#dignity village
thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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nickiheadon · 3 months
it's crazy like the destruction that anglophone-dominance reaps on other languages, like i'm translating some poetry by young(ish) Georgian poets now and the way they throw in transliterated english words is just so depressing, it sounds terrible and makes no sense
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donation-fundraising · 10 months
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yandere-writer-momo · 1 month
Yandere Head Canons:
The Wishing Well
Yandere Kraken x Fem Reader
TW: Tentacles, teratophillia, monster fucking, etc
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When you were a child, you were often told about a wishing well deep within a sea cave. A well that would grant you any wish your heart desired so long as you made a deal of equal standing with the magical creature that resided in it. Yet most of your fellow villagers said the price was always worth more than what you desired… and the forest was extremely dangerous.
There was a tale about a king who had wished for more riches, yet he returned from the well with no hands so he could no longer hold the gold he had so foolishly sought out.
There was another tale of a woman who went to the well to wish for a child, yet she returned from the well with a round stomach. The villagers all said her baby was a monster.
You were told only one good story about the well. A story of a man who had went to the well to wish for his wife’s health to improve. A hopeless romantic, your peers called him. A man who successfully made a wish and had his wife healed from her incurable disease… yet he never returned from that well. The villagers all assumed the worse, that he sacrificed his own life for his lover…
These stories terrified you as child so you never really thought about the well. At least not until you reached adulthood, anyways. When your village was being threatened by orcs from foreign lands. Your village would perish if they didn’t surrender all of their women to the invaders.
Your villages population was mostly elderly people so there were only ten options of women to send off and you were one of them. You didn’t want to be the whore of an invader, you wanted to marry your lover, Valo… a handsome young man who lived by the seaside on his own. He was a bit eccentric, but you could see yourself with him.
There was only one way to save yourself and your village. And that would be to use the well.
And so you journeyed deep into the frozen sea cave on your quest to liberate your land. Your hopes high despite the small bit of dread that pooled into your stomach. The price shouldn’t be too bad… no. It didn’t matter what the price was. Because you’d rather die than lose your dignity.
Your journey took over three hours, but you finally stood in front of the old well. It was so much larger than the stories had described… and it seemed bottomless from how pitch black the water was.
“H-hello? I’m here to make a wish.” You yelped when a masked face popped up from the well. The man’s muscular upper torso leaned on the edge of the well to stare at you.
“A wish?” The man’s voice was raspy, almost as if he hadn’t spoken in eons. “I haven’t received a wish yet… okay. I’ll grant your wish if I like it.”
What did this man mean by that? Was he the creature of the well? You tried to see what was behind the man’s upper torso yet it was impossible to get around this man.
“No need to be shy. I want to hear what your wish is. You’re the first human I have seen.” Oh? But this well has been here for generations… perhaps the creature within it changed every so often?
“I’m here to save my village from invaders.” You gasped when he grabbed your jaw to tilt your head towards him.
“How noble… I don’t believe that’s all you want though. You’re hesitant.” The man chuckled at your flushed cheeks. “Are you afraid of me?”
You cast your gaze to the floor which made the man burst into laughter. “Goodness! How fun! Please be honest or else you had made this journey for naught.”
“The other girls and I will be sacrificed to the invaders to be… to be their wives or slaves.” Your voice is so soft yet it echoed throughout the icy cave. “Please help my village! I don’t want to be with someone I don’t love-“
You felt your heart stop when the man’s masked face was now only a few inches from yours. His violet eyes studied your form in interest before he sat up. “You’re not lying and I find you quite pretty.”
The man snapped his fingers and a contract appeared from thin air, the words written on it were in an olden tongue you couldn’t grasp. “I will grant your wish but you must sign this contract. I don’t want you to butt out of our end of the deal.”
“Deal?” You’re puzzled by the man who laughed at your gobsmacked expression.
“Duh. Wishes aren’t for free otherwise more people would come to me.” The man nodded his head at her.
“But what is it that you want from me?” You asked the man who merely gave you a smirk.
“I’ll tell you once your little invader issue is resolved. Until then, you’re free to go about your life.” You bit your lip but ultimately signed, the man quickly snatched up the contract as his body spun in circles in the pitch black water of the well. “I’m thrilled! It’s been so long since I’ve had company…”
The man turned to her with a grin. “You said you’ll only be with someone you love, right?”
“Yes?” The man nodded his head and snapped his fingers, the contract disappeared into thin air.
“Then it’s settled. I will collect you when the time is right.” The man then waved you away as you made your long journey home. The man was now absolutely giddy. Was this how his mother felt when she met his father all those centuries ago? He was so happy that you were indeed the one.
You did go about your life and was surprised to hear how a kraken destroyed the invaders’ ships. It was a terrifying site to see the dismembered bodies and ship wreckage on the frozen shores of your home… yet it was satisfying. Everyone was safe, just as promised.
There was no longer the threat of foreign invaders… which meant you were able to spend more time with your lover. The violet haired man beamed at you when he invited you to walk on the icy beach with him.
“Once winter is over, why don’t we get married?” Valo blushed when you took his hand in yours. “The sea is always bursting with life in the summer…”
“I’d love to.” The two of you giggled in bliss. Yet you couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that the man from the well would call upon you soon to pay off your end of the deal…
After that day with Valo, you were plagued with nightmares of a creature from the deep. A violet kraken that wrapped its tentacles around your small body and plunged you into the depths of the dark ocean. The tendrils would squeeze you in ways that were salacious. The violet appendages would shove their way down your throat and into your poor hole. It was such a terrifying nightmare, one that always felt so real.
You’d often wake up with sore arms, legs, and sometimes sore nether regions from these dreams. Perhaps you should spend more time with Valo? Your lover always made you feel more comfortable…
And it was now summer! The two of you were going to get married soon, anyways. It wouldn’t hurt to see Valo…
And so you went to your lover’s home on the shore. Your fellow villagers quirked a brow at you. They never knew why you went to the beach so often with a smile on your face since you always came back empty handed.
No one had lived on that shore for centuries after the fisherman disappeared to save his wife at the well in the sea cave.
“Valo?” You approach the violet haired man who gives you a bright smile. His violet eyes eerily shine under the moonlight as his body remained half submerged in the sea.
“My dear, it’s time to pay off your debt.” You freeze when you hear the familiar voice of the man from the well leave Valo’s throat. “You said you’d only be with someone you love, so it’s time for you to pay your dues.”
You scream when violet tentacles shoot out from the murky water and wrap around you. What? But… how? These were the tentacles from your nightmares. The violet tendrils that wrapped themselves skeins your pliable body when you were in dream world… the tendrils that fucked you.
“I’m sure you’ll love our new home… it isn’t often a kraken finds their mate.”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 months
Dark Is The Night
Summary: A late night encounter with a patroling soldier changes the trajectory of his life - and, unfortunately, yours too.
tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, non - consensual touching, threats, thoughts of non - con, mention of war, patronizing behavior, slight misogyny, hinted kidnapping
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All he could think about was you.
It was a damp linden night, one of the very few old fashioned ones - as if time itself had stopped. The old colonel was laughing in short sharp breathes, skin spotting in red along with his sweaty neck, tearing into a letter he had received this very morning. The young soldiers were all over the tavern - some crying, some cheering over a beer and calling each glass their last, losing themselves in the rich foam that covered their fresh military mustaches. Christoph was alone, though.
He had no wife to write back to - no home to call his own, no friends or family to celebrate his final battle with. He also wasn't a rookie - so he couldn't drink himself blind in the pursuit of ideals, of empty promises of greatness to come. Truth was, his troops had won their fair share of battles, and today they had signed a treaty that would certainly benefit the district - the one he had lost his youth fighting for. He knew the capital would attempt at invasion, those greedy fucks wanted to bite more than they could chew - but that was no longer his problem. Today his contract ended. Today he was a free man.
And yet.
And yet all he could think about was you.
It was funny - he had spent more nights than he could remember wishing he could burn this half - dead village to the ground, all together with the maidens and the elderly still stick fending for themselves after the war. He presumed he'd be doing everyone a favor - he'd rid himself of the memories that haunted his dreams, and they wouldn't have to suffer any longer, not when all that winter would bring once again was even more hunger and decay.
After all, the victory changed nothing. The starving populace wouldn't starve anymore - it would simply die, having lost fathers, sons, daughters, farmers, merchants, healers. Nothing less than the very foundation of society. So maybe it would be far less cruel, far more humane, to burn everything and let them die with dignity.
But then you too would burn with the miserable souls of the damned. The man pictured it all - your beautiful skin still damp from the rain blistering in red and orange, and eventually black, those gems of yours trembling beneath your long eyelashes as the smoke swallowed your last breath.
The thought made Christoph irrationally angry - jealous even. Not only because he just imagined you dying, but because it was someone, something else stealing your final moment from him. Something else bruising your skin and forcing your lips to swell, something else causing you pain and suffering. No, he couldn't let you die. Not like this.
He couldn't help but recall your first meeting two years ago. Unbeknownst to you he had memorized it, citing each line by heart - envisioning it in his memory over and over each time he needed an escape, an outlet. The soldier wasn't one for softness, never one to dream and hope - but deep down he knew that this simple encounter had swayed the bullets. It had made him grip his rifle just a bit closer, made the biting wind just a bit warmer. He was a killing machine undeserving of humanity - yet you had saved him without even realizing it.
It was a cold winter night - quite opposite to this one, in the middle of Hell. The county your village was part of had been surrounded for a few weeks. Food was running low, and even clean water was scarce. All the men had been displaced a long time ago, sent off to fight in the eastern territories. Christoph was stuck at the Iron hills, a region so poor they didn't even bother to send additional armies to. If it lost, it lost. It held no special resources, no cultural or economic significance, no sea or forest roads to profit off of. All in all, no one wanted to serve here. No one but him.
Not that Christoph was too fond of the hills - it was more so that he didn't care where he was going to die. Whether it was on the eastern front, the western or even on the other side of the ocean, it didn't matter. And he had made peace with that fact - but before death took a toll on him, he was going to earn enough buck to buy good cigarettes for once in his miserable life. With real tobacco, none of that cheap imported trash they sold in his hometown.
And that's exactly how fate let him meet you. He was patrolling the border bridge late into the night - a thick cigar in hand (a parting gift from the general Murphy), humming to an old melody he couldn't quite remember the name of. He was alone that night - his friend had been injured so he needed to rest. The man was trying to stay alert, although the fatigue had long settled in between his tired bones and it refused to let go. The lack of sleep and the sheer paranoia was making him jumpy, ready to point his gun at the slightest of sound. He almost shot you that night.
"Colonel." You had whispered through gritted teeth, slowly raising your hands up as you approached him with a hesitant step. He blinked twice, unsure if he was still awake. Surely there was no way a young woman was out alone so late during wartime. "Colonel!" You repeated, putting a bit more force into your otherwise soft, calm voice. This seemed to snap him out of his trance and he finally raised his head to look at you, his sharp, intense gaze measuring you up from top to bottom. Just like a predator seizing his pray, like a soldier trained to keep his eyes on the target, he knew no other way to introduce himself other than with a silent, unspoken threat.
"A bit young to be calling me that, no?" The man snapped back, voice coming out more raspy than he intended - but it was hardly his fault. He rarely had visitors nowadays - no one wanted to expose themselves to the front lines, to risk becoming smoked meat, which meant he had little opportunity for chatter. So his voice had become rough - almost unnecessary cruel.
"I'm sorry." You mumbled, blurry eyes focused on the weapon resting oh - so snuggly against the soldier's heart as if guarding it. "I'm not familiar with your many titles, sir." You explained with a certain bite. Christoph squinted, growing amused at your little jab, yet the black mask covering his mouth hid it from you. The man knew exactly what you meant. You were not used to so much surveillance on your step - on everyone's step, so many eyes set on you as if you had a massive red target on your back. You were not used to armed forces ghosting around your small homely village with a gun resting at an arm's length just waiting to be loaded.
He wondered if it was your first time running into a soldier since the beginning of the occupation. He wondered if you were scared - if your heart was beating against your chest like it was trying to break through the skin. After all he was indeed intimidating - with heavy combat boots and a black uniform that did little to hide his rough figure, the lineage of lean muscle and battered blistered skin that undoubtedly belonged to a man. A man whose hands were still covered in dirt and blood. He could kill you. He could push you around - get some entertainment out of you. He could shove you down and use you like a cheap village whore - and no one would care because that's just how war is. He was serving his country, he needed an outlet, and you just happened to be there. No one would blame him.
He couldn't bring himself to come closer to you. He didn't trust himself to hold back when faced with something so fragile after months of letting his fists and his teeth do the speaking.
"That's lieutenant to you, miss." He barked in a tone that felt familiar - a tone that used to wake him up every morning at 5 for weeks on end. A tone that he could still hear every time he loaded his rifle and let go of the trigger with shaking fingers.
He couldn't be nice to you. He couldn't be nice to anyone in this bloodshed. And yet he heard himself asking you for your name. It hadn't meant anything - it was a long night and he was bored. Lonely, maybe, he couldn't tell his feelings apart very well. You hesitated for a second too long before you finally gave him a clear answer. It was the most beautiful sound he had heard - not just now, but ever.
"Would you mind explaining why you're here so late, miss?" The man tilted his head, trying to understand your unreadable expression - somehow you looked lost in time, striken by fear and grievance. "I believe the general gave direct orders this morning. No one should be out after ten." He paused to take a long, dramatic puff off his cigar. "It's too dangerous. Especially for a pretty little thing like you to be roaming at night." He knew his boldness was making you uneasy, and that he shouldn't derive such obvious pleasure from your discomfort, but he just couldn't help it. He was lonely. He was sick. And most of all, he was a bastard who had already given up on life. He had nothing to lose.
"Truth be told, if you were mine I wouldn't let you out of sight, miss." He grinned, feeling just a bit disgusted with himself. He wasn't sure why, but he wanted to scare you. To creep you out so bad you'd never go out alone again. Why he had got so invested so quickly, he also couldn't tell.
"I... I needed a breath of f-fresh air, l-leutenant." You responded quickly, eager to leave this conversation as soon as possible - completely ignoring anything he said. Your initial confidence had evaporated as the wet cold crept into your thin coat. It didn't fit your frame - it was too big on you and it reeked of a man's first proper cologne. The thought of it filled the soldier with unreasonable, hot -red fury, imagining you next to some nameless brat with his hands wrapped around you.
"That's all?" The corners of his lips stretched mockingly as he let his smoke blow into your face - and you had to fight the urge to immediately wave it off.
"Are you, are you implying something, sir?" You fiddled with your fingers nervously, looking anywhere but at Christoph. He found it pathetically adorable. "Just curious." He took another long puff - his breath coming out frozen - white as it hit the icy air. "You don't seem like the brave type to me." His eyes narrowed to two pitch black slits. He must have looked terrifying to you in that moment, and he loved it. "So just what-" He pulled you in by the collar. "Are you doing here, huh?"
You froze in place as if he had pointed his gun to you yet again. You swallowed loudly, trying to come up with an explanation - but nothing came to mind when you were so obviously scared. The soldier could feel your heartbeat - he could hear the blood pumping to your ears as you looked around hopelessly for help that wouldn't come. And just like that the wolf had the rabbit dancing in its own trap.
"Are you just looking for trouble, hmm?" The man reached in to curl his finger around one of your loose locks. He didn't want to make you feel so awfully small - but everything about this situation, from the tremble of your lips to the sheer panic in your eyes was going straight to his cock. "I'm sure that with a face like that you never lacked attention, no?" He tilted his head with predatory malice. "But now all the men bending over backwards for you are off somewhere, dying as we speak. Poor little you - I can imagine just how lonely you are." He pressed his body closer to yours. "The thing is, I am more than willing to play with you in their pl-"
"Please, lieutenant." You couldn't stand to listen to him any longer, a thousand warm pleas already falling off your desperate lips. "Please let me go." Your eyes softened, trying to hide the first sign of hot wet tears. "I need to go home to my siblings. I need to bring them fo-"
"Why should that matter to me, dollface?" It was his turn to interrupt you - voice full of childish glee as he kept up with his petty torment.
"Because - because," You started off, hands shaking into little fists that you knew, realistically, could do the soldiers no damage were you to push against his chest. "Because you're a good man." You mumbled after a while, looking for the right words to say. "And I know that deep down you're kind and brave. That's why you're here now, fighting for all our lives."
You were such a pretty liar, Christoph thought. He could listen to your sugary sweet fairytales all night long, silently praying that they'd become true if he was only able to capture his own little fairy - his own miracle.
"What if I am not the hero, doll?" The man whispered darkly in response, leaning against you until your back hit the tree behind you, trapping you between his stiff body and the pillar. "What if I am here for all the wrong reasons, huh? Just think about it." He lowered his head so it would match your eye level - you were so quiet he wondered if you had forgotten how to breath.
"We're in the middle of nowhere. I have a weapon and a direct permission to shoot at will. I can do whatever the fuck I want." He made sure you could hear every single word clearly. He wouldn't let you faint before he was through with you. "I can fuck you right here in the open - or I can drag you to the barracks and keep you there for as long as I need to. Do you really think anyone would care about some insignificant girl going missin-"
"Please." You repeated, suddenly getting stirn with your pleading, as if you too had nothing to lose. "Let me go - I'd do anything."
His eyes darkened - then lit up with sick, perverse desire. He wanted to echo your words back to you just like a classical villain would - to really drive the point across that he was out for blood. Anything, you say? Anything at all? But he couldn't contain his excitement enough to voice those sadistically banal thoughts. Besides, he could already feel the adrenaline running through his whole body. His heart was beating rhythmically, pumping and alive for the first time in days, weeks, months. He wanted you more than anything. It was that moment he knew he was going to live - he was going to fight and win, and then come back for you as a hero. As your hero, even if in your eyes he would be more of a villain.
A nightmare you'd try to forget - and just when you think you have erased his fingertips off your waist, your face, your neck, he'd come back to steal you away forever.
"Kiss me." Christoph all but snarled, some unfamiliar, needy - greedy ball of emotion settling into his loins as your delicate face twisted into a petrified grimace. You began trembling in his arms, looking around yet again. It was pitch black, no soul in sight. You inhaled deeply, trying to steady your movement to no avail. "A-alright. I-I..." You whispered with difficulty as if simply saying the words was causing you a great deal of pain. And maybe it was, but the soldier could care less. He already knew you were made for him - made to serve him, made to make him happy. "I'll d-do it."
The man growled in satisfaction, taking a small step back. You looked at him, puzzled - your confused face was just as cute as your scared one. He couldn't wait to explore all your reactions - the way you'd squirm and writhe underneath him as he fucked into you restlessly, filling you up with his love over and over again until you were crying for mercy. But that had to wait, he had a war to fight. For now he could settle for a little taste of you to keep him warm during the cold nights. And just like that he tapped his lips, guiding you silently. You felt your cheeks heat up once you finally understood what he meant by that. He wasn't going to kiss you. He wanted you to put in the work.
Your eyes filled up with tears, and you felt silly for becoming so upset over a little kiss - but this was your first kiss, and you had to give it to a monster. It was certainly better than the alternative, with the alternative being rape in a filthy military cottage, but it still made you feel dirty all over. Yet, you had no choice. You took a step towards the man - you could feel the suffocating warmth radiating off his body towards yours, and if the situation wasn't so grim, you might have been grateful for another human's heat in the freezing cold. But now all you could feel was dread.
You stood on your tip toes, a shaky hand reaching out to cup the stranger's face. Cristoph smirked, complecent at your obedience. You licked your lips and slowly, hesitantly pressed them against his, just barely touching at all.
He groaned, unable to keep his hands to himself any longer. He grabbed you and pulled you in roughly, squeezing you like a plush toy. He deepened the kiss, forcing his tongue deep into your mouth, finding heaven between your soft, sweet lips and broken whimpers. You were so innocent. So lost. He wanted to take you into his arms and never let go. He wanted to keep kissing you until your lips turned blue, until it hurt to speak.
And then you pushed him off just like that, using your own body as a distraction. He tripped backwards, too shocked and lost in sensation to stop you. He smiled at your final act of defiance. It was, of course, adorable and so painfully you, yet it didn't really matter - not in the long run. You had only suceeded in making him want you more.
But that was two years ago. Now the war was finally over. Now he had enough to start a new life. Now he was a free man.
And he was coming back for you.
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crispy-armpit · 1 year
✧ 𝖒𝖞 𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑 ✧
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴇᴀ ɢᴏᴅ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
𓇼˚₊‧꒰ა 🫧 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓇼
⭒ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 10 dollars on a dare leads you to break one superstition that changes your life forever. you begin to learn secrets tied to your family and upbringing, at the cost of your freedom. who is this mysterious Anshumat, and why does he want you?
⭒ 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵: 𝘨𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘺, violence, implied stalking, kidnapping, choking, reader gets called a bride once
⭒ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,418
⭒ a/n: yan sea god was inspired by an Indonesian myth called Nyi Roro Kidul! it's a really interesting legend if you want to learn more abt it ^^ also.... man tits...... meow..
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will you venture down this path?
growing up, you would stay over at your grandmother's house every summer. her beautiful seaside cottage made the perfect accommodation for a family getaway. throughout your childhood, the superstitious old woman restricted you from doing specific things. rules like never whistling at night, don't open an umbrella indoors, etc.
you'd eventually found out that these were just scare tactics for children to make them listen. but there was one rule that your grandmother seemed to fear the most, a rule that never made sense... never wear white to the local beach. and when questioning her about the rule, she'd tell you the same story every time.
"long ago...
a cruel serpent god who once ruled these waters would rise from the ocean and into the islands, devouring innocent villagers and destroying temples along its path.
the gods and humans were furious at its actions. fed up with the destruction and death, they prepared a plan to thwart the serpent; a binding curse.
the serpent was cursed to spend its days rotting in a hidden island, where it was accompanied by its servants. it was also tasked with granting blessings to sailors passing through the rocky tides, where it weighed the sins of each individual to seal their fates.
but over the decades... the serpent grew bored and lonely. through a loophole, the serpent found a way to abduct humans. you see.. the serpent loves the colour white and pearls. so much so, it would use its voice, so alluring, to lure the poor victims who happened to wear such things. and once in the water, the serpent would drag the human to its temple where they would become its slave.. or worse...
its spouse."
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here you are today, telling the same tale in front of your young niece and nephew. "well, that's one way to get bitches." your nephew, Keona laughs. a scoffing Kehlani adds on, "nah, who would want to marry an overgrown slimy snake?"
"hey now, take that shit to grandma. she just assigned me to be your storyteller," you shrugged. "and this story has a real reasoning behind it, ok?"
"what? sexy sea snake destroying villages?"
"no, it's so that little rascals like you..." you drill both your index fingers onto their foreheads, "are easier to find if you ever get lost at sea."
how did i end up here...
facepalming yourself, you sigh. you were disappointed in yourself. how'd you let those little punks reel you in a dare? where was the self-respect? the dignity? seriously, breaking your grandmother's number 1 rule for what? 10 dollars?
you walk along the shore while wearing a flowy white shirt and neck encased in one of your mother's pearl necklaces. the dare was simple: successfully walk down the shoreline without chickening out and boom— an extra 10 dollars into your wallet.
you'd prove to the twins that you weren't scared of a little bedtime story. buuut just in case you did happen to go missing (for reasons that are totally not hungry sea serpent related), you brought essentials in a bag, left a letter for your family, and are currently being watched by the twins.
laughing at yourself for the paranoia, you nearly reach the edge of the walk until you hear a feminine wail from between the hidden rocks. is someone hurt? the sound was coming from beyond your finishing point so it wouldn't hurt to check, right?
signalling the twins to come over, you bend down to their heights, "listen, it sounds like someone's in trouble past those rocks. so I want you both to go grab the first aid kit and call Officer Holden over, 'kay?" they nod and scamper off into town.
approaching the rocks, you peek in to find a naked... mermaid?! observing her, you notice the torn skin on her iridescent tail and warily walk over to her. "uh... hey? hola? salve? hallo? i'm ah— good human! no... nooooo bad.."
you notice the air seems to smell... sweeter?
the woman looks up at you from the sand with pleading eyes, "please— please help me! my name is Coralie, my master, he—"
"woah, it's ok! you're safe, help is coming. uh, your master? did he do this to you? are you an underwater criminal?!"
a distant melodious voice interrupts you. Coralie's previously pained face now warps into a sinister grin as her wound disappears. she crawls towards you as your vision fogs up and your knees buckle to the soft sand. the song lulls you into a deep sleep, your body now being pulled into the shallow waters.
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you awake to the bright rays of sunshine and lungs filling in with fresh air. but the next in your line of sight knocked all the air out of your body again.
the luminous, barely-clothed body of an unknown man sat above you. his 9'7 self relaxed on the marble throne, with 2 pairs of eyes fixated on you. what the fuck is that?
you gawk at him, "holy mother of god..."
i'm not dreaming, am i?
his gaze shifts into amusement, "wrong. we gods do not have mothers. we were created."
"you're a... a god?"
"is it not obvious enough from my appearance? would you like to see another version of me?" the towering deity begins to warp into a feminine body as if it was melting and moulding itself. "is this preferable?" her new voice is flirtatious, genuinely curious.
then, she tries to warp into a third body. the transformation looks more painful than the one prior, it barely shifts halfway into a gruesome beast before returning back to its first body. he huffs while grasping his golden collar, "this... is not my original form. I have been cursed, long ago, to never set foot on human lands. this island is both my kingdom and prison."
you shakily stand up the marble floor, now noticing Coralie standing beside the throne with a pair of legs. slowly processing his words, you piece together the clues from his story and your memories of the abduction. this couldn't be...
"you are.. you're the sea serpent god! I can't believe grandma was right— shit, shit shit—"
he smirks at your panic, "correct. I am Anshumat; shapeshifter deity of the raging tides, granter of safe travels—"
"murderer and enslaver." you complete.
Anshumat roars, "correct again! you're on a strike, dear y/n. though trust me, my servants are treated well."
"..how do you know my name?"
"oh you poor thing, granny never told you? I know everything about you— a name is barely anything."
"told me what?"
"she used to be my cupbearer. until she escaped with that bastard traitor. isn't that right, Coralie?"
she nods, "yes, master."
"please sir, let me leave. my family— they'll search for me! I have a cat at home! I haven't even finished my favourite show.. so please..." you try to list more life goals.
he chuckled, "oh you are so amusing. and why would I do that? we've barely just been engaged, dear."
"what do you mean engaged?"
"I've been watching you since you took your first breath on earth, y/n. so imagine my surprise— to see you wrapped up in my favourite colour, like a pretty bride. you're my sacrifice."
fear tingles your spine, "wait, that was just a dare! i didn't really mean it!"
"doesn't matter. you will be my pearl."
"no! I have a family, a partner—"
"i said... it doesn't fucking matter." he slams his fist against the throne arm, "and you'll be seeing the head of that twat soon enough."
you don't give him a glance before you're turning your back and run down the staircase of the grand temple. careful not to trip, you focus on the flight of stairs, painfully aware of the loud footsteps approaching behind you. it doesn't take a second for Anshumat to pull on the collar of your shirt and slam you onto the staircase.
he sits atop you, lower region heavily grinding against your stomach. "get off me! don't you have hundreds of other options?! why me?!" you scream.
his bedazzled skin blocks your view of the sun, furious eyes glowing under his shadow, and sharp teeth bared into a snarl. "you do not get to leave me again. you will stay, and worship me. this island will be our eternal paradise."
large hands pressing against your throat, you struggle before darkness begins to cloud your vision.
"this time, you will live."
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flowercrowncrip · 5 months
Possibly an unpopular perspective, but sometimes I feel like parents of children with similar or higher support needs to myself who campaign for things like changing places toilets, affordable health and social care, better quality care homes, and better access and funding for education understand a great deal of my life better than people who are disabled but never give a thought about those with high support needs.
Someone who knows what it's like to plan their entire life around the just over 2000 registered changing places toilets in the U K (compared to over 43,000 towns, cities, and villages) so that their child can use the toilet with dignity understands that part of my life better than the disabled people who have never even thought about the lives of people who can't use standard accessible bathrooms.
People who go out in public with their wheelchair using child and see the looks they get, hear the ableist comments and experience how much of society wheelchair users are cut out of understand that part of my life better than the disabled people who told me being a visibly disabled full-time wheelchair user makes me "privileged" compared to other disabled people.
I know that there are problems with some nondisabled people who are close to a disabled person talking over disabled people's first-hand experience, but I also think that there are some disabled people who could do with actually listening to severely disabled people and our families rather than assuming that the experiences of people with lower support needs are universal
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choerypetal · 7 months
Love at first Sight / Billy The Kid
summary : billy assumed the role of your father's right-hand man, working for a man rooted in tradition and possessing a distasteful approach toward women, especially you. as he engaged in conversations with his boss expressing displeasure regarding you, billy found himself increasingly interested in you. your situation, bound by an arranged marriage to the mayor's son—a union you adamantly rejected—created a unique backdrop. It was during a specific event that billy had the opportunity to meet your father's daughter, and in that moment, he became a firm believer in the existence of love at first sight. this entire journey began with his enduring fascination with the scent of your perfume back at your mother's stable.
ps : english is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes and grammar errors. please don't copy my work without giving proper credit. thank you!
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Billy never experienced a genuine sense of belonging, whether he was away or striving to improve the situation for his family. He was acutely aware of society's treatment of outliers. As the affluent men from the village strolled through the suburbs, they, too, recognized the presence of criminals in their midst, and Billy found himself among them. And yet, he blended himself quite well with the wealth too. 
Although you had expected to be the new talk of the town, an arranged marriage with the mayor's son was not on your list of future goals. Furthermore, being wedded to an arrogant individual who was well aware that it was merely a strategic move, and behind closed doors, he had no qualms about bringing his mistress into the same house, was beyond anything you had envisioned. Especially considering that if you had dared to do the same, your father would unleash his fury and shame at dawn, calling you the same names he had directed at your mother. She, in a desperate attempt, had reluctantly embraced the notion of marriage solely to preserve the family legacy. 
"She will marry him, no questions asked." Uttered your father, the day before the marriage. And even in this assertion, it was the most affectionate sentiment he could muster towards his wife. Over time, you began to harbor suspicions that he, too, maintained a relationship outside the confines of home. In contrast to your newly arranged husband, your father, at least, displayed a modicum of dignity and refrained from entirely demeaning his wife in the presence of someone he found more alluring. 
While the mere rumor of the mayor's son getting married spread, it didn't take long for the news to reach even those living close to your mansion. It was an announcement that resonated beyond the village. Citizens from the village, including yourself, were invited to celebrate this new union. Despite wanting to find humor in the irony of the situation, you found yourself gazing at your reflection in the mirror that very morning. Your hair was styled more meticulously than usual, and your maid affectionately applied a touch of powdered blush on your cheeks, suggesting that you should also apply a shade of red to your lips—apparently, your husband's favorite color. However, this notion raised suspicions that he might have mentioned it merely as a reminder of his own extramarital affair. 
On the contrary, Billy found himself deeply engrossed in his pursuit of a plan to earn money and provide for his family back home. What he failed to mention was that he had been working for a member of your family since the very beginning. However, he soon found himself bewildered, troubled by the revelation that your father had a daughter. Despite being accustomed to your father's often proudly expressed family affairs, what offended Billy the most was the notion of witnessing such a beautiful girl tethered to a man he could hardly bear to part with—your new husband. 
As your father's right-hand man, Billy was privy to more information than he probably should have been. He spent countless hours in conversations, observing how your new husband seemed enamored with the notion of having you as his wife. He openly entertained the idea that his mistress was even more alluring, describing her in rather explicit terms. This perspective left Billy contemplating the disdain these two men harbored—not only for their wealth but also for their audacity in talking about  you with so much filth coming from their mouth. 
Unbeknownst to both of you, there was a transparent tension in the air. Your father, having the audacity, warned Billy to tread carefully. "She's a spicy one, you know." He casually remarked one night at the pub, with your mother expressing concern over your father's prolonged absence. "She could make any man fall in love, a seductress she is." The words of your husband tempted Billy to rise and deliver a punch to his face, but he understood that such an act would cost him his job. Driven by the determination to catch a glimpse of your beautiful face on your wedding day, he suppressed his impulse. "You seem quiet tonight, boy." Your father's voice resonated in Billy's already agitated mind. Despite his initial disdain for the man who employed him, this time, Billy managed a smile. Aware that alcohol had taken its toll on the two affluent men, he began to entertain the thought that perhaps even the most sought-after criminal could outsmart every wealthy aristocrat, including your father and your husband.
As the reality of today being the wedding day sank in, you were expected to catch a glimpse of your husband before the ceremony. How mistaken you were when you decided to step out for a breath of fresh air. Suppressing tears, you tried not to panic at the thought of soon saying "Yes" to your husband, officially binding yourself to him. It was at that moment that Billy saw you in full. Carrying out a discreet surveillance as per your father's instructions, he had to halt his horse to avoid causing a disturbance in your courtyard. Dressed in his customary attire, a matching hat and blouse with his curls peeking through, he stood under the humid weather. His piercing blue eyes locked onto your silhouette. In that moment, Billy realized that love at first sight was indeed a reality. 
Your thoughts were consumed by anxiety as you made every effort not to appear completely distraught. Amidst the constant pressure to present perfection, a seemingly inconsequential decision loomed large, poised to alter your life entirely. You were on the verge of declaring your desire to escape this distressing situation forever. If it weren't for your mother's insistence on keeping her daughter by her side, you might have left the wretchedness long before venturing into the wilderness. It was during this tumultuous time that the sound of a horse approaching caught your attention, guided to a halt. A boy of your age emerged, and there was a sense that he might be an outlaw in the employ of your husband's family. His gentle gaze met yours, prompting you to approach cautiously. "May I help you?" You inquired, hoping your recent tears had dried by this point, and the dryness in your voice was simply a result of dehydration. 
"I reckon I should be askin' you the same question, darlin'." The accent hinted that the boy hailed from the South. A man of his demeanor might be viewed with disdain or seen as one who relishes the rugged existence of the wilderness as a mere challenge. However, his mannerisms suggested that this same man was well-acquainted with the nomadic lifestyle. Perhaps, if you were an unattached lady with enough daring in your spirit to break free, you could run away—with or without a total stranger—just as long as it meant being far away from home. "Billy's the name. Your father hired me to be..." He paused momentarily, conscious of your father's confession the previous night about you being the woman he envisioned. However, Billy wanted to witness it with his own eyes and found himself captivated by your subtle vulnerability and the fearlessness you displayed in conversing with someone of lesser means, not to mention a criminal. "His right-hand man. I reckon we haven't been properly introduced. You must be Y/N.” 
Your eyes widened in shock, almost in disbelief, though it wasn't entirely surprising that your father would enlist someone to handle his less savory tasks. It wasn't until today's events that you truly learned about the man your father had only briefly mentioned, leaving you to think he was nothing more than an urban legend. Considering the amount of alcohol in his system, you were hardly surprised. Yet, there he stood—the man your father boasted about during lengthy dinners with his men: Billy the Kid. A figure with a shrewd skill for shooting intruders without hesitation, coupled with a charming demeanor. "I am..." You confessed, your admiration for his demeanor evident as you approached. You became conscious of the horse, realizing it was from your mother's stable. "She's been fed properly." Billy remarked, noting your gesture as you began to caress the braided hair of Billy's horse—a routine you had always done, realizing it was all along the horse reserved for him. "Love the braids, by the way." 
His compliment sent a warm flush to your cheeks. "I've always wanted to know the owner's skill in braiding. I wanted to thank them, but a little bird told me it was someone's daughter who's about to get married. And upon hearing that, I was sad to hear such news." Among all the men you had encountered in your life, something distinctive resonated in Billy, acknowledging the small gesture. He was aware of your presence only at the wrong times and different hours, lamenting the missed opportunity of not meeting you sooner, especially after learning the news of you becoming a recognized wife.
The news struck Billy deeply. In all honesty, he meant every word he spoke. He realized it was merely a matter of being there at the right time, and he could have been the one to offer you in marriage. The thought of heritage and the possibility of being dismissed due to your father's demise didn't concern him. Billy began to believe that if you had been with him all along, you could have been a free lady. Unlike many men in the wilderness, he would have treated you as the woman you were meant to be—a princess in his eyes. Cheating, for him, was a sin. Despite his own involvement in many crime, he was determined not to tolerate disloyalty and would damn well wage a war against any men who prioritized their sins over loyalty. 
"I—" You were so taken aback by Billy's sudden interest that unfamiliar feelings stirred within you, emotions you hadn't experienced in a long time. You had convinced yourself that love was a distant memory, and the idea of loving your own husband seemed utterly ridiculous. "Y/N! The ceremony is about to start!" Your mother's voice interrupted, drawing attention to Billy's presence. A formal smile appeared on her face, indicating that they knew each other long before you did. After all, he was involved in your father's business, and your father was adept at keeping his affairs away from you. "Billy." Your mother called out his name, prompting a respectful bow from him. "Miss." He acknowledged. "I'll leave you two ladies for the preparations, going back to duty." He announced, to which your mother responded. "Oh, you know you're always welcomed, boy. We even kept a plate for you. You're family." 
"You're family." The words echoed in your mind as your mother gently took your arm, guiding you back inside to try on your wedding dress. Before stepping fully inside, you stole a final glance at Billy. He acknowledged your gaze with a brief nod, and you could have sworn you saw a soft smile, implying that everything was going to be okay. 
But it didn't. The marriage turned out to be a complete spectacle. The meticulously arranged plates, with the white and red combination your husband had chosen, were even more distasteful than the concept of marriage itself. Despite having said "Yes," anticipating your father's intense gaze throughout the entire wedding, you were proven wrong. To no one's surprise, after a few drinks, he was already drunk and couldn't care less. However, you sensed someone's gaze shifting entirely from your mother to you from afar. It was Billy's gaze, his usual blue eyes looking at you so lovingly that he began to curse himself for not being the fortunate man to propose. "Don't they make a loving pair," your mother would say to him, although it was only for show. Your mother had shown signs of concern that your husband had already found a mistress back at home. She wanted to ensure that you felt the love your husband supposedly felt for the other ladies, and that man turned out to be Billy.
You came to the realization that throughout dinner, you had been putting on a façade, performing an act solely to appease the affluent company. The discomfort gradually intensified until it manifested as a nauseating twist in your stomach, making it impossible to consume such an excessive amount of food in such a short span. The moment your husband, adorned with a forced smile and a trace of alcohol on his breath, attempted to lean in, you swiftly rose from your seat. A disconcerting sensation lingered as you tried to evade his touch. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but notice Billy's unwavering gaze, indicating his awareness that something was amiss. True to his character as a loyal confidant, he patiently bided his time until you excused yourself, following suit shortly after. However, Billy's departure did not go unnoticed by your father, who inquired about his early exit. "Just need some fresh air." Was Billy's offered explanation.
Only upon reaching the back door did your eyes well up with tears, the very tears you had struggled desperately to conceal both before and after the wedding. As you brushed your fingers against a ring that didn't rightfully belong to you, an overwhelming desire to scream surged within. The pain and desperation begged for an outlet, a release, but no words emerged. Collapsing to your knees, vulnerability engulfed you completely. 
Billy trailed behind, intending to afford you some privacy and a moment alone. However, what he hadn't anticipated was stumbling upon you in such a distressed state. Witnessing you in such a condition was beyond his comprehension. It was inconceivable for him to imagine seeing someone as beautiful and wise as you in such turmoil, especially considering that even his own boss, your father, would allow such a fate. You only became aware of his presence when the rhythmic thud of boots on the wooden planks reached your ears near the back door. Swiftly turning around, you flinched at the sudden noise, relieved to find it was only Billy, signaling there was no need for concern. “Woah there Darlin’. It’s just me…” 
The casual and frequent use of "Darling" as a term of address by you was a mannerism you couldn't envision any other man adopting. The way he effortlessly and elegantly incorporated it into his speech hinted at an attraction that went beyond mere details. It was apparent that he harbored a profound desire to get to know you better, suggesting a possibility of rediscovering the love you believed was lost. This, of course, hinged on your continued role as a dutiful wife to your husband. However, Billy had his own agenda and plans in motion. That you would come with him, back home. 
Your hands strained to reach out, desperate for a connection or anything tangible that could restore the emotions you longed to feel. You yearned to be loved for the woman you truly were, not merely a decorative statue to be admired at someone else's convenience. "Hey—" He noticed your discomfort, limping in an attempt to maintain the facade of perfection. "Shh... Come here." His arms tenderly encircled your waist, a stark contrast to his robust frame, displaying a genuine fear of causing harm. A true gentleman, he was. As he caught the scent of your delicate perfume, a vivid memory surfaced—the first time he encountered it was when your father had gifted him his retired horse. That same fragrance lingered in the horse's mane. Back then, he couldn't put a face to the scent, but now, he was fortunate to not only have a face to associate it with but also a person to cherish. 
"I feel so disgusted... A woman with a husband should not sin." You confessed to him, torn between the desire to have Billy all to yourself and the looming temptation. The notion of love at first sight seemed undeniable, but Billy, with genuine concern, attempted to steer you away from such thoughts. "And let your husband be with that whore back home without even worrying about his own wife? I call that bullshit." His Southern accent became more pronounced, his breath closer beneath your face, and his eyes gleaming in the bright sun of the wilderness. "I wouldn't mind making the husband regret something." He added nonchalantly. 
Tilting your head, your gaze was solely fixed on him. "And what sort of action do you propose to make my husband regret so profoundly?" You teased him with a hushed tone. This banter was a familiar game for you, reminiscent of the numerous long dinners accompanying your father, where many men sought your hand in marriage. Yet, all those efforts went to waste, leading your father to plead with you to consider marrying the mayor's son. "Will you love me the way you're looking at me right now?" You inquired, playfully challenging. 
"I'll do whatever it takes." He asserted confidently, his thumb tracing the line of your chin, lifting it gently to meet your gaze. Your eyes momentarily wandered to the slightly exposed chest, a sight he might have deliberately unveiled for your eyes only. "Anything within my power to claim you as mine. Even if the consequences become their own, I'm willing to make you feel at home once again."
The notion of feeling at home had eluded you for quite some time, a sensation you hadn't experienced in what felt like an eternity. The concept of home seemed so distant that even your own residence became something almost unfathomable, much like the tears that had once dried only to resurface now. It occurred to you that perhaps Billy was the man you had longed to find in your life. If not for that realization, you would be compelled to thank your father for hiring Billy during that critical moment. Fortunately for both of you, Billy shared the same fervor to bring you home with him, even if it meant sneaking out or feigning vacations. 
“Wouldn’t, they suspect of my absent? My husband could care less anyway…” Billy chuckled slightly at the irony of the situation. Something he too found oddly ironic by the subject of you being the object of another wedding that in the end was only to keep the money aligned. “I might have a few tricks up to my sleeve, darlin’. How do we say? By dawn tomorrow? I’ll come pick you up.” 
As you contemplated the excuse, fully aware that you would scrutinize it, he pressed on. "Mother said she'll keep this a secret. She mentioned you'd been in contact with a distant cousin, and the plan was for you to spend a few weeks there and such. Oddly enough, your husband didn't seem to mind and even agreed." Your eyes registered disbelief. Did you hear correctly? Your mother? The same mother who appeared so vulnerable and hesitant, had orchestrated everything behind your father’s back. She was likely cognizant of Billy's admiration for you since his initial visit to the stable, where he expressed a desire to confront your father whenever he spoke of you in a distasteful manner. 
"I promised her that I'd protect you and play the part of an unsuspecting ally upon returning to your husband. Your father tasked me with being your right-hand man this time, but it seems our luck had something even more significant in store." He confessed with softened eyes. A part of you yearned to embrace him, to acknowledge and reciprocate his admiration. However, your gaze shifted to his lips, a desire he sensed had been lingering since your first meeting. Without hesitation, he gently held your chin with one hand, drawing your lips closer to his, fully immersing both of you in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss you had no intention of ending, a kiss that spoke of love—something noticeably absent in your husband's crude and repulsive attempts to win your favor. “Mine…” You whispered so softly, begging for more kisses through it all. 
“Mine forever… Señorita.”
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First heat (Tsu’tey x reader)
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Description: You unexpectedly entered your first heat with Tsu’tey in close proximity. He helped you through it, but when it was over you made everything way harder than it had to be.
Warnings: pure filth, heat cycles, breeding kink, fingering, p in v, lots of cum, reader being slightly insecure
7631 words
Tsu’tey was insistent on trying to teach you how to hunt. You didn’t get why, it was obviously not your area of expertise - your brother Jake was way more gifted at that - and you would much rather be back in the village patching up someone’s scratches. You even missed Mo’at scolding you with a hiss. But instead you were walking around the forest with bow and arrow, missing every single target Tsu’tey wanted you to hit. It was really getting embarrassing.
“I will never learn this, I don’t get why you insist on it”, you sighed, your bow sinking after another failed attempt. Tsu’tey clucked his tongue in dismay, stepping behind you and lifted your arms up again, the close contact making you nervous. Another reason why him teaching you doesn’t make sense, you had fallen for this man head over heels.
“Try again, it is important to be able to defend yourself in the forest”, his face was stoic, just like always. That’s why you didn’t have any hope for his feelings to be the same as yours, he never had shown any sign that he like you too - not any that you picked up at least. You could understand that of course - his first love and promised mate was killed and the one that was promised to him after that was snatched away by your brother. Just like his position as Olo’eyktan, not that Tsu’tey was mad about that anymore, at least it seemed like he wasn’t. Plus there were other eligible women in the clan who were falling for him just like you, why should a former dreamwalker have any chance.
He didn’t step back, his chest pressed to your back. It felt like your skin was burning where his was touching you, the Na’vi clothing not providing much coverage. You tried to concentrate on your shot, but your hands started trembling slightly, which - eventhough you weren’t good at this - they had never done before. You could basically feel the tall warrior scalding you with his eyes, your face burning in embarrassment.
“What are you doing?”, he barked, stepping around you and pulling the bow out of your hands. He was obviously angry with you, it looked like you got even worse. You lowered your eyes in shame, but simultaneously the way his muscular pecs were only a few centimeters away from your face made you crave his touch.
Eywa, you were in love with him, sure, but never before were you this incompetent at controlling your body’s reactions to him. What the hell was happening? “You can’t even answer me now?”, his voice was rough and you distantly remembered he did in fact ask you something, but your brain was slightly fuzzy and when his large hand grabbed your forearms to get your attention, you let out a pathetic whimper.
You immediately froze, and you felt his eyes run over your body in wonder. But that didn’t matter right now, his hands on your arms were sending a pleasurable sensation right to your core and just from that little contact your loincloth was soaking wet with your slick. How were you this turned on just by a little touch? He touched you before and you could easily keep your dignity until you were alone - thinking about his fingers sinking into you instead of yours.
But now you were so desperate and when you heard him inhale deeply, you were sure he could smell your arousal. You were so embarrassed by all of this, your thighs already rubbing together to get some friction, so your tried to pry yourself out of his hold. Maybe if you could make a run for it you could find some privacy and deal with this? But he wouldn’t let go.
“Tsu’tey”, this was meant to come out as a scolding for not letting you go, but instead it sounded like you were whining his name, the blush on your cheeks reaching to the tips of your ears. „What-”, the man in front of you started but interrupted himself. „You are in heat“, he stated and your face fell.
No way. No way was this happening now! Your first heat, right here, right now? You thought you wouldn’t get one at all to be honest, the scientist always said because you had humans DNA too, it would be unlikely that you would experience heats or ruts. You were just a former botanist, who were you to question that. But fuck them, they were obviously wrong.
„What? No, no that can’t be, I’ll just go home and-”, you were panicking, you had never thought about how you would deal with this, but he interrupted you. „No. You will not go near any unmated males“, he was basically growling and the sound made your knees buckle, some primal instinct telling you to submit to this dominant male. Luckily he caught you, but now you were caged in his arms and pressed to his body, another whimper leaving you.
Tsu’tey had to clench his jaw, all his selfcontrol working on not pushing you onto all fours and breeding you until you couldn’t take any more of his cum. But he knew this was your first heat, and being a former dreamwalker, you weren’t prepared for this. It was common for unmated Na’vi to help eachother out during their cycles, and when you talked about going back to your hut, he knew the other males were going to pounce on you immediately. Such a beautiful woman in heat? They would be all over you.
The thought of someone else helping you through this nearly drove him insane, so he decided he would be the one to fuck you, your pheromones making him extra protective. He was planning on making you his mate anyway, he had his courting gift nearly finished. Eywa, he was the only one even allowed to look at you right now. „I will help you through your heat. Get on all fours“, he told you and almost pushed you down yourself, when you looked up at him with this big innocent eyes.
„What?“, you were shocked. Was he offering to have sex with you right now? „It is common for unmated Na’vi to help eachother through their cycle, and you clearly need someone to breed you or this is going to be painful“, he was so cold, almost making you feel like this was straight up business for him, but he was right and the subtle pain that started to throb in your belly was making you desperate.
Before you could say anything else, he picked you up by the waist and turned you around, pushing you onto all fours with your back arched. Was this how Na‘vi had sex? There wasn’t much known about it, but you kind of felt like this was really…distant or something. Not intimate. Not what your humanself was used to. But you were panting and when her ripped off your loincloth, you could feel some of your slick drip down your thigh.
You could feel some rustling behind you, and then you felt two of his fingers slide into you. You were a mess instantly, pushing back against his hand and soft mewls leaving your mouth. You couldn’t believe the man you were in love with was about to fuck you, and the way you were so deperate would surely make you blush later on but right now all you cared about was being filled.
His thumb started to circle your clit, and the coil in your stomach was tightening. Your fingers clawed at the soft, mossy forest ground and your eyes were screwed shut, just chasing that high while his fingers were pressing into that spongey spot inside you with every stroke.
Your walls startled fluttering around his finger, you were so close to cumming. „You going to cum for me? Cum all over my fingers?“, the strict warrior behind you seemed totally composed still, but his voice and the realization that it was really him fingering you, pushed you over the edge. „Tsu’tey!“, you whimpered his name while sucking in his fingers, your thighs shaking and your slick making a mess.
„Eywa, would you look at this perfect pussy“, the warrior was starting to lose his composure, his cock already embarrassingly hard for not being the one going through his cycle. But the thought of burying himself in that hot and wet pussy made him almost cum on the spot. You were so perfect, taking everything he gave you so well, being so ready to take his seed.
You were calming down a little, the fog lifting slightly and you could feel his hard cock slide between your folds, being mounted by his large body making even more slick gush out of you. But when you felt his head slightly catch on your entrance, you suddenly felt the need to be closer to him. Maybe he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, but you had them, and you felt this position wasn’t giving you the intimacy you craved right now.
„Wait! Wait“, you tried to wriggle out of his grip, and after a little struggle he let you go with an unhappy grunt. You turned onto your back, propping yourself on your elbows, and the picture of him sitting back on his knees, his throbbing cock standing proudly between his muscular thighs almost made you cum again. „I want to look at you“, you were slightly embarrassed again, he probably thought this was dumb. On all fours was probably just the way they did it.
Look at him? He wasn’t sure about you on your back, Na’vi normally mated on all fours, it was the way of things. But he had to admit, you laying there with your legs spread, your perfect pussy on show, he was definitely curious about doing it that way. Also he could never refuse you, and the one he wanted to mate with wanting to look at him while he was fucking her, wanting to be closer to him, made his heart beat faster and his hard exterior soften a little. He slowly nodded, and the smile on your face was worth everything.
You layed down fully, relaxing a little more and spreading your thighs wider to invite him in. He seemed a little hesitant, but you felt the desperation sink in again (his fingers only delaying the full force of your heat that much), so you lifted your arms to let him know you needed him. „Need you Tsu’tey“, your voice was gentle and a little whiny and at that he immediately wedged himself in between your legs, his hard cock coating itself in your slick and mixing it with his precum.
You breath was starting to quicken, and you laced your fingers behind his neck, pulling him so close that your nipples were rubbing against his chest, the stimulation making you moan. He mounted you more securely, the biceps next to your head bulging and his battlescarred body caging you in. It was starting to hurt again, his rutting against your cunt not being enough. But then the leaking head of his dick moved to your entrance, gently pushing in.
Right away you tried to squirm closer, pull him into you fully and finally have some release from the uncomfortable feeling the heat generated. But he shushed you, keeping your hips in his hands and you couldn’t do anything but pout a little. Then he finally eased in all the way, you were tight around him but so damn slick that it didn’t hurt. He stopped once he bottomed out, his heavy balls resting against your ass and you finally felt so perfectly full that your hands gripped his biceps and you relaxed a little.
Tsu’tey was in ecstasy. He really had to admit that he loved this position right now, being able to see your beautiful face all pleasured and blushed made it hard not to pound into you right away. He wanted to mate with you so bad, make tsaheylu and you’d be his forever. But it was frowned upon to mate when one was going through their cycle, they weren’t really responsible in their decisions and as much as he wanted you as his mate: ultimately you had to want it to.
When he stopped and you felt him staring at you, you became impatient. „Tsu’tey“, you were begging at this point, your instincts taking over, „please move!“ He seemed to snap out of his stupor, bracing himself and starting to pull back out of you before thrusting back in. He found a rhythm, your legs hiking up on their own and wrapping around his narrow waist. You were blissed-out, his head battering your cervix and his balls slapping against your ass, soaked in a mix of your slick and his precum, was pushing you closer and closer to your high.
He was grunting above you, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, you were gripping him like a vice and he wanted to cum deep inside of you so badly. He was picking up his pace, one of his hand grabbing you leg and pulling it over his arm, the new angle suddenly allowed him to sink a bit further into you and you were clawing at his back in pleasure, a growl leaving his mouth.
You felt him hit that one spongey spot inside of your wet pussy, and you couldn’t help it, you had to be near him. So your hand took a hold of his cheeks and you pulled him into a kiss. He faltered slightly, but when his brain registers what you were doing, he kissed you back fiercely, his cock fucking into you relentlessly.
When he felt you clench around him he knew you were close, so he pulled back, littering your neck with soft kisses and the whine you let out nearly made him cum right then and there. But he held back and guided his hand between you, his rough fingers circling your clit and you immediately came around him. You were basically screaming his name, your walls gripping him so hard and your slick drenching him and he couldn’t hold out anymore. His hips rutted into you a few more times before he groaned and forcefully pushed himself as deep as you would take him.
You were still riding out your high when you felt him push into you hard, his groan making you shiver and then you felt his hot cum flow inside of you. His cock completely sealed anything from leaking out, so you were clenching in sensitivity when you felt it flow into your womb, finally satisfying the dull pain of your heat. He lowered his body so he was embracing you completely, but not crushing you with his weight. You were so, so comfortable with his skin pressed to yours, his dick still inside you and your heat ebbing away a little. Before you knew it, you were passed out in his strong arms.
Tsu’tey felt your breath even out, making him smile. You were so comfortable with him and trusted him enough to fall asleep in his arms, Eywa he would make you his, he definitely would. He laid there with you a couple of minutes basking in your presence and your small hands on his chest, but then he noticed eclipse was close. He pulled out carefully, you were whining quietly and he scolded at his cum leaking out of you, unhappy that it wasn’t staying inside. He was tempted to push it back in with his fingers, but he didn’t want to wake you. He decided he would dress you back up and sneak you into the village and into his hut, your heat wasn’t over yet.
What he didn’t know, was that Jake and Neytiri were wondering where you two were and had taken a seat in a tree not far from his home. So they saw him carry your sleeping form into his hut and Neytiri smirked, while Jake frowned. „What the hell is he doing with my sister?“, Jake growled, but Neytiri just patted his arm. „Mawey ma Jake“, she grinned, rooting for you and her friend, maybe you would finally mate after this, „(Y/N) is in heat.“ Jakes eyes widened. „So he-”, Jake was slightly shocked, he had never went through a rut, so he expected you to not go through a heat, but these bodies were full of surprises. „I think you don’t want to hear exactly what they are doing, she is your sister after all“, Neytiri laughed at the face her mate pulled, „come one let’s leave them alone.“
Tsu’tey was asleep next to you in his hut, but with a female in heat next to him, more precisely a female that he wanted to mate with, he was still on high alert. And when he felt you stir in the early hours of the morning, painful whimpers leaving your mouths, he was wide awake in seconds. You were laying next to him, fingers buried deep inside your swollen and wet pussy, and your eyes were screwed shut. You looked unhappy, your fingers would never be enough to satisfy your heat. The sight was so sinful, his cock was hard already.
„Why didn’t you wake me?“, your eyes sprung open in shock, and you looked into his scolding face. You didn’t even realize he was awake. „I-I didn’t want to be a nuisance“, you were blushing when his eyes were taking in your fingers that still buried inside of you, and you pulled them out, closing your thighs in embarrassment.
Tsu’tey snatched your hand up and took your soaked fingers into his mouth, the sound of his groan making you rub your legs together for some friction, the painful sensation in your womb bugging you to no end. „You will never be a nuisance to me yawne, this pussy belongs to me and if you call for me I will be there to breed you“, he was growling under his breath and his possessive behavior made you clench around nothing.
If he would say something like this to your not-in-heat-self you would be going crazy, but all you could think about was him mounting you again. „I need you ma Tsu’tey“, the intimate pet name slipped out accidentally, but it did something to him. His pupils were blown and he climbed on top of you, pushing your legs open with ease, his hips settling between them, he seemingly liked the position from earlier. One of his large hands gripped your jaw firmly, his lips pressing to yours softer than you thought was possible for an experienced warrior like him. Your heart was beating so hard you could hear it in your ears.
His lips made their way along your jaw and started nipping at your neck, definitely leaving marks, but you didn’t care, your hands were busy untying his loincloth. When you were finally successful (his lips and your heat making you dizzy) his fully erect cock slapped against your lower stomach and you couldn’t wait for him to be buried inside of you again. He moaned at the friction he got from rubbing against you, angling his hips so that his dick could slide between your already sensitive folds, making your hips jerk when he slid over you clit.
He pulled of your top, your tits bouncing slightly and he started sucking your nipples, your back arching and your chest pressing into his face. „You are so perfect“, you heard him mumbling against you, his braids softly sliding over your skin and making you shiver, but the heat inside of you was getting unbearable and he seemed to notice, because he hesitantly pulled away from your chest and moved his hips so that his length was buried inside of you within seconds. You were so slick and ready from before and from your heat, that he slid in without resistance, a moan leaving you when the emptiness was filled once again.
The strong warrior caging you in started moving right away, he could smell your heat was burning inside of you and you needed him. You were clinging to him while he pounded into you, your whole being at his mercy, and it made him want to please you even more. „Who do you belong to ma (Y/N)?“, he was grunting through his teeth while his veiny cock was battering your needy pussy. You didn’t seem to be able to answer him, but he needed you to say it. „Say it!“, he barked, a particularly forceful thrust making you scream slightly before finally whimpering: „You, I belong to you, I always have!“ He smirked, satisfied with your answer and concentrating on making you cum again.
You would be absolutely mortified by all of this when your heat was over, but now you were in paradise, you were nearing your high and you couldn’t wait for him to fill you up. „Fuck, can I turn you around tìyawn?“, Tsu’tey was panting and you nodded desperately. You wanted to be closer to him before, but now you felt like you were so close already, the position didn’t matter anymore. He gripped your hips tightly, turning you around without pulling out and settling you down on your knees.
Your legs were shaking so bad, but he held most of your weight, so you just had to concentrate to stay bend down on your forearms. That proved to be a challenge, because you could swear the new angle made him slip as deep as never before, your eyes growing wide at the borderline painful feeling. Your primal self was basically purring with the pride of being able to take him so deep and you wrapped your tail around his arm instinctively. When he started moving he caught your spongey spot with every thrust, making you claw at the weaved ground of his hut helplessly.
Having such a strong and tall warrior dominate you like this, made your walls clench around his girthy cock and he groaned, bending over your body and positioning his arms next to your head, his chest slightly pressed to your chest. You were practically buried under his muscular form and his tail had tightly wound itself around your thigh for support, still impaled on and being thrusted into by his massive dick.
„You are taking me so well, so ready for me to breed you and fill you up“, his lips were grunting right in your ear, making them twitch, pulling chuckle from him. „Need you, need your cum ma Tsu’tey“, you whined and again, the pet name riled him up, his thrusts getting rougher and his hand finding your clit. You were so on edge that his fingers only needed to graze it and you exploded around him, making a mess of his cock.
He felt your body convulse underneath him, his grip on you tightening or you would have crashed into the floor. The sounds you let out went straight to his groin, the look of your swollen and slick pussy clenching around him and pulling him in with every thrust made him reach the edge too, a few more ruts into your tight cunt and he forced all he had inside of you.
In the midst of your orgasm you could feel his balls were tightening, his cocky twitching inside of you and then with one final groan the head that was tightly lodged against your battered cervix started gushing his seed into your womb for the second time. You were so deep into your heat, that before you fully finished your first orgasm the feeling of his hot cum pushed you into another one.
„Tsu’tey“, some tears were leaking out of your eyes from all these overwhelming feelings, your high milking him for everything he’s got. „You’re doing so well ma sevin“, he grunted next to your ear, his forehead resting against your temple, planting a soft kiss on your hot cheek. When you calmed down a little, he carefully maneuvered you two to lay on your sides, his legs meddled with yours and his strong arms holding you closely to his muscular abs and chest. His cock was still inside of you, keeping his cum locked there and you were so exhausted and satisfied that you fell asleep again, a smile forming on Tsu’teys face when he watched you relax into him.
It had been three days that Tsu’tey has fucked you in every position you could have ever imagined, filling you with his cum over and over and when you awoke on the fourth day you could feel that the dull pain in your womb was still there, but less noticeable. You were still pretty foggy from everything and didn’t notice the warrior next to you was awake too.
„Come on, it’s still really early, we should head to the spring and get cleaned up“, he whispered softly in your ear, stroking your cheek. You just hummed in agreement, and he knew you probably couldn’t walk so he got up with your form draped across his front, holding you up by your thighs and your head settling into his neck, your lips brushing his pulse making him purr. He could smell your heat was starting to subside, so he wanted to move you to the spring. You would probbaly need to be bred one more time, but he would do it there. He could feel both your bodies needed the fresh water, eventhough he liked his smell all over you.
You didn’t really remember much of the way, but when you felt him submerge your lower bodies in the soft water of the small spring, you peaked up slightly, letting out a sigh. He walked further in until only your heads were sticking out. The water was breathing some life back into you and you noticed that your heat wasn’t over fully yet, because the need for his cock to fill you was starting to flare up again.
„Can we go under for a second?“, your voice was barely above a whisper, and he smiled at you, your cheeks burning. „Sure“, he kissed you softly, taking you by surprise, but before you could react he pulled back and eased you both underwater. It felt good to get all the sweat and cum off of you, but you were also so glad that he was still holding you in his arms, his closeness dulling the pain in your womb.
Tsu’tey pulled you both up again, the sight of your perfectly soft skin covered in little water droplets made him choke. You looked ethereal, and he vowed to be the only one ever seeing you like this. But he could also see you were getting aroused again, the last wave of your heat starting. It wouldnt be as intense as the others, but he was still eager to give you his all.
He slowly walked back towards the shallow water, your loincloths and your top dripping and creating little disruptions in the water. He laid you down on the smooth stones, you were submerged to about ten centimeters, the water having a nice cooling effect. „Hm you ready to take me one last time ma yawntu?“, he murmered into your ear, his tail thrashing lazily behind him.
Eywa, you would do anything for this man. The way he was so gentle with you in this moment made you almost tear up (your emotions were running really high right then). „Yes, yes please I need you“, you softly whimpered, pulling off your top and loincloth with shaky hands, the last wave of your heat making the slick gather again between your legs.
Tsu’tey was way softer with you this time, taking his time with preparing you (not that you needed it after three days of being fucked by him) and pulling an orgasm out of you, before finally pulling off his own loincloth. You were a panting mess underneath him already, making him smirk slightly, Eywa, when you were his, he would have you like this every day.
He balanced his weight on one arm and gripped his leaking cock, moving it up and down your slit and catching onto clit now and then just to see you squirm. „Tsu’tey“, you whined, still sensitive from your prior orgasm, and he finally relented. He pushed his head in and adjusted his position slightly, before sinking into you fully.
He didn’t give you time to adjust, but you didn’t need it, and he thrusted into you with precision, but more gentle than the times before. You were grateful, eventhough you were feeling so blissful right now, your pussy was still so sensitive and swollen from being fucked around the clock. His whole body was covering you, and you lost yourself in his rhythm, but then he suddenly turned you both around, so you were lying on top.
He sat up and slightly crossed his legs, his strong arms wrapping around you and pulling you as close as possible. Because you had absolutely no strength left in your legs, you weren’t able to hold yourself up and slid all the way onto his cock, the depth he was reaching making you yelp and grab his shoulders for support. „Tsu’tey I don’t think my legs can-”, you wanted to tell him you wouldn’t be able to ride him, but he smirked and interrupted you.
„Don’t worry I got you, just wanted to hold you closer“, he explained with his rough voice and you quite literally melted into his arms. He could be such a softie if he wanted to. He started thrusting up into you from underneath you, and you moaned, admiring how high his stamina was. His dick was reaching so far into you, his veins and texture rubbing against the spongey spot and his hand guiding you up and down a little without you having to really engage any muscle. Not that you were able to, you were so fucked out.
He was so tall compared to your small frame, that eventhough you were sitting on him he had to lean down a little to kiss you. You loved his kisses, his lips fit perfectly against yours, and when he pushed his tongue against yours, you pulled yourself closer with a moan. You wished he would be yours forever, not only for these few days. Even thinking about not having him close anymore made you shiver, but you pushed that thought away for now.
„Want you to cum around my cock again, going to fill you up one more time“, he panted slightly, the exertion from this position making him grunt, but he loved how close you were so he didn’t care. You whined and could feel yourself nearing your high again, and after three days he could read your body body perfectly, so he immediately pulled one hand away from your waist and wedged it in between you two, circling your clit.
When he started to nip at your neck, you reached your peak, pulling him in and gushing all over his cock. This one was so intense you let out a scream of his name, your vision going white for a moment. „Fuck such a good girl“, he groaned, his hips stuttering slightly and then he pulled you down as much as possible, before he came too, his seed spurting deep inside your already awaiting womb. The dull pain of your heat subsided completely at that, and you came down from your high slowly, sighing into his neck and clenching from the overstimulation.
He was out of breath, but he watched with a smile how the exhaustion of your heat being over hit you like a rock. You were falling asleep in his arms again, and he kissed your cheek softly, carefully pulling out and dressing you two up again, before carrying you back to his hut. When you had slept the exhaustion off, he planned to ask you to be his mate right away, he had finished the necklace he made as a courting gift over the past few days when you were sleeping. You would be his.
When you awoke the next time, it was early morning, and the man next to you was surprisingly still asleep. The man next to you. Tsu’tey was laying next to you! Your brain was fully awake in seconds, and everything that happened the last few days came crushing down on your now totally clear mind. Oh my god. This fine warrior had bent you in all positions thinkable and fucked you!
This was bad, your now fully functional brain riddled with insecurity. Did he only help you through your heat, because you were around him when it started? Or because he feels responsible for you? Fuck, you quite literally threw yourself at this tall Na’vi, you wanted the ground to swallow you right then and there. You even called him ‚ma Tsu’tey’ the pet name normally reserved for mated couples, how were you supposed to recover from this, you would never get over your feelings now, and it would probably always be awkward between you. Maybe not on his part, helping eachother through cycles was normal after all, but definitely on yours.
You would always have to think about this when you looked at him in the future, a future where he one day would have a mate and a life without you. Your breathing was picking up speed, and you just couldn’t stay there. If he woke up and told you to go now that your heat was over, you would never ever recover from that rejection. And you also didn’t want him to feel obligated to anything, you had been clingy and desperate enough these past days. The memories made your cheeks burn.
So you carefully pulled yourself out of his arms, the unhappy grunting making you fear that he was waking up, but he settled down again and his breathing evened out. You got up, standing on your wobbly legs, your muscles aching from the exertion of the past days, but after a few clumsy steps, you walked out of his hut with some dignity.
Getting down the tree with sore muscles was another challenge, and you were glad most of the village was still sleeping so they couldn’t witness this. Your hut was in another corner of the forest surrounding the village, and when you finally made it up there you fell into the bedlike plantfibres in the corner with a thud. Your legs were shaking again, but atleast you made it home. Compared to Tsu’teys hut yours was way smaller, you hadn’t built it yourself (you could never do this), it was a gift from the villagers, as you were the sister of Toruk Makto.
You were laying there staring up at the ceiling, hearing the soft wind rustle the leaves, and it fully sank in that you had had everything you wanted with the man of your dreams for the last few days, and now that was over. You were already longing to be in his arms again, the thought of never being this close to him again made your eyes water. And when you thought of having to face him again, the exhaustion and emotions broke all your walls, and you were crying silently until you had cried everything out.
When Tsu’tey woke up, he wanted to pull you close again, but froze when he noticed you weren’t in his arms. His eyes flew open and he quickly scanned the hut, his mind playing one scenario more horrible than the last when you weren’t there. He immediately took his knive and put on his sheath, ignoring all the clan members greeting him and climbing up the tree where your hut was located in record time. But you weren’t there, and that’s when he began to panick.
He found your brother and Neytiri talking near their own hut, and rudely interrupted them, but he didn’t care he needed to know you were safe. „Where is your sister Jake Sully?“, his voice was rough and the pair flinched slightly at the sudden appearance of the warrior. „I think I saw her go into the forest earlier, did something happen?“, the Olo’eyktan was worried, he thought you and Tsu’tey had feelings for one another, why didn’t his best warrior know your whereabouts. „Where?“, Tsu’tey ignored Jakes question and Neytiri was looking thoughtful, her eyebrows furrowed. „Right there, in the direction of the spring“, your brother was pointing to his right, and Tsu’tey ignored his further questioning, disappearing into the forest too.
You managed to avoid Tsu’tey all day, he probably wanted to tell you that you should keep your relations on the low, and you just weren’t ready to face his rejection yet. It seemed like the other females of the clan knew he helped you through your heat, because you were getting some nasty stares and they obviously talked about you, but you knew they wouldn’t touch you - your brothers position protecting you.
Tsu’tey wasn’t worried anymore, he was getting frustrated bordering on angry with you. Why were you running from him? You had been so needy and clingy a day ago and now he couldn’t seem to get a hold of you. He was standing near the seated Na‘vi who had dinner, not hungry himself - at least not for food. He had thought that maybe you would come here, but he didn’t see you. „You know, eventually that frown is going to be permanent“, Jake stood next to him, and Tsutey just scoffed at the comment.
„She will come around, she’s just…she was human at one point you know“, he continued talking to him and Tsu’tey perked up. „What do you mean?“, his eyes stopped searching the crowd for you and settled on the Olo’eyktan. „Humans don’t…get that physical that quickly, at least my sister never did. And she really likes you, the way I know her, I think that she’s probably scared to be rejected now that her mind is clear and functioning again“, Jake hadn’t talked to you today either, you had avoided everyone, but he just knew his little sister.
„Reject her? Why the fuck would I do that?“, Tsu’teys frown deepened and the former dreamwalker smiled. He knew his sister would be in good hands once she got over herself. „You should talk to her, I’m pretty sure I saw her slip past your gaze a minute ago and in the direction of her hut“, Jake smirked when Tsu’tey immediately took off.
You sighed when you sat down on the soft plantfibres in the corner of your small home. You had manage to dodge the tall Na‘vi warrior all day, and you hoped you were safe here for the night. Maybe you could face him tomorrow. The tsmisnrr illuminated your hut softly and you felt like you could finally relax, when someone barged into your home, making you jump. (Lantern the Na‘vi use for light)
Your heart dropped when your gaze met Tsu’teys, his eyes looking down on your shrinking form with anger, his regular frown etched onto his forehead. „What are you- Why are you-”, you were stuttering around and blushed slightly under his intense stare, and with a few long strides, he sank to his knees infront of you. „Why did you leave? Why were you running from me?“, he was basically snarling at you and you flinched.
This wasn’t what you expected, you thought he would reject you right away, telling you he was just helping you through your heat and to not interpret more into this. „Uhm…I-I didn’t want to bother you?“, it sounded like a question and it made him scoff. „Why the fuck would you think you would bother me? Have the last three days meant nothing to you?“, he was still angry, but you could also see that he was slightly hurt. That shocked you, you didn’t think he would care if you left.
„No! I mean yes, yes they did, I just…didn’t think they meant anything to you“, the last part was whispered so quietly that you weren’t sure he heard, but he did and his face fell slightly. „What?“, his posture was sagging a little, and you were talking again before you could stop your mouth.
„I-I thought you were just helping me through my heat? And I’m sorry for…throwing myself at you in the forest the way that I did, I didn’t want to make you do anything you didn’t want to, you could have taken me to someone else for help I promise I wouldn’t have been mad“, you were ashamed again when you though back on how desperate you were. He stiffened, his muscles rigid and his gaze dark, and you shrank a little more.
„You would’ve rather someone else had fucked you the last three days?“, his voice was dangerously calm, but he was boiling under the surface. Even the thought of someone else helping you through your heat made him want to commit murder. „No! I mean I…“, you took a deep breath, „I wanted it to be you, but I didn’t want you to feel like you had to. You don’t have to feel like you’re obligated to me or something.“ This made him relax slightly, he was so confused by you still though.
„You didn’t make me do anything, I’ve thought about fucking you almost since the day I met you, and there won’t ever be anyone else who will touch you like that yawne, trust me“, he grunted and he couldn’t control his urge to be near you anymore. He missed your touch all day, and when you didn’t resist his hand taking yours, he used it to pull you into his lap, his arms circling around your waist and holding your sweet blushing self close to him.
„I meant what I said the last days, you are mine“, you refused to meet his eyes, „I see you (Y/N).“ At this you looked up in shock. What? Did he really just say what you thought he did? „What?“, your voice was choked and you looked at him with big eyes, his hands stroking your back distracting you slightly. “I don’t understand why you ever thought I wouldn’t want you, but I chose you as my mate a long time ago”, your heart skipped a beat, you couldn’t believe this was happening.
Tsu’tey fiddled with the little pouch in his waist for a second and you were breathless. He pulled out a beautiful necklace, small pearls and stones and crystals in colors that matched his own were artistically woven together in a small intricate row. “I made this for you, as a courting gift, if you accept me as your mate”, his voice was soft now, he was holding the necklace up to you, offering himself as your mate and your eyes were watering slightly.
You started to nod immediately, your voice not quite working yet. “Yes, yes, please, will you put it on me?”, you were shaking slightly in his arms, and the relief he felt when you accepted him was making him feel weightless. A rare smile made its way onto his face, and he carefully fixed the necklace around your flawless throat. It was more like a loose chocker and it looked perfect on you. Everyone could see you were his now.
“I see you Tsu’tey”, you whispered and he was the happiest man on the whole planet, his lips finding yours automatically. After spending the whole day without you, he finally felt whole again. When you two separated to breathe, he finally asked what was burning on his mind still. “I still don’t understand why you were avoiding me”, he was just curious at this point, you already agreed to be his after all.
“Uh…I just was convinced you helped me through my heat out of obligation and were going to reject me the next time we saw eachother”, the tips of your ears were burning, and he was still not satisfied with that explanation. “I was tending to your every need for three days, and you thought I would reject you?”, his voice was slightly offended, and you were quick to explain.
“It’s just that, it’s so unrealistic for you to choose me as your mate. There are so many talented and fully Na’vi women who would immediately agree to be yours. I didn’t think you were interested in a former human”, you were hesitant to spill your insecurities, but you knew he deserved to know that it were your insecurities that kept you away and that it wasn’t his fault at all.
“You are fully Na’vi, you are one of the people. And there is no other woman I would ever even think about in that way, you are the only one I will ever want, the only one who owns my heart”, he softly kissed you again, Eywa he could be so sweet. “Tìyawn, I can’t wait anymore, I need to make you mine right now”, he was getting impatient, pulling you up with him and leading you down the tree.
“Where are we going?”, you were hoping it would be somewhere where he would spread your legs again, you already felt empty just thinking about it. You swear he could smell the moisture gathering between your legs, because his head whipped around with a smirk while he pulled you through the forest. “Utral Aymokriyä, to mate with you before Eywa“, he smiled down at you, and you couldn’t believe he was really going to be your mate soon.
Another one for Tsu’tey because he’s just my favorite <3 hope you enjoyed as people I love for your sweet and encouraging comments so leave some love!
Taglist: @eywas-heir @brooklynscherry-z @liyahsocorro
4K notes · View notes
genshin-scenarios · 5 months
A Leyline Incident (Wanderer x Reader)
Summary: A leyline mishap has transported you and Wanderer into his memories – aka back to when he was still Kabukimono.
This'll wear off in a few hours, but you don’t know how long you can last when Wanderer’s acting like this.
Established relationship/you’re already together. He’s just pushing your buttons as usual.
Content warnings: Rated teens and up!
Wordcount: 1100+
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“Move to the side. Am I just supposed to sit on one inch of this chair?”
“What are you talking about?! I’m about to fall off here!” Your indignant whisper quickly turns into a strangled sound when Wanderer slots himself to your side, pushing his body against you.
There are countless more places he could sit, but of course he chooses the most inconvenient one to stay close to your side. After you’d been found together at the edge of the village, Wanderer had quickly introduced you as a traveler he befriended from his foraging trips.
Considering how even his clothes were transformed into the white and purple garb he used to wear, you were the only oddity in the situation. With a defeated sigh, you played along, letting Wanderer adopt the demeanor of his past self as he loops your elbows together, leading you into Tatarasuna.
But even if he was friendly as Kabukimono, wouldn’t the villagers still find it weird if he’s so attached to you?! Granted, the swordsmiths and workers milling about are fragments from his memories, but they’re still fully capable of interacting like normal.
Katsuragi turns to the both of you, handing Wanderer a bowl of soup. “Just let us know if your friend needs anything else. It wouldn’t do for us to count them out of dinner, after all.”
“Thanks, Katsuragi!” Wanderer switches his tone effortlessly, wearing a smile so innocent that your stomach turns in disbelief. “They’re a little tired, so I’ll show them to the guestroom later.”
The idea of being stuck in a room when Wanderer’s dressed and acting like this is enough to make you stand up, trying to escape despite how dark the sky is. “Actually, I feel fine. So maybe I can help with serving—”
“—But didn’t you say you’ve been traveling all day?” Wanderer interrupts. His brow furrows in worry, raising a spoonful of soup to you. “You should eat and rest. I’m sure the villagers won’t mind!”
“Any friend of Kabukimono’s is a friend of ours.” Katsuragi confirms. “It’s only a night’s stay, after all. If you’d still like to help out, we can discuss it in the morning.”
Worst of all is the expectant look on both of their faces as you sit, frozen, staring at Wanderer’s hand still offering to feed you.
There’s amusement glimmering in his eyes even as he retains that sweet smile. “The grannies are really good at cooking, so you should try some!”
You grit your teeth, mustering all the patience and peace in the world as you lean forward and take a bite. It’s surprisingly good, though that might have to do with Wanderer’s memory of the soup rather than anything you’re actually consuming.
After that, you manage to save your dignity a little by taking the bowl from him and finishing the rest yourself, just so you could excuse yourself and retreat away from the villagers. Wanderer brings you to one of said guestrooms, where you immediately round to berate him.
“Just because this is one of your memories doesn’t mean you can go ahead and—”
“Mess around?” He takes the words right out of your mouth, lips quirked with mirth. Here stands the Wanderer you know. But what you don’t expect is for him to drive the point forward, taking a slow step towards you with every sentence. “But don’t you find it endearing to see me acting like that? Wide-eyed, well-meaning… Willing to do anything for you with a smile?”
“The leyline must’ve dropped you on the head before we woke up here.” You panic, realizing that your back has just hit the wall. He’s too close, and the glint in his eyes spell nothing good for your wellbeing. “Heck, you could even be lying about your old personality, and I wouldn’t have a clue.”
“Hm. Regardless, I’ve gotten you into quite a spot.” Wanderer leans over you, and you think he’s about to kiss you for a second before he simply lingers there, giving you a smirk.
“You know what? We’re done.” You slide down to sit on the ground, trying to avoid his gaze because there’s no way you started leaning in and he had the audacity to tease you. Your deadpan is a giveaway that you’re simply flustered, covering your face with your eyes shut and words muffled. “I don’t know you anymore. Goodbye.”
“Well that’s rather hurtful.” He crouches so you’re at the same height, propping his chin atop his palm. “I was going to let you choose how I’d kiss you.”
You allow yourself to peek at him, curiosity winning over. “…In what way?”
“As in,” Wanderer leans closer, moving his hand to tug at the end of your shirt. “Would you like Kabukimono, lovesick as he asks if he can kiss you?”
He mimics the pose, face tilted just enough so that he’s the one peering up at you. An image of something desperate and hopeful flashes through your mind — wide eyes and pleading for you to melt and say yes.
“Or, maybe you want me to promise I’d never leave your side.” In a cheerful, exhilarating realization that he loved you. Exclaiming it with a laugh bubbling on his lips, knowing this emotion for the first time.
His hands shift to cup your face on both sides. As Wanderer shuts his eyes, they flutter open again with a different weight to his gaze; half-lidded, he’s close enough that your lips are brushing, but doesn’t quite press them into a kiss.
“Fast forward things a little, and it’d be like this.” He traces the shape of your cheekbone. “Maybe I wouldn’t ever want to let you go, and ask for your heart to be mine.”
He’d steal it from your chest, if he really had to. You’d believe it, in the current state he’s emulating – remembering the stories he told you about his past after disaster struck Tatarasuna. When he was lost to a color of the world that struck him cruelly, believing he’d been betrayed once again.
Your hands reach up to take Wanderer’s wrists gently, pulling him out of his stupor with your touch. As his eyes clear, he leans into the kiss you tilt your lips up for, letting you take the lead as he melts into you. It’s soft and sweet — a little reassurance in the way you wrap your arms around his neck, keeping him close even after you part.
“I’ll take any version you give me, though I prefer the usual Wanderer a little more.” You smile, earning a bemused huff.
“Because I’m already yours?” He guesses.
“Because you seem happier.” You correct. “Or at least, that’s what I assume, with your own fanclub at the Akademiya and all.”
“They’re ridiculous.” Wanderer says, gaze softening. “As are you.”
For loving him, he means. But that’s been an affliction you’ve had for a long time now, and you had no intention to stop.
“Maybe another kiss will knock some sense into me?”
“Hah. As if that’s worked before.”
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luvvixu · 2 days
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mind over matter pt. 5
synopsis: witness how your marriage was bound to fall apart with you on the front seat and your husband gojo had missed the show—now, he gotta figure out the story on his own.
content: arrange marriage au, angst, husband!gojo, mean!gojo, mention of blood, mention of drugs, strong languages, some unsettling scenarios, emotional trauma, read at your own risk
a/n: I MISS Y'ALL MWAMWAMWA!! anw, here's a 4k wc for this update and for those who are wondering, "where tf is the special chapter for 'the end'?" and imma tell u...the file went corrupted for absolute no reason...and i have to rewrite the whole story bcoz of that...k bye im gonna kms (kidding) HUHUHUHUHUHU IM STILL CRYING ABOUT IT!
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it was late at night and you're exhausted but happy after your first visit with kazuki. currently, you're in a nice deep sleep back in your room and satoru is still wide awake as he watches you sleep.
his body was situated on the chair and he decided to remove his blindfold just to observe your peaceful sleeping face with the blue moonlight shining upon you. you're beautiful even if you're pale.
a silent deep sigh escalated on his lips, he was still stuck in his deep thoughts about you and your son. satoru couldn't erase your happy face and the sensation of kazuki's small fingertips away from his mind, it all felt so…surreal.
a ringtone exploded on his phone. upon seeing the name, he sucked up a breath and decided to go outside your room for a moment just to call the name on his phone.
“i told you to stop communicating with me anymore.” there's a hint of venom in his voice the moment the other line was picked up.
satoru only hears a slight shuffling but he knew she was there because he can also hear some shaky breaths. “yukie…please know that you and i are now over.”
yukie, not many people know this female since her rank was only at grade 3 but to satoru—she’s the third party, or in simplest words, his mistress. yukie michiga is a beautiful woman with a nice body and a head-turning face. her life was average since she didn't have enough strength yet to rise her rank and get more missions to gain salary but it was enough to sustain her family of six.
she also grew up in a well-oriented family. she was the oldest among her three other younger siblings and she's a very responsible daughter, sister, and as a sorcerer. everyone in her little village adores her and even supports her when she flies to kyoto just to become a sorcerer.
to say the best, she's a woman of all. yukie was beautiful, kind, dependent, and very hardworking.
she and satoru met during his mission when yukie was seen killing some lower grade curses to protect some civilians in an abandoned park. satoru was amazed by her braveness and determination to save those souls despite not being paid enough. but what caught his attention the most was her alluring figure and that angelic face card.
after finishing his mission, he approached the girl who immediately recognized him because of his reputable name. they both introduced their names and even went on a date to get to know each other. and that moment they knew, they were attracted to each other. she even couldn't believe that she was seeing the strongest sorcerer in this current generation.
however, yukie had soon found out that satoru has a wife after their fifth date when she saw a wedding photo on his phone and your contact number literally named ‘wife’. she may be attracted to the guy but she values her dignity and she respects you as a woman even though she hadn't even meet you properly.
despite being heartbroken, she confronted satoru about it and demanded they should stop seeing each other despite her growing love towards him, because yukie would rather be alone than to be hidden behind someone's husband. but satoru did not allow her because he's too caught up in a moment and he finds his needs on the girl.
after some crying and begging, yukie finds herself being ruled by love and lets herself stoop so low just to be with satoru. she was convinced by his charm and now she's so drunk in love. yukie already destroyed herself by having an affair with a married man, so her fighting him to be complete hers will no longer do damage for what's already done.
“let's just forget everything that happened between us.” now what? after what yukie had sacrificed for this affair, he's now letting her go?
a scoffing was received and then followed by a shaky chuckle. “that easily? you're letting me go that easily after you literally just devoted yourself to me two weeks ago?” yukie was trying her best not to snap yet, it's too early for that.
satoru ran a hand on his face. “i'm sorry, but this is not right anymore.”
“oh so you've just realized it just now? after what? after you've finally decided to be a oh-so-good husband and think that you could've fixed everything? you're making me cry by laughing.” the woman did not even realize that she was gripping her phone so hard that her knuckles turned white.
“just say what you want.”
“you. i want you, satoru. i couldn't bear the fact that you're just leaving me so easily after what you had promised me last year.”
“but yukie, you know i'm still married and—”
“then divorce her just like you said before!” tears started to pool on her eyes as yukie was getting and sounded more desperate to save her relationship with the man.
“...i can't,” satoru whispered quietly.
“why?! because you're becoming a coward of the higher up—”
”because i don't want to anymore! i am aware that i'm such a bad person to my wife and i cannot change the past anymore. but i'm very willing to change for the present and the future, just for the sake of my family.” his words cause her to feel like everything stops, that specifically includes her heavy and enraged breathing.
what did he just say? fucking ridiculous.
“look yukie, i'm so sorry for cutting you off like this and thank you for everything that you have done to me. but please, let's just end it here.” satoru continued.
on the other line, yukie was sitting on her bed with tears completely spilling down on her eyes and her emotions were overflowing. their memories together keeps on flooding in her mind as the female tries to collect herself so she could find a quick answer to save this illicit affair.
“satoru, you're such a fucking dick for playing with many women's heart just so you can satisfy yourself. and then what happened to us that you once played with? what happened to those who got us wrapped around your finger? fucking nothing! you left us all hanging!” her voice started from low and went up to loud. satoru would've never understood a woman's rage because their rages are a good disguise of just being angry.
if only he knew what the current scenario is playing in her head, it can make the strongest shiver.
“yukie…i'm sorry but it's not like that—”
“it is! and here i thought i was special among all of the women you slept with. i thought i could be a better partner for you. i even lowered my dignity just to be with a married person!” for once, she finally felt pity for what she had become. if she could ever face her former self, she would hug her tight and say, ‘there is no turning back’.
and that is the reason why she said, “take responsibility for this.”
“i said take responsibility for this! you made me crazy over you and i cannot let you go! so be responsible and leave your wife—”
“no!” satoru could not help but to yell back. he wanted nothing in this relationship anymore. he swore to himself that he is going to try his best to fix this marriage and that starts with him and his mistress, yukie.
meanwhile, yukie could feel the churching effect of rage deep down on her stomach when she realized that he is serious about cutting her off. he finally decided to stop being a pathetic dickhead and started to devote himself into your circle.
“fine! if you don't want to, then i’ll make you.”
the strongest eyes widened as he could smell danger at her literal threat. he also felt like a cold water bucket being showered on his body when he thought of any unpleasant possibilities that she could execute on you and his child.
“o-oh no you're not.” he gritted his teeth.
yukie laughed crazily, her eyes twitching in the process. “i will. you made me like this, satoru. so face the consequences and be accountable for the person you've made me.”
“i am going to be your karma and you cannot run away or hide from me. don't you ever try to run away because i’ll make sure of it.” with a final hostile, the woman ended the call, making satoru almost lose his sanity.
“yukie?! h-hello…?! yukie? fuck!”
satoru was on the verge of throwing his phone across the hallway. he felt enraged, scared, devastated, and all. he knew what are the capabilities of yukie—like he literally witness his mistress beat the shit out of that other woman he once mingle with before her just because she's getting jealous.
what more could she do to his wife…and worse, his child?!
his body almost launched itself on the nearest wall due to his knees feeling weak. satoru was not scared of what yukie had planned for himself because he could literally take her even in his sleep, yukie was practically defenseless against him. but if his family was involved? it's gonna be the literal end of him.
he's the superman and his family is the kryptonite—his weakness.
“fuck. what did i get myself into…” satoru hopelessly buried his face into his shaky hands. he's afraid that he had done another unforgivable sin that you would probably not be going to spare him anymore.
but, you wouldn't have done that if you didn't know. so, guess who needs to keep their mouth shut? everyone.
the night had passed and satoru didn't even sleep a single wink. his conversation with yukie just kept on ringing into his head and deprived him from the attention. like right now, you have been calling him three times in a row but he's too busy to look at an empty space below. you reach for his arm to give him a gentle shake. satoru could feel someone nudging him and he knew it was you.
“sorry, what were you saying again?” he sighs deeply before forcing himself to give you a not-so forced smile.
a worried frown appears in your face. “you should go back to the jujutsu high. you really need to rest, i’ll be fine in here.”
“i can still manage this. don't worry.” satoru assured you, and you didn't buy it of course. “i'm not asking you if you can or not. i just said you should head back at least for now.” you said.
“satoru, don't be stubborn.” your expression becomes more serious, making satoru fall quietly because he knew that he would eventually listen to you.
“it has been three days since and you hadn't even met your students properly. just go, satoru. you can always come back here during your free time. kazuki and i can wait for you.” you added.
“a-are you sure?”
you nodded and just gave him an assuring pat on his arm. “very. now go and do your thing.”
satoru was left with no choice but to obey, in which he did. he also thinks that this could also be an appropriate moment to confront the threat, by the threat means, his mistress.
“i’ll just leave after lunch. i need to make sure you are well fed.”
the rest of the morning was normally fine. you've watched something on your phone to keep yourself entertained while satoru was dozing off in his seat. his head keeps on uncomfortably dropping, so you decide to offer him a space in your bed in which he hesitantly agrees after you've persuaded him enough.
and now, he's currently sleeping quietly beside you while you are seated and continue watching your show. you would also occasionally steal a glance at him because he's really odd today, like something was bothering him. you know it's not because he's lack of sleep, but it was something else and that itches you to ask him.
then lunch came. satoru was still sleeping so you took this cue to get food yourself by ordering some healthy options available on the app, and sooner, the food came just right by your doorstep. you thanked the delivery man who really made an effort to travel up until here to your room. so, you also give him a nice tip, in which he smiles happily in return.
stealing another peak at your sleeping husband, you've decided to quietly remove yourself from the bed just to prepare the food on the table.
meanwhile, satoru stirred up in his sleep after sensing a weight suddenly vanished from the comfort of the bed. slowly opening his blue powerful eyes, he saw you standing not so far away from the bed and was busy unboxing the ordered food.
he looked at the wall clock across the room and it showed its way past lunch. that alone made him jerk up his body because he slept and you had to do the food by yourself.
“you ordered some food?” you replied to him with a hum and continued doing your work.
“you should've woken me up.” satoru frowns but you just shrugged it off.
“it's okay. you were resting and you need it obviously. besides, the delivery man was very kind to deliver it here if you're worried about me moving too much.”
satoru let this one slide and sat on the bed as he watched you hand him his food as he eats on the bed while you take a seat and eat on the small table. even in different settings, you two still don't share a table for a meal together. it's not like it matters that much, but it finally bothers him.
“what are your plans this afternoon?” satoru asked you after he took a spoonful of bite.
“visit kazuki, of course.” you simply answered.
a little bit of awkward silence engulfed the two of you. satoru was finding a way to crack up a long conversation with you, while you're still itching to ask him a question about what's bothering him. but to clarify things up, you actually don't care about what could be the reason behind it. you're just bothered because he looks bothered and it's bothering you!
“do you want me to send shoko so you can keep company?”
you immediately shook your head at his suggestion. “no, no. shoko is a busy person and has a lot more important things to do. and besides, kazuki could keep me company. i also need to walk his birth papers as suggested by the doctor.”
“about that, do you want me to—”
“it’s okay, satoru. i can manage doing it alone.” you don't mean to sound like you're stripping his rights from your son, but you really wanted to do this on your own. the two of you are still working on an unspoken term and you don't want your broken marriage to affect your baby's pre-life even by the simple act.
actually, you've noticed to yourself that you're becoming a little too soft on satoru. so, you would always remind yourself about the things he had done but also to remind yourself to be less harsh towards the man because at the end of the day, you are forced to be the leading mature in this circle.
you had to subside some of your emotion now that a baby has entered the scene and you would give everything just to have kazuki a bestest life he could live in. and that includes swallowing your pride and being with satoru a little longer than what should have been expected.
“i have a small favor, by the way.” satoru perk up at your words.
“go on.” he said and paid utmost attention to you. you've rarely made a request to him so he needs to make sure he got everything covered.
“nanami…if you ever saw him, tell him to come and visit me.”
satoru tries not to frown when you suddenly look for him. it's not like he feels weird or anything since you two are good old friends, but rather why you can't just text him. anyway, he didn't ask you and just kept your little favor in his mind.
“sure, i will.”
and with that, the whole lunch for the day comes to an end and satoru goes back to the jujutsu high and tries to do his usual teaching activities.
satoru did what you said, he told nanami to visit you but he disobeyed when you said to do his daily task as a teacher and a sorcerer. to clarify some things, he did meet up with his students but that's it. he didn't teach nor oversee them on their training. he just told them that principal yaga will continue to handle them for the meantime then flew off the scene.
and guess where he's off to? yeah, his mistress.
a harsh knock surfaced on the wood as satoru continues to call out a specific name who won't even show a sign of response. he knows yukie was there due to him being able to detect her cursed energy but she didn't even acknowledge his presence.
“yukie please, let's talk this out and stay away from my family.” he hates to do this but he implies a pleading and desperation in his voice just for the sake of avoiding the rotten aftermath.
on the other side, yukie was seated on her sofa while still pretending that the consistent knocking or visitor didn't even exist. she'll only entertain the man and let him in if he would approach her as the satoru gojo who she willing to throw her life away just to be with him, not satoru gojo who would throw her life away just to be with you.
“yukie, please…open this door. let me talk to you.” biting her lower lip in despair, yukie swore that she really tried her best to stay strong and wouldn't just crumble over the sound of a pleading man, but guess she just was just making a fool out of herself.
“fuck it.” with a one swore, the woman finally found herself opening the door and revealed the white haired man she's been dying to see. yukie couldn't contain herself anymore, so as soon as her eyes landed on her most prized possession, she pulled him into a messy kiss as she pulled him inside.
but to her melancholia, she was dumb to think that he's going to reply to her with the same passion and love over the kiss. satoru pulled her away from him and didn't even kiss her back!
something inside yukie cracked as she looked at satoru with a broken heart. tears are pooling on her eyes but satoru wouldn't even bat an eye on her now pleading figure.
from his point of view, satoru wiped his lips in disgust as he could smell and taste alcohol in her breath. she's clearly drunk and wasted but still in the right place to talk.
“is our conversation on the phone not enough? when are you going to plant it on your head that i'm not planning to let you go?” yukie whispers as she buries her face into his chest, hoping that he would at least soften his heart and come back to her.
“you have to, yukie. it's time for us to correct the mistakes we both made.” satoru wrapped his arms around her waist, maybe this would calm her down and the conversation would at least become less aggressive.
“your mistake, satoru, not mine.” satoru went silent and yukie knew she was right. she thinks it's only his fault that led her this way, it could've also been avoided when yukie once confronted satoru about you but he's too imbecile to see the aftermath. now look where we are, there's no turning back now.
“is your wife now aware of this, huh?” satoru shook his head, there's no way he's gonna let you know about this. his space in your heart is now barely surviving, he doesn't want to take the risk yet.
“just tell me, what do you want me to do so you can let me go?”
yukie smiled lovesick-ly. “nothing. i told you, i am going to make you mine, and i'm gonna show you how i'm gonna do it.”
shit. this is bad. i’m really doomed.
satoru shoved away with terror and anger in his blue hue orbs. “yukie, don't make me break the rules. you stay out of my family's life.” he pointed a finger towards the female.
clearly, she doesn't give a fuck.
then suddenly, yukie pulled him towards the couch and kissed him aggressively and against his will. satoru knew he would be dead, dead by his guilt that he kissed those lips that he swore he wouldn't touch again.
“yukie, stop—! mmph!” satoru, being literally the strongest, tried his best but it's too late. his eyes could see black spots dancing around his vision, but before it totally went dark, he saw a devilish smile on yukie’s face and then everything suddenly vanished.
turns out, when yukie pulled him into a second kiss, she forcefully put a pill of drug into his mouth and made him swallow unwillingly. satoru may be immune to dark curses but he's no exemption to curse of love.
satoru was unable to move, and yukie, she was smiling ever so widely with hearts in her eyes as she started lovingly at the love of her life.
“fuck, you belong to no one else but mine.”
yukie was overly and beyond happy, that's the fact. she finally has him in his arms, she's so proud that she got the literally the strongest in her embrace—what could possibly be wrong?
yukie michiga, the one who participated in adultery, was about to drag satoru gojo, the one who initiated adultery, while she laughed to herself as she thought about things on her bucket list when she finally made him hers.
but then suddenly, the front door blasted as debris and dust floated around the air and served as a blanket to the destroyer.
“what the fuck?!” yukie hugged satoru's unconscious body possessively while coughing due to the wall dust she's inhaling. she couldn't pinpoint who would do such a thing at her precious house because of the fog.
but when it lifted up, it revealed someone, the one who is the victim of adultery, along with somebody, the one who hates adultery. both were wearing the deadliest expression you could ever see, it is raging with anger, especially someone.
“yeah, what the fuck?!” someone mocked her little curse a while ago making yukie freeze in horror. she knows that person well—very, very well. who wouldn't know her when she's the reason why she keeps on hiding in the depths of their shadow.
yukie's wavering eyes met the other pair of eyes. it was sharp, filled with dagger—those eyes were skinning her alive.
“what the fuck are you doing to my husband, yukie michiga?”
[part 6 will be posted soon — ©luvvixu2024]
taglists: @mistymuii @kalopsia-flaneur @sherryuki-callmeyuki @aish777 @tttttttf @slyhersophia @rirk-ke @labelt-san @shinruo @testrella @sad-darksoul @kurookinnie @mountvesuvu @chwesuh-imnida @cole-silas @elernity @maddie-jayne @yozora7154 @kawaiivillainess98 @forourpoets @aishies-stuff @numblytemporary @souyasplushie @catarinemirandax @aerithsthingss @h1gh4ru @ssetsuka @jskodn @khoiyyu @the2ndl @vebbiewuzhere @kouyoumarryme @dreamyescapesfromreality @local-mr-frog @haesify @blkmystery @babybarbs12 @bleppt @leavem3alon3 @arminloverlol @megumisthirdog @shirabane @sheismaryy @tragicgirl444 @vampsins @miizuzu @kurobo @anxious-chick @p1nkliquor @mshitachin @chxvr @lolsasuke @username23345 @neteyxms @lvstru @roscpctals99 @buttermilktea99 @berevenstarzetaestelar @jiupark @hotsauce247 @veryverysadauthor @skepticalleo @openthenyoor01 @slowlyshycomputer @thickemadame @yaninnaacu @foggypostshark @redbirdeagle @lemonintrovert01 @michelleeveline @anniegojo @spencerrxids
a/n: can y'all still keep up with the plot? ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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donation-fundraising · 10 months
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District Girl || (Peacekeeper) Coriolanus Snow x Reader
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Outline: In district 12, peacekeeper Coriolanus Snow catches you sneaking past the fence. Thankfully for you, he accepts when you offer him a special arrangement in exchange of his silence.
Word count: 2’700
Warnings: power imbalance, consensual coercion (if that’s a thing), explicit smut.
(( Part 2 )) - (( Part 3 ))
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It had been a long day. The sun was shining bright in the sky and yet, the air was saturated with humidity, making it hard to breathe. His peacekeeper uniform and gear felt heavy. He had showered before leaving the barracks and was already sweating again, adding to his discomfort with the already constant humidity. He hated it here. He hated everything, from the weather to the decaying buildings and the miners walking around with dirty clothes and faces. More than once had he thought about deserting his job, running back to the Capitol where people could manage to maintain a semblance of elegance and dignity, even while starving. But his family were the only people who would welcome him back home, he had nowhere else to go, and illegally deserting would put not only him but his cousin and grandmother in trouble. So he bite down on the inside of his cheek, tasting blood, as he once more gathered courage to keep going.
He had been asked to patrol the outskirts of District 12 for the rest of the afternoon. Smiley had been assigned the same task, covering the eastern part of the border while Coriolanus took care of the west. Without his bunkmates and colleagues to entertain him, time went by slowly. He walked along the tall fence that bordered the district, separating the village and the mines from a vast expanse of tall grass and trees in the distance. He found himself wondering what was hidden behind the forest, if there were other people somewhere that the Capitol didn’t know about. Maybe district 12 would have been nicer if it had included that large and lush landscape within its borders, the idea of patrolling under the shade of the trees seeming a lot more pleasant than doing it under the scorching sun. Maybe there even was a stream of fresh water meandering through the trees or better yet, a lake of cold water in which he could dive in and finally get rid of the beads of sweat that never seemed to leave his forehead, not since he had stepped in this foreign place.
His imagination running wild with ways to make his new home more bearable, he almost missed it. That movement in the corner of his eye, that trail of trampled grass leading to the fence… He turned around to see a silhouette, crouching down to enter the limit of the district from under broken wires he hadn’t even noticed when he had walked passed it a few minutes earlier. A trespasser. But were you an intruder or just a rule breaker ?
“Hey!” He shouted, the authority in his tone surprising both you and him. You lifted your head, eyes widening as you saw him and tried to hurry but the hem of your skirt was hooked to a sharp piece of wire that didn’t seem to want to let you go that easily.
His hand went to his belt, where his weapon was ready to be pulled out in case you were some kind of threat. Even if you didn’t look like it, Coriolanus knew better than to trust people, especially the people of District 12.
You didn’t want to get in trouble. All you wanted was to go back to your shack and forget about this encounter. You had heard enough terrible stories about peacekeepers to know you needed to avoid them at all cost. And mostly, you knew you had to be weary of the new ones like him, the ones who didn’t make deals and trades in exchange of turning an blind eye to whatever the citizens of your district needed to do in order to survive.
He was getting closer. Dangerously closer. And although he was walking slowly, almost carefully in your direction, you had noticed how his long fingers were just inches away from his weapon, ready to grab it and use it on you. So you decided to sacrifice your skirt, even though you didn’t own another one, and ran off, hearing the sound of the fabric tearing apart.
Coriolanus didn’t expect you to run. Where would you go anyway ? He had caught you breaking the law, he knew what you looked like, he wasn’t going to let you get out of it so easily. If he had to abide to rules he clearly didn’t want to follow, do a job he hated and was forced to live in this depressing area just because he was meant to face the consequences of his actions in the Capitol, you would have to face yours too.
He ran after you, easily catching up on you with his tall legs. And, since you weren’t making it easy for him, refusing to stop and comply, he grabbed you by the arm and yanked you back, a scream escaping your lips in reaction.
“Please, let me go.” You begged. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I was looking for food past the fence to feed my family.”
He listened. He even understood. He too had struggled to find food for himself and his family a few years back. He knew what it felt like to be hungry. And he knew how it hurt to see your loved ones starving too. However, the people of the districts deserved it. It was the consequences of their actions, a fair turn of the tables that they were the ones knowing poverty now. And hopefully, it would only get worse from now on. They needed to know that they were nothing without the Capitol. And they needed to know that their reckless behavior would cause the downfall of their own people.
He held both of your wrists together in your back, his free hand pressing against the back of your neck to make you walk forward. He wasn’t sure what your punishment would be for trespassing and frankly he didn’t care, the only thing that really mattered was that his superiors would at least notice that he was a good element, if not the best one they had.
You kept begging him for freedom, explaining yourself and assuring him that your escapade to the woods wasn’t a threat in any way to the government but he stayed stoic, still walking you in direction of the peacekeepers’ barracks with your hands held painfully tight in your back.
As the austere buildings came in sight, you decided to fight back, abruptly trying to free yourself from his grip. It took him by surprise and you managed to run forward, all the way to a narrow path by the side of the barracks before he caught you again. He grabbed you with both hands this time, pushing you against the stone wall of the building with your arms held above your head. He was close, his broad shoulders blocking your view of everything else but him. His body was a fence you wouldn’t be able to cross, it was trapping you against the wall, leaving you helpless and at his mercy and he did not looked pleased.
“I promise I won’t do it again.” You said, knowing as well as he did that it was a lie. “I’m going home to tell my family that I haven’t found anything for them to eat today, isn’t that enough of a punishment ?”
Coriolanus’s pale blue eyes stared at you, visibly conflicted. He knew that feeling all too well. And indeed, it was a sufficient punishment in his opinion. An even more cruel one than anything his superiors might have in store for you. However, he couldn’t just let you go like this, not when you had been such a pain to catch. You had interrupted his quiet stroll along the fence, you had made him run under the scorching sun, you didn’t deserve that much mercy.
“Please, I’ll do anything.” You said, making sure he would notice the implications you put in your last word, staring right back at him as suggestively as you could. You knew peacekeepers were easily convinced by the prospect of a bit a fun with a woman since they didn’t get to have that much of it while in service. It was a good way to get out of trouble. And this peacekeeper in particular was handsome enough to make you slightly nervous at the idea of him accepting what you tried to suggest.
Coriolanus wasn’t sure what to think. Or do. For a moment, he wasn’t even sure he had heard you correctly at all, getting lost in your beautiful eyes instead of focusing on your words. Maybe such close proximity to a woman was messing with his head, it had been a while after all. In fact, he had never been that physically close to anyone before and the fact that he had you pinned down against the wall, holding so much power over you made all his blood instantly rush down to his cock. There was something deeply satisfying at the thought that he could do whatever he pleased with you. Especially there, concealed from the other peacekeepers that might be leaving or entering the barracks, with nothing in his back but the fence, he could do anything and no one would know.
“Do we have a deal ?” You asked him, arching your back enough for your hips to brush against his, bringing his attention - and yours - to the impressive bulge that had formed in his pants.
Oh, it was wrong. So wrong. He shouldn’t even consider it, he should do his job and bring you to his superiors as he had been instructed to do in such circumstances but there was something about you that made him hesitate. Maybe it was how short your skirt was now, with half of it still stuck in the fence, it revealed more of your body than you were comfortable with and he definitely liked what he saw. The curves of your body, the shape of you, your lovely face… You were so different from the others. If he could have Tigris design some fashionable clothes for you and arrange your hair, you could look like a girl from the Capitol. One that he could be interested in…
But you were a girl from the filthy and barbaric district 12 and he was a peacekeeper.
“Deal.” He breathed, taking unexpected pride in the way your cheeks turned red at his word. You had never been so shy in front of a peacekeeper before, maybe it was because he was too handsome for words or maybe it was because he had an odd elegance to him that intrigued you, made you want to know who he was and where he came from. But you’d have to wait to indulge your curiosity with small talk, you had the end of a deal to hold and you actually felt pretty eager to get it done.
His breath caught in his throat when you dropped to your knees in front of him, your hands still held up above your head by one of his, yet no longer all pressed up against the wall. He easily opened his pants with his free hand, pulling out his already hard erection for you. Your hands moved, instinctively wanting to close your fingers around his cock but he held them back, still tightly in his grip.
“You won’t need them.” He told you, meeting your eyes. You quietly nodded and opened your mouth as wide as you could, letting him decide what to do next.
Still with one hand, he guided his cock past your pretty lips, the sensation of his sensitive skin gliding on your soft tongue almost ending him on the spot. He wasn’t prepared for how warm and wet it would feel, how his shaft would slide so perfectly all the way until his tip touched the back of your throat, making you gag.
You bopped your head for him, creating friction, having him slide back and forth in your mouth while you also focused on your breathing to avoid gagging too often. His eyes were clouded with intense pleasure when he closed them, letting you take care of him without opposing much resistance.
Fuck, it felt good. Especially when you took him down your throat, his whole cock fitting inside your mouth and your soft lips enclosing the base. He liked the way your cheeks were still colored pink, how your eyes watered from how big he was to swallow and how incredibly arousing it was to have you on your knees in front of him. A moment before you were a rebel, a reckless girl breaking the rules regardless of the punishment you might face and now, he had you tamed and compliant as he slowly fucked your mouth.
But maybe It was a bit too slow. Once the excitement of the new sensations he felt died down, there was only one thing he could think about; relief. That intense pleasure that you had carefully built in the pit of his stomach was begging for release, to explode on your tongue so that he could fill your mouth with his cum. He wondered if you would swallow it all, compliant til the very end or if you’d let it past your lips, drip on your chin and clothes like a very visible sign that he had marked you as his.
He was too eager to find out. He wanted to see for himself, feel how gloriously good it was going to be once his pleasure would splash out of him. So he stepped forward, forcing you back to the wall, hands still pinned up. You had no room left to move your head anymore and it was exactly what he wanted, thrusting his cock inside you himself instead. His rythym was fast and merciless, making you gag and feel breathless. His pushes forward were strong and quick, and soon, you felt his warm release drip down your throat, as his eratic movements finally came to a stop.
His cock was still twitching, spitting out white cum when he pulled it out of your mouth to allow you to breathe again, drops falling down on your chin and chest. He was breathless too, and the hunger you saw in his eyes as he stared at the drop of his cum that was slowly rolling downwards on your chest made you wonder if he was going to ask for more. He sure looked like he was ready to give it another go, right there and now.
But he unexpectedly released your wrists instead, taking a step back to arrange his still hard cock back inside his pants. With the blood finally rushing back down your arms, you tried to stand up. To your surprise, the peacekeeper held a hand out for you, helping you back up like a gentleman would.
You both stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. You wanted to ask him where his manners came from, and why he wasn’t using them to navigate high society instead of being here but you couldn’t find the courage to say anything at all. There were many questions he wanted to ask you too, starting with asking for your name, but he refrained from saying anything, knowing it was better if he kept his distances. The last thing he wanted was to fall for a district girl.
You fled without a word but granting him a smile and he let you, memorizing the way your perfect body looked like in that torn skirt you probably were going to throw away now, wondering if he’d ever get to take a peek underneath your clothes.
When he went out that night with his friends, he didn’t mention you even though he knew it would have earned him the admiration of his roommates. And when he wasn’t able to fall asleep once in his bed, his mind flooded with all the possibilities of what else he could do to you - if he ever got another chance to - he ended up sneaking out of the barracks and walking back to the fence in the middle of the night, to retrieve the piece of your skirt that was still dangling in the wind, hooked to the wire meant to keep everyone in.
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anubisfarm · 17 days
Unethical || Harvey
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Synopsis - It's time for your first Pap Smear Test with Doctor Harvey when something unexpected and unethical happens.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 2.8k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You had been in Pelican Town for just over a year now and during that time you had become increasingly close with the town’s local doctor, Harvey. Throughout the week you would bring his favourite gifts of coffee and pickles into his office, forcing the older man to fall head over heels in love with you relatively quickly. He would never pass up an opportunity to be by your side, whether it was as a friend, or as your doctor. Today though, he was your doctor. It was time for your yearly health check-up and, in fact. Was time for your first Pap Smear Test. Although you knew the examination was necessary to check for potential cancer cells, you were still dreading it. Your friends and family alike had told you that the procedure could be slightly painful and uncomfortable which only added to your already existing anxieties. 
As you approached the clinic your heart was thumping so loud against your chest that you swore other villagers passing by could hear it. You stood outside the clinic and took a few deep breaths before entering, only to be greeted with Maru’s friendly face. “Ah! There you are, just in time! Doctor Harvey is waiting for you in his office.”
You offered Maru a weak smile and nodded, “thanks Maru.”
You slumped your way down the hall to Harvey’s office, all while trying to stop yourself from bolting out of the clinic with every step you took. After what felt like an eternity, you reached the door and after another deep breath you knocked. A faint ‘come in’ sounded from the opposite side of the door and you slowly opened it, peering your head around the corner. Harvey was smiling at you already. “Y/N, it’s lovely to see you,” he greeted, motioning for you to enter his office further. 
“It’s lovely to see you too Harvey, although I wish the circumstances were different,” you mumbled, stepping further into the room. 
Harvey looked at you sympathetically and smiled. “You’re in good hands here Y/N, you’ve nothing to fear.” 
“You know hospitals make me nervous,” you said as you sat down in the chair opposite his desk. Immediately you began tapping your foot on the floor anxiously, which didn’t go unnoticed by Harvey. 
He typed some notes up on his computer before turning his attention to you once again. “I know it’s easier said than done but please try not to be nervous. I’m here to help you and ensure that everything is fine with your health.” 
You trusted Harvey with your life as both your friend and doctor, but still you couldn’t shake the nerves you were feeling about the Pap Smear examination. Your lips pressed into a thin line before you finally managed to stammer out, “w-will it hurt?” 
“I’m not going to lie to you Y/N, I’ve heard it can be quite uncomfortable but it will only last a few moments and I’ll do my best to make you as comfortable as possible,” he paused and offered you a reassuring smile. “Now, whenever you’re ready you can step behind that screen there and remove the bottom half of your clothes.” 
You looked at the screen a few feet away from his desk and nodded. For a few seconds, your feet reused to move but eventually you stood up from the chair and walked behind the screen. You looked around the small section of the room and noticed there was a hospital bed and next to it, a small station sink with a cabinet underneath it. The hospital bed had been made up for you, a small paper-like blanket had been folded neatly on the bed for you to cover your bottom half up. With a sharp exhale, you tucked your thumbs under the waistband of your trousers and underwear, pulling them down to your ankles in one fell swoop. You stepped out of your trousers and lay yourself down on the bed, grabbing the paper-like blanket to cover what remaining dignity you had left. Finally, after a few seconds of deliberating if this was really worth the embarrassment, you called out to Harvey. “I’m ready.”
Harvey walked behind the screen and pulled a small wheeling cart with him. Once he was behind the screen, he put on a pair of transparent gloves and flexed his fingers. “If you could bend your knees up for me please and put them together.” He sat down at the end of the bed before looking at you. “I’m going to lift this sheet and take a look, okay?” You nodded your head in understanding as your face flushed with embarrassment. 
Meanwhile on the other side of the situation, Harvey’s heart was racing. He couldn’t help but feel slightly perverted as he slowly lifted up the sheet, revealing your exposed pussy to him. Harvey couldn’t believe he was actually seeing you, up close and personal. Harvey bit his bottom lip as he inspected your pussy, his mouth practically watering at the sight. When Harvey never spoke, you whispered to him. “Is everything okay?”
He cleared his throat before answering you. “Y-Yeah. Everything is fine.” Then, he stood up and made his way over to the small stationed sink next to the bedside and reached into the cabinet underneath it. “I’m just grabbing some lubricant. It’ll be a lot easier to insert the speculum if you’re… well, lubed up.”
“Speculum?” You asked softly, looking at Harvey as he squeezed some of the transparent, odourless liquid onto his fingers. 
“Yes, speculum. That’s the name of this tool I’ll be using today,” Harvey nodded his head towards the wheeling cart and the instrument located on it. He then returned to his place at the end of the bed, between your legs and let out a silent, deep breath. “This might feel a little cold, but it will only last a second.” With that warning, and a nod of your head in understanding, Harvey pressed two fingers against your entrance quickly. A soft gasp left your lips at the cooling sensation and you felt yourself clench slightly as Harvey retracted his fingers. At your gasp, the older man felt his heart skip several beats and a varying number of inappropriate thoughts flashed through his mind. Harvey tripped to keep his now throbbing cock at bay as he looked at your glistening pussy and he swore a bit of saliva fell from the corner of his mouth and onto his lap. Shaking his head lightly, Harvey grabbed the speculum from the small medical table he had wheeled in with him. 
“That looks like a torture device,” you said with a nervous chuckle, looking down at the speculum in Harvey’s hand.  
“It does look scary, but I promise it’s not as bad as you’re thinking. It won’t be pleasant, but it won’t be unbearably painful either.” You nodded your head once again in response and sucked in a deep breath as Harvey placed the speculum at your entrance. “I’m going to push it in now, okay?” 
“O-Okay,” you whispered. Without hesitation, Harvey pushed the lubricated speculum inside you, ripping yet another gasp from your throat. He opened the speculum and looked inside, taking note of the things he needed to do before grabbing a swab and taking a sample. 
After a few seconds of an uncomfortable feeling, Harvey slowly pulled the speculum from you. “There. All done.” Harvey looked up from between your legs and offered you a weak smile and placed the speculum off to the side for sterilisation once you had left his office. 
“Done?” You asked, letting out a breath you had been holding in and sighed, your legs collapsing flat onto the bed and covering yourself with the thin paper-like blanket yet again. You looked at Harvey and offered him a weak smile before your eyes casted down to his little ‘problem’ between his legs. The colour drained from Harvey’s face when he saw your gaze downcast to his crotch and he immediately began to stammer out a sentence.
“I-I didn’t mean to - I couldn’t help it - I just-”
“Harvey, it’s okay,” you whispered softly, propping yourself up on your elbows. “I may just be a farmer, but I know the basics of human sex organs. You don’t have to be a doctor to understand that.”  
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” Harvey mumbled, playing with his fingers that rested gently on his lap. 
“Uncomfortable? “ You asked him quizzically. 
“Well, yes,” Harvey adjusted his glasses awkwardly as he shifted down in his seat. “It’s not professional at all and it’s extremely unethical.”
Your brain didn’t even get a chance to process the words before you blurted out, “do you need some help?” Your eyes widened as soon as the sentence left your lips and so did Harvey’s. Had he heard you right? To save face, you just allowed yourself to continue talking. “You know… Do you need me to help you get rid of your erection?”
“Y/N!” Harvey managed to stammer out, his face now bright red from shame and embarrassment. 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about Harvey,” you whispered softly. “It’s natural.”
“Thank you for being so… Understanding,” Harvey mumbled softly. 
“So,” you whispered out softly, a teasing grin on your lips. “Do you want some help or not?” Harvey hesitated, unsure of what to say or do. On one hand, he wanted you so badly. The sight of your pussy alone had nearly pushed him to orgasm. On the other hand, he didn’t want to ruin possibly the only real friendship he had in Pelican Town. It took a few seconds of awkward silence before Harvey finally nodded a ‘yes’ in response to your question. You sat up, the paper-like blanket falling from your lap, and pulled him down on top of you so both of his hands were resting on either side of your head. Harvey gazed down at you with a look of longing in his eyes and slowly, he inched his face towards yours until your lips were placed firmly against his. The kiss was clumsy and it was clear to you at that moment that this man had limited experience when it came to women, if any. His tongue ran over your bottom lip in a desperate attempt to wriggle its way into your mouth, but teasingly, you kept your lips pressed together. Harvey let out a needy whimper and a simple ‘please’ left his lips. Sighing dreamily, you parted your lips and allowed Harvey’s tongue to delve into your mouth with such an eagerness you don’t think you had ever experienced. Your hands quickly began to unbuckle his trousers, feeling his straining erection pushing almost painfully against them. “Harvey,” you whispered softly against his lips, pulling his trousers and underwear down to his knees, allowing his cock to spring free. For someone so shy and anxious, you never expected him to be as large as he was, his cock was thick and veiny and heavily pressing against your exposed heat. 
“Y/N,” Harvey gasped. He felt the wetness of your cunt slick the side of his cock as he bucked his hips up against you desperately. “Can I put it in? Please.” How could you deny him when he begged so deliciously. You nodded your head and Harvey immediately jumped for joy, slicking the tip of his cock up your wet folds before slowly inching himself in. A gasp ripped from his throat as he fully sheathed himself inside of you, halting for a moment to allow you to adjust to his length. “Oh… You’re so tight.” 
“Harvey,” you whined out, bucking your hips up against his in a desperate attempt to get him to start moving. 
With clumsy thrusts, Harvey begins to move against you. His hands still rested next to your head, keeping himself upright as he moved against you slowly. Harvey was adamant he had never felt anything better than your pussy wrapped around his cock, adamant that there was no better feeling in the world that could compare. As his hips snapped against yours, Harvey’s lips met yours in a frantic kiss and a soft moan left him. “Yoba, Y/N,” he grunted against your lips. His moustache tickled your top lip, but it only seemingly added to the pleasure you were feeling. Moan after moan left your lips, as your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him ever closer to you. “You’re so wet for me. It’s intoxicating.” 
“Mhm,” you nod your head, trying to keep as quiet as you could. After all, you were in the doctor's office. Harvey kissed down your lips, to your jaw until he reached the sweet spot on your neck. He immediately began sucking on the tender flesh of your throat as soft noises left your mouth. This only spurred him on more, and soon he was leaving big red hickey’s along your neck. The pleasure only intensified when Harvey angled your hips so he could reach deeper inside of you. You were right on the edge. “Harvey, I’m going to cum,” you moaned out softly as your hands made their way to your clit, rubbing harsh and quick circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Cum for me sweetheart,” Harvey moaned out as he felt the walls of your cunt contract around him, gripping his cock like a vice. Just as he had said those words, your orgasm rippled through you like a tidal wave. Your legs tightened around his waist before going slack, shaking with the pleasure you felt as Harvey continued to thrust against you haphazardly. As he felt you contract around him, Harvey knew that he would follow close behind, his breathing increased rapidly as his hips sped up of their own accord. “Where do you want me?” He asked breathlessly.
“Inside, please, inside,” you begged pathetically, your body still shaking from your release. 
Harvey didn’t even think about the potential consequences. Instead, he took your begging as consent and immediately, his orgasm ripped through him from the sound of your begging, mixed with your tight heat wrapped around him. “Oh my,” Harvey groaned out as his entire body shook with ecstasy. His hips spluttered against yours as rope after rope shot from his cockhead and his head fell back, mouth open wide with pleasure. “I love you,” he whimpered as his hips thrusted against you a few more times before finally stilling. 
Your eyes were wide at his admission, but you couldn’t deny that your heart was beating rapidly against your chest. “I love you too,” you whispered back, causing Harvey to stiffen at your words. He couldn’t believe that the words had slipped past his lips, but then again, he couldn’t believe any of this had happened.
After a few seconds of silence, Harvey spoke up as he propped himself up above you so he could look down at you. “You do?”
You nodded your head eagerly, a sweet smile playing on your lips. “Yes.”
Harvey felt his heart skip a few beats at your words and a blush covered his face when he realised he was softening inside of you. He leaned down to kiss you once again, muttering against your lips. “I love you so much.”
You kissed back when there was a knock on Harvey’s office door followed by Maru’s voice. “Doctor Harvey, your next patient is here to see you.”
Harvey pulled his lips away from yours and groaned before calling back, “be right out!” Maru’s footsteps walked away from the door and Harvey finally pulled out of your sticky cunt with a low whine before whispering to you, “will I see you again?” 
You watched him quizzically as he pulled his trousers and underwear back up around his hips. “Why wouldn’t you?” You asked eventually after a few seconds of watching him. Harvey shrugged slightly and rubbed his moustache awkwardly. You grinned at him. “Come by my farm tonight after work, okay?” 
“What for?” Harvey asked, tilting his head as it was now his turn to watch you get your bottom-half dressed.
“Just… trust me, okay?” You said with a smile. Harvey nodded his head and returned your smile before walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face into your neck, inhaling your scent with a contented sigh. 
“I’ll see you later then,” he whispered before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. “Now, I have to get back to work.”
“I’ll see you later, Doctor,” you whispered, giving him a nod before turning on your heels to walk out of the door. 
You bid goodbye to Maru as you left the clinic and made your way back to the farm. Smiling to yourself, you tended to the farm and your animals, something that you were too anxious to do earlier. As you moved you felt Harvey’s spend trickle down your thigh, a constant reminder of what had happened at your appointment. Your heart skipped a few beats and you had to pinch yourself for the moment to feel real in your mind. You couldn’t wait for that evening, to see Harvey again in the comfort of your own home with no time limit. Maybe he’d even spend the night… Who knew what would happen, only time would tell. 
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
A short stranger moves into town, doesn't seem to interact much with anyone, and six months later when there's a scandal about someone's daughter being pregnant out of wedlock, he shows up out of the blue to claim paternity. He says he can't marry the mother - he's got a wife somewhere else, estranged, but a wife nonetheless - but he'll take care of them. Baffled looks are exchanged around the room, but nobody challenges the claim. The child's mother, who doesn't seem to have ever met this man in her life, but has found her options limited, agrees that he is the father.
This, somehow, happens again, and not only several times, but often enough for people to expect it. Each time there's a young, unwed mother with nowhere else to go, she ends up moving in to the shack this man, Jonathan, has claimed for himself and his growing family. The question "do they know who the father is, or is it Jonathan's?" becomes an ordinary thing to ask.
He himself insists that each new bastard is his - if the child looks nothing like him nor the mother, there is always an ancestor he has who had hair exactly like that, or a nose exactly like that, as he himself is constructed of every single recessive gene known to man, a mixture of every kind of ancestry there is.
The village tolerates him. Despite of being quiet most of the time, and rude when he talks, he's a law-abiding citizen, save for threatening to fight other men to defend his growing flock of bastards and the honour and dignity of their respective mothers. There is no winning a fight with a small man, you'll either come out as a laughingstock if you lose, or looking like a brute if you win, and no man is willing to gamble his dignity in order to find out whether Jonathan can actually fight or not.
Nobody is exactly sure what, exactly, he gains out of cultivating notoriety as a man who singlehandedly fathered 38 bastards and continues to do so into his forties and fifties, as a short and angry little man who wasn't even particularly handsome in his youth. He and the family he continues gathering are a problem they prefer to have. And for as long as he continues doing what he insists on doing, nobody pauses for long enough to figure out that he's trans.
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Ok, for real this time.
CW: Sex/Sexual content, not feral twilight, but he’s almost there, light marking, breeding
Reader has feminine anatomy and no pronouns.
Not proofread!!
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Spring was a very prominent season among Ordon. Sure, every season had its place in their ritualistic life. But given Ordon was a small farming village, the icey cold of winter and droughts of summer didn’t provide them with much. Hell— even the goats were cranky without fresh grass to gnaw on.
But the sun would, with time, melt the snow and nourish the land. Small flowers would poke up on the edges of pathways and riverbeds. The bank would crack as the sheets of ice splintered and gave way. The grounds would soften and absorb the first rain of many months.
Link had always loved spring. As a boy, he loved the warm sun on his skin as he picked away at fresh grass, splitting the blades and getting soft dirt under his fingernails. As he grew, the season proved to be enjoyable far beyond just its temperance. Laying largely in, of course, that his job of caring for a herd of goats relied primarily on their happiness. Spring was kind to him. The sun didn’t beat at his skin, the goats didn’t groan their discontent, the work was plentiful, but pleasant.
Only one true downside sprung to mind with the season of spring. He remembers being particularly younger -perhaps his first season working as a hand with the goats- and getting rammed by a particularly competitive ram. His chest and back had minor bruises, and his palms were scraped.
It was that year he learned there was a lot more to caring for a herd of animals than simply providing them what they needed.
‘One must adjust themselves’ Fado explained as he wrapped the scrapes, ‘To the animals, you are new. Not one of them. Competition to that ram, in his eyes.’ He chuckled heartily as Link explained that he was only trying to help feed them. ‘They ain’t smart enough to know that, kiddo. Don’t you worry yerself. Now run along, I have things handled.’
The years passed. He grew familiar with the herd and they grew familiar with him. He could pick out which were particularly moody, the others more friendly. He knew their waking and feeding times to the minute. He knew which were the most prone to being lame.
But most importantly related to avoiding injury, like that of his prior example, when they’d mate.
And though he never would admit it aloud to a single soul so long as he had dignity, the idea was captivating. The thought that someone could feel the primal need to fuck so badly that the world becomes irrelevant was one he’d often entertain on quieter nights, his lungs struggling to draw steady breath as his hands wrapped around his cock. There was something about that need to rut into somewhere soft and warm and fertile never failed to draw strangled whines from his throat.
But of course, that was before he had to actually tend to said urges.
That was before his soul was shattered and welded back together with something more beast than man.
He’d found, more often than not, that a rut was more annoying than anything else. He was constantly covered in a thin sheen of sweat from his body temperature being so elevated. Worked wonders for attracting attention as a bead of sweat would travel down the contours of his muscles. However, having consistently damp sheets because of it was so annoying he’d sleep on the couch most nights. The aggression was mostly annoying because it resulted in him cursing out the goats so often he was sure he looked utterly insane.
That was, of course, not even mentioning the sexual aggression.
The weeks dragged out and the temperatures raised up. And every single night Link would come home, take a shower, eat some dinner, and proceed to spend the rest of the evening with his hands between his legs. Occasionally a pillow would find its way between strong, plush thighs, his hips bucking and grinding pathetically at the sensation. But even after his hands, thighs, stomach and bed were stained with sticky cum, another wave of mind-numbing heat would roll over him.
Notably most annoying was there was no solution. Horny as he was, the beast would shove away any lover he tried to take in distaste. It craved something special. Something specific to sate his urges and carry his kin.
At first, he thought this to be a cruel and unusual curse from Hylia. Her way of forsaking her hero who was permanently ‘tainted’. It only seemed fitting when one considers the purity culture the church possesses. That it was something beyond simply shameful to tend to temptation.
But then he met you. You who was always different. Who both him and wolf pined for. Who had him tripping over himself for your affection. You who he didn’t care about the consequences. So long has he had you.
You who did not spit at him for who he was— what he was. You who loved him regardless. You who kissed his tattoos and markings. You who reassured him during his anxiety attack, that you weren’t ’too good for him’ that he truly was deserving of love either way.
So much had shifted since then, though nothing really had at all. The both of you both still split chores and cuddled at night. But now both hemispheres of his sentience could be satisfied knowing you were his. First as a lover who he could cuddle and kiss, someone to cherish until the end of his being. And second as a mate who he could protect and claim, someone to breed and carry his pups.
Not much changed as of genuine dynamics, but his outlook most certainly had.
Spring, familiar in the back of his mind, began to bloom. The snow melted off the fields, the life returning to the woods, his mind running wild at seeing any newly exposed skin.
To some extent he felt indecent. The man in him wanted to help you prepare for the festival, to caress your warm skin and pepper your cheeks with kisses. He wanted to enjoy life at your side. The wolfish, however, wanted nothing more than to pin you to the bed and fuck you senseless. To make new life as if his own was dependent on it. The civility instilled in him was mortified with the thoughts of the primal.
But that of course, made them no less present. Nor did it made his skin no less warm, or his jealousy less looming.
Ordon never really held large events, but the equinox of each season was mutually assured to be the time to go all in. Each family would show up with multiple dishes and drinks and the festivities would last long into the early hours of the day. It was your first time at the spring festival, the children presenting you with a flower crown and giddy grins. You both ate and drank your shares, laughing among the village. Just like any other family at the table… that was, excluding the lack of little ones.
Eventually, some of the more drunken began to sing and chant, the makeshift beat and music causing some to dance and sway. Link hung back as you were tugged into the crowd by Ilia. The fading sun caught your skin, dousing it in a radiance beyond mortality. He could hear your laughter amidst the voices, clear and crisp. You were divine, he decided. Not just perfect or stunning, but someone he’d devote himself to until he had nothing left to give.
He’s actually quite unsure on how long it was he sat there in admirance. He got more than a few comments on how utterly lovesick he was for you, but it didn’t matter. Not to him. Not now you were finally his. You came back, a smile lingering on your lips as you kissed him, your hand squeezing his shoulder with some sense of urgency.
“Are you alright?” His hand, rough from a life of nothing but work, cupped your jaw with such delicacy. His voice was hushed, not wishing to draw attention to you in the case something truly was wrong. You grabbed him by the collar, demanding him closer, your lips brushing the shell of his ear as you spoke.
“I think it’s time we headed home.” And who was he to deny you? Especially not with the lilt in your voice, one that had him weak willed to your order.
He didn’t bother putting you down as he walked through the front door. He had you on the bed in seconds. He straddled your hips, a single strong hand pressing you to the mattress by the neck. His hands tugged sharply at your shirt, ripping away the fabric with a muttered promise for a new shirt. He immediately defended upon the skin, latching and sucking marks and bruises.
“Yer so fuckin’ stunning sugar” He whispered against your skin, kissing the hickey he just planted.
“All laid out f’me, huh?” His accent thickened, his teeth grazed against the fragile skin of your throat, pulling it taught in places.
“All yours, just for you” You managed to weakly affirm. He grinned, sharp and suggestive.
“All mine.” He nipped at your neck, his subconscious running crazy with the scent of your skin. Begging him once more to claim— to mark what’s his. Reverently, he kisses the lovebites he leaves. Some bleed, but his tongue travels along each ridge in the bite mark. He savours your blood on his tongue. It’s the finest drug, setting each half of his mind reeling and his own blood rushing. He travels to your perked nipples, suckling on them both in turns as his hand massages the other one.
“So good for me.” He lets his hand trail down to your thighs, pressing them open. He chuckles at how easily they spread apart. A fang drags lightly against your skin as he kissed right above your hips, directly on top of where your uterus would be.
“G’na look so pretty, all stuffed with my pups.” He looked up at you through his lashes, his hands tightening around your thighs with the look of need on your face.
“I’ll help ya’ darlin’ don’t you worry” He slid back, hooking a finger over your waistband and asking a slightly shaky “may I?”
“Please, Link I-“ His hands ripped through any clothes that separated his mouth from your cunt. His hands slid to your hips to pull them even closer to his face as he lapped away. A starving man would’ve been more civilised with their meal.
But as far as he was concerned, he was drinking the most intoxicating wine straight from the tap.
He payed no mind to your whines, nor did he slow as your thighs squeezed his head. He would occasionally dive up, his tongue toying with your clit. He lets your fingers thread hrough his hair, pulling him as close as possible before gushing into his maw. He revels in the pain of your knuckles tugging at your hair. He leans in closer, trying to drink you in even more. You tried to pull back to give him breathing room, only to be pulled back in by the hips. He licked your pussy clean, some cum still dripping down his chin. Your hips buck at the sight, a man so pussydrunk he could die of suffocation between your thighs and be happy. He gently traveled back up to kiss either of your cheeks and comb through your hair, massaging out the insides of your thighs as you resurfaced from your mind.
“Love?” He praised you in his tone alone, his forehead pressed against yours as he untangles himself from between your legs.
“Yes?” You open one half-lidded eye to see a beggar man, eyes full of such hope.
“C-Can I,-“ He didn’t need to say ask before you knew the question.
“Yes.” He’s careful, as of trying to convey to you in the motion of pressing your legs upward just how much he loves you.
Something in his eyes darkens the second he’d sunken inside your heat. He paused, letting you adjust to him and your muscles to relax.
“Fuck that greedy hole a’ yours fits me- so so well” He grumbles out, his chest rising and falling, as if staying still were truly a great effort to him. He bares his teeth, unnaturally sharp for one of his kind. His hips suddenly draw back and snap against your own, his length pushing against your cervix. He mumbles fragmented praises incoherently, slamming into you with an abusive pace, contrasted to the slow circling of your clit. His hand is so warm against your sensitive nerves, you want help but buck and wail in a desperate attempt to keep the stimulation as you get closer and closer to cumming. And you know you’re not alone— his grunts turning raspy the closer he himself gets to cumming, almost like a growl.
“Gna’ knock you up.” His hips buck out of time, but certainly no less fast. Your cunt flutters with the dizzying combination of sensations.
“You want that? My litter? Pups of our own?” Perhaps it was the near ferality in his tone that caused you to topple over. Or maybe it was his two fingers that curled around your clit. Even his cock nudging against your most sensitive bundle of nerves. He followed not too soon after, your silken walls squeezing around him must’ve been exactly the fix he’d been lusting after.
You both spent a few minutes curled up, catching your breath and letting your minds settle. You begin to shift, only to be met with a needy whine and arms around your abdomen.
“Nonono! Not yet- Please stay still” Link’s arms were loose, willing to let you go if that were your decree. You made no motion to move, much to his delight. He kneaded out any of your sore muscles and whispered praises into your hair as he played with it. Your eyelids began to flutter, sleep only staged off by his quiet whisper.
“Hey Darlin’?”
“I love you. I love you so much.”
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