#dimension 20: the unsleeping city chapter 2
fibrefox · 2 years
Brennan: That's a natural one! Two failed death saves for Santa [laughs, claps hands] Lou: Don't fuckin' clap, you fuckin' monster.
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wherever he is.
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I love the edits people make of the romances between two NPC characters from Dimension 20 because its literally like:
*Clip of Brennen Lee Mulligan slightly facing left*
*Cut to -*
*Clip of Brennan Lee Mulligan facing slightly right (and sometimes wearing a different shirt)*
and over the top of that is one of the most heartwrenching songs ever made.
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chungledown-bimothy · 6 months
"I think the most impressive d4 roll I've ever seen was in this episode."
Brennan, I'd like to remind you of Pete's Bend Luck on Kingston's Divine Intervention in the last episode of The Unsleeping City Chapter II. The one where a d4 made the difference on a d100 roll.
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yourbelgianthings · 4 months
life lessons from the unsleeping city <3
it’s never too late to start over and do better
found family is real family
it is what it could be
you’re allowed to do what makes you happy with your life and it’s okay if it takes time to find that
love is powerful
share your joy with others
lean on your friends when you need them, you’d do the same for them
your needs and desires are just as important as everyone else’s
it’s okay to be angry and express yourself, nobody can be happy and chill all the time
question tradition, try new things
be willing to learn when you get called on your shit
we deserve better than capitalism can offer
don’t let your heart harden and scorn dreams
loneliness is real and painful but usually not a reflection of how people actually feel about you
and one more time: IT IS WHAT IT COULD BE!!
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becausesure · 4 months
I don't have many examples but I do love characters that don't have a feminine voice at all but are still female characters in d20
Cinnamon from the seven
La Gran Gata from Unsleeping City
They just don't have a feminine voice linked with them and it's just great
I guess Kalina from Fantasy High also falls into this category
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dieantik · 1 year
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🌙 what, if anything, stays? 🐉
[for @d20megazine]
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terabyte-teddybear · 1 year
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dream team blinkies! made with blinkie cafe (had to shorten your on cody’s so it would fit haha)
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heytherecentaurs · 7 months
Rewatching The Unsleeping City: Chapter 2 and in episode 9: "Fight at the Museum", Brennan goads Emily into using her reaction and then has the villains attack her. And she's so genuinely excited about him tricking her into using her reaction, she says, "Oh! You had me use my reaction so I can't use shield! That's really good stuff, and you deserve to hit me."
I love her enthusiasm. D&D is a game. And when you're such an amazing player, you gotta respect when another great gets you. Like, "YES! That was such a smart move!" One master acknowledging another.
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dropoutconfessions · 11 days
I’m an OG Dropout fan (made an account the first day it dropped) and I remain a big fan to this day. But one thing that’s always bothered me is their stark lack of disability representation.
In all of d20 so far I can only think of a few PCs who are (Jan De La Vega from ASO, Zee from TUC2, Lydia Barkrock from FH, and Mira from Neverafter). I think they’ve done a pretty good job of having people at the table who are neurodivergent/have mental health issues (ADHD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety) so the representation comes from an authentic place. But to my knowledge, there has yet to be a single player at any D20 table who has a physical disability.
Dropout seems to pride themselves on being inclusive. They’re a company who hires talent from a diverse array of backgrounds, because they understand why that’s so important. Especially because cishet white folks have been the face of Nerd/Geek/Fandom spaces for much of history, despite often not being the pioneers.
I’m someone with Cerebral Palsy who is desperate for any representation in media, let alone a thoughtful/nuanced portrayal.
Don’t get me wrong, Dropout is leagues ahead of other media companies in how much it uplifts diverse voices. But there is still plenty of room for improvement. It’s disappointing to see how little thought Dropout has put into giving people with disabilities a much-needed platform, when their brand is one of inclusivity.
just to add to the list cause i remembered while tagging, Gunnie from ASO, Rick Diggins from Tiny Heist, and Sylvester Cross from Mice & Murder
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robinante · 4 months
One day I’m going to honor my promises and make a master post of book recommendations based on Dimension 20 seasons.
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fibrefox · 2 years
Nobody here has a ninth-level telekinesis as a cantrip.
-- Brennan Lee Mulligan
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lou rolling divine intervention for ankarna immediately is the dice paying him back for the 22 attempts in tuc2 when he only succeeded with the help of pete
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amore-vincit-omnia · 1 year
The Unsleeping City II is so heartbreaking because its just Brennan making up a magical explanation as to why his city (and the world tbh, but most importantly New York, which he loves so deeply) is in the state its in: homelessness, isolation, erasure, depression, consumerism, egoism, forgetting our roots our history, etc etc im sure im missing a lot of points here.
He's actually not making up a magical explanation, he's just telling us, he's laying it out, he's warning us and its heartbreaking because we have all seen it, we have all experienced it, we are all probably aware of it. Idk i find this really sad.
The moral of the story is not capitalism is bad (tho true), its 'we should be kind to each other', the moral of the story is 'the other vox phantasma didn't have a vox populi, they didn't have a Sofia or a Kugrash or a Ricky, etc, they didn't have community', the moral is 'capitalism is a cause but also a symptom', the moral is 'when people dont have other people they stop believing, they stop living, they become so numb they'd rather stop dreaming altogether', the moral is idk the moral is that i have too much free time and can't stop thinking about this and i have no clue why its making me sad so I'm rambling
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dyedhairanddoodles · 4 months
Quick Pete Sketch while I rewatch TUC2!! <33
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keirashark · 2 years
I have acquired a new meme format:
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