#detroit house of correction
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Law Violators Are Not Reformed in Prison, Says Capt. Dennison, Detroit,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 22, 1933. Page 1.  --- WINDSOR, Feb. 22— Law violators are not reformed in prison, Captain Edward T. Dennison, Warden of Detroit House of Correction, told Windsor Kiwanians. He hu had thirty years experience handling law violators. "If there is any man or woman, boy or girl, reformed in prison, it is in spite of that institution and not because of it,” he declared. He submitted what he believed to be two corrective measure, the "indefinite jail sentence” and the "segregation” of prisoners,
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ik you just put out be alright with luca- and this idea is kinda similar
but a hughes sister who’s going to be a freshman this year, and she’s feeling lost because all her brothers are scattered. like luke had her at home, but she doesn’t have anybody
my brother wouldn’t admit it until the grave but if i left he’d be sad
i feel like jack, luke and quinn probably kept how much they missed each other pent up and figured reader would do the same and were not expecting how hard it hit her
cause she’s even more alone than they were, and it’s not like it’s her job like it was for j,
home, 4386
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“hey, y/n/n! how was your first week? know it’s been busy for me but i miss-“
“lukey,” you sobbed into the phone, hyperventilating and hardly being able to see anything
luke’s eyebrows furrowed on the other side of the phone, stomach dropping with worry.
“y/n? where’s mark, or dyl. anyone home?” you’d grown particularly attached to mark during his and luke’s freshman year, so during the summer it was decided that you’d get mackies old room in the house so that he could watch over you
quinn had lectured him, jack followed his behaviour all summer, corrected things he didn’t like, and luke dug into him for two straight years about how he’d entrusted him with you whenever one of he or one of his brothers weren’t around
“i don’t understand how you all did it,” you blurted, ignoring his question and taking a deep breath, jaw hurting from how hard you’d been clenching it
“are you at home, are you safe?” it was jack, sounding alarmed
“yeah, rowdy,” you whispered, being able to have both of them bringing you a little comfort. you tried to take a few more deep breaths, but it was like your throat was closing
“where are the guys?” luke cut in, restating his earlier question
“i took- i took a bus, to the lake house. i’m sorry, i-. m’ sorry, i needed home, but it’s not.. not home, you’re home,” jack and luke shared a look, concerned for their youngest sister
“miss you so much. how did you- how?? i feel like i’m a chore to the guys, i don’t have anyone, i need you,” they could hardly understand you, your low tone and cries muffling your words nearly beyond comprehension
the boys couldn’t truly answer the question. jack had never been at school. his rookie year was tough, but he wasn’t balancing class, and you and luke were always visiting
on top of that, he’d been anticipating it since he was young
luke had you. you were in michigan with him for the majority of the time, at a nearby high school.
you had hockey, on top of class, and none of them were nearby. visits would probably be limited, cause the all star break was hardly a break for them.
it wasn’t like last season, when you could fly up with luke every once in a while to spend the night and soak up time with jack.
quinn had been calling you every day, notably your most protective brother. you didn’t want to make him feel like his efforts were for nothing, so you didn’t tell him how you were feeling.
“i can barely skate, i’m not producing, i got a d on an assignment from history of mich sports. i’m falling apart without you,” you rushed out, sniffling harshly to try and clear your airways
“i’m so lost,” you finished, your head thudding against the wall you’d been leaning on.
“it’s gonna be okay, y/n/n. i’m gonna call mark, yeah? he’s like a fourth older brother, he’s got you. he’ll come pick you up and j and i are gonna call you every night. quinny can join too, we’ll facetime. he’ll see you next week when he’s in detroit, and the devs will be over there in no time, i promise,” luke soothed, jack silently agreeing
“ok?” you wiped your face, breathing still uneven
“ok,” you whispered,
“i love you, y/n/n.”
“i love you too, moose. n’ i love you, j,”
“love you, mini, get some rest on the way home for me, and call mamma, alright?” you smiled at the nickname, one he’d given you when you guys grew into your playing styles and he deemed you a copycat
you mumbled a promise into the phone and let them hang up, hugging your knees to your chest.
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blooberrytea · 3 months
Connections Pt. 5
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Pt: 1 2 3 4 5
~ Summary: Set in post-revolution Detroit, You've been assigned to the recently developed Android Crimes Division; and it's already off to a rough start.
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: depictions of android bodies, violence, mild mild smut
A/N: Hiii, this is a bit of a filler chapter! This is a flashback chapter, set on the night of the Jericho raid. I thought it would be fun to give you guys a little bit of insight into Connor and the readers relationship! They're complicated.
November 9th, 2038, 9:30 PM
Jericho was absolutely teeming with life. Hundreds of androids sat huddled around one another; holding each other as they watched the local news report. You’d watched Connor slip in, quickly following after him. He’d donned this ridiculous deviant disguise– a beanie that did him no favors and a thrifted jacket. Despite being a crime against fashion, it helped him blend seamlessly into the crowd. He’d slipped out of your sight within seconds, undoubtedly on the hunt for Markus; Like you were supposed to be.
“How do you know we’re doing the right thing?” You asked, voice weak and hesitant.  The two of you stood outside Kamski’s house, the air biting at your cheeks, and snow stinging your eyes.  You watched helplessly as Hank’s car pulled out and sped off. Maybe you should have gone with him.  Connor turned to you, stoic as ever.  “My mission is of utmost importance, Detective.” “The one that led you to kill an innocent girl?” “Machine.” He corrected you. You crossed your arms over your torso, trying to keep some warmth in. “You killed her.” “Detective, we’ve neutralized several deviants. Why is this one affecting you?” His head tilted, almost mechanically. Your reminder of what he was.  “This isn’t right, Connor. The others at least initiated an attack. She was… Kneeling on the floor.”  You struggled to explain, grappling with what you’d just experienced.  “Are you having doubts? I’ve already threatened to have Lieutenant Anderson removed from this case.”  The look you gave him was incredulous.  “Are you serious?”
Your eyes landed on a white haired AX400, with a child. The one you’d pursued only days earlier. Relief only briefly washed over you, unceremoniously reminded of the androids that should be here; the ones you’d hunted down and were now housed in the evidence room. 
No time for remorse. You steeled yourself, tucking hair into your own stupid beanie. Spotting Markus emerging from a room on the second floor, you decided that was your starting point and headed towards him, keeping your head low.
Connor spotted you from the otherside of the room, able to pick you out in a crowd with such ease. He could’ve shaken you hours ago– should have. He was intent on finishing this mission, and he’d be damned if he let you talk him out of it. 
You could do it too.
The way your face fell after Kamski’s; the way you could barely look at him, how all warmth for him seemed to vanish– it stirred something unexpected in his programming. Even Hank pointing a gun at him didn’t affect him nearly as much as you did. He hated the way errors would cloud his vision when he was around you, hated the insistent pop-ups of “software instability ^”. 
Connor’s eyes followed your predicted path, landing on the Deviant Leader himself. 
What’re you possibly up to? The android kept his head down, mimicking your movements as he trailed after you. You were too clever for your own good. Connor hadn’t given you Jericho’s location, he could only assume you’d followed him– the two of you were now caught in a game of cat and mouse.
“I do not take this lightly, Detective.” You stood speechless, lips parted as you tried to find words. “You are standing in the way of this mission, [Name]. If you cannot separate your emotions from your work-” You let out a disbelieving laugh, “I- You know what, fine. Have fun with your mission.”
“Markus!” You called, fast approaching the esteemed android. 
Markus paused and turned to face you, his face contorting in confusion. The two of you had never met in person, only rumors of one another. He knew you as the woman aiding the deviant hunter, him as the deviant leader. He had no reason to give you the time of day. 
“I need your help.”
The deviant tilted his head as he eyed you, “What could a human need my help with?”
“It’s Connor.”
Markus pressed his lips into a thin line, nodding, “I see. And how do you come into play here?”
“I need you to help me stop him. We’re on the wrong side! If I could just get him to see that-” You rushed out, words scrambled. You couldn’t do this on your own. Maybe if you had more time, if you could even find Connor– But you couldn’t connect with him the same way another android could. 
Markus placed his hand on your shoulder, “A human caring so deeply for an android, that’s rare.”
“We can’t help what we feel, Markus. Isn’t that why you’re here in the first place?”
Markus softened at that, something flashing in his eyes.
“Your partner's programming is very… Tight.” He decided, “Connor could very well reject me.”
Connor watched the two of you, noting the way your face flushed and your heart rate increased at Markus’ words. It stirred something inside him, a twisted feeling deep within his cavity. No, not a feeling. An error. An error in his software, something that needed to be fixed. 
Cyberlife would fix it, once he’d completed his mission. 
You sighed deeply, pulling off your beanie and running a hand through your hair. Markus had his own agenda, a meeting with allies. Though he agreed to help when the time came, you were on your own now. Jericho was too large to search for Connor. He was going to find Markus one way or another, you figured it best to let them find one another. 
“Detective-” He started. “I figured when Hank pulled his little stunt at the bridge, that it would have talked some sense into you; done /something/ to you.” You cut him off, tears brimming your eyes.  “Detective, you are behaving irrationally. You know as well as I, that we are to do what will advance the mission. It’s part of your job.”  “Yeah, well human emotions don’t always align with what you’re told to do.”
“They’re going to attack Jericho…”
Connor looked up, the sounds of incoming helicopters drawing his attention. They were approaching fast. The clock was officially counting down. 
“Markus, we have to get out of here.” 
“Shit… I can warn the others, but [Name] is still in there. I can’t reach her.”
“We can’t risk compromising her.”
“No, I know. I’ll get to the hold. Hopefully she’ll follow the crowd.” 
Connor's urgency matched the increasing drone of the helicopters, their silhouettes growing larger as they flew overhead. He could only hope you had your phone on you as he desperately sent messages.
Chaos erupted in the once peaceful common area, androids scattering in all directions as agents burst through the doors. You were on your feet in an instant. Gunfire echoed through the corridors, panic spreading like wildfire. Bullets ricocheted off walls, and screams filled the air.
 Several androids dropped around you, their bodies lying lifelessly as blue blood leaked across the floor. 
You ducked into a hallway, trying to avoid getting caught in the stampede. Agents were around every corner, androids lay motionless in the halls. 
Following a group of androids, you navigated through winding corridors and stairwells, each turn a gamble between safety and danger. It felt like hours passed before you made it out of the ship, agents hot on your trail.
They shouted words but you were too disoriented to process them. More androids dropped in front of you. You made the split decision to fall with them, pressing your body to the cold concrete. Silence fell over the group, the agents poking and prodding as they passed by; making sure each of you were dead. A handful of androids went willingly, their hands held defenselessly by their heads. 
You lay there until they’d all left, breathing so shallowly it was almost like you weren’t breathing at all. Your hands shook as you began to push yourself up, taking in the death that surrounded you. Just as you began to stand, a blinding flash cut through the air, followed by a deafening roar that reverberated through the ground beneath you. 
Jericho was sinking. 
You’d curled up there helplessly, your ears ringing, waiting for the world to stop being blurry. Your fingers moved to pull your phone from your pocket, only to meet emptiness. It must have fallen out while you were running. 
With no way to contact anyone, no way to pay for a bus, you trudged your way through Detroit. The roads were empty, aside from police or a patrol. They all knew you, and if they didn’t you just flashed your badge. It was late when you finally made it home. Your limbs heavy, you barely made it to the couch before you passed out. 
A hurried knock woke you from your sleep, the light from the tv making you squint in your dark apartment. You groggily pushed yourself up, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders as you waddled to the door. The doorknob was cold against your fingers as you turned it. 
Your favorite android stood before you, stripped of his human disguise and now clothed in his standard uniform. You squinted at the glowing numbers, guaranteeing that this was your Connor.
“Connor…? What-”
The androids lips quickly found yours, his hands landing on your waist and gently pushing you back into your apartment. You were too stunned to move, your arms hesitantly finding their way around his neck. You began to melt into his touch, eagerly kissing him back. 
“I’m sorry.” He murmured out between kisses, his lips soft against yours.
“I’m just glad you're alive-” He cut you off with another kiss, his hands sliding up your waist and under your shirt, gliding over soft skin. You shuddered against him, sucking in a small breath. His touch was so gentle, like he was scared you’d disappear. Heat radiated throughout his hands, something you knew wasn’t common. He was doing that on purpose.
At some point he’d walked you into your bedroom, your back hitting a pillowy comforter. 
“You’re so cold.” He whispered.
“I fell asleep on the couch.” You whispered back. He began to trail kisses along your jawline, using his nose to nudge your chin back and continue down your neck. You let out a soft gasp as he placed a kiss under your ear, his synthetic breath hot against your skin. Your hand tangled in his tie, pulling him closer. 
“What happened?” You breathed out, “At Jericho?” “I became a deviant.” He murmured, undoing a button on your shirt then looking to you for permission to undo the rest– to which you gave a quick nod. Your shirt was off within seconds, his fingers calculated and moving with expertise. 
“Do you know what you’re doing?” 
“I know exactly what I’m doing, [Name].” His lips were just barely touching yours and the way he said your name made your stomach flutter. 
”Connor-“ You gasped, your chest moving as you squirmed against him, “Is this- Is this a good idea?” 
Connor paused, “I can stop.”
”No- No, don’t stop.” 
The smirk that graced his lips was almost unbearable. Your skin felt feverish in comparison to his cool synthetic skin. He dipped his head to drag his tongue along your body, starting above your navel and ending at your clavicle. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, drawing soft noises from your lips. 
“Your heart is racing. It elevates around… Here.” He murmured, pressing his tongue against that spot under your earl. You sucked in a breath, squirming away from him. 
You huffed, grasping onto his tie and pulling him into a deep kiss. The android grunted, eagerly kissing you back as he pressed his knee between your thighs. While you were flushed red, Connor flushed blue; His cheeks tinted the lightest bit of navy.
“What’re you doing here?-”
“You never answered your phone. I had to make sure you were safe.”
“You changed clothes first?”
Connor stopped, meeting your eyes, suddenly at a loss for words. He knew why he’d come here. He was going to infiltrate Cyberlife Tower, and he wasn’t guaranteed to make it back. If there was one thing he craved, it was to spend this night with you. His first night awake, alive.
He decided there, that ignorance was bliss.
“The suit looks better on me.”
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 2
Eminem x Reader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Marshall takes Y/N for a drive and they open up about their sobriety experiences.
Tags : mentions of substance abuse
The drive wasn’t very long but it was kind of silent. You did not really know what to say, so you kept to yourself, as Marshall was driving. After a short while, you arrived to some sort of observatory, from where you could see the whole city of Detroit. The view was breathtaking. It was starting to get dark so you could see the lights from the building.
- Woah, you said as you got out of the car.
- Nice, huh ? Marshall asked.
- Definitely better than my room, you admitted.
- It’s one of my favourite places in the city, he explained. When I started recovery, I thought I was going crazy, staying in my house. So I started coming here everyday. Sometimes for twenty minutes. Sometimes for hours. But at least it got me up from the couch and out of the house.
- The city looks great from here, you said. I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.
- It’s not highly touristic, Marshall explained. Not many people know about it. That’s what is so great.
- I have to admit I haven’t explored much of Detroit yet, you said.
- For how long have you been here ? He asked.
- About four years now. I came to get my Master’s degree, as an exchange student at University of Michigan. And then I got a PhD fellowship so I took the opportunity to stay. Plus, I got together with Simon around the same time so it kind of felt like it was meant to be.
- Simon’s your boyfriend ?
- Ex, you quickly corrected. We split up. Actually, he left when I was in the hospital. Hence the living situation with Jamal and Talia, who were kind enough to take me in.
- I see, Marshall said. So he left you because of the OD ?
- Kind of.
Without really thinking about it, you proceeded to tell him about the breakup. Something about Marshall made it easy to talk. He was easy-going and made you feel safe, as if you had known him forever and could share everything with him.
- I really thought we were endgame, you said. We were talking about getting married eventually. And having kids, too…
You stopped talking as you felt a knot forming in your stomach. Simply mentioning your plans of having kids with Simon brought back the memories of the miscarriage. That very event had been the beginning of the end for the two of you. Even though Simon had been saddened by the miscarriage, it hadn’t affected him much. You were the one who gad to deal with the days of bleeding, cramping and crying. You had become attached to this baby and had troubles coming to terms with the loss of this pregnancy. Simon, on the other hand, seemed to be doing just fine.
- We’ll try again, he had said. It happens. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be, you know ?
Even though you knew he was right, you were hurt. It wasn’t about trying again. It was about processing your loss and grieving. It felt as if Simon had moved on as soon as you’d been told there was no heartbeat anymore. As time went on, you felt unable to talk about your grief, your pain and the trauma. So you started using more and more pills.
- YN ? You heard Marshall’s voice pulling you back to reality.
- Sorry, you said apologising profusely. I got in my head.
- It’s ok. Breakups are hard to talk about, he said. You’re really strong, you know ? With everything you’re going through right now.
- I kind of brought it on myself, you said sheepishly. If I hadn’t been using, I wouldn’t be going through this breakup right now.
- You never know what could have been. You just need to focus on getting better right now.
- Any wisdom to share ? You asked with genuine interest.
In fifteen years of sobriety, you assumed he had gained some wisdom you could use.
- Don’t be afraid to talk. Like, ever. In fact, I think that staying silent and alone with your thoughts makes you insanely more vulnerable and at risk for a relapse. Also, there are thousands of things I could tell you right now, but the only thing that matters is that, as lonely as you may feel, there are many, many people going through the same thing. You are not alone. Your road to recovery doesn’t have to be a lonely one.
He smiled and got closer to you as he spoke. He gently put a hand on your shoulder.
- You may lose people in the process but that doesn’t mean you can’t be surrounded by love and support, he finally said.
You felt a little lump in your throat and, for a second, you thought you’d cry.
- How did you get over the disappointment you caused people ? You asked, looking into his piercing blue eyes.
- By making amends and, mostly, creating new memories with them. The hardest thing for me was letting my family down, especially my children. I missed Christmas with them when I OD’d. I’ll never have that time back. But I make a point of sharing meaningful moments with them now. More than ever before, he said.
- Do they resent you ? You shyly asked.
- I’m pretty sure they did. My daughter is the one who found me unconscious, two hours away from dying. I guess the kids did suffer from my absence. They needed me as a parent, not as a burden. But I’m better now, I’m present and I’m here for them. That’s what matters. It’s in the past, now. What matters the most to me is that they know I love them.
You watched Marshall’s eyes as he gazed upon the horizon. Obviously, talking about his kids struck a chord.
- You seem like a great dad, you said. Your kids are lucky to have you.
- I try to be. To be fair, they’re the ones who are great. I owe them everything.
- Tell me about them, you asked.
The way Marshall spoke of his daughters sparked your interest. The sparkle in his eyes when he mentioned them warmed your heart and you could only hope that, one day, you would be so lucky to have kids you could love as much. Obviously, he loved talking about his daughters and bragging about them. You couldn’t help but think it must be a bit odd for them to have Eminem as a dad, growing up.
You chuckled at the thought of your own Dad, who was so different than Marshall, even though they were about the same age.
- What is so funny ? He asked with a smile. Sorry, I’m such a geek when I talk about my kids.
- No, it’s not that ! You reassured him. I was thinking of my father. I think you’re about his age but somehow you’re… cooler, I guess ?
- You’re only saying that because I’m not your father, Marshall assured you.
- Pretty sure not, you insisted.
After all, you highly doubted that Marshall’s daughters would trade their rapper father for yours. Maybe it was a matter of culture, but Marshall was warmer, more emotionally available.
- Are you close to your parents ?Marshall asked. They must be proud of you, getting your PhD and stuff.
- My mom died when I was two so I don’t have a lot of memories of her. I was raised by my father and his new wife. We’re not really close but I guess you could say they’re kind of proud, you explained.
- Do they know about your OD ?
- No, you admitted shyly. I couldn’t disappoint them like that. How would you react if the same thing happened to one of your girls ?
- I don’t think I’d be disappointed, Marshall said after a few seconds of thoughts. I’d be scared, concerned and, frankly, disappointed in myself if they ever felt the need to hide this from me. My job is to be there for them, come what may. If you were my daughter, I would want you to know that.
- Well, my Dad would never forgive me, you said without a thought.
- I think the forgiveness that matters the most is your own, he pointed out.
Marshall’s words meant a lot to you. Talking to him so candidly felt so good.
- What if I can’t forgive myself, Marshall ? You asked with tears welling in your eyes.
- You can. You deserve to, Y/N. Just because you fucked up doesn’t mean it’s over for you. You deserve to have great things coming your way, he replied as he pulled you in for a hug.
- But I’m a failure, you pointed out. I lied to everyone, I screwed everything up with Simon and even Talia doesn’t trust me anymore. I don’t even deserve you being so nice to me. Why are you so nice to me ?! You blurted out.
A smile started to form on Marshall’s lips.
- Because kindness isn’t meant to be deserved anyway, He said. When I got sober, I had amazing people helping me out. I always told myself I’d do the same for anyone else in need, he explained. And you may think you deserve to have everyone hating you, but the truth is, I haven’t heard anything but good things about you from Talia and Jamal. They love you and they think the world of you. That tells me you’re pretty cool.
You let out a laugh and dried your tears.
- Thank you, Marshall. For everything.
- My pleasure, Y/N.
The two of you kept on gazing at the lights of the city for a while, making small talk. At some point, you found yourself shivering. Marshall offered you his jacket but you felt kind of tired and asked if he would mind driving you back instead. On the way home, you stared at him and realised that, even though you’d just met him, you felt insanely comfortable around him. You were thankful for making his acquaintance. Also, you couldn’t help but tell yourself he looked as good as he was kind - which was saying something. He wasn’t really your usual type but you found him quite appealing. And you started blushing as soon as you realised that you were kind of attracted to someone who was old enough to be your father. You shrugged it off and told yourself that it was probably your vulnerability playing you.
When you arrived at Talia and Jamal’s, he stopped the car and stepped out to open your door. He hugged you goodbye and reached for his necklace before handing it to you.
- It helped me through some tough times, I hope it does the same for you, he said before kissing your forehead.
- Won’t you need it though ? You asked.
- I’m good, he simply said. Take care, Y/N.
You smiled and waved goodbye as he got back to the car. You had no idea as to whether you’d see him again or not, but it did not really matter in this moment. You felt as if there was purpose in the moments you just shared. Even if you never crossed path again, you knew you’d forever be thankful for him. You put the necklace around your neck and entered the house with a smile on your face.
- Well, someone looks cheerful, Talia said as you walked through the door.
- Yeah, we had a great talk, you said. He is very nice. Is everyone gone ?
- They went out to dinner, she said. I stayed so that you wouldn’t come home to an empty place.
- You didn’t have to !
- I don’t mind, really. Plus, I think it’s good for Jamal.
- He loves having you around, you pointed out. And everyone seems to like you too !
- They’re super cool, she admitted. But I can do without the boys’ talk, she added with a grin. Plus, now, I have a live-in bestie ! A bestie with a necklace that definitely rings a bell, she pointed out.
As soon as those words left her mouth, you knew you were in for a long series of questions.
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drachis917 · 2 years
Brainrot has hit me real hard for @shepscapades Detroit Become Hermitcraft story, so I thought I’d write a little something for it! I love dbh worldbuilding, and putting the hermits in there only adds to my interest. Anyway, this is partially based on Gem’s Season 8 episode 3, since it lives rent-free in my heart, and I thought it’d be fun to try to translate Gem and Impulse’s interaction into this au. Story’s under the cut!
“Impulse! Hi!” 
GeminiTay trotted excitedly towards the android, waving enthusiastically. Impulse smiled, walking slightly quicker to meet her in front of her porch. 
[Objective: Meet with GeminiTay] [Complete] 
“Hello Gem,” Impulse said, “How are you?” 
“Fantastic, thank you,” Gem said, “How’re you?” 
“I am well,” Impulse responded. All of his systems were in order, and he hadn’t encountered any warning messages for twelve days. “Am I interrupting anything?” 
“No, no,” Gem said, looking a little sheepish, “I was just in the process of, uh, mischief. You’re fine, don’t worry.” 
Instead of pointing out that worrying was not in his programming, Impulse simply nodded and got back to their business deal, “Pearl told me that you had some gold that you’d be willing to give us.” 
“I sure do!” Gem nodded, rifling through her inventory, “I’ve got two stacks, is that enough?” 
“Yes,” he nodded. 
[Objective: Collect gold] [Complete]
Taking payment from the pockets of his new suit, he continued, “Pearl didn’t specify a what I should trade with you, will this suffice?” 
Gem gasped at the diamonds the android handed to her. “Ten diamonds?” she counted, “Are you sure?” 
“Should I have chosen a better price?” Impulse asked, tilting his head curiously. He had done a bit of research beforehand, but he wasn’t programmed with economics in mind. Maybe he should look into some of the wider databases in order to expand his usefulness. 
“No, this is fine, I just wasn’t expecting this!” Gem said, “You’re so nice, thank you so much!” 
Impulse nodded, watching her turn to presumably walk back to her house. However, instead of going inside, Gem placed down an orange shucker box and dug something out of it. 
“Here,” she said, spinning back to face him, “I gave you a spore blossom earlier, and you deserve the real thing too!” She took his hand in hers and gently pressed an item into it, dripleaf if Impulse was correct. 
“I don’t have to do your parkour course for this?” Impulse asked, taking a brief moment to analyze the plant. Yep, that was some authentic dripleaf right there.
“Nope! I mean, you can if you want to,” Gem said, “It’s a gift!” 
Impulse frowned, the light on the side of his forehead blinking yellow. This was a business transaction, right? He couldn’t simply receive this without giving her anything in return. He rapidly checked his inventory, looking to see if he had anything that could be of use, and decided on the stack of slimeballs he had harvested from the work-in-progress farm. 
“I can’t take this for free,” he stated, holding the items out to her, “Please, take this in exchange.” 
“Slime?” Gem said, taking the stack carefully, “Oh, I didn’t have any slime yet, this is great!” 
Smiling politely, Impulse nodded, expecting that to be the end of the interaction. Gem seemed to have other ideas, though. Hopping closer, she wrapped her arms around his midsection and squeezed gently, leaning into his chest with a soft hum. 
“I didn’t expect you to be so huggable,” Gem observed, “I kinda figured you’d be plastic-y and cold, but you’re really soft!”
[Software instability] 
Impulse didn’t know how to respond to that. 
“Well, thank you so much!” Gem said, lightly tapping her forehead against the android’s arm, “I’ll see you later, Impulse!” And with that, she released him from her grasp and skipped back to her house. 
Well, that was interesting.
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
🎂Happy Birthday Gavin🎂
Rating:🔞 Explicit-sexual content🔥 Fandom:💙Detroit Become Human💙 Ships: Hankconvin900, Nines x Gavin x Hank x Connor Tags: Birthday sex, blow jobs, multiple orgasms, bukkake, Bottom Gavin, M/M/M/M, DBH polycule, PWP- plot what plot/porn without plot, Daddy kink, sir kink, degradation/humiliation kink, unsafe sex A/N: this took me all day, please give it some love🤝💙
Of all the places to be, on his least favorite day of the year, he has to be at phcking work, sitting through yet another PR meeting about ‘Accepting Androids in the workplace.’
The revolution last November changed the world, and now, 10 or so months later, things are just starting to balance back out. And that he thinks has more to do with two Androids in particular, who were able to reach Gavin in a way even Hank, his longtime friend and partner couldn't. 
He sure didn't make it easy. Gavin never makes anything easy. But they persisted. And now he’s moved back into Anderson's house, he’s work partners with Nines, and he, Nines, Connor, and Hank are in the weirdest, most unpredicted polycule he's ever been a part of. 
It's been great, at least the last couple of months have been. Like he said, he didn't make the transition easy. But once they found the key to getting Gavin to open up, everything just kinda spilled out. Then it was easier. Because the shit Gavin was actually mad about finally came out, and he learned Connor and Nines weren’t really that bad of dudes. Annoying, yeah, but hey, so was he.
They also helped introduce Gavin to some of the best sex he’s ever had. Turns out, having two high-stamina Androids as fuck buddies had its advantages. The pair opened him and Hank up to a world of new kink opportunities that had the additional side effect of bringing them all closer together as a result. Which he guesses is good too. He’s certainly happier than he’s been- 
Nines bumps his shoulder, and Gavin only notices now he’s drooling. He wipes his mouth quickly with the back of his hand before clearing his throat. No one in the large lecture hall outside of Nines caught the action, which Gavin was grateful for. His phone lit up with a silent message from the Android just a moment later. 
{Bored Gavin? Or daydreaming again?} 1:43 PM
Gavin chuckles quietly before slipping his phone under the table. They were all adult officers, looking at their phones wasn’t disallowed, but Gavin was trying to be polite with how much he was actively not paying attention. 
[I can think of at least 15 things I’d rather be doing with my time than this…] 1:44 PM
{This is a required seminar for all officers} 1:44 PM
[Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I’m gonna give Androids any trouble anymore.] 1:44 PM 
[Even if I tried, you’d kill me before I got half a sentence out.] 1:44 PM
Gavin sent the message and waited for Nines to read it. A growing warmth bloomed in his gut when the side of Nines' mouth turned up in amusement. 
{You're correct, I would.} 1:45 PM
Gavin assumes it would be left at that, and starts to try and pay attention. Until another message popped up. 
{Only a little bit longer now. We will be leaving for the day after this.} 1:47 PM
That surprised Gavin.
[As much as I’m pro ditching work, don’t think Fowler’s gonna go for it.] 1:47 PM
Nines' face remained stoic and emotionless, giving nothing away.  
{The request for PTO has been entered and accepted for months.} 1:48 PM
Gavin’s mouth dropped open. Because he sure as hell didn't put in the request. He prefers to work on his birthday. Helps him avoid thinking about it. About Cole. About everything. 
Nines sent another message. 
{Just because you refuse to acknowledge the day doesn’t mean it ceases to exist Gavin.} 1:48 PM
Gavin flushed red and flipped his phone over on the desk. He was done talking about this. He had purposely avoided telling Nines and Connor when it was for this reason. Though in hindsight, it was kind of stupid to think two supercomputers didn't have access to something as mundane as his birthday, but still. Hank knew how he felt about it. He’s made it crystal clear. 
He didn't say anything to Nines for the rest of the meeting. 
It was a quiet and un-phcking-comfortable 36 minutes. 
“GAVIN, WAIT!” Nines is shouting after him, but he doesn't want to talk about it. 
“I PHCKING HATE SUPRISE PARTIES,” he shouts back instead. He’s so edgy by the time he reaches his car he drops his keys twice, and Nines catches up to him… 
“Gavin, I know how you feel about your birthday-” Nines starts, but Gavin doesn't let him finish. 
Gavin acts before he considers all ramifications and grabs Nines by his jacket. He sees red. He shoves Nines until his back hits the four-door. 
“No! You don’t know shit,” he insists furiously. 
When Nines' face exposes genuine shock and his LED flashes red does Gavin remember that he's a mushy, mortal, sack of bones who just physically, stupidly, assaulted a top-of-the-line Police Bot. Who ya know, also happened to be his partner and nonconventional boyfriend. He should definitely let go. Why can’t he let go?
“Let go of me Gavin,” Nines insists calmly, LED back to a steady and less homicidal, cyan. 
Gavin does. Immediately grateful Nines chose mercy and both his wrists were still intact. He straightens his own clothes before unlocking his car. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not asking you to. Just, to keep an open mind. We have spent a fair bit of time setting this up for you.”
“Who’s we?”
Nines opens the passenger side and slides into the seat without answering. 
Gavin’s teeth clench but he yanks himself into the driver's seat. When he pulls on his seatbelt, Nines finally answers. 
“Connor, Hank, and I.”
That admission has a fair bit of Gavin’s anxiety melting off his shoulders and leveling out his temper. 
“Just you guys,” he clarifies as he turns the engine over. 
“Yes. Unless you want to extend the invite to others.”
Gavin shook his head. 
“Not really.” 
Gavin didn't trust anyone else like he trusted them. 
When they pull up to Hank’s house Sumo rushes out to greet them. 
“Hey buddy.” 
The comfort of Hank’s dog helps ease more of the discomfort Gavin is feeling as he walks up to unknowns in the house. Nines doesn't rush him inside, so he takes an extra minute, waiting until he can breathe without wheezing before heading inside. 
The rest of his anxious reservations melt upon opening the door. 
“Yes,” Nines confirms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was bound to secrecy. Connor threatened fratricide.”
“I did,” Connor smiles, sitting completely naked on the living room couch, with Hank between his legs. “Welcome home, Gavin.” 
“Phck me,” Gavin pants, because it's suddenly way too hot in here and he swears his jeans just shrank.
“That was the plan,” Nines confirms amusedly, and his hand finds Gavin’s low back. “Shall we join them?”
Gavin’s having trouble making his mouth form words so he nods. The drool is back in full force,  because there really is no prettier sight than a naked Hank Anderson, on his knees sucking cock. 
While Connor continues to use Hank’s throat, Nines is opening Gavin up on his fingers over the loveseat. It gets easier and quicker every time they do this, but it's becoming increasingly obvious to Gavin that Nines is taking his time on purpose tonight. 
“Please Sir,” Gavin asks, pushing his ass back against the long slender digits. He needs so much more than just two fingers inside him.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” Nines hums and it makes Gavin weak. 
“I’ll say whatever the phck you want as long as you don’t stop touching me.”
Nines rewards him with another slick finger, pumping gently in and out with the others. Gavin relaxes even further in the Android’s grasp.
“Why aren't you obedient like this more often? You’d get what you want faster.”
“It’s no fun being good all the time,” Gavin laughs, a little breathless from the sudden increase in speed. “Ask Connor.”
Connor looks up from Hank, who currently has all of Connor’s cock in his throat. The brunette grins and slips his hand into the older man’s silver hair, holding Hank’s face in place.  
“He’s right,” Connor shrugs. To emphasize his point, he pushes Hank down further, waiting until the last possible moment before pulling Hank back by his hair so he could breathe. 
The sputtering sound Hank made upon removal was gorgeous; wet, gasping, and needy as he tries to keep any part of Connor’s cock in his mouth while he takes some much-needed breaths. 
Gavin’s cock spits more fluid. It’s so phcking hot. They are so phcking hot. He could watch that shit on a loop forever. 
“I think that's enough Connor,” Nines says a moment later, and both Connor and Hank are up and moving without a fuss, walking towards the bedroom.
Gavin is confused why they aren't following. Nines pushes in another finger and twists them until Gavin squeaks, holding him right where he wants him as Gavin catches his breath. When he has, Nines takes his chin and kisses him, forcing the air right back out. 
Nines chuckles and the heat sends goosebumps rippling down Gavin’s right side. 
“Ready for the next part of your present?” 
Gavin groans. “Oh hell yes.” 
Four fingers are not enough of a stretch to fully ready himself for Hank’s monster cock, but with a lot of lube and stimulation pretty much everywhere else and Gavin’s too pleasantly distracted to notice any pain upon entry. 
Connor has his mouth and is kissing him filthily and with teeth while Nines has his hand around his cock, pumping Gavin closer and closer to the edge. That plastic bastard Nines knows how sensitive the skin around his piercings is, so his fingers stay there, playing with the slick mess of his tip and pushing his thumb across his piercings until Gavin cries. Hank’s own thrusts inside his body start slow, but every time one of the Androids pulls a ple2ased sound out of him, Hank’s next thrust is harder, deeper, or faster. Like they were competing to see who could get him to bust first. 
Nines’ fingers catch his piercings, tugging against the head and Gavin whines, desperate and needy. Connor’s tongue pushes deep into his throat, chasing the sound and Hank pulls Gavin’s hips flush against his own. The next two dozen snaps are pointed and so perfect they turn his legs to jelly. 
"Daddy-” he whimpers, resting his forehead against Connor’s while he attempts to catch his breath through the powerful thrusts. “Please."
Hank’s hand comes down on his ass cheek hard and the sound echoes perfectly off the walls. 
“Again,” Gavin groans. Hank delivers another slap as hard as the first one. Gavin’s cock spits more fluid into Nines’ hand. "Fuck, again." Gavin is sobbing. His prostate is under repeated abuse and every thrust of Hank’s cock is so much to take he feels delirious on pleasure. Connor swallows down his every moan, biting into his neck when he wants to hear him cry and Gavin loves the feeling of being strung out on them.  
"Getting close already baby," Hank chuckles knowingly and Gavin doesn’t have an ounce of energy left to feel shame. 
"Pleaaase," Gavin begs, because the ache in his core is driving him feral. He needs it. Nines has finally stopped touching his dick but it doesn't matter, he’s gonna cum no matter what. 
"Get up then, I don't think Nines or Connor can see how wet your cock is."
Gavin doesn't have time to think of a retort because he's being pulled up against Hank’s chest that next minute. The new position allows the final few inches to slip in and break Gavin's brain. 
"Ph-ck, oh god, yes, Daddy-” Gavin whimpers, quieter than a whisper. 
“There you go,” Hank praises before taking Gavin’s cock into his hand, “you boys see that?”  
"Sloppy mess, as per usual," Nines agrees and Gavin thrashes as that degradation sends a powerful wave of arousal down his spine.  
"He's absolutely gorgeous," Connor whispers. His eyes are still on Gavin, taking in every inch of his exposed and vulnerable form and making Gavin feel all kinds of ways. 
"Hear that Sweetheart?" Hank praises, and Gavin is too lust-drunk to do anything but feel and whine. 
"Can I- come on, please-"
"Yeah baby, go ahead, let us see you.”
Gavin whines as his long overdue orgasm punches out of him, rocketing his body down and then immediately away from the enormous cock inside him. It hurts to be full, but he doesn't want to be empty either. Where he stopped and where Hank’s holding him is perfect. 
Nines and Connor’s eyes haven’t left his cock which is pumping white all over his stomach and the carpet below. He wants to stay here forever. It aches in his balls just the way he likes. Relaxes his muscles and releases so much tension. Clears his mind, and makes him feel light, high, and floaty. 
Until Hank starts thrusting again and Gavin desperately needs a break. Just for a second. 
“Hank,” Gavin whines, because his prostate is so sensitive. 
“I got ya baby, don’t worry.” 
Hank pulls out slow, kissing down the back of Gavin’s neck because knows his body and his sounds better than anyone.
“Thank you,” he gasps, and he’s melting right back into that warm floaty place.  
“Course,” Hank chuckles warmly, “can’t break our fuck toy before the twins even get a full turn with ya.”
“Phck,” Gavin gasps, more cum dribbles out of the sensitive tip of his spent cock and he barely has the energy to moan. He wants it though. Even if it’ll wipe him out for the next two days, he wants it. 
Nines and Connor each return to his side. Connor hands him a glass of water and he’s so grateful he could cry. 
When they get back at it again, Hank elects to watch the next round from his armchair. Gavin is in the center of their Cali king mattress, naked on his knees with his arms behind his back. They’ve caged his cock, because Gavin doesn't want to cum again just yet. 
Nines and Connor are standing at the foot of the bed. They haven’t started touching him yet either, which is as agonizingly frustrating as it is intimidating. Probably because they just kept looking at him, obviously communicating telepathically because both of their LEDs were flashing. 
It’s been like this for a while, not even Hank is putting up a fuss about the lack of action. Gavin begins to wonder just how long they have been planning this. 
When something in Connor’s eyes changes and he flushes blue Gavin starts to squirm under the gaze. It moves the plug in his ass, lining it up a little better with his still-sensitive prostate. He moans before doing it again. 
Evidently, that's enough of a rule break to receive the wrath of Nines' glacial stare.
“Didn't say you could move slut. Flip over, onto your stomach. Now.”
Gavin tries to hold back his pleased grin as he does what Nines instructs. He didn't hate getting punished, it was so much better than not being touched at all. 
When Gavin is comfortable on his stomach, Nines grabs his hips and pulls him backward, until his legs fall over the edge of the mattress.  
“You’ll appreciate the angle better,” Nines explains and Gavin is sure he’s right. His fingers then move between Gavin’s ass cheeks, finding the plug and pulling it free. Some of Hank’s release came out with it and dripped down Gavin’s caged balls. Hank and Connor both gasped their appreciation.
“Phck,” Gavin pants and Nines chuckles before slipping two fingers inside him.  
“Feeling impatient?”
“What do you think?” Gavin sasses and Nines pulls his fingers out. Gavin is pushing back to try and follow them but Nines’ steel grip on his hip has him halted in place. Pleasure burns hot in his gut. “Please, Sir, please fuck me?”
“Yes. but I’m not gonna cum inside you.”
“What? Why not?” Gavin whined, surprising everyone but Nines. 
Nines spanks him hard, harder than Hank and it has Gavin bucking against the mattress just from sheer force. The sting that follows is blissful, and Gavin relaxes onto his chest. “‘Sorry Sir,” he hums and Nines smiles. Though he can't see it from this angle.
“Because I’m going to paint you with it instead.”
That has Gavin groaning along with the full-body shudder the suggestion caused. Evidently Hank had let the twins in on that particular kink of his. He’d be mad, if it didn't make him so phcking hot to imagine it. 
“Is that alright?” Nines asks and Gavin realizes he didn't speak.
“Phck yeah,” Gavin pants.
“Sir please…” Gavin begs again for who knows how many times now. Nines and Connor have been edging him for close to an hour now. His cock is still trapped in the cage and the floor below is puddling with Gavin’s precum. 
Nines and Connor’s matched assaults with their cocks paired with Hank’s filthy praises have brought him to the absolute edge but never over and it's killing him. Gavin’s been reduced to a shaking, whimpering, pathetic pile, just begging to be destroyed and they still won’t do it. 
“What was that Gavin? Did you say something?” Nines asks cheekily, pulling Gavin’s hips down, the tip of the android's cock pressed against Gavin’s prostate which throbs it's so sore now.  
“Sir, Connor, please.”
“What do you need Gavin?” Connor asks, voice so much gentler than his younger, meaner brothers. 
“Cum on me, and then let me cum for you. Please, I can’t take any more.”
“Hmm, I suppose you have suffered enough,” Nines chuckles. 
Connor’s hand leads Gavin’s mouth back onto his cock while Nines' hands are busy between Gavin’s legs. He hears the blissful sounds of the lock tumblers and then the cage is falling free. 
“Thank you, phck, thank you,” Gavin pulls off to gasp, because his dick is quickly filling, and Nines has him flipped over, back onto the center of the mattress. 
“Hank, did you still want to record this?” Connor asks Hank and Gavin feels another pull of arousal in his gut. 
“Better hurry,” Gavin warns and is rewarded with the first taste of Nines' orgasm on his tongue. It tasted like nothing, well not nothing, he tasted like flavorless, water-based lube. With every pump of Nines’ hand, Gavin is coated with a warm slick release. Every drop that landed on his cock has him bucking up, eager to cum. Too eager actually. “Phck,” Gavin pants, gripping the base of his cock to keep the orgasm back. Connor still had his turn to take after all. 
The brunette in question gained his attention now. He straddled Gavin and the detective was excited for the up close and personal view. 
“Pump it,” Connor orders and Gavin drops his own cock in favor of mono-focusing on Connors. He loves watching Connor cum. Loves how expressive his dumb, pretty face is when he’s toppling over the edge into oblivion. 
Connor’s eyebrows bunch together, signaling he is about to shoot and the words are falling out of Gavin’s mouth before he can stop them. 
“Mark your claim Con.”
Connor’s head falls back and his cock is still in Gavin’s hand. Cum is spurting across Gavin’s chest, under his chin, and pooling around the base of his cock, making everything so much wetter. Gavin is surprised he hasn’t cum yet. 
When Connor finally recovers from his orgasm, he’s moving. Not far, just enough to line up his hole with Gavin’s cock and sit on it.  
“Phck!” Gavin curses.
“Say my name, I love when you beg it,” Connor groans, tightening around his cock and rocking against him. 
Gavin chokes on his gasp, he thrusts into Connor hard. These androids drove him fuckin’ crazy.
“Connor,” he says, cock near bursting. 
“Yes Detective?” Connor chuckles, hot, wet, and secret in his ear and that's it. Gavin can’t hold back anymore. 
“Connor, phck, phck-” he’s cumming. Hard because he’s been edged for so damn long. Because each of them has thoroughly scratched each of his kinks. His hips thrust up against Connor’s ass as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. Connor pulled him forward until he could kiss him. Gavin kisses him back.
“So, how did you like your birthday gift?” Connor asked. 
Gavin turned to where the Android was currently curled up against him post-sex and smirked. Nines was on his opposite side. Hank was snoring behind Connor, his arm draped across the android's hip and hand interlocked with Gavin’s. Gavin didn't blame Hank for passing out, nor was he mad. He was seconds away from falling asleep himself. Gavin nods to answer Connor’s question.  
“Easily, best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Nines hums pleasantly whereas Connor smiles like Gavin hung the fucking moon. 
Gavin nods. 
“Yeah Tin Man, really.”
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abbythewritor · 1 year
"Specimen." Connor x Venom reader. *2*
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Description: Y/n, a girl who's been alone her whole life, decides to change when an alien from the sky corrupts her body. Learning to cope with the symbiote named Venom, the two figure out a way to help put an end to disgusting humans who pick on the weak. But what happens when a certain Android detective is on her tail as if he was attracted to her all this time?
Warnings: Drama, blood, violence, stuff from the game, you know, the usual from Detroit become human.
Other things:
-I do not own Detroit Become Human; they belong to the owners and creators of the game.
-We will be following both Markus and Connors's side because the reader is with the deviants, while Connor, you know, does his cop duties, lol.
-Y/n is a human girl who is then corrupted by Venom; if you don't know who Venom is, then I recommend watching the movie about him, then that will sum it up for you.
Enjoy the second chapter, everyone. :)
"You just don't know when to fucking quit do ya?" It was early morning the next day, and Hank was not having it at all.
Connor showed up same time he did, as both of them were now in the elevator going to the third floor. "Sorry, lieutenant," Connor spoke, turning to him. "I have to work with you until I accomplish my mission." Hank let out a growl. "Just don't get in my way, so we won't have problems. I hate working with other people, let alone a fucking android." Connor stood there for a second, an awkward silence arising as the elevator rose.
Breaking the Silence, Connor got out a notebook containing peak information on previous cases or current cases they have gone through. "I've been digging into the crime scene photos of Ortiz's house, especially the attic when that woman took the deviant." One of Hanks's eyebrows rose. "Ok, and? Our men found no traces of her up there; what will you get out of some crime-scene photo. And to be clear, how do we know she's even a girl? It could be a guy." Connor went silent for a moment. "She couldn't have been a male, my scanners scan her body, and it's in a shape of a 21-22-year-old woman." Hanks's eyes widened slightly. "A girl in her early twenties, escaping with the deviant and knowing the ropes of fucking up crime scenes at that young age, something tells me that she's been doing this for a long time, even before she turned an adult." Connor nodded. "Correct, either she had some help taking the deviant, or this was planned before the police even found out, maybe weeks prior." Hank put his hand to his beard, thinking of different solutions. "Do ya think she had her eye on this Android before the murder?" Connor went silent briefly before scanning multiple scenarios, some matching, some not.
"That could be a possibility; past cases state that deviants have been saving other 'deviants' like they turned into superheroes or are known as guardian angels." Hank got weird chills down his spine. "Shit...so androids believe in God, lord help this fucking world..." He then sighed. "Ok...so what about the girl? Is she a guardian Angel, A Superhero, or even human?" Glancing back at the photo, Connor blinked, looking at the traces of Venom that you purposely left behind. "She is definitely a human, no doubt about that, but the traces of slime I found on the photo doesn't seem to be 'human.'" Hank chuckled, getting a nervous feeling. "So she's possessed? That ain't the creepiest shit I ever seen." "She is not possessed, lieutenant. If she were to be possessed, her eyes would have gone all black or white; her eyes were completely normal. You saw her when she escaped; she just disappeared. I saw black slime come out of her back, she was definitely Human, but the thing inside her was not. It could be a SuperPower, an alien, or a disease that she uses to help her save the deviants; my scanner has run up many hypotheses and theories, all so different. This human deviant could block my shots and teleport away from the house easily; it tells us she's more dangerous than she really is. we better be careful when furthering into this investigation." Hank was silent before nodding as the elevator door dinged at their destination.
"Yeah...and hopefully, this time, our deviant gets taken away-" "Hello, detective." He and Connor paused, looking at an unfamiliar girl wearing a fancy work suit. Her hair was H/c, tied up into a simple yet low ponytail. Her eyes were a beautiful E/c, while her height was just standing at Y/H. (Your height.) Files grasped your hands as your right hand pushed up your glasses, a beautiful smile plastering your lips. Connor was trying to scan you, but the files he read were unknown, with no background or family; it just shows that you're working for the FBI.Confused, Hank walked closer, Connor soon following behind. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Smiling, you stepped closer. "My name is Y/n, L'n's, and I am from the FBI." Hank's eyes widened when you showed him your badge. "So the FBI is on our backs? Christ, can this day get any fucking worse? Why would the Feds send you here, to a police department?" You hugged the files closer and followed the two toward the lieutenant's desk. "I assure you, lieutenant, I am not fond of this either, but you and I know deviants rule the streets and must be stopped. That is why I am here. The streets are filled with crime and unidentified androids, which can get more dangerous in town areas. Especially when the deviant savior is roaming the streets." Connor raised an eyebrow to you. "Deviant Savior?" You looked at him, finally getting a good look at the RK 800, as the thoughts you thought about him earlier were defiantly not wrong.
Kamski knew what he was doing when he designed the androids, and he spent extra care and time on this one.
Feeling like you were staring and gushing at him for too long, you shook your thoughts before smiling again. "Connor, right? You're the deviant sent by cyber life?" He nodded. "Yes, and I believe we're unaware of your presence, Agent L/n's." You chuckled, waving his comment off. "Please, call me Y/n; I hate the 'Agent' stuff; unsurprisingly, Fowler didn't tell you; it was a last-minute decision. If I needed to hunt down the deviants and the Deviant savior, he told me you two were the best on the field." "Yeah, well, about that..." Hank let out an annoyed sigh, his eyes glaring up to you. "If you want to start today, it will be a bit before we can catch another deviant; the one we tried to capture yesterday escaped; maybe with the Deviant Savior, your little mouth's been yappin' about."'Confused,' one of your eyebrows rose while looking behind, your thumb pointing to the back where the interrogation room would be. "You mean that deviant?" Confused, Hank looked that way to see the subject sitting there, pacing back and forth. His eyes widened, as of Connors. "Y-Yeah..." Hank mumbled, thinking he saw things, as his hands rubbed his eyes, only to see the deviant still there. "Shit...I need a vacation...ok Agent, if you are so smart, how did it get here? It teleported away from us, so there's no way he would have just walked right in here. I bet it was fucking Gavin, that stupid piece of the prick of an asshole-" "Oh, Detective Reed didn't bring him in; I did. " He turned to you, soon crossing his arms with a slight chuckle.
"You? You brought him in?" His question had you nodding, the stupid smile still plastered to your face. "I found him in an alleyway, all bloodied and beaten up. He looked rather suspicious, and when he tried to run away, I knew he was a deviant, which made me want to take him in. So, it's exactly what I did. I'm sorry to concern you, Lieutenant, I was just trying to do my Job-" "Well, next time you try to do your job, leave the 'finding deviants' to the fucking professionals, got it? You can't just walk in here, high and mighty because of your FBI, and fuck up the investigation. I'm in charge, and you will not do this again, right?" Silent momentarily, you glared at him momentarily before he turned and walked away. Connor was just silent as he turned to you. "Can you tell me more about the Deviant Savior? What does it look like? What are its intentions?" With a sigh, you turned to him while setting the files down. "You are a curious one, aren't ya? Well, I guess you could know, but it would have to be an explanation for later, let's just say, about the Deviant Savior, think of her as a Guardian Angel, but for Androids, because that's how they view her. I'm guessing bt the questions you asked me you've met her before, right?" He nodded. "Yes, we saw a female figure with the deviant you brought in. She was wearing all black and red, covering her head with a cloak. She blocked my attacks before I could get to them and teleported away. It was like she was inhuman like she wasn't a regular Woman."
"Well, that's some good thinking, Connor; saying that a Woman blocked your attacks easily seems normal, but teleporting away, just seems absurd. It's the same description everyone has been describing her, teleporting away, black goop coming from her back, heck, some even rumored that she kills her own kind." Connors' eyes widened slightly. "You mean she has killed other humans?" "Seems crazy, right? But, I'd think to know this Deviant Savior defeats all kinds, Androids or humans; it's just a matter of who's picking on the weak." "I see.." Connor looked down slightly, taking in on what you just said. "So, she could be on her own side, a Savior to all...I will investigate her further; thank you for the information, Detective. It will not go to waste." Smiling, you patted his shoulder. "Your welcome, Connor, and please, just call me Y/n; I hate the formalities-"
"Connor!" Both of you turned, seeing Hank with a new cup of coffee; he motioned Connor to follow as he turned back to you. "Will you be interrogating this Deviant with us?" "You smiled more. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Now, you should go before your partner drags you out." He nodded to your question. "Indeed, I'll see you later....de-I mean, Y/n." Watching him turn, he headed towards Hank, who threw a file into the hands of the androids. "What did she discuss with you? nothing threatening, I hope." Connor looked back as you were checking messages on your phone. The light behind beamed onto your form, radiant hair, and skin, and self-reflected around the police department. Remembering the information he just gave you about the Deviant Savior, he turned back in front and looked at Hank. "Just some useful information about the Deviant Savior; she knows a lot about her, for a Human. She must have been investigating it for a long time." Hank scoffed. "Yeah, feds tell you that stuff for believing their lies. Look, she seems like a nice girl, but we need to keep our guard up, the feds are already shady as they go, and if we do something wrong, the case is theirs, no questions, if's, and's or but's about it. Now, look through those files and follow me, if we can get this tin-can bastard to talk, then we can look further into the investigation." As Hank walked ahead, Connor soon followed, listening to Hank's instructions as he looked through the files, quickly and efficiently. Watching the two heads that way, your mouth formed a smirk before Venom popped out of your back, Time suddenly stopping as he awakened from his nap. 'The hell just happened-WOAH. WHY ARE WE AT THE POLICE?!'
"Good morning, buddy! Nice nap?" 'Don't give me that bullshit, and tell me what's happening. I was asleep for two days, and you're already entering enemy territory? And I thought I was stupid for almost pushing that Simon Tin-Can off the building.' 'You missed a lot, I'll have to fill you in later-wait, you pushed Simon off the building?!'
'Hints the word 'Almost.' He ate my chocolate cake; it was the last one before the world went to shit. No one else would have punished him for his crimes, so I made him wet his pants a little; you should've seen his face; he looked like a constipated child, waiting for their shit to finally come out of their asshole.' Your eyes rolled. "First of all, that's a little harsh; second, Androids don't even have human boul functions, so they can't pee; and third, you need to apologize to him when we return. No wonder he was acting bossy; you started it."
'Like hell! I won't apologize to that lying piece of Tin! He shouldn't have eaten my piece of chocolate cake, then! He basically started it! It's like when you and North fought for a fucking month over some stupid Skittles that were in a crate we ravaged back at Cyberlife.'
"Ok, I had a reason to fight for those; she can't even eat; she just likes the texture in her 'mouth.'" 'Ok, and you still got revenge; Sad you didn't kill the bitch, but you still got revenge, why can't I?' "Because Simon is important to the team, you can't kill him, and I can't kill North, so we both have to stick with them, whether we like it or not." 'I hate that your fucking right all the time....why can't you be president instead of that old hag of a human?' "Because I flunked out of law school and invited your ass to come inside me to be your vessel." '......oh, I'm so sorry.' You shrugged. "No biggie, my life is way more impressive now than it would have ever been, I can't Imagine what the old hags do off camera, now are you done being a Mr grump grump, or are you going to be reasonable during the 'interogation?' 'If the decoy fucks up I blame you.' "Why?! Your the one who made it! It was North's Idea anyway!" 'I'm just saying, they are all counting on you, including her, so If you or the Robo Cop finds a way for it to give the police information, while having the thing kill itself with no one else in harms way, then you should be fine, no pressure.' Feeling him go back into your back, you took a deep breath before time started again, leaving Connor and the department being able to move again, knowing little and having no Memrory of what just happened. Looking at your coffee, you sipped it one last time, as you grasped it more into your hands, yourself getting off the desk you were leaning on.
Hopefully, thinking as you walked, this decoy Venom has made will do the trick for the police because If that RK 800 finds out this is all a rouse, you and Jerhico might be discovered, and Venom or yourself might be separated and arrested, or worse, even killed. So this operation must go smoothly, all of the androids and Jericoh are all counting on you...because...
'You're the Deviant savior after all.'
"Why did you do it...? Why did you kill him?" It was investigation time, and Hank had been trying to talk to your decoy for hours, but nothing coming out of its mouth. Venom and you designed it so that only Connor could speak to it. He was beside you, as another person you didn't recognize was leaning against the wall, closer to the non-see-through glass, the three of you carefully listening in. "How long were you in the attic? Who was that girl who took you away?" No answer, just a long, filled noise of silence. Hank couldn't get anything out of the thing as the deviant kept looking at the table, his hands cuffed to the metal below him. "Why did you take the girl's hands? Why did you want to run away? Scared? Scared that we might have killed ya? Because you killed that man, and your fleeing with her might have something to do with it." Again, nothing. The silence started to piss Hank off, and he cursed under his breath before getting up from the chair and exiting the room. 'If he isn't a stupid, brainless human, he would have him talking by now.'
'Be quiet; he tried his best.' 'Yes, he did, and we designed this stupid decoy for only the Rk 800 bastard to talk to; this old hag isn't going to do shit.' 'Just trust in the process, Venom; Connor will soon ask questions, I know it. That's why Cyber life brought him in, remember?' 'Yeah, brought him in to help; I highly doubt these shit of humans would even let him near the decoy, let alone ask him some questions.' 'I know you're concerned for Connor, but he will get the decoy to talk; after all, if it destroys itself, we programmed it to tell Connor all he needs to know about the RA9, the I AM ALIVE sign, and even why Carlo's was killed by him, all we need is patience...' '...Fine, but if all of this blows over, you owe me another chocolate cake at the cafe ten blocks from here, got it?' You smiled. 'Got it.'
Eying the lieutenant more through the walls, he entered the room, and you heard some grumbles coming from his mouth. "We're wasting our time interrogating a machine where we'll get nothing out of it!" He snarled, sitting in the chair Beside you, as the guy on the wall chuckled. "You could always try ruffing it up a little; after all, it's not human." 'You disgust me; I'd rather eat someone than ruff them up; it makes it easier. Besides, androids have a wonderful minty aftertaste. ' Glaring at him harshly, you felt sick with his comment before Connor looked at him. "Androids don't feel pain. You would only damage it-" "And that wouldn't make it talk either; it would make it more freaked out than it already is."You added, looking back to the decoy. "Besides, putting more stress on the deviant will make it self-destruct; we don't want the whole building to go Boom, Boom." The man kicked off the wall, glaring harshly at you. "Ok, smartasses..." Stopping, his arms crossed again. "What should we do, then?" 'Throw you out the window, you human piece of trash.' As you and Connor looked at each other, you looked back at the man. "Connor could try questioning it; he was sent here for that reason. And if it doesn't work, I can try; it's my case, too." "Oh, I-i'm sorry, I didn't know the fed's own everything now; if this is your case, by all means, send the fucking coke can in; it's not like Hank and I have an opinion after all." 'Oh, there's always an option to eat and devour your bones.' "For fuck sake, enough, Gavin, roughing this guy up won't help; these two, that's all that's left; you two do on, the suspect is all your's." "Smiling, you stood up and looked at Connor. "Wanna interrogate him together? He might have a better chance of getting him to talk than with one person." Thinking for a moment, Connor looked at the deviant. "That might not be a bad idea, detective; let's go." Nodding, you followed, exiting the door and entering the interrogation side. The decoy immediately saw you, as your pointer finger quickly went to your mouth, wanting it to be quiet.
As Connor sat in front of the Devaint, he began to analyze him, every single movement, inch, and tech this android had on him. He even looked into his wounds. You went to the corner, leaning against the wall as your arms crossed, Venom reading his stress level at 35%. 'His levels are steady; we need the Robocop to get our decoy to 100% stress level for it to talk; we'll let it destroy itself, right?' You nodded. 'Yeah, because why would we give them more evidence? We don't want them too far ahead or too close to our tail; let's keep this thing simple and see what Connor can do.'
The file at the end of the table was now in front of your decoy as Connors's hands opened it, revealing a familiar picture of Carlos to the deviant. "Remember him? It's Carlos Ortiz, Stabbed 28 times." He flipped to the next picture; I AM ALIVE. "That is written on the wall with his blood." His stress level rose as Connors's head tilted slightly. "I detect an instability in your program; it can trigger an unpleasant feeling, like fear in humans." The decoy was still silent but looked up slightly to Connor, to you, then back to the table. ""You've been silent since they've arrested you. If you don't cooperate, they'll do things the hard way. Is that what you want?" The deviant's stress rose more, now at 43%. "You don't seem to understand the situation. You killed a human; they'll tear you apart if you don't say something." The stress level at 47%. "I'm here to help you...but you gotta trust me." Connor spoke, leaning more toward the deviant. "All I want is to get you out of here." He stated as the deviant's head looked up, himself hesitantly looking around. "W-What are t-they going to do to me..?" Connor was silent, alerting the deviant to freak out as he looked at Connor. "They're going to destroy me, aren't they?" "They're going to destroy you to look at your bio components; they have to if you don't tell us anything in use." "Why did you tell them she found me? Why coudln't you have her just take me to a safer place?" "She, in Meaning the girl who took you, who is she? What were her intentions with you?" The defiant was silent, but he answered “Nothing terrible to us, but to humans, she hates, she felt the same hatred towards my owner as I...she wanted to save me; she wanted me to have freedom; she was going to take me to a place where all androids Roam-free, where all called to RA9." "RA9… that symbol was written all over the shower walls in the bathroom. Was that what you're doing?" The deviant glared up at him. "It's the only way for him to see my message, my prayer....humans….they must be stopped." 'Damn it. He's getting nowhere; he's only at a stress level of 50%. He needs to be 100%. Can you do something? This Tin Can is getting me pissed."
You kicked yourself off the wall, grabbing a file from your coat as you stood beside Connor, slamming it to the table, the decoy jumping slightly. "28 STAB WOUNDS!" you snarled, both of your hands going to the table as you leaned closer to the decoy, face getting more irritated. "That's how many times you killed your owner, 28 times; if you really wanted to be free, then for murder, we would charge you the same for a human man, life to prison or sentence to death; you will get the same treatment if you don't speak. You hear me?! WHO IS THE DEVIANT SAVIOR? WHO IS RA9?!" You were very close to the deviant's face, his stress level skyrocketing from 50% to 80%. Venom lowered your voice slightly as the loudness and the deepness echoes the room. It shocked Connor slightly; his eyes looked around to see if anyone else was in the room, but no one was. Just you, and your incredible voice change. Gavin whistled behind the glass, shivers descending his spine while looking at a shocked but impressed Hank. "For a fed...she has good skills, scared the suspect and the tin can to death." Gulping, Hank leaned towards the glass more, his skin getting goosebumps. "She didn't just scare them...Holy shit... I-i think I might have just shit myself..." “what’s wrong Hank? Can’t take a little puberty?” Hank glared to him. “That was not puberty, smart ass, that…” Looking back to you, your eyes dug into the deviants soul, as a dark aroama formed around you, giving the interrogation room a different feeling from before. “That was inhuman.”
"You're not going to talk?" You asked, a small chuckle escaping your lips as you lifted up from the table, soon crossing your arms. "Probe his memory, Connor." The deviant's eyes widened as he looked at you, shocked. “How do you-is that is necessary? He answered my questions perfectly-“ “Just to it, Connor!” “But I-“ “DO IT!” The deviant face shot up, looking at the two of you now as his eyes were filled with fear. “W-What?! N-No, please, please don't let me relive what I've been through, no, NO, NO-" Connor grabbed hold of his head with both hands, a shit ton of information transferring from the deviant to him. After a lot of screaming from the decoy and around 15 minutes of containing said information, Connor was finished; as he quickly let go, the deviant's stress was entirely at 100 percent. Not seeing to investigate further, Connor looked at you, slightly overwhelmed by what he saw. “I have the information; we got all we need." Sensing some concern or remorseful emotion coming from him, you nodded, soon hopping off the table. "Let's get out of here then; we're done; take him back." Hank was hesitant at first but soon built up a little courage and got up from his Chair, Gavin sending his men in there to take the suspect back. But, as the bunch of you were about to leave, a loud bang arose, multiple actually.
"What the hell?!" Hank went into the room and everyone turned to see the deviant banging his head against the wall, trying to kill himself directly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IDIOTS?! STOP HIM!!" Gavin ordered, he and his men tried to hold the deviant back, but the deviant just kept slamming his head, as blue blood spread all across the table.
"H-He's too strong! I can't stop him!!!" Yelled an officer, who was still trying to stop it, but it kept going until his breathing and wiring were no more.
Slamming his head for the last time, he face-planted dead onto the metal surface, more blue blood escaping, splattering onto Hank and other officers.
You and Connor weren't surprised by this, but everyone else in the room felt goosebumps and vomit coming up from their throats. The deviant showing no signs of life. “W-What the hell-Just happened?" Hanked asked, trying to get his breath, as you simply looked at him, no emotion showing. "He killed himself because of high stress when Connor probed his memory. It's a way to get information about what happened, but instead of Connor getting it, they both got it, which brought anxiety and stress to the Suspect. That action was necessary since he wasn't talking or giving both of us helpful information; he got it himself. Now, we can really start the investigation; we're done here; if you'd excuse me, gentlemen, I will report to Fowler the incident." And with that, you left, leaving everyone but Connor in utter confusion and shock. But Connor wasn't just going to let you leave, as he followed you right out, Running to you. "Detective!" Stopping, you turned to Connor before smiling. "Connor, I told you to call me Y/n-" "How did you know I can probe Deviants memory? That's a tactic only Androids know." Not surprised that he asked this question, you sighed.
"I work with Androids, the Feds higher all kinds of different android Ranks, and my partners, just happen to be Androids." You lied, Connors LED turning yellow as he processed the information. "You knew the Probe technique would work; why didn't you tell me we needed to use it before going there?" Chuckling, your head shook."Connor, it was a last-minute decision, we were getting no answers from the deviant, and we had no time to discuss the matter; it seems that you did it right away when I asked, but you didn't have to do it. For the future and as a learner of experience, if you want things to work when having a partner or working with someone that's not an android, communication is something that I should have done. Another is standing up for what's right or wrong; if you thought probing the enemy's memory was a bad idea, it would have been wise to say something. Wrong feelings in dire situations can lead to good actions, but good feelings in dire situations can lead to bad decisions. Do you understand?" he simply nodded. "Yes, I think so." "Good, I know you and Hank might not trust me because I'm FBI, but the three of us have the same mission on our hands, to do what is right and to find the Deviant Savior, so we all have to work together whether we like it or not, so, I will take my leave and head to fowlers office, I will see you both when another case pulls up." Connor nodded. "Will do detective!” Turning with a sigh, you pointed to him. “We’ll work on that too, because my name is not detective Connor…”
“It’s Y/n.”
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bighermie · 4 months
White House Issues NINE Corrections to Biden's NAACP Speech | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald
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ash-writies · 2 years
Hii!! omg can i ask a nines x reader where she like gets hurt one time because shes always trying to be better than nines like they have this weird competition who can do those most impressive work and she confesses her love to him after a massive argument??
A/n: I’ve always been more of a Nines fan <3 I’ve stolen a lot of my headcanons from @pseudonymmcwriter , they’re amazing and I love their version of Nines! Go over and send them love if you haven’t already!!
Summary: Nines seems to be trying his best to work you up when you get assigned another case. You arrive at the scene to find it barren, that changes when you do a sweep of the house
Warnings: violence
2k Words
You looked up from your paper work in time to see Nines’ LED return to blue, indicating that he finished yet another document. You frowned and retuned to typing, if you had a computer in your head paperwork definitely wouldn’t take so long. Even though you completed it fast for a human, he still always left you in the dust. 
Nines glanced at you desk with a frown. He leaned over and tilted your monitor something like 5 degrees to the left. You scoffed and continued with your work, the way he always tried to correct you, even in unnecessary ways, left you fuming.
Once you wrapped up your paperwork another case was immediately dropped onto your desk. You didn’t even bother opening it and went to the break room. Hank was leaning against the counter waiting for the coffee to brew, “fresh pot?”
He turned and smiled at you, “yeah. How’s it going with the new partner?”
“It’s going,” you groaned, sinking into a chair, “he’s just really frustrating, he always acts like he’s better than me.”
“It was frustrating working with Connor at first,” he grumbled, pouring himself a cup, “but for different reasons I guess. I think it’ll get better with time.”
You sighed, “I hope you’re right, he’s driving me insane.” Once Hank was finished pouring himself a cup you stood to make your own. 
Just as you reached for the creamer and sugar, Nines rounded the corner, “have you reviewed the new case?”
“You mean the case that was set on my desk less than 30 seconds ago?”
“Three minutes and 43 seconds ago, yes.”
“No, I havent,” you rolled your eyes.
“Well you’ll have to review it on the way.”
You finished making your coffee, “I think we can wait a few minutes before heading out.”
He shot you a look of impatience, “as long as you make it quick.” You scoffed and walked past him to your desk. Even though you didn’t want to listen you reviewed the case as fast as possible and left with him to the scene, leaving a half empty cup of coffee in your wake.
There was no one there when you arrived, not even the victim, “are you sure we’re at the right house?”
Nines’ LED was amber, “of course.”
“You check down here, I’ll go upstairs,” you said not giving him a chance as you ascended the stairs. The house was probably built 70 years prior with owners that didn’t care about it. Some of the floorboards were bowed and rotted, the windows were smudged with smoke and dirt, and the walls that were once white were covered in hues of grey and yellow. You kept on hand on your holster as you reached the top of the stairs, the quietness of this place keeping you on edge. You opened one of the few doors and called, “Detroit Police! Anyone there?” 
Behind the first door you opened there was a desk, filing cabinet, and a bookshelf. You hummed and took another step into the room. It was very human, an android wouldn’t have a use for anything in there. The next room you stepped into was a bathroom. It was cozy and full of miscellaneous things like towels, makeup, and toilet paper. As you approached the final room you called down to Nines, “I don’t think anyone’s here.” 
You were about to make a joke about how the perfect RK900 made a mistake when you opened the door and an android ran at you. He slammed you against the wall and you barely moved to avoid a punch he threw at you. You didn’t give him room to make another attempt as you swept his foot out from underneath him. He grabbed your arm as he fell to the ground and you screamed as pain shot through your shoulder. You opened your mouth to call for Nines when you felt a hand wrap around your mouth. “Please,” the android muttered. You only raised your eyebrows as your partner rushed up the stairs.
“Step back!” his tone was void of anything, still it shot through your bones.
The android however, seemed unfazed, “I will if you let me go.” Nines’ eyes flickered towards yours in that moment of weakness. The android’s hand slid to your neck, “Let. Me Go.” You watched as Nines reluctantly pushed his gun onto the floor and lifted his hands into the air. The android hesitated before releasing you, but the moment he did he lunged at Nines, kicking the gun out of his reach. You watched the androids scramble on the floor and the android’s hand disappear beneath Nines’ shirt. You froze realising the android meant to kill Nines. You instinctively lunged at the android, wrapping him in a headlock and pulling him off of Nines. You twisted him so that you were pinning him to the ground. Nines crawled from behind you and subdued the android. Panting, you released him.
“Are you okay?” you asked, hand searching his stomach for scratches or torn plastic.
“I am fine,” Nines said, almost impatiently, “you have an anterior dislocated shoulder and need to seek immediate medical help.”
“I will once we get to the station,” you simply stated. You stood and lowered your good arm, offering to help him up. He took it but clearly didn’t need your help. He fixed his shirt and pulled the android onto his shoulder.
Once you arrived to the station he’d told you to stay in the car. It was too late as you were already up and the door was swinging shut, “why so you can take credit for my score? No thanks.” He knew you were being difficult on purpose he grumbled and alerted someone to retrieve the android.
“You told me you were going to seek medical help,” he began, fuming, “you can’t do that here so get in the car.” A part of you wanted to snap at him, you had just saved his life and he was still bossing you around. The other part of you was still hurting because of your arm.
“I’ll get there myself, just focus on the android,” you grumbled, only partially giving in to his request. When he opened his mouth to argue you quieted him with a glare. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As you can image the trip to the doctor was short and painful. You had to get your arm reset and they gave you some painkillers that should last you a couple days. We won’t even talk about the sling you had to have your arm in. You were exhausted after the day you had, sinking into your bed and groaning. You had every intention of falling asleep when you heard a lound knock on your door. You mumbled curses under your breath all the way to the door. You stood on your toes and looked through the peephole and were met with the image of Nines.
You opened the door, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to ask if you’ll be okay to work tomorrow,” he stated, LED yellow as he stared at your shoulder.
“Yeah, doctor says I can take it off after a few days but to avoid using it for a couple weeks.” 
“Good,” he said staring at you, it was silent for a few minutes after that. You were used to his silences but this one was irritating you more than usual.
“Well if that’s all-” you began.
“Why didn’t you shoot that android?” his tone gave nothing about his thoughts away.
“I didn’t want to-” you were about to leave it at that but you couldn’t, “to ruin the case.” When he cast you a disbelieving look you continued, “is it so hard to believe that I didn’t want to mess something up?”
“No, it’s not hard to believe, but with how often you do it, it’s not at the forefront of your mind,” as soon as he finished he looked like he regretted his words.
You felt as if he just slapped you in the face. You scoffed, face heating up and tears pricking you eyes, “wow- sorry you don’t have the perfect partner- ya’know what, I don’t have to take this from someone like you!” You attempted to slam the door in his face.
“An android?” he stopped the door with one of his hands. His face was the unfazed picture it always had been, but his tone was sharp.
“An apathetic prick who only cares about his stupid cases,” you spat.
“Do you expect me to care about anything else during work hours?” he forced the door open more and his tone had evened out.
“Yes, like your partner, your cowokers, or maybe- just maybe, the people we need to bring in and question.”
He frowned and behind him you saw one of your neighbors poking their head out from their doorway. You pulled him inside as he spoke, “well I don’t believe I should change any of that, I do just fine with my work the way I am. You could stand to stop caring as much.”
“Stop caring as much?” you repeated, shocked that he could say something like that, “if I cared less maybe you’d still be on the floor in that house!”
“You shouldn’t have helped.”
“Were you even listening? He was about to rip your heart out and you wanted me to stay out of it?” When he just looked at you and made no indication of saying anything you threw your arm into the air and began to storm into your room.
He called your name, “wait-”
“No! I can’t believe you tried to scold me for caring about you. You know how dense that makes you look?”
He took a step back, “why do you care about me?”
You looked at him, although he was trying to hide it there was something vulnerable about him. Sighing you decided to answer his question, “because I like you. Because even though you spend every hour of work proving to everyone that you’re better than me, I still fell for you.”
You watched his LED flicker red and he made no move to speak. You expected it though. You looked at your feet, suddenly embarrassed. “You believe I’m trying to belittle you during work?” he asked. You nodded, keeping your eyes down. He hesitated and reached forward, fingers brushing your hand, “I apologize, I did not realize my actions could come across that way.”
You pressed your lips together, wondering if he intentionally ignored your confession, “wow, the RK900 just apologized, can you send me the audio of that? I need to immortalize this moment…” Your eyes met Nines’ seeing a sudden seriousness.
He sighed your name, “I was attempting to make work easier for you… So you’d spend less time doing paperwork and being on the crime scene.”
You watched him with wide eyes, was this his way of- there’s only one way to be sure. You took a couple steps toward him and took his hand in yours, “spell it out for me.”
Before he could help it, he shot you an annoyed look, “I am reciprocating your feelings.”
“Which feelings?” you smirked. When he didn’t say anything (again) you began to step forward.
“I. like you too,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“For someone who has every word in their head,” you sighed as you wrapped your arm around his neck, “it sure took you a long time to say that.”
He rolled his eyes and leaned down to nestle his face into the crook of your shoulder. He pulled you closer as you did the same. “You should probably get some rest,” he muttered, not moving.
“I shouldn’t have let you get hurt today… I regret it.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you whispered, slipping your fingers into his hair. You smiled as his body began to relax in yours. No matter how tired you felt, you could stay like this forever.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Londoner Wounded By Detroit Guards,” Toronto Globe. November 8, 1932. Page 1. ---- Held for Illegal Entry, He is Shot Attempting Escape --- (Associated Press Despatch) Detroit, Nov. 7 - Frederick Cooper, aged 39, of London, Ont., was shot in both legs tonight when he attempted to escape from the Detroit House of Corection. He was being held for illegal entry into the United States. Cooper and 210 other prisoners were being escorted to their cells when Cooper broke away.
Guards Edward Files and Buddy Williams called him to halt and fired with shotguns when he kept running.
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89845aaa · 4 months
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royalty-unknown · 1 year
Hi welcome to my Royal Palace
My name is Royalty!
Feel free to call me by any of these pet names: Like, Love, Okay
Angel, Puppy, Little One, Cub, Sweetheart, Darling, Honey, Bunny, Bambi!
My Pronouns are: She/Her/Hers
I am Bisexual
My big age is 18 but I regress to about 0-4 Majority of the time it’s 0-1!
This is a 120% SFW Agere blog!!!
NO NSFW!!!!!! (U will be blocked .)
Please do NOT Sexualize my age regression, mine is COMPLETELY NON-Sexual!
All SFW Everything! No NSFW allowed and all NSFW Acc will be blocked. I am working on creating a Big space blog on Tumblr so the two can stay separate. My Wattpad User is: Royalty_unknown and is NSFW and SFW writings but mainly NSFW.
Feel free to request anyone who I write for but I cannot guarantee anything! Because writing is a safe space for me but I only do it in my free time!
You can request mood boards too!
This is a fairly large writing scale for the people who I write for!
All of these people are in orders from my personal most favorite to just favorite person of that category if that makes sense
Stu Macher & Billy Loomis - Scream 1996
Bo, Vincent, & Lester Sinclair - House Of Wax
Brahms Heelshire - The boy
Corey Cunningham & Michael Myers - Halloween Ends
The Grabber - The Black Phone
Norman Bates - Bates Motel
Jason Voorhees - Friday The 13th
Chucky and Tiffany Valentine - Childs Play
Bubba Sawyer - Texas Chainsaw Massacar
Freddy Kruger - Nightmare On Elm Street
Kurt Krunkle - Spree
Detroit Become Human:
Black Panther: Wakanda forever
Riri Williams
Shuri Udaku
Bucky Barnes
Stee Rogers
Z Nation:
James Patrch March
Tate Langdon
Kai Anderson
Do request:
Poly Dynamics
I will about darker topics like ED’s, S*icidal, Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety, OCD, etc. But only in ways that result in comfort, reassurance, coping, and support. I understand that mental health is a hassle at times so I understand it may be nice to read about someone caring for you through ickiness/times.
Don’t request:
Trans prompts (Sorry I just don’t know how to write in the correct way for that particular subject.Sorry.!)
Male reader (As a female I just don’t know how to write for male! So Sorry!)
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elishortforelliott · 1 year
Ok! Hello!! I'm making an introduction page and i dont know how to do introductions that well so I'm going with the flow so sorry if this is confusing!!! Also I have Bolded all the important text so if you want to skim just read the bolded text! :D ALSO if you follow me and you look like a bot (you have nothing on your profile have the default profile picture etc.) I will block you.
Credit: @/burntoutuserboxes
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Hi! My name is Eli or you can call me Elliott I do not care!! Either one is fine!! My pronouns are he/they and I think I'm either trans masc or bigender but I'm still figuring thing out! :D I'm bisexual and ace! and I am a minor. I'm working on improving my art so alot of my posts will probably be fanart or just random doodles. I will be working on anatomy so expect me to post huminoids with sub par anatomy and procrastinating by drawing landscapes and I am SHIT at finishing projects so if I say I'm doing something expect it to be posted in a year/hj I'm also learning ceramics!! and I'll take drawing requests!! :D (but if I dont want to do them you have to respect that.) Also be prepared for alot of me screeching about random things.
I am in alot of horror/thriller fandoms!! So on my blog you will see: teeth, gore, worms, insects, child murder, murder, eye imagery, clowns, animatronics, manikins, weapons, and so on if you are uncomfortable with any of these things I will be doing my best to add warnings to all of my posts that have the above topics but if you don't want to take any chances please leave.(also if there are anyways where I could improve/add any warnings please tell me.)
ALSO I may or may not reblog/post about political topics or religion (specifically Christianity) i will be putting warnings on these posts but please be careful and leave this blog if it will be harmful for you!
Okay! So these are my boundaries please respect them!
Please do not interact if you are: racist, homophobic, transphobic, abilest, proshipper, p*rn bot, pedophile, fatphobic, etc.
Please do not talk about Christianity (I have religious trama) unless I have brought the topic up. anyone who is Christian please do not interact with this blog even if you support lgbtq+ and are not just a total asshole please dont interact im sure your a great person just please do not interact.
DO NOT steal my art if you do repost it please make sure to ask for my permission first and to give me credit and if you don't ill steal your knee caps
Please be patient with me and spelling. I absolutely suck at it and auto correct is my life line. You can totally point out spelling/ Grammar mistakes I make but please don't be rude about it.
And please tell me if I have said/done/rebloged anything harmful, offensive, misinformed, annoying, or rude.
Credit: @/burntoutuserboxes
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There are alot of fandoms that I am in so this list is very big and ever expanding!!!
The Penumbra Podcast (i am still on season 3 please no spoilers!)
Fools gold DnD campaign
Hollow knight
Teenage mutant ninja turtles (most shows and comics i haven't seen all of them.)
Lego monkie kid
The magnus archives (I have been spoiled on like the whole thing so spoilers are fine!)
Welcome to nightvale (I have not finished year 3 please no spoilers!)
Hello from the hallowoods( I have just started so no spoilers please!)
Malevolent (i have also just started!)
Last of us
The owl house
Gravity falls
Dead end paranormal park
Spiderman into the spiderveres
Mob Psycho
Promise neverland
Five nights at freddy's
Bendy and the ink machine
Detroit become human
Stardew valley (please no spoilers please!)
Hell followed with us
The girl from the other side
The crane wives
The amazing devil
I have 3 tags i will hopefully have a tag for ask soon but I am procrastinating
#my art -- This as a bunch of fanart of the fadoms I am in and just artpeices I've made
#my pottery -- This is all my pottery pieces and the progress! :D
#To Find A Home -- this is a story im making and im so excited to share my ocs!!!
Thank you for reading!!! Please talk to me if we have any fadoms in common! I want to make friends!! :D
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not-poignant · 8 months
I remember reading some asks that when you were in Guardians fandom, people were always correcting some stuff too, that they though is wrong or smth. And I feel like especially after so long writing your own universes, those very "smart" anons are really annoying. I just hope that they won't suck any wind from benith your wings and you don't spend much energy on answers to their asks and that you know always know - your writing is your own and we are fucking blessed for reading it <3
Maybe I just have forgotten so that I can mostly remember the good things (haha) but aside from people always having a bone to pick with me calling Pitch's daughter Seraphina, Rise of the Guardians was generally pretty chill!
I think back then there were a lot more 'why are you depicting Bunnymund this way?' or 'Why are you making this choice?' which as open-ended questions I really don't mind answering!! Even when it's obvious that the person who's asking the question doesn't agree with my depiction, then I can explain myself, vs. someone just anonymously coming in to go 'hi you are wrong' when... I'm not O.o
Different fandoms have different feels to them, kind of like visiting different countries! DnD / FR as a fandom seems to have a pocket of vocal people who want to prove they know more than me about DnD / FR to which I'll just say - you all know more than me, you win, here's your trophy, now let me write my fic the way I want thanks and learn how to read tags/author's notes :D That being said, the folks who don't care about that shit and just want to enjoy Astarion being railed / living his best-worst life have been the BEST and I really enjoy how thoughtful they are and how cool their comments are. There's some super engaged folks in this fandom who have really great takes on things, and I enjoy that side of it a lot.
Rise of the Guardians was incredibly creative. Like, to this day, I know one fanartist who went to work at Dreamworks, one who does official art for Hearthstone and works for Blizzard (her dream - and I still have her fanart of Gwyn in my house!), plenty more who went on to become professional artists, comic writers, writers, animators etc. I think the visual art and style of that show attracted so many people who love art, which was fun. We also had antis, but whatever, I feel like every fandom has those if you're active in the fandom.
Stardew Valley is mostly very mild, because it's intermittently very quiet and there's so many different pairings, and I've always written rarepairs. Generally people who enjoy that game are pretty low-key, and they're some of the nicest folks I've met in like anon asks and in comments! Love SDV peeps and it's been a pleasure to come back to the fandom.
Dragon Age: Inquisition was... lol. Lol. Well, look, I made some amazing friends through that fandom who I still know today. It attracted actually a surprising amount of older fandom folks who brought a lot of knowledge about how to write fic, so the fandom is drenched in really good fic, really good art. There was a ton of fucking drama, and some of the most acephobic rhetoric I've ever seen came out of this fandom, including asexual block-lists where people hunted each other down on Tumblr with things like 'have you blocked this person yet they're asexual' in anon. So like... DAI was a RIDE. The people I met in that fandom as friends I'll treasure. The actual fandom itself was a trash-fire depending on where you were. There were definitely a couple of BNFs in this fandom who made it their job to just hate other people, especially if they were ace and liked writing an ace Dorian Pavus. That was the first time I learned that blocking is good for the soul.
The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle is a tiny fandom made of people who all love Felix and Mildmay very much :D
Detroit Become Human was a weird experience and it felt like a weird fandom. It was I think Korean or Japanese fanart that actually inspired Eversion, since that's where the first reverse!AU fanart (at least that I saw) began. But the comments could be weird, the anons were sometimes weird (not always, but sometimes! Especially in the beginning - and I just think first impressions really count lol), and I remember joining a Connor/Hank Discord where the most active folks were very quick to tell me how I should write my story, which was like - I like that they liked the story, but I've never had people try to show how much they like something by trying to change it into something they like more in quite that way before? I didn't really feel like staying in the fandom, tbh, it's extremely cliquey, especially all the folks that have like 400 names for the different versions of Connor, and it feels like it has a steep learning curve if you want to join the 'club.'
It was also the story where I had to do the most heavy lifting on BDSM education. Like, this fandom felt very BDSM naive *overall* - there's obviously exceptions, but I had to literally change how I was writing the story to explain more things than I normally would have done in a fic like that, because I was just getting so many 'why would Connor want to be humiliated during sex' anons and comments which was like okay, okay, let's actually do some 101 brochure stuff with this (the chapter where Connor calls Luuk and they talk about Connor liking being humiliated was not meant to be a whole chapter dslkfjas).
In fandoms like Thorki I could assume that the majority of readers would sort of get that even if it was a kink they didn't like - it was still just a kink that people can like and/or help others out with explanations. So it's possible D:BH skewed young and/or just not BDSM experienced! Which is fine! It's just I've noticed it here the most of all the fandoms I've been in. There were folks who knew kink really well who didn't need any explanations there at all, because I tend to over-explain a character's reasoning at the best of times, but yeah.
These are all like... deeply personal experiences influenced by the pairings I'm writing and how deeply I'm going into each fandom! I was tag-tracking in RotG / D:BH / DA:I, so I saw a lot more stuff, I think.
There's other fandoms I've been a part of but not really written for much or at all, like Thorki (love it there) and Sebaciel re: Black Butler (love it there too, but we lose a lot of writers because of antis), and also Murderbot (really weirdly cliquey in a 'oh... I see' kind of way, which might explain why a small pocket of people are writing most of the fics - because they're the only ones allowed in their Discord lol). Murderbot fandom is why I didn't end up writing Murderbot fanfiction sdalkfjdsa
Anyway, fandoms are weird, personal spaces that should be heavily curated! But I can't stop anons coming into my inbox with certain 'flavours' of question per fandom unless I turn off anon and honestly where would be the fun of that :D :D :D
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dourpeep · 10 months
Oh god okay this is like super old (you can tell because it was from Shadows Amdist Snowstorms HA SO TWO YEARS) but I still like this even if it's not entirely finished so don't mind me. I'll likely reblog later with more rambles dksnf
I just remembered one of my absolute favorite things in philosophy and the social sciences--simulacrums.
In this case, I'm specifically going to rant about a specific type of simulacrum, or a perversion of reality (Baudrillard's idea of simulacrums) as well as play-by-play of major spoilers for the event story for 2.3 shadow amidst snowstorms.
Everything's gonna be under the cut, because this is going to be a doozy.
Alright alright alright, essentially, the easiest way that I've found to explain a simulacrum in the sense of it being a perversion of reality is two identical paintings. Both are visually the same--same color, same style, same mediums used, right?
However, no matter the skill of the artist replicating (or even if it is the same artist who did two at once), the paintings will never truly be exactly the same. One will always be a facsimile of the original.
Now, you might be wondering: "But Basil? You just said that they'll never be exactly the same but then went on to say that the replica is a facsimile? But doesn't facsimile mean that it is an exact copy? So it'd be the same, right?"
Well, exactly that--in the definition itself, the word "copy" is housed. So while it is correct to assume that they'd be the same, it would be just as incorrect to assume that they're carbon copies. Confusing. Very much so, so I'll move right back to the point-
So in the terms of two paintings that look exactly the same, use the same materials, same style--the catch is that the replica (whether it be produced at the same time or leagues in the future) will never be the exact same as the original. Think of it in more of a sense of structure. There are the subtle nuances in the pressure of the brush, the angle, the pigments used, the amount of hairs of said brush that make contact with the canvas itself and drag to create strokes-
And due to these little differences, is why the replica will never be the same.
This is the bare-bones idea of a simulacrum.
As such, a simulacrum is, by definition, a representation or imitation of a person or a thing.
(a very general definition, which is why I used the painting metaphor first)
The word itself hold negative connotation in the sense that, if you were to call something a simulacrum, you are essentially stating that no matter the attention to detail, no matter if the end result is an exact replica--that is all it will ever be, a replica.
But we can also take the idea of a simulacrum and say that describing something as a simulacrum is also acknowledging it's individuality, where no matter how close it may be to it's predecessor, it is considered an entirely separate entity because the differences, no matter how slight, are enough to create a new category for it.
We see this in the ideas of creating artificial intelligence with the appearance of a human--note, you wouldn't go and say that an Android is a human, rather they replicate or are modeled after such. And if we are to go into fiction, there are instances of Androids who have visually no differences to that of a human (take the game, Detroit: Become Human, as a prime example, or the movie Bi-Centennial Man). While the idea is acknowledged of the development of intelligence and self awareness, they are still considered 'Androids' rather than 'Human'.
In that case, the idea of a simulacrum is neither positive nor negative.
(keep this in mind)
Moving on again-
With the current game version's main event, Shadow Amidst Snowstorms, we see a simulacrum of Albedo, the Chief Alchemist--a doppelganger of him that, visually, is an exact copy apart from the lack of a diamond on his neck.
Apart from that slight visual difference, there are differences in the tones used as well as the speech patterns and thought processes in his lines.
While Albedo still is learning about the world, he takes everything with an openness that then calls for further thought--on the other hand, our dear doppelganger (we'll call him Rubedo as well for the sake of readability) has a more one-track mindset. When something comes up, he assesses, ironically taking it in as either valuable or not, and continues on.
This is mainly shown right after we, the Traveler, meet him the first time after gathering starsilver.
Rubedo is shown to acknowledge the fact that Albedo is looking for the thief, as is traveler, and when the starsilver is brought up, his idea that 'what is useless should be discarded' is only supported by what the traveler says about the quality of starsilver.
At first, it seems as if he learned this ideal from Traveler because directly after he leaves to lead Joel away and nearly causes grievous injury to the child, however, in part three, it's proven that this idea has long since been Rubedo's. Specifically, Rubedo's planned to get rid of Albedo to take his place instead.
From this we instead can take the starsilver incident as further dirt to the wound.
Rubedo sees himself as defective because he was not chosen to become human by Rhindottir, unlike Albedo. The bitterness in his lines--about how humans only judge for what is worth or not worth and cast away what they deem as trash--is proof to that.
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vlad-theimplier · 2 months
WIP Wednesday: Custos Custodium
This week, Jensen gets to see life on the inside when he's sent into the Pent House, a supermax facility for dangerous Augs, on a mission. There'll be a lot of drugs. But at least he gets to hang out with Jarreau for a minute. The whole thing is at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686901/chapters/141357007.
Jarreau briefed him over coffee. Hector Guerrero had infiltrated Junkyard as one Oscar Mejia over two years ago. The silent agent was in Organized Crime, not CT, but he was in position to confirm or deny the intel on the widespread terror attacks allegedly planned for the second anniversary of the Incident. Junkyard had maneuvered him into the “Pent House,” the Penley T. Housefather Federal Correctional Facility, a super-max for Augs run jointly with the state government in the middle of the Arizona desert. No one knew why, but it had been intentional. And they couldn’t ask him: he’d gone “dark opal,” no comms contact whatsoever lest he blow his cover and lose his angle—and his life. Jensen’s mission was to be “transferred in,” make contact of a subtler sort, get the intel, extract Agent Guerrero if possible, and be “transferred out” to another facility a few days later.
He had a cover identity, too, as a hatchet-man for a gang out of Wisconsin, moved down south to get him away from his known associates. He was supposed to have received his augs after a self-sacrificing act of loyalty to his boss, who’d sprung for the good stuff out of gratitude. Jensen wasn’t sure it would explain how he’d become almost half Sarif-brand milspec carbon and chrome, but the cover only had to hold up for a few days.
The cover came with a set of charges, but they let him pick a name. He went with “Derrick Walthers,” an homage to his favorite boxer, a Detroit boy whose similar build had given Jensen a lot of inspiration back in the day, and to his sort-of godmother. He warned Malik and, after a moment’s thought, Pritchard that he was going no-contact himself for several days to a week, then hung up his coat in the Phoenix office and changed into anonymous street clothes. Jarreau wished him good luck.
And then he was in an automated VTOL on an automated route out over the Arizona desert to the rocky butte where the Pent House throbbed like a steel carbuncle of anti-Aug sentiment made manifest. The VTOL came in over the pad, stopped, turned, and dropped with a bounce on its shocks. Its flight was robotic, without spirit or grace or economy, either of momentum or of fuel. Jensen thought about the way Malik made the chunky Bumblebee dance like a hummingbird and shook his head minutely.
Processing sucked, despite his best efforts to appreciate the irony. They’d changed him into a red prison jumpsuit already, with an inmate number stenciled on the zip-off top and the trousers. He’d been put in leg irons and manacles that enclosed his entire hands, both made of titanium, neither enough to do more than slow him down if he tried to make a break for it. But the heavy collar around his neck was the worst. Two guards attached long poles to it and walked him into an elevator that took him down to the processing station, while cameras and turrets scrutinized his every move.
Then they opened up his temporal port and put a control chip into him, something from TYM’s labs behind American branding, no doubt. He suspected it built on Reed’s work, as subverted by Darrow: it wracked his body with pain every time he used bioenergy.
And whenever they aimed a little remote at him and pressed the button. Which they did, gleefully. And repeatedly. One guard kicked him in the kidneys once he’d dropped to his knees in agony, but it barely registered through the electric torment. The prison’s head CO, a tall man with iron-grey hair and a permanent sneer whose ID badge read STENGER, made sure he got the message loud and clear, staring him down while his muscles locked up, myomer clawing at itself just like the flesh beside it, a quivering, full-body rictus.
The pain coursed through him like he was burning up from within. He felt a flicker of sympathy for Zhao Yun Ru before the agony overwhelmed him and he blacked out.
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