#diggs x reader
astralaffairs · 1 year
hi!! before i go i jus wanna say, I love your work 🙏🏽 and I finally watch hamilton last night so I might write for it as well 😋😋 but i have a drabble idea.
anyways— thomas having a dance/ball for a campaign during the election and he meets aaron’s little sister, mc, who snuck in. and he can’t help but take interests in her.
“Now, what’s a lady like you doin’ getting a drink just for yourself? Nobody’s offered to do that for you yet?”
Y/N froze as her fingers met the stem of the champagne flute. She had promised herself she would stay to the outskirts of the ball, and her only goal for the night had been to avoid courting attention. However, the packed room was warm, and it was only more so at its perimeter under the lights, and the crisp bubbly had looked oh-so-inviting.
She turned with a polite smile as she picked up the glass, but her eyes widened when she saw the man behind her with his gleaming smile and his velvet suit. She recognized him instantly; after all, she’d seen him before, and he’d even been in her home, but they’d never formally met. He raised an eyebrow when her smile faltered. “I’ve only just arrived. I haven’t had a chance to speak to much of anyone just yet.”
“Then I’m gonna have to count myself lucky to have found you when I did. Thomas Jefferson.” He offered her a hand as he introduced himself, and when she took it, he dipped down to press a soft kiss to her knuckles. Her eyes went even wider.
She cleared her throat as he drew himself back up to his full height, still holding her by the fingertips, and it took a moment for it to occur to her to withdraw her hand. “You’re the host of this ball, then, if I’m not mistaken. Thank you for opening your home to us like this.”
“Believe me, sugar, the pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “Who’re you here with? Feel like I’ve seen you around, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
“Oh, um, my family’s here somewhere. I came on my own, though, and I was planning to meet them here.”
“Your family?” He pursed his lips. “You’re not a Schuyler, are you?”
“No, no, certainly not,” she replied before hastily adding, “although the Schuylers are lovely people, of course. To be a part of their family would make one lucky.”
“So you know the Schuylers, then?” he mused, and she nodded. His growing smile was making her mouth go dry. “I know where I recognize you from; you’re a Burr, aren’t you? Aaron’s sister?”
“I am, yes.” Her smile was tense, laced with unease. His grin was bright as he plucked a drink for himself off of the table behind them.
“So why haven’t I seen you at one of these before? Your family trying to keep you locked away from all the politics?” he asked, and as her eyebrows fell, he could see the look in her eyes sour.
“They’ve decided I can’t be trusted at this kind of event,” she said bitterly, and he quirked a brow. “Aaron claims he’s afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and jeopardize his career, but really, I think he just can’t deal with the idea of splitting people’s attention between us.”
“But you finally proved yourself trustworthy?” he asked mildly, taking a sip of his drink, and she shrugged uncomfortably.
“I suppose so.”
“Then where’s your dear brother now, hm? Why aren’t you here with the rest of your family?” He watched her expectantly, and when she didn’t answer right away, his grin broadened. “They don’t even know you’re here, do they?”
“No, and you’re not going to be the one to tell them,” she said sharply, pointing her champagne flute at him. He raised his eyebrows, amused by the fervor in her tone. “I had to walk miles alone in the dark to get here; I am not being thrown out as soon as I arrive.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you’re not with them, then really, I should be sendin’ you on your way.” Despite the threat, his voice was breezy, and she frowned.
“And what do you have to gain from kicking me out?”
“The respect and appreciation of your family,” he suggested blithely. “The knowledge that I’m not leavin’ a young lady to walk home alone ‘n vulnerable at the end of the night. ‘S just the right thing to do, really.”
She eyed his small smile for a moment before slowly asking, “But despite that, you’d rather I stay, wouldn’t you?” He shrugged unabashedly. “You’re quite shameless, aren’t you, Mr. Jefferson?”
“Only on a good day.” He winked as he took a sip of his drink. “After all, you went through all that effort to get here. There’s gotta be a good reason for it, huh?”
“Of course. I’m here to expand my mind just like everyone else," she said, and he raised an eyebrow.
“And not for the charming future president we’ve got roaming the ball?”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware there was one. Let me know if you see him?”
His full laugh proved him undeterred, and Y/N’s self-satisfied smile was reluctant. "'M glad to see you inherited more of the family wit than your brother seemed to."
"Please, don't tell him that. A lady needs to keep some things a secret."
"It'll stay between us, then," Thomas said, "but I don't think I ever got your name."
"Why, so you know whose presence to report to my brother?"
"So I know who to ask after the next time I see him." His response was quick, and it had Y/N on her heels. Her eyes were wide, eyebrows raised, but when she opened her mouth to answer—
"Y/N." Both she and Thomas turned on their heels at the loud voice to find her brother striding across the room toward them, and her groan was unchecked. The fury in Aaron's voice was barely contained. "What in the world do you think you're possibly doing here, sneaking out after dark? How did you even get here?"
"I brought myself, since nobody else was willing to take me," she bit back, and Thomas raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his drink.
"That wasn't your decision to make," Aaron snapped. "We are a family, and you have to respect that—"
"Respect what? That you have total control over my life in the name of family values? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" she asked. "I respect that you have a career and a reputation to maintain, but I am a person, and—"
"And nothing, Y/N. Put the drink down, and leave Mr. Jefferson at peace," he demanded, and Y/N narrowed her eyes, her jaw set. Aaron turned to Thomas, and much of the fire in his voice had subsided when he said, "I'm sorry for her intrusion, Thomas. We didn't know she had followed us here, and we'll send her home at once."
"Now, Aaron, what makes you think she's uninvited company?" Thomas asked, and both Y/N's and Aaron's brows were raised. "Y/N's my guest here this evening; 's the opposite of an intrusion."
He frowned, glancing between Thomas and Y/N. "You mean you're responsible for her presence here tonight?"
"Well, I invited her, so I suppose you could say that," he said casually, and if he winked when he caught Y/N's eye, Aaron didn't think anything of it. Aaron's lips were pursed and his shoulders tense as he glanced between them.
"Why didn't you tell me Thomas had invited you?" he asked Y/N, and she shrugged.
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it, and I didn't want you trying to prevent me from coming."
"If I'd known he asked you to come—"
"So, what, my personhood is dependent on his permission now?"
"Your presence here is, at least."
"As a Burr, I would've been welcome either way."
"Not unattended, however."
"I can attend to myself just fine."
"You know that isn't what I mean when—"
"Aaron, was there somethin' else you needed?" Thomas cut him off, and Aaron's gaze was affronted when it snapped to him. However, he held his tongue. "I was just about to ask Y/N to dance, assuming that's her decision to make 'n all."
Y/N had to bite back her smile at his words, and although Aaron seemed to recognize the challenge in them as his jaw ticked, he said, "Of course. I'm sorry to have interrupted."
"Don't sweat it. Your concern for your sister is awful sweet, even if it isn't needed here," Thomas responded, his smile warm.
"'Concern' isn't how I'd describe it," Y/N muttered bitterly, and Thomas nudged her with his elbow. She frowned.
"Carry on 'n enjoy the rest of the ball, though, and please send my best to your wife," he said. Aaron could only offer a tense smile in response.
“You as well. I suppose I should go find Theodosia.” He looked down skeptically at Y/N. “How are you planning to get home?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, I…” She hadn’t thought that far, so her gaze was hopeful when it snapped to Thomas, who held her with a hand at the small of her back.
“I’ll arrange for a carriage to take her home,” he promised. “Don’t you worry, Burr. She’s in safe hands.”
“Right,” he said hesitantly, looking Thomas over. “I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything stupid, Jefferson.”
“‘S like you don’t even know who you’re talkin’ to,” Thomas said incredulously, and Aaron scoffed.
“I’m sure.” He barely spared them both another glance before departing unceremoniously, shaking his head all the while, and Thomas chuckled. Y/N turned back toward him.
“You’re a regular local hero,” she said sardonically, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her bored tone. Thomas grinned.
“I do try, sweetheart,” he said lightly, “maybe even in a way that deserves a ‘thank you’?”
“Thank you.” Her voice was sincere. “Really. I owe you.”
“Well, if you mean that,” he said, and his eyes were shining as he looked down at her, “I wouldn’t mind making good on that dance I mentioned. Unless you’re in a real rush to get back to your dear old brother.”
He offered her his arm with an eyebrow raised, and she left her empty glass on the table behind them when she took it, drawing a wide grin from him. “How could I say no to our charming host?"
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When Our Stars Cross Paths; Treech x Mentor!Reader
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Pairing: Treech x Mentor!Reader
Word Count: 1.55k
Warnings: None
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“You alright, DuPont?”
You was snapped out of your thoughts as Clemensia entered the bathroom you were currently brooding in. Her eyes were fixed on the rim of the sink you were currently stood over, glossy red nails digging into the sleek marble. It was reaping day, and unlike most of your peers, the games didn’t elicit boredom or disinterest. They evoked anger.
As much as your parents wanted to believe they had raised a Capitol sweetheart, you were as passionate about the cruelty of the Hunger Games as your dear friend Sejanus, maybe even more at times. You had cried yourself to sleep the first year the games were broadcasted out of sheer disgust and heartache, not being able to stomach the sight of all the gore and death. From that day forward, you had spent every reaping day locked away in your room, silently mourning children you would never be able to save. This year however, you and a handful of your fellow classmates had been asked personally by the Dean to make an appearance at the school’s broadcast of the reapings. Most had quickly came to the conclusion that the annual winner of the Plinth Prize, a hefty sum of money that Sejanus’s father annually awarded to the highest performing student, was going to be announced. The prize money failed to excite you as well. While you were one of the top scoring students of your class, you had more than enough money to put you and half of the student body through University. You assumed however, Coriolanus, another one of your classmates, would be eyeing that award.
You turned to face Clemensia, who had grown worried by your prolonged silence, Opting to stare aimlessly into the gold rimmed mirror instead of answering her. Your hands released the cool stone of the sink, and instead twisted together and wrung out, as if there was an invisible towel in your hands. Lips pursing together, attempting to force some form of a smile.
“Never better Clemmie!”
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Your eyes grazed over the clusters of people as you entered the main hall. Clemensia had split off from you to go join Coriolanus and Festus Creed, who were having what appeared to be a rather one-sided conversation. Across from them you could see Dean Casca Highbottom trying to not-so-subtly intoxicate himself with morphling drops. Despite him being the creator of the Hunger Games, you were shocked he was still allowed to make public appearances, let alone give speeches. Your eyes finally landed on Sejanus, who was standing off in one of the corners of the room, a scowl prominent on his face.
“Sejanus!” You called to him, as you made your way over to where he was standing, being careful to not let your velvety black dress get snagged on anything as you weaved between students and staff members.
“Ms. DuPont, to what do I owe the pleasure?” His voice dripping with over sophisticated sarcasm as you approached. What was likely his first smile of the day creeping onto his tan face.
“How are you holding up?” Your voice lowering down to what was just below a whisper. Unlike you, Sejanus was born in the districts, only moving to the Capitol after his father made a risky bet, siding against the district rebels during the war. As a reward, the Capitol offered him and his family a place in the city, with an income that put even yours to shame. Although he was only eight when he left, part of Sejanus had always resented his father for making him and his Ma leave District two. Here he was ostracized by the majority of his peers, and merely tolerated by the rest. The reapings were just another reminder of another thing he had lost when he left. His sense of belonging.
“I don’t understand…” The boy’s former smile was quickly replaced by a grimace. “How can they all act so nonchalant about all this?? Like this is just any other day?”
You knew deep down he was feeling guilty, for the money he had, the immunity he was granted, all of it. While he was safe in the Capitol, all his former classmates from district two were at risk of being selected as tribute, most of whom were even at their young age dropping out of school to work, just to support their families. You wanted to comfort the boy more than anything, to tell him he wasn’t alone and that you understood the agony he was going through. But the words refused to leave your mouth, already choked up at the sight of your friend in front of you. Instead you chose to gently place a hand on his shoulder, tracing the intricate detailing of his suit as you tried to collect yourself, so you would be able to console the compassionate boy. “It’s going to be fine Sejanus, we’ll figure out wh-”
Your attempts at comforting the boy were cut short by the sound of a throat clearing at the front of the hall. Dean Highbottom had taken his place in front of a large wooden podium, where a woman with graying hair and cold dead eyes stood. A shiver was sent down your spine as you caught a glimpse of them, the one milky white eye contrasting against the electric blue one. The woman had a sinister aura and you could feel yourself backing away out of instinct. On either side of her TVs displayed the beginnings of the reapings, cameras giving brief flashes of each of the twelve districts, where children were standing in fenced off sections. Your heart sank as the grainy footage showed a cluster of twelve year old girls from what you believed to be district eleven. All wide eyes and jerky movements, this was the first year that they were at risk of being reaped.
“I’m assuming you all are waiting for news of the Plinth Prize?” The Dean was clearly more than just a little inebriated by the sound of it, yet his words inspired an excited buzz to fill the hall, with many of your fellow peers speculating on who would be this year’s recipient.
“I’m here to inform you that the prize will work a little differently this year.” Highbottom’s voice echoed off the walls as an anticipatory silence fell over the crowd.
“Twenty four of the top accomplished students will each receive a tribute that is reaped today, to mentor and guide throughout the games. Whichever mentor gets their tribute to…perform the best, will receive the prize. Winning will be taken into consideration, but will not be the deciding factor.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You turned to face Sejanus to see if he was in as much shock as you were. How were a group of capitol kids who had no experience whatsoever with fighting or survival skills supposed to “guide” their tributes?? Considering what the Capitol was forcing them to do, you would be surprised if any of them would even speak to you.
Sejanus returned your stare, a look of imminent dread appearing on his face. Knowing his father, he had probably already bribed the dean to give him a tribute from District two.
Highbottom then began to roll of the names of students who would act as mentors, coinciding with the reapings from each district, as photos of the tributes appeared on the TVs, their names listed below them.
“District two male, Sejanus Plinth…” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Sejanus sink lower into his seat. You silently reached over to grasp his hand as a photo of a well built eighteen year old boy appeared on the TV to your left. He had wide set shoulders and a scowl smeared across his face as a group of Peacekeepers ushered him onto the stage, nudging him in the back with the butts of their riffles. In large text below his figure you could read out the name Marcus. From the apparent misery plastered across your friend’s face, it was easy to assume that the two had known at each other at one point.
As the Dean went down the list of mentors, you found yourself zoning out, trying to think of ways in which you would be able to help your tribute. You would need to find out whether or not they were of any use with a weapon, and if not, where would they be able to hide and lay low. As your mind raced with all different types of scenarios you would need to prepare your tribute for, you almost missed Dean Highbottom calling out your name.
“District seven male, Y/N DuPont…”
Eyes bolting up to the screens in front of you, you were met with the sight of him. He was well built like Marcus, with dark curls peeking out from under a worn out hat. He looked like he was your age— seventeen or maybe eighteen, yet his eyes were those of a young child, filled with fear and terror. His olive skin seemed to have drained of all its color as he was marched to the platform, Peacekeepers on either side of him.
Your eyes trailed down the screen to where his name was listed…
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I haven’t seen enough fanfics for this man, so I decided to make one myself! Let me know if you would like a part two!
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strawb3rrystar · 8 months
Sweet tooth.
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Pairing: Coriolanus Snow, Sejanus Plinth, Festus Creed, Treech, Reaper Ash, Tanner, Jessup Diggs x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Oral (F! Receiving), Manhandling, Teasing, Spanking, Fingering, Overstimulation, Face riding
Word count: 380
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✰Coriolanus Snow whose nose rubs against your clit as he eats you out like a starved man. Holding your hips down so you don't squirm. Whose cock drools as you pull on his hair, rutting his hips into the bed, waiting to stuff your cunt full.
✰Sejanus Plinth who takes his time with you. Kissing up your thighs and teasing your clit. He loves it when you push his head down, needy for his tongue to fill you. But he's ever so sweet, helping you cum with wanting anything in return.
✰Festus Creed who has you face down, ass up. Teasing your hole until you're crying, your weepy little cunt so desperate for his mouth. He'll spank you if you whine too much. Sometimes if you're too noisy for his liking, he'll edge you and then ruin your orgasm, or he'll use your mouth to get off while you don't get anything.
✰Treech who has his eyes on you while he snacks on your sweet pussy. He wants to watch every movement you make, the way your body twitches and your chest heaves as you cum. He wants to hear you try and hold back your moans, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth.
✰Reaper Ash whose so gentle and caring with you. Sucking on your puffy clit while his fingers circle your needy hole. He slips his fingers into your pussy, enjoying the wet tightness of your walls. He loves it when you moan his name so sweetly, your loving boyfriend the only person on your mind.
✰Tanner whose addicted to your sweet taste. Who wakes you up with his head between your plush thighs. Dragging an orgasm from you before heading off to the slaughterhouse for the day. Who drinks up your juices as you meekly tremble from overstimulation.
✰Jessup Diggs who wants you to ride his face. If you're too shy to put your body weight on him, he'll grab your hips and pull your body down himself. Helping keep you up right as your thighs tremble from how good his tongue makes you feel. He loves that when you start to approach your release you can only focus on that. Rutting your pussy on his face until you're cumming, leaving him with a smile and a mouth covered in slick.
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Star's notes -> All of my favorite Ballad boys (Not you Coriolanus)
(Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @arzua10 @candiedhearts55 @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @toxicbimbo @haymitchabernathyslover @saturnbourne | Join the taglist
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 10 months
My Tbosas fanfic masterlist!!
My requests are open!!!
Of course, my request list/rules:
Request rules and list
Coriolanus Snow:
Romantic headcanons with Gender neutral reader
Coriolanus comforts gender neutral reader who is a tribute
Crush headcanon with Plinth! Female reader
Coriolanus looking through District Twelve for female! reader
Spending time with gender neutral! reader at the lake near District Twelve
Hurt comfort headcanons with male! Victor! Reader
Fluff to hurt/comfort headcanons with male! Reader
Lucy Gray:
Comfort fic in the arena with gender neutral reader
Romantic headcanons with female reader
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Billy Taupe)
Romantic headcanons of Lucy Gray exploring the woods with female! reader
If you were a boy - Lucy Gray x Fem! Reader fic
I'll hide you in my poetry - Lucy Gray x Fem! Covey Member! Reader headcanon & small oneshot
Basic romantic headcanon with female reader
Female reader comforts Sejanus while he's in District Twelve
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Snow! Reader romantic headcanons
Gender neutral reader angst with Sejanus after he's caught
Making peace with my inevitable death - Sejanus Plinth x fem! Reader romantic oneshot
Billy Taupe:
Romantic poly headcanons with shy! Gender neutral! reader (ft. Lucy Gray)
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Sejanus Plinth x Fem! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash separate romantic headcanons
Basic romantic headcanons with gender neutral! reader
Fluff headcanons at a party with gender neutral! victor! reader
Are you sick of me? Would you like to be? - Reaper Ash x Fem! Crush Reader romantic crush headcanons
Coral x Gender neutral! Reader romantic headcanons
Intermixed romantic headcanons with gender neutral! Reader within District Four and in the arena
Platonic headcanons with Male! Reader
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Won't you stay with me, my darling? - Treech x Fem! Tribute! Reader romantic hurt comfort fic
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
Romantic headcanons with friendly! Gender neutral! Reader
Basic romantic headcanons with female! reader
Dr. Gaul:
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love - Treech/Tanner x gn! Reader separate romantic headcanons
This is all at the moment, there will be more added later when I get through the eight requests I have going already!!
Thank you all for your support, it's been very fun writing for this fandom!!
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devinescribe · 6 months
Characters included: Tanner, Treech, Sejanus, Reaper, Jessup, Coriolanus
These are my opinions please don’t hate especially for the district boys we only have a limited time with them so-
Also Coriolanus’s is the shortest bc I can’t write him for shit-
Tanner: I feel like he's kind of awkward with his nicknames. At first he's scared to call you them, sticking with basic ones, but after he gets comfortable he will have some other ones. But he still gets blushy and nervous when he calls you them
Darlin', my sweet girl, baby, gorgeous.
"Hi darlin' I hope I didn't keep you waitin' on me too long...well ain't you just the prettiest thing this side of ten."
Treech: cute nicknames that have to do with more of situations and things you remind him of.
Sunshine, darlin', sweetheart, (N/N), sweet face, angel, and anything else he comes up with. In secret, in his head,calls you goddess.
He does get jealous, but not like Coryo, occasionally adds my in-front.
"Good morning sunshine, this is your daily reminder that you... are quite literally the most beautiful person to walk this earth."
Sejanus: sweet boy calls you anything he can think of, and eventually is like this is too much let me dial it back. He thinks that saying your name is much more intimate than a nickname, but he still calls you them. Just that when he's speaking to you normally he'll more than likely say your name. Nicknames are more special that way because he doesn't use them all the time.
Dearest, beloved, baby, angel.
"You... look amazing angel... I'm so lucky to be considered yours."
Coriolanus: he's very simple with his nicknames. Classical names.
Darling, my love, dear, dearest, doll.
"Hello my dearest, are you ready? You look absolutely ravishing today if I may say so."
Reaper: He might look intimidating but he's a sweetheart, a big teddy bear. And he loves you in quiet ways rather than in big expressive ways. And one of those is nicknames. Has jokingly called you the apple of his eye before just to see you laugh.  He uses simple ones, and a small amount, but it's still sweet.
Doll face, sweetness, and my love.
“Evenin’ sweetness… well aren’t you as pretty as a daisy in the spring.”
Jessup: guys he’s actually so bbg um he only has one nickname for you and one only. He thinks that one fits you well and that is like the perfect match. He’s so sweet with it too.
Calls you that because he thinks you saved him and added hope back into his life. He’s a hopeless romantic I think. He loves you sooooo much
“You’re too sweet, angel… I’ll get tooth aches just from kissing you if you keep this up.”
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only4miller · 6 months
i am in DESPERATE need of more daveed diggs fanfics. if you know any, pls tell me asap i am goinf insane this man is gorgeous i'd do anything to get even CRUMBS.
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poppinspops · 6 months
Treech dating headcannons
My opinions on how treech would be like in a relationship, in and out of the hunger games, meaning lamina didn't get picked!
kiss me is playing rn, It's so his song yall Trust!
Um... accidentally made a bit of a fanfic rather then a headcannon oneshot... oops??
Warnings: none really just bad Grammer and maybe spelling mistakes as it's like almost 1am and I'm too tired to look over this
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before the hunger games back in D7
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Treech and you met in grade school back when treech talked a whole lot more
Treech definitely was a big talker up until he hit twelve years old. He hardened a bit more and started working, being pulled out of school like a lot of kids his age usually did, like how you did.
You two shared your first kiss in a tree at the ripe age of twelve, that's when treech finally seemed to get what his father and mother would always tell him about meeting the right girl, how he'd want to cherish and protect her from everything and everyone
Just like how he felt right now looking at you with his small hands on yours, beet red in the cheeks just looking at you
Looking away as he thought back on his father's words, he now understood him better to a point still he couldn't fully grasp the whole thing but all that mattered to him was making you smile that big smile you always did when he made silly faces or when he picked up big logs of wood (not very big but still)
"Treech, when you meet the right girl-" his father started, but treech interrupted him like always his face scrunched up in disgust likr how boys usually acted when on the topic of girls at twelve "EW! I don't need a girl!" But treechs father just laughed at his son before continuing ruffling treechs hair a bit as the boy huffed. "You'll want to change to protect her. You'll want to spend every waking moment with her... you'll understand when your older" treech looked up at his dad with confusion, not quite understand what he meant in that moment
You worked for your father's lumber yard people sold you wood for coins, your father usually was there working the shop as you carved small little trinkets in the corner of the shop, treech would come in and sell the wood he had. Most of the time, if he had any free time in that moment, he'd come and sit next to you, watching you carve a small bird. He watched you intently smiling at your flustered face when you couldn't get the angle just right admiring your features from. The chair
When he relized his feelings for you after that kiss he started working not long after, his parents like many others pulling him out of school to go and chop wood for a living a 'lumberjack' was what you called him
And soon after he started callin you 'carver' for your wood carvings
He didn't speak much after that kiss but he seemed to spend every second of his free time to just stay by your side, even going as far as to put your shoes back on your feet when you'd take them off to run in a lake, making you blush and look away thanking him under your breath missing his slight smirk and dark eyes looking at you like you where his whole world.
He knew what his father truly meant by and even more wanting to devote himself to her and wanting for you to do the same for him.
It has taken a few years but finally you two got together when you were fourteen when you couldn't take it anymore and had run up to treech one day in the rain taking him by the shoulders and screaming your feelings at him.
You two where almost inseparable, it made your father smile as he saw you happily chatting away with your lover boy at the counter though he did always have to walk over and tell you to get back to work cuz chatting away with your lumberjack ain't making money you'd sigh and kiss treechs cheek before waving bye to him watching him quickly walk out the door ears slightly red.
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The reapings and meeting the tributes
You had heared the man from the capital you couldn't remeber his name buy you did know that his clothes looked expensive, making you grit your teeth at how he smiled whilst talking about a literal death game they forced children to participate and die in.
You stood still as he called the female tribute first
The man on the stage cleared his mouth as he spoke Into the sqeaky mic flinching back a little at the noises the mic made before saying the female tribute of your district "Lamina" He spoke into the mic making your head spin around to a girl that was shaking like a leaf. She was a red haired girl just a year younger then you making you bit your lip as she shakingly walked out of the line the girls all stood in slowly walking up the dirt path looking around until her eyes met your own making you gulp before speaking up impulsively "i.. Lamina! I volunteer as tribute!" You hadn't thought that through at all. All you were thinking about were those scared eyes knowing she wouldnt last long in the arena or at least you thought she wohldnt, you didnt get to see the relieved look lamina had before you were grabbed and dragged onto the stage not getting the chance to walk your feet being dragged in the dirt the man in the fancy outfit looking surprised at you before coughing a bit and continuing
treechs' name got called soon after everyone was done being shocked at your 'stunt' or rather your act of compassion and pure kindness. You felt a tear drop down your cheek as you stared over at him from the other side of the stage, accidentally catching him looking at you with a terrified but also almost angry look
Treech didn't get the chance to say anything
You two where sitting in the old dirty train, your back against treechs front as you let tears fall down your cheeks at the situation you had just out yourself in.. almost regretting your choice to volunteer, almost.
Treech gad helped you out of the cattle car holding out his hand for you to use to hop out of the cattle car, he made sure you stuck to his side not letting his guard down looking around as the other tributes got out of the other parts of the cattle train or whatever you two had just been sitting for hours on.
You looked around and caught the gaze of a little girl and a boy next to her that only had one arm you waved at them the girl waving at you with a smile as the boy only nodded at you
Treech only stared at the others, not saying a word as he held your waist, tightening his grip when the Capitol guards would come too close to him and you
You two got ushered into another car along with the other district tributes, though you here seated next to the one-eyed boy from District 10. He'd been staring at you with his one eye his gaze harsh like he was trying to see if you where good enough to him the whole ride making you gulp and look away eyes back on treech and the District boy that snuck on the cart for who knows what
You had smirked when the boy had been pinned to the car wall by the tall boy named reaper, you already liked reaper you two had said a few sentences to each other 'surved him right capital filth.' You had thought as you clapped gleefully at this, treech gave you a look smirking. You two hadn't noticed that you both had caught the attention of a certain red-haired tribute
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Okay ima end it here. My hand hurts, but umm.. may do a part two if yall want one anyways I accidentally made a fic instead of a headcannon, my bad..
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daddycassie · 7 months
Volunteering for Lucy Gray Baird
note: trying the scenarios format because I’m obsessed with this woman and I used to write this way and did way better, so let me know what you like better!
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🎶🕊️~ Lucy Gray wasn’t shocked when her name was called. Disturbed? Yes. But not shocked.
~ She’d been making her way to the front when she heard a familiar voice coupled with unfamiliar words. “I volunteer!”
~ You had to say it a few times to be heard on the stage, but Lucy Gray heard you loud and clear.
~The look she gave you, you’d have thought you rigged the reaping yourself.
~ Her eyes welled up as you approached the stage. She’d grab your arm, squeezing your sleeve with shaky fingers.
~ “Don’t do this.” Lucy Gray began, but you tugged away from her and walked away. You couldn’t look at your friend’s face when she cried. You were afraid Lucy Gray would convince you not to go anywhere, to let her go instead.
~You refused to look at her the whole time Jessup was reaped to go alongside you, but you could hear Lucy Gray crying.
~When you were escorted out you spared her a final look, you did love her after all.
~Lucy Gray was looking right back, you should’ve expected as much. Her brown eyes were fiery with emotion, you thought maybe she was angry.
~It didn’t take long for you to get the message. Survive this you damn fool. You could hear her saying it and that’s what you told yourself the whole train ride.
~When you got there you were greeted by a blonde boy who offered you a white rose. You narrow your eyes at it. “Let me guess, that’s for Jessup?”
~He didn’t have a good sense of humor to say the least, but he was determined, jumping into cage after cage after you and visiting you.
~You found his name to be Coriolanus Snow, but never referred to him as such, “snowflake” or “baby girl” seemed more fitting somehow. (Coryo did not agree)
~Didn’t take long for the games to begin, Lucy Gray didn’t have the heart to train with any weapon, but you sure did.
~Getting your hands on a sword was easy aside from Reaper throwing himself at you.
~You felt bad when Jessup was lost to the bloodbath, but that was remedied enough when you killed the boy who did it.
~There was one person you became allies with, little Wovey. You thought Lucy Gray would like her.
~You didn’t talk to her much, mostly dragged her along with you. Not that she needed any convincing.
~She was a great climber though! She could easily climb up into the stands, while you needed her help.
~When the snakes came, you and Wovey happened to have come down to take part in the fighting that was happening.
~She was gone so fast you had no time to mourn her, only running. Run. Run. Run.
~Reaper made no move to escape, but you heard Mizzen die rather loudly. Coral ran behind you as you scaled debris, remembering as many of Wovey’s tactics as possible.
~Coral calling for help was all you could hear, but, well… if you pushed her off then the games would end before the snakes ever reached you, right?
~It did not.
~You lay completely still, not even making an attempt to breathe as they slithered over you. You wondered if Lucy Gray was watching. If you were the only person left, why weren’t you being let out?
~It took a while, but your winning was announced.
~Everything else was a blur as you were delivered back home.
~Lucy Gray had waited for you at the train station for hours, without even knowing if the winner was you.
~She saw you first, and tackled you to the ground in a hug.
~Lucy Gray would cry a lot. “I thought I’d never see you again.” “Don’t ever do that again.” “I love you so much.”
~Your brain lagged over her words before you understood and clutched her desperately to your chest. “I love you too, so much.”
~She thought you deserved to be slapped, but instead she kissed you. Lucy Gray’s lips are dry, but warm. She’d probably forgotten to take a drink once in a while.
~The peacekeepers kicked you out of the train station, but that was fine, you two preferred to celebrate somewhere more private anyway.
~You lay next to Lucy Gray in her bed while she admired every detail of your face, her fingers trailing over your skin lovingly.
~She’d sing to you, hold you, kiss you, tell you how much she loved you.
~Lucy Gray falls asleep first anyway, and you hold her till you fall asleep too.
~It’s the hardest you’ve ever slept in your whole life.
Authors note: I debated between Y/n just dying or actually living but decided I needed to write more. If anyone wants a bad ending let me know. 👹
Also, I’m now taking requests for Lucy Gray because she’s the loml and I need more ideas for scenarios.
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swiftsmlb · 7 months
dating stefon diggs includes.
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authors note: no one writes for him? and he’s so attractive. there are literally so many attractive nfl players that no one writes for. which is fine - anyone can write whoever they want. i 100% respect that. just wish we got more imagines of other players. but here’s a stefon diggs imagine or “dating includes.”
warnings: alludes to sexual content. age gap. (barely mentioned) mentions of sex. jealousy.
the two of you accidentally bumping into each other at a grocery store.
it was actually not on accident though. once stefon saw you - in your oversized “diggs” jersey. he had to talk to you.
he thought you were beautiful. he didn’t believe in love at first sight, until he saw you.
stefon casually bumped into you after that. apologizing that he did so.
making some dumb excuse to have your number. saying he wanted to make it up to you.
and why would you refuse? it’s stefon diggs.
everything took off from there.
you were younger than him. but not by much.
stefon is so sweet.
treats you right
and he has to spoil you.
like when i mean spoil. i mean SPOIL.
he loves to do so. even though you tell him- not to.
he doesn’t listen ^
you always attend his home games.
wearing his jersey. always.
matching outfits. ofc.
stefon always having an arm wrapped around your waist.
and this man gets jealous so easily.
your his and only his.
not a fan of other men laying their eyes on you. especially if they know you belonged to him.
being the best couple.
morning sex.
pre-game sex.
shower sex. (probably his favorite)
let’s be honest… he’s probably great in bed.
stefon loves when you run your fingers through his hair.
loves everything about you.
you’re so perfect to him.
“angel.” “babygirl.” “princess.”
stefon loves when he sees you in his shirts.
it does something to him….
stefon has your name tattooed on his finger.
skincare routines together.
having his initials on a chain around your neck.
the both of you love each other so much.
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millsarchive · 10 months
My frustrations and anger grows daily, but so does my love. If you are Palestinian, I love you. If you’re from Congo I love you. If you’re from Tigray, Kurdistan, Yemen, Cameroon, Sudan, etc... I love y’all. My love for people has grown, because this world is being controlled by people who don’t care about us so it’s our job to care about one another. Check up on one another, there are humanitarian crisis everywhere, and we’re living in an age where death and genocide is very visible. This is the first time ever we’ve been able to communicate with the victims of genocide so closely. Reach out to people, remind them of how much you love and care about them. I saw a video the other day of an Indonesian flight attendant on bended knee as he expressed to a Palestinian how much he loved him and about his grief for the massacre against his people. This struck me. Yes, grieve. Yes, be angry. But right now what those people need to see the most is our support and our love. That’s the most Important thing. Keep reading and educating hand protesting, but make sure you find someone and tell them you love them. There’s no reason for us to be divided when the forces of power in this world are the forces who harm us and want us to be divided. Wake up and see the bigger picture. The criminalization and dehumanization of the victims of genocide is not misplaced and it’s not just propaganda, it’s islamphobia and racism and so much more at play. Understand that they don’t want you to see Arabs as human, they don’t want you to relate to them and see them as the victims or survivors they are, they don’t want you to relate to them, but if your heart is good and you’re educated, you’ll know that it’s all strategy. We relate to those victims more than anything, more than we do government officials and politicians. Tell them how much you love them, please. Because some of them are going to die without ever knowing or ever seeing, and a lot of people were late to see their pain.
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mirrorsmoonlight · 8 months
☆ ~ meet me on the beach
pairing: coral x district 12!reader summary: daydreaming always brought the possibilities of what you could’ve been. warnings: fem!reader, second person, reader kinda takes lucy gray’s place, jessup and reader friendship, mix of things from the movies and books, not much romance but a little bit a/n: yes guys i’m a coralbaird shipper
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when she’d first confronted you in the cattle truck after her and the others had an unwelcoming encounter with your mentor you’d felt an overwhelming desire for her.
it might’ve been your desire for something that’ll keep you from spiraling into the deep dark hole you were in or it could’ve been that you felt it was unfair that such a beautiful tribute would be one you would have to be against soon.
even when she was threatening to kill your mentor you didn’t once interrupt her, obsessed with the bloodthirsty smirk held on her face and the crackling of her knuckles. the only thing that ended up interrupting your adoring gaze was the back of the truck shaking, a chute unceremoniously dumping all of you onto the ground of the monkey enclosure.
you had stayed closer to jessup through the hot days and the cold nights, cuddling up together for some sort comfort. even when the brandy girl died and you and the others were heavily chained it didn’t stop you. it also didn’t stop you from taking glances at the captivating redhead that strayed even closer to her district partner.
but the days were growing longer and your bodies weaker; despite your mentor - coriolanus - bringing you food whenever he could. yet whenever you slipped away and deeply thought about it, even though on the surface his intentions seemed genuine, deep down you felt that he was doing this to gain an advantage - for what, you didn’t know.
however, the only capitol citizen that had caught your attention was the muscular but otherwise kind looking boy that had brung a huge bag of sandwiches (meatloaf if you remembered correctly) and plums. you could sense that he was seemingly different than coriolanus, never outwardly bringing the attention of the crowd and broadcasters to show that he was being a good person. only doing it because he wanted to.
you honestly wouldn’t have minded being his tribute rather than coriolanus’.
the only way you were coping was by daydreaming. your imagination ran wild with the thought of escaping with the other tributes, with coral. maybe up north, you could find a place and learn to live with what you had together - connecting in a way that you’d wouldn’t have been able to because of the separation of the district borders and the threat looming over all of your heads.
but you knew that wasn’t plausible after seeing the district 10 girl hanging from the crane while you were paraded in a cage during the capitol girl’s funeral. it wasn’t plausible when you heard the bullet shells clang against the arena floor as districts 1 and district 2’s tributes got gunned down after running. it wasn’t plausible because no matter how hard you hoped, you couldn’t develop any more of a platonic or romantic interest in the others because in a few days your hands could be tainted with their blood.
but that logic definitely didn’t stop your heart from beating a little faster when you felt her eyes on you, even when her gaze was predatory. or the blush that would take over your cheeks when she came a bit closer to you than she should’ve - even if she was just passing to grasp one of the offers from the crowd. and it definitely didn’t stop jessup from noticing, your shy smile more than enough of a hint of what you could possibly feel towards her.
“did you really have to lay your feelings for the district 4 girl,” he whispered softly towards you, ignoring your objecting nod, “don’t give me that bullshit, this bite may be deluding my senses but i’m not stupid.”
you fidgeted with your fingers, “i know, with the situation we’re in it’s probably not the best idea to get all love sick. and i know that i just..i don’t know? i can’t stop myself from wanting her, jess.”
he nodded in understanding, “i’m not saying you can’t go for it but..sooner or later one - or both - of you would end up dead.” there was a pause as he considered how to lay down the next words, “plus, she seems very determined to win so i don’t even think she would be open to your feelings..”
your face fell but you knew jessup was right, “yeah, i know. but thank you, for worrying about me. i’m happy that i was stuck with someone as kind as you in this horrible circumstance.”
he laughed with whatever energy his body had left, “yeah but it would be funny if you two did get together. you’d be some sort of star crossed lovers.” a smile appeared on your face as you leaned your head on his shoulder.
although, never knowing that despite your careful whispering, hidden in the dark was the short haired redhead who was shocked at your revelation. if not also a bit smug.
the day had finally come, a multitude of dread, fear, and nervousness radiated off of all of you as you were placed on the red markers; just minutes away from the gong ringing. weapons lined up on the cornucopia waiting to be stained with blood.
you knew your plan, despite your mentor’s advice you’d planned to grab one of the weapons before leading jessup to the tunnels. anticipation weighing heavy on your chest as you waited for the gong. and as soon as it sounded you ran as fast as you could into the bloodbath.
initially you dodged most of the others that came for you, only getting a bit knicked before quickly swiping a fair sized combat knife quickly tucking it away before searching for jessup.
once you found him you quickly escaped into the tunnels, running from whoever decided to target you two. the doors were locked but you were able to escape through the small opening at the bottom, just seconds before an axe came down on where your foot rested just moments before. gasping in relief as you heard the displeased banging on the other side.
“hey lumberjack, get in there and get her out,” her voice echoed through the tunnels. “i’m not sticking my head in there, she could be waiting with a brick.”
she scoffed, you could tell she was already impatient with them, “you’re useless.” the tunnel went quiet, and as time stretched on you assumed they were either leaving to hunt some other unfortunate soul or camping outside the door to ambush you once you got out.
averting your attention you gently patted your shoulder, allowing jessup to lean on you after noticing the prominent dark eye bags resting on his face. trying to ignore the adrenaline that felt too good, spiraling through your chest.
you didn’t remember falling asleep, and you almost cursed yourself for doing something so stupid until you realized you were temporarily protected by the door closing you in. there was a stir against your shoulder, alerting you that jessup must’ve woken up too.
he definitely looked dehydrated; fatigue shown on his face pairing with what you could remember the occasional twitching coming from him. so hoping to relinquish that, you gently cupped some water from the nearby source, holding it up to his face. barely making it to his chapped lips since he hurriedly slapped your hand down, leaving you a bit confused and scared.
“jessup?” you looked towards him, only to see his dark eyes staring at you. “what’d you do to it?”
you backed away from his intimidating stature, fear coursing to your veins - knowing if he did turn on you, you could either run or use the sharpened knife you held in your boot. “i didn’t do anything!”
sensing how this was going to escalate you dived down to the opening you had gotten through the day prior. not wasting any time in escaping the tunnels as - what you now realized - a rabid jessup hastily chased after you.
you had climbed up one of the elevated pieces of debris, knowing - hopefully - in his haste he’d probably loose his balance. but eventually there wasn’t anywhere else you could escape to.
yet it seemed like you had some outside help, the objects flying overheard now proving of that. another obstacle that jessup would have to face to get to you.
as it booked straight towards him the unreliable drones had broken the bottles open, the water splashing from the impact, making jessup react horribly. not even realizing the tilting of his feet until he’d fell smack down onto a piece of rubble.
you quickly looked down in both shock and horror. and for a moment as you watched you could see jessup’s body release all the energy he had before, it slipping away like the white foam trailing down his chin.
you carefully got down to where he was resting, scared but you knew he couldn’t hurt you anymore. his slow blinking and shallow breaths were the only sign of him being alive, although you knew he was slipping away fast.
“it’s okay jess, you can rest,” your shaky hand gripping onto his, wanting him to at least know he wasn’t going to be alone in his last moments, “how can you dream if you don’t sleep?”
his hand gave a brief squeeze in recognition since his mouth couldn’t do the job for him, him tilting his head to get a better view of you even if it was just for a second.
silence rang as you watched him take his last breaths, shakily sighing before closing his eyes. you pulled out a piece of ripped clothing you stored in your pocket, taking it to the puddle of water to soak it before cleaning his face; wanting him to atleast have one last piece of kindness.
only seconds after would your world spin, a certain redhead ready for your blood.
she’d decided that using your momentary vulnerability would be the best to get rid of you, not to mention after hearing your little confession to your district partner she knew you’d (most likely) wouldn’t be willing to hurt her. but underestimating always brought a person down.
you heard them before you saw them. you tucked the makeshift cloth under jessup’s hand before pulling out your combat knife. yet no matter how fast you ran there was always one to stop you in your place; the little one mizzen, the cowboy from 10 and the lumberjack from 7. not to mention the dangerous woman wielding a trident being the most eager.
luckily your speed and the aftermath of the drones crashing against their bodies buyed you enough time to escape. hoping that this would be the last time you’d encounter them like this.
you could sense her following you as climbed up the rubble, wanting to get as far away from the winding bodies of the holographic snakes that were out for blood. you only had gotten a safe distance away before she collapsed at your feet, the snakes wrapping around her arms and neck as they sunk their venomous teeth into her skin. a betrayed look on her face. “it’s not fair, it’s not…i couldn’t have killed them all for nothing.”
the feelings you felt so strongly when you first saw her returned. the ultimate defeat you and her both felt in the moment left you with clarity. so you tried your best to grip onto her hands, pulling her up so she rested on you.
even as more snakes came for her you tried to fight them off, pulling at them but stopping when you heard the pathetic whimpers leave her lips; the strong front she held till now disappeared.
“i’m sorry for what i did,” her voice was weak but she fought her hardest to get it out, “for hunting you.”
your eyes crinkled as you listened to her. “i’m sorry that we had such little time with one another and that we never got to experience more together.”
she fought against the venom as she pulled up her head from your chest, “i’m sorry that we couldn’t have gotten together like we both wanted.”
you gently pulled her head so it rested back on your chest, lips skimming across her forehead since it’s the last opportunity to do so. “we can still be together if you just promise to wait for me.” her eyes slipped closed as you whispered the last words, “just wait for me on the beach.”
and as coriolanus watched the other side of the screen, an astounding buzz rang through the room, your profile being the only one that was standing.
a/n: the snakes didn’t attack reader cause y’know snow cheated and made sure she’d win :3 (sorry this was so late. i appreciate everyone’s patience!)
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astralaffairs · 1 year
Don't mean to pressure you or anything but I really miss fotp and that last chap had me wanting to tear my heart open (TT)
If you're up for it, can I request for a short fluff abt mc and president t's marriage life? Or if you're still feeling villain-y, an angst will do! 😚
Hope you're having a fine dayyy, love all your works btw! 🫶🏻
astralaffairs villain era canceled. let me also refer u to late nights & speech writes for some president thom husband material
“And where the hell have you been?” Strong hands grabbed Y/N by the waist the minute she locked the door behind her, and she squealed, stumbling over the hem of her long dress as she was pulled into a strong body. Rough wool scratched her bare shoulders. “‘S late. A woman like you shouldn’t be out all on your own like this. Who knows what coulda happened.”
Her laugh was breathless as Thomas kissed her neck, his stubble harsh against her skin, and her hands came to cover his as his arms wrapped around her waist. “Oh, please. I don’t think I’ve left the White House in the last 72 hours; I’m not exactly looking for trouble.”
“So why’ve you been out all night, hm?” He nipped at her earlobe, but she rolled her eyes. “Who’ve you been with all this time, sugar?”
“That Russian ambassador who did not want to hear that I have an early morning tomorrow,” she said dryly. “This is the worst part about state dinners. All the old men in the room still talk to me like I’m their young prospect rather than a peer in government who’s here as my job.”
“They’re all goddamn relics; don’t let ‘em get to you,” Thomas said. “They’re dinosaurs, and they’re gonna be dead in a few months, anyway.”
“At this rate, they’ll also be running entire countries when they’re on life support,” Y/N grumbled, and his laugh was sardonic.
“‘N they’re still gonna be tryin’ to hit on you when they’re hauling oxygen tanks around here behind ‘em.” He turned her around in his arms, and her drained expression made him frown. Her eyes looked empty. “‘M sorry you don’t get the respect you deserve at these events, though, sweetheart. Wish there was something more I could do."
"I don't expect you to be able to end all sexism in government, believe me," she said, reaching up to loosen his tie. "Doesn't help that they all see you as the ultimate guy's guy, though. Thomas Jefferson, the good all-American trust-fund baby who loves steak and baseball."
"Maybe I'll eat some tofu 'n take up figure skating," he suggested mildly as she slid her hands under the collar of his blazer, pushing it down his shoulders. He withdrew his arms from her waist for just long enough to shake the jacket off, discarding it on the chair by his desk in the corner. "I've always thought there was a whole lotta power in embracing the traditionally feminine."
"Sure you have," she scoffed. He grinned, taking a step back toward their bed with her in his arms as she started undoing the knot in his tie. "You regularly smoke cigars with foreign heads of state to celebrate national alliances. You're the epitome of the boys club."
"Hey, I smoke the cigars with women holdin' office too," he defended. She slid his tie out from the collar of his shirt.
"You're truly a feminist icon." The words were ironic as she pulled his button down out from where he'd tucked it into the waist of his pants, walking him back toward their bed all the while, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You're talkin' a whole lotta mess for somebody who's trying to undress me."
"You're not putting up much of a fight." She raised an expectant eyebrow, looking him in the eye as she undid his belt buckle, and when he pulled her close, she slid her hands up his chest. She fiddled with the top button on his dress shirt as he guided both of them through the final few steps between him and the foot of their bed.
"'N you're awful lucky I'm not." As he sat on the edge of the mattress, she stood between his parted thighs as he pulled her dress up her legs. "You just came home from a long night of work, 'n all you wanna do is objectify me? 'M a whole lot more than just a hot body, Ms. L/N."
Despite his words, when the hem of her dress was high enough for him to slide his hands under it, he pulled her onto the bed with him, straddling his lap as his hands ran up her bare thighs. She cocked her head to one side.
"You mean 'Mrs. Jefferson'?" she asked, and he grinned.
"Yeah, but I like it a whole lot better when you say it." He pushed her dress up her body until her hands covered his to pull it over her head, and although she didn't seem particularly concerned with where it landed, she suddenly felt very exposed in just her lingerie on his lap. His eyes didn't stray from her face, however. He pulled her closer by her bare waist, and her arms hung loosely over his shoulders. The open ends of his belt poked at her inner thighs. "Reminds all those Russian diplomats you're off the market."
"I have a feeling Nebenzya isn't trying to steal me away," she said, but Thomas shrugged. "With the way he talks about you, he might be hoping we're looking for a third."
"Unfortunately for Vasily, he wouldn't be at the top of my list," Thomas said, and Y/N's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh, you have a list, now?" she asked. He gave a lazy grin.
"Sugar, I've always had a list," he informed her, and she frowned. He kissed her downturned lips. "If we're working from the number one spot, though, we might have some trouble."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I've got a feeling John Adams wouldn't be too amenable to the idea," he said frankly, and Y/N's surprised laugh was closer to a scoff. "'N I don't feel like we know John Jay well enough as a couple, so that's not gonna fly, but inviting Lafayette just feels like it'd make things weird between all of us."
"Is your whole list made up of men?”
“‘Course.” His answer was immediate, but her skeptical gaze didn’t waver. He ran his hands down her thighs. “You already know you’re the only woman I got eyes for.”
“You’re so corny,” she said softly, running her hands down his shoulders to his upper chest. She picked at the buttons on his dress shirt. "Better tone it down before I get the wrong idea and fall in love with you."
"Now, we certainly can't have that."
"Especially not now. I'm too busy to take a lover, I'm afraid," she said, working down the buttons on his shirt to reveal his bare chest. "I'm just married to my work these days."
"'N you mean that literally, don't you, Madam First Lady?" He undid his cufflinks when she finished with his buttons, and he slid them into his pocket. However, he didn't take the shirt off despite her pushing its fabric down his shoulders. Rather, he took her hands in his, lacing his fingers into hers. "You're just a regular Mrs. America."
"You're really gonna stop me from taking your shirt off after you got me down to my underwear?"
"If I let you finish undressing me, it's gonna be a while before we get to sleep," he said, and she shrugged innocently. "We've gotta be up again in five hours. We both oughta get some rest."
"Being the first couple isn't nearly as sexy as I hoped it'd be." She sat back on her heels, resting her hands on his legs, and he gave her a tired smile. "Take the rest of your clothes off and come to bed, at least. I feel like I've hardly seen you all week."
"Right now, I'm all yours," he assured her. "Lemme get up 'n get some pajamas, though. Put on something other than a full suit for once."
"Just sleep without them," she countered, and he raised an eyebrow. "I like the feeling of your skin against mine. Just makes me feel more connected to you, I guess."
"You're adorable." He kissed her on the forehead, his smile endeared, and she could feel the heat rising to the tips of her ears as he leaned back to take his shirt off. After he did, though, he pulled her in closer, picking her up by her thighs as he stood, and she yelped, grabbing onto his shoulders. When he deposited her on his side of the bed, he undid his dress pants, taking them off before joining her on the mattress.
He crawled atop her where she lay on her back watching him, and as he dipped down to kiss her, one hand slid under her back, and she arched up against him. However, as he kissed down her neck, he unhooked her bra and leaned back to slide it down her arms. When he discarded it onto the floor, she was watching him with wide eyes, but he only kissed her forehead before rolling off of her and pulling the covers over them both. He reached over to turn off the lamp at his bedside.
"For what it's worth," he murmured as he wrapped an arm around her waist, and she rolled onto her side, letting him pull her into his body, "we've got plenty of time to sleep in on Saturday morning."
"Oh, yeah?" She rested her arm atop his, lacing her fingers into his.
"Mhm." He kissed the back of her shoulder. "So Friday night, you better not come home too tired."
"I'm gonna need all my energy for when I find you and Adams in our bed, huh?" When his hold on her tightened, his cold feet brushed against her shins, and she shivered.
"Not this time, sweetheart," he promised. "Once I get you alone, you better bet I'm not sharing you."
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When Our Stars Cross Paths; IV Treech x Mentor!Reader
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Pairing: Treech x Mentor!Reader
Word Count: 1.71k
Warnings: Swearing, Violence
Sweet Angels🪻: @nemesii @mrsyixingunicorn10 @chmpgneprblem @thxmiss @storiesofmyhead @valdezsttuff @nekee-lilac02 @shykittycat @aceofspades190
🎬Mood boards🎬
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Let the record show that you went above and beyond as a mentor.
That was the first thought to pass through your mind as the heavy doors of the van were slammed shut by oblivious peacekeepers, trapping you and Coriolanus in a confined space with around a dozen tributes who wanted you dead.
You kept your eyes fixed at a point on the floor towards the opposite end of the van, scared of what—or rather who you would see if you lifted your gaze. Not that you would be able to blame them. Had you been in their position, you would’ve jumped at the opportunity to seek revenge.
If Coriolanus was as unsettled as you were, he did a damn good job of hiding it. Straightening his posture, he brushed off the dust that had accumulated on his vermillion Academy uniform. While he may have had the confidence, he stuck out like a sore thumb and you were suddenly very grateful for having chosen against such a conspicuous outfit. Coming to the conclusion that you were just as safe, if not more safe than Coriolanus, due to having introduced yourself and offered food to several of the tributes you were currently riding with, you allowed your eyes to slowly lift from the dirty metal floor of the van. Unfortunately for you, the spot where you had previously been fixating at had been right where Treech was standing, with your eyes suddenly meeting as your gaze ascended from the floor. His arm was hanging onto the railing that ran along the length of the van, and his eyes bore into you the same way they had when you had slapped him minutes prior. Behind him you could see a little girl who you believed to be Wovey from District eight. Your few tedious moments of tension were broken by Coriolanus clearing his throat, an action that brought the rest of the tributes attention towards the two of you. If they hadn’t been staring already.
“Hi.” It was barely audible, but the echo of the van carried the single word and let it hang in anticipatory silence. Your face cringed at t he sound of if. Here you two were, a couple of rich Capitol kids who had waltzed into a vehicle with a bunch of exhausted kids who were being held like prisoners, and he was acting like it was some sort of field trip.
“What’s the matter, Pretty Boy? Got in the wrong cage?” The boy from District eleven, Reaper spoke up from where he stood at the opposite end of the van, next to Treech. Clemmie had been assigned as his mentor and had been more than pleased when it was announced, and you could see why. The boy was by far the biggest out of everyone in the van and stood well past six feet tall, with huge shoulders and a square jaw permanently shaped into a scowl, he was downright terrifying.
“No, not at all. This cage is delightful.” It was an awful attempt at clearing the tension, but you had to give your classmate credit for having the balls to make such a statement.
Reaper, however, didn’t appreciate the boy’s comment and suddenly lurched forward, making great strides across the van from where he formerly stood next to Treech. Before you knew it, the dark skinned boy had Coriolanus pressed up against the wall of the vehicle, his large hands fisting the material of his Academy coat.
The van suddenly came to life with action, with variously tributes egging on Reaper to kill Coriolanus. Exceptionally happy for the sudden opportunity to retaliate in the violence that was being imposed upon them.
“Get him Reaper!” You could hear a boy urging from somewhere behind you. Coriolanus’s formerly collected facade was quickly falling apart at the realization of his probable imminent death, his hands desperately reaching out in a feeble attempt to push the much larger boy off of him.
“I’ll kill you right now.” Reaper growled as he somehow managed to push Coriolanus further into the wall. You didn’t take Reaper as someone who was all bark and no bite, and was nearly certain he would go through with his threat if there was no immediate intervention.
“He’ll do it.” A raspy voice piped up from next to you—Dill, Reaper’s district partner. “He killed a peacekeeper back in eleven. They never found out who did it.” The young girl smirked a bit after the past comment, before a cough came over her and she was sent into a fit.
“Quiet Dill.” Reaper turned around only long enough to reprimand the younger girl, but his scolding had already brought all eyes towards Dill, which subsequently brought attention to you.
“Looks like Pretty Boy came with a friend.” Tanner, the boy from District ten, whistled out. He was Domitia’s tribute, and you had been severely disturbed by his reaping, where his hands had been shown to be bloody from what you hoped was a morning at the slaughterhouse. While now there was only faint traces of blood buried underneath his fingernails, the taller boy still wore a particularly wicked grin on his face as he slowly approached you, eyes never leaving yours. You subconsciously took a few steps back, your body now flush against the cold metal wall alongside Coriolanus. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in here?” Tanner’s question might have been phrased more nicely than Reaper’s, but it was still laced with the same tone of anger and vengeance. Your petrified eyes left Tanner’s unnerving gaze, and you peered over his shoulder, to shaken to answer the District ten boy. Treech’s eyes were also fixed on you, but in a way that was much more contemplative and pensive, as if he was debating on whether or not he should intervene. However, much to your shock it wasn’t Treech nor Coriolanus who came to your rescue. It was Lamina.
The sullen girl had slipped from her spot beside Treech without anyone noticing and moved to stand between you and Tanner, acting as a barrier to protect you despite her obvious shaking. Lucy Gray also made herself known, appearing from her spot deep in the van to approach Reaper, a silence falling over the riled up tributes as the girl spoke up.
“You got family back home?” The question was obviously intended for Reaper and Tanner, but she looked around the van as if her question was pointed towards all of them.
“They’ll kill them if you hurt either of them, and then they’ll kill you.” Lucy Gray spoke as if it were obvious, and the realization seemed to set in on the two boys and they thankfully backed away towards their respective district partners. Lamina let out a sigh of relief, her hands still shaking in little balled fists. You were in awe at her bravery, not only for confronting a much larger tribute, but also that she did it for you, someone who was virtually a stranger.
“Besides, I might need him, being my mentor and all.” The last part caused Coriolanus’s gaze to immediately shift to Lucy Gray, as if he was shocked that she was coming to his defense.
“Mender? How come you get a mender?” A girl with a bright red bob, Coral, interrogated from her corner of the van.
“A mentor.” Coriolanus corrected, he was always a stickler when it came to grammar and pronunciation. Something that could annoy you to no end when he went of his rants during class. “Each of you get one, to help guide you throughout the games.”
“And were supposed to trust you on that?” Coral retorted, unimpressed with the boy’s answer. “Why does Little Miss Rainbow get special treatment?” The redheaded girl pointed an accusatory finger at Lucy Gray, as if she was responsible for her mentor’s shortcomings. You made a mental reminder to warn Festus, Coral’s mentor, on how much of a firecracker she was before he could meet her for himself. You were near certain he would pleased though, feisty types tended to fare well in the games. Getting her to entertain the Capitol however, would be a different battle.
“She doesn’t get special treatment, you all have mentors.” Coriolanus reiterated, clearly still on edge from his close encounter with Reaper. “Then why aren’t they here?” This time Bobbin, a boy from District eight spoke up, clearly interested in the prospect of having a mentor.
“Just not inspired, I guess.” Lucy Gray added, a smirk forming on her face. She must’ve known her performance at the Reapings had garnered her mentor’s attention. You felt a pang of sympathy for the girl. Little did she know that only a few moments before her singing, Coriolanus had already given up any hope of her winning.
“Who does she belong to?” Tanner inquired, although he had backed a few feet away, his stare had never broken away from you. He slightly licked his lips which was already enough to make you shudder. What was his deal?
“Back of ten.” Your eyes suddenly moved towards the voice, landing on the tall frame of Treech, who had let go of his railing and was moving closer towards Tanner. “You got lucky Lumberjack, I’m honestly a bit jeal-”
Tanner didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence. Because before you knew it, the van jerked, knocking everyone to the ground in a wave on shock and confusion. Lamina landed on top of you, which surprisingly didn’t hurt due to her being much smaller. She quickly moved off of you with a soft apology as everyone tried to regain their balance. However, another lurch sent everyone tumbling onto the floor once again. This time you landed next to Treech, your head falling against his chest as the floor started sloping, sending the piles of tributes and mentors into the metal doors with a slam. You tried to raise your head from Treech’s chest to get a grasp as to what was happening, but his arm reached out to wrap around you, holding you in place against his body. Before you could fight against him the metal doors of the van suddenly jutted open, dumping everyone out, and sending them falling towards the ground below.
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We are Lamina stans here!!! Love to see Treech’s protectiveness as well, so stay prepared for that in coming chapters! Hopefully I will be able to post another chapter in the next day or two!
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elocinnicole · 1 year
Hi, how are you! If you stil take requests, can I ask for a request for Daveed x fem!reader, Daveed making reader work for her nth release by making her idk…ride him up and down, and reader is just drooling, sobbing because she’s been fucked stupid and just wants to cum again even after she’s been creampied over and over again before Daveed flips them and makes her cum, 3 more times than she’s expecting to cum. 🫶🫶🫶 that scenario’s been on my mind a handful of times idk why😭😭😭😭
“Wait, wait—mmfuck Daveed!” You cried out, you placed your hand on Daveed’s stomach to get him to ease up on the brutal pace he set. You’ve forgotten how many times you orgasmed tonight; you lost count after the third one.
“Naw, you was acting like a brat all day. Now you gotta take your punishment.”
To be fair, you were trying to get under Daveed’s skin all day while he was working. You had been feeling neglected and wanted attention. So, you took it upon yourself to put on some lingerie, take some pictures and send it to Daveed. Not only that, but you also even took videos of yourself masturbating and sent Daveed those as well. That was probably where you messed up, you should’ve known what you were in for when he texted you back with a simple “Oh okay”. Now here you are, ankles pushed back to your ears and Daveed fucking into you at an unrelenting pace.
“You can take it, can’t you?” You nodded Daveed lightly slapped your face
“Words, you can take it right?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You moaned
“Gonna be a good girl for Daddy.”
“I’ll be good. I’ll be a good girl.” Daveed used his thumbs to rub fast circles on your clit causing you to scream.
“I can’t, I can’t—it’s too much—Ahaaa!” Daveed pinched your clit making you see the stars and pushing you over the edge again.
“You should’ve thought about that earlier. You played yourself.” Daveed kept going fucking you through your orgasm and his. You were going to have to get a Plan B tomorrow the way he was shooting the club up. The sound of his dick sliding in and out along with his cum is enough to make you cum again. Daveed pulls out and smirked at the relief on your face.
“We ain’t done yet,” he flipped you over so that you were on all fours.
Without warning Daveed pushes in and sets a quick pace. You moan into the pillow.
“Yeah, take that shit.”
“Please, please, please,” You don’t even know what you were asking Daveed was fucking all the logic out of your brain. You put your hand behind you only to have Daveed pin it to your back, his other hand slapping your ass.
“You know what you gotta say,” Daveed grunted
“M’sorry.” You said into the pillow, he slapped your ass again
“I can’t hear you, baby.” You picked your head up
“I’m sorry Daddy,”
“You gonna do that shit again?”
“No, no, I promise.” You babbled; Daveed smirked at the image in front of him. You drooling on the pillow, bouncing back on his dick. He could feel you tighten around him a tell-tale sign that you were going to orgasm.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You screamed, it was times like this when you were grateful that you and Daveed finally moved out of the apartment, the amount of noise complaints was starting to get ridiculous not that Daveed cared, he practically loved it when he would get that email from the Landlord.
You felt Daveed pull out of you, you relax thinking you were done. Daveed grabbed your waist and rolled the two of you over so you were straddling him.
“Ride this dick,” You could barely move your legs as you lined up with Daveed. You started with a slow pace maintaining eye contact the entire time. You felt his hand slap onto your ass, kneading it.
“You close baby?”
“Mhmm!” You were bouncing up and down on Daveed’s dick, using his shoulders as leverage. You could feel the coil in your stomach begin to snap. Daveed decided to play with your clit that’s all you needed before you let everything out. Daveed groaned shooting thick ropes of cum inside you. You squealed at the sensation. Daveed looked down at the mess the two of you made before your head fell onto his chest.
You didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep until you woke up with a blanket on your body and Daveed was nowhere to be found. You were wearing one of his t-shirts you were about to go looking for your boyfriend when the bedroom opened to reveal Daveed and two bags of food. He sent a smile your way before walking over to kiss you.
“I got us some food.”
“How long was I sleep?”
“An hour or so. You fell asleep not long after. We took a bath and then I went to go get food.” Daveed handed you your food and joined you on the bed to watch your favorite shows.
“You okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” Daveed asked genuinely concerned, you leaned up and kisses his cheek
“You were great, I’m a little sore.” There was a brief but comfortable moment of silence between the two of you before Daveed spoke up.
“We should probably get a Plan B in the morning.”
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Tagging: @nikole-witha-k @blackpinup22 @iknowthekoolaidflavor @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @ramp-it-up @daveeds-wife @chattykathysquietsister @mellie-teh-goblin-queen @azxulaa @endless-romantic-stories @chrisevanswife0405 @gothic-slasherfan-weeb @pinkbonnetandglasses @cocobutterbaby @moxleys-fav @aonungmyaddiction
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 10 months
hii just saw your headcanons for sejanus and reaper and they were so good ,, I was wondering if you could do headcanons for a fem reader who is very touchy with their s/o for reaper and jessup? not in a creepy way, just as a very prominent love language
Live laugh love Reaper and Jessup ❤️❤️
Jessup Diggs x Fem! Physically affectionate! Reader x Reaper Ash (separate romantic headcanon)
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Jessup Diggs
Before the Games
The affection is accepted all the time. Each time you feel like hugging him or touching him in some way, he's down for it
He does like getting cleaned (as much as he possibly can) to look nice for you and to make sure you don't get coal dust all over your clothes
His favorite form of physical affection would be laying your head on his shoulder. He feels strong and likes that you are so willing to rely on him for that physical support
While on the train, he would only sleep while you were awake, which he rarely did since there was a huge bat in the train car
He would try hitting it away with his rolled-up jacket and try keeping it in the opposite corner to make sure you didn't get bit
During the Games
The affection you willingly gave to him was a definite comfort. Each caress almost calmed each of his nerves
Jessup could have held you forever and your touch made him think he could go home with you
He likes keeping you as close as possible, lying near you while he was in pain was the easiest form of comfort he could get
Jessup would lie with you, holding your hand while curled up by your side, groaning from what seemed to be body pains
You would try comforting him to the best of your abilities. Telling him stories, petting his hair and face, or even covering him with his jacket to keep him asleep
But every time you tried giving him water from the small, manmade stream in the floor, he was quick to retaliate against it
You wonder why.
Reaper Ash
Before the Games
Reaper takes your affection with honor. He adores feeling your skin against his when you hold his hand and when you hug him.
Similarly to Jessup, many days after working with the fruits and vegetables in the fields, he would be first to clean himself up, especially his hands
Hand-holding is his favorite and go-to form of affection. It was considered easier to do since he would continue doing other things while having some form of affection with you
During your time on the train, he would lay you next to him, almost on top of him at some points. But he was too worried about you to keep you from going far, even if it was to the other side of the small train car
Reaper would spend his time fixing your clothes, telling you stories he made up on the spot, or trying to keep the bat in the train car from getting near you
During the Games
Reaper’s need to keep you close becomes far more evident in the arena. You need to be nearby where he can at least hear you, but even that's a little too far
Lots of hand-holding, the small touch is enough to bring him comfort
During the bloodbath, Reaper had gone to the cornucopia to retrieve weapons for you and him. He had told you to stay in place and to call for him if another tribute got near
Your duration in the arena was spent mostly hiding out in the tunnels, usually in small and dark rooms that only you and Reaper had found
You were allowed to sleep and rest as much as you needed unless it was when you needed to start moving again. Either way, Reaper would look out while you slept, even then, he held your hand
The only time Reaper allowed himself to rest was when he needed to sleep, which he rarely wanted to do. He claimed he was a heavy sleeper and would never wake in time to get his weapons or anything
But you would just shush him and tell him to sleep, bringing his head to lie next to yours and holding your hand. It was the only time he allowed himself to rest in the arena.
My tbosas masterlist!!
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devinescribe · 6 months
Holding Hands
Warnings:none unless you’re intolerant to fluff
Characters: Tanner, Treech, Sejanus, Coriolanus, Reaper, Jessup
Tanner: He's sweet and shy with you. He doesn't want to scare you by going to fast or by accidentally breaking your boundaries, so he prefers you starting contact. Of course, he gets more confident as the relationship goes on. He likes when you guys hold hands. When walking around town his hand is usually intertwined with yours. When he wants to hold your hand, you'll see him tapping his thigh anxiously and clenching his fists almost like the prospect of doing it was the most nerve-wracking thing he'd ever done. Just look at him softly and ask him to hold your hand, make an excuse. He loves it.
"Mmm... Tanner... can you hold my hand? Please? 'M Cold..." you whisper looking at him with those pretty eyes of yours. How could he say no?
His face was covered in a red blush and grabbed your hand softly, his other hand lying on top of it. Your hand in the middle of both of his because he genuinely thought you were cold. Your soft smile and the feeling of your lips on his was all the gratification he ever needed.
Treech: He is nervous to hold your hand. After years of working out in the woods and the lumberyard, gripping onto the axe... And his stupid need to impress you means he had a few cuts and bumps. He kind of hates how rough his hands are, yet is never saying no because he likes making you happy. There's nothing sweeter to him than how you gently trace his hands and press kisses to them. He will notice your hand getting closer to his and will intertwine his fingers with yours.
Watching the sunset out in the woods near a creek with the love of his life next to him was a perfect way to end his day.
He noticed your hand creeping towards his and hesitantly placed his hand on yours. Your soft hands were a juxtaposition to his rough ones. So different but held by each other. Holding hands turns into you, softly tracing his hands.
"I'm so lucky..." he mumbled pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Why's that?"
"Because I have you."
Sejanus: He LOVES holding your hand, especially when you're just relaxing at his house. It is a simple act of intimacy and he lovessss it. Out in public he'd much rather have you hook your arm with his, he thinks it's cute especially since his Ma and Pa do it. you will be the future Mrs. Plinth, he has decided. Just because you like holding his hand. Most times he softly reaches out. At first, he just places his hand on yours for a while before intertwining his fingers with yours.
As his fingers interlocked with yours, you sigh happily. He was so sweet, and smiled at you brightly, bringing your hand up to his lips.
"Thank you (Y/N)," he said, looking at you with those stupidly love-sick eyes.
"For what Sej?"
"For loving me, my beloved."
Coriolanus: Coryo is an asshole. If you go to grab his hand in public like in class or something, he pulls away. Has swatted your hand to keep it away. Holding hands is something he does to subtly show you are his in public. He doesn't hold your hands as much as he holds your wrist and your hand wrapped around his pointer finger. In private he's a bit kinder, doing a "come here" motion with his fingers. When you put your hand in his, he will press a chaste kiss to it and then just... hold it.
You pout as the blonde next to you lightly swats your hand away in class. He's so mean.
Later in the hallway, he's reaching out for your hand and you, while stubborn, simply give in.
His hold is tight on your wrist, and you grab onto his pointer, whispering he's hurting you. He loosens his grip a bit.
In his room, in the apartment he hates and loves, your head on his chest as you read a book, he motions for your hand. You softly place your hand in his, and he places a kiss on your wrist, almost whispering an apology.
"Mm... Coryo...  Why can't you do this all the time," you whispered, laying your head on his chest, one hand in his, the other in his pretty blond curls.
He looked to the side, unable to meet your eyes. Truth was he didn't know why he did it. So people couldn't see how he cared for you? So people couldn't see that you're his soft spot?
"I don't know," he whispered.
There was a short silence before you hummed and mumbled, "I know. It's ok... just don't grab my wrist again. Or I'm gonna need more kisses."
Reaper: I think he is a big physical contact person. He loves having his arm around you or wants to be touching you all the time. Sometimes it's too much especially in the heat of the summer, so holding hands is the way to go. He will just grab your hand and doesn't even notice he's done it. He honestly just likes having you next to him.
You had been complaining of the heat since the morning. And hot it was. Especially with the human heater that was your boyfriend.
"Noooo it's too hot," you whined as his arms wrapped his strong arms around you, engulfing you in even more heat.
He lets go, albeit with a small huff. His hand is then reaching out. A compromise, you would think to yourself. You wouldn't die of heat and he could touch you. There was a small smile that spread across his lips as your hand met his.
Jessup: I think he's not too big on physical contact. One reason is he works in the mines and you work as a seamstress. He thinks he'll get you dirty and he doesn't want that especially if you are working on something. He would rather you initiate contact because then he knows it's okay. And yes, he knows you could easily wash your hands or go wash up, but he hates the thought of making you go through so much trouble. So, as a compromise, you hook your pinkie with his. You can 'hold his hand' and he doesn't have to worry about getting you dirty.
“Jessup pleaseeee,” you pouted, trying to hold his hand as he stubbornly took it away.
“You have to sew after this break you’re taking. You’ll get things dirty,” he whispers, looking at you with a smile.
You huff and curse your talent for sewing for keeping your sweet loving thoughtful boy from holding your hand.
You feel his pinkie hook onto yours and you smile brightly.
“I told you I’d find some compromise…”
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