shift-shaping · 1 year
how's bindi doing?
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
I don't think I've said this sadly but OH MY GOSHHH I get so joyous seeing ur dsaf character exploration/rants((?) I don't know what to call them lol) posts like,,, you help me unerstand them so much more AUGHHHHHHH I love having an understanding of characters and it's even bettwr when I see ppl just as passionate as I am if not moreee
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I'm so honored normal style.
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rheallsim · 1 year
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Reese continues to struggle through her mid-life crisis. She spends a lot more time out of the house, exploring, hanging out in her garden, making friends with the birds. (Oh, can you tell that Penny is helping her with her make-up now?)
The neighbourhood dogs really don't have much to do other than dig things up, huh?
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shegottosayit · 2 years
Here’s the thing about The Beach Boys song California girls:
East Coast girls are hip. He really digs the styles they wear.
Southern girls knock him out with the way they talk.
Midwest farmers' daughters really make him feel all right.
And northern girls keep their boyfriends warm at night with the way they kiss.
But he wishes the girls could all be California girls with no elaboration regarding what “California girls” are like. Also the other places mentioned are regions and California is a state.
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
I had a look through your posts but I couldn't find anything... I was just wondering if you could share some advice on training cats, particularly in the realm of "not eating plants" and "not scratching things that aren't theirs" ? I'm getting a kitten next week and, while excited, I am also nervous as I've had some pretty destructive cats in the past...
Thank you in advance!
I can really only speak to what worked for me. I'm sure there will be more updates when the Interlopers come home--they currently are still at the shelter for a liiiiitle more observation.
When I brought Mal and Vice home, I babyproofed my bedroom. Nothing they could break, nothing they could damage--no surfaces they weren't allowed on, nothing they could hurt by clawing. And for the first few weeks, that is the ONLY room they were in. I don't know if stockholm syndrome is an option for cats, but they both have it now; we bonded. As they got settled and we built trust, I started bringing them out into other areas of the house, always under observation. When I (or a housemate) wasn't there to keep an eye on them, they just were put back in safe home base bedroom. The goal is to establish a positive relationship far enough that a no! won't send them hiding from you.
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This is Vice in the living room for the first time.
The thing with cats is that they'll break a rule if they think you're not there to enforce it. So you have to be there, always, for long enough that the good behavior becomes a habit before they're left on their own. So as they moved into other areas of the house, the no! was always enforced when they started to do a naughty, and they learned to not even try because they'd get caught immediately. Eventually they had more and more run of the house, and were finally just left on their own. This means consistency and patience from you, and from everyone in your household. And that doesn't stop--you get in the base of this when they first come home, but you have to continue to consistently enforce forever. That's the deal. Their brains are itty bitty and full of mischief, and sometimes they're going to push boundaries because they can.
There's also some steps you should take to just cat-proof in general. Smooth river rocks in the top of any diggable pot; toxic plants relocated or removed, and furniture that might be particularly scratchable protected with throw blankets over the arms...you get the idea. Part of it is training, and part of it is creating an environment where they're not being tempted.
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dangerousyako · 6 months
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sukunastoy · 10 months
If someone wasn’t aware of the situation, they’d probably assume we hate Texas. 😭
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Vet said until arm fully healed…he has to have the most boring/flat/non-diggable enclosure ever. 😭😭 It just seems so unfair.
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kwanzaa-wakanda · 9 months
Kwanzaa music
...is very hard to come across.
There are a few albums out on the major music streaming sites. But I'll admit, nothing really worth talking about.
I think my problem with most Kwanzaa music is that all too often, it sounds like Holiday Music, or it sounds so traditional that it's too hard to really get into.
So instead of trying to find Kwanzaa music, I went through the music I already like, music I was already raised on, and tried to identify what gives me an overall Kwanzaa vibe.
Honestly, I don't expect everyone to like it, or for the playlist to get popular. There's only 15 songs on it. But it's as close as I can get to finding music that really captures the essence of Kwanzaa, at least to me.
For people that don't use Spotify, here's the list. It's arranged in no particular order because I'm not very good at that...
1. Zanset Nou Yo by Boukman Eksperyans
2. Worth His Weight in Gold by Steel Pulse
3. African by Peter Tosh
4. Every Ghetto by Talib Kweli
5. Radio Freq by Dead Prez
6. I'll Be There by the Jackson 5
7. Celebration by Kool & The Gang
8. Exodus by Bob Marley and the Wailers
9. Sikiliza Kwa Wahenga by Michael Abels (it's the song from Get Out...ik, ik, but literally look up the lyrics)
10. MY POWER by Nija
11. Where I'm From by Diggable Planets
12. Pacifics by Diggable Planets
13. Have Some Love by Childish Gambino
14. Africa by Boukan Ginen
15. Master Blaster (Jammin') by Stevie Wonder
16. Stand Tall by Childish Gambino
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nika6q · 1 year
Head canon for some of the clones favorite bands:
Hunter: Led Zeppelin
Jesse: Diggable Planets
Kix: tie between New Order and Depeche Mode
Mayday: Nina Simone
Wolffe: Leonard Cohen
Thoughts? Additions?
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littlelittlesimmies · 5 months
How to customize “Dig for Treasure” in Bon Voyage.  The game chooses which object by the percentage values in the  Tuning – Object Chances.  If the game chooses to use line 0x5, GUID list Obj, then it chooses a random number from the list  GUID List of Findable Objects. --- by HugeLunatic
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pb-dot · 6 months
Let's meet the Therafter Cast: Michael
Today, I would like to introduce you to the main/POV character of the first bit of the Thereafter series. Michael Sørstrand is a stocky man in his early thirties, light brown hair and blue eyes. He walks with a slight limp on his right foot, but otherwise has the profile and build of someone who works out with some regularity. Before he got spirited away to Thereafter, he worked as a night watchman in a museum.
When he was in his preteen years, Michael was incredibly afraid of the dark until he was whisked away to the magical lands of Caveworld. Caveworld was an entirely subterrean world populated by molefolk, anthromorphic moles living in large burrow communes. The molefolk lived in constant fear of the Lightlord, a tyrannical despot on the surface of Caveworld. The Lightlord's armies would raid the caves, spreading unnaturally bright light with their glowing armor as they snatched molefolk away to work in the lightlord's mines, slaving away to bring the lumen crystals that the Lightlord used to forge his armor.
While much of Michael's stay in caveworld came down to being afraid of the dark, he did eventually get used to it, and in an extension of the lesson that there was nothing inherently scary about the dark, he taught the molefolk that there was nothing inherently scary about the light. Granted, down here light usually meant a Lightlord raid which was ground for concern. After a molefolk girl that Michael had grown close to was nabbed by the Lightlord, he rallies the molefolk to try to get her back, to get all of their lost friends back. The Lightlord has terrorized them because they have never rose up against him, have never shown what the molefolk burrows can do if they act together.
Upon storming the mines and driving away the forces of the lightlord, Michael discovers that some prisoners are held in the palace of Lux Aeterna, the everlasting light. Emboldened by their victory, the molefolk decides to march upon Lux Aeterna, and Michael volunteers to be part of the vanguard, to sneak into the heavily fortified palace and disable the powerful light magic that makes the place all but impenetrable to the light-sensitive molefolk. Michael doesn't like to talk about what happend during his incursion into Lux Aeterna, other than that a close call with a Luminous One, the Lightlord's elite guard, left him with a severe wound to the knee.
The Lightlord got toppled and banished "from all lands with good diggable soil" by the restored Burrow Undercouncil. Suri-Ti, Michael's molekin friend, has been rescued and gave Michael his first kiss. Michael's knee has been healed by the most skilled healer in the Undercouncil, and he was no longer afraid of the dark. Still, returning to the mundane world seemed scary to Michael. What if he wasn't as good in the mundane world as he had been in caveworld, what if this had all been a fluke? Sur-Ti assured Michael that in her small, semiblind eyes, he'd always be spectacular.
Once back in the world, fate spent the next couple of years in proving Michael's every fear right, and he generally experienced falling down the tree of life and hitting just about every branch he could find. Not only did a life that could be anywhere close to spectacular fail to materialize, as the years after the magical adventure dragged on, Michael found the wound in his knee being somewhat less cured than he had assumed. After dropping out of college with one and a half functioning knees, Michael found himself taking more and more night shift jobs, which eventually led him to the museum job he had at the start of Thereafter.
Michael is kind of meant to be the everyman of the ensemble, being somewhat less quirky than his heroic colleagues. His motivation for staying on team Neverafter is a deep desire to be a hero and have a purpose again, and besides, it's not like he has a lot of good things waiting for him in the "real world."
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Headcanon: House of the Mole, and the Concept of Sapping in WWI
Me: So recently I accidentally learned about the concept of Sapping and cannot take it away from my mind
Sapping is a term used in siege operations to describe the digging of a covered trench to approach a besieged place without danger from the enemy's fire. The purpose of the sap is usually to advance a besieging army's position towards an attacked fortification. It is excavated by specialized military units, whose members are often called sappers. - Wikipedia
Me: Is this it. Is this the actual combative purpose of House of the Mole. Aside from their mining job during peace times.
Before the development of explosives, sapping was the undermining of an enemy's fortifications, which would collapse when the sap's supports were removed. Later, explosives were placed surreptitiously in the undermining sap or mine, then detonated, as was done with 450 tons of high explosive in the First World War battle of Messines, the largest planned explosion until the 1945 Trinity atomic bomb test. - Wikipedia
Now I am imagining scenes. And I have been very excited.
During First World War trench warfare, the combatant's sappers, who were often experienced civilian miners who had been rejected for combat duties due to age or ill-health, strived to undermine each other's positions, working silently to avoid detection. After completing a mine it was filled with explosives, sometimes hundreds of tons, and detonated, followed by an attack on the surprised survivors from the destroyed position. - Wikipedia
Me: (knocking on the blackboard dramatically) Listen you all Maeglin is a good kid out there! (I mean, elves did not get age or ill-health, but they did get injuries do they.)
Loyal to their lord, those from the House of the Mole turned upon his killer, but though they were numerous, they could not stand against the folk of the Wing and Tuor's wrath. - Tolkien Gateway
Me: Now that makes sense. They were insanely royal to their lord; they stood no chance because they were not exactly a specialized unit for fighting.
Russian sap A Russian sap is a tunnel dug at a shallow depth under no man's land towards an enemy position. It allows the attacking infantry to approach an enemy position without being detected and safe from enemy fire. For the attack, the tunnel is opened and the infantry attacks the enemy position at comparatively short range. Russian saps were widely used in the First World War.
Me: Yeah that does sound like “proved fell and fearless in battle.”
I have no prove for this theory except that Tolkien fought in the trenches of WWI. And sapping is a rather ancient and common practice in war. 
(Good enough for me!)
My headcanon is at least some of the smiths and miners at House of the Mole were closer to engineers and geologists. They needed to make sure the mines they dig did not collapse.
(I tried to do my research, read some articles, understood nothing, and concluded that digging mines is awfully complex and tricky and dangerous. Apparently some geologists need to assess the situation from time to time. Because the land is made of complex elements.)
What I want to say is
I’m throwing this post out here because I really hope one day I will find a fiction including “destroying shit by digging tunnels”!
The problem is I do not know how sapping is possible in first age? Apparently Gondolin did not get involved in many wars. There was the Unnumbered Tears, but Angband was already underground and I don’t understand enough about its structure. (There isn’t even a map! Unacceptable.) Surely Angband itself was highly diggable, but was the area around really diggable? (Morgoth/Sauron in canon did sound like the type to ignore little people quietly digging underground though.)
Then there was the Fall of Gondolin, which, well. One can surely suspect that Maeglin turned a blind eye to Idril taking his engineers. But we don’t have prove for that which means that is firmly canon reinterpretation.
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meadowlade · 9 days
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Little Falls Farm 🏞️✨
Guess who started making their own Stardew map mods! It's me! Had way too much fun working on this I didn't realize it only took three days haha.
Featuring custom starter gift box items, diggable grass, respawning hardwood, various recolor compatibilities, and some appearance customization all easily configurable through the config file OR General Mod Config Menu. I recommend downloading GMCM for ease of configuration.
As I'm a newbie to modding, if any of y'all are interested and want to try this mod out, I would greatly appreciate any kind of feedback (or link shares!) so I can improve in the future.
Grab the mod here!
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cactus-with-boobs · 21 days
cactus what music do you listen to
Uh hozier, diggable planets, and various power metal artists
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oswanily · 1 year
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Cecil went to this weird snail statue to collect diggables… There was good stuff! Unfortunately it was far away and he came home during the night and passed out on the living room floor.
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japhgura · 4 months
There's nothing quite like informing your snek that you're not diggable while the little guy is fully smooshing his entire face into your collarbone
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