#did so much exploring today
arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
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Rhodes - Lemoyne
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introspectivememories · 9 months
high school timber is all about repression!!!
it's about bernard desperately trying to prove to himself and his parents that he's straight!! because his parents already don't like him and he cannot be gay. not now not ever!!!! so he puts up this front of a ladies man and he picks a girl he cant ever get together with and maybe he kisses like 3/4 of the female population at grieves and gains a reputation but hey! at least he's not gay! but he's so caught up in making sure his eyes don't to stick too long on tyrone's face or michael-from-biology's eyes or kabir-from-study-hall's thick thighs that even his attraction to women is under a filter. and it's not that he doesn't like women, he does! very much so!! but it's that he's soo caught on not being perceived as gay that he cant show his attraction to women the way he'd like to. it's all under this filter of what he thinks Real Men who are attracted to women act like so it's this brash, loud, crass, thing and it's not him at all. it's "ooh tim, ms. winters is soooo hot!" or "hey kayla, why don't you and i get to know each other a little better, if you know what i mean?" or "god her tits are soo big. she's so fucking hot!" and all this other shit when he really means, "tim, why the fuck does your stepmom have such a pretty smile?" or "kayla, you said you liked yugioh? i'd love to hear more about it!" or "god fuck, that girl has such pretty hands. i think if i held them i'd combust." but none of that is how a Real Man likes women so he shuts that shit down before it even has a chance to come up. it's fine, he's fine. so what if no one ever holds him like he holds those girls? it's fine. he'll take the manwhore label and the fuckboy title and he'll give out as many kisses as those girls want and if sometimes when he's kissing a girl he wonders what it'd be like to sit on kabir's thighs or if tyrone's lips really are as soft as they look, that's just the devil speaking. and if sometimes when he walks back into the cafeteria at lunch, lipstick still smudged on the corner of his mouth, after making out with a girl and his eyes skirt over tim's lithe body and he wonders what it'd be like to draw out the same sounds he's heard girls make when he kisses them, or what it'd be like to brush his thumb over tim's hands, or what it'd be like to hold tim or press a kiss to his shoulder, or a million and one other things, well that'll just have to be another one his secrets.
and it's about tim who's in a relationship with stephanie and his dad knows he's robin and he doesn't have time to figure out why his mouth goes dry when the light hits bernard's hair just right. he's too busy trying to figure out a way back to his nightlife. and so what if bernard has pretty pink lips that look very plush? so what if he's looked at some of his teammates and thought they were handsome? he's not blind!!! he has a girlfriend! and he loves her! and so what if his hand brushes bear's during fourth-period bio? so what if the tingles last all day? it was just some static! and it doesn't matter that when bear laughs his eyes get squinty and they water over -- cause bear always laughs so hard he almost cries -- and it sounds like bells. and it doesn't even matter, that sometimes when bernard walks back into the lunchroom, 10 minutes before the bell rings, lipstick smeared across the corner of his mouth, lips tilted up in the most charming smirk he's ever seen, that his chest fills with jealousy. it doesn't matter that his hands clench into fists so hard that his nails leave crescents marks all day. it doesn't matter that he wants to be bear's flavor of the day, week, month, whatever. he wants to leave the lipstick marks!! he wants to know if bear really is as good as he hears the girls speak about!!! he wants to know "that thing bernard does with his tongue!" is! he wants to drape himself over bear the same way he sees those girls do! he wants to know what bear's hands feel like gripping his waist. he wants, wants, wants!!! but it doesn't matter. it doesn't. he's got a girlfriend, her name is stephanie, she's gorgeous and, most importantly he loves her. he's too busy for bernard anyway.
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adanseydivorce · 1 month
I’m 22 today apparently so!
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hecatesbroom · 2 months
Thinking about young Dorothy again and I'm. Ugh. I can't cope
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strangerays · 10 months
[wip introduction]
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(originally known as the project Nothing in Particular and Everything)
start date: february 2021
stage: 4th draft
pov: first person, past tense
tags: #nip: inspo, #nothing in particular and everything, #this june, #this june inspo
Ask to be +/- from the tag list if that is something you would like!
Ray's friends are finally back home from college. But in the seaside town where they grew up, everything has changed. Madison is always distracted by work and her controlling parents. She's dating Oliver. Oliver doesn't know what he wants to do with his life anymore, but he knows he can't stay in Point Blink. Lonan has made a new home for himself in the city with his boyfriend, so nobody is quite sure what he plans to do next.
June in Point Blink isn't turning out as perfect as Ray planned.
Judith just moved to Point Blink.
A somewhat disastrous pair, Ray and Judith fall victim to an act of arson on a mysterious landmark in the woods. Whilst the girls uncover the identity of the arsonist on a dusty old camera, they develop a strong bond with one another and a connection to their mental health neither of them had before. However, as Ray gets closer to saving herself, she digs up damaging truths about her closest friends that threaten to tear the five of them - and Point Blink - apart.
Ray – 20, a somewhat optimistic college student who misses her friends but will do anything to keep them together. spends most of her time in alone her bedroom or in the woods with a camera.
Judith – 19, the energetic new girl in town with an enigmatic background and a savior complex. used to live with her brother but decidedly does not anymore.
Lonan – 20, Ray’s best friend who loves his friends dearly but struggles to put himself and his art first. struggling to live with past decisions while navigating a new relationship.
Madison – 20, hates the idea of college and is very set in her ways, which can be detrimental to her friendships. works at a local coffeehouse.
Oliver – 19, the last person to join the friend group; the first person to leave. known for his boastful grades and sour humor.
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whentherewerebicycles · 6 months
therapy was “helpful” and I “liked it” and sigh I’ll “keep going”
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pinksilvace · 10 days
#dkhghgghkslghhhgh I'm Not Normal about rotg#my interest in it picks back up for a few weeks each year and I just. sigh#please dreamworks I know you had sequels planned. you don't know how big it would be amongst today's audiences. I prommy#director PETER RAMSEY and executive producer GUILLERMO DEL TORO both want to give it a second chance#as does joyce. the guy who sold the IP to dreamworks#nooo because there are so many interesting things the movie could pull on if it starts looking at the guardians with respect#to events of the past#a big critique of rotg is that it doesn't have much plot and I think that largely comes as a result of the movie being mostly setup#it needed to spend so much time establishing its world and I'm so glad that it did#but it did lead to people questioning what the heck bunny and tooth are and why pitch feels so flat etc etc#oh my GOD if they dug into how pitch was created it would add so much subtext to the antarctica scene#I wouldn't care about whether they brought in nightlight stuff or not by integrating more material from the books bc movie canon#is already so distinct but YOU'RE TELLING ME that this man... a guard in his own right... succumbed to the powers of fear#because he was mourning the loss of his child??? because he wanted to protect her??? and then he tried to connect with jack#(a child) over how much he longed to be known and have a FAMILY??? how am I supposed to be normal about this#there are so many ghosts of the books' influence in the first movie that could be explored so much#not to mention something something fear exists to keep people (kids) safe and eliminating it completely would be Bad Actually#maybe I'm realizing I just want pitch to be explored more sdkfjsldfjks#I've seen a lot of folks say they want more seasonal characters to be introduced and I guess that could work in the context of a show#but if they dove more into how the guardians came to be and what MIM's deal is and how that all affects the present#ohhhh baby that's good content right there#fern muses
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coffee-bat · 9 months
not to vent on main again but i'm in so much fucking pain rn
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y’know while i adore Enkanomiya and the Chasm with all my heart it is nice to see something GREEN again
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fortune-maiden · 8 months
I have done it! I have written ficlets for all 30 days of Sicktember! (only posted 7 of them but I wrote all 30! :D)
Over the course of the month, I've written:
25,343 words (8053 words in posted fic)
23 Complete ficlets
Ficlets in12 fandoms
Longest fic was Day 2's Four Hours at 1850 words
Shortest fic was at 508 words, tied between Days 12 & 27 (neither posted)
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shima-draws · 2 years
I WAS gonna do commissions today but then I saw how the weather was all dark and gloomy and the house is cozy and warm and it’s a perfect day for curling up on the couch and playing Genshin for 6 hours straight........yeah
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imagine-nerd · 2 years
Some fun things I've learned in exploring sumeru completely blind
There is a single world quest that starts near the teleporter outside sumeru city where you save a forest ranger names Rana from some mushrooms. This quest branches off into so many other things
Other things include but are not limited to: the little music things you find, the chained up ruin machines, the broken dendro elemental monuments, the tree of dreams, and more I probably have yet to discover!
The new fungi boss for Collei level up materials is extremely easy. Or maybe I'm just extremely overpowered.
If you get full withering effect you die. That's it. That little meter fills up all the way and you die. Make sure to watch it so you don't suddenly lose all 4 characters in the span of two seconds (it was sad).
To use the dendrogram with those little hoop looking things to open barriers, you need to shoot a charged shot at the hoop things for it to work.
There's a luxurious chest on top of the giant tree in sumeru city (the one the sanctuary is near the top of).
The little creatures Paimon keeps calling vegetables are related to that first world quest I mentioned.
Trying to gather the mushrooms needed for Collei's ascensions are such a pain to get. Absolute miserable time.
Use a bow character in the withering zones, so much easier to destory those things with the dendrogram with a charged bow shot.
If you start the world quest with Rana it seems very not importantat first, trust me it unlocks so much more.
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silhouettecrow · 10 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 210
Adjective: Scarce
Noun: Miracle
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Scarce: (especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand; occurring in small numbers or quantities, or rare
Miracle: a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency; a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences; an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something
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lesenbyan · 1 year
you ever just be saying shit and suddenly realize that 13yo you was actually kinda really goin through it?
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cabaretofwords · 1 year
I can feel my heartbeat in my knees, is that normal?
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thedevotionaltour · 2 years
please fund eiffel's european tour so that i, eiffel, can travel around europe to hunt down jamie hewlett and run him over with a car
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