#dialga and palkia cannot be real
esprei · 7 months
I just recently got into the submas Fandom and people kept telling me about Emmet x Volo being bad and toxic.
But when I looked into it, all I saw was your art of them and some. And it's not toxic at all??? What are people talking about?
You show them so nice and healthy wholesome together. It actually makes me interested in that ship.
Is that wrong of me? I just think your art of them is pretty neat.
Maybe more people should see how you show their relationship and stop not letting people have nice things.
hey there! first of all, welcome to the fandom! :D hopefully you'll have a great time! and I can do my best to explain this from my perspective at least. or... at least from what I've experienced/seen. (sorry, this will probably end up being long ;;) so to preface, it's not wrong of you at all to be interested in the ship! Emmet and Volo themselves have had zero interactions with each other in canon up to this point, so their interactions/relationship/etc are a blank slate, free real estate sandbox that's up to one's imagination and fanon interpretation. there's nothing inherently wrong about putting them together because they have no dialogue between them or anything that can be referenced as "this is how they would go together, this is how they would interact because it's been established that way in this game or piece of media". all we've got is their dialogue and individual personalities that we can glean from official sources (i.e. Pokemon Masters EX, the Pokemon Special manga and BW/BW2 for Emmet and Legends Arceus for Volo). really the only thing that "connects" Emmet and Volo is Ingo ending up in Hisui. and the reason I say this "connects" them is because a popular theory is that Ingo being sent to Hisui was a direct result of Volo having Giratina open the rift to try and drive Arceus out. but none of this is actually ever stated in canon, I believe. (also when I've seen some people talk before about this theory, there's basically this implication that Volo did it out of malicious intent, as if he knew he was going to bring Ingo specifically to Hisui by doing it and...? I'm so sorry, but no, I just cannot get behind this at all. Volo's sole purpose of getting Giratina to open up the rift was to drive Dialga and Palkia mad in order to bring Arceus from out of hiding - that's literally what he says in the game's dialogue.
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I highly doubt that he had any idea as to who Ingo was at all before he met him at some point in Hisui for the first time). but yeah. i only bring this up because it's kinda what I think started the idea of Emmet and Volo interacting at all? maybe not exactly, I can't remember because it's been too long and I both don't remember and wasn't too directly involved when all of this started. but essentially Emmet and Volo even being considered interacting kinda revolved around this idea that Emmet is looking for Ingo, finds out that Volo was the reason for the rift that caused Ingo's disappearance, and that now leads me into the part of why I think the ship is seen as toxic. so. the main reason I'm pretty sure that people say that the ship is toxic is because of how much a lot of early art/works portrayed it (based on what I just explained above). and it's totally fair. because admittedly it did start out with some violent aspects and really just Emmet doing things I personally don't think he would ever do. for example, beating the crap out of Volo for being the reason Ingo disappeared. Emmet being violent in order to demand answers for the sake of getting his brother back. etc, etc. and this really put a bad taste in people's mouths because it really just cast Emmet in a bad light. that, and it was a toxic, unhealthy portrayal of an enemies to lovers trope. and Volo was kinda portrayed as conniving/sneaky/manipulative/etc, and yeah. just things like that I think made popular for it ended up giving the pair a bad rep early on when Legends Arceus was still a popular topic (we're talking like... I dunno. late March into April and on of 2022? ...2022 was when PLA came out right?) honestly though? the beauty about a ship like this is that, as i said before, it's a completely blank slate. it's free real estate. you can portray it however you see fit because there's absolutely zero canon to base it off of (as far as the two characters themselves interacting with each other goes). it can be as wholesome as you want it to be. or it can be enemies to lovers. it can be rivals to lovers. it can be just two guys who happen to meet on the Battle Subway or in Gear Station and connect through a shared love of Pokemon/battling and develop a relationship that way. just because the ship itself maybe had the majority of its portrayal in the beginning as unhealthy doesn't mean it's forever bad, toxic and all around unsalvageable at this point. and while I certainly don't expect anyone who's perhaps uncomfortable or otherwise turned off from the ship because of its roots to suddenly turn around one day and warm up to it because it has potential to be portrayed in a wholesome or positive way, I also don't think it's very fair to blanket label the whole ship bad and toxic just for the fact alone that a lot of the early works for it were depicting a not-so-healthy relationship between the two. i mean that was like... two years ago at this point. things can change. anyway, this is getting long like I knew it would so I'll stop there XD I hope this at least maybe gives some context as to why the ship is seen that way by some? but at the end of the day there's no canon official way to portray it. it has potential to be healthy! and there's nothing wrong about being interested in it. that's just my two cents on it :D
and lastly, thank you so much! it really warms my heart to hear that you think my art of them is pretty neat! I really do want to draw more for them, just... you know. time and motivation 😅 but hopefully I can do something again for them soon!
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naitaurbusiness · 8 months
Definitely, Totally Real Gardevoir Facts
(Made by a Gardevoir for the uneducated)
Due to being Amorphous, if a Gardevoir falls for an extended period of time they squish against the ground like a cartoon. After a few seconds they pop back to normal shape.
Gardevoir dresses are natural parachutes that slow their descent! Gallade do not have this protection.
After creating a black hole, a Gardevoir turns into a Gothitelle.
Also due to being Amorphous, Gardevoir have extremely flexible internal organs.
Much like many other Amorphous Pokémon, Gardevoir are not actually organic nor natural. They are in fact most closely related to mannequins.
The 'default' Tera Type for a Gardevoir is Grass. This is vestigial power left over from the common ancestor they share with Lilligant and Florges.
Gardevoir heart crystals are not well-attached to their body. They can be pushed in and out through the chest without causing any harm. If you find any red, trapezoidal objects, please return them to the nearest Gardevoir.
When a Gardevoir uses Moonblast, they actually teleport to the moon and come back to throw a moon rock at their target. The light is simply there to disguise this.
Somewhere, a Gardevoir is watching you. Give them chocolate to ease the threat.
Does a Gardevoir look concerned for no reason? This is normal and regular occurence. They have likely just seen the universe collapse, as Fairy types are immune to the Dragon type legendaries in charge of space and time. (Exception to this are Gardevoir born in Hoenn before November of 2014, who mysteriously did not develop their Fairy typing before then.)
Being strong empaths, Gardevoir partially sustain themselves on the emotions of others. Positive emotions are more 'filling,' while negative emotions are unhealthy when consumed in large amounts.
The rift above Spear Pillar was created when a group of Gardevoir fought Dialga and Palkia. They all simultaneously created black holes with the help of Giratina, who was banished to the Distortion World for this act.
Shiny Gardevoir are blue because, instead of Liligant and Florges, these Pokémon have various Water Types in their ancestry such as Quaquaval, Milotic, or Vaporeon.
Due to being Fairy types, Gardevoir remember every instance of Dialga has resetting the timeline. Reality is Dragon-type, and we are immune.
Natural green hair in humans comes from Gardevoir ancestry.
Gardevoir always blink manually, just like you are now doing.
Gardevoir do not need to blink, instead they use Life Dew to moisturize their eyes.
Gallade blades can shift forward, instead protruding from the wrists rather than the elbows. This was best documented in the research paper "Assassin's Glade."
If you see a green-haired human, this is a Gardevoir in disguise.
If you ever go to Giahonl, you do not recognize the Gardevoir in the water.
Gardevoir crystals cannot be planted in a pot to grow a Ralts. This is because Ralts require a high-pressure saltwater environment to form.
Gardevoir and Hatterene have a symbiotic relationship where Gardevoir identify sources of strong negative emotions and Hatterene neutralize them. Level of violence involved varies between individuals.
The ability Trace comes directly from Mew.
It's a Gothitelle if it grows up from the ground and a Gardevoir if it grows down from the ceiling.
They're only called Gardevoir if they're from the Gardeaux region of Kalos. Otherwise, they're just Sparkling Hatterene.
When teleporting with a Gardevoir, hold your breath to avoid spaghettification.
Gardevoir are Fairies, and thus are incapable of lying. Everything they say is absolute truth.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
howdy! "self aware pkmn masters ex team leaders" gal here, and i just wanted to say that i LOVED your additions to my post! i actually came up with a few of my own in the meantime, and i just wanted to share with ya (not a request, dw):
Ghetsis: after Old Man Plasma is done "rebelling" against your control, you start noticing that he grows.. more attached, in a way. he greets you more whenever you log into the game, and gives you a lecture on "leaving him hanging dry" if you don't log in for some time, whether it being real life stuff and whatnot. he DOES see you as some "deity" in a way, but he cannot afford the disapproval that you might give him if you don't like his offerings for you. what if you end up dropping him from your team entirely? what if you kick him from the trainer lodge? what if you forced him to fight alongside N???? oh, the pain and humiliation! and while he DOES see you as a fitting ruler for Team Plasma, he also unfortunately knows that you don't trust him for shit. and he DOES 'attempt' to be honest and not manipulative for once, but the app's code is holding him by the collar. but becoming plasma's ruler is a standing invitation, so he'll wait as long as he wants.
Giovanni: ah, gio. good ol Mr. "My Entire Team Dies To Grass And Water And Ice". he strangely became more lax and laid back after discovering his self awareness, and he grew more attached to you; mainly because you're the only person who seems to know about him more than he does about himself. oh, you just so happened to mention silver one time? well, now you got giovanni wondering if he can repair his doomed-from-the-start relationship with his son. but his interest peaks when you mention the pokemon anime, and like the Cunning Narcissistic Old Man he is, he wonders how HE is portrayed. luckily, he wasn't butchered too hard. but when you bring up jessie, james, and meowth? boy, he goes into total Angy mode. he rants about how incompetent they are, and how he allowed them to even be in the team to begin with. and he DOES get in character, which is a bit surprising for someone who just discovered his existence is a sham. and expect him to refer to himself as "Vanni" or "Gio", since he heard you call him that when you first got him and it just sorta stuck, yknow?
Maxie & Archie: just as before, Mr. Magma Man and Mr. Sea Pirate remained the same, but expect to see yourself get pulled into their dumb debates and arguments now that they consider you close enough to be a Team Magma/Aqua admin. you can just log in once and maxie will greet you at the pokecenter and be like "ah, (player). i need your opinion on something. you see, archie said that kyogre is the best legendary, but i beg to differ. im asking you because you are the only smart person i can rely on around here.." or archie just going on a 15 minute rant to you about how groudon sucks dookie and that maxie is a man child (they're still besties, dw) that needs to study the SEAS and not (in his words) "STUPID ITTY BITTY ROCKS". you're practically their closest thing to a friend, and that says a lot.
Cyrus: he gets quite curious about your world. you tell him about all the little things, from the blooming of flowers to space discoveries, and he feels like his third, nonexistent eye has been opened. he was already so focused on destroying a universe and creating one dull of emotions that he forgot to see the REAL beauty of what lies beyond. while he physically can't use palkia or dialga to do what he wanted in platinum, expect to see him go full fanboy mode over your world, your town, anything surrounding you. its almost adorable, even when he just has a -_- face the entire time. if he could be more expressive, you bet your ass he would be smiling rainbows at that point.
These are so good
They all grow somewhat attached to you. You are the small bit of sanity they can grasp onto nowadays. Hearing you lets them relax.
Meanwhile, you get to learn about their lives, how Pasio is doing.
It’s strange. When you are offline, theres so much going ok, yet not at all. Not enough for anything major, but enough for it to seem like the place must be alive when you aren’t looking.
Even the bosses have recognized this. How odd it is.
They all grow so attached. If you end up not logging in for a while, you even start getting notifications from the app.
‘Are you there?’
‘Are you alright?’
‘What happened?’
Much to your surprise, they found out how to communicate through your notifications. They often fight who gets to even do so.
Most of them would never admit they are attached, but they all grow concerned regardless.
Archie and Maxie would probably be the only ones to openly admit they were worried. They definitely see you more as a friend, not just a potentially god like entity.
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Legendary Artifacts: The Time Gears
Item Type: Celestial Object
Function: Regulate the flow of time
Source: Fragment(s) of Dialga
Description & History:  The time gears are mysterious artifacts that appear in the folklore of many cultures across time and space. They are believed to regulate the flow of time in a region of the world. Supposedly, on inhabited worlds, there is more than one Time Gear.  
Some cultures believe exclusively in the Time Gears, others only in Dialga, and others who believe in both, who reconcile these beliefs with a tale: The Lord of Time (Dialga) is a real tangible entity, a being tasked with the responsibility of controlling the flow of time throughout the universe and across dimensions, and is itself the living embodiment of time. But Dialga cannot be everywhere at once, it cannot be in every nook and cranny and strange dimension at all times, nor does it want to be, and constantly being pulled to all corners and planes of the universe to control unwinding time and time that has gone out of control, is exhausting, especially in an ever-expanding universe (thanks, Palkia). A long, long, long, time ago, Dialga decided to splinter off fragments of its power into devices called the Time Gears, pieces of itself that would be placed in all corners and planes of the universe. There, these magical devices would regulate the flow of time in Dialga’s stead, and immune to all destruction except for by Dialga or Arceus. Dialga focused on regions of space-time with its own celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, black holes and nebulae, and so on.
There are, of course, other versions of this story in other worlds and cultures, one where the Children of Dialga, the Celebis (who have the power to travel across times and timelines), discovered a future where time had stopped because of the death of Dialga. Upon hearing this story, Dialga chose to take precautions and split its power into the Time Gears, ensuring that time would always flow even in its death in some bleak future.
Other stories still tell many variations of Dialga and the Time Gears, stories spun a thousand and one different ways for a thousand and one worlds.
But why are there three? One tale tells of Dialga’s uncertainty in the face of its own death, wanting extra insurance that the time of worlds where others lived, continued to function even in its absence. Another tale tells of an ancient villain, who sought to bring about the End of Time and found for himself the Spear of Arceus, a legendary weapon made from the body of Arceus (see: The Spear of Arceus) that is said to shatter even celestial objects. This villain found Earth’s only Time Gear, summoning Dialga—some claim that Dialga was slain in this conflict but was rebirthed in due time by the forces of the universe, and others still claim that Dialga was never slain and instead brought divine judgement upon the villain who had so foolishly tried to slay Time. But in each of these stories, they all agree on one thing: Dialga couldn’t risk another incident, and decided to give Earth additional Time Gears just incase.
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Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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kittsu-and-company · 5 months
Kittsu Universe Worldbuilding
Information on Kittsu’s universe that may or may not come up
Main Thing
Kittsu’s Universe throws a hissy fit when the “laws” are not followed, this leads to odd discrepancies between Kittsu and characters’ worlds, even if they’ve met in person.
For example, if someone Kittsu’s met in real life had an encounter with, say, a hyper destructive legendary that didn’t result in apocalypse; they would be able to meet in person again, but the events of that legendary encounter would have been as if it never happened on Kittsu’s end.
Kyogre could be awakened on @/thatfailedpokemontrainer, and even though Kittsu and Sprite are established to be in the same universe, the event would have no evidence of occurring when Kittsu tries to investigate. If both parties are there and see the destruction, the world around them will warp nauseatingly until the universal discrepancy is cleared up.
Sapient Pokémon are rare, but not impossible
Infinity Energy is on Crack
Infinity Energy is raw power translated into infinite forms. Arceus is raw Infinity Energy, and its existence is what created the universe. It’s like atoms and all the matter that makes up the world, but the things that it comes together to create can control it to some degree. It tends to “clump” around certain beings or areas, which is what makes the 18 understandable typings.
Legendary and (some) Mythical Pokémon are Gods. Eldritch scary gods.
As an example; Cosmog, the absolute weakest legendary Pokémon, is a large ball of gas that holds knowledge of the multiverse and infinity. It’s rather unimpressive for a god, but it’s terrifying nonetheless, as entering the cloud is rumored to immediately break people’s minds and conscience. It’s a cloud of pure knowledge that instakills you. And that’s the absolute weakest god. Pray lmao.
Gods’ Power is based on the Infinity Energy that clumps around them
Due to the nature of Infinity Energy, the more clumped it gets around a certain thing makes it have more impact on surrounding Infinity Energy of all forms. Kyogre and Groudon started as regular pokemon that became so warped and surrounded by Infinity Energy that they turned into embassies of the Land and Sea itself.
The Infinity Energy that makes them gods changed them from relatively small creatures to divine deities that stand at 443057.28cm tall (roughly half the total height of Mt. Everest)
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are the single three most concentrated clumps of Infinity Energy. They exist purely in their own pocket dimension, because if they were to make an appearance in the mortal realm, the universe itself could break from the utter strain. Any of them even opening a small portal to see what’s going on with mortals would turn the entirety of the world into a Space Time Distortion until they leave.
Mythical Pokémon are typically rulers of concepts
Meloetta is the god of Music’s effect on emotions, Victini is the god of victory, Diance is the god of Royalty, etc, etc
The primary exception is Mew; the god of Mortality as a whole. It is thought to be the single most powerful Pokémon incapable of producing a pocket dimension.
Human-Pokémon hybrids are impossible
Humans, biologically, are in an egg group entirely seperate from all other mortal species. They are the only known creature to have live young (aside from Mew, but shsh) and are 100% unable to have a Hybrid child in any natural way
Ethically, artificially created hybrids are known to have debilitating health issues, that at best let them live to 10 years old. Humans have a lack of control over Infinity Energy, and Pokémon have a lot of control; meaning that the hybrid’s body will always either suffer a lack of energy or an abundance of energy they cannot physically handle. Overall, it’s not worth even trying.
Ghost type pokemon are made of the energy of several souls past
All Pokémon have an “Infinite” organ that holds the majority of their Infinity Energy. Espeon is a primary example of a semi-exposed Infinite Organ
The game storylines that have canonically occurred:
Pokémon RBGY
Pokémon Crystal (minus the catching Suicune)
Pokémon Diamond (based on another blog’s events)
Pokémon Black/White2
Pokémon X
Pokémon Moon
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carnistcervine · 2 days
OKAY SO I GOT THIS IDEA AFTER SEEING A PIC OF PMD CHARACTERS EXPLORING THE POOLROOMS. BDKHWEBFIHWEB Like I just really fucking love PMD and Liminal Spaces, so it’s like asjkbdbsenfgjkrens
Inspo UwU
Instead of time rolling to a stop because Dialga is corrupted/undead, holes in space begin to appear, and Pokemon are falling into liminal spaces. And instead of “bad” Pokemon, there are fake, zombie/entity-like Pokemon that terrorize anyone who falls into these liminal space "dungeons". And some are just fully empty, including no food, so you just wander until you starve. :’D
Should note that you cannot recruit the liminal Pokemon, because they are hostile entities made of negative energy and not actually real Pokemon.
I'm also thinking that these "dungeons", even the empty ones have treasures in them. hmmmm
I’m thinking that instead of it being the result of some asshat dark type wanting to rule over a world of darkness, the cause of this is more akin to a natural disaster. The Pokemon World and Liminal Space simply drifted too close together and you have to convince Palkia to do something about it. But the distortions to space have corrupted them, oops.
Then, there’s Dusknoir. Dusknoir naturally have the ability to travel to “unknown worlds.” So when the Hero and Partner fall into a liminal space, he’s the one who pulls them out. But does he have ulterior motives?? Hmm…
Either way, he’s still gonna mansplain, manipulate, manslaughter his way to his goals. :’D
Should note that Mystery Dungeons are naturally occurring magic labyrinths, and Liminal Space is literally another dimension. The special badge for escaping Mysterious Dungeons doesn’t work in Liminal Space, because again, they are distinctly different things. Only the ability to traverse across dimensions can allow you to escape from Liminal Space. Also Liminal Space is corrupted reality, a coalescence of dead universes that have formed a hungry space. You will not get away easily.
It probably goes without saying, but Escape Orbs do not work in Liminal Space. The only way to escape Liminal Space is to either find an “exit” or have someone who can traverse across dimensions pull you out.
Mysterious Dungeons and Liminal Space do coexist, and Palkia’s corruption has led to more Mystery Dungeons cropping up, as well as other natural disasters. However, it should be noted that in this setting, they are not the same. ^^
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natattack862 · 2 months
A Wandering Merchant: Tips for A Volo Playthrough
Finally getting around to completing Legends Arceus, I wanted to do a Volo playthrough. While his team is a modified version of Cynthia's team (trading out Milotic/Gastrodon for Hisuian Arcanine), it's still a feasible playthrough.
A Volo playthrough with his entire team can be done pretty easily in SwSh. If Growlithe weren't unlocked until you get the National PokéDex, you could have done his team in a BDSP run. While in Scarlet and Violet, you won't have access to Togepi or Roserade, so replacements will need to me made.
I will be approaching this post a little bit differently from my other playthrough posts. Mainly due to the fact that I haven't started my own playthrough yet.
I think I know which game I'm going to do it in. However, since you can do a playthrough in more games than Raihan or Diantha, I wanted to address which games you can do a Volo playthrough in a separate post from what I plan to do. It will also give me the chance to go over what changes, if any will be needed. Especially when it comes to the Sinnoh games.
Are Any Changes Necessary?
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Short answer: Yes and no.
Technically speaking, his team doesn't need any replacements until you get to SV. The only real difference is having to use Kantonian Arcanine instead of Hisuian. The reason for that being the fact that Hisuian Pokemon, despite debuting in the same generation, cannot be sent to SwSh or BDSP. That's the only major "change" needed.
In Sword and Shield, Growlithe is not version exclusive. It will show up in more areas in Shield over Sword, but it can be caught in either. It is even catchable in Shield's version of Kabu's Gym mission (with Vulpix replacing it in Sword).
Because you would be swapping out Hisuian Arcanine for its Kantonian counterpart, you can go this route everywhere that Kantonian Growlithe can be obtained (i.e. any game from generations 4 through 8, minus Black and White prior to getting the National Dex). The only exceptions will be the Sinnoh games, where, even after adding more to the Regional Dex (Platinum), Growlithe and Arcanine are only obtainable after you get the National Dex and either send one over or have a copy of FireRed in your DS.
What Could Be Swapped in for Growithe/Arcanine in the Sinnoh Games?
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This will depend on which game your playing. Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl do not have a lot of Fire options if you wanted to replace it with a Fire type. While in Platinum, there is one canonical choice you can use during the main game.
Platinum: Giratina. Platinum is the only Sinnoh game where you will get Giratina during the main game. As such, you can still do a Volo run with every Pokemon he's used canonically. It'll also be at level 47, so it will level up with the rest of your team at that point.
Diamond/Pearl/Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl: To avoid making his team identical to Cynthia's, some alternatives can include Dialga/Palkia, Rapidash, or Crobat. Dialga/Palkia could be a sort of alternative to Giratina, since you won't be able to catch one (and get the Griseous Orb) until after you get the National Dex. Rapidash is a Fire alternative. It may not be the most ideal choice, especially since Sinnoh doesn't have a lot of Fire types to chose from in DP/BDSP, but it is an alternative. I would suggest Crobat because half of his team involved friendship evolutions at one point (i.e. Togepi evolves into Togetic through friendship, Budew evolves into Roselia through friendship then Roserade via the Shiny Stone, and Riolu evolves into Lucario via leveling up with high friendship during the day). So giving him another friendship evolution could be the route to go. Plus, I felt that Crobat fit him more than over Lopunny, and the Togepi line already fit the whole cute vibe that Bunneary has.
These are just some suggestions for Arcanine replacements. If you feel like replacing it with something else that you feel fits (ex. Houndoom), that will be up to you.
The only other Pokemon you may have issues obtaining is Spiritomb. Namely during the DS era. So I do have a suggestion for an alternative if you aren't able to obtain it.
What if You Have to Swap Out Spiritomb?
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Assuming you're trying this in DPPt (and by extent BDSP), you probably already know about Spiritomb's encounter method. For those who don't, you have to encounter 32 unique characters/NPCs in the Grand Underground and react with the Hollowed Tower on Route 209 after putting the Odd Keystone on it. The biggest issue is how you encounter those 32 unique characters. I've never obtained a Spiritomb in Platinum, so I'm not sure if it's possible to do this with just NPCs. It may also be difficult to encounter/interact with 32 people in the Grand Underground. Since some of the online features for the DS haven't been available since 2014 (2024 if you're playing them on the 3DS), I believe the only way to do this online is to do it locally.
So, assuming you a) are playing DPPt and b) can't do the 32 unique interactions, I do have a suggestion for replacing Spiritomb. Since his team mirrors Cynthia's, just with Milotic/Gastrodon being replaced by Hisuian Arcanine, you can replace Spiritomb with either Gastrodon or Milotic.
I would personally suggest Gastrodon since Shellos can be caught pretty early on and evolves at level 30. So you can have a full team with only one alteration (two if your playing Diamond or Pearl). Plus, if you wanted to, you can use an East Sea Gastrodon (blue and green). Cynthia uses the West Sea Gastrodon (pink and brown), so this could be a way to mirror her team with a distinct difference.
That's not to say that Milotic is a bad choice. It's Feebas's encounter rate that may make obtaining one tedious. Feebas can only be found in one area in Mt. Coronet (B1F with a Super Rod) and it will only be encounterable on a select few tiles at a certain percent. Which changes daily. However, if you would rather use Milotic, you can go that route. If you do, Feebas does keep it's original evolution method it had in DPPt in BDSP. That being maxing out it's beauty and leveling it up.
If you want to play through Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, I would suggest swapping out Spiritomb for Gastrodon due to some features being discontinued and potentially not being able to encounter 32 unique player characters in an area. If you're playing this in BDSP, I would recommend either sending a Spiritomb through Home or doing the 32 unique encounters online since that will be easier to do (You'll probably need a NSO subscription, but it will make it easier if you prefer obtaining Spiritomb in BDSP).
Do I Think There is a Preferred Game to do a Volo Run in?
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It will really depend on how authentic of a Volo run you want to do. Sword/Shield, Legends Arceus, BDSP, and Platinum would be the most true to form Volo run.
Legends Arceus gives you what the other Sinnoh games won't by letting you use his team (minus Giratina unless you swap it in after you catch it) during the main game.
Sword/Shield would be the most accurate since the only main difference being the regional Growlithe you use.
Platinum gives you the option to use Giratina during the main game and, outside of Growlithe, the only Pokémon you might have to change is Spiritomb.
BDSP makes getting every Pokémon but Growlithe possible. Be it through trading, Home, or interacting with 32 players online in the Grand Underground. Filling that last slot will be necessary. A few alternatives could be transferring over Giratina from a different game that you've caught it in, Dialga/Palkia as either a Giratina alternative or a nod to whichever you caught second in Legends Arceus, Rapidash as a fire alternative for Arcanine, or Crobat to add another friendship evolution.
Black 2/White 2 could also be options as his team can be caught or traded for in game (According to Serebii). However, since I've never played through either, I'm not sure if the trades with Yancy/Curtis are in the post game. Nor am I certain as to when you get the gift (shiny) Gabite in Black 2. So I may not recommend it, unless you are able to get Gabite, Spiritomb, and Togepi during the main game.
Scarlet/Violet could be an option, but neither Roserade or Togekiss are obtainable. One could be replaced with Giratina, via Home, while the other could be replaced by Gastrodon or Milotic. I had considered doing my Volo playthrough here. However, while I could replace Roserade (even though it's one of my favorite Sinnoh Pokémon and my first ever shiny), I wanted to use Togekiss.
What Game Will I be Trying a Volo Run in?
I'll be trying mine in Sword/Shield. Probably Shield in place of my Saguaro run (wanted try that in SwSh, albeit with an alteration or two, but I'm not really feeling it now). This would be the most accurate Volo playthrough with Platinum coming in a close second. I may do a Volo Platinum run eventually (replacing Spiritomb with Gastrodon), but I started a Team Eeveelution run before my DS died a year or two ago, which was a playthrough I wanted to do in Platinum since I got it. So I'd rather complete that before starting a Volo run there.
In Summary
Volo is probably the first character I planned to do a run for that could be done as far back as generation four. Depending on the game and generation the most that may have to be changed is which version of Arcanine you can use, how easily accessible Spiritomb is, when/if Giratina can be used as an alternative, and when/if Gastrodon and/or Milotic will be needed as an alternative.
I have a feeling that this will be a fun playthrough once I get to it. I know I will in SwSh for sure, so you'll probably see a post when I've completed it. And when I get the motivation to pick Platinum up, I may give it a try there after my Team Eevee run. If I do, I will do a post on it, but I won't promise anything just yet.
Until next time ^^
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pokemoncenter · 2 years
OOC Post
Aight y'all I didn't wanna have to post this but here we are.
Let's talk about: OOC-IC Divide, religion, and personal canons!
First and foremost: Just because someone posts about topics IC, does not mean it is the player's OOC opinion. But also! That doesn't give you the right to go ask about it OOC, either. Generally, politics, religion, and medical information are all firmly classified as "none of your business" and to be left alone. Just because someone's playing Lysandre doesn't mean they want to kill all humans, and just because someone's playing Giovanni doesn't make them a crime boss. If you wanna chat OOC with someone, that's your right! But don't go hassling someone on Tumblr over it.
Since my posts on religion ICly are what brought this up, let's also talk about personal canons!
I know a lot of people disagree, but in my personal take on Pokemon canon, Arceus is not and cannot be a 1:1 analogy to Christianity, for so many reasons I don't want to get into. Hell, the only characters who to my knowledge even for-sure know about Arceus are Volo and the PLA Protagonist. It's never really brought up or referred to outside of those times.
Don't get me wrong- I don't mind IC conflict. In fact, I quite enjoy it! But I was absolutely not expecting that post to turn into a huge thing. It was meant to be a comedic post- Sophora going that hard on not believing Arceus existed, while being objectively wrong about that fact. It was meant to be a goof. A joke. Fun.
I did not expect to get a bunch of people angry about it as though I was disparaging their OOC religions. By saying that a legendary Pokemon wasn't real. Y'all do understand the difference here, right?
There has been exactly one church seen in all of Pokemon and it is not known what it worships. Arceus is not mentioned by anyone to be worshipped at all, or even to be known about. Hell, in-universe, there's that statue in Sinnoh that's a weird fusion of Palkia and Dialga because people don't know about them. Arceus cannot be a 1:1 take on Christianity- In the first place, it's the creator god of a region based on Hokkaido and the Ainu people, not Christianity. Arceus came out of a primordial egg, and didn't create the universe in seven days. If you want to treat it that way in your canon, that's fine, but it's not the case in mine, where it's an obscure thing of myth and legend. Don't force your version of canon on others who don't want to play that way.
Any further asks on religion that do not make it VERY clear it's respecting the IC-OOC divide will be immediately deleted and blocked.
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pinkhuman99 · 2 years
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Both forms baby! Let's go! (Sorry, it's gonna be a long one...)
Let's start with child Asriel...
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1. Sobble: A crybaby Pokémon whose middle and last evos are reminiscent of the "bad boy" stereotype Asriel tries to embody later in life, a call-back to his scrapped character art.
2. Wynaut: Looks like Asriel and goes along with things, like the phrase "why not?", a happy-go-lucky Pokémon. It is theorized that Wynaut's tail is the real Pokémon and its body is a fake, much like how Asriel ends up faking his identity as "Flowey" later (even though he and Flowey are the same, he sees himself as two different people in this way, the same way it doesn't matter if Wynaut's tail is fake or not, it is still a singular Pokémon).
3. Togapi: Togepi's line is all about happiness and peace, and so is Asriel. It has an angel theme as it evolves, a nod to Asriel being the Angel from the Delta Rune prophecy.
4. Wooloo: Wooloo is a fluffy, sheep-like Pokémon that somewhat resembles Asriel. It is so soft that even a fall off a cliff won't hurt it. I like to think it's wool is what Toriel used to make Asriel and Chara's sweaters. :)
5. Cleffa: A star themed-Pokémon, it is reminiscent of fairytales. In the art book, Toby said he wanted Asriel's room to have celestial decor because he thought Asriel would be enamoured by the sky/space (a detail found in Asriel's room in Deltarune).
6. Phantump: This is just foreshadowing of a ghost of a child possessing a plant. According to the Pokédex, "By imitating the voice of a child, it causes people to get hopelessly lost deep in the forest. It's trying to make friends with them."
The Legendary and Mythical I associate with him are Cosmog and Shaymin.
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Cosmog: This is a baby form of two various Legendary Pokémon associated with space and light, Solgaleo and Lunala. This once again goes with Asriel's love of space. It's also a nod to Angels when it evolves into Cosmeon.
Shaymin: A grass Pokémon with two forms which can disguise itself as blooming flowers or change to be in a cocky, sky-flying form. It somewhat looks like Asriel and resembles his transformation from timid child to emo edgelord.
I don't think Asriel has any Pokémon after becoming a Flower. Flowey, being neither Monster nor Human, cannot train Pokémon. He doesn't even have hands to throw Pokéballs! As Omega Flowey...it would be another story. But that will be a separate post.
As for the the God of Hyperdeath...
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He would have a whole team of powerful, Legendary Pokémon.
1. Rayquaza: A Pokémon that spends its time flying around space, it sustains itself by eating meteors and is a nod to Asriel's meteor attack. It also has the same colour palette as younger Asriel.
2. Jirachi: A star-themed Pokémon that represents hopes, dreams, and wishes. It makes wishes come true when it opens the eye on its belly.
3. Palkia: The space-bending Pokémon, it is at odds with Sans's Pokémon, Dialga, a rivalry mentioned by Flowey after beating the game several times. Have you ever noticed that Asriel copies Sans's wink and shrug pose during his battle?
4. Mewtwo: Asriel sure adopted a bit of Chara's personality after becoming Flowey. Mewtwo is known for its hatred of People and Pokémon, and it is one of the strongest psychic types in the anime.
5. Eternatus: An extraterrestrial Pokémon that came down in a meteor. It endlessly absorbes energy and bends time-space.
6. Darkrai: A Pokémon that gives people nightmares and plunges them in a world of pitch blackness. It's perfect for Edgelord Asriel, who refers to his torture as Omega Flowey to a nightmare from which you'll never wake up!
Now, it's hard to pick ANOTHER Legendary for a character whose whole team is made of Legendaries, but I did my best. I think Xerneas is a good fit for an off-team Legendary. As for his Mythical, I chose Arceus, the God of Pokémon.
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Xerneas: Xerneas's colour scheme fits Asriel's perfectly, from the purple and black middle to the glowing, rainbow horns. It is the life Pokémon, the opposite of the world ending Yveltal. I imagine this Pokémon would show up during the SAVE segment of Asriel's battle, helping restore the lost souls and restoring the world after the barrier is shattered by Arceus.
Arceus: The God of Pokémon, I imagine it would use its power to break the barrier. Like Asriel gaining energy from different coloured SOULs, Arceus changes its elemental power based on coloured plates.
Sorry this one was so long. I tried to condense the info about the Pokémon and why I chose them to save room!
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emmetrain · 1 year
✏️ (moral construct) we ready have smt going on but in curious to hear all the ideas youve got!
Send a ✏️ and I'll share a scenario or plot I want to explore.
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Things to keep in mind: Emmet and Cyrus' worldviews could mesh well. Emmet agrees that the world is imperfect, and his hatred of gods would make him inclined to agree with Cyrus' actions on using gods to achieve a perfect world.
These are more... feeling-based, rather than action, but action could be built upon them;
The Devil's Train: (Big inspo) What if Ingo never returned from Hisui, and Emmet sought Giratina to get answers. And since a part of Cyrus' soul is in Distortion World, he could tell Emmet trespassing into it? An unlikely pair who could become partners-in-crime, and even if they do not take direct action, Emmet would swear loyalty to Nivalis/Cyrus after the initial interactions, and would act as his right-hand man? Let's get this bread (recreate the world).
Pushing the Limits of Time: my Em is connected to Dialga and Reshiram, and what if this connection was literal? What if Nivalis could connect the dots that Em is actually a fragment of Dialga (and Ingo is of Palkia), and could push this to his advantage, and achieve control over time through Em as the proxy (and perhaps control over space too) ? Em thinking he found a friend in Cyrus, but slowly pushed to limit and reconnecting with the godly aspect instead of fulfilling Dialga's wish to experience being a normal human. The happy/carefree man could be broken down to get access to real power >:3
We Go Way Back: WHAT IF... After Emmet ran away from home, Ingo and Emmet ended up with Team Galactic --they had literally nowhere to go, and suffered enough to buy into the idea of perfect world and how emotions sucked. I think Em would be 18 when Cyrus was defeated? We could have plot for Galactic days, or post-Galactic where Emmet 'befriends' Nivalis, not realizing who he actually is. Just... Nivalis connected to a loyal soldier from his past, while Emmet is conflicted or kept in dark.
Karma Is Real: A different take to Em being born of Dialga's wish to be human-- what if Emmet and Nivalis' tracks met often due to all the Galactic shenanigans prior, and Nivalis cannot get rid of this smiley headache-- and maybe does not want to end contact due to realizing what Em is before he notices. (Yes I am rotating my Dialga!Em in my mind and I want to throw at Cyrus.)
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I just adore Nivalis and want Emmet to bother him and serve him, whether as a happy distraction who could learn so much from Nivalis, or as a soldier >:)
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shadowsandkingdom · 1 year
Hello. You may call me Lady Giratina.
In my absence from my kingdom, I have started this blog for entertainment and logging purposes. I also invited my counterpart Dolly to share this blog with me. She types in pink text.
Please enjoy.
Hi this is Lady she likes women. She comes from a world with no Arceus (the creation trio match Arceus in power instead) but is aware of this oddity. She's easily flustered and likes to talk.
Lady usually types in standard text, but may use yellow on some occasions. Lady's pronouns are She/Her. She's their neutral-good Giratina.
Dolly, of course, types in pink text, and is usually a bit on the meaner side. Dolly's pronouns are whatever. Her full chosen name is Dolores, but has expressed that only a few people are allowed to use it. She's their chaotic-good Palkia.
Cirrus types in indigo text, and is very quiet as of right now. Her pronouns are she/her, and she's their lawful-neutral Dialga.
Cat's Paw types in red text, and is very chatty and thoughtful. His pronouns are he/she. He is the true-neutral Giratina of a neighboring system, and currently the most accomplished knowledge collector of the known multiverse.
Felicity types in cyan text, and is a little bit of a bitch. Felicity is a gender neutral, lawful-evil, robotic Darkrai that comes from the same system as Cat's Paw.
Little Beta types in Command Prompt. It is a baby Arceus that comes from the same system as Cat's Paw. It cannot be aligned this early into it's life, but it seems to value kindness.
This blog runs under the assumption that multiple different universes are sharing one tumblr. Any creation trio or other major legendaries she talks to will be considered as coming from a different universe than her (and cat's) own.
She's based on an alter so maybe be nice. the whole "legendaries are just in character human roleplayers" thing causes the aforementioned alter real life panic so maybe don't do that.
Here is a link to the out of character Discord server I run (150+ members)
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Who would win, 1 Billion Lions or 1 of every Pokemon (A rant)
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I know I know. I may be recycling content from ages ago, but every time someone brings it up either the person defending the Pokemon has minimal Pokemon knowledge, or they say "Oh Wolfe Glick figured it out, it doesn't matter". But I think Wolfe was wrong. In his video, he mentioned how you could just get other Pokemon to power up one sweeper. But the argument still stands that the scenario Wolfe creates is impossible without a trainer. But the thing is I still think the Pokemon would win. Heres why.
First, have you ever thought about the sheer feats Pokemon can create? One of those that I think is overlooked is Air Slash. I mean come on, you are making literal blades of air that damage people. I'm sure that if it comes down to it in a real-life scenario, those blades of pressurized air could easily cleave through a lion. And taking into consideration that the move Air slash shoots multiple air blades, and multiple Pokemon know Air slash, that move will cleave through waves of lions.
Now let's look at a Pokemon's durability. The fact that some of these mons can tank literal natural disasters, It means they can probably hold out for a while against some claws. But what about defensive moves? Would a lion's claws really do anything about a Pokemon with Iron Defence? Wouldn't it take a while to scratch through these solidly built Pokemon with shells such as the Squirlte line and the Turtwig line using withdraw? Even if every Pokemon could not kill all the lions (Which they could), they would just survive out of their sheer durability!
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But let's now touch on the sheer destructive power of Pokemon. Now I'm not even going to touch on the fact that Pokemon can create literal earthquakes and meteor storms, but things like fissures. Don't you think that at least a quarter of the lion army won't die when a literal giant crack in the earth opens up under them? And the sheer number of lions will make it very hard to miss it. And of course, we have the fact that Legendaries like Dialga and Palkia can literally shatter space and time and that Kyogre can literally flood the earth.
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And ghost types! Literal ghosts that cannot be touched or possibly even seen by the living! What is stopping them from just gradually picking off the lions one by one while being completely safe from attacks! All these reasons make it perfectly clear why 1 of every Pokemon would utterly destroy 1 Billion Lions.
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lionwoman · 1 year
Rescuing this so I can put what version I ahd choose/I'll choose, my bias metrics and if I think one works better than the other/more canon or not or it's indiferent.
RBGY / FRLG -> I'll probably picked red since red is one of my fav colors + cool dragon on box.
GSC / HGSS -> I acually bought both HG & SS but prefer HG over a mile in tems of the plot. Ho-oh just fits better with the aesthetic of the main legendary they went and Ho-oh always had that kinda mysterious godly vibe. Also that new theme slaps hard. Love lugia's design, but HG fits more.
RZE / ORAS -> played a bit of emerald but cannot form a solid opinion since it was not my game. Bought AS as I always wanted a GBA + pokemon sapphire. Kyogre was so cool an original back then. Also love Archie's redesign. Both work but I think I'm more inclined to prefer AS' plot as the sea is the origin of life (plus we have droughts and drinkable water is scarse, etc) so water fit better in my head.
DPP / wedonttalkaboutthoseremakes. Platinum kinda wins here, as controlling both time and space made sense but if we talk about the previous version, even though I liked dialga more (for some odd reason) I think Palkia fits better bc of distorting space idk. Plus Cyrus playing cards with Giratina at the distortion world is a plus (?).
BW/B2W2 So probably an unpopular opinion but at least in plot I prefer BW over B2W2. I have bias towards white and is kinda funny to think even though N tought what he was tough wasa the truth and was folowing his ideals, Reshiram taught him the real TRUTH. While you also fight for your ideals of your ideal world. Because even if you want to people and pokemon to be happy there will always be somebody who will abuse them.
X/Y Bought X for the deer and a funny nickname regarding friend's stories but if not for that I'll probably had picked Y. Megacharizard Y > X don't @ me. Feels more natural. I also think makes more sense charging a weapon of destruction with the energy the DESTRUCTION pokemon has been absorbing in order to wake up. (While "dying" Xerenas did the contraty so I think Yveltal would have more energy reserves since he had been absorbing them earlier).
SM/USUM Sun and Solgaloe wins here. Also normal daylight lol. I honestly loved US and was the third/2nd version that I'd enjoyed more in tems of story... Though I probably pick US bc of necrozma and the ultra recon squad, Sun Lusamine worked better (also Fuck Lusamine). The fusion forms seemed unnnecesary though. Idk if overall I could pick one version. But maybe US wins S by very little.
Sw/Sh Haven't played but I like Zamazenta's design more. Zacian is so basic, "look it's a sif pokemon hahah" don't @ me.
S/V Never been this biased towards a version and I think Scarlet as the more canon one. Sada's design is something different while Turo's looks more in line with standard pokevillians idk. Also Sada has fucking abs and fangs. Ans she's not afraid to show them. Koraidon also feels moer "alive" plus regal magestic ancient red feathered lizard vs P*nis dragon? yeah, biased since the first trailer. Also he is a doofus and looks like a red toothless. I love him so much. I also prefer mounts than vehicles in videogames. So troting in a powerful organic beast feels recomforting (ok the form is weird in the begining but looking at cyclizar I got used to it pretty quickly). Plus organic integrated airbags! safer! Then better paradoxes. They look more original and are not a "x pokemon but robot" (The only one interesting is iron valiant). Past paradoxes also work better in Area 0. It is beliavle that they could had survive there isolated in that remote closed area, a bit like The Lost World or Journey to the Center of the Earth. Also bc of movies like Jurassic Park. And idk why people say does not make sense to build a time machine to bring pokemon to the present. "she uses futuristic technology" like have you seen what the pokemon anime/movie villians use? what the actual technology in the pokemon wolrd is than even in gen 1 games we had FUCKING TELETRANSPORTERS? That's a really bs argument. Past theme makes more sense to me and they feel more organic in area 0 and also with other pokemon.
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fnaf-core · 3 years
the legends arceus leaks sure are... something
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
To the man that is claimed to be looking for me.
My name is Ingo, warden of Sneasler, Lady of the Mo. I shall be very earnest in my writing, and as concise as my long-winded nature allows me to be: seeing the means through which your message has been relayed to me, I highly doubt of your existence.
If you were, indeed, a real person - not a ruse or a fabrication of sorts - I would pity the choice of your herald, as he has shown to be unreliable when expressing his honest intentions, witholding information about them or very plainly not stating them. As such, I cannot take his word as is.
I do not expect a response. If I do get one, my cautionsess will assume it is yet another trick; the work of your chosen messenger. If you do recieve these harsh words, I deeply apologize. I simply cannot risk raising hopes in this situation.
Kind regards. Almighty Palkia be with you.
To who I doubt is my brother.
I am Emmet. I recieved the letter. I understand. I don’t trust my messenger either. I think he wrote your letter to trick me. He would have no reason to be so mean to himself, but I don’t know how his mind works. I don’t care. If he did write it he will read this and know I know. Maybe he’ll keep writing. I don’t care.
I miss my brother a lot and he knows, so he definitely will use that against me if he has some motive. It’s nice thinking he might actually keep his word and I’m writing to my brother. Not that nice that I’m being so rude after so much time.
To the man that is claimed to be looking for me.
If you do exist, I am sorry to hear about your brother. I hope your separated tracks will merge once again soon, and the two of you will be able to reunite into a single double-car train at your station at the end of the line. I wish you the best of luck.
Kind regards. Almighty Palkia be with you and bless your search.
To who I doubt is my brother.
You’re very nice. Thank you.
I read the first letter again. I looked up Sneasler. It’s an extinct Pokémon from Sinnoh. So you would be in old Sinnoh. He’s told me as much. He said you’re a warden and you wrote that too. I still don’t think you’re real.
I don’t know what Palkia is. But thank you for that too.
To the man that is claimed to be looking for me.
Palkia is - if professor Laventon is right - what is called a ‘legendary’ Pokémon, personification of and ruling over space. The Pearl Clan has venerated them as theirour deity and creator of Hisui - the ‘old Sinnoh’ you speak of. I have heard rumors of a change in name for the region, in honor of its true creator deity, as its name (Sinnoh) and role were erroneously assigned to both Palkia and a sibling legendary of sort, Dialga ruler of time.
It saddens me to hear that my lady’s kind is no longer with you in the supposed future in which you live. She is very dear to me.
If it can help, though I am not sure of how it could, I still doubt of your existence as well.
Kind regards. Almighty Palkia be with you.
To that motherfucker.
trains arrived in hisui in 1910 and hisuian sneasles were already turning from fighting to dark type by then you son of a bitch i fucking knew it you dumb fucker you think i cant open a damn history book? you said he didnt remember shit. you said he didnt remember shit but you know how we speak and you had to make it as close as possible and you forgot he couldnt have known trains were a thing by then. you almost got me because im used to it. well not anymore. dont ever talk to me ever again. slide another letter under my door and im going to burn it.
go to hell you fucking piece of shit.
To the man that is claimed to be looking for me.
You seem exceptionally upset.
As I mentioned, your messenger is untrustworthy and prone to witholding important information. In this case, however, it has proved directly unhelpful to whatever goals he had if he wanted to manipulate you, and has put me in an equally embarassing situation.
I was the one to warn you of his words, wasn’t I? And while you immediately noticed how strange it would be for him to start off his fake correspondence with such a harsh judgement of himself, now that would be an easy way to explain the fallacy in his retelling: because he did not tell you the whole story, I, as the primary source he made up, would and could easily correct him.
So how can I assure you I am real, now that you have proof otherwise?
I know I am. I know I am writing these letters. I do not know to whom, if to Emmet or to nobody, mere pawn in a scheme I know nothing about, though I do hope at this point that you are real.
I do not remember my life as it was before Hisui, that much is true - I have no idea where I came from or if I had any family. But despite this, I still have managed to recall some things, minuscule memories: words of a vocabulary I can’t say I fully understand (since, as you noted, their subject hasn’t come to Hisui), a partner Pokémon which lead through the darkest night, something of machines which are hidden, a man with my likeness who I cared for. Is that you?
I don’t know what will become of this letter. I want to prove my existence but I have no way to do so. I don’t even know if I should trust your outburst as much as I want to believe it’s honest. I hope I’m I hope I a I
Almighty Palkia be with you.
To to Ingo To who I hope is not a trick.
I burnt twenty-seven letters. He slid them under the door for a month. They were all copies of yours. He was worried I wouldn’t have read it. I read a copy first; then he gave me the original. He used completely different paper from yours. And he signed the number of the copy on the papers. That’s how I know they were twenty-seven.
His handwriting is nothing like yours. I forced him to write and he couldn’t do it. Not even if I didn’t look. So. I guess you are real.
I am terrified. If you are, I yelled at you. If you aren’t, I am getting manipulated. No win.
I need you to be real so badly you have no idea.
I put an image of me here. I’m not in uniform. So you know it’s not just a drawing over an image of you. If you look like that. We have solved the mystery.
Please be real.
To my brother
(the letter is covered in ink splotches that make it illegible, and half crumpled. A photograph from an extremely old portable photocamera is wrapped within it.)
(the letter seems to have been heavily wet and later halphazardly left to dry up. Tearstains smudge every single word and make it illegible.)
[Emmet laughed when he saw him in person. He laughed and started coughing to try and not cry. Ingo held his face in his hands and shouted that they were so alike and then burst into tears. Volo looked at them crumble on each other like a badly made house of cards and felt a little lighter.]
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
I think the origin forms for Palkia and Dialga, as silly as they may be, make some level of sense when compared to Giratina’s Origin form.
If your dad is a alpaca/deer thing how else to show your proud to be his child then to also become a alpaca/deer thing?
How else to rebel against him then by becoming a floating worm?
The real tragedy is that Palkia looses its hands and cannot pet/bitchslap things
career advice: defy your parents. become The Worm
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