Lambert, a close friend of John Norwich who seems to have encouraged the betrothal of his sister to Arthur, while Norwich, who had at first been enraged by Helen’s birth - for the displacement of him as heir to the Earldom after his brother had realised that she was a tidy way to build alliances and keep the estate within the family, sought to place his nieces hand where best it would benefit him.
Helen falling in love with James, the oldest son of Lady Ruth was not within his calculations. Abigail being less the pawn than he and her brother believed was not either. Let alone Arthur deciding he will be the husband that Abigail deserves. A good one.
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phoenix-flamed · 6 months
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Elwin Rosfield has ever been an idealist.
Originally hailing from Junon, he built a career in politics as an advisor. With rumors on the rise of Shinra's stirring interest in the fishing hub, he took it as an opportunity to try and bridge the gap between them, that they might work together for the betterment of all. He moved to Midgar and joined the company formally, where he proceeded to take a role as a public relations advisor and representative.
As we all know, this was a foolish ambition on his part. Shinra has no interest in friendships and alliances; their goal was and always would be conquest and domination, and Elwin realized this far too late -- not as if he could have stopped everything that went on to happen, anyway.
But if nothing else, he could have stood with his home and friends in the fight against the tyrannical corporation, no matter how pointless it was.
Instead, wracked with guilt and shame at his idealistic folly, Elwin settles for fighting back not with weapons, but in the manner of his expertise: advising and fostering relations. He aims to help those oppressed by Shinra by manipulating strings for leniency and resources for them, subtly misadvises in order to aid in sabotaging retaliatory efforts against them, slips tidbits of insider information to those who can use it behind the company's back and under the guise of fulfilling his occupational duties, all while maintaining a friendly smile.
His loyalty is, as it always has been, to the people -- not to Shinra, never to Shinra. And so it is for the people that he works, no matter the potential cost to himself.
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heavensickness · 7 months
a horrifyingly volatile and obsessive nb fae prince(ss) & a newly appointed detective who has been cursed by the Gods but isn't even aware of it and also has a wound on his chest that never heals completely. The only set characters (as of now bc i need at least 10 lmfao) of the untitled game i will never make
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x-neurotoxin-x · 25 days
Can ur new fic be read alone or do I have to read the series it's in? I want to check it out but haven't gotten the chance to read the other parts
Yeah, i try to make each fic work as a stand alone, though it's better to read as a part of the series, there's usually enough context and references to the previous part that theoretically you could jump in on the current part and hopefully not be too confused. Beginning of recent fics, i do include a small refresher/catch up section in the author's notes explaining the story so far.
If you're interested and don't mind spoilers for the series if you haven't read previous parts, I'll include a breakdown of everything under the cut :))
(TW/CW - mentions of domestic violence, unhealthy/abusive relationships, dubcon, noncon, drugging, power imbalance, past csa, past csem, past incest, coercion, torture, medical trauma, trafficking/forced prostitution, mental health issues including age regression, programming, sh, suicidal behavior, etc)
Overall plot: Paper Bag verse follows canon in the background timeline wise but it's not completely canon compliant. The series centers mostly around shigadabi with background spinaraki and spinnerdabi, and eventual spinarakidabi and explores their relationships and traumas as they spiral into deeper and deeper into unhealthy dynamics.
Individual fics and storyline:
Parts 1-3; Lights, Camera, Action , Mean , and I think worms and rats are living where my brain used to be centers primarily around Dabi, shigadabi and establish the relationship between them while also foreshadowing Spinner's later role in the series and the dynamics he builds with Shigaraki and Dabi.
The series opens with shigadabi being in an established casual sexual relationship that mostly serves as a means to an end/pass time for both of them. Tomura begins pushing boundaries within their relationship by filming/taking explicit photos of Dabi during their encounters, which triggers trauma responses from Dabi's past. It's revealed early on that Touya was sexually abused and exploited by his father and the hero commission as a child, and developed programmed responses and mental issues due to it, including a dissociative disorder which usually causes him to age regress and further complicates things as Tomura, for at least a while, isn't really sure why Dabi acts the way he does while they're sleeping together yet keeps triggering the same responses out of him-- sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.
In Mean, the League is homeless and on the run after the bar raid and during the overhaul arc. Things escalate when Shigaraki kinda starts venting his frustration over afo and Kurogiri being arrested and the league's current predicament onto Dabi by beating and assaulting him to get his anger out, and eventually trafficking him and forcing him into prostitution for money for supplies and resources. Touya starts further projecting his Daddy issues onto Tomura due to seeing similiarities (Enji took advantage of Touya's grooming and took his anger out on him frequently as a kid, then pushed him into the trafficking to "make Touya make up for not being able to be a hero). Tomura finds out about Dabi's past by basically forcing him to trauma dump about it while he's drugged. Tomura also has some issues himself, having been raised to be desensitized to violence, torture, and rape by all for one via being forced to witness and participate in such things from a young age, Tomura doesn't really grasp the heaviness of what he's being told and takes advantage of Dabi's trauma to establish control over him.
Meanwhile, the rest of the League is not really aware of the issues Tomura and Dabi are having in their relationship, but Shuichi starts catching onto things when Touya starts hanging around with him while regressed after incidents between him and Tomura.
Part 4-5; Scraped Knees and Codependency pulls Spinner into the mix and establishes a casual fwb sort of dynamic beginning between Tomura and Shuichi while further developing a friendship between Dabi and Spinner.
In scraped knees, Tomura's possessive streak causes him to get closer to Shuichi to try and figure out why Dabi/Touya hangs around him, and Shuichi starts to catch Tomura's interest when he notices Shuichi's got some serious insecurities, relationship inexperience, and is pretty desperate for positive interaction. This leads him to manipulate him into a sexual relationship by drugging him, coercing him, and then gaslighting him about boundaries being overstepped. Shuichi's lack of healthy relationship experience and general self worth makes him easy for Tomura to take advantage of. Dabi's not really happy with this, and he kinda starts noticing Tomura's doing similar things with Shuichi that he did with him, but Tomura writes it off as Dabi being jealous and worried about being replaced.
In Codependency, Tomura starts trying to further look into Dabi's past when curiosity gets the better of him. He knows some from what Dabi told him in Mean, but wants to find out more. He cashes in a favor with Dr. Ujiko, knowing that Afo and Ujiko know of Dabi's past since he was in the facility, and Ujiko sends Tomura leaked csem videos of Touya when he was a kid. It's through these videos that Tomura figures out Dabi was programmed through grooming and torture/drug-based-mind-control by the Commission and takes note of his cues and triggers shown in the videos.
He later tests some of the cues out on Dabi, and basically causes him to shut down completely. Tomura, drunk on power, ends up doing some really awful shit to Dabi to "test how far he can take it."
Dabi is hardly able to remember anything while under the influence of the programming, and when he confronts Tomura about what happened, Tomura tells him everything in detail and gaslights him about it when he gets mad, saying that he didn't fight back or tell him to stop, so he figured Dabi was okay with it.
Dabi's pissed about this and feels violated and all, so he threatens to leave which starts a whole fight because Tomura's control and abandonment issues are like "oh hell no you can't just leave me." Tomura uses some guilt trippy tactics, threatens suicide and cuts himself, but Dabi's low empathy swag makes it not very effective, then it turns into physical aggression and abuse, but before it gets too far, Shuichi interrupts and is like "whoa wtf are you guys doing? 😰 calm down"
Without knowing much of any context for this, Shuichi tries to kinda play mediator between them. Tomura lowkey lies/downplays it as them getting into a mutual fight and Dabi threatening to leave while also kinda playing the victim. Dabi doesn't attempt to defend himself or explain what's actually going on so that doesn't help. So Shuichi ends up thinking they just have some really bad communication problems and writes off the signs of abuse as mutual toxicity. That coupled with Tomura's abuse earlier ends up convincing Dabi to stay.
Part 6; Gold is the longest fic in the series and arguably the most plot heavy. It centers around Shigadabi's dynamic spiraling to some really fucked up levels and begins to fully establish poly spinarakidabi.
Spinarakis on again off again fwb dynamic continues, and Tomura decides to try to pull him into stuff with Dabi. He kinda gets the impression that Dabi and Spinner are into each other and because he's got massive control issues if they're gonna fuck he wants them to fuck on his terms only. So he goes about pressuring Spinner to have sex with Dabi while Dabi's drugged and unconscious. Spinner gets really uncomfortable with this and refuses, and Tomura pushes and pushes until he gets fed up and ends up forcing himself on Shuichi.
Dabi wakes up later to Shuichi a whole mess and tries to figure out what happened, then gets really pissed about it.
He goes to confront Tomura about it after taking care of Shuichi, but Tomura's casual as always and doesn't seem to think he did anything wrong. Dabi loses it and snaps because of everything, attacks Tomura, burns him, and they get into a fight which Shigaraki ends up on the upper hand of. Tomura's hella pissed Dabi actually went off on him, drags him into the bathroom to use the shower to keep him from being able to use his quirk, then basically loses it on him.
Tomura kinda snaps after that because he registers Dabi fighting back and being defiant as losing control over him, and he gets this twisted idea to break Dabi down mentally enough that Dabi won't refuse or defy him anymore. He then spends, like, a week heavy drugging Dabi and torturing him in his private bathroom through waterboarding, dehumanization, a fuck ton of sexual torture, and basically retraumatizing him until he breaks mentally and doesn't resist anymore.
Once Tomura decides he's good and broken enough, Dabi's kind of a mess from all the torture and needs medical attention so he takes him to Ujiko where, surprise, he's abused even more but given medical attention.
While this is happening, they make arrangements for Tomura's quirk upgrade operation, which Dabi doesn't like the sound of. He tries to warn Tomura that its shady and afo/Ujiko are using and manipulating him but Tomura won't have none of it, too shaken up by the idea of being replaced or tossed aside by afo after learning about the spares to think about defying him.
Meanwhile nobody's aware this that this is happening behind the scenes and Tomura uses the time outside of PLF business and fucking with Dabi to further manipulate Shuichi. He gaslights Shuichi about what he did to him before (the whole "you won't fuck Dabi while he's unconscious so I'm gonna noncon you") and then twists the situation with Dabi into sympathy points for himself, saying Dabi attacked and burned him (and conveniently leaves out that he's currently got him tied up and drugged in his bathroom) which makes Shuichi feel bad and blame himself for "overreacting and making them fight."
Tomura also writes off Dabi being MIA by making up a story about him being off with Geten doing stuff with their regiment. Shuichi later secondguesses this when he asks Geten about it and Geten got no idea what he's talking about or where Dabi is, but by the time Dabi's allowed, like, freedom, both Tomura and Dabi himself double down on the lie and claim he was out doing villain stuff, excusing his injuries as battle wounds from that despite them clearly not being that.
Dabi doesn't wanna be alone after everything he went through so tries to hang out and drink with Spinner. Tomura ruins it though, coming in on them and forces them into a threesome by playing it off as "I can tell you two like each other so I wanna see you fuck." It's all awful, but Dabi's too broken by now to even realize it let alone do anything about it and Spinner knows something is wrong but any attempts at stopping things or trying to do something about it gets shut down and he's basically forced to go along with it.
Tomura gets the feeling he went too far during it and covers his ass with more manipulation and gaslighting, which goes fine with Dabi but now Shuichi's not liking the way things are going and tries to establish boundaries and shit. Tomura more or less says he's gonna try, but doesn't really mean it, and just writes everything off as "well you're the odd one out Dabi and I thought all this was normal wtf" he also explains away the level of abuse and violence during it as a kink thing, basically tells Shuichi that both him amd Dabi are into cnc and rough sex with dom/sub dynamics and Dabi "likes it and wants him to do it," and it's mostly him with the kinks. Dabi kinda just goes along with it because, again, he got mindbroken.
Part 7; I'm Gonna Infest Your Brain is a shorter glimpse into the poly relationship developing and starts to explore dynamics between them all together while also setting up stuff for Tomura's operation.
Shuichi asks Dabi on a low-key date which he at first doesnt invite Tomura to because Tomura's been stressed af with the upcomimg surgery. Tomura's pissed about it when he finds out and not only belittles the idea over and over to Shuichi but also kinda puts him in the position where he feels like he has to invite Tomura along bc Tomura's obv talking out of jealousy and feels left out.
Both Dabi and Spinner come into this thinking it's more of a casual hang out not-quite-a-date date, but Tomura comes in, well, prepared to fuck with them bc he's insecure and thinks he's losing control of them, esp with the surgery coming up and knowing he won't have access to them for a couple months.
He gets them both super drunk then uses Dabi's cues like it's a party trick to "show Shuichi how cool it is." Shuichi is kinda freaked out but the more he freaks out about it the more forceful Tomura gets. Shuichi tries to, like, be gentle and stuff because despite thinking this is all a kink thing and not really grasping its abuse, he wants sex in a different way than they're doing it. Tomura however only gets more abusive towards Dabi while Dabi's in that state of mind because he'll basically just take whatever he's given. Shuichi's uncomfortable with it but Tomura forces him into a bunch of shit anyway (makes him watch him fuck Dabi, makes him give Dabi oral and fuck him, basically keeps going and going until Shuichi's begging him to let them both take a break.)
When he finally let's them chill Touya's already age regressed and a whole mess and Shuichi gives him aftercare while trying not to feel like his whole nights plans got ruined. He's kinda pissed at Tomura for the way he treats them and gets snappy about it. Hes still freaked out about the doll programming cues and stuff, and when he asks about it Tomura makes Touya tell Shuichi about his csa and csem and childhood trauma, then explains they're "doing all this to help Dabi work through his trauma" and that Touya asked him to do this. This is a blatant lie, but again, Touya just goes along with it.
This makes Shuichi even more uncomfortable with stuff bc he didn't know about any of that and now feels like they're just reenacting Dabi's abuse. Neither of them really listen to his concerns though, and he kinda freaks out when Tomura wants to go another round-- esp since Touya is in real bad shape and having basically a mental breakdown, Shuichi doesn't want him to drop further but Tomura's so pushy about fucking him anyway that Spinner kinda gives in and tells Shig to fuck him instead to at least give Touya a break. Shig does that and he's really mean and gross, makes Touya watch and touch himself as he hurts Shuichi and degrades them both.
Shuichi's really really upset after and snaps, and him and Tomura start arguing which turns into Tomura kinda having a breakdown both because a part of him legit feels bad/confused about why he does this shit and also his usual gaslighting/manipulation shit. Dabi feels bad they're fighting and ends up lying to take the blame for everything, saying it was all his idea when it wasnt, which creates a rift between him and Shuichi now too. Tomura gets mad and leaves, Dabi and Shu loom there in sad awkward silence for a bit then Dabi leaves too and Shuichi has a breakdown.
The 8th part; Star Tripping I'm not gonna spoil much since it just started but it will follow the days leading up to Tomura's operation and the months following after. This one will end up being the first one in the series that's more spinnerdabi focused than anything else as they try to explore their relationship without Tomura constantly getting involved, but also delves into the codependency and toxicity in the relationships between all three of them, Tomura's rising guilt about how he's treating the other two, the risk Tomura's taking with the operation and how Dabi and Shuichi handle it. There's a lot planned for this one and it ( hopefully ) won't be as heavy as previous ones but still will keep a lotta the same themes.
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satohqbanana · 5 months
Emoji Summary
You know those comments wherein OP just smashes emojis together to tell the plot of an anime or manga series? Here we go for the first part of Arcanium:Magia:
New tag game? Yeah sure why not. This is a free tag.
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claitea · 1 year
finished the dlc! enjoyed it a lot :D
#clai speaks#i'll talk abt it in tags so dont open these if you havent played#first of all. no other mentions of unova at all other than the mention that blueberry academy is located there ok </3#not a big deal ofc i just. really like unova if you couldnt tell HJSBDHHD#actual story was great! its no main story but it didnt need to be. sv's story was already brilliant the dlc didnt need to save it for me--#--like swsh's dlc saved its main game in my eyes. ily calyrex shoutout to my buddy calyrex#lots of little details added like borders for menus that matched your location or phone case and chairs for your picnics!!!#always a sucker for minor aesthetic changes thank you pokemon#carmine made a bad first impression but i warmed up to her i like her a lot :)#kieran...... :( poor guy#weeping sobbing crying about the fact that the last protag sees of him is him crying and running from them#never have i been so upset that i dont have full control of my characters actions within the story#the way carmine and protag kinda just... dismiss kieran so protag can catch ogerpon#talk to him he's distraught!!!!!! he's gonna turn sour in pt 2 no!!!!!! kieran!!!!!!!!!!!!#also speaking of ogerpon. little guy :) very very cute love its mask gimmick#i named mine Kino after the xe/noblade nopon bc i cant think of anything else But a nopon when it keeps saying Pon lmao#also!! sinistcha!!! love how it uses a whisk as hair. also Matcha Gotcha has to be one of my favorite move names now#i'll get around to catching enough pokemon for perrin eventually i'm done for tonight#in summary teal mask was very good i'm very pleased :)
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nonuggetshere · 11 months
So I know you are creating an AU but it's a bit hard to know what's in the AU so this is what I got from it. IDK what the name of it is lol. PK finds out that The Hollow Knight is not Hollow and he just lets them live a relatively normal life? Is that related to your drabble where PK almost gets killed and PV reveals themselves to not be hollow? After that then what exactly happens? PK tries to find another way to seal the infection while PV/Flower just finds themselves? I also understand that they are in a polly relationship with two of your OCs. How did they even meet?
Sorry if there were too many questions, I just need some clarification on the AU.
Hi! Happy you're interested :] Yeah, it's basically like that
The drabble is related but not that exact AU. The main AU is called Fragile as a Flower, while the drabble is from an AU of that AU called Wayward Royals AU. AUception
As for how they met I talked about it here
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kaelidascope · 1 year
Act IV and Act V Rewrite Update is LIVE
Act IV AND Act V of Beestfic have received total rewrites! Updates are LIVE and I thoroughly encourage a re-read so future chapters to make sense!
After much needed feedback and planning for future chapters, certain details needed to be added to act IV. After realizing I wrote act V at almost 3am on a work night, those scenes deserved a lot more effort than what I originally put into it and I really wanted to make sure details were not spared at the expense of a deadline.
in chapter IV specifically, everything beyond the snowball fight scene has changed. For act V, the entire thing has been rewritten. An extra 6,000 words have been added to fully enhance the experience, so I highly recommend giving it another read! (an extra 6k words of porn, what's not to love!) I also like, drastically changed the conversation between Blake and Yang in the first section so SNASSAJ might wanna give that a glance too so future scenes make more sense.
Now that everything up to chapter 9 has been written out, I shouldn't have to keep backtracking to fill plot holes and I should be able to write things more easily. Once again HUGE thanks to @/parachutebork for constantly beta reading and helping me work through the kinks as I write this <3 it wouldn't be the same without you!!
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furox · 1 year
Love to read the tags of a post wherein someone wrote “no hate to bi women <3 but” [insert incredibly biphobic generalizing statement]
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scalproie · 1 year
I have a whole essay about vegeta in me but my phone is at 9% so youre all spared right now
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ladybhaal · 5 months
Fanfiction authors don't receive payment for their writing. If you don't like the types of fic the majority of your fandom writes, either because you find it cringe or because you're not the target audience, you unfortunately have to just start writing what you do want to see. These writers don't owe you anything, no matter how bad you think their content is.
If you don't see yourself in reader-insert fan fictions, stop bitching and write your own. There's probably someone else who feels the same way and would love to support your work.
Similarly, if you have a problem with a reader-insert author writing more targeted reader inserts (female reader, POC reader, etc.), the majority of these stories feature reader inserts that are gender neutral and non-descript. Read those instead, or, better yet, write them.
If you find certain tropes or writing styles cringey, the great thing about fan fiction is that it is (almost always) tagged with an itemized list of themes, kinks, tropes, etc. Don't like? Don't waste your time. Stop bitching and read what you actually want.
Instead of clogging the tags these authors use to share their work with rants about how you wish everyone catered to you specifically, be the change you want to see. Most fandoms on Tumblr are large enough where there's probably someone who notices the same content disparity as you yet small enough where a few people writing new things can shake things up.
Fanfiction authors don't owe you anything.
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youaremysunshine-court · 10 months
I actually think most people who write the weird fucked up shit on ao3 that people want to ban have done a lot more introspection and understand themselves better than we do
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