#did i mention book demon lore?
maid-en-gubal · 10 months
Gentle LFRP
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"Then, everything changed when the WoL attacked the Great Gubal Library..."
The Basics --
Name: Rofan "Lesrekta" Age: Difficult to answer Race: "Veena, Viera" Gender: Technically genderless, but the female form truly is marvelous (she/they) Sexuality: Love At First Sight except there's always someone new Server: Leviathan
Short Synopsis --
A product of Sharlayan research, Rofan is but one of many denizens that call the Great Gubal Library home. Their present form is little more than a glamour, the visage that of a familiar figure from long before the Garlean invasion. Spun from words of ardor and admiration, they are an amalgam of the greatest literary works pertaining to love in all its many forms – Rofan is the very concept itself. After the library’s depths were unceremoniously plundered and her guardians slain by those that would call themselves the Warriors of Light, raiders continued to darken their doorstep, pilfering the vaults and potentially endangering the world with the “treasures” that have begun to circulate. Thus a small platoon of her remaining wardens have left the isolation of her hold, to fulfill their duties – detaining those that have escaped, or kill them trying. Lest they too awaken… But Rofan faces an even greater threat on the Outside: living. Their worldviews are constantly at odds with the reality of the rest of the world, and now they must contend with the fact that they’re not even real; where could a mere caricature possibly fit in the colorful tapestry of life?
About the Operator --
♦ As I’m 28, I would prefer to interact with anyone 21+; if that is not you, please do not perceive me. Everyone else, perceive me gently, I’m shy. ♦ I’m not new to FFXIV, but I am coming back from about a 2 year hiatus, and even then the farthest I made it was the end of the main story of Stormblood. I’m starting over from scratch with Rofan. Specifically so I can run through Heavensward again. I think you all know why. If you find yourself on Leviathan for whatever reason and you see me running around, feel free to say hi although I’m sorry if I run away right after. As a character, Rofan is infinitely more bold than I am, I swear. ♦ I haven’t RPed in a while so to call this an RP blog feels like a disservice to all of you. But I’ve got over a decade of it under my belt for what it’s worth! Honestly, I just wanted to share my character with others since I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this in my immediate friend group. And if anything comes out of it, neat! More than anything, I just want something to think about while I’m at work battling spotty wi-fi. ♦ SERIOUSLY, ASK ME ABOUT MY BOOK DEMON LORE I’VE GOT A WHOLE PAGE DEDICATED TO IT ON MY NOTES APP LIKE HOW THEY FEED ON AMBIENT AETHER BUT ROFAN ENJOYS LOVE LETTERS FOR DESERT – ♦ I should add I have no hard limits so I kindly ask that you communicate your’s as I would prefer to avoid needlessly upsetting you. ♦ I’ll do a more serious full scale profile at some point for Rofan as well as a carrd (no but seriously, where was this back in my RP heyday because this is rad as hell), when I’m feeling braver about dipping my toes back in the water.
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drconstellation · 2 months
Judgement Day
Aziraphale's Edinburgh Journey: Part 4
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Aziraphale's trip to Edinburgh - and most of S2 - is filled with hints and references to the Second Coming. Once you are clued into this, they are everywhere, with some clues more obvious than others. Gabriel's statue is one of them, but it has another role as well (and it's not for hiding anything under, sorry.)
We also have a lot of references to the Freemasons in S2, particularly in Edinburgh, but you can see related symbolism elsewhere - they use some of the same symbolism used around Memento mori, and they also believe in working towards upholding values in life to be rewarded in the afterlife. Judgement Day looms large for all, not matter what their belief.
Judgment in the Tarot
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Judgement is the penultimate card of the Major Arcana in the Tarot - the final card is The World, where the journey ends and everything comes together in harmony. But first, one must be summoned to their reckoning, and the past weighed up. It marks the completion of a karmic cycle; its time for renewal.
Three naked figures, a man, a woman and a child, rise out of the darkness of the underworld. Their nakedness denotes their spirituality, they have thrown off the clothes and material things of a physical life. An angel in the sky with a trumpet summons them to be reborn.
But which angel is it on the card? The book I'm favoring to do these card interpretations says its Michael. The information I have about cemetery angels (below) would indicate it to be Gabriel, who is sometimes depicted on headstones blowing a horn. Yet other lore says it's Raphael/Israfel that will blow the horn to start the Day of Judgement. And reading further, on some texts it just says it will be an archangel, they don't specify which one.
Cemetery Angels
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The statue of Gabriel in the Edinburgh cemetery is an example of a cemetery angel. The type and pose of the angel is supposed to give some indication of the life that was lived. Small cherubs for children, a lily held for purity, a circular wreath for everlasting life, for example.
Gabriel's statue is doing several things at once: its wings are open, indicating its ready to take flight upwards for the resurrection, and its holding a cross. This is because this statue is a replica of one of the angels on the Ponte Sant'Angelo in Rome and they all hold something relating to the Passion. A cross is probably the most recognizable symbol of all, and instantly connected with Jesus. Everything here is pointing us to the Second Coming.
The Missing Cross
But the cross isn't there in every scene. It's been pointed out that its missing when Gabriel shows his statue to Beelzebub in the present.
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This only appears to be the case when we view this scene from a distance. When we see the statue from between their shoulders, the cross is still there.
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This is an inconsistent message, and casts some doubt on what its trying to tell us. Can Beelzebub see the cross or not? It can't be a demon thing, as Crowley has no problem seeing the cross in 1827. Is it instead a comment about Gabriel and Beelzebub as a pair?
There are a multitude of meanings that could be applied here around that missing cross: is it do with death and resurrection or is to do with having your sins forgiven and achieving eternal life? If its the latter, then the demons have always been excluded from that, right from the start.
Gazing in Parallel
Then there's this parallel in acts of admiration of the statue:
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The very first time I watched S2 and I heard Crowley say "he probably comes here to stare at it," I knew yep, he sure does, and so he did.
Parallel pairs like this usually give us a nugget of information about the characters or story, and this one seems to be another thing pointing us to Gabriel being the peacock mentioned in the Job minisode (i.e. "Did you give wings to peacocks, Job...") An old slang definition of a peacock is "a person, especially a man, who is arrogant or likes dressing or behaving in a way that draws attention to themselves" and "a man who is very proud of his appearance and gives a lot of attention to his clothes and the way he dresses."
Let us not forget at this point that Crowley is linked to Gabriel in S2 as both a parallel and foil, and he, too, takes some pride in his appearance. But while Gabriel admires the creation that is himself, Crowley tends more to admire creations that he has had a hand in working on himself.
But there is a curious moment here that links us up with a scene from the beginning of S2, in Before the Beginning. Notice how Aziraphale looks back at Crowley as he he says Gabriel "Probably comes here to stare at it. Marveling at his own beauty."
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Aziraphale has the same jealous look on his face as angel!Crowley marvels at the beauty of his newly created nebula and stars.
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We have to remember that Before The Beginning was one of the last parts of S2 to be written, even though its at the start, but it includes a repeated parallel to the dates at the statue - angel!Crowley admires his creation, and Aziraphale looks a little jealous that he's not getting that same attention from Crowley.
Demons in the Mist
There is another, larger, parallel sequence that the statue plays a part in as well, and this connects us to S1, and I suspect to S3 as well. This is one of the mobius strip parallels that I sometimes talk about, where the story history repeats itself ad infinitum. Notice the misty nature of the present day scene below; this is an indication we are seeing more than two times and places at once.
It starts here, as we switch suddenly from 1827 back to present, just after Crowley is sucked down into Hell, leaving Aziraphale gazing up at the statue.
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The parallel scene to this is the sushi restaurant in S1E1.
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In that scene Crowley has been summoned to the cemetery to receive the antichrist and start Armageddon. He was supposed to be on a date with Aziraphale at the sushi restaurant, but Gabriel turns up instead, on the other side of Aziraphale - the same side the statue is on in S2.
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Next, there are two demons. The first time, Crowley was summoned to meet with Hastur and Ligur to start Armageddon. Only this time, in S2, its Aziraphale talking to the demons, not Crowley.
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We have an indication that the Scottish pair are demon-related with the taller one having a misspelled tattoo on his forehead (and aren't there many stories of badly spelled tattoos?)
I think they also roughly match the height and size of Hastur and Ligur, too. And it's the Ligur-parallel that offers his phone - just like its Ligur that chats to Michael on the back channels that don't exist in S1.
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Free phone call? Not a problem. It's been pointed out that when Crowley hangs up the phone handset in S1 after calling Aziraphale you can hear a coin falling into the coin return box - apparently there was a thing done in the old days of leaving some change in the coin return for people who didn't have any money and needed to make a call; a kindness for strangers, if you will. So it's not a worry that there is no credit on the phone when Aziraphale needs to make the call.
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Lastly, we have some S3 foreshadowing, because this an Aziraphale scene and he connects us with the future. The old phone is looking worn and tatty, with the Union Jack on it, a sign of the Empire that is slowly fading, and is well past its peak. After he hands it back with a blessing, it looks renewed, with the St Andrews Cross of Scotland on it. I might live on the other side of the world from the UK but even I'm aware of the political debate around Scottish independence that has been ongoing for, well, many years now.
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I can't help thinking we are going to see a parallel to this scene in S3 as well, with Aziraphale demanding some form communication from Hell or some demons for which he does "ask nicely" about. This is all working towards a change in the way the authoritative structure works for the angels and demons (the death and rebirth theme.)
Masonic Symbols
We are alerted to the presence of the Masons when Aziraphale does his detective cosplay and speaks to the barman in the Resurrectionist pub. If you are quick, you can also notice the square and compass symbol on the windows next to the pub as Aziraphale approaches, although most of us are looking at Jesus on the sign (and a reminder that we are looking out of a deliberate copy of the Eastern Gate of Eden here on the sign, too, into the deserted distance.)
The square and compass are a reminder of balance - the square at the bottom is about honesty and integrity, and the compass at the top represents wisdom and keeping one's desires within reach.
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But why are we looking at Masons? I think this is because they represent a similar but different alternative to the Abrahamic religions the Good Omens AU is built around - they believe in a Supreme Being (God) and they believe in upholding certain virtues and doing good deeds in life so that they will be rewarded in the afterlife, and that there is an eternal afterlife; they just don't believe in going about it in the same way the church does.* The Catholic church doesn't allow one to be a Mason and a member of the church at the same time because of this clash in ideologies.
The other thing to note about Masons, is that Masons wear black tie evening dress to their Lodge meetings, like the corpse in the next image below. The barman in the present even says to Aziraphale "It's the first time I've seen one in a fancy grey suit, though." This is a big Clue - but you all missed it, because you latched on to the fancy grey suit part of the sentence that screamed "GABRIEL WAS HERE!!" at you and didn't hear the silent part that the barman was saying - that the other person that was with Gabriel was wearing a black suit.
Hello? Anyone paying attention here? No? Just me shouting into the void...right, well, carry on then.
We see three dead bodies in the Resurrectionists minisode, much like the three bodies on the Tarot card for Judgement. The first is this Mason, clearly identified by the apron he is wearing (the other two bodies are a priest and wee Morag.) The decoration on it would indicate what rank or degree of mastery he held within his lodge. The background was always white, for purity.
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Coffins were a reminder that one day every one would die and return to dust. They were also a sign of leaving their previous life behind from before they joined the Masons and taking on their Masonic duties.
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Skulls and cross bones were part of Memento mori - reminders that life was short. They also appeared on Mason tracer boards.
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The hourglass was a particularly special symbol. While it, too, was a reminder that life was finite, it was also a reminder that life and death was a cycle. By turning the hourglass over, one started the cycle again. This also demonstrated the need at times for one to turn one's thoughts and actions around on their journey through life.
It was also a reminder that time was the great equalizer - it didn't matter your station in life, time always moved forward, and death would come for us all.
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Onward to Part 5, dear readers! Time to see if we really know where we're going with all this!
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Thanks once again to @vidavalor for pointing out the parallel between the statue of Gabriel and the sushi restaurant in S1, where Crowley is pulled away by Hell both times and Gabriel appears on Aziraphale's right.
@kimberleyjean has also put together a collection of all the infinity loops and mobius strip references in GO here.
*I'm not sure what it was like in other countries, but I know in Australia during the mid 20th century to get anywhere in certain jobs and industries you either had to be a Catholic or a Mason. Without the backing of one of those organizations you wouldn't get far. My grandfather was a Mason, but not religious, and consequently rose quite high in the government dept he worked for - took me a long time to put all those pieces together, because it was never talked about in my family. I just knew he went to Lodge. It was only listening to some podcasts about history that I was able to work it out.
The other posts in this series can be found here:
Part 1: Detective Aziraphale Part 2: Aziraphale-Beelzebub Parallels Part 3: Stocktaking in the Basement Part 5: I Know Where I'm Going
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winchester-girl67 · 2 years
Sensory Overload
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Summary: The reader tells Dean that she's on the spectrum after he finds her hiding out in his room after a hunt.
Requested by @whoooooisthis​: "I was wondering if you'd be okay with writing Dean Winchester x autistic reader (with sensory issues, and possibly a hyperfixation on the lore/mythology the boys use to hunt)?"
Pairing: Dean x autistic!reader
Square: Clothes sharing @spnfluffbingo​ Dean's Flannel @supernatural-jackles​
Word Count: 2,489
Warnings: autistic!reader, autism, mentions/implied hyperfixation, anxiety, separation anxiety, ADHD, sensory issues related to autism, stimming, a little angst, a little pining, emotional hurt/comfort, cuddling/kissing, mostly fluff
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I'm really behind on requests. I hope you like it. Also written for @spnfluffbingo​ and @supernatural-jackles​’ Tell Me a Story bingo.
You snuggled more into the comforters, wrapping Dean's pillow tighter around your head to block out the cacophony of sounds in the bunker. The high-pitched buzz of the fluorescent lights in the hallway mixed with the constant droning sound of the ventilation system, but neither compared to the silence of your cell phone.
You called the boys fifteen and a half times in the past hour, but still no answer. You were worried, terrified you missed something in the lore that could've led to their demise, because why else haven't they picked up yet. Dean always called you when they finished a hunt with praises on your research skills, you saved their asses plenty of times without even being in the line of fire.
Your forte was in the books, you knew everything about everything, hunters from all parts of the country looked to you for information on vamps, ghouls, djinns, shifters, ghosts, demons, wendigos... You name it, you knew it, and you loved it, spending your days in the library; but sometimes you got a little lost in it and that's when having the boys around really helped.
Dean especially was great at drawing your focus, usually after he'd just tried a new recipe in the kitchen and needed a taste-tester. You didn't have the heart to tell him that most of his 'masterpieces' were mostly inedible, though he did make incredible chocolate chip cookies and apple pie. He made those most often.
You wondered if you'd ever get to taste those again, if the boys would come walking in that bunker door any time soon, if you missed something in the lore. But you had scanned the pages too many times to have missed anything. Something else must've gone wrong.
You couldn't remember how long ago it was that you curled up in Dean's bed. You weren't supposed to be there, you never crawled into his bed unless he was already in it and you couldn't sleep. You started to cry, not heavily, just one or two tears that escaped as you started to rock back and forth and back-
The lights in the room flicked on. You didn't open your eyes until a pair of strong hands pried yours off the edges of Dean's pillow. You met the gaze of the green eyed man of whom you'd come so accustomed to. You've only lived with them for a year now and your diagnosis had never come up, but you couldn't avoid it now, not anymore. Not that you were avoiding it, it just never came up.
You looked away and sat up in his bed. You glanced around at the state his room was in. Dean liked things tidy and you'd made a mess of it. His clothes were thrown over every square inch of his bedroom floor. You glanced back at him, he looked tired but you didn't think he looked angry.
"Before you say anything, I'm sorry!" You blurted out, wiping your cheeks dry.
"Okay," Dean eyed the mess, "You wanna tell me why you look so guilty?"
"You didn't answer your phone, you always answer your phone. I got worried. I'm sorry." You hugged yourself and squinted at the bright lights, "C-can you turn those off, please?"
Dean nodded and turned on the bedside lamp, then flicked off the switch for the ceiling lights. You started to relax slightly in the more dim setting, especially now that you knew he was okay. You sucked in a slow breath not wanting to completely lose it in front of him. How long have you been there? You didn't know and hugged his pillow to your chest.
"Better?" He asked, you nodded, "Were you asleep?" You shook your head and tugged on the trim of the pillow case, "What's wrong, Y/N?"
"I-I was worried," you said, you knew he was looking at you but you couldn't meet his eyes. "Y-you didn't answer your phone."
"Sammy's phone died and I broke mine," he explained, tossing the two pieces of his cell onto the table next to the lamp. You winced at the clattering sound, he noticed but didn't make a comment. Instead he spoke softer, "And that makes you raid my closet?" He asked, pulling on the hem of your shirt sleeve, but you pulled your hand away and you thought you heard him sigh.
You had changed out of your clothes and into his. A pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and the purple plaid of his that you adored. There was just something about his clothes that calmed you, they weren't itchy or confining like yours were. And they smelt like him, at least the flannel did because he'd worn it briefly before he left. You were a little embarrassed when you saw him notice. But Dean never judged you, you loved that about him.
"I needed something soft and your clothes are softer than mine, and it smells like you. It calms me. I'm sorry."
"It's a bit big on you, isn't it, sweetheart?" He laughed and you frowned, "Hey, that was a joke. Y/N?"
You didn't always get his odd sense of humour, he loved sarcasm but you never really understood it, even if you laughed at a couple of his remarks from time to time. You liked it better when he was blatantly silly and told dad-jokes. That's actually how your friendship started out, with bad jokes, that's how he got you out of your shell. With Sam you bonded over research in the library until you surpassed his knowledge and he couldn't teach you anymore, now it was workout routines and health related stuff like early morning runs or protein shakes. You never told Sam that you'd rather eat one of Dean's masterpieces over those protein shakes. But he did start adding berries to yours which helped.
"Don't be sorry, Y/N, you haven't done anything wrong." He said, furrowing his brow.
You flinched when he tried to touch your hand again, so instead he huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. You cleared your throat and mirrored him, crossing your arms over the pillow you continued to squish to your chest.
"I'm on the spectrum, Dean." You said, making eye contact for a second and watching his features soften.
"I didn't know," he shook his head and sighed like he should've though. Because you were good friends, best friends; hell, half the time he flirted with you. Hard. That was probably the one thing he made painfully obvious, when he hit on you. But nothing ever came of it. Yet.
"I don't tell many people, at least not until we get to know each other. I'm not embarrassed or anything, it's a part of me and I like who I am. But some days, I just want to be me, you know? Without the label." You explained, shuffling over a bit when Dean sat next to you on the bed.  
"I know what you mean, sweetheart," he chewed on his lip for a moment as if contemplating something, "I have ADHD... This is the first time I've told anyone. I won't give Sam the satisfaction of knowing he was right, he's been saying I have it for years and I just know he'll give me that 'I told you so' smirk he likes so much." He laughed and shrugged, "I'll eventually tell him though... One of these days."
"I know."
His eyes widened, "You do?"
"Yeah," you nodded, still tugging on the welt edge of the pillow case.
"It's super obvious, Dean. You have way too much energy for someone your age, you're super impulsive, and you're easily distracted." You rambled your observations on his personality from the past year. Those were exactly the things you loved about him though.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that comment about my age." He gave you a pointed stare but you could tell he was teasing because he smiled, "Why'd you tell me now?"
"I've known you for a while now, I trust you won't treat me different. Kinda hard to explain all this too," you said, waving your hand to quickly gesture around the room. You hadn't noticed what you were doing in the moment, but now you realized you'd thrown more than half of his wardrobe onto the floor in your search for his softest clothing.
He shrugged, "Could've just said Cas was here. This is nothing, I've seen him do more damage than this before. I'd have believed it."
You shrugged, "I guess, I'm tired of lying to you, or not telling you the whole truth, especially you."
"You can always tell me the truth, sweetheart, and if I can't relate, I'll try to understand." He said, placing his hand between you like he hoped you'd grab it, "You're not alone, Y/N."
"Thank you," you swallowed, staring at his hand. You wanted to reach out but you couldn't convince your hands to let go of the pillow case.
"No, thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me. I appreciate it and everything you do for us. I honestly think we'd be lost without you. I know I would." He didn't say it in his usual flirting tone, but you knew it wasn't a joke either. There was definitely something more to those four words.
"So, you're not mad about the, y-your room?" You asked, pressing your face into the pillow and side eyeing him.
"No, but I am curious, now that we've brought up this whole honesty thing. What did you think of my last conquest? The bacon corn soufflé, you never did say much." He asked with a raise of his eyebrows and you scrunched up your face, "You know you’re not that great at hiding when you don't like something, why do you think I limit my culinary masterpieces to once a month and instead make cookies and pie mostly now?" He smiled showing off his pearly teeth.
You smiled too, "I could go for some cookies."
"I have half a batch in the freezer, wanna get some with me?"
You shook your head instantly, "It's too loud out there," you motioned to the hallway behind him.
"I have an idea, do you trust me?" He asked and you hesitated but ultimately nodded. Dean pulled open the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, "Can I..?" He gestured as if he was going to put the headphones on you and you let him. It was so quiet and peaceful, you honestly don't know why you didn't think of this sooner.
You saw Dean's lips moving and lifted one side of the headphones, "What?"
"I said," he chuckled softly, "I'm gonna shower real quick and then I'll come get you for cookies and milk, okay?"
"Okay," you agreed and pulled the comforters up, holding them under your chin.
Dean ducked out of the room with a fresh pair of sweats and a tee tucked under his arm. Stopping at the door to glance back at you quickly. You gave him a soft smile and snuggled down into the bed again.
It felt like he was only gone for a second when he returned freshly showered with damp hair and smelling of, lavender? He used your body wash again, that always made you giggle; when tough-guy Dean smelt of pretty purple flowers.
He sat on the bed next to you and you lifted the headphones again, "Snack time?" He asked.
You glanced at the open bedroom door behind him and shook your head, "It's too bright." You let the headphones fall back into place and Dean raised a finger as if he needed a minute and disappeared out the door.
The lights in the hallway dimmed to half their brightness and Dean returned with a grin plastered on his face. He spread out his arms and raised his brows and you found the same smile plastered on your own face as you slid out of bed and followed him into the hall.
Dean left the lights off in the kitchen and grabbed the freezer bag of chocolate chip cookies from the freezer. He split open the bag and dug one out to hand to you, then popped one between his own lips, letting the warmth from his mouth defrost the dough before biting into it.
You sat on the counter and watched Dean move around the kitchen in the dark. He knew it like the back of his hand and in no time at all, there was a glass of milk in his hand and another one next to you. You shared the cookies until there were none and polished off your milk. Dean took the glasses and placed them in the sink before turning to you.
It was a comfortable silence as he stood in front of you but you couldn't hold his gaze for more than a second at a time. Until you caught his top lip and started laughing. You gestured to his milk-moustache and he chuckled by the roll of his shoulders and wiped it away. You wiped your mouth, just in case you had one too. He nodded his head towards the hallway and you followed him back to his room.
You already made up your mind that you were staying with him tonight and since he didn't push you towards your own room, you figured he was fine with that. You crawled into bed and lifted the headphones from your ears. You didn't really want to sleep with them on and you were feeling better now.
Dean grabbed the remote from his bedside table, "What do you say we watch a movie?"
"I don't think I'm up for a movie, De." You said, turning on your side to face him.
"Why not?" He replaced the remote and scooted down in bed next to you. Surprisingly he didn't make any move to touch you after his last few failed attempts and instead propped his head on his hand so he could look down at you comfortably.
"The screen moves too fast and I just need quiet, I still feel on edge a little bit." You explained.
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He asked.
"Hold me," you said, suddenly wanting to feel him surrounding you. He shifted closer and pulled you into his arms tentatively, "Tighter." He hugged you more, "Tighter." He squeezed you.
You sighed and nuzzled your face against his chest, feeling everything melt away as you melted into him. He kissed the top of your head with no intention of letting go and gave you another squeeze.
“Thank you,” you mumbled. “Dean? Can we get a dog?" This was an ongoing battle you were determined to win.
He sighed and kissed the top of your head again, "Only if I get to pick the name."
 Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​ @laycblack​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @crustycheeks​ @kazsrm67​ @sexyvixen7​ @lyarr24​ @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99​ @yvonneeeee​ 
Forever SPN: @hobby27​
Tell Me a Story Bingo: @princessvader15​
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So I mentioned in a previous post how Overwatch has a lot of factions that aren’t expanded upon a lot, so I’ve got a list of my top five that are currently represented and my top five that I wish got representation
We’ll start with the ones that currently have representation
Number five is Oasis, represented by Moira who is their Minister of Genetics however we do know in lore that there are other ministers so they could be playable in the future or someone else who works within Oasis
In the same vein as Oasis at Number four we got the Atlantic Arcology which is represented by Lifeweaver. It’s a similar place to Oasis where many great minds live in order to try and further research in various fields and I just feel like both of them should have more representation given the significance they most likely have with advancements in the Overwatch Universe
Number Three is Blackwatch, we only know of four of them and one them also doubles as representation for Overwatch. I want to know more about the black ops of Overwatch, like, did they have a tank?
Number two is the MEKA Squad, with what we know of them in lore is surprisingly little and I’m gonna be honest the vibes I’ve gotten from the lore is that D.Va does most of the work and I want to be proven wrong about that. Plus, the Genshin are meant to be this big threat but it’s hard to take it as a threat when we are only able to see the capabilities of one of Korea’s defenders
And at Number One, the Inti Tribe because why the absolute FUCK is Illari labeled as its only defender!? No seriously, she is fucking 18 why is she treated in lore as her tribe’s only defender. If she was their tribe’s only sun warrior that’s a different thing but she’s working with others to defend their tribe but the Sun Warriors made up the bulk of the defenses so at least then it still gives to the tragedy of her explosion while not leaving the literal eighteen year old as the only defender of an entire giant tribe I want an explanation Blizzard!!! I will crawl into your office like a demon possessed and tear through whatever lore books you have in there to find my answers give them to me!!!
On to the factions that don’t have representation within Overwatch that I feel should have it
At Number five we got the Hashimoto. They’re meant to Kiriko’s main enemy and as of the recent Hanzo short story his as well but they just feel like a dime a dozen goons from what we have seen. Like how Null Sector began to feel like more of a threat after Ramattra was added I feel like the Hashimoto would be seen as more dangerous if we actually got a hero to represent them
At Number Four, the Gwishin. Sort of the same story like with the Hashimoto except we do have some idea of what they are capable of, no what I want a hero to represent them for is how they happened in the first place and how they are able to adapt like they do
At Number three the Wastelanders of Australia, they’re the outcasts of the junkers and what Junker Queen used to be when she was exiled. It shows a new perspective on the Australian Wasteland that’s different from the Junkers
At Number two we got the UN. Look, given how big of a deal the UN is in the larger story of Overwatch I just feel like having a hero to represent them would be pretty good in terms of lore and generally either a character who is morally grey or a villain
At Number one we have the God AI. We currently know the names of four God AI, Anubis, Chernobog, Xibalba, and Macaria. Given the massive importance the God AI have in the lore of Overwatch I’m genuinely surprised that not one of them has been made into a playable hero. I’m also kinda impressed that Blizzard hasn’t released a hero that is just them taking a god from mythology and translating that into an FPS. Anyway, given the various purposes the AI had there’s plenty of ways to design their kits around it and there have been hints that some of the God AI achieved some level of Sentience such as Chernobog’s lore. So yeah, I want them represented in game
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Damn I'm really like the storyline of this game.But FUCK Leo,if I ever get a chance to smacked the shit out of him, please Chancellor one chance.He fucked with the Mc head, how Alan and Thoma didn't kick him out that car if beyond me, there better than me honestly.Sho isn't much better because he's going along just because he's isn't mean.
Just because there isn't cruelty that doesn't mean kindness.But he's the lesser evil.Makes me sad for Alan.
Let's talk about Lucas I wonder if the soul system is like JJK,like if your twins you share the same soul and that's why the demon took his brother.
Also which character did you pick for your first
I picked Thoma first, but I didn't take screenshots of the opening. Probably gonna use my emulator to take a crack at screencapping all of the boys intros because I am insane and want to pick it apart for lore research.
Twins sharing the same soul/being seen as the same person is very common in Japanese folklore if I understand correctly? But that might just be me overthinking the plot of Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. So yes that's my assumption too, the demon likely took Luca's brother in his place since they technically share a soul.
Now. Let's talk about Leo. The main reason Alan and Thoma didn't immediately kick him out of the car was to not make a scene. Thoma specifically seems to respect the opportunistic sort, and thinks that Leo shows promise if he shapes up. He's skilled with tech, good at reading people, quick on his feet, all of those things are arguably good traits that Vagastrom, and Alan, could really use! Besides it's not like he has enough on either of them to get in their way yet, best to play it cool and walk away with the upper hand. Another thing we learn from this conversation that might be easy to miss is that unlike Twisted Wonderland where each dorm has rules about who should be the leader, Darwick's Administration picks the Captain and Vice Captain of the dorm, and grades seem to be more important to them than say. Whether or not the person has a good character, as we have seen from both Thoma and Leo, is significantly less important.
But if there is one thing I sort of have to point out that I think Alan gets and tries to call him out on, Leo is incredibly short sighted. He sees MC's power as worthless not because it doesn't work but because he already used it and got what he wants from it. He doesn't see anyone other than himself, and maybe Sho, as a person so he doesn't feel any guilt about using MC to get what he wants and then trying to get her kicked out of the school. He's also the only bitch in this house that completely ignores that MC can't leave, he doesn't mention her curse once when talking about her and honestly I don't think he was paying attention enough to remember that she can't leave because of that. Allan makes a point at the end of the Vagastrom book that I really hope is followed up on:
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I sort of read this as applying to his friendship with Sho and his own reputation. Sure, it's all fun and games now while he snatches up the Vice Captain role and still has Sho doing his bidding, but well. Sho does occasionally do what he wants, he didn't go along with Leo's plan, not completely. He didn't outright lie about MC's power, and he hates how Leo keeps asking about why the ghouls made their wish on a demon. He thinks it's wrong, he hates it. Leo's treatment of MC did bother him, and I know he doesn't want MC to die. I don't know how far you or anyone else has made it, but something happens in Book 3 that makes it seem like MC has gone missing, and according to Hyde all of the Frostheim, "and one or two" of the Vagastrom ghouls have to be talked out of going to look for her.
As of right now Leo's only real ally is Sho. If Sho gets fed up with him and stops covering his ass, then Leo has no one, and I don't think that's occurred to him since according to Sho's bio they've been friends since long before Darkwick. Anyway I hope they get divorced and Sho gets to keep his food truck. Like I said, we can run Leo over with it for the insurance money.
Have some Side Notes:
The ring of Solomon, or the ring of wisdom, granted Solomon the power to make demons do his bidding in the original myth. Since ghouls powers come from demons, in some way, shape, or form, my theory is that the ring is likely enhancing the demonic part of them.
The "like doves" supposedly appear when someone is thinking of you positively/likes you. The first people to make these doves appear around MC are Luka and Kaito. The second is Sho, which is honestly why I am a bit softer on him then I should be. The third time it shows up is at the end of Jabberwock's book with all three dorm members present, meaning literally the only bitch in this house who does not respect MC is fucking Leo that dick-
while it isn't specified, Professor Dante appears to be the advisor for both Frostheim and Vagastrom, something I think is more or less confirmed by Hyde being in charge of both Jabberwock and Sinostra. Anyway the point I want to make is that we are missing a dorm if we follow the rule of each advisor being in charge of two, and no I don't mean the two missing characters from Obscuary I mean a whole dorm that seems to have specialized in exorcisms (perhaps of curses 👀):
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My personal theory is that their dorm used to be in the Cathedral we are staying in and that it was destroyed during "the Clash" that's been alluded to in the first part of the story, we don't know much about it other than 1) it was between ghouls, perhaps exclusively 2) there is a spy of some sort Thoma and Alan are looking for that might have had something to do with it and 3) a Frostheim student behaved very badly during the Clash to the point Thoma seems to think they should take some responsibility for it. But that's just my speculation, don't know how much of it's real.
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lmk-aus-galore · 1 month
Oh hard core agree. I can't tell you how baffling it was begging for people to actually read the source material in animanga fandoms because they would just go on trashing on the heroes and simping for the villains and making up false crimes characters didn't even do, then walking into LMK and it was the exact opposite. Everyone is obsessed with the source material, they HATE the villain. What the pepperoni. Seeing people go "well of course Wukong hates Mac what did he expect when he killed and ate a monkey and stole stuff" he didn't do SQUAT. And just because LMK combined demons with Brotherhood characters of similar names doesn't mean they were the same character in JTTW so seeing THAT and the assumptions people bring from that is. huh. I think JTTW is too advance a book for the 14 year old age demographic LMK attracts. I'd also like to study this wild phenomenon of villain redemption demands because nobody complained about Red Son and it makes me laugh everytime someone says "Macaque needs to show more actual want to change" like, fam. Maybe if he was an actual villain to BEGIN WITH instead of *checks note* a one off instance of villainy where all he did was fight Wukong post-stealing MK's powers and be a bullying jerk, another instance of ambiguous LBD warning and trauma projecting lore dumping, and then a following season of being an unwilling henchman who kept telling us 50 times he didn't want to do this, that LBD forced it bc he "already had a taste of dying" and just wanting to be free of it and never talk to MK and his friends again *points very deliberately at the "and then I'm done with you all." line. Pretty dang hard for a character to pull things out of a hat to convince others that "they no longer have those motives and desires" when they didn't have them in the first place. Love the way you're calling out the Bull Fam and Tripitaka those are so trueeee. Zhu Bajie too lmao. My thoughts exactly. Twinkle toes over there is going to be a fun character to witness when we get context on the "Monkey! No violence!" line in LMK. And by character, I mostly mean the fandom response.
I can spend all day listing how much almost all the villains hold MK responsible for Wukong’s actions nearly 90% of the time or at least shit on him all because he’s Wukong’s successor.
But that’ll take literally all day…
It’s also the same with Every SINGLE inaccuracy in LMK that gets glossed over because every single fan’s bias of certain things.
Like you can condemn Macaque and make him all villainy but what about Zhu Bajie? Or Tripitaka? One of the reasons I dislike Zhu Bajie is because not only did he not change he was a pervert. I really disliked him for that. But it looks like LMK COMPLETELY changed that because we barely see any mention of his wife and the flashbacks show that Wukong met him in the same village Tang, MK and Mei were in. So clearly there has been a change. But I barely see hate for Bajie about it because half the fandom villainizes Tripitaka already for not disciplining him as much as Wukong.
If you want to acknowledge how Macaque was in JTTW you also have to acknowledge EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in the JTTW. If that’s how you really want it to go.
One thing I think would be the reason as to why the whole ‘Macaque cannibalized one of Wukong’s grandchildren’ was changed is because Macaque and Wukong KNEW EACH OTHER before the Journey. It is also implied that Macaque has been with Wukong the longest, (In the context of Shadow Play) and it is implied that he possibly resided or at least stayed in FFM. Which meant that Macaque is also attached to the Monkeys. Remember: Macaque’s motive is to hurt Wukong and only Wukong. Which is why he goes after MK because he knows that will hurt Wukong. But if he is attached to Wukong’s grandchildren and has lived with Wukong it’s also gonna hurt Macaque if he killed them. (Though Macaque is not overly affectionate like Wukong, the fact that the monkeys trust him enough to literally sit on top of any part of him they can sit on proves that Macaque did tend to them while Wukong was away.)
The only reason I can think that Wukong hates him is because of Tripitaka and the whole ‘using Wukong’s face’ jig.
Macaque can canonically pretend to be Wukong, he did so with MK in Season 2 and did trick Wukong into thinking he was MK in Season 1. There is a likelihood that the whole ‘pretending to be Wukong’ still happened in LMK.
Remember: In the Flashbacks of Macaque and Wukong’s confrontation, there is no circlet on Wukong’s head. This is further confirmed in Season 3 during the Samadhi Fire arc. In the Amnesia episode, Wukong confirms they are still in the Journey AFTER the Samadhi Fire was sealed (Because he said Four Rings which means the Samadhi Fire was sealed in rings already) And notice in the flashback when they were sealing the Samadhi Fire, Wukong doesn’t have his circlet, compared to the flashback with Azure where he DOES have a Circlet. No matter if Macaque’s flashback was faked, it does confirm that after some time, Tripitaka trusted Wukong enough that he removed the Circlet.
Which possibly means that Tripitaka and Wukong grew to have a mutual understanding of each other. Till Macaque showed up and proceeded to ruin everything.
So yeah if you need a reason as to why Wukong hated Macaque there’s a possibility it wasn’t about cannibalism in the context of LMK.
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Forever Starts Tonight
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Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley take on a whole new adventure!
Pairing: Aziraphale x Crowley, Nephilim!Daughter!Reader
Warning: Angst, fluff, the whole shebang. The use of Y/n. Mentions of torture and injuries. ALSO was written based on what information we had back when S1 came out, so this doesn't correlate with what happened in S2.
Notes: THIS WAS WRITTEN BACK IN 2019 and I just logged back into this account after Season 2 so I didn't even realize this was in my draft until now 🙃
It’s kind of a Supernatural!AU, given that their lore is different from Good Omens’ lore so I mixed it up a little. Read the narrative in our Frances McDormand's God voice. Enjoy!
This story all starts when the demon Crowley is waiting for his angel, Aziraphale, to return to his -now their- flat from ‘an expedition of finding the Holy Grail of exquisite books’... the angel’s words, not Crowley’s. The demon himself was bored while waiting up for Aziraphale, so he ordered Chinese and began to channel surf to see what was on television. It wasn’t long after that did he hear the door open and close within seconds of each other, causing Crowley to look up from the couch to see Aziraphale standing in the doorway with a bundle of pink blankets nestled in his arms.
“Oh, somebody's sake, no. Not again.” 
“I can explain!” The angel squeaked out right away, clearing his throat nervously as Crowley just leans further into the couch while eyeing him expectedly through his shades, eyebrows raised in question.
After several moments of utter silence, Crowley’s lips caved into an amused smirk, “I’m waiting.”
“Right! Yes, well, um,” Aziraphale cleared his throat again, “I heard rumors. Rumors around Heaven and I was curious, I couldn’t help it. What I’m saying is that it’s not my fault and I couldn’t just leave her there and-!”
“Alright alright, slow down, Angel. No need to accidentally combust and set the child aflame,” Crowley waved off while pushing himself to stand up, leaning on one hip lazily while eyeing the pink blankets, his hands digging into his pockets, “Now what rumor exactly are those panty-twisting winged bastards spreading up there?”
“Oh! Uh... well,” Aziraphale tries to smile, his free hand reaching up and unwrapping the blankets to reveal the tiny pink face that Crowley was expecting to be under the bundles but in all honesty, even he admits that he wasn’t prepared for how disgustingly cute she was. She was definitely cuter than Adam when he was a baby, and he could confirm that as Aziraphale continued, “What I heard was that Gabriel had been with a human.”
“He, what?” Crowley sputtered, utterly shocked, “Are you telling me that that’s a Nephilim? A child of a human and a bloody angel?”
“Technically, an archangel, but yes,” Aziraphale hummed, unknowingly swaying his own body to gently rock the baby in his arms, “I didn’t believe it at first. Gabriel is always against such things, but, now that I think about it, she was conceived around the time Armaggedon was supposed to happen and Gabriel was pretty furious at the time.”
“So he took his frustration out on some poor woman?” Crowley answered his own question with a deep whistle, “That’s low, even for me.”
“I know,” Aziraphale smiled softly, and Crowley wished he could take it back just to spite him, but quickly swallowed down that idea as he watches the angel practically beam down at the baby while whispering sweet nothings to the sleeping infant.
The fact that Crowley thought it was such a beautiful scene horrified him as he quickly clears his own throat to grab Aziraphale’s attention again, “So what exactly are you doing with the Nephilim?”
The angel sighs in defeat, “Well, unfortunately, Y/n’s mother... passed away after giving birth to her and, well, you know Gabriel, so I just thought--”
“Did you seriously name the poor thing Y/n?” Crowley smirked ever so slightly, walking around the couch to meet the angel in the doorway.
“N-No!” Aziraphale stammered, “Her mother did right before she died. I wouldn’t dare change it if that’s what her mother wanted.”
“And so you just decided that we would take her in, a Nephilim, and raise on our own like some normal human family?”
Aziraphale swallowed something sharp in his throat as he looked down at the baby instead of Crowley, absolutely terrified at what expression he might see. Although he will admit, he was curious about the wording of ‘we’ since he said no such thing of the two of them raising this child together. He knows that Crowley has always been about ‘us’ and ‘our side’ but Aziraphale wasn’t sure just how far Crowley was willing to go in doing things together. He would understand if Crowley was against this, given that if she wanted to, one day, Y/n could just burn a demon such as himself alive just by looking at him. Nephilim were extraordinarily powerful beings, and that is why it’s illegal for angels to procreate with humans. They’re extremely dangerous when provoked. Granted, not as powerful as the Antichrist but still, terrifying. 
“I- I- I mean,” Aziraphale flushed, “My thoughts were that if she was left to be adopted by a normal human family, further down the road they would realize that she’s not normal and then we would have a lot of trouble on our hands from both of our sides.”
“Again, we’re on our side now,” Crowley stared down the bridge of his nose at the angel, “And do you remember the last time we tried helping a child?”
“Warlock was different. We thought he was a ticking time bomb.”
“This is a Nephilim. It’s not that much different.”
“But with Warlock, we were trying to force life lessons on him while trying to cancel each other out. We practically broke the poor boy in the process.”
“If you can even call that boy 'poor,'” the demon muttered, “So you’re saying that when a demon and an angel work together to raise a child it would have a much better outcome?” The grin on Crowley’s face was smug, Aziraphale knew it was, given that to counter his question, the angel would have to admit that they do, in fact, make a great team as Crowley’s been saying for 6,000 years.
“Yes,” Aziraphale blurts out sternly, lips frowning in defeat as he pouts, “Go ahead. Gloat. Say ‘I told you so’.”
“I could, but then it wouldn’t be as fun now would it?” Crowley beamed, “What sounds even more fun is pinning it against you for the next eighteen years of this little squirt’s life.”
And so it was that an angel named Aziraphale and a demon named Crowley took Little Y/n in and raised her as their own. Of course, there were a few bumps in the road along the way, but nothing the three of them couldn’t fix together. Over the years, they live the best life that neither angel nor demon could possibly believe could happen to them.
Crowley ends up being the best father a girl could ask for. When baby Y/n was hungry at night, Crowley was already up and ready to feed her. When she asked for a tricycle, in an instant, it was there against Aziraphale’s wishes. Even when Y/n fell off that damn thing time and time again, Crowley either pretended to fall with her so she wouldn’t feel embarrassed or he would encourage the best way that he could... through temptation. So what Y/n had some trouble sleeping those first few nights after getting that tricycle because Crowley had given her candy every time she succeeded?
She first started calling Crowley 'Dad' and Aziraphale 'Papa' by the time she was five, and it was around that time when her angel father consulted with her demon father about her powers.
“Perhaps this is a good age to teach her how to control her gifts?”
“Absolutely not,” Crowley muttered, practically pouting while leaning against the wall and glaring into nothing. And before Aziraphale could blink, that discussion was over. 
When Y/n was old enough, borderline sixteen, she even dyes her hair to look more like Crowley than Gabriel, the girl only ever wanting to resemble the beings who raised her compared to the one who helped create her. When she went to her dads the next morning to show her work, Aziraphale was more fond than angry for dying her hair, commenting on how she looked so much like her father. Crowley, on the other hand, was falling off his chair while laughing, clutching his sides and yelling, “That’s my girl!” He always knew she was the rebellious sort. In secret, he was trying his best not to cry, touched by the influence he had on his child.
By the time Y/n was a teenager, Crowley still did not want to discuss the possibilities of teaching his daughter how to control her powers. And for the life of him, Aziraphale couldn’t understand why. Y/n knew of her abilities. Her dads didn’t hide her from any truths once she was old enough and understood what she was and what she was capable of doing by the time she was sixteen. By then, she had also wondered why Crowley did not want to teach her. After fruitless efforts into getting him to do so, Y/n had gotten angry because she believed that her father was wanting to hold her back from her true potential, or even worse, she believed that he thought she was a monster. And being that she was so close to her Dad, the thought of how he might fear her practically broke the teenager’s heart and she ran away, her special blood giving her the cloak she needed to hide from her otherwordly dads.
When they were unable to find her right away, Aziraphale and Crowley got into the biggest fight they have ever had in their shared existence, and it ended with the angel leaving in a huff to go and keep trying to find their daughter. In his rage, Crowley also left the house to try to blow off some steam and find Y/n. 
He was walking for a while, unable to drive since Aziraphale took the Bentley. It was a little petty, maybe, but Crowley begrudgingly admitted to himself that he was proud of the angel's pettiness. As he turns the corner and walks down an alley, he scrunches his eyebrows and hears movement behind him, causing Crowley to turn around just as two demons appear directly behind him. Before he could react, Crowley is tackled to his knees and restrained, and, to his hidden horror, was restrained with chains that had definitely been dipped in Holy Water, as the cold feel of metal begun to sting and seep into his skin. Looking up, the rogue demon noticed a third figure with his attackers, and his upper lip twitched at the sight of him.
Hastur’s lips curl into a smile while having the pleasure of watching Crowley’s confident demeanor give way when those snake-like eyes look over his shoulder. Knowing what Crowley was seeing behind him, Hastur happily watched the restrained demon's face fall at the sight of two more demons dragging his daughter down the alleyway by both of her arms as she cries out, “Dad?”
Hastur laughs as Crowley’s first reaction is to fiercely fight against his restraints, ignoring the pain of the Holy Water bathed chains as he growls and hisses at the Duke of Hell, snake eyes blazing with hellfire, “You tell them to get their filthy hands off of her RIGHT. NOW! Or I’ll--”
“Do what, exactly? Die trying to get out of chains meant to burn through your fleshy form?" The demons all laughed at Hastur's joke and he just beams proudly, "It's nice to see you're not as immune to Holy Water as you claimed to be. I don't know how you managed to survive that bathtub, but I can assure you that we'll never make the mistake of that again."
Crowley ignores the fact that he's been exposed and tries focusing on his child, “Darling, where’s your father?”
"I don't know!" She cried helplessly, the grip the demons had on her arms slowly starting to cut off circulation, her fingertips growing numb. Her demon father wanted nothing more than to return the favor and cut off their own arms to see how they'd feel. Instead, he tried not to get violent and focus more on her little, sweet, snot-and tear-ridden face while she sobs, "I'm sorry--"
"Don't be, love," Crowley tried to speak as gently as possible, despite the fact he could smell his skin beginning to burn and give way to the chains, "It's not your fault."
"You've been keeping low under the radar for a while, Crowley," Hastur interrupted, "How long has it been? Sixteen years? Now that I look at her," he makes a point to stare at Y/n, causing Crowley's skin to crawl with the expression on Hastur's face, full of ill-intent and evil ideas, "I can see why we haven't heard from you. It’s remarkable, actually. You took in a disgraced offspring of some human and an archangel just shortly after betraying your own kind?"
"Don't listen to him," Crowley didn't mean to snap, immediately regretting it when Y/n flinched. He wasn't sure if it was from his hiss or Hastur's words, either way he wanted nothing more to hold and comfort his child.
Hastur and the other demons continue to laugh, "You have two options. You can try fighting your way through your torturous bonds and allow your daughter to watch you slowly die in front of her. Or... you can tell us what we need to know.”
"Such as?" Crowley growled like a hellhound, pulling against its chains and ready to be released on its target.
"Where is the angel Aziraphale? Heaven has also reported his absence for sixteen years. One could wonder..." Hastur's eyes flick back to Y/n, "That isn't a coincidence. Did you finally move in with the boyfriend, dear Crowley?"
Crowley decided he didn't want to entertain this group of clowns any further, trying to conjure all his willpower and miracle a small, barely conceivable time stop, like the one he made to speak to Adam before Satan's arrival. It wasn't as strong due to his pain, but he immediately spoke directly to his daughter once he noticed Hastur's mouth stopped moving, and the other demons stopped laughing.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry."
Y/n's eyes briefly widen. She wasn't sure she could remember the last time Crowley apologized for anything. He sometimes did that little apology dance both he and Aziraphale created whenever they were wrong about something, but those were miniscule apologies compared to this.
Crowley's words were desperate and bled just as deep as the chains currently burning their way through his flesh, "I told Aziraphale that I never wanted you to learn how to use and control your powers because I didn’t want you to be anything like me, like him, or any angel or demon in this universe. I just wanted you to be... to be, like... like YOU."
Both father and daughter had matching tears falling down their cheeks, and through his desperation, Crowley found determination as well. Determined to get Y/n to see herself as he saw her. Strong and sure of herself, as confident as her papa, the very angel he loved dearly and hoped he would get to see again before the Holy Water reached his heart, "But I realize now that I was only holding you back in becoming you because those powers are what make you who you are. And right now, I need you to do that. I need you to focus. Burn away these bonds, and we can get out of here and find your father.”
"I-- I can't do that!" She exclaimed, her words shaking as she noticed the demons around them slowly beginning to move again, her father's intervention starting to fail due to his dying strength. "I don't know how!"
"You can!" Crowley had noticed, too, and the pain was becoming unbearable. He desperately wanted to be free of these chains, but more importantly, he desperately wanted his daughter free and running away, far from here and hopefully to Aziraphale, "You can and you will! Or else they'll take you somewhere your father can't follow. Aziraphale won't know where to look, and without me, he won't ever be able to get into Hell to save you! You have to try, Y/n!"
She was crying again, unable to breathe as the time was slowly beginning to restart. Hastur's movements were almost comically slow, snail-like as he full-bodied, turned to directly face Crowley. By the time Hastur was staring directly down at the rogue demon, time had fully restarted again, and the demons who ambushed Crowley were none the wiser.
Hastur grinned, "So what'll it be, old friend?"
"Even if I knew where the angel was, I wouldn't tell you," Crowley snarled, "I haven't spoken to Aziraphale in years."
"6,000 years on this planet, and you don't seem to know how to lie any better," Hastur snarled, turning back to stare at Y/n, "Very well. You're never too young to watch your dear old daddy turn into a puddle of goo."
A blast of light, blinding as the sun, bursts through the alleyway. Even with his shades, Crowley still had to close his eyes, his ears bombarded with a chalkboard-scrapping screech followed by men screaming in anguish. Even when the noises stopped and the light subsided back into a night sky, Crowley's ears still rang, and his vision was spotted. He blinked rapidly, faintly noticing that his shades were cracked and lopsided on his face. When he was finally able to look around, he couldn't find Hastur or the other demons. Instead, small piles of ash replace where they all once stood. The rogue demon's senses fully return, and he groans when hot, searing pain begins to make itself known. Looking down, he noticed the chains were now beating red and hot to the touch, sparking when the links rubbed together.
"Dad!" Y/n shouts, rubbing her sore arms as she runs to Crowley, who still knelt on the ground in shock.
Her voice snaps him out of it, and he raises his voice in warning, "Y/n, wait, you'll burn-!"
But, when Y/n touched the chains, nothing happened. She didn't pull away in pain, and he couldn't see any burn marks on her hand as she helped him shrug away the restraints. She's careful not to let the chains touch his skin anymore than they already were, and once the chains were removed, she immediately reverts back to crying as she sunk into her demon father's arms.
"Alright. Alright..." Crowley grunts, still in pain but holding his girl in his embrace regardless, taking deep breaths as he tried to relax, "It's alright now, love. You did it."
They stayed there, knelt on the ground of the alleyway for who knows how long, the only sound being a dog barking and car alarm going off in the distance, likely startled by Y/n's outburst.
The car and dog weren't the only ones her burst of energy signaled. Crowley picked up a different car sound, the rumbling of a familiar engine in the distance, quickly drawing closer. A smile finally emerges on his face, squeezing Y/n tighter and releasing her when he hears the sound of a car door slamming shut just down the alley.
"Y/n?!" Aziraphale appeared, eyes widening when he not only found his daughter, but his dearest as well, both collapsed on the ground and surrounded by ash and scorched earth. Immediately, the angel's footsteps pick up, "Y/n! Crowley!"
"Papa!" Y/n cried, sinking into Aziraphale's embrace when the angel sunk to his knees to join them on the ground. The teenager sobs into the angel's lapels, gasping between cries, "Dad... Dad's hurt."
Aziraphale's eyes immediately flick up to Crowley's, although it was proven difficult when the demon's cracked sunglasses got in the way. Keeping one arm around his daughter, Aziraphale leans into Crowley's space, taking the dark shades off to get a good look at those beautiful, snake-like yellow eyes, "My dear... are you alright?"
"Hm," Crowley's grin was lopsided, loopy like a lovesick loon, "Better now that you're here, Angel."
Y/n hiccups out a small laugh, and Aziraphale scowls while rolling his eyes. The sight of their reactions could fuel Crowley another 6,000 years if needed. Recognizing the burn marks of Holy Water, Aziraphale performs a quick miracle with the flick of his wrist, and before Crowley could blink, he's back to normal, tired but otherwise unharmed. He sinks into Aziraphale without a second thought, joining Y/n in tucking their faces into either sides of the angel's neck and staying there with no intent of leaving.
Aziraphale doesn't complain, unaware of what happened, but allowing his two loves to stay where they are, safe under his arms and wings.
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⚠️WARNING: Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 below the cut!
DO NOT CLICK BELOW THE CUT IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS! I’m live-blogging this because I need emotional support apparently
Eight battery operated candles,,, no more open flames in the bookshop I see
“It all looked so simple in Jane Austen :(” Aziraphale have I mentioned that I love you
Bees :)
Oh god Angel Crowley look is infinitely worse in context for some reason
Maggie has BALLS and I love her
Shax I am going to fight you
oh no
Oh no
That was an invitation
This is vampire rules isn’t it
OH no
never thought I would be happy to see that circle light up
“You can all leave now and nobody will be hurt” “you’ll be hurt”
Hey uh. Did the theme song change? That guitar riff is new?
Wait yeah things have DEFINITELY changed in the theme song, unless I’m crazy I don’t think the Bentley drove through the theater before?
Crowley is so fuckin smug lmao
Crowley has adopted Muriel hasn’t he
“I don’t have clearance. You’d have to be a throne or a dominion or above.” Crowley just opened the fucking file. “I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.” COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL GUESS ITS TIME TO REVISIT THAT ASK ABOUT THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN
Aziraphale really said siege warfare o_o
“Does what you say make sense in your head?” Nina I love you
MOTHERFUCKERS IT WAS AN ARMAGEDDON PLOT!! I WAS RIGHT!! … and wrong, Gabriel was a dissenter!!
Gabriel is a major asshole but he is uh. An asshole opposed to Armageddon: The Sequel
“Why all the fire extinguishers?” I AM CRYING
Oh no. Saraquel is sharp o_o
Oh my god they were coworkers
He is Crowley’s emotional support Angel and it happens to be mutual thank you very much 🙄
Nina and Maggie my beloveds
What the fuck happened for Gabriel to be against Armageddon, I need to know
“Junior recording Angel, 38th class” congrats Muriel, you’re no longer the lowest ranking Angel in heaven!
He’s letting them throw books, they’re desperate, Crowley HURRY
Okay so his memory was in the matchbox that was in the box but fell out?
oh that. That killed a lot of demons.
Yes I believe you did in fact just start a war. Holy shit.
“Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well” yes hm you two do work very well together don’t you 👀
This is some ineffable bureaucracy if I’ve ever seen it
Everyday playing in the background 👀
bobbing my head along to Everyday with Gabriel and Beelzebub :)
I am going insane.
I was not expecting these two to get together before azicrow
The Metatron is a surprise homie
Don’t call Muriel dim >:(
“We need a little us time” 👀
oh my god if they just convinced Crowley to have an honest conversation
Metatron. What was that. Stay the fuck away from them. Mind your fucking business.
Muriel was given The Crow Road :)
No. Noooo no no no no.
Don’t you dare. What happened to the “I regret nothing” on your playlist.
“Well obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR OWN SIDE?!?!?!
I’m going to simply pass away now.
nooo not the glasses 😭😭😭😭😭
No nightengales,,, we could’ve been us
“I forgive you” cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I have been stabbed in the chest
The second coming?!?!?! Fuck
I am unwell
I am going to need so much fanfic after this
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sepublic · 1 year
My eerie theory is that the Titan Trappers are Collector(The Species) descendants.
It would explain their appearances somewhat.
I jus wannts to share it w/ u nothing else.
...Hold on-
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The Collector and Tarak have similar eyes, and it wouldn’t be so shocking if other Collectors’ had different color combinations, corresponding to those we see in the Trappers...!
After all, they had to come from somewhere, right? Mayhaps a dead Titan from a previous generation long before the Collectors arrived... But then there’s the question of this enormous Titan Trapper we see, who seems to have been the first and, if his size isn’t exaggerated for artistic purposes, must’ve been enormous;
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Did he and some Collectors, y’know... leading to the Titan Trappers, with Bill coming from one of the first generations? Or was the Trapper created by the Collectors? Given the similarities between witches and Titan Trappers, are they just the same species? JBO did release an in-universe poem a while back, written by a witch speculating on the origin of their species. Despite imploring King’s father for an answer, they get nothing, as usual. This could indicate the writers plan to touch up on this soon (that or it’s an unlived concept due to the shortening, so may as well share it here if nowhere).
It’d be interesting if demons were born of the Titans, and witches descended from Titan Trappers, born of the Collectors! After all, Hooty does create a distinction when mentioning that bipedal demons can also perform magic like witches, which suggests bile is more of a witch thing. And they say Titan magic cancels out that of the Collectors’... Is the magic of glyphs that of the Titans, and the magic of the bile from the Collectors, whom witches inherited this feature from? Quick I need an X-day for the Collector, stat-
Of course, we don’t see glyphs or the presence of the isles really do anything to counteract witches’ magic. Unless their magic used to be Collector-level, but over generations they evolved and acclimated to the Titan’s, which weakened it over time to our mortal scale. That’d be interesting, if demons started off using glyphs, and the switch to bile was introduced by witches, who probably had kids with demons, which led to the bipedal variants.
That’d be interesting, if Collector magic basically overtook that of the Titans’ through their descendants, creating a posthumous victory of sorts? Or not, since witches and demons naturally co-exist, possibly representing reconciliation in future generations as is foreshadowed with King and our Collector.
Since Luz’s glyphs are framed as a solution and work around to stuff like Eda’s curse, which is itself Collector magic, that could be rather symbolic... Esp since glyphs can bypass the coven bindings, which are likely Collector-derived too! The author of that ‘Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles’ book speculated witches evolved magic from exposure to the Titan, but in reality they probably didn’t evolve to use the Titan’s, but instead worked from another source entirely! The reintroduction of glyphs might serve as a way for the Titans to live on past the Collectors’ genocide, as does the survival of King!
Also, our poem from JBO speculates that witches came from the eyes of King’s dad. And since we last ended off here, with the Collector...
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Who knows? We might get some lore on the origins of witches after all (as well as Grimwalkers for Hunter, directly below), with the Collector able to explain how his disc was imprisoned in the skull! Maybe...
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Okay! Nosferatu lore
Nosferatu 1922 is based on Dracula the book and all tha,t so the basic plot is the same, but it has some differences that make it its own thing.
Firstly, Count Orlok. He's some sort of a demon, a manifestation of human sin, created as punishment for mankind, who feeds on blood and whose "spell" can cause someone to "lust after blood without reason" (we'll talk about that later). He also shares many characteristics with a rat and has a bunch of rats, who he uses to spread the plague (we will also discuss the plague, maybe). I've had a previous theory, based on two lines which may or may not have been a slight mistranslation, about him being a human who died during the Black Death and reborn as a vampire. But, not sure if that is quite it. Maybe some mix of the two. The script also mentions portraits of his ancestors, which, I don't think demons really have those. What matters is, by the start of the story he poses as a Transylvanian Count, who wishes to purchase property in Wisborg (made up place) in Germany (real place).
In doing so, he reaches out via a very cryptic letter full of unintelligible symbols to a house agent. People call him Knock. What is going on with Knock is unclear - one thing we know for sure, he has some sort of a connection with Orlok. He and Orlok have known eachother before we were introduced to them, since Knock knows how to read that weird mess of letters. Later, Knock becomes the renfieldddddd. Goes mad, starts eating bugs, establishes a psychic connection with Orlok and senses his approach, all that shit, you know how it is. Thing about Knock; Orlok can't really turn people into vampires unlike Dracula, so Knock probably doesn't inherit the other guy's motivation of becoming a vampire. That's where the "spell" line from before comes in. Many have theorized that Knock has been brainwashed into serving Orlok, that seems like a viable explanation to me. Knock is much more devoted, I'd say, even if he's not that useful. He stays loyal until the very end, and either dies or becomes sad when Orlok dies. It's possible that he has been brainwashed and turned into a servant, very likely in fact. I choose to ignore it, excuse the "spell" as love or some shit, and Knock going mad and eating bugs is just how gay people get sometimes when separated by a long distance. We've all been there.
Back to the beginning; Knock hands the task of selling the house over to Thomas Hutter, his employee, a man whom I shall not call a twink but still have the urge to. Thomas Hutter is a very unsuspecting man, probably numbed to it all by the long-term effects of working for someone like Knock, a giggling lunatic (i say this lovingly). Oh. Did I mention that the Hutters are shown to not have the most wealthy lifestyle, and Knock is described as "paying his employees well", and he also tells Hutter that he might get quite a lot of money from the deal (at the cost of just a bit of blood)? I think you can see the themes here. Well, Hutter takes up the journey. Instantly regrets it (I mean, not really instantly. It took him long enough. As I said, a very unsuspecting man). Enough about him let's talk about his wife. He loves his wife, that's what he would have wanted, trust me.
Ellen Hutter! Introduced as Thomas Hutter's wife, indeed, she is. She is a kind woman, I'd say, extremely so - the first line we hear from her is her "Why did you kill those beautiful flowers?" in response to Hutter bringing her a boquet. Normal reaction, don't worry about it. The two are shown to have quite a happy life, they love eachother; that is, until Orlok sees Ellen's portrait, compliments her neck and decides to go to Wisborg to get the blood. When he tries to drink from Hutter, we see that Ellen also has some sort of a telepathic connection, either with Hutter or Orlok, who knows, thing is, she calls out to Hutter and wards Orlok off. So, we've got two telepaths tied to some men. We'll come back to that later. Both Hutter and Orlok arrive to Wisborg; Hutter has a book from which he learned about Orlok (also called Nosferatu), but refuses to let Ellen read it. Not sure why, maybe he thinks that everything he saw was just a hallucination created by the book after all? Anyway, the Plague from Orlok's rats sets in. Ellen has no choice but to investigate; in doing so, she finds out that to destroy Orlok and earn redemption, a willing sinless maiden must sacrifice herself and let Orlok drink her blood until sunrise, until Sun gets him. Ellen, unlike Hutter, instantly knows what she must do. And she does.
ooo :3
i mixed up the names but i’m somewhat sure orlok is the … ratty looking one ??? i think knock is the sorta round fella
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panic-at-the-fiction · 5 months
so here I am having to fulfill my own hearts deepest desires myself. Gonna fill up all the tags to get people to read this book
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Types of people who should read this book
If you’re a good omens fan like me and are struggling with the ineffable husbands divorce this book is for you
If you like stories about death, literally about death as in like the entity that collects souls.
If you like vampires or angels or demons or reapers or lore for creatures you’ve never even heard of
If you like a romance where both counter parts are immortal chaotic bastards who have both been wallowing in self pity over love for the last century or two
If you like romance where both counter parts are actually sweet hearts but are dicks to each other and in denial of their feelings
If you like romance between two sweet hearts who are sweethearts and would never dare hurt each other.
Yes there are multiple romance sub plots. Hints at sex or morning after but not spicy.
You enjoy happiness
This book is a nice read, I describe it as a short story with just a lot of build up and background information. Almost as if you’re supplied with everyone’s life story just for it to build up to this crossover where you must understand everyone’s motivations and wants.
In masters of death there is a game that immortals play where there is only one rule, don’t lose. In the story you have Fox who was raised by death himself, their dynamic is the best thing I’ve seen. Death consistently calls Fox out as a little shit. Viola a vampire real estate agent who failing to sell a haunted house with an annoying ghost in it. Mayra the Angel who is in love with Cal the reaper, Brandt the knows it all the thief and Isis the demon who honestly is just there to watch the chaos.
You’ll follow the book in a dizzying head spin as it reveals so much about each characters past, present and their deepest wants. There will be huge reveals and low kicking cuts as the story progresses and not mention lots of jokes and gags that were just too damn funny. Did I mention the philosophical moral of the story about the meaning of life? It’s as if it were a brother’s Grimm tale (which Fox and deaths story is based on) or a legend of heroics almost too good to be true.
So just freaking read it already before I spoil too much.
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renstears · 1 year
Nightbringer theories (Obey Me; SPOILERS!)
Alrighty so I decided to play Nightbringer after being scared of it for the past few weeks; so far, I have some questions and theories in mind. I’m still on Lesson 8 so I’m not sure if most of my theories here are gonna be right or just straight up wrong.
Questions & Theories:
- Since Solomon came with us to the past (or more like came to the past to come aid for our ass), wouldn’t there be a chance the Solomon from THAT timeline/past meet the present Solomon we know of? Wouldn’t this create a whole time paradox….?
- Lilith’s body got disappeared by Diavolo so that she can get reincarnated as a human; would there be a chance we get to see her reincarnated form at least if we don’t see her angel form? Also, reminder that Lucifer is the only brother who knows she got reincarnated, so most likely the other 6 brothers will have a huge fucking melt down like last time in the previous Obey Me game.
- When the game first started, we hear Solomon narrating a bit about Barbatos and this human Barbatos went to. Solomon used they/them pronouns for the human, at first, I thought it might be us/MC—but then it occurred to me, why would the devs only now reveal our/MC’s appearance and the timeline that Barbatos met this human must’ve been a very very long time. Either 1. They used they/them pronouns for the human to keep their identity hidden until revealed later on 2. The human is either one of our ancestors/related to Lilith’s reincarnated form or 3. This human might be a Biblical figure from the Bible; if you go to the official Obey Me Instagram; they illustrated Barbatos controlling a puppet that looks like a king (some speculated the king is David as he is the father of Solomon).
- In another illustration made by the official Obey Me cast on Instagram, it shows Diavolo gesturing to a red apple. Either this is indicating he was the one that lured Eve to eat the apple and regretted that decision which is the reason why he decided to improve his behaviors later in life.
- Man when I heard Raphael’s voice during Asmo’s arc I thought it was Adam, but nvm, it wasn’t. We may see Adam in the story though, like I mentioned in one of my previous posts, Adam was Lilith’s ex husband, so I don’t doubt that the devs would add an element of it to the story.
- There isn’t much information about Barbatos in demonology and from mythologies, but it's ironic that from said mythologies, Barbatos has the ability to reconcile arguments between friends/rulers but he seems to have this heavy dislike towards Solomon and refuses to speak about it. I seriously wonder what Solomon did bc this man fucking forgot what he even did to the butler.
- While I was doing research on Barbatos, I stumbled upon this (credits to Myths and Folklore wiki editors!) according to the The Infernal Dictionary (a book of demonology). This is stated about Barbatos:
"Barbatos, great and powerful demon, count-duke in the underworld, a type of Robin Hood; he is shown in the form of an archer or a hunter; He is found in forests. Four kings sound the horn in front of him. He's acquired the knowledge to divine the speaking of birds, the roar of bulls, dogs barking and screaming various animals. He knows the locations of buried treasures, say magicians. He reconciles quarreled friends. This demon, who was once of the order of Virtues of Heaven or that of dominions, is reduced today to commanding thirty hellish legions. He knows the past and the future."
I personally don't think in the game, Barbatos is an angel (or maybe he is an angel but man's disappeared for so long everyone forgot him and my guy turned into a demon afterwards/hj). It'll be interesting to see his lore and how the devs wrote his backstory. In mythologies, he's illustrated looking like Robin Hood, so maybe Barbatos (in the game) went to the human to give them justice??? Take my theories with a pinch of salt.
And that's all I can think of, I'll make more theories as I continue playing in my free time.
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monstercampus · 8 months
I kept meaning to send this ask but I wasn't sure if I already had and had just forgotten, but you mentioned that Lydia had made some enemies after "what happened with her and Jude" ... 👀 What did happen exactly? 👀 Or is that character lore not unlocked yet 🤭
lore! lore! lore!
Lidya & Jude - Origin Stories
(cws: bullying, suicidal ideation, murder, character death, mild sexual implication, unholy world lore)
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Lidya never really had friends before she went to MC--as a succubus of her pedigree she had never spent time in the world of humans, nor had she really left the Underworld at all. When she started attending (encouraged by her dear old uncle Lucifer) she had such a bad attitude and a terrible reputation off the bat that nobody would be caught dead hanging around her. She'd show up in class, hang out behind the counter at the arcade, and lock herself in her dorm until the cycle repeated. Day in and out, never changing her routine and constantly harbouring a deep, lingering resentment towards the monsters that would make fun of her clothes and her makeup and everything else about her. She'd scroll past photos and videos people would take of her in class with cruel captions of all kinds, until eventually she just ended up smashing it and started flipping through comic books instead. "Rage Demon" painted on her bedroom door that was meant to hurt, but she ended up turning the insult into embroidery on her t-shirts and jewelery she crafted in Silver & Finery class.
That was before she met him. Although the culture of the campus has been prized for generations, the bullying situation hasn't been the greatest--Judas was no exception, although the two of them only knew of each other when he wandered into the arcade for the first time.
Jude was, in some ways, the complete opposite of Lidya. When they met he was all smiles all the time, laughing and joking and teasing her in that affectionate way when they'd only known each other a couple minutes. He'd been the closest she'd ever gotten to a human, because he wasn't human anymore, but was a long time ago. He told her stories of his flaming red hair and piercing, steely eyes and the sword he carried with a golden handle, a human who was a hero long, long ago, reduced to something lesser now. She always thought they were bullshit but they still made her smile, and so he would come day after day and interrupt her routine just because he felt like it. They'd have fierce competitions for hours on end and after just a few weeks of friendship, they'd put their hands on every single cabinet multiple times over. They'd disagree and argue and scream at the top of their lungs but they would never be serious--sometimes it would blow over in minutes, sometimes it would just be to scare people away from bothering them. But they knew each other inside and out and it would make their lives so much harder from then on.
Although he loved to boast his strength and his valour with a sword and called himself a knight, Jude knew he would never live long enough to graduate. As a former fount of lichen power that had now been drained back into its master, Judas' body had started degrading and the slope of his health was only getting steeper. His classmates and other students would prey on him just as they did Lidya, mocking his terrible attendance and the gaunt look in his eyes as the telltale signs of a cheap junkie; little did they know that he was dying, and that every breath became a mountain he was growing further and further from climbing. He'd gotten so good at masking his tiredness, depression, and fear, but it wouldn't be long before Lidya would notice just how sick he was and that he wasn't long for this world.
And how ironic! Because as willing as he'd once been to end this wretchedly unassuming existence he had lived, Jude's last year of life had been the most fulfilling of any he'd lived before. He had a friend whom he loved more dearly than family, more than even a lover, yet it was the sickest he'd ever been and the most painful days he survived. She would play him her angry, violent, rumbly music that blew out his eardrums, and he would read her those long, stale, sappy fantasy poems and prose until she fell asleep, and neither would be nearly as happy alone anymore. One could not be found without the other. They were inseparable, and swore to be so in death as well as life.
But even as a denizen of the Underworld, Lidya had no control over the strings of fate. The promises she made to him that she would keep his soul safe when he passed were destined to be broken. He was, after all, a servant in service of a lich--whether by his choice or not, he would pay the toll of highest necromancy magic the Underworld offers: being fed to Chaos and sent into the throes of darkest oblivion forever.
One could imagine how poorly that went for the Fated Ones themselves, laughing in the face of her frenzied plea to let innocent Judas free. Lidya could have passed for the once-freed Chaos himself on that day as she razed the Fates' dwelling in a blinded rage, violently tearing each of their ancient selves apart in response to their callous disregard for his tender victimhood. He would have accepted that fate just to reassure her regardless of his own terror of his soul being chewed into a void, yet instead he would be greeted by his closest friend half-dead on his doorstep but victorious. Clutching the precious treasure she had ripped from the ring of the eldest fate; a pearl of life now empty in death, a priceless soul orb.
Anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of demonry and soul collection knows of the elusive soul orb. Perhaps the only way one could house a soul free from influences both holy and unholy, the soul orb seals and protects the life stored inside it eternally, if and until it is shattered by enough force to move mountains. Scholars often consider the pearl that sprung Eden as the very first of this creation, or at very least the legend of it, but few have ever encountered one--much less one of the pure and unshattered variety, suitable for housing a chosen spirit. Perhaps the one Lidya fought for was the only one remaining of such purity. It could have forever been priceless in the hands of the right buyer, placed in the perfect museum to teach and inspire the masses.
But instead, Lidya offered it to her best friend on his deathbed, and in a moment of weakness and selfish fear Judas accepted the gift. In a contract bound by most unholy tenets, Lidya......"extracted" his soul, in the way that succubi do, and interred his spirit forever in the purest form of magic known to the modern and ancient world. Thereby royally pissing off each and every scholar, suitor, noble, and legend in both the Holy Lands and especially the Unholy ones, every finger pointed at the rebellious error of demon inheritance to Lucifer's throne. Lidya's sacrifice of one of the Underworld's most precious artifacts, not to mention the killing of the few ancient gods that remained since the old age, all in the name of a worthless surface monster would ensure she would never outlive the ire and violence pitted against her by all her godly acquaintances and relatives.
But was it worth it? Of course. Worth every moment of agony and every eon she has yet to suffer for her crimes. Worth each and every glare in the royal halls and on campus grounds, worth the venom spat from her kin and the whispers between her classmates as they gossip about her betrayal--not just for the artifact, but for the soul she clearly manipulated that poor, sick monster into handing over who she was just stringing along. Definitely worth the days and nights she spent locked up in the arcade's back room, her blood pumping with excess caffeine as she worked her fingers bloody to construct a proper body for Jude's new chapter of life. For hours he sat as nothing but a misty, warm-to-the-touch orb perched on a pillow off her bed, his voice a whisper she leaned in to listen to as he would give her tips on what to add. How to angle her brush to paint those gorgeous, flowing scenes down the sides of the cabinet. The colour of his hair in the pixels. The gleam off his sword as it shone in synthetic light. Lidya worked tirelessly and in weeks it was finished; The Adventures of Jude she wanted to call it, but with only a dabble of paint left she could only spell out "JUDAS" in those big, blocky letters. But he liked it. He loved it. It was his dream and it had all come true.
And that was all she ever really wanted. As she slotted Jude's orb into that safe, protective casing inside the machine she built for him, booted him up, and watched as his pixelated self came into his own, she could finally breath a sigh of relief. To build a world where he could live his dream every day, unburdened, free from the binds of body and soul, was worth every drop of blood spilled and every black mark on her permanent record without a shadow of a doubt.
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months
Good morning venerable sage, I fell into the ol' infernal dukes that are vampire patrons rabbit hole this morning and came across Zaebos, Lorcan, and Blood Emperor Ruithvein, first off why aren't these 3 used more often since anything that can utilize both devils and vampirism in a campaign seems to be instant win when it comes to plothooks etc? While secondly it mentions that Ruithvein is the 3rd vampire to exist, factoring in Zura then who would be the 1st and 2nd vampire to exist?
Well with Lorcan and Ruithvein, I agree! No idea WHY those two don't get more of a spotlight, though it likely has something to do with the lack of lore on their part. Zaebos, however, has the divine portfolio of "sexual perversion," which paints his particular cult of vampires in a light I doubt Paizo wants to place in an actual adventure that players can encounter for very long. Ironically, though, he's the only one of the three with an actual appearance in an AP: his brief mention in Ashes of Dawn, where the players actually meet (and can ally with) his followers, only briefly alludes to the Inquisitor at the scene "leading" a pair of nobles in "worship of Zaebos" without further exploration into the implications of that.
Despite their ostensible importance to vampire lore, all three of them have scarcely any lore or even any mechanical details, with only Lorcan receiving any spotlight in the Complete Book of the Damned, Ruithvein having nary a sentence devoted to him, describing him as "withered" but one of the two powers in the Revenant Court of Malebolge (the other being Lorcan) who endlessly battle for supremacy over the souls of Lawful Evil vampires who end up in Hell.
Zura, in multiple sources, is stated to be the first of all vampires (it's NOT stated whether or not blood-drinking, sun-hating Undead that aren't vampires existed before her), but Shadows at Sundown--the most recent book to contain concrete information on vampires, including their original forms as the shadowy Strigoi--leaves it ambiguous as to whether or not she actually learned to pass on her affliction to others by claiming that either Urgathoa OR Zura could have created the ritual to bind a Strigoi to a mortal (the process by which vampirism arrived on Golarion). It's also entirely ambiguous as to how and when Zura became the first vampire, whether she did so as a human Azlanti or only transformed after her death and ascension into a demon.
if you want to get granular and dive even deeper into lore implications, it may be that Zura is NOT the first of the vampires, period, but rather the first of the vampires that could reproduce, able to pass on her transformation into those she fed upon. She is visibly a far cry from the twisted and mangled forms of the Nosferatu, the first clumsy attempts by mortals to bond with the Strigoi that ended with sterile, rotting, bestial bodies, and can indeed create vampires through both her own bite and through ritual.
... It's actually kind of refreshing to see that Ruithvein is just flat out, unambiguously and concretely stated to be "third of all vampires" in every single-sentence appearance he's ever had. His description lends itself to him being a Nosferatu (which lends itself well to being the third), though until we see an actual picture of the guy, who knows!
With Zura as the first vampire and Ruithvein as the third, the second isn't stated anywhere, in any source. Perhaps the second vampire was such a loser that it wasn't recorded, or maybe the second vampire is still around but keeps to itself, and as such hasn't been killed. Perhaps the second vampire fled to another world entirely so its name and fate aren't known to Golarion. My kneejerk reaction, however, is that the second vampire is just Lorcan, as he shares the Revenant Courts with Ruithvein and has dominion over the divine portfolios of "blood and rebirth."
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
It honestly bothers me how the writers for Monkie Kid didn’t bother to do more research on Chinese mythology. I had to learn from reddit that there’s a man on the moon named Wu Gang whose supposed to represent phases of the moon. So Chang’e shouldn’t be alone in the show. It’s a minor detail but it’s stuff like this plus the weird exclusion of Buddha that makes the show less enjoyable for me.
I mean I think they did do research at least when it comes to who it is in Xiyouji and who shows up at least. When it comes to Xiyouji media while other deities are mentioned and such they only really show the deities that make an appearance in the books.
Wu Gang doesn't show up in Xiyouji and so does a LOT of Chinese deities and lore that aren't mentioned despite how long the book is. Chang'e is there cause not only for her ties with Zhu Bajie but also because her pet Rabbit was a demon in the book that kidnapped Sanzang and she made an appearance near the end. Needless to say, there is a reason why she is in LMK.
And yeah the exclusion of Buddha despite how he was clearly mentioned in the early seasons is... tactless to say the least.
I have heard people say that there is a theory that because it was through the eyes of the Lion that he only THINKS the Jade Emorper took down Wukong (Though it was supposed to be in the fight with Erlang Shen) and he was simply unaware that it was Buddha that took him down after Wukong escaped the caldron. Wild to think MK knew that and not the centuries-old demon.
Ah well.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
The Winchesters so Far...
Warning Spoilers Ahead
It's set in 1972...or the 60s...or 1978 or 90s. Seems none of the departments could really come together and decide or, you know, do actual research so you get all of them. Boom. 💥
In the instances where the show does attempt to nail the era appropriate vibe,  the characters look like they are dressed in cheap versions of wannabe 70s Halloween costumes.👹
John returned from the army with a full set of hair, in fact he even had it while serving. 💆
Samuel Campbell, Mary’s father is missing. Such Plot twist. Much wow. In case you forget, you’ll be reminded of this in just about every scene of TW so much so you’ll begin to hate him with the intensity of a thousand suns and, oh well, there goes your interest in the unfolding plot.
In true shocker fashion, John has barely met Mary but vows to help her find her missing dad. Did I mention he was missing? Because Mary and John do, in every scene of every episode and so does the rest of the cast. He’s missing y’all and we gotta get him back.
You know those clichè token characters that make you cringe? That's basically all the supporting cast of TW.
Big surprise, all the characters have daddy issues, so much so there's a reference to them every 5 seconds. This is totally not in attempt to copy SPN's formula, of course. 🤣
The Gang has a Mystery Machine, y’all. Not sure who the Scooby of the situation is but my money’s on John.
So far, Carlos is a crooner that sings off key and basically has no voice.  😒 Alas he’s the assigned Bard, y'all. He’s also the tragicomic relief. More tragic than comic.
Mary is a road disaster waiting to happen, she keeps focusing on her passenger rather than the road.
Mary is also petite and childlike to the point of not even remotely being believable as a hunter. She looks like the adopted child of the TW Scooby Gang.
It seems Velma, I mean Latika has no personality outside of being the book carrier. Whatever happened to creating diverse characters?
Ada seems like she teleported in from a different show due to the fact that her performance actually has layers despite her character being yet another clichè. #wastedtalent
Salt apparently traps demons now oh and demons are unkillable or so say Mary and John. How this lore is featured takes everything that made it captivating in SPN and reverses the effect. It's basically parody time.
The lines and storylines are so predictable and repetitive you can figure out what the characters are going to say before they even say it. Boom. Psychic.
John is tall, John is also stiff and often uses his body on screen as if he was a marionette or a model unsure of how to move next. In other words, the green ( green actor=newbie) in John comes out so much it’s very hard to suspend disbelief especially for those with a trained eye.
John also expresses his personal issues with the aplomb of a frozen ameoba, making the stakes of each scene very low and disengaging.
No SPN rip off would be complete without trying to recreate the "Saving people, hunting things" moment, trust John y'all, he was born for this, the lady Gaga way.
No monster featured looks even remotely realistic, in fact, it's like they purposefully sat down and asked themselves "how can we make this look as fake and as ridiculous as possible?" Mission accomplished, folks. Mission accomplished. This is a comedy, after all.
The editing, ah the editing, was it handled by a 14 year old with no previous experience? Or did Danneel decide to do it herself? That's it, isn't it? 😞
Instead of building the character arcs for John and Mary and slowly build up the chemistry this show has them oogling longingly yet vapidly at one another almost every scene, at the same time, their connection seems empty and devoid of any actual depth, feelings, commonalities due to the weak choices the actors make and the subpar writing.
The supposed big thing that connects them is that both dads are missing and both dads are hunters (John's is dead, I think?). So they didn't even bother researching and building a deep connection and just went for the clichè similarity as the basis of their "love story". That’s because they were to busy ripping off the SPN Pilot to care about actual storytelling.
Speaking of love story, though it's the selling point of the show and its theme, you won't really find it in anything within the show. The Meh glances exchanged between the lead actors ultimately communicate nothing. Did they model this couple after the Ackles dynamic? Is that what this is? Cringe. 🤨
Campy doesn't even begin to describe this prequel. It will defy your definition.
Carlos is the show's main attraction and yet he is not the lead.  That should tell you everything you need to know about TW's "diversity" casting.
You will be more scared by the musical numbers within this series than by its monsters or storyline.
This show is so confused on its genre and direction it will make your head spin.
Unsurprisingly, most of the performances on the Winchesters make it seem like the Actors were directly directed by none other Danneel Harris, oh sorry, Ackles, I forgot she is nothing without that last name. 🤡
The only believable chemistry I’ve seen on this show was between John and Latika, for a few seconds, when he told her they could be scared together in the Pilot. Major Awww moment, although the writing, once again, clichè and predictable. Which, I guess, are the actual main themes of this show, let’s be real. lol
Canon we lost you, no, canon, we buried you!! This series has nothing to to with our beloved SPN and saying otherwise is an insult to its legacy.
This whole series centers around a psychic bug empress lady and her insect like minions set on devouring the world. Yes, really.
If I missed anything it’s probably because my brains are fried from attempting to give this trainwreck a chance. Feel free to add to my list.
Verdict: The Winchesters is nothing more than a futile attempt to recreate key moments from the SPN Pilot in the hopes the audience would bite. No work or research went into this. They picked up the missing dad+ saving people hunting things spiel and tried to recreate it and did it so horribly I can’t even put it into words which is why I decided to try and make a light hearted post about it. They also copied every plot structure that worked but ended up parodying it to extremes without meaning to. The Winchesters is only sellable as an SPN parody and, even then, an extremely bad one.
For those who want to support my traumatized brain after watching TW, feel free to send me your favorite Jensen/Jared gifs or artwork to feed my art starved soul. Feed me. 💕
EDIT: Clarified one of the points.
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