#this comes off as lighthearted but i cope with humor
maid-en-gubal · 1 year
Gentle LFRP
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"Then, everything changed when the WoL attacked the Great Gubal Library..."
The Basics --
Name: Rofan "Lesrekta" Age: Difficult to answer Race: "Veena, Viera" Gender: Technically genderless, but the female form truly is marvelous (she/they) Sexuality: Love At First Sight except there's always someone new Server: Leviathan
Short Synopsis --
A product of Sharlayan research, Rofan is but one of many denizens that call the Great Gubal Library home. Their present form is little more than a glamour, the visage that of a familiar figure from long before the Garlean invasion. Spun from words of ardor and admiration, they are an amalgam of the greatest literary works pertaining to love in all its many forms – Rofan is the very concept itself. After the library’s depths were unceremoniously plundered and her guardians slain by those that would call themselves the Warriors of Light, raiders continued to darken their doorstep, pilfering the vaults and potentially endangering the world with the “treasures” that have begun to circulate. Thus a small platoon of her remaining wardens have left the isolation of her hold, to fulfill their duties – detaining those that have escaped, or kill them trying. Lest they too awaken… But Rofan faces an even greater threat on the Outside: living. Their worldviews are constantly at odds with the reality of the rest of the world, and now they must contend with the fact that they’re not even real; where could a mere caricature possibly fit in the colorful tapestry of life?
About the Operator --
♦ As I’m 28, I would prefer to interact with anyone 21+; if that is not you, please do not perceive me. Everyone else, perceive me gently, I’m shy. ♦ I’m not new to FFXIV, but I am coming back from about a 2 year hiatus, and even then the farthest I made it was the end of the main story of Stormblood. I’m starting over from scratch with Rofan. Specifically so I can run through Heavensward again. I think you all know why. If you find yourself on Leviathan for whatever reason and you see me running around, feel free to say hi although I’m sorry if I run away right after. As a character, Rofan is infinitely more bold than I am, I swear. ♦ I haven’t RPed in a while so to call this an RP blog feels like a disservice to all of you. But I’ve got over a decade of it under my belt for what it’s worth! Honestly, I just wanted to share my character with others since I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this in my immediate friend group. And if anything comes out of it, neat! More than anything, I just want something to think about while I’m at work battling spotty wi-fi. ♦ SERIOUSLY, ASK ME ABOUT MY BOOK DEMON LORE I’VE GOT A WHOLE PAGE DEDICATED TO IT ON MY NOTES APP LIKE HOW THEY FEED ON AMBIENT AETHER BUT ROFAN ENJOYS LOVE LETTERS FOR DESERT – ♦ I should add I have no hard limits so I kindly ask that you communicate your’s as I would prefer to avoid needlessly upsetting you. ♦ I’ll do a more serious full scale profile at some point for Rofan as well as a carrd (no but seriously, where was this back in my RP heyday because this is rad as hell), when I’m feeling braver about dipping my toes back in the water.
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Thinking about how Leo says he uses his jokes to cope and y’know, thinking harder on it I think it may very well be because of what else uses one-liners and puns and that type of humor.
Specifically, 80’s action movies and campy sci-fi. Even more specifically, the protagonists of these.
So I can imagine why, exactly, Leo leans toward this brand of humor. It’s directly linked to things he loves! But even more than that is why I think it’s used as a coping mechanism.
In these genres, these quips tend to be said by the winner - or, if not a winner, then someone who will stay alive. So there’s a confidence behind them, an assurance, almost, that even if things go wrong, things aren’t ever too serious. There’s no bad endings here! It’s all good fun, even if the stakes seem high.
Leo canonically has been known to steer his brothers away from the more brutal villains and toward more fun, lighthearted activities and not-so-dangerous criminals. So for Leo, these jokes definitely make things less heavy, make the situations they find themselves in less intense.
It’s kinda not just coping, but also can be seen as a form of escapism. A safety blanket. A way for Leo to defuse the tension of knowing just how dangerous their lives are and replace that with a levity which implies that things will be okay.
Unfortunately, levity alone does not alter reality.
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nickeverdeen · 7 months
I wanted to ask if you could write some Mike Schmidt best friend-to-boyfriend headcanons?
thank you, I hope you are having a great day! :D
Mike = purple text
You = orange text
Mike Schmidt best friend to boyfriend hcs
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You join Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza as a security guard, working alongside Mike during the night shifts
And at first he was very against it not wanting you to get hurt, but despite it there was no stopping you
Mike is naturally protective, especially when it comes to yours safety during the night shifts at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza
He makes sure you have a secure route to your car after work and double-checks the security measures
Mike is meticulous in planning their strategies for dealing with the animatronics
He shares cautionary tales and warns you about potential risks, ensuring you are well-prepared for any surprises
Even on their nights off, Mike regularly checks in with you to ensure you’re doing okay
He might send a text or drop by for a quick visit, always making sure that you feel supported and safe
While Mike is generally serious and cautious, there are moments of quiet camaraderie between him and you
The unspoken understanding between you provides comfort, especially during tense situations at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza
Mike is always prepared to take swift action if the animatronics become a threat
Whether it’s reinforcing security measures or coming up with escape routes, he ensures they are both ready for any scenario
Mike and you share the responsibilities of the night shift equally, each looking out for the other’s well-being
You both understand the dangers of your jobs and rely on each other for support in the face of uncertainty
Mike and you develop a tradition of grabbing late-night snacks together after your shifts
Whether it’s a run to a nearby diner or a quick stop at a convenience store, you use this time to unwind and share stories
To make your job a bit more lighthearted, Mike and you come up with humorous code names for each animatronic
This inside joke helps you cope with the eerie atmosphere and adds a touch of humor to your conversations
Mike and you provide emotional support for each other, understanding the unique challenges of working at the pizzeria
You share a glance or a nod that conveys more than words ever could, a testament to the deep connection formed through your shared experiences
Without realizing it, Mike starts paying extra attention to you – remembering small details about your likes and dislikes, and occasionally going out of his way to help you
Mike, caught in the whirlwind of his emotions, occasionally slips out unexpected compliments, praising your skills or expressing admiration for your qualities
Mike finds himself laughing a bit too heartily at your jokes, his laughter carrying a subtle hint of nervousness as he navigates the fine line between friendship and something more
Mike exhibits subtle signs of having a crush, such as nervous laughter, blushing when you compliments him, or fidgeting when you’re around
He might suprise you with thoughtful gifts or gestures, like bringing your favorite snack or leaving a supportive note
There’s an unspoken chemistry between you and Mike during your shifts, with lingering gazes and shared smiles that suggest something more beneath the surface
When someone else shows interest in you, Mike can’t quite conceal the twinge of jealousy that crosses his features, though he attempts to play it off casually
He refuses to admit that he was jealous no matter what
To cover up his true feelings, Mike resorts to playful teasing, pretending it’s all in good fun while secretly cherishing the moments he spends with you
During quiet moments in the security office, the unspoken tension hangs in the air, but you both find comfort in the silence
You start noticing your heart racing a bit faster when Mike is around
Yet you dismiss it as mere camaraderie, unaware that Mike is experiencing a similar thing
Both of you become increasingly attentive to each other’s needs, offering small gestures of kindness without realizing the deeper significance behind your actions
Casual touches become more frequent
Like arms brushing against each other while reaching for something, but neither acknowledges the subtle yet electrifying contact
As you both discover shared interests and hobbies, you become even more entwined in each other’s lives, oblivious to the fact that these shared passions are deepening your connection
Both you and Mike experience moments of confusion, attempting to decipher your puzzling emotions without realizing you are unwittingly mirroring each other’s internal struggles
The line between friendship and something more starts to blur
You exchange lingering gazes, caught up in each other’s eyes, yet both dismiss the intensity as a byproduct of your strong friendship
Unbeknownst to them, the entire pizzeria buzzes with the energy of an unspoken connection, as if the walls themselves are silently rooting for the inevitable revelation of your mutual feelings
They exchange lingering gazes, caught up in each other’s eyes
Mike begins subtly updating his wardrobe, trading in the worn-out security guard uniform for slightly more polished and fitted attire
Unbeknownst to him, the change doesn’t go unnoticed by you
As you start to do the same Mike offers you compliments
During casual conversations, you exchange grooming tips and product recommendations, inadvertently assisting each other in their quests to look and feel their best
One day when you mentioned something along the playful lines with how he’s getting weaker he remembers it
Mike starts hitting the gym during his free time, aiming to stay in shape and present a more confident image
He experiments with different hairstyles, much to the subtle fascination of you
Mike might actually shave giving you more ways how to tease him
There are days when you unintentionally coordinate your outfits, leading to shared smiles as you navigate your shifts together
Both you and Mike steal glances at each other’s transformed appearances, each unaware of the mutual appreciation brewing beneath the surface
Mike, testing the waters after some time knowing he has to confess to you one way or another
He begins incorporating inside jokes into your conversations, carefully crafting humorous remarks that carry a hidden layer of sentiment only you might catch
In a departure from your usual banter, Mike introduces a new, more tender form of teasing that hints at a deeper connection
Mike starts surprising you with thoughtful gifts, each item carefully chosen to reflect shared memories or inside references
These things become subtle symbols of his growing feelings
In moments of camaraderie, Mike unconsciously initiates more intimate gestures like:
A comforting touch, a lingering gaze (that hint at a desire for something beyond friendship)
His compliments take on a new tone, subtly highlighting aspects of your personality or appearance with a warmth that transcends mere friendship
Mike starts rearranging his schedule to spend more time with you
This creates opportunities for you to share moments that go beyond the confines of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza
He begins treating your interactions like a puzzle
Dropping hints and pieces of the confession subtly across different conversations, leaving it to you to assemble the full picture
As his feelings intensify, Mike can’t help but steal more meaningful glances at you when you’re not looking, the unspoken connection growing stronger with each shared moment
Slowly, Mike reveals more vulnerable sides of himself, sharing personal stories and fears with you in a bid to establish a deeper emotional connection
During a particularly ordinary shift at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, Mike finds a moment of quiet amidst the familiar hum of animatronic antics and the occasional shrieks from the security system
He chooses a casual tone, not wanting to make a big scene or disrupt the regular flow of the night
In the midst of discussing routine tasks, he subtly redirects the conversation toward more personal matters
As the night progresses, Mike weaves his confession into the conversation, acknowledging the deeper feelings he’s been harboring
His words carry a sincerity that resonates in the dimly lit security office
“You know, working here with you every night has been the highlight of my day… and there’s something else I’ve been wanting to say. You know how we’re both surviving these nights with the animatronics? Well, there’s one thing I’ve been unsuccessful at surviving – my growing feelings for you.”
To ease the weight of the moment, Mike introduces a touch of humor, using laughter as a bridge between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
You, initially caught off guard, join in the mirth
After his admission, there’s a brief, understanding silence between you two
Mike gauges your reaction, the atmosphere tinged with a mixture of vulnerability and anticipation
He reassures you that there’s no pressure to reciprocate the feelings, emphasizing the value he places on your friendship regardless of the romantic outcome
Rather than letting the confession linger uncomfortably, Mike smoothly guides the conversation back to its initial lighthearted nature, ensuring that your interaction remains comfortable and familiar
You couldn’t keep still after his confession, your fingers tapping rhythmically against the desk
Mike, observing your restlessness, raised an eyebrow inquisitively
The silence stretched, filled only by the faint hum of machinery
Breaking the quiet, you hesitated, “Mike, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…”
In an attempt to keep things light, you playfully mentioned a shared moment, “Remember that time Foxy almost caught us? Got my heart racing, but not as much as you”
Just as you mustered the courage, an animatronic’s clang echoed through the office
Mike, sensing the moment, held up a hand. “Wait, let’s make sure we’re not about to die before we dive into serious talk.”
“We’ve been through a lot here, and I don’t want to keep anything from you,” you admitted
A jump scare on the monitors startled you both into laughter
Amid the chuckles, you confessed, “You know, if we can survive this place together, maybe we can handle something a bit scarier – like, I don’t know, feelings?”
After your cofession he managed to get the courage and finally try to ask you out
“We’ve faced jump scares, malfunctioning animatronics, and eerie quiet nights. Think we can handle a date night too?”
Of course you accepted it
Mike cleans up his place, making sure the occasional pizza boxes and soda cans are out of sight.
He puts on some low-key ambient lighting to create a comfortable atmosphere
Mike opts for a neat but laid-back look – maybe a clean shirt and jeans.
He debates between sneakers and something a bit dressier, ultimately settling for the comfortable option
Wanting to keep it simple, Mike decides on making dinner
He goes for a homemade pizza or pasta – something he can prepare without the risk of burning down the kitchen
Abby had the best time in her life teasing him and she actually helped him with his clothes eventually
You arrive, maybe with a small gift or a dessert to contribute.
You’ve put thought into their outfit, wanting to look good for the night
Vanessa helped you out just like Abby helped Mike out
You and Mike work together in the kitchen, laughing off any culinary mishaps
You sit down to enjoy the meal, the conversation flowing naturally
The evening is marked by shared laughter, building on the camaraderie you’ve already developed
After dinner, you decide on a movie
The choice of what you two are going to watch is 100% yours
As the night winds down, Mike walks you to the door, expressing his gratitude for the enjoyable evening
Standing at the door, Mike offers a casual invitation for another night like this
You agree, leaving with a sense of contentment and the promise of more shared moments in the future
You and Mike continue to enjoy casual outings together
Whether it’s grabbing coffee, going to a movie, or even revisiting your favorite pizzeria, you find comfort in simple yet meaningful activities
Though you haven’t explicitly labeled your relationship, there’s a natural understanding between you two
As a break from the outside world, you have cozy movie nights at home, complete with takeout and snacks
Abby loves you and even tells you embarrassing stories about Mike that he did not mention to you
Laughter becomes a constant in your relationship
Whether it’s Mike’s witty remarks or shared inside jokes, you find joy in the simplest moments
Mike has his fair share of challenging nights at the office
You become a source of support, offering a sympathetic ear and sometimes surprising him with a snack or two
In public Mike is comfortable with casual displays of affection
Hand-holding, a light touch, or an arm around your shoulder become common gestures, especially when you’re strolling through public spaces
PDA 7/10
A subtle protective instinct emerges
Mike tends to keep an eye out for your surroundings, ensuring you feel secure in public settings
Your dynamic remains lighthearted in public just like in private
While affectionate, Mike respects your personal space in crowded places
He’s mindful of not making you uncomfortable and adapts his gestures accordingly
The couple finds joy in sharing small moments in public – be it trying out a new restaurant, attending events, or simply enjoying a leisurely day at the park
Mike, though accustomed to the peculiarities of his night shift, brings a blend of warmth, protectiveness, and genuine affection into his public interactions as a couple with you
Mike cherishes cozy nights spent at home with you
Whether it’s watching movies, playing games, or simply enjoying each other’s company, your private space is a haven
(I’m not sure if I mentioned it already or not if yes then I’m sorry)
You embark on shared cooking adventures, trying out new recipes together
Mike might not be a gourmet chef, but you enjoy the process and revel in the results
There are many times when you have to call Vanessa to save the kitchen or the whole house from burning down
She is kidna tired of this and keeps reminding you that she’s not a fireman, but on the other hand she doesn’t mind that much
Private moments allow for unfiltered conversations
You and Mike discuss your day, share dreams, and engage in deep, meaningful talks
Movie marathons are a common occurrence
From horror films (which Mike might find oddly familiar) to classic comedies, he creates a cozy nest with blankets and snacks for you two
In your private space, Mike is a pillar of support
He encourages yours pursuits, offering unwavering support in your personal and professional endeavors
You curate a shared playlist, a collection of songs that hold special meaning for you two
Overall he’s very protective of you and likes to take care of you
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I love the dynamic of a talkative whumpee and a stoic whumper. Especially a comedic/lighthearted whumpee who uses humor as a coping mechanism
Because it’s the perfect storm for Whumpee to be cracking jokes, trying to make small talk with the villain or the sidekicks, hoping someone will have mercy because come on, they’re just a little guy. And the rising panic as they realize that no one is responding. In fact, few are even looking straight at them.
All the while Whumper walks slowly and deliberately to a torture tool Whumpee hadn’t noticed until now
Whumpee’s slow gulp before they pour all their charm, all their wit, all their thirst for approval into a grin so bright it could reflect off the face of a blade. But Whumper’s face remains immovable as ever, eyes slightly crinkled at the edges with what could be disgust or mild amusement.
“Woah wait,” Whumpee stammers, trying to push away. “Wait now, now hold on, let’s talk about this.”
Whumper’s head tilts a fraction to the side as if to say there’s been enough of that.
Words pour lightning fast from Whumpee’s mouth. Sloppy one-liners, pleading babble, Later, they can’t remember what exactly they said, only that the power they once found in words was ripped from them like a scream.
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I don't think it was an awful decision to kill off Quentin Coldwater
Okay so I know how my url looks but now that I've spent a bit more time on this site and seen how other people feel about this, I think I should clarify my meaning.
Let me start out by saying Quentin was my favorite character both at first, when I watched the show, and after, when I read the books. He's the one I related to the most and just a character I enjoyed watching. His death was a shock and I stopped watching the show for a while after. But having read the books and gotten some distance from the incident, I don't hate the decision to kill him in the show. This is partly because he doesn't die in the books so if I want, I can just choose to only consider that ending as the real one.
But more importantly, a main point of the story that the books tell is that no matter what awful things happen in your life, you need to find things that matter and ways to move on and still be happy. Since the books are from Quentin's point of view, we mostly see his struggles and successes when it comes to finding reasons to live. But the show intentionally showcases the other characters much more than the books did and there are plenty of storylines that Quentin isn't even a part of. It is harder, in certain ways, to build empathy for characters through a tv show because it's not from their point of view and we, as audience members, can often have different interpretations of something we watch. So rather than being able to live through Quentin, we are almost a part of the story ourselves and we have to make our own way and come to a conclusion ourselves, rather than being led there by a narrator. In this way, Quentin's death is something that we have to get past and find a way to move on from in the story. I'll admit season five isn't my favorite season but it does have some of my favorite scenes in the show. It doesn't just throw us back into a fun fantasy world with silly humor and adventures. There is a grieving process and it takes a while for the show to become at all lighthearted again. After reaching Quentin's death and losing all interest in the show for a bit, it is significant to me that I ended up missing the world that it created enough to go back to it even knowing that my favorite character would not be a part of it. I'm not trying to compare this to losing someone you love in the real world because I don't think that is an accurate comparison at all but it is comparable, in my mind, to losing something that had sentimental value or missing out on an opportunity you can't get back. Realizing that something hasn't turned out the way you wanted it to and being able to move on and still enjoy other things again is very important and I think the show did manage to capture the spirit of the books even if that might not have been the writers' exact intention. I think some media is about escapism and creating a world where things are better but I don't think that is a requirement or a guarantee.
I also just want to mention that I understand the fine line between media as an art form and media as representation of the real world but I think this show does an excellent job of giving the audience a meaningful story even if it isn't necessarily "fair" to the characters. Obviously, media can perpetuate discrimination in the way it treats certain identities and communities (e.g. discrimination on the basis of gender, race, sexuality, disability, mental health) that are already discriminated against in society. I think in this instance though, there is also a case to be made for seeing the characters, especially Quentin, as a way to cope with the awful things that happen in the world, rather than just an expression of those awful things. I think The Magicians does do a good enough job of developing complex characters that they are not simply caricatures meant to represent entire groups in society for the purpose of making broad claims about those groups.
Obviously, I wanted Queliot to happen but I really don't think this show was trying to be homophobic given the many other examples of queer relationships in the show. I do think we still have a ways to go in how mental health issues are portrayed and treated in media but I think Quentin's death, and the whole show, itself, is about much more than that.
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frosted-luckycharms · 2 years
why i love the sentiadrien theory.
(NOTE: this isn't a list of reasons why i believe the theory's true, i know that's already been talked about and debated a lot. these are just reasons i think it's a good twist in the story.)
it has the potential to be so powerful for adrien's character arc. whenever he finds a way to free himself, whether that's by getting a hold of his own amok, or even figuring out how to destroy his connection to it (personally i love the foil-miraculous theory so im rooting for the concept of a cool upgraded cataclysm), it'll be so meaningful as a symbol of overcoming abuse and finding freedom. ESPECIALLY if that comes in the image of using the power of destruction he was given to cataclysm his metaphorical shackles just like how he's cataclysmed physical cages and walls so many times throughout the show. just. the SYMBOLISM. chefs kiss
whenever mari/ladybug finds out about this, hopefully we'll get to see her go all Fierce Protector Mode to defend adrien/chat and encourage him that he's still an amazing and valid person (please?? this would be so cute????)
also since marinette, who holds the miraculous of creation, is known for her bravery, agency, and creativity- traits adrien as a senti never had a chance to have growing up- it gives more reason to root for her and adrien's relationship. she can help him heal, bring out his humanity and grow into himself. if that makes sense?? i read a rlly cool meta on this once but i forget who wrote it:(
it gives a meaningful reason for emilie's death. the plot of the show literally wouldn't exist if not for emilie dying (or falling into a coma if that's what you prefer), and it would be a bit anticlimactic to find out that the reason she died was because she just wanted to create, idk, robot assistants or a pet dog or something. whoever emilie created, she DIED for them, and so imo it only makes sense that the being she created was adrien, her child.
sentimonsters are such a good metaphor for abuse. since the show's for kids, it's hard to talk blatantly about heavy topics like abuse, but this lets them deal with it in a kid-friendly way. and i know this has been discussed already, but i don't think that using a magical metaphor lessens the gravity of the issue at all. as i saw someone point out, miraculous has always been a show that uses magical metaphors (akumas, superhero disguises, you name it) to talk about real-life issues both kids and adults deal with, and personally i think that's really beautiful.
it just..... honestly makes the show so much more interesting/dark/angsty???? in a way that's chillingly unexpected, but also makes so much narrative SENSE looking back on it, which i think we can all agree is the best kind of plot twist. personally as much as i love the lighthearted funny parts of the show (i do!!!), i've always been drawn to the contrast of its more tragic, epic-scale side (especially since seeing cat blanc aka my favorite episode lol). IM NOT EVIL I JUST LIKE PAIN, OK
all the potential for angsty fanarts/fics/other fanworks. i've seen quite a few of these but i know there's also a lot more out there i haven't seen yet, and i just love all the concepts that fans are exploring because of this theory.
sentimonster jokes/memes are hilarious sorry. but not really sorry because i am 1000% sure adrien "i-cope-with-my-problems-with-humor" agreste will be TOTALLY on board the jokes too once he gets over the initial shock/existential horror/etc
ok i think that's all i have off the top of my head but if anyone else thinks of more reasons plz reblog and add on!!! let's get some more positivity for this show's writing and for our senti cat child because he sure deserves it <333
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Could I request concept for Blitz (Rainbow 6 Siege) please?
Sure! Had to do some lore research, hope I have a decent grasp on his character- I had issues ending it so my bad, he wasn't a very intense yandere so I hope this is good!
If you have ideas I'd like to hear them to get better.
Yandere! Elias "Blitz" Kötz Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Paranoia, PTSD implied, Suffocating behavior, Self-worth issues.
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Elias is an operator who's physically and academically adept.
Although he has been through a lot in his career, he uses humor to disarm stressful situations.
He prioritizes the safety of others over himself and turns down praise.
Despite what his operations put him through, he is quite resilient and goofy.
This does not mean he doesn't take his job seriously, he is very serious when it comes to keeping his team safe.
How he'd be towards his darling is honestly not that bad.
Elias is Protective, Obsessive, and Charming around his darling for the most part.
It's hard to give him any intense traits due to his persona.
Most of his darker behavior comes from the fear of you being hurt rather than jealousy.
He hides most of his stranger behavior with that lighthearted persona of his.
Elias is very well built, so he could cause damage if he wished.
Such as catching up with you if you try to avoid him, mostly-
He rarely removes that helmet, but since you've met him when joining Rainbow, you'll catch him with it off.
His joking personality makes him so pleasant to be around.
Admittedly, Elias likes your smile.
If you've been through horrors of your own, you hide it well.
Elias feels that smile should be treasured, not tainted by the horrors he's seen on the job.
Which may be another reason he's so protective of you.
Elias has a very damaging mentality when it comes to you.
He'd sacrifice himself in missions for you just to keep you healthy.
Happy, too... his jolly persona is a coping mechanisim while yours feels so genuine.
Elias does get genuine joy when he makes you happy.
When not on missions, he likes to flag you over to chat.
He does want to form something close with you, yet is scared at the same time.
Interacting with you makes him more and more attached.
Which also makes him more paranoid of losing you.
Other operators notice Elias being odd around you.
He's goofy as ever, but he is never seen without you.
With you and his team, he's his usual self.
Without you, he feels himself panic again.
He isn't violent to his teammates, he cares for them too.
He isn't a very destructive or jealous yandere.
Even his jealousy is vented in his jokes.
Like telling others to not be so touchy with you in a playful manner.
He hides his behavior for a long time.
As his paranoia builds, however, it leaks out.
You're tracked by him and he blabbers about your safety.
Even on missions, you're shoved behind him at all times.
He is obsessive about you and keeping you in the best condition.
Elias cares for you a ton.
Best friend or lover, he adores you and feels he should be your shield.
He wants to stick by you always, just to see your smile...
He won't stop keeping you safe, there's no need to fight him on it.
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icaruspartharmony · 1 year
I accidently hit post the first time so TAKE 2 BLOG INTRO and EDIT HERE i do update this
Version 3.8, updated Jul. 13, 2024
-Racist, ableist ("dIFFeREnTly AbleD!" Counts as ableist btw), pro cop, zionist, or Xenophobic
Who am i??
Hi!! I'm Joey, Joseph, whatever, but Nik or Icarus are perfectly cool too :) my pronouns page is at the bottom if you wanna scroll down there, there's more info. I live in the United States
-Transmed, Truscum, Exclus
-Royed (FMA) bakudeku (MHA) shippers
-Transphobic ("CiS iS a SluR") or Homophobic (not agreeing with that lifestyle counts btw)
-"give me money please" centered blogs
-Conservative, or Pro-life, people who call others Narcissists as an insult
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Fandoms i sit in
No. 6 (Manga)
NANBAKA (Anime and Manga)
Mp100 (anime)
BSD (Manga)
TPN (anime and manga)
Naruto, Shippuden, Boruto (Animes and mangas)
TBHK (Anime)
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (Anime and manga, half of 03 and brotherhood.)
The Owl House (show)
Gravity Falls (show)
Homesick, Weak Hero, Lost In Translation, Teenage Mercenary, Flawless, Windbreaker, Eleceed, Brimstone and Roses, City of Blank, Not So Shojo Love Story, Uriah (Webtoons)
Lookism (Webtoon and animated show)
I can talk movies and books 1-7(8) Harry Potter with you but i fucking loathe JK Rowling
Lord of heroes (game)
Haikyuu kinda (anime)
Hunter x Hunter (anime)
IDW Sonic (Comic)
Fruits Basket (Anime)
My Hero Academia (anime)
Dr. Stone (Manga and first season anime)
Howl's Moving Castle (Movie)
Sally Face (Watched Jacksepticeye play it through at ungodly hours of the night, through a podcast on spotify that did videos.)
I'm not a helluva boss/hazbin hotel superfan but i have watched it (Hazbin hotel pilot, know what happens in-series, keeping up with HB). Problematic media, but to each their own ig
Maybe a few more im forgetting
Stuff you might want to know
-this blog will contain swearing, maybe a sex joke here or there, some caps.
-spam likes and reblogs are 100% ok with me. I do that sometimes.
-if you fit my dni or if i fit your dni, i wont take it personal if u block me. Like if you've been my mutual for a year and suddenly block like maybe ill take it a little personal but dont feel obligated to interact or keep interacting.
-i can come off confrontational and as a jerk but im like a bug, im annoying and im more scared of you than you are of me
-im still learning. Everyone is always still learning. I request your patience in this trying time
-im not the brightest bulb in the box.
-i adore asks and questions because i am self centered
-i do take art reqs and i take them very well
-i have a huge interest in music and i do have a lot of character playlists on spotify! If you have a fic in a fandom i like that isn't pure smut, i will likely make you a playlist for it.
-most of my poor spelling and grammar is just set in for personality.
-do not imply or accuse me in that i am a pedophile. Try not make too many lighthearted pedophile jokes with me directly. I have intrusive thoughts and this will occasionally (and frequently) set them off. It's different if humor is your coping mechanism, I'm not gonna tell you how to cope.
Other socials
AO3: JoeyPartHarmony
Discord: JoeyPartHarmony
Spotify: Deeply Unserious1590
Pinterest: @.LivedAndWillMakeItTheBaneOfAll
Feel welcome to reach out at anytime! You're always welcome! Never a bother! Any questions you have are welcomed.
(Dazai's Bolo Tie :])
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kyogre-blue · 2 years
Finished another branch of Faruzan’s hangout.
The previous branch was about her philosophy in regard to knowledge and research, but this one is about her past and feelings regarding her situation (essentially missing out on 100 years of life).
And it’s... good?? Not amazing, necessarily, but it’s like, actual emotion and characterization, and it’s better than like nine tenth of the story quests? It’s good stuff.
I’m genuinely amazed, not just because Genshin writing but also because Hangouts have come so far. I sort of noticed the same thing in Heizou’s. One branch was actually funny humor, one branch was some additional setting stuff in regard to Inazuma (which I was mad about the contents but not necessarily the execution), and one branch was about Heizou as a person. That last one also had two endings that were both treated as valid and showed slightly different sides to the same situation.
Faruzan’s is even stronger in terms of the emotional writing. There’s an actual arc, even. I’m impressed.
It also helps that this Hangout definitely has the highest budget, so to speak. There’s a lot of short little scenes that are outside the visual novel dialogue shots and they’re competently handled. There’s also a lot of Tighnari and Collei (and Karkata), which helps ground the story as part of the overall Genshin setting.
There’s still one branch left, which I’m curious about. It’ll only have one ending though, I believe.
Some screenshots I took:
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Just noting that creating mechanical life forms is not just a mechanical thing, like you’d expect. There’s some alchemy and elemental whatever in there too. 
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Faruzan seems to have been aware of time passing in the ruins to some extent, but it’s unclear how long she was actually conscious for before her mind shut down. In any case, her old lady quirks are purely nonsense flavoring. She’s got no real reason to act like that. But well, it’s not the worst thing. Let’s say she’s doing it as a coping mechanism, since she admits she had a lot of trouble adjusting at first and it’s definitely caused her an emotional burden. 
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Just noting that she’s got one nail that’s green and the rest are blue. Weird but cute detail. 
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I did the ending where you tell Tighnari and Collei the truth first, then went back to keep things a secret, so it’s interesting to note that Faruzan actively adjusted her reaction to help Tighnari and Collei feel better in the first case, despite her playing off everything and acting very lighthearted on the surface. This is a good example of show-not-tell high EQ in a character, imo. 
I’m honestly impressed with Faruzan. She’s got a very strong belief system, a drive for knowledge, and also compassion toward others, while still having her own uncertainties and vulnerabilities. A very cute character, honestly. 
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multicxre · 1 year
Do people generally like being around them? ? + What is their typical reaction to being insulted by someone they dislike? + What is their coping mechanism when crap happens? Do they dive into work? Do they keep it inside and stay quiet? Do they make a lot of jokes to distract themselves and others? + How well do they handle high-pressure situations? / for bad boy !
do people generally like being around them?
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honestly, i would say it depends on how close one is to bad boy. there's no denying they have a sense of humor and can be off the rails ridiculous from time to time, but he's also not someone who comes off as super friendly until you get to know them. that being said, as a general statement, they can come off as an ass. but if you're one of the people he's close to, he's absolutely a blast to have around and can lighten up a room.
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what is their typical reaction to being insulted by someone they dislike?
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upon being insulted by someone he already doesn't like, bad boy bites back harder. working towards being a better version of themself or not, bad boy can cut deep if he wants to. also, he's the type of person who sees very little benefit to being the bigger person. if someone's not even going to try to be cordial with them, especially if they're already on bad terms with this person, neither will they.
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what is their coping mechanism when crap happens? do they dive into work? do they keep it inside and stay quiet? do they make a lot of jokes to distract themselves and others?
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jokes. when life gets hard, jokes are always their go-to. there are some tells when he's upset; however, there's usually more bite behind the jokes. instead of the jokes being silly, lighthearted, and fun –– they become jaded and sometimes downright hurtful. this is not a healthy coping mechanism, nor has it made a positive contribution to his friendships. he hopes to learn/apply better coping mechanisms.
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how well do they handle high-pressure situations?
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does this look like the face of someone who handles high-pressure situations well? in all seriousness, bad boy is someone who operates best in a team, and always has been. in a part of a team, they're very reliable. so it really depends on the situation.
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spoilertv · 9 months
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silverturns-art · 2 years
FMP - artists + relevant projects research
I was a bit stuck with how to position my project so I had to do some more research on similar projects, especially graphic novels and comics that are illustration centred and that they have a theme around mental health in young people or a theme that has to do with creating various characters and escaping through them.
1.Debbie Tung
First I was looking at the work of Debbie Tung, a Birmingham based illustrator that creates graphic novels based on her own experiences and difficulties an how she gets through them. Something that I like about her work is that even if she deals with quite hard themes sometimes, she manages to give it a fun twist, which makes it more lighthearted and enjoyable without diminishing her messages. This is something that I would like to achieve with my project as I don't want it to become too sad and depressing for the reader.
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2. Sarah Andersen
I then looked at the work of Sarah Andersen, an American comic book author and illustrator. Her work is mostly about everyday struggles of young adults, especially girls. Her illustration style is not my favourite but I like how she has managed to keep her work fun, relatable and engaging for a young audience. I enjoy how she has managed to turn insecurities and issues with self perception into fun comics that don’t give off the negative feeling that sometimes comes with those subjects to youth. Conceptually I would like to achieve something similar to that with my work.
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3. Tarah Booth
I also found a very interesting article about the work of Tarah Booth. Once again the illustration style is not my favourite but the concept of her work is very close to what I want to create. She uses her art to illustrate her hopes and dreams for the future and to find balance within herself. Similarly I have always seen my character and their universe as a safe space that I can take my mind whenever I am feeling sad or lonely. Booth, in her book “ The Cabin in the Woods” she has illustrated her a dreamy scenario of herself leaving the city and finding peace in nature living with two dogs. She also states that she likes putting her anxieties on paper for others to relate to. I feel the same when I illustrate my character and I find it very cathartic. I hope to create something that others will be able to understand my feelings when I was in the process of making it because my character is my way to put on paper things that I can’t put in words.
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4. Aisha Franz
Moreover I discovered the work of Aisha Franz and more specifically her graphic novel “Earthling”. Earthling is about a mom and her two daughters that each one of them escapes into imaginary worlds to cope with or avoid the struggles of everyday life. Even if the story is dealing with slightly darker themes , it is presented in a fun and humorous way and the illustrations stay positive by having a bright colour palette. I think this is one of the closest projects that relates to my current work and I hope that I could apply a similar approach to my project.
1. https://debbietung.com/books
2. https://sarahcandersenshop.com
3. https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/tara-booth-cabin-in-the-woods-illustration-160719
4. https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/aisha-franz-earthling
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hillarysss · 3 years
astro placements
& some blunt roasts 🍃🌸
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Do not repost, plagiarize, “reword” my observations. Let’s roast some of y’all ☀️, remember this is all lighthearted energy & not serious. Masterlist & Last post
12th house placements culture is falling asleep randomly and waking up like nothing happened😃
Capricorn Moon / Capricorn Placement culture is being misunderstood for your honesty, like sorry we don't wanna lie to you 🥲
Gemini placement culture is lowkey laughing at everything but trying to convince yourself you don't have the humor of a 6 yr old sometimes 😃
Aries placement culture is lowkey liking to flirt with your friends ✨just a little bit✨
Leo placement culture is HATING to be copied, but lowkey getting an ego boost out of it✨ like u chose to copy me✨
Pisces mercury culture is having all the creative and right ideas but having no idea how to put it down or where to start with all of your ideas 🪄
Cancer placement culture is literally loving and being devoted to spirituality ✨
Scorpio moon culture is wanting a deep connection but then remembering you have to open up about everything and especially your past too 🥲
Scorpio placement culture is giving the Starbucks barista a fake name cause you’re scared it’ll be traced back to you😀
Aquarius placement culture is coming up with the most random yet innovative ideas to problems🤔
Gemini moon culture is ranting instead of feeling your emotions🥲
Scorpio placement culture is lowkey getting joy for testing people how they react to things 💀 In my opinion they are the biggest pranksters...
Sagittarius placement culture is being blunt out of nowhere and leaving everyone being like what 😀
Aquarius rising culture is lowkey wanting to be babied and spoileddd in relationships (leo descendant) but won’t ever admit this it at first 💀
Pisces placement culture is falling in love with your dealer ✨ 🍃
Sagittarius placement culture is having the biggest vibrant smiles ✨
Virgo mercury culture is being like “hmm.. interesting, I don’t know if I believe that though” to almost everything
Libra placement culture is falling in love with the worse people, i’m sorry I had to say it I’ve been around too many libra placements to not notice this🥲
Venus in Cancer culture is lowkey being so closed off until you get into their baby protective side 💀
Sagittarius rising culture is having the best outfits put together ✨ (they’re very open minded when it comes to clothing / accessories, but this is kind of an observation lol)
Venus in Leo culture is assuming everyone is in love with you (y’all have the biggest egos, it’s ok me too)
Virgo placement culture is over analyzing everything to the point you don’t even know what’s real or what’s in ur head 💀💀 (probs cus sister pisces)
Pisces placement culture is absolutely✨ loving art & makeup✨
Libra rising culture is being a sucker for knowledge + information (Gemini in 9th)✨
Water rising culture is looking hot asf with eyeliner + mascara with those watery eyes 🪄
Taurus in 3rd culture (Pisces rising) is being hella stubborn to things + people that don’t interest you💀💀
Sagittarius placement culture is walking / driving to get your thoughts out + feel relieved 🍃
Scorpio rising culture (Gemini in 8th) is loving dirty talk during sex ✨✨
Sagittarius moon is being so unphased and nonjudgmental abt things✨ so when something surprises you it throws you off, also ppl love telling you weird things cuz u give off nonjudgmental laid back vibes 😀
Uranus in 4th culture is waking up and seeing the most unexpected things happen in your home life , yall a raccoon got inside the house last night 😀
Leo rising culture is being able to be friends with literally anyone ✨ I’ve never met one that wasnt popular and they deny it too
Leo placement culture is using your hair as a coping mechanism ✨
Water moon culture is not listening to your intuition, just to find out u were right later on🥲
Capricorn rising culture is being unbothered by everything 🍃 & moving in silence
Saturn in 9th culture is being the only one who doesn’t believe in anyone’s bullshit, you’re not fooling them 🥲
Scorpio mars culture is taking very few deep breaths during an argument before you release your.. intense side let’s call it
Pluto in 10th culture is being paranoid when anyone questions how you do things.. again you do things unpredictability 
Moon in Leo culture is putting so much stress because they put this unexpected expectations on themselves emotionally 🥲
Moon in 10th culture is being very trustworthy to everyone and having that “angel reputation” ✨
Mutable placement culture is changing up your dreams / job for the 12346968 time 🥲
Venus - Saturn culture is lowkey just wanting someone that’s going to be loyal and that won’t mess up their self esteem..😄
Lilith in 1st / 11th culture is being shamed for no reason😄 but then you find your power and those same people try to get to you like nope✨
Aries mars culture is actually very laid back ✨ until you find out someone wants to talk shit abt someone you love 😄 they don’t care if u talk bad abt them but don’t talk bad abt people they love
Libra mars culture is adding a sprinkle of aesthetic to everything ✨🪄
Fire rising culture is having a smile that brights up that room✨
Aries rising culture is being VERY intuitive but not usually listening to their own intuition. ( Pisces in 12th)
Taurus placement culture is being a sucker for cute home decorations ✨ Like yes those paintings and those plants ✨
Cancer mars culture is being VERYY vengeful when anyone tries to threaten anything that is home to them 💀💀 Mess with their friends I dare u💀
Capricorn placement culture is not sharing their success cause they move in silence and know some people pray on their down falls (I admire this about Capricorn placements so much)
Capricorn mercury culture is cutting to it straight no bs ✨
Capricorn placement culture is hating when people try to talk themselves out things they’re responsible for like be responsible 💀
Leo moon culture is using artistic / creative abilities as a coping mechanism ✨ let’s draw to feel better 🥲
Air placement culture is always having their phones with them but still replying to people they late replied to that they were “busy.”” haha nope 💀
Gemini rising culture is hatingg when people care about superficial shit too much😃 like show me your talents and creativity and knowledge (they’re very deep people in my opinion )
Cancer rising culture (Taurus in 11th) is wanting to create a safe and cozy environment for their friends all the time ✨
Scorpio in 5th culture is having the most intense and unique ideas 🪄 (could shock other people)
Leo in 6th culture is having to be loved / admired for their work or they’ll loose all motivation🥲✨
Uranus in 6th culture is having the most weird experiences at work and most unpredictable routine ✨ They just do whatever they want 😄
Take care,
🦁☀️✨ @hillaryss
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ry0chann · 3 years
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Tachihara Michizou NSFW alphabet
warnings // ⚠️ nsfw!! , implied fem!reader for most
notes // i’ve got tachihara brainrot all of a sudden so ofc, this is how i cope. my boy needs more content, therefore, i will deliver :)
i feel like i was fighting between whether i wanted to talk about dom!tachi versus sub!tachi more, so if some of these don't add up that's why pfft. (all my own personal hcs btw- pls don't yell at me if it seems ooc)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Tachihara is very cuddly and affectionate. he's quite the softie when all is said and done, it's really cute. he usually hovers over you, holding your waist while peppering kisses all over your face and neck. he'll make sure to kiss every bruise he might've left on you, and he showers you in praise and compliments.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of their partner)
your neck for sure. Tachihara loves to suck and nibble at the sensitive skin of your collarbones. this is the spot [your neck overall] he pays a lot of attention to during foreplay. the area is super easy to bruise, and he makes sure to cover it in hickies. he's also very prone to kissing you there randomly at any moment; coming up behind you and softly kissing your neck.
C = Cum (uhhhh anything to do with cum pretty much)
Tachi’s kinda messy with it. as much as he loves watching you swallow his cum, he’d rather unload on your face or chest— (or he at least hopes that you’ll spit it out so it drips down your chin). if he’s fucking you from behind he’ll cum on your ass or your back. if you’re on your back, he either spills onto your stomach or pulls out just to cum on your sex. he just loves seeing it on you, and he loves licking it up honestly. tachihara cumslut moment
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he’s used your panties to jerk off once and he does not feel bad about it. you happened to be out doing whatever, and Tachi just missed you so much that he couldn't help himself. your laundry had just been neatly folded and put away, but he selfishly stole a pair of panties from your drawer and used them to get off with. they wore your scent and felt soft against his skin. he knew it was probably wrong but it felt so good that he couldn't bring himself to stop, and that's why he'd eventually cum in them, making that recent wash useless.
E = Experience (how experienced are they?)
he's pretty experienced- for his age. Tachi definitely had a short "sleeping around" phase, where he was simply figuring out what he enjoyed doing in the bedroom. despite what it may sound like though, his body count is no more than 10.
(he's only like 19 isn't he ?? i wouldn't expect his body count to be higher than that)
F = Favorite position
butterfly! (which if you don't know, is you on your back with your legs spread wide and in the air with him on top of you). he'll hold your waist really tightly, rolling his hips and hitting every spot with precision. the position allows him to get really deep, which is why it's his favorite. his face is usually pretty close to yours too, drinking in how blissed out you look as he ruts into you. he's quite fond of cowgirl as well, and quite often he'll take you up against the wall, but Tachi honestly just loves every position where he can look you in the eyes.
G = Goofy (are they more serious/laid back/humorous/etc.?)
Tachihara manages to be really playful while still maintaining intimacy. he wants it to be a good time, so he's not really serious. during all the foreplay he makes little lighthearted jokes; mostly teasing but it happens regardless. there's a lot of giggling at first, but once things start to heat up it stops. he'll still tease you a whole bunch for the sounds you make though, or just how you're acting in general.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
well groomed enough, i'd say. in all honesty, Tachihara doesn't care too much to keep himself groomed, however, he makes sure to keep it under control. he won't shave it all off because he just doesn't have the patience to do that, but he will clean up wherever necessary.
I = Intimacy (kinda self explanatory; how intimate/romantic are they in the moment?)
the romance is more prominent as things begin. lots of praise and compliments, plus kisses every chance he gets. he'll lean down whisper how good you're doing before kissing your neck. once he gets a little rougher though, the kisses aren't as frequent, but the words of affirmation don't stop.
J = Jack off (masturbation. yay or nay, how often if ever, etc)
he does it whenever given the chance. he’s surprisingly busy with work, so he doesn’t get much free time but when he does? simply the thought of you is enough to turn him on and that’s all he needs to get off. Tachi doesn’t care where he is either; obviously he’ll go to the bathroom and handle it there, but he doesn’t try to be quiet or anything. in the heat of the moment he doesn’t care about anything but finishing, so anyone who happens to walk passed the bathroom definitely hears him moaning your name.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
minor degradation ~ it's not frequent, but he will call you a slut or say you sound like one. that's honestly about it, unless he happens to be in a mood, then the degradation is a little more common and he'll probably call you a whore as well.
overstimulation ~ this one goes both ways; Tachihara gets off on seeing you squirm and whine because you're next high is close, but when he's in a subby headspace he loves having you do it to him. he just likes making you cum, y'know, so he hopes that you have the energy to do it more than once. when it comes to him, being overstimulated makes his whole body tingly and he loves the feeling.
biting ~ Tachi likes to bite you!! he's really into marking up your skin, whether it be hickies or bite marks. it's usually when he's close to finishing that he does this; he'll lean down and start to suck at the skin of your shoulder or neck, and he usually bites you hard enough to leave a bruise before lifting his head.
gun play ~ he's very quick to whip out his gun, and that's no different in the bedroom. he knows what he's doing though; he'd never hurt you. it's simply a scare tactic but it turns him on to see you on your knees with a gun pressed to your forehead- it makes him feel really powerful. he also doesn't do it all the time- only when he wants to make things exciting
L = Location (their favorite place(s) to mess around)
public places; the backseat of the car, an abandoned alleyway, a public restroom, an empty hallway in HQ- basically anywhere you're likely to get caught. Tachihara likes to test your limits, seeing how good he can fuck you while you attempt not to make too much noise. but it's always a failed attempt because you can never muffle your moans good enough.
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
when you're bratty. he's not much of a brat tamer, but seeing you act stubborn and playing hard to get only makes him want you more. moments like this are usually when gun play comes in, but it's all fun and games to both of you. tight fitting clothes turn him on too. specifically latex or leather, if you ever happen to wear either.
N = No (their turn offs essentially)
masochism. Tachihara doesn't wanna inflict actual pain onto you and he doesn't wanna feel any pain himself. the idea of it is a huge turn off for him and it's something he'd never wanna try. he's also not into ddlg stuff, like "daddy" really doesn't do it for him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, how skilled are they?)
strong preference for receiving, but he's actually amazing at giving. he'll go down on you after everything, typically- after he fucks you and after you've both finished. again, he enjoys overstimulating you and he likes playing with cum, so he goes down on you after the fact to clean you up. Tachi does prefer having you suck him off though- it feeds his mini power trip.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
starts slow and gradually gets faster and rougher. his pace almost implies desperation, like he's been deprived of your body for years and he's finally getting it after all that time. Tachi fucks you like a rabbit in heat, yet his strokes manage to be steady despite how quick he moves.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
absolutely loves them and they happen all the time. he likes fucking in public places remember? if he's horny he will 100% let you know, and bring you to the nearest secluded place to fix it.
R = Risk (are they down to try new things? do they take risks? etc.)
Tachihara is pretty open to trying new things, he'll do whatever you want if it makes you happy (no weird shit though, obviously). the fact that he's into gun play makes him susceptible to enjoying other dom/sub play stuff like that- bondage is a big one, for example. like full on tying you up in ropes not just handcuffing you (it has yet to happen, but he's definitely thought about it).
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he lasts like two rounds but usually never goes longer than one. it should be obvious, but one is enough to satisfy him, however he'll gladly go again if you both can and want to. overall i'd say Tachihara is good for an hour- if everything is paced properly.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
he has no toys to use on you, but he has a couple fleshlights that get used often. normally he uses his hand to get off but sometimes that's not enough for him so he'll use a toy and pretend it's you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
surprisingly he doesn't tease too much, he'd rather get straight to the point. however, if you happen to be acting really needy then he'll deny you until you beg and then makes sure to tease you just to keep you feeling desperate.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he's loud but he doesn't shout; his moans are loud enough to hear if you happen to be nearby, but he actually keeps it down to moan in your ear. it's mostly a lot of grunting or just him moaning your name though. he curses a whole bunch too but it's always in a breathy tone, and it's mostly just the word "fuck."
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Tachihara's a switch but he's dom leaning. he'll gladly act subby, but it's usually something you have to ask for. he's more of a soft dom, unless he's in a bad mood or something and then he's more of a hard dom- it really just depends. subby Tachihara is nearly a completely different person from dom!Tachi, but in the best way. he's really obedient and doesn't struggle to fall into that headspace. in all honesty he really likes subbing too, but it doesn't happen often because he does prefer to dom.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's carrying about a 6, but the girth is nice- it's not really skinny but it doesn't struggle to fit. i don't know how to describe what it looks like to be honest, it just looks nice ? Tachihara's dick is just the kind you immediately want in your mouth- pretty dick moment, if you will.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it's high- not "i have sex everyday" high, but it's pretty high. Tachi jerks off like every couple of days and if you didn't have any self control, he'd probably fuck you everyday. the reason he doesn't is because he doesn't have the time, hence why he's so fond of quickies, even if it's just you sucking him off. honestly, he's just young and still maturing so he's kinda always in the mood.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he falls asleep pretty fast. after you clean up, he'll start up again with the compliments and affection, but his kisses seem tired and he doesn't talk much. once you're in his arms, he'll bury his face in your neck, kissing it a little and soon falling asleep after a few minutes.
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rinnepegger · 3 years
hello hello i saw u had a matchup event going on so >:] also ! be as mean u want to me i thrive off of lighthearted bullying 😋 /hj
so i would like to request a matchup for twst ! my favorite genre of music is probably alt/indie ig ?? [arctic monkeys, keshi, cavetown] also quite partial to j-pop tho lol [eve, yonezu kenshi]
at the top of my head i can only remember this one time that i like ?? was playing w these other girls at recess and they were all doing handstands so i was peer pressured into doing it with them and just . fell on my back and got the wind knocked out of me 🤡🧍‍♀️
then i was sobbing and telling the teachers to make sure they tell my parents and sisters that i loved them bc i genuinely thought i was abt to die lmfaooo 😭 the stupidity was real when i was in 4th grade ig 💀💀
i don't rlly animals tbh but cats r cuter than dogs sorry dog lovers 😕❗
generally i find that i like ppl who are reasonably smart, like they don't have to be a genius but they can't be like,,,, too stupid for this world ☹️ i also like ppl who will be mean to me in a teasing way bc i show my affection the same way 😼 we gotta be on the same wavelength y'know 😫⁉️ but at the same time they gotta respect my boundaries and understand my emotionally stunted self bc like,,, bpd tingz 😟‼️ (hELP THE EMOJIS MAKE ME SOUND FAKE IM NOT I SWEAR JUST COPING HUMOR IDKBWJJXKS)
i've never attended a christian all girls school but i did attend a co-ed catholic school 🤷‍♀️
and i sleep w two pillows and like eight stuffed animals bc u can never be too old 😍😍
n e ways thanks for reading through this mess of an ask/matchup request i hope u have a good rest of ur day/night >:]
Genuinely, and I don't mean this in a bad way BUT THE BPD TINGZ IS SO FJCKING FUNNG???? IDKY? But thanks for participating YAYYYY. You say you like someone smart and not too stupid for this world,,,, but you thought you were about to die... AT FOURTH GRADE?!?? you've got to be joking. ANYWAY here's your matchup YAYYYYYY 🎊🎊🎊
I match YOU WITHHHH 🥁🥁🥁🥁....
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He's not too emotionally open, so he's definitely a tough one to crack. However, once you have him attracted to you, he's on his hands, knees, anything for you.
He's pretty fun to poke fun at, given that he's constantly denying the blush creeping up his neck as he pulls on the strings of his hoodie to hide his embarrassment.
Always up for whatever playful banter you have in store for him that day, or whether your mental health decided to take the wheel that day. Honestly, he's really sharp when it comes to these kinds of emotional problems and can pick up on the slightest shift in your personality.
Canon that he's really fucking good at cooking so if you need your comfort food that day to help cheer you up, he will somehow produce a carbon copy of your favourite comfort food.
In terms of his love language, it's pretty obvious that he leans more towards acts of service and words of affirmation. Having grown up as Kalim's servant from start and probably finish, it's only natural that he convey his love to you through his actions!
When it comes to physical affection, he's not the best an initiating it; if you crave his touch then you're the one who has to make the first move. Not that he dislikes it or anything, he just doesn't want to die of embarrassment LOL. However if a tiring day really starts to take a toll on him, expect arms snaking around your waist and his head tucked into the nape of your neck. He's craving your touch after a long, tiring day and who's gonna hate it when your boyfriend is being so adorable?
He's pretty reliable when it comes to academics and he's more than willing to offer his services to you, though it may or may not come with a price ;)
He's pretty much ready for your bullshit shenanigans every day though it might result in him getting a migraine. But hey! Anything for your beloved partner (i guess lol).
Literal power couple: chaotic idiot x somewhat serious idiot! Spectacular couple yayyy
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prime-pulse · 3 years
how about 2, 14, 15, 32, 34, and 45?
WAAA thank you for the ask !!!! Let me answer all of these :]
2. How did they decorate and structure Skyhold?
Edric personally saw more value in building a mage tower and new medical center when upgrading Skyhold; everyone fought well and they had way more mage recruits than they did anyone else, so it only made sense, especially with the “medical center” at the time being just a few tents laid on dirt.
When it came to DECORATING Skyhold, though, he mainly let Josephine, Dorian, and Vivienne guide him (except when it came to choosing the throne), because he trusts them to make better choices when it comes to design WAY more than himself. His happy little contribution was choosing the most plain and simple throne he could— which is a bit of a sore thumb compared to the Free March styled windows, Orlaisean decor, and Inquisition banners.
14. Who is their favourite and most trusted advisor?
Josephine, 100%. He would not hesitate in telling you this. Though after realizing how quickly he answered, he would beg you not to tell Cullen or Leliana. Though he values all of his advisors an incredible amount, he couldn’t have accomplished all the Inquisition has without them, Josephine is the only one he can really sit back with and just /talk/ to— whether it be gossip, engaging stories from their pasts, or just discussing future banquet plans.
He personally feels like he almost has to parent Cullen and Leliana when it comes to their sometimes brash methodology— which, of course, he doesn’t mind doing, but he enjoys how Josephine almost always tries to find the peaceful solution to a problem and how she always humors his ideas, even if they aren’t necessarily… Good ideas.
15. Out of the followers/companions, who are they most comfortable around?
Edric is comfortable around almost all of his companions (save for Vivienne, who he is still relatively comfortable around, she just intimidates him more than anything), but for who he’s /most/ comfortable around I think would be a three-way tie between Dorian, The Iron Bull, and Solas— which is a REALLY weird tie now that I think about it?? Apologies if these next few parts don’t make sense I’m going to just pour out my feelings
With Dorian, Edric doesn’t feel pressured to hide really anything about himself. He feels confident around him, he doesn’t feel like he doesn’t know what to do with himself and he doesn’t feel compelled to hide his nervous ticks around him. He loves to joke with him, he loves to gossip, he loves the way they can just talk and none of it feels weird. He feels comfortable talking about things he’s never spoken about before with Dorian, he feels safe to share his (sometimes nonsensical) worries and doubts with him, and he also feels safe enough to express annoyances and grievances with other people to Dorian because he knows Dorian feels safe and comfortable enough to do the same with him!! Edric has never really felt that comfortable around someone before, comfortable enough to have his back turned to them and not expect anything to happen, and he loves being able to feel that comfortable around him. Dorian keeps him grounded when he needs it, and Edric keeps Dorian grounded when he needs it.
With Bull, Edric feels relatively the same way but in a more platonic sense. Bull is very jokey and lighthearted, but he can be blunt and serious when he has to be. Edric likes to bounce battle plans off of Bull, or just plans in general, because Bull has a very calculated mind. Edric likes to come to the tavern and share drinks with Bull on occasion because Bull is not only fun to be around, but because he trusts Bull enough to let his guard down and have fun with him. He loves listening to Bull ramble on and on about the Chargers; missions they’ve had, embarrassing stories, etc. and telling Bull his own stories from when he was still in the Carta. He feels like Bull and him have lead similar enough lives for them both to be able to just sort of understand one another. Also, Bull is a good person to go to when you need to see if a pun you want to start using makes sense.
And lastly, with Solas, Edric finds himself comfortable with him because they both have a similar nature— at least, he did find himself comfortable with him before he ran off. (I haven’t done Trespasser yet, so he doesn’t know about the whole… Dread Wolf thing yet.) They used to sit together for hours in Solas’ study, working through ancient scripts and piecing together puzzles and contraptions Edric found during his adventures. They enjoyed bouncing theories off of one another when it came to magic and the fade, despite Edric not being very experienced in either. Edric felt comfortable enough around him to, like Bull & Dorian, voice his nonsensical concerns and worries to Solas; who would almost always give a solution in a very blunt but kind way. He always appreciated Solas listening to him, and he always loved listening to Solas’ stories. But, now, in recent times, Edric’s starting to see a lot of those stories… Don’t all make sense. It makes him worry.
32. Who did they leave in the Fade, and why?
Edric left Stroud in the Fade. He didn’t have much time to think; he was angry, he was tired, he was afraid and everything around him felt like it was spinning the entire time. He could barely think clearly, but he tried his best to put himself in both Stroud and Kariyan (my Hawke)’s shoes. Both wanted to be left behind, to fix some mistake they both felt responsible for, but Edric decided to let Stroud stay behind. Though it sounds harsh, he figured Hawke had more stories to tell— He was needed in places already; Varric needed him, that Anders fellow he’d briefly heard of needed him, he had a brother in the Wardens who needed him, and Mages who still needed his support. He himself may have been ready to give his life to help, but the world wasn’t ready. Stroud couldn’t do what Hawke would be needed to do.
Edric isn’t happy about the outcome at all, but he can’t rationalize an outcome that would make him happy given the situation. He holds out hope Stroud is somehow still alive and surviving in the Fade, and maybe they’ll be able to save him one day.
34. How do they cope with the stress of being Inquisitor?
Edric doesn’t cope with it very well at all. He tends to overwork himself constantly, with him almost never able to say no to a person in need and being the head of the Inquisition he always has a lot to do. He used to, every other week or so, either lock himself up in his room for a straight two days or would suddenly disappear from Skyhold for a few hours just to be by himself and try to clear his head (doing the latter more often). This of course would cause more chaos and panic for him to return to, the inquisitor being gone without so much as a trace for hours on end, then he’d have to deal with being scolded by pretty much every one of his advisors and a few of his companions.
After those methods didn’t work, he’d try to stay up for as long as he could to complete as much work as possible so he could maybe have a few reasonable days off without feeling too bad about it. Usually, that'd end up with him falling asleep at his desk multiple times and being too tired to actually carry out his work, so he stopped doing that as well.
Recently, however, he’s taken to knitting, reading, or beating the absolute shit out of training dummies depending on how stressed he’s feeling. They’re all definitely way better than what he’d been doing, so it works out for everyone.
45. What is their most and least favourite place to explore? Why?
Edric hates the deep roads. Hates them. Absolutely despises them. Every time he has to go and explore them, he’s stressed and a bit peeved almost the entire time. He’s cranky, the whole place smells like death and mold, there’s darkspawn everywhere, and the fumes from the occasional lava pool make his head hurt. If he had the ability to, he would personally seal up every entrance to the Deep Roads himself. But he can’t, so he just tried to avoid them as much as possible.
His favorite place, though, definitely has to be either The Emerald Graves. He loves the plant life and the general atmosphere. Sometimes he likes to go there himself or with a few of his companions, not to do anything necessarily important, but just sit and maybe have a picnic. He would especially love to go there while it’s raining, just to hear the sound of the rain hitting all the leaves and the sound of the rivers overflowing. He finds the place peaceful (when there’s not a giant chasing him, anyway).
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