#did i absolutely fall in love with this goalie?
hersterical · 11 months
Loving the love that soccer player Robin has been getting lately so I decided to share some of my thoughts on it
She has a huge water bottle that’s the same size as her head that she absolutely refuses to share with anyone (unless it’s someone she has a crush on and then she’s too flustered to say no)
She also brings little snacks to every game and practice. Mostly fruits, like oranges, grapes, and watermelons and things like that. But she’ll also bring crackers. She’s much more willing to share her snacks than her water but would still rather not unless she really likes them.
Robin always tucks in her jerseys (too much fabric gets in the way and is super annoying).
Off the field her teammates think she’s pretty chill and laidback (she still masks around them) but on the field she’s really intense and fouls just as much as she gets fouled.
Everyone thinks she’s really good at flopping but really she’s just that clumsy.
Robin is the best trash talker of any and every team she has ever been on, but she only ever trash talks if a player is a jerk.
She might fall down a lot and is a little on the slower side (but not as slow as she thinks) but her footwork is phenomenal.
She usually plays left defender (she’s one of the only players who’s any good with her left foot) but enjoys and is passable at every position except for goalie.
Between having to be coordinated with your hands, the weird texture that the gloves always have, the being confined to a small area, and having to spend so much time just waiting for the ball to come to her but still always needing to be on high alert anyways just in case, goalie is by far her least favorite position. Plus that one time she took a ball to the face and got knocked out gave her a bit of a sour taste for that position.
She has gotten into two fights during games and it’s generally agreed that she won both of them (though she did have to sit out for the rest of the game after getting a bloody nose).
It’s largely debated who started the first fight (Robin insists she didn’t but everyone else thinks she did), but for the second one Robin was trying to stop her teammate from getting into a fight when the other player threw a punch (giving her the bloody nose). After that, all bets were off.
She did stop playing before season 3 because she just had so many extracurriculars to keep up with, but Steve got her to start playing on an inter mural team after they defeated Vecna as a way to help her cope.
Steve taught her how to play basketball (she sucks) and went easy on her the first time they played. Then Robin taught him soccer and refused to go easy on him (he sucks, but not as bad as Robin does at basketball). After that, all bets were off while playing basketball (it’s fine though because Robin was always on a team with Lucas which evened things out until Lucas got better than Steve at basketball, then Steve and Robin would be on the same team).
Steve and Robin go to all of each other’s games. Everyone’s annoyed by how loud they either cheer or heckle each other (depending on their mood).
Robin is a little disappointed that Lucas never took to soccer like he did basketball, but he’s always willing to play.
Mike and Dustin flat out refused to play, Will tried it but he was really bad and hated it, and El is actually almost scary good at soccer but only ever plays when they play an adjusted version that allows Max to play as well. Max is down for any and every activity that allows her to be physical even if soccer isn’t always her first choice. Erica hates playing soccer but will occasionally play to make Robin happy (not that Erica looks up to and thinks Robin is cool or anything…shut up).
Robin loves soccer because it feels like the only time she can trust her body just as much as she trusts her mind (or even more so after everything with the Russians and Vecna went down).
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eriexplosion · 4 months
Lugging Crosshair around Kamino like a sack of sad potatoes. The way he gets to wake up pinned underneath a fucking steel beam like fucking congrats you tried to kill yourself one way so how do you feel about this significantly worse impending doom?
The voice work on the clone reporting that Kamino is destroyed is fantastic, that poor fucking clone.
Azi is so fucking funny like it's obviously terrible to experience this but imagine doing it with this chipper robot narrating your oncoming demise for you
I have a headcanon that Crosshair has a fear of drowning, because his reactions to possible death elsewhere are nothing like here where he sees the water and starts Immediately trying to actually survive.
Getting Hunter to shoot him? Fine, he'll take that. But do NOT let this fucking planet drown him after all this time.
"WHAT have you DONE" Crosshair do you really think this is THEIR FAULT? You knew the Empire was going to bomb the place!
IF YOU WANT TO STAY HERE AND DIE THAT'S YOUR CALL sometimes you need to lay it out clearly for someone that is intent on throwing a giant tantrum.
The entire tower of pods being submerged fucks me up so much
God but if there's one thing they're good at doing it's animating absolutely devastating destruction in intense detail.
Never noticed before that Echo nearly falls and has to grab onto Crosshair because everything was always moving SO FAST.
Crosshair genuinely standing there looking like he's thinking about just staying there and dying but thinking better of it when he realizes dying here means drowning specifically.
Literally they are safe for like 3 minutes tops and Crosshair plans to spend all of them complaining.
We made a choice, and so did you. Goddddd the betrayal and hurt layered in there. Just. A lot changed when Crosshair said that the chip was out and didn't bother to clarify when. And no one here knows the chip was enhanced to be even stronger. (Except maybe AZI?) Just Crosshair really feels like he admitted he totally tried to kill them under his own power.
"We need to go back" BACK TO W H E R E CROSSHAIR?
Tech's assessment that basically diagnoses Crosshair as Insanely and Incredibly Stubborn. I dub thee an unbearable bitch, but I understand you.
THIS OUTCOME IS SATISFACTORY! while they all look utterly traumatized by the experience.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET A KID CALL THE SHOTS Crosshair I swear to god. Your plan was to stand there and die so like, I think u need to ease up a bit.
Literally might be dead in a few hours but he WILL dedicate those last few hours entirely to registering numerous complaints and insulting a 12 year old. I love him.
"THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM HUNTER, YOU TAKE THINGS TOO PERSONALLY." This is single handedly the funniest line in the show no intentional humor can beat Crosshair accusing other people of taking things too personally like he doesn't take every single action utterly personally to a pathological degree.
Omega trying very very hard to bond with Crosshair who is blocking her attempts to know him with the skill of an elite goalie.
You know my headcanon is still that AZI took Crosshair's chip out to save his life and that's why Crosshair was the one to say that the droid could do it. Nothing has actively shut this down either and with AZI possibly being the only one to know Crosshair's chip was enhanced I would LOVE for this to come back up.
I understand why Omega has to be in her own tube for plot related reasons but it is SO fucking funny that Echo and Tech are doubled up and SO ARE HUNTER AND CROSSHAIR instead of Hunter being in Omega's tube.
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Our Get Along Tube
The sequence of AZI guiding the tubes is actually legit beautiful the GRACE of juggling all of them and the light of AZI's eyes in the dark
Genuinely the way they used AZI at the end of season 2 does not make up for how genuinely devastating AZI falling into the depths i- wait a fucking moment. Why is this so reminiscent of Tech's slow mo fall into the clouds?
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Omega watching someone she loves slowly fall away from her. Will she try to save Tech in some way and need to get rescued herself? Hm. Much to think about.
I feel like people do overstate the moment of everyone aiming guns at Crosshair because like it is definitely mentally traumatic to Crosshair but they absolutely had their stun on. Sometimes I see people act like they were going to kill him lol.
Everyone looking at the ruins of Tipoca City because no matter how they felt about it, it was the only home they ever had. Seeing it just utterly in ruins like that, my HEART.
God they tried to give Crosshair a chance to come with them and he's just not READY YET. Well he'll have a lot of time to think about it here on Kamino. Lots of time.
Ughhhhh this is such a heartbreaking ending I need season 3 to end on a high note because this is SO DEPRESSING.
I understand why they wanted to put the Mt Tantiss hook in at the end but godddd does it throw off the pacing, Crosshair watching them fly away is like the perfect final shot.
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ash-and-books · 6 months
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: Hockey goalies are known to be obsessive—but none more so than my ex’s brother. I just didn’t expect to be on the receiving end of his dark possessive streak. After a mortifying public break up with his older brother and teammate, Miles Whiteshaw declares me as his. That I’ve always been his, minus my year-long lapse in judgment. The only problem? I’ve sworn off of two things: Whiteshaw boys and love. But Miles will go to any length to prove that we belong together—and I’m not sure we’ll survive the fall out if he’s wrong.
He's been in love with her since he first met her... too. bad she was dating his brother... but after his brother humiliates her and dumps her, it's finally his time to make her see she chose the wrong brother. Miles has been in love with Willow since he first met her, too bad his brother Knox found out and decided to steal her from him. Yet Miles never gave up, and when Knox dumps Willow after she tells him she loves him and confesses he only went out with her as a bet to see how long it would take her to say she loves him, Miles knows it's finally time to get his girl. Willow has sworn off dating and in particular Whiteshaw boys, yet Miles won't leave her alone to her self destruction, he will do whatever it takes, whether she wants it or not, to get her to see he's the one for her and that he's always been the one for her. This is a dark hockey romance and when the author says dark, they mean it. Willow is hurting and is determined to self destruct, she's drinking, pushing people away, and just closing herself off, yet Miles knows that she just needs to wake up from what his brother did and realize that he will never leave her and that he loves her beyond everything else. This is the third book in the series and you can absolutely read this as a standalone. Were Willow and Miles definitely unhinged and toxic? Yeah, but they were perfect for each other.
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pretendicanwrite · 2 years
hi!! would you write something with the cubs early on in their relationship!! just some nice early days where they’re all cutesy and domestic and excited about each other :)
Hey! I'm working on all of the requests, and suggestions I have, so here we go. I hope you enjoy!
Finn and Leo had told Logan that they would be home, and he could just come over, but they weren't here, and he wasn't sure what to do.
Logan had a key from before Leo had even been drafted to the Lions, but now that they were officially dating, he felt awkward being in the apartment without them. He wasn't quite sure what to do, so he just sat at the dining room table, and played a game on his phone.
Under normal circumstances, when Logan was with either Finn or Leo, the two of them would either be cuddling on the couch or doing something in Finn's bedroom, while they waited for the other, but Logan couldn't do that alone in a place that didn't really feel like his.
he knew that his boys wanted him to feel at home in the apartment, but he just didn't. Dumo's house was his home, and his boys were his home, not their apartment. 
it had been about 20 minutes of Logan playing Angry Birds when finally he heard a key in the lock.
"Hey, babe, sorry I'm late. I decided to order pizza for us, and they took a little longer that expected to have it ready."
Leo stepped in, holding a bag of groceries in one hand, and had two pizza boxes balancing on the other.
Logan rushed to help him set everything down, and gave Leo a large hug when they had everything set to where it wouldn't fall over.
"Hey, baby. I missed you."
"Missed you too," Logan mumbled into Leo's shoulder.
"Finn should be home soon. Alex's flight left about 10 minutes ago, so it should only be like 15 till he's home."
Logan merely responded with an 'okay,' still clinging to his giant blond boyfriend. His arms were wrapped around Leo's neck, and he moved to wrap his legs around the goalie too.
Leo supported his weight with no problem, and slowly spun them around while leaving small kisses on Logan's head. "Don't get me wrong, I love it when you're all cuddly, but is something up Sweetheart?"
"Nothing's really wrong, it was just awkward being here without either of you. I know that it's fine, but this isn't my home. You guys are, and Dumo's family is. I'm just getting used to having another place with the people I love."
"Alright. As long as you're sure everything is alright."
Logan jumped out of Leo's arms and connected his phone to the speaker they had in the corner of the counter. he put on some modern pop love songs and jumped back into Leo's arms. They continued to spin around the kitchen, this time having music to dance and sing to.
At one point, the playlist changed to more upbeat songs that had the two boys dancing around the kitchen laughing as they did their best karaoke performances for each other.
By the time Finn got home, they were both red in the face, and laughing so hard they could barely breath, let alone greet their boyfriend.
"Well, well, well, what do I have here? Having a party without me? You should be ashamed of yourselves." Finn walked into the kitchen, playfully wagging a finger at his boys, and turned the music down for a moment. "And to think I ought you both loved me. Really, I think I'm more ashamed of myself than of you two."
Leo and Logan were both still laughing, but they calmed down to the point that they were no longer at risk of dying of oxygen deprivation.
Leo was the first to speak and moved to take Finn into his arms. "Of course, we weren't having a party without you. We were just checking to make sure that the music would be good before you got here. Wouldn't want to disappoint our boy, would we Lo?"
 "Abs-Absolutely not. We wouldn't dream of it." He turned towards the speaker, turning the music back up, and took Finn's hands in his own. he started jumping up and down, and shaking his head from side to side.
Leo took a second and leaned against the counter just watching the two loves of his life dancing and having fun, thinking about how lucky he was to find not one, but two of the people he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, while he was so young. “As much as I’m enjoying this beautiful site, I did buy pizza for us, and I think we should probably eat it before we completely forget about it.”
The three got to work, Finn getting the plates and napkins set up, Logan grabbing them all drinks, and Leo cutting the two pizzas.
As they sat down to eat, Leo brought up the topic of Logan being here alone. “I’m sorry again I was late. I honestly didn’t expect the pizza place to take 40 minutes to get our dinner prepared. I wouldn’t have gotten it if I had known.”
“Yeah. As much as I love you two, please don’t ever leave me here alone again. I literally sat at the table playing angry birds for twenty minutes while I waited for you.”
“I’m sorry babe, but Angry Birds? Seriously that’s the game you chose? Why not like bit life or trivia crack? You chose Angry Birds. I bet you play with the sound all the way up too, don’t you?” Finn shook his head in mock disappointment, staring at his brown-haired boy. “I cannot even fathom how one could play such a dull, boring game. At the very least, you could have put good use to your Harvard degree and done something at least a little more thought-provoking.”
Logan gasped and dramatically brought his hand up to his chest. “Is the English major, who plays professional ice hockey, telling me to put my degree to good use? What do you even use yours for? Reading the promotion deals you get offered? And for your information, I am not such a heathen that I would play with the sound all of the way up. It’s only like 75% of the way up. So ha! Take that Harzy.”
They all broke down laughing and finished their dinner before cleaning up.
When they all settled onto the couch about 5 minutes later, with bowls of ice cream, it was easy to forget why Logan was ever anxious to be here alone before.
“Hey, Finn?” Logan asked, gently placing his head on Finn’s shoulder while looking up at him.
Without responding, Logan took his spoon and stole a spoonful of Finn’s chocolate ice cream before jumping up and throwing himself on the other side of Leo, using him as a human shield.
Finn gasped, setting his bowl down on the coffee table in front of them. “Betrayed! Betrayed by my love. However will I overcome a fate as dreadful as this one? Leo, how will I continue knowing that my beloved has so painfully stabbed me in the back? Blindsided me! I can’t continue. I can’t!” Finn barely got through his dramatics before he toppled to the floor, laughing as he tried to catch his breath. “Leave me here Leo. Leave me to die the slow and painful death one Logan Tremblay has cast upon me. It is a fate I have only earned for myself, allowing me to be so near to him. I am weak, for I am ailed with my love for him. I wish for him to know that I loved him to the last moment, even if he plays Angry Birds with the sound actually on.”
“You know, speaking as the only one here who didn’t go to Harvard, or even college at all, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that they didn’t have Angry Birds in whatever time period you're pretending we’re in. I feel the only thing missing here is some thee’s and shant’s, and maybe, it would be a bit more believable.”
Finn stood, and straddle Leo’s lap, alternating between eye contact with both of his boys. “I love you two.”
“We love you too Harzy.”
“Yeah, to the moon and back.” Leo placed a kiss on Harzy’s cheek, dangerously close to his lips to really drive home his point. “To the stars baby. To the stars.”
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grittyreadsfic · 2 years
i'd been idly following the devs the past season, mostly through tumblr and the occasional game but not really any sustained attention - however i watched a couple games this season already, including last night's, and the vibe seems almost electric with the team. like the energy is so high and they just do not quit. i was wondering what you (or devs fans generally) might attribute to this change? if there has been one? it's very likely i just didn't watch enough games last year to really get a feel for the devs game play and as a cohesive team on ice, but something just feels different this year. am i a delusional bandwagoner or did the devs really switch things up this year? (also vitek vaněček, beloved...he was insane last night, has he been that solid all year?)
i think there’s a lot of things that go into it, but it really feels like one of them is that they’re just *tired* of being a bad team. they’re tired of losing and of falling apart and they’re all kind of in that mentality now, you know? last season i think we saw glimpses of this but nico was coming back from almost a full year of no play, a lot of our vets were gone, and our physicality (name nate and miles) were missing for part or all of the season.
also like. our defense really has shifted in the last two years with the additions of dougie, siegs, and marino. that makes a really big difference, because i think our shots against right now are like. 24.6? and it’s been hovering closer to 21/22. goaltending’s been an issue for years but if you’re goalie can manage an .850 or higher with 21 shots against, that’s 2 goals and we have the offense power and control to do that (i think we’ve hit 37 sog in all but three games this season so far?) and a lot of this is just our team getting older! i think all but 3 of our current guys were drafted 2017 or later and jesper and miles are 2016 and 2014 respectively. they made a lot of dumb mistakes because they were young and inexperienced and there was no consistency for them to fall back on
also our pp1 is like, what? nico jesper jack dougie and nate? nico and jack have barely been able to play together (jack’s rookie season cut short, nico injured basically all of his sophomore season, and then jack was out essentially the first two months) so a lot of the improvement on the power play is just them finding their chemistry (also recchi leaving fuck that dude all my homies hate recchi)
vitek 💖💖💖 absolutely love that dude he was INSANE last night!! i splurged on a nice ticket for myself and was basically right behind him and it truly felt like something magic to watch. he had a bit of a rough start (home opener against detroit…..rough night tbh!) but he’s been a really really great addition this season. i’m so fond of him already
and all this is to say: genuinely idk why we’re doing this well. i think i hoped and expected us to be middle of the league flighting for a wild card spot this season, and idk if we’ll keep up what we’ve been doing but there’s been such a shift in play and energy and attitude and it’s so so so exciting to watch
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tapejob · 1 year
absolutely adored seeing the breakdown of the linguistics survey!! when you mentioned the goaltender thing it got me thinking about which sports I played that actually used it. I did not play hockey growing up, but I did play ringette which has a lot of overlap in terms and we definitely used goaltender there. but when I played soccer we rarely used goaltender unless the person speaking played hockey or ringette. it was usually goalie. one of my close friends was a soccer goalie growing up and we always used goalie for her, never goaltender, whereas my friend's sister who played goalie in ringette was occasionally referred to as goaltender, though not super often.
my personal opinion on goaltender is that it's more of the professional/official term. like even though I grew up with the term being used it was mostly in more serious settings then in general conversation. some of the other alternatives were less variations of goaltender and more variations of physical positioning. like "who's in net, who's in goal" that kind of thing. and those alternatives crossed over to soccer for me.
it's not a subject I ever gave much thought to but I thought it was interesting to see. seeing slang use in general was really interesting too! because some of them just sound so wrong to me because I grew up in a little bubble of the same players for over a decade. all of us always used the same language and so some of the slang is really jarring!
but yeah, loved the survey and the analysis!!
oh my gosh, thank youu 🥺 and oohh that's super interesting. i've never played or watched ringette, but i can definitely see where that overlap falls in, that's really cool! and i do agree -- it's weird because goaltender does seem to be the professional term (similar to goalkeeper and the other full titles, and i've never said goalkeeper in my life i think shdghsdg), but for some reason i always say the full thing when i'm referencing hockey.
also the alternatives you brought up got me thinking -- funny how vocab like goalkeeper, goaltender, netminder (someone who is the keeper of the goal, someone who tends the goal, someone who minds the net, etc) are made so lovingly in general. instead of picking something with more neutral or severe connotations (like, warden? or smth idk) their role seems more parental/loving. they are here to nurture the net and keep her safe. i'm not really sure where i was going with this thought but it's cute for me
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myfavoritecoloris · 4 years
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katelynnwrites · 3 years
pairing: Jill Roord x f!Reader
warnings: angst but with a fluffy ending
word count: 889
summary: prompt #16 ‘I can’t do this anymore!’ ‘I’m sorry but I can’t.’ with arsenal and USWNT reader who breaks up with jill because she’s afraid to get her heart broken
a/n: requested by @oneofourown-awfc, i couldn’t quite get all the details of your request but i tried my best so i hope you like it
She Means The World
‘Look Jill I can’t deal with the distance. You’re going to be in Germany and I’ll be here…’ You begin.
The Dutch girl shakes her head, ‘Please liefde. We can make this work-’
‘I can’t Jill. I’m sorry but I can’t.’
Tears fill her eyes and your heart breaks a little more but you resist the temptation to pull her into your arms and apologise, taking back your earlier words.
Stepping away from a devastated Jill, you quickly walk out the door, leaving her alone with her half packed boxes.
It hurt to be apart from Jill and it hurt even more knowing that you could no longer call her yours but it had to be done. Distance was something you found nearly impossible to deal with and you were sure that you would fall even more in love with her if you had let the relationship go on. You had to protect yourself from the potential heartbreak.
Being in the same country as her for the first time in months gave you mixed feelings. Part of you wanted to run away but the other part of you wanted to see her. You couldn’t trust yourself to do that though because you weren’t convinced you could stop yourself from running to her and begging for her forgiveness if you so much as caught a glimpse of her.
Fate had other plans and you soon found yourself riddled with anxiety once it had been decided that the USWNT would be playing against the Netherlands for the quarterfinals.
The moment you walked onto the pitch and her hazel eyes met yours, you stumbled.
She swallowed hard and looked away immediately as Sonnett nudged you forward.
‘Get it together! We’ve got a game to win.’ She hissed.
Had you not kept your eyes firmly on the ground, you would have seen that she looked back at you, eyes tracking your every movement.
You had stayed as far away as you could during the game, succeeding in avoiding her until she was subbed off. Honestly you were glad because it meant that you could better focus on defending against your Arsenal teammate, Vivianne Miedema who you knew was absolutely lethal on the pitch.
It didn’t surprise you that the match went on into PK shootout because you were well aware of how good the Dutchies were. As Viv walked up to take the first penalty kick, you squeezed Rose’s hand tightly, praying that Alyssa would save it. The goalie looked wholly unbothered, clapping her gloved hands in anticipation.
When Viv failed to get her kick in, your heart beat a little faster because you and your teammates knew the semifinals were now within reach. When Alyssa saved Anieke’s kick you felt your heart lighten. You were going to the semifinals. It meant the world to you to make the Olympic roster and it had been your dream since you were little to win an Olympic medal.
And now as you walked up to take the last penalty kick for your team you realized that every step was bringing you closer to achieving that dream.
Taking in a deep breath, you lined up your shot before feinting left and kicking the ball hard. The ball sailed cleanly into the top corner despite Sari’s efforts and you heard your teammates explode into shouts of joy behind you.
You did it. You were going to the semifinals and Jill…
Turning around, you were just in time to watch her face crumple as she stood on the sidelines.
Mal excitedly jumped on your back, screaming something in your ear but all you could think about was the girl who was rapidly losing the battle with her tears.
Shrugging Mal off, you ran past your celebrating teammates, straight towards Jill.
She seemed almost lost, standing alone while the other Dutchies broke down around her.
Instinctively pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, you wrap your arms tight around her as a heaving sob escapes her.
‘I’m sorry. God Jill I am so sorry.’ She flinches and you make to let go because why would she want you to comfort her but she buries her head in your shoulder, arms wrapping tightly around your neck.
‘Don’t go. Please don’t go.’ Jill cries and mentally you curse yourself. How could you possibly have broken up with her? She was kind and good and no one could ever replace her in your life. Fuck you were such an idiot to have walked away from her.
‘I won’t. Never again schatje.’ She cries even harder and you find yourself tearing up.
‘I’m sorry.’ You say again. You were sorry. Sorry you had hurt her. Sorry that she now had to go home with shattered dreams and no medal. Sorry that your team had defeated hers for the second time.
You stroke her sweaty hair back, eventually sinking down onto the grass and letting her cry it out in your lap. Her fingers twisted in your jersey, gripping you like you were her lifeline.
Your teammates are still celebrating the win but you can’t bring yourself to care because it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that it meant the world to you to play for your country because Jill is your world. She is everything to you and nothing could come close.
Dutch Translation:
liefde - love
schatje- little treasure
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Cutie Pie (Christen x Reader)
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Request: christen x reader one? Maybe where the reader has a child (1-2 years old) and the Team doesn't know. Reader and her child are at a game right behind the bench and the kid accidentally drops his paci down to the bench and the teammates there interact with them without knowing that it's christens girl? Reader also is really tall and fit and a tomboy!
“Alright half-pint, you ready for this?” You asked the little girl in your arms, bouncing her just a touch as you stepped through the stadium gates. 
“Yeah, Mama!!!” She cheered around her pacifier, staring around the stadium in awe and wiggling excitedly. 
You were happy that she loved coming to games so much, as they were kinda a big part of your life. You weren’t quite sure what you would do if she didn’t. She was your soul and a certain soccer player had your heart, and you were glad that you didn’t have to choose between the two. 
You smiled indulgently down at her and kissed her slightly chubby cheeks. “I’m glad baby,” 
She wiggled again, her little bounces getting more and more wild with every step you took in the stadium. You hadn’t really planned on having Riley, but now you couldn’t imagine your life without her and her wonder at everything around the two of you.
“Chris?” She asked as you passed a giant poster of the national team, pointing towards where your favorite forward’s blinding smile was blown up 100 times its normal size. 
You would be forever grateful for how amazing your girlfriend was with your daughter. 
She came into your life nearly a year and a half ago, and you had been extremely reluctant to introduce her to your 6 month old (You didn’t want either of them to get attached before you knew it would work out), but Christen took the role of parent very seriously. She treated your little girl like she was her own, and the two had an unbearable bond. You knew that even if things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, Riley would always have a friend in the forward. 
“You bet. I’m sure she’s super excited to see you!” You said, glancing down at your ticket to and looking for the right section, navigating through the crowd without issue (something you were used to considering how private you and Chris were about your relationship, the only person on the team who knew about you was Tobin). 
“She score?” Riley questioned, her pacifier bobbing adorably in her mouth and her little eyebrows furrowing. 
“I’m sure she will, just for you kiddo,” You smiled, blowing a raspberry into the little girl's neck, and earning a giggle. “Now, do you think you can help me count the rows so we can get to our seats?” You asked as you passed under the sign with your section number and the pitch came into view. 
Riley nodded, puffing her little chest up. She may only be 2, but you and Christen had been working hard on her colors and numbers. She still needed help, but she was super smart for her age. 
“Alrighty then baby, let’s go,” 
The team wasn’t usually this distracted. They were a group of highly competitive women who were at the top of their game, which meant that they could usually block out all of the noise from the stadium, even if it was just warmup. However, the cutest kid they had ever seen was sitting just behind the bench, being held by a very attractive lady. 
“Oh my gosh, have you seen the little girl?” Kelley asked, slinging an arm around Christen and Tobin’s shoulders, nodding towards the toddler in the stands. 
A gooey smile (something that didn’t go unnoticed by Tobin) broke across Christen’s face the second she saw her two favorite people. She noted how you had dressed the little one in the jersey she had gotten her for Christmas, a bold 23 visible every time she flashed her back towards the field. There was just something about having a part of herself visible (something tangible) on the girl she thought of as a daughter. “Yes, she’s absolutely adorable in that jersey,” 
She wiggled her fingers at the little girl who squealed excitedly and waved back. Her mom wrapped a protective arm around her belly to prevent her from accidentally wiggling under the guardrail. 
“Too bad it’s got Press’ number on it” Megan laughed, wrapping her arm around Christen’s other side, nudging the woman’s ribs. Christen rolled her eyes and shot the little girl another little wave, giggling when she bounced wildly in her mother’s arms (Christen might have also greatly appreciated the way the girl's reaction forced you to flex to prevent her from falling). 
“And her mom doesn’t look too bad either,” Ashlyn added, wiggling her eyebrows. 
The woman behind the little girl was tall, and the black ink that swirled up her arms only served to make her muscles more visible (Christen would call her drool-worthy after she finally told the team she was dating her). 
“You’re married, remember?” Ali grumbled, slapping her wife in the stomach. 
“Yeah, but If I wasn’t…” Ashlyn shrugged, cackling when Ali hit her harder. Christen frowned, suppressing a sneer. You were hers, even if the team didn’t know yet. 
Tobin smirked, gently grabbing her training outfit to prevent her from moving forward. “Come on, you can go flirt later. We have to get changed for the game,” She laughed towards Ashlyn, subtly pulling Christen towards the tunnel. 
The rest of the group laughed and followed after them. There would be plenty of time to say hi to the small child later after they had won. 
The forwards still sent another small wave towards the toddler clearly frowning now that her favorite person was walking away (she also may have winked your way just for kicks). 
You could tell that Riley was having a blast. Her little hands wrapped around the bars of the railing so she could be as close to the action as possible. She waved to every player as they passed her (no matter how many times they did) and giggled exuberantly every time they waved back. 
It seemed that the team on the bench was far more interested in making your little girl laugh than watching the game (and you could only imagine how it would be when they finally realized that one of their teammates was basically her second mom). 
“Babe, you gotta stay a little away from the edge alright?” You said softly, tapping her shoulder when her little head went just a little too far through the bars. 
She definitely had your tendency to get in over her head. She ignored you, too enamored by Christen darting down the field, and shooting the ball. It sailed right past the goalie’s hands and before you could grab your little one she was leaping up and down, head still through the bars screaming “Goal!!” as loud as she could around the pacifier. But her enthusiasm caused the small object to fall out of her mouth.
“Uh oh,” Riley said, turning to you, her bottom lip trembling. 
You scooped her up, and she immediately nuzzled into your neck. “It’s ok babydoll,” you murmured into her hair, bouncing her and looking over the railing.
You leaned over the side, only to see one Kelley O’Hara holding your daughter's pacifier and rubbing her head. “Lose something?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow up at you. 
“Sorry, she got a little excited,” You said blushing a little bit. A little smirk graced Kelley’s lips you looked absolutely adorable with some red in your cheeks and paired with the backward cap it made you practically irresistible. 
“Don’t we all when Pressy scores a goal?” Megan winked up at you, wiggling her fingers at your little girl when she peeked up from your shoulder. 
“That’s fair, but she’s a very big fan,” You smiled, bouncing the little girl in your arms and blowing a raspberry just under her chin. 
“Well in that case, why don’t you two come down on the field? You know, so we can return this?” Ashlyn asked, grabbing the pacifier out of Kelley’s hand and jingling it a little. 
“What do you think babydoll?” You whispered into your daughter’s ear, as she was suddenly too shy to look at the soccer players who she had been interacting with not even minutes ago. 
“Wanna go,” she mumbled into your neck, just loud enough for the girls on the ground to hear. Kelley smiled wildly. “Well, little miss speaks after all!”
“Come to the stairs and we’ll get security to let you down. The games about to be over anyway,” Megan said, pointing towards where a little stairway was located. 
You nodded and headed in that direction, unaware of Christen’s furrowed eyebrows on the field. 
“Oh my gosh, that kid is freaking adorable,” Alex said, trotting up beside Christen just as the final whistle blew. Christen turned towards where Alex was looking, awing at the sight before her. 
Riley was shyly standing behind you, clutching the back of your tank top so tightly that it was pulling down the collar (simultaneously showing off some of the swirling lines she knew spread across the skin of your shoulders). 
She would peek out to get a glance at one of the soccer players vying for her attention, and then tuck back into you the second she realized they were looking at her. 
“Isn’t she?” Christen smiled so wide her cheeks hurt. She might not be biologically related to your daughter, but she was 100% her other mom. She loved that little girl so much it hurt  (even when her pigtails were crooked- you were great at a lot of things but hair certainly wasn’t one). 
“Your gooey is showing,” Tobin said, nudging the forward. Christen opened her mouth to respond but was cut of by a very excited squeal. 
“Chris!!!” It yelled, just before a little body collided with the forward’s legs. She quickly bent down to lift the little girl up, throwing her in the air before allowing her to settle on her hip. “Missed you,”
“I missed you too babydoll,” Christen said into your daughter’s hair, holding her tight. She absolutely loved her job, but one major downside was that she couldn’t take you and Riley with her all of the time. At least she had Tobin to keep her up to date most of the time since you lived in Portland, but there was absolutely nothing like holding her two favorite people in person. 
“You better at hair and clothes,” Riley mumbled into her neck, pulling back just a bit to wave her hand around her head. You tried. You really did, but there was a reason you always kept your hair short. You weren’t into bows and frilly things, but your little girl absolutely loved them. So you did your best and were very grateful that Christen was so good with that kind of stuff. 
Christen threw her head back and laughed “I know baby,”. She rubbed Riley’s belly “Did you enjoy the game?” 
“Yeah, you score goal for me and mama,” Riley cheered and kicked her leg as if recreating the goal. Christen laughed again and began walking in your direction. “That’s right. I scored just for my favorite girls,” 
“Hey I scored too you know, and I want some baby bear hugs,” Tobin said, appearing over Christen’s shoulder. 
Riley wiggled wildly in Christen’s arms, practically throwing herself at her favorite aunt. “Aunt Toby!!” She yelled as Tobin dramatically spun her in circles. 
Christen watched the two with a wide smile, only looking away when she felt a presence beside her. 
“Hey superstar, you looked amazing out there,” your smile was evident in your voice as you wrapped your arms around Christen’s waist from behind, kissing her ear and resting your head on her shoulder. 
She signed happily and leaned back into you for a second, before spinning in your arms. “Hey darling,” she said, leaning up and placing a kiss on your lips. 
“Wait, you know Christen?” A voice appeared very close to you, and you reluctantly pulled away from your girlfriend to look at one Kelley o’hara’s wide eyes. 
“Well she’s my girlfriend, so yeah,” Christen shrugged, leaning up to kiss you again. 
You hear Kelley and several other team members sputter, but you were far too preoccupied to actually care. That was until a little voice joined the mix. 
You pulled away when you heard little feet approaching you, squatting down to catch your very excited little girl. You stood with her in your arms, unable to stop you smile when Christen wrapped her arms around the two of you. 
“Yes baby?” Christen asked, running a hand down your daughters back to try and settle her excited wiggiling just a little. 
“Mama, mommy, we go eat with aunt Toby?” Riley asked. And Christen’s sent her an indulgent smile blinking back tears (you were happy that Tobin was so accepting and great with your babygirl). Sure Christen might not have been biologically related to her, but Riley was 100% hers.
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [1] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: Eventual smut, A/B/O dynamics, cheating, age gap, Negan
A/N: yay first fic! this will have four parts! i hope everyone enjoys. this is an au where the apocalypse never happened. 3.2k words
I squinted as I stepped out into the bright Virginian sun. People swarmed all around me, creating the steady hum of airport ambience that I had grown accustomed to over the years. I had just gotten off a four-hour flight home from college and all I wanted to do was shower and curl up in bed. But I couldn't. Oh, no. First I had to endure a fun thirty-minute car ride with my best friend since second grade. I scanned the curb in front of me for her small black car and caught sight of a tall woman waving at me. I grinned and walked forward, tugging along my baggage behind me.
"Ugh, it's so good to see you, Bee." I sighed as I enveloped my friend into a large hug. She let out a laugh and swayed us gently.
"It's good to see you, too," She hummed, rustling my hair "I forgot how short you were." Bee was an alpha; tall, muscular, and very quick to remind me of our differences. Of course, it was in a 'joking with love' kind of way. I was an omega; small, rounded, and very quick to punch her gently in the abdomen.
"I forgot how much of a jerk you are." I quipped, huffing and wheeling my bag to her trunk.
"Oh, come on, babes, don't be like that," Bee laughed, opening the driver side door and waiting for me to walk back to my side. "Now get in, we've got a lot of catching up to do."
"How are your heats going?"
"Jesus, that's what you want to start with?" I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Bee shrugged.
"We don't have to if you don't want to," She clarified, turning out onto the street "I'm just saying, I know they've gotten pretty bad as we've gotten older. Did you try out those tips I sent you?"
"Yea, I did," I said quietly, looking at the trees rushing by on the side of the highway "They worked for a while but..."
"But you need an alpha," Bee sighed, finishing the sentence for me.
"That's the plan for this summer," I agreed "Might finally settle down."
"You know, I'm always here if you need me." She said with a wink. I scoffed at her.
"I'm not that desperate," I laughed, shoving her lightly "Not yet, at least."
"Anyone take your interest back in Colorado?"
"Not really," I hummed, tilting my head in consideration. "There was this one guy. We dated for a few months but towards the end he became a total knot-head. He couldn't keep his hands off me. I thought it was cute at first, but after I started to miss a few classes...well, that shit got old pretty quickly." Bee made a disgusted noise.
"Ugh, men," She grunted, wrinkling her nose "I'm glad I never went through that phase. I'm perfectly happy with chicks, thank you very much. Much less of a pain in my ass."
"Oh, they're not so bad," I smirked "I think it's just alphas in general." She glared at me momentarily and I stuck my tongue out at her. We drove in a comfortable silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company. That was always something I loved about Bee. We never had to fill every second with chatter, we could just exist together in the same space and be just as content. She started to hum along to the song that buzzed softly from the radio and my eyes tracked a hawk. Soon enough, we reached our exit and Bee turned the car onto a smaller road, starting the countdown to my arrival home.
"Are you excited to see your dad?" Bee asked, killing the silence.
"Yea, I am," I smiled. We hadn't always had the best of relationships, but the distance that college gave had done wonders for us. A few texts and calls had worked perfectly for us. When he invited me to stay a few weeks during summer I gladly accepted. I wanted to see just how well our relationship had strengthened. Plus I knew he really needed someone.
"How's he doing?" There was genuine concern in Bee's voice. A few months ago, my mom had revealed that she had been having an affair with one of dad's work buddies. She left with him and took my brother down to Georgia.
"I think he's okay. But you know dad, he's not really an emotions guy. He was starting to get some closure but then the divorce papers came in the mail. That really hurt him," I told her, twisting a strand of my hair around my finger. "I just don't know how Lori could do that to him, you know? She won't even let Carl up to visit. The new baby's cute, though. Looks just like Shane." Bee hummed in acknowledgement.
"Well, tell him I said hi, alright?"
"Will do." A few more seconds of silence passed. Until we stopped at a light. Bee looked up and spotted a billboard that sported a very familiar, very handsome face.
"Holy shit!" Bee shrieked, slapping my arm.
"Ow, what the hell?" I hissed, grabbing my shoulder. She pointed frantically at the sign.
"That guy! Isn't that, shit- the hell's his name?" Pulling my eyes from my lap, I let them settle on the object of her excitement. All of the color drained from my face. It was an add for a law firm. There was an old geezer posing proudly on the left, and to his right, was the man who haunted my wet dreams for the majority of high school.
"Negan." I gulped.
"Yea, your dad's hot friend you never shut up about." Bee groaned, pressing on the gas and moving us away from the sign. Negan was a lawyer/make-shift-law-professor and baseball coach at the local community college. He had a sort-of contract with my dad's department. Many times I had come home after school to the two of them puzzling out a case on the kitchen table. Negan was an alpha of alphas, something that got my little omega heart (and other things) pumping until I couldn't breath. His humor and dominating persona made me blush a deep crimson color any time I saw him. Sometimes I would spend hours sitting on the stairs just listening to him talk to my dad. His voice was something else. I had gushed to Bee about him countless times during our times at high school. But I hadn't seen him since my graduation party.
"I wonder if you'll see him again," Bee teased, nudging me again to pull me out of my trance of memories. Then, she did a dramatic gasp. "What if he's your mate?" It was my turn to slap her in the shoulder.
"He's older than my dad!" I squealed, burying my now-blushing cheeks in my hands.
"You're an adult I don't think it matters."
"I think he's engaged."
"Just 'cause there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't scoooore." Bee pulled a face at me and I returned her grimace.
"Whatever, you're lucky we're almost at my house." I huffed, falling back into my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.
"Oh, yea, omega? What are you gonna do?" I rolled my eyes as she laughed off my grumpiness. We rolled to a stop in front of my driveway and a leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks so much, Bee, I really appreciate you," I grinned, popping open the door.
"No problem, babes," She winked, unlocking the trunk "But I swear to the gods, you better fucking call me and give me updates on everything, especially if you run into Mr. Hotcakes." I rolled my eyes once more and promised her I would before closing the door. I retrieved my bag and gave her a wave as she drove down the street. When she was out of view, I took a deep breath and turned around, walking up the driveway to the front door.
I knocked heavily on the dark oak door. While I waited for someone to answer, I decided to look around at the home I had left behind about a year ago. My childhood home had changed now and then over the years, but there were still some iconic pieces of memories in the front yard that could never be forgotten. My personal favorite was Eddie the garden gnome. He was a standard gnome: small and stout with a large white beard that led into a pointy red hat. His eyes were shut and his mouth was curved into a smile. However, he was missing a nose. I grinned as I recalled the unfortunate mishap that caused Eddie to become deformed. I was about twelve, and carl was five. He had gotten a kid's baseball from Negan for his birthday and had begged me to teach him how to play, since I was on the local softball team at the time. I relented and set it up in the front yard. Eddie was our outfielder. Eddie didn't have a mitt. Well, he did, but it was his face. Carl absolutely smashed the first pitch I tossed at him and hit poor Eddie right in the face, shattering his round, pink nose into pieces. Carl bursted into tears and I had to promise him that he did not in fact kill our precious protector of our house. Lori ran out frantically and comforted her son before giving me a thorough chewing out for damaging Eddie. We never used the set again. That she knew of, anyways. Negan always let us play in his yard, though. I smiled at the memory, but the clicking of the lock to the door pulled me from my train of thought. The door swung open and I was met with the smiling face of my father.
"Sweetie, I'm so glad you made it!" He laughed, pulling me in swiftly and squeezing me tight.
"It's good to see you too, dad." I croaked, letting out a small chuckle. I tapped on his shoulder as a signal for him to let go.
"How was the flight?" He asked as he stepped out to grab my bag. I told him it was good but that the screaming kids had given me a bit of a headache. He gave a small laugh and gestured for me to enter. I thanked him and he rolled my bag in behind me. We exchanged a few words but as soon as I walked through the kitchen into the doorway of the living room I was hit by a wall. Not literally, no, but rather a wall of overwhelming scent. It was a delicious swirl of campfire and whiskey, with a hint of cigarettes and leather. I paused for a moment, my eyes forced closed and my lungs taking a deep breath of the intoxicating air. Colors danced across my eyelids. My whole body was flooded with warmth and my toes tingled. I felt safe and calm, and there was something else; something deep within my stomach that I couldn't quite identify, something I never felt before. My eyes snapped open when I felt my father's hand rest firmly on my shoulder.
"I hope you don't mind, sweetie, but I invited company over while I was waiting for you to arrive," He smiled at me. I got a good look at him then. He looked the same, his hair was a bit longer, a bit greyer. But his eyes were different. They were darker, rounder, rawer. I gave a soft smile and told him it was fine. He guided me into the living room. It was then I realized where that deadly smell was coming from. Or, rather, who it was coming from. "Negan, you remember my girl." In that moment, I held my breath as I scanned Negan. He looked fucking amazing, just as he always had. Perfect dimples guarding a charming smile, all surrounded by a gorgeous salt and pepper beard. His hair was longer than it was when I had left, not slicked back, but it still framed his face perfectly. Negan's body was draped casually over the sectional couch, legs crossed at the ankle on the ottoman. His arms were on the top of the couch and his wrists were dangling. He knew he was hot. That bastard. I suddenly became aware of his eyes raking over my form and I shifted from one foot to the other.
"'course I do, Rick," Negan said, voice silky and deep. I couldn't help but let a small shudder run down my spine. All I wanted to do was kneel down in front of him and curl up at his feet. I forced my inner omega down, shaking the thought from my head. "How could I forget the little slugger?" I cringed inside at the nickname. Especially the use of the word 'little'. I begged that he didn't still see me as the kid down the street. Instead as a grown woman. A grown omega.
"Hi, Negan." I greeted with a small smile, swallowing to relieve my dry throat. Now that I was next to him, his scent was clogging all my senses. I gripped onto the couch and lowered myself onto the cushion, hoping to ground myself. It helped, just barely. My heart was pounding, my instincts telling me to submit to this man in front of me. Why, though? Why now? He had never smelled this good before. No alpha had. Was I getting close to my heat? I did have a stomach ache, but that could be from Negan alone.
"Hey, sweetheart. How's college goin'?" Negan asked, sipping on his drink. He kept eye contact with me the whole time. Rick handed me a glass of soda and I thanked him.
"It's good!" I said after taking a sip, thankful for the hydration in my coarse throat "Towards the end it got a little hectic, but I was able to stay on top of everything, thankfully."
"You're studying film, right?" He asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.
"That's right," I grinned, crossing my legs to relieve some of the pressure the movement caused to build up in my lower abdomen "You still teaching law?" This caused him to chuckle. Literally music to my ear.
"If that's what you want to fuckin' call it." Negan sighed, falling back to his original position, hands resting in his lap "I talk, the kids kinda listen. I just do it for the coaching job, really. You remember how much I love that damn sport, right?"
"Baseball?" I asked, raising a brow "You mean the only thing you talked about at all of the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners you were invited to?"
"Touché." Negan grinned. Goddamn that smile. Butterflies erupted in my chest, beating hard against my ribcage, begging to throw myself at his chest and bury myself in him. Rick cleared his throat and smiled at me to get my attention.
"I want to know more about your college experience!" He beamed, rubbing a hand through his beard "Any special alphas you've got your eyes on?" I heard Negan choke slightly on his whiskey. A small bubble of pride rose in my chest. I laughed at his words.
"Dad, I don't think Negan wants to hear about my love life."
"Shit, doll, I don't mind," He grumbled "I don't get to hear any drama now-a-days"
"What do you mean?" I giggled, tilting my head "You argue for a living. Your job is to literally deal with drama."
"Yea, but that's complex drama," He growled, waving his hand dismissively "I wanna hear simple, schoolgirl 'he loves me, he loves me not' kind of bullshit."
"Well sorry to disappoint," I snorted, running a hand through my hair "but no, there's no one I have an eye on." Dad's smile turned into a frown.
"Shame." I heard Negan whisper. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear it. It was quiet, barely above his breath, and he said it while twirling his whiskey, following the words with a large gulp.
"You really should start looking, dear." Dad said with a sigh "You know it only gets harder as you get older."
"Dad please, I don't..." I cut him off "Listen, I appreciate you trying to understand this stuff, I really do, but I don't really want to talk about it with my father." He looked at me with an understanding smile.
"Sure," He nodded "But if you ever need anything, anything at all, you just let me know, alright." I nodded.
"Well, this sure has been fun, Ricky-boy," Negan grinned, getting to his feet and stretching his arms far above his head. "We do have that big court case in the mornin', though, and I need my shut-eye."
"Big case, eh?" I asked, rising from my seat as well. Dad nodded and excitement sparked in his eyes.
"You should come! It's an open court and I would love for you to see what I do. I know you always wanted to as a kid, but your mom made you wait until you were older. Well, now's the perfect time!" He rambled, grasping my shoulders.
"W-Well, I dunno, I don't want to be a distraction," I stumbled, taken aback by my father's display of enthusiasm. I turned to Negan, as if asking for permission. He just laughed.
"Oh-o, doll, I don't get distracted. Not in there, not anywhere. Don't you worry about a goddamn thing. You should come, Rick seems like he really wants you to."
"Okay, then," I grinned, nodding in commitment "I'll see you there in the morning then." I looked up to Negan and we locked eyes for a brief moment. But in that moment, something within me quivered. He brushed up against me and smirked down at me.
"See you tomorrow, sweetheart. It was nice to see you. You're lookin' great." It took all my willpower not to let out a whimper as he walked past me, taking his glorious scent with him.
My dad said that he should also get some rest, but that I could stay up as long as I wanted to. I was pretty wiped from my flight so I opted to follow him up the narrow staircase, tugging my bag behind me. I hugged him goodnight and stepped into my room. It hadn't been touched since I left last summer. The forest green bedspread was still perfectly tucked into the mattress and two plump pillows were perched at the head of the bed. My muscles ached for the soft release of sleep. I put my suitcase down by my dresser, taking a moment to smile at some old photos of me and Bee as kids. I showered and brushed my teeth before getting into the comfortable bed. I looked up at the ceiling and giggled softly at the glow-in-the-dark stars shining overhead. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, but for some reason, all of my dreams were plagued by the sweet smell, sound, sight, feeling, and taste of Negan.
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
“Please don’t go” with Freddie Andersen 🥺
"Please don't go" - Frederik Andersen
Words: 3.6k+
Warnings: A lot of crying from both Y/N and Freddie. Break up. Mentions of long distance relationships.
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It was a tough decision to end your relationship with Freddie.
You two had dated for a few months, after being extremely good friends for years. The whole relationship was a quite sudden decision, but right as it started, it felt so right that you felt stupid for not admitting your feelings sooner.
You feel like it’s fair to say that everything, absolutely everything, was just pure perfection when you were together. And that is why what you two shared will always be kept in your hearts:
All the smiles, all the laughter, all the hugs, all the kisses. The way one would always support the other on whatever decision. Or the way you two believed in one another, no matter what. 
There was just nothing bad about it. There were no arguments. If anything there was just disagreements, which if they did escalate, you two would fix it or just calm down in the same breath. 
Ending it, even though expected, was as painful as anything can possibly be. Both of you cried, constantly itching to comfort one other, feeling as helpless like never before.
You two sat opposites on your couch. Freddie looked at the ground, elbows over his knees as he listened to you, and you stared at a wall to contain your tears. Yet as soon as the first one escaped, you were done for.
Sobs in the middle of sentences, almost as if your heart was pleading your brain to stop you from putting an end to it. To what made you happy. 
An imaginary weight, which would always be lifted off when together, had now set over the two of you again. As well as the cold of familiar loneliness, and the horrible pain of heartbreak.
But it was for the best... right?
You got a huge offer for your job, some kind of promotion, which consisted of you moving to America.
It has been so many years since you started calling the Toronto streets your home, that you just know that this change will be unfamiliar and hard, yet the outcome always seems worth it. 
In your eyes, there’s absolutely no way for you to refuse it.
But for you to have it, you have to lose a lot too since work never makes it easy for anyone to take days off. Especially if those few days are to be in another country. Canada, in your case.
And sure, you had holidays and a week or two offered to you as some sort of vacation in a whole year of work. But not enough for you to try and leave everything behind you intact and act as if it will stay like that while you're away.
Whether you like it or not, strong friendships will become weak, the constant communication with your family will not even seem like half of what it used to be, and when it comes to relationships, trust will be tested. And god, even if you trust someone with your life, nothing can stop your brain from thinking of all awful possibilities. As well as your heart from hurting due to missing them so much.
Long-distance relationships are painful and you do not want to go through them. You would prefer to let the love of your life live his life with someone else, then let them wait for you for only God knows how much time.
That decision is the opposite way of looking at life selfishly. You prefer to go through an immense amount of pain if that means that the ones you love will be happy. Something Freddie always loved about you and sometimes would bring it up in conversations.
He also wouldn't let you refuse such an offer and you know it. The opportunity of you going after your dream was more important to him than anything, because it is your dream. He just didn't really know what would come with it.
He didn't know how much he would cry, how much he wouldn't want to open his eyes in the morning to see an empty bed, how much he would come to hate the silence in his home, or the absence of your perfume in his hoodies. It was a whole list of horrible things that he feels while following the same routine as before, yet all it gives him is pain. 
While you were packing your whole apartment to move far away, fighting off tears, Freddie had to work.
In morning skates, he would find himself skipping almost half his playlist when stretching because everything would remind him of you. He wouldn't look up at the clock in anticipation to go home. Or even be quick with getting off the ice when the last minute of work ends.
Sometimes he would sit on the bench for so long that the lights would eventually turn off around the arena. But he would just sit there. Head hung low with his eyes either closed or staring at nothing in front of him, letting his head run free.
Those weeks were rough. If rough could even come to describe half of what you two felt.
Today is your last day. The day to get on an airplane and not be sure when you're going to step foot into Canadian soil before Christmas. Or even see your loved ones before that too.
Your family and your friends have texted you a lot this morning, letting you know that they'll meet you at the airport. As well as asking how excited you feel.
You truly aren't even slightly excited to leave. All you feel is regret. And it's heavy and painfully stabbing its way into your back while closing its fists around your heart.
Why didn't you start dating way before all of this? Maybe that would've worked out in a way. You two could've argued and hated each other for what you've swarmed it could be forever. 
Or why did you have to meet him at all? Why didn't you ignore him like every other guy that talked to you on that specific bar? It would've made your friendship impossible and he would be nothing but a goalie you would see on the TV.
Getting up from bed today was just as bad to you as it was for Freddie. You two both dragged your feet into your separate bathrooms and undressed, pulling yourselves under the water of the shower. The water would soak you but neither of you moved to actually start doing anything else, you just stood there for a minute.
And with that, a loud sob jumped out of your mouth and you're back into your circle. Back to doing the same things with the same make-up-less face, your eyes swollen from tears and gaze fixed in nothing but the tiles of your floor.
Freddie didn't sob, but he isn't sure if he didn't cry either. If tears fell they left with the water falling from on top of him. The water that is trying to embrace him back to comfort, but failing miserably.
You throw the rest of your things inside your last bag and close the zipper slowly. Your gaze lifts up to the mirror of your bathroom and the reflected image breaks you as reality sets in.
You have to leave.
Walking around the apartment to check on everything was difficult as you continue to battle your emotions and throw all the memories to the back of your mind.
After that, you leave the key on the place you had previously planned with your landlord, and off you went into your Uber to the airport with your last belongings in your bags. Ready to leave home.
The driver was nice. He made small talk about where you were going and how he had gone there with his family last summer. He also must have sensed your uneasiness, so he decided highlight how nice the locals were and how everyone would always be ready to help you.
It relaxed you in a way, but not entirely as that wasn't even what was on your mind in the first place.
On the other hand, Freddie's late. Stuck in traffic to be more precise. His leg bounces with stress as he hides his face under his hat and hood of his shirt. All he could think of is how he won't get there in time.
His driver is silent, bobbing his head to the soft music playing on the radio while he stares at all the cars in front of them.
When taking a quick peek at the lines of cars in front of him, Freddie's starting to lose hope, no matter how hard he tries to be more optimistic.
He unlocks his phone as his fingers itch to text you, but he freezes at the picture of his home screen. He still doesn't have to heart to change anything he had with you, not even his god damn home screen.
A picture just a few weeks old, before you even had told him about the job offer. You were smiling at him behind the camera while holding a puppy up to your chest, eyes bright and wide with excitement. And your smile... just as breathtaking as heart-wrenching.
Freddie blinks harshly at the painful happy memory and looks ahead of him as the car moves ever so slightly. He has to at least say bye to you.
"You're going to love it, I know it!" Your mom says excitingly.
She squeezes you into another hug and you close your eyes at the feeling of her squeeze. Your hands are shaking for some unknown reason so you hesitate before wrapping your arms around her as well.
"You'll meet so many new people and learn so much new stuff."
She's starting to sound more excited than you at this point, yet you don't do anything but a short nod against her shoulder.
When you pull away, you look down at your phone, expecting to see any sort of notification... but there's nothing.
"Hey, I want a hug too." Your friend says over everyone's voices as she elbows her way to you.
You offer her a broken grin and she sadly smiles at you, throwing herself and her arms around you. 
Freddie almost rips the door open as the Uber parks right in front of the airport's main doors, not even realizing that he hasn’t acknowledged the driver verbally ever since he got inside the vehicle. 
His feet feel heavy and his legs tired, even though they have no reason to feel that way, yet he drags them into the building.
He walks fast-paced through the airport, looking through every group of people. His eyes scanning every single backpack, shirt, head of hair, beanie. Everything to find you.
You unwrap your arms from around another one of your friends and she smiles at you while cupping your face in her hands.
"If you ever need anything, I'll be on the first plane to you." She tells you and you grin at her.
"Promise?" You ask.
"I promise."
She kisses your nose and that's able to make your scowl break onto a smile, making everyone around you feel a sudden weight being lifted off the air around them, relief.
You adjust your backpack on your shoulder as you look around the group to see if you've hugged everyone and it sure seems like it. Your heart tightens in your chest and you take a deep breath.
"Are you ready to go?" Your mom asks you, laying her hand over your shoulder.
"I think so." You tell her.
She gives you a light squeeze in comfort and looks over behind her to see the line where you need to do your check-in.
"Well, I believe you just need to go over there," She starts, looking back at you, "and get your-"
She stops talking out of nowhere and you lift your gaze from your bag at her. She’s staring at something behind you.
Your heart quickens and at the sudden bit of hope runs through you. You look over your shoulder and your eyes meet Freddie walking towards you.
He's wearing grey sweatpants, a black hoodie, a hat over his head, and the hood of his shirt over it. If it wasn't for all the light coming from the large windows beside you, you wouldn't have noticed his reddened eyes and the broken look he's giving you.
Without any sort of hesitation, you take the backpack from your shoulder and lay it on the ground, taking steps towards him.
Freddie meets you halfway, wrapping his arms around you as yours move up to wrap around his neck and cling onto him. He holds you by your waist securely and lifts you in the air to hold you as close to him as possible.
A soft sob you’ve been holding in falls from your lips, sounding slightly muffled by his clothes, and you lay your head over his shoulder. Freddie closes his eyes to stop his tears from coming up again, snuggling his face close to you.
Your family and friends, when seeing and noticing you two, let sad smiles appear on their faces and decide to step aside, giving you two some space and privacy.
"I ran the whole airport to find you." He says, some humor deep in his tone.
A small smile lifts over your face as you cry your eyes out again, more out of relief than anything else.
One of his vacant hands lays on the back of your head, almost as it holding steady and his thumb caresses the nape of your neck, softly and carefully.
"I thought you weren't coming."
You pull your face away from his shoulder and take a look at him, locking gazes with him. Your hands rest over his shoulders and Freddie looks back just as directly.
"I got stuck in traffic." He explains.
Your hands come up to his bearded cheeks, a small pout influencing your forced smile, and your thumbs caress his skin.
His hand also rises up and he quickly wipes the tears off your cheeks.
“Don’t cry, come on.” He tries to tell you in a whisper over the sound of everyone’s loud voices around the airport.
“Sorry.” You tell him almost automatically, voice slightly cracking.
“No, don’t be sorry.” He corrects you. “I just don’t want to see you sad.”
You sniffle, your hands still over his cheeks, and give him a little nod, almost as your way to acknowledge his words since you’re not really trusting your voice right now.
Freddie kisses your palm and you lift your hands to wrap your arms around his neck again. He holds you as well and tries to swallow the ball of emotions at the back of his throat as your body shakes as you let out another overpowering small wave of silent sobs.
His eyes water ever so slightly and he blinks the tears away. 
“Do you feel ready to go?” He asks against the fabric of your hoodie, leaning his head closer against you.
“No.” You tell him.
Freddie swears his whole body reacted to your words. Maybe it was because you said it so close to his ear and that was the reason why he felt all those chills, but in a way, he knows it’s more than that.
He gives you more squeeze and your heart aches over what it could possibly mean. His hand rests over your leg and he leans forward to motion you to get back on the ground.
You do as requested but your body almost acts as if in denial when you order it to let go of him.
Freddie’s hands lay loosely by your waist, while your arms still hug his neck close to you, making him have to lean down over you.
“You still want to go, right?” He asks.
He doesn’t even know if he’s just checking on you or if he’s just hoping for an answer that would mean that you could go back home with him, but either way, he awaits it.
“I think so.” You try to say, but your voice falls in a whisper.
He forces your arms a bit away from him and you lift your head from his shoulder, sending him a look so broken that Freddie swears it broke his heart even further. He stares back into your eyes silently and observes your expression.
Without thinking twice, you close the small space between you two and lay your lips against his.
The sweet kiss is more than welcomed by Freddie, who can’t help but feel the small bit of hope course through his veins. The relief he felt over feeling you just hugging him again was able to destroy so many doubts in his head, and now that you’re kissing him, it’s like he’s falling in love all over again.
His hand rests in the back of your head, not letting you pull away just yet from the kiss he has been thinking about and needing for the past few weeks.
When you do pull away, you two just feel reality wash over you like a ice cold bucket of water. It’s heartbreaking to the point of you to want to gasp for air. 
You feel horrible.
Freddie looks back into your eyes as he pulls away further and he feels his eyes well up in tears again. And this time, it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Why do you have to go?
Your hands lay over his shoulders even when he stands upright and his hand continues rested over your head, against your hair, feeling it under his fingers.
He breaks his gaze from your eyes to check the time on the screen a few meters behind you. You follow his gaze, hands now sliding and resting over his chest, and your heart skips a beat at how the time flew since you had gotten there.
You don’t have much time left.
Your eyes go back to Freddie and he looks absolutely broken. And that is not making anything feel any easier for you.
“I love you.” You decide to tell him, “So much.”
He looks down at you and brings his hands back to your cheeks, holding your face.
“I love you too.” He answers.
His voice is so much lower and so much weaker than you’ve ever heard it before, it feels like a nightmare. 
It feels so unreal and so scary that it seems like something only the back of your mind can create to terrify you.
You grip onto his shirt and pull him down to you again, ignoring how the tears are starting to come up your eyes once more. He does as you request him to and this time doesn’t even even think twice before kissing you.
Your lips press against his as he lays various small pecks onto them while holding your wet cheeks in his larger hands.
“Please don’t go.” You hear him plead after a kiss.
You reopen your eyes and stare back at his. A tear has been able to escape his eyes and you’re quick to wipe it with the end of your sleeves.
“I need to go, Freddie.” You tell him, fighting off a sob. “I already signed everything.”
Frederik lays his forehead against yours and looks back onto you.
“Then I’ll wait for you.”
You shake your head at him as a sob escapes your lips again and he fights off your denial with a nod.
“I will. I’ll wait for that contract to end, or I’ll retire early, I don’t care.” He tells you, feeling some more tears wet his face again, “We’ll be together again. I’ll visit you as many times as I can. I promise.”
You wipe his tears and quickly lean back to just pull him into another hug.
You cling onto his shirt, feeling more powerless than anything. 
The pain you’re feeling due to leaving is so strong that you almost don’t feel like yourself. Your body is shaking, you feel light headed, your chest is aching as your heart beats just as fast as your mind runs through all your options. 
You didn’t want it to be like this. For you to feel so sad and in so much pain. 
Freddie holds you back before you pull back, squeezing you close to him.
“Honey, it’s time to go.”
Your mom’s voice.
You quickly wipe your tears and lift your head from Freddie’s shoulder. He lets you go and a sudden rush of cold fills your body. The lack of his warmth is almost able to freeze you.
After that and a harsh and hard swallow of all your emotions, you pull your parents and friends into another set of hugs. Rushing back to Freddie for a last hug.
His hand is over your back, moving up and down to try and comfort you. You lay your wet cheek over his shirt, not caring if you wet it. And as soon as you look at him, your chin over his chest, he kisses your cheek.
A last squeeze later and you step back, offering everyone a small smile. Freddie grabs your backpack from the ground and gives it over to you. You take it silently and look up at everyone once more.
A small broken whisper moves past your lips as a small ‘bye’ to everyone that is looking at you and you soon turn on your heels, and... leave.
You don’t look back. Scared that if you do, you’re not able to keep going. And with that, Freddie stays back, standing right next to your family and friends.
Your mom has her hand over his back, comforting him just like he just did to you, in silence. And as soon as you’re out of the view from everyone’s eyes, she doesn’t hesitate to pull him into a hug.
“You’ll be together again. I’m sure of it.” She reassures him.
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I hate this, but it can’t stay on my drafts for longer than it already has. Hope you like it...?
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brockachu · 2 years
all my favorite have already had their moment at eurovision, so this is my contribution for your thread about nhl captains: some small things i know about the bruins. (my knowledge covers only as far as zdeno chara, so earlier implications fall flat into the deep sea of my ignorance).
ok, so to talk about patrice bergeron we must first talk about zdeno chara, the former captain. chara signed with the team in 2006 and he did only because the bruins agreed to name him captain BEFORE he'd even played a game for the franchise. (crazy) what always strikes me is the reasons he requested to be named captain: he wanted to change The Culture from day 1; at various points through the years, he has spoken about how hard it was to go to north america as a foreigner, how difficult it was to integrate and the fact that sometimes being a rookie and also a foreigner added to the general un-welcoming atmosphere. when he became captain of the bruins he instituted a policy of zero hazing for the rookies, nothing like rookie dinners that would make the newcomers feel 'separate' from the main team, anything of the sort. now, idk (and idk if anybody knows) how much of this was effectively implemented, but i think a lot; even the fact the he came right out to SAY these things feels important to me. chara's general vibe: team dad, and not because everybody looks like a child standing next to him.
fun fact about chara: he has a bondage frame on his bed
patrice bergeron is basically a creature of chara, handpicked and prepared for the role in the chara years (he was already in boston when chara arrived there, but he had played only one full season with the bruins and he admitted he didn't speak a lot of english by that point, so it was kinda difficult to deal with people). patrice is A GENTLEMAN (sometimes a bitch, when you rile him up, but). UNIVERSALLY BELOVED. CALLED 'PERFECT HUMAN BEING' ON THE REGULAR BY EVERYONE. and his good looks are the least appealing of his traits. by the end of chara's tenure, he'd been de facto co-captain for a few years; he's steady, reliable, (wonderful), has a calm presence to him and you can see how everybody naturally gravitates around his presence; he's one who leads by example. the vibes that chara instilled in that locker room are bergy's vibes. once again, bergy's the team resident dad.
when chara was gone in 2020, weeks before the bruins even made a decision on his successor, he had this to say:
“Absolutely, no question— Patrice is going to be the next captain of the Boston Bruins. [...] I think everybody knows that. He’s absolutely the right person to have as the captain. [...] He’s going to be an unbelievable captain and leader.”
we are aggressively not talking about the future - bergy's contract is up this summer and has ventilated the possibility of retirement because of a few nagging health issues. everybody is ignoring this, hiding their heads under the sand, but if the bruins lose their game 7, tonight could also mark the end of bergy's career forever.
charlie mcavoy is going to be their next captain, this much is certain. he's a little on the young side for the general taste, but he IS the future. he has shown he might be ready. and boston (it is my impression) kinda loves having someone who is a bonafide stallion a Great Defenceman as their captain, it's just the vibe.
[we can all admit that the bruins are complete assholes during the playoffs and hate on them, it's fine. sports are just... like that. don't hate bergy too much, though.]

ah the day has come that i, a horrible lil canucklehead, actually learn a thing about the bruins besides ‘hehe funny cranky stabby goalie’. thank you for telling me the bruins captain narrative! i do actually respect bergeron & chara before him, i just also refused to learn about them before and i still will not be going out of my way to learn anymore than this bc some things are simply not for my fucked up lil charcuterie board. but i will store narratives in the noggin with the other captain narratives :)
i do remember reading about the no hazing policy (and seeing the bondage bed) which is v cool of zdeno. good on him! i hope bruins fans can come to peace with whatever happens next with bergeron. and bless charlie mac that funky chipmunk cheeked dude, i do admittedly find him endearing 😂
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 1 // vol. 2
( ft. the first meeting & the first family game night )
okay, rundown of his first meeting w the vixens!
the vixens don't really like the foxes. they cheer at their games and all, but outside of that, they mostly stick with the football players
bcs, well, the foxes are,, intimidating and most of the vixens don't get how or why katelyn started dating one
especially one half of the terrifying duo that is the twinyards. like these tiny blonde angst goblins have absolutely zero chill, and this is the backliner one, the one that shattered the nose of a dude basically twice his size
they may be short as fuck but they're scary, and the vixens are worried that he might break katelyn's heart
but katelyn's sure about aaron minyard, and when cleo softly asks, "is he worth it?" she knows her answer is a yes
savannah and the rest of the girls aren't convinced tho, so she asks aaron if he'll meet them for one of the afterparties they have after games
he agrees after seeing the hopeful look on her face
and surprise, surprise, it isn't a complete disaster!!
see, aaron has a habit of mirroring the nature of the person he's with. in the book, we mostly see him as an asshole bcs it's from neil's pov, and neil, as much as i adore him, is an asshole
i think that when he's with nicky ( someone he loves and trusts ), he's like, nicer. it's not in his nature to be cheery or anything but he's less,, hostile? and way more relaxed
and katelyn's been nothing but sweet and polite to him, bcs katelyn's sweet and polite till you give her a reason not to be
so he's sweet and polite back, or at least, sweet and polite as aaron minyard can get.
yeah, he's definitely interesting enough, clever and quick-witted enough, respectful and loyal and insanely talented enough, that katelyn decides he's worth it. doubts he'll ever get boring
and yes, she knows this is a big risk, bcs she knows the foxes' rep, knows how fucked up he must to secure a place on the psu foxes, notices how aaron flinches when she makes any sudden movement
but you know what? fuck it
so when aaron tells her his strange, twisted little deal with his brother, katelyn's willing to fight for him
and after nearly 2 months of this, she drags him to the vixens with their fingers interlocked and a hope in her heart that they'd play nice like she's asked ( practically begged ) them to
aaron's buzzing a bit with nervous energy. it's very endearing, how his eyes had lit up at the sight of her, then how she felt her anxiety about the night melt away into excitement
sav tries, bless her, tries to engage aaron in half-hearted conversation about exy ( which she hates ) and aaron tries back, but that fizzles out bcs for someone on a full-ride exy scholarship, aaron doesn't like exy at all
thank god that marissa, who's been trying to be less of a bitch all night, bless her too, lets it slip that sav detests exy
"okay, i can't anymore. minyard, savannah actually hates exy and she hates the foxes too, but we're hoping that you're an exception."
aaron, holding back a laugh: honestly? same.
sav: oh thank fucking GOD we have something to talk about then
"yeah, the entire sport sucks, doesn't it? i literally play it at college level and i still have barely figured out the goddamn rules."
"exactly! and my entire family's fucking obsessed for some reason, it's so annoying! ugh and the foxes suck even more, they're all so goddamn rude for no reason. except maybe the cute goalie."
". . ."
"eww not your brother, i meant renee walker,, and maybe you're not too bad either, minyard."
"you flatter me."
katelyn watches their exchange with more than a little amusement. aaron's not smiling, but his features have softened and he's flushed from the alcohol he'd had and she can't rly believe that this is the boy who they all thought would break her heart
bcs later when aaron comes up to her with a cookie dough cupcake ( her favourite ) she didn't even know was served at the party, leans into her so his face is buried in her neck, whispers "thanks for taking me", when she takes in all her friends laughing and chatting and waving at her, when sav gives her a thumbs-up and nods to aaron, she's never felt more whole
like she was part of something bigger than herself
then aaron starts hanging around them more! yeah he saw the look on katelyn's face and he was going to TRY for her or so help him- usually just with katelyn, sav, and cleo
she invites him to the "family game night" sav is making them have, and he's like "sure why not."
he knocks on the door of sav and cleo's dorm and sav lets him in
"yo, minyard! glad you make it, katelyn's out on a donut run but she'll be back soon."
okay,, okay. so he'll,,, what? interact w people?? hell fucking no
then he realises that it's only cleo in the dorm, plugged into her headphones, playing mario kart, and thanks katelyn for ensuring there would only be ppl that like, he didn't mind
the other vixens were okay, but way too LOUD, and aaron wasn't rly up for spending a whole night w them
cleo hands him a controller, an invitation to play, and he takes it gratefully. he and cleo hadn't talked that much at the party, but she was perfectly tolerable so far, which was a good sign
and mario kart was a part of his childhood, one of the only few that nicky's parents had owned, so he and his cousin had spent hours curled up in front of tv trying to beat each other
even tho he beats nicky most of the time, cleo absolutely destroys him. he mentally tries to brush it off as him being rusty ( which he definitely is ) but damn, cleo's good. still, she brushes off the compliment when aaron blurts it out
okay so then katelyn comes back with like way too many donuts and they start playing monopoly gathered around the coffee table
sav insists on putting on some music. wannabe starts playing. she winks at aaron and aaron winks back, still not smiling. cleo snorts and katelyn kisses his cheek
listen, cleo is a monopoly master. soon, she owns over half the board and it's pretty clear she's gonna win, someone ( savannah riley jameson, everyone ) flips the board
"jameson, what the actual fuck."
"shut the hell up, minyard."
"come on, sav, i was winning!"
katelyn's trying to pick up all the pieces and aaron bends down to help her, shaking his head at sav, who pouts and joins them while cleo grins, headphones slung around her shoulders while she perches herself onto the arm of the settee and hums to wake me up before you go-go
next, sav begs them to play twister. cleo's great at most games, but she has a particular dislike for twister, so she's out quick
katelyn is super bendy, bcs she took gymnastics for years, and aaron holds his own surprisingly well, considering the fact that he's short as fuck
sav: katie, right hand red
katelyn, ending up right on top of a blushing aaron: okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
sav: i stopped spinning like 15 turns ago, i'm surprised you didn't notice sooner
eventually aaron collapses and katelyn is hailed as the queen of twister and they spend the next 10 minutes just calling out random spots for katelyn to try
she gets all of them, and aaron is actually smiling now and it doesn't matter that it's only a tiny quirk of his lips, it's something and katelyn cherishes it
they play some sort of surgeon simulator thingy next, and aaron "gonna be a future neurosurgeon" minyard is awesome at it, bcs duh
katelyn's not very good at this. her hands get SHAKY okay
cleo also sucks at this, bcs she keeps getting nervous and having muscle spasms. sav's just doing the dumbest shit bcs it's bringing aaron closer to the edge of cardiac arrest
aaron: jameson holy shit what are you DOING
sav, slicing open the spinal cord: okay so what if i take out the lungs through the back haha
and now sav is sulking over the fact that she hadn't absolutely murdered the others at a game
so she brings out the ultimate game. the game of bastards, one that tears families apart, sets friendships on fire, starts wars too gruesome to be started by anything other than this wretched, cursed artefact. . .
s c r a b b l e
aaron's already having war flashbacks. katelyn groans and goes to make popcorn, bcs this shit's gonna take FOREVER and she knows it. cleo, an english major, is preparing herself for battle with the force of nature that is savannah
"the fuck do you MEAN fergalicious isn't a word???"
"savannah, please."
"no, here, listen to this."
"sav, we were listening to that!" katelyn complains. sav sighs and switches the song back to her "90's bops" playlist, then changes it to "hell yeah feminism" which instantly starts playing run the world ( girls )
katelyn happily starts singing and aaron's not even reluctant to hum along
sav and cleo are still arguing. this has been going on for so long. sav looks ready to flip over the board again, so cleo does it first
katelyn: cleo what the heck
cleo, the tired mom friend: don't fucking curse
aaron is also tired, but in a good way, in kind of that soft lazy droopy way
he falls asleep leaning against the sofa and katelyn's shoulder, with god is a woman playing in the background while sav and cleo continue arguing. cleo is standing on the coffee table. it's true anarchy
he wakes up on the sofa with a blanket thrown over him and sunlight streaming in through the lacy curtains and katelyn making a complete mess of the kitchen in a futile attempt to make breakfast. sav and cleo are draped across each other on the floor
katelyn, struggling to pick up burning toast: morning babe, how did you sleep?
aaron, calmly using a pair of tongs: pretty well. who wants pancakes?
sav, instantly shooting up: DID YOU SAY PANCAKES
so he makes pancakes! nicky taught him as soon as he'd gained custody of the twins, so he's pretty much an expert. he tries to teach katelyn, but then just gives up bcs she's clearly not listening in favour of staring at him
and they all gather around the coffee table and cleo's humming along to the song on her headphones and wow these pancakes are rly good omg
while aaron is chatting to cleo about what video games they should play next, sav whispers, "kate finley, if you don't marry this boy just for his god-tier pancakes, i will."
"sav, you're a lesbian."
"not anymore, i've decided that i am pancake-sexual."
aaron hears all of this btw, bcs cleo stops when she hears them talking. he blushes, and smiles, just a little bit
( if anyone actually cares about this, tell me! shoot me an ask if there's any particular ask you want to see with these characters, or just the foxes! )
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
three french horns -> three goal horns | n. mackinnon
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a/n: and like clockwork, here is fic number three in my 12 days of christmas series! i wrote this one a while ago and i hurt myself re-reading it to proof it, so i hope you all like it! rest of the christmas series linked here.
word count:  4,037
warnings: alcohol, drinking 
“Hey, Nate?” you called out from the living room when you heard the back door open, signaling his reappearance in the house after letting the dogs outside. 
“Yeah, baby?” he asked as he stomped his boots on the mat, shaking the last bit of the early Denver snow off. 
You asked the question you’d been asking him since two weeks after his birthday, the same question you’d been asking a variation of for the three months before his birthday. “Nate, what do you want for Christmas?” 
The sound that left Nate’s mouth was barely human, a groan coming from deep within, from the place that never knew what he wanted for any major gift giving holiday of any kind. You tried to be original, get sentimental things, but it was hard to buy for someone who could literally buy anything they ever wanted. Nate didn’t have big, expensive wishes, so if he wanted something, he often just bought it on the spot and you were none-the-wiser until it showed up at his house. This penchant, this bad habit, carried throughout the holiday season; it was a perpetual state of being for Nathan MacKinnon. This meant that items Nate ordered for himself were as likely to show up December 24th as any other day of the year, which was eternally infuriating as a person in his life trying to buy him gifts on the semi-regular basis. 
“I don’t know,” he answered you, like he did every other time. “I’ll like it because it’s from you.” 
That response was sweet the first, second, and half-sweet the third time he’d used it on you. Now, that response was worn out like an old pair of jeans, with holes in the thighs and the knees hanging together by a thread, absolutely unusable at this point in time really. Yet Nate continued to say it, like that string of seven words didn’t light a fire in your stomach completely unlike the kind crackling under the stockings on the mantle right now. 
“Nate,” you groaned, all too similarly to how he had when you asked your question. Spend enough time with a person and you pick up their habits. You and Nate were a completely unoriginal example of that. “You know I hate when you say that.” 
Nate rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Well, I don’t really know. A hat trick? But you can’t get me that, I’ve got to get that for me.” 
The infamous illusive hat trick. While it wasn’t those dreaded seven words, you were pretty sure you had heard about this hat trick that was alluding him every other day at this point. In all fairness to Nate, the amount of times he had scored twice in the first two periods of a game this season and been held off the scoreboard in the second was absurd. Commentators were joking about it, his teammates were chirping him over not one, not two, but three missed empty netters that would’ve sealed it, even though Nate liked to say those didn’t really count as hat tricks. Greater than all of that, Nate was starting to incredibly frustrated with himself and his performances. You knew Nate was a competitive guy before you even went on your first date with him, but his competitiveness ran deep and honestly you weren’t sure your relationship would work if you were even an ounce more competitive than you were. Nate had to win, he had to achieve his goals. This goal was quite simply just three goals, but it continued to be just out of reach this season and coming up on the holiday season, pushing the halfway mark, Nate was starting to think it might not happen this year. 
“You’ll get one, Nate,” you sighed. “You’re so close and you’re too good not to get whatever you put your mind to.” 
“I got a good feeling about the game tomorrow,” he replied, sliding up next to you on the couch to throw a Christmas sweater-covered arm around your shoulders. “My good luck charm is going to be there, right?” 
Nate wasn’t superstitious in the slightest, but he said he always scored more whenever you came. Statistically, a complete lie, but it made you feel special all the same. He kissed your temple softly as he relaxed into the couch cushions next to you. 
“So, what are we watching? Classic or trashy Christmas?” 
That question itself somehow encapsulated every single reason you loved Nathan MacKinnon, despite his pension for buying his own Christmas presents, his overly competitive nature, and the difficulty that came with trying to buy him a present. Nate didn’t love Christmas movies; he wasn’t a hater like some people you’d dated before, but you adored them, both classic and trashy alike. Nate jumped on board with whatever you liked, no questions asked. He always said you didn’t sign up to date all of his teammates that walked through the door scrounging for homemade food or the long hours alone, the least he could do was be as supportive of the things you liked as you were about hockey for him. Nate’s support came in casual, steady waves of constantly and consistently showing up, no matter how tired he was, no matter how long the day before had been. He might fall asleep twenty minutes into the movie, but Nate was here and active and present for as long as he could stay awake. He’d cross deserts and move mountains for an hour with you, and some days that’s what it took, but Nate showed up and jumped on board, which made him the easiest person in the world to love in spite of everything else. It made him the only person you wanted to spend this Christmas and every other one in the future with.
The next day, with his last name on your back and a Santa hat on your head, you found yourself in a position that felt all too familiar this season. You were watching the ice with eager eyes among the other wives and girlfriends. Your breath caught in your throat halfway through the first when you saw two seconds after him that there was nothing between Nate and the net but open ice and a goaltender. You slowly stood up, leaning forward as if those all important inches would help you see the ice better. You didn’t miss the puck sailing over the blocker��s side of the goaltender, or the eruption of cheers from everyone around you as the goal horn rang out, hopefully the first of three for Nate this evening. Mel hugged you, as if you had anything to do with Nate scoring. You adjusted your hat, pulling at the fluffy white edge until it sat a little less haphazardly on your head as you cheered. 
“Two more, right?” Mel waggled her eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes. 
“For my sake, I hope so,” you laughed. 
Going into Christmas break without this elusive hat trick meant the next four days would be spent with Nate’s mind half at the rink, trying to scheme and plan and game his way into a hat trick, as if the part he was missing was anything other than luck. Maybe he didn’t need regular luck though, maybe just a little bit of Christmas would do the trick tonight. Your third beer in, a vain attempt to calm your nerves with alcohol, and five minutes into the second, on the power play, you watched as Nate easily sailed in his second goal of the game from the high slot, causing the ever familiar cheers and the ringing of the Avalanche goal horn to sound out across the arena. 
Two down, and hopefully one to go. 
“Hatty watch,” one of the other girls sang out from behind you, giving your shoulders a squeeze. 
You let out a loud, long breath, causing a wave of laughter to ripple across the other women around you. Mel teased you about it; they all did. Nate’s quest was well known among the group, something they were equally supportive and teasing about. 
“He’ll get one,” Mel assured you with a comforting pat to your leg. “He’s too good not to.”
You really thought he had it. You watched as Mikko and Nate peeled off from the defenders caught on an odd change, leading to a two-on-one with a lone opposing forward doing his best, but poor, impersonation of a defensemen. Mikko passed the puck to Nate, which Nate passed back easily and set himself up for the perfect slap shot on the return. The quick passing had sent the other team’s player sprawling over the ice. It was just Nate and the goaltender, who was frantically shifting his eyes from Mikko to Nate, tilting back and forth on the ice. Mikko’s pass was perfect, right on the middle of Nate’s tape and Nate was ready for the pass. It was tracking high glove side, exactly where Nate wanted it to go, right into the back of the net. The goalie was facing Mikko, two key seconds behind the actual action. Except out of nowhere, the Grinch stole Christmas and Nate’s hat trick when the goalie’s glove suddenly appeared in the path the puck was taking and wrapped around the puck, just on the wrong side of the goal line for Nate. 
The referee blew the whistle and signaled no goal. Nate’s hands dropped down, stick hanging low. His head tilted up toward the ceiling of the arena and you could practically hear the groan rise from deep in his chest. It was absolute robbery at its finest and the entire arena knew luck wasn’t on Nate’s side that night. You slumped down into your seat, preparing yourself for yet another two goal game and a frustrated Nate waiting for you in the tunnel when it was over. There were another twenty minutes left in the game, but if the first half of the season had taught you anything, third periods weren’t where Nate racked up anything other than wins and assists, both of which he loved, but he just wanted a third goal, just once. Mikko and Gabe each having one already this season, all six goals involving Nate as either the primary or secondary assist, didn’t help either. 
“I think you need to pray or something,” Mel told you with a laugh. “Pray to anything and anyone out there at this point.”
You cleared your throat and looked up at the ceiling of the Pepsi arena, “Santa, I know this isn’t how you take requests,” Mel and the girls around you were already laughing, “but please, pretty freaking please, can we just get some Christmas miracle magic vibes in here? It’s all he wants for Christmas. Please and thank you and I hope you have a Merry Christmas.” 
“Are you supposed to say amen if you pray to Santa?” someone behind you asked. 
“Look I’m not opposed to it,” you sighed. “It just didn’t feel like the right ending when I was asking for a Christmas miracle.”
The girls all laughed and you just stared up at the ceiling. Maybe Santa might grant your unorthodox request delivered via an even more unorthodox method. Maybe you should’ve written him a letter and dropped it into one of those charity red mailboxes at Macy’s. Maybe Nate just wouldn’t be getting the one thing he wanted for Christmas and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. You knew he was joking when he asked for a hat trick for Christmas, but joking or not, it was the only thing he even sort of mentioned wanting. If sending out a Christmas wish audibly in the middle of the Pepsi arena was what it took, you were more than happy to do it. 
You grabbed your fourth and fifth beer together during the intermission, knowing full and well that you didn’t want to miss a second of one of Nate’s shifts in case something good happened. If after all of this time, all of this waiting, all of Nate’s back and forth debating, if you missed his hat trick goal because you were grabbing another beer, you would have to guess that higher powers didn’t exist and the hockey gods loved laughing at you and maybe Christmas wasn’t that magical after all. 
The third period was half over when you finished your fourth beer. Your right leg had been bouncing on the concrete since the period started. Nate was getting some good looks, and added another assist to his point tally for the night, but you and everyone knew what he actually wanted tonight. A slashing call with eight minutes to go put the Avalanche back on the power play, and you knew Nate was going to fight to play every bit of those two minutes he could get, which meant you were about to be in for a mentally exhausting two minutes. Mel offered her hand to you, already knowing you would need her to ground you through this. 
The first shot on the power play from Mikko ended up in the opposing goaltender’s glove. Nate lined up for the next face-off and you swore you didn’t breathe as soon as the puck left the referee's hand. Nate swept it back easily to a waiting Gabe. You gripped Mel’s hand hard, grateful you both did this for each other often enough that she didn’t mind. Nate slid up through the low slot and you saw the stars aligning as Gabe sent the puck perfectly in Nate’s direction. Nate was already ready for it when it came, the puck on his stick for less than a second. Your eyes went wide and you felt like you were about to break Mel’s hand as the goaltender shrugged his shoulder up to block Nate’s shot, but he came up short and the puck hit the back of the net. 
You were screaming as you jumped to your feet, arms wrapping tightly around Mel as someone else hugged you from behind, again like you’d done anything other than practically give yourself a heart attack watching it. Nate was surrounded by his teammates on the ice, earning a swift pat on the top of the head from Gabe. A glance up at the Jumbotron showed you the wide, bright smile on his face, filling with relief and absolute joy. Mel grabbed your hat by the pom pom and chucked it down towards the ice, making you laugh and a smile that rivaled Nate’s come across your face.
“Finally,” you breathed out a sigh of relief as the arena calmed itself, calming you with it. 
You plopped back down into your seat, hatless with half a beer and your pride in Nate left to coast you through the next ten minutes. You knew Nate was going to be in a good mood, and you just wanted to get through the next ten minutes of the game to get to him and congratulate him yourself. The score was heavy in favor of the Avs and they weren’t in any danger of losing this game, so you got to drink your beer and let out a long breath you’d been holding since Nate first came home after back to back two goal games in October without a hat trick in sight. 
You were practically bouncing on your heels as you waited in the tunnel for him, fingers fussing with the frayed edge of your denim jacket to get out some of your anxious energy. The second he rounded the corner, a wide, gorgeous smile on his face, you ran toward him. Nate wasn’t the type for large public displays of affection, but satisfaction from your incredibly competitive boyfriend was a hell of an influencer and he opened his arms wide for you. You jumped into him and he stumbled a second before catching you easily, one hand guiding your legs around his waist, the other supporting the back of your thighs. 
“Congratulations,” you mumbled in his ear as he laughed at your openly shared excitement for him. 
“Thanks, baby,” he told you, the smile he was wearing evident in his voice.
“Proud of you always,” you reminded him as you untucked your head from his neck. 
You said it after every single game, win or lose, five points or no points, goal or no goal, you told Nate you were proud of him after every single game. The stats sheet didn’t matter to you. You loved him and you saw the grueling work he put in every single day, every single second he was on the ice. You were proud of him no matter what, and it was one of the thousands of reasons he had come to love you for. Your support, your pride in him and the work he put in never wavered. It was steadfast, something hard to come by in a life as crazy as he lived. You were his rock, his home, and he felt it like the gradual, comforting warmth from sitting by the fire on Christmas Eve, when the world seemed a little more good than it actually was, when you told him you were proud of him. 
Nate smiled as he pressed a soft, quick kiss to your lips before gently guiding your feet back to the ground. He pulled you in tighter, collapsing you into him as he let out a long breath that had been holding his tension for months, caught in the hollows of his chest, finally working its way out into the open air. It had been haunting him, like a ghastly Halloween hangover that dared to last until Christmas. Thankfully, it was December now and Nate felt lighter and freer than he had in months. 
“You got what you wanted for Christmas,” you mumbled into his chest, causing his chest to vibrate with laughter. 
“Guess I sort of did, yeah.” He kissed the top of your head softly. “Ready to go home?” 
“Ready for four days of you and me time?” you teased him a little. 
Despite your teasing, his response was entirely genuine, “Been looking forward to it for weeks now.” 
Your smile in response to his words stuck with you the entire way home. Nate loved you in actions, but sometimes it was nice to hear words from him as well. You kicked off your shoes at the front door, just in the knick of time before the dogs could come and greet you both. 
“Want me to crack a bottle of wine or champagne?” you asked Nate as he dropped his bag by the front door. 
“Champagne,” he told you before dropping a kiss to your temple. “We’re celebrating tonight.” 
You slid into the kitchen, dogs hot on your heels, as you made a beeline for the champagne in the fridge. You’d slid it in before you left for the game on the chance Nate finally got his hat trick tonight. You hadn’t wanted to drink warm champagne if that was the case and now, holding the cold bottle of champagne and two flutes, you knew you had made the right decision betting on your boyfriend tonight. He rounded the corner into the kitchen a few moments later, game day suit still on, jacket and tie lost back in your shared bedroom.
“Glad you got yourself what you wanted for Christmas, Nate,” you smiled teasingly at him as you started to fuss with the gold foil over the champagne cork. 
“Before you pop that,” he told you, reaching a hand out to place over yours as you worked on the foil covering the cork, “I, um, I have something for you.” 
“Nate, it’s December twenty-third,” you sighed, setting the bottle down on the cool stone counter. “Can’t it wait a couple of days?” 
Nate smiled softly at you, a smile that seemed to mean he knew more than you in this exact moment, “I’ve actually been holding on to this gift for a long time and I think tonight is the perfect night to give it to you. Are you okay if I blow up Christmas a little bit?” 
You sighed again and gave Nate a stern look up and down, but the softness in his blue eyes and the innocence in his lazy smile pulled you in and had you nodding in approval. Your nod caused nerves to dance in Nate’s eyes and his hands to slide into his pockets, fidgeting with their contents. He shifted softly from one foot to the other. His eyes dropped to the floor for a moment to watch his feet move before he slowly lifted his head back up in time with a bounce on his heels. 
“Okay, here we go,” he mumbled softly to himself. 
He cleared his throat before speaking, “I told you I don’t know what I want for Christmas. Hell, I told you that I didn’t know what I wanted for my birthday and that was back in September. The truth is I’ve known what I’ve actually wanted the whole time. The hat trick was nice and all, but it wasn’t really what I wanted.”
“Whatever it is, you could’ve told me,” you chided him a little. 
Your words were met with an anxious smile and more shuffling of his feet across the floor. He shook his head softly and let out a tight breath before continuing. 
“The only thing I want for Christmas is something you can give me, but you can get it for me,” he told you softly, his voice shaking as he spoke, the nerves in his eyes and his feet and his hands tightening and constricting his voice resonating in his chest. 
Nate slowly pulled a hand out of his pocket before purposefully, and painstakingly slowly, dropping down on one knee in front of you. Your hands flew over your mouth on instinct and your eyes clouded over instantly. Nate smiled softly at your reaction, trying desperately not to let what he hoped your actions meant take over and make him too hopeful of your answer to his question to prevent him from asking it. He carefully opened the small black box in his hand to show you your early Christmas present, a beautiful ring nestled among the black velvet inside. 
“For Christmas, I’d like for you to say you’ll be my wife,” he continued slowly and as steadily as he could. “The thing I’m most proud of, of everything I’ve ever done, is being your partner. I love you so much more than I say, but I hope I show it enough that you want to sign up for me forever because it’s just you. It’s just you forever, for every single day, every single holiday, every single moment. I want to spend every single Christmas for the rest of my life with you. So, what do you say? Will you be my wife? Will you make my Christmas wish come true?” 
The cliches hung thick in his words, but the emotions behind them, the sentiment was so true you could feel it in the very core of who you were. Nathan MacKinnon saw you, faults and gifts and everything in between and loved you in the steadiest, most true way you had ever known. In the light of the Christmas tree, in the home you built together, with the life you build together palatable around you, Nate was asking you to build the rest of it together. You didn’t have to think about your answer. 
“Yes, Nate. Yes, I’ll marry you.” 
Nerves gave way to relief which even more quickly gave way to joy on Nate’s face as he slowly slid the ring he’d had tucked in the back drawer for months onto your finger where it belonged. Nate let out a long breath at the sight of it finally on your hand before slowly standing up in front of you, his hands reaching out to cup your face gingerly. 
“Best early Christmas present ever,” you told him with a wide smile on your face. 
He smiled back just as widely and happily as you grinned at him, “Merry Christmas, my future wife.”
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lovemeleo · 3 years
I absolutely LOVE your Asher Pascal series, just makes me go🥺🥺 could you maybe do something along the lines of Asher receiving a pair of skates for his birthday and then them all going to the rink to try them out possibly? Just think it’d be so cute!
Your writings amazing, absolutely love reading it!!❤️❤️
Thank you so much, anon! I’m so glad you enjoy it. 
Sorry it took me so long to write this but, you guys!!! Our baby is turning one! Yes, this is the very much requested fic of Asher’s first birthday. I hope you all enjoy it as much I enjoy writing it. The SW world belongs to the forever fantastic @lumosinlove! 
If you haven’t caught up with the series yet, here is the masterlist!
365 days. 12 months. 1 year.
That’s how long their baby had been on this planet.
It was hard to believe that they were the parents of a one year old, but Asher was growing more and more every day. 
Remus knew it was impossible because Asher wasn’t biologically either of theirs but oh my god did he look like a mini Sirius. Sometimes they would be sitting at the kitchen table and Remus would just watch as Sirius tried to convince Ash to eat his breakfast, and they’d both just get this stubborn set to their jaw. It was crazy. Sirius said the same about Asher and Remus though. He could see it in dimples in their cheeks when they smiled, the crinkles by their eyes. It didn’t matter if Asher didn’t have any of their genetics, he was their child through and through.
They first started planning Asher’s birthday two months ago, deciding to have everyone at the rink. With all of the family and friends that were coming, it would’ve been too hard to fit everyone at their house.
Remus and Sirius had put on the invitations that people didn’t need to bring gifts as Asher was already very spoiled. But here they were, watching as Asher opened what had to have been his 200th present. Luckily it looked to have been the last one. Well almost the last one. Unsurprisingly it was a giant book of dinosaurs. 
Dinosaurs were Asher’s current favorite, so that was the theme of the party. It seemed like he received every dinosaur toy, figurine, and book on the planet.
“Alright, bub. One more from your daddy and I.” Remus said with a smile, setting it on the table in front of the one year old.
Asher’s eyes widened, as they had for every present, “For me?” He gasped, his hands on either side of his face. The small crowd of people watching him chuckled as Sirius rolled his eyes fondly.
“Yes, mon chou. It’s your birthday, so all the presents are going to be for you.” Sirius said, pressing a kiss to the messy curls that covered Asher’s head.
Wiggling happily in his chair, Asher began to tear off the wrapping paper. As soon as he could see the box, he quickly opened it and let out a happy squeal, “My skates!?”
After weeks of searching, they had finally been able to find a pair of ice skates for Asher. But not just any skates. They were dinosaur skates. Who knew it would be so hard to find a pair of kid skates that had dinosaurs on them? Not Sirius or Remus.
“There’s dinos!” Asher cheered, holding a dinosaur covered ice skate above his head. Everyone clapped, watching as he held it to his chest before moving to hug his dads. “Thank youuu!”
Remus smiled softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Anything for you, bub.” He said with a soft smile. 
Looking around the room, Sirius clapped his hands together with a smile, “Well now that presents are done, why don’t we get out on the ice?” As soon as he finished, the entire room was moving to get ready. 
Sirius felt a tug on his shirt and looked down to see Asher, clutching his skates to his chest, “Me too?” He asked, puppy dog eyes in full effect. 
Laughing to himself, Sirius lifted Asher onto the bench, “Of course you too, mon petit. We wouldn’t go without you.” He said as he began to help Asher get them on.
“Will you help me next, Cap?” Logan asked with a cheeky grin as he sat next to Asher with his own skates.
Asher shook his head as he watched Sirius tie up his skates, “No, you gotta ask your daddy.” He said, shaking his finger at Logan.
Logan grinned, “Alright, little man, you got it.” He said before turning to look around. “Dumo! Asher says you gotta help me tie my skates!” 
Raising an eyebrow, Dumo looked up from where he was helping Katie with her skates, “Mon fils, if you can’t tie your own skates, we’ve got a problem.”
“C’mon, sweetheart, I’ll help you with your skates. I’m done with mine.” Leo said with a laugh, kneeling in front of Logan.
Wiggling his eyebrows, Logan smirked, “Oh, so you were the daddy Asher said I had to ask.” Before he could finish his sentence, he was cuffed on the back of the head. Glancing back, he was met with a glare from Remus.
“Children, Tremz. There are children here. My child is right next to you.” 
Logan pouted, rubbing the back of his head, “Rude, Loops. And violent! You’re teaching Asher that violence is the answer.”
Happily oblivious to the entire conversation, Asher swung his feet after his dad had finished tying them on, “You like my skates, Le?” He asked.
“Very cool. I wish I had a pair of dinosaur skates.” Leo said with a smile, tying off Logan’s skates before sitting back on his heels.
If it was possible for Asher to smile any bigger, he would. “If you wanted, my daddies could prolly get you some too and then we could match!” He said as Remus lifted him down off the bench.
“I’m sure Leo would look very cool in some dino skates, bub,” Remus said, holding his hand as he wobbled his way to the ice. “You ready?”
Asher got a determined look on his face that reminded Remus so much of Sirius, he let out a laugh, “I got this. And Fish says it’s okay if I fall ‘cause if I get hurt, I’m still a pro.” Asher assured his dad before stepping onto the ice.
“Yeah but let’s not make that a goal, Ash.” Finn said as he came past.
Everyone started making their way onto the ice, some skate helpers in the middle just in case anyone needed them. Asher stayed in between his dads for awhile, getting used to the new skates as well as the big rink. 
Kuny skated by him for a bit with Nado, chatting happily with the little boy, “You skate so good, already better than Nado.” He said with a teasing smile.
Shoving the other man (carefully so neither of them bumped Asher), Nado stuck his tongue out before turning his attention back to the small boy between them, “He’s right though, Ash. Already crushing it in those dino skates. What position do you wanna play?”
Asher hummed softly, his eyes on the ice as he tried to go a bit faster, “Dunno. If I can go really fast, I can be a wing like Daddy. Or Goalie like my Le.” 
“I think you’d make a great goalie.” Leo said as he skated up, staying behind Asher as the three of them formed a kind of barrier around him. Asher grinned back at him, his eyes lighting up as he saw his favorite person.
The four of them chatted for a while before splitting off, everyone getting their chance to skate with the birthday boy. He even beat Pots in a very dramatic race around the rink, James sliding in seconds after him. Remus and Sirius kept an eye on him the whole time as they made their way around the rink.
After around an hour of skating, Sirius looked away from where he had been watching Remus to find Asher again. His eyebrows furrowed as he couldn’t see him skating and no one on the ice was holding him. 
“Re? Where’d he go?” Sirius asked as he caught up with his fiance who was skating with Leo. 
Leo laughed, “I’d check the bench, Cap.” He said as the two of them continued their way around the rink. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Sirius skated across the rink to the benches and couldn’t help the ‘Aw’ that left his lips at the sight. 
Sprawled across the home team bench was Asher, Logan and Kuny. Sirius remembered seeing him skating with the two boys, but Asher must’ve gotten tired at some point during their skate. It looked as though they had all sat just to take a quick break but ended up taking a nap instead. Logan was leaning against Kuny’s side, his head on the taller man’s shoulder and Asher’s legs in his lap. Kuny had a protective arm wrapped around Asher where he was sprawled over his lap.
After taking a few photos, Sirius skated off, letting the three sleep. He knew the boys would take care of Asher, just like they took care of him. He was so lucky to have this team, this family. Sirius wasn’t sure he would’ve gotten to this point in his life without the Lions. Now his son had the same supportive family behind him. Sirius may not have had the best support throughout his childhood, but he would make damn sure his son did. 
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hockey-hoe-24-7 · 4 years
4 times you were a tease + 1 time he didn’t let you get away with it, feat. Frederik Andersen
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Warnings: Smut, Edging, Teasing, Light bondage, Dom Freddie, Didn’t really spell check, the end is rushed cause I was over it. So this kind of sucks.
Length: 4.0k
You wouldn’t actually call yourself a tease. It wasn’t, like, a personality trait. But you would admit that you loved teasing your boyfriend. 
Starting goalie for the Toronto Maple Leafs, Frederik Andersen was the quintessential strong silent type, known for his calming presence in the net and out of it. The rare moments he did let his temper show, it was a shock to most. As his girlfriend, you had witnessed that temper than most others, but not often. He had confided in you that it had taken him a long time to reign in his anger and you respected that, were proud of him for it. 
The place you really wanted him to let go, though, was in the bedroom. You had only been dating for 6 months, sleeping together for 5 and you could tell he was holding back sexually. Whether it be his size or for fear of hurting or scaring you in some way, you weren’t sure. The sex was absolutely amazing...but there was something missing. 
You planned on addressing that.
“Babe, are you ready?” Freddie’s voice echoed through the hallways of his apartment to where you stood in his master bathroom, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. 
“Yeah, can you come help me for a second?” You called back. You hear his heavy footsteps on the wood floors before he appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, looking fan-fucking-tastic in a navy blue suit. His eyebrows popped when he saw you standing at the mirror in only a black lace bra and a matching thong, hair and makeup done to the nines. 
Uncapping a tube of deep red lipstick, you took your time applying it, very aware that he was watching your every move with rapt attention. He had always loved your mouth. After a very drawn out lipstick application, you capped it, set it down on the marble counter, and reached for your dress hanging on the door in a dry cleaner bag. 
You made a point of ignoring Freddie as he continued to watch all your movements. You bent over, brushing your hair casually over your shoulder to give him an unobstructed view of your cleavage.  You caught him shifting out of the corner of your eye, his arms crossing over his chest and his body leaning against the doorframe. 
You slowly pulled the dress up your legs, letting him enjoy the show...and so you wouldn’t tear it because it was a very expensive dress and you happened to really like it. 
When you got to your hips, you shimmied a bit and you saw him twitch, as if he only just restrained himself from moving toward you.  Once you had the dress over your hips, you raised your head and looked at him innocently. 
“Help me with the zipper?” With that, you turned your back on him and waited, subtly watching him in the mirror. His face was serious as he stepped forward and slowly moved to stand behind you, the heat of him flush against the bare skin of your back. Instead of going straight to the zipper of your dress, his hands settled at your bares shoulders and wandered slowly down your spine before cradling your hips. You shuddered and heard his inhale sharply before he pulled you back against his chest and buried his face in your neck, laying a hot open mouthed kiss to your throat. Groaning, your eyes fluttered shut and you let your head fall to the side for him. 
When you felt his fingers inch under the waistband of your thong, your eyes snapped open and you stepped out of his grip. Looking over your shoulder, you almost laughed aloud at his surprised expression. “Zipper.” His beautiful face fell into a pout, but he did as instructed, leaving one chaste kiss on your exposed shoulder. With that, you brushed past him and made for the door, not even sparing him a glance as he mumbled something in Danish and skulked after you.
The charity event had been a blast for many reasons. It was always fun to hang out with the other players and their SOs. 
You also had ample chance to tease your boyfriend. 
Light touches throughout the evening, leaning back against him when talking to other people, pressing your chest flush to his when you needed to pass by him. Like all the other players, he was expected to be social tonight so he couldn’t just drag you to the bathroom and fuck you, but you could tell he was beginning to lose patience. 
Unfortunately, before he could take you home and fuck the hell out of you, the two of you were invited out for a teammate’s birthday and ended up staying out until nearly 3:30 am. Both of you had been too exhausted to do much of anything when you got home. You had barely gotten your dress and makeup off before passing out. 
Now, the next day, you woke up by yourself, the bed noticeably colder without Freddie next to you. Patting around the bed, you eventually found your phone and checked the time. 11:15 am. Damn. You had really slept in. You were meeting your mom for lunch and shopping at 12. That worked out perfectly. 
Making quick work of a shower, make up and changing into something clean, you sauntered out to find your boyfriend sitting on the couch, playing video games. 
Walking up behind him, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and nuzzled your face into his neck, savoring the warmth and familiar smell of him. You wish you had woken up sooner so you could stay exactly like this for a few more hours. 
“Morning, min elskede,” he rumbled, turning to press a kiss to your temple. “Heading out soon?” You made a sound of confirmation against the fabric of his hoodie. Pulling your head up to rest your chin on his shoulder, you watched him play for a few seconds. “Can they hear me?” You asked. “Yeah,” he answered distractedly. He wasn’t particularly good at video games, but he was getting better. 
Pressing your face back into his neck, you let your lips only just graze the dribbled skin there. He inhaled sharply and went rigid. His hands stilling on the controller. “Think you can stay quiet?” You murmured against the shell of his ear. He didn’t answer so you moved your hands down the broad width of his chest until you reached the band of his sweatpants. Hesitating a long second, you reached down - not very easily because he was so damn tall - and palmed his cock. He let out a streak of curses and instinctively bucked his hips against your grip. You reminded him that you had an audience with a “ssshhhhh” against the shell of his ear. You felt his jaw tense against the side of your head as you let your fingers slowly massage his cock, which was growing harder and harder against your hand. When you loosened your grip, his own hand slapped over yours, forcing your fingers to tighten. You nipped his ear in retaliation and he sucked in another right breath, his hips jackknifing nearly off the couch.
Just as quick as you had started, you pulled away. “Shit, I’m late.” Which wasn’t actually a lie. Freddie looked at you furiously and you thought you had him this time. He certainly looked like he was ready to pull you over the couch and fuck you raw.  But much to your chagrin, he took a deep breath and looked away, his body still pulled right with anticipation.
Dammit. The cool,calm and collected had won again.
“Have fun,” he all but snarled at you. “Tell your mom hello.” Ignoring the pang of irritation, you kissed the top of his head and snatched up your purse. 
You ended up spending the entire day with your mom, grabbing lunch, walking up and down the streets of Toronto, stopping into different shops, etc. You had a dinner tonight with Freddie and some other couples on the team, so you stopped by your own apartment to get ready. You were already pushing it with the time so you told Freddie to come pick you up instead of going to his place first.
An hour later, there was a rapping at your door. Giving yourself a final once over in the mirror, you opened the door to see Freddie looking as gorgeous as ever in another well tailored suit. He went completely still as he took you in. Whereas the dress you had worn to the charity event had been elegant and sexy in an understated way, this dress was more of a smack-you-in-the-face, grab-you-by-the-dick kind of sexy. Short and figuring hugging, it fit you like a second skin and made you feel like a goddess.
“Ready?” You asked nonchalantly. As you made to brush past him, his hand was suddenly at your elbow and he was hauling you back until your body met the open door. You grunted in surprise, but it was short lived as Freddie pressed his body against yours, dwarfing you even in your four inch heels. Hands framing your head, he pressed you back until you had to crane your neck to meet his gaze.
“I know what you’re doing,” he growled down at you. You could barely hold in your gasp as he pushed his knee up between your legs, the fabric of his dress pants coarse against the bare skin of your thighs. “And you need to watch it, little girl. It won’t end well for you.” A burst of heat in your belly and you were immediately wet.
You could have given in, let him have you right there in the hallway of your apartment building, let him release all that isn’t up frustration you knew he was keeping from you. You could feel it like like a pulse beneath his skin and a deep part of you screamed out for it. Instead, you mustered every ounce of willpower you had to rise onto your tiptoes and murmur against his lips, “I have no idea what you are talking about.” A soft peck and you were wiggling out of his grip and sauntering down the hallway, an extra swing in your hips.
The entire car ride to the restaurant, Freddie had his hand dangerously high on your thigh, his fingers nearly wrapping completely around your leg. You always loved his hands. Whether they were holding your hands, holding your leg, or holding your throat, you loved them. Now, you let your fingers toy with his, an absentminded display of intimacy you had both grown to enjoy.
When you reached the restaurant, Freddie rounded the car to open the door for you and help you out. You in made sure he got a nice view of your legs as you took your time stepping out of the car. Aware that people were staring, he kept an arm tight around your waist as he ushered you into the restaurant and toward the table the other couples were already seated at. It was Mitch who let out a good hearted wolf whistle and Steph who pinched him, even though she was smiling too. She stood up to greet you, arms open. “Damn, Y/N, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were single in that dress.” You laughed and embraced her.
The dinner was delicious, as usual, and the wine was making you all warm and fuzzy inside. As planned, Freddie couldn’t keep his hands off of you all night, from wrapping his arm around your shoulders to stroking his hand up and down your leg. After an hour or so, you excused yourself to use the restroom. Seeing the bathroom hallway and the women’s bathroom were empty, you took out your phone and furiously texted your boyfriend to meet you ASAP. He was at your side in less than 15 seconds, looking so concerned you almost felt bad for what you we’re about to do. Almost. 
“Y/N, what’s—“
Grabbing him by the front of his jacket, you dragged him into the women’s bathroom, shoving him up against the door once it was closed. Standing as far as you could on your tiptoes, you threw your arms around his neck and crushed your mouth onto his. It took him no time to respond instinctively, his mouth slanting over yours and his hands clapping over your hips. He lifted you like you weighed nothing and you wrapped your legs tight around his hips. He crossed the small bathroom in three long strides until he could set you on the sink counter. His hands thrust into your hair, moving your head to suit his needs. You bit his bottom lip and he groaned deep in reply, giving your hair a sharp yank. Tightening your grip around his neck, you pulled until he palmed your ass and pulled you closer to the edge of the sink, bending your body back and against his own until you could feel every taut muscle in his chest. One large hand was then running down your thigh and back up beneath your dress. You gasped into his mouth when we pushed two fingers slowly inside of you. He bit hard on your bottom lip, as if reminding you to not stop kissing him.  Just as you were slipping your hands under his shirt, a loud burst of male laughter from the hallway startled you both. Freddie leapt always from you, struggling to catch his breath, his cock straining against his dress pants. You put a hand to your chest, trying to catch your own breath. 
You didn’t blame him for his reaction. He had a reputation to uphold here. One that didn’t include breaking a sink while fucking his girlfriend in the bathroom of an upscale restaurant. As you straightened your hair, he was suddenly on top of you again, clenching your chin in his hand and forcing your head back to meet his gaze. “We’re finishing this tonight.” An order. You took a deep breath. “You know I’m meeting some out of town friends after this. I haven’t see them in 5 months.” Freddie’s expression was murderous and, for a small moment, you wondered if you had gone too far. But then he was leaning forward until you were nearly nose to nose. "You are going to pay for this." And then he was turning around and stalking out of the bathroom, nearly breaking the door in half. You gave yourself a few more seconds to compose yourself before following him back to the table.
You ended up staying out until 3 am with your out of town friends and crashing at the apartment on an in town friend,having gotten too drunk to navigate your route home. You had shot Freddie a quick text explaining the situation and gotten a simple “ok” in response. Not abnormal for him. But you could practically feel his frustration through the phone. Good.
When you did finally make your way back to his apartment around 9 am the next morning, it was to hear the shower going in his room.  Shedding your own clothes, you took a long moment to admire the view of him standing beneath the shower head, rivulets of water running across the plains of his skin, the crevices of his muscles. You could stare at him for hours, but you were beginning to shiver. Knocking on the glass door to alert him to your presence, your heart twittered when he smiled softly and stepped back to make room for you. Stepping beneath the spray, you shivered as your body adjusted to the new temperature. The two of you showered in a comfortable silence and you found yourself being done before he was. He was definitely more of a leisurely showerer when he was at home.
Before you stepped out of the shower, you pushed yourself as far up on your tiptoes as you could go and placed a long, wet kiss to the strong column of his throat. He groaned and let his head fall back, his hands skimming down your sides to your hips. As he began to pull you tighter into him, you stepped out of his grip. Looking up at him, you almost laughed at his expression. 
“I’m all done.” A kiss to the center of his chest and you were stepping out of the shower, grabbing a towel and heading back to the bedroom. You hadn’t even stepped into the bedroom before you heard the shower turn off and Fred’s feet hitting the marble floor. You squealed in surprise when he latched a hand over your wrist and pulled you back into his chest. You hit it with a thud and didn’t even have time to recover before he was slamming his mouth on yours in a punishing kiss. You groaned and clutched at his shoulders. You squealed again when he plucked you up off the ground, you legs wrapping tight around his hips, one arm holding you to him effortlessly. Then the two of you were moving, walking through the bedroom and collapsing onto the bed.
When your back hit the mattress, you reached in between your bodies, desperate to have him inside of you. You fisted his cock, intent on guiding him inside of you, but he was faster. Grabbing both of your wrists in his hands, he shackled them to the mattress above your head. He pulled his mouth from yours, your breath still mingling.
“Oh no, sweetheart,” he murmured. “It won’t be half that easy.”
But he was moving off of you, landing a stinging slap to your hip. “Don’t move.” You didn’t think twice about disobeying him, only watched as he crossed the room and picked last night’s tie from the floor.  His eyes were dark and hooded as he moved toward you again. 
“Hands on the bedpost.”
Heat flooding between your legs, you did as you were told, wiggling across the mattress to grab the corner bedpost. He met you there, jerking your hands roughly so you were holding the post between your wrists. With quick hands, he tied you to the bedpost. Instinctively, you pulled at the bondage, found that it was nice and tight, but you could probably get loose if you really tried.
Not that you wanted to. 
Freddie was looming over you, leaning down until you were nearly nose to nose. “Safe word is blue. Say it.”
A satisfied smirk. “Good girl.” 
He pecked you on the mouth before moving onto the bed again, parting your legs and kneeling between them. You were completely exposed to him, no part of you hidden from eyes that shamelessly roamed your body like he owned it.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through these last few days?” he asked, his voice deep and husky with arousal as he leaned over you, brushing his lips over your jaw. “Teasing me.” A light kiss. “Driving me insane.” Another. “Then walking away.” A sharp bite that made you flinch.  His mouth came to yours again and took it in a long, hard kiss. “Now it’s your turn,” he continued. “To be teased until you’re begging me to fuck you.” You whimpered in response, flexing your hips beneath his weight.
But he was pulling away, trailing his mouth back to your jaw and down your throat with exquisite slowness. Arching your neck for him, you whimpered again when he ignored the obvious plea and moved his mouth down your breastbone to the valley of your breasts. He kissed one beaded nipple with just enough pressure that you gave a light gasp and arched into him. He moved to the other, taking this one fully into his mouth, pressing his tongue flat against it.  As pleasure began to build, he moved yet again and you let out a frustrated curse. You felt his lips quirk into a smile against your skin before he continued moving, kissing down your stomach until he was just above your pussy. Suddenly he was leaning back and pulling your hips up off the bed, raising your ankles over his shoulders so you were completely helpless. You felt a tight kiss a breath above your clit and you tried to close your legs around his head, but he easily pried them back open. After a few more teasing kisses just shy of where you needed them, his mouth pressed lightly to your clit. You gasped and arched your hips into the touch. You were being shameless and you knew it. And you didn’t care. Here, with him, you felt nothing but want.
He didn’t open his mouth and eat you like wanted-needed-him to. All he gave you were small, tight lipped kisses that drove your desperation higher and higher. When he finally did open his mouth slightly to lick your throbbing clit, you thought he might just push you over...but he pulled away. Writhing in his grip, you tried to chase the high, but it faded away.
Giving you one last nip to the thigh, Freddie moved your legs back down to the bed, slowly running his hands up to your thighs. “What do you need, baby?” he asked, his voice low and taunting. “Tell me.”
“Fred, I need-I need you.”
He grinned at that, clearly amused and satisfied by your words.
“Hmmm. This what you need?”
Leaning over you, he slid his cock through the folds of your pussy. You moaned long and loud as your eyes fluttered shut with pleasure. Pulling back, he gave another long, slow thrust, his cock only just grazing your clit. 
Bracing his arms on either side of your head, he took your mouth in a deep, wet kiss. You instinctively moved to wrap your arms around his shoulders, but came up against the binds. It was brutal, having no anchor against the onslaught of sensation. Freddie was breathing deeply, his chest pressing deep into yours as he continued to slide his cock through your folds, keeping you at a torturous level of pleasure. Back and forth, back and forth, it was an exquisite pain.
As if he knew you were finally going to reach your climax, he backed off again, leaving you just at the edge.
“Easy, baby,” he murmured against your cheek. “Not yet. Not yet.” He leaned away again, running his hands down your body as he did.
You heaved in a breath as you dangled on the edge of your climax, then fell back again. 
“What’s it like, baby?” he asked, running his hands up your thighs and then back down again. “To just get there? And not have it?”
You only whimpered in reply, your entire body begging for him. He had you and he knew it. You would do anything for him now.
He slowly leaned back down, hovering over you until your mouths barely touched. “Apologize for teasing me.”
“I’m-I’m sorry for teasing you.”
You were rewarded by him guiding just the tip of his cock inside of you. You both groaned and shuddered at the burning pleasure, Freddie’s head dropping to your chest as he struggled for control. You writhed, trying to get him deeper, but he slapped a hand to your hip, stilling you instantly.
“God, Y/N, you drive me fucking crazy.”
“Freddie, baby, please-”
You both groaned as he pushed deeper inside of you, pushing slowly until he reached the hilt.  You shuddered and let yourself be taken over by the pleasure of having him inside of you. You clenched around him and he cursed. He suddenly reared up onto his knees and grabbed your hips, pulling you up off the bed. Pulling out of you, he slammed back in again. Soon, he took up a brutal pace, his hands digging hard into your hips, your body nearly completely off the bed.  All you could do was give yourself up to the sex, to what he was demanding from you.
The orgasm, when it came, was violent and overwhelming, robbing you of breath as it washed over every inch of you, stuttered your heart in your chest.
Freddie came with a curse his hips slamming into yours one last time before he collapsed on top of you, keeping his full weight braced on his arm. The two of you stayed like that for a long moment, struggling to catch your breath as your orgasms slowly faded. You felt Freddie’s hand cup your cheek and he turned it to face him.
“Okay?” he asked. You nodded in reply and pressed your mouth to his.
“If you think this is going to deter me from teasing you again, you are very wrong.”
He laughed, the sound so deep and husky you shivered with renewed arousal.
“I hope not.”
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