#digital dystopia
aliceferox · 1 year
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Digital Disorder I, II, III & IV // 2023
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nabs-draws · 3 months
La cocaina no es buene para su salud
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"Like a drug which is hard to put down, we drown our misery in metrics. We want to be seen and hide our pain behind a fake smile and a plastic world. A few likes to clench our thirst for attention. A few likes in order to remind us that we are actually worth something. We are observing the world through a square device while we slowly forget how to think, how to feel. How to be human. We are living in an attention economy and social media is addictive by design. "
I know it's kinda ironic to vent about the "attention economy" while contributing to it at the same time but I just needed to get this off my chest. Maybe I'm getting old.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Some people just can't quit Twitter despite it having become a far right dystopia ruled by a filthy rich narcissist. The Twitter of the past is dead. It's time to mourn and move on.
For journalists, who moved onto Twitter early and helped define it as the premier digital location for news to be made and broken, the death of Twitter would be big – the end of an era. That’s especially true for journalists like us, who entered the profession after Twitter’s 2006 launch and built our careers at digital outlets, where Twitter defined the stories we covered and the rhythm of our days. [ ... ] Now, Twitter is handing us another assignment: how to write a eulogy for a platform that generated so much hope and harm.
Several journalists at The Guardian shared their thoughts.
@kari_paul, tech reporter, joined Twitter in May 2011 As a young news intern, I obsessively searched the platform to gather information about what was happening on the ground, trying to prove myself and make it in my career while believing wholeheartedly in the power of free information to change the world. Like many others, in the years since, I have watched with dread as the internet has instead facilitated the slow and painful destruction of democracy, attacks on safety, and a dissolution of our trust in one another – and in reality itself. In many ways, Twitter’s fall from grace coincided with my evolution from a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed journalism intern to a jaded tech reporter, all too aware of the ways in which unbridled surveillance capitalism has been allowed to destroy and divide us.
@loisbeckett, LA correspondent, joined Twitter in February 2009 By late 2018, it was already clear that the platform was on a dangerous trajectory, and that the place I had wasted the first decade of my adulthood would soon become a place where it was no longer safe to go. There had been neo-Nazis in the bar for a long time, and increasingly therewere more of them, and it seemed likely, one way or another, that the brownshirts would take over the place. As Twitter becomes a failed state, I’ve ducked my head inside a few platforms, but the decor is tacky and the ideas are stale. I expect I will find my way instead to some new placid digital garden, where elderly media professionals like myself can trade memories of the amazing dunks and main characters of years past and avoid talking too much about the present.
@JMBooyah, Senior tech reporter, joined Twitter in 2011 Today, Twitter is a ghost town. The spice, the joy, the pressure to be funny has gone. Many users are mad. Paid subscribers get top billing – their tweets are pushed to the tops of people’s feeds, they get to tweet more characters. People who no one would ever question whether they are who they say they are have their accounts verified, you know, just in case. Twitter always had a tendency to be an echo chamber, but you got to choose the one you wanted to be in. Today it’s still an echo chamber, but the main voice you’re hearing is Elon Musk’s.
One of them understands that it is now a digital Titanic but refuses to get into a lifeboat.
@abenewrites, gun violence reporter, joined Twitter in 2010 I am here to pre-mourn the messiest place on the net. [ ... ] My journey with Twitter has been long and strange and I am not yet ready to jump from the sinking ship.
Nostalgia and hopium does still keep a lot of people there. But as Twitter descends even further into hate speech, conspiracy theories, far right fanaticism, and capricious rule changes, you increasingly become associated with its public meltdown.
As Amanda Silberling and Alyssa Stringer put it in TechCrunch...
"Welcome to Elon Musk’s Twitter, where the rules are made up and the check marks don’t matter."
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Disconnect TV: Monkey Around With Neuralink
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I wonder how people wean themselves off using sns apps on their phone because I think it’s what I need to do a bit more haha- it will be better for my wrist and generally cut down my mobile usage etc etc. I’d probably check them more on my tablet in the future, but a part of me is already super used to the format and buttons on mobile.
Just… stuff these days… tech age is real
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frigginbeast · 1 year
Cyber Crime Unmasked! A Digital Dystopia
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weakzen · 2 years
lmao adobe/pantone charging a subscription fee for color palettes & replacing those colors with black on old pieces of artwork if you don’t pay up
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mintytown · 7 months
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v1 and wall-e hanging out
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Paul Gulacy
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warakami-vaporwave · 2 months
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closetdystopia · 11 months
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I'm starin' down the lens, and it's like lookin' into an abyss that's swallowed the guy I used to be. These wires, they're not just connected to my body; they're tethered to whatever's left of my soul. It's a mental labyrinth, and every thought's a dead-end, every emotion's a flickerin' light about to go out. I keep pullin' on these threads, hopin' to find some fragment of me that's still real, still human. But the more I pull, the more they unravel, 'til there's nothin' left to hold onto. The last flicker of emotion, the last shred of hope— it's all gone. I'm just a shell in a world that's moved on, a ghost in the machine with no place to haunt.
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joe-spookyy · 5 months
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early apple computers and other tech junk in a back room of an abandoned asylum i visited while urban exploring, april 2024
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thebrokenpaintbox · 2 months
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My scary artwork. I wonder about surveillance a lot and this is a by-product of it.
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madcat-world · 2 months
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Exo (1 of 3) - Leszek Woźniak
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lithiumandsushi · 8 months
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syv729 · 3 months
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Lee from Punishing Gray Raven. Whoever decided to add 400 random details to his design, I WILL come for you. Lock your doors because you are no longer safe. BY the way TYSMMmmm for the likes on my other posts, I have literally never gotten so many on any other platform AJSJJSYBSNSJSJUSNS
Time taken- 7.5 hrs
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