#devil can’t swim lol
hey-imma-fangirl · 10 months
I saw this and I immediately thought of them hehe
I mean, it looks terrible, but I still think it’s funny lol
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(Original post is not mine)
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silkscream · 6 months
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yuuta okkotsu x reader
ੈ✩ wc: 1.5k
ੈ✩ tags: smut (18+, ageless + blank blogs will be blocked), yandere!yuuta (ish), obsession, death (yuuta literally brings you back to life), best friends to lovers, dubcon just to be safe (ur both so out of it lol), angst, not edited we die like men
ੈ✩ a/n: idk where this came from ok. runs away
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you hadn’t prepared for death.
it was foolish of you. the prospect of it crossed your mind from the moment you stepped foot into jujutsu tech, yet it didn’t truly seep into your brain until your last few breaths. you were too busy wrapped up in the world of sorcery, naive and easily excited. you didn’t know how to be selfish.
evidently, neither did yuuta.
this is why you wake up in his arms, heart nearly hammering out of your chest from adrenaline. a corpse reborn.
you assumed death wouldn’t be so gory, that you’d go out in a blink and be welcomed with darkness. you never thought there would be a possibility for you to come back. it feels more like purgatory than reality, to be honest. and yet, the feeling of cold hands on you is more real than anything else — the touch makes your insides churn. your skin hot.
he shakes as he says your name. a pleading thing.
your mind swims with fog. your guardian angel is awfully pretty. pale, delicate skin with a split lip. black, shaggy hair hanging down over his dark blue eyes. long, slender fingers that grasp you with urgency. you blink twice and the angel is made in the image of your best friend.
“you— you’re okay,” he sobs. his teardrops fall onto your cheek.
“i’m okay,” you repeat.
you’re surprised when he kisses you square on the mouth, feverish in his movements, desperate in the insistence of his tongue past your lips. you stay like this for a bit — mindless and wrapped up in him. tasting copper and mint. he releases you when he hears you whine.
“fuck, i’m sorry. i’m sorry.”
“it’s okay,” you whisper. you hang your head on his shoulder with eyes closed. the stench of blood surrounds you. the spills of cadavers that aren’t able to curse anyone anymore.
“i love you so much. couldn’t let you leave me. i’m sorry.”
“you’re apologizing for bringing me back to life?”
his eyes are wide like a deer running from a gunshot. you’ve never seen him like this. yuuta was often a ball of anxiety, but his strength always made up for it. at the moment, his fear makes him look younger.
“i didn’t want to hurt you. i could’ve… killed you if i didn’t do it right.”
“wasn’t i already dead?”
he swallows the lump in his throat, nodding. face full of dread. everything about him is so delicate despite his strength. everything about him is lithe, tender. you feel guilty for not dying.
“i’m sorry,” you stammer, despite knowing you don’t have anything to apologize for, even with your stupid guilt plaguing you. your train of thought runs off its tracks. the only constant is the boy in front of you.
“i love you too, yuuta.”
the way he stares at you is terrifying in a way that you can’t put into words. you still haven’t grasped reality in a way that makes sense since waking up in his arms, which continue to tighten around you. there’s lust in his eyes — like he wants to devour you. you know you’d let him, but your disorientation holds you back.
your best friend brought you back to life, and waking up in his arms feels like heaven. for some reason, it also feels like a courtroom. you think that the devil must be lurking around the corner awaiting your judgment.
yuuta must sense your fear because he kisses you again, more gently this time. your apprehension dissipates, melts into nothing as you revel in the touch of his hands roaming your body. despite being blood-stained, heavy with dread, you feel light and bare with him. you want to be bare with him.
“don’t ever leave me again,” he presses with a hard gaze. as if your dying was your fault. (later, you'll blame yourself.)
“i won’t,” you whisper.
“you know i’d do anything for you, right?”
“yeah. anything you want.”
“why’s that?” you blink at him slowly, still out of it slightly. his warmth brings you back to reality in doses.
“because i think you deserve it.”
you’re lost in him. consumed in all of him — from the softness of his hair underneath your fingertips to the feeling of his breath on your cheek. it sends butterflies to your core, makes you delirious in your post-death state. he’s all you know right now.
“what do you think i deserve, yuuta?”
he gnaws on his bottom lip, tries to regulate his breathing. yuuta is definitely not thinking about you on his lap right now. of course not.
“don’t ask me that when you already know the answer,” he rasps. “don’t even — i can’t even put it into words. everything. everything good in this world.”
it’s you who kisses him first this time, hard enough that he loses his balance and doesn’t bother to maintain an upward stance. instead, he lets you straddle him, his back falling onto the ground as your hair falls from your face and tickles his forehead. you lap up his sighs with your mouth and your tongue. the groan that reverberates from his throat excites you.
you’re reckless. a grind of your hips has him panting and you want to tear him up. maybe you’ve been fooled and this really is the afterlife.
but no, everything about yuuta beneath you is so fucking real. his breath. his calloused fingertips trailing along the bruised flesh underneath your torn shirt.
it doesn’t matter, you think to yourself. whether you’re drunk on the strongest liquor or if you’ve ascended to heaven after a gruesome death, you think that god has a soft spot for you. it's the only way you could indulge in this kind of softness, isn't it?
yuuta pulls away from your mouth, a centimeter in distance from you, just to mewl your name.
heaven. you’re convinced it’s heaven. you had died and no one saved you, you think, but your best friend is there to greet you before you settle into your grave. in this case, you'd be fine with your death.
“need you, yuuta,” you whine. “need you so bad.”
your guardian angel would do anything for you, wouldn’t he? he’d spoken his vows to you just moments before, and he intends to follow through with them. but not until he taunts you in the slightest bit.
“what do you need, baby? hm?”
you groan, grazing your fingernails into the flesh underneath his shirt. squeezing at the muscle. pleading. you don’t register what comes out of your mouth. something like a prayer, of wanting him inside, of him fucking you back to earth. in your dreamlike state, you don’t care. as long as the proximity between you and your angel is close in distance, skin to skin. you’d live inside him if you could.
(he had thought the same of you since the moment he met you.)
time slows. you blink a few times, eyelashes fluttering until you’re met with the deepest warmth you could ever feel. a collision of nerves.
yuuta buries himself inside you and you cry out to the universe. he drinks up your moans with his wet mouth, arms clutching your body tightly so that you can’t move.
although he’d brought you back to life, he thinks he could die just from the feeling of being inside you. your warmth could lay him to rest, with blissful peace on all sides.
you — his best friend, his lover, his executioner.
and him — your best friend, your lover, your deity. the one who brought you back to the living.
he hushes sweet nothings into your neck as he cradles you. successions of i love you, i love you, i love you—
and you come undone. it’s the first time tonight you truly feel like you’ve come back to life. power surges through your veins as your eyes awaken to the sheer attention that the earth demands of you.
you inhale once, then exhale, and your eyes meet midnight ocean blues blinking back at you. this is when you feel alive again. maybe the most alive you’ve ever felt in your short life.
“yuuta,” you breathe.
“i’ve got you, baby,” he coos, wrapping you in his clothing. wrapping you in his arms. “let’s go home.”
when you wake up in yuuta’s bed the next morning, it all feels like a bad nightmare that only haunted you in your sleep. yet the evidence is all there — bruises on your sides, dried blood on your thighs.
(it was the violent curse that killed you, for sure, but you have flashbacks of yuuta and wonder how strong his hands actually are.)
“yuuta,” you whine.
“baby,” he responds, his voice groggy. “it’s so early, isn’t it?”
”we can celebrate your new life in a few hours. promise.”
“what if i die again within that time frame?” you pout, curling into him. he lets you, meshes your body into his side.
“i wouldn’t let that happen,” he rasps, kissing your temple. “you’re not allowed to die again. and if you do, i might curse you. and you know how that goes.”
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softxsuki · 10 months
Kya! I saw you write for one piece and 🥰🥰🥰 don't worry, I try not to spoil you!
How would Luffy react to a female magician s/o that can Do so effin much without a devil fruit, and perhaps making cute requests to make him fly or showing him underwater World. Just someone who is lovely, kind and super sweet
Headcannons/drabbles... I leave that to you how you want it🥰🥰
Have a nice day/afternoon/night 🩵🩵
Luffy With A Magician S/O
Pairing: Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 610
Summary: In which you're a magician, part of the straw hat crew, and Luffy's s/o!
[A/N: So excited to write another request for one piece! I wish I could write for them more often but I have so many pending requests for other fandoms as well. I'm doing my best to evenly write for all the anime's on my writing list! But please send in all your OP requests, I need them <3 Thanks for sending this request in! What a fun idea <3 Hope you enjoy!]
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Okay so because this is the One Piece universe, I’m gonna say that even though you don’t have a devil fruit, as a magician, you hold true magic! Okay? Okay
With that being said, Luffy is so entertained by you
Yes, his crew needs a chef, a musician, a navigator, a doctor, etc…but once he met you, he realized his crew also needed an entertainer
No, you weren’t a typical magician that pulls rabbits out of a hat (even though you probably could) but your magic allowed you to do so much more than your average trick
And Luffy loved your abilities so much, they brought him so much excitement
He’s always asking you to do something outrageous, going above and beyond with his requests to see how far your abilities truly go
From making him levitate, to cutting someone in half without killing them, his requests are endless, and sometimes even a little exhausting to keep up with
One of his favorite requests though are to see beneath the ocean; since he can’t swim, Luffy loves being able to see the ocean floor and the creatures that reside there
So if you’re able to create a magic bubble around you both and take him in the water, he’d love you forever (he already does)
You both love fooling around on the ship together, pranking the other crew members with your magic, and honestly the crew is fed up with your antics, but it’s nothing they aren’t used to already with Luffy onboard
During battles, Luffy sometimes gets distracted because he wants to see what crazy thing you’re going to do to your opponent using your magic
Catch him clapping his hands and laughing as you turn a marine’s sword into a balloon sword lol
“Ohh me next, turn my hands into metal Y/N!”
He’s so unserious, we love it
Though the cons to having magic and using is all the time is that you become drained very quickly, and when that does happen during a fight, Luffy is speeding to your side to protect you
After all, you’re more than just another crew member to him (or an entertainer as he recruited you as), you were his girlfriend and he would always make sure to take care of you
As much as he loved to see your magician abilities, your well-being was way more important to him
So whenever you do get drained, he takes you to a safe place, presses a kiss to your temple, and tells you to rest up while he and the rest of the crew take care of things
Of course sometimes you don’t listen to him; you’re part of the crew after all and if you just sit by and rest while everyone else surpasses their limits, you end up feeling a little useless
So you so what you can from afar, turning the opponents weapons into harmless objects, sometimes making their clothes vanish so they become flustered and distracted long enough so Sanji or Zoro can use that to their advantage, and sometimes you even help your crew avoid some hits by making them levitate or teleporting them to a safer area
You were definitely a very helpful member of the crew despite how tiring being a magican can be sometimes
Luffy gets a little upset that you didn’t follow his orders in staying somewhere safe and resting, but he’s grateful regardless
Once the fight it over, he’s carrying you back to the ship where he makes sure you spend the rest of the day resting without using any of your magic
He really loves you so much and you’ll always know that
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Posted: 08/23/2023
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agent-cupcake · 2 months
Chapter 9 Part 2 - Honey I'm Home
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Spotify Playlist / All Chapters / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 /Chapter 7/ Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 pt.1 / Chapter 9 pt.2 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12
Pairing: One Piece Live Action Buggy x f! Reader
Synopsis: Childhood memories entwine with the rest of the month spent in Lafitte as the pieces fall in place for the grand debut of Buggy's new show.
Warnings: Explicit smut, dubious consent, child abuse, violence/blood,
Word Count: 20.9k
Notes: "I didn't want to post a 20+k word chapter" lol. Part of me wishes I didn't have that bad week so this could be a cohesive but huge chapter because I think last week's was pretty weak, but hopefully this makes up for it. If you don't like the backstory thing and only want clown, ctrl+F the words 'days earlier' to read those sections+the final section.
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"Father said that this world isn't for me I tried to pray for a new reality "So, come to me, we can change night into day." A tied-up moth seemed to know a different way (Don't remember it Don't return to it) Oh, Father tore out the umbilical cord There's nothing left in the bottle keeping me scored We'll abandon the scenery in the (Don't remember it Don't return to it) Rear-view mirror"
23 Days Earlier
“What are you doing out here?”
“Crina!” you said, smiling despite your gloomy mood. In the sunshine, she was a radiant figure, her tawny skin practically glowing gold with its light. 
She raised an eyebrow in lieu of any greeting, sitting down on the sand next to you. 
“I’m waiting for Captain Buggy,” you told her, looking around the stretch of beach claimed by the pirates. A few members of the crew lounged around drinking or playing cards or whatever else it was that they did, but the captain was nowhere to be found. He had mentioned getting something to drink, but you weren’t sure. 
“He left you here alone?” Crina asked. 
“I think I upset him,” you told her. “I don’t really know how, though. I only asked if he wanted to go swimming.”
“Ah,” Crina said, nodding. “He probably assumed you were making fun of him.”
“Making fun of him?” 
“Because he can’t go in the water.”
“Why not?” 
She gave a confused look. “Anybody who eats a Devil Fruit is cursed. The sea rejects them. Even a splash of seawater can be debilitating. Captain Buggy didn’t explain any of this to you?” 
“No,” you said softly, taken aback. “Captain Buggy really is cursed then?” 
You looked down at your feet, half buried in the warm sand, reaching up to pull down a bandana that wasn’t there. Buggy said you needed to get used to going without it, or at least wearing an eyepatch like a proper sort of pirate. Your hands dropped lamely into your lap, restless as the word ‘cursed’ pounded around in your head.    
“I’m sure he’ll get over it. How are you?” Crina asked, breaking the silence. Well, relative silence. The sea had a lot to say, whispering and roaring all at once. 
“I’m fine,” you said instinctively. “How are you?” 
She stared hard at you. In the sunlight, her dark eyes became the warmest shade of brown you had ever seen. “I heard about your dad.”
Your shoulders tensed up, curling inward. “What did you hear?”
“That he’s an infamous Marine and now you’re a valuable asset.” Crina scoffed, shaking her head. “Only Captain Buggy would accidentally find himself in a position like this.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Most people are predictable,” she explained. “You can predict their future based on their past and accounting for things like skill and experience. For Captain Buggy, it’s like… His luck is a dice roll, the only thing he’s truly reliable for is capitalizing on opportunity. I assume that’s what you are. A lucky roll.” 
You shrugged, unable to look her in the eye. “Does everyone know, then? About my dad?” 
“The senior officers do, but it’s only a matter of time until the rest find out. They already suspect. The target on your back keeps getting larger, and he leaves you here all alone.” She looked back, her brow furrowing. You followed her line of sight, shocked to meet the eyes of a familiar blunt-featured man. You looked away quickly, the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. 
“Is he staring at me?” you asked softly, hunching forward as if that would protect you from his gaze.
“Ivo’s never gotten over his little grudge, and this hasn’t helped.” 
You sighed, pulling your legs up so you could put your head on your knees. 
“Are you okay?” Crina asked, her voice very gentle. 
“I’m fine.”  
“I don’t know Captain Buggy’s plan,” Crina told you, “but you know that this will end in a confrontation with your father.”
“I know,” you said, hugging your thighs tightly for some sense of stability. “Captain Buggy said he wouldn’t let Dad take me back. It will be okay. It has to be.”
Crina scooted closer to you, leaning in so she could speak very, very softly. “There are other options.”
You sat up a little, frowning. “What do you mean?”   
“It might be nice to settle down for a while,” Crina said. “I can make a living practically anywhere. You could come along and help me. I would pay you, and you could learn how to live independently.”  
“I… Um, I don’t think Captain Buggy would go for that.” 
“I’m not asking about Captain Buggy,” Crina said. “You and I could leave. Disappear. I know people who could make that happen, and you wouldn’t have to be a pawn in either man’s scheme.”
“I… don’t, um… understand.” 
“Has he apologized for what he did?” Crina asked rather than clarify, staring at you with an intense gaze.
“What did he do?”
“Sending you here alone, keeping you in the brig. Has he apologized?” 
“He doesn’t… doesn’t need to-to apologize,” you told her, drawing back into yourself. “I was the… I lied. Everything is okay now, Captain Buggy told me it is.”
“What about next time you upset him?”
You shook your head, outright refusing to think about that. “No, I won’t. I won’t lie to him ever again.” You exhaled shakily, bowing your head. “He promised he wouldn’t send me away. He won’t do that.” 
“You need to consider having a backup plan,” Crina told you. “Pirates always have one. Captain Buggy undoubtedly has several in case things with your dad go wrong.”
You nodded, trying very hard to swallow the lump in your throat. You didn’t want to think about that. 
“Ah, speak of the devil,” Crina muttered. You looked over your shoulder. Captain Buggy had a piece of paper in one hand and a bottle in the other, calling everybody over to where he stood. 
“Heya, babydoll, get over here,” he shouted at you. You stood up, brushing the sand off your butt, and approached his chair. He handed the bottle to you, motioning for you to open it up. “Check it out.” He held the paper up to show everybody, flicking the back for extra emphasis. It was his bounty poster, a photo you were very familiar with. Except, something had changed.  
“Oh,” you said, realizing the key difference. “Your bounty went up!” 
As soon as they understood what they had been called over to do, the pirates began cheering, raising bottles and whooping excitedly. The sudden assault of noise startled you, but Captain Buggy accepted their excitement and praise as if it were expected, rolling his eyes and waving it off.  Wanting to join in, you tried to open the bottle. The foil came off easily, but the cork was tough.
“Okay, that’s enough,” Buggy finally told them, bringing the cheers to a stop. “This,” he held up the poster again, “is proof that my star is rising. And you,” Buggy waved his hand in a circle around the crowd, “have all been given the very special honor of enjoying my light. Imagine it. If you’ve got the talent to make the cut, you’ll end up serving royalty.”
Everybody cheered again, toasting to Captain Buggy, King of the Pirates. 
 When the cork finally came out, it was with a loud pop that caused you to yelp in surprise, and then a fizzing stream of what you assumed was champagne. The silence that followed was the worst of it all. Nobody was going to laugh unless Buggy did, but he was just staring. You held up the bottle with a forced smile, which was much lighter given how much of the drink had ended up on your dress. “To Captain Buggy.”  
He broke, cackling at the display. Everybody else followed suit. You looked to Crina for help, but she just shrugged. 
“Alright, you’re all dismissed,” Buggy said when he was done laughing, waving everybody away. 
“I’ll talk to you later,” Crina said before departing, giving you a comforting smile that almost helped soothe your crippling embarrassment. 
“You know, babydoll,” Buggy said, grabbing the bottle out of your hand and taking a swig, “most people drink the stuff, not wear it.” 
“I didn’t know it would explode,” you said in your defense, cringing.
“Are you wearing polka-dots under there?” Buggy said, staring at your chest. Now that it was wet, the wrap dress was practically see-through. “That’s bold of you.”
“It’s a swimsuit,” you said, going around him to grab a towel, trying to clean up a bit. 
“No way,” Buggy said. “Show me.” 
“That’s… I mean, it’s for going into the water, otherwise…” You pressed the back of your hand to your cheek. The flush wasn’t going away, maybe you could pretend it was just sunburn. “It’s embarrassing.” 
“Yeah, and?” He asked, raising his eyebrows tauntingly. 
“Captain Buggy,” you said, frowning. “I… that’s really, really embarrassing. Especially after…” You looked around. Nobody was looking, of course they weren’t, but you could imagine what they were thinking. You couldn’t do anything. When you tried, you were bad at it, and embarrassed yourself. They knew the reason you were here, stripping down into glorified underwear would not help with that perception. 
He took another big drink out of the bottle before setting it on the table. 
You realized he was going for you a second later, jumping away with a yelp of surprise. You were fast enough to evade him, somehow. Which didn’t matter because Buggy just detached his hands, grabbing onto the bow’s tail keeping your dress tied and pulling hard.
“When will you quit falling for that?” Buggy asked, laughing. 
“Captain Buggy!” you exclaimed, swatting his hand away and trying to fix the dress. 
“Wrong one,” he said. “On your left.” 
You turned left, over-compensating for your blindspot, but his other hand was behind you, dragging the back of the dress to get it off. You circled around, trying to fight that one off, but something else flew past you. Another part of his arm?
“I meant on my left,” Buggy clarified. You turned right, but you tripped on what you thought was his wrist. With a squeaky cry, you fell into the warm sand on your hands and knees. When you tripped, he dragged the dress off of your shoulders, and Buggy laughed as all the pieces of his arms reattached, your dress like a white flag he waved above your head. 
“Captain Buggy!” You exclaimed, standing up and throwing yourself towards him to try and take it back. He held it up, easily keeping it out of your reach, laughing at your fruitless attempts to try to get ahold of it. Out of breath and knowing it was pointless, you gave up with a huge, unhappy huff.
“What, that’s it?” Buggy asked, lowering his hand enough to taunt you to lunge for the dress. 
“It’s too late now,” you told him, breathing hard. You thought that you were getting stronger, but the old exhaustion was always so quick to set in. Maybe it would never go away. When you nervously looked over your shoulder, nobody was looking. Nobody would. Not only was there nothing worth looking at, but Buggy would get mad if they did. 
Embarrassing. Then again, you had already done about as much damage as you could. It wasn’t going to get worse.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Buggy relax, his arms dropping as he followed your line of sight. 
You blew a raspberry at him, snatching your dress out of his hand and running as fast as you could as soon as you got it, giggling madly.
“Oh, real mature,” Buggy called.
“What?” you asked innocently, stopping about ten feet away to look at him. “That’s it?” 
“Are you sure this is the kind of game you wanna play?” he asked, taunting you. Daring you.
“You started it!” 
“S’long as you don’t cry about losing,” he said. 
You grinned, turning around and taking off. Running was not something you were very good at, and especially not when you were laughing and out of breath. You didn’t expect to get far. 
Buggy caught you about halfway down the beach. Instead of using his ability at all, he stooped down and tickled your bare sides. Which was worse. Way, way worse.
Squealing, you rounded on him, trying to slap his hands away. “No! Stop!” you told him, the words ineffective when you were laughing uncontrollably. “You can have it!” You held up the balled up dress as a peace offering. “I give up!” 
“You think I did this for that?” Buggy asked, not accepting peace in favor of continuing the attack. “This isn’t that type of game.” He finally stopped, grabbing you around the middle and pulling you close so he could talk softly in your ear. “It’s more like the kind of game where I win and we go into that changing booth over there so I can enjoy my prize.”
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You, the you that lived in the world, the you that seemed so other compared to the rest, finally recognized where you were. It was the smell. His smell, that was the thing that really stuck with you. You were on Buggy’s ship, in his cabin. Although the details were too dark to make out, you understood enough to figure you were in the dining area.
Why? How? You could almost remember, faintly, from a far away place. But the world heaved and churned and your head fell back against the hard floor and you succumbed to the washing tide and the painful memories gushing out of your unguarded subconscious. 
Out of it emerged the hazy memory of another adult conversation. Even now, that’s how you thought of them. Them, not us. Mom and Dad thought you were asleep, laid out with a fever, but you weren’t asleep. Sometimes you pretended. 
“This is your fault,” Dad said. “Your lack of faith has cursed her. How can you not see that? If you were faithful to me, truly faithful, she wouldn’t be forced to suffer.”
“I am faithful,” Mom argued. “I have done everything for you, for her—I have given you everything.”
“No, you haven’t. She burns with proof of your faithlessness.”  
Mom didn’t say anything at first. All you could hear was the crackling fire and the ticking clock. Eventually she muttered something, but the only word you heard was cellar. 
You hated that word, hated it enough that you almost forgot to pretend to be asleep, hated it so much that your drug-addled brain tried to break itself out of the memory. Cellar meant rats in the dark, it meant the scent of wet rot, it meant shivering in the dank cold, it meant alone. It meant you had done something wrong and were being punished. You remembered each detail of cellar with wicked clarity. 
“What did you say?” Dad asked.
There was silence, and you wondered if they were done talking. 
Finally, “It is your fault I have to punish her, your sin, your curse. Teaching her right from wrong is the only way to keep her pure and clean,” Dad said. “And you deign to judge me for it, but everything I do, I do because I want to save her from becoming like you. All of you—hysterical, inept, faithless women. I married an innocent, beautiful girl, and now look at you. It disgusts me to know that she may meet the same fate. I was too late to protect you, but I will not let our daughter fall as you did. If you don’t see that, you’re even less of a mother to her than I thought.” 
“It’s your hatred that poisons us,” Mom said, her voice trembling but, somehow, defiant. You knew enough to know what kind of reaction that tone of voice received. It was always the same. Thunder, and fire. Rage. 
But instead there was another long silence.   
“Hatred? No, birdie, no. I love you,” Dad finally told her, and he sounded gentle. “I love you both more than anything. That you would see my actions as hatred proves the sickness of your mind. As husband and father, it is my responsibility to do difficult things. You have no idea how much it pains me to see you suffer. I take no pleasure in punishing you—either of you, but I have no choice. I wouldn’t ask for you to understand, but you must trust me. You must have faith in me.”  
That was your mistake, wasn’t it? The reason for your suffering. Was it possible that you could try so hard to take Dad’s warnings to heart yet still make the same mistakes? Still let yourself fumble and fall, still disobey him when you shouldn’t? You didn’t want to become like the women Dad spoke of, you didn’t want to be like Mom, or to be cursed. You wanted to be good, and to be clean. You wanted to please him. 
But you didn’t. Not then, and certainly not anymore. Why? You didn’t understand that. Your actions and intentions never seemed to line up.
It didn’t begin on that day, but it was one of the first times you became aware of the filth that Dad spoke of. The taint of womanhood, the creeping intrusion of the unpleasant truths Harper had revealed to you so many years before. 
How old were you on that day? The day you had your first kiss. You weren’t sure, but you knew it was during the in-between period of your life. Possibly the only time you really felt happy, or hopeful. Dad occasionally took you out on the ships with him as a sort of helper to boil bandages or send messages or help look after basic injuries. When you were home, you snuck away as often as you could to go northside. Whenever you could, you were mapping uncharted territory in the overgrown, crumbling ruins. Finding bridges that could take you from roof to roof without having to climb down, traversing the dangerous tightropes of rusty metal beams and scaling sheer cliff sides of faded brick. It was the one thing you could do that nobody else could. Even when you got tired, or felt too weak, or realized you were too short to reach anything, you found a way. Dad forbade it, but that didn’t stop you. He struck you sometimes, or put you in the cellar, but you didn’t stop. It was the only thing in the world that actually belonged to you.
You remembered sitting on top of the old butcher building with your feet hanging three stories up from the overgrown road. The brick wall below you used to have ‘slaughterhouse’ painted on it, but the second part had faded. You dubbed the building the Slaughter, and that was where you had your first kiss.
“There you are,” he called from below. You looked down, startled and fearful it might be Dad, only to immediately melt. Randall was tall, broad shouldered, and the most handsome boy you had ever known. He smiled in a way that made your stomach explode with butterflies. “Do you mind if I come up?” 
“If you can,” you said, your voice echoing oddly in the empty streets. Sound carried in an eerie way northside. Randall didn’t blink at the taunt, easily scaling the first set of old metal stairs, and then the rusty ladder, and then the final set of steps to the top where you waited. 
“I was worried I’d find you out here,” he said as he took the final few steps up.
“You were looking for me?” you asked, trying to sound casual. To a girl in the awkward phase of life—the phase where you stagnated even after most had grown—and especially one who had yet to significantly develop in the ways that other girls had, even the handful of years between you and Randall made him seem unattainably mature. But he was nice to you, always, and he made you feel little butterflies in your stomach. You liked him. You liked him a lot. 
“It’s gonna get dark soon,” Randall said, sitting on the edge of the rusty old fire escape grate beside you. “You know how much the Major hates it when you come out here.”
Randall’s dad, Harmon, was a carpenter and since Harmon worked on the docks sometimes, he was friends with Dad. Randall didn’t want to be a carpenter like Harmon, he wanted to be a Marine, and so he took Dad very seriously. Dad liked Randall too. Sometimes you thought that he liked Randall more than you. Sometimes you wished that you could do the things Randall did. But you couldn’t. At that point in your life, you were barely out of childhood. Too small for your age and underdeveloped from a lack of healthy growth in your youth. Dad said it was normal, it only meant you were a little more frail, a little less healthy than other girls. It meant there were a lot of things you couldn’t do. 
“You won’t tell on me, will you?” you asked, trying to be casual, to seem cool. You had no idea how to talk to or impress boys. You weren’t entirely sure you even wanted that type of attention, it seemed too dangerous. But you wanted Randall to like you.
“I’ll keep your secret,” he said. “But you owe me.”
“What do I owe you?”
He thought about that for a second, his eyes rolling up to the late afternoon sky. 
“A kiss,” he finally declared.
You smiled sideways at him, struck with surprise, before giggling nervously. “Do you… Do you mean that?” 
“Yes. I like you,” he said, as if it were easy. Your heart nearly stopped, blood rushing in your ears, burning your cheeks. 
“I-I like you too,” you said, but your brain was swimming with filthy words like sex and slut and you were a little confused because you barely even needed a bra yet so you weren’t sure why Randall would want to kiss you and maybe that meant he wanted other things too but those weren’t things you knew very much about and there was nobody in your life you could ask for advice so you were certainly going to disappoint him at some point and also if Dad found out he would be furious because you weren’t allowed to date boys let alone kiss them and—
“Unless you don’t want to kiss me,” Randall said. 
“I do!” you told him quickly. It didn’t matter if that was true or not, or what you wanted. If Randall thought you were worth kissing, you would do anything to keep that. You didn’t want to disappoint him. “I’ve never kissed anyone.”  
“I don’t mind,” he said, turning to face you. “It’s easy, I promise.” You couldn’t meet his eyes for more than a couple of seconds at a time, and your nervous smile wouldn’t go away, but you felt a buzzing sense of anticipation all the way from your toes upward. Excitement. Fear.
“Okay,” you said softly. 
He held your cheek in a hand that smelled like the ladder rungs he used to climb up the Slaughter and pursed his lips in a way that you thought looked a little silly before they met yours and then you realized you were supposed to close your eyes too and that was that. Eyelid filtered red-dark and the scent of old metal and dry lips pressing against your mouth and a pit of sickness in your stomach because you knew you were doing something you shouldn’t. 
Until he ran his tongue along the seam of your lips which felt very strange and wrong and you pulled back with another nervous giggle, opening your eyes. 
Randall frowned, but let you go. “You’re supposed to open your mouth,” he told you.
“Why?” you asked. 
“That’s how you kiss.” 
“Oh,” you said, feeling very stupid. “I’m sorry.” 
“One more, and then I’m taking you home,” he said. “Okay?” 
Was it? Probably. You swallowed down the sick feeling in your throat and nodded. Girls liked to kiss boys. It was okay and normal and fine and you liked it. 
When Randall walked you home—at least part of the way, not close enough that your dad would see you were together—neither of you talked about the one kiss that had become three and a hand on your hips, and then your waist, and then your chest. It made your skin crawl, but he treated it like it was normal and so it probably was. You had no reason to be weird about something he liked. 
You were so preoccupied with trying not to think of what happened that you didn’t immediately notice the tension in the house when you got in and removed your boots and jacket. 
“You’re home late,” Dad said, standing in the doorway into the den. Your heart crashed into your stomach. 
“Sorry, daddy,” you told him, your chest clenching. When he looked at you like that, you worried that he could see everything. See that you had been northside, see that you had let a boy kiss you, see the imprint of a hand on your body in places it shouldn’t have been, of lips on your own. 
“Where were you?” he asked. 
“I took a walk,” you said. “The weather is nice.” 
Dad exhaled heavily, closing his eyes. “You’re lying to me. You were out northside, weren’t you?”
“I was just walking,” you told him again, your voice weakening. 
Dad didn’t say anything, and the silence stretched on and on and on and he just stared at you, his eyes dark. 
“I’m worried about you,” he said, approaching you with heavy steps. You resisted the urge to shrink away, trying very hard not to look guilty. “If you keep lying and sneaking around, I won’t allow you to go out anymore. You’re too sick to put that sort of strain on yourself.” 
“I’m fine, daddy,” you told him, shaking your head. “I feel good, really.” 
“You’re delicate,” he said, his voice hard. “My sweet little girl.” You flinched when he raised his hand, but he only tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Where were you?” 
“Walking,” you said in what amounted to little more than a whisper. 
“You were with a boy, weren’t you?” he asked. 
You shook your head fast, guilt and shame filling up the hollow in your chest like liquid lead. “No, daddy. No.” 
He looked down at you. You couldn’t meet his eyes. 
“You’re lying,” he said, slamming his fist against the wall behind you. You yelped, trying to make yourself as small as possible. He forcibly composed himself, breathing deeply. “Every day, I feel like I’m losing more and more of my sweet little girl. All I want is to keep you safe, and you throw it back in my face.” He heaved out a heavy, hot sigh, his eyes boring into your own. “Where were you and who were you with?”
He already thought you were lying, he already assumed the worst, but you couldn’t tell him the truth. Dad liked Randall, you would be the one to bear the sin, the blame. The curse. Maybe it was your fault. Why else would Randall want to kiss you? 
“I was walking, daddy,” you said so softly that it was almost inaudible. “By myself.” 
He struck you quickly and precisely, a single blow that knocked you back into the wall. Your ears rang and roared with the whooshing of blood and Dad grabbed you by the arm, pulling you towards the kitchen. Towards the cellar. 
You couldn’t hear yourself begging, but you were. You couldn’t hear him talking, but he was. You could practically feel the force of words like liar and filthy and disobedient. Everything else was a blurred mush of fear and shame.  
When you tripped on the stairs, he jerked you upright by the arm and pushed you past the door and into the dark. When you collapsed onto the cold stone floor, you barely had enough air to properly sob, nausea swelling up in your throat. You looked up a final time before he shut the door and locked it and saw a cruel god. The figure of justice and punishment. And then you were alone and it was dark. The sour taste of Randall’s kiss lingered on your lips, and the scalding imprint of his hand burned into your skin, and you knew you weren’t Dad’s sweet little girl anymore. That only made you cry harder. 
With some vague notion of what you were now, the things you had done and let happen, it was almost laughable that an awkward first kiss was enough to make you feel so disgusting. 
Randall kissed you a few more times after that, and you held hands, and he made promises he never had any intention of keeping, and each moment of it forged a horrible conflict within you. Being wanted by him was the most potent and intense happiness you had ever felt, it was giddy and new and bright. Being intimate with him made you want to burn your skin and never look anybody in the eye again for fear of what they might think when they looked at you. 
You were afraid that they would look at you and see a woman. Dad said that word like it was dirty. Women were impure. 
But it wasn’t Dad who told you that you were what you feared, it had nothing to do with kissing or breasts or sex. It was blood in your underwear, and Mom telling you that it meant you were a woman now. 
You remembered the ice in your stomach, the way your hands shook. You looked at her with tears in your eyes and told her, “I don’t want to be a woman.” 
“You don’t have much of a choice in the matter,” she told you. “Neither does your father.” There was a cool bitterness in those words, but also disgust. She looked so much older than she was. Her beauty hadn’t faded, not entirely, there were moments where the canary shone through her dull eyes, but right then she looked ancient. The weight of the world and a million little cuts had torn her down to the bone. Sadness etched into the wrinkles around her eyes and mouth but, most of all, she looked guilty. “Don’t tell him about this. Menstruation is women’s business, men don’t want or need to know about it. All it will do is upset him.” 
You nodded, swallowing hard. Dad got upset more and more those days. Mom was almost always nursing some sort of bruise, becoming increasingly distant by the day. Her medicine made that worse. She didn’t even sing very often. She didn’t do much of anything. 
So many things happened in your life that were regrettable or scary or bad, and you had done even worse, but for what it was worth, you did love her. Mom was a woman of incomparable beauty, and she had the voice of an angel, and she tried. You knew that now, in hindsight. She did her best. 
That’s what you remembered. 
But you also remembered the day everything changed. The two of you had taken a ship out of Barley. Dad was gone, and she said you were meeting up with him somewhere else, hastily packing up as much as possible and getting out of town without any other explanation. 
You should have been with her at the inn, but you had wanted to look around the town.
Sometimes you thought you remembered telling a stranger who you were, and where you were staying, but you weren’t sure. Sometimes you remembered a man with her, but maybe that was nothing more than the power of Dad’s suggestion. The truth was that you didn’t remember much of anything until the world ended. You were almost inside the inn when it happened. Any further and you wouldn’t have been shielded enough to survive the explosion. You remembered thinking that it smelled funny, and that you were worried about Mom, and that you were a little hungry. 
And then. 
Brighter than the sun, sharper than any blade, the light exploded the universe apart. Effulgent, radiant, deafening, and then it resolved into endless, terrifying black. An abyss of nothingness and panic and fear because you couldn’t see anything, and it hurt. That was all you were aware of. A sticky, sickly, blazing hot pain that you couldn’t understand, it was utterly incomprehensible to feel such agony. Your hands went to your face, but it was covered in plaster and bandages. Even though they were only wrapped around your eyes, you felt as if they were suffocating you. 
“It’s okay,” Dad said as he had several times before because every time you awoke, it was from the same confused nightmare. Then you were conscious and you realized that the nightmare was real. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” 
“Daddy?” you asked, your voice hoarse from screaming and smoke. That taste, acrid and foul, coating your throat in soot, was familiar, and you remembered. You were in the hospital. There had been an accident. “Daddy, it hurts.”
“I know it does,” he told you, taking your hand as it groped across the blankets in search of him. 
The pain was incomparable. It was difficult to understand anything outside of it. Dad said that’s why he waited so long to tell you that Mom hadn’t made it out, because he didn’t want to hurt you further. 
By the time you returned to Barley to bury an empty casket, your right eye had at least partial vision back. The left was ruined. It hurt, and it remained as a hideous reminder of what happened. Randall was there to help Dad, but he didn’t even look at you. Nobody did. All they could do was whisper. Whisper about Mom, about you, about what happened. 
You remembered stumbling to the hole with a fistful of dirt in your hand, nearly toppling into it with how unsteady and uncoordinated you were. You remembered looking at the empty mahogany box. You were glad Mom wasn’t there because Dad was too drunk to say anything and you were still having problems putting together full sentences and you dropped that handful of dirt into the ground with the vicious, agonizing thought that nobody in the world except you loved her. 
You really, really did.
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14 Days Earlier
Around the time that the silence of the streets became noticeable, you realized that you had maybe taken a wrong turn somewhere. Lafitte wasn’t a large place by any means, but the winding structure of its layout and your poor directional skills were a bad match. According to the directions you were given, it was a straight shot to the western side of the island where you were trying to meet up with Captain Buggy. Now you were wandering amidst blocks of grungy old buildings that were closed for the day and more than a little creeped out by how dark and isolated it was. 
Maybe you should have asked if someone would walk with you. 
Maybe you had gotten off track somewhere.
Maybe you were hopelessly lost. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” somebody called from your blind left. You squeaked, startled, and whirled around to face two men that had been loitering in an alley that cut between two dark buildings. The smell of garbage and old metal and stale smoke emanated even stronger from the impenetrable shadows.
“Hi,” the other one said, smiling. It was too dark to make out almost any other feature than the glint of a gold tooth. Your heart seized up, panic flooding your system. For all that Dad had warned you of a situation like this, you didn’t ever think it would happen. You didn’t know what to do. “You lost?”
“Um, I’m…” you stammered, smiling out of an anxious habit. “I’m fine, thank you.” 
“Where’re you trying to go?” the first man asked. He was taller and lankier than his companion. In the shadows, he looked like he’d been stretched out unnaturally. 
“I’m fine, really,” you said, taking a step back. “Thank you. I just have…” You gestured to the side, meaning to walk away. 
The lanky one was faster, easily closing the distance between you and grabbing your arm before you could get away. You should have run, but by the time that occurred to you, it was too late and he was dragging you into the dark. 
You yelped, trying to yank your arm free. He pulled something out of his pocket, flipping out the blade of a knife. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, m’kay?” he asked, holding it up so you could see the silvery gleam in the sickly yellow light of the single streetlamp. 
“Make sure it’s the right girl,” gold-tooth told him. “Scar on the left eye.” 
The lanky one pressed the blade to your cheek, turning your face towards the light. You whimpered, a little sob heaving in your chest. “Mmm, ‘s her,” he said. “That’s an ugly one.” Clicking his tongue in disgust of your scar, he removed the blade to grab your waist and push you towards the other man. You stumbled, almost falling. 
“Please don’t do this,” you begged, looking between the men desperately. It was too dark to see them as anything other than hulking shadows. “Please. If you want money, I’ll—I’ll give you anything, just don’t take me back, please-”
“Can you shut ‘er up?” the lanky one asked. “He said to make it look like an attack gone wrong. Something random or, y’know, accidental. Yeah? Like we was try’na mess with her but she got too rowdy.”
You whimpered, shaking your head. Your ears were ringing so loud you could barely hear yourself beg. Gold-tooth grabbed you, stifling your pleas with a sweaty palm over your mouth and nose. You shouted, clawing at his arm, but he didn’t budge.
“He wants us to rape her?” he asked.
“Nah, just rough her up a little. Rip her clothes, make sure she’s got bruises. ‘s called staging.”
“Staging,” gold-tooth repeated, turning you around and shoving you back against the alley’s brick wall. You pulled in a deep, ragged breath and screamed. Despite your dry mouth and throat, it was a good one, so loud and piercing you could hear it blurring and ringing in your ears. 
Gold-tooth stopped it fast, punching you in the face. The world erupted into stars and the next thing you understood was that you were on the ground. Blood gushed out of your nose like a spout, your eye watering enough to blind you completely. 
“I told you to shut ‘er up!” the lanky one said, grabbing you by the hair to drag you back onto your feet. You were too dazed to struggle, leaning against the dirty brick to keep from falling. All you could taste and smell was your own blood. It flowed into your mouth, your throat. You gagged, coughing, sobbing, crying.  
“Woah, woah, woah, shhh. Someone’s…” gold-tooth’s warning trailed off. He was looking at the mouth of the alley. 
The lanky one grabbed you, pressing the knife against your throat. “Not a sound,” he told you softly, digging the knife into your skin enough to cut a shallow line. Gold-tooth stepped in front of you, almost like a shield. With the alley’s opening on your left, you couldn’t follow their line of sight, and you didn’t dare try to turn your head or make a sound, practically holding your breath.  
“What kind of lame ass party is this?” a very familiar voice called. You sobbed, relief flooding your system. “No booze and only one girl? Borrrrring.”
“We’re not sharing,” gold-tooth told him. 
“You know what you need? Entertainment. Lucky for you fellas, I’ve got a killer act.”
“Hey, friend,” gold-tooth said flatly. “Walk. Away.” 
“Hold on, he’s a pirate,” the lanky one said softly to his companion, significantly more trepidatious. He relaxed the hand holding the knife to your throat, letting you get in a good breath. Everything tasted like blood. “Look at ‘im, he’s that clown. He’s, um... Buddy or something.”
“Buggy,” Buggy said loudly, emphatically. “Buggy the Clown. My name is on the poster, why does nobody…” He huffed in frustration, you could imagine him composing himself. “Okay, here’s the deal. You give me the girl, and I let you live. Sound good? Actually, wait a sec. Hey, babydoll, you’re still alive, right?”
You groaned weakly.  
“I’ll take that as a yes. Great. You boys wanna see a magic trick?”
“Last chance, clown. I mean it.” The lanky one grabbed you, holding you in front of himself like a proper hostage with the knife at your neck again. Finally, you could see Buggy. Not much of him. The light hit him at a quarter angle. What you could see was a sharp cheekbone, the recognizable curve of his nose, and, when he moved his head, a faint glint where the light hit his eyes.
“I guess you’re up, friend,” Buggy said to gold-tooth, his smile evident in his voice even if you couldn’t see it clearly. “Show me your moves.” 
Gold-tooth pulled out a knife from his jacket, rushing towards Buggy. It was going to hit, Buggy wasn’t even trying to dodge.
“Captain Buggy!” you shouted, struggling against your captor despite yourself. The knife dug deeper into your neck, and you whimpered, going limp.
Buggy’s body separated at the last second, coming apart right where the knife would have landed. Gold-tooth had the wherewithal to try and execute a follow-up attack, but Buggy detached those parts of his body as well, letting gold-tooth rush right through him. When the sections of his torso snapped back into place, he tilted his head back to display the manic smile he wore. 
It left you feeling very, very cold inside. Your attackers might have been villains of the night, but Buggy was an unhinged madman cursed by the Devil. 
The lanky one swore, releasing you. Whether he meant to escape or attack Buggy, you couldn’t tell, but he rushed towards him. Knowing it was your only opportunity, you didn’t hesitate. Blood rushed a violent tempest in your ears. You scrambled forward, desperate to escape the alley. 
Too late, you realized gold-tooth hadn’t run away in fear of Buggy’s power. You couldn't stop your momentum, you didn’t have enough traction on the gravel. It slid out under your boots, carrying you forward even as you tried to rear back. 
He caught you with an arm like an iron bar, his other arm winding up and punching you in the stomach. The blow knocked all the air out of your lungs, leaving nothing but pain. You crumpled onto the ground with a broken gasp, a death rattle. 
All that existed was ringing in your ears and pain and confusion and you couldn’t breathe. The world went very, very dark. You squeezed your hand into a fist, feeling the painful stretch of your skinned palms, and let that stabilize you enough to open your eye. You had to blink over and over and over to clear it, coughing globs of bloody phlegm as your body tried to restart the whole breathing process, and then you raised your head to look at the scene. 
Captain Buggy was distracted with the lanky one, cackling wildly as he fought him. Even though you were accustomed to it, the sight of a shadowy man pulling himself into pieces and reforming over and over again was disturbing. Gold-tooth stood above you with his knife out, intending to try and get the jump on Buggy.
“Captain!” you shouted as loud as you could. Which, admittedly, wasn’t very. But Buggy seemed to hear you, finally turning to notice gold-tooth. The lanky one capitalized on his distraction, jumping forward with his knife. Gold-tooth moved at the same time, their movements impressively synchronized. 
You did the only thing you could think of and lunged for gold-tooth’s ankles, grabbing onto one and hanging on with all your remaining strength to trip him. He tried to kick you off, but all that did was destabilize him further. 
The men dropped at the same time. Buggy’s opponent went with a pained howl, his front criss-crossed with countless painful slashes as he stumbled and fell back into the darkest pit of the alley. Gold-tooth fell forward, going heavy and hard onto the ground. He let go of his knife. It skittered forward, stopping only when Buggy stepped on it, kicking it to the side. 
“I’m afraid that’s curtains for you, friend,” Buggy said to the downed man, approaching him with slow steps. Gold-tooth began cursing at him, scrambling to get up. Buggy beat him to it, jauntily kicking him in the head.
It was over.
You collapsed, braced on your skinned forearms, just trying to breathe. Everything, everything hurt. 
Buggy kicked the man again for good measure. And then a third time.
“Just so you know,” Buggy said, his footsteps crunching on the ground as he approached you. “I didn’t need your help. That was a test. You passed. Good job, babydoll.” 
You opened your eye to watch his boots get closer and stop. After a moment, you figured out how to get your arms beneath yourself. Buggy held out a hand for you to take, which you gratefully did. 
As soon as you were on your feet, you realized it was a mistake to move so fast, your head spinning. You stumbled sideways to lean against the brick. For a moment, you worried you would vomit. The taste of blood and bile coated the inside of your throat, the metallic tang mixing with the heavy, ripe stench of garbage that had been marinating in the humid Lafitte heat for far too long. 
Desperate to avoid that, you spit out a mouthful of thick, bloody saliva, coughing out as much of it as you could. You could breathe through your nose, luckily. The punch had landed more on your left cheek than dead center. 
“You’re not gonna pass out or throw up or something, right?” Buggy asked, nonplussed. 
“No, sir,” you said, the words scraping unpleasantly against your raw throat.
“Okay, good,” Buggy said. “Well, now that the show’s over, let’s chop chop get the fuck out of here.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
Probably realizing you weren’t going to move on your own, Buggy grabbed your elbow, tugging you out of the alley and onto the street. Rather than going back the way you came, he pulled you across to cut through to the next road over. This one ran parallel to the seawall. As soon as you stumbled into the open night, a heavy wave of humid air slammed against you. The scent of trash wasn’t as intense, replaced by the stench of rotting seaweed and sulfur and acrid oil.
“What did they do, offer you candy?” Buggy asked as you tried to keep up with him, huffing and puffing and wracked with strange little half-sobs that came as much from the adrenaline pounding in your system as it did from leftover fear and pain. “I guess pops never taught you about stranger danger.” 
There were more people here, although not many. This part of the island was mostly filled with those unfortunate enough to call such a place home. Nobody paid you any mind as Buggy pulled you across the road, towards one of the sets of crumbling concrete steps going down to the beach. Well, ‘beach’ was a kind word. That would imply sand and an enticing, lapping tide and a hint of romance. The beach on this part of the island was a strip of silty grit, a thick band of seaweed clogging the tide like hair ratting up a drain, and the greasy churn of foul brown water. It was to its benefit that the night was too dark to see anything other than the gleaming sliver of a moon draping silver over the top of the water, nothing but deep shadow stretched out in between. Once the two of you reached the bottom of the steps, you were lost in the endless dark. 
“Captain Buggy,” you said, your breathing harsh and fast, your heart pounding mean and hot where you had been hit in the stomach. “Ss-stop.” 
“Really?” Buggy asked, annoyed.
Under any other circumstance, his irritation would have been reason enough for you to push yourself, but you couldn’t. “You can… go on without me,” you said, your voice distant and ragged. “I’ll catch up, I just need…” 
“Don’t be stupid, dipshit. I didn’t go through the hassle of saving your sorry ass just to abandon you here. You’d probably walk right into the ocean and drown.”
You drooped back against the grungy wall, unable to think of a response. 
“Why were you wandering on your own anyway? I gave you one rule, and you broke it. You know, I’m starting to understand how daddy dearest must have felt. If you weren’t already busted up, I think I’d go after you with a belt too.” 
You whimpered, your head rolling back.  
“This isn’t a bad look for you, babydoll,” Buggy said after a moment of nothing other than the ocean’s distant roar, tilting your chin up towards the moonlight. “Not at all. How about a little sugar for your savior?” 
You couldn’t see his eyes in the dark, he was just a shadow. Numbness permeated your body, even though you were aware of everything. Everything, everything. The soreness of your feet. The pain pounding furiously against your face, the smell of blood mixing with the briney scent of the ocean. All of it, and nothing. 
“Okay,” you said softly.
Buggy grabbed you, pulling you up and against him. Kissing hurt bad, as if it wasn’t hard enough to kiss him standing up. He had to lean down and you had to tilt your head up, holding onto his shoulders. Buggy didn’t seem to care that it hurt, or that you probably tasted like blood. He kissed you like he always did, like he was hungry, groaning into it when you whimpered helplessly. 
You didn’t fight him when he grabbed your hand to press against the front of his pants, grinding your palm against his hardening erection and moaning into your mouth at the feeling. Entranced, you mimicked the motion, getting an even rougher noise out of him. Buggy bit your lip before pulling your head away with a fistful of your hair. 
“I know last time didn’t go so great,” he said, “but whaddya say to giving the blowjob thing another try?” 
“I… um…”
“You… what?”
“I don't know.”
“Come on,” he said, irritated. “I just saved your sorry ass from two guys. I deserve more than a little peck on the lips, don’tcha think?” 
Your ears were ringing. Or maybe that was the ocean. “Okay,” you said. 
“Try that again, but with a little more gratitude,” Buggy told you. “Actually, you know what, I don’t care right now. On your knees, honey buns.”  
Since your knees were already skinned, you crouched down on your haunches rather than kneel, bracing yourself against the slimy seawall to keep from topping over. Buggy got his cock out so quickly it was almost surprising. Based on what you felt before, he was already halfway hard. With your eye slowly adjusting to the faint moonlight, you could somewhat make out its shape. 
“Say ‘aahhhhh’,” Buggy told you, swirling his cock around in front of your face like a mother with a spoonful of baby food trying to feed a difficult child. Some part of you, way deep down inside, was rightfully disgusted by that approach. But it was like trying to make out the words of somebody trapped at the bottom of a depthless well. All that you could hear was the echo. 
Unable to think of any other way to handle the situation, you did what you were told. Let it happen. Don’t think. With a palm scratched up and bloody, you reached up to guide his cock, opening your mouth. In a way, it was better like this. Nothing else in the whole world made sense, why should this? You were already free falling and helpless and confused, at least this was direction. 
Buggy groaned when you closed your lips around the head, sucking lightly like you would on his fingers. Shamefully, the scent of cock wasn’t all that unfamiliar by now, and the taste was just an extension, almost overpowered by the tangy flavor of your own blood. 
Your mouth was already overproducing saliva, slicking up his dick as you bobbed your head forward. It was easiest to brace yourself with your left hand on his thigh and one of your heels propped against the wall. Buggy released his cock so he could replace it with your hand, closing your fingers around him. He guided your fist down to pick up some of the excess saliva, easing the friction as he pulled your hand back up the shaft. Like Pippa said, a handjob. 
Thinking of that seemed so surreal, doubt of reality infecting your mind now that the numbness really set in. Everything that led you to this point in your life was some weird dream, or maybe more of a joke. A disturbing, horrible joke. Now things were quiet, and that was better. 
Buggy groaned, his hips impatiently pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. You choked a little, slurping around him. Saliva dripped from the seam of your lips. Confused, your tongue raised to slide against the underside and you could feel his cock twitch in your mouth so you did that again. 
“Good girl,” Buggy told you in a heavy, hoarse voice, continuing to guide your hand up and down the base of his dick.
When he let go of your hand to let you take care of it, you didn’t stop. This ended in Buggy coming, that was the way it was. Even you knew that.
At least until something—or somethings—got beneath the band of your panties, worming against your pubic bone and down. Your yelp of disgusted surprise was stifled by his cock. Panicked, you pulled off, and Buggy didn’t stop you. A flood of saliva followed, splashing onto the sand.
“Calm down, it’s just me,” Buggy said, laughing and holding up his ungloved hand. Or, what was left of it. A curve cut around the squishy part of his palm and to his pinky. Everything else, you assumed, was between your legs, working under the confines of your panties, he wasn’t even using his whole hand. “You didn’t think I was just gonna leave you out to dry, did you?” His disembodied fingers dug a little deeper, curling into your pussy without any warning. You shuddered, clenching hard around them. “I guess not dry. You’re soaked. Is this from earlier?”
You shook your head, completely lost. “I don’t…” 
“I bet you get off on being saved. That'd explain why you're so damn pathetic.”
The ocean roared. Sweat gathered in a sour line down your spine, beneath your bra, along your hairline. You should have worn it up, strands that had gotten in the way of your mouth were now coated with spit, sticking uncomfortably to your cheeks. “What?”
“One more time, babydoll,” Buggy said theatrically. “With feeling.” 
That was, as he often said, a laugh. You had no idea what to feel. The well only got deeper, the quiet spreading. Even the pain seemed so inconsequential, the agonizing ache from where you’d been punched in the face a mere background drone as you opened your mouth wide to take his cock. This time, you had a feel for it. He didn’t need to guide your hand along the base, which was for the best because his hand was busy in your panties. 
It kind of seemed like you should have been disgusted by the idea of Buggy using his cursed powers for your sexual pleasure, but you were cursed anyway, and sin didn’t compound, it was a flat rate to be paid in full at the Devil’s convenience.
For now, you could just accept that it was good. 
Everything was too disconnected and disjointed for there to be any coherence to the scattered sensations in your body, but the friction of his fingers drove the far away part of your living self wild. Unobstructed, they could easily curl against your g-spot, his thumb on your swollen clit. It was kind of like a choice. If you wanted yours, you would have to take it. And of course you did. If it was from Buggy, you always did.  
So you slurped and sucked and bobbed your head, striving desperately for some release from the straitjacket hold of the quiet and the pain and the sickness and the fear and the dark. If you could just feel that fast fizzle and let it consume you for a moment, that was enough. That was all there was. 
“Fuck, babydoll,” Buggy swore. “I knew you’d catch on quick.” 
The muscles of his thigh tensed and trembled against your hand, his hips thrusting restlessly against the pace you set. It was messy and unsteady and disgusting and his fingers kept hitting your g-spot in a way that had your pussy weeping around them, your hips trying to roll into a body that wasn’t there, to get more solid friction. More and more. His thumb ground down against your clit, the calloused pad catching against a spot of raw nerves that had you seeing stars.
Time didn’t really exist, so you weren’t sure how long you were held in that hellish limbo of almost. Pleasure curled and tightened around his fingers inside of you, and you held onto it with a death grip, knowing that it was the only way you could make any of this okay. Or maybe you were just selfish.
Now it was like you were the one at the bottom of the well, feeling your body finally give in to the tension stoked to a steady burst beneath Buggy’s fingers. Your body took over automatically, squeezing him so tight it hurt, your clit pulsing under his thumb, your hips rocking back and forth in a way that threatened to topple you over. 
He had to pull your head back and forth by your hair to keep you moving on his cock, but you didn’t care. Nothing mattered except for that exquisite flash, that sparkling sizzle of warmth, that moment of invulnerability. 
Too soon, it was over. You sobbed hard around his cock, feeling like the sensations had been cut short, like it wasn’t enough in the first place. Ruined. You were still falling, still quiet, still trapped at the bottom of a pit in the dark. 
“That was it, wasn't it,” he said, pleased with himself. “It totally was!” He laughed hoarsely, and then groaned. “You know, it—ah, fuck it. Get up.”
Buggy pulled you off his cock, scooping you onto your feet. He shoved your panties down your thighs to release his fingers, reattaching them at the same time he was picking you up and scraping you up against the seawall, scrubbing you into the grime. Your panties dropped down past your knees, falling to one ankle before he grabbed your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist.
His cock was coated in your bloody saliva, and your pussy was soaking, he slid in easy and smooth. Buggy groaned low in his throat, but you just gasped, and then whimpered. The way his cock filled you now that you were already sensitive and needy was almost more than you could bear, too much and yet unattainably distant. You writhed helplessly, your inner walls tightening around him to pull him deeper, to keep him with you in the only way that mattered. 
“You’re so lucky,” Buggy told you harshly, his voice like a growl. “I mean, with a pussy like this, who needs talent? My little mattress actress.” He punctuated those words with especially hard, wet thrusts. Whining, your fingers dug hard into his shoulders, grateful for the stability of his body against yours. 
Your head fell back against the wall, light as air. Buggy clearly wasn’t trying to savor the moment. This was hard and fast and sweaty and filthy and nothing but sickly need and animalistic gluttony. He pressed his nose against the side of your jaw, breathing hard into the hollow between your neck and shoulder as he fucked you. Each thrust pushed you up and down the wall, knocking your empty head against the hard surface, punching whimpers and moans out of your sore body. 
Your eye rolled up over his shoulder to the little silver curl of the moon. It blurred into a pale smear in an endless sky. You closed your eye, your mouth falling open as you moaned helplessly, holding onto Buggy as he fucked you hard and fast. 
With an open mouthed groan, he seized up, pushing his cock as deep as he could, grinding his hips against you as he came. 
Rather than pull out and release you right away like you expected, Buggy kissed your jaw with an open mouth, licking your feverish skin. Then your neck, sucking as he pulled away as if to relish in the obscene noise. Your pussy unintentionally spasmed around his cock and Buggy inhaled sharply through his teeth, pulling out and letting you drop. 
“Good lord, you're a horny little shit,” he said, fixing his pants. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but there were no words. 
He stepped back, leaving you to lean against the seawall. “Aren’t you gonna… Fine, I’ll do it.” Muttering about how he had to do everything himself, Buggy crouched down to get your ankle back into your panties, pulling them all the way up and giving your pussy a little tap. “There ya go, kiddo. Now c’mon.”  
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You weren’t exactly aware when Buggy finally half-led and half-dragged you into a bar. The walk along the beach, a shortcut to get to the docks, had been a dizzy stumble in the dark. You let it happen numbly because that was easier than trying to argue. 
The light of civilization shocked and blinded you, like an unwelcome alarm pulling you from a feverish dream. The sleep wasn’t especially comfortable, but it was better than being awake. The bouncer tried to stop the two of you as soon as Buggy pulled you past the door. 
“I’m sorry, we don’t allow…” He looked you up and down, concerned. “Is she alright?” 
Buggy threw an arm around your shoulders, smiling widely. 
“She’s clumsy. I’m just looking for my—Oh, hey, Crina!” he called. “Get over here.” 
You watched dully, trapped beneath the weight of Buggy’s warm body, as Crina came over. She looked at you, clearly unimpressed. “What did you do to her?” she asked Buggy.
“Whaddya mean?” Buggy asked defensively. “I rescued her from two idiots with a death wish. Can you just give her a quick little look-see to make sure nothing's broken? I’m fine with the eye thing, but any other disfigurements would be overkill.” 
Crina sighed, giving you another look. “Let’s go to the bathroom,” she told you gently. 
“Great, I’m gonna go get us a drink,” Buggy said, releasing you and walking towards the bar. You watched him go, feeling very, very cold. Actually, you felt like you were going to pass out. Or throw up. Throw up, and pass out, and probably die.   
Crina cursed under her breath, turning to the bouncer. “Get me some rags, ice, water, and… The bar should have something like simple syrup, she needs sugar.” 
“That’s not my job,” the man said. 
Crina cursed even louder, not under her breath, and pulled out a wad of money. “Now it is.” 
The man pursed his lips, but accepted the money. “Rags, ice, water, and simple syrup. Are you gonna pay for that?” 
“Yeah, put it on Captain Buggy’s tab.” 
He nodded, turning towards the bar. Crina had to support most of your weight as she took you to the bathroom. Your head spun, your body wilting and drooping. It was hard to stay upright, and you felt sour and cold. The world trembled. 
“My… my dad's a doctor,” you told her. “If you get him then… he's a doctor, he can…”
“Hey, focus on me,” Crina said. “What’s my name?” 
“Crina,” you mumbled. 
“Okay, good. You’re gonna have to get onto the counter, can you do that?” It took an impossible amount of effort, but you managed to scramble onto the counter with her help. You fell against the wall, your body impossibly heavy. She tilted your head towards the light, but you kept your eye closed. It didn’t matter. Nothing did, you just wanted to sleep. 
“You have to stay awake,” Crina said, tapping your uninjured right cheek. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“I dunno,” you muttered softly. The world swayed. That’s right, you were on a ship. “I wanna… can we go home? We’re almost there…”
“No. Hey, open your eye.” 
Through a tin can, you heard the door open. “Don’t mind me, ladies,” Buggy said brashly. “I got all the shit you asked for and one of those Dirty Sunrises you like.” You heard him set the supplies on the counter by you, but you were too tired to look. “Oh, oof. She looks rough. You hangin’ in there, babydoll?”
“She’s in shock, she can’t have alcohol,” Crina said irritably, wetting one of the rags in the sink. “This might hurt a little,” she warned you before starting to dab at your face. It hurt, but you didn’t care. You would be home soon, and Dad would help you, and then you could go to bed, and everything would be okay. “This blood is dried, what were you doing that took you so long to get her here?”
“Oh, you know how she is, I could barely get her to walk ten feet before she was whining about being tired.” 
Crina scoffed. “And you helped her with that, Captain?” 
“What?” Buggy asked, his tone thin like ice and unnervingly flat. “Is there something you wanna say, Crina?” You opened your eye to look, anxiety spiking you alert. He was smiling, but his eyes were dead. 
“Captain Buggy?” you asked weakly. 
His glare broke when his eyes flicked to you, that hard smile replaced with a smug smirk. “See? She likes it.” 
Crina shook her head, grabbing the bottle of syrup and squirting a healthy amount into the cup of water. “This is gonna taste weird, but you need to drink all of it,” she told you. 
“Don’t worry, she’s getting pretty good at the whole not choking thing,” Buggy said dryly, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.  
You opened your mouth obediently when Crina raised the cup, drinking all of it without complaint. The cold water and the sugar were more of a wake up than anything else, and it cleared the sour taste of blood and cock from your mouth. You cleared your throat, coughing again, spitting more blood and saliva into the sink. 
“Okay,” Crina grabbed your jaw, wiping at the dried blood again. It hurt enough to make your eye water, but you accepted the pain. “It looks like he caught her left cheek. Her…” She paused before saying the word, stopping herself by clearing her throat. “Everything else is fine. It’ll bruise some, but the tissue around her eye is already so damaged, you probably won’t see the worst of it.” She raised your chin more, wincing at the shallow cut along your neck.
“If you think that’s bad, you should see the other guy,” Buggy joked through a mouthful of food. He was slicing off pieces of an apple, eating it right off the blade. “You’ll know it's him when you see the guy walkin’ around with his guts hanging out.”
“Is there anything else?” Crina asked you, ignoring Buggy. 
“I dunno,” you said, frowning. You felt a little more alert, but that wasn’t better. 
“She’s fine,” Buggy said. “A little pain is good for her, maybe it’ll teach her to listen to me.” 
Crina’s lips pressed into a line, but she nodded. “Maybe. I’ll get her cleaned up and then you can take her back to the ship.” 
“Great,” Buggy said, tossing the apple and putting his knife away. “I don’t know about you, babydoll, but I’m beat.”
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You remembered that, after the funeral, Dad fully retired. At first it was to help you recuperate, and then it was for your safety. You were hurt because of him, because of who he was. That’s what he said when he was sober. You were hurt because of Mom, because she cursed you. That’s what he said when he was really drunk. Due payment. The price was her life, and your eye. The truth, you thought, laid in between. You were hurt because you deserved it, it was a consequence of who you were and what you had done.
Losing an eye worsened your health significantly. Not only the headaches, and the unsteadiness, and your ability to read and write for any length of time, but it also intensified the exhaustion that plagued you. You always felt cold and weak, so much that simple tasks took all of your energy.
Even something as simple as going shopping had become a laborious and tiring undertaking. People looked at you sideways, avoiding your left eye. They whispered about you. People who had once been friendly now smiled tight, polite smiles and excused themselves from conversation. And yet, somehow, the worst part of going out was coming up the hill and seeing your house, knowing you would have to go inside. No matter how warm the weather, or how merrily the sun shined, the house had an iciness to it. The walls absorbed the cold and held it there, bleeding out any warmth or noise that entered. Dad would say that was fanciful thinking. Dangerous thinking. And yet he so readily staved off the chill with liquor. 
You walked through the silent hall and put away the groceries, setting aside ingredients for supper, before taking a moment to compose yourself. The world, and everything in it, was so, so tiring. You were tired. Worn out all the way to the marrow of your bones, your flesh itself becoming as heavy as a thick winter coat. And your head ached. Always, it ached. You began to scratch at the scar beneath your eye before stopping yourself, pulling the bandana down instead.  
No matter how tired you felt, the day was not yet over. You stood up and smoothed your hair, taking the stairs with dragging feet. Dad spent most afternoons sequestered in his office. It was the coldest place of all. The hall leading to the heavy door stretched for miles and miles. 
You walked its length and knocked lightly, opening the door at his barked invitation. 
“Can I get anything for you, daddy?” you asked, peering into his dark office. He sat in the large, imposing leather chair, a mess of documents on his desk as well as an open bottle. He didn’t bother with a glass anymore. But his eyes were sharp enough, fixing on you in a way that made you want to shrink back. 
“Come in and sit down,” he instructed. You did so slowly, thinking quickly to figure out what he was going to say so you could get ahead of it, apologize or explain or whatever he wanted from you. When you were sitting, he looked at you, folding his hands beneath his chin. He stared and stared and you squirmed, pulling your bandana down.
“You’ve gone and grown up on me, haven’t you?” he asked.
You blinked, surprised. “What?” 
“I don’t know how I didn’t notice. I’ve been too preoccupied, I suppose, and now you’re becoming a woman.” He sighed heavily, rubbing his face. “I saw the blood in the laundry,” he said. “You’re bleeding.”
Your heart sank, your thighs pressing tightly together as if you were trying to hide evidence of your shame. “Yes, but I’m not hurt,” you tried to explain. “It’s�� the blood, it’s not… it-” 
“I know what it is,” he said irritably. You closed your mouth, folding your hands in your lap. “How long?”
You struggled for the right answer, your confusion worsened by the embarrassing topic. “I… I don’t understand what you mean, daddy. I’m sorry.” 
“How long have you been menstruating?” he clarified. The more he talked, the more you could hear the intoxicated slur in his voice. “I assume it began before your mother died.” 
“It did,” you said, wincing at the reminder. He was so casual about the event, like it was merely something that happened. “I guess it was just… a few months before.” 
“How often do you bleed?”
“Not often,” you said. “Every few months. It’s okay, mom told me how to take care of it.”
“It’s not healthy for a girl like you to bleed,” he said, “it’s not healthy at all. It’s a filthy thing.” 
“But mom,” you began, having to clear your throat to speak properly. “Mom said it’s normal.”
“Your mother was wrong, and she should have told me,” dad snapped. “She never appreciated how frail you are, the sensitivity you must be shown. Your body can’t handle the stress of that muck. My sweet little girl…” He looked at you mournfully, dragging his eyes over you in a way that made your skin crawl. “I just don’t know anymore. Your body is changing, you’re changing.” 
“I’m not changing, daddy,” you said. “I’m the same as always.” 
“I saw you talking to a boy out there,” he said. 
“The butcher’s son?” you asked, confused again. And scared. The interaction had been polite and short, but you never knew how dad would interpret things. “That wasn’t anything, daddy. I forgot something and he was kind enough to take it to me, that’s all.” 
“No, that’s not it. You know it’s not, that’s why you look so guilty.” 
You opened your mouth to reply, but nothing came out. You were confused, and your head hurt, and this conversation was making you feel sick. 
“You’re old enough now that men notice you as a woman. They can’t help it,” dad said. “It’s your responsibility to shield their attention, otherwise you’ll give the wrong impression. Purity is the most vital trait in a young woman. Without it, you have no value.” 
“I’m sorry, daddy. I understand,” you said quickly, bowing your head, wishing very badly to climb out of your skin. 
“I only want to protect you, sweet girl,” he said. “Your mother… There was nothing I could do for her, but I will keep you clean and healthy. I’ll keep you pure, so you never go through what she did. The hysteria, the madness… No, not you. I’ll keep you safe.”
You nodded. “Thank you, daddy.” 
For a minute, a long, long minute, he merely looked at you, and you couldn’t look at him, preferring to stare at the floor. Finally, he broke the silence. 
“Come here.”
You braced yourself and stood up to circle his desk, knowing what he wanted. He tilted his head and you pressed your lips to his cheek.
“I love you, daddy,” you told him, just like always. 
He caught your hand, squeezing it to the point of pain. His eyes were bloodshot but sharp, and he stank miserably of alcohol. “And you know that I love you. Everything I do, I do because of how much I love you. That’s why I worry so much. You’re my sweet little girl. My precious girl.” 
Your medical treatment changed after that. Things you could and couldn’t eat and in small portions, the medicines you had to take, the examinations to make sure you were healthy. He said it was for your health, but you only got sicker. Weaker. And dad drank more and more, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation because of the stress. 
After the funeral, you hadn’t seen Randall almost at all. Whatever fling you had was long dead. He hadn’t become a Marine after all, instead taking up his father’s business. Dad was the one who broke the news to you.
That’s how you ended up in one of Mom’s ill-fitting dresses sitting at a corner table with other guests invited only out of familial obligation.
Even nearing fifty years old, and looking older yet because of his affair with the bottle, the Major cut a fine figure in his Marine uniform standing at the front of the room. People began to hush, anticipating that he was going to speak. Dad had that effect on people, a shroud of command. Just by seeing him, a person got the impression that what he said was important, that there was extra value in the words of a man like him.
“It would be remiss of me if I didn’t start by pointing out the obvious. I am not the man who should be standing up here,” he said. “This honor has been granted to me in the stead of my dear friend Harmon, as today it is the marriage of his son that we celebrate. He is not able to be here, that is true, but I can speak with authority on how proud he would be of his son. I know this because, although Randall is not my son by blood, he is a treasured member of my family. The pride I feel seeing him on such a joyous day as he takes this step forward in his life is immense.”  
He paused, giving that sentiment an appropriate amount of respectful silence. Randall’s mother—Harmon’s widow—dabbed at her eyes with a lacy handkerchief. Dad gestured to the newlyweds, wearing a rare smile. 
“Melody, you are one of the finest young ladies I have ever met,” he continued. “When Randall first told me of your breathtaking beauty, I could hardly believe him—and I was right not to. You are even more beautiful than his descriptions led me to believe. There are few women deserving of Randall’s love, but I suspect there are even fewer men deserving of yours. Melody and Randall, congratulations to you both.”
Everybody raised their glasses, applauding Melody and Randall. The beautiful couple.
Dad went to Melody and offered his hand for the first dance, as he had practiced. She went gladly, taking his leathery old hand and standing as the first notes of the song began to play. There was a stiffness to dad’s movements from the life he had lived, an unsteadiness from drinking too much, but she made up for it with her fluid grace. When she moved, it was as if she were floating. You stared at Randall, wishing that he would look at you for just a single second, but he didn’t. It was silly to expect him to, considering the vision that was twirling around the dance floor with Dad. 
You turned towards the table, unable to keep watching. Other people were joining in to dance, but not you. Even if you had the inclination to do such a thing, you wouldn’t know how, and dad said it would be too tiring for you to try. 
It had been a bad week. He said it was the stress that was making you sick. Excitement and change, he said, were not good for your system. Only you knew the truth. It wasn’t stress of the mind or body, it was your broken heart. That was your most precious, and most painful secret. Dad knew nothing of your brief relationship with Randall, and you hoped he never would. It likely wouldn’t affect his opinion of Randall, but you knew what he would think of you.
Slut. Even after years and years, you remembered the way that Harper said that word. Dad called mom a slut a lot, and had even accused you of being one, but it was the dismissively casual voice of a child speaking about things she didn’t quite understand that remained in your mind.
A month or so later, you remembered getting a note, and you also remembered the one you sent in response. 
Northside hadn’t changed much, although it had been years since you sat on the old metal fire escape of the Slaughter. It was the only one of the buildings you dared to climb, since it was the easiest. 
‘Easy’ was a relative term though. You remembered how to navigate your way up safely, sure, but it exhausted you in a way it never had when you were young. Even just a few years ago, you had been able to get up here without a problem. 
Sometimes you could almost forget about your eye and frailty, sometimes you got to thinking about other things so intently that it faded into the background. But then you remembered that you were weak. That you could not do things that you used to do, or things that other people could do. That hurt. It hurt really, really bad. 
So you tried not to think about it. 
From your vantage point, you spotted a familiar figure round the corner, looking around for you.
“Hello there, stranger,” you called to him, waving. Randall looked up, squinting past the low-hanging sun.
“I don’t s’pose you’ll come down to me?” he shouted.
His shoulders slumped in exasperation before he approached the building, taking the first set of rusty stairs up to the second floor. From there was a ladder, and then more stairs.
“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” you said as he reached the top of the second set of stairs, unable to stop from smiling. Randall didn’t match it, too busy frowning, a line forming between his eyebrows. 
“I saw your message and got worried. Are you sure it’s okay for you to be out here climbing around?”
“I’m fine,” you said defensively. “I’ve been feeling better lately. Dad says it’s okay for me to be outside.” 
“Not here, though. He’d have a heart attack if you knew you were out here,” Randall said, frowning. “There’s been rumors that strange people have been hanging around.” 
“Dad said that’s not true,” you told him. “And I haven’t seen anybody, either. Have you?”
“Okay, fine,” Randall allowed. “But what would happen if you lost your footing and fell? You could seriously hurt yourself and nobody would know. What would your dad do then?” 
“You won’t tell him, will you? Please promise you won’t, Randall,” you begged. You couldn’t imagine what Dad would do if he knew you were going northside again, but you knew it would be bad.
Maybe you could imagine, you just didn’t want to. 
“I won’t,” Randall told you, “but you have to promise me you won’t come out here anymore. I mean it.”
“I promise I won’t. I just thought, when you said you wanted to talk to me, that it would be nice to come here. Like we used to.” 
Randall sighed, finally relaxing enough to sit down next to you, his feet dangling over the edge. 
“I’ve missed you,” you told him.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve been so busy with the business and settling in with the new house and Mellie.” He hesitated, shooting you a concerned look. As much as you hated yourself for it, you couldn’t exactly blame him. You hadn’t taken the news of his engagement very well. But that was a while ago, and you were fine now. It was fine. 
“How is she?” you asked, forcing yourself to sound pleasant. “Is she adjusting to life in Barley?” 
“She is, I think,” Randall said, clearly relieved by your mild reaction. “She’s a lovely woman. You and your dad should come over for dinner some time, I think the two of you would get along very well.” 
“I’m sure Dad would love that,” you said. Realizing the bitterness in your tone, you quickly added, “I would too, of course. I just mean… You’ll probably have to ask him. You know how he is.” 
“I will,” Randall said, nodding.  
You couldn’t think of anything to say after that, so you didn’t. It was strange, you had spent the better part of the last month imagining this conversation, but now that it was happening it was completely lackluster. There must have been something he wanted to talk to you about, but you couldn’t tell from his expression. 
“How are you?” Randall finally asked. 
The question took you by surprise. It shouldn’t have. It was the only thing people ever asked anymore. You dragged your bandana down, making sure it was covering the scar. “I’m fine.”
“The Major seems like he’s doing much better.”
“Yeah, I think he is,” you said, glad for the easier topic. “Dad picked up a new project he’s working on with, um, with the trade routes and everything.”
“He mentioned it when he came by earlier. He asked for my help.”
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you, actually. I would like it if we could be friends, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable when I’m around.” 
“It’s not… discomfort,” you said softly. 
“Whatever it may be, I want to settle it. Not only for my sake, but for yours.” 
“I love you,” you told him, unable to meet his eye, looking down at the ground instead. 
Randall stiffened up, you could feel it. “You can’t say things like that. I’m married.” 
“I know,” you said, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I know that. Just… May I ask you something?” You looked up at him, seeing his uncertain frown, his awkward posture.
“If you feel like you need to.” 
“Did any of it mean anything to you?” you asked softly. “If what happened with my mom and my-my eye, if that hadn’t happened, would you love me still? Would we—would you and me be together now?”
“No,” Randall said.  
Even though it was the answer you expected, and maybe even the kindest answer given the circumstances, the single word was a knife into your heart. The pain of it struck you so profoundly that it took the air right out of your lungs. You nodded, your throat too swollen to even attempt speaking. 
“I would like to make it clear that nothing that happened has anything to do with my feelings towards you,” Randall quickly explained. “I do love you, just not in the way you wish I would. You and the Major have been like family to me. I would do anything to protect you, and to see that you live a happy life.”
“You don’t have to explain anything. It’s okay,” you whispered, talking softly so your voice didn’t crack, forcing an agonizing smile to try and smooth things over. You didn’t know if it was worse to see his pity or his guilt. “It was a stupid question.”
“There’s somebody out there for you,” Randall said. “Somebody who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, who can give you so much more than I ever could.” 
You nodded, looking down at the ground so far below. “Yeah, maybe.” You cleared your throat, pulling your coat closer around you like an empty hug. “I’m not… I don’t want to make anything difficult with my dad or Mellie. I’m sorry you thought I might.” 
“Are you okay?” he asked, always so concerned. 
“Of course,” you said, forcing another painful smile. You’d rather be chewing glass, but you hated to think that you were making things more difficult for him than they needed to be.
Randall nodded. “We should head back. I need to get home to help Mellie with dinner, and the Major will get nervous if you’re out too late.” 
“Not yet,” you said. “I’m still a little worn out from the climb up. You can leave, I’ll be fine.” 
“I’ll stay with you.” 
“I just need a minute. I’m sorry,” you said, focusing on steadying your breathing. “When I was little, I could climb these buildings and run around like it was nothing.”
“I remember that.” 
“It’s strange to think about. I can’t imagine what it was like to have that much energy. Even on my best days I’m so—so tired. Everything is exhausting, no matter how much I rest, or what medicine he gives me. And sometimes it’s… it’s more than I can take.” 
“Have you told the Major about this?”
“No,” you said quickly, shaking your head and smiling. “He worries enough already, I don’t want him to think that I’m…” Insane. Sick. Weak. “I’ll be fine. I’m sorry for saying anything. It will all be okay.” You sniffled, wiping your nose and fixing your bandana. Your body was still weary from the climb, but you didn’t want to be here with Randall anymore, so you stood up and brushed off your butt. “Okay, I’m ready to go.”  
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13 Days Earlier
Your body hurt, covered in bruises and scrapes, and if you thought about the attack too hard you felt fuzzy and vague inside, but when Buggy let you lay your head on his warm chest, you didn’t feel as bad. 
He saved you. Every time you started to feel too bad, you thought about that.
“Why were you out there yourself anyway?” Buggy asked, absently tracing patterns on your back. 
“I was asking where you were so I could meet up with you, like you said,” you told him. “And they said you were at the Cove and then I asked for directions and… The guy said it was easy to find, that there was no way I could get lost.” 
“Who said that?” Buggy asked. 
“I don’t know his name, he heard where I was going and gave me directions and…” You frowned, realizing your mistake. 
“I swear, the jokes write themselves with you,” Buggy said. “I wanna say I can’t believe you fell for that, but it’s not surprising. The only thing that’s surprising here is how you managed to live as long as you have.” 
You sat up so you could look at him. “How did you find me?” 
“I got pissed that you were taking so long so I went out looking for my missing midget. Then I heard a scream and I knew. There’s only one girl in Lafitte who could make such a god awful sound.” 
You frowned at him. 
“Seriously, I’m shocked that their ears weren’t bleeding when I got there.” 
“You’re mean,” you said, dropping your head back onto his chest as it shook with laughter. 
“I saved you, didn’t I?” he asked testily.
You sighed. “Yes. Thank you, Captain Buggy,” you said, raising your head enough to kiss his chest before laying your cheek back down. That seemed to placate him, his fingers returning to tracing aimless patterns on your back. 
“I’m surprised pops was ballsy enough to send thugs like that,” Buggy said.  
“I don’t think it was him,” you said. “Those guys… I really think they were going to kill me. They mentioned somebody else, but Dad… Dad wouldn’t want somebody else to kill me.” 
“Clearly, they were trying to bait me out so he could collect my bounty.” 
“Maybe,” you allowed, “It’s just that, they really seemed surprised that you were there.”
“Why would anybody want to hurt you if not to get to me?” 
There seemed to be several answers to that, none of them that you much liked, but his tone of voice made you think that it was better not to argue with Buggy. 
“You’re right, Captain Buggy,” you told him, holding onto him a little tighter, affection and gratitude and relief swelling in your chest. 
“Of course I am. Trust me, babydoll,” Buggy said. “I know exactly how he thinks.”  
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You remembered the dress you wore. It was heavy and black and unappealing. You wore it because being a shapeless lump was better than risking Dad’s disgust, or inviting any amount of attention. And yet he still looked at you with scorn curling his lip, commenting on how unfeminine it was. You told him that nothing else fit you anymore, which only made him unhappier. 
You remembered the door opening, and the woman who stood behind it. Melody was a tall woman. Not tall comparatively—everybody was tall compared to you—but tall. Rather than seeming bulky, her height accentuated the elegance of her lithe limbs and slender build. And she was beautiful. On her wedding day, she had been radiant. Now she merely glowed, but even that was entrancing. 
She invited you inside warmly, giving Dad a hug and kiss and accepting the pan of rolls you made for dinner to take to the kitchen. Randall came out to greet you both, inviting you into the sitting room for drinks. Dad had a bottle of whiskey for the occasion, and you poured them all a glass. You weren’t allowed to drink on account of your health. 
“You have a lovely home,” Dad told Melody. “Do you think your husband will lend you out for an afternoon so you can help fix up mine? It’s been sorely lacking a feminine touch.” 
Melody had the grace to laugh off the comment while giving you an apologetic look, shrugging off the praise. “I can't take all the credit, Randy’s mother has been a great help.”
“Yes, she has,” Randall agreed. “You know, I heard all these horror stories about the wives and mother-in-law’s not getting along, but the two of them are practically inseparable.” 
“I’m the luckiest woman in the world,” Melody said. “Somehow, I found the perfect husband and another mother.”
“Do you think you could spare one?” you asked, wanting to make a joke to establish your existence. But the comment came out off-beat and awkward, too sharp to be funny. Everybody looked at you. 
Dad was the first to think of a response to break the awkward tension, forcing out a laugh. “You’ll have to forgive her manners, we don’t go out very often.”
The couple also forced laughs and Dad gave you a look. A very stern, very uncomfortable look. 
You didn’t say anything after that, only faintly listening as they spoke and joked and enjoyed the company. You were enthralled by the ring on Melody’s beautiful, manicured finger. It sparkled and flashed and winked with every gesture. Her lipstick left a pretty pink imprint on the rim of the glass. Everything about her was so softly and viscerally womanly. 
Eventually, she declared that dinner was ready and you were ushered into the dining room. 
“Oh my, this is wonderful,” Dad said as he sat down. “Are you sure you're not intending to host a king?”
“Oh, you flatter me,” Melody said. 
“Mellie is too humble to brag,” Randall said, “so I'll do it for her. She went to a fancy finishing school in the city before we met. You won't find a finer hostess in all of the East Blue.
“Randall, how in the world did you manage to find this woman?” Dad asked. “You’ll have to invest in a good beating stick to keep the men away from her. Hell, I'm half tempted myself. Perhaps she could teach this daughter of mine some proper manners.”
“Come now, Major. You’ve done a remarkable job. She's a far cry from that scrawny little scamp who was always scurrying around northside.”
Did he mean that to be funny? You couldn’t tell if it was a joke or a barbed insult, and you weren’t sure which intention hurt worse. Dad laughed at it, but you felt something inside of you wither away. 
“I’ll get our supper,” Melody said.
“Would you like help?” you asked, desperate to escape the room.
“If you would be so kind.”
You followed her into the kitchen, which was as warm and inviting as the rest of the house. Perfect. Everything was perfect. 
“I just need to prepare the plates,” Melody said, bringing a tray of steaming food to the counter. “Randy said that the Major likes fish, so I made a seafood casserole. I hope that’s alright with you.”
“I won’t be eating,” you told her. “I’m… Because of my health, I can only eat some things.” Her smile froze in place, awkwardly stuck there as she tried to think of something to say to that. “It smells delicious,” you said, hoping to smooth things over.  
“Thank you, do you mind preparing the plates while I get the peas?” 
“Not at all,” you said, picking up the spatula. The casserole steamed enticingly as you began cutting into it, the scent of creamy seafood washing the kitchen. “What’s a finishing school?” you asked to distract yourself, setting evenly shaped squares on each plate.
“A school that teaches etiquette and manners and such,” Melody told you, setting the bowl of peas on the counter. She frowned. “It seems like a bit of a waste now that I live in a tiny little town like this.” There was a distinct hint of disdain in her voice, a sharp turn from the cheery tone of before. 
“Do you want to live somewhere else?” you asked, setting a roll on each plate and then finishing it with a hearty scoop of peas. 
“Hopefully. Randall might be convinced to move after his mom passes,” she said casually, oddly cold about a woman she called a second mother. “I don’t want to raise children here.” 
“Oh,” you said. As painful as it was to see him around, the idea of Randall completely leaving Barley hurt worse. 
“I’m sure you’ll understand when you’re older,” Melody said, picking up two of the plates. 
“I’m sure I will,” you agreed passively, taking the third. You wondered if she knew you were the same age, or if she even suspected that you had once been so close with her Randy. 
“It smells divine,” Randall said as the two of you reentered the dining room. She set her plate and Randall’s and you set Dad’s. 
“I hope you like it,” Melody said as you took your chairs. “I tried a new recipe and I may have misread the numbers. I swear, I'm half blind sometimes.” She froze, looking at your covered left eye. “Ah, I didn't mean-”
“It's alright, my dear,” Dad said. “She doesn't mind.”
You smiled, nodding in polite agreement, and then you stared at the table while they ate, thinking about the purpose of going to a dinner where you couldn’t eat and nobody wanted you to talk. You understood why Dad limited your diet to keep you healthy, but not why he was so eager to involve Melody in the conversation. It wasn’t adult conversation, it was fluff. Nothing stories and overly jovial laughter. 
So what was it? Why wasn’t he offended by the way her dress hugged her curves, or the way she flirted with Randall, or her drinking liquor or eating. She even swore once, covering her mouth and apologizing demurely after the fact, and he didn’t look even slightly displeased. He called her charming and beautiful. 
When they were done eating, you were eager to get out of the room. Nobody wanted you there anyway. 
“I'll take the dishes,” you said, standing up.
“Let me help,” Melody told you.
“Nonsense,” Dad said. You could hear the slur of intoxication in his voice, making it louder, brassy. “She's glad to repay you for this fine meal. Besides, surely you wouldn't deprive an old man of such enchanting company. Genuine ladies are hard to find these days.” 
You took the plates to the kitchen and stood there, listening to them talk and laugh. Nobody minded that you weren’t there, you doubted they noticed. Choices were rarely ever made as a result of one event or feeling, you often felt as if you didn’t make choices at all, but the cold, hollow way loneliness gnawed at your heart as you stood alone in that kitchen was undoubtedly one of the many chained dominoes that led to finding yourself tied up in the dark in Captain Buggy’s cabin, swimming in a drugged stupor of sentimentality and self pity. 
The next domino of significance fell while you were at the docks. There were two reactions you usually got. Either people were hyper aware of your presence and avoided you at all costs, or you were utterly invisible. On the docks of Barley, you were invisible. Since dad was there so often, you became a familiar fixture, and over time you blended into the scenery. The Major’s poor little daughter. Or, less charitably, his one-eyed freak of a girl. 
You were not spying on the sailors, or eavesdropping. You were nearby, and you happened to hear their conversation. Sometimes you did that. You liked hearing about the world outside of Barley. 
“It was a weird Jolly Roger though,” one of the men was saying.  
“All pirates are weird,” the other countered, obviously bored with the conversation.
“No, this one was really… Here, let me show you.”
You peeked over your shoulder to see what he meant. He was sketching it out on a napkin. 
“Yeah, wow, a skull,” his companion said sarcastically.
“No, look, it had a big red nose. Like this.” 
“What is that, like a clown?” 
“Guess so, I didn’t get a real good look at it in the mist. But it was close. I’ve heard all sortsa weird stories about pirates in this area, and I’ve seen quite a few ships that shouldn’t be there, but you never hear about raids or nothing.” 
“Ah, that’s all bunk. They’ve been saying we got pirates hanging northside for years and I’ve never seen any of ‘em.” 
Feeling something very hot and anxious bubble up in your chest, you stood up to leave. And, just by happenstance, you glanced at the picture of the ‘weird Jolly Roger’ as you passed by.
And then you went out into the blinding daylight with some giddy feeling that you knew something they didn’t. It wasn’t just that the Jolly Roger was weird, but that the captain who flew that flag was a freak. That’s what Dad called Buggy. The Clown. A freak.
The risk of breaking into Dad’s safe was very, very high. He didn’t know that you knew how to do it, and you hoped that he never would. He kept lots of boring things in there, but it was also the only place you could look at pictures of Mom. Maybe they were too painful to be left out otherwise. He kept something else in there though, which was files of pirates. Retired or not, Dad hated pirates. 
You found the wanted poster with a relative amount of ease, stealing it and folding it into the waistband of your leggings, relocking the safe and setting the security so he wouldn’t know you got into it. 
That night, you looked at the wanted poster underneath your blanket and you made a list. A mental list, you didn’t really like to write anymore. Pros and cons. 
The pirate Buggy’s wanted poster. Dad said he was a clown—Buggy the freak. That’s what dad called him. A freak. His didn’t look as scary as other pirate wanted posters you had seen, he looked younger too. Maybe a little scary. You had to fold the paper to avoid looking him in the eye. 
People didn’t mess with pirates. Marines did, but that was different. Regular people, the people who lived in Barley, would never treat a pirate like they treated you. Pirates got to talk in all conversations, even if they weren’t wanted. Who was going to stop them?
It was your best chance at getting out of Barley, at getting away from dad and Randall and the cold, awful house. If Randall was leaving soon anyway, what was the point of staying? And you had no delusions about being able to run away by yourself. You wouldn’t know how, you didn’t even know how to book passage on a ship out. And then where would you go? Where would you live? What would you do to get money? 
The chances of the Buggy Pirates actually being nearby was incredibly low. You could go northside after dad left and check, but, really, what were the odds? Even entertaining the possibility was dangerous, fanciful thinking.
You were too weak to be a pirate, too frail. Too sickly. You refused to think you were crazy, you couldn’t believe that, but dad said you were, and maybe you wouldn’t know if you were crazy.  
Captain Buggy probably wouldn’t take on a crew member who had no skills to speak of, no talent or experience other than maintaining a household. Not unless you could think of some really good reasons.
Dad would be alone. Nobody would take care of him when he came home drunk, or make his food, or clean up the house. Nobody would fix his clothes or shave his beard or love him when he missed Mom. 
Oddly, out of all the problems you thought of that night, you didn’t think that one of them would be the simple truth that Dad would never, ever let you go. You didn’t think about the time and effort he put into your medical treatments, or the way he kept you cosseted up in the house. You didn’t think about how protective he was, how combative he got whenever you tried to be independent. Now, with a bit of space from the situation, you could recognize those things as odd. But, that night, you were only worried for him.
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1 Day Earlier
There had been a fight. A mercenary sniffing around looking for a one-eyed hostage. Although you had your doubts about Dad sending the attackers from the other night, that man definitely was someone Dad sent. Ivo said it was your fault, that you were bringing all of this misfortune on them, that you were cursed from the beginning. 
Buggy said you shouldn’t worry about it. He laughed it off. 
But you couldn’t. 
So you snuck away during dinner. It was a plan you had come up with laying wide awake while Buggy slept soundly next to you. You worried. You really, really worried. There wasn’t much you could do for him, no way to repay the debt you owed him, but maybe you could help. Maybe you could do something useful, something only you could do. Lafitte was as shady as they came, but it still had law enforcement, and you knew they had a Den Den Mushi that could contact Marine lines. After you slipped them a little bribe, of course. 
The guy seemed pretty amused by the whole thing. People in Lafitte weren’t really the types that called Marines. He left his office for you, but the door hung open. You wouldn’t have expected privacy anyway. It didn’t matter.
Taking a deep breath, you dialed the number and waited. As soon as you heard it connect, your posture straightened out with a zip of electricity, your heart thundering hard in your chest. 
“Daddy?” you asked. “It’s me.” He didn’t say anything at first, and you wondered if the line was dead somehow, or maybe the number was different and it wasn’t him. “Hello?” you asked, confused and nervous that this had all been for nothing. 
“Is it really you?” he asked. His voice, even like this, was enough to make your heart ache. The feeling ran counter to your nerves, something painful and mushy and filled with longing. You missed him. 
“Yes, daddy. It’s me.” 
“Is he there? The pirate—that clown. Is he with you?”
“No, it’s just me. I wanted to talk to you. I…” You weren’t sure what to say. Tears burned in your eye, the conflict of love and fear choking you. It wasn’t the first time you regretted running away, but right then the feeling was more intense than any you had ever felt. It hurt. Physically, it hurt you. “I miss you, daddy.”   
“Does he know where you are? Are you safe?” he asked. “If you can, hide. I’ll have men there to rescue you as soon as possible and then I’ll get you home. I’ll murder that bastard for what he’s done. I need you to tell me everything.”
“No, that’s not why I called,” you told him, shaking your head. Nausea swam unsteadily in your stomach. Your hands shook violently enough that holding the mouthpiece took both of them. “I wanted to tell you that I’m safe, I’m fine. I-I love you, daddy. So you don’t—you don’t need to look for me anymore.” 
There was a long, long moment of heavy silence.
“Did he tell you to say this? What does he want?” 
“Captain Buggy doesn't know I’m calling you, but I need you to know that you don’t have to look for me anymore,” you said. “Please. I just want to… Please stop looking for me. I know you think I’m sick, but I’m-I’m not. I’m fine, I’m happy.”
“Happy?” he repeated. His tone of voice shot ice water all the way down into your gut, every single alarm bell in your head ringing at full volume. A cold sweat broke out on the back of your neck and you looked around, anticipating violence even though you knew he wasn’t actually there.
“He hired me,” you said. “I’m on his crew and-”
“A pirate crew.” 
“They’re my-my friends,” you explained, shaking your head. “And Captain Buggy is… He’s not like what you think.”
“He’s a pirate. An egotistical overgrown child with delusions of grandeur. He’s exactly what I think. Whatever he told you, whatever promises he’s made to you, they’re a lie,” Dad said, his voice hard. “He’s using you. He’s taking advantage of your weak mind. Once he’s done enjoying and exploiting the fruits of my labor, he’ll throw you away without a second thought. I imagine he’ll try to ransom you back to me, or perhaps sell you off to the highest bidder. All you mean to him is money and a warm body.”
“No,” you said, shaking your head fast. “No, that’s… No.”
“What else do you think would make you worthy of his attention? I have tried to mold you into a good, useful girl, but you’re sickly and you’re weak. You’re not smart or capable or beautiful. You’re practically a child. You need to be taken care of and given strict direction. The only reason a man would want a girl like you is because you’re easy and because you’re my daughter, don’t you understand? That’s why I’ve tried so hard to protect you. I never should have trusted you to be left on your own.” He sighed. “Help me arrest them and I will do what I can to protect you.”
“Your Captain Buggy will be caught, and I’d wager it will happen soon. Give me information about him, and I will ask that you’re spared execution and released into my custody for treatment.” 
“I can’t do that,” you whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you want to come home?” 
You blinked out a single tear, staring hard at the desk. “A little,” you admitted weakly. “But I… I can’t. I made a promise. I’m sorry, daddy.” 
“My sweet girl, you’re not capable of surviving out there without me. You know that you’re sick, you know that you need me. This is the only chance you will have to beg for my forgiveness and help. Give me a reason to speak on your behalf. I’m ordering you to, as your father.” 
Your stomach turned painfully. “Daddy, I know that I’m… I don’t want you to be mad at me, really. I never wanted that. I love you. But I made a promise.” 
“When that man is caught and tried, you will be prosecuted right along with him. Has he told you of his crimes? He is a killer and a thief.” 
“I know.” 
“He killed Randall.” 
You froze, your heart stopping. For a moment, you could smell the blood and the old wreckage of the crumbling building. You could hear the way he screamed, the sickening sound of the blade getting caught in his neck.  
“I know,” you said again, barely audible. “Daddy, I’m begging you to stop trying to find me. Please. I love you, I will love you forever and ever, but I can’t live like that again.”
His facade broke with a noise that barely translated, a growl like sound. You flinched hard, whimpering. 
“After everything I did to keep you clean and pure, you turned out just like her,” Dad said, almost like he was ranting to himself. “Perhaps it was inevitable after all. You still belong to me. No matter what you have allowed that man to do to you, he cannot have you. I will find you, no matter what. You are mine.” 
With those words hanging like the final, solemn condemnation of an executioner, the line went dead. 
Slowly, so slowly, you hung up the mouthpiece. 
The man who let you use his Den Den Mushi seemed significantly less amused by you after having heard the interaction. You didn’t know what he might have taken from that conversation. You weren’t sure what you took from it. Disgust? Dread? Fear? Despair? You left the office with a brick of anxiety in your gut, the slow, sinking realization of what you had done setting in. It was all true. Dad was looking for you. He would find you. Calling him like that told him exactly where you were.
The sun was setting on Lafitte, you needed to hurry back to Captain Buggy. You had no idea what you were going to tell him. Overcome with sour nausea at the thought, you stumbled into an alleyway to violently dry heave, gagging on the sour bile that you squeezed out of your empty stomach. 
“There you are,” somebody said. You stiffened, turning fast with fresh terror making your heart race. It was not the kidnapping mercenary or Marine you feared, but a familiar round, red face. 
“Newt,” you said, relieved. 
“Hey there,” he greeted you awkwardly. “The Captain wants you back on the ship.” 
“Right,” you said, nodding and wiping your sweaty palms on your thighs, trying to hide the obvious evidence of your guilt. “Lead the way.” 
He frowned. “Yeah. I’m real sorry about this.” 
The last thing you were aware of was a sharp sense of betrayal, and then the cloying scent of some powdery mist Newt sprayed in front of your face.
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The rest of it, sneaking northside with the vague idea that you were going to join the circus and be a pirate, converged with the last time you woke up dazed and confused and tied up. 
And just like last time, Captain Buggy was the one to pull you out of the stupor. He opened the door and flicked the light on, blinding you. 
“Hey there, sleepyhead,” he called, shutting the door behind him. He grabbed one of the chairs from the table that was pushed aside, swinging it around so he could sit on it the wrong way with his arms crossed over the back. “Sorry about the,” he gestured around. “I was hoping to get a cage up here, but it was a bit of a rush job. Maybe another time.”  
“Captain Buggy, what’s going on?” you asked, the words coming out mushy and heavy.  The light was too loud, too violent. Your head ached with each agonizing pound of your heart. You weren’t entirely sure this was real. Maybe it was another memory, maybe you were still lost. Maybe nothing ever was real because you felt awfully disconnected and confused. “Please untie me.”
“Only if you’re good,” Buggy said. “We need to have a little talk first. You’ve been a naughty girl.”
“You… you drugged me.”
He shrugged glibly. “Technically, that was Newt.” Oh, right. You remembered that part.
“Did he tie me up?” 
“Oh no, that was me. Couldn’t risk letting you make any more stupid decisions. Although,” he leaned forward to speak conspiratorially, “between you and me, it’s hotter than I thought it would be. If I weren’t so pissed right now things would be going very differently.” 
“What?” you asked. 
“Exactly, I’m glad you asked, babydoll. Because of your little stunt, we had to leave Lafitte early.”
Stunt. That one took you a moment, but the grief and despair was quick to rush back in right alongside the fear and uncertainty. “No,” you muttered, shaking your head in denial of it. “I’m sorry, I-” 
“Do you know why your dad only told a few trusted mercenaries and Marines that his daughter had been kidnapped?” Buggy asked, cutting you off. “Because, unlike you, he’s not a moron. Plastering your name and face on missing posters would be an advertisement to all of his old enemies that he misplaced most of his most valuable assets. If the Surgeon really wanted to save you, he had to do it quietly.”
“You’re… It’s because I called him, right? I just wanted to ask him to stop looking for me,” you tried to explain, although you could hear how cheap that excuse sounded.
“Did you now?” Buggy asked, his voice dripping with condescension. “Well, dipshit, what you actually did was let him know that you left because you wanted to. Now daddy dearest doesn’t care one bit if his little girl gets roughed up, she’s used goods and he’s got a bigger prize in sight.”
“What prize?” 
“Me,” Buggy emphatically answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And you,” he pointed at you, “are nothin’ but bait.” 
You frowned, your mind lagging behind trying to keep up with what he was saying. The anesthetic still gunked up the insides of your head, made your body all heavy and uncoordinated. “I don’t… understand,” you told him. 
“The news is that the Surgeon’s beloved daughter had been kidnapped by the Buggy Pirates. I’ll give it to him, that was bold. He’s trying to get everybody else to do his job so he can come in during the third act and collect my bounty. I can see it now—” Buggy raised his hands as if to showcase a marquee. “Past his prime has-been Marine takes the stage for the final time to stop one of the most infamous pirates in all of the East Blue.” His hands dropped. “Unfortunately, it’s a tragedy. For him. Sure, we’ll have to premiere sooner than I would like, not great, but it’s gonna make waves, babydoll. All this is just free marketing.”  
“Is that…” 
“Is that what?” Buggy asked. 
“Is that why you're mad at me, captain?” you asked, hating the feeling of embarrassed, pained tears pricking the corner of your eye, making your chin wobble. 
“Oh no,” Buggy said. “I’m not mad at you for that, sweetheart. I mean, I’m a little mad, but I’m not exactly surprised that you would run off and call home. I’d even say it was convenient if you had waited a day or two. No, I’m worried about you—about your loyalty. I heard your conversation with pops and I’ve gotta say,” Buggy clicked his tongue in disapproval, “yikes.” 
“You were spying on me?” you asked. “How? Why?” 
“Because I’m not stupid. I knew I couldn’t trust that you’d be honest with me about your conversation with him, and now I see why. Seriously, I did not expect it to be that bad. Shit’s nauseating. I knew you were a little stunted—mentally and physically—but hearing it firsthand... Bleh. You know what you sounded like? Daddy’s little princess. There’s something weird going on there and since you were a virgin when I got you, I can only think that maybe you’re not nearly as dedicated to me as you keep saying you are. That’s what this is, right? You’re playing both sides, waiting to see who comes out on top?” 
“No, I’m loyal to you, Captain Buggy,” you said. 
He gave you a flat look. “You’ll have to do better than that.”
“I called him because… Because I thought it would make him stop. I’m sorry.”
“Oh, right. Because you didn’t believe me when I told you that I’d take care of you, right? That’s what you’re saying. But you trusted that daddy would do what you asked if you said it real sweet. Is that it?”
“I wanted to help,” you said, trying very hard not to cry. 
“You said you love him, was that supposed to be helpful too?” 
“No, that’s… He’s my dad, Captain Buggy.”
“You chose to come to me. You wanted to leave him.” 
“He’s still my dad.”  
“That doesn’t mean anything!” Buggy exclaimed, standing up and kicking the chair away. You yelped, curling in on yourself. “You know who takes care of you now?” He demanded loudly. “Captain Buggy.” 
“He’s the only family I have.”
“What,” Buggy asked, raising his eyebrows. “I’m not enough?” 
“No, that’s not-”
“If you think about it, I’m a way better dad to you than he ever was.”
“No, he…  it’s different, Captain Buggy,” you said, struggling to get the words out because you couldn’t fight the tears anymore.
“I feed you, clothe you, look after you. I keep you safe and I let you come every single day. What did he do? Beat you? Make you feel like shit?”
“Why don’t you love me more than him?”
“What more could you possibly expect me to do!? I swear, you’re just like the rest of them. Ungrateful, miserable little—”
“Captain Buggy, please stop yelling!” you cried desperately. “I’m so-so sorry, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, really, I’m-” Your words cut off with a broken sob. You couldn’t even wipe your eye or nose, having to hide your face against your knees to clean up some of the mess. “You know I only want you, you ha-aave to know I do. I would do ah-anything for you. I thought if I—if I could help you, then… I’m so so-” You couldn’t finish the apology, your words cracking over one another in your incoherent, blubbering haste to get them out.
He didn’t respond right away, leaving you to sob pathetically in the ensuing silence. Now that you were crying, it was like everything was flooding out. Every memory your brain saw fit to replay, every feeling of despair and sadness and misery and pain and loss and the acute ache of disappointing the only two people in your life who had ever really mattered, all of it gushed out all at once. 
“Aw, shit. Hey,” Buggy finally said, crouching down next to you. When you looked up at him, he pulled a face. He didn’t look angry though. “Eee—yikes, that’s… Okay, look. Let’s just take five, okay? Cool down a little bit. I didn’t mean that thing I said before about you being… You know. So, um, can you just… Not do this,” he gestured to your face, “anymore.” 
You sniffed, looking up in an attempt to stop the tears. “I’m sorry,” you said again, your voice breaking. 
“Yeah, I got that part. Okay, here, let’s…” Buggy flicked out his knife and sawed through the ropes around your wrists. You sniffled, trying to mop up your face as soon as you could use your hands. “Jeez,” he said, “that is a lot of snot.” 
That just made you sob more, you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“No, hey, I don’t even mind,” Buggy said quickly, clearly trying to placate you. “C’mere, you snotty lil brat.” He grabbed you, forcibly pulling you against his shoulder. Without any hesitation, you threw your arms around his neck, clinging to him. Buggy grunted, rocking back before stabilizing himself and awkwardly patting your head.
“Yeah,” he said. “There, there.” 
“I’m ss-oo, so sorry, Captain Buggy,” you said, your voice muffled by the way your face was squished against his chest. 
“I know,” Buggy said. “This really is a disgusting amount of—you’ve only got one eye that can actually cry, where is this all coming from?”  
He settled his arm around you like a hug. Even awkward and not at all comfortable, Buggy was holding you while you cried. When was the last time anyone did that? You couldn’t remember. Every other pair of arms you had sought refuge in had been cold or hard or unwelcoming, but Buggy wasn’t. He was warm and solid and scary and cranky and cruel and funny and handsome and he was all you had and-
“Captain Buggy, I love you,” you said. 
“Aw, babydoll,” Buggy cooed. “I know you do.” 
“No—oh.” You sniffled, wiping at your face as you pulled away to look at him. “I don’t mean kissing or holding hands love, it’s…” You grabbed at his hand, pulling it up and pressing it against your chest, above your heart. “I love you. Before I talked to him, I guess I still thought that Dad was… That some part of him would—would care about me, but…” You choked down another sob, hating how hard it was to get those words out. “The Surgeon is our enemy, that’s all.”
“Do you realize what that means?” Buggy asked. 
“I know,” you said, forcing yourself to harden against the soft part of your heart that shied away from that. “I know that. But I’m a pirate, and he’s a Marine.” You looked up to meet Buggy’s eyes. “And you are my captain, so… So whatever you think is best, Captain Buggy. I trust you.” 
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vroomian · 7 months
Fuck it crossover of my ocs in the op world: Jeong as captain, Hana as first mate, Yrz as doctor, Kiba as navigator, and masa as…. a menace, honestly (but also he does the cooking. Is it people?? Who knows! Not the crew!)
Jeong got spit out in the grand line, picked up a sword and a job as a bounty hunter and just went from there. No devil fruit. Saw the crew forming and went wow I am the only functioning adult here! Unfortunate!
Hana is the daughter of a world noble who fucked off into Adventure the first time her gross family handed her a slave, and then tried to engage her to her half brother for Purity’s Sake. She’s as op as always, and definitely has haki and some sort of broke devil fruit lol. Honestly she’s just vibing here.
Yrz is an ex marine, save how shit the government was and went lol no and became a pirate. He joined Jeong because they were A Normal Adult. He didn’t want to be captain or first mate! No devil fruit because giving up the ability to swim in a water world is Very Stupid.
Kiba is a drifter from a blue. He’s got his canon backstory but instead of Tsume being chill, she was an asshole. Because he couldn’t find a partner he got exiled from the clan and his island instead. He probably became an information broker pretty young. he’s interested in the history of the world. He got a devil fruit that makes him really hard to remember, aka the source of all his problems lol. Or he could also be an escaped cipher pol agent! Got that ninja shit going on lol.
Masa is Just Some Guy who came out really fucked up. They’re all transmigrations still, so he had his wandering the afterlife forever phase already. This new world is so much fun (for him)! He’s a mercenary who’s been damn near everywhere. The rest of them probably met Masa while he was breaking out of impell down (for fun! He still eats people :)). Ue is some sort of function of masa’s haki aura or devil fruit, I can’t decide which is funnier. Ue is waaaay more physical though and really likes Hana’s company for some reason.
Honestly the crew stays together because all of them are transmigrations. Except for masa. Masa is there because Jeong took on look at him and basically chained themselves to his side to stop Masa from Making Things Worse On Purpose :)
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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sugar-omi · 9 months
finished watching the one piece live action and idk why this is my first time thinking about mermaid cove x pirate mc
but mc is like a solo pirate or the captain of a crew and they’re a “good pirate” like luffy who gets into trouble by helping towns/countries rid themselves of oppressive government 🤭
cove would def have heart attacks hearing/witnessing the chaos mc gets up to and bonus if mc is a devil fruit user since they can’t swim and cove has to rescue them every time they somehow end up falling from their boat into the ocean 💀
or even without the one piece aspects, cove gets worried when mc goes overboard the ship rail or gets into a fight w other pirates or marines tbh he’s just so worried in general
and pirate mc loves gifting cove treasures they find or new foods from the different places they’ve been
OR COVE FOLLOWS THEIR SHIP AND/OR IS PART OF THE CREW (or only member if mc is a solo pirate so they’re just a duo)
pirate mc freeing cove from people who catch him in nets and fighting the ones who catch him on purpose 🤭
cove gets horny every time he sees pirate mc kick ass on his behalf w their sword/gun/whatever lol he feels so valued and protected 🫶🏽
anyway. now that you've given me thoughts...
after the handful of times of cove saving you and him being so loyal to you (even if you have a crew, rn he's only fucking w them bc they're your ppl but he gets to know n care for them too) he becomes apart of the crew immediately
what if MC accidently gives cove a traditional courting gift and cove is blushing n sweating bullets while accepting it and he's like "how are they so calm?!?!"
ofc big misunderstanding that turns out in your favor bc now you got this big pretty mermaid as your boyfriend <333
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afterdarkprincess · 16 days
Hi lovely 💕
For the sleepover questions:
- Tell us your Solo/Sami headcanons.
- Tell us your CM Punk/Drew headcanons.
- And for good measure please add your Sami/Jey & your Ambreigns headcanons as well while you’re at it.
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
- Name three things you love about yourself?
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
- Your current favorite song?
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
- Coffee and/or tea?
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
- Cold weather or hot weather?
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
This got a little out of hand oops 😂
Feel free to answer whatever you wanna answer and skip whatever you don’t. Or answer everything. Up to you. Happy sleepover!
Hugs and kisses 💖
AHHH Thank you!!!!! I've been so excited all day to get home and hae time to answer these!!
Gonna answer under the cut because I'm sure this will be long lol 💖💖💖
💕Solo/Sami headcanons
I feel like a LOT of my headcanons on Solo and Sami come from one specific fic on AO3- The Solo Man
I love Solo as being selectively mute and/or very shy. I haven't really gotten to explore this with Solo in my fics very much, but I'm really looking forward to doing so.
I do feel like Solo has such a soft spot for Sami (I mean I have eyes) Sami was a real source of kindness for him when he really didn't have that from anyone.
💕CM Punk/Drew McIntyre headcanons
oh noooo my brainrot lol
They're TOXIC as fuck, they bring out the worst in each other. I can't find anything sweet or soft in them, it's obsession, it's raw, it's violent. Possessive and Obsessive.
And they fuck nasty obviously. I tend to prefer Bottom Drew, something so fun about subverting their size difference but I'll eat up anything.
💕Samijey headcanons
Ahhhh I just love them- I feel like a lot of my headcanons POP out in my fics. I feel like Jey Uso is an acts of service guy. I think he does anything and everything to make sure that Sami feels taken care of. This shows up really early on in Devil in the Details and uhhh fun fact I wrote the first part of that fic before I knew that Sami was vegan, hence why there are SO many references to Jey cooking chicken for Sami. It was too integral to how I was having Jey show his affection to take it out, so for that one fic Sami is just no pork not vegan lol
Sami talks ALL the time, and Jey pretends to be annoyed but the constant stream of consciousness is actually so comforting to him. He very rarely has to worry about what Sami is thinking or feeling because he will just tell him.
Jey cut those crop tops so Sami would look at him.
From You're My Keeper (Pull Me Deeper):
“You really like my waist, huh?” he murmured. 
As if to prove his point, Sami sank his teeth into the soft flesh under his bellybutton. “Can’t stop looking at it,” Sami whispered into his skin. “So fucking perfect. Those stupid crop tops are fucking killing me, dude.”
“Really? Hm, I thought so.”
Sami’s head shot up. “You knew?”
Jey blushed. “I guess, I kinda knew you were like… Looking. I guess I thought… Nevermind, this is fucking embarrassing.” He clapped his hands over his face. 
“You thought what?” He felt Sami tugging at his fingers, and Jey reluctantly let his hands get pulled away. Sami had the worst look on his face, smug and bemused. Didn’t he know this was absolute torture?
“I don’t know, I thought maybe if I cut the shirts shorter, then like… You know… You’d look at me more,” Jey pushed out through clenched teeth. Scratch that, this was the worst look. Sami positively beamed, fondness radiating out from him in shameless sunshine rays. If he was a dog, he’d surely be wagging his tail like a maniac. Jey tried not to linger on that thought too long.
“Jesus you are so fucking cute,” Sami wheezed, burying his face into Jey’s chest.
Literally one of my favorite fics ever- I reread it all the damn time. (If the author of this fic is on here?? let me know pls & I'll tag you💖)
And I do think that Sami/Jey switch up who tops and bottoms, but I'm always here for bottom!Jey, sweet pillow princess.
💕Ambreigns headcanons
OO this is a good one- I typically go for Ambrolleigns (bc they all have two hands) or Ambrollins because of my donut sister @elementaldoughnut12 I feel like where Dean and Seth have that very turbulent high passion love, Dean and Roman have a level of like rock solid devotion?? Someone that they can always rely on, coming even closer together after everything fell apart with Seth.
Even more than Seth's betrayal, Dean leaving spurred on the creation of the Tribal Chief. Roman, alone and brokenhearted, left by the man who he thought would never leave him, turns himself into something cold and cruel. Makes himself monstrous, surrounds himself by a cheap copy of what they had.
He wants Dean back, wants it more than anything, but some part of him is terrified that Dean will reject him, will detest what he has become.
💕Fuck, Marry, Kill
FMK: Roman, Seth, Mox
Fuck: Roman (I'm gonna need that tongue baby good lord)
Marry: Mox 100%, I'm gonna need to hit that multiple times, and also I feel like our personalities are really complimentary
Kill: RIP I'm so sorry Seth, please keep serving even in Death
FMK: Solo, Sami, Jey
Fuck: Solo- and he needs to bring the gloves okay? 🥵
Marry: Jey 🩵
Kill: Sami :( I hate to kill my hubby's hubby though
FMK: Punk, Drew, Cody
Fuck: Cody (he's hot, IDK that I'd wanna deal with him all the time)
Marry: CM Punk.... listenn
Kill: Drew- would need to take him out to marry Punk anyway
FMK: Jade, Naomi, Bianca
Marry: Naomi- Jimmy can come too
Kill: Bianca
FMK: Rhea, Liv, Becky
Fuck: Liv
Marry: Please, please Mami, I'm-PLEASE?
Kill: Becky, RIP girlie
💕Questions, questions, questions:
- What’s an accomplishment/ thing in your life you’re very proud of?
90k words posted on AO3 as of today has me feeling really good. I challenged myself at the beginning of the year to get to 100k by the end of 2024, but even where I'm at now... a year ago I would have laughed at you if you told me that. I've been writing in spits and spurts my whole life, but I really lacked confidence to do anything with my fanworks. I usually didn't even finish them. Before this last year, the most I had written was 2 NaNoWriMo attempts, both sat at around 25-30k and were never completed. And now with the all the support I've gotten here and on AO3, I've had the most creative period in my life. It makes me tear up thinking about it honestly.
- Name three things you love about yourself?
My passion, my sense of humor, and my tits lol
- What makes you furious in fandom spaces (your fandom pet peeves so to say)?
The only pet peeve I really have is like being rude and giving people shit for what they like and don't like?? Like I've been around since the days of Don't Like, Don't Read. If you don't like something, it's not for you, it costs zero dollars to shut the fuck up.
- Who was your first celebrity crush? Who’s your latest?
Oh gosh, so many. I mean the first would definitely be Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon 💖💖 Daniel Radcliffe when I got a little older and realized I wasn't going to be able to marry a cartoon. Right now? I mean all of those hot Samoans first of all. Rhea Ripley, obv. Moxley.
- Who do you adore on this website (aka tumblr crushes)?
EVERYONE lol this list is gonna be so long @feelschicken who has been my IRL bestie for like 20+ years at this point, who allowed me to drag her into Wrestling via several hour long conversations in the car where I would literally yell about the Bloodline
@elementaldoughnut12 my donut sister who has inspired so many of my fics and cheered me on through so much of this last year. Love you so much punkin 🥰
@harmshake my beloved tumblr gf, a constant source of positivity in my life 💖 Not to mention she writes the HOTTEST fics omg
@southerngirl41 who's been on the tag squad since the BEGINNING and I appreciate her comments so much
@jeysbvck Shan 💙 because we're both unhinged and feral for Jey- she just gets me
@imabillyami of course you too obviously- you are so sweet and not to mention your fics are amazing
@rollinsland who keeps my dash FULL of content of all my faves, and is so so sweet
@shanie-the-komania-toyaddict my Zowens connection, and another amazing sweet person
@motherknuckers I think we share a braincell for real
@samijey because like... A Way With Words is THE Sami/Jey fic, not to mention her amazing gif skills 😍
@thlayli-ra who definitely gave me the Punkintyre brainrot
@who-do-you-want-to-be MY SWEET KOALA FRIEND
@jeyuwuso WHOSE FIC I LINKED EARLIER, literally love all their work!!!
@taydaq her ART, especially Samijey 🥹
I know I'm missing people, I could be at this all night: @crxssjae @hypno-bear-tini @rosiel77 @mzv11 @theninthwonder @dontletme--cavein @codyswhitebelt @jobikinn if I missed others I'm so sorry 😭 and if tumblr messes up these tags I'll scream
- What do you find attractive in a person (physically and personality wise)?
Humor, they gotta be funny. They gotta make me laugh or we're not gonna work. We gotta be silly goosing.
- Favorite story you ever wrote?
Ours is still my favorite
- Favorite story someone else wrote?
oooo yay it's rec time!!! Already called out a few but here's some more:
Green - my favorite Candy fic
Losers and Loss - a Zowens fic that melted my brain into absolute goo I said The Solo Man already but also Pretty which spurred on my love of bottom!jey and Jey in pretty lingerie
Sticks & Stones and also Green-Eyed Monster - both by the Zesty Bean, all of their works are great but those are my favorites
Silver Knight and Little Clover - my donut sister knows how to make a rarepair that I'll go nuts for
And I could not forget I've got you to lose ... of COURSE 💕 maybe gimme a heads up before you post that last chapter so I can get all my favorite snacks and be prepared.
- Your current favorite song?
Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift
- One ingredient/ dish you love and one you despise?
Oo good question- I'm a big fries and ranch girlie (the midwest in me popping out) and for despise??? mmm it's gonna be pickles, they're gross to me.
💕This or that:
- Cats and/or dogs?
Cats 🐈
- Coffee and/or tea?
Coffee ☕️
- Hiking, cycling or swimming?
Swimming 🌊
- Pizza or pasta?
- Mexican, Chinese or Indian takeout? Or something else?
For takeout specifically it's gonna be Chinese
- Cooking, baking or ordering in?
- Quiet night in or a night out socializing with friends?
I love a good night out once in a while, but I prefer a night in
- Cold weather or hot weather?
Hot weather ☀️
- Pants, skirts or dresses?
whew.... that took a while but it was so fun honestly 😅
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gloomyloomy · 5 months
brain rot time!!
what if when a devil fruit user drowns they become a sea king?
I mean all we know is that devil fruit eaters can’t swim but what happens if they actually drown? We’ve never seen anyone die because of drowning, which is really strange when you think about it, because it shouldn’t be an uncommon occurrence..? We also know that the sea kings have consciousness (of which the lucidity of varies from what I remember.. less conscious/ less lucid sea kings could be a result of non human (birds, snakes, etc..) devil fruit eaters drowning!.)
if we Interpret was literally said, (i’m paraphrasing) the mother ocean turns her back on you once you eat a devil fruit, leaving you unable to swim. and we know that objects have souls and the souls of devil fruits reincarnate to the nearest fruit… but if the user drowns, would the soul of the devil fruit be able to swim up to the nearest fruit source?
now i haven’t fully worked out how to cross the line from point A to point B, but the thought came to me and i don’t wanna let it dry up in my brain lol cuz i think i wanna keep chipping at it!!
anyways my next theory is gonna be about the symbolism of food and hunger in one piece :) i have thoughts that are .. consuming my brain!!!!!
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tigerdrachin · 2 years
Doodles I made in class because more ideas for states with animal features won’t leave me the fuck alone :)
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Mass is a tabby cat as this is his official state cat (originally wanted to make him a black cat because witches and stuff but now he's a very dark patterned tabby)
NJ is a fruit bat, It's much bigger than normal bats, only eats fruits and the German name is 'Flughund' which literally translates to flydog and I find that hilarious (I also gave him a devil tale because cryptid jersey.)
NY is not a rat but a mouse as they are more common (and far cuter) in NYC and the rural areas of the state than rats are, not that the other states care about the difference. (Also I wanted to make him short because, yes (also the dynamic with jersey being taller is just funny to me) He hides his ears and tail under his clothes, because I firmly stand by the insecure NY head canon thankyouverymuch)
Rhode Island is going to me some small dog (chihuahua maybe?) but I haven't decided yet, so yeah
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Florida stole his beanie (Flo is an alligator, obviously)
Did you know that mice absolutely despise water? It's not that they can't swim, they can up to a mile (not that that would do much against alligator Flo lol) mice just hate water and I thought it was funny enough to doodle something for.
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mings-lore-library · 8 months
So here’s where I’ll do lore drops and some roleplays with my OCs if ya wanna. Send asks about any of them.
Real quick brief lore, we have
Ming- My main OC. She’s a demon princess, she’s got it all. She was raised by the ninja turtles and is a ninja. She’s short and can’t swim and allergic to wasps.
Victoria- Ming’s evil clone. Created by darkness and Ming’s DNA. She eats wasps for breakfast just to flex on Ming and her inferiority. She’s evil evil. Ish. Possibly redeemable?
Damien- Ming’s twin brother. He loves sex, drugs and alcohol. He’s been raised as a prince, and by that I mean spoiled as fuck. He gets his way, whether he has to use force or not.
Rex- Vampire boy. He’s a sharpshooter and he loves basketball. He likes Ming, but he’s fine just being friends if she is. Also he’s secretly a clone.
Ted- Rex’s twin brother. A werewolf. He was nearly mauled to death so his transformations hurt more than they should. Pretty smart, but mostly cares about biology. They’re both Latino.
Tweet- Ghoul. Spanish. Albino. His real name is Daniel but everybody calls him Tweet and nobody knows why. He’s a hacker. A computer whiz. He also has black tentacles that sprout from his back. He can barely control them and they scare him.
Kyle Wu- He’s a drummer he’s a rockstar! He ain’t very bright but he’s a sweet guy. His parents immigrated from China when he was nine, and his “American name” was Kyle up until he was 17, when he decided he wanted to be called his birth name, too, and combined them. He’s also a wizard. He loves his ace girlfriend.
Elsa- Tweet’s girlfriend and Kyle Wu’s twin sister. She’s a pretty girl, and she’s a witch. She’s also polyamorous and very much pansexual, so she’s flirted with Ming a few times. She loves her birds!
Hami- Kyle Wu’s girlfriend. She’s a vampire from Cuba who isn’t afraid to get in a fist-fight. Her parents enrolled her in boxing classes when she was younger to try to let out her anger issues, but now she has anger issues and can throw a punch. She’s very proud of who she is and thinks bats are for sissies. Asexual and proud of it.
Ivy- Ted’s girlfriend and Tweet’s cousin. Both her and Tweet were raised by their grandparents. She’s very sweet but very shy. She loves horses and she’s a werewolf, just like Ted.
Those are my main 10. I’ll include my other OCs under this cut (there’s a lot) (the list is probably incomplete)
My Little Pony OCs
Vine girl-
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Alyssa- Ex-Girlfriend to Ming, used to be Christian. Mortal.
Oak- So, technically she’s my first OC. Anything to do with dinosaurs, that’s her. She raised a T Rex by hand and several other babies that are all named after most of my other OCs lol. Because the dinosaurs were the first form of lots of my OCs.
Sky- I found a place for her. She is Ming’s current girlfriend and also a forest fairy. She’s South African and short and chubby and has bright blue hair and vampire fangs. She’s great. I love her.
Lucifer and Arianna- Ming and Damien’s parents. (Allegedly). Devil and Angel.
Mien- In some iterations, she is Ming’s mother. She was the first version of her mother.
Angennika- Ming’s daughter in Mutant Mayhem. Her middle name is Ming because Ming is currently trapped in a crystal, so her mother (vine girl) calls her Ming. But she actually prefers Angie.
Spruce- Victoria’s twin and Damien’s evil clone. He’s not evil. At all. He sucks at it.
Samar- Hami’s evil clown. She’s ACTUALLY evil, and irredeemable unlike Victoria and Spruce. I was going to make an evil clone for each of my main ten but considering Victoria is ALREADY an evil clone and Rex is a not-evil clone too, that might be hard.
Ducky- Tweet’s baby sister. He will do anything to protect her.
Pebbles- Ducky’s best friend and Rex and Ted’s little sister. Real name is Roxanne.
Razor and Martha- Rex, Ted and Pebbles’s parents. Vampires. In some iterations, Razor is Lucifer’s secret boyfriend.
Alex- Ted’s real identical twin brother. When Theodore and Alexander were young they were both kidnapped. Ted was found safely but Alex was never found. In heartache, and to give his young son his best friend back, Razor used Alex’s DNA to create Rex. Which nobody found out the truth… until Alex showed up on their doorstep 15 years later.
Angel- So in some iterations, Ming’s mother is Mien. And in a universe that Mien is her mother and Ming is raised by the turtles, Ming has a younger sister. That’s Angel. Mien’s second daughter.
Angel Draxum- So y’all know Baron Draxum? He has a daughter. Who was kidnapped and raised by Ming as her older sister.
This list is in no way complete and I will add more OCs as I remember them (or create them)
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tatney · 2 years
OKAY SO. i’ve been thinking about the rope shovel hole scene from the inside the character teaser again and i just!!!!!
i can’t help but think that, since we know that this iteration of wednesday couldn’t give less of a fuck about modern social media or technology (she skypes with a literal crystal ball), enid is going to be the one to bring up emojis in conversation. she’s probably got like a dozen icebreaker questions in mind to make friends with wednesday (we love an autistic that scripts!!!) and one of them is gonna be “if you were an emoji, which one would you be”
and i KNOW that she’s gonna be trying So hard to be friendly to wednesday, and might just say that she reminds her of one of these emojis, take your pick bc they’d all be funny to me: 👿🕷👻💀🥷🧛🏼‍♀️🦇🪦☔️🔮🌑 (omg i actually think it’d be kind of romantic if she compared her to the new moon emoji. what’s wrong with me these are emojis) and while there’s no cello emoji unfortunately, i think she’d call her the 🎻violin emoji instead bc it’s the closest she’s gonna get. also if enid finds out how Good wednesday is at fencing (if she sees her doing it with her own eyes…. oh bless her poor little gay heart) then she would also add the🤺 fencing one to the roster. [emojis from left to right: frowning devil, spider, ghost, skull, ninja, female vampire, bat, gravestone, rainy umbrella, crystal ball, new moon, violin]
and i think the ones that enid would say that She connects with would be: 🐺🥰🐾✨🎆🧸💖🌕🐱🐶🥳 and most likely some sort of sugary food (i couldn’t decide between lollipop, cake or cookie lol) [emojis from left to right: wolf, smiling face with hearts, paw prints, sparkles, fireworks, teddy bear, heart with sparkles, full moon, cat, dog, partying emoji]
there’s also the chance that wednesday is just aware of emojis existing due to reluctant social osmosis from prior schools, which is why she probably doesn’t know that there aren’t any actual shovel or rope emojis. it’s either that or, truly just bless her little heart, enid is going to have to Explain Emojis. to Wednesday throws deadly piranhas into the school swimming pool Addams
and all of this i KNOW is gonna be the scene in question fucken HURT when wednesday vaguely threatens her life in response to enid trying to be her friend!!!!! like look at her little face!!!! the fucken “whyre you being mean” face the “I just want to be your friend” face the “you don’t have to be fucking rude /ref” face to the “omg don’t look like ur gonna cry in front of her then she Wins” face
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the-vagabond-angel · 1 year
Certified Vagabond Angel book headcanons and these are mostly just Armand hcs cause I miss my reach
Armand would be one of those guys who scream random stuff out in the middle of class, you know who I’m talking about
If Claudia was able to live until modern times, I feel like she’d be really into platforms, she likes the extra height
Louis would be the type to wear those turtleneck-cardigan-long skirt combos
Marius would own the ugliest pair of Birkenstocks EVER
I feel like when Armand and Lestat forget they hate each other, they have a really fun time together like I’m talking they go out shopping, have lunch you know, listen to music while dancing then they remember they hate each other and they start fighting about something
Claudia’s first coffin had little doodles all over it trust, it absolutely did
Armand’s current coffin also has little doodles over it lol and stickers, there’s stickers everywhere on it
Lestat would be the type to have a “just girly things” blog in like 2013 or one of those blogs dedicated to emo guys cause let’s be fr
Armand would spend $100 that he got that day in 30 minutes in a visual novel game
When I was 13-14, I started my own cult that was dedicated to that guy who ran CNN 10, I called myself “The High Priest” and everybody had to call me that (I had this black like long cardigan with hella long sleeves that I wore). I had an assistant who was called the Communicator or something weird like that, we had rules and a whole symbol and had about 25 or so people in it, like I would go up to people like “hey, wanna join my cult, it’s really fun” anyways my point is Armand would do that cause he literally did that
Armand probably holds everyone hostage to drink his horrible little smoothies (same boo boo bear holding my whole family hostage to eat my devil’s food cake that I made in my easy bake oven but it’s the old one that used a light bulb)
Armand sleeps with a little night light cuz I get the feeling he wouldn’t like to sleep in the dark (alternatively, he does what I did as a kid and sleeps with a bright ass lamp that lights up his entire room)
Lestat and Armand probably paint their nails together (sometimes they paint Louis’ nails too)
They all watched Twilight together like a big weird family, Armand is team Jacob until breaking dawn then he’s team Bella should’ve dated Alice, Lestat wants to sparkle too now, Marius probably hated it cause he’s an old loser, Louis read the books beforehand and did not in any way understand the movies better, and Daniel probably fell asleep.
Lestat and Armand will describe the blood they drink like it’s wine (“mmhmm yes a vintage 1967 with a very oaky and smokey taste to it” meanwhile they just ate 2 guys who were camping in the woods)
I’m from the era of the internet of like Slenderman’s mansion so I imagine all the vampires who matter live in one huge ass mansion in the woods together
Lestat can’t swim I don’t care if it’s canon that he can, no he can’t, he just looks like someone who can’t swim
Lestat watches beauty guru videos to sleep
After Armand’s basically dadification, he spoils Benji and Sybelle like this man physically cannot say no to these kids, he tried to but it just ended with him convulsing on the floor.
Armand are those pictures on the internet of that lady laying in her room and her walls are entirely covered with crosses and then the other one of that nun just sitting between those 2 women
I’ll add more if I feel like it lol
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jodilin65 · 3 months
It has been confirmed that I do indeed have a UTI. I figured something was going on with all that burning. I mean I was using the Replens and was fine for a while until I got sick. So I ended up peeing at home and then we went down to New Port Richey, gave the sample, chatted with the nurse for a few minutes, and then left. They tested the urine there, and the nurse asked who I used for labs in case Rhonda decided she wanted a culture.
We hadn’t been home long when a notification came in saying that a prescription for nitrofurantoin had been called in. I took my first dose before bed and my second a half hour after taking my levothyroxine when I got up (schedule has me getting up around midnight now). Then I ended up napping. The stuff makes you drowsy but it’s worth it if it’s going to kill my infection. My only concern is it triggering a yeast infection. I’m going to do my best to avoid sugar like the plague. Kind of sucks that I’ll still be in treatment on painting day.
Something Tom said made me doubt the existence of God even more. I told him I felt like something was picking on me because I just can’t get a break with my health and he said he didn’t believe there was anything up there much less something that would have the time to pick on billions of people. He’s got a point there! That would take a hell of a multitasker to plan all those people’s lives on a day-to-day basis. Even if you write out their life scripts in advance, well, when you consider that over a quarter million people are born each day, that would be a lot of scripts to write out each day. That leaves the only possibility of each person having its own God or devil or both planning their lives and I can’t imagine what could possibly hate me enough to allow half of the things that have happened to me to happen. So yeah, just random chance. That’s a good thing though because that means that the cookies certainly have to crumble in my favor eventually with my health.
I still happen to get some acid reflux and nausea for no apparent reason so hopefully that will happen to stop soon too.
My Temu order came yesterday and I’m happy with everything I got. The sitting fairy isn’t realistic looking but cute. The German Shepherd statue is very realistic looking, though, and very nice. I’m straightening out the purple flower sticker for the toilet because it was a little wrinkled. I’ll throw pictures on my second Facebook account later.
I dreamed we were in a building sitting somewhere waiting for something. A few feet away a woman sat with another woman as she was telling her she had RSV. I immediately began to panic and told her that I read that you were supposed to stay 50 feet away from others if you had that, lol, and worried Tom and I would get it.
In the next dream, Tom and I were in Hawaii. We were on a very small island which I’m not sure how we got to and I was taking pictures of fish swimming nearby in the shallow water. The water was actually quite shallow and calm in a way more consistent with the Gulf than Hawaii. I looked around me at the distant shores and said to Tom that it was funny how the only way to get out to where we were was from the island.
Then we decided to break into someone’s house either because we didn’t have the money to stay anywhere or because we wanted to save money when I realized I left my phone on the island. “So we’ll go back and get it,” he said but I assured him it would be long gone by now.
So we stayed in the cluttered house throughout the night and awoke early in the morning as the sun was rising. I told Tom I thought we should hurry up and get out of there in case the owner came back. As we were gathering our stuff, sure enough, I heard the front door open. An older lady stepped in and said hello and I said hello back. I went into the room Tom was in after I finally found my phone and was terrified that the woman and her husband were going to come running in with a gun or something.
During my nap, I dreamed I was at a large gathering and my parents were still alive. I had finished eating but they were still holding their plates as we stood in a corner somewhere. I spotted Stacey sitting on a couch talking with a few people. I debated whether or not I should introduce my parents to her just so I could talk to her and after they finished eating, I decided to do just that, explaining how much she helped me during my tougher times.
Then I had a dream I awoke tired yet Tom and I went out walking with me still in my robe of all things. The park looked nothing like it really does. I was thinking how small it was and when we passed the front of the office there wasn’t a street but a grassy area instead. To the side of it was a steep drop down where a stream ran through. Tom was suddenly down there in a split second but I remained above, annoyed by the music blasting from the speakers the office had outside their place. When he came back up I bitched about it saying it was the second park to do this although the first park never did in real life and this one only does it by the pool. He said, “You know that’s computerized, don’t you?”
I said, “Yeah, but I want to hear the sound of nature, not music. I only want to hear music when I’m at home and I choose to listen to it.”
We began walking again and I then noticed the sound of little kids around me. I glanced around and saw three or four of them running about.
We came upon the open door of a restaurant. We peeked in and found it was a fancy and formal restaurant and I said to Tom, “You know that any restaurant that looks like this we could never afford.”
We walked further on and I said, “Is it me or does it seem like there are more kids around lately?”
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
Tubbo is a force to be reckoned with
If he got kidnapped he really would do live while he's kidnapped
Kidnapping vlog
The pactoiles brainrot is real(feel free to scream about them)
Insane duo mermaid au you say? 👀
Mermaids are one of the things that the brainrot never truly leave me, it aways come back every once in a while for whatever the reason is
But yeah, the world should stop being afraid of us, like, what could we possibly do?
There's nothing to be afraid:)
Very random, but people started calling Philza and Cellbit the archivists and I get so many the Magnus archives vibes from it
And I know very little about TMA but I like the vibes
Talking about Philza...
About the dead federation workers thing
I'm very... Divided(I hope that's make sense on English) about it, like, if qcellbit really did it I think some people would react in a similar way they did to qbbh about Ron(how is that guy btw? I haven't heard about him anymore) and... Y'know, he changed from the guy he used be and such
But at the same time I'm like "FINALLY", because, yeah fudge the federation:D
I dunno, perhaps if he really did it he could convince people it's just the federation trying to frame him y'know
But just time will tell
And you can probably tell to wich side I'm more inclined to
I crave the chaos
(Also I saw someone say "F bit, now it's just Cell")
Pac would swim his way outta this island if he wasn't scared of water too
At the same time I don't think the federation are above killing their workers to frame him
He's one of the most anti-federation people on that island and he got a very dubious past, sure he changed, but at the same time it would make the others wondee if he would do it, he hates the federation and after everything they've done to him, his family and the others Islanders, he would have a reason to do it
So yeah, both options are equally possible to me
"he's just like fr"
-Cellbit's discord about Cellbit probably
The devil work fast but Cellbit's discord work faster
I have found the headcanon of Cellbit's discord being some sort of entity or god(s) or something and nobody will it off me
Its just so cool
This reminds me I've said that I would make designs for the qsmp goddess and still haven't done it
I never have ideas to draw except when I do(at 3am)
How do you imagine them tho?
I could talk about it probably but it would definitely be really long because I can't write something short to save my life
Maybe on another ask:)
- 🍽️
tbh a kidnapping vlog from q!tubbo would be very very funny MKNSJHCKJA what can the federation do?? they already put him in prison?? double prison??? i think the federation really want tubbo of the island but have no way of doing it yet lol
insaneduo mermaid au are so silly… i love them so much
i tried to get into the magnus archives once but i got distracted and then never retuned to listening to it TT it looks so cool i want to get into it, especially the avatars/entities (?) like the web, the lonely, etc etc. i think you could so easily make a qsmp au with it but i’m not in it so i can’t be the one to do it TT
i heard that jaiden asked the uh federation/mods about her wings so maybe that’s how they can get them like out of canon kekw i know cc!philza would just not ask for his wings back tho JUST TO KILL US WITH ANGST!! HE KILLED NEARLY ALL HIS FANS SAYING HE KEEPS HIS BACKPACK ON BECAUSE ITS LIKE HAVING THE WEIGHT OF HIS WINGS BACK HE WILL KILL US AGAIN!! the crows are miserable
i don’t know what to think about the dead federation workers… maybe cellbit just confused what halloween decorations are and killed a man to decorate spawn with u-u i support him to do that halloween is my favorite holiday. i think with how his character is rn it wouldn’t really make sense for him to kill a worker all of a sudden? BUT if it is actually him who did it then i will support his crimes. i’ll defend him in qsmp court
CELLBITS DISCORD BEING A GOD/DEITY ENTITIY IS SUCH A COOL IDEA HOLY SHIIIIIT O-o maybe cellbit is a follower of this god because they really love puzzles/is all about mystery, that’s why they always make themselves known when there are enigmas on the server (like with q!bagi and solving it with her) (maybe the god feeds on mystery and knowledge? owo) it’s funny to think that tubbo always calls out to this god too, asking if he’s doing good and asking them for answers kamknfkns the deity is a little fond of q!tubbo because he’s silly.
ID LOVE TO HEAR YOUR IDEAS FOR GODDESS DESIGNS!! the only real idea i have is for mumza. she’s super purple and wears a huge hat like a qphilza with a veil so it hides her face. i think she might have some sort of galaxy aesthetic too because it’s pretty and she deserves that <33 she always has crows surrounding her too. I’ve seen a lot of cute designs for Mine and i think she’s be very pink like her irl lol. i think she should also get wings uwu
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404-its-alr · 1 year
Used of swear words but censored as in “sh!t” cuz why tf not- Also thanks for taking the time to check it out!
(judge me silently lmao)
Watching: technically just sitting collecting dust
Dangaronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School - Future/Hope Arc
Hetalia World Stars and the rest of Hetalia
Kuroko’s Basketball
number 24
One Punch Man(S2)
91 Days
Ace Attorney
Afterlost (Don’t remember much tbh)
All Out!!
Angels of Death
Another (It’s fuzzy memories lol)
Assassination Classroom
B: The Beginning
Black Butler
Brother’s Conflict (Look I know but tbh I loved the intro)
Danganronpa: The Animation
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School - Despair Arc
Deadman Wonderland
Death Parade
Diabolik Lovers
Dr. Stone
Durarara!! | x 2 Shou | x2 Ten
Fairy Tail
Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club (Only remember the Outro lmao)
Ghost Stories
Haven’t you heard? I’m Sakamoto
Hero Mask
Hetalia Axis Power
Hitorijime My Hero
K | K: Return of Kings
Kiss Him, Not Me (Going through a phase but honestly loved it)
Little Witch Academia (YO FCKIN LOVED THIS SH!T)
Love Stage!! (Don’t Judge- it was a phase)
Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (OML I nearly forgot I watched this- LOVED this one!!)
Maid Sama!! (Barely remember) 
No. 6
One Punch Man (S1)
Ouran High School Host Club
Pokemon Indigo League
Prince of Stride: Alternative
Psycho-Pass (S1, not a fan of S2)
Sk8 the Infinity (My friends)
That time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
The Promised Neverland (S1)
The Royal Tutor
The Seven Deadly Sins (S1)
Tokyo Ghoul (S1 - Can’t stand the rest sorry)
Tomodachi Game
Yuri!!! On ICE
Actors: Songs Connections ( I really did try but I couldn’t)
Amnesia (Personally love the game of it)
Bem (Had my bestfriend watch this lmao)
Blue Exorcist
Cheer Boys
Classroom of the Elite
Cowboy Bebop (Loved the intro music, just couldn’t stick w/it)
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu (Only care/love to watch Durarara!!)
Fairy Tail (After Ep. 226)
FLCL (Fooly Cooly) Alternative 
Great Pretender
High School DXD (After 5 mins into Ep.1 - My guy friend..yeeah)
Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Karneval (Honestly loved Ep.1 but just couldn’t continue)
Log Horizon (Same response with Karneval)
My Hero Academia
Sirius the Jaeger (Loved this so much but the girl that likes him annoyed TF outta me)
The Prince of Tennis (Tried watching it but it didn’t hook me)
The Wallflower (Tbh weird for me)
Vampire Knight (Meh..)
Your Lie in April (Didn’t interest me and my friend told me the tragic part about it so..)
TV Shows:
I watch too fckin many to list- honestly lost count
I watch H.O.U.S.E MD till season 5 because my heart couldn’t take the change that was happening in the show lmao
I somewhat watch American Horror Story but stopped because I got distracted by other stuff
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