#did you know i use 'startle' wrong? i totally use startle wrong
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2 things ive learnt learning french:
i know a LOT of english words
i use a lot of them wrong
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sp0o0kylights · 9 months
Give meee: an Eddie who went into a small little bookshop on an Indie trip and stumbled across an in person fandom meeting. 
It's mostly Star Trek, and also mostly women, but the stories they have are nothing like Eddie's ever read. 
He's barely a teenager, and already protective of himself and his real identity--but everything he's ever wanted is written down, right here, on a little zine with Kirk and Spock doodled on the cover. 
They’re not--it’s not obvious, that they’re what he is, but the story itself is blatant and Eddie ends up being so obviously close to tears, he accidentally outs himself without ever saying a word. 
(He also ends up on the mailing list, then being sent home with several hand printed copies of all kinds of zines.) 
Eddie would remain on this list well past his third senior year in high school. 
Past bats, and Vecna and Steve fucking Harrington. 
Flash forward to his first apartment.The tiny one he shares with Steve when they followed Nancy and Robin to college. 
Steve knows Eddie’s gay. 
Or rather, Steve has been told, but Eddie's still pretty clammed up about it. He's not yet where Robin is, ready to bemoan her loveless existence while draped over their crappy, thrifted couch.
He makes jokes and he flirts and he absolutely says things he shouldn't, but none of it is real. 
It's flash. Showmanship. 
It's the persona that yes, is him, but Eddie consciously built it. There’s nothing soft or gooey there, nothing anyone can use to hurt him. 
So when he comes home and sees that plain, padded envelope with the neatly printed label on the counter, torn wide open and flat without its contents?
 Eddie panics. 
His heart thunders in his chest, vision tunneling as adrenaline kicks through him. 
He wants to bolt-- should bolt--except ever since he almost died his brain no longer obeys him. 
Not when it comes to running, anyway. 
Instead it fights him to a standstill, freezing his feet right to the living room floor. 
The urge is still there. 
To run, and save face the cowards way. 
Vanish before Steve could get at a part of him that had once kept Eddie out of Wayne’s trailer for two days, until the old man had hunted him down and made him come home, huffing about how he’d love Eddie no matter what but he better never disappear like that again. 
(Which Eddie did anyway, and of everything that happened with Vecna, it’s that he regrets the most. The stories he heard of Wayne putting up posters. Squaring off with angry, too-righteous townies, and--)
A sniffle jerks him out of his thoughts. 
Eddie gasps, entirely unsure of when he stopped breathing. Stumbles back and turns, right in time for Steve to come out of his room and amble down their hallway. 
One hand rubs at his eyes, and the other is--the other has…
Eddie identifies the cheaply printed, stapled zine immediately. It's one he's wanted to read for a while now, solely because it features a story about Kirk and Spock being stuck in a cave together on a planet that has  bat-like, vicious animals on it. 
Kirk gets bitten after something goes wrong with the transporter and, look, it’s carthiatic okay!? Sue a guy for wanting to read a romance about a situation he identifies with! 
Steve looks up from the zine and startles. 
For a second his eyes go dark and flat, the same way Eddies and Robins and Nancy's and everyone's does when caught off guard. 
It's gone in a flash though, Steve visibly relaxing when he clocks that it's just Eddie. 
He keeps the zine pressed to his sweater clad chest,  and huffs out a laugh that's half forced and half pure relief.
“Fuck Eds, you scared me! I didn’t know you could be quiet.” 
“Uh huh.” Eddie manages, voice sounding totally and absolutely normal and not at all ten octaves higher than it usually is. 
They stare at each other for a second. Long enough that Steve's eyebrows crinkle in the middle, which is the first hint that he’s beginning to worry, and Eddie really cannot handle Steve being worried right now.  
“What's--” Eddie’s voice cracks and he coughs to recover. “what's that?” 
Steve frowns at him for a moment, until Eddie gestures at the zine in his hands. 
Steve holds it up, as if to show it off. 
“It's a little book Robin got in the mail. It has a bunch of stories in it. They're normally boring as fuck but this one's from Star Trek.” 
Hearing the words ‘Star Trek’ out of Steve’s mouth shouldn’t be weird, not anymore, when Eddie and Dustin have been on a two man mission to nerdify Harrington as much as possible, but it still kicks like a mule to hear him say such things without any prompting. 
“You know what Star Trek is?”
“Eddie,” Steve tuts, tongue clicking in his mouth. “everyone knows what Star Trek is. It’s nerd shit, but like, old nerd shit. My grandparents used to watch it when I stayed over. This?” 
 He shakes the zine, so hard Eddie wants to snatch it away from him.
 “This isn't nerd shit. This is excellent.”
Steve gives the zine an appreciative glance and hell, maybe Eddie accidentally walked into another dimension. 
He’s been trying to get Steve to read more, rediscover the joys of books the public school system does its best to destroy, but until now Steve hasn’t really taken to it. 
Enjoys when Eddie reads aloud sometimes, and has started to bug Robin to do it for him too, but otherwise?
Eddie’s nerve seen him with anything that had the written word on it that wasn’t a cooking or car related magazine. 
“Honestly,” Steve’s saying, “I think Robs fucked up, this isn't her style at all. She’s gonna be pissed.” 
He eyes the thing appreciatively, like the gift it is. 
“I'm stealing it the second she figures that out.” He adds decisively. 
“You like it?” Eddie asks. 
“Even though it's--it's got…Kirk…” 
Steve's frowning at him again. “What?” 
“It's queer man. It's really queer.” 
Steve peers at him, the crinkle back in his eyebrows. 
“I know. Wait, how do you--” 
And well. It’s now or never. 
“It's mine.” Eddie says in a rush.
“No it's not.” Steve scoffs, and okay, maybe this is a dream. Eddie pinched himself twice already, but perhaps a third time would wake him up?
(It does not.)
“it was even addressed to Robin. Well,” Steve has one hand on a hip now, his default position when arguing, “Robbie, but she goes by that sometimes.” 
Which Robin does, but not in the fucking mail.
Without a word, Eddie turns and goes for the envelope the zine came in. 
Steve follows, invading Eddie’s space to peer over his shoulder (and that’s Eddie’s fault too, that closeness, but he didn’t think it would be turned on him in a moment like this--) 
There's a sticker on the envelope’s label.
 It’s barely hanging on, half of it curled into the air.  Round and yellow, with little black lines, it becomes immediately obvious that one of Robin's smiley face stickers has migrated again. 
They're all over the apartment. Remnants of a phase she went through after she stole a roll of them from her and Steve’s job at a local toy store.
This one had clearly jumped ship from its original spot (likely on the ceiling somewhere), and was now firmly over the E in Eddie's name. 
‘Ddie’ still isn't exactly ‘Obbie’  but--
Steve leans around, snatching the envelope up and bringing it close to his face. 
Far too close, like he can't read it, eyes squinting as he examines the label--and suddenly Eddie knows exactly what happened. 
He laughs, an explosion of noise that's half hysterical and half disbelief. 
Steve looks at him. 
“Oh my God,” Eddie says, one finger jabbing in the air in the vague direction of Steve’s nose. “I told you you needed glasses!” 
“I do not!” Steve protests immediately, but his eyes are darting around the envelope. 
He’s scrambling to figure out what Eddie’s seeing, trying desperately to find a hole that can prove himself right. 
Eddie decides to help him, by plucking the smiley sticker off the envelope. 
“See?” He jeers, and shit okay, maybe his life isn’t over just yet. “It says Eddie, not Robbie!” 
“You guys have got to start using your government names for this shit.” Steve bitches, but it’s weak.
Eddie feels a grin coming on, and lets it overtake his face. 
“So...Kirk and Spock huh?” 
“They’re cute.” Steve defends instantly, before sighing his defeat and tossing the envelope on the table. 
The zine he keeps in his hands. 
Eddie crosses his arms and leans against their rickety table. “Even though they’re both guys?” 
“I thought we were past this!” Steve whines. “I went to a gay bar with Robin last weekend!” 
Which is news to Eddie. 
“You didn’t invite me?” He gasps, feigning hurt by putting a hand over his heart. 
Truthfully he still hasn’t fully recovered--is play acting himself, almost, but is rapidly coming around to the idea of Steve appreciating queer fanfiction. 
“We did!” Steve rolls his eyes so dramatically his whole head moves. “We absolutely did, You said,” 
Here Steve’s voice pitches into a mockery of Eddie’s  that he will not give him points for, even if it is a little hilarious, “Me? At some loser bar? Fuck no, I’ve got a campaign to write. Starbuck, don’t you have homework?” 
“I didn’t know that was a gay bar!” 
“You did! Robin told you!” 
“Okay well, I wasn’t listening!”  
“Clearly. I keep telling you we need a fucking--system or, I don’t know, a code word or something!”  
“Yeah well, when you wanna make us a safe word for conversations, big boy, you let me know.” 
They’re both laughing a little now, this argument veering into familiar territory, with Eddie not really listening and Steve mocking him for it later. (As well as vice versa, with startling regularity.) 
“You really like it though?”  Eddie says after the laughter winds down, gesturing to the zine still clutched in Steve’s hand. 
“Yeah.” Steve confirms, easy as he’s said anything else. Like this isn’t embarrassing, or almost worse than the time Wayne found Eddie’s porno mags and alphabetized them as a joke. 
“It's part of a mail tree. I’m supposed to send it on to the next person when I’m done with it. I make copies though,” Eddie rushes to add, because Steve is now clutching the little booklet to his chest in horror, as if Eddie was about to rip it out of his hands. “If you like I’ll show you my other ones?” 
Steve eases his grip, giving Eddie the little smile he makes that makes his stomach flip. 
“That’d be cool.” 
(Later, Steve pokes at Eddie’s thigh from where they’re both sprawled on Eddie’s bed, Steve having switched the new zine out for one of Eddie’s copies. “Are you going to laugh at me if I ask you to read some of these aloud?” 
“Only if you don’t laugh when I ask you to take me to that gay bar.” 
“Deal, but on the grounds you’re barred from making fun of my flirting attempts. Robin doing it was bad enough.” 
“Well you deserve it if you’re hitting on women at a gay bar, Stevie.” 
“I wasn't hitting on women you asshole.” Steve says and oh.
Eddie feels the floor drop out from under him for the second time that day. 
At least this time it’s not fear that thunders through him, but possibility.) 
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
This is the fourth time damian brought the college student over.
Damian, despite being 14, has been accepted to a gifted school as he had already been taught in the most subjects one usually learns at a slower pace.
(He still gets a headache over the fact his son won't get a normal childhood.)
Which is how he befriended the 17 year old Daniel, an overworked and sleepdeprived college student, getting dragged along and following with no complaint.
Bruce is, even if he wanted damian to befriend someone more around his own age, very welcoming of the student.
Alfred made sure the boy took enough food with him home, always leaving the mansion at point 4 pm.
It really shouldn't have been surprising when Bruce Wayne, yes, THE Brucie Wayne, summoned him to his office.
Danny entered the room fidgeting, giving a nervous smile to the man behind the desk and questioning what he did wrong to offend the patriarch of the family.
(Lies and slander, we, the readers, are fully aware that Alfred is the patriarch.)
"Uh— hi, Mr. Wayne." He sat when gestured to the chair, shitting bricks with how nervous he's.
The man nods in greeting, smiling. "Hello Danny–"
"Please don't kill me!" The teen in question blurts out, flushing in embarrassment once registered.
Taken aback and startled, Bruce snorts, stifling laughter by putting a hand against his mouth.
"I don't know what I did! Very sorry if I offended someone!" He rambles, panicking and waving his hands around.
"I must have done something! Why else would you call me? Oh god– I'm gonna be murdered by THE Brucie Wayne!"
At this point, the rich guy in front of him is barely restraining himself from laughing, trying his best to stay professional.
"Danny–! I- I won't murder you." He reassured, eyes crinkling from smiling.
"But–" he sniffs, both embarrassed and teary.
"I'm not gonna— danny." Bruce sighs, which sounds a lot like a choke, really. "Look, I just wanted a 1-on-1 talk with you about your friendship with damian and some concerns."
"Yes, oh."
Danny sighs in relief at this. "I can do some good old interrogation–" "it's not an interrogation–" "totally interrogation."
He huffs lightly, getting comfortable in his chair and preparing himself mentally.
"Alright Mr. Wayne! Shoot me!"
(Was that a pun? A joke to murder? Really?)
The man clears his throat, straightens his back and looks serious as he was before the accusations of murder.
"What are your intentions with damian and why become friends in the first place?"
Blinking, the teen brightens. "Oh, that's easy! Damian needs a friend. We just kinda clicked after I scared away a few pesky bullies."
Then he shrugs. "Besides, it's great training."
"Training?" Bruce asks, curious, tone light in the way that shows he's very interested.
"Yes. Despite his badly hidden murderous tendencies, love for knives, and slight lack of slang language and knowledge, he's still a kid." He nods.
"A young teen that goes through teen stuff that I barely remember going through and now get to relearn will be handy once Ellie becomes a teenager herself."
Batman was filing the information away, but Bruce kept going.
"Ellie?" He questions.
"My daughter– has damian not mentioned her? We always leave around 4 to get her from my sister. Sometimes, dami stays over for a few hours!"
Ah. Well. Seems like Alfred will have to make more food for the teen now.
"Would you like to stay for dinner today?" He asks, "Bring your daughter too. We won't mind you joining us." smiling and already planning for the new adjustments to make.
"On another note, what are your and your daughters preferences? Any allergies?"
Danny didn't even agree yet, not that he was gonna— mind you.
"No allergies, soft foods only, easy to eat." He answers, listing the stuff from the top of his head.
In a whirlwind of– of planning dinner?? Danny is out of the door and wide eyed.
"What just happened?"
(On the other side, Bruce face-palms, having forgotten to ask what age Ellie is. Damn in Bruce.)
On the fifth visit, Danny stayed for dinner.
Damian must know the age, for there are bowls with freshly cut fruits, yoghurt, and rice mixed with veggies and chicken.
On that note, where is damian?
Dick meets his eyes, asking the same quetsion with a look.
Just as Bruce was gonna ask, the door opened, and the cutest picture to ever exist was created.
(Dick RIPPED his phone out of his pocket, swiping a picture of the scene as fast as possible.)
Steph can't hold back the coos at the sight of Damian walking with a toddler into the dining room, her tiny feet propped up on his and in hand together.
She's wearing a Robin onesie and he is wearing his (stolen) Nightwing hoodie.
"Sorry, hope we aren't late!" Danny waves with a grin from behind the pair.
"You aren't, just perfect, in fact." Bruce reassures, waving the teens over to the free seats.
Damian leads the two to his seat, making sure they're next to him.
The conversation during dinner is one spoken fondly, Cass likes to make Ellie laugh with silly faces, Duke and Steph "secretly" feed her tiny pieces of strawberry and Dick is in a rather passionate discussion with both Tim and Danny.
Damian, once he makes sure no one is watching him, wipes the mess from Ellies face.
(Bruce was watching, looking away once damians face snapped to him. He wasn't aware his youngest had such a soft spot for toddlers.)
(It takes a while, but Danny and Ellie become family like every other person, while having not slept over yet, Alfred already has prepared a room for the two in the Family wing.)
(It's barely a week after that everyone bought and gifted him onesie's of their hero personas, with the excuse of them being the gotham vigilantes when questioned. After all, the Robin can't be a one man team.)
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The Nightwing and his Robin.
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sugusearrings · 11 months
( ' safe & sound ' )
just close your eyes, the sun is going down you'll be alright no one can hurt you now come morning light you and i'll be safe and sound.
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— summary: captain levi ackerman the strongest warrior alive is struggling to adjust after the war. but you (fem!reader) are there to remind him he deserves peace. — genre: fluff but tiny bit of angst. — playing: safe & sound by taylor swift — note(s): so aot just ended and i'm still in denial it's really over. my boy eren did nothing wrong but i understand, 80% is kind of a lot BUT HE WAS A CHILD WAR WEAPON. anyways, post war. SPOLIERS AHEAD JUST A FAIR WARNING OKAY. levi ackerman and reader have a slight age gape ( reader is 25 and levi is in his mid thirties). mentions of brief sex. mentions of scars and death. maybe some spelling errors i missed but i tried ~ levi may be grumpy and mean but he's a total softie to the reader. — word count: 2k
He inhaled sharply as his upper body sat up from his sleep. He could feel the cold sweat formed on his the side of his head rolling down. His chest rose up and down with each inhale he took. He ran his hand over his face. He glanced down at his hands. His two missing fingers always reminded him what happened almost five years ago now. The rumbling ending. Everyone is trying to rebuild a normal life. He never really knew what a normal life was. His life was all about fighting and survival and now it was over. What was Levi made for now?
He quickly reached over for his cane leaning against the nightstand.
Levi was determined not to be stuck to that damn chair, he did whatever exercise he could without putting too much on his body. There were some days he had to be wheeled around. But using the cane on the daily was happening often. He didn’t want to be helpless or dependent on anyone. He was never like that so why start now?
He made his way out of the bedroom and walked into the small hallway that normally took two minutes to pass but it felt entirely. He was on alert, adrenaline pumping through his veins already. How could he protect now? He felt so useless. Once the greatest warrior to this. At first it was hard accepting this new reality of his. All he wanted to do was sink more into the dark and isolate himself.
If he was gone, would anyone notice? Would anyone care? Those he loved and cared for were long gone leaving him alone. He never knew loneliness would become his true enemy.
He held his breath accepting his fate as he walked into the kitchen. His dull gray eye widen seeing you standing there already pouring some tea in one of his favorite cups. He nearly dropped his cane.
“Captain Levi?” You looked up at him a bit startled he was awake. He let out a heavy exhale.
“After all this time, you still callin’ me that?” He rolled his eye then shook his head. “Give me a break.” You giggled quietly with a light blush appearing on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, it’s just an old habit I guess.”
“What are you doing up?” He asked you completely ignoring what you said.
“I figured you would want some tea when you would wake up.” You replied walking over to grab another cup from the cabinet. Levi could feel his ears beginning to burn. He cleared his throat.
“You…know?” You turned around to see the flustered older man. You tilted your head slightly to the side and was baffled. He thought he could hide his nightmares from you. His nightmares of the past.
“Of course I do.”
Your warm smile still made his heart throb the same way it did when you two met.
He found you the most annoying thing ever. You were too optimistic for his liking and you were very emotional. You were immature and very impulsive. But he adored that about you. You weren’t scared to stand up for what you believe in, even against him. When he was your captain and you were just a cadet on his squad. You two saw things from different perspectives but he respected that. He wasn’t sure if he ever told you he did.
“I’m sorry I woke you.” He made his way over to the nearest chair at the table. He pulled it out so he could sit. You took the cup full of tea and walked over to place it in front of him.
“It’s okay, Levi. Your nightmares don’t always wake me,” you placed your hand over his, “I have my own too, y’know?” You gave him a gentle squeeze.
The guilt sunk deep in Levi’s chest. How could he not think about you having your own trauma for what you both went through. Losing people you love, being injured and almost close to death several times. You had many scars to prove it. Especially the one on your neck reaching to the top of your chest. It was easier to hide but doesn’t mean it wasn’t a constant reminder when you would change outfits, shower, even during intimate times.
“I’m a horrible husband aren’t I, name?” He sighed deeply, reaching to grab his cup the same way he always has. You smiled remembering the time you made fun of the way he held his glass to your other comrades. It was all laughter until Levi was behind you the whole time. When you turned around looking white as a ghost seeing Levi glaring down at you. You screamed loudly then he made you clean his office and room from top to bottom.
“A little bit.” You teased him playfully. You grinned when your husband glared at you. “I’m kidding, Levi. How are you a bad husband?”
“My wife has fucking nightmares next to me and here I am sleeping.” He snapped. You bit your bottom lip and lowered your eyes. “But I even breathe a certain way, she knows if there’s something wrong with me.” He went on becoming more aggravated with himself.
“You’re being hard on yourself again.”
“You’re not denying it.” He countered. You sighed deeply.
“Levi…I have nightmares, yes. But you help me just by being there next to me.” You gave him another squeeze. Before he could say some smart ass remark you cut him off. “You remind me of what’s happening now. I can’t forget the past...I can never forget. But waking up next you eases it and makes it better to deal with.” Levi remained silent.
He couldn’t believe someone like you could ever love someone like him. To this day he would be in disbelief. You were so warm and he was so cold. But here you are sharing a life with him.
“You make it sound so easy.” He mumbled lowly.
“I know when you have nightmares when you hold onto me tight.” You admitted. His eye widened looking over at you. You smiled shyly looking away. You were trying to hide the dark blush on your cheeks but he would always see it. You couldn’t hide it from him.
He could remember the first time he made you blush. It was the first time he saw you with your hair down. When he complemented you ( in his own way that didn’t sound too mean ), you blushed. His heart fluttered how perfect you looked with your cheeks flushed.
“You woke up because I wasn’t in bed this time…” You spoke snapping him out of his own thoughts.
“I thought in a marriage there was no such thing as secrets.” He joked dryly.
You laughed covering your mouth with your hand. He noticed some faint scars on your hand. He remembered that scar. He remembers all the scars on every inch of your body. He would kiss them gently some nights making your breathing hitch. He would kiss the scar on your neck the most. He felt that needed the most attention. The day he almost lost you for good.
You were fighting alongside him against Zeke for the first time.
That’s when Levi realizes his feelings for you.
He stood by your side whenever he can, waiting for you to recover. He would even read out loud to you. When you woke up a few days later, you asked him to re-read the sentence he just read because you couldn’t hear him.
What nearly broke him when he thought you drank the wine with the spinal fluid.
Thankfully you didn’t but he confessed his feelings for you the same night. Yes, it was inappropriate for a caption to be with his cadet but he didn’t care about his title or yours in that moment. Levi just needed you to know in case something happened. He was ready to hear your rejection but when you confessed your own feelings for him, he was relieved.
That’s when Zeke did the explosion, Levi had enough time to push you off the wagon leaving him to suffer the injuries alone. He doesn’t regret it. He’ll do it all over again.
“Is this how you pictured how things would be after?” You asked him gently. Levi closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them. His dull gray eyes staring into yours.
“Yes and no.”
“That’s not a fair answer, Captain Levi.”
“Sorry.” You held your hands up in defense. He sighed softly.
“Yes, I pictured this after the rumbling. Marrying you, having a normal life with you. Just being with you in peace. What I didn’t expect was to be like this.” He glanced down at his hand again that bandaged up from the fingers he lost from that explosion. “I wasn’t much of a looker then but god look at me now.” He let out a sad chuckle. You frowned, feeling your heart aching. Was he serious right now? You thought Levi was the most handsome man you ever met. You were drawn to his dark gray hues. During the day they would glisten.
“Levi, don’t think that. You’re still handsome to me and always will be.”
“Don’t feed me that shit, name.” Levi scoffed. His stubbornness was still the same as before. You sighed and rested your chin on your hand letting him ramble on his negativity. “Probably see me as a pity case.”
“If that’s so, why do we still make love four times a week?” You questioned. When you looked over to your husband who was silent but red in the face. You felt your lips curl up into a smirk. “Cat got your tongue, captain Levi? Oh I’m sorry, I forgot to mention how we fuck multiple times. All night if I don’t tap out.” You purred in a tone you knew was his weakness. Levi shifted a bit in his seat then brought his left hand to clear his throat.
“Shut it you brat.”
You simply smiled at your victory.
“I love you, Levi. I don’t know why you can’t accept that.”
“You deserve better.”
“So do you.” You replied back. Levi glared at you once again.
“How can you say that shit?”
“Because you’re saying it so why not?” You shrugged then got up to pour yourself that tea you swore it was cold by now. Levi’s eye scanned down to your body how it hid underneath his white shirt. When you would lift to reach something it exposed some of your bare flesh underneath. He held his breath for a moment.
“I just…hope this is what you want.” His voice spoke. You didn’t turn around. Your eyes glanced down at your cup you were holding. Your ring finger was empty but the silver band stood on your nightstand with your glass of water that was empty now. Levi would always bring you a glass of water before bed.
“I want to spend my life with you, Levi. We’re at peace now. You’re at peace. You deserved this. You risked your life so many times. Everyday it’s a struggle for you to live with what happened. But we can do it together, just trust me?”
You turned with glossy eyes staring back over to him. He used his strength to stand up on his own for a moment. Then he made his way over to you. Once he was close enough, he placed his hand on your cheek just studying your face.
“I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings…I’m just scared to lose you.” He confessed not trying to make eye contact with you. You placed your hand on his cheek and stroked it with your thumb. You stroked over the scars left behind by the stitches on his face you did for him. “I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you.”
“I survived to live a life with you, Levi.”
You whispered then leaned forward to place your lips against his. His arm wrapped around your waist to bring you closer to his body. His lips moved against yours passionately. He pushed his body against yours causing your lower back to press against the counter. You let out a shaky breath when he broke the kiss then started to kiss along your neck. His fingers trailed down to the buttons on your shirt. Just when you were going to close your eyes and enjoy his lips sucking on your skin you were interrupted.
“Mommy? Daddy?”
You both pulled away at the same time to see a groggy toddler with messy dark hair all over the place. He hugged his stuffed bear tightly with his other arm.
“Hi baby.” You greeted him softly making. Levi straighten your shirt making sure the buttons were still in tact.
“What are you doing up, hm?” Levi asked him. The toddler frowned with his gray eyes half open.
“I wanna sleep with you and mama.” He made grabby hands towards him. He shook his head.
“Sorry kid, you have to go sleep in your bed like a big boy.” Your son sniffed and his big gray eyes began to water. Of course you were a sucker but you didn’t expect for Levi to be the one who caved in. “Tsk. Fine. Just for tonight.” Levi grabbed his cane and began to walk back into your bedroom. The little boy’s eyes beamed, making you giggle quietly. You brought the two cups to the sink thinking you were in the clear.
“Clean those damn cups.” Levi’s voice echoed from the bedroom.
You sucked your teeth with an eye roll.
“I’ll clean them in the morning.” You entered the bedroom seeing Levi already in bed. He leaned over to bring his son into bed. He snuggled up against his father, sighing happily feeling his warmth. You went over to your side on the bed to lay next to your son.
Levi always spoke about not wanting children. You didn’t have a clear answer if you wanted them or not. Some days you did but bringing them in a world like this wasn’t fair either. But finding out you were pregnant on your wedding day was a surprise. It meant you were pregnant during the fight that stopped the rumbling.
It was a miracle the child growing inside of you survived. But he’s a fighter like his father.
Asher Levi Ackerman.
A fortunate blessing for you both.
You leaned against the headboard stroking Asher’s hair as his eyes began to close.
“He looks just like you.” You whispered to Levi as you moved some of Asher’s dark hair out of his face. He smiled a bit.
“You think so?”
“Everyone says it. He looks nothing like me.”
“But he acts like you. A brat.”
You reached over to shove him playfully. It made him chuckle.
“Sleep, name. We have a long day at the shop tomorrow.”
“Fuck me.” You mumbled under your breath with a groan.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
Levi laid down and closed his eyes hearing you giggle quietly before drifting back to sleep. You laid down staring at your son and husband cuddling with one another. You could tell Levi’s nightmare was over for the night. You soon drifted into a deep slumber.
And yes, you did forget to wash the teacups in the sink
But Levi washed them before opening the tea shop for the day but he did remember to scold you about it.
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berryhobii · 4 months
Thinking about bf!Mingyu who will totally let you use him however you want, no matter the time of day or the location.
He could be dead tired after a flight and while he’s normally a light sleeper, exhaustion will just lay too heavily on his brain and send him into a deep sleep.
You were happy to have him back home after a few weeks apart, your own idol schedule keeping you busy but when everything calmed down, all you could think about was your precious boyfriend. He had recently returned from a visit with his parents and you were so incredibly happy for him. You know how much he misses them and it warmed your heart to hear about all his stories when he returned. He was practically beaming with happiness.
Your precious baby was just so adorable. You two had spent the entire day lost in your own little world; cooking, cuddling, and talking about everything you haven’t been able to.
He had chatted with you until he eventually fell asleep, the jet lag finally catching up with him and his gentle voice trailing off as he was swept into dreamland by your tender caress and soft lips pressing against his cheeks.
Little did he know, you’ve been slowly losing your mind for the past 15 minutes because of a wet dream that just startled you awake. You were sweating despite the cool AC, your heart pounding, and the heat between your legs too hot to ignore.
You and Mingyu had a really healthy sex life. Well, as healthy as it could get with your conflicting schedules but there was no denying how attracted you two were to each other. You could just look at him for a few seconds and you’d be ready to go at it. It also didn’t help that Mingyu kept slapping your ass whenever he’d walk by you or that he recently returned to his natural hair color which you’ve vocalized multiple times as your favorite. And it really didn’t help that he’s been walking around shirtless the entire day, feeding your eyes with his flat tummy and broad shoulders.
You could barely keep your hands off him today but you also didn’t want to ruin the sweet moment so you held back from jumping his bones.
And now you’re wide awake and silently wishing for relief.
The room was pitch black since that’s how you preferred to sleep so you slapped around your bedside table for your phone, squinting as the light burned your eyes a little.
Neither of you had a schedule tomorrow so you were planning on just spending that time together as well so you wouldn’t be wrong for waking him up, right? And sex would put him back to sleep and help him sleep better, right? You’re pretty sure that’s one of Newton’s Laws and science is science so….
Turning on your bedside lamp to a low light, you rolled over to appreciate your boyfriend who was resting on his back; his fluffy hair splayed out over his pillow, one of his buff arms laying by his head while the other rested on his tummy, and his plump lips opened slightly as he slept.
You almost hated to wake him up.
“Gyu…” You whispered, fully expecting him to immediately wake up since he was such a light sleeper. You shouldn’t be surprised though. He always slept like this after a long schedule or plane ride.
You tapped his shoulder lightly, calling his name again. His eyebrows furrowed a little but he still didn’t wake up.
“Mingyu, wake up.” Then with another tap, his face scrunched up before his lashes fluttered; his eyes opened a little but closed again at the light of your lamp.
A soft, hmm?, came from him and your heart could have melted if all the heat in your body wasn’t currently focused in your nether regions.
“I’m sorry I woke you but….”
“What’s wrong, angel?”
Oof, you think you just fell deeper in love with him. Pet names were a secret turn on of yours. Mingyu normally just called you by your name or nickname which was fine but cutesy pet names were your favorite.
Now take that combined with his raspy sleepy voice? It was like a shock right to your cunt.
Swallowing thickly, you said, “I can’t sleep. I need…..you.”
He let out a sleepy sigh and nodded his head, groaning as he stretched out his weary body. He was about to lift up but you stopped him, his skin feeling cool under your hand.
“No no, baby. I’ll do the work.” Accepting his fate, he flopped back down on the bed. You leaned over him, rubbing your nose against his. “Thanks, baby. Sorry to wake you.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
Pressing a few pecks to his lips, your hand trailed down to reach into his pants, gasping when you felt his cock that was halfway hard.
You breathed out a little laugh. “Excited already?”
“Always for you.”
Humming, you kissed him once more before moving down until you were perpendicular to his body, your knees tucked under yourself. He helped you tug his shorts halfway down until they rested at his thighs. Just enough to reveal his hardening cock.
Gripping him lightly, you leaned forward to lick a long stripe up his shaft. You heard him sigh and felt his hand start to rub up and down your back, a comforting touch that made your heart flutter.
Holding him steady, you took his cock into your mouth, relaxing your throat so you could take him all the way down. Mingyu’s cock was bigger than anything you’ve ever had before so you’ve had to work extra hard over the years just to be able to take it. His leg twitched a little, his soothing hand on your back halting for a moment before restarting.
Since you weren’t planning on getting him to cum from head, you decided to go easy and just rile him up enough to get him to full hardness which didn’t take very long at all.
Pulling off of him, you wiped your mouth before rising to wiggle your own shorts off. Neither of you slept in with underwear on which just made this kind of sex 10 times easier.
You climbed on top of him, your knees on either side of his waist. His hands gravitated to your thighs, squeezing the fat there lightly.
“Do you need help?” He asked to which you shook your head.
“I don’t think I’ll last long anyway.” You replied as you leaned forward to press your chest against his. You reached under yourself to grab his cock and lined it up with your dripping heat.
Mingyu groaned at the feeling of you running the head of his cock up and down your wet folds. “How are you this wet already?” He moved his hands to your ass, spreading your cheeks to give you better access.
“I’ve been wanting your cock all day.” You admitted, gasping when the thick head slipped into your tight hole. Mingyu kept you spread open as you slid down his impressive girth, the thickness splitting you open and knocking the air out of you when it was completely inside.
“Shit, hurry up baby.” He cursed, pulling his lip between his teeth as he tried to hold back from fucking up into you. Although you wouldn’t complain if he did.
Adjusting your knees and rising up to lean your hands on either side of his head, you began throwing your ass back on him. Each drag made the curve in his cock rub against your sweet spot, your sopping walls already making noises that was like a direct rush of endorphins to his brain.
His hands gripped you tighter, helping you move against him.
You moaned. “F-fuck, Gyu. Feels so good. Gonna cum.”
One of his arms wrapped around your back to pull you down, the other still keeping you spread as he began snapping his hips up to meet you. Each stroke felt deeper than the last, your tummy burning with need. The feeling of your cunt wrapped around him had woken him up even more, the need to bury himself in your dripping walls overpowering his need for sleep.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, your mouth dropped open as he delivered mind numbing strokes, the clap of your ass against his pelvis m loud in the darkness of the room.
“Don’t stop—oh shit! I’m bout to cum!” You babbled, calls of his name and more pleads of him not to stop falling from your lips as hot pleasure courses down your spine.
He holds you close, breath ragged against your throat and a needy whine coming from him as your walls clenched around him incredibly tight.
A few more well placed thrusts and your brain is temporarily short circuiting as an orgasm engulfs that leaves your ears ringing and vision blanking out for a moment. You don’t stop moving your hips against him, your body shuddering as you continue to chase that residual pleasure.
Mingyu was right behind you, forcing your hips down so that he could bury himself all the way to the hilt, moaning your name as he shot hot ropes of his cum into your spasming walls.
Chests heaving, you lifted up a bit to capture his lips in a kiss. He relaxed against the mattress, melting into your affection and exhaustion trying to take him back to dreamland.
“Thank you baby.” You murmured against his lips, his hands running up your shirt to feel your skin.
“Anytime.” He hummed, ready to fall back asleep but he was jolted awake when he felt your walls tighten around him. He hissed as your hips began to move again.
“One more time?”
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JEGRNEISUB smoker mattheo riddle x non smoker gn/male reader who start dating but since reader doesn't smoke they try to force mattheo to stop smoking by not kissing him on the lips
Like imagine him wanting to kiss you on the lips since before y'all started dating and now that he's dating you he can't cs he smokes and you hated kissing your smoker ex before you met him AND whenever you dobkiss him it's always on the corner of his lips and he tries to turn his head but you stop all contact and he js whines and begs but you stand your ground until he goes cold turkey
Cold turkey mattheo is always jittery and annoyed to the point his friends are complaining about him to you but mattheo finaly gets his kisses from you and he just thinks "damn this was worth it"
Now everytime he gets a nicotine craving he je kisses you HELPEHELPEHELP
(You should totally write this *winks*)
(No pressure though)
Smoker - M. R. x gn!Reader
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A/N: Thank you so much for the request!! I hope this is what you were wanting! I’m sorry about the ending; I’ve been on a streak of not knowing how to end fics well, apparently.
Fic is entirely unedited with no use of Y/N. Please let me know if I missed tagging something!!! Gif found on Pinterest here
CW: Lots of mentions of smoking and cigarettes; one mention of getting high; one mention of future death due to smoking; mentions of reader’s ex; mentions of kissing; kissing; angst, I guess??; pet names; Mattheo’s puppy eyes; begging; Theo gets rather frustrated in this; annoyed words towards reader; cursing; mentions of complaining; lots of kissing at the end; Mattheo being soft
1493 words
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You’ve been dating Mattheo for almost a week now, and you’re getting tired of his smoking habits.
Since before you began dating, you’ve done everything you can to dissuade him from the habit. Everything aside from going and throwing away his stash yourself, that is.
But it’s no use. Theo chainsmokes like he’s planning his early death, and Enzo gets high every other day. Neither of them are much help when it comes to getting Mattheo to quit.
It’s not that you hate the smoking itself; it’s that you hate the smell. The lingering stench of acrid smoke that follows Mattheo no matter how many times he brushes his teeth or changes his clothes.
It lingers in his hair. On his skin.
It disgusts you. Your ex had been a smoker and the stench of cigarettes had followed him everywhere. Now the smell reminds you of him and his horrid habits.
You don’t want Mattheo to be connected to such a person, but he won’t listen to you when you beg him to quit.
So you resort to drastic measures.
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It starts after class. Mattheo and Theo head off to go smoke, leaving you to hatch your plans.
And oh what a good plan you hatch.
It’s simple, really. But you’re pretty sure it’ll be effective. After all, there’s nothing Mattheo loves more than kissing you.
He returns with just enough time to walk you to your next class. You chat idly as you walk, going on about the new music album Pansy had shared with you. Mattheo nods along, smiling as he listens to you talk.
When you reach your class, Mattheo leans in for a kiss like he normally does, but you turn your head. His kiss lands on your cheek, rather than your lips.
He pulls back, startled and confused. “Babe?”
“Hmm?” You go to head into class, but he grabs your arm.
“What’s wrong?” He looks so concerned, his puppy eyes already starting to show.
“Nothing’s wrong.” You lean up and kiss his cheek. Mattheo tries to turn his head to catch your lips but you pull back.
“See you after class, Matty.”
“But…” He trails after you. “Did I do something?”
Your heart aches. Why does he have to look so pitiful when he’s sad?
“Mr Riddle.” It’s your professor, looking vaguely annoyed. “Last time I checked you weren’t in this class.”
Mattheo opens his mouth to reply, but you cut him off by kissing his cheek again. “I’ll talk with you after class. I promise.”
He wilts a bit, still giving you his sad puppy eyes. But, slowly, he turns and leaves the classroom.
You take your seat, already feeling miserable. This plan is going to be harder than you thought.
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Mattheo ambushes you after class is over. He’s there at the door, grabbing your arm and hauling you along after him. A small handpicked bouquet of flowers is stuffed into your hands.
“Matty, what the—“
He pulls you into an empty classroom and turns to face you, giving you the saddest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. “What did I do, baby? Whatever it was, I’m sorry.”
Your heart aches. With a sigh, you set down the flower bouquet on a desk and reach out to cup his face in your hands. “You didn’t do anything, love.”
“Then why won’t you let me kiss you?” He leans in, as if to try right then.
You pull back a bit, covering his mouth with your hand. You take a deep breath and gather your courage. “I don’t like it when you smoke, Matty.”
His brow furrows, but you continue. “I’ve tried everything I can, but you just won’t listen. So, until you stop smoking, I’m not going to kiss you anymore.”
Mattheo stares at you. He pulls your hand away from his mouth. “What?”
You fiddle with a curl of his hair, doing your best to hold his gaze. “No more kisses until you stop smoking.”
“But— But—“ He gapes at you in disbelief. “You— You can’t do this!”
You cross your arms, hoping you sound more stern than you feel. “I can and I am.”
“But, my kisses!”
“You can have your kisses after you stop smoking.”
Mattheo looks desperate. “Babe. Baby. My love. Come on. Please, it’s just— Smoking’s not even that big of a deal!”
“It is to me,” you say firmly. Inside, you’re dying; melting at his puppy eyes and distressed look.
“Baby, baby, please.” He takes your hands in his, giving you a pleading look. “Please don’t do this. I love your kisses.”
You can’t bear to hold his gaze any longer so you look away. “I know you do. That’s why I’m doing this. Maybe you’ll finally quit.”
“I’ve made up my mind, Mattheo, and you’re not going to change it,” you say firmly. His expression crumples.
It hurts too much, so you gently pull your hands from his.
“I’ll see you later.” You give him a kiss on the corner of his lips. He doesn’t react, just gives you a morose stare.
You sigh and turn away. Surely, he’s just being dramatic? There’s no way this plan will work, right?
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It takes Mattheo a week to give up his cigarettes. A week of whining and bemoaning and complaining.
A week of sad puppy eyes everytime you give him a kiss on his cheek or on the corner of his lips. A week of dodging his head turns and sneak kisses.
It’s just as painful for you as it is for him.
But, finally, he quits.
You make him wait three more days.
By the second day, Theo comes to you, scowling. “You’ve turned him into a damn right menace, you know that?”
You’re in the middle of doing your Charms homework, and have to pause to answer him. “What do you mean?”
“He’s as jittery and as pissed off as I’ve ever seen him. He nearly punched me in the face for suggesting he chill out.”
You blink. “He’s… Oh, from the withdrawal.”
“Yeah, from the withdrawal,” Theo says sarcastically. “You’ve turned him into a menace!”
You cross your arms. “Maybe if you hadn’t gotten him addicted, he wouldn’t be so cross right now.”
“It’s just a few bloody cigarettes a day!” Theo snaps back. “What’s it to you?”
“I don’t like it.”
“You don’t—“ Theo cuts himself off and sighs. “Bloody hell. You’re almost as bad as he is.”
“I mean it in a good way,” he amends. “You’re stubborn as hell and fight for what you want. I can see why he likes you so much.”
You scowl, but let him go without comment.
More of Mattheo’s friends try complaining to you about him, but find you wholly unsympathetic. You’re firm in your stance about Mattheo quitting, much to their frustration.
But it’s all worth it when you finally let Mattheo have his kisses.
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You’re expecting the bombardment of kisses from Mattheo. You’re not expecting the genuine relief in his expression when you kiss him on the lips again.
He sighs happily and gives you a dreamy look. “Merlin, I love your lips. I’d give up cigarettes a thousand times for your kisses.”
Your cheeks heat. “Matty…”
“Nuh-uh.” He leans in to kiss you again. And again. And again. “I get to have my special time with your lips. No denying my compliments allowed.”
You laugh softly and melt into his next kiss. “Alright. I suppose I can deal with that.”
Mattheo just grins into the kiss and pulls you closer.
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For the next few days after your reconciliation, Mattheo is incessant about kissing you.
It’s immediately after class, during study sessions, after meals, and before bed. Anytime he can get his hands on you, his mouth finds yours.
It’s only when Pansy makes a comment about it that you finally think to ask Mattheo about it.
You’re studying in your room with him. Well, you’re studying; he’s pressing soft kisses to your cheek and jaw.
“Are you really that obsessed with kissing me?”
Mattheo leans in to kiss your cheek again. “Always, babe.”
You nudge him, smiling. “No, be serious. Not that I mind it, but you’ve been very clingy these past few days. Why?”
He hums and nuzzles along your jawline. “I get these cravings. Every time I used to smoke. But I quit, so now I kiss you instead.”
You pause, pulling away to properly look at him. Your gaze is soft, affectionate. “You… You keep from smoking again… by kissing me?”
He blushes a bit and leans in to give you a kiss on the lips. “Well, yeah…”
“That’s actually kinda cute.”
“I’m glad you think so,” he chuckles.
“So, does it work? Kissing me?”
“Yeah, but…” he smirks. “I should probably try again, you know, just to make sure.”
You make no protest when he kisses you deeply. He deserves it, after all.
And not just for his smooth comment.
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slayfics · 1 year
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The butterfly girls trick Inosuke into kissing you.
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Inosuke was out training in the courtyard when he heard some whispering behind him. He quickly turned around to see Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho deciding who should be the one to approach him.
“What’s going on?” He asked. The girls jumped in surprise.
“OH! Umm...” They all three looked at each other. “We were just hoping that maybe you could help us by telling y/n something.” Sumi explained.
“What do you need me to tell her?”
“It’s just that we accidently broke one of their favorite vases this morning... and we thought maybe if you told them they wouldn’t be as upset." Kiyo said and the other two girls nodded in unison.
“Hmm that makes sense they wouldn't be able to take me in a fight.” Inosuke said and puffed out his chest.
“Uhhh right...” The three girls agreed and giggled knowing Inosuke was completely oblivious as to why they asked him to tell you. The girls had noticed you had taken a liking to him.
“Alright I'll go tell them now then.” He said and began to walk off.
“Wait!” Naho called. “You should also give them a kiss if it seems like they might still get mad at us!” She yelled and the other two girls giggled even harder than before.
“Uhh sure.” Inosuke said. He had a vague idea of what that meant but had no idea why that would keep you from getting mad about the vase. He walked off to find you and the three girls followed to watch.
Inosuke approached you while you were hanging clothes up outside to dry.
“HEY!” He called.
“Oh hi Inosuke, what do you need?” You asked.
“I need to tell you that your vase broke.”
“Were you training inside again??”
“What no! I didn’t break anything!”
“Mhm likely story Inosuke.” You said and rolled your eyes. Inosuke took this as a sign that you were still angry and moved closer to you.
“Hu?” You stepped back confused by his movements, but he moved closer still until the snout of his mask was pressed to your cheek. It was then you heard the giggles of Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho. You turned to see them hiding behind a tree.
“Is that good?’ He turned and asked the giggling girls.
“What?” You asked totally confused.
“They said I should kiss you if it looked like you were getting mad about the vase.” He explained.
You felt your face get hot.
“YOU THREE I’VE HAD IT!” You said and ran after them. The three girls took off running.
Inosuke stood in the same spot confused. Had he done something bad?
Later in the day, after you had given the three girls an ear full, you were preparing dinner. Insouke walked in and startled you.
“OH!” You jumped when you turned around to see him standing behind you. “Hi, sorry I didn’t hear you. Don’t worry, the food is almost ready.”
“That’s not why I'm here.” He said. This took you off guard. Food was always on Inosuke’s mind.
“What can I do for you then?” You asked. Still feeling embarrassed about early. Had he realized that the girls asked him to tell you about the vase because you liked him?
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked.
“What do you mean something wrong?”
“Did you not like that I kissed you.” He explained. He was wondering if that was wrong?? Of course not... I mean that wasn’t REALLY a kiss but it was what Inosuke thought was a kiss. Did he think you didn’t want to kiss him? Does that mean that he wanted to kiss you on his own and not just because of the influence of the three girls?
“No that wasn’t the problem Inosuke.” You tried to explain but this seemed to anger him.
“Then what is the problem?? Have I not shown my strength? Have I not given you the prettiest leaves and acorns??”
You found yourself giggling at that last part. You remembered the other day when he brought some leaves to hand to you and ran off, but it didn’t occur to you that it was Inoskue's way of showing interest.
“No no no! I’m not laughing at you Insouke!” You said, grabbing his hand to try and calm him down. “I’m laughing because I'm the one that wasn’t understanding. I didn’t realize...”
“Realize what?” He asked. You weren’t sure how to explain in words so you decided to show him instead. You pulled up his mask to rest on top of his head and squeezed his hand tighter. Inosuke watched you intently with frustration still in his eyes. You moved closer to him.
“Is it ok if I kiss you this time?” You asked. He didn’t say a word but nodded and you watched as his frustrated expression turned to curiosity and anticipation. You gently pressed your lips to his and pulled away after a few moments. Inosuke smiled.
“I like your kisses better.” He said. You smiled back at him and had long forgotten about your favorite vase breaking.
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feyhunter78 · 8 months
Lab Partners
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(Image taken from Pinterest, I believe the artist is teletwobees) More Nerd!Miguel here
Also, plz feel free to ask me about college/nerd!miguel bc he is in my thoughts now
Regret, that’s what you’re feeling as you bury your face in your arms, the lab table cool against your skin. You should’ve brought a jacket, but you didn’t have time, just raced out of your apartment to your car in leggings and a t-shirt with your letters printed across the back in purple and white bubble letters.
“Y/N are—are you okay?” Miguel’s voice is soft, the sound of his chair scraping against the floor not as soft, your head aching, pain piercing through your brain at the noise.
Your stomach rumbles and a wave of fatigue washes over you as you lift your head to look at him. “Got dragged to the bar last night.”
He’s wearing a soft looking, long sleeve dark blue shirt, the sleeves pushed up exposing his forearms, his glasses flecked with raindrops, his hair is tousled and slightly damp curling slightly at the ends.
“On a Thursday night?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he unpacks the lab equipment.
“It’s the night everyone goes out, I don’t know why, and I hate it.” You whine, massaging your temples.
Miguel’s large warm hand presses against your forehead, and you startle for a moment, causing him to jolt back, stuttering apologies.
“I—I just wanted to make sure you weren’t sick.” He says, a light dusting of pink across his tanned cheekbones.
He’s got great cheekbones, really, he’s got great everything. Maybe it’s just the hangover talking, but you really want to kiss him. Well, you’ve wanted to kiss him since he sat next to you on the first day of class. And when he slid his notes over to you the month after when he saw you struggling to keep up with the professor’s supersonic lecturing speed.
“I mean, a hangover is a kind of sickness, I’m pretty sure.” You say, your own face burning, but you can’t tell if it from his touch or the hangover.
“Don’t they say to drink something for a hangover? A Bloody Mary or a mimosa? I heard the café off campus sells them until noon.” He suggests, nerves coloring his tone.
Is he trying to ask you out? No, he can’t be. He’s Miguel, the genius, shy and sweet, and definitely not interested in you, and your hectic, dramatic life with sisters you both love and hate depending on what week it is.
“Can’t drink in letters.” You tell him, fumbling for your water bottle and taking a long drink, your eyes fluttering closed as the cool water soothes your sore throat.
“Really?” He asks, and his eyes are on you when you open yours, lingering on your lips, then darting away.
“Yep, it’s like the number one rule for all sororities all across the U.S. movies always get it wrong, really pisses me off.” You grumble, putting your water bottle back in your bag and trying to muster the energy to focus on the assignment in front of you.
“Interesting.” Miguel says, taking his glasses off and cleaning them with the hem of his shirt.
Like an absolute pervert, your eyes shoot down to the exposed sliver of skin. Tanned and toned, you swallow hard as you rip your eyes away.
“Yep, Hollywood, they always try to make us look like drunk sluts. And look, I may be drunk occasionally, but I’m not a slut.”
Miguel’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. “I would never call you that—never think you were one, ever.”
You smile and pat his shoulder. “I know, Miguel, you’re too sweet for that.” You can’t help but let your hand drag down to his bicep, his stupidly firm bicep. “My sweet boy.”
His glasses clatter onto the lab table and Miguel scrambles to pick them up, slipping them back on. “Did you get to finish your assignment yet?”
You screw your eyes closed, swearing under your breath. “That’s what I forgot.”
“It’s due tomorrow.” He reminds you.
You nod and press the back of your hand to your forehead, willing your headache to recede. “Yes, yes, I know, I just shit, I totally forgot, and I’ve been so busy, we have this major philanthropy event coming up, and I’ve been up till two am all week helping paint the banner and I really don’t get anything we’re doing in here.”
You pause, sniffling, your eyes welling with tears, as you bite the inside of your cheek trying to keep from crying in the back of the lab.
“I could help you?” Miguel offers tentatively, fidgeting with his pen, his eyes darting between you and the table.
“Really? Miguel, that would be amazing.” You say, unable to resist the urge to lean over and wrap your arms around him.
He smells good, like expensive cologne, and old books.
You take a moment longer than necessary to pull back, basking in his warmth, in the way his strong arms wrap loosely around you before he gains the courage and crushes you to his chest.
“It’s no problem, why don’t we meet in the library around four? It looks like you’re almost done with it, so we shouldn’t be there for too long.” His voice low, calm, and warm vibrates in his chest, and you relax into his hold before pulling back and nodding.
“That would be perfect, thank you.” You beam at him, headache receding, the knot in your stomach unraveling, there’s something about him that’s so comforting, makes you feel safe.
He nods and focuses in on the PowerPoint the professor is going over. He looks so handsome, warm brown eyes flickering over the typed words, his broad shoulders still half turned towards you, his full lips parted ever so slightly as he mumbles to himself.
You rest your chin in your hand and watch him out of the corner of your eye, unable to keep from daydreaming about what it might be like to be his.
Miguel is going places, you know it. And you? You’ve always thought it might be fun to be a trophy wife, maybe Miguel needed a trophy wife?
You can see it now, standing next to him in a gorgeous red dress, your hand around his bicep as he accepts some award for genetics. You can almost feel his lips against yours as he thanks you for your support and dips you old movie style.
“Y/N I’ll see you at four, yeah?” Miguel’s voice pulls you from your daydreams. Class is over, you’ve taken zero notes, and he definitely caught you zoning out.
You nod, and quickly gather your things. “Yeah, yeah four, I’ll meet you there!”
(Also ummm I was in a sorority my entire time at college, so I am actually the expert and Hollywood gets everything soooo wrong it makes me legit angry😭)
Miguel TL: @bat-bae, @nyctophilic0vitnir, @smokeywhalee, @obi-mom-kenobi, @prowlingforfood, @penggion, @crystal-crax, @oharasfilipinawife, @generalkenobitrash, @melsimps
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tenjikyu · 9 months
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 - 𝘧𝘢𝘺𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘣𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ what happens when chifuyu is forced to break it off with you ?
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ gn!reader , angst to fluff , forced breakup , lots of crying , vv sad chifuyu :( , kinda short sos .
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chifuyu seriously had no idea what he was doing.
the look on your face was an expression he vowed to never have you make at the beginning of your relationship.
“i’m sorry (Y/N), but we should really stop seeing eachother. i’m not happy with you and i want to end it.” he spits out, almost choking on his own words. it felt as though something was blocking his airways, punishing him for breaking your heart.
“okay…” your voice speaks out, tears of your own flooding your cheeks.
as you slowly walked away from your beloved boyfriend, you couldn’t help but wonder. where did you go wrong? he didn’t seem unhappy 3 days ago when you two went to the arcade with hanagaki and tachibana, did he? when did this begin?
your only bodily response was more tears that were protruding down your face, nose crimson red and eyes slowly puffing up. you walk away slowly, assuming he no longer wanted to be around you.
“godamnit” chifuyu gets out before his own tears flood down his cheeks.
only a few hours earlier, your father had sat down with your boyfriend, unbeknownst to you.
“i don’t want you dating my child and i think i’ve made that very clear.” your father almost spits in disgust at your appalled boyfriend. break up?? with you?? no fuckin way??
“you’re a good for nothing delinquent who does nothing but heat up other boys. the only times i’ve even seen you, you’re beat up and injured! how long before you get (Y/N) involved in your violence, or even worse, lay a hand on my child.”
“ I WOULDN’T DARE RAISE MY HAND TO (Y/N).” the blonde screeched, overwhelmed and stressed. why now? why did he have to do this right before such a big holiday? did he want to ruin your christmas??
chifuyu knows you splurge about him to your family, that’s how your father knows so much about him, including what he gets up to when the sun goes down. but you never spoke ill of him, so why is your dad getting so defensive?
he’s proven on multiple occasions he’s a total gentleman to you! and he gets the same treatment back from you! you open doors for each other, make food for one another, come racing over when one of you is sick e.t.c. why do this now?
in the back of chifuyu mind, he starts to wonder.
what would happen if you got dragged into this? what if someone uses you as a way to get information?
it’s obvious to anyone that chifuyu is a loyal man, and his loyalties lies with keisuke baji, takemichi hanagaki and you. there’s no chance he wouldn’t give away valuable info to keep you protected, anyone in toman could see just how dedicated he is to keeping you safe.
this thought runs through his head as he breaks up with you, just 2 days before christmas. before his christmas battle.
the next two days were a shitfest. you father didn’t take into account how this would affect you. you had locked yourself in your bedroom, sobbing to the polaroid photos of you and you beloved boyfriend that you took together everyday.
of course, you’re mother does everything to comfort you after hearing what had happened, however you were inconsolable.
“mom, this is the boy i thought i was going to marry, you don’t just get over that.” you sigh. no amount of hugs could help you.
“in my opinion he was only a setback. you should be greatful he’s gone.” your father speaks up.
. .
. . . .
you practically yanked the door off its hinges, startling you mother who was sat on your bed in another fruitless attempt to console you. you had only just heard what your father said to himself, and in that moment you knew why chifuyu had broken up with you.
“IT WAS YOU! YOU TOLD CHIFUYU TO BREAK UP WITH ME, DIDN’T YOU”. you bawled to your father, his face in total astonishment that you had spoken to him in such a manner, especially on christmas night.
knowing what you had to do, you chucked a coat over your pijamas, your family yelling at you to come back inside.
you didn’t care, you had to get to your boyfriend.
though you didn’t make it very far, as chifuyu was stood right outside your house with tears welling in his eyes. he was battered beyond belief, uniform thrashed and body more blood then skin. he had a serious injury on his ankle and his bike was parked next to him.
“chifuyu..” you mumble out, running towards him, your arms opening wide.
“(Y/N)-” he couldn’t finish his sentence as you crashed into his embrace, one of your arms caress waist, with the other embracing his beaten cheek.
he held onto your shoulders, huddling into your warmth. he could only pray to the gods above that you’d forgive him.
“i’m so sorry (Y/N), please… i can’t do anything without you by my side. the entire fight i felt sick to my stomach, but not because i had been struck multiple times in it. it was because i couldn’t bare the thought of not being with you on christmas day. your tears were sewn into my memory, and i just couldn’t handle it.” he chokes out, huddling closer to you in a seek of comfort.
“it’s okay chifuyu, i forgive you.” you coo, his face was beaten to shit, but chifuyu could never not be adorable to you.
you were just happy to have your boyfriend in your arms once more.
in the distance, giggling can be heard from your mother as your father watches the interaction.
“i don’t know why you even tried breaking them up, don’t you see how whipped (Y/N) is for the kid? they do everything together. chifuyu has stayed over multiple times and had dinner with us so much i’m surprised he hasn’t pre-proposed.” she laughs.
“i guess i’ll take that hit. in my defense though, that kid only seems to come over when i’m not around!” your father complains, however your mother just holds his face.
“well, after these past few days i wouldn’t blame him if he avoids you all together.”
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tsukiflwr · 2 months
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𝓅airing ∿ ran takahashi x f!reader ᰔ 𝑜ne shot ; fluff, meet cutes, 𐙚 𝓌c 1599 ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓇oro's note. i’m so happy you sent a req for my boyfie ran, i have been wanting to write something for him for a while >.< . . based on this ask ﹒꒰ 𝓁ibrary ꒱
𝒮. you unexpectedly meet a new neighbor in . . . cute? pants during a fire drill
You had heard the alarms before you had even seen the apartment building you have been residing in for the past few years. Your thighs subtly ached as you rushed up the stone inclined path that led to the building. 
A heavy breath of relief left your lips when you made it to the top and saw your fellow residents talking amongst themselves outside the apartment. No fire or fire fighters in sight, it was just a drill. You smiled politely at your neighbors as you passed them, walking closer towards the apartment building, the annoying alarm didn't bother you since you were used to the sound. 
Your eyes traveled across the small sea of residents, some stood together most likely gossiping or complaining about the drill while others chose to stand alone. Your eyes did a double take when you noticed a tall and unfamiliar figure standing on his lonesome near the small water fountain that was to the side of the building. 
He had his back to you as he looked up at the building, so it wasn't his face that caught your attention, no it was his pants. It was his black joggers with little volleyballs. On them. What an interesting choice of pants, you thought to yourself with a small hum. You could easily tell by his body language that he was anxious about something. 
“No need to look so worried, they do this every other month” You spoke as you walked up behind him, your tone reassuring and soft, not wanting to startle him with your sudden presence. Your eyes widened at how fast he turned to look at you, despite your soft tone your sudden presence did seem to startle him. 
Ran flinched and quickly turned around to face you when he heard your voice, his breath hitching once he made eye contact with you. He was not expecting someone so pretty to be standing behind him, hell even talking to him. His mind wasn't even comprehending your words, instead his eyes were taking in every detail of you that he could. 
He suddenly felt very ridiculous, standing there with his lips parted as he looked down at you. He was internally yelling at himself to say something, but he couldn't form the words. Your lips parted in shock as you locked eyes with his sparkling brown eyes, your thoughts blanked for a moment as you took in his beauty. You started to become worried that you said something wrong when he didn't say anything back…just stared at you. 
Your fingers nervously fidgeted with the strap of your tote bag, you clear your throat and continue to speak, your tone a lot less confident as it was before “Safety measures and all that” 
Ran finally broke out of his trance, blinking a few times before giving you a small nod “Ahh right, that's nice to know” ran internally cringed at his poor excuse of a response, but he was thankful that you didn't seem to mind his awkwardness as you gave him a smile and listened to his words. He brought his hand up to awkwardly rub at his nape, he was totally blowing it and making a fool of himself. 
“Cute pants” you mused with a teasing smile as your eyes trailed down his body, stopping longer at his pants before tilting your head back to look up at him. Your teasing smile and tone made his heart start to race, and his hands start to shake at his sides. 
Ran’s eyes widened in panic, and he nervously rubbed his hands on the side of his pants, cursing himself for even stepping out of his apartment wearing them. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he chuckled nervously at the expense of himself “it's my laundry day” 
Before you could respond, Ran took charge of the conversation, wanting to move past his embarrassing pants. He held out his hand for you to shake as he introduced himself with a shy smile “I’m ran, i just moved into 242” 
His heart fluttered at the feeling of your soft hand holding onto his as you politely shook it. A choked-out gasp left his lips when you held his hand tighter as you got on your tiptoes to place a featherily light kiss on both of his cheeks before pulling away far too quickly for his taste. 
You smiled at his cute reaction, judging by his slight accent he wasn't from here and in turn, wasn't used to the cultural embrace. You let go of his hand before introducing yourself “242, hmm seems like you're right above me, do you have an explanation for the shuffling noises at 6am?” 
Ran didn't seem to pick up on your teasing tone and he's quick to apologize, trying to explain that it's because he has to be up early to stretch, but you found yourself getting lost in the way his eyes sparkled, his words completely going over your head. You giggled and shook your head, cutting him off from his small rant of apologies with your sweet tone “I'm just teasing ran, I'm already up by 6 so it doesn't bother me” 
“Oh” he mumbled to himself before nervously joining you in laughter, instantly relaxing a little at your reassurance. He cleared his throat and looked around at the two of your guy's surroundings, avoiding eye contact with you, before mumbling shyly “Sorry I'm not usually this awkward” 
You were quick to reassure him with a smile “It's alright, I'm sorry for –” 
“No no no it's not your fault . . . well it is but –” ran was internally panicking as he quickly cut you off, the last thing he wants is his pretty neighbor blaming herself for something that wasn't her fault, well not entirely her fault.  His heart was starting to race as you looked up at him in confusion with a slight tilt of your head “It is?” 
Ran let out a heavy breath before confessing softly as he stuffed his shaking hands in his pockets “You're just really pretty and i'm standing here making a fool out of myself the more i talk” 
He was worried that he came on too strong by calling you pretty when you physically froze and looked up at him with wide eyes. But he let out a small breath of relief when you let out a small giggle and took a step closer to him, he picked up on the small ‘cute’ you mumbled under your breath before saying “Thank you ran, and don't worry i don't think you are making a fool of yourself at all” 
“That's a relief, because I would really like to get to know you better . . . if that's alright with you of course, I'm in need of a good tour guide,” Ran smiled, shocking himself and you at the confidence and flintiness in his tone. 
Before you could answer you heard the manager of the apartment building calling out that it was alright for everyone to return to their apartments. You watched as your fellow residents made their way back into the building. You look back to ran to see that he hasn't looked away from you, his sparkling brown eyes begging for an answer, specifically a yes. 
You bit your lip before reaching into your tote bag and pulling out your pen and small notebook where you always wrote down your grocery lists. Ran’s eyes followed your every movement as you flipped it open and started to jolt down a number. His eyes went back up to your face as you ripped the page out and held it out for him. 
“Call me and we can schedule that tour, specifically not at 6am” You teased with a sparkling smile, slipping your pen and notebook back into your bag once he took the small paper. Ran smiled and let out a chuckle at your teasing, carefully holding the paper in his hands. 
“I’ll make sure to wear a different pair of pants” ran quickly joined in your teasing, looking down at his pants with a smile before looking back at you. You giggled and looked down at his pants with a small smile before locking eyes with him, your sweet smile turning into a flirty smirk as you looked at him up and down before confidently saying
“Hmm i don't mind what you wear, i have a feeling you would look cute in anything” 
Ran went still at your words, the flush on his cheeks were quick to come back at your openly flirting, he opened his mouth to try to come up with anything to say but nothing came out. You laughed and the sound sounded like heaven to his ears, you softly patted his shoulder as you walked away from him and towards the building lobby. 
Ran quickly turned around to face you and watched as you walked away from him, his eyes following you dutifully. Before stepping into the lobby, you turn to face him one more time, giving him a smile and shy wave before leaving his sight. He returned the smile and wave before looking down at the light pink paper in his hands. His smile turned into a grin as his mind tried to memorize the numbers. 
Living in Italy was a big change for Ran. The cultural differences, the greetings, the way people dined . . . the random fire drills in his new apartment, it would all take some time for him to get used to it all. 
. . . but seeing his pretty neighbor was one change he could happily get used to. 
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ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓇oro's note. pls pls the way I screamed when I saw a ran req in my inbox . . . and it being my first ask for the acc 🤭 I had soso much fun writing this , i absolutely love ran sm . I’ve had a crush on him for years ( og ran girly mhm ) so finally getting to write for him is great ! I hope you guys liked this , please let me know what you guys think I would love to your your guys opinions (∩˃o˂∩)♡ ꒰ nav ꒱
please like, comment and reblog .ᐟ
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smusherina · 2 months
bridges burnt - chapter 5 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
warning(s): weed mischief
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4
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You were sitting at your table, chatting amicably with everyone, when Gretchen finally graced you with her presence. She was glowing, that much you could admit.
"Hey, guys!" She gave an energetic greeting. You smiled and waved.
"Oh em gee, Gretch!" Regina said as she stood up. She was considerably taller than the bride, with killer heels that gave some significant inches. They did air kisses on each cheek and cooed and squealed for a little.
"It's been so long! You're so rarely in town I wasn't sure you'd come!" Gretchen enthused. Her husband stood on the sidelines, looking quite put out but trying to hide it.
"Oh, you know I always make time for you," A blatant lie but you weren't going to say anything about it. "I'm so happy you've found love!"
"Me too," Gretchen gushed, snaring her boo-thang by the arm. He'd zoned out so startled a little but recovered quick with a dashing smile.
"Hi, I'm Michael." Of course, his name was Michael. What was next? Chad? Tucker?
"Regina. Regina George." Regina said, then turned to you. "And this is my partner."
You stood up and shook his hand, then said your name. "Nice to meet you. Congrats."
Michael nodded, smiling uncomfortably. He'd seemed sociable and open with the other guests so you didn't get why he was being all shy now.
"Thanks!" Gretchen chirped. Her eyes flitted between you and Regina. "Sorry if this is abrupt, but you two are still together?"
"We did go on a break right before college." Regina chose her words deliberately. "But after that, we just couldn't resist. True love just pulls you in, doesn't it?" She put her arm around your waist and pulled you to her. You stumbled a little, falling into her. Your arms came around her neck.
Gretchen looked quite unsettled by the close embrace. "It totally does." She said, tone falling flat.
"Mmh. Well, what plans have you got? Honeymoon?"
"Michael's been planning it for us," Gretchen said. That surprised you considering she was such a control freak. Perhaps you were wrong.
"There's no keeping secrets from her," Michael laughed. "Surprising her is too damn hard." His Southern twang was prominent. Something was charming about him, you supposed.
"I just want it to be right, Mike!" Gretchen teased, lightly hitting him on the shoulder. "I've been better haven't I? I let Deborah do the flower arrangements."
"Yes, dear," Michael said, looking down at Gretchen with real, genuine love in his eyes.
Seeing them interact, so sweet on one another, made you sad. First of all, because you were so similar. You were on the same level, people just the same as them. Looking at them like this, in just the context of the moment currently playing out, you didn't want to ruin their wedding.
But you had history. Gretchen had outed you to the school in junior year of high school. It'd had devastating effects on your life as a whole. Your father went from cold neglect to open disdain, you lost the jobs you were doing around the neighbourhood, your peers ostracised you. Those close to you, Regina mostly, got targeted rumours spread around and more negative attention than ever.
Gretchen was not the sole reason for your and Regina's break up but definitely one of them. You had settled to forgive and forget when you came back to town, to stay away and not say anything in a silent, mutual agreement. You buried the hatchet and thought she had, too.
You should've known better. Watching her make googly eyes at her husband as if the things she did had no bearing, no weight, infuriated you. She had ruined your life. Things had progressed since you were in high school and outing didn't have quite the same fallout, but what she did to Kylie was still unforgivable. There hadn't been that much progress. Gay marriage was still illegal in some states.
"Man, Gretchen, seeing you like this brings me back." You said, eyeing her. "Those sure were the days," You sighed and played wistful.
The bride and groom shared glances. Regina picked up what you were putting down and got involved.
"You'll be seeing just how much of a wildcat she is, Michael," Regina said, laying it on thick. "You have my number, Gretch, just give me a call if you wanna relive old times on your wedding night." She finished off with a saucy wink. You almost couldn't hold in your laughter.
"Toodles," Regina wiggled her fingers and took you by the arm, leading you away.
Once you were a safe distance away, you asked: "Wonder if they'll talk about that in private?"
"About Gretchen being involved, allegedly, in a lesbian threesome sandwich? I'd bet on it." Regina grinned.
You steered towards the exit to the parking lot where your car was. You had the kazoos and water pistols in the trunk. Maybe you spent a good fifteen minutes pinning Regina to the side of your flashy vintage—Betty the Catalina, you introduced—sucking the soul out of her through her mouth. Making out. Whatever, that was neither here nor there.
While Regina set out to find a gullible mother to deceive into giving out kazoos and water pistols, you called a guy. Rick was his name and he owed you a favour. He happened to be the owner of several karaoke bars. He'd hook you up.
"Yeah, anything will do, just needs to connect to the loudspeakers—uhh, pretty new I'd say, nothing too fancy but they didn't skimp out, that's for sure—yeah, yeah, I'll give you the address. Can he get here in an hour? Maybe less? I can pay his speeding tickets, no worries."
After making sure a karaoke machine would be delivered to the reception, you strutted back towards the building. On the way, you spotted three youths huddled in a non-descript spot by some shed. They were only visible from the parking lot. You knew what they were up to.
"Hey, kids," You sidled up to them, prompting the tallest of them to fumble with the joint he was trying to light. He had acne all over and residues of black eyeliner on his eyes. He had a strip of hair dyed stripey like a racoon tail. It was pretty cool, to be honest.
"H- hey," He stuttered, voice cracking as he swiped some hair from his eyes. Oh, to be young.
"You got weed?" You decided to be blunt. (Ha, blunt.) The two others were shaking like leaves in their tuxedos.
"No. I don't, like, even know what that is," The ring-leader crossed his arms defensively and leaned casually against the wall of the shed. Or, well, he was going for casual but looked extremely spooked.
"Well, that's a damn shame 'cause I was just looking to buy some." You said and reached into your breast pocket to pull out your wallet. You opened it and pulled out a couple of fifties. "I got all this cash to burn. But, hey, if you don't got any..."
"You'd pay that much for weed?" The boy eyed the bills hungrily.
"I'll be straight with you, kid-"
"I'm not a kid. I'm seventeen." He grumped. "Flint. Or Finnigan, I guess."
"Alright, Flint, I'm gonna put this bluntly. Your family sorta sucks." You looked at the other two. They were probably all cousins. Wouldn't tattle if Flint, the Cool One, told them not to. They didn't seem that much younger. As a responsible adult, you should've probably said something along the lines of 'don't smoke it's bad for you' but you were just glad they weren't shooting up or anything.
"Understatement of the century," He scoffed.
"Which side are you from, by the way?"
"The groom's." They all said in unison. That explained why you'd never seen most of these folk.
"I don't know much about him to be fair, but if he's shacking up with Gretchen I'm pretty sure they're equally sucky. Anyway, I'm trying to get everybody as fucked up as possible." You clarified, skirting around exactly what you were trying to do which was to ruin the wedding. Maybe these kids had better morals than you. "The bride sorta caused a rift between my girlfriend and I years back, outed me to the whole school, it was a scandal, we broke up and I spiralled. It was bad and I want revenge."
"She outed you? Like..." Flint looked around, looking scared someone was gonna hear. Nobody else was around. "Like you're gay?"
"I'm here with my girlfriend today." You said, smiling dopeyly. Your cheeks hurt. "I think we're back together. It's complicated. So, you wanna sell?"
"Hell yeah," He grinned, teeth crooked to the ninth degree. "Can we get in on it? Michael totally sucks, he orders us around like we're his minions or something."
The other two nodded along empathetically. They all had the same boxy, swoopy haircut that kept falling into their eyes. What luck that ran into the angsty teens of the clan.
"I don't know how much you'll be able to do without getting in trouble with your parents. Gotta be at least a little subtle."
Flint dug into his backpack and pulled out a plastic tupperware. There were some decent-looking nugs in there from what you could see through the frosted plastic. You handed over the cash.
"Pleasure doing business with you." You contemplated for a moment. "Any chance you could pull the fire alarm for the cake-cutting?"
The three matching evil grins were enough of an answer for you. Their little emo faces made your chest feel warm. You wanted to take them under your wing, or something.
"By the way, weed is fine. It's not great, I don't recommend it, but if you're gonna do drugs then this is best case scenario." You shook the plastic case in your hand. "Never do hard drugs. It's gonna make your hair fall out and teeth hurt like a bitch."
You left the three teenagers to smoke their blunt, knowing that your little shpiel probably went through one ear and out the other. You hoped they pulled through but if they didn't, you were planning on doing enough wicked shit that the sprinklers triggering would just be a cherry on top.
You found Janis smoking a cigarette at the same spot you'd been at earlier.
"You got a grinder?"
You opened the lid of the box, blasting the air with the potent smell of cannabis.
"Where the fuck did you get all that?" She asked as she reached into her purse.
"Not important. What is, though, is how we'll get the guests high."
Janis, the bright mind that she was, immediately got to work. You didn't even bother asking what she was up to when she crouched on the floor and began grinding away. She had fast hands, you observed, with how quick and clean she was rolling several blunts. Now that you saw clearly into the tupperware, lord almighty Flint had a lot of kush.
"What's the plan?" You asked after a moment, holding the box in one hand and blunts in the other. You stubbornly ignored the compulsion to stick one between your lips and light up. That was over for you.
"Find a Helen, a Beatrice, and or a Leigh-Anne, and convince them this is a miracle herb harvested from the government-protected, top-secret alpine springs of Florida, known for reversing wrinkles, repairing hymens, and with long-term use reducing hair growth neck down. It might even accelerate or delay menopause, depending on whose asking."
"Florida is the flattest state in the continental USA." You pointed out.
"Exactly." Janis didn't spare you a glance, just kept on rolling.
"So we're spinning a multilevel-marketing scheme on these people."
"Not really." Janis paused and turned to you. "We're just scamming them. Not even with money, with the devil's lettuce."
"That's arguably worse. I think this might be a felony."
"Oh, it definitely is."
Notes: The ball is rolling! At last! It only took five chapters good golly god.
Taglist posted seperately! If you want on it, comment so on that post!
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gisele0127 · 1 year
Being Kunigami’s girlfriend after the wildcard :(
Warnings: Spoilers!, angst to fluff, grammar mistakes, not proof read, kind of rushed.
2 posts in one day😉☺️
You miss your boy. You miss how rensuke would look at you. You miss all the nicknames he’d call you. You miss how affectionate he used to be. You miss all the the dates he would take you on. You just miss your old boy.
Rensuke misses you too. He hates himself for what he has become. He’s afraid.
Rensuke has gotten buffer, his hair longer and messier. But most importantly his face. He looks so sad, so defeated. His eyes starting to have bags his whole demeanor has changed.
Rensuke remembers when he lost and got kicked out of blue lock. He hates himself. He hates how he let you down, how he let his sisters down, and how he let himself down. He doesn’t know how to face you when he goes back home. He knows you’ll be sad, he knows that he will cry in your arms when he finally sees you. But then the wild card happened. He thought he didn’t have to face you just yet. Maybe he can redeem himself one last time.
You don’t know what happened exactly during the wildcard. But when blue lock got their 2 weeks off so did Rensuke. You didn’t even know he was back until his little sister texted you. “Hey y/n, can you come over please Rensuke is acting super weird” your heart dropped. Why didn’t he text you the second he got out? You got so anxious thinking about it, you were nervous the whole walk to his house. You knocked on the door and Mrs. Kunigami opened it. “Oh y/n I missed you so much. Ren has been acting super weird and looks so…different. Do you know what’s going on?” Your heart drops again. “Uh no I’m sorry. I didn’t even know he was back until you guys texted me”
The walk to his room was nerve wracking. Why were you so nervous? You’re finally seeing your boyfriend after months. You walk in and you’re surprised to see your boyfriend who takes care of his appearance look like total shit. He didn’t notice you come in until you whispered “Ren baby, are you okay?” He looks startled to see you in his room. “What are you doing here I didn’t tell you to come over? What do you want?” You’re surprised by his reaction, because you expected your boyfriend to spring on to you and kiss you. You’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks and this is how it turns out? You turn visibly upset.
“What the fuck Ren? This is how you greet me? What’s wrong with you? I came because my own boyfriend is back and I haven’t seen him In months. I thought you’d be happy to see me. I missed you so much.” Your eyes start to turn glossy, you’re frustrated. He looks at you then scoffs. “Get out. I don’t want to see you right now” Now you’re extra pissed, why does he have an attitude? Ren never has an attitude he’s always so patient. Your anger gets to you and now you’re the one yelling “are you seriously kicking me out?! I want to spend time with you before you have to go back why are you acting so different. Why do you look so different?! You look like total shit and you’re acting like a total fucking douche!” Okay maybe you’re acting a little over dramatic but this better knock some sense into him.
“Get the fuck out. I don’t wanna see you right now, not tomorrow, not ever again. Don’t talk to me again. We’re over.”
Woah. Did he just break up with you? This is the last thing you expected. You turn pale your heart is beating fast. “Wait Ren! No you can’t mean that. Hey just talk to me babe! I’m your girlfriend that’s what you’re supposed to do!” He looks at you and with such disgust he says “ex girlfriend”. That’s when you walk out, into the living room where his family is sitting on the couch. Yup they definitely heard your argument. You can’t see the looks on their faces because you’re tearing up but you walk out.
You get back home, mascara ruined and your dad asks you, “where’ve you been?” You don’t answer him. You don’t want to because what are you supposed to say? You just got broken up with? Hell no it’s embarrassing enough that his family heard yalls argument. You go into your room and scream and cry. The last thing you expected just happened to you.
3 days pass by. Not a single text from Kunigami. To be quite honest, now you’re the one looking like shit. You haven’t gone to school, you can’t show your face anywhere. Your dad is worried but he’s on a work trip right now so he can’t comfort you. “Ask Kunigami to come over, he can always cheer you up.” Right. You still haven’t told your dad.
You hear a knock on the door. You don’t bother getting it, it’s probably just a package arriving. Another knock, harder and faster. By this time you’re annoyed. You go to the door yelling “coming!!” You swing the door open ready to tell someone off but right in front of the entrance to you house is your newly ex boyfriend. Kunigami Rensuke.
You’re flustered, not expecting him. Even more flustered because of what you’re wearing. Spandex and Kunigami’s old shirt. “Uh hey, is there something I can help you with?” You ask awkwardly. “I need to get all my stuff back” he says with no emotion. “Oh sure come in, uh lemme go grab some of your stuff from my room” Kunigami waits patiently on the couch, truth be told you had none of his stuff packed. You wanted to keep all of it.
After about 10 minutes you’re about to finish getting all of his stuff ( he had a lot, it was practically his second home ). Just as you stand up you feel big muscular arms wrap around your waist. You’re startled and mad. Who does he think he is? “Kunigami let me fucking go” you say with so much venom. “What happened to Ren?” He asks. “I’m not going to call you that anymore, we’re not dating remember?” At that he perks up, and lets you go. This time y’all are both facing eachother you get a good look at him and see his puffy eyes. Has he been crying?
You send him off his way and after 5 minutes since he’s been gone you hear another knock on the door. Ugh what does he want? You open the door and before you could say something he comes running in hugging you. “I miss you so much I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry. Please just let me explain myself please.” You know you should’ve said no, but you can’t this is the man you love. The man you want to spend the rest of your life with.
You let him in. You both are sitting on the couch awkwardly. “Uh what did you have to say” Kunigami stands up and sits closer to you, looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting. I’m so sorry. You know I love you right? I’ve loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I love everything about you. I messed up. I should’ve told you what’s been going on, I should’ve told you everything from the start. Baby, I lost. I got kicked out of blue lock. I’m sorry. I let you down. But they gave me another chance, I could redeem myself. I took it obviously, my dream couldn’t just end there. But baby it was so hard. So fucking hard. I had to train till my body gave out. They wouldn’t let me talk to anyone. I was so lonely and isolated. I struggled for others people entertainment. I’m sorry. There’s so much more I wish I could tell you but that’s not the point. I can’t use that as an excuse for how I treated you. I was a shitty boyfriend. I’m sorry. I regret everything that I said. Every single thing. I was just ashamed of myself. Embarrassed. Baby I should’ve never broken up with you. I’m so scared right now. I just broke up with the girl I want to marry, the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, the girl who I love most. I’m sorry. Please just take me back.”
He looks back at you because you haven’t said anything. You’re crying. Shit did he say the wrong thing? “Babe?” “Fuck you ren” you stand up and go to your room. So this is it? Kunigami will never forgive himself. Just as he’s about to open the front door, you come running and you jump on his back.
“HEY where are you going??!!” Kunigami looks back, and sees you carrying tissues. Oh. You left to get tissues. He didn’t notice he was crying until you force his face down kissing his tears away. You lean your forehead into his. “We will talk about this in the morning okay? I’m too tired to think” Kunigami is speechless. What? “You’re not mad?” “Im absolutely pissed right now, but I know you’ve been through a lot so I’m letting you go easy just this one time”
He smiles just as he’s about to say something you kiss him. The kiss is passionate and hungry leaving both of you off of breath. “What was that for?” “Just missed my beautiful boy. Come give me cuddles we haven’t cuddled in months”
He smiles thinking about how lucky he got.
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hotmessmaxpress · 24 days
This is SHITE but it's writing so I'm holding it out to you like a cat bringing its loving owner a dead mouse.
Vale doesn't admit it until they're back together, having reconciled. They're still tiptoeing around the heavy baggage of their past, only acknowledging it when it's unavoidable.
They're in bed, sweaty and bare, and Vale is tracing the lines on Marc's face. He gently slides the tips of his fingers down, from the crinkles at the edges of Marc's beautiful eyes to the smile lines that bracket his lips. His fingers continue down, running gently over his tanned neck and strong shoulders, down the scars on his arm until he can tangle their fingers together.
"I'm not as young as I used to be," Marc says, laughing with a touch of the plastic stiffness he uses with the media.
Vale senses that this is an important moment.
"You're beautiful," he says, somewhat lamely but with total honesty. Marc is beautiful. He always has been and will always be.
He is definitely different than their last attempt at a relationship, if you could call it that, though. Then again, Vale has changed just as much.
Marc laughs stiffly again, glancing away.
Vale frowns.
"I know you aren't as young anymore," Vale adds, treading carefully. "I am not either."
"You were never young," Marc teases, and Vale is relieved to find that Marc has relaxed, and lost his plastic tone. He's genuinely smiling now, though it's a small smile.
Vale pretends to be affronted, scoffing.
"I have eternal youth."
"Immaturity," Marc corrects.
That startles a laugh out of Vale, who can't argue. Marc has always been overly mature for his age, but even now he seems older than he is. Vale knows Marc has been through a lot, though his brain carefully doesn't think about the role he had to play in all of it, and he reckons that makes Marc seem older.
"I was worried--" Marc says, then pauses.
Vale bites his tongue and waits. Marc is clearly trying to find the words.
"You thought it was sexy that I was so young," Marc finally settles on. He says it with careful neutrality, tone light, but it still feels like an accusation.
Vale considers arguing, but he and Marc have been working on honesty. He can't bring himself to lie.
"I did."
Marc hums. Vale waits for him to say more, to explain what he's feeling, but he doesn't. It makes Vale anxious; he feels like he's done something wrong.
"What are you thinking?" he prompts, finally running out of patience.
Marc chews his lip, playing with Vale's fingers.
"I was worried that you would be bothered by how old I've gotten."
Vale laughs, and then corrects himself when he sees the flash of hurt across Marc's face. He sees Marc's defenses go up, and he soothes him with a kiss to the spot on his face where his eyebrows have now knit together.
"No, no. I laughed because you are not old."
Marc is still frowning. Vale sees Marc's youth in the way he pouts, in the way his jaw flexes as he chews the inside of his lip.
"You are older," Vale says. "But that's life. We grow and get older. I will love you when you're old."
"When I'm old you'll be ancient," Marc bitches, still frowning.
Vale laughs again.
"Yes. And?"
Marc glares at him. Vale is clearly not making him feel better.
"Okay, fine. I thought it was very sexy when you were so young and I was getting old. It was sexy to see how you looked at me so innocently. Now you are not young or innocent, but you're still sexy. You are unbelievable. Everything about you makes me want to keep you in my bed forever."
He presses a kiss to the corner of Marc's lips.
"Plus, I am in love with you."
Vale hopes Marc understands what he's trying to convey. The first time they tried this, Vale wasn't ready to be in love with Marc. He wasn't ready to admit that Marc loved him. This time he's made peace with it. This time he wants to be with Marc for the rest of his life, regardless of how old they are.
Marc seems to understand him. He kisses Vale sweetly, then pulls back to stare into his eyes. He must be satisfied with what he sees, because he finally smiles again.
Vale leans down to kiss Marc again.
"Okay?" he asks, just to be sure.
"Yes," Marc says, sounding relaxed. "I love you too."
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raginglesbian2006 · 7 months
I am in love with your I was wondering if you could do Alastor helping reader with their period that have really bad cramps. I am going through it now and I’d really appreciate it. You could totally ignore this if you aren’t comfortable with it. :)
Thank you for requesting it! I do hope you feel better in no time. I know period cramps can be a real bitch.
Taking care of you
Alastor x reader
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This was a bloody start to another bloody day in hell. Literally.
Oh, how you wished you were spared from the pain that came with periods in your afterlife but NOPE, you had to suffer eternal damnation AND fend off your deadly cramps.
Speaking of cramps, here you were, twisting and turning in your bed hoping that the pain would subside eventually, but it seemed as though it just got worse with every second. You moaned in distress, wondering what you'd done in life to send you to hell and be subjected to such terrible cramps.
In the middle of all the tossing about, you heard a knock at your bedroom door. You did not have the energy to go open it, nor did you want to raise your voice to tell whoever was on the other side to get lost. So you just lay there, underneath the blankets, clutching your abdomen to soothe the pain, albeit failing miserably.
You heard the knock again, this time with the familiar static ringing through.
"Good morning, my dear. It's time to wake up! You can't be in bed all day!"
You ignored him and stuck your head deeper into the pillows, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself, hoping he'd go away soon.
Oh how wrong you were.
"Now my dear, it is quite rude to ignore someone like this, no?"
Your hair stood on end, and you gasped, surprised by the radio demon appearing right in front of your bed. Of course, you should've expected him to pull this shit.
"Go away, Alastor," you groaned as you covered yourself fully in the warm blankets.
"Hm, I don't suppose I will," he said, with that permanent shit-eating grin on his face.
When you refused to comply, he forced you up, holding you tight by the arm, "Do not make me repeat myself, my dear." His static grew insufferably louder.
You looked at him and with no warning at all, started bawling your eyes out. Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed loudly.
Alastor let go of you immediately, startled by the turn of events. He looked flabbergasted and moved his arms to his side, unsure of what to do. Welp, this was a first.
Once your sobs subsided, you sniffled, embarrassed at your display of vulnerability in front of the radio demon.
What you did not expect was for him to sit next to you, on your bed and pet your head, soothingly.
"Now," he said, " What, pray tell, is bothering you so much?"
"Why do you care?" you mumbled, hiding your face in your blanket.
"Why, my dear?" he laughed, "Well I am the host of this fine establishment here, am I not? It is my job to make sure the residents of this hotel are well taken care of. Now, do tell me what grievances you are facing, cher."
You grumbled under your breath but relented anyway.
"It hurts. My period cramps are getting worse every minute and I don't know what to do." Your eyes started to well up with tears again. Stupid hormones.
"AH, so that's the problem?" Alastor got up and brushed off his coat, "I will be back in just a second, dear." And with that, he poofed out the room, as if he was never here in the first place.
It was only a minute after that he came back, this time holding a bowl containing something warm and inviting. You looked up at him curiously.
"This, my dear, is something my darling old mother used to make back when she was young. She had given this recipe to me telling me to make it for my future spouse whenever she had terrible cramps during that time of the month. Of course, it never came in handy when I was alive. What a pity."
Alastor then placed the bowl of warm soup into your hands. Your mouth watering at the sight of such a delicacy. Before you could take a sip, you looked up at the radio demon with skepticism, " How do I know there isn't... I don't know, demon flesh here."
Alastor laughed boisterously, " Oh, dear, I know that not everyone shares the same delicate palate I do. Rest assured it is completely safe for consumption for the likes of you."
You glared at him and took a spoonful of the dish in your hands. Your eyes lit up immediately, and you started gobbling down on the food, till the bowl was wiped clean.
Satisfied with the meal, you placed the empty bowl on your nightstand.
"Thank you, Alastor," you said, looking at him with grateful eyes, "I feel a little better now."
You were about to get up from your bed when you felt a clawed hand push you down and tuck you into your bed, wrapping the warm blankets around you.
"W-wait, Alastor, I told you I'm fine," you said.
Alastor replied, "Nonsense! You take the day off and rest till you're fully better the next day. No one wants to see you in your pitiful state when you've still not recovered, now do they? Brings the whole morale of the staff down, don't you think?"
You chuckled at his theatrics. Although it seemed like he was being mean to you, you still felt the warmth and care he was showcasing. Maybe you were just delusional.
Once he was satisfied with how you were rolled up like a burrito, he conjured up a radio in his hands and placed it near your bed, tuning the little machine to play some soft jazz. You were touched by this little sentiment.
"Thank you, Alastor, truly," you said, smiling softly.
"Do not mention it, dear. I am just doing my job." Saying this, he clicked his fingers and disappeared from the room.
You cuddled into the warm bed. Your smile remained as you closed your eyes. The room echoed with the soft music playing through the radio.
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
For the drabbles!!
Can you walk? I need you to walk for me! With Dick, if that sounds interesting to you!!
Loved the Drabble you posted, you’re a talented writer!
thanks very much nonnie 🥺❤️ wanted to switch it up and whump dickie boy >:)
"can you walk? i need you to walk." - dick grayson x gn!reader. tw: injured dick, bullet wound, reader tasers a bad guy. dick's not dead i prommy!! Loosely based on the Nightwing 2021 comics.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
You wake up to the beeping of the distress signal. Instantly, you're awake, fumbling for the comm bud to put in your ear.
"—in, do you copy? Nightwing needs help, he's—"
"Where is he, Babs?" you ask, flinging the sheet off of your legs and jumping into your suit.
"Blüdhaven City Hall."
"What the hell? Alone?"
Barbara sighs. "Yes. I didn't know until the mayor texted."
Anger flares. You tamp it down because Barbara hasn't done anything wrong, and it's not fair to snap at her for Dick's stupid choices.
Besides, the anger is only to mask the chilling fear that bubbles up.
You stick to the rooftops like Dick himself had taught you when you were first getting the hang of the vigilante thing. You're more like Barbara in that you prefer to stay on the sidelines and help.
But if Dick is in trouble, you're there.
Your heart pounds; you can barely hear the instructions Barbara's giving you as you approach City Hall.
"Is he conscious?" you ask, interrupting her.
She doesn't answer at first.
"Oracle," you press, gritting your teeth as you descend down the roof access stairs. "Is he awake?"
"I don't know. I lost his comm link."
The fear sharpens. Your heart beats so fast, you're afraid you might collapse.
"He's alive, though. His suit vitals are still elevated."
You run faster, flying down the stairwell. It takes some searching to find Dick since his mask camera is also destroyed, according to Barbara. But you manage to track him down relatively fast.
Dick is bound to a chair, puddles of blood at his feet. You rush over and pull at the knots without thinking, growing frustrated when they don't turn loose.
"Blade on your left side."
You startle hard at Dick's voice. He lifts his head slowly and you stifle a gasp at his face. One of the lenses of his mask is cracked. His cheek is bloody and nearly black with bruises. His suit is torn and dirty.
They'd left him for dead.
"I found him, Babs."
You hear her sigh of relief. She starts to organize your exit route. You're only half listening as you slice through the ropes with the blade you forgot you had in your left pocket.
Dick's arms hang at his sides even after you free them. They'd done a number on him.
He watches you as you free his legs next.
"Suit looks good on you," he says, head lolling. "Peak design, if y'ask me."
"You're so stupid," you say, bowing your head so he can't see the tears that sting your eyes. "This was an idiotic thing you did, Dick."
"Alias names only in the field," he reminds you.
You yank the rope harder than you mean to and free his legs.
Dick has to use his whole body to push himself off of the chair. Even so, he stumbles, and you rush to catch him. Your heart jumps to your throat. Of course he'd hide how bad his injuries are.
"Oracle, call Batman."
"No," Dick grits, shaking his head. "Don't call him."
"You can barely move. I can't carry you myself."
You wish you could. As furious as you are, you'd carry him home.
"Am I calling him?" Barbara asks in your ear.
A door slams somewhere upstairs. Cold sweat erupts all over your body. Dick looks at you, and you know he heard it too.
"Guys, am I calling Batman or not?"
"No, we can do it," you say against your better judgment. "Can you move?"
Dick nods rapidly, though you don't totally believe him. You sling an arm under his arm, then wrap your other arm around his waist. He puts nearly all of his weight on you, though you can tell he's using what little strength he has left to try and shift his weight.
The two of you go like that, Dick half limping. You try not to think about how his blood stains your suit.
You move slowly, which unfortunately means that the goon upstairs catches up to you. He pulls out a gun, and Dick shoves you aside before you can advance. He pays the price for it when the goon shoots his leg.
Dick screams.
Quick as Flash, you grab an escrima stick and charge the taser to two thousand volts. Then you ram it into the goon's gut.
He drops like a sack of potatoes. You don't check if he's breathing.
"We don't kill," Dick says as you return the stick to his back holster.
You harshly cut the goon's shirt with your blade and tourniquet Dick's bullet wound. He hisses in pain.
"I didn't kill him," you snap.
"You could've. What the hell was that?"
"That was me stopping him before he blew your brains out!" you shout. "That was me making sure the commissioner doesn't have to fish your body out of the river!"
Dick's head thumps against the wall. His suit is slick with blood. "That wouldn't have happened."
"You could've died tonight, Dick! Why can't you get that through your head?"
His eyes close for too long on the next blink. You kneel in front of him immediately, shaking his shoulder. He grunts.
"Dick, no. Wake up. Don't do this, you gotta stay awake for me."
"'M awake," he says groggily. "I'm..."
"Oracle," you say, panicked. "Vitals."
"His heart rate is sluggish; he's lost a lot of blood. You have to—"
"Dick," you say, shaking his shoulder again. "Dickie, you gotta get up. Can you walk? I need you to walk for me."
"'Kay," he whispers, barely lifting his arm.
"Okay, I've got you. Ready? One, two—"
You lift him and stagger under his full weight.
"Sorry," he murmurs, and you feel sick.
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled, I'm sorry. Stay awake, okay?"
He hums. You manage to establish a decent gait between the two of you. Dick stumbles along, trying his best to walk independently.
You're almost out of City Hall when Dick collapses. This time, he doesn't get up.
"No, no. Wake up, Dick, wake up. Come on, come on!"
You shake him as hard as you'll let yourself. Dick doesn't stir.
"There's so much blood," you say, your hands sticky with it. "B-Babs..."
"I'm sending help right now. B's on his way, okay?" She sounds just as wrecked as you feel. "Just hold on."
You cradle Dick's head and suck in gasping breaths, keeping pressure on his thigh.
That's how Batman finds you, shaking and hunched over his son.
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cer-rata · 1 month
Fic WIP: “No One Majored In Chemistry"
“...So yes, I’m going to figure out which one of you it was.” Billy growled into his phone as he dodged and weaved through the crowd of other excited freshmen.
Bruce sighed on the other end. “Are you really saying it’s impossible that you could have gotten into a good school without one of us meddling?”
“Gee, I dunno, acceptance and a full-ride scholarship to an ivy league school I didn’t apply to, with no active requirements to keep it up? Because of my AV experience? Room and board included? UPenn has a 6.5% acceptance rate, and again, I didn’t even apply, Bruce!”
A pause. “...It was Diana. Drop out, and she might actually cry.” Then he hung up, because of course he did. Billy groaned.
Fine. It was fine. Maybe superhero nepotism had gotten him into college, maybe that meant some other, more worthy kid didn’t get a shot. He had to balance that guilt with gratitude: Because someone clearly believed in him, and that meant a lot. Ugh, he couldn’t even yell at Diana about it, you can’t just yell at Diana! Why couldn’t it have been Ollie? Half of his job was giving people someone to yell at!
He was so frustrated that he pushed the door to his dorm open way harder than he intended, and it slammed against the wall, startling the boy who had apparently gotten there first. He spun on his heels away from the window where he’d been setting up some figurines and pointed a pair of accusatory finger-guns at Billy. He looked like a Scandinavian dude, with all of the trappings: Tall, broad shoulders, long shiny blond hair, blue eyes as sharp as Tim’s but somehow much less eerie to look at, probably because he wasn’t being possessed by the ghost of a Victorian street urchin.
“Oh! Oh, hey.” He pushed some hair out of his face and flashed Billy a bright smile.
“I recommend this one, Batson.” 
Billy paused. He didn’t recognize that voice, who was--Oh no. Oh no, Achilles never said anything unless he was asked a direct question, and even then--OH NO.
The guy cleared his throat. “Um…You’re Billy, right?”
Crap, I missed a dialogue cue! “Uh, yeah, yeah, sorry, weird…weird morning.” Billy quickly propped his suitcase against his bed and walked over to offer the guy a handshake, which was smoothly accepted. Billy wasn’t a little guy, 5”7 was perfectly average, but this guy--wait, what was his name?
“Yeah, totally, it’s been a weird morning. It’s nice to meet you, though! I’m Garth.”
Ah, okay. “Garth” had at least five inches on him, and that, combined with the length of the fingers and width of the palm that consumed his hand served to make average old Billy feel kind of small.
“Me…me too. Um. I mean, it’s nice to also meet you, not that I’m Garth. I don’t know you well enough to decide if I want to steal your identity yet.”
Garth let out a surprised giggle and raised an eyebrow. “...Well, I hope to prove that my credit score is worthy of being ravished.”
His smile made Billy’s eyes sting a little bit, but on a level he wondered if that was a product of every one of the degenerates in his mind (and maybe Solomon) trying to get a look at once.
“Aha, I guess we’ll see!”
Garth shook his head a little and smirked. Then his eyes flicked over to Billy’s bed. “Wait, is that your only bag?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I…don’t like having a ton of clothes.” It was kind of true.
Garth nodded. “Hmm. Fair enough. I’m a little bit of a…well…” He gestured to the pile of clothes on his bed. “...I like shirts.”
"Nothing wrong with that, you seem to be good at…wearing shirts.” What?
“I dunno man, I haven’t had any coffee, the prompt was: 'Friendly compliment that is also not weird.'”
Garth laughed again and patted him on the shoulder, and it was at that moment that Billy realized that they’d just been standing in handshake range the entire time. He backed up in the direction of his bed a bit, and Garth took that as a cue to go back to unpacking while he talked. 
“I’m from Gotham, my standard for weird is a little warped.”
Billy sat on the edge of his bed and quietly lamented that his feet didn’t reach all the way to the floor. “Gotham is a wild place, yeah. Probably cursed.” Literally cursed, actually.
“Yeah, yeah there’s…yeah. But imma be real, I think Fawcett is much scarier.”
How does he know I’m from Fawcett?
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, that place is a Buzzfeed unsolved video waiting to happen, I mean there’s a reason the Big Red Goober hangs out there so often, right? Magic is spooky, man.”
Billy bit his cheek. “Ah, well, you may have a point, there have been a couple weird things over the years.”
Garth let the silence ride for a beat as he put some sweaters in his closet. “Hey so, big fan of your podcast, by the way.”
Billy chuckled nervously. “How…how do you know about that?”
“How many Billy Batsons can there be?”
“Honestly? A WEIRD number.”
Garth snorted and stretched slightly to get to the top shelf. Achilles noted that his shoulder-to-chest ratio was good for archery (and other things), and Billy tried his best to ignore him. “Either way, I figured you’d be a little more braggy about getting to interview superheroes, that’s kind of good for like, street cred and shit. But I guess being a bit of a shy little guy makes sense, all things considered.”
Billy was about to defend himself against the “little guy” accusations, but Garth turned around and made eye contact again, which derailed him long enough that he lost the window, and Garth continued on. 
“So, what’re you majoring in?”
“Mixed media, with a minor in journalism.” For some reason, Billy felt a little self-conscious whenever he told someone, like it was somehow unrealistic, when in reality it had been made abundantly clear to him that the concept of ‘unrealistic’ did not apply to a life like his.
Garth seemed to think it was cool, even. “Oh that’s great! Makes sense, you seem like the type to be good at all of that stuff.”
Billy fought to keep a blush down. “Ah, gee. Um, wh-what about you?”
“Pre-med and Screenwriting. Dual major.” 
Billy blinked a couple times. “Wow that--”
“Yeah, yeah I know. I kinda…I kinda applied to both departments and didn’t expect to get into either, so when I got into both I kind of panicked and accepted. So. You know. It’s…I’ll be fine, I’m used to juggling plates.” He brushed some hair out of his face and tucked it behind an ear, and for the first time in the fifteen minutes that Billy had known him, Garth looked a little nervous. Only for a moment though, then it was all smiles again. “Hey, that reminds me actually…”
Billy’s eyes widened as he watched the blond cross their room to sit right next to him on his bed. “Uh, wh--”
“How are we going to do this?”
“Oh, I do like it when they’re forward.” Zeus, please!
Garth leaned back on his hands.“I have two stressful majors, my mom has been in AA since before I was born, so no drinking, and I like people. Do you see where I’m going with this?”
“Well, theater, medicine, Gotham, parental stress: You’re one rejection letter from turning into a Phantom of the Opera themed, organ-harvesting villain of the week?” Why did I say that!?
He could hear the smug satisfaction in Hermes' voice. “Just a little inspiration, for free. You’re welcome.” AHHHHHHH--
Garth laughed really hard at that one, and any cool vibe he was trying to foster was shattered by the way his cheeks went pink and he snorted. Billy could suddenly see the dork behind the symmetrical features and shiny hair.
“Fuck you! This just means you’re gonna be my first victim, Batson. That kidney?” Billy giggled and leaned away as Garth jabbed a finger right over where his kidney actually was. “Is mine.”
“This is good,” Achilles said, “Generally this is where I’d suggest pulling your shirt up, and enticing him with your wares, but that may be unwise as you’ve neglected your mortal body’s physical integrity, you disappointing, noodly-armed twink--”
Garth raised an eyebrow and Billy realized with horror that he’d let that one escape.
“Sorry, just…remembered…a thing--where were you going with that before you claimed my kidney?”
“Oh! Yeah right. So I’m gonna like…be busy, you know? ‘Everybody stares at me, boys, girls, I can't help it, baby--’”
“You did NOT just quote Rent--”
“It’s a good musical! What I’m asking is if you want to like, set up a schedule, or is there a codeword, or do I put a sock on the door, or…you know.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Billy wanted to die. For some reason. 
“Oh, uh. I mean yeah I guess you can just text me? But it’s not gonna be--”
“Yeah don’t worry, I’m a considerate guy, I won’t screw you.”
“Wow, Batson, look at that, you’ve already taken yourself off of the table.”
“That’s not what he meant! Wait, shoot--”
“Who are you arguing with?” Garth asked casually.
Billy slowly turned to look back at him. “...Eheh, whaaaat? Sorry, just, my internal monologue sometimes--”
“It was Zeus, right? I know about the Ganymede thing, I figure I’m within his taste range.”
“He’s not wrong.”
A chill shot through Billy and he frowned. “...How do you--”
“Dami' wanted me to be prepared in the event of, and I quote, ‘Billy fucking up badly enough that you end up with a demon trying to crawl up your ass.’ End quote.”
Billy stared at him. 
“...When you say ‘Dami'--’”
“The stabbiest Christmas elf, yeah.”
Billy groaned. 
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