#digging my own grave (2017)
glomscrooge · 7 months
I understand why people carry dt17 scrooge's teasing into glomscrooge content based on the show, but please consider how embarrassing it would be for him to admit that he likes this glomgold. I'd kill myself honestly
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
Stefán Karl aims to do stand-up:
"I have nothing to lose, I don't know what I have left"
Content warning: Discussion of hard topics and dark humor.
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Original article written for Visir by Hulda Hólmkelsdóttir on the 2nd of September 2017: https://www.visir.is/g/2017170909757
Actor Stefán Karl Stefánsson says that the goal is to start with a stand-up show. He has a great sense of humor over his illness and says that people won't be refunded for the stand-up show if something happens to the show. Instead, people will get a better seat at the funeral instead.
"If I shot at it back here today, I'll just leave it at that. Then I will just be remembered like that, "said Stefán Karl when he came for an interview with Logi and Rúnar Freyr at Bakaríið á Bylgjunni this morning.
When asked, he says he would rather make fun of his illness than think about it.
Yes, is there anything else to do? There is nothing in the situation other than just taking it. It's just like saying "you'll take out the dishwasher today" you just do it. You can cry about it or you can just do it.
You sometimes allow yourself to make inappropriate jokes about your illness.
"Yes, very much so. But that's a hell of a joke, "says Stefán Karl. He says the boundaries have become increasingly difficult, people have become more sensitive to what can be joked about.
Life is now
"Now all these associations are being established. associations about body positivity and other things, that make Bylgjunni, for example, not allowed to play "Of feit fyrir mig" (Too fat for me) and only for someone to call in and complain. Shouldn't "Þegar Tumi fer á fætur" (When Tumi gets up) be played for the disabled? Where should the line be drawn? We've become crazy in the head about what can be said and what can't be said."
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Stefán Karl now plays in the new update of Stones in his Pockets at the National Theater with his friend Hilmir Snær Guðnason - photo by Steinunn Ólína
He says that Icelanders are in many ways are prudes.
"The reason for this is that we are always talking to each other and we are opening the discussion. It's always opening up more and more and we're just learning it. I'm just faced with the fact that I don't know what I have left. I won't be able to see my grandchildren and I think it's quite clear. Of course, it hurts, it hurts to look at your children and realize that you don't have much time left. But I'm not going to waste the time I have left here going to whine about that. "It's quite clear and I say life is now."
The purpose of a joke is not to offend or hurt
He says that if people think he is going too far, they should send a line.
"The goal of a joke is never to hurt or offend and if you offend someone and if someone is offended or hurt you just write and say 'you hurt me' and then I say sorry. That's not the my intention, I just wanted to be funny. "
Then people are offended on behalf of others as well.
"Yes, that's right, it's very popular. There are a lot of organizations like that where they are being insulted on behalf of those who are not insulted. Feminists are perhaps the most famous example. Radical feminists like Hildur Lil who are insulted on behalf of others but are then perhaps (threatening to) raping others with a tent heel somewhere themselves.(context) Then you just come forward and say sorry, I went too far. Then it's just done.
But just let me have the joke the way I meant it. You've got it the way you want to interpret it, so we'll meet and discuss it. Is that something bad? That is no such thing. Let's just try to be polite and kind to each other, "says Stefán.
Premature condolences
Stefán struggles with bile duct cancer, a rare and little-studied cancer. The cancer is advanced, in the fourth stage, and life expectancy is significantly reduced. He and his wife, Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, decided to speak openly about his illness after Steinunn received condolences for Stefán's death when he had been taken to hospital.
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Stefán Karl and Steinunn Ólína decided to talk openly about Stefán's illness. - photo credited to Valli
"I suddenly realized that there are a few more people who know my name than the average person. Maybe we should make a small statement about it. Then it started to rain in support and from there it started that I started talking so much about this, "he says.
But because we're talking about jokes and things like that, that's what I'm going to do. It's doing a stand-up. Ari Eldjárn is helping me to put this together because he is naturally our genius in it. This will be after Christmas hopefully, we are going to do some experimental shows before Christmas but it is not just about cancer. I'm just going to make fun of the whole package.
But what about ticket refunds and such?
"Yes, if none of this happens?" It is written in large letters that you will not be refunded, but people will get better seats at the funeral and get to go for the flat cakes twice at the hard drinking party."
You can listen to the interview with Stefán Karl in its entirety in the player below.
Bakaríið - Life is now, not sure I will be here in 2 years, Stefán Karl answered many questions
Stefán Karl Stefánsson has an unusual approach to his illness
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connorsnothereeither · 5 months
This is outside the field of my usual posts but with the recent development of Watcher Entertainment rapidly digging their own grave:
If you want some content with the similar vibe to Buzzfeed Unsolved, whilst being really unique and honestly improving on the format in a lot of ways, I really recommend a podcast I’ve listened to for a while now called “This Paranormal Life”
Two Irish friends/comedians/“professional paranormal investigators” investigate the paranormal each week, alternating in bring each other new cases, and by the end of the episode, try to convince the other that the ghost/alien/cryptid story of the week is real or fake.
It’s been running since 2017, and while that means that not all the content is amazing, and I’d assume some hasn’t aged the best, there are so many absolute banger episodes, and there is a shit ton of backlogged episodes on most podcast platforms including video content on YouTube (episode 363 released less than a week ago from posting this), not even including the years worth of backlogged Patreon content.
Honestly like this is just an excuse for me to share a podcast I really enjoy lmao, but I know a big drive of people following Watcher was searching for the vibe of Buzzfeed Unsolved adjacent content, and I think that this might appeal to people searching for that kind of show!
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littlequeenies · 4 months
‘I’ve been called a witch, slut, murderer’: the ultra-creative women dismissed as rock star girlfriends
Despite their artistic skill, Anita Pallenberg, Suzi Ronson and Yoko Ono were cast as mere lovers or muses. They're now being allowed to tell their own stories – even if it's after death-Annie ZaleskiTue 21 May 2024 11.46 CEST
In a 2008 interview, Anita Pallenberg swore she would never write her autobiography. The artist, model and actor was weary of publishers who only wanted to read about her intimate dealings with the Rolling Stones – she dated both Brian Jones and Keith Richards, and had an affair with Mick Jagger. “They all wanted salacious,” she said then. “And everybody is writing autobiographies and that’s one reason why I’m not going to do it.”
Yet when Pallenberg died in 2017, she left behind pages of a neatly typed manuscript, titled Black Magic, that contained her life story. True to form, she characterised these memoirs as “memory images, a traveller’s tale through a landscape of dreams and shadows” rather than an autobiography. But she held little back while chronicling her spirited and frequently tumultuous life, quipping: “I don’t think the lawyers will like it very much.”Read in a narration by Scarlett Johansson, her unpublished words are the backbone of a compelling new documentary, Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg. Kate Moss celebrates her as “the original bohemian rock chick that people still aspire to today” but more valuable is Pallenberg reframing her legacy on her own terms from beyond the grave. “I’ve been called a witch, a slut, a murderer. I’ve been hounded by the police and slandered in the press,” she wrote, before adding, “But I don’t need to settle scores. I’m reclaiming my soul.”Given how much ink has been spilt on the Stones over the years, it’s refreshing to hear Pallenberg share her own perspective on her experiences. She’s not the only high-profile rock girlfriend now getting a chance to tell their own story, asserting their place in, and influence on, male-dominated music culture.
Suzi Ronson, who was married to the guitarist Mick Ronson, just released a candid memoir, Me and Mr Jones: My Life with David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars, that’s a clear-eyed look at rock star mythology. Pattie Boyd, married to both George Harrison and Eric Clapton, was interviewed in 2018 by Taylor Swift for Harper’s Bazaar (“George and Eric had an inability to communicate their feelings through normal conversation,” Boyd said, “I became a reflection for them”) and this year she eloquently reminisced as she auctioned her memorabilia, including love letters from Clapton and handwritten Harrison lyrics, for a staggering £2,818,184. “The letters from Eric – they’re so desperate and passionate, a passion that blooms once in a lifetime,” she said. “They’re too painful in their beauty.”
Tate Modern, in London, is meanwhile celebrating Yoko Ono with a career-spanning exhibition, Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind – a pointed reminder that Ono’s artistic collaboration with John Lennon was only a relatively brief part of her career. It shows how her artistry spans theatre, writing and music, but also how it makes space for her story to change over time – for example, the various performances of Cut Piece across the decades – and for others’ perspectives. Take Ono’s 1964 artist’s book Grapefruit, which uses short, abstract action items (“Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put it in”) to generate a huge potential variety of creative responses.
Among those was Lennon’s Imagine. In a 1980 BBC interview, Lennon said Grapefruit provided “the lyric and the concept” of the song, but Ono didn’t receive a songwriting credit until 2017 even though Lennon was aware of the oversight in his lifetime. “But those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho,” he told the BBC, “and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution.”
Pallenberg, too, served as inspiration for Rolling Stones songs such as Gimme Shelter. But Catching Fire reinforces the idea that even if sexism meant she was underestimated by the public, she wasn’t a passive presence or muse. “Neither Anita nor I wanted to be with them because we wanted some of their power,” Marianne Faithfull says in voiceover – she was in the band’s orbit alongside Pallenberg owing to a relationship with Jagger. “We had our own power.”
Faithfull’s power was her own music career; Pallenberg, who spoke several languages and worked as a model, influenced the Stones’ look. (“I started to become a fashion icon for wearing my old lady’s clothes,” Richards quipped in his bookLife.) And she refused to rearrange her life for the Stones. “No girls were allowed in the studio when they were recording,” she said. “You weren’t allowed even to ring. I did other things; I didn’t sit at home.” She maintained an acting career, notably in 1968’s movie Barbarella and 1970’s Performance – though her voice was dubbed out in the former: you wonder whether her “muse” tag meant casting directors underestimated her.
Suzi Ronson, a colour-loving hair wizard who brought David Bowie’s tomato-red Ziggy Stardust coif to life, also took a different path from other women of her time. She left a steady job and went on the road, steering the Ziggy Stardust tour aesthetic by handling hair, makeup, and other tasks.
Me and Mr Jones illuminates her part in helping Bowie crystallise his vision – and shows how fame and rock stardom corrupt. On a Mott the Hoople tour, she seethes while Mick, cozying up to a baroness, orders Suzi to find his hairbrush, treating her like an assistant rather than a girlfriend. It wasn’t the only time she was underestimated. “I’m now the pathetic girlfriend, clinging on to my man, a position I never thought I’d find myself in,” she writes after joining Mick on tour with Bob Dylan for a few days, after not being invited. “I try to be understanding, but truthfully I’m infuriated at being left out.”
These new works also highlight how each woman, at a time when women struggled to “have it all”, cultivated agency through one of the only paths open to them: motherhood. Rather than being something limiting, becoming mothers allowed them to reinvent their lives. Suzi Ronson, long out of Bowie’s orbit and living in England with her parents after giving birth, reflects that “the life I created for myself has disappeared, and my career with it,” she writes, but her daughter brings joy and solace – and encourages her to stay optimistic and keep striving for a unique path. “As I push her around the same streets my mother used to push me, I swear to her: this isn’t going to be it, and I pray I’m right.” Ronson closes the loop by noting that she and Mick return to the US, living in the singer Maria Muldaur’s house and finding equilibrium.
Ono confronted motherhood’s messiness. Her installation My Mommy Was Beautiful used photos of breasts and vaginas to demystify birth and celebrate the strength of the body, and the 1969 song Don’t Worry Kyoko (Mummy’s Only Looking for a Hand in the Snow) – which Yoko wrote for her young daughter Kyoko – conveys primal agony and frustration. “Society’s myth is that all women are supposed to love having children,” Ono said in 1981. “But that was a myth. So there was Kyoko, and I did become attached to her and had great love for her, but at the same time, I was still struggling to get my own space in the world. I felt that if l didn’t have room for myself, how could I give room to another human being?”
Pallenberg also navigates this conundrum. Jake Weber, the actor son of notorious Stones associate Tommy Weber, becomes visibly emotional when talking about how “generous and funny” Pallenberg was to him after his mother died in 1971, during the Stones’ debauched French summer. “She filled a vacuum of a surrogate parent,” he said. “She was lovely like that. Her thing was trying to give us joy.” Catching Fire also visits the agonising fallout of the sudden June 1976 death of Pallenberg’s 10-week-old son Tara.
Pallenberg has the last word in Catching Fire, and her conclusion illustrates the importance of women directing their own narratives. “Writing this has helped me emerge in my own eyes,” she noted. “Reading over what I’ve written, I get a lump in my throat. But it doesn’t need to be a doom and gloom kind of story.” The film makes it clear that Pallenberg’s chief power was, ultimately, resilience, which she needed during an often-challenging life (she lived with various addictions, including to heroin and alcohol) and several tragic events, such as when a 17-year-old shot and killed himself in Richards’ bed.
“I felt like some nasty person who caused death and destruction around her,” Pallenberg said after the 1979 incident, but Catching Fire refuses to let Pallenberg become a tragic figure or cautionary tale. The film ends noting that she got sober, graduated from college, and aged with iconoclastic gusto. The lessons are clear – redemption is possible and we are not our worst moments – while also reinforcing what we miss when women’s voices are silenced or ignored. Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg, directed by Alexis Bloom and Svetlana Zill is in UK and Irish cinemas now
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zachsucr · 11 months
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SO at some point in my life (in 2017, to be exact) I was just so bored at class that my brain got an idea of drawing Flo digging his own grave... (please don't ask, I don't know how that came to my mind)
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It's only a sketch but I don't know if I can finish this drawing on time, so It'll just stay here as it is for now
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shakespearenews · 1 year
Many productions opt for a physical staging of Act III, Scene 4, when Hamlet accosts his mother in her bedchamber. Hawke’s Hamlet grabs his mother in a black robe, then presses her against a set of closet doors. Gibson’s deranged Hamlet also fights and clutches at Gertrude, as did Andrew Scott’s in the 2017 London production by Robert Icke. Thomas Ostermeier’s wild “Hamlet” at the Brooklyn Academy of Music last year emphasized Gertrude’s sexuality to an extreme, having her slink and shimmy as though overwhelmed with sexual energy. The text implies that a woman too free with her affections digs her own grave.
That includes, of course, Hamlet’s eternally damned love interest, Ophelia (memorialized on my right forearm with a skull and pansy). I used to dismiss her as a frail female stereotype, and have craved a production or adaptation that could give this character agency — any kind of agency — within the space of her grieving, her madness and her death.
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logo-comics · 1 year
Fortune Lover Pirates Meta
Due to certain bots that the staff do nothing about infecting my post with likes in order to try to infect the site further, I decided to delete the original post and make this one as a replacement. I failed to save the question before deleting by mistake, so please accept the meta-styled opening presented below.
Fortune Lover, the most popular game from Ai Fortuna Software, has gained a bit of infamy among new fans as The Pirate Game With No Pirates. Indeed, a common question on the forums and various social media sits is "Why is there so much pirate content for Fortune Lover if its set in a magic school?"
We here at LOGO Media Publication have thus decided to do a little digging on the internet and have come back with all the fun data you need to get a better understanding of why it is that a pirate's life is often seen as Maria's lot!
queenmaryhunt I've finally figured it out! Maria is Martin Campbell's daughter! It all makes sense! Her father disappeared when she was little, so she doesn't know he's technically the Pirate King, let alone any pirate at all! The timeline even matches up! captainnatalia I know you didn't insult the Gentleman Pirate by comparing him to that lowlife that abandoned Maria and her mom because of rumors! Martin Campbell would never be like that! bluejetpack yeah! martin was abandoned and alone until captain natalia took him in! he'd never do that to his own wife and daughter! queenmaryhunt No! Listen! In Martin Campbell: Pirate King's secret ending, he told Captain Natalia's grave that he was going to sail out for the last time so he could pull enough money together to get his unnamed wife and daughter a house in the capital so they wouldn't "be bothered by close-minded villagers anymore.' And what did Maria's voice actor say in her interview when asked about if Maria had any friends in her village? "Maria never really fit in with the villagers after her magic came in at the age of five and the people assumed she was the result of her mother having an affair with a noble. Her dad even disappeared a year later." geomaria-stan1123 That's her opinion, not official lore! The DLC they're going to release is on Golden Sands. In the first game, Old Baron Terni owns that land, and he let the Fortuna Amata make berth there as part of an unofficial agreement. You'll see when the DLC comes out that he's probably going to cameo as part of an old painting or something. Maria being Martin Campbell's daughter is as likely as them adding in a Katarina Route to a DLC!
queenmaryhunt You all owe me an apology! "The Gentleman Pirate disappeared nine years ago, which is why we took up his contract with the new Baron." That's what Marie said! Nine years! Back when Maria would've been 6, you know, when Maria's father suddenly disappeared! marikata9430 I'll take posts that keep getting funnier with each DLC for 500. fortune-lover-heritage-posts Fortune Lover Heritage Post (August 28, 2017).
sophiasemeraldprincess So, I'm probably giving myself away as a newbie to the fandom, but what's the deal with the pirates in this fandom? Everywhere I look, there are pirate OCs, Pirate Captain Katarina, Pirate Maria, Maria on a pirate ship... I thought, from all of this, that Fortune Lover had pirates all over the place mc-gentlemanpirate As a lifelong fan of the Ai Fortuna Software Multiverse, I can answer this one, but it's a bit of a long story. See, back at the start, Ai Fortuna was a small company that released their first game, Martin Campbell: Gentleman Pirate. The game was very popular in its time, detailing the adventures of a young beggar child named Martin, who stowed away on a ship to get away from it all, only to be discovered and mentored by Captain Natalia Petra Campbell, sworn enemy of the undead Pirate King Black Boris Edmund Guy, who dies at his hand by the end of the tutorial. From there, it's Martin's revenge quest centered around him figuring out his place in the world of piracy, whether or not he'll be a gentleman of fortune or a cutthroat mercenary. The good end, which is the canon one, has him kill Black Boris and being proclaimed the Pirate King. Since Martin and Maria share initials, as well as having identically fluffy blond hair, a lot of fans gravitated towards the idea that Maria was his daughter with his wife, who were both mentioned in the sequel, Martin Campbell: Pirate King. (Fun fact: When Fortune Lover's first trailer came out in 2014, a lot of people even thought that Maria was Martin in disguise in a midquel game.) Eventually, when the DLC started rolling out, the first was Golden Sands, set in his usual place of berth, the eponymous island, and it was revealed he had only disappeared nine years prior, which was when Maria's father had left. This was all speculation for the longest time, until the databook revealed this was always the lead writer's plan, with the Pirate's Promise DLC having been planned to be the sequel until the studio came in and ordered Mysteries in the Magical Ministry, which did... Alright, but was not as well received as Pirate's Promise, which is currently being made into its own spinoff series. TL;DR - Ai Fortuna Software was originally a pirate game company and Fortune Lover was written by a pirate series writer, so the fans immediately latched onto the pirate game parts because of the fact that it was a loving continuation of a beloved series. marikata9430 Also because Romanceable Pirate Captain Katarina. marisofilove2020 Definitely because Pirate Captain Katarina. marydeservesbetter Lots of people thirsting for Katarina even in an old uniform and bandages and a legitimate development history lesson for the series. Fortune Lover fandom, never change.
Fortune Lover Databook
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From Left to Right: Sophia Ascart, Katarina Claes, and Mary Hunt as they appeared in the first poster for Fortune Lover that portrayed the rivals.
Fortune Fact: While Sophia Ascart and Mary Hunt were officially named at the time of the first poster of the rivals being released, they and Katarina Claes, at the time named Tatiana Terni, did not, at the time, have any set personalities, leading to a lot of fans to start to speculate. Many had naturally guessed that Tatiana would be the primary antagonist, and there had actually been some suspicion that Sophia was actually a ghost, and that Mary was secretly in love with Maria and would be a capture target. There was also a lot of speculation that Tatiana would be revealed to be a pirate or at least affiliated with them due to her being a Terni.
Bonus Fortune Fact: Fans of the Martin Campbell series had quickly taken notice of Tatiana's surname, as well as Maria's own, which is believed to be the reason why studio heads told the creator to rename Tatiana, to avoid any further incorrect announcements on fansites that this was a Martin Campbell game.
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Pictured: Maria Campbell's main character reference for sprites.
Fortune Fact: Maria Campbell's signature attire was the result of a massive server crash at Ai Fortuna Software's main office, which included Keith's original design from when he was Noelia Flores's twin, grey-haired Geordo, and Sophia With Glasses. Initially, Maria's hair had sea shells, in place of flowers, and her dress was originally navy blue, with black boots with brass buckles, and a similarly colored belt and the bow around her neck was originally a black neckerchief, all of which were meant to call to mind Captain Natalia, who wore green and had an unbuttoned greatcoat, but otherwise wore similar attire. This was likely what contributed to the fan believe that she was secretly Martin.
Excerpt from an interview with Maria Campbell's voice actress:
Interviewer: So, you said that you once met the English voice actress for Maria at a convention, and that the two of you are friends. Have the two of you ever noticed any similar issues that you have to deal with when playing Maria? Since the DLCs tend to get delayed elsewhere, I presume that she doesn't have to clear her schedule as often as you do for them...
MVA: *chuckles* No, she doesn't have to deal with that, but one thing we both learned is that we're both big fans of the first Martin Campbell game.
Interviewer: Really?
MVA: Yeah, so we both had the same issue, which was that this is an Ai Fortuna game, and the main character's last name is Campbell, so of course we both did the read with Maria using what the Director to this day calls "Martin Voices" whenever I do it.
Interviewer: Martin Voices?
MVA: Martin speaks differently to different people in the game, using Yamanote most of the time because that's what Natalia taught him. When he's really angry, though, he slips into his native Kyushu. In America, he usually uses RP British, but slips into some other British accent that I honestly don't remember the name of at the moment for the life of me. Martin voices are us copying that, even though Maria is supposed to talk more in a Shitamachi dialect in Japanese and a more "standardized" American accent that I also can't recall the entire time.
Interviewer: How did that work out?
MVA: If you go online and look up "Martin's Daughter Scary Flirts" or "British Maria Flirts With Katarina" online, you can see how the fans reacted to the released recordings of either of our slip-ups... I think someone actually animated the English one to include a kiss. But yeah, we both went in under the understanding that her missing dad was actually Martin, and now with all the DLCs out, we know we're right.
Excerpt from an Interview with Katarina's Voice Actress:
Interviewer: What are your thoughts on all those pirate DLC sets?
KVA: I love them! Katarina is romanceable in all of them, I get to have her treat people in ways never seen before, and I get to play my favorite type of character: A pirate. She's good at it, too.
Interviewer: Any favorite additions to the cast?
KVA: Pretty much all of them to be honest.
Interviewr: All of them?
KVA: Yep, every foreign exchange student, every citizen, and especially every member of the crew.
Interviewer: If you had to choose, though?'
KVA: That's a tough one. *pauses in thought* I guess Anne takes the lead, with Martin Campbell, Maria's dad, taking a reasonably solid second place for nostalgia’s sake. Anne gives Katarina someone to bounce off when she's not talking to Maria. But yeah. Pirate Katarina remains my favorite setting, so I might be biased...
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I'm still hung up about that thing a couple months back where some foreigners were trying to become epic whistleblowers and work with some journalist to do some massive expose on the GUR part of the foreign legion. Their "revelations" were:
"Evil Looting!" Yeah welcome to eastern europe
"Sexual harassment!" Yeah welcome to eastern europe
"Corruption! Fraud! They were selling the weapons to other units and scamming!" Yeah. Welcome. to eastern. europe.
"Sending guys on suicide missions!" Commander gets handed missions. Sometimes they're stupid ones. He can report a failure, can't really just say no. So he hands them down the chain, and it's on you to either say "no", or say yes, march out halfway, wait an hour and come back. Gotta take some initiative in matters of your own survival when you're working without a trillion dollar IMC dedicated mostly to keeping you alive.
"They pointed guns at people for fun!" Yeah and it was funny, you're just a pussy. Back in 2017 I was held at gunpoint and forced to dig my own grave as a prank. It was great, we all had a big laugh
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zipzin · 2 months
Chapters: 38/? Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Laurel Lance & Sara Lance, Quentin Lance & Sara Lance, Dinah Lance (Arrow) & Sara Lance Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, Dinah Lance (Arrow), Oliver Queen Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, they meet when they’re 11, they are super competitive, will sorta follow canon, Slow Burn, excessive soccer playing Summary: Act Two: Fall 2017, Part III, Season/Series 03
“So?” Sara said, “Would you like to help us or would you like to stay here in this beautiful brig?”
Gary gulped in front of her, “The Time Bureau-”
“We do have a sabertooth tiger,” Sara cut him off, “We’ll need to figure out a place to put him.”
Gary shook his head, “You wouldn’t do that.”
Sara shrugged,  “I’m sure you would have been informed that I was an assassin.”
“A, uh, a reformed assassin,” His voice cracked.
“Only that I don’t do hits for money,” Sara threatened and he flinched back. “But when people get in my way,” She trailed off, “You understand?”
Gary glanced at Stein and then back to her, his face paling, “Okay! Okay, I’ll help you, whatever you need.”
“Miss Lance,” Stein stared at the thing she’d pulled off Gary, “I believe someone is attempting to call Gary here.”
“Agent Sharpe,” Sara sighed, “Well, okay don’t answer, I think if we denied the call that’d be more suspicious. Now, Gary, you’re going to make sure Agent Sharpe doesn’t show up here to mess up the anachronism even more.”
“I’m not sure-”
Sara cracked her knuckles, “And you’re going to blame yourself for the new level.”
Gary looked between her hands and face and nodded.
“Perfect,” Sara said and turned to Stein, “I got this, you monitor to make sure everything is fine with Nate and Amaya. Just, not on the bridge.”
Stein handed back the communication device, “Right away, Captain Lance.”
Sara nodded, “Follow everything I say if you don’t want to get hurt again.”
Gary nodded frantically.
“Now, I’m going to change out of this and get some insurance.”
She waved at him as she left, feeling a little too cheery at the way that his lips blubbered. She was really trying to not be too mad at Nate, getting drunk with friends was hardly the worst you could do when you saw your ex again, and laying Gary out had been surprisingly satisfying.
She’d make Amaya spar with her once this was solved and then she could probably forgive both of them.
“Sara Lance, on behalf of the Time Bureau, I’m placing you and your team under arrest.” Ava stood perfectly straight with her hands clasped behind her at the end of the hallway. Sara privately congratulated herself on putting Gary in the brig directly after he sent the message, because otherwise she’d have to fight two of them.
Not that she thought Gary would put up much of a fight. He’d wilted under some light questioning and vague threats of bodily harm.
“Took you long enough, I’ve been expecting you for hours.”
Sara knew she was good at digging her own grave. At least she was exceptional at getting out of them.
Ava, Agent Sharpe, Sara reminded herself, started to spout off title numbers. Sara barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes.
“Which arm?” She asked when Agent Sharpe finally stopped.
“The Global Treaty was negotiated between Director Hunter and the United Nations.”
This time Sara just rolled her eyes, “No, I mean, if you try to bring me into the Bureau, I’ll break your arm. It’s up to you,” she shrugged, “right or left?” 
She’d give her the courtesy of picking as one last favor.
“Your threats may work on Confederate zombies, Quentin Turnbull’s cronies, and speedsters, but you don’t scare me.” Agent Sharpe glowered and Sara wanted to laugh, did she practice that in the mirror? “I’ve spent the last five years watching your screw-ups. I know everything about you,” Agent Sharpe paused and looked around, “now, where is the member of my team that you’ve taken hostage?”
Sara finally did laugh, “You mean Gary? This ship is probably like a vacation after having to answer to you.” Sara crossed her arms because she couldn’t analyze the rest of what she’d just said.
Five years?
Five fucking years?
And she just watched her?
What did that even mean? Five years ago she was entrenched in the League of Assassins, still captivated by Nyssa, and only starting to question whether she could stand being an assassin.
Agent Sharpe flicked open a baton, “Last chance. Come quietly and I’ll make sure you get your job back at Sink, Shower, and Stuff,” she mocked.
Sara pulled out her own batons and glared, “When did a Legend ever go quietly?”
They raced towards each other, and Sara reminded herself not to celebrate early, but what could the Time Bureau teach that would outmatch the League of Assassins?
She was surprised at the speed that Agent Sharpe ran at her and deflected the first blow and twisted easily to aim for her legs, and Sharpe parried so Sara tried to jab her stomach. She deflected and countered with a vicious swipe up.
Sara dodged, at a swing that would have taken her head off if they were using blades. She broke the downward strike, feeling the force vibrate through her arms, and aimed for Sharpe’s head.
Sharpe dodged just in time with a duck and a step back and Sara pressed her advantage. They met each other’s overhead strike and Sara spun through her momentum, shocked when Sharpe grabbed her wrist. Sara twisted to break the hold and grabbed Sharpe’s baton and aimed for Sharpe’s leg. She let out a grunt as Sara hit her leg and Sara swiped at her head.
Sharpe just leaned out of the way and glanced the blow off her own baton. Sara caught herself before she stumbled and dodged out of Sharpe’s blow and then retreated back to try to regain her balance. With a turn she swung her baton and it flew out of her hand as Sharpe blocked it. Sara jumped at her and threw her weight behind a downwards stroke that made Sharpe retreat backwards, hair starting to fall out of her bun.
Sara kicked her as they fought down the hall, and Sharpe barely got her baton up to block her next blow. Sara grabbed her arm, she did promise to break one of them after all, and was startled when Sharpe caught her and with a turn, slammed her against the wall.
They slammed their batons together with a grimace. Sara tried to grab the baton out of her hand again, but Sharpe threw her weight behind it and pressed it against the wall. With her other hand, she went for the head, but Sharpe grabbed her wrist and with a sudden move, both of Sara’s arms were pinned above her.
Sharpe leaned forwards, their faces inches apart as they snarled at each other, hot breath blowing on each other's faces.
Close enough to- Sara headbutted her before her mind could betray that path of reasoning. Sharpe let go of her hand and turned and Sara grabbed her into a choke hold, only to be thrown over her head and to the ground a moment later. She rolled through it, slamming against the wall, and let out an angry breath.
So maybe the Time Bureau was pretty good at teaching hand to hand combat.
They both lunged forward, batons clashing, and Sara gritted her teeth as the echoing clang of metal reverberated in her skull. She ducked down, taking a step down the hallway towards the bridge and ducked as Sharpe’s baton flew over her head. She aimed at her knee, but Sharpe knocked her baton so it hit her thigh and Sharpe grunted, but kept advancing.
Sara knew she was better, she was the only one scoring hits, but she was rusty and out of shape. She really should have listened to Ollie when he got on her about her lackadaisical training. To be fair, he had been the only one that truly posed a challenge and he had been so intense that she’d preferred to spar Dig, and well, she really barely had time and energy to just spar.
Her next hits weren’t even that good, not enough for Sharpe to fumble the next attack. Sara dodged to the side as Sharpe lunged at her, and Sara grabbed her hands and threw her further down the hallway. She slid and then rolled back into standing position and Sara threw her baton at her. It wasn’t really helping her anyway.
Sharpe ducked, eyes widening in surprise and Sara tackled her, her baton bouncing away. They rolled across the ground before Sharpe pushed her off, both jumping up to their feet and facing each other with hands curled into fists.
Sara punched at her head, and Sharpe blocked, aiming a quick jab at her stomach. Sara parried with her other hand, and they withdrew for a moment, both with labored breathing. Sharpe aimed a kick at her and Sara dodged and swung her fist, grazing Sharpe’s ear. Her hair was a mess, fully out of the bun and falling in disgrace around her neck.
Sara kicked up, and her foot was batted away with Sharpe’s hand. She followed it up with a quick punch that hit nothing but air as Sharpe dodged right and Sara’s next cross sailed over Sharpe’s head as she dodged down and jabbed her in the stomach.
Sara gritted her teeth and aimed for Sharpe’s abs and if she had the energy would have smiled as it hit. Sharpe let out a grunt as she tried to dart back and Sara just advanced and aimed a cross that landed solidly on her cheek.
Sara backed off minutely, light as she could be on her feet as she glared at the reeling Sharpe. Yes, the batons were getting in her way.
Sharpe brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes as she staggered up, “Rip should have recruited you to the Time Bureau.”
Sara would have spit at her feet if they weren’t on the Waverider. “Rip knows I’d never leave the team.” Sara hated how out of breath she sounded.
“Your mistake.” Sharpe said and threw a hook at Sara’s head. She easily ducked it and aimed for a kidney shot that Sharpe blocked, followed with a forearm cross as they spun and Sara aimed her next one directly at Sharpe’s chin.
She wasn’t expecting the punch that matched her own and fell to the ground, body screaming as she landed heavily on the floor. She couldn’t roll out of it, her body protesting from exhaustion and the only relief she felt was when Sharpe stayed down right beside her, breathing just as hard.
“You want to take a break?”
Sara pinched her nose to make sure it wasn’t broken, “I could use some water.”
They both gingerly sat up, eyeing each other as their chests heaved and stood, keeping a careful distance as they walked towards the galley. Sara punched in the command for two waters and took hers and collapsed on a chair, watching as Sharpe did the same.
They stared at each other across the table as they took long sips.
Sara traced over Sharpe’s face, her messied hair, uneven collar, and for a moment, could imagine that they’d never stopped knowing each other. It was the first time she felt like she got a glimpse of the girl who had been her best friend, and the calm presence that eased the restlessness that crawled under her skin.
Sara shook the thought out of her head, this woman wasn’t a friend, and she’d never be again. Not after that. She’d what? Watched her flail and struggle for five years and felt satisfaction in a job well done? They weren’t on the same side and they’d never be again, because apparently, without Sara, she’d gone postal when it came to rule following.
Sara loosened her jaw as she took another sip of water, rolling out her shoulders. They’d have to fight again, and she’d be ready. She wasn’t going to underestimate her this time.
A squeak echoed through the mess and Sara just felt a bone deep weariness. Of course someone had let out the sabertooth.
“Hope that thing’s potty trained.”
“It’s probably not,” Sara grit out, “Cats are jerks.”
“Of course,” Sharpe smiled at her, sickly sweet and dripping with poison, “You’re a dog person.”
“I like ‘em dumb and loyal.” Sara shot back. Like she wasn’t the same, Gary seemed as dumb and loyal as they got. Okay, maybe his loyalty could use some work. All that shook him was a little fear. They should probably check on him, she was not cleaning up if he couldn’t hold it while in the brig.
Her next sentence was cut off as the squeaking turned into a roar. Sara froze, the kitten sized saber-tooth now practically bigger than the hallway. Sharpe jumped to her feet, and Sara felt a panicked breath as her heart rate sped up. What had Amaya said?
“Whatever you do,” Sara breathed out, “don’t,” Sharpe took off down the hallway, “run.”
The sabertooth bounded past her, claws scraping the floor as it bumped against the hallway in its mad pursuit of Sharpe.
“Do I have to do everything?” Sara asked Gideon as she rolled her eyes. “Lock the doors, we can’t have it rampaging through the ship.”
“Yes, Captain.”
She grabbed the Time Courier that Mick had stolen, and typed in the programming. She hoped she got this right, she hadn’t really used these before.
A shimmering portal appeared before her, Sharpe splayed against the door staring at her certain death, and Sara ran forward, tackling her into the next portal.
Sharpe pushed her off and bounded up, “Where did you get a Time Courier? That is stolen government property.” She demanded as she pointed at Sara’s hand.
“Would you mind untying me?” 
“You’re just mad, cause I saved your life again,” Sara smirked and ignored Gary.
Ava opened her mouth, but was interrupted by Gideon.
“Captain, I hate to interrupt, but I thought you’d like to know that the anachronism has reached a Level Nine.”
Sara bit her lip, did she really need to know that? Right now? “My team’s on it.” Sara said before Sharpe could get in a word.
“And when they fail,” Sharpe spit out, “maybe Rip will finally give up on the ridiculous belief that your team could actually defeat,” She stopped herself and Sara leaned forward. “You know what, he’s going to take your ship away Ms. Lance,” She said her name like it was a personal affront to her existence. “Again.”
“I don’t know, but it sounds like Rip needs us.” Sara crossed her arms, mind swirling wondering what they could possibly help defeat, “Right, Gary?”
He flubbed, “I have-”
Sharpe cut him off, “You’re lucky he hasn’t thrown you in a cell.”
“Is that where you wish I was?” Sara took a step forward.
Sharpe leaned forward, until their faces were inches apart, “It would certainly be easier.”
Sara sucked in a breath, hating the hurt that flooded through her. What a fucking bitch.
“My fingers are really hurting.”
“Shut up Gary!” Both Sara and Sharpe yelled. They looked at each other for a moment and backed up, retreating to the bench behind him in silence. Sara gripped her fists together, begging for something to distract the rage in her chest.
She closed her eyes and let out a breath, trying to keep it quiet enough that neither Sharpe nor Gary would notice it. Her team would handle the anachronism. They wouldn’t fail her now. And then Amaya would return and fix the saber tooth and let them out and it would be fine.
It was going to be fine.
She took another breath and calmed her heart rate and sunk into the kind of meditation she had perfected with the League. Time no longer existed
After double checking that the saber tooth was locked up (she was not calling it Mr. Sneezums Ray), that Wisconsin 1817 was truly anachronism free (she couldn’t be sure if Gideon had said that just to spite Sharpe), and the rest of the team was safely on the Waverider she marched back to the Captain’s quarters with a feeling of dread.
Sharpe was holding up a picture frame and Sara felt another burst of anger. The one of her and Ava was tucked away in her bag in the back of her closet. Instead, she was looking at the one of her, Laurel, and Ollie a couple months after Sara’s high school graduation.
Sara ripped it from her hands, “Didn’t your mother ever tell you to keep your hands to yourself.”
Sharpe’s nostrils flared as her eyes narrowed and Sara put the frame face down on the table. Sara hadn’t noticed her fixing her hair while they waited in the brig, but it was back to its military perfection.
“I suppose congratulations are in order. You get to keep your ship for now, but-”
Sara rolled her eyes, “You will be watching us. Yes, yes. I’ve heard this before, so why don’t you cut the crap and tell me what we’re facing here?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sharpe blinked and Sara wanted to point and laugh. She might have gotten better at lying over the years, but her tell was still the same.
“You said, ‘that Rip will finally give up his ridiculous belief that your team could actually’ and then you stopped yourself.” Sara pointed at her. Sharpe was staring at her shoes. “So let’s have it. Who are we facing?”
“That information is need to know, and all you need to know is that you and your ridiculous team could never handle it.”
“Ridiculous huh?” Sara shot back, “Is that just because you wish you could be on it?”
“That is absurd, Miss Lance.” Sharpe growled, “You have no regards for the dangers of time travel-”
“I think I know a lot more about the dangers than you do.” Sara leaned forward.
Sharpe matched her, “If by dangers you mean exactly how to break time, then yes, you do. Which is exactly why you should not be time traveling anymore.”
“Just because you have your suits and regulations that no one reads doesn’t make you an expert.”
“I think,” Sharpe snarled, “you’ll find that I am.”
Sara was suddenly aware that they were less than a foot apart and leaned back to make sure the full width of the table was between them. “Well, guess I’ll just wait until Rip remembers exactly why he picked us and he’ll have us front and center as we battle whatever this thing is.”
Sharpe grunted and whirled around, hand on her wrist.
“Aren't you forgetting something?” Sara said to Sharpe’s back. Sharpe turned back around, exasperated and Sara wanted to laugh in her face, “Gary.”
Sharpe gave a simple nod and then marched away in the direction of the brig and Sara grabbed the photo so she could look at it again.
They looked happy, Ollie with his ridiculous hair, Laurel with a smile like she hadn’t spent the last month of Sara’s high school career on the phone with her every night trying to convince her that it was going to be worth it. She couldn’t see the makeup that was caked on her own face covering the bags from barely sleeping, instead sneaking out with Tommy and Ollie and whoever else of their friends to go to clubs they snuck her in with the power of their last names. She’d thought then, that this was what happiness was going to look like, lying to her family and pretending that she knew what she was doing as she tried anything she could get her hands on to have some “experience” for college.
Sara sighed and placed the photo back.
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rymurrsneckbeard · 5 months
May 2019 I came up with a story idea. Set in the future, old friends Ryan Murray and Boone Jenner meet up at a Blue Jackets alumni camp: only there's history. Once upon a time they hooked up and never talked about it. They each had their own relationships in the meantime but each had ended - Ryan's relationship with Alex Wennberg and Boone's relationship with Seth Jones - and they were now single again, trying to navigate a friendship with each other once more, while dancing around the elephant in the room.
The pandemic happened. I got distracted by life and work and other stories that took my attention. Trades (i.e. Jones going to Chicago) happened that made this fic very much not necessarily canon-compliant anymore. But I loved the story and I'd written about half of it and I was so proud of what I'd written, I couldn't abandon it.
Today, literally one month shy of five years since starting to tell this story, she is out there in the world in her entirety.
I would love it if people could read it and see what I loved about this, why I couldn't let this story go even when it maybe made sense to do so.
there and then, here and now
pairing(s): Ryan Murray/Boone Jenner, Ryan Murray/Alex Wennberg, Boone Jenner/Seth Jones, Rick Nash/Rostislav Klesla (past/implied)
words: 41k
In 2010 Ryan Murray met Boone Jenner. In 2012 Ryan was drafted to the same team. In 2013 they moved into the same apartment. In 2014 they became best friends. In 2015 they slept together. By 2017 it had all gone wrong. It's been fifteen years since That Night and they've never talked about it. They drifted apart and toward other people. Ryan got traded. Boone got married. They became different people with different lives. The past was the past and there was no need to dig up that grave. Then Ryan gets an invitation. And it might just be the invitation that fixes everything.
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zee-aileth · 6 months
April 6, 2022
This is my first diary entry. I should've started writing long ago, but I believe it's because I've been feeling the same way for the past 9 years; I thought my diary would look the same. This entry is special because I will give some personal details about me and my state of being. The other entries to follow will be just daily journal entries. I'm an introvert; I always have been since childhood, but it became evident in adulthood. I was a little outgoing as a kid, but as I turned 18, my life just isn't the same anymore. It feels as if a veil had torn apart and showed me what life truly is, and I wasn't prepared for it. I started feeling down by that time, probably because of the exhaustion from constant downplaying I experienced from my father. The thing is, my relationship with my father was not very good. I suffered a lot of trauma from him since childhood, but I'm not really that emotional back then, so I didn't really pay much attention. But as I grew older, starting from high school, all the verbal, emotional, and sometimes physical abuse took a huge toll on me. I was extremely hurt. I felt stabbed in the back and had only realized it in high school. Anyways, enough of my father because this diary isn't about him anymore; this is about me. So, I've been feeling depressed since 2016 and still am now. Through that sorrow, I was led to Jesus in 2017. I felt that everyone is turning beautiful inside of me. I was starting to feel the change within me, but it didn't last long because I fell back into sin once again not long after I found Jesus. I backslid so hard and fell into idolatry. But I wasn't aware of it. It looked as if I was slowly digging my own grave by hand until it's deep enough for me to be buried in it. The idolatry problem lasted for 6 years. I thought that was my escape from the gruesome reality of life and the constant heartaches my father is giving me, but no, I just fell deeper into the abyss of darkness. Probably, I'm gonna talk about more of that in my succeeding journal entries. As I told you earlier, I'm an introvert, and I also have social anxiety, but I'm not antisocial. I always prefer solitude because, contrary to most people, I feel lonely when I'm amongst the crowd. I also like to talk to myself and to Jesus most of the time. I like being alone. I like the peace and tranquility it provides. After all, I know I'm never alone because I have Jesus with me. About my education, I already finished college, but I don't think the career other people chose for me is for me. I don't like corporate jobs and never will. I don't want to be stuck in the rat race either. People can go and race with the world in that hamster wheel, but I won't. I only live once; I know I feel so down right now, but I believe everything happens for a reason, and Jesus has something for me. At this point in my life, I only trust Jesus. No one else.
That's it for now; see ya,
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
"Grefur Sína Eigin Gröf" tickets page
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"Grefur Sína Eigin Gröf" tickets page from Tix.is: https://tix.is/en/event/5429/stefan-karl-grefur-sina-eigin-grof/
The event was intended to be shown at Háskólabíó on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2018
Event info
This event has been canceled
Stefán Karl is one of the nation's most beloved actors since he has started and has entertained people all over the world for the last two decades, including in Lazytown, How the Grinch Stole Christmas: The Musical and Stones in his Pockets at the National Theater.
After having to deal with the most challenging tasks of his life so far, he also decided to offer a great show in Háskólabíó, which he has been working on for the last few months.
The show is a hodgepodge of antics, impersonations and stories from an eventful career, and although the topics are not for the faint of heart, it is safe to say that Stefán Karl knows how to see the funny side of serious matters and at least spares himself!
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #575: Second Quarter Recap
With tonight's show being the last broadcast of June, and especially as it is also the last day of the month, it's pretty clear that it needed to be a second quarter recap. There's over two hours of great music that has come out in the last three months, similar to the first quarter recap show of March 31.
The material ranges from the fantastic power pop of Paint Fumes and Jagger Holly to veteran rockers such as Ian Hunter and The Waco Brothers. There's some rootsy rock and roll from Tommy Stinson, Deer Tick and The Baseball Project. The music comes from not only the usual US, UK, and Canadian artists but also from Australia, Austria, France, and Germany. 
As for this week's "52 weeks of Teenage Kicks" series, I have a very special cover by German punkers Die Toten Hosen. Way back in the early 90s they had a fantastic covers record called Learning English, Lesson One, where they invited members of the original bands to assist them with their remakes. 2017 saw the relese of Learning English, Lesson Two that continued that format. For their version of "Teenage Kicks", they featured original Undertones guitarist Damian O'Neill! I also included the two brand new covers I had previously played over the last quarter by Jeremy Porter & The Tucos and The Waco Brothers.
As I do every week, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. Die Toten Hosen - Teenage Kicks
2. Jeremy Porter and The Tucos - Teenage Kicks
3. The Waco Brothers - Teenage Kicks
4. He Who Cannot Be Named - Funny Farm
5. Cowboys In The Campfire - That's It
6. Tony Valentino - Try It
7. Arthur Alexander - One Life (Is All You Got)
8. Ian Hunter - Defiance
9. The Damned - Bad Weather Girl
10. The Baseball Project - The Yips
11. Deer Tick - Forgiving Ties
12. Country Westerns - Grapefruit
13. Dropkick Murphys - Gotta Get To Peekskill (feat. Violent Femmes)
14. Justine and the Unclean - You and Me Against You and Me
15. The Darts - Snake Oil
16. Bully - All I Do
17. Miesha and the Spanks - Dig Me Out
18. Cable Ties - Time for You
19. Jagger Holly - Automatic
20. Paint Fumes - Starting Over
21. sparkle*jets u.k. - No One Rides for Free
22. The On and Ons - Let Ya Hair Down!
23. The Anderson Council - Alone With You
24. The Master Plan - Second Generation Woman
25. Guardian Singles - Pit Viper
26. Pardoner - Are You Free Tonight?
27. Lone Wolf - Ready To Break
28. Crocodiles - Love Beyond The Grave
29. Single Mothers - Sad Dumb Game
30. Hamburg Ramones - Punk Rock Radio
31. The Bloodstrings - Heartache Radio
32. Graham Day And The Gaolers - A Rose Thorn (Sticking in Your Mind's Eye)
33. The Reverberations - Fly My Kite
34. Berlin Blackouts - Rabble Rousers
35. Les Lullies - Pas De Regrets
36. Mudhoney - Little Dogs
37. Thought Patrol - Indigo Girl
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a-libra-moon · 2 years
in 2017, i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. it's been almost 5 whole years since then and i still have no idea what's going on.
i've maneuvered the sea of psychiatrists, therapists, medications, and support groups, mostly by myself.
i've built and burnt more bridges than i can count.
i've run the course so long that i'm bloodied and bruised -- can i still go on?
do i have the will to go on?
how many more times must i explain myself?
how many more times must i see the light and love seep out of the ones i care for -- no fault of theirs; i am simply a lot.
how many more times must i hurt myself in attempt to find my own flame?
some light to pull me out of this darkness?
how many more times must i choose to get up
when i feel so much weaker
so much more exhausted
each time i explode in waves of destruction and chaos?
how many more times must i apologize
for actions i was unaware of?
how many more times must i dig myself out of this never-ending grave?
sometimes a grave sounds much more peaceful
for now, though,
the fight must go on.
for there is no other clear path forward
and i am no quitter.
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soldrawss · 6 years
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Not really a redraw but I read some old fanfiction for this au that Max and I never posted and it got me feeling the angsty feels all over again for these two Jackson/Blofis siblings just trying to survive the ultimate road trip during the end of the world~
—Please don’t repost my art—
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drarryspecificrecs · 4 years
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Lights Camera Drarry 2020 :
@lcdrarry​ || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 20 works The Mods : @erin-riwen & @celilasart Banner © : @ravenclawkwardly's A Demon and an Angel Visit the Ritz (Good Omens series - 2019)
As You Wish by Pineau_noir [T, 21k] The Princess Bride (1987)
Boats, but Not the Ocean by @p1013 [E, 15k] Groundhog Day (1993)
Burn Your Life Down (but look back to me) by @triggerlil [T, 35k] Casablanca (1942)
Casecation by @mfingenius [T, 4k] Brooklyn Nine Nine series (2013)
Change on the Horizon by @static-abyss [E, 118k] Shameless (US) series (2011)
A Demon and an Angel Visit the Ritz by @ravenclawkward [G, art] Good Omens series (2019)
Don't Blink! by @gnarf [G, art] Dr Who series (2007)
Drarry On Ice by RunningOutsideTheLines [G, art] Yuuri!!! On Ice series (2016)
Harry Potter and the Beast by @miakagrewup [G, 5k] Beauty and the Beast (1991)
i demand to dig my own grave by @bonesliketambourines [M, 20k] Psych series (2006)
Love, Actually, is All Around by @punk-rock-yuppie [T, 9k] Love, Actually (2003)
Of Labcoats and Animagi by @meandminniemcg [M, 10k] Queer Eye series (2017)
Queer Eye for the Drarry Guys by Blowfish_Diaries [T, 18k] Queer Eye series (2017)
So Open Up My Eyes, Tell Me I'm Alive by mycucumbereyes [T, 12k] Secret Garden (1993)
Spellbound by @mortenavida [T, 15k] Overboard (1987)
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish [E, 81k] The Bling Ring (2013)
The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by @veelawings [E, 32k] Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries series (2012)
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken [T, 12k] Brooklyn Nine Nine series (2013)
We Built This Right by @remywrites5 [E, 15k] Yuuri!!! On Ice series (2016)
When I Put My Eyes On You by @big-draco-energy [E, 31k] The Way He Looks (2014)
✔ other fests in 2020 ✔ fests in other years ✔ Lights Camera Drarry : 2019
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