#did anyone who also saw it get this costume or did you get the orange/gold shiny one like i did??
frankenruth · 1 year
Ricky ilysm but what the hell was this
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[ 📷 : some theatre company !!]
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miasiegert · 7 months
Day 2, and one workshop photo of MY work
Before I say ANYTHING, hello to Wichita folk from Chaz. :) He was shocked (and delighted) at how much people enjoyed the show and we absolutely are brainstorming things for the future. So a huge thank you for the support and kindness. It meant a ton to him (and obviously me and David as well!)
Day 2 was a roller coaster... for ME!
I'm very suspicious because everything is going so well. Too well. Things never go this well. So I decided it was time to start really stoning some costume pieces that I hadn't before while David got supplies.
Then I got a phone call, never a good sign, from David asking me could I get the padlock open for the gate.
Padlock? What Padlock?
There are no concrete answers, only a guess... but it's believed that people who share a lot to store their boats left and padlocked the gate behind them so I was TRAPPED in the costume shop (which is a completely different building/drive away from the theatre) all alone with no food and had been the entire day while David couldn't get me.
Some chaos to get a key and get out, and David decided to go to the night time run through for notes. Chaz told me to take tonight off because I went through ND hell as there was a loud beeping noise nonstop and I had to turn my headphones up louder than normal (I usually watch a show in the background--today was "Power Book III: Raising Kanan" from Starz) so it hurt then the panic of being alone and trapped.
Anyway, what I *Did* realize was that I absolutely can share a wip of Bedazzling more of the Reba!Suit because that is my costume, that has been seen onstage before, there is no actor in it, no full costume, and it's MY original design.
Way back, we had very cheap acrylic rhinestones because we were too poor for better ones. Now, we're mixing in preciosa and swarovski with some crystal and glass ones. We have not removed the acrylics YET because a lot is carefully plotted fill ins and until I have enough time to REALLY thoroughly do it, I don't want to remove any sparkle.
So, for your pleasure (or not, Idk, maybe you don't care) this is the epaulets and belt for the Gumbie Tap Suit that's my design. If you notice a few interesting things with the waistband/tail, that is because it's got four strong snaps for the waist. There's stretch but not as much as some of our other specialty fabric, and different tappers prefer different tightness. We're hoping to add some snaps as this Jenny is between sizes and really wants a snatched waist (she didn't want to take the costume off--never seen anyone so happy before!)
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I will be adding gold, yellow, and orange to it. I added purple to Misto in two shades and some AB crystals.
I forgot if I said this or not but I was requested to rhinestone Misto's shoes for his song number. I can't wait to show people pictures. I'm pretty sure there will be video. The last time I saw a very flippity Misto was my first pro production where an INCREDIBLE cheerleader/gymnast/hiphop dancer was cast. It was incredible to watch. This choreo is really fun and Misto's actor's manner actually does come across as shy and aloof at first... then super excited and happy. METHOD ACTING OR JUST HYPED ABOUT COSTUMES??? The world may never know.
I think people will REALLY like Rumple and Mungo a LOT. Cassandra is FANTASTIC.
Also anyone here have Starz? I need to gush over "P-Valley" and cry over "Hightown" s3 with someone! "Raising Kanan" is good but not hitting me in the feels the same way.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty and Lin Halloween Special
a/n: ok before you all come and fuck me, this is just a special alright. the timeline is non existent. thinking of a christmas special now but flirty is wearing the santa outfit that regina george wears. also thank you to the anon for giving me this idea and giving me premission to write it! it was sooo much fun :)). with that being said here’s tonight’s halloween special. 
Warnings: NSFW 18+,mommy kink, slight pet play?, degradation, thigh riding.
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It was stupid really. Halloween was a holiday where drunken idiots paraded around and made stupid decisions. If you were to ask the police in Republic City what day they arrested people the most on, all of them would collectively agree that it was Halloween night. Which meant more paper work to file and sign and an even grumpier Chief.
“Plllleeeeaseeee, it’ll be soo much fun! For old times sake?” Lin regretted agreeing to showing up to Asami’s mansion for a foolish party. But the way you pleaded and batted your lashes made Lin feel weak. You knew if you batted your lashes and asked sweetly, Lin would give you anything. Even the damn moon. So, here she was.
Lin stepped into the mansion. Cheesy pumpkin decorations and spooky ghosts  hung throughout the entrance of the manor. Fog from smoke machines whisped around the main entrance. Lights winkled and hung from the banisters of the stairs in a pattern of red, orange, and yellow. Lin had to give Asami credit for the decorations. She really outdone herself.
“Chief!” Lin groaned. She hoped to sneak in unnoticed but fate seemed to have other plans in store. “What,” she grumbled at Mako. “Just surprised to see you,” he answered, a drink in hand. Bolin stood beside him talking to some girl in a green ball gown and gold masquerade mask. Lin knew it wasn’t you, but she wished it was. At least then she wouldn’t have to talk to these idiots.
 “I’m surprised I even bothered to show up,” she snarked. “I’m glad you did,” Asami piped up with a cheerful smile, revealing fake fangs. She wore a black lace dress with a slit and low cut on the top. A train of black lace pooled around her feet. There was fake red blood under her lips. ‘Typical’. “Nice costume,” Asami said, pointing to the cat ears on Lin’s head. You had begged her to at least wear something festive instead of her armor. “Thanks,” Lin muttered. Her eyes shifted around the room. She seemed to be searching from something. Searching for you.
Mako and Asami glanced at each other awkwardly. The air became tense and uncomfortable but Lin ignored it. She was busy trying to find your face in the crowd. “There’s refreshments in the ball room with some dancing. Knock yourself out!” Giving one last smile to Lin, Asami left her alone with the two idiot brothers, black lace pillowing behind her. It was going to be a long night.
 Lin’s heart stopped. The infamous pink silk bunny suit was back. She didn’t know you even still had it. It barely covered your chest and it made your ass pop out. White fluffy bunny ears sat on your head and there was a little white puff ball sitting above your ass. On your thighs were pink heart garters with white thigh high stockings.
The choker topped it all off. It was pink with frilly white lace on the sides and a pink bow with a bell stuck in the middle. It rang softly every time you moved. You were chatting with some of the guests while pouring a fruity drink. Bolin had been the first to see you. His eyes popped out of his head and his jaw hung open. Lin scoffed and her brows furrowed, looking in the direction his eyes fell. Lin felt her face become red and her lips pulled into a sneer; she was absolutely seething. How dare that idiot gawk at you like that? Her eyes narrowed dangerously, lips curling. 
“See something you like,” she barked. “N-no m’am,” Bolin stammered, eyes snapping away from yours. His gaze fell to his shoes and he stubbornly refused to look up. Lin could see Bolin’s cheeks scarlet. Mako coughed with his cheeks turning pink and refused to glance in your direction. “E-excuse us Chief,” Mako mumbled, pulling his brother by the back of the collar. Lin ignored him and trained her eyes on you.
“Bumi!” Your best friend turned around. A cigar hung out of his lips and a glass of rum in cupped in his hand. Bumi’s eyes lit up once he saw you. “Oof,” he grunted from the bone crushing hug you gave him. You smelt faintly of cotton candy.
“Ya look great! never thought I’d see this again” Bumi said, gesturing to the signature bunny costume. You giggled, “Thanks! Lin’s probably already been threatening people because of it.”
Bumi let out a booming laugh. Several glances were thrown your way but you didn’t care. You missed him. It had been so long since you’ve seen your best friend. Bumi was a kindhearted soul who was very thoughtful (even if his brother and Lin disagreed). You could always count on him.
“She was always a jealous one wasn’t she?” You nodded, sipping the vodka in your punch and relishing the burn that traveled down your throat. Asami mentioned there wasn’t going to be any alcohol, so you snuck a tiny bottle of liquor in your costume. It would be lame without a drink. The vodka made the fruit punch taste a little more bitter. How Lin could drink vodka straight up was beyond you.
“How’s er..the lad doing?” You smiled sadly at the mention of your brother. “Good enough. Haven’t been able to see him in a while. You know how he is, working and stressing himself out to the max.”
“Jus’ like a bright inventor I know. They work too hard on themselves.” You smiled, “Well, we know where he gets it from.” The two of you stood next to each other in comfortable silence. Bumi seemed lost in thought as he swirled his glass full of rum around. “Is Tenzin here?” He chuckled at the light snarkiness in your voice. You never seemed to let go of the grudge you held against Bumi’s brother. 
He followed your gaze to the dance floor. People were piled on it and dressed in different costumes. Their hips swung to the pulsing beat. The floor was foggy from the smoke machine and balloons glided through the air as they floated up and down. “Nah,” Bumi scoffed, “mentioned Pema taking the kids out trick or treating..I think.” You hummed. From what you heard Tenzin’s wife seemed nice but..you always held a grudge. 
“Hey guys!” You and Bumi turned to Korra and Asami. “Hey,” you replied happily. “Great decorations Asami!” She grinned, fake fangs glinting in the light. “Thanks! It took so long to get the lights up there.” She gestured to the twinkling yellow, red, and orange lights scattered onto the ceiling of the ballroom.
“You look great!” You grinned, “Thanks Korra! Decided to dig this one up from the good ol’ days.” “Must be why Lin was so grumpy earlier,” Asami piped up, a knowing smirk on her face. You chuckled. “Seems I’ve lost her. She’ll find me eventually.” The three of you chatted a bit more before Asami and Korra excused themselves. Asami’s dress trailed elegantly behind her and an elegant arm around Korra’s shoulders. They both looked hot tonight.
“When do you think the two of them will get together,” Bumi asked. “Twenty bucks says in a week.” Bumi grinned, taking your outstretched hand and shaking it. “Deal.”
As Bumi rambled on about something, you could feel the eyes staring in your back. Tingles traveled down your spine and your blood ran cold. The idea of someone watching you made you nervous. You glanced around, but there was no face in the crowd.
It’s fine, just being paranoid, you thought as you tuned into the conversation. You had turn a second too early, for most of the crowd dispersed from the floor, revealing a cat ready to pounce.
Lin watched your hips swing around on the dance floor. The bunny suit made your ass swell even more. Spirits, how she missed this outfit. You didn’t notice her hungry stare as she observed from afar. 
You looked so happy dancing the night away. Lin had stalked you like a cat watching its pray as the night became older. You were always a social butterfly and loved sweeping the crowed off its feet. Anyone in your eyes deserved a chance to have fun despite Lin’s grumbling when the two of you went out. Still, it surprised her that you were friends with Tenzin’s oaf of a brother. But you were kind and caring, even if you were naive. 
Lin chuckled darkly as she weaved her way through people’s sweating bodies. The grime between people and their dancing was disgusting, but she shook it off. Her mission was getting to you.
You were a few yards away from Lin. Her footsteps became slower and more calculated the closer she got. Your back was turned to her as you moved to the music. Lin loved how vulnerable you were. So unaware and carefree. At first glance you seemed innocent and sweet, but Lin knew better. No, you were naughty to the bone.
As you were about to turn around, Lin pounced. Her arms wrapped around the front your body, chest pressing up against your back. You squeaked, much to Lin’s delight. Her dark red lips pressed gently against the shell of your ear. You shivered, trying to wiggle out of her grip. Lin’s arms tightened around you as a warning, trapping you against her.
You shivered as her dark chuckle sent goosebumps down your bare spine. “Ah ah ah,” Lin tutted, pressing you even closer. Her armor was cold and the metal dug into your back. “Seems like I’ve caught me a little rabbit.”
Your cheeks flushed red and you let out a whine. Lin laughed; its dark tone made you excited and nervous. Her lips kissed your ear gently. She trailed her lips down from your jaw to your neck. You shivered again making Lin hum. She nuzzled into your neck and inhaled. “Cotton candy hm? How fitting.” You swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the crowd. No one seemed to be paying attention to the two of you. That was good.
Lin followed your gaze. “Think they’re watching? Seeing what a slutty bunny you are? Maybe they should watch us, so they know what happens to whores prancing around waiting to be bent over. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You muffled a soft whimper and clamped your thighs together. Lin chuckled and kissed the side of your neck gently. She barely even started and you were already so needy.
“Too bad I don’t like to share what’s mine,” she whispered softly into your ear. Her words swept across your skin making you tremble. Lin’s fingers traveled up your chest and to the pink choker around you neck. The lace was delicate and soft in her fingers as she tugged on it softly. The bell jingled loud enough for the two of you to hear over the music. “Fuck,” she cursed softly, “What I’d give to fuck you with that collar on.”
“L-Lin,” you whimpered, face burning with shame. Lin smirked, letting the collar go. Your lips pulled into a pout as her arms let go of you. “Meet me in the closet in the main hallway. First one to the left. Five minutes. Or else.” She smacked your ass making you squeak. It stung only a little but still hard enough to where you rubbed it gently. “In a second I just gotta-” You turned around to see her. She was gone.
You tore through the floor quickly, running through the crowds. Damn these heels! Were you desperate? Maybe to other people but dammit you wanted to get fucked so hard in this suit!
Your heels clacked onto the tile floor. “Hey Y/N!” ‘God fucking-’ “Yes,” you gritted out, turning to find Asami. “Going somewhere?” You hated the smirk and the knowing twinkle in her eye. She held in a laugh at the dark lipstick marks on your neck. “Just gotta pee,” you lied, turning to bolt like your life depended on it. “Don’t let me stop you,” Asami said winking. You grumbled, cheeks flaming with shame as you hurried to the closet.
You almost cried with joy as you faced the closet door. You had gotten there just in the nick of time. Asami had almost put your life on the line but you made it. You glanced around quickly to make sure no other party goers were watching. ‘Coast’s clear’. As you opened the door, a hand reached out and yanked you in there.
You yelped as your back was shoved into the wall. A hand clamped over your mouth tightly. The door closed with a soft thud. The sound of the lock turning made you tingle with excitement. “Shhh,” Lin cooed, fingers slowly trailing up to your chest. “Don’t want anyone to find us hm?” You whimpered as her fingers lightly rubbed over your nipples. The sensation was muffled from the silk bunny suit covering them.
You tried tugging the suit down to let your chest free, but a hand smacked you. You grumbled, rubbing the top of your hand softly. “Keep it on.” “Yes mommy,” you whined. “Good bunny,” Lin cooed softly. She smirked as she felt you tremble underneath her. 
Lin kissed your jaw softly. You let out a sigh, wrapping your hands around her shoulders. Her soft lips trailed down your neck with kisses and bites. Once Lin got to the side that drove you wild she started sucking. “Mmm~,” you moaned softly as she sucked purple hickeys into your skin. Lin’s left thumb pressed lightly against your nipple. The silky fabric sent tingles down your spine. Her other hand cupped your jaw lightly. She suckled lightly under your jaw, knowing that place drove you wild. You moaned softly as her thumb rubbed your nipple harder.
 Her lips pulled away from your neck. You grumbled, making Lin snort. “Suck,” she commanded, swiping her right thumb over your pink glossy lips.
Immediately, you took the finger in her mouth. Lin hummed as your tongue swirled around her it. Your warm and wet lips wrapped around her thumb, coating it in spit. You nibbled on the tip of her thumb gently, smearing her finger with pink gloss. She always went wild seeing your mouth a mess after choking or slobbering all over whatever she gave you.
Lin pulled away. The sound making a wet pop. You whined pathetically. “Be a good bunny and take what I give you. Don’t want to be punished do you?” “No mommy, I’ll be good I promise.” “Good rabbit,” Lin purred, pinching your nipple lightly as a reward. Your brain felt hazy and dizzy already. The closet was pitch black and you wished you could see her. You were afraid of the dark, but with Lin kissing and sucking in all the right places, she was the only thing you could focus on.
Her lips smashed against yours and she nibbled on your bottom lip. You bit her lip playfully and refused to open them in retaliation. She growled against your mouth, fingers inching up to your chest. You mewled as they pinched and rubbed your left nipple over the silk. It felt so smooth and cool over your chest. Lin slipped her tongue through your lips. She stroked her tongue along the roof of your mouth, and you moaned whenever she finally sucked on yours. The feeling of her red lipstick mixing with your gloss made you cringe. Lin grinned wickedly against your lips. She always loved to make you messy and needy.
 Your knees held your trembling legs up. They quivered and you felt weak pinned to the wall, feeling dizzy. “Lin,” you whimpered, pulling away from her lips. “I’m gonna fall.” 
Lin chuckled. “Can’t have that can we?” The sound of her metal armor shifting rang in your ears. In the distance the music could be heard along with some outside chatter.
You whined as her knee slid between your legs, thigh jutting against your crotch. Your body became hot and prickly as her thigh brushed up against you. “What did I say about keeping quiet? If you keep moaning like a whore, I’ll fuck you in this closet for everyone to hear what happens to a needy slut,” Lin hissed.
Her right hand cupped your throat, fingers splayed gently on the sides of it. Your heart thumped in your chest with anticipation. 
You squeaked as a harsh slap came down onto your thigh. “I asked you a question, bitch. Answer me.” “Sorry,” you whined, “I’m sorry, I’ll be quiet!” Lin smirked, satisfied with your answer. “Good. Now grind on my thigh and cum like the good whore you are. If you do, I might consider fucking you silly with my strap tonight.”
Lin laughed once you jumped down on her thigh with eagerness. You bit your lip harshly and focused on your breathing as you shifted slowly. A small amount of relief poured through your body. “Keep going,” she commanded, left hand ghosting over your chest again. 
Eventually, you got a good rhythm down. Your rocked your hips and rubbed your crotch down on Lin’s thigh. “Mmm~,” you moaned softly, trying so hard to keep quiet. Lin smirked, her fingers squeezing the sides of your throat gently. Blood rushed to your head as you focused on breathing. The high from grinding on Lin’s thigh, and the pleasure combined with her hand wrapped around your throat felt so good.
“What I’d give to see that stupid look on your face. You’ve just barely started and I’ve already got you turning into a dumb fucking bunny.” Whimpering, you grinded down faster. Your hips were already getting tired and your legs began to ache.
Lin’s hand suddenly let go of your throat. The rush of air that knocked into your chest made you choke. She snickered. “Good little rabbit,” she cooed. Lin leaned her head down. Her lips wrapped around your covered nipple and sucked. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you whimpered. Her tongue felt so good over the satin and the way your hips rocked against her thigh made your core sing.
The closet was getting hotter and stuffier. The bell on your choker rang every time you straddled Lin’s thigh and used it to get off. Your cheeks were hot along with your arms and collarbone. There was sweat beading on your head, threatening to roll off of your brow.
 “Mommy,” you moaned softly. She hummed in reply, the vibrations on your nipple causing you to squeak. Her right hand slowly tugged down the bunny suit, revealing your chest bare and free.
You whimpered as the air hit your bare chest. Lin kissed your left nipple. Without the fabric covering it, the sensations were more powerful. Her lips wrapped around it softly and sucked gently. You whined and grinded harder. Your legs and knees burned so bad but you didn’t want to stop. You wanted to cum on your girlfriend’s thigh and let the whole world know who you belonged to.
The closet became more stuffy the longer the two of you were locked in here. It made you try harder and harder to get your release. Lin’s fingers gently swept over your right one. She rolled the soft bud between the pads of her fingers. Your brain turned into mush and your pleading became a mantra of Lin’s name. Your stomach curled with heat and your core burned with pleasure.
Lin’s lips kissed your chest as her finger’s worked your nipples. They were sore and ached from the sensitivity of being sucked on so harshly. Lin kissed between your chest before sucking the skin there. You groaned as the delicious pleasure buzzed through you. Her lips trailed all over your chest leaving hickies in their wake. Lin pulled away, fingers gently rubbing your nipples again. It made you hiss from how much it ached but Lin didn’t stop. “Are you gonna cum?” “Yessss,” you whined, crotch rubbing against her leg harshly. “Good. Cum on my thigh like the naughty bunny you are.”
Lin smashed her lips against yours to muffle your cries. You trembled as you came, body trembling and shaking against the wall. She smirked against your lips at the sound of the bell on your choker ringing loudly.
Lin held you up with her hands around your waist and gently removed her thigh between your legs. She kissed your forehead softly murmuring sweet things. “You did so well for me,” she praised, kissing all over your sweaty face and hot cheeks. “Can you stand?” 
“I think so.” She let go of you slowly, but her hands hovered around you in case you started to fall. Your knees trembled but you could stand even if it was a bit wobbly. “Yea, I can stand.” Lin smiled, pulling the string on the ceiling. You hissed softly as the closet light burned your eyes. 
“You look so sexy messed up like that,” Lin sighed, taking in your tossled hair and messed up lip gloss. You looked at her confused as she handed you her coat. She laughed, “Wear it. Unless you want someone to see my claim on you.” You sputtered, throwing on her jacket and zipping it up. It reached your knees and it would shield you from the cold air outside. Lin chuckled and sent you one last wink before slipping out of the closet. You waited a few more moments before running after her.
Asami, Bolin, Mako, and Korra, watched you zoom by them, yelling a quick “Bye guys!” over your shoulder.
“What’s her deal,” Mako asked brows furrowing deeply. Bolin refused to look up from anywhere but his drink and muttered a “I don’t know.” “It looks like they got attacked by a monster,” Korra said, her voice confused but mostly concerned. Asami grinned. She had gotten a good look at the dark red lipstick smeared all over your lips before you ran out. “Oh they were attacked by a monster alright. Quite a grumpy one.” 
Three heads turned to her with quizzical looks on their face. “What are you talking about?!” Asami snickered, sipping her wine. “Doesn’t matter,” she replied cryptically, “I have more people to host to.” Asami winked before turning away from them and left. The train of her black lace dress swept behind her as Korra and Mako watched her disappear into the crowd, very confused.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Princess Daisy : pencils_and_pincushions // photo: that_fedora_photographer
I’m a Canadian cosplayer who has been cosplaying since 2007. I’ve had a love for Victorian fashion since I very young age (my little kid brain basically made the connection that Victorian dresses = women dressing like Disney princesses IRL), but the thing that kickstarted my desire to learn sewing was going to a fabric store with my mother when I was in my senior year of high school and seeing a Butterick pattern catalogue that had Victorian-inspired costumes. Almost instantly I had a lightbulb moment that if I learned to sew, I could actually wear those big fancy gowns I loved.   
I entered university and, over the next few years, spent my free time reading and learning everything I could about sewing. In 2007, my best friend invited me to Anime North - she was going as a gothic lolita-inspired version of the Queen of Hearts, so I decided I would make a Mad Hatter to accompany her.
I was so excited that I jumped in completely head-first, and it ended up being my first foray into both sewing and pattern drafting. In hindsight it was wildly ambitious for a first project (and I’m still a little surprised that I actually pulled it off!), but I’m so glad that my enthusiasm made me persevere and psh through the challenges, because I learned a ton from that experience and ended up with a cosplay I was thrilled with.
I remember seeing myself in the mirror the first time and being so happy when I realized I’d been able to bring something to life from my imagination. When my friend and I got to the con, things only got better from there - the atmosphere was so energetic and colourful thanks to all the amazing cosplays, and it was filled with so many fun, enthusiastic, and friendly people. From that day I was officially hooked on cosplay.
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I’m part of the Toronto Steampunk Society and, each year at Fan Expo Canada, we hold an Annual Costume Challenge where we pick a theme and encourage people to make a costume based on the theme. A couple of years ago, the theme was ‘steampunk video game characters’ and one of my friends in the TSS, Modern Myths Cosplay, thought it would be cute to do Princess Peach and Princess Daisy.
I loved the idea and, after more discussion, we decided to do a steampunk twist on the Super Smash Bros Brawl version since it was fancier and seemed to lend itself well to a steampunk interpretation. Though Daisy isn’t officially in Brawl, my friend was fortunately able to dig up some fan edits of Peach in Daisy’s colours, so with that we were set.
I usually make my outfits myself, but since my friend and I wanted to ensure our cosplays matched, we decided to work collaboratively and divide things: I would create the bodices and accessories for both gowns, and she would create the skirts and crinolines.
I started off by drafting the base bodice patterns. Since I draft all my costumes, I used my existing bodice block/master patterns for myself and drafted a bodice block from scratch for my friend based on her measurements. One neat thing about working this way was that it basically turned into a girls’ weekend where I was able to teach my friend more about pattern drafting, which ended up making the process unexpectedly fun and memorable.
After I finished fitting my friend’s bodice block, I got to work drafting our bodice patterns based on the reference pics we had collected. Being able to tackle both bodices ended up working well since it enabled me to draft them in a way that made them visually match identical while taking our respective body shapes into account.
A couple of mockups and fittings later, we had an idea of how much fabric we needed, so we went fabric shopping. My friend suggested that we go with richer, more regal-looking tones instead of strictly game-accurate colours, so when we found a place selling gorgeous peau de soie and sparkle organza, I was instantly sold on a gold and burnt orange colour scheme.
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We split the fabric based on our respective portions and worked on them separately. I cut and sewed the bodices, which was fairly straight forward but time-consuming! The part that sticks in my mind the most was the center front panel because it had so many pieces and layers - two types of satin, two types of organza (including one that had to be ruched to the base panel in multiple places), five rows of lace, interfacing...and that doesn’t even include the lining!
I also created our jewelry and crowns. The brooches and earrings were made from filigree settings that I painted, glued gems, and attached pin backs and earring hooks to, and the crowns are made from craft foam painted in gold acrylic, with embellishments assembled from painted filigree stampings and gems.
My friend created our cage skirts from 1/4 PEX pipe and brown grosgrain ribbon, which ended up being the perfect hoop skirt material since it was cheap, lightweight, and strong enough to support the huge, heavy skirts. She cut and sewed our skirts (including attaching meters and meters of trim that I’d painted white to better match the game colours) and she also made our bloomers.
The gowns were a huge undertaking and, thanks to work and general real life eating up time, we did end up engaging in the dreaded con crunch, but fortunately in the end we were able to get them to a state where they were pretty and wearable!
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The response at the convention was absolutely amazing - I don’t think I’ve ever had a costume elicit the reactions that Princess Daisy did. We figured that, since we were cosplaying the princesses from Mario, there was a good chance we might be recognized, but the thing I wasn’t prepared for was how genuinely happy and excited people were, especially when they saw us together. We literally had kids waving at us from across the street when they spotted us.
Even grown-ups loved it - we were frequently stopped for pictures, and even a couple of the folks in the dealer’s room who were running booths would break into huge smiles and ask for pictures. Plus, people loved the steampunk twist and were delighted when they realized how much our costumes matched.
The best, most heartwarming response to my Princess Daisy cosplay happened when I met up with some other friends and one tapped me on the shoulder, pointed behind me and said, “I think she wants a picture with the princess.” I turned around and, standing a few feet away, was this adorable, super shy little black girl who was staring in my direction. My heart instantly melted and I went over to her and had a little chat and took a picture with her.
As a black cosplayer who has run several panels on BIPOC cosplay and spoken about the importance of diversity and representation in cosplay, being able to show that sweet little girl that someone who looks like her can be a princess - and showing kids of other races that Princess Daisy can be black - was a vivid reminder that representation does matter.
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Since I got into the hobby, cosplay has been a big part of my life and has positively impacted me in so many ways. It has been an incredible creative outlet that has given me the chance to express myself, and it has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people - many of whom are now among my closest friends. However, I think one of the most rewarding things about cosplay has been how it has allowed me to provide BIPOC cosplay representation and visibility within my local cosplay community. I often do Afro-steampunk cosplay, and one of the most unexpectedly moving things I’ve experienced has been other BIPOC saying to me that seeing my outfits make them feel like they can cosplay.
It has been humbling and has motivated me to get more involved in the cons I attend. For the past several years I’ve run panels on diversity in cosplay/steampunk as well as sewing and cosplay construction, which has enabled me to share the knowledge and skills I’ve learned. I also lead the steampunk section of the Anime North Fashion Show, and I’ve made a point to recruit as diverse a roster of models as possible. I’m happy that we’ve been able to showcase steampunk looks inspired by various cultures including Chinese, Indian, and Morrocan.
Another plus is that the sewing skills I’ve learned from cosplay have come in handy in other areas of my life. It has been fun - and surprisingly empowering - to be at a point where I can use my sewing ability to create one-of-a-kind outfits for formal work events (like office holiday parties) that make me feel pretty and confident.
Something I’ve frequently mentioned during my BIPOC cosplay/steampunk panels is that the simple act of showing up to a con or event in cosplay can have an impact because you never know how much that visibility can inspire other BIPOC to get into the hobby, so my advice to anyone wanting to get into cosplay is to do it! Overall I have found it to be a fun, creative, energizing experience.
While I’ve been extremely fortunate to have had overwhelmingly positive experiences while cosplaying, I recognize that, unfortunately, BIPOC do sometimes face harassment and outright racist comments (especially online) that can make getting into the hobby seem scary. Finding welcoming, supportive spaces in person and online can be a big help (the POC Cosplay group on Facebook is great for this) - plus, thanks to things like #28DaysOfBlackCosplay, there is more visibility and inspiration out there than ever before.
The other thing I’d add is to treat each cosplay as a learning experience. Being able to work so closely with my friend on creating a cosplay was a completely different creation process than I’m used to, and it was really cool to be able to learn from each other’s different working styles and experience. It was great to teach her pattern drafting and see how happy she was to learn skills she could apply to future cosplays, and I was so excited when she showed me her PEX pipe hoop skirt method. Looking back on my Princess Daisy cosplay makes me smile because it’s almost like a physical representation of the fun we have cosplaying together.
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cali-holland · 4 years
The End of the World- Peter Parker One Shot
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Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Prompt: As a daughter of Thanos, you betrayed him to join Gamora and Nebula with the Guardians. You thought it was the end of the world when he started collecting the Infinity Stones, but then you found a source of hope- you met Peter Parker.
Word Count: 7000
Warnings: severe daddy issues (i mean it’s thanos?), mentions of anxiety, discussion of self-sacrifice (could be triggering as suicide), maybe some swearing, violence, death
A/N: so the reader has a regular skin color (aka not blue/green/purple)
Based On: End of the World by Kelsea Ballerini
Masterlist   Peter Parker Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
You paced the ship anxiously. They should be back by now. You didn’t know why you’d agreed to stay behind; you should’ve gone, you should’ve been there to help them fight Thanos on Knowhere. Gamora had told you, though, that it’d be better if you were safe, if he couldn’t get his hands on you again. While the two of you may not have been blood sisters, you were raised alongside her and Nebula as a daughter of Thanos; with your special abilities to control the elements, he found you extra advantageous for his glorious plan. You were too powerful for Gamora and the rest of the guardians to lose you to him.
Hearing the transport ship dock, you knew they were back. You went to greet them, nervous to see what happened, if they had gotten the stone or not. Quill brushed you off, keeping his head low and his face tight with frustration.
“He took her.” Mantis told you quietly, and you felt your heart shatter. If he took her, that meant you were one step closer to losing this battle.
“Quill!” You yelled, chasing after him. He was supposed to protect her, but he was also supposed to kill you or Gamora if either of you got taken. “Did you- did you even try?”
“Did I try to protect her or did I try to kill her?” He asked, tears in his eyes.
“Both.” You said, but his lack of words let you know he had, “If Thanos gets the soul stone-”
“What if we got it before him? You, Gamora, Nebula, you all know where it is. We could beat him to it.” Drax offered, and you shook your head.
“I promised my sister to never go there, to never speak of its location. If I took us there, we could just be leading him there.”
“What will we do?” Mantis asked. Quill may be the leader of the team, but you were the one with the most experience with Thanos, your disgusting excuse for a “father”. Before you could respond, a message came through the speaker. It was Nebula, calling for you to meet her on Titan with the rest of the team.
“We go to Titan.” You said, sitting down in the pilot seat. Quill was angry and upset with himself and with Thanos; he was in no state to fly.
The trip to Titan was brief and you watched as Ebony Maw’s ship came into view. As it traveled into Titan’s atmosphere, it crashed to the ground, making you wonder what happened to Maw. Quill quickly devised a plan, and you all got ready to attack. He blasted the side off the ship and all four of you ran into the destroyed ship. You saw three figures, two in seemingly red and gold metal suits and the third in an odd costume.
“Mantis!” You called out to her, seeing one of the metal figures shoot sticky web substances at her, freezing her in her spot. You quickly shot a blast of fire at the strange enemy, only for it to turn towards you and grow four extra long metal limbs. You continued to shoot flames at it, but it jumped too quickly for you to hit it. Finally, you hit the figure with a gust of air, shooting it down to the ground. With one hand, you wrapped their torso and arms with water as if it were a rope, keeping them from moving; with the other hand, you held a fireball near its head threateningly.
“Everybody stay where you are. Chill the f out.” Quill spoke up, standing near you defensively. He removed his helmet to speak. He pointed the gun at the other metal figure, standing on Drax with his guns for hands raised, “I’m going to ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?”
“I’ll do you one better. Who’s Gamora?” The other man asked, his mask vanishing to show a human face. You jumped a little in surprise, but kept your grip steady.
“I’ll do you one better. Why is Gamora?” Drax questioned and you looked at him with raised eyebrows.
“Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I’m gonna French fry this little freak.” Quill demanded, holding his gun up to the stranger in your hands.
“Let’s do it. You shoot my guy and I’ll blast him. Let’s go!” The other shouted.
“Do it, Quill. I can take it.” Drax insisted.
“No, he can’t!” You and Mantis both protested.
“She’s right. You can’t.” The other stranger with the orange magic shields said.
“Oh, yeah, you don’t want to tell me where she is? That’s fine, I’ll kill all three of you, and I’ll beat it out Thanos myself.” Quill threatened further. He turned to the one in your arms, “Starting with you.”
“Quill,” You tried to stop him. There was no way Thanos would entrust Gamora’s whereabouts to humans- but yet again, you still didn’t know if the one you were holding was human. It felt human?
“Wait what? Thanos?” The magician-like one asked. “All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?’
“What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? Jesus?”
“You’re from Earth?” The one threatening Drax asked.
“I’m not from Earth. I’m from Missouri.” Quill corrected him.
“Yeah, that’s on Earth, dipshit.” The stranger said. You held back a laugh; you weren’t sure if you trusted these odd people, but you appreciated their humor when it came to Quill. “What are you hassling us for?”
“So you’re not with Thanos?” The one in your arms asked quietly.
“With Thanos?” Quill questioned, sounding offended. “No, I’m here to kill Thanos.”
“He took my sister. Who are you?” You asked and the mask of the one you held disappeared. So it was a he and he was a human.
“We’re the Avengers.”
“You’re the ones Thor told us about.” Mantis piped up.
“You know Thor?” The one by Drax looked from Mantis to you to Quill.
“Yeah, tall guy, not that good looking, needed saving.” Quill stated, making you roll your eyes.
“Look, okay, we’re all on the same team then. We’re all here to stop Thanos.” The stranger stepped off Drax and you let go of the one you held. He left to stand by the other two and Drax came beside you and Quill. You felt your eyes linger on the stranger; he looked far too young to be a part of all this, but yet again so were you. You didn’t know much about humans, except for the few you had met like Quill, and you’d dare to say he was cute.
“I’m Doctor Stephen Strange. This is Tony and Peter, or Iron Man and Spider-Man.” The non-metal one said, gesturing to the others.
“I’m Peter Quill, call me Star-Lord.” Quill stated. “And this is Drax the Destroyer, Y/N, and Mantis.”
“That’s the time stone.” You pointed out, your eyes landing on the doctor’s necklace.
He shifted almost defensively, looking at you quizzically for your comment, “I took an oath to protect this stone. Thanos is not getting it, nor anyone else.”
“I’m not looking to take it from you.” You told him, “What happened to Maw?”
“Maw?” The young Peter asked.
“Ebony Maw. One of Thanos’ children and lieutenants. This is his ship. I assume he was trying to acquire the time stone for Thanos. Where is he?”
“We killed him.” Iron Man replied, unremorsefully.
“Serves him right.” You felt a weight lift off your shoulders- one last psychotic ‘sibling’ to take care of. You turned to Quill, “We should leave this ship. Thanos will be coming here for that stone. With the power, space, and reality stone, we need to be ready.” You started on your way out with the rest of the guardians.
“Excuse me, but how do you know so much about Thanos and these stones?” Doctor Strange asked you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Because I’m his daughter.” You said, turning sharply and leaving Maw’s wrecked ship. You and Quill needed to focus on a plan.
“I should go check in with Nebula. She should be here soon.” You told Quill, pulling him away from Mantis and Drax momentarily.
“Let me know if she hears anything about Gamora.” He said, his voice stumbling a bit. “And I’m sorry, I couldn’t-”
“It’s fine, Quill. I’m sure there wasn’t much you could’ve done if he had the reality stone already as well as the power and space.” You reassured him. “If he comes back without the soul stone and he tries to get me, make sure you-” You cut yourself off, not wanting to say the words that would make it too real. How can you ask someone to kill you, even with the fate of the universe resting on your life?
“I won’t- I won’t fail, not again.”
“Hey, Mr. Lord, person, we need to discuss a plan.” Iron Man called out to Quill as he and his other two teammates came to stand by Drax and Mantis. Quill looked back at you and you nodded, silently telling him to go while you communicated with Nebula. You made your way back to Quill’s ship, settling in your seat to radio your sister.
“Nebula, Nebula, come in. It’s me, Y/N. We’re here on Titan and we’ve found some allies. They’re humans from Earth, but they’re powered. They killed Maw.” You spoke into the microphone. You waited a few moments for a transmission back, but nothing came. You heard a soft step coming from behind you; instantly, you jumped from your chair, forming an ice dagger in your hand, and grabbing the neck of your attacker.
“It’s just me. Same side, remember?” The new Peter said, shaking a little from shock. You stepped back and dropped your hands, the dagger forming into a small pool of water as it hit the ground.
“Didn’t you ever learn not to sneak up on assassins or do they not tell you that on Earth?” You asked, sitting back down in your chair, still waiting to hear from your sister.
“Must have skipped that day.” He replied with a small laugh. “What are you doing over here?”
“I’m waiting for my sister to send a transmission.” You stated and he hesitantly sat in the chair beside you.
“Your sister as in-” You could tell he was just genuinely curious as he warily brought up the elephant in the room.
“Look, Thanos is not my actual father. He took me from my home world when I was young because I was gifted and he trained me to be an assassin alongside Nebula and Gamora.” You explained, “Long story short. We escaped a few years ago. Nebula went back to try to kill him again, but she was captured. She only just escaped, and he took Gamora now. The thing is, the three of us all know something that gives him an unprecedented advantage in this battle.”
“What is it?” Peter asked, and you let out a small sigh.
“When we were still serving him, he tasked us with finding the soul stone, the one stone which has had unknown whereabouts for as long as the universe has existed. We found it, and we realized he could never know that information.”
“Where is it?”
“If I tell you, I’d have to kill you. Thanos cannot know about it, he can’t get the soul stone. That’s why Quill has to kill me if he gets me.” Your voice broke off at the end. Peter was a stranger and yet you still felt like you could trust him.
“There has to be some other way. Surely, you don’t have to- to die to protect that secret.” He sounded so sincere, so genuinely hopeful that your life could be better.
“Don’t be naive. If it comes down to me or half of the universe, it’s a sacrifice I’d be willing to make. This feels like the end of the world for me.” You stated definitively.
“Half of the universe? That’s what-”
“That’s what Thanos will do. Destroy half of all life in the universe, perfectly balanced ‘as all things should be’.” You quoted the often repeated phrase of your father’s. You turned away from Peter, looking back at the comms panel in front of you.
“Your powers- what are they?” He asked after a silent moment.
“I don’t have a fancy term for them. I can bend the elements to my will.” You told him. “Air,” You blew a small breeze towards him, “Water,” You created a small orb of water, “Earth,” You moved the land below the ship a little, shifting the Benatar as you did so, “And fire.” You ended with a flame coming out of your open palm.
“So you’re basically the Avatar.” Peter said with a small smile, brown eyes intently watching the flame burn in your hand.
“Avatar?” You asked in confusion.
“It’s this TV show on Earth, and it’s about this kid that has the weight of the world on his shoulders because he’s the only one who can end this raging war since he’s the master of all four elements. It’s the best show ever.” He beamed, and you nodded, vaguely understanding his thought process.
“I guess, then yes, I am. What about you?”
“I got bitten by a radioactive spider, so I’m super strong and agile, and then I created this web-like substance to use so I can fight more like a spider. Mr. Stark gave me this suit today, so the retractable legs are new.” He explained, showing you his web fluid on his wrists.
“So you’re not part spider?”
“No, I don’t think so.” He shook his head with a laugh, “I also have, well, I call it my Spidey sense, and it helps me know there’s incoming danger.”
“You seem young for a hero. How old are you?” You asked.
“16.” Peter replied, a bit embarrassed. “And you? You seem pretty young compared to the rest of your team.”
“I don’t know.” You said and he felt his face heat up in further embarrassment, “Thanos took me when I was so young, I have no recollection of my home world. He wasn’t the type of father to care about birthdays. I suspect I would be around your age; he never really let me go into battle because he deemed me too young, but he wanted to use me for my powers when I was ready. Two years ago, Gamora and the guardians helped me escape, and I’ve been with them ever since. And since then, my powers have only grown.” You paused, sensing his pity for you, “It’s okay, though. I may have never known my true family, but the guardians are my found family.”
“Hey,” He reached out and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. You tensed, not expecting the physical affection, but you didn’t pull away, “I don’t have much in the way of family either. My parents died when I was young, and my aunt and uncle raised me, but my uncle- he passed a few years ago. I love my aunt, and she’s the only legitimate family I have left, but the Avengers have become my family now.”
“I’m sorry to hear about your parents and your uncle.” Your apologetic words sounding so foreign to roll off your tongue.
“It’s made me better as a person, and stronger as a hero.” He stated. “Your past makes you stronger.”
“Technically, it made me a deadly assassin with incredibly strong powers.” You said, laughing lightly. Peter let out a chuckle, his eyes closing as he laughed at your comment. Before the conversation could continue, the speaker went off as a transmission came through.
“Y/N, I should be there soon. I only have a few more jumps. I don’t know where Gamora is, but she told him- she told him about Vormir.” She said, her voice sounding urgent and you let out a shaky breath. Peter took his hand off your shoulder, running it over his other arm.
“Oh no.” You mumbled. If Gamora told him about Vormir, he found the soul stone.
“He’s near.” Peter breathed out.
“Your Spidey sense?” You asked him and he nodded. You turned back to the microphone, “I’ll see you soon, Nebula. He’s almost here.”
You jumped out of the seat and rushed back to the others with Peter trailing along behind you. “Nebula’s almost here.”
“And so is Thanos.” Peter added.
“Do you have a plan?” You asked looking between Quill, Doctor Strange, and Tony, already knowing Drax and Mantis wouldn’t be much help.
“Strange will distract him and then we’ll surprise attack.” Quill explained as if it was simple.
“Do you know anything else about the stones that can help?” Tony asked you.
“He has the power, space, and reality stone that we know of. The reality stone warps things so your perception is off, the power stone is more powerful than anything else- it can bring down a planet, and the space stone allows him to transport. Together, they’re incredibly powerful. We need to keep him from closing his fist.” You informed the group, and they all nodded. “He also has the soul stone now, but that won’t help him until he has all five.”
“You all need to hide for now.” Doctor Strange spoke up, going to sit on a pile of rocks. You all went to find decent hiding spots, creating a surprise advantage over Thanos.
“Y/N,” Peter pulled you aside for a moment. You could see it in his eyes, he was worried, “It’s not the end of the world, not today.”
You wished you could believe him, you so desperately wanted to believe his words. More than anything, you wanted to believe that you could somehow beat Thanos, but with three stones, you knew your chances were slim. Peter swung away before you could say much more, leaving you to shift some rocks to create more cover for you all. 
You stiffened as the blue portal opened and Thanos stepped out. You hadn’t seen him since you escaped his torturous clutches; you felt your fingertips burn with fire, ready to avenge your fallen past. He talked to Strange, demonstrating what Titan once was before he ‘freed’ the plant through the reality stone, before Stark smashed him with part of Maw’s ship. You all jumped into attack mode at his signal. Drax took jabs at him with his knives, Quill shot him with his gun, Peter swung into action and tried to web his eyes shut, Tony shot him with energy blasts, Strange used his mystic arts on him, and you shot a mix between the elements at him. Nothing seemed to weaken him enough though, each person getting thrown back, beside you.
“Daughter, you disappoint me.” Thanos spoke viciously as you shot fireballs at him; your flame was running so hot, they were a striking blue.
“I don’t care what you think anymore.” You stood your ground from his attacks. Sending an icicle spear at him, it skimmed his left arm. He grunted in agony as it cut deep enough to draw blood. Just moments before Strange’s cape covered his fist, he used the power stone, sending you flying backwards.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked when he caught you in mid-air.
“He’s bleeding. He’s weak.” You told him as he set the two of you down behind a rock. “Something happened to Gamora. I can feel it.”
You stepped back from his embrace as fire started in the palm of your hands and a large gust of wind came through the atmosphere of Titan.
“It’s going to be okay.” Peter reassured you. One of Strange’s golden portals appeared beside Peter and he jumped into, effectively kicking Thanos across the head. Stepping out from your protective rock, you began to shoot pellets made of the earth at Thanos. Peter jumped through a few more portals to attack him, before the titan caught him by the neck.
“Peter!” You exclaimed. Before Thanos could hurt him further, your hand shot out in front of you, but instead of the regular hot flame bursting out of your palm, it was lightning from your fingertips. Surprised, Thanos was thrown back away from Peter; you didn’t even know you could do lightning. Suddenly, a ship came from the atmosphere, crashing into him.
You didn’t have to question who that was. It was Nebula. She came out of the ship, yelling as she attacked Thanos with her knives. You joined beside her, freely letting the lightning shoot from your fingers. It didn’t go far before he threw both of you back again, but you had both stalled him enough that Strange could catch his right hand with Tony on his left, Drax holding down his feet. The doctor created a portal for Mantis, who dropped onto Thanos’ head, and put him to sleep. You froze water around his legs, keeping him stuck in place. As Tony and Peter tried to remove the gauntlet, Quill flew back down in front of Thanos.
“I thought you’d be hard to catch. For the record, this was my plan.” Quill told the paralyzed titan, “Not so strong now, huh?”
“Where is Gamora?” You questioned, eyeing the soul stone on his gauntlet.
“My Gamora.” Thanos mumbled, dazed from Mantis’ hold over him.
“No, bullshit. Where is she?” Quill spat, growing angry at his words.
“He is in anguish.” Mantis cried out. You stepped back, looking over to Nebula in concern, your worst fears falling into your mind.
“Good.” He smirked.
“He- he mourns.” She further added.
“What does this monster have to mourn?” Drax asked, straining as he helped Strange hold down his hand.
“Gamora.” You and Nebula said in sync.
“What?” Quill turned to the two of you in disbelief.
“He took her to Vormir.” You stated.
“He came back with the soul stone, but she didn’t.” Nebula explained.
“Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now. You understand?” Tony spoke up as he and Peter still tried getting the gauntlet off. You felt frozen in place; Thanos murdered his favorite daughter for the soul stone. You knew he was heartless, but he always admired Gamora, you thought that maybe she was safe at least. As long as Thanos lived, you could never be safe. “Don’t, don’t- don’t engage. We almost got this off.”
“Tell me she’s lying.” He raised his voice, looking at Thanos. “Asshole, tell me you didn’t.”
“Quill, don’t.” You urged, realizing the gauntlet was just about off. Before you could step forward, Thanos quietly spoke up.
“I had to.” And that was all it took for Quill to break.
“No, you didn’t. No, you didn’t.” He repeated, hitting Thanos with his gun.
“No!” You shouted and he woke up, grabbing the gauntlet just barely before Peter could get it off his hand. He flung Mantis off his head and Peter swung to grab her before she could fall. He blocked Quill, Strange, Nebula, and Drax from attacking, leaving you and Tony to take him.
“Kid, watch out.” Tony said to you, blasting Thanos.
“I literally have lightning coming out of my fingertips. Are you really calling me kid?” You questioned, throwing more lightning at Thanos.
“Hit me!” Tony told you, and you did a double take at his words. Lightning was incredibly dangerous and it was something you didn’t even know you could do until now. “Hit me, just like Thor.” You realized his suit was completely electric, you’d be surging his entire system with more power. You sent a destabilizing gust of wind at Thanos before striking Tony with lightning, giving him even more power.
But Thanos was too strong, using the stones to bring a moon crashing down on you all. As much as you tried to stop the moon from falling with your air power, you couldn’t as Thanos hit you with another shot from the power stone. While your body weakened, you could see Peter swinging about and saving your teammates from the moon. You tried to block the falling rocks, but one hit your head just a bit too hard; as your vision grew fuzzy, you saw Peter land in front of you, calling out your name.
“Hey, hey, stay with me.” Peter spoke softly, cradling your head in his hands. You heard Quill yelling in the distance, but you couldn’t focus on that.
“Peter, we need to go- we need to fight.” You pushed yourself to sit up. As much as your head hurt, you needed to get up, you needed to end this. When you stood up, you felt yourself leaning into Peter’s side for support, a feeling you weren’t used to. It was quiet, you couldn’t see Thanos at all, “Where is he?”
“He’s gone.” Peter mumbled, walking you over to where Strange, Tony, and Nebula were. When Peter saw Tony’s hurt state, he rushed over to his. You let out a sigh of relief as you saw Mantis, Quill, and Drax making their way over to you- everyone was fine, but Thanos was gone. Nebula came beside you, placing an awkward yet comforting hand on your shoulder.
“We lost.” You breathed out. “Gamora’s gone, and we lost.”
“There’s still one more stone, right? Vision-” Peter started, looking from you to Tony, but his mentor just shook his head.
“I don’t know where he is. All we can do is hope that the others can stop him.” He said solemnly.
“Something’s happening.” Mantis spoke up, looking around at all of you concerned. In less than a second, she was gone, nothing but dust. For the first time, you felt your heart truly break- you lost, Thanos had won.
“Quill,” Drax looked over at him, but he too was dusted quickly. Quill’s eyes rested on you, and you shook your head, feeling a bubbling worry creep up your throat.
“Oh no.” He muttered and the next second he was gone.
“Tony,” Doctor Strange called your attention back to him, “There was no other way.”
 As soon as he was nothing, but dust, you felt yourself collapsing into Nebula’s side, growing incredibly weak. Peter watched in horror as you fell into your sister’s arms. He was frozen in place, feeling his own body fighting a strange sensation.
“Y/N, no. Not you.” Nebula cried out as you shook in her arms.
“Kill him for me,” You said weakly, before you too were gone.
“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.” Peter mumbled, stumbling closer to his mentor.
“You’re alright.” Tony tried to reassure him, but Peter could tell they were both breaking.
“I don’t- I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know.” Tony caught the young boy as his legs gave out, “I don’t wanna go. I don’t want to go, sir. Please, pleasure, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.” He repeated before Tony laid him down softly. “I’m sorry.” 
And just like that, all was silent on Titan, all was silent in the universe as half of it vanished without a trace.
You woke with a jump, ice daggers appearing defensively in your hands. You blinked in confusion; you were on Titan, but it all felt like a bad dream. Gamora getting taken by Thanos, coming to Titan and meeting the Avengers- meeting Peter, fighting Thanos, losing to Thanos, your teammates getting dusted. You had a gut feeling that something was wrong, you just couldn’t place it.
“Y/N!” Peter hugged you as soon as he saw you standing near him. You dropped the daggers, surprised from the sudden physical intimacy.
“What happened?” You asked, trying to comprehend what was happening. Peter let go of you, realizing he may have overstepped.
“You- you turned to dust. I thought you died.” He said, worried. You looked over and saw Mantis, Drax, and Quill looking just as confused as you and Peter.
“I watched you all turn to dust.” You spoke softly, happy to see them okay again. “Where’s Nebula?”
“Where’s Mr. Stark?” Peter wondered, unable to see either of them anymore.
“Okay, this is going to be a lot, but stick with me here.” Doctor Strange spoke up, calling for all of your attentions. “It’s been five years since we were here. Thanos snapped his fingers, we were part of the half that turned to dust and died. The Avengers time traveled and Hulk just used the stones to bring us back, but Thanos’ army from 2014 is there, and we need to go help them.”
“Wait, time travel?” Quill asked in shock, “How advanced has Earth gotten?”
“That’s not important. We need to go now and fight Thanos’ army.” He insisted.
“2014? Are Nebula and Gamora-” You started and he nodded.
“There’s two Nebulas, the one that you know as your sister and the one that you know as a slave to Thanos’ will. Gamora, on the other hand-”
“Is starting to doubt Thanos.” You finished his thought, knowing that the Gamora from four- or technically nine, years ago was the Gamora about to betray Thanos and join the guardians.
“Are you all ready?” Strange asked, beginning to make a portal. You got your daggers ready as Peter stood beside you. He looked over at you with a small, hopeful smile on his face.
“It’s not the end of the world, not today.” He reassured you, just as he had done seemingly earlier that day, even though apparently that was five years ago. You let out a nervous breath as the portal opened, giving you the view of Thanos’ army in the full. There were hundreds of them, but as you all stepped through the portal, you saw more and more golden portals opening, enough people to take on Thanos’ army. You could see Thanos standing in the middle, ready to command his armies- his lieutenants on either side of him. Peter let out a laugh of disbelief as he looked at all of those on your side of the battle field.
“Not today.” You told him quietly.
“Avengers,” You heard someone yell out from the front of your side. “Assemble.”
The battle cry was said, and everyone ran together towards Thanos’ army to attack. Peter swung away, using a gigantic person to get himself farther on the battlefield. You couldn’t think of the confusion that was Earth though, too focused on destroying Thanos. You were sending everything you could at Thanos’ forces; at first, they seemed hesitant to fire on you- after all, you were still Thanos’ daughter in 2014, but they quickly learned you weren’t on their side.
“Hey, Y/N!” Thor smiled, seeing you shoot lightning at a Chitauri that was about to attack him. “See your powers have improved.”
“Watch out, I’m stealing your lightning.” You joked, teaming up with his to create a small lightning storm. “Who has the stones?”
“The Spiderboy.” He replied, and that’s when you heard the call.
“I don’t got this. Help, somebody, help!” Peter exclaimed. He wasn’t too far away, and you sent a large blast of wind to flick all of the Chitauri off him. You rushed to his side as he crouched down with the stones while Thanos called for his ships to rainfire. Bending the earth around him, you created a shelter for the two of you.
“Hey, you alright?” You asked him as he held onto the stones, trembling a little in fear.
“Nope.” He shook his head. The firing stopped as a person came in through the atmosphere, crashing through his ships with ease. Peter called out for assistance a glowing figure dropped in front of the two of you.
“Got something for me?” The short-haired woman smiled.
“I don’t know how you’re going to get through all that.” Peter said, eyeing the swarms of Thanos’ army.
“Don’t worry.” A woman in red landed beside the other.
“She’s got help.” You stood up from your spot beside Peter, your fingers flickering with lightning. As you started to charge with the other two, you became aware of the other countless women attacking with you; and somehow, nothing felt more powerful. Those stones were getting back to that destroyed van (even if you had no clue why). 
Thanos blew up the van and it quickly became another game of keepaway. Thor fought Thanos with the help of another, and you stepped in, firing with your own lightning, wanting him to pay for causing so much suffering and destruction. He fought the other two men off him before Tony attacked, and you took the opportunity to grab the gauntlet.
“Daughter?” Thanos looked at you in confusion, not realizing this wasn’t the girl he had known. As he saw your hostile eyes, he spoke again in anger, “Don’t defy me.”
“You don’t control me anymore.” The gauntlet slipped onto your hand, and you stumbled backwards from the unprecedented power coursing through you.
“Y/N, no!” You heard Peter call out, swinging down nearby, as you snapped your fingers. The battlefield grew silent while Thanos’ army dusted away. Your body shook as you watched Thanos dust away, the stone still shimmering on your hand. You ripped the gauntlet off, tossing it aside. Peter rushed over to you, catching you in his arms before you could crumble to the ground weakly.
“I got you.” He tried to comfort you. Your arm and hand were covered in burn marks from the gauntlet’s power. Shakily, you placed your other hand on your arm, cool water coming from your palm as a way to soothe the numbing pain.
“How did- how did you do that?” Tony looked at you in disbelief. You didn’t know it, but he had witnessed the Hulk barely survive snapping his fingers and here you were, incredibly injured but healing yourself.
“I don’t know.” You mumbled, still surprised by your actions. 
“Y/N,” Nebula came to your side, seeing you for the first time since five years ago. “You did it.”
“He’s gone.” You whispered as your eyes transfixed on the spot where Thanos turned to dust before you. 
There wasn’t much discussion after you had snapped with the infinity stones. No one really knew what to say. Half of the universe died five years ago and came back like nothing changed, nothing happened, but to the other half of the universe, something devastating happened and it was a near impossible task to move back to a normal life.
For the next few days, you stayed with the other guardians at Tony’s house, all of you trying to recoup. Peter stayed with you too, and so did his Aunt May, the one he had told you about when you first met him. She also died from the snap, leaving them homeless for the time being. It was hard on everyone, especially you and the other guardians because none of you knew Earth before the snap, none of you could really understand the same emotions as the others.
“I want to stay here.” You told Peter a week after the battle as you two sat by the large lake on Stark’s land, watching as the sunset behind the trees. Peter looked at you skeptically for a moment, before his gaze softened. Both of you knew the guardians would be leaving soon, and your own future was kind of left in the air with no Thanos or murderous other adoptive family members to track down.
“I want you to stay, too.” He replied quietly.
“What would I do? If I stay here with you.” You asked, looking at him like he had all the answers, but he didn’t.
“I don’t know. I’ll talk to May and Tony about it all, but you could come to high school with me, if you wanted to.” Peter offered.
“What’s high school like?” You had gone through Thanos’ own twisted version of schooling, knowing enough to be on the path to become an expert assassin like Gamora; while you were intelligent and strategic, your mind wasn’t the most exercised skill of yours in Thanos’ hands, not when you had powers.
“It kind of sucks, to be honest, but it’s life. I met my best friend, Ned, through school. You’d like Ned, he’s cool. We’re on the academic decathlon team together.” You watched as his brown eyes lit up in excitement. “There’s also social parts of school, like sports and dances.”
“Dances? Like Footloose?” You asked, thinking back to when Quill would bring up the Earth movie as the best dancing movie of all time.
“Well, kinda.” He laughed a little, a lopsided smile on his face as he looked at you, “It’s just teenagers gathering in a gymnasium and we’re all dressed up in suits and dresses. Then we dance, kinda like in Footloose. I’ll show you that movie, then you’ll understand.”
“Will you show me that Avatar show too?”
“Of course.”
Later that day, you and Mantis were entertaining the young Stark as Peter talked to his aunt about you staying on Earth. Morgan seemed fascinated by the fact that you could do magic, as she called it, and she found Mantis’ antennas incredible.
“Peter, we can’t.” You heard his aunt speak, and you slowly made your way to where they were sitting at a table in the kitchen, trying to overhear the conversation while you remained hidden by the doorway. His aunt’s voice sounded shaky as she continued, “As much as I want to, I can’t raise a second teenager. I was just barely getting by with you, and now- well, it’s been five years. I don’t have a job, we don’t have a home anymore.”
“Can I intervene?” Tony’s voice sounded from right behind you, startling you. His question drew Peter and May’s eyes over to you, and your friend smiled weakly at you, knowing you’d heard his aunt reject the offer. Tony stepped into the kitchen and urged you in as well. Peter stood to come beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. You seem like a bright girl, but I can’t afford another teenager, not right now.” May told you, her eyes filled with sadness. She turned to Tony, “Peter wants Y/N to stay here with us on Earth.”
“What about staying with me?” Tony offered, and you looked at him in confusion. You had briefly fought with him on Titan, but you didn’t know him well enough to think he’d ever willingly open his home to you like that. “Pepper and I can work out all the details, make it official with adoption papers, all of that. And May, I’ve got you and Peter a place to stay in Queens. Pepper’s looking into open positions at Stark Industries for you too.”
“Tony, you don’t have to.” May started, but he cut her off.
“I want to. You and Peter are like family to me, and Y/N saved the universe. It’ll be nice having her around.” As if on cue, Morgan came running into the kitchen, grabbing your hand and Peter’s hand.
“I forgot to show you my treehouse! Uncle Rhodey made it!” She tugged on your hands. You and Peter looked at Tony and May, who both just nodded, silently agreeing to discuss this topic later.
“Uncle Rhodey made you a treehouse?” Peter asked Morgan enthusiastically as you two followed the little girl. Yeah, you definitely wanted to stay on Earth.
“You promised me tonight was Footloose night!” You protested as the screen crawl for Star Wars: Return of the Jedi started. Peter shushed you, sitting beside you and placing a blanket over your laps.
“I said we’d watch Footloose after we finish Star Wars.” He laughed.
“There’s too many of them.” You sighed overdramatically, turning away from Peter in feign anger. Peter pouted, wrapping his arms around you, but you refused to budge. Your boyfriend knew you too well though, and he peppered your face with kisses until you cracked a smile. One of his hands cupped your chin, pulling you back to face him.
“This is the last one of the originals, and then we’ll watch Footloose, alright? I won’t make you sit through the other six yet.” Peter said.
“Okay.” You smiled, “I have to see Footloose before Homecoming next weekend or else I won’t understand any of it.”
“Footloose won’t make you understand Homecoming.” He shook his head with a light chuckle. “I haven’t even asked you to come with me yet.”
“Am I supposed to wait for you to ask because Pepper already took me to get a dress with Morgan- and those things are uncomfortable.” You stated, grimacing a little.
“Since you’re homeschooled, yes.” Peter laughed. He cupped your cheek, lightly caressing your skin with his thumb, “Do you want to go to Homecoming with me?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You teased. Peter’s lips barely brushed against yours before someone cleared their throat behind you.
“Parker, you’re not corrupting my daughter, are you?” Tony questioned, raising his eyebrow at the two of you as he came into the living room.
“Oh please, dad, you know I can handle myself.” You laughed, playfully creating a few lightning sparks in your free palm.
“Keep it PG in here.” He said, before leaving, and you shook your head, turning back to Peter.
“Is there ever going to be a day where he doesn’t interrupt us?” Peter chuckled.
“Not today.” You whispered, before capturing your boyfriend’s lips in yours, both of you smiling into the kiss. Even though that day on Titan eight months ago felt like the end of the world, Peter was your lifeline right on time.
Tag List: @viagracex @theamazingtomholland​   @Hellomoveonby @heyitsshrez @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart @joyleenl @t-o-m-holland @lonikje @sleepybesson
Peter Tag List: @quaksonhehe
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romioneficfest · 4 years
Halloween at the Burrow
Title: Halloween at the Burrow
Prompt/Day: Day 8 · Skirt
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Rating: K
Brief summary: Halloween has been a yearly affair at the Burrow ever since Teddy Lupin declared it was his favorite holiday, and this year is no exception. Harry and Ron, with little Rose in tow, are convinced they have the best costume this year— but their wives may give them some competition.
“It’s perfect,” Ron snickered under his breath, slowly pulling on the black skirt over his gangly legs. “Oh, Harry, this is bloody genius, they’ll never see this coming.”
“Keep it down, Ron,” said Harry, though he was also trying his hardest to stifle a giggle as he struggled to pull on the tight khaki Quidditch pants. “Last thing we need is for them to come snooping ‘round and find out before it’s time.”
“It’s bloody brilliant, I tell you,” said Ron enthusiastically, now shaking on a black top. “Blimey, I think this is the most excited I’ve been for Halloween in a while.”
Halloween at the Burrow had become a yearly affair ever since Teddy Lupin, in a shock of bright blue hair, declared it was his favorite holiday because it was the only day of the year he could freely Metamorph without earning some weird looks his way. Of course, Ron thought fondly, it may just also be the only day of the year the bugger knows he can outdo us all: having grown up between magic, Teddy whined constantly about not being able to do with his wand what he saw his family do, and telling him that he’d be able to do it when he went to Hogwarts seemed to be of little comfort. This was the one are where he knew he could do something not even Aunt Hermione’s strongest Disillusionment charms could measure up to.
So the greatest event of the night was always seeing what Teddy had chosen to Metamorph into. Last year, he’d appeared as a porky, greasy short boy with a piggy nose and a nasty shock of blond hair, inspired —as he’d told them— by how “Uncle Harry always tells me about that mean boy from when he was my age”, and Harry had had to leave the room wheezing at how well Teddy had incarnated Dudley. This year, Ron thought, he’d do something less revolting: he’d noticed him staring at Victoire, whose usual fairy attire accentuated her long silver-blond hair, and he thought this year he may go for impressing her.
Arthur and Molly always paired up and went as a variety of Muggle character duos, which Hermione happily kept supplying when they looked for new ideas: Archie (which paired nicely with the hair) and Betty, Gomez and Morticia Addams, Sherlock Holmes and Watson, Fred and Velma Flintstone… They didn’t always get them 100% right, which was understandable, and Harry and Hermione didn’t have the heart to tell them they highly doubted Bonnie and Clyde would’ve approved of Molly’s bonnet.
Fleur, in an attempt to improve her English, had once purchased a thick book on the history of the United Kingdom, and had pulled images from it to dress like a new English royal every Halloween. The most notable one was where she dressed like Anne Boleyn and Bill (who always went as a rockstar, given all he had to do was wear a different band tee under his usual clothes) joked all dinner about how he was losing his head over how great she looked.
In a similar move, Hermione was partial to dressing like Jane Austen heroines, and she once had gotten Ron to don tails and a top hat to accompany her (which he’d sworn, gasping and pulling at the tight collar, he’d never do again), and she’d likely be going as one tonight. Ron found ways to dress up as every snack available at Honeydukes: a giant cardboard box became a carton of Every-Flavored Beans, a small Hover charm and some tulle made him a convincing Fizzing Whizzbee… His costume was usually Teddy’s favorite, since he was too small to understand some of the adult’s references, but candy? Oh, candy he knew. Ginny picked a different Hogwarts professor to embody every year, and so far, her McGonagall had been the most convincing, though her Flitwick had been funniest. Harry usually just wore jeans and a blue T-shirt and, to anyone who asked what he was supposed to be, he’d amusingly pull out his own Chocolate Frog card (where he was wearing the same outfit) and would say, in a mock insufferable voice, “I’m the Boy Who Lived, haven’t you heard?”
But tonight, he and Ron were switching it up. They’d gone into town and made off with a couple of wigs, some dark black women’s clothing, a Gryffindor scarf, and Quidditch robes they’d gotten at a fan store: in short, everything they needed to turn into their wives. As a two-year-old James whizzed around their legs, knocking into their ankles with the handle of a toy broom and dressed as a Hippogriff, Ron adjusted the bushy chestnut wig on his head and kept fussing with it, saying in awe, “Blimey, how does she manage with all this hair?”
“Beats me,” said Harry as he struggled to button the tight pants that’d go under the emerald robes with WEASLEY in gold on the back. “How Ginny can fit into these and still look incredible, now, that’s the real question…”
“Oi, mate, that’s my sister you’re talking about,” said Ron in faux offense, tossing a box of hairpins at him, which he caught easily.
“Also my wife,” Harry smiled, looking down at James as he made his way around them, hooting gleefully. “Say, Ron, how does it feel to be in the clothes of the brightest witch our age?”
“I wouldn’t know, just last week the instructions to building a couch stumped her,” said Ron, now draping the Gryffindor scarf around his neck. “I told her we were gonna do it with magic, but no, she said it had to be the Muggle way— granted, I almost impaled Rose last time I tried to charm a screwdriver…” he said, gesturing vaguely to Rose, who was bumbling contentedly on the bed. To complete the Hermione Granger look, her rosy toddler face was shrouded in ginger fur, part of the Crookshanks costume they’d gotten her into. “How about you, Harry? What’s it like to be the youngest player ever signed by the Holyhead Harpies?”
In response, Harry merely did a whirl to send the tail of his uniform and the tips of his long orange-red wig flying, and attempted to pose defiantly, but lost his balance and tripped back onto the bed.
“Mate,” announced Ron as he pulled Harry to his feet again, “let’s hope to Merlin she’s not that clumsy on the field, otherwise the Harpies have lost the season already.”
Giving the last finishing touches to their costumes, Ron picked up Rose and held her in the crook of his hip, bouncing her lightly: “We’re gonna give Mummy a surprise, aren’t we, Rosie? She’ll never see it coming… You ready?” he said, turning to Harry.
Harry nodded, his face split in a giddy grin, and opened the door slightly to let James whizz out on the broom— a herald of their eventual descent. Then, Rose in her father’s arms and Harry clutching a broom, they tiptoed down the stairs stealthily, careful not to send any boards creaking so their appearance could remain a surprise, containing their snickering as they imagined the look on their wives’ faces.
When, finally, they reached the landing, Ron turned for one last knowing look at Harry, cleared his throat, and put on a mock high-pitched voice as they swung into the kitchen: “Oh, Molly, do you happen to know whether Ron and Harry have come—”
He and Harry stopped cold in their tracks when they saw the sight that met them: Hermione bore a shock of red hair and an almost-exact replica of the dreadful dress robes Ron had once worn to the Yule Ball, while Ginny had appropriated Harry’s usual blue tee and jeans, drawn a lightning scar across her forehead and placed glasses on her nose, and carried baby Albus —who was lost, just like Rose was, in a sea of white feathers, the Hedwig to Ginny’s Harry— in the crook of one arm. Shocked, the two men looked at their wives with their mouths ajar, disbelieving the triumphant looks on their faces. Silence pervaded for a few more instants as the two couples (Harry and Ron in shock, Hermione and Ginny in victory) examined one another— and then shattered as they both broke out laughing at the same time.
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sweets-r-cool · 4 years
Not the Right Birthday Present
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
so- I think this would’ve been better if I didn’t get played by google bc when I clicked off of full screen all my work got reset at some point so it’s not as good bc I forgot what it said but yeah-
Warning: Angst
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A birthday is supposed to be a happy day filled with presents, laughter, friends, sweets, and fun.
It took a certain kind of person to hate birthdays, and as much as Bakugo would say he hated how you and the extras that followed him around would make a huge deal out of his birthday, he couldn’t shake that stupid light and warm feeling that captured his chest.
The same one he would get every bright smile you’d send his way. The same one he got when you kissed his face more times than he could count, bouncing up and down as you gushed with excitement when he got down on one knee, asking you to be his for life. That same feeling he got when he pushed that gold ring onto your finger as you did the same to him. 
Looking back on it, you were generally the cause for that damn feeling that invaded his chest. Even Bakugo couldn’t stop himself from genuinely laughing as you wiped cake crumbs off your face after tripping as you tried and failed to cake him on the two of you’s wedding day. 
Birthdays were supposed to be filled with happiness, not grief, regret, confusion, and hurt. God, did it hurt.
All Bakugo felt now was the opposite. Heavy, like gravity had betrayed him as his footsteps were heavier than ever before. His whole body was fatigued from fighting against the strong pull that made him feel like he was going to fall into the ground. Hopeless and unmotivated, the ash blonde didn’t even want to get out of bed.
 Was there a point? 
You weren’t there to complain at him to make breakfast. You weren’t there to make breakfast yourself, not standing the kitchen in one of his shirts that covered your entire torso as well as a good part of your thighs. He wouldn’t be able to sneak up on you and hug you from behind, burying his nose in the crook of your neck, feeling your warmth and the stove.
Things were just cold. And empty.
Bakugo laid in bed, exhausted for so many reasons.
Things were so calm, so dark it was nearly impossible to see anything, even if you squinted. Part of the perks of a house just barely on the edge of the city, away from the blinding lights and the loud noises of bustling night life.
Things were quiet, save for your rhythmic breathing as your chest moved up and down.
Out of nowhere, you shot up, and so did Bakugo who was unable to sleep already due to a weird feeling in his chest. Not the warm one, but rather one that told him it wouldn’t be good to sleep right now, a sort of anxiety. 
You had shot up due to the fact things had changed in the matter of one (1) second. There was an explosion, followed by two (2) more and now things weren’t calm, or dark, or peaceful. 
Peeks of a dim orange light shone through the blinds that were previously closed. A groan naturally came from you as you moved to reach for the blue light shining from your phone as Bakugo looked through the window.
You sighed with a slightly laugh, “Hm, we really can’t rest. Huh, Bub?”
In a matter of ten (10) or even less minutes, you and Bakugo were suited up and in your cars.
Out of all the times, 3 am was when the villains chose to launch a large attack on the better part of the city. But, of course, because that was what villains were. Nothing but inconveniences until Bakugo beat the shit out of them and got them to a jail cell.
“So, what exactly is going on?” you asked Deku on a call connected to the Bluetooth of the car as Bakugo sped- definitely going over the speed limit, but it wasn’t like it mattered at the moment.
The green-haired hero had barely managed to explain before more explosions went off and the line went dead. You were worried, but there was no choice but to push it down, as you were already at the scene. 
It looked like the apocalypse. 
Fire was everywhere, cars crashed, building crumbled, there wasn’t a bit of glass in sight left unshattered. 
The causes were at the center of it all, all the chaos. Countless heroes were already injured, but those who weren’t passed out stood as best as they could against the villains.
You and Bakugo had your work cutout for you.
That didn’t stop from an animalistic grin working its way onto Bakugo’s face as he warmed up with a few smaller explosions. 
It was now late into the morning. No one was entirely sure what time it was, but the sun was visible making things a lot easier. The known villains had finally been apprehended, but the damage was done.
It was time to check for survivors, the worst part in most heroes opinion. It always left a sad feeling inside of them, knowing how many lives were not saved. There was still fire everywhere, and of course, there was still a chance of villains roaming around that hadn’t been discovered yet, no one was letting their guards down. 
You had been able to keep a relatively neutral expression this entire time, not an ounce of fear evident. Though, you knew it was simply because there Katsuki was beside you. 
Bakugo had felt the same way, only before he noticed one of the attacks getting way too close to taking your life, had you not narrowly dodged it.
The aura around you always made him feel like everything was gonna be okay, at least eventually. In his eyes, you were the meaning of resilience, always bouncing back from any situation. The ash blonde was trying to keep that in mind.
Being a hero was tough, everyone knew. 
After more deaths of those close to you than should have been normal, you were still fine. Still able to proceed with life as normal.
It was different at this moment.
You had flinched significantly when you realized there was a little girl trapped in a burning building. There was no doubt, the building was extremely unstable, and would crumble any minute. The gash going from your collarbone to your shoulder didn’t look good, so Bakugo immediately stepped up.
“I’ll go,” he stated, already on the way before you stopped him.
Time was running out quick, “No, I’ll go,” you said, pushing both hands on his chest as you looked directly in his eyes pleadingly.
“You’re injured, dumbass,” he scoffed, continuing despite you still trying to block him.
You sighed, pushing him harder, “I’m going, Katsuki,” you pressed, “You know that you’re sweating like hell right now, it’s not worth that risk.”
You moved off him when he stopped. He hated that you were right, he didn’t like this. Not at all. He wanted to do it.
You smiled, about to run off before Bakugo had caught your wrist in his larger hand. You turned, “Katsuki-”
He cut you off, “Just come back to me, alright?”
You nodded, “Of course, I have things planned for your birthday next week, but I can give you one of the presents early later,” you teased, smiling even as you parted, getting closer to the girl and farther from him as you entered the building immediately working on getting to her.
There was far too many things the both of you noticed that went unsaid. However, there were reasons they went unsaid. 
The reality of the situation was far from good, or even okay. It was worse than ever. You’d both known from the start a lot of people had died, and were going to die. But it was also that Bakugo had noticed the way you shook, as if you had been freezing.
It was fear.
You had noticed Bakugo’s quirk was overused, as well as the fact his arm was definitely broken.
Bakugo couldn’t have gone. It was simple as that. If he’d gone it would just be stupid, putting everyone at risk. He might not have been able to carry the girl, or his quirk- which again, was overused- could’ve gone haywire, setting off explosions. Though the latter wasn’t likely, it was still a risk that shouldn’t be taken.
Bakugo didn’t like the unsureness in your smile, and definitely not the way it completely faded from your face the moment you turned. 
It was because you knew that the building might not just crumble. 
It had been one minute since you had gone into the building, Bakugo knew because he was subconsciously counting. It had been one minute, and he was being dragged away from the building by three (3) other heroes.
Something felt feral in him, he snapped, “What- What the fuck are you bastards doing?!” 
“It’s not safe, Ground Zero Sir!” one of them shouted, struggling against Bakugo’s thrashing. 
“Of- fucking- course, it’s not, but I’ll be fine outside!” the blonde hero screamed, the heroes- despite outnumbering him- could only hold him down on the spot that was far enough they wouldn’t be fatally injured, but still too close to the range of which they could be hit by flying debris and injured pretty bad.
“What do you mean, Sir?” another one questioned, “that building could blow up, it’s an apartment building so there’s a chance of one of the water heaters exploding. That could kill anyone.”
The rest of the world seemed to numb for Bakugo. Everything always went quiet before the storm.
Bakugo had to watch as the building exploded just like the other heroes had said. 
Bakugo had to watch as the event that most likely costed him the love of his live’s life unfolded in front of him.
He had to watch as all his light in the world shrived to nothing but ash and debris. A part of him still had hope despite the burning hole in his being. 
Bakugo tugged himself out of the heroes’ grasps, running towards the pile of broken concrete. Your quirk should’ve saved you somehow. In some way, it did something. That was probably what happened, right?
Bakugo’s being was shaking as he dug, pushing chunks of broken walls off. He had no idea where you were, but he’d find you. Finally, the blonde saw a piece of your costume, he moved more debris until he was able to uncover your limp body.
You were already gone.
Bakugo hand quivered as he moved hair out of your face. “Y-Y/n...” things were getting blurry, “Y/n, wake up,” the blonde pleaded. 
This couldn’t be happening. This was some cruel joke you were pulling to get back at him for something he did, probably. 
Bakugo’s breath was quickening in an unhealthy fashion, “W-Wake up, you damn-” it was like bitter weights filled Bakugo’s mouth as he lacked the ability to think about anything other than your name. “Y/n?!” he began to shake you a little.
You had so much more stuff left to do. So much to do together. Bakugo’s jaw clenched as he held you closer to him. His breath hitched, it felt like he was being stabbed in the stomach repeatedly. 
This couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be.
This was some cruel joke. Maybe even a dream. He really wanted it to be.
Bakugo woke up. He was sweating and his lungs hurt, he was breathing quick but he refused to open his eyes.
He didn’t want to take in reality. He might’ve been forced to do that if he did open his eyes.
A feathery touch to his cheek made him flinch. Prying his eyes open as he was unable to understand what was going on this very moment. “Hey, Bub,” your soft, just over a whisper voice cooed, “It’s your birthday!” you giggled, sitting upright on the bed besides him.
Bakugo felt the warmth invade his chest, only slightly this time as you continued, “I know you don’t want to wake up right now, but Mina, and the boys will be over later in the morning.” You glowed, your cheeks slightly flushed from how happy you were for a birthday that wasn’t even yours as you continued to rake your hands through Bakugo’s ash blonde locks.
Bakugo grunted when he felt his lips turn upwards. Not wanting you to see, he moved to bury his head in your lap, eliciting a giggle from you, as you continued to stroke his hair.
When he wrapped his arms around you somehow despite the position your were in, you scoffed playfully. “I woke you up for a reason, silly,” you admitted, ignoring Bakugo’s grunt of protest when you began to move to get up, “Please, Bub? I wanted to show you something before I go,” you pleaded.
Begrudgingly, Bakugo let you go and only after a second or two that you got up, he did too, following you to the piano. He scoffed with a smirk, crossing his arms as he leaned on the wall nearby. That piano was something you bought completely out of impulse, promising you’d learn, but the only thing you did learn was Hot Cross Buns. It was more like furniture to look at, only there for the aesthetic but never actually played.
You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you positioned yourself to play.
Bakugo thought you looked angelic at that moment, but he was sure that the sounds you were about to make weren’t.
However, the ash blonde stood corrected as you played ‘Happy Birthday’ in a tune that wasn’t simple, but rather more than just the basic keys involved. Some of the noted dragged in to each other in a nice harmony, while some of the others were short and quick but worked perfectly nonetheless. The sound was actually elegant, light, and beautiful, some more words Bakugo would be able to describe you with, even if he didn’t say it.
Your voice- also light and airy- worked well with the piano, maybe you could’ve been a singer if you tried that route instead of becoming a hero.
It was now that Bakugo realized, you simply were his light. You didn’t just cause him to feel that light and warm feeling, it was that you lit his life up and gave it warmth.
It was when the song came to a close, Bakugo felt something was off.
“Happy Birthday, my love,” was all he heard before everything went dark. Bakugo, was most definitely awake. So, why did it go dark?
An overwhelming feeling of dread filled Bakugo to the core.
It was freezing, as he had already broken into a cold sweat. He was nauseous.
Bakugo reached around for a light switch, his pupils dilating smaller when he was blinded by the artificial lights in the ceiling.
He caught sight of the clock on the wall.
3 am.
It mocked him, being awake at this hour for no reason at all.
Bakugo dragged himself to bed, dropping onto it without bothering to pull the blankets up despite his cold body.
He shut his eyes.
This time the ash blonde was woken up by a series of loud knocks. Strangely, the knocks were not from his front door, but rather right outside his bedroom door. Bakugo groaned, reaching around the bed for warmth, the blanket had fallen somewhere too far for him to find without opening his eyes, so his next source of warmth would be you.
Sleep weighed down his eyes just as much as his mind. He reached so far across the bed he only reached the other edge of it. You weren’t there.
Not anymore.
The thought sent Bakugo’s eyes opening in panic. Where were you? Why weren’t you there?
Another pang of pain went through his chest at the realization. 
You weren’t ever gonna be there, never again. You were cold, flashes of your lifeless e/c eyes appeared in Bakugo’s brain, hitting him with a wave of nausea. A strangled sob came from the ash blonde’s throat as fresh tears began to fall from his crimson eyes. 
He was never going to hold you in his arms, he was never going to eat your sometimes shitty food, he was never going to see you again. Bakugo would never feel that same warm and light feeling again.
He couldn’t breath. It felt like bile was scratching up the inside of his throat. The knocks had stopped, most likely after the loud sobs filled the room. Instead, it slowly opened, revealing Kirishima with a deep frown on his face. 
He got inside the house with a spare key you’d given him, but he tried to give Bakugo at least a little bit of space by knocking. It was clear he wouldn’t be able to do that.
The words that left Kirishima’s mouth in a sad attempt to get his usually standoffish best friend to stop crying went unheard by the blond who had his face buried in his face.
The rest of the Bakusquad- now turned into the ‘take care of Bakugo squad,’ was waiting in the living room, a solemn atmosphere weighed down on them as they were forced to listen to yet another round of sobs from their normally angry dead friend.
It had been a full week since you died, and Bakugo still felt in denial when he dreamed of you. It was his only peaceful time. He had barely eaten any of the food the Bakusquad had brought him, but it was enough to keep him alive.
They all knew in the back of their minds that Bakugo hadn’t known it’d been a week. He was on an emotionless autopilot when he was crying. Not only did your death hurt the Bakusquad horribly, but the state it left on of their other friends in. He wasn’t even himself anymore without you, just a mere shell.
Kirishima sighed, he was gonna save his birthday surprise until he felt a little bit better, or at least until Bakugo stopped sobbing, but the redhead couldn’t see when that would be.
He unlocked Bakugo’s phone, knowing the password because of you, and pulled up a video from a hidden file. Bakugo didn’t spend enough time on his phone for him to notice a file he never made.
Bakugo was still crying when he heard your voice, the fact he’d never hear it again made him confused. Then he realized it was the video on his phone.
Bakugo shut himself up upon hearing you, still crying, just quiet.
“Okay!” you grinned at the camera, a smirk on your face. “It’s currently... March 29...?” you questioned, checking your phone for confirmation and nodding when you knew you were correct.
You continued, looking back up, “Today is day one (1) of learning piano for my dear Katsu!” you grinned, a ghost of a smile prodded at Bakugo’s mouth, but it never showed, “He got mad when i bought the piano out of impulse- so I’m learning so he’ll owe me like a million kisses!” you proudly proclaimed, eyes sparkling, so different from the last image of them, forever burned in Bakugo’s brain. 
You stretched, “I guess I should be talking to the camera like I talk to you, so- uh- I’ll do that?” you giggled, “Okay! Back to the task at hand! I want to learn a bunch of songs eventually but for now I’ll focus on Happy Birthday and maybe your favorite song?”
Watching you do all this made the tears run dry, you really wanted Bakugo to be happy on his Birthday. 
Bakugo’s red eyes remained glued to the screen before the last part, “I know it’s not your birthday right now, but that’s when you’ll be seeing this. So, Happy Birthday, my love!” you beamed. 
You’d done all this, spent all that time learning piano for him and yet you never got to play it for him in real life.
Flashes of last night came pouring back in. Was it a dream? That same single phrase echoed in his mind like a mantra, “Happy Birthday, my love.” That was what you said to him in the dream- or was it real life?
Bakugo couldn’t tell.
He as much as he wanted to be happy on his birthday like you’d wanted, he just couldn’t do it. Not when the only thing he really wanted was for you to be alive. Not when he just wanted you to be okay. Now you weren’t, Bakugo wasn’t okay.
He wasn’t sure he ever would be.
Was it so much to ask for you to be with him on his birthday? He didn’t even want cake or present. Everything would’ve meant nothing to him if you were here. You were his world, his everything. Now without you, there was nothing but gray.
You were gone, and that left Bakugo broken, empty, and cold.
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aurification · 4 years
you're the sun, you're the day. the light that guides me.
WORD COUNT: 4115 WHO: @txdkxrd, rani carter, skeets, mentions of darkseid WHEN: two weeks ago WHAT: time travel gone wrong leaves the carter family stranded in an alternate universe NOTES: speech in bold is rani and italics is skeets TRIGGERS: mentions of war, death, depression
MICHAEL CARTER: Nothing has felt right since his best friend died. Michael has experienced tragedy before and saw it with his own eyes as cities burned and innocence is lost. Nothing could have prepared him for the day Ted would die. Maybe his way of coping with the grief wasn’t healthy, his sister tried to make him understand why his actions were inappropriate.  He would travel into the past for only a few hours at a time to spend time with Ted. Who was too smart to be fooled by seeing a version of Booster with more experience than they remember. 
Four years ago Darkseid invaded the planet Daxam in the 31ST CENTURY and Michael tried to stop the war but there wasn’t much that could be done except help the Daxamites try and evacuate or get to shelter. He ended up bringing a young child back to Earth with him. Rip wasn’t much thrilled by having a nine-year-old Daxamite living with them now but informed Booster that he was a father now. It took some time to wrap his head around this but quickly became thrilled about having a daughter. Rani seemed to really look up to him and that never changed over the years. 
Now, Michael may keep up on being in shape but doesn’t shave as often anymore. He puts too much thought into taking care of his daughter who just turned thirteen a few months ago. Michelle gifted her niece an old Goldstar uniform for emergencies only. Jaime and Skeets didn’t think it was a good idea but far as birthdays go it couldn’t have been better. The ache of Ted being gone for so long still lives within him but it doesn’t seem like a loss that you can ever get over. He tells Rani all about their adventures and what kind of man Blue Beetle is like. He talks about how they would have gotten along well because Rani is a little genius and likes helping out around the lab when Rip is home. He thinks that Ted and Rani could have had a special relationship by bonding over coming up with new inventions. Which always never made sense to Michael, only wanting to know how something works not how you build it. He was the only one who regularly took care of his headstone too. 
Something goes wrong though and Skeets informs Booster that Rani followed them dressed in her newly acquired Goldstar uniform. 
“I can help you, dad! You can’t keep doing this on your own!” She would tell him, always trying to get Michael to let her be his sidekick but he never budges. He doesn’t want Rani being put in danger but that’s what happens. The creature finally found them and crashes through part of the building in it’s path. He doesn’t have time to try patching into his comms to see where Batman is. He does what any parent would do and focuses on getting Rani out of the situation. He uses his time-travel circuitry to get the three of them out of there and to be somewhere safer. The safest place he could think of and hasn’t been in years. His best friend’s lab. Both Michael and his daughter pull off their goggles which are dangling around their necks as Skeets hovers over their head. 
<Sir, you might want to turn around.>
“Not now, Skeets.”
<It’s most urgent.>
Booster signs, turning to see what the big deal is. Rani hides behind her father’s tall stature unsure what to expect. Apparently in his moment of panic they were resorted to an entirely different timeline. The year is the same but something leaves the blonde speechless. Ted walking into the lab and Michael feels his eyes water but tries to pull himself together before they’re noticed. “Teddy...” He says finally when their gazes meet. 
Rani steps out from behind Booster, in just as much shock. The teenager tugs on his arm knowing how this must feel for him. “Dad?” She asks while looking between the two adults.
TED KORD: Teddy had a lot to be getting on with these days but his mind occasionally drifted back to Booster. He’d been his best friend back in the days of the JLI; they’d bonded over being the jokers of the team, both seeing the value in each other that was rarely seen by other people. Of course, even the best team ups couldn’t last forever and Teddy was one of the few who understood the amount of work Booster did keeping timelines in check and there was a reason he couldn’t tell anyone about it. In fact, the only reason Teddy had put it together in a combination of tiny clues from talking with Booster and his own smarts. So when Booster left he didn’t question it, no matter how much he missed his best friend he knew life needed to go on. So, for years, it had. The ban came into effect and Booster wasn’t there. So, Teddy poured all his knowledge and time into Kord Inc. and pulled his somewhat mediocre company out of a rut and made it a real world competitor on par with several branches of Wayne Enterprises and Stark Industries. He’d also found Jaime and taken the boy under his wing in El Paso; he was a good kid and damn if Teddy didn’t think he’d be so much better than he ever was and probably save the damn world many times over.
It was hella busy and of course he’d poured that same obsessiveness into his own health as well. Sure doctors told him that his heart couldn’t be fixed and didn’t warrant a translate, yet, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t make himself as healthy as possible. So he dieted, constantly, and worked out (too much) to try and help himself out. Truth be told he was in better shape than he’d ever been in his life (BMI readouts and body measurements didn’t lie). But he still looked in the mirror and saw many imperfections, too many of them. Ones that made him pale in comparison to folks like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. He couldn’t help but wonder why they’d even invited him into the Avenging League. Not that he was complaining! Getting involved with them reminded him of why he’d loved getting into the hero game. So he’d pulled the worst Blue Beetle out of the closet and back into the field. He couldn’t wear the spandex again though. Seven years away from it had clued him into how, well… unappealing it could look. The spandex hood certainly did him no favours. The description ’human condom’ had been used by some particularly uncharitable news reporters.
His new costume was much simpler, it consisted of some fitted cargo pants with several pockets, his own utility belt, a skin-tight t-shirt with the beetle emblem, fingerless gloves and his trademark orange goggles, he’d not been able to give them up. And that was how he was currently dressed in The Bug monitoring the city, with NOVA now pushed out it was much easier to do. He was shocked when an alert triggered that had been programmed to detect one missing best friend: it had been years since it went off. Booster. And he wasn’t far!
He synched the tracker to the tech in his gloves and jogged out of the Bug to the outskirts of the city, only about ten minutes so he wasn’t out of breath when he arrived (take that crappy heart) and when he arrived Skeets was already trying to tell Booster he was here. Teddy smirked and waved at the little robot who bobbed up and down in response. Then Booster was finally turning to see him and wow that’s a beard. He grinned, why was Booster looking so dumbstruck, “Were you expecting Guy instead?” He asked with a chuckle, but then the teenager spoke and what did she say!? DAD!? “Boos… Who’s the teenage girl?” He asked with a raised brow.
MICHAEL CARTER: It was no secret that Michael changed after Ted died. He continued exercising regularly but allowed his facial hair to grow out to a very visible blonde beard and mustache. Which isn’t something that he ever decided to do before but the traumatic loss of his best friend made him stop caring about being clean shaven. Booster let himself go in at least one regard — but over time began trimming it to at least pretend that he has it together. His daughter doesn’t know anything different. There are pictures of him without it but has never seen it with her own eyes before. Another thing that Michael stopped taking care of was his suit. It had always been Ted who did repairs and sewed the fabric back together. Rip started taking it upon himself to fix the Booster Gold suit and that’s something they never talked about it. Something unspoken because maybe Rip knew Ted wouldn’t want Booster to do that to himself.
Small reminders were all over the place and surrounded him after it was revealed that Kord Industries had been left to him. Some people didn’t understand why — Michael included since he doesn’t know anything about running a business. He didn’t want to let Ted down since he must have believed in him to make the decision and be confident in it. Booster worked hard on making sure the company would continue to thrive even if he left to travel through the time stream. Keeping his memory alive is important and maybe that’s why Jaime ended up being taken under his wing. The kid was important to Ted — considering that Jaime is his legacy after all. The blonde might not be the mentor the teenager wanted but was the only one left to teach him in a way that would make his best friend proud.
Despite having all this responsibility Michael never quite got over the loss. Michelle might argue that going into the past to observe a time when Ted is alive wasn’t healthy. She always told him that won’t help him move forward and maybe she was right. He stopped after Rani came into his life because he needed to set a good example. It was never in his plan to become a father but sometimes the universe gives you what it thinks you need.
After crash landing and destroying his time travel device in the process, Booster planned on sitting his daughter down to try making her understand why it wasn’t the time for being a hero. He wants her to have a normal life, after everything they’ve both been through one of them deserves it. Rani is young and no thirteen year old should be fighting monsters and crime. If anything happened to her too ... that might completely break him. The already shattered pieces scattering across the floor in a way that would be impossible to piece back together. This thought is forgotten after the Ted of this universe walked in. He just stares, not caring that this one is younger ... only that he’s still alive.
Everyone’s voices pulls him out of his thoughts, needing to explain himself. This Ted’s Booster must not have any children which is interesting. He doesn’t see another version of himself around but keeps it in mind for later. Michael doesn’t joke as often, maybe grown up a little and locked away part of his personality after his own Ted died. “When has anyone wanted to be alone in a room with Guy?” The tug on his arm from Rani reminds him, and looks between the two of them. He doesn’t know how long they’ll be here but it’s going to be a while. It wouldn’t be easy fixing technology from the future and maybe he wants to be selfish by spending time with his best friend. The blonde takes a step forward, an arm wrapping around Rani as they approach Ted. He never thought that this would happen and needs to try not getting choked up about it. “Teddy. This is my daughter, Rani.” She smiles and waves at him. ”It’s nice to meet you!” Although there’s more to that story that can be triggering for the teenager so he sends her off with Skeets to look around to give the adults some privacy. Michael watches her for a moment before turning back to Ted.
“She’s a Daxamite. Darkseid invaded her planet four years ago and killed her parents. She was only nine at the time and didn’t have anyone else. I wasn’t going to leave her alone ... I couldn’t save everyone but I saved her. I adopted her soon after bringing her to Earth. She’s a sweet kid and so smart. I know what you’re thinking ... I’m the last person who should be a father. I try to do right by her.” Michael sighs for a moment as he explains. Rani however is in the background hovering in the air next to Skeets with her legs crossed.
Booster scratches at his beard for a moment. “My sister gave her an old Goldstar suit as a birthday gift and ever since Rani keeps trying to convince me to let her be my sidekick. I just want her to focus on being a normal teenager ... normal as one can be with the powers similar to Superman anyway.” He pauses for a moment. “She showed up when I was helping deal with something in New York with a few members of the Justice League. I tried getting her out of there but ... my device brought us here instead. It got broken in the process so we’re stuck. I’m not sure what to do, Teddy.” He doesn’t have any money and nowhere to go. He can’t ask Ted to give him anything because it wouldn’t be fair, would it? He has his own Booster probably waiting for him somewhere.
TED KORD: Teddy was struck by Booster’s new look. It wasn’t that he looked bad (not that it was his place to comment unless he was trying to get a rise out of the other guy) but Booster had always been so fastidious about his appearance and that had included making sure he was clean shaven twenty four seven. Teddy was pretty sure he’d only even seen him with a fine five o’clock shadow like twice and both times it had been because they were on a mission that went over a day. So he couldn’t help but clock it and spend a few moments taking it in. It made him look… older. 
Maybe he was older? He couldn’t be sure how much time Booster spent away (a day for him could be years for the other and vice-versa after all). The retort, while on point seemed to take a little bit too long and lack a lot of Booster’s usual zeal, enough to have Teddy frowning and wondering what’d happened to his friend. “No one ever.” He responded with a small smile, though the concern was probably easy to read on his face. Both would’ve continued but the teenager with him caught Teddy’s attention again and seeing how she clung to Booster was yet another surprise.
D-DAUGHTER!? Teddy was pretty sure that short circuited his mind for a good five seconds, his eyes wide staring at the pair and trying to catalogue similarities in facial structure, mannerisms and other indicators. She was too old! Even if Booster was a little older he wasn’t THAT old! Eventually he manages to raise an arm weakly and offer a “Nice to meet you too Rani.” In return. Not the best of greetings but he was trying to deal with a pretty earth-shattering revelation here!
“Oh my god you pulled a Batman.” He said quietly, not wanting Rani to hear, his eyes still fixed on the girl floating in the air with Skeets who offered Teddy a little flicker of his lights before turning back to the girl and doing as Booster said to occupy her. “You’re a father.” He repeated, “You. A parent. Of a super powered teenager.” He took a deep breath, “Okay. Okay… Okay, this is a thing that’s happened.” And Booster clearly loves her, that much is easy for even him to see.
“Michelle? Boos… how long have you been away for?” She was nine, that girl had to be in her teens so at least four years. What the hell!? “Oh sure yea, wanting a powered kid to be normal, that works out well.” He deadpanned, finally getting a sense of himself back. Fortunately, Booster telling him the predicament he’s in flicks his ‘look after Booster Gold’ switch on and he can somewhat function again. “Well the solution to that’s simple.” He smiled, “You and Rani can stay with me. I’ve got an apartment in the city and The Bug too, we’ll fix up your tech and help get you and Rani back to wherever you gotta be in the time stream. I’m not about to let you both go when you’re in a bind. You my bud.” He clapped Booster on the shoulder, having to reach up to do it. “Plus, your suits a mess man, you gotta take better care of it. I’ll fix it up for you when we get to my place.”
“Rani!” He called to the kid, taking charge of the situation, “You and Booster… Your dad are gonna stay with me for a little while, okay? Skeets, the Bug’ll give you the details and I’ve got a changing bay for you in there too.” He’d made one in case Skeets ever needed a nap in the Bug, even machines gotta catch their Z’s. “C’mon I bet you’re both hungry. I’ll order some food, you can both have the good stuff and I’ll have a crappy salad. Rani and you need to shower too, you’re both looking a little… less than clean. She can borrow some of my clothes and I brought some of yours with me when I moved up here.” It had felt wrong not to bring his ‘Booster Draw’ to Star City with him.
“Don’t worry man. This’ll be fine.” He grinned up at Booster, “So long as no one’s died, it can be fixed.”
MICHAEL CARTER: The beard originally manifested from his depression roughly seven years ago after all the memorial services that they held for his best friend. He couldn’t bring himself to care about being clean-shaven anymore when the grief felt so suffocating. He usually took so much care of his appearance — styling his hair a certain way, skincare treatments, and the obvious task of shaving any facial hair that grew overnight. He continued to lift weights as any kind of distraction but that would end up being only temporary. The sorrow always came back twice as strong. Eventually over the months Michelle would sit him down and express her worries. He couldn’t continue going on sabotaging himself and traveling back in time to see Ted from a distance. He never interacted with him but instead treated it as a way to replay memories. It wasn’t healthy but Michael missed his best friend. Nobody seemed to understand how unfair it was to have the ability to change an outcome but be told, ’no this is the way it has to be.’ His sister stuck around so Michael wouldn’t be alone and maybe that makes all the difference. He might have spiraled more if it weren’t for that. There was quite a lot of drinking after it settled in that the universe won’t let him save the Ted Kord from his universe. When Rani came into his life it thrilled Michelle to have a niece. They were a little family and can’t imagine how worried she must be when they disappeared.
There was shock written all over both of their faces. He always dreamt of what this moment would feel like. Those first few years were spent leaving his door unlocked waiting for Ted to walk in with some grand excuse for his absence. Maybe they would laugh about it but that never happened. Instead Michael needed to learn how to exist in a world without him. It doesn’t ever get easier, he thought that was bullshit but figured out how to live with it. He became a mentor for the first time in his life which had been interesting, never trained anyone before. He would respect Ted’s last wishes and become the new GOLD AND BLUE with Jaime.
He could tell immediately that the other version of himself wasn’t a father since the reveal resulted in such a surprised reaction. Maybe nobody would expect him of all people to raise a child but ended up being a natural without even realizing it at first. Her planet had been invaded, parents murdered, and having nowhere else to go. Michael wasn’t going to leave her alone, not when she was holding his hand every second they tried to flee from Darkseid. “I know! I can’t believe I’m a knockoff Batman now.” He jokes softly, despite the fact it’s not completely true due to how different the two heroes are. “It was unexpected but the best thing to ever happen to me, Teddy. She’s thirteen now … and I’m just trying to be the kind of father Rani deserves.” Michael knows that he isn’t perfect but wouldn’t change anything about the situation.
The offer live with him makes him feel happy but the hand on his shoulder is all a confirmation that Ted is really here. He wasn’t disappearing before his eyes and it takes all of his willpower not to start tearing up. The blonde just wishes it were possible to express how much he missed him without making this weird.  “You really wouldn’t mind? It would help us out since we really need something stable right now. I have to warn you …” The safety of his daughter comes before anything else. “While the power sets of Daxamites and Kryptonians are identical … their weaknesses aren’t. She becomes severely weak when coming in contact with lead instead of kryptonite.” What he has come to understand is that this could be fatal in some instances. “There’s no cure created for it yet.” He mentions that so Ted has the information too if they’re living together but knows any version of his best friend might take it upon himself to try looking into it. Maybe it also makes him emotional knowing that after seven long years his suit will be repaired from the best one for the job once again. Nobody ever sewed it back together quite like Beetle does. “Thanks … you know me, can’t sew to save my life.” Which is followed by a light chuckle as well.
Rani comes back over to join the adults, smiling brightly as Skeets isn’t too far behind. “Sleepover! Can we order pizza?” Her feet landing on the ground at this point while looking up at the two adults in the room. “Only a salad? Eat pizza with us!” She insists, not quite understanding the reason behind Ted not wanting to eat something greasy.
<You are always good to me, Mr. Kord. I look forward to catching up with the Bug.> Skeets responds with as much enthusiasm as one can expect from a robot.
The blonde just stands back admiring what was happening, getting a little emotional at the sight. He spent many sleepless nights daydreaming about this and now it’s real. He takes a step forward, trying not to get choked up and ruin the moment. “We could use a shower. I’m still covered in some alien guck.” He makes a disgusted face for a moment, sticking his tongue out instead as an attempt at bringing out his humorous side. The banter that’s always exchanged with Blue Beetle is one of a kind. Although the words that come out of his mouth next leaves Booster’s smile fading again.
“Y-yeah. I’m sure this will be —” He turns around for a moment, pulling his visor off his face to wipe away some tears that can’t be held back. The reminder that his best friend died and thee was nothing that can be done to fix it. Thee’s a second chance standing in front of him but that can’t erase the trauma from that loss. He can’t do this here, not now. He puts visor back on and faces everyone again. “Sorry, something was in my eye.” You’re a good actor so this lie wouldn’t raise any red flags. 
“So … you know any good pizza places?”
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
The Calling ch 4
Warnings: toxic masculinity, bi/gay characters, 70s key party scene
Notes: This went a little long.  For those that want a little more intimacy with Sebastian Stan that will come in the last chapter, I promise. The story went in some surprising directions but I just went with it.
ch 1, ch 2 ch 3
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First you shower, then you take a better look at the email. The costume requests a 70s style. Example photos are included. Burnt oranges, faded reds, hot pants, white and black paired with the burnt orange are the color scheme. Tired as you are you rip through your closet to find a few things that will hopefully do. You pack red hot pants paired with a white t-shirt, a wrap-around skirt with a fitted silky tank top with a jean jacket, and decide to put out a burnt orange romper you find in the back of your closet you never wear to wear there.
Then you finally crash for the night dreaming what a house party themed shoot would entail. Because of who you have already worked with your mind pairs Bill Skarsgard and Tom holland in crazy 70 cloths, Shirts unbuttoned. Lots of gold chains around their chests. Alcohol flowing as you chat about school, work or something even less significant the taste of the beer you are all consuming. As you get drank in this dreamland you are laying all over them. Their hands touching all parts of your body. Leaning closer in to take…your alarm goes off its 4am.
You get ready and head out the door with that ever-necessary caffeine buzz in hand. Its rainy and cold which just makes you feel more sluggish. But as soon as you pull up to park where the bright yellow signs say to it is game on acting face. You are not tired, even though your eyes say differently, you are ready to do whatever they need you to and be here as long as they keep you.
“Good morning everyone, I’m Shelly.” The woman that checked you in said to everyone. “We have donuts, coffee and breakfast burrito at the tables in the back. As soon as all the crew are done, we will tell you so you can have breakfast. Today we need extras for an elevator scene and the key party scene. If you don’t know what a key party was, it was a 70s swingers party where the men dropped their keys in a bowl when they arrived with their partner and the woman would pick keys on their way out and go home with whoever belonged with the keys. The director has personally chosen who she wants to include in these scenes so Markus will be calling for you when everyone is ready on set. Have a great day.”
The older gentleman at your table starts talking about him and a girl he dated had been to one of these parties in their 20s. They didn’t know it was a key party when their friends invited them. When they went to leave someone spoke up. His girlfriend didn’t participate but instead berated him in the car. They broke up soon after that not because of what the party was about but because she was always on his ass about things he liked, and she didn’t. He wasn’t really interested in a party like that so, when the same friends invited him and his current wife to a party at their house, he made sure to ask what kind of party it was before accepting the invite. You meet so many interesting people being an extra actor.
Marcus comes in with a clipboard and calls you and a blonde guy barely a foot taller than you, Vic you heard someone call him earlier, to walk to set with him. Everything was set up in the building you were in today. There was lighting and other equipment around an elevator. A key had it set to stay open.
“Step right in here,” Marcus said.
He positioned the two of you looking at each other holding hands.
“You two are a great couple.” He smiled.  “Just get to know each other if you haven’t met yet. I think you will be working together in the other scene scheduled today. Anna Paquin and Sebastian Stan will be in here shortly.”
Marcus leaves the two of you alone. You interduce yourself and ask his name.
“I’m Vic, sweetheart.” He smirked. “I guess they put us together because I get to go home with something better at this key party scene.”
You rolled your eyes trying to ignore this guy that was coming off as a real asshole. You were stuck with him. At the other scene since you were supposed to be in such an open relationship it was your character that would be getting something better you thought. 
Anna comes in the elevator in a red low V-neck shiny bathing suite type outfit. She also wears A sunhat, sunglasses and boots. You smile but turn away, so you are not distracting her while she is working. You are not there to chat up actors. Everyone has a job to do.
Vic turns to her, “Last time I saw you, you were naked on my TV banging some whine bitch vampire.”
She lowers her glasses, “That was a long long time ago. But I’m still fucking that sexy man and if I choose, I could have your girl too.”
“Oh, I just met this guy,” You chime in finally turning back to look at her. “I think he’s being extremely rude.”
“Alright, come with me sweetie,” Anna smiles and reaches for your hand. “You stay here for the time being.” She puts her finger in Vic’s face.
You go with her out of the elevator. Down the hall to anther room where the director sat at a desk.
“We have a problem with one of the extras being a fucking rude dick to me and this girl.” Anna said. “I’m sorry sweetie, what’s your name?”
You tell her your name. Then bite your inner lip nervously as the director stares at you and then looks to Anna.
“What did he say to you Anna?” She asked.
“He said something about seeing me naked fucking a vampire when he saw me last.” Anna spit the word like they tasted bad in her mouth. “I of course had a witty retort but men like that should not be employed here or anywhere in my opinion. I don’t care what I choose to do on film. The way he was talking to me was uncalled for. I won’t press charges, which I could for verbal abuse by a co-worker, but I want him gone.”
The director looks to you. “And you heard him?”
“Yes,” you said quietly. “And he was rude to me before Anna came in. Not exactly on the same level but I agree with what Anna said.”
“Ok, he’s out.” The director got on her walkie to tell the P.A. and Assistant casting director to send Vic home without pay. She would discuss the matter farther after the shoot wrapped today. “Now, is there another male extra you worked with before you could work with again today?” She looks to you.
“How do you know she wants to be with a guy.” Anna said. “Maybe she would be more comfortable with a woman.”
“Thanks Anna, but I haven’t gotten to know many of the woman here.” You said. “Rich um Richard is a friendly guy to work with. We already have a work friendship. I don’t know his last name, but he is wearing a light blue leisure suit.”
The director gets on the walkie again to call for Richard to meet at the elevator. “That should clear things up. Now let’s get this scene shot ladies.” She walks back to the elevator with you.
Sebastian Stan is there chatting with one of the crew members. They both look as the director said, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Sebastian nods to Anna, “Hey Anna, who’s your friend?”
She introduces you as Richard is walking up with the P.A.. He just says, “hey.” More to you than anyone else.
Sebastian reaches his hand out for Richard to shake, “What’s up man? What’s your name since we will be working together.”
Richard looks nervous, “I’m Richard but everyone just calls me Rich.”
The A.D. shovels everyone into the elevator, “Enough chit chat. Time to work. You can chat at the wrap party tomorrow night at O’Brian’s. Now my extras just hangout in your little corner looking enamored with each other. I believe you have done that before together in another film. Anna and Sebastian do your thing.”
Anna stands in the corner of the elevator ogling Sebastian’s behind. Rich makes you giggle quietly in the other corner as he pretends to tell you a secret as his hand rest on the small of your back. Your hands are on his chest.
“Action.” The A.D. yelled.
Anna said, “Those beers for the party tonight, Peter?”
Sebastian said, “Yep.”
“I think My boyfriend and I will be coming tonight.” She said.
“I guarantee you will.” He walks out of the elevator.
“Cut,” The A.D. said.
You are doing your best not to burst out laughing at the cheesy suggestive dialogue. And you have to hold that laugh and to be all romantic with your friend in the elevator.
On the next take Richard whispers, “I don’t need to wait until the party. I’m going to come right here. He is too hot.”
Your giggle is louder. Cut is called.  “Sorry,” you say.
You manage to control yourself for the next several takes. The scene is done shooting within a few hours which pasted by quickly in your mind. To much fun. Lunch is setting up when you and Rich are taken back to the holding room. You didn’t get much time with Sebastian who you agree with Rich was looking hot. But maybe he will talk to you at the wrap party the A. D. was talking about. You made a note on your phone to look up O’Brian’s in the area for tomorrow night.
After the BBQ lunch buffet, everyone was led downstairs to a house party set. The P.A. and A.D. set everyone up where they want them. Some sitting, some standing but all in groups of couples two to four with prop drinks in their hands. A table is covered with snacks and drinks. The A.D. takes you and Rich outside the door to the makeshift apartment door.
“You two will be the next couple through the door,” He said. “We will film you walking through a few times at different angles. Then film Sebastian’s character greeting you. Rich you toss the keys we give you in the bowl to the right as you enter.  Just have fun with it like you really want to be at this party.”
You both nod. Rich slides his hand around your waist. The prop person hands him a set of keys. They film you walking to the door and Richard opens it but 5 time from different ankles. When the camera is right in front of your face it’s a little nerve racking, but you manage not to look at it. Then they film you coming in from the other side of the door about five times. Once a continuous shot to where Sebastian’s character walks up to you both after Rich tosses the keys in an empty fish bowl, Shakes Rich’s hand, hugs you and excuses himself as he looks towards the door. That doesn’t work very well.
They reset for you and Rich to walk over to Sebastian’s character and him to greet you both before his attention is taken towards the door. You film the greeting about ten times at multiple angles. You can’t see who has come through the door behind you but several of the couples seem excited to see them raising their glasses in a greeting. Maybe they were told to do that or that it would be natural in the moment.
Next you are told to go sit on the burnt orange chair together. You sit on Rich’s lap with prop beer to sip.
“You can react how ever you see fit within the context of the party scene when the next two actors come in the door to be greeted.” The A.D. said. “We will then move on to some music playing and the two of you will get up to slow dance. Once Anna grabs keys from the bowl and exits the room with Sebastian, you take the next key to exit the party with Alex who will be playing Ryan.”
“Cool,” you and Rich said.
Anna comes through the door with Alex Skarsgard. You almost drop your drink. Instead of letting your mouth drop wide you bite you lip and look to Rich. He looks as surprised and exited as you.
“You bitch, getting to trade me for him” He whispers. “I’m so jealous.”
Their entrance is film from all angles needed. Next Peter Frampton’s Baby I Love Your Way plays. Alex and Anna start to dance. You and Richard get up to dance. A few more couples do as Sebastian watches from the sidelines. They keep rolling as Sebastian walks up to take Alex’s place and Alex taps Rich on the shoulder to take his place. You thought Rich was going to pass out when Alex touched him. You kept a smile on your face as Rich went to sit down. You looked up at Alex with big eyes. After taking your hand to put around his neck Alex put his forehead to yours swaying to the song.
“Cut,” The A.D. yells.
Alex straightens up. “Hi, Princess. I’m Alex. Anna told me what the two of you went through earlier. I would like to apologize for the assholes of my gender. I hope the rest of your filming is a good experience.”
His voice is so smooth and tender. You just barely get out a, “Thanks.”
When you walk back over to reset your position with Richard he said, “You bitch. I am so jealous over here as you get all up close and personal with that big sexy man.”
“I know right.” You laugh.
“Action,” is called.
You run though that part of the scene several more times. Getting more comfortable each time. After one take Sebastian comes over and Alex introduces you. Anna joins the group. You are kind of stunned standing there and the three of them being all casual as inside you just can’t believe your life at this moment.
Sebastian’s eyes crawl over you as he asks about the other films you worked on. You tell him a few things but keep it a little cryptic. The A.D. calls places.
Before you go Sebastian said, “hopefully we get to chat more at the cast party.”
You said, “Sure.” Before going back to your position with Rich.
“Why are you taking all my dates for after work,” Rich whispers in your ear.
You giggle, “fate I guess.”
You try to keep doing the same things over and over. How you position your hands and when you giggle at what Rich says. He does make a great scene partner since he keeps you entertained. Alex always positions you when he comes over to take Rich’s place. And you let him have total control because he makes it so easy. You are not even nervous by the fifteenth take.
Last shooting of the day. Anna saunters over to the key filled fishbowl to grab keys. Sebastian grins as they walk towards the back where there is a hallway that leads to his bedroom. You get up and pick keys up and hold them dangling with a grin on your face as Alex crosses the room and escorts you out the door. You only need to film that five times to get angles and things.
The filming day ends. You drive home with some great memories. The incident with Vic not even registering in your mind.
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queen-paladin · 5 years
White Queen (John Deacon x fem! Reader)
A/N Written for Laura’s extravaganza! Enjoy! From the prompt of the song “White Queen (As It Began).
Word Count: 2,000 Paring: John Deacon x fem! Reader, Freddie Mercury x Platonic! fem! Reader
Content Warnings: brief swearing, mentions of drugs/smoking/alcohol, a bit of angst, fairy gay godmother Freddie, liberties from the song inspired for this, and tooth-rotting fluff.
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“Darling, you are going to my ball tonight or I will drag you by your hair!” Fred was declaring as his car was pulling up to Garden Lodge. 
Your heart was pounding in your chest and you were looking down at your hands folded on your lap. Creamy, clean insides of cars were still something you had to get used to, being a close friend of none other than Mercury himself.
“Fred…It’s just…” you mumble.
“I know you don’t normally like to go to my parties, Y/N, but you can’t cower anymore!” he said with a little huff. The car was slowing to the front and Fred was saying his thanks to the driver.
To think that twenty minutes ago, you were canceling to Freddie via the phone. There was a click and you were preparing for a quiet evening. A limo outside honked with your whistling tea kettle. 
Now here you were. 
Thanks to Working early in the morning, you felt drowsy. The thought of being crowded in a room full of loud, obnoxious people lining up for crack buffets was unappealing. If you showed up tomorrow hungover you would have to kiss your job goodbye.
Besides, there was the matter of Fred’s friends altogether. You met the band members several times prior. The tall guitarist and the blonde drummer had their constant moments of explosion with Freddie joining in until it was a pure cacophony.
Then there was their bassist. He would only nod politely and gently strike the strings of his instrument. But he hardly said three words together. When with you especially he seemed especially shrunk and unwilling to speak.
What other sorts of wild guests would come to the party? Hosted by the only person you were close with? 
Exhausted misery was creeping inside you.
Fred dashed over to the other side of the car and led you out. Your arm looped around the dark leather of his jacket out into the cool air. Stepping up to the entrance, he opened the door courteously to show you into Garden Lodge.
“But Fred…what if I don’t like it?” you ask. Echoes of your voice drip around the front parlor.
“You’ve never been to one of my parties, how can you say if you don’t like it! Besides, it’s different this year-it’s a bloody costume ball! There will be dancing and champagne and everything you could dream!” Freddie cheered. He gave a smile that reached both of his cheekbones.
The clicks of your shoes against the tile floor kept the rhythm of your wandering. A delicate chandelier crinkled over you. Directly under it was a vase full of yellow roses beaming like beads of sunlight. What sunlight there was now began to fade through the wide windows of the house, dripping the place in orange light.
“It does…sound wonderful. Like a fairy tale” you coo.
“Well, I always wanted to be your fairy godmother, Y/N. You do so much for others. And me. I thought you deserved to have some fun. A shame if you missed the chance to live a fairy tale, darling Y/N.”   Freddie compliments.
You walk over and greet your hellos to the staff polishing the place spotless for tonight. In their white suits and dresses with black bows, they were like reverse penguins. Fred would shake their hands, call them by their first name and “darling” and occasionally pop out a little present from his pockets for them to open later.
You looked around at the extravagant house. In just mere hours, there would be an army of people dripping in jewels, satin, and lace all over them. Your formal dress from your high school prom was sighing in a bedroom closet under your parents’ roof.
Fred leads you to up his grand staircase. You glance down at your dark blue t-shirt and jeans. Your face gets hot.
“Freddie…” you start, stopping in between two steps. He turns his head back and takes a step back to be at your level.
“I…I don’t have anything to wear. I don’t think any of the nice shops are open now. They’ll all laugh at how…ugly I look” you mourn. You start to notice how muddy your sneakers have gotten compared to the crisp whites of Freddie’s.
Fred gasps a little with a large “What? Nonsense, Y/N, don’t you dare think like that. Did someone say that? They’re an idiot and I’ll hit them” he insisted.
You give a little smile. Leading you up to the top, you see a hallway with four doors. he points to the door at the end to the left.
“That’s the guest bedroom. Well, for tonight, it will be your room. You’re sleeping over here tonight, you and anyone else you bring upstairs. I provided condoms, too” he informed cheekily.
“Fred!” you exclaim.
“Just in case! I’d rather you be safe! And darling…” he leaned over to your ear. You could feel his giddy, childish excitement bubbling up, ready to burst any second.“I bought a gift for you. For tonight. It’s on the bed. You’ve been an angel to me these past few years, through everything. I thought I might do something in return. And you don’t owe me a penny” he affirmed.
 You walk to the guest bedroom and curiously opened the door. You saw a large white box, wrapped up in silk, silver ribbon laying on the large, pink canopy bed. It’s almost the size of three of the white, lace pillows. 
You undid the ribbon gingerly, opened the lid, and were speechless. 
You heard Fred’s fingers tapping against the doorframe in excitement.
“Darling, your stylist will come to help you in five minutes. As my bonus…” he gushed.
With the stroke of nine o clock, Freddie swept you in your gown among the guests down the stairway. It went a little quiet. You were wearing your gift from Freddie, a white ball gown with a crinolined, puffy skirt, a delicate sliver that puffed out from the sleeves dripping down to reveal your shoulders, collarbone, and neck in only little clouds and was dripping with small silver sparkles. There were endless layers on the skirt, and you had to ask Fred to help you put it on. It almost made a swish sound whenever you moved. Sparkling silver heels embraced your feet. There were also little star jewels that the stylist tucked into your half-updo.
Fred insisted you wait until he himself entered. You found out that you would be walking down the staircase together, looking almost like a couple in a melodramatic wedding. With Fred’s long, black cape, Victorian-era black suit, and black fedora, it pulled off seamlessly. In one hand he held a stick that placed a threatening white mask on the end. But his beaming face expressed otherwise.
You noticed there was a pair of green-brown ones tracing your every step. Familiar. Quiet. Soft. Ignoring those, Freddie indulged the gaping crowd by waving an arm and bowing down low enough to touch his toes to applause. The chatter continued and heads turned away.
“It wasn’t just for me they were silent for, darling” Freddie complimented with a wink.
You felt his arm tugging you across the heads of people, red, gold, silver, and blue bodies. Sometimes there were masks - some ranged from plague masks with daggers for noses to delicate lace masks that blended like veins into their skin. Crinkling skirts covered the hall. Violins and cellos plucked out complicated Mozart lines like breathing. Bodies pressed against your wide skirt. Cigar smoke drenched the air.
Greeting everyone by name, Freddie’s arm nearly strung you around until you saw the eyes you felt earlier. Taller than he looked in pictures, his eyes that crinkled despite his youth as he gave Fred a smile and stopped it midway when his fluffy reddish-brown head turned to you. He was decked in blue trousers and a puffy-sleeved blue shirt opened to reveal his pale chest and long pants the same color of blue. He had a silver vest too large for him kept barely straight with pins. A silver crown rested on his head. Freddie nudged you with him. 
“Deacy, this is Y/N. Y/N, Deacy-or just call him John, if you’d like”.
“I met you before! You’re the bassist!” you exclaim. As you offered your hand to shake his, he took it hesitantly. His hands were sweaty.
Freddie nudged John and said “start off with your thoughts on Flash Gordon! He’s an expert!”
A raspy voice suddenly shouted “Freddie!” and he turned, with a dramatic swish of his cape, with an excited “Rog!” and jogged off.
You two stared at each other. Deacy bit his lip.
“Y/N” he stuttered, his northern twang slipping out “who…where is the bathroom?”
“It’s down that hallway,” you said, pointing “to the right.”
He nodded at you and gave you a smile as thanks before walking away. Something about it, the gentle way he carried himself, the shyness of the nod, and his sweet smile made you feel a little dizzy.
It was ten minutes until you were already sweating. You couldn’t find the refreshment table, no one seemed to want to talk to you, and it was too loud to think. With the crowding and the heaviness of your gown, you needed air. You turned your head to see the glass door. 
You make your way to the entrance of the garden. You slide out, relieved for the bit of clear air. It was falling to night-time. The garden was filled with rose bushes of yellow, red, and white like luminescent gems. You bend down to see the tulips for a bit and sniff them. A lovely break from the stench of tobacco. Now there was only the faint sound of cars and the muffled sound of the party. You walked a bit, admiring the flowers.
“Bloody hell.” Someone sighed.
You let out a little yelp and in surprise, you tripped on your skirt and fell, your hands landing on the dirt and your nose grazing grass.
“Oh! Y/N! I’m so sorry!” John apologized. 
He had been right behind you and did not see anything until you screamed. Feet rushing over he helped you up. John noticed the sight of your hand grabbing his arm and immediately retracted. He bit his lip and kept his eyes down.
“Are you okay? And your dress?” he pondered. 
You turned over to a green stain on your white balloon of a skirt.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, you must…” he said. He began to hide his face in his hands.
“It’s alright, John” you insist…maybe you can fix it. 
You glance over to notice some red roses in full bloom.
“Could you get one of the roses and help me pin it over the stain, please?” You ask. You start to wheedle a pin from your special hairdo. 
“Of course!” John insisted.
He rushed over and plucked it out easily. The attachment of the rose over your grass stain was so tender you fought back a smile.
“I’m sorry…but earlier, I knew already where the bathroom was.” He confessed as he bent down to start pinning the flower.
“Really?” you ask.
“I…I always notice you around Freddie. I know we met a bit before. And, he talks about what a kind person you are. And… I thought, maybe you really fancied him and that there was a slight chance he fancied you back, so you were...I want to talk to you but…I’m pathetic, I’m sorry, I don’t even know how to approach you and tonight…well, it was especially hard because…. you really do look lovely” he said. 
His eyes kept down as if he was daring himself not to stare right at the sun.
The secret smile of yours wins.
“Fred and I are just friends, John, thank you… for the flower, and pinning it up too…and the compliment, I mean. It’s nice to talk to you” you say.
John finally looks up in your eyes. Electricity burns inside you.
“I…I’m afraid I never really knew what to say with you, I don’t like small talk” he blurts.
“Well, we could start with what our favorite colors are…or Flash Gordon, or Fred” you offer with a toothy grin.
You hear violins sweeping out a ¾ melody. People inside the building begin rushing over to the biggest room. You can even make out Fred’s cheer of “who doesn’t love a good waltz, darlings!”
You grab his hand, every bit as soft and sweet as you imagine. And a little less sweaty now.
“But first, can I have one dance with you?” you plead. 
He nods and you both run inside in time.
It would be a better night than you thought. You didn’t know how much time you would spend with him. Goodbyes would eventually be exchanged. Now you wanted to savor every second.
Tagged: @bensrhapsody​ @littledarlingwellaway​ and my angelic beta-reader @thosequeenboys​
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littlewolf651 · 5 years
So @teamdoesminecraft made an au a while ago with Team Crafed and the series H2O: just add water. And like, at the beginning of the year we talked about a scene for it on her Discord server. So I decided to write it now.
Inspiration is weird.
Uh, enjoy Angie.
It was a nice summer evening out on the Gold Coast, the full moon was rising high over the sky, and most teenagers would be out partying in the warm air or on the beach.
Mitch hated this. He wanted to go out, have fun and try to forget the hell that was now his life, but he couldn't. The fear of touching any water while outside was too much.
For months now Mitch had wanted to prove mermaids were real. He'd been saved by one long ago from drowning and saw it! No one believed him, but he never let that stop him. He'd pushed everyone away in his attempts to find the truth. But no matter how much he wanted to prove it, that did not mean he wanted to become one! It had been a full month, and now he was utterly stuck dealing with this all alone. He couldn't trust anyone and those he could trust wouldn't want to see him. He couldn't blame them, but it didn't make the loneliness any better.
He hated being stuck inside and just wanted to get out for a bit. It wasn't too late so it wasn't like he'd get wet just walking the streets, he'd be okay right? He got up and grabbed his keys, putting on his jacket and heading for the door, opening it up and blinking up at the bright full moon shining down on him.
Jerome had been invited out to hang out with Quentin Ian and for the night but he had turned them down. He wanted to spend some time at home playing video games. He'd typically invite Mitch over to play as well, but the two weren't exactly on speaking terms these days. Mitch's crazy quest to prove mermaids were real was destroying him, and Jerome didn't want any part of that. The final straw was when Mitch nearly drowned on the way to Mako island, and he got yelled at for saving him. If Mitch wanted to kill himself trying to prove something impossible, then fine by him. See if he cared.
"Biggums!" A familiar voice called out outside in his backyard.
Jerome tuned him out, he didn't want to talk to the other.
"Jerome Come Out! I Wanna Show You Something!" he could hear snickering in Mitch's voice. The other was probably drunk or something. All the more reason to ignore him then.
Mitch kept calling out outside until Jerome heard a large splash from his pool outside and a laugh. Of course, the idiot fell in.
Jerome rolled his eyes and paused his game, going to the window and opening it up "Dammit Asshole! I don't wanna talk! Get out of here bef-" his words died in his throat.
Mitch was swimming in his pool, that much he expected. What Jerome wasn't expecting was the enormous gold and orange fishtail swaying where Mitch's legs should be. For a moment, the rational part of him tried to rationalise that this clearly had to be a costume, but something told him that this was real.
Mitch had a stupidly happy grin on his face and waved at Jerome "Come down! Come and look at it!"
Jerome could only give a small nod and closed his window. Walking down the stairs, he felt like his mind was racing. Mitch had a tail. Mitch was in his pool with a fucking tail! What the hell was he supposed to do?! Plus that meant Mitch really was right the whole time! Fuck, Mitch was never gonna let him live it down.
When he finally worked up the courage to go into the backyard, Mitch just grinned and waved happily, swimming up to the edge and resting his arms on the stone edge.
"Uh… Hey…" Jerome muttered still standing at the edge.
"Wanna come for a swim?" Mitch smiled "The water's so niiiice."
Jerome blinked "Uh, you don't seem concerned by the fact you have a tail…"
"I know!" Mitch grinned at that, pushing away from the wall with his arms and admiring his tail that swished in the water "Isn't it pretty?"
"I mean, yeah. But… how?" Jerome murmured in shock.
Mitch didn't seem to hear the question or ignored it, happily running his hand along the scales of the tail "I told you merpeople were real." he snickered "Cause I am one now!"
Jerome could tell something was definitely wrong with Mitch. Mitch was a dumbass, but he wasn't this much of a dumbass "Uh, Mitch, have you been drinking or something?"
"Just the moonlight. It's so pretty, isn't it?"
"... Sure."
Mitch reached out with his hand and tried to reach Jerome's leg "Come swim!" he cooed.
"Uh, In a minute." Jerome smiled nervously taking a small step back "Just gotta make a call is all."
Mitch seemed satisfied with that answer and beamed "Okay!" he nodded before going back to entertaining himself in the water.
Jerome quickly raced back in and grabbed his phone. He had no idea who he was supposed to call but found himself calling Ian's number. He'd hung out with him and Quentin lately since cutting ties with Mitch. They were also pretty secretive so he hoped they'd be willing to keep one more secret.
"Hello?" Ian's voice yawned on the phone after picking up
"Uh hey Ian, where are you now?" Jerome asked, his foot tapping on the ground tensely
"At Quentin's house? I did invite you over, right? The offer still stands."
"Well yeah, but… Look can you guys come over? I need your help."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Uh…" Jerome looked back out the window at Mitch still happily swimming in the water, his tail flipping out water and soaking the deck with pool water "Mitch came over and-"
Ian sighed "Jerome, I told you, don't listen to him. He needs time to learn his lesson and-"
"No, Ian, you don't understand! Mitch is my pool right now with-"
"He's not drunk, is he?"
"Mitch is in my pool with a fucking fishtail where his legs should be!" Jerome yelled into the phone.
There was silence from the other line before Ian's voice spoke in shock "What?"
Jerome quickly explained what had happened, and he heard Quentin groan in the background and mutter something about the moon. Ian sighed again "Alright alright, we're coming over. Just, keep Mitch quiet and not draw attention. The last thing you need is neighbours checking him out."
Ian hung up quickly after that and Jerome put his phone down. He walked back out to the pool and sighed, watching Mitch happily swimming. He sat down by the edge and watched Mitch come swimming over, still grinning like an idiot.
It took a while and a lot of trying to keep Mitch from splashing so much, but Ian and Quentin finally showed up, taking the side door into the yard and staring at the sight in shock.
"Hey, Ian! Hey Quentin!" Mitch grinned "I told you they were real! See?!" he gestured to his tail happily.
Quentin groaned and smacked his forehead while Ian looked at Quentin "I told you he'd blow it eventually."
"Shut it, or I'm pushing you in with him," Quentin grumbled.
Jerome got up and stared at them "How are you guys so calm about this?!"
Ian raised an eyebrow "Why the hell do you think Jerome?"
After a minute, Jerome blinked in shock "You mean to tell me Mitch was right about you guys knowing something about merfolk?" he demanded
"Look, do you want our help or not?" Quentin demanded
"Help with what? I've never been better!" Mitch grinned
Jerome looked at Mitch and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose "What's wrong with him?"
"The idiot went and got himself moonstruck." Quentin explained, shaking his head at Mitch in disappointment "The full moon can have different effects on merfolk depending on the planets and or what they're doing and stuff. We're just lucky he didn't go to the beach or something and expose himself to a crowd or something."
"Well, how do we turn him back?" Jerome demanded
"Well he won't go back to acting normal till the moon sets, and we need to dry him off as well."
It took a solid hour to get Mitch out of the pool. He kept insisting he just wanted to swim. They only managed to get him out when Jerome got in the water to lure him to the edge so Ian and Quentin could grab his arms and pull him out. Jerome got out as well, and after using a towel to somewhat dry himself, he wrapped it around Mitch's tail it to help carry him inside to Jerome's bed. They initially tried to put him on the couch, but the merman flopped onto the floor and started pulling himself back to the pool.
Once Mitch was reasonably dry, Quentin explained they just had to wait till morning now and that they'd properly explain everything to Jerome and Mitch.
They two left downstairs after that to go sleep on the couches while Jerome sat on a chair next to Mitch on the bed.
"So, uh… you're really a merman now.?" he asked, trying to break the ice since they hadn't spoken in a good month.
Mitch nodded "Yep. isn't it cool?"
"Yeah but... you have your own pool at home… why come here?"
"I wanted to see you." Mitch smiled and gave a small yawn "Missed you."
Jerome blinked "You missed me?"
"Mm-hmm." Mitch nodded, snuggling into the bedsheets "I've been a real meanie to you."
Yeah, he was definitely not all there at the moment, Mitch rarely ever admitted he was at fault.
Jerome sighed "We'll talk more tomorrow biggums, you've got a lot of explaining to do." he muttered, getting up and leaving to sleep in the guest bedroom while mitch happily fell asleep on the other's bed.
Mitch's head hurt like hell when he woke up the next morning. Fuck, had he been drinking or something? He couldn't remember anything from the previous night. What happened?
When he realised where he was, however, he grew pale and swore softly. Oh God, what was he doing in Jerome's house?! In his bed?! How drunk was he?! He was still clothed thankfully, so it seemed like nothing had happened, but he really didn't want to know or be proven wrong.
He could hear the shower going in the bathroom next door, Jerome was probably in there. It was probably best if he left now. He didn't want to be caught in the awkwardness that would be talking with him after the last time they spoke did not end on good terms.
He got out, and after making sure he had his keys and phone, he tiptoed down the stairs and to the front door. He could see two figures sleeping on the couches but didn't stay around to see who in case they woke up.
Once out the door, he practically sprinted back home, slamming the door to his house behind him once inside, his mind racing.
His phone rang, and he could see it was from Jerome, but he let it ring out. He didn't want to talk, he didn't want to see him. It was better if he didn't try to remember that night.
But nothing major could've happened that night, right?
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yourveks · 5 years
Werabouts -Preview of  V1-
〖Like in child's play may all thou know be of change.As a child of cataclysm on their awake, silenced by the antagonist emptiness in thy sight most uncommon for such an sheltered soul such as ye.〗
By time autonomy came back to be ,the sounds of wherever might he be rushed  back in a explosion deafening their eardrums.
Silhouettes of light painted a psychedelic picture for his eyes. in discomfiture  moving was the last of their problems, for such could only clearly hear-and heard only the sounds of devastation.
With pain crawling through his body like spider webs, slowly he tried to move his fingers sensing for anything in his surrounding to locate his current position .
Debris and dust were all his fingers could feel-but nevertheless-the pain felt minutes ago was starting to fade as cognition came to be. With a no longer blurry vision and a better understanding of where he was; sitting up and looking around only made the confusion felt before size up tenfold. All around had been wiped out of everything there once was. It´s like an vacuum tried to absorb everything and anything in his surroundings. Everywhere the eye could see was destructed or ripped off the ground; buildings; roads-even underground structures were not spared.
With an  pounding head-and full of pain and confusion-the boy stood up as an attempt to walk. To where he was nor yet sure, but certainly somewhere away from his current predicament.
As he stood up, one thing he didn't noticed before became clear to him. His once pained body hurt no more and the injuries he felt were now gone. The only explanation that came to mind was that this was an effect of his Eeng; seeing that there is no one next to him or anywhere close. Whit that noted-There are a few many questions that he really wish he had the answer to. If not to explain fully what happened to at least give him a bit of context.
Because the only things he can remember are vague images of places and bodiless voices; Why did this had to happen to him? He had no clue as to why. Was he an victim of an villain attack; a hero fight-Or was he the one to blame.
The solitude in this zone of disaster didn't help his theory. By being the only visible human in the vicinity-alive and awake-made his feared theory grow. The theory that this destruction was his fault only became more viable. If so to be his fault ,he had no recollect as to how it came to be. After all-he did not know what or how his Eeng works.
But alas. Standing In the same place wouldn't change anything so moving it was.
Looking around, with the only things surrounding him being debris of cement ;stone; and dirt ,he tried search through his hazy mind for anything of help but came empty. With a irritated  huff he decided that ,the best he could do now was get away from the middle of all this destruction and then come up with an plan for what to do next.
Wile walking away from the centre ,the eerie silence that encircled the area was starting to stir up his fight or flight sense, so he started to plan on what to do next.
“When i find civilization again I will need to find somewhere to sleep ,my body may not hurt any more but I feel exhausted. After that i need to somehow find out what happened here; which may not be that hard seeing how much destruction happened-there's no way the media isn't going crazy about it. Also-ah!”
Looking up-when did he stopped looking up? He saw that In front of him is what may have been an wall; going around it; he sees in the distance what looks to be police lights and an crowd of people sounding the edge of the circle. “Well  I didn't account for the police but i guess that makes it easier for me. Even though I don't remember anything before I woke up …” stopping to consider what to do next, thinking for a bit and then nodding to himself.
This may not be the most efficient manner to get help, but it’s certified to get attention.
As if on cue, police officers and some of the heroes stationed there turn around to see what the noise is ,only to see an young child-ten to twelve years old-with messy, long, ash blond hair and a nasty burnt over his bloody and swelled eye; wearing a dirty and ragged grey jumper and sweatpants running towards them.
They were quite shocked to see someone running towards them coming from the destruction-seeing that their search parties didn't find anyone alive till now. But with that aside, the paramedics were quick to prepare to give first aid as the heroes approached the kid.
“Hey kiddo ,are you all right?” Questioned  a short ,black ,female hero with curly black and gold hair. Her costume consisted of a black jacket with red sleeves over an red one piece suit; a sort, dark grey skirt, with orange details on its pockets and two gas grenades attached to her belt. Her red to grey, thigh high boots have, thick, sound absorbing, soles. And by the looks of her support gear-a pair of headphones with antennas-her Eeng seemed to be sound based.
Her voice was calm and sweet as she spoke. “Are ya all right? Can ya keep walking or do ya need assistance?”
“I'm OK, I guess? Nothing hurts much but I'm really tired, like-I could pass out if I sit-tired.” Answered the boy with an yawn as his body and mind grew drowsier by the second.
“Don't worry then kiddo.C'mere,  ya can sit on my back and I'll carry ya to somewhere ya can rest” Said the hero as she bent down for him. “By the way, ya can call me Hertz, the sonic hero. So what can I call ya?”
“…Shizu” Answered him as he climbed the hero's back.
“ Shizu hunm, that's a lovely name. And how old are ya? I'm twenty three-still pretty young. Haven't been a hero for long, only four years.” Commented Hertz as she got back up and started walking. Her tone was light but she was still clearly looking for more info on the kid. Asking questions in the middle of supposed idle conversation. But of course, the questioning was an necessary thing in this situation as she, or anyone present, didn't know who this boy-Shizu-was
“ 'M Twel-no eleven.Yeah”
“Oh, really!? So young still. Do ya have a favourite hero? Mine are Helker and Virtue-ala !” Excitedly questioned Hertz with a bright smile that slowly softened as the sound of quite snores came from her back.‘Heheh, kiddo wasn't kiddin' when he said to be dead tired.’ . . .
By- Yourveks
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symmratgiftexchange · 6 years
Satya Vaswani Smile
Hey @threepointonefourmakesxai ! I went and made you a fic based off of your request. Thank you so much for participating in this event! I hope you enjoy this and I hope you have a wonderful new year!
You can read your story either under the cut or over on my AO3!
Junkrat fucked up.
He didn’t know when exactly, or even how. But at some point this which for whatever the reason he fucked up things with Symmetra.
She was still working next to him in the labs. But she would hardly look at him! And when she spoke to him she was so clinical and curt. More so than usual. So much that it’d finally dawned on Junkrat that Satya was intentionally trying not to speak with him. That she was mad with him.
And Junkrat had no idea what he did.
Maybe a year ago he wouldn’t have cared. He definitely wouldn’t have worried over apologizing, he wouldn’t even bother with any of that nonsense. He would have just ignored the lady, brush her aside just as quickly as she was ostracizing him, call her another one of those stuffy suits, cause a few pranks to get a rise out of her then just… move on with his life.
But this wasn’t just some lame old suit. This wasn’t a faceless nobody who he’d just go on to forget. This wasn’t even the same woman he’d met when they first joined the team, a woman he assumed would always judge him and never see him as more than a criminal or a coward. This was Satya Vaswani, this was Symmetra. And ‘Metra had come to be one of the most precious people in his life. The only person who shared that title was Roadhog.
So if Symmetra was mad at him than he needed to figure out a way to win back her favor or die trying!
First he tried to figure out what the hell he even did wrong.
He was tempted to just go ask her but whenever he got close to Symmetra she’d either glower at him, or worse yet her face would stay completely neutral and she’d just raise a single eyebrow, as if daring him to take another step closer and see what would happen. And while not always the safest person on the Overwatch team he at least had enough self-preservation to know he ought to avoid Symmetra. At least until he had a plan of fixing whatever he did and apologizing.
So without knowing exactly what he did wrong, Junkrat began formulating a way to make things up to Symmetra. He started off by trying to think of all the sorts of things he knew the woman actually liked. In the time they’d come to know one another and even develop a relationship he’d learned there was a lot more to Satya “Symmetra” Vaswani than met the eye.
For example, everyone who was anyone knew she was an amazing architect but her fascination went much deeper. She adored art, especially in the 3rd dimension in all its forms such as sculpture, CGI and architecture. And it was more than just art appreciation of simply liking art a lot. For Symmetra that 3rd dimension was a special interest of hers. Going as far as to memorize the names of many great artists as a child and study their styles and inspiration. Even to this day if someone brought the subject up Symmetra could talk for hours on end about art. Many times Junkrat had gotten so caught he almost fooled himself into liking art too just because of how much passion Satya had for the stuff! And it was that dedication and good eye in Junkrat’s opinion that had helped Symmetra become an even greater architect. She didn’t just see boring towers waiting to be built in over-crowded cities. She saw art and beauty. She wanted to inspire people the way old artists had inspired her.
Also despite being such a regal, poised woman, Symmetra loved to stim. Junkrat had seen her fiddle with a few physical things before, a pen, an object she’d just built, but she stimmed the most with her hard light. It reminded Junkrat of a man he’d known back in Junkertown who would wind up old strings in his hand into all different kinds of shapes. Symmetra would do so with her blue lights, turning them this way and that until they created these different crystals or towers of interwoven triangles. Whenever she had down time, or felt nervous, or found herself trying to focus intently on a project, like clockwork her mechanical hand would begin glowing and she’d set off forming light structures. And while most of the time Symmetra’s stim shapes were just nonsense pattern’s that built nothing, sometimes Junkrat caught her making little intricate crystals or flowers.
She also loved tea, whenever the two of them went out to a café it was a given that while Junkrat got his boba, Symmetra would get her own cup of tea. Though unlike his own iced, half sweet brew, Symmetra preferred a cup of warm freshly-brewed stuff without any sort of milk or sugar. And while she usually got similar things, a few times when she claimed to want to “treat herself” she would order these special brews that came in a glass pot where you could watch as a flower slowly bloomed in the tea or little pearls of dry leaves would unfurl in a nice little showy display.
She also had a soft spot for kids. So worst comes to worst, Junkrat could bring a kid like Efi along with him to make sure Symmetra didn’t do anything rash in front of the children. She always wanted to make a good impression on kids, always acting polite and listening to what they had to say.
And while she wasn’t very good at caring for plants she still appreciated how they looked and their ability “to seem so simple but truly be so complicated on the cellular level” as she put it.
Oh, and even though it could make her homesick at times she still adored Bollywood. The music, the outfits and costumes, the dancing, the movies, all of it!
So at least Junkrat had that, now all he needed to do was figure out what pieces he could use to make things up to Symmetra.
Most of the things he could recall didn’t seem to fit together in any perfect pictures. However Junkrat was nothing if not an inventor. And it was his specialty to take small things that seemed like nothing to others and turn them into something they couldn’t ignore… usually bombs. But he knew that he could figure out how all these small pieces of Symmetra’s interests could fit together into something so great she would have no choice but to stop being mad at him!
Two days later he finally got something and was ready to show it to Symmetra, along with what he hoped would make a good apology.
Symmetra had been in the middle of creating a new model when Junkrat slid a cardboard box in front of her, disrupting her hard light.
“What is this Junkrat?” She asked in a humorless dry tone.
Trying not to lose his cool, Junkrat cleared his throat. “Uh, why don’t you open it up and find out?”
Sighing through her nose, Symmetra dispersed the light from her gauntlet and began unwrapping Junkrat’s gift. He’d done a quick sloppy job taping the box closed, Junkrat expected her to at least comment on the crummy job he did wrapping. But she didn’t say anything. She just continued to silently unwrap the box until she could finally pull the tabs apart and see what Junkrat had given her.
Inside was what could probably be best described as an oversized desk ornament. A shelf if you were feeling generous. Held together by a metal frame a few pedestals branched out from a base. Each branch seemed to be molded to look like shining towers in Utopaea, though rather than the shining silver and gold of the city these were made from a more rustic metal that had been painted orange and blue. And within each “tower” were different hollowed out spaces. Some of which were already taken up by packages of floral teas or little succulent plants. And scattered all about the little towers were photos and cut pictures. Some Junkrat had found of different cities Vishkar had constructed like Utopaea or Oasis, others that seemed to just be the more natural landscapes of India, but mostly there was pictures taken of their base in Gibraltar, and of all the people the pair now considered friends.
“Tah-dah!” Junkrat sang, making jazz hands. “A little something to remind ya of home!”
Symmetra was trying to keep their face neutral. But Junkrat had seen the look of surprise on her face as she’d taken the little city out of its box, and how that spark of joy had yet to leave her eyes as she ran her hand along the lovingly crafted towers, modeled after her own work.
“This is indeed a fine show of craftsmanship.” Symmetra said in a bored tone, not even her voice reflected that happiness Junkrat had seen in her eyes. But as she turned her head to Junkrat, she tried to remain serious. “What on earth prompted you to build such a thing?”
“Oh you know, I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been… eh, off these past few days. And I thought, I ought to make’ya something nice and… cheer you up?”
Symmretra raised an eyebrow, though she had yet to let go of the little city. “You spent all this time making this thing just to cheer me up?” She asked, repeating his own words.
“Also, I uh, I wanted to apologize.” Junkrat said nervously, hand subconsciously going to rub at the back of his head. He could hardly look at her and waited for the other shoe to drop.
“So yeah, I’m real sorry ‘Metra. About all… that?”
Whatever small look of happiness on Symmetra’s face seemed to instantly die as she looked at him directly. For a moment Junkrat was horrified that she was going to smash Junkrat’s gift on the ground but instead she set it down gently in the center of her workbench. Her constant, emotionless gaze however did little to make Junkrat feel any better.
“Tell me Junkrat, do you know why you’re sorry?”
And here it was. The moment Junkrat had been trying to avoid. He honestly had no idea what’d he’d done to piss her off. His best bet was he broke something on accident, but he couldn’t recall smashing anything recently. Plus everything in Symmetra’s side of the workshop seemed to be in good condition. His only other guess was that maybe she thought he smelled or something, but he’d been staying on top of his hygiene more recently. Besides that he had nothing. Absolutely nothing.
All at once that calm exterior was dropped and Satya glowered at Jamison with a fire normally only left to the battlefield. “You completely humiliated me in front of my Vishkar associates!”
“Oh, that’s what that was? When the hell’d I do that?”
“Last Tuesday. I was in the middle of a call with my associates to update them on my work. And I’d explicitly asked that everyone stay out of the workshop while I made my call. And not only did you walk through! But you were completely shirtless and scratching yourself!”
Everything finally fell into place, Junkrat wanted to say something more thought-out but all that came out was “Ohhhhhhhhhh…”
“I can’t believe you!” Symmetra continued, massaging her temples. “After you left I was reprimanded for your lack of dress code, or professionalism of any sort! It was so humiliating!”
“Hey at least you weren’t the one runnin’around shirtless!” Junkrat tried to joke, the only reaction he got from Symmetra was another glare. Though she was already starting to lose that fire from moments before. “And Overwatch don’t even have a dress code. No one’s ever got on me case for not wearing shirts before.”
“I know, and there is no policies here on how to dress.” Symmetra agreed. “It’s just, I feel like as I’ve been here I’ve grown more lack with my own self-discipline… And my meeting was another harsh reminder that I still have responsibilities. A vision to uphold”
Junkrat frowned. “That sounds like Vishkar talk.”
“Well, I do owe them my entire career.” Symmetra argued. “My education… The opportunities they gave me. My whole life even.”
“I don’t agree with that.” Junkrat said. “I think no matter how you would’a ended up right here doing what you’re doing. Whether you got roped up with a fancy company or not.”
“But without Vishkar’s training I wouldn’t know how to manipulate hardlight.” Symmetra said.
“No, I mean bigger than that.” Junkrat continued. Reaching over to grab the little city he’d built her. “No matter how, you’d find a way to do what you do. Sure you can get trained or whatever but you got something bigger than all that. You got a mind. You got ideas and dreams. And you do what you do to make things happen. And you wanna help people. Like really help people.”
Symmetra said nothing, watching as Junkrat placed the city back onto her workbench, sliding it closer so she could see some of the pictures of their Overwatch team.
“So I’m sorry I made an ass of myself in front of those suites. But you know what? I don’t care about any of those blokes! And I don’t think you should either. Cause no matter what you’re already lightyears ahead of those bastards, no matter how they try to drag you down and make you feel bad!”
“You really think so?” Satya asked.
“Sure!” Jamison said, suddenly realize he’d gotten so loud as he talked that he was practically shouting.
But then, for the first time in days, Jamison saw Satya smile, and he knew everything he’d said and done had been worth it.
“Thank you Jamison…”
“Any time darl!”
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
We’ve Got the Jazz
A/N: If anyone follows Winston’s IG stories, after the HeForShe summit, he went to a jazz lounge. I’m just imagining what the Duke and the Doctor did that evening. There’s also smut, so please pray for it.
Suggested Listening for the Nastiness
Warning(s): Fluff, Black Love, SMUT, Surprise smutty elements
Word Count: Ehh
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The room was filled with the sounds of The Golden Girls and well-deserved snoring. Loud, hibernation-like snoring was coming from both you and your soon-to-be husband. Your legs were stretched across Winston’s lap as he was sitting on the couch, his head tilted all the way back and mouth wide open. Your incoming FaceTime call from Tanisha finally woke you and Winston from the almost two hour nap.
After almost being lured in by the temptations of a certain island lover, you finally made it downstairs to see Tanisha waiting patiently for you. The two of you hugged each other tightly. You hadn’t seen each other since the Sheinbloom Gala. She was now traveling between New York and Los Angeles as a costume designer and stylist.
“Khalida, darling, you are GLOWING! Engagement and a pregnancy scare look great on you.”, Tanisha remarked. You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, Neesh. Let’s go.”, you huffed holding back a laugh. The two of you Ubered to one of the many plus size boutiques she was familiar with. Tonight, you and Winston were going on a date. Very seldom do the two of you ever have normal dates,yet alone the time to go on a date with your hectic lives. You were treating him to dinner and a surprise trip to the jazz club the two of you had gone to on your third date. With all of the great things happening in your lives, you wanted to show him that you could treat him the way that he always treats you. Most importantly, you two wanted to officially celebrate your engagement, so the outfits needed to be on point.
“So do you have an idea of what you want to wear tonight? Something short and tight, I’m sure.”, Neesh asked searching through the racks. You were across the racks looking through the other side. “You know me so well, Neesh. I was thinking about wearing one of those... vintage pencil ...dresses.”, you answered deep in thought. She knew exactly what you were referring to; she’d recommended the same style to you for another occasion in years past. She smirked, “Uh-huh. Like the off-shoulder type? I know what you’re getting at. I know just the place.”
You practically ran back up to the suite, garment bag in tow. The hair appointment ran over a little later than expected, so the makeup routine was going to be cute short by 10 minutes. You were welcomed to Winston grooving to your makeup playlist (it had trap,R&B, twerk, and Afrobeats all in one). The Kaytranada remix of Janet Jackson’s “If” was blaring, so he didn’t even hear you walk in. You smacked his ass firmly, running into the bathroom and locking the doors. “DAMMIT,DENAE! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!”, Winston roared. You were on the floor dying of laughter as his knocks went unanswered. You paused the music from the bathroom control screen. “You gots to be more careful, Chris. I keep telling you this.”, you were catching your breath and attempting to subdue your laughter. You could sense his irritation through the door. When you unlocked the door, Winston was attempting to hold a laugh in and aggressively shaking his head.
“Oooohh, Denae, you better be glad I love you. I would ha--”
“--ve not done a goddamn thing. I know you too well. You muthafuckin’ tried it!”, you crossed your arms and craned your neck up to meet Winston’s gaze. You went in for a kiss. “I’m starting my makeup now. Can you hang that bag up in the closet for me, please? Thanks, beautiful.” You pushed him out of the bathroom as you began your transformation.
You walked into the room in your robe, face beat to the gawds. You lathered yourself in your orange-scented coconut oil, making sure Winston took notice. Winston sat up in the bed as he watched you. “Your hair and makeup looks beautiful and you’re wearing that love oil. You must be trying to get into some trouble, young lady.”, Winston interrogated with a stern look on his face. You decided to play coy.
“Me? Trouble? Never.”, you responded half an octave higher than normal. You were lying like hell. You knew you were playing with fire the moment you purchased that dress.
“No trouble,eh?”, he chuckled deeply, “We’ll see.” You were all too familiar with that chuckle. The fate of your cervix was being sealed and you were more than excited. You strutted to the beat of Marvin Gaye’s “Got to Give it Up” towards the closet to retrieve your undergarments, your shoes, and the garment bag. You strutted back to the bathroom with an extra pep in your step.
“Chris, sweetie, can you help me with my necklace?”, you beckoned sweetly. He slid the main door open and his eyes grew big at the sight he saw in the mirror.
Your platinum locs were beautifully swept to the left side with curls carefully pinned into pin-up like swoops. Your face was simple yet elegant. It was lightly bronzed with a PAWPPIN’ ass highlight. Your plump lips were painted with your favorite Fenty bright red lip paint. Though the dress was black, you could see all the great works the dress was doing for your shapely figure. It was practically made for you. The off-shoulder neckline complimented your collarbone tattoo perfectly. Thanks to the strapless push-up bra you were wearing, your voluptuous cleavage sat beautifully within the “V” of the dress. The dress was just tight enough--your imperfect hourglass figure clinged to the fabric of the dress. Your fupa was slightly concealed by the ruching of the dress. Your legs glistened in the bright light of the bathroom. The pale blue satin pumps (one of Winston’s favorite pairs of pumps) were the icing on the cake. They defined your slightly toned thick calf muscles, something that Winston appreciated.
Winston stood in threshold of the door leaning against the door frame, still speechless as he studied you. He finally walked behind you, snaking his arms around around and placed his head in the crook of your neck. “You look dangerous,Denae.”, he commented as he peppered kisses from behind your ear down to your shoulder cap. His voiced decreased by an octave to further emphasize “dangerous”. Yout turned your head to meet his lustful gaze. “Thank you, Chris. You ain’t too shabby yourself either.”, you mumbled through your kiss. He finally placed the rose gold “K” necklace around your neck.
The two of you walked down the hall to Momma Cora’s room for her to see you all’s outfit. She was recapping the day’s events with Winston’s sister via FaceTime. The typically chatty Momma Cora was speechless as she opened the door. "You two look amazing! Wow, look at my son and my daughter-in-law dressed to the nines! Cindy, look!” She turned the camera view around to you and Winston. “Khalida, this dress is ev-er-y-thing! Wow! You two have fun!”, Cindy exclaimed through her obvious tiredness. The two of you waved and kissed Momma Cora goodbye.
The driver was waiting in the front of the hotel for you two. “Good evening, Mr. Duke and Dr. Abdullah. I’m James, and I have the pleasure of driving you this evening. Are we ready?”
James stopped half a block away from the restaurant. Surprisingly, Winston whipped his phone out and began gassing you all the way up.
“Wow...wow. I’m just--wow. Look at what God has blessed me with.”, he said. You mouthed “you’re annoying” as he circled you to hit all of your angles. Your model-like strut down the streets of Manhattan belonged on a runaway. The cadence of your clacking heels ceased at the restaurant’s front door. Winston power walked to the door to open it for you. The hostess greeted you both with a warm smile. “You’re right on time. Please, follow me.” The hostess walked you two back to a small dining room. Winston sat you in your seat and he followed suit.
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Conversation was pleasant. During your conversation, you noticed him staring at you. It was one thing to keep eye contact while conversing, but his eyes were undressing you. He finally broke his silence, “So let’s talk about that exchange with Queen Rania, shall we?” Your body language shifted completely. You really didn’t want to talk about it, but you did want to address how he allowed her to hit on him in front of you. “What needs to be addressed? She knew not to do that. I tried to leave well enough alone for you, but she Que hopped on my button. I’m trying to restrain myself and I’m looking to you for further restraint, but yo wild ass just a-grinning for all the world to see. Quite frankly, I’m a little flustered.”, you felt yourself getting upset again and the minute percentage of common sense left in your body was pulling the inner hoodrat back. Winston calmly sipped his wine as he listened to you. “Well first off, I’d like to say that I’m a little flustered with you too.”, he remarked pouring your first glass of wine for you. Your eyebrows crinkled in response to his statement. “Why are flustered with me?”, you replied. Your fists supported your chin as you tried to understand.
Suddenly, there was major energy shift in the room. Winston’s face was unreadable, which startled you a little. He re-adjusted his posture in his seat.
“Well...you should know by now that you’re my wife. Nothing or no one can stand between our bond. Period. I had no idea she was going to be all over me like that. While I appreciate you for shaking her off of me, I need to remind you who yours is and yours alone. Secondly, when did I give you permission to dress in something like this? This dress is to--”
“--Surely, the same man that just spoke at the feminist summit isn’t policing my ou--”
“--I didn’t give you permission to fucking speak, Denae. I was talking. As I was saying, that dress is too dangerous for you. I was already going to punish you for your behavior this morning, but this dress has sealed your fate. You’re getting it tonight, do you understand?” You were silent. “DO YOU fucking understand me, Khalida?”, he spat through his teeth. You sat back arms crossed in shock. Your jaw dropped as you processed what just happened. Whoever this was sitting across from you wasn’t Winston. This nigga done lost his rabbid Black ass mind. Since he wasn’t talking to you, you looked around the room to find who the fuck this nigga was talking to. Part of you was ready to fight, another fiercely concerned, and the other part was ready to have Winston right there on the dinner table. He was mad mad and you were about to get the pipe down of a lifetime.
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The energy reverted back as dinner progressed. You two were conversing normally, yet you kept a mental distance from Winston. You didn’t realize that you were in a trance until you heard Winston calling you. You shook your head to wake yourself up. “You mentioned somethin’ about a surprise after dinner? What’s the surprise?!”, he asked.
“Oh!”, you exclaimed, “Yes...the surprise. It’s actually in walking distance from here. You about ready to bounce?”
“I should’ve known! Gah, you’re the best!”, Winston was in awe at the surprise. Jackpot. Bird was the jazz lounge Winston took you to for you all’s third date and where he hosted his Law & Order:SVU watch party back in 2014. You smiled as you congratulated yourself on pulling off the surprise. “Of course! What could be better than ending our date where we began? Plus, we have it all to ourselves.”, you replied. The band was already playing ahead of your arrival .
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You looked to your right to see Winston taking in his surroundings and recounting the memories shared in the venue. A lot had changed interior-wise, but the aura remained the same. You studied your fiancé’s profile and chuckled to yourself. The last time you were here, you were dying laughing after realizing Winston’s Caribbean ass was attempting a Southern accent for his SVU role. Thankfully, you weren’t the only who found it comical.
The music served as the ambience for your conversation. Laughter flowed as you enjoyed your fiance’s company. He was so easy to talk to. You two found yourselves recapping his speech.
“Chris, we gots to talk about how you made the front row cry after your speech.”, you said sipping your whiskey.
“You serious? I was mainly looking towards the back and at you. So let’s talk about how you cried.”, Winston said also taking a sip of his bourbon. You rolled your eyes.
“I cried because I was proud of yo ugly ass. It’s been a pleasure to watch you evolve over the past five years. I’m even more excited to see your evolution from here on out. “
“Deadass.” His smile grew from a corner grin to a full on display of teeth. “Goodbye, Chris.”
The sun was setting and the band was still going on. Winston documented the moment via his Instagram story. You were usually the first to pull your phone out, but you decided to chill this evening. He got the attention of the waitress, “Excuse me, Lindsey? Can you take our picture, please? You’re amazing.”
Winston eagerly helped you to your feet as you posed for your couple photo. You rested your left hand on his abs as he snaked his arm around your waist. During the picture taking, he kissed the top of your locs and briefly took in your sweet scent. “I have something for you, love.”, he whispered in your ear. You shot him a confused look. How was he going to surprise you at his surprise? He motioned for Lindsey to continue taking pictures. “Now, before you say anything, I do what I want. I’ve looked at your left ring finger since I put that ring on back in July. I know it’s sound wild, but you deserve much better. So…,” he got on one knee, “...I decided to upgrade you.” He pulled a blue velvet jewelry box from his coat pocket. Your heart dropped damn near to your ass as he opened the box to show you the new ring. My God, while you loved your current engagement ring, NOTHING prepared you for the beauty of the new ring.
Th-thank you, Chris. This is huge!”, you said through tears as he rose to put the ring on your finger.
Bast was definitely present in the back seat. You two couldn’t stay away from each other. His hand crept up your thigh as your tongues battled in each other’s mouths. You ran to the elevator, heels and clutch in hand. The ascent in the private elevator gave you two time to gather yourselves before the war of carnal attrition began.
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The bell rang for the top floor; it was on. You walked out of the elevator first, switching harder and slower down the hallway. You sensed the presence of the same energy that hit Winston at the restaurant permeate the hallway. You felt him sneak up behind you.He pinned you against the suite door. His hand wandered once more up your dress this time, sliding the seat of your panties to the side. Two of his long,slender digits found their way past your wet opening, causing you to lose your balance a little.
“I see someone is excited for Daddy. Are you ready, princess?”, Winston whispered lustfully as your breathing began to hitch. You peered into his eyes nodding your head aggressively. “I need fucking words, Denae.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes...si-sir.”, though his fingers weren’t moving inside of you, you were ready for your first many releases.
Winston removed his fingers to unlock the door. “After you.”, he offered. You nodded. He smacked your ass as you walked into the suite. After locking the door, he motioned for you to come where he was. Once more, your lips met passionately,picking you up. You caressed his face with both hands as the two of you made your way to the bedroom, Winston broke from the kiss to pepper kisses on the hotspot on your neck. The trail continued down your neck to your shoulder. Your dress found itself coming off the further he kissed down your side until he stopped at your breasts. He pulled one out of the dress,sucking on before stopping completely. “Strip. Keep the panties on. I’m only saying it once.”, he commanded. You briskly followed orders and stripped down to your panties. “Now come here,princess.” He laid in bed with his shirt unbuttoned as he watched you crawl into bed. It was clear he was giving orders tonight. “Switch places with me.”
He kissed your hotspot as he carefully laid you on your back. He sucked on your spot as his hands explored your body. Your moaning increased the pressure he sucked on your neck. His lips returned to yours. His unreadable eyes locked into your lustful gaze. He was teasing you and your body couldn’t take it. His two fingers reacquainted themselves with your warm, wet folds. His eyebrow cocked as he went deeper into your pussy. Your moan was desperate as you wanted to cum so badly. “We’re wet AND tight? Must be Daddy’s lucky night.”, he chuckled. Your head began to fall backwards as you tried to keep your composure. He began pumping his fingers slowly inside of you, your sweet moans being the conductor of his performance. Your volume increased the pace.
Your moans were evident of your anticipated climax. Just as you were about release, Winston quickly removed his fingers from inside of you. He laughed maniacally, “Did you really think you were gonna cum just now? Wow, you are terribly mistaken. Remember, you need to be reminded of what belongs to you, and this pussy ain’t it. Whose pussy is this,Denae?”
The only thing on your mind was how bad you needed to cum, but hey, folks in Hell need ice water. Your train of thought was interrupted by a sharp slap to your left outer thigh. “I asked you a fucking question, Denae. Whose. Pussy. Is. This. Denae?”, every word was punctuated a slap to thigh, one sturdier than the last.
“It’s yours,Daddy.”, you whimpered.
“I don’t believe you. Turn the fuck around.”
Before you could turn around, he flipped you on your knees in one swift motion. He kissed down your back, paying special attention to your lower back tattoo and your puffy bud. He painted his name with his tongue onto your folds. You were no more good; your eyes hazy from the state of pleasure Winston was putting you in with every lick. The little foundation left behind from your makeup wipe stained the pillow. You finally fell flat on your stomach. Winston’s hand scooped underneath you and lifted you back up with the quickness.
“Are you running away from me,Denae?”, asked.
“No sir!”, you quickly replied. He smacked your ass.
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes,Daddy.”, you muffled into the pillow.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that. Speak up.”
“I said ‘Yes,Daddy.’”
He added a finger into your opening and he continued indulging in his favorite meal. He pumped it at a rather faster pace than the last time. Your moans were untamable. Your levees were past their capacity three or four nuts ago and it was finally time. His fingers triggered a release. Your guttural moans were filling the room as sweet music to Winston’s ears. You collapsed to your stomach from the impact of your release. He took pleasure in lapping up your sweet juices with his tongue. His tongue searched your sex as though he was looking for something.
Without notice, he flipped you back on your back. As he went up to grab a handful of your breast, you pulled him into a deep, passionate, Khalida flavored kiss. He forced himself out of the kiss laughing. “Oh, you nasty nasty. Gimme those legs.”, he commanded. You placed your legs over his wide shoulders. He looked you dead in the eyes as he ushered his length in you. You moaned into your pillow the further he went in. He too moaned as he navigated his way through your tight opening. His hips grinded to a moderate pace as he began circling your clit with his thumb. You attempted to contain screams as your fiancé’s hardened length began hitting your g-spot with every stroke.
You began fucking him back the faster his pace got. The slight spirit of jealousy from this morning was the only reason you were still going at it. Winston quickly took notice. “My,my. Am I sensing some hate and jealousy in my pussy? I like that bite back.”, he muffled into the crook of your neck. You clenched onto his length, “Ye-yes you do. This my dick and mine only.”, you moaned.
The room was filled with the physical music you two were making. The slapping of damp skin served as the tempo; moaning and groaning made the melody. Had it not been for the actual music playing throughout the suite, the cops would’ve long been knocking. In the back of your mind, you were trying to figure out why you were nearing your 7th or 8th nut (you stopped counting after #4) and he’d yet to reach his 1st. Your legs trembled uncontrably. He slowed down mid-stroke, an indication of his near climax. Three positions and a trip to the wall later, your animalistic grunts and moans intertwined as you were both nearing the end. His strokes began to get sloppier and slower.
“You close?”, he asked.
“Yeah, you?”, you replied. You already knew the answer.
He pulled out stroking himself. Before he could ask, you fell to your knees and took his throbbing length inside of your mouth, keeping eye contact with him. Your head bobbed up and down his length as he shot his load inside your mouth. He moaned as you continued sucking him. His constant desperate pleas for you to unlatch went unanswered as his soul began to leave his body.
When you finally finished, you looked up to see a blank expression on Winston’s face. You laughed to yourself as you went to the bathroom. He followed behind you like a puppy. He watched you as you turned on the shower and allowed the water to wash away the night’s progress. “Joining me or nah?”
A/N: I’m proud of myself.
The DeBarge to my Chico:
@muse-of-mbaku @eriknutinthispoosy @kumkaniudaku @whoramilaje @bartierbakarimobisson @randomwordprompts @texasbama @teheeboo @chaneajoyyy @great-neckpectations @greatgorillambaku @sarahboseman@dramaqueenamby @pastelastronomy24 @niquelafleur @maya-leche @wakandas-vibranium @eerythingisshaka @wakandan-flowerz @royallyprincesslilly @soldierandawar @babygirlofwakanda @hearteyes-for-killmonger @dacreskars @sonofnjobu @sweettea-and-honeybutter @storibambino @maya-leche @blackgirloneshots   @cay-cah @jackburtonsays
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c-atm · 6 years
Snow day Prompt: Bittersweet meeting *p1*
“Looks like it'll be a big storm. Don't think the others are coming today.." The seventeen year old stated as he looked at the start of snowfall.
Part of him wanted to leave as well but his pride as club leader president wouldn't allow him, you never know who might need some assistance or help in this school, which is why he created the 'Crystal gems'.
From student counseling to school events to setting parlays between students, the Crystal gems goal is to make every Diamond high student as smooth as possible. Which is why they, for the most part, butt heads with student council every so often.
The SC feels that the CG overstep their boundaries at times. Though they cannot deny the good they have done. Even if their methods come off as questionable. It's less animosity and more of a rivalry between the two on whose better for the school. Still they get some funding from the treasury cause they are an official club, that get results.
“Universe..Shouldn't you be heading out?”  a gruff voice called out to him. He turned to see  three girls standing in the hall, looking in.He gave them a small smile before taking a seat on the club rooms sofa.
“Awe...You're worry about me Jasp, That's sweet of you cuz.”
The girl in question scoffed lightly as she hid her small smile under her orange scarf. Tall and muscular but also very feminine, with wild white hair, gold contacts and faded brown skin with white  stripes of vitiligo; which only made her more exotic.Her name’s Jasper, vice president of the student council and his younger cousin.
Behind her stood two others. A slender woman of average height and a swimmers build. Her ocean colored hair and dark sand colored skin, with striking eyes as blue as her namesake Lapis lazuli. She was the secretary of the  student council and scuba team Captain.
The last part of this trio was small and shapely, just braking five feet, five-three with her gravity defying, greenish-blonde hair, a natural light tan, her infamous goggles over some of the brightest green eyes you'd ever seen. The student council treasurer and fire cracker, Peridot.
all three were dress in the standard academy  uniform( White blazer, yellow blouse, pink tie and blue skirt) under their wool, leather  and down coats, respectively.
“Joking aside, she's right Steven..We're supposed to be getting a few feet through the night. It's best if you head home now, before it gets worst...We’d wait for you, if you want.”  The bluenette suggested with a small smile.
“Tempting, but I still have some work to finish, beside you never know who might need some advice.”  Lapis’s smiled faltered a bit at his refusal.
“Told you, he'd say no. Him and Boss are both the same.” Peridot sighed exasperatedly
“So, the President still here as well? That works in my favor, there something i wanted to discuss with her.”
The three girls looked as Steven to rub his chin and a small smirk appeared on his lips. While Peridot grinned, almost cackled; Jasper sent Lapis a apologetically knowing glance, who in responded in a slight wave. Jasper cleared her throat before walking up to Steven,her left hand open and free, her right held the keys to her car.
“Your keys, give’em here Steven.”
Steven would have argued a bit, but the fact that she used her ‘family’ tone and gave him the look she always did when she was worried about other, left him no resistance. He dug into the back of his slacks and produced a key to his motorcycle with a small pink lion plush on one of the chains.  The two exchanged keys, before Jasper headed to the locker in the far left and grabbed three helmets and some goggles from it. She passed the green one to Peridot, a blue to Lapis and kept a large orange one and the goggles for herself.
“Don’t stay too late Steven…”
“And you don’t go too fast on lion…”  He turned towards the other two “Make sure she don’t break 25, just because it’s not that bad yet and I had the tires redone for the season, dosen't mean your perfectly safe.”
Lapis and Peridot gave their word, despite Jasper protest of being a responsible driver. A protest that ended shortly after Steven admitted to trusting her with his ride, making her feel a bit smug.
“Alright guys, we should head home before we all have to load up in Jasper tuna can of a car.”  
Jasper growled at Peridot’s comment before giving her cousin a quick one armed hug, Not to be left out; Peridot gave the young man a quick friendly hug causing the tallest girl to roll her eyes and Steven to chuckle.  He blushed when he heard Peri whispered something into his stomach and the sly look on her face didn’t help. He shook his head as she broke the hug and basically skipped out of the room once again joking about Jasper car when she was a good ways away, causing Jasper to chase after her. Lapis  and Steven looked as the two took off, when they heard Peri yelled.
“I better go before she kills Peri.”
“Yeah,that’s a good idea. Get home safe, Lappie.”  Red face and head down, Lapis delivered a weak trembling punch to the boys stomach.
“You rejected me already, so save that charm for her...I’m rooting for you”
With a small kiss upon his cheek and a wipe of a tear, Lapis ran to catch up with Jasper and Peri. Steven shook his head with a sigh as he turned around and laid on the couch.  He watched as the snow lightly fell, with a peaceful look, dozing off as he did.
It was a melodic sound. A familiar one as well, he’d recognize it anywhere on earth. A simple feminine humming from his left. He turned towards it and saw a indian-american woman of his age sitting on the loveseat. Pad and pen in hand and headphones over her head; humming to a song on her mp4.
That natural walnut skin, shiny black eyes; long  curly brown hair that flowed like a waterfall that cute slightly pointed nose and those small yet full lips. She was a bit taller than lapis, curvier than Peridot; and strong...not Jasper strong, but a fencer and athletic build.  She sat, one leg over the other, in an alternative school outfit (pink blazer, yellow skirt,blue shirt, and pink tie). The Student President of Diamond Academy, tennis and fencer all star; Connie Maheswaran.
“That uniform fits you very well.”
“Why, thank you” Steven shocked and red face allowed Connie arched an eyebrow and smirk at CG leader. Steven sat up with a stretch and a crack of the neck.
“Only fifteen to five.”
“So..30 minutes, see you made yourself comfortable; Ms.President.”
“Was waiting for my best friend to wake.” Connie pulled her head phones down to her shoulder as she watch him get up and walk behind her and gave her a small hug, which she returned  by squeezing his left bicep.
“ Green, please.”
Giving her a smile the seventeen year old released his hold, a bit reluctantly, before going to the mini fridge getting two bottle of spring water, four  tea bags from a nearby locker; and turning on the electric tea kettle that Pearl, one of the club members; brought for the room.
“So really what brings you to the room? And how long have  you been here?”
“No reason. Just making rounds saw you here in this nice warm room, decided to come in for a bit. I’ve only been here for about 10 minutes. Is that ok?”
“All are welcomed, but you get special privileges; like this tea.” Steven pointed to  the kettle with a smirk. Connie place three fingers on her blouse and gasp in exaggerated fashion.
“Talk about the V.I.P treatment.” She sent him a half smirk. “You wouldn't be trying to get something from me, Right Mr, Universe.”
he let use a low chuckle as he handed her a mug, and sat back on the couch. “Now whatever gave you that idea?”
“That chuckle for one, and the fact that you left a list of funds proposals on the table.”
“I swear they are all needed.” The pace of that statement caused the president to arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips.
“Uh-huh and what pray tell, does these items have to do with your club activities?”
“As you know, our club was main goal to ensure that our fellow students have a pleasant  school life...Which we have done very well.”
“Methods aside..Sure.”
“Negotiations doesn't always work with words alone..sometimes games need to be played, parlays need to be made-”
“Classrooms need to be close off, dances need to be unofficially hosted; disguises need to be worn.”
“We always brought the costumes back in pristine condition” Connie stone face made him sigh. “ok, working condition.”
“and the fighting?”
“Oh, like you never used your skills outside of an match.”
Connie shrugged, a small toothy grin on her face. “The S.C does double as a disciplinary committee.. You guys don't.”
“Fair enough,  but you can't argue that we have gotten results-”
“Steven,I'm not going to deny your proposal for these items... Though, I don't  know why you don't talk to the headmaster themselves..you are related after all.”
“No way. Last Thing I need is people thinking I am privileged.
“....Just choose some soon, ok?”
the spontaneity of the statement and tiredness of her voice aroused suspicion in him. He scooted over and patted the cushion  next to him. She took the lifeline quickly as she sat beside him, leaned on his shoulder and grasped his hand, he did nothing but intertwined  his fingers with hers.
“You doing ok, President?”
“Just tired of talking shop, is all. Been planning the winter formal and been dealing with disputes between clubs.”
“You could send some of those disputes over here.”
“and have Jasper be on my case..no thanks, I choose peace... but the dance we could use a little ---.” Connie growled mid sentence, facepalming as she did.“No.. No more talk of S.C. work.”
Steven looked on with a smirk at her antics. “Sorry..So how has things been with you, personally? Still dating that Jeff guy?”
“Wow...weeks since we really spoke and that the first thing you ask, wait... how did you know I was dating...ANYONE?”
“He did come to us for advice...Though I was sick for that week. Garnet took control of that one…”
Steven looked at her and rubbed the back of his head. “ On my day back, I caught you two giggling and such afterschool..You wasn't were we usually meet up for our ride home. I saw you two and was quick to figure what was going on.”
“Oh… Steven, I'm so sorry I-”
“Hey, No problem you don't have to tell me everything..I mean he's your boyfriend… you have, nothing to be apologetic about. Heard he's a good guy…” Steven glared and his voice, chilling “He IS a good guy..right?”
“I guess? We were only together for a month before I broke it off.”
“Ooo..May I ask why?”
Connie shrugged with a sigh. “Wasn't actually  attracted to him, but I figure I'd give the guy a chance. He has good ambition, wanting to go into film and such a nice guy but...just no real spark between us.”
Steven nodded. “It's like that sometimes”
“True...I'm mad at you though.” Connie playful pokes called the bigger teen to laugh. “Six weeks and no hang out, no rides on lion; no games night” What started off as jovial and teasing, ended serious and cool. Connie frown was pronounced and her eyes sharp. “and why? cause some guy that didn't even last a whole month…”
Steven glared back just as hard. “You didn't  exactly try to talk to me too much either.”
Connie growled slightly at this before sighing..this was not what she wanted. “You're right..I wanted to talked to you, but something happened…other than jeff”
“Oh..and what was that?”
“You rejecting Lapis…”
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therandomfics · 6 years
Friday nights during the era of Sonny meant dinner at your favorite little restaurant down the block, a nice walk back home, and a night filled with confessions of infinite adoration. You always reveled in waking up next to him, tangled limbs and murmured good mornings; Saturday mornings were better than Friday nights.  
Post-Sonny, Fridays meant whatever you wanted to do, which for the past few months had meant that you were in your bedroom, watching television and convincing yourself that you were better off the way that you were. It’s easier to be lonely when you’re actually alone. It’s easier to be miserable when you’ve got a legitimate reason to be miserable. 
This specific Friday night meant that you were going to a Halloween party in Queens with Ryan. Ryan was different than anyone you knew, and the polar opposite of Sonny. He preferred to go out and be on the town, from the conversations you’d had over the past week. He was a social butterfly for lack of a better term, and he was always on the go; always meeting up with someone for something. Ryan didn’t make you feel comfortable, but he also didn’t make you feel uncomfortable. He was neutral. 
Ryan showed up at your apartment, head to toe in the most authentic Sailor’s dress blues you’d ever seen. When you pointed that out, he explained that he was in fact a former Sailor and had been in the Navy for 8 years. Impressive, but Sonny had been in the NYPD for longer than that. You had to force yourself to stop comparing the two. Apples and oranges, you told yourself. 
“You look great,” Ryan commented once you slipped into your costume and appeared in the living room. You blushed as you looked down at your chosen outfit: a gold mermaid tail that sparkled from nearly every angle, a matching bustier with sea shells on the straps, and you’d even taken the time to apply shimmering highlighter to your face to make scales. “A sailor and his siren. I was expecting you to be a sailor, too, but this is much better.” 
“Thanks. You’d be surprised at how long I’ve wanted to be a mermaid,” you said with a small laugh. Despite how dazzling you looked, you knew it was cold outside and you hated the thought of hiding your costume beneath a coat - but you also hated the idea of being sick for the next two weeks. You shrugged a thick pashmina over your shoulders and grabbed your seashell shaped bag before linking your arm with his. “Let’s go before we miss all the fun.” 
Jennifer’s apartment was flooded with people: old friends, new friends, strangers, random passersby. Ryan linked up with his friends as soon as you arrived, and left you to fend for yourself at your encouragement. It wasn’t a bad party, you thought, despite how many people their were. There were several women dressed up as bunnies, men dressed as football players, a few couples doing their own match-y thing like you and Ryan, and of course random horror characters. Those were your favorite. A couple across the room were dressed as characters from Star Wars, which you thought was creative and classy. Much better than your exposed mid-drift. 
“You doin’ ok?” Ryan asked as he made his rounds back to your side. He pulled you to his chest and hugged you for a long moment, which felt odd but you chose to embrace him instead of questioning his motives. He smelled like twenty types of alcohol and had a bit of haze to his eyes. “You look so good, Y/N. I’m glad you came with me.” 
“You’re too sweet,” you replied with a laugh, pulling away to give yourself space. In the midst of your hug, you’d managed to cover his top with your glitter. “I’m glad you invited me. You having fun?”
“Yeaaaaah,” he replied, suppressing a laugh. He was drunk. At least he wasn’t a nasty drunk. “Han Solo keeps looking at you.” 
“Han Solo, like from Star Wars.” 
“Oh.. no, Ryan, that’s Darth Vader. Maybe it’s all of my glitter,” you suggested with a shrug, trying to swipe some of the shimmer from his shirt. 
“Come play beer pong with me,” he insisted, tugging you along towards the table on the other side of the room. He gave you no time to object as you found yourself following behind him in the path that he cleared. When you arrived, several of the guys on the opposing team began a mumble campaign full of inappropriate comments regarding you and your appearance. You were reminded of the many times that Sonny came to your defense, and half-heartedly you’d hoped that Ryan would do the same thing. He didn’t, and instead pulled you to his side, as if he were staking his claim on you. 
You slipped from his embrace and told him you’d be right back, heading for the door. The back of the apartment opened up to an arboretum, where a few people were smoking and conversing. It was so much quieter outside, giving you a chance to clear your head. You pulled your shawl around your shoulders tightly and sat down, flipping your tail out of the way to cross your legs. It didn’t feel right anymore, being there with Ryan, and you figured it wouldn’t feel right with anyone else, either. You frowned, pulling your phone out to idly browse the endless nothing of the internet, hoping the time would pass quickly if you distracted yourself.
After about half an hour, you found that you were alone on the balcony, and though you were freezing, it was much better than being objectified or overwhelmed by the amount of people inside. 
The door opened and you were struck by lights and noises from inside, which quickly disappeared when your friend Darth Vader stepped out and shut the door. It was odd, yes, that you were outside alone, but even more odd that he came out and sat down across from you without saying anything. You chose to keep your eyes down, looking at your phone in the hopes that he’d leave you alone. 
“You okay?” he asked, muffled by the mask on his face. 
You looked up and shrugged. “Sure. Are you?” you replied, narrowing your eyes in an attempt to better see him. No dice. 
He grunted in response and leaned back, crossing his leg so that one ankle rested on the knee of his opposite leg. “Been better.” 
The door opened again and you were somewhat relieved to see Ryan, who pulled you to your feet when he got to you and hugged you, swaying back and forth. “You left me,” he accused. 
“I did. But only to come out here. I didn’t really leave,” you countered and looked up at him. 
He smiled down at you and bombarded you with a classic, drunken kiss. He tasted like fruit punch and vodka, two things you disliked, and.. something else. What was it? 
“Are you high?” you asked, pulling away incredulously. He smelled like weed, and tasted like what you presumed was weed. 
He shrugged and let you go. “A little. No big deal. I’ll be fine to drive you home.” 
You sighed loudly and stepped back, putting distance between your bodies. “It’s fine, Ryan. I’ll get a Lyft. Don’t worry. Where are you staying tonight? You’re not driving home drunk and I’m sure you don’t want to leave your car here.” 
“I dunno yet. I’m gonna go back inside, get something to drink. You comin’?” 
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay. Go have fun.” 
With Ryan back inside, you sat back down and folded your arms in frustration. What a dick. High? Drunk? Offering to take you home? Kissing you and leaving a horrible taste in your mouth? He was absolutely not what you needed in your life. 
Darth Vader left and came back only a few minutes later, sitting beside you and handing you a bottle of water. You tested the top and found the seal unbroken, then squeezed it to see if any water sprouted anywhere. It was a trick Sonny had taught you to make sure that your drink hadn’t been tampered with. 
“Thanks, Anakin,” you said with a smile and opened the bottle to take a sip. 
“You’re welcome, Ariel,” he replied. “How long have you been with your Sailor?” 
You grumbled and rolled your eyes. “We aren’t a thing. How long have you been with Leia? That’s weird, you know? She’s your daughter..” 
He laughed, or so you hoped - it was hard to tell with his mask. “Nah, nah, it’s not like that. She’s a friend of mine, wanted to be here tonight. Just broke up with her girlfriend.” 
“I wish her the best of luck.” 
“How are you getting home?” 
You turned to look at him, only able to see his Vader mask. “Don’t worry about that. I’m fine.” 
“Well, I’m just sayin’ he’s probably not gonna be a safe bet to get home, doll,” Darth Vader retorted. 
“The fuck did you just call me?” you snapped, standing up and stumbling backwards. 
With a heavy sigh, Vader stood up and removed his mask. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You scowled and squeezed your bottle of water, spraying Sonny in the face. “How long were you going to sit here beside me and pretend to give a fuck about me?” You held your hand up to silence him. “No. Don’t even talk to me.” 
“You left me for him?” Sonny howled, pointing into the crowded house in reference to Ryan. 
“I’m not having this conversation with you. You’re an asshole. Just leave me alone, okay?” you shrieked, shoving him backwards and running back into the house. 
“Y/N, WAIT!” he demanded, only to have the door slam in his face. By the time he worked his way through the crowd and out the front door, you were quickly walking down the street towards the nearest subway station. You didn’t care how late it was, or that you were dressed like a mermaid: you wanted to get home. 
Leave it to Sonny Carisi to ruin your night out, you thought, sitting on the subway heading back to Brighton Beach. Darth Vader was officially your least favorite person from the Star Wars universe, which was impressive considering your deep hatred for Jar Jar Binks. Your phone rang and you answered. 
“Where’d you go?” It was Ryan. “I saw you leave. Darth Vader was looking for you. Y’okay?” 
“I’m good. I just wasn’t feeling well, I’m sorry. I’ll call you tomorrow okay? I’m heading home.” 
“Nooo, come baaack,” he whined into the phone. A female voice in the background was giggling, saying his name and telling him how cute he was. 
“Enjoy your time with whoever that is.” You hung up and turned your phone off, tossing it back in your seashell bag. 
Kristin and Alex showed up early in the morning, drunk and loud, waking you up from the slumber you’d fought to slip into. It was four, and you’d slept a collective three hours, but for some reason you couldn’t go back to sleep. You turned your phone back on and waited as your notifications rolled in. Ryan had left you two voicemails and had sent several text messages. It seemed that in his drunken stupor, he had sent you a picture of him and a girl dressed as a nurse, recreating the classic End of the War pose. 
You texted back a thumbs up. What a great guy. 
A number that you didn’t have saved in your phone had texted you. 
9292303577: I’m sorry. I just wanna know you got home okay.
Y/N: Who is this? 
929: You know who this is, Y/N. Just tell me you’re alright. 
Y/N: I’m fine, thank you for your concern. Goodbye. 
Sonny: Stop being so melodramatic and listen to me. Kristin gave me your number. I know you’re her roommate now and I wont invade your privacy but please, talk to me. 
Y/N: It’s 4AM, Sonny. I’m tired, I’m upset, I’m over it. 
Sonny: I’m on the boardwalk. 
Y/N: Good for you. 
Sonny: Stop it. Come meet me. 
Y/N: I’ll give you ten minutes. 
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