#did Israel forget that they are also humans because we all are humans because we have humanity in us and Israel seems to have lost theirs
hecate112 · 4 months
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keshetchai · 8 months
I think a huge problem in internet Judaism (also sometimes irl!) discussions is often that we're so focused on fighting or pushing back on misconceptions, Christian normativity, and distorted Christian ideas about our theology — that sometimes in the pursuit of this, we forget to approach a more complicated internal reality, or we overlook parts of our own religion while trying to not assimilate.
Things like the Talmud talking about Yom Kippur being a happy day. A lot of folks were surprised and didn't know there's a huge tradition that YK is supposed to be a positive holiday and many Jews observe with joy. Then some folks went on to elaborate that if someone wished them a happy Yom Kippur and they were Jewish it was fine, but if they were gentiles who simply didn't know anything and didn't bother to learn, then they were annoyed by the lack of care re: cultural nuance or whatever.
But like...of all the annoying christian-normative bullshit that exists — someone trying to wish me a happy holiday on a holiday that is noted to be solemn AND positive, but not really knowing anything about my religion — that doesn't really make a list of things I have time to be mad about! Or even irked by!
There's a lot of ways in which people are shitty and careless or make it obvious they consider our non-christian holidays an annoying quirk they have to acknowledge, but "happy yom kippur!" Is not one of them. Sometimes I just have to remind myself that I want other people to assume the best of me, even when I am the one who is socially awkward or ignorant, or stumbling around just trying to be an okay person. And sometimes I am the clueless one who has only a shallow understanding of someone's interior life/culture and I said/did nothing actually offensive but treated the situation the same way I treat similar ones in my own life because everyone has cultural blinders somewhere.
So sometimes, I have to look at other people doing The Thing and ask myself if it's at all malicious or harmful, and if it ISN'T, shouldn't I assume the best of another human bumbling around like I do all the time? "Hey thanks. Yeah I had a meaningful holiday."
Likewise, YES, we do have a history of wrestling with G-d and pushing back and asking questions and so on, but no, stiff-necked isn't wholly complimentary, it's...frequently the opposite of that. And the knee-jerk reaction is often to push back against Christianity and Islam vilifying Jews and their stubbornness/failures/wrongs in the Bible. Which is totally reasonable, there's a huge history of a theology of antisemitism and blaming there that impacts us today.
HOWEVER, we can push back against the antisemitic theologies and interpretations of these stories without necessarily having to recharacterize everything beyond recognition?
Yes, Abraham yelled at G-d that one time, and it was great. It may have even been a test of Abraham. Yes, Israel wrestles with G-d. Yes, the Jews in the desert complain to Moses they are dying of thirst and ask what was the point of leaving Egypt if they should only die while wandering instead?
Great. Love that. BUT ALSO: yes stiff-necked is not always a compliment. Yes, the Israelites struggled and made mistakes, and are utterly and painfully human just like people are today. Flawed. We are not so stiff-necked as to say we have not sinned!
Is anything as scary as a group that admits no flaws? No errors of judgment? Never questions themselves or learns from past mistakes? Idk to me, it's all very "with great responsibility comes great accountability, and power isn't the point here." Yes? If we take pride in the moments of arguing and the pushing back, then by that same token, we have to own the failings just as much to learn from. The relationship between G-d and Jews is a two way street.
It's not a failing to be an imperfect human, but it would be a failing to screw something up and then never admit it or keep doing it when you can change.
Idk I just...there's got to be ways we can dig into meaty and interesting stuff without having to constantly be like "just because some ancestors screwed up and G-d was angry at them doesn't mean you can say Jews lost the love of God and the covenant and were replaced you absolute weirdos."
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frances-baby-houseman · 2 months
Y'all things have really gone off the rails with my ultra rightwing zionist brother* and he got in a huge fight with my dad and stepmom last night after he said truly horrifying things about the situation in Israel (I will not repeat them, even as I suspect I'm slightly more zionist than y'all I am like also very pro-the health and humanity of the gazan people) and ANYWAY
he texted me "thanks for the birthday wishes. Also do you feel like you've been cut out by me since we've said we are moving?"
What on earth am I supposed to say to that? he sends me a lot of memes about pickles but like I am very firmly not engaging with him about israel. I have, as the young people say, left this on read. It was on WhatsApp so he can see I saw the message. I don't want to further alienate him but I guess I do. Like, I do not want to say, "Noah I know you got in a fight with dad and lyle, I am not going to get into this but I think you will regret alienating them," bc he is so fucking fragile I never know what he's going to say to me. This is not a normal relationship in any way. Why did he TEXT me that!! Truly what do I say!!!
*backstory: my brother and his wife have decided to move to Israel in august bc the israeli government will pay for them to have IVF there. they have sold their house and shipped all their belongings and are living in a furnished apartment until then. They have never done IVF and have no idea if it will even work. We suspect they just want to make aliyah no matter what and this is their excuse. We do think he is wanted by the israeli government for tax evasion and draft dodging from the last time he lived there but he seems to think this is a non-issue. he also thinks that the rocket fire from iran over the weekend is a non-issue because of the iron dome, seemingly completely forgetting how traumatic he found living in Tel Aviv during the bombing 10 years ago and that was part of the reason he ended up having to come home.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
All of this made perfect sense to French Trotskyists and Maoists. Pro-Palestinian anti-Zionist organizations formed in France after the Six-Day War. They included university students who styled themselves as revolutionaries. Using the language of anti-colonialism still fresh from France’s ill-fated attempt to retain Algeria, these organizations also borrowed the legacy of the French Resistance, neatly turning the Israelis into the Nazis. French keffiyeh-wearing Communists complained of Jewish press control. “Palestine solidarity” events included distribution of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. As Jewish writer Gérard Rosenthal put it in early 1970, “The problem of Israel is becoming a national problem.” Israel’s seasoned ambassador Asher Ben-Natan, who arrived in Paris in 1970, noted that relations with France had hit difficulties because “there exists also in France elements that have suddenly adopted anti-Israel attitudes.”
How did France’s Jews respond? By asserting their Jewishness without sacrificing their claim to France’s promise of universal dignity. “The world,” said Meïr Waintrater, the editor of the Jewish monthly L’Arche, in April 1970, “only likes dead Jews. . . . It is impossible today to open a newspaper without finding an article [that] gives Jews advice — which curiously resembles orders — on how to be Jewish or how to be French.” Later, in 1977, filmmaker Claude Lanzmann asked, “Why must the Jews feel obligated after Auschwitz to speak in [polite] language? To prove that they are really French? This language . . . is from the time of Dreyfus! It is the language [from] before the creation of Israel! If we are to protest, I ask that we do so as Jews!”
The chief vehicle of the French-Jewish campaign was the International League against Racism and Antisemitism (LICRA), formed in 1927 in reaction to the dreadful treatment of Jews in Eastern Europe after World War I. After World War II, LICRA countered racism as well, monitoring everything from apartheid in South Africa to the civil rights movement in the United States to the war in Vietnam to the treatment of Arab workers in France. For French Jews, anti-antisemitism and the fight against racism were both part of the struggle for human dignity. LICRA saw no contradiction between opposing racism and advocating the safety of the State of Israel. If the world was divided, it was not between the oppressors and the oppressed. It was divided into those whose rights to safety were respected and those whose rights were not.
LICRA altered its view on de Gaulle. He was still the man who, on June 18, 1940, had called for resistance to the Germans in the name of the universalism France represented. As LICRA president and former Gaullist intelligence officer Jean Pierre-Bloch put it, “We will never forget.” But Pierre-Bloch also noted publicly that de Gaulle “is betraying the Franco-Israeli friendship, not to [help] the Arab people, but to support the potentates who rule these people to their great detriment.” Understanding that the French policy encouraged Arab extremists to hold out for Israel’s destruction rather than work for peace, LICRA also led demonstrations of Jews and non-Jews in Paris and other cities against what Pierre-Bloch called “the scandalous embargo.” Meanwhile LICRA called for a Palestinian state — but without the PLO, whose terror operations disqualified it from any human-rights struggle.
LICRA’s writers, Jews and non-Jews, also tried to expose the antisemitic nature of anti-Zionism in their newspaper Le Droit de vivre. Didier Aubourg, who worked for Judeo-Christian amity in France, wrote in March 1970, “Of all the forces that threaten Israel, the Arab armies are far from the most fearsome. The most relentless enemy . . . is indeed antisemitism, the old antisemitism that no longer dares to say its name, but which, rebaptized as anti-Zionism, has never lost its murderous virulence.” Former member of the Resistance, writer, and curator Jean Cassou was more direct. Anti-Zionism, he said, was “a wonderful invention,” because it “allows everyone to be an antisemite in good conscience from now on.”
As for the PLO’s mask of humanism and progressivism, philosopher Anne Matalon noted in the spring of 1968 that “one would be justified in thinking” that the PLO “would recognize . . . the Israeli people.” Instead, the PLO resembled “a capricious child or psychopath” who insisted that history could be turned back. Could the PLO really pose as revolutionary? Jacques Givet, whose family was murdered in Auschwitz and who narrowly escaped death by jumping from a deportation train, said no. “Any apology for al-Fatah, however veiled,” he wrote in March 1969, referring to the PLO’s main group, “is by necessity an apology for genocide.” Unlike the anti-colonial terror in Algiers, Givet argued, “Free Palestine” was little more than a slogan wrapped in pseudo-revolutionary imagery to justify Israel’s destruction and the killing of Jews. François Musard, a member of the Jewish Resistance, identified Palestinian terror as “defiance of the most elementary rules of civilization.” It “strikes blindly in theaters, in markets, among innocent populations where their victims are more often women and children. It wants nothing more than ‘to kill a Jew.’”
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
The hospital was not bombed by Israel, it was a result of a faulty missile launch by the Islamic jihad. There are video evidence for that, and probably more to come.
Israel is committing war crimes right now and has been relentlessly bombing Gaza: killing now up to 3000 innocent Palestinian civilians JUST these past several days. Most of whom are children because they represent 50% of Gaza's population.
There have been innumerable Israeli propaganda videos dehumanizing Palestinian people, yet without fail -videos of Israeli soldiers in Gaza and West Bank brutalizing Palestinian civilians and often proudly spewing genocidal rhetoric about oppressing the Palestinian people -are often taken down.
Israeli apartheid has been ongoing violently for 75 years, and NO major western/European power had openly condemned this deliberate ethnic cleansing, which had been systemically done by the Israeli government by settling illegally on Indigenous Palestinian land in the first place with help from Britain and the United States, displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people during thr Nakba of 1948 (which forced these people into Gaza) and an estimated tens of thousands were murdered if they did not go).
Do you think for one second that I would believe ANYTHING that comes out of Israeli governmental/military mouths when they lied about Hamas beheading 40 Israel babies heads (when Israeli military actually beheaded 10 Palestinian babies heads), or the fact they LIED about an assault on a German woman, as well as countless other sexual assault allegations, which in this case was proven to be false and something to further their violent agenda. Less we also conveniently forget to mention the amount of Palestinian women that the IDF/Israeli officials have raped and brutalized during 'interrogations,' which of course Isreal/Netanyahu vehemently denies because it's not becoming of a democratic nation right?
Rampant crimes against humanity, breaking of Geneva Conventions, getting 3 BILLION in military aid EVERY year from the United States. Controlling what goes in and out of Gaza for decades, and making Gaza the largest concentration camp in the world. Intending to decimate Palestinian people and some of ya'll can't stop to actually think about what is really happening? To see how Western media, without fail, has been almost immediately spreading Isreali propaganda without sharing content and videos from the ground in Palestine (it certainly doesn't help the Israeli government cut electricity and wifi).
So before you come on my page and try to proclaim/claim that Israel is innocent or is not at all at fault for this massacre, maybe unpack it more and bear witness to Palestinians losing their lives for simply existing in what Israeli settlers consider to be their right to control.
Here is a series of tweets that convey information about this strike and also with original evidence of the strike, which people have already distinguished as NOT a rocket (which is what the Israeli government said initially):
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This person also did great work debunking the EDITED video Israel posted about the bombing if you want to take a look:
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And we now how confirmation this happened:
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mariacallous · 18 days
The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants against top Israeli leaders and senior Hamas officials for alleged “war crimes and crimes against humanity” committed during the ongoing war in Gaza, the court’s top prosecutor announced on Monday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as Yahya Sinwar, the most senior Hamas leader in Gaza, and two of the group’s other top officials—Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri and Ismail Haniyeh—all now face the prospect of a formal international criminal arrest warrant. The ICC’s top prosecutor, Karim Khan, will next file the docket of charges to a panel of ICC judges for review. The court’s judges will then determine whether or not to issue the warrants.
If approved, the warrants would mark the first time that the leader of a major U.S. international partner has faced ICC charges. The news swiftly led to a wave of criticism from the United States, Israel, and some in Europe against the ICC for what they argued equated Israeli leaders with the heads of a terrorist organization.
U.S. President Joe Biden called the application “outrageous.” And U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted that the ICC had no jurisdiction over the case because neither side is party to the ICC, although the court has recognized Palestine as a member party since 2014 and ruled in 2021 that it had jurisdiction over allegations of war crimes in Gaza. Blinken also said that by applying for arrest warrants for both top Israeli officials and Hamas, Khan was unfairly assigning moral equivalence between a U.S. ally and a terror group. By seeking a warrant now, Blinken argued, the ICC did not give Israel time to investigate the alleged crimes itself. “We reject the Prosecutor’s equivalence of Israel with Hamas,” Blinken said. “It is shameful.”
The ICC’s “proposal to issue an arrest warrant for the representatives of a democratically elected government together with the leaders of an Islamist terrorist organisation is appalling and completely unacceptable,” Petr Fiala, the prime minister of the Czech Republic, said in a post on X. “We must not forget that it was Hamas that attacked Israel in October and killed, injured and kidnapped thousands of innocent people. It was this completely unprovoked terrorist attack that led to the current war in Gaza and the suffering of civilians in Gaza, Israel and Lebanon.”
In Washington, meanwhile, Republican lawmakers have introduced a bill that would sanction ICC officials seeking to prosecute Americans or the citizens of major U.S. allies and partners—legislation that is unlikely to pass but which underscores the sharp new backlash that the ICC now faces in Washington.
With regard to Netanyahu and Gallant, the ICC prosecutor’s office stated that it has “reasonable grounds to believe” that the two men “bear criminal responsibility” for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including using the starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, denying humanitarian relief supplies, causing extermination, and deliberately targeting civilians amid Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.
For Sinwar and his Hamas lieutenants, the prosecutor’s office similarly charges them with criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, taking hostages, rape, torture, and cruel treatment of hostages, and extermination since at least Oct. 7, 2023, the date of the major Hamas attack on Israel.
“Israel, like all states, has the right to defend its population,” Khan said in a recorded statement that was released by the court alongside a CNN interview. “It has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally and callously taken. Those rights, however, do not absolve Israel of its obligations to comply with international humanitarian law.”
“Intentionally causing death, starvation, and injury, and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children, are criminal means to achieve military and political goals. That’s what we allege,” Khan added. “Those who do not comply with the law should not comply later when my office takes action based upon solid evidence.”
The decision could permanently damage the court’s tenuous relationship with Washington regardless of whether the arrest warrants on Netanyahu and Gallant move forward, as Khan’s announcement is likely to derail a careful but significant shift in U.S. policy toward the ICC under the Biden administration.
Last year, Biden for the first time authorized the U.S. government to begin sharing evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine with the ICC—overriding pushback from top U.S. defense officials who worried it could set a precedent for the court to one day prosecute U.S. troops. The Biden administration has also championed ICC investigations into the ongoing civil war in Sudan, including debating whether to share U.S. information with the ICC regarding atrocities and war crimes committed there.
This shift on Ukraine marked a departure from decades of U.S. distrust and wariness over the international court’s jurisdictions, with many successive administrations arguing that the court should not exercise any jurisdiction over citizens of countries that are not a party to the founding treaty that established the ICC. One hundred and twenty four countries are parties to the treaty, including many U.S. allies in Europe. The United States and Israel, as well as Russia, are not.
Yet Biden’s decision to back the ICC’s prosecution efforts against Russia may put the United States in a new political bind and open it to new criticisms of double standards in its support for Israel.
“It’s obviously extremely awkward because the Biden administration supported the arrest warrants against [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, and Russia is not a party to the ICC, and Putin is a head of state,” said Adil Haque, a professor of law at Rutgers University. “The Biden administration has sort of forfeited some of their legal objections to charges against Israeli leaders.”
Haque added that the Biden administration might have a face-saving fallback position: to argue that Palestine isn’t a state and therefore can’t consent to ICC jurisdiction.
But the move could also increase pressure on Israel at the United Nations. In addition to limiting travel for Netanyahu and Gallant to the 124 nations that are party to the ICC, it is likely to get certain U.N. member states such as South Africa—which have asked the International Court of Justice to order Israel to allow investigators, journalists, and fact-finders into the Gaza Strip—to ramp up their pressure campaign.
“It will push Israel—not just the people indicted, but Israel as a country—most likely in a more of an isolated corner even than it already is,” said Scott Anderson, a fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution.
Since the arrest warrants have yet to be issued, under the law, Israel can head off prosecutions of Netanyahu and Gallant by pursuing domestic criminal proceedings against the two men, potentially triggering a complementarity clause under the Rome Statute, which says that the ICC can’t admit a case that’s currently being investigated by a state that has jurisdiction over the charges.
Other legal experts said that the charges, despite Western backlash, were a sign that international law is alive and well even at a time of intense upheaval in the Middle East.
“There has been skepticism about whether international criminal law is going to live up to its aspirations and deliver equal justice under the law,” said Haque. “The fact that these charges are being brought against both Hamas leaders and Israeli leaders, I think, is very significant.”
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matan4il · 8 months
omg, you’re a mileapo stan, hi!!! i had to leave twitter i used mainly for ma bc of the sheer number of insane bloodthirsty shit that started flooding out from ppl i followed on there who i thought were normal??? i’ve been seeing the dehumanization of Israelis and the antisemitism over time but i gullibly thought that was due to the shitshow twitter is right now, but holy fuck, the response to the terrorist attack has been so fucking shocking. I can’t stop thinking about how these people who love to virtue signal their progressive stance would turn is in to the nazis for internet points. what the fuck
Hi Nonnie! *hugs*
Yes, I am! :D I hope you enjoy my silly Mileapo posts, they do make me smile a bit even during these dark days, because they represent this deep, beautiful love to me, and we can't give up on that, especially now, can we?
I feel you so much. I avoided Twitter for months, even before this massacre, because I just couldn't handle looking at the antisemitism I'd seen there before. It says something about how much I love Mileapo that eventually I did venture there. But right now? Every social media site has some good people, and each one has vile, inhumane justification for the murder and abuse of innocent people. I just saw someone whose url on Tumblr is the name of a Jewish character, siding with Hamas. The same Hamas that has called for a day of rage today, calling upon Arabs everywhere to kill Jews. I mean... at least have the decency to not use a Jewish character in your url if you're totally cool with real Jews being raped, mutilated and killed just for being Jewish.
I hope you unfollowed/blocked every single person who is justifying the beheading of kids and burning of babies alive. If you can, speak up, but I know that can be too much sometimes. So also take care of yourself! You matter!
I wish I had more encouraging words. The fact that the supposedly liberal crowd, the people who are meant to uphold humanist values and the rights of marginalized groups, are excluding Jews from the right to a humane fate (and ignoring a lot of Jewish history and the persecution of Jews to do so), it's hard to process. What they're doing is unconscionable. All we can do is speak up where we can, remind people that we ARE human beings deserving of basic human decency, get through this, and then have a long memory, make sure that even when the attacks on Israelis are stopped, that we don't forget this and we don't stop calling out antisemitism in ALL of its forms, whenever it comes from ANY camp.
Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here. And if you're in need of a Mileapo smile, click here)
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fiercynn · 8 months
But what all these Western imposters have never understood is that we understand our struggle as a people’s struggle, not the struggle of this or that political faction. Across all our big and sharp differences, we know that we are all together in the end because it is all of the Palestinian people who are under brutal occupation and assault, aspiring for the same freedom and liberation. Palestinians, of course, share their experience of colonial violence with many communities and peoples from across the world, both historically and into the present. But we also understand that we are indeed alone in experiencing the specific structures of Israeli settler-colonial violence, and that we therefore must always stand together and help each other as people. Our collectivity as a people is our support and our guide.   And no one will analyze recent events more critically than Palestinians; the debates will be heated and numerous. Leadership will be questioned both in Hamas and in the Palestinian Authority; political factions and their strategies and tactics will be scrutinized and critiqued on moral, tactical, and strategic grounds. The question of “what are we sacrificing everything for?” will be asked and will torment many, as it did the prisoner in the story. Some of this is already happening privately. But this is not the time to talk about all that. This is the time for survival. This is the time for withstanding a genocidal onslaught against our people, not just from the Israeli state but the entire institutional infrastructure of the West: military, politics, media, culture, and education. Perhaps naively, I still have faith in people across Western states: faith that they are also dissatisfied with their states’ and their institutions’ complicity in ethnic cleansing and murder, that they can also see right through the emperor’s clothing, that they want their own states to serve the people and not primarily elite political and economic classes. The West never tires of telling itself and the whole world that it stands up for and represents the ideals of human rights, democracy, negotiations over the use of violence in resolving our differences, and so on. The unflinching state support for the brutal siege of Gaza should reveal all these voices as imposters, whose only guiding principle is, and has always been, the generation of power and wealth through any and all means available, including genocide. We must never forget that Israel acts as an imperial outpost in the region for the United States, helping it secure access to resources, trade routes, and markets, and expanding the profitability of the financial and weapons industries. These facts are inextricable from support for Israel’s settler-colonial project. [x]
- m. muhannad ayash for the baffler on october 17, 2023
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bandofchimeras · 2 months
ACAB its not just a slogan or a meme.
police make everywhere feel so unsafe.
when you aren't one of the demographic they serve (landowning upper class white cishet people). i don't even think about calling the cops if my life is danger. I did that one time. they arrested me.
if there was a murder need investigating, sure, but i wouldn't trust that they would actually put any effort into the search based on who my friends tend to be.
in this city, they paid serial killers on the force 500,000 pension to "retire" and then get hired again by another county force the next year. everytime a cop car drives by, I imagine that verified murderers and accomplices, heavily armed and angry, are in the drivers seat. how is that NOT a fucking "gang"?
I'm white. I'm never going to understand the particuarly terrifying relationship Black Americans or Native people have with the police.
but when other middle class people make jabs at "unsafe" neighborhoods and places...they forget elite, rich neighborhoods can be just as deadly if you don't look like its residents. My blood pressure rises whenever i have to drive my junker truck with the taped over window into a wealthy area, or park near businesses where most of the other cars are shiny. recently all the side streets in this city have been full of "NO PARKING" signs to target houseless folks. In Kentucky they're working on passing the H5 bill the "Safer Kentucky Act" - which would decriminalize shooting homeless people. and criminalize sleeping in your car. and implement a three strike rule, which can lead to a life sentence or execution.
state sponsored execution for being "undesirable" think about that. they get to just decide who gets to live and die? for being "dirty" or using substances? for being disabled by a disabling virus?
its easy to let ACAB become a slogan and not think about why cops are bastards if you aren't exposed to dangerous situations regularly, and then default to them in a panic when the chips are down. because you haven't seen it. you're the white church mom I used to know posting about how nice the cops were to her when she got pulled over. the lady who makes her blonde friend drive when they go on road trips because she can get out of tickets. but once you witness the level of betrayal and mishandling in the criminal injustice system, the level of abuse and violence, the way your neighbors and friends are trigger-happy to use this armed gang against you the second you're perceived as "out of control, "the second that violence touches you it becomes so obvious these bastards are not your friends and never can be.
unless you adopt the ideology necessary to justify their aggressions against yourself and your neighbors. and even then. you ever seen some wacko with a Blue Lives Matter wrap get pulled over? its funny but also it shows, nothing will protect you. cops are doing heavy PR right now. town halls, coffee and donuts. they're recruiting for the upcoming militarization that's coming in response to Palestine protests and this horror show election in November.
Amerikkkan cops are heavily infiltrated and practically equivalent in many cities to other white supremacist, militant gangs. They are militarizing more and more rapidly. Using AI and integrating with the court system, more survelliance, more rules for how you're allowed to exist in public. think about that. why should it matter? if you loiter, if you skateboard, if you wear glasses or masks? you are being trained to see yourself and your neighbors as potential-crime-committers rather than human beings. we are self-survelling. reporting. getting off on correcting and ignoring eachother. What Israel is doing is a mirror held to our collective potential future. and you should be very, very alarmed. Fuck the cops. Fuck the prisons. Fuck the detention centers. We already have the Gestapo and the camps. Look the fuck around.
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evansbby · 8 months
I was there too with my older brothers and cousins, it warmed my heart seeing so many people in support of Palestine. I also saw a lot of Jews there and I think people forget that there’s a difference between a zionist and a Jew. As a Palestinian muslim woman myself I spoke to a few of them and they explained that they do not support the actions of Israel and that it’s against their religion. When I was younger I was always mad at the ‘jews’ for taking over my country and that I got called a terrorist and they didn’t when they clearly killed many innocent lives. I also tried to talk to Israeli people but when I told them everything Israel did to Palestine and how it was wrong they would call me antisemitic and get mad. I was like 16/17 when I finally realized that I should leave the faith of Palestine in Allahs hands and not get kind of mad when people tell me they’re jewish, because I always thought that automatically meant that they were zionists😭 I always felt this survivors guilt, I was born in Palestine but my parents moved us to London when I was 2, but I still have some family there and it’s awful for them. Like why do I get to live in a safe environment when they can’t? I’m 20 years old now and my cousin had it way harder growing up than I did, thankfully she also made it out, but I just feel bad when she talks about her childhood knowing that I didn’t have to worry if there would be Israeli soldiers outside on my streets. I’ve seen pictures of our neighborhood before it got destroyed and it was so beautiful, my grandma would tell me stories about how she and my grandpa would walk to the markets and now it’s all gone. Alhamdulillah they’re safe now.
I’m honestly so happy to see many people support Palestine, thank you to all who protested and constantly donate to help the people in Gaza🇵🇸🩷
Also so real for that Rishi Sunak comment because who told him to open his mouth😭😭😭 Every time I see him I get so mad omg💀
Thank you so much for sharing your story with me 🥺🙏🏼🇵🇸
Sooo many people from different religions are conditioned to hate other religions. I know so many people who were raised to hate Muslims, who were raised to hate Jewish people etc etc. It’s just up to us, as we grow up, to combat these views and stereotypes, speak to more people, understand situations and see that there is good and bad in every religion.
I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel, with Palestine being your homeland and yet you moved away so you are safe from the war and yet your people are suffering so much 🥺🥺🥺 It’s heartbreaking and I can’t even imagine, the fact you have family there as well, going through such atrocities.
I just watched a video on tiktok of a man from Palestine who said that a dog in Europe lives a better life than a Palestinian human being in Palestine. Because at his camp, they are waiting for water. A dog on Europe has access to water and the Palestinians do not because Israel cut access bc of course “they have the right to defend themselves!1!1” How a nuclear state cutting water and electricity access from innocent people is helping Israel defend itself, I won’t understand lmfao.
Honestly, this is at the end of the day not a war based on religion at all. No one cares what religion the Zionist alt right government of Israel are… we only care about the 28282992 war crimes they are committing as we speak.
But it’s still great to see Jewish people supporting the Palestinian cause—and the fact there is so many of them! ALSO a lot of Israeli people supporting Palestine shows that there is hope.
I hate Rishi Sunak. This man went to Israel and said “I hope you win” and “the uk stands with Israel” meanwhile there are protests pro Palestine protests here every other day.
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
What are your thoughts on MJ's daughter supporting Israel and trying to distance herself from her dad? Girl won't even defend him
Jesus fucking Christ, are you guys coordinating these asks? This is the third time one of you asked me it, I'm legit impressed.
Let's get the easy, and horrible part out of the way first: nobody on the fucking planet has any excuse to support Israel. You can hate Hamas and the goverments of countries like Iran without excusing the literal genocide of civilians in Palestine, because yes, that's what Israel is doing right now.
Paris Jackson (and everyone else, famous or not, that is still pretending Israel isn't commiting all kinds of crimes against humanity right now) should have known better and needs to get her shit together.
Now, onto the messy part:
Although Paris has recently said "it's not her role/place" to defend her dad, lets not forget the other things she said on that same controversial statement:
1 - She fully believes her father is innocent and called the "documentary" Leaving Neverland pure lies.
2 - She believes that everything that could be said about her father's innocence has been said already and she'd have nothing new to add to the conversation.
3 - Her cousin Taj has become basically the leader of the family's campain to clear Michael's name and has been doing an amazing job.
4 - She's not as patient as her father was to deal with that kind of stuff and she has been focusing more on trying to recover from her mental health issues.
That last one is important, specially when we remember that Paris has claimed to have been sexually abused in school (which left her with PTSD), and that she has struggled with addiction, paranoia and a freaking suicide attempt.
It would not be surprising to me if having to listen to allegations of childhood sexual abuse is extremelly triggering for her - especially since the person being accused of being the abuser is her late father, who was murdered by his doctor when she was just 10-years-old, and she was treated like a stupid child in denial everytime she tried to point out the things being said about him were not true.
Considering she has continued to praise her father over the years, both with small things like posting a family picture on Father's day this year and big things like saying he was a super accepting man that was totally cool with her not being straight, and DID defend him publically every now and then, like, once again, calling "Leaving Neverland" pure lies when it came out, I'd say she's not really trying to distance herself from her dad or imply she's starting to think he might have been guilty. I think she just genuinely cannot fucking stand having to act as his lawyer only to have every word she says ignored, no matter how much evidence she offers to back it up.
(And before anyone brings up the fact that Taj was also a victim of sexual abuse in his childhood and has is still speaking out in support of his uncle, including of how he helped him deal with his trauma, keep in mind that people cope differently and heal at different paces).
Do I think she could have phrased some things better? Yes.
If either of my parents were accused of something horrible and a bunch of people kept insisting they were guilty despite all evidence poiting to the contrary, would I interact with said celebrities? No, and it is extremelly disappointing whenever Paris does that...
... But then again, Michael was at war with his record label, Sony, for years and was convinced they were not only sabotaging his career but also trying to murder him, yet he still was ready to go on a final tour that was going to make them A LOT of money. Like father, like daughter.
Honestly, I would not blame the entire Jackson family if they just made one last big documentary to try and clear Michael's name, then, regardless of how it was taken, packed all their shit and moved to a remote island, far away from the spotlight and never spoke to any journalist or had any social media presence again. They've been getting screwed over and surrounded by awful people in the industry, the media, and amongst other celebrities since the goddamn sixties, it's a miracle anyone of them is still trying to "play the game" or explain themselves.
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wanderrnest · 7 months
@mercurialcreatur3 Answering here because it was too long for replays on the previous post i reblogged. sorry for my English.
What you said is the most painful to me. People walk among us after they went through these unspeakable horrors, and people still find ways to deny or underestimad it. This is equivalent to Holocaust denial for us. Except now, unlike Nazi Germany, even Hamas terrorists themselves filmed things and uploaded them, sometimes even to victims' social media. There are photos and videos that I wish wouldn't be true, but they are. When there's a terrorist investigation where he said they were told to murder, behead, and rape. There are videos of sexual assault. They found sexual assault evidence on dead bodies. I'm choosing not to go more graphic, but there is so much more graphic. Many people can't tell you what happened because they're dead, like entire families; we won't hear their stories (again painfully similar to the Holocaust, where in some cases there was not one left to tell); they only left butchered bodies behind them, but even that is not enough. read on shani louk, it's one exapmle out of many. look on Hadas Kalderon that her mother and niece were murderd and her two children are kidnapped in gaza without her. they uploded one thing to her daugther's tik tok - "goodbye". it's diffrenet when you know the faces and you hear the first hand stories.
Hamas is a terror organization; it thrives on propaganda. You are fed with propaganda about Israel that comes straight from their scripted messages and false information and the dehumanizing of israelis and jews. The amount of misinformation in the pro-Palestinian circles and the Muslim world is truly off the charts. Israel did not use photos of Palestinian children. Hamas burned babies and beheaded and raped Jewish people and paraded with their bodies. It's a fact; it's documented; people saw it. i can't even think about making this up because it's too terrible to even be imagined; it's hard for me to even say it. It's people's families! I can't believe I have to try to convince a fellow Jewish person that it's not a lie, that innocent Jews actually were brutally murdered. It may seem hard to believe, and you refuse to believe the photos, but is it really that hard to believe when it's literally their declared written goal? Slaughter Jews? c'mon What else do you need? why would you choose to believe the messages of a terror organization?
Yes, she said they treated her nicely; she's like 85. I'm so glad she is physically unharmed, and I believe she wisely managed to interact with them (which to me, shows more about her humanity than theirs, since kindapping a 85 years old or breaking into a house of an old lady and holding a grenade up her head (different story of rachel adri) pretty much cancels ones humanity. not to mention shooting elders in the head. I guess some of them were interactable (also, please don't forget that her HUSBAND is still there, which might be a reason for her words). but it doesn't make their crimes against humanity any less terrible, it doesn't bring back 1,400 people who are brutally murdered. they didn't treat nicely the other elders they shot, the women they raped and murdered, the babies they burned or beheaded, and the children that are still held in Gaza. their morals are entiraly diffrenet then ours in ways we cannot comprehend. they justfiy and call to do all those things to jewish people, in all ages, including rape.
Those people also understood really quickly that bragging about all their horrifying acts wouldn't give them the West support that they love, they are not stupid, so they try to minimize damage, and it's working.
As much as I'm not a fan of the Israeli government (before it all happened, I protested against it every week; again, a leftist), and I'm the last one to defend it, but this is still not some version of Russia with fake news and censorship. We are a small country with a mandatory army, where everyone knows someone who knows someone who's been affected, who was there in some way or another, during or after. Our media is still free and diverse. Please believe me; I know what happened an hour's drive from where I live. If the TV news leaves out details, and it does, it's in order to keep us sane because the ideas are too much to handle and are feared to cause massive hysteria, but everyone knows anyway. Sometimes it's even scarier to watch the news reporter knows something but stops themselves from giving the details because it's too terrible to air on TV.
Honestly, there is so much evidence and testimonies and there will be so much more. i hope that even if not now, one day you'll understand the horrors; I don't know what else will make you believe after all that. I understand you are for the weak now, but if we were weak now, we wouldn't be alive. We were weak on October 7th, and we aren't going to be weak again. Gaza could've been free without the terror organization that rules it. That was the intention from the beginning when Israel withdrew completely from Gaza, giving Palestinians autonomy. Once it got controlled by a terror organization, it naturally got complicated and violent. But we can't protect them from their own now; I'm sorry. We'll have to protect our people from being murdered. we have no way of "freeing" anyone without sentencing our own death (casual reminder of the sea of muslim countries around us, that wouln't miss a chance to join our destraction). And it feels like it's comfortable to you as a Jew that doesn't live in Israel to underestimate this need and join your friend by judging from afar, but you aren't in this danger. anyway i hope you won't be beacuse antisemitism is getting worse and worse everyday.
But if you'd be here, and these horrors were at your doorstep, believe me you'd understand the need to defend yourself. that's why i'm so anxiously try to make you understand. Israel is not comitting genocide, i'll say it again and again. it fights a terror organization thet hides behind their civillians, and it would not have done that if this terror organization stopped murdering israelis. we have no interst in killing palestinians just because they are palestinians. none.
this is the propaganda.
and if anyone from our dozens of neighbor muslim countries truly cared about palestinians and not just interested in destroying us and the western values, they would actually help them and not encourage hamas.
This comes from a leftist who, until very recently, believed wholeheartedly in a two-state solution. i don't know what i think now.
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wack-ashimself · 4 months
Know what I never want to hear again, not even ONCE, the rest of my life?
"Our government would never do that."
If we could also include to avoid: "Our government never did that" and "Our government COULDN'T do that*" It would be much appreciated.
During #JFK: They wanted to do a #falseflag, and blame it on #Cuba. During #Nixon: Crack to the blacks.
In the 70s, the #CIA OPENLY admitted they had a gun with a dissolving bullet that could cause an undetectable, natural looking heart attack. NOW, they have radar dishes they can point at people to give them execrating pain, making them nearly immobile.
We started with a genocide to fund the #usa, had slavery for far too long, made concentration camps for Japanese-Americans during #WW2 where we stole BILLIONS from their houses and assets, and today? Today we have the largest #prison#slave population in human history; yes, more than when we actually had legalized slavery. The biggest military EVER, which, historically, has killed more than any other military with new age weapons. Yeah-can't deny the whole white phosphorus, regular ole bombs, and of course, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. What's ironic? Japan actually hates us more for the firebombs we used on them (more suffering instead of instant death). Didn't know about the #firebombs? MOST DON'T.
And then we get to 9/11. Ya know. When our government shut down all airports, but let a FEW special planes go out of #Florida just after it happened, containing some very unique individuals (proven). Or how about how not 1, not 2, but 3 buildings fell down perfectly straight, which is basically impossible from being hit on ONE side. Oh, and the 3rd building, building 7, which contained a lot of classified government documents was never HIT by anything!? Or how JUST before all this happened, the pentagon announced (not for the first OR last time**) they lost trillions of dollars, and had no idea where it went? OR how the guy who owned the #twintowers insured them for terrorist attacks just months before it happened?
Finally, today....where our #DEMOCRATIC president, brain dead #biden, is openly funneling guns, weapons, and worse to a terrorist colonizing state called #israel, against a nearly completely defenseless people in #Palestine? A #genocide, in real time, for MONTHS now, funded by our government. They're trying to pass another funding bill of billions as I type. Over 12k children killed in cold blood. MULTIPLE RAPES have been proven done by the israelis. You literally can not imagine a worse thing to happen due to a government (outside adding cannibalism).
SO PLEASE, never fucking god damn say again "Our government would never do that" when they have done it EVERY-FUCKING-TIME! <Forgot to mention the experimentation on their own citizens. That's a whole other post!>
Because when you live in an #oligarchy, you got to assume the rich in control will do ANYTHING IMAGINABLE AND UNIMAGINABLE to maintain their wealth and power. Historically, they always fucking do. WAKE UP!
*The technology they hold back and use against us may not come out to the public for DECADES. We have proven weather modification is real AND works. Not a debate. And Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) have been documented to being real just recently...You really think they can monitor, categorize, AND filter ALL THE DATA we say and do without AI? No. And they've been doing that for HOW long? Over 20 years? And when did we get access to AI? Side note-pentagon RIGHT NOW strong arming their way thru congress, trying to force them to allow the military to turn on AI's capabilities to choose what it kills. So that's...#terminator fun.
**The #pentagon, aka, the military, losing money has been a tried and true method of filtering money to the bad guys. It's kinda like how Tony Stark found out he was arming terrorists in Iron Man. You forget we helped for Al-Qaeda and #Isis? WE DID. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset! Why? To fuck with everyone in the Middle East all the way to Russia. Look it up if you didn't know.
<When we do physical or mental labor for taxes to be taken away, they usually go to murder. When you do your job, your taxes pay mostly for the rich to get richer and murder. Nothing else. If I'm wrong, look outside at how great it is, how free everyone is, and all the happy smiles. We allowed this to happen. We can create something better without them. What's the harm in trying? It can't get worse, sadly. But at the same time, inspiringly: we can only go up from here. :)>
No war but the class war.
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elendsessor · 2 months
so uh me and my family went to go see ghost busters world iceborne today and it was fine kinda??
i do want to talk about it since i have a lot of feelings about it despite only seeing this and the original
but first actual thing that genuinely is awful that i do want to make known: if you’ve seen trailers you might know that the movie got sponsored by booking.com and yes they do shoehorn it in the movie. booking.com has very positive ties to israel because y’know travel agency and is one of several companies the bds suggests pressure boycotting so please please please do not ignore that fact about the movie please please please please do not support booking.com. do boycott booking.com.
uh spoilers below the cut i guess?
ok actual positives because i fucjing loved the ghost designs. cgi wasn’t great at points (main bad guy ghost dude i forget the name of looked best when obscured in shadows and not actually shown in detail) but the designs were at least done well. and phoebe and melody’s relationship was cute yet was done so fucking dirty. the movie did have good jokes and the acting was really solid, the world building is cool, and yeah if you turn your brain off for most of the film it’s fun. only when there’s action and ghosts is it actually compelling i noticed and it’s really sad since a good chunk of the movie is not that.
there’s too much plot ok. it’s your run of the mill family drama with ghosts sometimes there. i’m tired of the family is forever shit when it isn’t found family or paints the parents as “flawed but well meaning” and having the dad be lovingly stupid (gary’s technically not the biological dad but he does do dumb dad—pretty much flanderized homer simpson you know the trope), the mom strict to a fault but is right in the end, and incompetent brother who’s trying his best but needs a little help. most families are not like this. most families are dysfunctional in their own ways. you don’t have to have physically abusive parents or unsupportive parents to have shitty parents. painting families in this very generic way sets a really really unhealthy expectation that if your parents aren’t openly pieces of shit you aren’t allowed to hate them or if you defy them you’re automatically in the wrong.
but then there’s phoebe. oh is there phoebe.
i hate how in movies now to get across female empowerment is just make the girl super smart and be shoved in the spotlight too often. she is not interesting at all i’m sorry. you can tell she’s the smart one because she wears glasses and likes science isn’t that quirky? seriously when are we going to just get a strong female lead who has interests that aren’t tomboyish or *insert school subject here*? filmmakers do know that girls and women are also human beings with a wide range of individual likes and dislikes that can’t be reduced to tropes right??? again creating the unrealistic expectation that women cannot be treated like normal people unless they’re uber smart or uber strong. this is a problem for all minoritized group representation and i really cannot hate anyone who doesn’t like how the film industry is trying to bend over backwards for groups to force in representations that only hurt them.
biggest sin is she is not interesting on her own. she is so tropey it’s a fucking travesty. melody the ghost girl was the only compelling person—the only one who made phoebe somewhat interesting to watch—and of course she’s not safe from being a trope. i don’t like how melody has to have direct ties to bad guy mcbad and the sudden turnaround that, while it paid off for her, was rushed to hell and back for the drama.
and worst of all, there was homoerotic tension between phoebe and melody and nothing ever happens.
please just let them hold hands.
i know this is a mainstream movie so two people of the same sex even brushing up against one another is a crime but.
they were cute together and fueled several ghost au fanfic ideas.
damn you film industry.
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daniel-nerd · 8 months
fascism is fascism.
and it doesn’t matter who is on what end of the stick.
when 2 fascist argue about different types of fascism its still fascism.
when hitler argue with stalin about who should die they’re both wrong and they’re still fascists.
fascist poc are just as fascist as queet fascist and they’re both just as fascist as a white straight fascist.
fascism has no excuse!
excusing fascism is no better than supporting fascism!
ignoring fascism is no better than supporting fascism!
other people suffering doesn’t excuse fascism!
just like you can’t ignore someone who’s starving in africa just because someone else is dying from cancer, you can’t ignore palestinian people suffering just because israeli people suffer too!
why is this edgy?
or radical?
why can’t we talk about an issue that’s happening right now just because another issue is also happening right now?
especially when both issues are intertwined!
supporting human rights for palestinian doesn’t mean supporting hamas or terror!
and it doesn’t mean being against israel or jews!
not talking about what everyone else is talking about and instead talking about a problem they try to hide isn’t ignoring the first problem!
hamas’ atrocities are all over the israeli media, we don’t need another person talking about it!
israel’s atrocities aren’t.
we need people to talk about it!!
people keep forgetting the poem “first they came” which I have the unfortune to bring up way too much.
why did you cared when israel threatened the queer’s human rights,
and cared when israel threatened the poc’s human rights
but all of a sudden you don’t care when they actively murdering palestinian people which includes women and children!!
the fact that they jumped to another minority doesn’t mean they won’t be back for you.
if you really want to play the “who’s having it worse” game?
according to standwithus(around 18 hours ago) hamas murdered 1400+ israeli civilians
according to DCI palestine(october 14th) 724 palestinian chilsren were murdered by israeli forces.
according to the CNN(octover 15th) 2600+ people been murdered by israeli forces
almost double the israeli fatalities!!
stop using the “hamas is a terror organization” card to defend israeli massacre
stop using the “israel is oppressing gaza and palestine” card to defend the hamas massacre
this isn’t a fight about how’s having it worse
this is a fight for human rights
yes, hamas is a terror organization
that doesn’t mean israel is innocent.
that’s the whole point im trying to make but people keep putting stuff in my mouth(metaphorically)
im not pro hamas
i think hamas should go to jail
im even willing to look away if they get the death penalty!!
all i want is to bring to the table what people are ignoring.
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papirouge · 7 days
I’ve noticed a ton of terfs on this site are pro Israel and I’m so confused. Aren’t radfems against organized religion? Why would they support Zionism? The only thing I can think of is because they all hate Islam more than they hate Judaism
As a Christian, I always found funny that 95% of the things people grieved against Christianism was actually in the Old Testament that we share with Jews, but somehow, it's us -Christians- that are targetted to give accountability regarding those laws. And what's actually even funnier is that Christianism "updated" a lot of the Old Testament Law (fabric mixing, no more sinners execution by stoning, no more impure food, slave ownership, etc.) to make it more "humane" and loving (The Grace), which is not the case of Jews who still abide to the OT Law. Yet anti religious folks attack Christians against statement of the Law they don't even abide to BECAUSE they're too coward to bother the Jew and get the ad antisemiticus attack.
"Israelites could own slaves!!!!" babe, Apostle Paul wrote an entire book pleading AGAINST slavery (Philemon). "O Holy Night" (a CHRISTIAN hymn) 3rd verse has an abolitionist line. I know where Christianism stands with slavery. Now go ask Jews what they think about it instead lol
"Israelites made war and killed women and children" Jesus was a pacifist who bore the gruelest death known on earth so much he loved the World. He healed the man (who came to arrest him) Peter injured because he refused that violence be used in his defense. John the Baptist got decapitated. Stephen stoned to death. A handful of apostles also ended with untimely & gruesome deaths because they refused to fight against the flesh and abide by the word of the Lord.(Jesus). I know where Christianity stands in regards of violence. Now go ask Jews where they stand on that. I mean, no need to ask : when you see the atrocities they commit in Palestine, you know they feel entitled to what they do based on what their religion allows ("an eye for an eye")
I think the only authentically Christian statements that get held against us is Paul saying that women can't teach in the assembly and men being the head of family thing. Of course, they forget the part where Paul said it was better for celibate (men or women) to remain as such and therefore paving the way for women to NOT need a man as a leader (men being the leader IN A FAMILY or at the religious assembly =/= men being leader anyone else) Before the 4B movement, there was the 4P movement because PAUL TOLD US ALL TO STAY AWAY FROM MEN!! (and God told us to chose the bear too, just sayin')
To go back to radfem : as I always said, many of them are sheltered White women weaponizing misogyny as a totem of immunity against their bigoted view on racial dynamic. I was one of the few ones to clock their BS during the karen meme craze and them acting all victimizd just because people of color used that meme'd to clown racist White women weaponizing their tears to get them into trouble. I noticed that those radfem never took a moment to questions those white women's action - no, the karen meme was misogynist because it dared focusing on women. This was the only explanation, obviously.
Watch them go #alllivesmatter the moment gender is not relevant. Radfem spend years saying how badly war did affect women and how it war is not just a "men thing" how only for them to go blind on the fate of Palestinian women and go "oh I don't know enough about this conflict" FOR YEARS YALL BEEN PULLING OUT ESSAYS SAYING ABOUT HOW WAR WAS BAD FOR WOMEN BUT NOW ITS T0O CoMpLICaTED AND #BOTHSIDES??? byyyyyyyyye. They'll feign neutrality, but still sneakily reblog posts condemning the rape of Israeli women and seething about how the LefT remains silent about it....while they themselves remain silent on both assassinated/raped Palestinians women🤡 They'll be like "Palestinians are homophobic and hate women so why would I care about them uwu" and then see picture of Israeli sexually harassing underage Palestinian girls and posing with Palestinian women underpants and be like "m-maybe it's staged / we-we need context" I'll say it again and again : TRA are absolutely right when they say many radfem are actually White/Western cultural imperialists who just hate men & trans people, who'll exceptionnally make passes for white & white adjacent males (such as Israelis) if they brutalize non White men. They actually love men violence whe it's used for the good cause. I could also go on how this Western imperialism of radfem explains why so many of them are obsessed shoving abortion on EVERY women accross the world as thee solution to fix their problem but this post is already too long lol
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