#dialogue heavy fic? in My writing? it's. honestly about as likely as you think this is a rarity
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: ghosttotheparty! @ghosttotheparty has 72 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and 61 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@estrellami-1 or anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @ghosttotheparty:
love me softly
a mess of holy things
pretty girls (series)
"This author has captivated me from day one. I’ve since gone back and read and re-read everything they have in fandoms that I am a part of, and I’m highly considering reading everything, regardless of fandom!" -- @estrellami-1
They also had this to say: "It was so hard to just pick five fics—I’d easily pick all of them if I could!! These five are just a few of their fics that I come back to, time and time again. This author’s way with words is absolutely stunning, and I want to be like them when I grow up! 😉" -- @estrellami-1
Below the cut, @ghosttotheparty answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I honestly just adore them so much. Characters that are opposites have always been something I’ve loved; Nico di Angelo and Will Solace are the first to come to mind. I’ve loved them since middle school (I’m in my third year of uni now), and I’ve apparently drawn some connections between their dynamics and Steddie’s. I also feel like Steddie just has so much potential in regards to different dynamics. There are so many alternate universes in which they’re entirely different from the way they are in the original show but there is still a consensus within the community of what kind of people they are and how they behave, speak, or interact. Despite writing the same characters over and over and over, I’ve had so much fun being able to experiment with different personalities and dynamics.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I think everyone knows at this point that I lovelovelove hurt/comfort. Physical injury and wounds, nursing the other back to health, trauma recovery, nightmares or flashbacks, sub/dom drop, panic attacks or breakdowns, give me all of it. (Bonus points if this is pre-relationship and the comforter calls the other a pet name (cough baby cough) for the first time in the midst of it all. God.)
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
See above. In all honesty, I love intensity. Heavy emotions like grief and anguish and rage are my fucking thing, and I think most of my longer fics involve at least one heavy scene with a panic attack or emotional breakdown. Something about the release and expression of emotions followed by tender patience and sweet comfort is just so cathartic for me.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I write more fics than there are fics that I read, unfortunately, but the first fic to come to mind was in my life by mourningshowers (@keycarabiner on tumblr). Sososo sweet and tender. It ripped me apart and then stitched me back together and gave me a lollipop as a treat. I also adore the series The Rush of Thunder (That Brings You Under) by callmejude (@callmejude on tumblr). The pacing and characterisation and dialogue were fucking phenomenal. Print this whole series out and bury me with it when I go.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I have a few AUs that I haven’t actually explored quite yet; one involves teacher!Steve and another is about punk!Stobin (platonic, Obviously), and yet another involves artist!Eddie. But more generally speaking I would like to explore some heavier themes in the future when I have the guts.
What is your writing process like?
Good question. I have no idea. I write pretty much every night, usually with Youtube or Netflix on next to me (typically playing things I’ve already seen so I don’t have to pay full attention to follow along, but my main go-tos are documentaries/docuseries), and I tend to just get as much out as I can. I write most linearly; I tend to not skip ahead and go back, but occasionally I’ll have an idea for a scene that I need to scribble out to make sure I don’t forget it. But my plotlines and focus points tend to shift as I’m writing, so sometimes these scenes end up changing as well.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I hadn’t noticed any, but Bee (@jewishrat420) pointed some out to me: - I consistently use the word ‘press’ - I phrase actions in lists with commas and a finalising and. - I tend to have repeating themes (for example, warm and cold and the quiet journey a character makes from their loneliness to the warmth of someone else). I’ve also noticed that I really like writing visceral imagery; even in fics for other ships I’ve mentioned one character longing to claw open their partner and climb inside them. I love bloody imagery, which Steddie are perfect for.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
If I’m uploading a fic with multiple chapters, I generally try to stay ahead of my posting schedule with at least one to two chapters already written in advance of posting. For my current wip, though, I’ve decided to post only when it’s complete, and to post on a schedule just in case I get behind or lose track.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably a mess of holy things.
How did you get the idea for a mess of holy things?
Ah, my love. The inspiration for this fic came from dirty paws by inifiniteorangepeel (@infinite-orangepeel on tumblr). Her version of Steve had me by the fucking throat, and I genuinely could not stop thinking about him even though I think this was before she even started uploading actual parts of the fic. I knew that I wanted to write some kind of religiously traumatised Steve, naive and curious about Eddie fucking Munson, and the haze of an idea snowballed into whatever this fic became.
When writing a mess of holy things, what was something you didn’t expect?
Honestly, I wasn’t expecting how confrontational it would feel. I was raised Catholic, and I put Steve’s parents in a category of religious people that I’ve never really known well. I was never forced to go to church or Sunday school (in fact, I think I only went to Sunday school for, like, three weeks), and for the most part as a child, my relationship with God was amicable. My abuela was very religious when I was young (my mother likes to say, “She was more Catholic than the Pope”), but I never felt as though her faith impeded upon my own life. She would tell me that my artistic skill was a gift from God, and she would pray over me when I had tummy aches, and even though I wasn’t very faithful, I found comfort in it. I also have always found a peace in holy buildings; churches and church graveyards are some of my favourite places to just sit in silence. So I wasn’t expecting the emotional whiplash writing holy things gave me. Writing from Steve’s point of view at first felt like writing fantasy, making it up as I went because I couldn’t write from experience; I have healthy relationships with both my parents, and even though my father had a very difficult childhood, he’s done everything he could to be a good father to me and my brother, so Steve’s father was entirely made up. It wasn’t until I got further along in the fic that I actually realised how big an impact even a slightly religious upbringing had on me as a queer person. My parents never taught me anything hateful, never complained about anybody in regards to God, but somehow this general religious disapproval latched itself to my ribcage, and I hadn’t realised I’d been carrying it around with me my whole life. And I was forced to confront it, along with the distrust that I’d inadvertently developed toward religious people.
What inspired love me softly?
My darling!! This fic started as a random one-shot about Eddie bitching to Gareth about having a crush on a normie, but the feedback was so lovely I decided to write another part. And then another. And then another. At some point the vague idea of a plot appeared, and this universe became very dear to me. I still have ideas for follow-up one-shots, which I keep in a collection on AO3. I think this fic is also what started my love for Tommy Hagan, who I’ve since claimed as an OC. He’s mine now.
What was your favorite part to write from hideout series?
While I was writing this series, I found that I love secret relationships. The idea of Steve having something in his life that he could turn to for some sense of normalcy despite everything in his life literally being straight out of a science-fiction movie was something I loved, and writing the majority of it from an outsider point of view was a fun experiment/exercise.
How do/did you feel writing fate (series)?
Oh, GOD. I love angst. I had the idea for Eddie’s death, specifically him singing the Tennessee Waltz and the whole “Do you think God’ll let me in?” thing, and I worked from there. I actually considered leaving the fic at Eddie’s death, but as much as I love angst, I also love happy and hopeful endings. Even though my heart hurt the entire time I wrote this whole series, I loved it all. Wayne’s point of view was a fun (ish) shift in perspectives and I’ve since included sections in his point of view because I love him so much. (I do also have a one-shot specifically about him living in my head, but I have yet to put it into words.)
What was the most difficult part of writing pretty girls (series)?
I don’t know if I would really consider it difficult, but it did require some actual thinking to write Steve as transfemme, or genderqueer in the opposite direction as me. To take my own experiences and feelings and shift them so they’re upside down was definitely interesting.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
This is from one of my less known fics, spill my guts: “And I’m so fucking high right now, but Steve, I— I think I love you.” It just feels so representative of Steddie as a whole. (Honestly the whole scene kind of feels very Them: both of them high out of their minds and suddenly confessing their undying love in the most dramatic fucking way possible. Ugh. I love them.)
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m working right now on a fic that involves priest’s son!Steve and recovering addict!Eddie, and that’s all I’ll say on that <3
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Not entirely relevant, but I make playlists and pinboards for almost all my fics (if I don’t have one of either for a fic that you’d like one for, literally just hit me up and I’ll put one together); here are the ones I made for Steve & Eddie <3 S - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3dW3wTo8nD11RuqKs9aj52?si=9f98f4a287394152 https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ghosttotheparty/king-steve/ E - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4eWRFi07VIEKIoeaGwfFI5?si=791fa1f2dd6a4f7e https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ghosttotheparty/eddie-the-banished/
Thank you to our author, @ghosttotheparty, and our nominator, @estrellami-1! See more of @ghosttotheparty's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
and now for something completely different!! (it is once again that collaboration with @chiropteracupola)
you already know i love you
A crisp spring breeze crested over the hilltop near Teufort Manor, ruffling grasses and skirts alike with warmth and the promise of better things to come. It was saturated with sweet lavender and the tang of onion grass, and Filomena took a deep, soothing breath, letting the dawning season blossom in her lungs, before another explosion rocked the bucolic meadow.
“Do you suppose they’ll hurt themselves?” she murmured, licking her finger to turn over a page in her book, some dense medical volume in Ansel’s native German filled with extensive diagrams and footnotes she could barely follow. Beneath her, Ansel shifted, peering across the clearing. Far off in the distance, Jeremiah and Mikhail were continuing their jovial pyrotechnics; chain-shot whistled and cracked against pine bark, rippling out on the wind, whooping and guttural laughter nipping at the echo’s heels.
“Oh,” Ansel said, adjusting his glasses as he peered over Filomena’s shoulder, “almost certainly.”
Filomena snorted, knocking her head against Ansel’s temple.
The two of them were curled up underneath a sprawling oak whose roots gnarled and twisted into shapes almost resembling waves. Its whorls provided a comfortable place to lie down with a friend and a good book, both of which Filomena was fortunate enough to have to hand. Of course, Ansel bore the brunt of the wooden seating, as she was quite neatly slotted into his lap, but he was hardly complaining, and the good doctor made more than adequate a cushion for such an occasion. Beside them sat two glasses of cider newly dredged up from the mansion’s cellar, sweating in the sun. The scent of apples was barely noticeable over the milieu of wildflowers and the cool water of the nearby river, but its company was not to be ignored.
Cocking her head away from the deafening blast of cannonfire once more, Filomena laughed. “Are we at all obligated to stop this?”
“Not at all, Liebling.” Ansel smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I have every faith they will remain in one piece.” Pausing, he pursed his lips, fighting off the grin pulling at his cheeks. “More or less.”
“Of course.”
Shaking her head with an incurable fondness, Filomena tapped her thumb against Ansel’s knuckles, rough and cracked from years of equal parts caustic chemicals and dirty fighting, before feeling for the twin bands that encircled his middle finger. They sparkled in the afternoon light, new gold as yet untarnished by neither time nor bitterness. While Filomena’s own ring was nothing to sneeze at, all delicate etching imbued with adoration, she admired the interlocking pieces of Ansel’s jewelry. Daniel had made them, so of course they were lovely as they were unconventional.
Her reverie was broken shortly after by the loudest blast yet, punctuated by the splintering of wood and a triumphant holler. When she looked up, Jeremiah was beaming, gesturing to a swath of leveled trees with flailing arms and calling out to her.
“Mina! Mina, didja see that?”
“Yes, darling, I did!” Filomena cried, waving from her spot seated atop Jeremiah’s husband. “It was spectacular!”
“Hallelujah!” Pumping his fist, Jeremiah ran to Mikhail, who was lumbering toward the makeshift camp under the tree. He leapt up into the gunner’s waiting embrace, whooping as he went.
“Hey, Micky, she saw! She saw!”
Mikhail rolled his eyes, but nevertheless swept Jeremiah into an expansive twirl so that his legs flung out in all directions and he looked as though he could take flight with glee. When he touched ground again, Jeremiah nudged Mikhail’s elbow. “D’ya think the Doc was watchin’?”
A rumbling guffaw tore itself from Mikhail’s throat, bounding around the clearing. He ruffled Jeremiah’s hair with a hand wrought from iron, and Jeremiah shouldered him in return.
“What’re you laughin’ at?”
“You are…” Mikhail seemed to consider his words as they drew closer. “Cute. I see why Doktor likes you.”
“Hey! I ain’t cute! Mina, tell ‘im I ain’t cute!”
“Well, I’m afraid I have some bad news,” Filomena grinned, gently closing her book around her finger.
“Agh! Betrayed!” Drawing a hand to his forehead, Jeremiah sprawled across Filomena’s lap, face contorted in mock agony. “By my own wife, no less!”
“I’m sure you’ll live.” Bending down, Filomena pressed a quick kiss to his lips. Immediately, Jeremiah sprung back to life, sitting upright.
“It’s a miracle! I’m cured!”
“A veritable scientific anomaly,” Ansel agreed with a wink, reaching for Jeremiah’s hand and twining their fingers together. “One I will be sure to study at great length.”
“Aw, you flirt.” Succumbing to giggles moments later, Jeremiah tugged Ansel through a gap under Filomena’s arm for a clumsy, beaming kiss. She cast her eyes over to Mikhail, who was settling in beside the three of them, and found herself stifling ungainly chortles as he examined her plight, tangled between her husband and her husband’s husband. Reaching out, Filomena gripped Mikhail’s shoulder like a lifeline.
“Jeremiah, dear,” Filomena choked out through suppressed laughter, “while you know I love you very much, I am also— rather struggling to breathe.”
“Oh, shit.” Scrambling backward—very nearly clipping her nose with his head—Jeremiah disentangled himself from under Filomena’s arm until he was straddling her lap, hands laced behind her neck. “Hi.”
“Hello.” Smiling, Filomena twined her fingers through Jeremiah’s hair, admiring the smattering of freckles splashed across the bridge of his nose. His blue eyes shimmered green with the foliage around them, and flaxen hair shone like spun gold.
“You are beautiful,” Filomena said before the rest of her mind caught up, but when it did, she found she still meant it. Ducking his head, Jeremiah’s cheeks flushed, and he reached for her glass of cider.
“Says you,” he mumbled.
“I do.”
Taking a long swig, Jeremiah eventually replaced the empty glass and laid his hands on Filomena’s cheeks.
“Love you, Mina.”
Jeremiah leaned in, resting his forehead against hers, breath fogging against her spectacles. She wanted to tell him she loved him too, but the gentle silence that enveloped them felt too precious to interrupt, and so she simply hoped he knew what she meant, what she would always mean.
Sighing, Filomena began to recline against Ansel’s chest again, before he raised a hand in protest.
“Ey! Save some for the rest of us!”
“Sorry,” Filomena chuckled, shimmying to the side until there was no interruption between Ansel and Jeremiah. Her book had long fallen by the wayside, and she scooped it up as she nestled herself between Ansel and Mikhail, dodging Jeremiah’s stray boot.
“Nice, isn’t it?” she whispered, more to the wind than anyone in particular, watching Jeremiah fiddle with Ansel’s tie, dot kisses along his jaw.
“Да,” came a soft whisper from behind her. When she turned, Mikhail was looking down at the scene before them, expression infectiously serene. “Is nice.”
“Misha, are you talking about us?” Ansel called, muffled under Jeremiah’s bear hug.
Mikhail’s amusement reverberated outward from deep in his stomach, rippling through Filomena and dragging her along with his levity. “Only good things, Doktor.”
“I should hope so, mein Schatz!” Although Ansel clearly meant to say more, Jeremiah pulled him into a crushing hug and abruptly cut him off, the both of them cradled in light and warmth. Filomena kicked her heel into Jeremiah’s thigh.
“Let the poor man recover, darling!” she exclaimed, guiding him back into her lap. “I do apologize for my husband’s despicable behavior, Mr. Ludwig.”
“And I, mine, Mrs. Thornton,” Ansel returned, kissing her cheek. “Really, Vogel, you ought to know better.”
“You two are insufferable.” Groaning, Jeremiah flipped over, positioning himself across the row of thighs that formed a convenient mattress. “Why did I ever marry you?”
“Hmmm, because you love us?” Filomena said, tapping his nose.
Ansel chimed in with a raised finger. “And because you are a man of miserable tastes!”
“Ah, yeah, that’s gotta be it.”
Soft grin spreading across his face, Jeremiah let his eyes flutter closed, resting his hands across his stomach, and a pleasant quiet began to settle around them, guided on the maple seeds fluttering to the ground. The hopefulness of springtime was practically infectious, with the four of them together like this. 
Inhaling long and slow, Filomena tucked her head into Ansel’s ribs, and he draped his arm over her shoulders, slender fingers finding purchase in the brocade of Mikhail’s coat. If she was not mistaken, Jeremiah was already drifting off, heart slowing to a crawl against her legs. Mikhail’s steady breaths worked to lull them all into a timeless, dreamlike state, where the world seemed to turn at a snail’s pace around them.
“I adore you,” Filomena mumbled, uncertain as to whether or not her loves had heard her. Not that it mattered, of course, but then Ansel’s “Süße Träume,” and Mikhail’s, “Спокойной ночи,” and last of all, Jeremiah’s, “Love ya,” reached her ears, and her chest all but glowed with the vibrancy within.
The distant chirp of birds lulled her into a gentle sleep.
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polkadotpenguin16 · 4 months
#MarchFicMadness24 Rec List
Here's my contribution to @the-blind-assassin-12's March Madness Reblog Challenge: reblog 63 fics in 31 days!
Below are stories/drabbles/whatever that I enjoyed reading and give the Penguin Stamp of Approval 🐧™ (very exclusive)
Expect a lot of Carisi/Barba love 😍
Part 1 | Part 2
🥰=Fluffy 😔=Angsty 🥵=Saucy 📋=Masterlist
1. Carisi and reader's first kiss by @kryptonitejelly 🥰 Sonny Carisi x reader This is just an adorable little snippet that made my heart flutter
2. Mistakes We Knew We Were Making, Chapter 1 by @lovecarisi 🥵 Sonny Carisi x reader Hot damn - that's it, that's all my thoughts lol
3. Slow, soft love making with Barba by @adacarisi 🥵 Rafael Barba x reader This was my gateway fic into the Tumblr-SVU-Fic-Verse (came here from a random pin on Pinterest). And it is still one I enjoy going back to because it is so delightful. Anyone who enjoys smutty SVU fics should check their stuff out!
4. Sweet Tangerine by @whoevrwhatevr 🥰😔 Sonny Carisi x Rafael Barba My guilty pleasure is sick/comfort fics, and this one checks all the boxes for me. Pathetic, ill Sonny has a special place in my heart lol
5. Second Chances, Part One by @tropes-and-tales 😔🥰🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader I read this on the recommendation of @misscharlielulu, and it did NOT disappoint! It literally has everything - broken hearts, adorable dates, a sensual satisfying climax. It goes from angsty, to fluffy, to saucy, and it is near close to perfect.
6. Overtime by @storiesofsvu 😔🥰 Rafael Barba x Reader Honestly, read any of her stuff, you're guaranteed to enjoy it. I like this one in particular because it is such a well composed story. And she nailed Raf being a lovable dick 😂
7. Tears For A Good Man by @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I always get excited when a new Sonny fic comes across my dash, and this one is just GAHHH **insert incoherent happy noises** Probably the sweetest version of Sonny you will ever come across **swoon**
8. 19 (aka losing your virginity to Sonny) part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 by @carisi-dreams 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader If I was on a deserted island and was only allowed to bring one fic to read, THIS WOULD BE IT!!!! I love how relatable the reader is, I love how attentive Sonny is, and it's just GOD DAMN HOT 🔥
9. Relaxation Therapy by @mrsrafaelbarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader Who doesn't want a sexy Cuban lawyer to take care of them after a long day 😏 #life is hard and barba is hot
10. You're My Dream Girl by @pascalispretty 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Apparently @misscharlielulu and I are on the same wavelength because we were both thinking about this one today lol. This one is hot, heavy, desperate and it's AMAZING
11. Line Without a Hook by @writingdayandnight 🥰 Rafael Barba x Reader This reads like a delightful romance movie, and is a beautiful alternative for Undiscovered Country-deniers (seriously, what were they thinking?!)
12. Carisi realizing he’s in love by @kryptonitejelly 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Another adorable snippet courtesy of @kryptonitejelly - keep em coming!
13. “i’m yours, in every way possible.” by @qvid-pro-qvo 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Y'all wanna cry happy tears? Cuz this made me cry happy tears! I found this gem last week, and have become completely obsessed.
14. HCs: Being in a Relationship with Sonny Carisi by @locke-writes 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is wonderfully written, in-depth, and simply put, it's heartwarming 💓
15. Rafael Barba Masterlist by @melk917 📋 Rafael Barba x Reader If you're a Barba fan, this is the Tumblr to go to! Seriously, just pick any of them. You'll find a little bit of everything, and you'll enjoy yourself.
16. A Fight With Sonny by @storytimefromthecreed 😔🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader The dialogue in this is so perfectly written. Honestly, it's #truelovegoals
17. Rain, Candlelight & Pumpkin Spice by @beccabarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader This one is so soft and sensual and makes me miss fall. Standout quote - "I love that you think you’re the lucky one" - I'm literally melting 🫠
18. Taken Care Of by @plaidbooks 😔🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader There are LOTS of stories out there about Sonny taking care of the reader. Not nearly as many about Sonny being cared for, and by god does that man deserve it! This is a fav of mine, Julie's so talented, and I've got 45 more fics to go so I'm sure I'll be adding more of her stuff to this list.
19. Perfect / Love Won’t Die by @cathrrrine 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader When this fic dropped, I got absolutely nothing done that day because it was the only thing I could think about. It gives you all the nice mushy feelings a good fluff piece should!
20. Movie Night by @adarafaelbarba 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader This is one of the first Rafa fics I ever read. Then I freaking lost it and thought I was imagining the whole thing. And when I finally found it again, it was even better than I remembered lol
21. Mistakes We Knew We Were Making, Chapter 2 by @lovecarisi 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Chapter 2's out y'all!
22. Public Transportation by @amaroforpresident 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader An utterly adorable meet cute 😍
23. Caught in the Act by @svuwritings 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Just absolutely filthy smut; might need a cold shower after this one.
24. 4th of July by @australiancarisi 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I love reading fics with a focus on Sonny's family. We got such a small sliver of that part of him on the show. This fic just makes me smile ☺️
25. Decisions by @detectivesvu 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader This is a heavy read, but it's oh so good. Sidenote, this reader is a saint - I wish I could practice this level of patience lol
26. Paradise Lost & Paradise Found by @cycat4077/@cycat-carisi 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader So Tumblr will not let me reblog these for some reason, but I just had to share because I love them so much. This story breaks my damn heart and then glues it back together and I am HERE for it! All of their stuff is a joy to read 💙
27. I Want You to Touch Me by @writefasttalkevenfaster 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader Sexy bearded Barba, anyone? “I told you it wouldn’t be a bed,” - GAHH I'm blushing 😳
28. Gallery by @svu-ncis-criminalminds 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Is "deliciously angsty" a thing? I have issues dealing with conflict in my personal life, so reading about people fighting and making up is kind of cathartic for me. It does wrap with a sweet ending.
29. Getting Flowers from Sonny by @duchesschameleon 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader I've only received flowers once from someone (who wasn't family) and I remember just how goddamn special that made me feel and this perfectly captures all those warm fuzzy feels 😊
30. "Hey, just look at me. Breathe." by @amirightcounsellor 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Oh, to be held by Sonny after a nightmare...
31. Sonny in an accident part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 by @carisi-dreams 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader Scrolling through Violet's blog is like the best box of chocolates you've ever received - always something new and exciting to find. I cannot believe I only just read this today. I think it is a contender for my most favorite fic of all-time. Violet, I bow to your greatness 🙌
32. Unsure by @svucarisiaddict 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader I love this story so much. It really resonates with me deeply. And Sonny is such a dear in this :)
33. The Tum by @plaidbooks 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader I love me a fluffy man, and Raf deserves all the adoring attention in the world <3
34. A Misunderstanding by @minidodds 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader This is a cute shorty about a silly miscommunication.
35. Toy Box by @detective-giggles 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Did someone turn up the heat, cuz it's getting a little steamy in here. This is filthy...please enjoy 😏
36. All Wrapped Up by @melk917 🥵 Rafael Barba x Reader I know the holiday season has passed, but this is a good read all year round.
37. Come Home part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 by @enamoured-x 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader In case you needed your heart torn up this evening! This whole series is amazing, I love it so much. Why do I we love to see Carisi suffer so much?!
38. Do Not Disturb by @foryouthem00n 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader I do enjoy me some Cranky Carisi lol. Can hardly believe Sonny would turn down cuddles 🥺
39. how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single” by @cathrrrine 🥰 The whole SVU gang These are all just a laugh and a half 😆 and so accurate! "Not now. I'm not done sulking yet." OMG seriously Rafa?!!
40. fluff #1 by @writingsforfandoms-multi 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Ya know, I'm just a sucker for some domestic bliss. This one is so precious!
41. Your first five dates with Sonny… by @reddielov-e 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is such a fun read! Very well thought out, lots of details. "you’re an outstanding woman and you never fail to make me laugh" - ya killing me!
42. Jealousy by @minidodds 😔 Sonny Carisi x Reader This is an oldy but a goody. I go back to this one whenever I'm in the mood for some angst.
43. Trust Me by @ambivertdreamer 😔 Rafael Barba x Reader I really like Rafa stories that follow the plot from Intersecting lives (wtf were you thinking giving out your address Barba?!) and seeing the fall out and consequences that the show didn't really give us. This is a great story that ties up really nicely.
44. Coming Home by @seekret-fanfic 🥰 Sonny Carisi x Reader Warning! Your heart may not be prepared for this amount of fluff!! I fucking LOVE this story - it pulls at the heartstrings in such a delightful way. Warms my cold dead heart 🖤
45. On Takeout and Yoga by @inflagranteinnuendo 🥵 Sonny Carisi x Reader Not your conventional smut piece. This is so well written. I love the flow of the whole story. I love the build up to ending. I love just how goddamn sweet and endlessly understanding Sonny is!!
46. SVU guys picking out engagement rings by @adacarisi 🥰 Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds I've been a wedding-y mood recently, and this just tickles my fancy.
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Writing prompt (It’s silly)
- They sit down and TALK (while cuddling maybe). Stede explains what happened that night, and Ed explains what happened that day (was it at daytime? I don’t remember. But it’s izzy’s confrontation. That turned depressed ed into Kraken (and also depressed) ed )
““You don’t have to tell me or anything- I just- I’d just like to know what happened. The night you…”
Abandoned me was left unsaid”
They thank each other for being sincere at the end, ed feeling particularly guilty for leaving the crew at an island and throwing Lucius overboard.
I just want them to sort it out, to know the full story. Stede to tell ed he ended up faking his own dead in the most dramatic way possible to be back with him. And Ed to tell stede how it was when he first went back to the revenge, just curled up on bed and crying
I love heavy dialogue fanfics, sue me
LOVED this one! It wound up being one of my personal favorite fics I wrote for my birthday! <3
“Was it the kiss?”
Stede paused, his fingers stilling in Ed’s hair. He might’ve been close to drifting off, before Ed had to open his mouth. “Hm?”
Ed had to take a moment, push down the urge to leave this conversation for an easier time. They were trying to get past that. Talk it through as a crew of two, Stede was saying. And Ed had been thinking about this all fucking day, ever since Stede woke him up with a smiling kiss.
“I, uh,” he said, humming softly when Stede’s fingers started right back up in his hair. They’d taken to going to bed a full hour early, lately, just so they could cuddle and chat, and Ed never felt safer than he did just like this, his head pillowed on Stede’s chest. They could talk. He would be okay. “I was just wondering. Y’know, that day. Was it the kiss that made you panic?”
“Ah,” Stede said softly. “No. No, Ed, I promise it wasn’t the kiss. I loved the kiss.”
“Okay,” Ed mumbled.
Stede offered no further elaboration, instead moving his hand down to scritch lightly through Ed’s beard in a very obvious ploy to distract him. That could be the hard part about talking it through as a crew of two. Stede was a slippery motherfucker.
Tough luck. Ed could multitask.
He nuzzled into Stede’s hand, eyes closing at the feeling of Stede’s fingers in his beard. “You don’t have to tell me or anything. I just - I’d just like to know what happened. The night you…”
He trailed off. Hadn’t quite thought through where that sentence was going to go, distracted by Stede’s lovely fingers lovingly brushing along his jaw, and the last part, the abandoned me, hung heavy in the air.
“Because, like,” Ed went on, desperate to fill the silence, “if it was something I did, then I’m kinda scared I might repeat it -”
That was it. Fuckin’ bulls-eye. Getting Stede to open up could be like pulling teeth, but if he realized that his silence was making Ed suffer…
“No,” Stede gasped, reaching his other hand away to land on Ed’s side. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and like this, Stede’s hand always rested protectively over the cluster of scars on his tummy. “No, Ed, sweetheart, you didn’t do anything.”
Ed hummed softly, invitingly.
“I don’t want to make excuses,” Stede whispered, his eyes wide in the dark of their bedroom.
“No excuses, but I just want an explanation,” Ed said.
“Well…” Stede let his head flop back against the pillows. “Honestly, Ed, if I’d been woken up, I probably would’ve been there, but -”
“Wait, back up,” Ed said, resting his hand over Stede’s on his tummy. “If you’d been woken up? What do you mean if? I had a guy -”
Stede let his eyes close, like he didn’t want to watch Ed’s face. “That guy never woke me up, Ed,” he admitted, his voice a near-whisper. “It was Badminton -”
“The admiral?” Ed frowned. “What would he - shit, Stede, did he hurt you?”
Stede grimaced.
Ed sat bolt upright in bed, looking down at Stede in shock. “Did he -”
“It’s alright, sweet pea.” Stede sat up, too, taking Ed’s hand, putting it on his chest so he could feel his heartbeat. “Think he was a little pissed. About the whole thing with me killing his brother. He was so worked up, marched me out there at gunpoint -”
“What the shit,” Ed whispered.
“It’s okay,” Stede hurried to say, “because he tripped. Shot himself right in the eye. He was really drunk.”
“Stede, holy fucking shit,” Ed whispered, bringing his hands up to cup Stede’s face, just feel for himself that he was alright. “That’s fucking - shit! You could’ve died!”
Stede frowned, like he was digesting that.
“Oh my God, Ed,” he near-shouted, then. “I could’ve died!”
“Are you just now realizing that?”
“It’s the first time it’s really - fucking sunk in, thanks,” Stede snipped, shaking his head at the cieling. “Holy shit, I almost missed out on…all of this!”
Ed rubbed Stede’s back, trying to help ground him. Thankfully, Stede seemed a bit pissed more than truly rattled, and just mumbled about how Badminton really should’ve been kicked off the base acting like that before he was able to get to him, and…
Was Ed happy that Stede had been held at gunpoint? No. Fuck no. He wished he could bring Badminton back from the dead so he could shoot him personally. But…it was nice to know the context. He didn’t think he’d ever actually been angry with Stede, but it was still easier to swallow the whole thing knowing that Stede had been through something that would’ve made anyone panic.
It meant that it hadn’t been Ed’s fault.
Which led him directly to - 
“Hey, Stede,” Ed realized, shaking Stede’s shoulder. “Do you think what happened with me was your fault?”
Stede paused in the middle of his tirade about poor guard management at the barracks (“really, there was no reason he should’ve been able to march out a registered academy member at gunpoint without us being stopped by some authority”), and he blinked at Ed a bit blankly. “Uh,” he said, “yes?”
“Alright, that’s what I was afraid of.” Ed squirmed a bit. “Can you hold me for this?”
They repositioned, moving Ed between Stede’s legs so he could lay with Stede’s arms around his back and his head resting on Stede’s wonderful soft tits. The world was better from this vantage point.
“You really don’t have to get into any of it,” Stede told him, resting a hand on Ed’s cheek.
Ed nuzzled into his palm. “I want to,” he said, a bit surprised by how much he meant it. “You don’t deserve to think it was your fault. Just like…”
“Just like how you didn’t deserve to think me not showing up was your fault,” Stede finished with a smile, encouraging.
Ed took a deep breath.
“So,” he began, haltingly, “you know what happened when I got back to the ship?”
Stede frowned. “You pushed Lucius?”
Ed let out a little frustrated huff of a breath. “No, man. I mean, I was upset, but I was okay. I cried a lot, made a blanket fort. Slept in your robes because they smelled like you. I wrote some lyrics. I sang for the crew. I was feeling so much better. I thought they were gonna support me, in not wanting to be pirates anymore.”
Stede’s frown was deepening, a confused line popping out between his eyebrows.
“It’s not an excuse,” Ed hurried to say. “But Izzy, y’know, I said I wanted everyone to call me Edward, and then Izzy came in and told me he should’ve let the English kill me, and he said death was better than how I was acting, and he yelled at me until I tried to choke him - just to get him to stop, I swear - and then he said that was me, the violence was me, and he told me I better watch my fuckin’ step.”
He was rambling, a bit, because Stede had gotten very still and very quiet.
“Stede?” Ed prompted, nudging him a little.
“You’re telling me,” Stede said, his voice quivering with an anger Ed was a bit thrilled to realize wasn’t directed at him, “that he did that and I mourned his death? I let everyone blame you for what happened with his leg? Fuck, Ed, I would've shot him in both legs my fucking self, if I'd known! I just let him walk around my ship and -”
“Hey, hey, babe!” Ed rested his chin on Stede’s chest. “It’s okay, he got better -”
“Holy shit.” Stede dragged a hand over his eyes. “You had to interact with him - he came into our bedroom and opened the curtains on us in bed, after he did that to you.”
Ed frowned. “That’s - it’s okay, he was just being Izzy.”
“It’s not okay!” Stede shook his head emphatically. “You must’ve felt so unsafe -”
“I didn’t,” Ed promised. “I didn’t, because you were there.”
Stede let his breath out, long and slow.
“It doesn’t excuse what I did,” Ed mumbled, deciding to play with Stede’s chest hair instead of meet his eyes any longer. “And I feel awful for the crew. I shouldn’t have pushed Lucius. It wasn’t right, to take it out on them.”
Stede, apparently, had not moved on. “If I were you, I would've eaten his toes myself, just to really drive home the point.”
Ed snorted. “Babe.”
“I’m serious, Ed.” Stede held Ed’s face, making him meet his eyes. “Be sorry for the crew all you want. They’re okay. But you did not deserve that - do you think Buttons can bring people back from the dead? I’d like to have a word with someone.”
“Stede.” Ed let his body relax, curling around Stede’s. “Y’know, I wasn’t planning on giving you visions of bloodlust.”
Stede huffed. “You deserve the bloodlust.”
That was an idea, that Ed was worthy of the protection. Ed tabled it for later.
“Anyway,” he said, forging bravely ahead, “the point was - it wasn’t your fault.”
Stede blinked. Looked at him. Blinked again. 
“Oh,” he said, then. “I mean, it didn’t help -”
“Did not help, no.”
“But it wasn’t…” Stede nodded. “It wasn’t all me.”
“Wasn’t primarily you. Wouldn’t have happened at all if it had been just you.”
“Huh,” Stede said. “That’s…good to know.”
It was. It was good to know that it hadn’t been Ed’s fault, for Stede to know that it hadn’t been his.
“Life’s a dick,” Ed shrugged, figuring that was really the best way to sum it all up. “Hey, uh, if you don’t mind me asking - how did you leave Barbados? If you went back to your wife?”
“Oh!” Stede cuddled Ed close, his face breaking out into a smile. “Ed, you would’ve loved it! It was amazing - so, it all started when my ex-wife tried to stab me in the earhole with a skewer…”
Ed laughed and gasped through Stede’s story, and something in him felt quiet, for the first time in a long time. He still thought he had more amends to make. He still felt awful for the crew. But the whole world felt lighter.
Ed snuggled close to his boyfriend, and the world felt easy.
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ariundercovers · 1 year
Withholding (Din Djarin x Reader)
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Summary: Din has been holding something back from you. He finally willingly gives it.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (one female gender descriptor used @ the end)
Word count: ~2k
Warnings: fluff, marshmallows, and feely good feelings. A flagon of angst at the very beginning if you squint with some reading glasses on.
A/n: This is very dialogue heavy - not my usual style of writing! It's super plotty for being a fluffy fic so, idk. we'll just try it out. As always - let me know what you think!
It was just about a week since the three of you settled in the small cabin on Nevarro. You and Din were happily seated outside under the small awning, Grogu off playing with the other school-aged students for the time being. There was a comfortable silence between you for some time when Din finally broke it unceremoniously.
“I commed Bo Katan yesterday.”
You turn to look at him, surprised. “Oh? And?”
“She asked me if I had taken you as my riduur yet, and then she told me I was a kriffing moron. Her words.” You’re surprised at the response, assuming it would have been something regarding Mandalore, but then you chuckle. 
“Sounds about right.”
He nods his head almost imperceptively. “She made me realize many things. I owe you a lot.”
You turn fully to him, eyebrows scrunched together in concern. “What? No, you don’t owe me anything.”
He sits up a little straighter and it feels like his visor is burrowing into your very soul with the intensity he is giving off. “I do though. I owe you much. I know you were disappointed when I took Grogu as my own in the mines, in front of all the other Mandalorians, but I did not offer the same to you. It wasn’t fair.”
“No, no… It’s okay. I understand. I know I’m not Mandalorian, and, well, honestly I’m just happy with whatever you can give me. I don’t need more.” 
He sighs, always overwhelmed by the selflessness you exhibit to a fault, especially when it comes to him and the kid. 
“But it’s not okay. I have been withholding things from you, and that’s not right. You have given me everything, you have shared all of yourself with me, but I have not offered you the same. I can give you more than this.”
He pauses briefly before continuing. “It never felt like the right time. I’ve had nothing to offer you - no home, no stability. Just running into the abyss and a wizard of a tiny green child.”
You laugh at his description of your lives over the past few years. “I love running into the abyss with you. And I love your tiny green child.”
He leans into you abruptly. “Ours, cyare. Our tiny green child.” 
You hum in response. You know he’s right, even if it’s hard to admit to yourself. “I don’t need anything from you, Din. Just you. I don’t need a home, or a ship. I don’t need stability. I just need you and Grogu. I’ll run into the abyss for the rest of my life if it means I get to have the two of you.”
He leans back in the chair a little bit, looking out over the fields that sprawl in front of your little home. “I know that now. But I wanted so badly to be able to provide for you in some way. I was starting to think the Crest was enough of a home for us, but just as I was coming to terms with that, Gideon showed up and we lost the kid. I needed to have something for you. You deserve something. You are an amazing mother, and an even better partner. You are… everything to me. You are the planets, the suns, and all the stars in my galaxy.”
“Din…” You can feel yourself blushing as he overwhelms you with compliments. It’s too much to wrap your brain around.
“I mean it. We finally have a moment here - a small slice of normal. Something… real, maybe even permanent. But it’s still not complete because I have one thing more I need to offer you, to let you choose.”
You turn your head toward him, brows scrunching in confusion. You’re curious, unsure exactly where he’s going with it.
“Cyar’ika, I want nothing more than to have you as my riduur, my kin. You are already part of my clan but I want you to be mine and I yours, completely. I… would you make a riduurok with me? Be my riduur?”
You knew what a riduur was - at least a little bit. The first time you had met her, Bo-Katan mistakenly assumed you already made a riduurok. She explained it to you a bit then. The first time you met Paz, he huffed about letting an aruetii in - that Din needed to be a real Mandalorian and choose his riduur already.
“I’ve been wondering if you would ever ask. I was starting to think you couldn’t ask me… Or wouldn’t, maybe.” Your eyes dart down to your lap, where you’re fiddling with your hands.
“I know. I never should have made you wait this long.”
You look up to him, meeting his visor. “Surely you must know I would have said yes, right? If you had asked me before.”
He nods back at you. “I know. This wasn’t about you, it was all me. And I’m sorry. I should’ve asked you many cycles ago.” 
You smile softly and pull on of his hands into your lap, craving the friction of his skin against yours. “How does it work? Is there a ceremony?”
You slowly unlatch the buckle of his glove, loosening each finger. “No. It’s always done in private. You exchange a set of vows in Mando’a.”
You pause, to look at him with a concerned expression. “I’m gonna fuck them up.”
He puffs out a chuckle and turns his hand over so you have easy access to the alm. “Doesn’t matter. It’s about the intention behind them.” 
You nod your head in agreement, pulling his glove the rest of the way off and tucking it off to the side. “Will you let me? Let me take you as my riduur?”
You revel in the feeling of his bare skin upon your own as you contemplate how you’ll answer - of course you know the answer you’ll give him already, but you have to figure out how you’ll actually say it. You lace your fingers in his own. “Yes, Din. Of course, I will.”
He stares, unmoving.
“Just like that, you say yes to marrying a person you’ve never even seen before?”
You sigh, immediately understanding where this line of questioning was going. Din was always a self-deprecating soul - someone who didn’t understand how he could deserve, or earn, happiness in his life. Someone who saw himself as a means to an end more than as anything else. 
“Din… I’ve seen enough of you to know you’re human. That’s good enough for me. I don’t need to see you to know I love you.”
His helmet droops, looking away. “You’ve never wondered?”
You shake your head no. “Not really. I try not to let myself. I respect you and your Creed far too much to allow my thoughts to go down that road.”
“What if I’m ugly? Beneath all the beskar?”
You tilt your head to the side and smile genuinely at him. There’s that self-deprecation creeping in again. “A man as good as you could never be. I see you, Din Djarin, through all the beskar. And Din Djarin the man - not Din Djarin the Mandalorian - is a kind and compassionate soul. He’s an honorable and righteous man, a great father, and a very worthy romantic partner. You could never be ugly to me, because that is how I see you, helmet or not.”
He doesn’t move, only speaks lowly, nearly a whisper.“What if I’m… disfigured? Or horrifying? Or something else?”
You smile again, rubbing the back of his hand as you hope to settle his nerves. You can tell he has built all this up into something major in his mind. “Then I’d learn to love that, too. But it doesn’t matter, because I will never, ever, ask you to break your Creed for me.”
The two of you sit in silence for a few moments, pleasant as you stare into his visor, hoping that any change might alert you to his current mental state. He’s the first one to break the silence.
“I know you wouldn’t ask it. It’s part of the vows.”
You blink a few times, not understanding. “What’s part of the vows?”
He responds quickly. “I have to show you my face.”
You’ll feel badly about it later, but in the moment you’re so taken aback by it that your voice raises and comes out like a blaster shot. “You what?”
You can hear a audible deep sigh through the modulator, his tone exasperated. “We vow to share all with one another. I have to share this, too. There are no secrets between riduurs. It’s why they’re always done in private.”
You squeak out an “oh”, but that’a all you can manage.
“Do you… still want to? If you don’t, I wouldn’t…”
You shift quickly, gathering both of his hands in your own as you pull yourself closer to him. You want him to see that you are serious about this. “Yes. Kriff, yes, of course I do.”
“Even if…” You shake your head and cut him off before he can start.
“No. Din. Even if I could never see your face. Even if you were the most conventionally ugly human in the entire galaxy. I. Want. To. Marry. You.” He nods a little bit in acceptance. “How soon can we do it?”
Shifting in his seat, he squeezes your hands back in his own. “Whenever you want, cyar’ika. It’s just us.”
You look toward the barren lands in front of you and then back to him. “Can we do it now? Here?”
He sighs again, and you can tell how baadly this conversation must have been wearing on his soul. “If that’s what you want, yes.”
“Then tell me the vows.”
He’s visibly taken aback by your sudden response, floored by the way you’ve been responding to him since he first brought this all up. “You… really? Right now?”
You sit up in the chair a little more, smiling, waiting, hopeful “I’ve waited long enough, Din - I’m not wasting another moment without you being mine. What are the vows, Din?”
He stutters out a response. Even though he knows these vows by heart, sharing them with you sends him spiraling into a nervousnss that he’s never felt before.“I, uh… T-There are four of them: Mhi solus tome. We are one when together. Mhi solus dar’tome. We are one when parted. Mhi me’dinui an. We share all. Mhi bajuri verde. We will raise warriors.”
You smile. The vows - like all things Mandalorian - are short and sweet. But that means that every vow - every word - every letter - means that much more. Din tells you each vow again, this time addressing you directly. He goes slowly, and helps you through each vowel that feels foreign on your tongue. You stumble the most over the last one - the heavy-handed language is like a sticky substance stuck to the roof of your mouth, but you make it through to the other side and you look at him, hopeful. 
There’s a lightness to your heart that you don’t recognize when Din tells you, “Then it is written in song, my riduur.”
Your face erupts into a wild grin, never having thought youd see the day that he would can you mine. “Riduur…” You test out the word on your tongue, feeling like you could have been floating on clouds.
His hands squeeze yours, pulling you out of your thoughts and back into the moment.
“Yes. My riduur, Lady Djarin.”  Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much for so long, but you just cant make yourself stop. You can’t help the expression that forms on your face at his words. 
“Lady Djarin. I like it.” He chuckles, smoothing one ungloved hand over your cheek. He grabs your hands in his and places them on either side of his helmet. 
“Help me fulfill the rest of my vows to you?” 
You nod your head, yes, knowing that this moment would be emblazoned in your memory forever. This evening would change everything. In a new house, on a new planet, with a newly christened relationship, and a tiny wizard of a green child, this is where you and Din finally became one. One clan, one partnership, one shared bond - forever.
And it turns out, you couldn’t wait.
riduur - spouse
riduurok - marriage/love bond
aruetii - outsider
cyare/cyar'ika - beloved one; term of endearment
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nvuy · 4 days
How do you write so well? I'm trying to get into writing because I YEARN to create, but it is very difficult. Do you have any tips? I try and create, but it feels like there is a brick wall in my brain 😫 I also struggle to come up with ideas 😭😭
oh worm thank you so much im so honoured… i don’t want to just say ‘practise,’ even though that is half of quite literally improving in anything.
i am going to long post now. you’re welcome. this is my little guide to writing. in no way am i saying my writing is perfect and world class five stars, but this is just some things i learned along the way that helped me get better!!!
now this is all assuming considering you read my works that you also want to write reader inserts, but even if that’s not the case, i think all this stuff applies to normal writing as well.
what i do like to think is that ‘good writing’ is very very subjective. for example, i prefer much more philosophical pieces, ambiguous endings, extensive world building, and things like that, and i like to put it in my writing.
however, what you may like about my writing could be what someone else absolutely hates. not everyone can be bothered to read 4 pages on a heavy description of a quiet deserted street in the rain, or a dusty old library , or the bustling atmosphere of a cafe. some writers like to do scenarios without fully developed plots. some do.
what really helps is to find where you lie on this spectrum. do you prefer overtly poetic descriptive writing, or straight to the point, no beating around the bush? or does it depend?
i know it’s sounds taxing to write heavy descriptions and worldbuilding and this and that, but if you like to read it, chances are you may also like to write it yourself.
this is a tip i lowkey thought was common sense, but i’ve spoken to moots on discord and other platforms about it, and a lot of writers just… don’t know about it?
basically it’s that A First Draft is a First Draft. this has been said time and time again. j.r. tolkein didn’t write LOTR in a day, rowling did not write the entire harry potter series in one shot. nobody did that.
as well as this, my first drafts never start out as fully fledged stories. most of them look like this:
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notice the obnoxiously large gap in between? yep! two entirely different scenes, but under the same concept. you don’t need cohesion in your drafts. that comes with time. get all your ideas down first.
my first drafts are awful. they’re absolute dogshit. most of the time, i abandon a lot of my works altogether. but i never delete anything, because sometimes i may come back and suddenly get inspiration again.
most of my first drafts look like this:
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notice how it lacks with everything. there’s no flavour here. it’s incredibly dialogue heavy, and it’s clearly supposed to have some sort of surreal feeling to it.
come back to it later only when i feel like it and rewrite it only when you feel like it:
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same concept, same exact scene, but now it has more emotion. because i’ve written it a second time, or maybe even a third, or fourth (anymore than that, and im sorry, but drop it. it’s doing you more harm than good). so many people hit this writers block because they want their first draft to be perfect and it won’t ever be.
don’t focus on the itty bitty details. get the idea down first. you can always come back later. it really really helps to get out of ruts and stuff.
another thing: You Don’t Need To Start With Writing Fanfics Right Away. and i wouldn’t recommend it. not doubting you, or any other young bright-eyed writers, but fanfics are gruelling work that require lots and lots of planning.
i would honestly recommend getting started and finding comfort with one shots and/or headcanons, or drabbles, or whatever else short fics are called, because they require a lot less dedication, and it’s a lot more fun, because you can spring from one idea to another. majority of my works are short fics for a reason. it’s a lot easier to write, and i personally find it more enjoyable :) try it out!
(this next segment is assuming your fic wants to take place in a different area than canon) (otherwise, check out descriptions/images/videos of the place your world is supposed to be set in!! same idea!!)
if you’re unsure about worldbuilding and what exactly this place you’re creating is supposed to look like or how it might function, browse pinterest! there’s so many real and/or fake & rendered places on that site. is your area really cold and constantly snowing? search up some art with those key words. it could help you gain a clearer image!
let’s use an example: say the world im building my fic is based in a very cold, always snowing, always icy town. we go on pinterest, have a bit of a look around, and then we go Ooh this looks interesting!!
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this is a painting by alexander andriyanov.
who are these people? where are they? what’re they doing? is horseback and carriage their primary mode of transport? do these people have access to vehicles like cars? do cars exist in my world at all? what are the surrounding buildings? etc etc.
TLDR: what im trying to say is if it helps you, look at something, listen to music, watch a movie, and then ask the question How Do I Make This About Me?
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this speedpaint by darek zabrocki helped me get an idea of what snezhnaya in my multi chapter fic on ao3 was supposed to look like. obviously snezhnaya isn’t released in genshin just yet, so it allows me a lot of creative freedom in that regard.
you can always always use other people’s works as inspiration. why do you think so many songs these days use samples from older tracks? it’s basically the same thing. obviously, don’t downright copy, that’s plagiarism, but seriously. if you’re struggling to create this world in your head, pinterest is your best friend.
in terms of coming up with actually plot ideas, i said it before and i’ll say it again. movies, shows, games, other people’s stories, other fanfics/books, paintings and other forms of artwork, history, etc.
if you’re writing a fanfic, most writers like to take the canon route, and you’re welcome to do that.
if you’re worried about your own ideas being lacklustre or you can’t think of anything, but the canon storyline is good for your fic, canon divergence is always fun!
for example! i haven’t posted it here, but i always did have this idea of a neuvillette centric fic based on the love letter he received in one of the world quests. so you take something that happened in the game, and then you ask AGAIN: How Do I Make This About Me?
in terms of thinking up an entirely different idea or concept or prompt or whatever you want to call it, there’s honestly no right or wrong way of doing it. it’s really, really difficult though. i have so many ideas that are more suitable for one shots that fully fledged fanfictions.
again, read books you like. read other people’s works. read lore of the fandom you’re writing about, or better yet, sometimes i go off of a fleeting thought that a random NPC said at some point in the storyline that had little to no effect on the story.
what constitutes as a good plot and a bad plot is a matter of opinion. as long as there’s evident improvement (or the opposite, if that’s your fancy) of your characters in your story, whether that be their personality, relationship with others, or whatever, then you’ve successfully written a cohesive narrative.
how most of my works start is actually because i randomly come up with one scene in my head that haunts me. i call them Brain Rots™.
for example, in my scaramouche fic on ao3, the scene that started the entire thing was of some sort of solider that presented a ring to the doctor in a very cold and barren wasteland.
and then i asked, what is the significance of this ring? is the solider injured? should the doctor care? why are they there in the first place? where is this place? where do they go after this?
hopefully you get the picture.
TLDR: figure out what makes your Brain Rot™ about the particular scene that’s playing on repeat in your head, find your inspiration through any sort of media you enjoy consuming that you find directly links to your ideas (because most likely if you enjoy something, you’ll be inspired by it more than you would with something you actively don’t like) (and this ‘media’ ranges from pictures, real life anecdotes/stories, video games, other fics, music, art, etc.), ask questions (How Do I Make This About Me), and then answer them yourself!!!!
and also just practise and practise and practise!!! you will subconsciously develop new skills by consuming media and reading other people’s works that you really like. it all comes with time :) !!!!!
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trashywritestrash · 10 months
Pairing: Avengers x Singer-Songwriter!Stark!Reader (platonic/family)
Word Count: 1,220
Warnings: Swearing, no specific age is given for reader, but she's between 18 and 21. Probably bad writing, heavy dialogue, song lyrics… Idk if half of those are warnings, but that’s what I’ve got.
A/N: This isn’t going to be the best thing I’ve written by a long shot. This whole thing is just like a daydream I have sometimes and I was encouraged to just write it out because maybe that would help me unclog the writers block. Honestly, I’ve just been drained lately and I don’t have the energy to be creative, so I’m cranking this thing out in the hopes that it’ll spark something. I’d call this a crack fic but I don’t know if it’s unhinged enough to qualify.
Song Reference: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
gif by jameschildress
Tumblr media
As the daughter of Tony Stark, you had been in the spotlight your entire life. So when you announced that you would be releasing your debut album as a musician, the internet was hyped up immediately. You didn’t need to promote it at all, but you still released small clips on social media and dropped a single before the release of the album.
The Avengers are close to you, they’re your big found family… But when they asked to listen to the album before the official release, you still said no. Obviously, they continued to ask and even attempted to bribe you, but you were adamant that they would have to wait like everyone else.
Finally, the album dropped. To celebrate, everyone gathered in the common area while you set up a camera to record their reactions as you all listened. In the living room sat your father, Pepper, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Wanda. The “extended” team members like Peter Parker, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Carol, and Dr. Strange were listening on their own and simply texting you their thoughts.
“Okay, guys. Get your snacks and stuff now because I’m not going to wait ten minutes in between songs for you to grab something,” Tony bosses, completely impatient.
You chuckle, “You do know that I’m controlling the music, right?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll have Friday override the speakers if I have to.”
“Alright, are we ready yet? Yelena is already trying to text me about it and I don’t want spoilers,” Natasha complains from her spot on one of the couches, bowl of popcorn in hand.
“Yeah, yeah, settle down.” Once everyone is sat, you take your spot on a stool by the camera, “Okay, if you need me to pause or rewind, raise your hand or something. Or listen to it again later on your own. I’ll pause between songs so you can get your comments and questions out. Sound good?”
Sam waves his hand, “We got it, just play it already, we’re tired of waiting.”
“Patience, Samuel. Alright, the first song is called ‘Brutal’.” You press play on your phone, which is bluetooth connected to the speakers in the room.
The song opens with classical instrumental music, surprising the group. They’ve heard the clips released on your social media, and this doesn’t seem to fit at all.
I want it to be, like, messy.
Suddenly the music is louder and faster paced, taking on a more punk rock sound. Tony grins wide, “That’s my kid!”
I’m so insecure, I think
That I’ll die before I drink
And I’m so caught up in the news
Of who likes me, and who hates you
And I’m so tired that I might
Quit my job, start a new life
And they’d all be so disappointed
‘Cause who am I, if not exploited?
Reactions across the room are mixed. Bucky and Steve look a little thrown off, not used to this type of music. Tony looks prouder than ever. Pepper and Sam look proud, but you can tell they’re not sure what to think about the tone of it. Natasha and Clint have “I told you so” written all over their faces. Thor is enthusiastic and smiling wide. And Bruce and Wanda seem to be trying to dissect and analyze the lyrics as they listen.
And I’m so sick of seventeen
Where’s my fucking teenage dream?
“Language,” slips from Steve before he can stop himself. “Also, you’re not seventeen anymore?”
“I wrote it a while ago and I decided to leave it like that. I wanted it to be truthful to where I was in my life when I wrote it.” The group nods as the song continues.
If someone tells me one more time
“Enjoy your youth,” I’m gonna cry
And I don’t stick up for myself
I’m anxious and nothing can help
And I wish I’d done this before
And I wish people liked me more
“Awe, sweetheart,” Wanda frowns. Everyone seems conflicted. Like they’re unsure whether they should be banging their heads or offering you hugs.
All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)
They say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it’s brutal out here
You frown at how the mood was brought down by the lyrics. Quickly, you pause. “Guys, stop that. This is supposed to be a fun song.”
“It is fun, but you’re my daughter, of course I’m going to be concerned,” Tony pouts. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this stuff?”
“Because I didn’t feel like I needed to. I get these feelings out in therapy and in my songs, so it’s not like I’m bottling it in. I have some healthy coping mechanisms.”
Bruce takes the opportunity to speak up. “Some?”
“Nobody’s perfect, Bruce. You guys don’t need to know everything.” You chuckle to diffuse the tension, but resume the music before anyone can argue.
I feel like no one wants me
And I hate the way I’m perceived
I only have two real friends
And lately, I’m a nervous wreck
‘Cause I love people I don’t like
And I hate every song I write
And I’m not cool and I’m not smart
And I can’t even parallel park
“Are we not your friends?” Thor pouts, genuinely sad.
“You guys don’t count. You’re family.” That answer seems to appease them, but they’re clearly still concerned. The chorus plays once more before the music starts to wind down.
Got a broken ego, broken heart
God, I don’t even know where to start
The song ends, so you pause before the next one automatically starts. “What did you guys think?” You wait nervously for their response. They mean a lot to you, so you want them to like your music.
“I loved it, but the lyrics are kinda sad when I think about them…” Pepper admits cautiously, not wanting you to think she didn’t like it.
You give her a nervous smile, “I’m gonna be honest. Some of the stuff on here is sad. Some of it is probably gonna upset you… I don’t tell you guys everything, and there are some things in here that you guys don’t know about. I’m sorry about that; but the last thing I want is for you guys to pity me or anything like that.” Chuckling, you attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m an angsty girl. In this album I get a little sad, a little angry, a little petty, but try not to get too heartbroken over it. Please?”
“No promises, kid. We’re your family. We’re absolutely going to get protective.” Sam grins, keeping his comment lighthearted, even though he means every word.
“Fine, I’ll take it.”
Steve raises his hand patiently, “Are all of the songs this… upbeat?” He asks, unsure of what to call the sound.
“No, some of them slow down. But some of them are more punk like this. I won’t give you a heart attack.” He laughs at your joke, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, I think we’re ready for the next one,” Clint says, causing the others to nod. “Hit us with it!”
You laugh, pulling up your music app. “Okay, okay. Here we go…”
If you enjoyed this or would like to read more of my work, please consider liking, reblogging, or tipping my Ko-fi!
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fruitdaze · 5 months
fic writer meme!
thank you claire @microcomets and lore @megafaunatic for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
34 posted publicly, and a few more that are now on anon because i have disowned them
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly danmei (currently a lot of liu yao, cancipin, and yuwu), but i'm excited to start branching out to other books if they catch my attention :')
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
in defense of lightning
between two lungs
blooming days
the rivers start to sing
shake the heavy
all are wangxian because i was regrettably a one trick pony for several years LOL
5. Do you respond to comments?
i fell out of answering comments in like 2022 and i've just never gotten back to it! i'm usually not sure what to say except thank you and i also get very self conscious. but i always read every single comment i receive, usually 5+ times because they're such a big confidence boost
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i honestly don't think i've written anything super angsty! i don't like reading a lot of angst and so i cannot write it. but i guess losing all my senses every night has a vaguely angsty ending since it's a missing scene
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most have happy endings!!! but i admit that the ending of i kneel into a dream still makes me do kicky feet a little bit
8. Do you get hate on fics?
a few times, but overwhelmingly the comments are so kind :')
9. Do you write smut?
yes! although it took me a while to get comfortable with it and also start to feel semi good at it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
nope, and i'm not a big fan of them personally so i probably will never do so!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i am aware of.......... knock on wood etc
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back to my door has a russian tl!! that is the only one that i know about but i would be thrilled if that list expanded
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
lots of casual discord brainstorming but never a formal fic!
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i honestly don't know if i have an all-time favorite! what i crave in a pairing can change from month to month or even day to day. all of the ships i've written for have a special place in my heart and have provided me with comfort at some point. but for the past year i've been very into mingqian and lulin, and for the past month-ish i've been REALLY fixated on lulin (lulin save me... lulin.... save me lulin)
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i started a follow-up/sequel to the soft animal but the inspiration has totally left me and i'm not sure if that wip will ever get resurrected </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm really good at imagery and purple prose. which is not everyone's thing but EYE love purple prose, so,
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action scenes!!!! and frankly smut scenes, which always take me 5x longer to write than dialogue or more plotty scenes. i've said it before but wangxian was my first time writing smut, and as an ace person it's still not something that comes easily to me.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
most of my experience with this is in danmei, but i have always loved seeing chinese or diaspora fans integrate that into their fics! one day i'm going to write my locked tomb/sixth house fic and put latin in there because you know those people are unironically using latin in daily speech. this is my calling
19. First fandom you wrote for?
honestly i think it was inuyasha. never saw the light of day of course
20. Favorite fic you have written?
i've been REALLY pleased with my writing over the past few months, but i'm quite fond of portrait of gravity... mingqian banter is always so fun to write and it was surprisingly personally cathartic to write from the pov of acespec cheng qian. also i can reread it without wanting to singe my eyeballs, which is the norm for me upon rereading my own work
i tag @yuebings @dcyiyou @tantai-jin @perilously @arithmonym @hamburgergod and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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courtrecord · 2 years
On twitter sometime ago you described your writing habits as something similar to my own (slow, tedious, perfectionist, compulsive, agonizing over getting the words perfect instead of editing later, etc) And you also wrote a lot of dope things like Galactic 2E and Venture that are I hope you dont mind me saying, deeply inspirational. So coming from someone who hasnt Gotten There yet I have to ask, how do you get yourself to get up and just write the damn thing already?
omg thank u so much, that means more than i can possibly say. i wish i had a better set of advice but honestly so much of my creative work is vibes and hyperfixation based, and every time i finish something i look back on it like “how the fuck did i do that”, but here are the things that work for me. they are very much based on my own particular adhd and writing hangups so ur mileage will definitely vary.
start small: i didn’t start writing ttrpgs with big projects like venture & g2e. i started with a 200 word game, then some one-pagers, then kept growing from there. @jdragsky has talked a lot about the importance of building the skill of finishing things, and small projects are a really good way of doing that. hell, even g2e only exists bc i started with the smaller project of galactic, then went back to it a year later to build on it again.
share as u go: when i started working on bigger games, and this year as i’ve been working on longer fics, friends to share screenshots of my wip have been invaluable. that way i can get the immediate validation of someone reading my thing and giving feedback without feeling like i need to Publish it yet. biggest shoutout in the world to my friends who tolerate my writing nonsense.
write in chunks: this is kind of the combination of those first two points. bob games are big piles of little lists. i tend to write fic in short, impactful scenes. i have a wip that’s an sbr game, which is a big pile of little advances. that way, i am constantly getting that feeling of accomplishment when i write something. i can agonize over word choice and vibes and editing but then i actually get to a stopping point, where i like that little bit enough to move on to the next one. it seems crazy looking back that i wrote 36 places & 36 traits for g2e, but i didn’t just sit down and knock them all out. i wrote a few, sent them to some friends, then i wrote a few more. u know?
don’t force it: sometimes, the vibe just isn’t there. sometimes, u spend a year doing barely any writing or game design bc there’s a pandemic and ur brain doesn’t work anymore. etc. i’ve thought a lot the past few years about the difference btwn the feeling of wanting to write bc i want to write the thing, and the feeling of wanting to write bc i like the idea of being the person who wrote the thing. when i realize i’m in that second mindset, i go and think about something else. bc no good writing comes from that (at least ime)
find what u like: this is kinda related to the one above, but it’s another thing i’ve been thinking about lately. i spent a lot of time when i was younger assuming that bc i like writing, i had to write a novel, bc that’s what writers do. i would try to follow writing advice made for people who simply aren’t me. “writers must learn to use description sparingly” lol way ahead of u. that kinda thing. realizing that i love writing fanfiction for its transformativity, and i love writing dialogue bc it’s what i’m good at, was a huge revelation. i can just do that. i don’t have to follow the regular writer mold when i can just write really fucking good dialogue-heavy fanfiction. and in that realization, i’ve been able to grow as a writer by gaining the ability to write things down that i’m happy with, and grow from there.
prescription adderall: i told u this list was a mess. this one has kinda been crucial for me. i realized i had adhd in my first year of college in 2017 and started taking adderall for my second year of college in mid-2018. i started churning out creative projects in 2019. coincidence? absolutely not oh my god are u kidding
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Oh wow, I got my first plagiarism incident as Earthquake!
When I got the comment saying somebody copied something of mine, I honestly didn't think that much of it. I don't mind anybody taking heavy inspiration from my works at all. But after reading it, alright yeah, the dialogue is almost word-for-word exactly the same, this isn't just inspiration.
Ah the joys of writing online.
I'm not gonna make a big deal out of this, honestly, it's just not worth it. I'll gently reach out to the author and see how they handle the situation and take things from there, but I don't have any intentions to turn it into a big thing. It's not a fic I care about a lot, so I'm calm. The only reason I'm doing something about it at all, is because I don't like the thought of this happening to a fic I am genuinely proud of, like through the snow. Better to just get to the root of the problem while it's still small.
Anyway, wanted to keep you guys posted, but don't worry about this! On a much brighter note, a new fic is coming out later today!!
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cacodaemonia · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @flowerparrish! :D
How many works do you have on ao3? 213, but somewhere between like 85 and 100 of those are just images.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 1,049,952
What fandoms do you write for? Clone Wars
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Many of the top works are art-only, but if I sort through, looks like most of the fics are those that I have never reread or re-edited, so 😬
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - My first fic, which I have re-edited since first posting it. Chip arc fix-it
Orbital Decay - Haven't touched this since I posted it. Codywan
Modulation - Also don't think I've re-edited this at all. Echo/Fives
Will You Walk With Me? - The only one of the top five that I care much about XD; Waxer and Boil (platonic or pre-relationship)
Kintsugi - Not re-edited. Codywan
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love replying to comments with my usual unhinged yammering :D
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending You're Just Harder to See Than Most, but it's part of a larger series where the sad stuff in this gets better. As a stand-alone, though, it's very angsty 🙈
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hah, so many XD Maybe Count Every Beautiful Thing?
Do you get hate on fics? No, I've only gotten it for art, and thankfully AO3 isn't infested with pearl-clutching busybodies like Tumblr is, so I've only had one (honestly hilarious) hate comment there. It was on like the 6th chapter of a a very clearly tagged sketch dump in which several of the previous chapters were fairly explicit smut. And then on that last chapter, the person was like "Ew, they're brothers! This is disgusting." Hah, okay pal, seems like you were really enjoying it if you got to chapter 6. 🤣
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do! Uh, a variety, I guess, though I suppose I haven't written anything that would be considered heavy kink?
Do you write crossovers? Nope
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I've had TONS of art stolen.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is very hard to answer because I tend to latch onto ships for many years at a time. But no other characters before the clones ever inspired me to write fics, so I'll go with Waxer/Boil 🧡
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an AU fic where the war ends shortly after Geonosis that I really want to write but can't make the brain go very well on it, for some reason. I have pages and pages of notes, some sketches, and like a chapter and a half drafted, but I keep getting stuck. I wouldn't say that I doubt I'll ever finish it, though. I probably just have to shake things around to knock loose whatever is gunked up.
What are your writing strengths? Maybe natural dialogue?
What are your writing weaknesses? I want to describe all the things. I want to put what I see in my head into your eyeballs. But I also tend to over-describe like, logistic-type stuff, I think—stuff that no one but me cares about XD
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Like a real language or a conlang? I don't know any of either well enough to include much of them in my fics, but when I use a bit of Ryl (which I've largely made up), I really limit it because I get annoyed when there's a ton of conlang in fics I'm trying to read. Scrolling to the end notes constantly is not very fun.
First fandom you wrote for? Clone Wars
Favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, well I have a soft spot for Will You Walk With Me? but I think my two objectively best fics are My Heart's Red Muscle (78K Waxer/Boil cyborg AU) and We Could Breathe Underwater (5K Force-sensitive Waxer/Boil).
That was fun!
No-pressure tags: @lizardberries @elismor @valkeakuulas @blackkatmagic @amukmuk
And because I always long for a blank version of these tag things to copy/paste, just the questions below the cut:
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you’ve written?
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zairaalbereo · 5 months
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @laviejaguardia. Thank you! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
89, but 12 of them are art only
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That’s His Name (Merlin) - 29.981
In the Winter of My Soul (Merlin) - 5.952
Just Have To Save The World (Merlin) - 4.343
Me Casa, Su Casa (X-Men) - 2.427
Most kudos for The Old Guard: Room for Love - 904
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to because I love them, and that’s why sometimes I fall into that trap of “I need to adequately convey how happy this comment made me, I can’t just say ‘thank you’’ and then I leave it for too long. Also sometimes I don’t have the spoons at that moment. But I appreciate every last one of them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I love angst, but I love a happy ending even more, so in my fic the angst usually gets resolved. A fic that regularly leaves people in tears, though, is At Samhain, but the ending has hope.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
So many happy endings! ☺️ One of the happiest might be my Merlin Age of Sail AU, The Seven Seas , which has a very happy ending after a lot of angst and heartache.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No, not really.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really personal attacks so much, but I have received snide comments, character bashing and absurdly wilful misinterpretations. And always on anon of course.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. I’m a proud alumni of multiple Pornathons in the Merlin fandom. When I write kink, it tends to be PWP of the kind that’s about losing control, or pushing the lines of taboos. In my longer or more plotty fic it’s more emotional, focused on the characters’ connection.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I once had someone write a fic that had the exact same plot down to locations and minor details and even almost the same dialogue as one I was posting. Like a (bad) rewrite. It was very weird.  
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few, which I’m ever so grateful for. 💕
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I’m honestly not sure how that would work for me. 😅
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Joe/Nicky really is the fulfillment of all my shippy hopes and dreams. 😍 Beyond them, maybe Cherik. I like the drama. 😂
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Cherik bodyswap fic, set between XMFC and Days of Future Past, while Erik is imprisoned. I love the premise and what I have so far, but it’s been so long that I’ve been in that fandom.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Conveying emotions and believable dialogue 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Transitions and being overly dramatic, which is probably connected lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do enjoy it in sprinkles, if it’s done well. Endearments, curses, stuff that mostly won’t need a translation footnote but grounds a character in a different cultural background. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I wrote stuff before I knew about fanfiction. Before you could find (and easily post) stuff on the internet. But the first fic I wrote and posted was Harry Potter, gen with very, very heavy wolf star undertones 😅
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don’t really have an unfulfilled craving right now, and I tend to focus on one fandom, and even one ship almost exclusively, but I’m a little surprised at myself for never having written Sterek. 🤔
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That is so hard to pick, but two favourites are Shalom Malak for XMFC and If You Abide With Me for TOG
Tagging, but obviously only if they want to @falcon-fox-and-coyote @tobebbanburg @pinkninjapj @beepbeepsan @isabellehemlock 💗
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findusinaweek · 8 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
tagged by @whereforartthoumisthios
How many works do you have on AO3? I have twelve.
What is your AO3 word count? 13,995.
What fandoms do you write for? Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Attack on Titan, Stranger Things, Borderlands, and I am very slowly writing a Stardew Valley story, but who knows if I'll ever finish it. I wrote Fruits Basket fics on FF.net.
What are your top five fics by kudos? A Night On The Adrestia, Home Is Where The Heart Is, Might Just Say It Tonight, Braid, My Father Understands the Demons I Wrestle In My Daydreams.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, because it makes me happy seeing them and I hope the readers know that?
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Come, ____, My Daughter.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm realizing that the 4 fics I wrote with happy-ish endings don't really set anything in stone? I am not good at happy endings. I think when a happy ending is very definite I just find some reason to be displeased. If it's like "things are ok, and we will continue to be happy for now", I can believe that. Might Just Say It Tonight ends with the implication that there is going to be a proposal.
Do you get hate on fics? No.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes! Queer. Oral-heavy.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't really like most crossovers so I haven't written one yet. I think if I ever do it'd be a Portal one? I don't know, just seems likely.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? There is a Akigure fic on FF.net that I think is one of mine, stolen, from about 10 years ago. But I can't be sure and I honestly just don't remember enough to know if it's mine?? Honestly, I kind of think that's funny.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, but that kind of sounds fun? I think my headcanons don't quite match up with others though.
What's your all-time favourite ship? Ok, for all time, it's Akigure. They're just so bad for each other! They are terrible people! I love them.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? OH. There are at least 5 but I'm so bad at working on them lately.
What are your writing strengths? I hope I am good at writing introspection and surrounding details. I want to know what my characters are thinking and I want to know what their senses are telling them. Writing very short stories.
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. Actually writing. Writing anything more than 1000 words.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've written some portuguese, but my grammar is bad so I'm very limited by that.
First fandom you wrote for? Fruits Basket.
Favourite fic you've ever written? Sunday Morning. It's not out. It's the morning after chapter of modern au Alexidas fic where Brasidas owns a restaurant.
Tagging, if you feel up to it, @brasideios, @stressfulsloth, @onionjuggler, @two-hands-toward-the-sun (I know we are not mutuals but I hope you don't mind me treating you as one).
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incognitajones · 5 months
Fic author interview
Thanks to @sesamestreep and @glorious-spoon for tagging me in this one over the holidays! But between starting the new job and the holidays and the RCSS, it totally slipped my mind until now 😬
No-pressure tagging: @anghraine, @ladytharen, @luciechat, and anyone else who feels like it.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
An even 200 if I include both accounts.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just under 650K words altogether.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Last Train 
I fought the war (but the war won) 
left-handed kisses 
Fixer Upper 
Chain Reaction 
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I want to let commenters know they're appreciated, and I enjoy talking about little details or plot turns. Lately I haven't had the time or energy for much more than a quick thank you, but I'm still trying to respond.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
At one point it would've been the bad ending of I fought the war, but now I think this Whumptober piece takes the crown.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Considering canon, most of them have an unrealistically happy ending! Especially inside the vastness of the galaxy, the "Naomi & Filip get a happy reunion" story.
7. Do you write crossovers?
No. I enjoy writing & reading some fusions (i.e. characters from one canon in the setting of another) but traditional crossovers in which characters from two different canons meet don't generally appeal to me.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not on AO3, but I've been sent anon hate on Tumblr about my writing a couple of times (find a Reylo writer who hasn't challenge).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, a fair bit - in fact it's hard to remember sometimes that I never wrote anything explicit before 2016! It's all pretty vanilla, though, minus a few attempts at kinkier stuff which are deservedly anonymous.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Kind of; someone commented on one of my stories on AO3 to tell me that another story had copied significant parts of it. (They'd already commented on and reported the other fic, so I didn't take any additional action. The plagiarizing story was eventually deleted.)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Bless the fandom translators, for they are amazing.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing posted publically.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I couldn't possibly choose a single favourite! In terms of longevity, it's either Han/Leia or Eowyn/Faramir. And Star Wars ships in general seem to have a strong hold on me 😁
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
The OT3 whumpfic. It's nearly done, but it's far outside my usual wheelhouse so without a beta reader, I can't tell whether it's worth finishing or beyond help.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write decent dialogue, and I'm genuinely proud of the ideas behind I fought the war and pulse to pulse. I can also write a pretty good pastiche of 19C style, although you wouldn't know it from this account.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting. Falling back on boring/clichéd beats to flesh out dialogue-heavy scenes.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
A sentence or so? Sure. Can't think of a reason to do much more than that.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It would be either Buffy or Lord of the Rings - I honestly don't remember - not counting the terrible Shannara-fic I wrote as a pre-teen.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Someday I'd really like to write a Children of Men story telling what happened to Kee and [spoiler] after the movie, plus fixing [spoiler].
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Subject to change by the moment, of course, but looking back at some older stories recently reminded me that I've always been pretty fond of don't go home without me.
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
My writing used to be really descriptive and environmental, but I've abandoned that for more a narrative heavy storytelling where a narrator is your window for the world.
And honestly idk, the narrative comes naturally to me, and the descriptive has to be actively put in, I have to train myself to write it each time and squeeze my brain.
It also gets dull with time. there are only so many ways and times I could describe the sun shining in the morning before it gets redundant. but the same can be said for how much I love narrating longing and end up resusing the same phrases.
So far I only describe what I think is important to the environmental telling, unless it has a purpose then I leave it up to the reader to imagine what colour the couch was or what sheets the bed had.
But I didn't realise that readers' default response is just... to keep it blank. if I don't tell them there are curtians then they'll never imagine it, If I don't spell the way the food smelled then they'll never find it delicious, if I don't describe the ways the tree swayed then they'll never get a meter of how windy it is.
I never got criticism or hate comments for it, the opposite, I got compliments on my descriptive works saying how much they could imagine the world clearly, praising how well I've painted it. And those compliments motivate me to try more and put in more effort than a wall of criticism ever could.
I guess I need to hit a balance. "a beautiful webbing" was one of my works where I hit that perfect spot of balance between narration and environmental telling, but also that fic was a special case, a project I held immense passion for and it seems exhausting to have to do that to each fic especially with how i need to post at least once every three days.
ik quality over quantity and all but let's be realistic, this is fanfiction and not every story is a one I want to be top tier quality. not everyone wants to read an S tier fic, sometimes the B and C tier are absolutely preferable and easier on the mind. like a snack, there are many of them and they get to the poin faster.
I hate people who claim they're hard to please in fanfiction and only read completed works with 20+ chapters and 60k words. Who demand perfection for free and are proud of it whilst being willfully ignorant of how each type of fic shines differently. Not everyone wants to tell a story the same way, one shots are not less superior than multie chaptered works.
Your preference isn't superior to everyone else's, that one shot you glossed over could've been the most in character thing every written in the history of the fandom. Could've told a complex story through a couple lines. I've always admired people who can say so much in so little, who can summerise long paragraphs in multiple words.
It could also just be an average normal one shot, and that's fine and okay and is absolutely someone's preference. A lot of people like comfort snacks to enjoy.
Anyway the point is. I will try to get more descriptive, i try to avoid watching writing guides or reading about writing tips and tricks. The advice they give is really generic and I find that it boxes you in this regressive view of how writing should be. No matter how good the advice is, If it gets too overwhelming and it feels like you're doing nothing right then please take a step back and ignore everything everyone else has ever said.
Art is you, it's expression and communication. You want to feel it so you make it, you want to tell it so you share it. That's all, that's the end.
Be it erotica, crack fics, alternative universe or whatever. No one in this world can make it like you, it's fully personalised to your own mind and no one in this life could tell that story but you.
Oh I also have a clear lack of dialogue, I feel like it's one of the trickiest things to write because how easily it could break characters. How I have to keep spreadsheets analysing the way each character speaks.
Which, there are no spreadsheets, btw. I keep it in my mind.
Take Minthara for example, she is direct, forward and orders things. She never says "I think" or "maybe" she never asks either, she demands.
She wouldn't say "I hope we don't lose" instead she'd phrase it as "We will emerge victorious."
She likes using complex or flourishy words but never like Gale or Wyll, their type of flourish is entirely different and means to honey the words, whilst Minthara's mean to make the sentence more regal, aristocratic rather than noble. She uses them deliberately to show off statues while Gale uses them to show off intelligence, and Wyll does it for charm and theatrical poetry.
She doesn't take shortcuts either. She doesn't say "don't." Instead she separates it to "Do not." And forces you to listen to her long phrases, a small form of power play where she never makes herself or words smaller, she always uses them fully as they are.
And I have to do this for each character, you see how exhausting this easily can be. How every character also speaks as if they're from a different time. Karlach speaks more modernly but it's never like the common people talk in bg3, so she just...has access to modern dialogue and phrases for some reason?
Astarion never speaks like he is 200 years old either, not like an elf either. Halsin speaks like an elf, Cazador speaks like an elf, but not Astarion for some reason, and I have to keep that in mind.
Wyll is the easiest to write because his way of speech flows so well with my own writing, they compliment each other. Unlike how jarring Karlach dialogue in one of my fics.
Shadowheart is a character who uses filler words a lot, stalling or just uncertainty? She uses "I think, Maybe, is that so, I don't know but, I guess." Inbetween her sentences.
Maybe it's bc of the gaps in her memory? But it works in her favourite because I just need to remove the filler words whenever I want her to appear serious or whenever I want to flush out an important moment, it brings attention subtly to how reassured she is of her self.
Lae'zel speaks her heart in a way, she vocalises her observations to others and they take it as either criticism or praise when it's most likely that she meant neither and is just observing. Honestly to make it simpler, Lae'zel speaks autisticly which I relate to a lot, and which is why so many misunderstandings happen around her character when people assume she is mean or making fun of them when in reality she is indifferent and saying her thoughts loud and clear as they are.
People don't usually do that, they don't express their feelings as directly as Lae'zel. They hint it at, subtly or they play it down or exaggerate it. Lae'zel does neither, she speaks directly from the source and every word is deliberately chose and is exactly what she meant it.
But people aren't used to that, taking words at face value. And because they're used to people exaggerating or down playing their words, they assume Lae'zel is doing the same and filter her words through the same social protocol which ends up making her look too horny or too mean when she is neither. They needlessly attach meanings to her words that weren't there and complain about the results that they themselves made up when she already delivered the final results herself.
Astarion speaks like a 13-year-old who just learned what irony and sarcasm are. But put it through a modern dracula adaptation Snapchat filter, and you get the final results. He thinks he comes off as smooth, and sometimes he does, but it mostly falls flat and he comes off as johhny bravo.
His looks are what's important here, since they more than make up for his failure in words. Much like most of Edward Cullens lines were absolutely wild but because a sexy vampire was saying it then suddenly it becomes palatable.
But Astarion has his moments in relatablity. He is by far the most relatable character in dialogue. He says what we all wanted to say, but we didn't just to save face. He makes the crude jokes, he makes the sex innuendos andpenis dagger lame puns.
He also screams at the word and calls out. He also curses back at the gods who dammned him. He embraces his rage and resentment and expresses it without any shame. He lets the smooth facade fall and claws at the other performers on the stage of life as his own masks start to crack down. The only thing Astarion has ever been fully honest about is his own wrath, it's the single unpolished spot on his perfect surface, the single crack in his procline mask.
And there is something about how a one can't describe Astarion without resorting to poetry, how it writes itself at certain points because just like the sea, he is as beautiful as he is ruthless, as tender as the crashing waves against the jagged rocks, as fleeting as the dissipating sea foam receading back from the shore.
He can never be broken much like the fluid water can never snap. And it's this burning flame behind his failed flirting that pulls you in, the sparks of his passion that slip through that make his lame lines actually work, that make him so enticing.
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carladuquette · 7 months
I was tagged by @dragonsoftheeast to write about my writing - thank you!!! If you know me, you know I love to go on about this, so be prepared, this is a long one.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Elite Elite Elite, baby. I have one Money Heist fic (Nairobi, la puta madre para siempre 🔥) and one Class fic, but that's an Elite remake, sooo… I'm pretty much a one-trick pony haha.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Close your eyes, count to ten (duh); The ties were black, the lies were white (next chapter coming soon!); Midnights in October; Summer state of mind; It's the most wonderful time of the year
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I'm so grateful for comments and love chatting with people about their thoughts, the characters, my interpretation of them, etc.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I don't know that I really do angsty endings. Lots of angsty stories and chapter endings, for sure. But the ending-ending is usually at least hopeful, or perhaps melancholy. Maybe Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Fics like Midnights in October or Best Friends Forever are sad, but I wouldn't say the ending is angsty.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Close your eyes, count to ten! No way was I going to give Lu anything but the happiest ending after everything I put her through ❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No! Honestly surprising considering I write so much VaLu and they're a little controversial, but I guess I got into Elite fic when the fandom was already pretty small, so not that many people were around to care anymore, haha.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Only very brief scenes.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Midnights in October is a ghost story (that's really a story about friendship) inspired by The Haunting of Bly Manor. And, uh, 12 points go to… is kind of a crossover with the Eurovision Song Contest? But my only real crossover is I put a spell on you, Hocus Pocus with the Elite characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Lu and Valerio will always have my heart.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a laaarge number of story ideas that only exist in my head, but I don't have any unfinished WIPs right now. I'd like to think I'll end whatever it is I started, even if it may take me forever 🙃
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm good with plotting- I have good ideas that I can turn into fairly good stories, I'd like to think. I give different characters room to grow, or at least give them little moments to shine, too, not just my favorites/ main characters. With characters I know well, I can make them "make sense"- dig into their motivations, their character traits, how they've been treated and have it be clear (maybe not for the characters around them, but for the reader) why they act the way they do and why they make certain decisions, even when they're bad decisions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
There are some physical reactions people have that I repeat too often. I love angsty drama and in longer stories, I put in so much sometimes that it loses its effect a little, I think. I'd like to be able to write more lyrically, but I can't, so most of my stuff is pretty straight-forward. And I can't write good smut to save my life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I personally don't believe in it. The occasional pet name or whatever thrown in is fine, but apart from that it a) doesn't make much sense to me; whatever language you write it, to me it's implied that this is the characters' mother tongue- like, I write in English, but the Elite characters live in Madrid, so the assumption is that they all speak Spanish, which would make switching to actual Spanish weird. And b) it's more work for readers then having to use online translators to figure out what people are saying.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I started to put down a Grey's Anatomy fic about Izzie and Denny yeeears ago that didn't go anywhere.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Obviously Close your eyes, count to ten will always be my baby. I spent close to three years with the characters and I'm proud of the story. But depending on the day and my mood I have other favorite fics, too.
I tag @dhyanshiva and @cangse-sanren, two incredibly talented Class fic writers. I can't think of any other mutuals who write, but if you do and that has escaped me (apologies), PLEASE DO THIS TOO! I'm serious- all fic writers, feel tagged!
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