#digestive disease
makeshift-riot · 2 years
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Now that I have taken a nap to sleep off the evil anesthesia and puking for the first time in a few weeks..
I’m really upset. GERD is not an acceptable diagnosis for what is happening to me. Yes, fine I it’s there and I do acknowledge it needs to be treated, but fuck.
It does not explain why food = immediate agony and uncontrollable diarrhea. And I mean ANY FOOD AT ALL.
These were not the symptoms that brought me in.
I understand also that pathology is not back yet, but this was not even remotely on the list of shit causing me to literally be unable to leave the house due to exhaustion, ongoing stomach pain, cramps and needing to live on a fucking toilet.
I do not have a lot of hope as it is. I was already at the end of my ability to cope when I went in 2 months ago. My meds have been replaced again which sucks because the questran, while awful, was actually working.
The worst part is I am already feeling fucking awful and it’s only going to get worse.
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discoverybody · 6 months
What You Need to Know About Pancreatic Cancer
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Pancreatic cancer is a difficult and aggressive disease that is frequently misunderstood. This thorough reference strives to provide essential information regarding pancreatic cancer, from the basics to treatment options. Pancreatic cancer is tough to treat because of its aggressive nature and late diagnosis. It affects the pancreas, a critical organ in charge of blood sugar management and digesting. Early detection and treatment are critical for improved outcomes.
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drvijaykumar28 · 11 months
The Dangers of Ignoring Digestive Issues: Long-Term Effects on Health
Your digestive system does more than just digest food—it keeps you healthy. But if tummy troubles are left untreated, they can harm your overall well-being. This article uncovers what happens when stomach problems are ignored, like not getting enough nutrients, feeling dehydrated, and having harmful toxins in your body. Discover why a healthy digestive system is key and learn why catching and treating issues early is crucial for your health. Read on to understand the impact of ignoring digestive problems and how it affects your body!
Link: Effects of untreated digestive diseases
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nightmarekilljoy · 3 months
Today I ate some pickles and a piece of cheese (plant based)... and I told a family member and they said "Oh that's not food." as in that's not a meal.
Um. How do I tell them that mentality isn't healthy??
Please, if you're out there struggling with food do not listen to people like this. Eating anything is better than eating nothing at all. /srs
And people with digestive disorders like me can't eat like an ablebodied person can. Keep that in mind.
-Amber (she/they/it or star/shine/rot)
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undiagnosed chronic gastro illness culture is idk whats wrong w me but i think its trying to kill me
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tumble-tv · 2 months
Finally realized why I keep waking up at 1 or 2 in the morning.
My pain meds wear off at that time.
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swagging-back-to · 7 days
it should be a cut and dry case if you go to a restaurant and get glutened by them. and by case i mean criminal. not just suing for damages and distress.
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sankttealeaf · 21 days
when the chronic illness is chronic 🙀
im so tired of this its getting to the point where im so exhausted all the time :( i just want to have one day where im not in pain.
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edgepunk · 8 months
people with a digestive disease: I'm going to ruin my entire day with a cup of coffee
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ii-daily-soap · 6 months
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bimrsadler · 1 year
Love that my body is giving me terrible digestive issues made worse by coffee but terrible migraines without it, love that for me 🙃
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p0is0ngirlx · 18 days
getting ready to pack my over night bag for tomorrow/thursday as i mentally prepare myself to undergo 3 different medical tests at a hospital 3 hours from home all on the same day. i can feel myself mentally spiraling as the day inches closer. one of the tests will require me to have a tube up my nose, leading down into my stomach, as i have to lay & sit in different positions while sipping water. i had to have this same test done as a kid when i was first diagnosed with achalasia & it has haunted me since. i never thought i would need another manometry, but here i am. thankfully, they’re inserting the tube when i am still under anesthesia for my endoscopy, but it will be in when i awaken from that. i’m just scared shitless. i can’t eat or sleep or relax & all i want is for this to be done with.
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I hate acid reflux so so so much. "Hey you laid down on your side for too long so we gotta flood your throat with acid now. Sorry." Absolutely horrendous. You are made entirely of flesh tubes and still haven't figured out how to keep them acid-free in three million years? Embarrassing. Inexcusable.
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nightmarekilljoy · 2 months
I've been to the hospital today. Because my case is urgent and I've lost too much weight and lost the ability to digest food properly, my nurse said that she'll put me on an urgent list of patients and that I'll get my first appointment within this week.
Hell yeah! Finally seeing my GI doctor!
If anyone has any tips how to advocate for myself I'd like to hear them. It seems like the nurse is a good one but I'm not so sure about the doctor and I don't want to be sent to the psychiatry again. It won't help me. What I need is for my doctor to listen. Help out a fellow disabled person please?
-Amber (she/they/it/star/shine/rot)
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hows the tummy hurty fandom doing
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tumble-tv · 1 year
Recently figured out all on my own that i dont have constant headaches or migraines. I have contant nausea. I hate this.
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