#diminutive users
rahuratna · 5 months
The transformation of Nanami Kento
Please excuse me. I'm in the mood to write something incredibly silly today.
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"Itadori ... what ... can you explain-"
"Oh hell. Oh crap. Is that -"
"No. No way. It can't be, it's-"
"Idiot! What have you... but, but, he's so -"
Yuuji waved his hands, wilting under the barrage of questions from Nobara and Megumi. They were seated in the treatment room at Jujutsu Tech, awaiting the expert opinion of Ieiri on their  ... current predicament. The predicament in question was seated morosely on the edge of a plastic chair, gaze fixed in what appeared to be abject misery on the opposite wall. Yuuji shot the person in question a slightly frantic glance before attempting to explain himself.
"Look, we were out on a mission. They told us to investigate this daycare and play centre for kids. So, we went there. And ... so yeah. The reports said that people working there started to go missing and ... that the kids started talking about... stuff like this. You know. That these... cartoon figures or stuffed toys were ... coming up and trying to talk to them. And cursed energy spikes were picked up in the area."
Nobara's gaze shifted to Yuuji's side again, apparently fascinated, before Megumi kicked her leg.
"Oh. Right. And then?"
"So, we ... ended up finding the curse user. Some guy running the daycare who went seriously off the rails. His co-workers were complaining about lots of stuff and he ... started turning them into these. He said they were better this way. Like, more appealing and helpful in this form. So when Nanamin and I got him cornered, he ... managed to ricochet one of those transformation curse beams off the ceiling."
Yuuji's voice became quieter, his shoulders hunching inward.
"Nanamin took the hit for me. I should have been the one... turned into this."
Megumi took a bracing breath before striding over to where the strange figure sat quietly at Yuuji's side. He paused and squatted, elbows coming to rest on his knees slowly, as if afraid to make any sudden moves.
"Nanami? Can you hear us?"
The small, golden head raised slightly, tiny snout pointed in Megumi's direction. One soft, floppy ear twitched upright and the creature regarded Megumi with disconcerting attention from behind the familiar tinted glasses. It nodded. Nobara let out a strange, strangled noise. The diminutive head turned in her direction, noting her sparkling eyes, before drooping once again in dejection.
Nanami was many things, but one word the students had never ascribed to him before was 'cute'. In his current form, transformed by cursed energy into a semblance of the character, Pompompurin, he was ... beyond any level of 'cute' seen by the trio before. He was, without a doubt, approaching nuclear levels on the scale of 'adorable'.
Megumi seemed hesitant, before placing a hand gently on Nanami-pom's shoulder.
"Don't worry. Ieiri will be here soon. I'm sure she'll sort this ... issue out in no time."
Nanami-pom shifted slightly, before placing a small paw on Megumi's thumb. He nodded again. Megumi cleared his throat and (with what looked like a touch of reluctance) removed his hand. Nobara came up behind him. She looked as if she'd reigned in her instinctual need to scream every time Nanami so much as moved. She knelt next to Megumi.
"Um, Nanami? Can you... speak when you're like this?"
There was a pause as Nanami-pom seemed to consider this before shaking his head slightly. Nobara reached for him, before hastily retracting her hand.
"Ah, of course. Makes sense."
At this point, Nanami-pom looked over at Yuuji. The upbeat boy now looked positively wretched, wringing his hands and avoiding looking in their direction. He was obviously placing all the blame for the disaster at hand on himself.
Nanami-pom raised both paws and carefully removed his glasses. Nobara and Megumi stared. Two bright, intelligent hazel eyes looked back, the expression in their round depths sober and dignified. The glasses were placed with care on the seat beside him. Hopping down off his chair, Nanami-pom approached Yuuji.
The boy in question looked slightly terrified, knees drawing together and hands clasping tightly in front of him, as if expecting a reprimand. Nanami-pom stood in front of him, tiny and straight-backed, before approaching. He held one paw out expectantly. Yuuji reached out and took it between two fingers.  The transformed sorcerer raised Yuuji's hand to his face and placed his small snout within, offering a gesture of comfort. Nobara's squeal was low, but unmistakable, this time.
Releasing Yuuji, Nanami-pom returned to his seat. He hopped up without much difficulty and resumed his patient, morose examination of the wall. At that moment, the sliding door trundled open and Ieiri shuffled in, pulling disposable gloves on over her hands.
"Oh, you three? What seems to be the -"
Her eyes landed on Nanami and her mouth formed a round 'O' of surprise. The soft ears flicked out as Nanami-pom stared back at her. Like Megumi and Nobara, it didn't take her long to recognize him. Ieiri pursed her lips and her hand jerked reflexively towards the pocket where her phone was kept. Nanami-pom's eyes narrowed and she thought better of that particular action. She sighed.
"I swear, you owe me a sushi lunch and a drink when this is over."
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robertogreco · 2 years
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By burning incense [we] know the o’clock of the night, With graduated candle [we] confirm the tally of the watch.
Those are the words of sixth century poet Yu Jianwu referencing incense clocks.
The incense clock takes the basic concept—timing by combustion—and elevates it to a new level of gorgeous complexity. Examining the example held by the Science Museum, I was struck by its diminutive size: no larger than a coffee mug. Yet its small compartments are carefully packed with everything it needs to operate. In the bottom tray, you’ll find a bite-sized shovel and damper; above that, a pan of wood ashes for laying out the incense trail; then, stacked on top, an array of stencils for laying out the labyrinths. As Silvio Bedini, historian of scientific instruments, explains in his extensive study of the use of fire and incense for time measurement in China and Japan, the variety allows for seasonal variation: longer paths to be burned through the endless winter nights, while shorter ones serve for summer
To set the clock, start by smoothing the ashes with the damper until they are perfectly flat. Select your stencil, then use the sharp edge of the shovel to carve out a groove, following the pattern, and fill it with incense. Finally, cap it with the lacy lid to vent the smoke and control the flow of oxygen.
To track smaller intervals of time, place small markers at regular points along the path. Some versions had little chimneys dispersed across the lid, allowing the hour to be read based on which hole the smoke was venting through. And some users may have used different kinds of incense at different parts of the path, or inserted scented chips along the way, so that they could tell the time with just a sniff.
If you are interested in reading more about incense clocks, there is much more in the article the above passages come from including pointers to longer documents about them too.
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grntre23 · 2 years
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the main four from babel!! there’s explanations for the silver bars on each one!
potential book spoilers below!!
Ramy is first. Ramy’s name is on the left, and it means “one who indicates by signs” or “good communicator”. The Arabic word on bar on the right is romanized as “rasim”. It means art, drawing, architect, or planner. The bar was created to bridge the gap and make the process of writing notes from books and reference materials faster, smoother, and neater. I feel like Ramy would need it pretty often.
Robin’s name is a diminutive of Robert, from the old English “hrod” for fame, glory and “berht” for bright, shining, white. In middle English, it also meant lowly, robber, or good-for-nothing. The Chinese character 文明 (wèn) stands for civilization. It has the character 明 (míng), for bright. This character uses the symbols for the sun and moon. Using both pictography and a daisy-chain, this silver bar would offer a reading light to the user, granting temporary light. I thought it was interesting to combine Robin’s name meanings of “shining glory” and “low-life” with the meanings of “civilization” and “bright” to show how Robin’s identity is defined for so long by the oppressors and colonizers who enforce their ideas of the East and its people on Robin. I feel that Robin’s late nights frantically studying would make this light very necessary.
Letty’s name “Letitia” is derived from Latin, and means “joy” or “gaiety”. The Spanish word “gozar” is similar in meaning. However, it does not mean to just enjoy or thrill in, but rather to “enjoy soothingly”. Bridging the gap between the words, the effect of the bar would dull out noise around the user. I wanted it to represent how she tends to dull and ignore the experiences of her friends and their challenges, as she herself remains blind to her privilege and security.
Victoire’s name comes from the latin “victor” and the French “victoire”, both of which mean “winner” or “conqueror”. The word “poukant” in French creole means “lonely” or “alone”. By combining it with the latin for the lone “winner”, the bridge between the words enables the user to send a signal to desired people. It is used probably by Victoire to alert her friends that she wants to see them or find them. I also wanted Victoire to use this spell since she is the last one, essentially, standing. Her story and challenges were the most heartbreaking to me, and this spell is also a little crushing too.
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hydrangea-mon-amor · 1 year
Love favors the bold, not the clever
Male! Yandere OC x reader
Trigger warning! Yandere behavior, obsessive behavior
Side note — if you read the trigger warning and still were triggered by the content (or any that I’ve wrote) please message me ASAP and tell me about it. This goes for all of my works, but I do not mean harm writing these stories and the content of my blog are dark and heavy. I DO NOT condone this behavior and if any of you see yourself in a situation like this I urge you to seek help.
Summery! In the forest of Hwen, lay a faerie king who aches for a love to call his own. He decides that he’ll visit the neighboring mortal town Willowdale where he meets you. Sweet little you housed him and fed him and gave him what he always wanted: companionship. And something a little deeper…
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There is a tale in a small town next to the Hwen Forest, of a lonely king who wishes for company. He sings whims on the love stories he overhears from the neighboring mortal town, but alas he has never had a story to call his own.
So he stays in his bedroom, waiting for an opportunity to find his own romantic partner.
On the kings hallway leading to his chambers, a messenger with a gangly build rushes to his door, he bangs once and on instant the doors opens.
“Sire, you must attend to the banquet arranged from Hevara, Lady of Court Flies.” Geario users to his king. But the king pays him no mind and stares at the emptiness of his sumptuous bed.
“Tell her lady that I am unable to attend.”
Gaerio takes a step forth before he queries, “why so? You have no courtly business to heed to.”
“On the obstinate.” the king takes small precise steps to his grandiose wardrobe. “I've arranged preparations for a small group of my court and myself to visit the neighboring mortal town Willowdale.”
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“$5.85 for your drink ma’am.” You say with practiced enthusiasm. The old lady from down the street fiddles with her purse and puts down a mangled $10 bill.
“You could’ve been faster.” She mutters under her breath before she snags her drink and steers out of the store.
You blow a sigh of relief knowing that your shift has ended. You don't mind the cruel remakes some of the people in this town may say to you, you don't have the time to give them any attention. Now, your focus is to rush to your university as fast as you can and not miss your class. The street is crowded with people and you grip around your phone for dear life in dread someone may pick pocket you.
“Good morning sir!” you say to the store clerk on the street, he's helped you with your tuition money from time to time and the respect you and for him was deep. he smiles and nod.
“Off to class?”
“I've heard that your class is outside near the garden from the boarders of Hwen Forest. Lucky for you, you're just a few blocks away from there.” you stop in your tracks. Sure treading the boards of Hwen Forest wasn't dangerous as long as you didn't cross into it but even then, you have never heard of something like this. You stop momentarily on the sidewalk. You have no reason to mistrust the store clerk he's helped you so much anyway so...
“Thank you sir.” you say, swinging your eyes when you notice him wince in contempt.
When you've reached the borders of Hwen Forest, which was basically a twig fence separating lands you notice that there wasn't any chairs set for the students to sit on, nor did you see your professor. You rub your eyes and check again but nothing has changed. The area was bare. The store clerk must have heard wrong but you appreciated his sentiment to help.
You turn on your heels and attempt to head back to campus before you hear a diminutive thumb
Wincing your head to the direction you panic when you see a supposedly tall man on the other side of the fence in regime clothes. A green doublet adorned in gold and brown trousers. His black hair is ruffled from the dirt and his tan skin has small cuts.
He looks as if he is bleeding.
You rush to him, not caring if you stepped over the boarder.
“Are you alright?” he doesn't reply. “Are you crazy! Don't you know it's dangerous go cross over the boarder separating Willodale and Hwen Forest.”
“You've crossed it.” he says infinitively.
“Well that’s because you crossed it!” You try defending yourself but you can tell the man doesn’t really care for your statement. “What are you doing here anyway.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I'm worried that's why.” you don't think he’ll understand the thought though.
“Worried?” he mutters “why?”
You take a deep breath, talking to this man looks to be difficult.
“Here in Willowdale the people who've crossed the boarders to Hwen Forest have gonna missing and if they do get found, which by the way is very unlikely, their body is already dismangled to the point where it's harrowing to see. And now I see you here and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that too became your fate.” his eyes seem to widen a little. “What's your name anyway? You can come to my house and I can patch you cuts. He'll you can even spend the night if that's what you need.” the man is silent for a protracted second. You don't mind waiting, already your assessing how deep the cuts on his arms are.
“My name is,” he clears his throat, “Alceste, my name is Alceste.” in return you give him yours and let him lean on you while you help walk him to your house.
“It isn't much,” you tell him gazing at your house. A small abode with two bedrooms and the smallest of kitchens.
“I don't need much, don't worry I'm not picky.” his voice is aloof but you notice the slight stang of pain in it. The wounds must really hurt him.
Once inside you take him to your study which was your closet at first but had enough space to fit in a table and chair and extra leeway to walk around in that you turned it into your office. You sit him down ok your chair and pull out a first aid kit.
“Luckily your wounds aren't that deep for me to do anything else.”
“Do you know a lot about medicine?” he asks, his voice monotone.
“Well I’m studying to become a doctor so I hope I do, otherwise all of my efforts would go to waste.” You laugh to yourself but stop when you notice Alceste makes no comment on it.
“Continue.” He asks softly, but it sounds more like a demand.
“I'm sorry.” you notice the subtle frown on his face the moment your words were uttered but merely in a second he resumed to his aloof face.
“Your laugh, it is...nice to listen to. Please, continue.” this man sure is weird, you think to yourself you aren’t sure how to tell him that's not how it worked so you simply just faked your laugh for a few more seconds.
“You should shower yourself, your body is covered in dirt.”
“Shower? Myself? As in, I have to do it?”
“Um, well I hope so?” But Alceste shakes his head.
“Nonsense, my servants help shower me if you wish to show me the hospitality as you say then I suppose it wouldn’t trouble you to clean my body with your own hands, would it not?”
Servants? What, does this man live in a damn villa?
“That’s not really—well I would think that,” you silenced by the look he gives you. “Alright then, I guess I will…shower you.” You try to think of this as helping you in your medical knowledge, but you can’t help but feel a little embarrassed.
His body is submerged in the bath tube besides his upper half. You try to think of how soft his skin is instead of how uncomfortable the reality of this situation is. Not to mention the fact that all throughout this his eyes are perfectly tranced on you. It’s like nothing else interests him.
“If I recall accurately you said I could stay the night here if this what I needed?” You bite your lip.
“Yes, I did say that. Why do you need to stay for tonight? I can prepare the guest bedroom—“
“I need a moth.” He cuts you off.
“One month,” he says again, “if it doesn’t trouble you so much could you house me for thirty days and thirty nights? I promise I’ll pay you back in kind.”
Thirty days?
You weren’t sure if you even have the time but when looking at him and how hopeful he seemed despite his aloofness, it made you feel ashamed to decline him. He looks at you with jade doe eyes, his back hunched almost like he was curling in a ball just so you could have better access to clean him. You still doing understand why he couldn't clean himself but you were set on trying to help him. You try to think of how to formulate your sentence when he lifts up his soaked hand to grab the hem of your shirt.
“Please.” it comes out almost like a whimper and whatever thought you had of rejecting him vanished.
“I guess it wouldn't be impossible. But, uh, instead of one month how about half that time yeah? Two weeks maybe?” Alceste Is quiet for a while.
“Three weeks,” he requests, “if you don't mind.”
You say to yourself that three weeks is better than one month so you simply smile at him shyly and agree.
Oh how foolish you were.
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The next day you have no classes to attend to so you thought it would be a good day to show Alceste around Wilowdale, besides the whether was really nice. You plan to show him parks, restaurants and the convience stores scattered around all of Willowdale. When you reach your bathroom your surprised to his Alceste already there. In only sweats, his bare chest exposed. You can't help but stare at his lean build and how tall he was. His head almost reached the ceiling!
“Oh, it’s you. Good morning, I went digging through your closet and found these, they were the only thing that fit me and my previous clothes were getting too tedious to wear. I hope you don’t mind.” He ruffles his fluffy brunette hair while his voice was nonchalant.
“Oh um I don't mind at all, seriously it's fine!” you wanted to chuck him across the face, “um I guess I can lend you a pair of jeans and hoodie, I'm taking you out today.”
“Taking me out? Isn't that what you mortals—I mean guys call a date? Are you taking me on a date y/n?” You stare at him dumbfounded.
“Whoever gave you that information is wrong. While in some cases taking a person out could be classified as a date but most of the time it’s just people hanging out with each other, you know, like friends hanging out or family.” He takes this into consideration.
“I understand, so the condition of one’s romantic date is based on the situation. Am I correct?”
“Basically. Now wait here I'm gonna check and see if I have any clothes that will fit you.” he nods and watches you leave.
You come back with a green hoodie and a oversized pair of baggy jeans.
“The clothes are from my dad, he must’ve left them here when he last visited me. Here change, these should fit you.” You hand him the clothes which he takes kindly.
“I appreciate this, y/n.”
“It’s no worries, a guest deserves this kind of treatment no?”
“I suppose so.” You gently smile before you leave the bathroom to give him space to change. When he is finished your pleasantly surprised to see that the clothes are perfect on him.
“Come, I have many places to tour you on!” You practically shout while runny to get your shoes and car keys leaving Alceste in the bathroom.
You weren't there to notice a small smile spreading his lips.
First you take him to the local park, a few kids are already playing and you notice how rigid his stance is.
“Children,” he mouths, “I didn’t think there would be a place to store them while they look so lively. I’d have to consider this for my own personal reasons.” You look at him concerned.
“No Alceste, this is a playground! Children have fun here, I used to play here too when I was young and it’s a pretty good place for kids to make friends. Did you not have any playgrounds when you were a kid?”
“No, I would be severely punished if I didn’t take my education as my first priority.”
“Okay…um since you’re no longer a child you can have all the fun you want now!” He looks at you uncertainty.
“I don’t understand.” He replies bluntly.
“Okay, we’ll I guess I can show you instead of explaining it.” He’s caught off guard when you lightly tap on the shoulder.
“Tag you’re it!” You start running around the park giggling to yourself.
“I still don’t understand, where are you going?” This time his voice had a slight edge to it, like he’s afraid that he’ll lose sight of you.
“You’re supposed to catch me while I try to run away, that’s the game. Usually you’ll be the tagger unless you catch me and that can last a while but since where tight on time I’m giving you ten minutes. If you can’t catch me in that time than you lose and I win.” That’s all the explanation you give before you continue in your attempt to flee. You guess this where the logic of the game clicks in his head and he starts chasing after you.
You’re surprised at how fast he is so much so that you stop your run to just stare at him. Not even a minute has passed before he’s got you cornered between two trees. But he doesn’t trap you, instead he places both of his hands on your shoulders and try to give you a massage.
“While you were running I notice your shoulders were tense and rigid. It didn’t look normal, I looked at the other kids that surrounded the playground and I stand corrected, your shoulders look, as you would medically say it, spasticity.” Now you are the one caught off guard. You don’t tell him to stop because even if the situation was odd because you two are practically strangers but still, the massage was nice. And you guessed that he was too. “Oh and I think I’m supposed to say, tag, you’re it.”
You try to smile, gently tugging his hands off of you. “I think it’s best if we continue with our day, what do you say?”
When night approaches you are tired out of your wits. You'd taken him everywhere you could think of, clothing stores, hospitals, movie theaters, hotels just anywhere that wasn't a house. Your eyes are practically begging for some shut eye. Meanwhile Alceste doesn't look to be fatigued at all.
“I want to tell you that I appreciate all of this,” you look at him with sleepy eyes “I've never felt this welcomed by anyone ever. The hospitality you've showed me today was a testament to your character. Truly I am deferent to this.”
“It's nothing.” you say, waving him off.
“Your wrong” he simply states, “it’s everything, some people wish they could have the kind of heart you do and I praise you for it.” You can’t help but notice the way your cheeks flush.
“You really thinks so?”
“I do, I really do.” The sleepiness from your eyes seem to wear off from his compliment.
“Thank you Alceste, I have to say you may be my most intriguing guest I’ve ever hosted.” You nudge him on the shoulder.
“I’m glad.”
By the end of the first week of his stay with you, you’ve already taken him as a friend and he has taken you as something so much more.
The second week of his stay has begun and you’ve finally finished your studies for the day so you decide to take him out for coffee.
“I’d prefer it more if it were sweeter.”
“There are sugar packets if you want to add some.”
“Really? Where?”
“Just ask the person at the counter.” You point your gaze to the guys busy making drinks for the other fellow costumers. Though from your utterance you notice the complete change in body language from Alceste.
“On second thought, I don’t need the sugar.” There is a pause as you both drink your coffee. It’s comfortable, it’s nice, nothing like how you first felt when you took him in and agreed to house I’m for three weeks.
“How has your collage been?”
“It’s been fine, I’m waiting for an important call today, kind of nervous.” You set your coffee down on the table and play with your fingers. Sometimes you envy your temporary roommate with how poised and fresh he is. But living with him you notice how dependent he is of others and how shy his essence is.
“Don’t be nervous, when I have pressing issues I like to spar with my servants. Most of them get seriously injured or even die in the end but it does get my mind off of things.” You wince when you hear the mention of him killing people. But then you chalk it up to him joking with you.
Yeah, that’s what it is, he definitely doesn’t have any mental problems.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, how was your childhood like?”
“Horrible. I cannot begin to tell you of the many times I would get punished for doing the simplest things. I once got smacked for owning a toy, can you believe that? My parents said that playing with toys instead of studying books would inevitably ruin my future.” your heart hurts for him and you sure as hell don't know how he can say all of this with a straight face.
“It's not your fault.” You say quietly.
“Your pardon?”
“How you grew up, the violence and abuse inflicted onto you, it wasn’t your doing. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been told no one deserves to live like that. If you wish to talk about it more then I’ll be happy to listen to you.” From the silence the enveloped you two, Alceste feels grateful to have met you. Never did he think he would find a wife as charming and understanding as you. And he doesn’t want anyone else.
“You truly are extraordinary…”
“What was that?” You ask but Alceste shakes his head and said it was nothing.
“I have good news to tell you.” You look up at him.
“Really? What is it?”
“I’m moving to Willowdale, permanently. Don’t worry it won’t interfere with my work. I’ll be moving at the end of next week which matches up perfectly with the timeline of my stay with you. I’ll be able to see you more frequently too, considering how much more free my schedule will be.” He talks with a sense of proudness and you can’t help but be proud of him too.
“That’s amazing Alceste! I can help you pack your bags oh I’m so excited!”
Alceste wants to tell you that it is him that’s excited, because then he can ask you to marry him and he’ll finally have a love to call his own. You’ve truly vexed him, he can’t wait to ask the question. But alas, the time more the situation is adequate enough.
It was when you least expected it late at night that the important call you’ve been waiting for finally happened, and you got good news. Rushing in the guest bedroom you called Alceste name over and over again until he woke, which wasn’t many, he woke up by the third chant of his name.
“I got in I got in!” You shout, startling him.
“I don’t understand.” His groggy voice is light in comparison to your incessant screams.
“My internship! I applied to work at a local hospital and they agreed to hire me as long as I do a four month internship and I got it!”
“Well congratulations.” He applauds, though his voice is much more soft than yours. But then you look at him and then you’re unsure of what you’re going to say.
“There is, one problem though.”
“And that is?”
“Our time has to be cut short.” That snaps Alceste out of his sleepy state. His body goes rigid and his breathing faster. He can feel his heart squeeze.
“What do you mean?” He asks rashly. You wince at the sudden gone of his voice but you continue on.
“My internship is in the UK a whole country away, and they want me in four days.” Alceste doesn’t know what to think or what to do.
He needs you.
You were the one to show him kindness, to show him such hospitality. You made him fall in love, you couldn’t just leave him like this.
“No…” is all he says, grabbing onto your forearm quite harshly.
“Alceste you’re hurting me!”
“No, you won’t go, you won’t leave me.”
“Alceste it’s only four months! I’ll come and visit whenever I can, I promise!”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m not letting you leave me like this. I’m not letting you leave me at all!” You try as hard as you can but you can’t get out of his hold.
“Alceste you’re scaring me!” It was then that he decides to let you go.
“I apologize, I didn’t meant to…” he looks as if he is lost, as if he doesn’t know what to think anymore. You try to look at him like a friend would but after what just happened you can’t help but feel creeped by him.
“Alceste, I want you out of my house.” Your voice is shaky and you barely get them out of your mouth.
He doesn’t respond. That’s seems to happen a lot.
“Alceste?” You call his name again, delicately you take your forearm and examine it. A bruise is going to form.
“I’ll leave if you agree to something for me.” You decide hearing him out won’t be the worst decision you could make.
“What is it?” Your voice is weary.
“Tomorrow, visit me at the boarders that separate Hwen Forest and Willodale. Let’s depart their.” You suppose ending your relationship with him on a semi good note couldn’t be bad.
“Fine, it’s agreed upon then.”
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Alceste waits by the boarders impatiently, his messenger Geario is to his left, well hid by the trees that no passerby could notice him.
“Your majesty are you sure your plan of yours will work?”
“I’m certain, prepare the room.”
“Understood sire.” Geario bows before he swiftly winnows away.
It is then that you walk in, oh sweet beautiful you he can’t seem to get his eyes off of you.
But you seem to be concerned again, because just like how you saw him first he is again at the other edge of the boarder. You don’t know why he wishes so much to be in the territory of the fey folk.
“Alceste, what are you doing on the other side of the boarder?”
“Is that really the first thing you tell me considering the situation?” You clench your teeth.
“I came as you requested, let’s get this over with I have packing to do.”
“Of course, but before you leave I want to show you something.”
“And that is?”
“Step a little closer.” He urges and you find yourself stiffening up.
“You may have no problem crossing the line between us mortal and them faeries but I actually regard my life in a high light so—“
“This is probably the last time we see each other and you won’t even grant me my one wish?” You contemplate your situation, sure you could be kind and lend him this one thing but it is your life that your toying with. Still, you wonder how he could so carelessly cross in the forest like this. You couldn’t lie to yourself, you’ve gotten your interest piqued.
“I’ll do it if you answer me this: why aren’t you afraid of the folk in the Hwen Forest? The very forest you’re stepping in right now.” He regards you for a moment.
“I’ll tell you if you cross the boarder and stand by my side, so we could have a proper end to our chance meeting.” You collect all the courage you can search for and with a hesitant ache in your chance you step over the twig fence.
“May I hug you?” Alceste asks and for some reason you relent. The minute his arms are closed around you something feels off. His breaths are longer and deeper and his grip around you clenches. “You have no idea…” he mutters “how long I’ve waited for this.” From beneath your feet little buds of mushrooms poke out creating a circle around you.
“Alceste what are you doing…” your voice fades out as you realize what is happening.
“To answer your question, the reason why I care not about my safety here regarding the folk is because I am one of them. I am their king matter of factly, King Lahreus, the Supreme of all Martial arts. You won’t be able to get away from me anymore, dear Y/n. I’ll find you, I’ll find you in every lifetime in every form you take. Because you are mine and I am yours and we are mated for all life. And now you have secured your fate, because you stepped into the one things mortal should not. A faerie ring.”
You feel bile clogging up your throat.
“Yes. Do you know why we met when we did? You must think that your store clerk gave you the wrong place but actually he was one of my messengers. I’ve ordered him to pose as a mortal and lure you to me. And you know what? It worked.”
“You’re a monster! I hate you!”
“You’ll change your mind.” You thrash around in his hold but he won’t give up, not when he has you all to himself, not when your right here just for him.
“Stop that, you don’t want to be punished by my own hand.” Now fear is all you feel. You can’t look at him in as a friend anymore, hell you can’t even look at him as a pitiful stranger anymore.
“What are you going to do to me?”
“Nothing that doesn’t have your best interest in mind.” You don’t believe him, you don’t think you ever will anymore. “Do you know of faerie bargains?” You nod your head slowly. “How about we make one? I think you would want to hear this out.”
“What is it?” Your voice croaks and you can feel the threat of tears falling from your eyes.
Alceste hums to himself, slowly stroking your hair, trying his best to make it as pleasing as he can for you.
“How about…Your mine and I am yours, what do you say? I consider this a bargain no mortal should think to turn down.”
You can’t bring it in yourself to dignify him with a response, all you can do is cry and Alceste delicately massages you lulling you to sleep.
AN: this is unedited and it’s my first (actual) post here so enjoy
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circinuus · 2 years
I read your dad Fyodor post and I was wondering if instead of reader getting with Dazai it could be reader getting together with Akutagawa?
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fyodor with a daughter dating akutagawa
0.5k words. fem!reader
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❥ since the post in question involved reader as fedya's daughter, i'll write fem! reader for this one too! hope you don't mind, nonnie
the dad fyodor post
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Now I'm wondering just how Akutagawa my boy ended up with a Dostoevsky. Regardless, I trust that you take care of him well <3
No matter who his daughter is seeing, Fyodor is protective by default. Natural fatherly instincts aside, he has this viewpoint about how humans are foolish and sinful. Crime is as natural as living and breathing, so humans need to be 'saved,' and the world needs to be 'cleansed.'
If that is truly how he views humanity, I don't think he will deem any person worthy to be romantically involved with you. Even if they're a literal saint.
Bonus points if you're a non-gifted, and if you have nothing to do with his Fyodor-typical criminal activities. You're the closest to being 'sinless' and father! Fyodor doesn't want you to get tainted by anything.
Tough luck for Akutagawa because he's a gifted and he commits crimes for a living💀
Again, father! Fyodor will be more protective and controlling than brother! Fyodor. Simply because the sense of responsibility and belonging is bigger, and he has more power in his position as your parent.
See? Your dad just wants the best for you <3
The whole 'you-are-not-worthy-of-my-kid' aside, Fedya sometimes uses Akutagawa as a pivotal piece in his grand schemes. I feel like he won't specifically dislike him, but he absolutely loves you! That being said, father! Fedya might indulge you and let you meet your dearest Akutagawa—until he finds him better off dead than alive in his quest of creating a world without ability users.
The man, as pale as the winter in your homeland, with steps as light as its snow—your father approaches your disconsolate state. As cold as his appearance may appear, his gesture is warm as he drapes his dark coat over your trembling self, a hand resting on your shoulder while the other comfortingly rubs circles your back.
"What did I tell you? The world is just as sinful as it is unfair," he said. "Sacrifices are eventually inevitable. But it's okay за́йка¹, you're safe with me now," he hushes your silent laments as a hand moves to pet your head.
I mean—look at what happened to Aku in the manga// I'm so sorry, I just love making this man evil.
Alternatively, Fyodor will make an exception because Akutagawa looks very polite :) Just for your fondness for your beloved, he might pull some strings and, let's say, exclude Akutagawa from whatever disaster he is planning for the detective agency, the government, or the Port Mafia.
Akutagawa can be such a sweetheart. I think if he ever gets the chance to meet father! Fyodor, he won't be intimidated, as per se. But he will try his best to be respectful. Because duh, Fyodor is the father of his s/o—as long as he doesn't know his soon-to-be father-in-law might pose a threat to the mafia and/or his sister.
Akutagawa does have this traditionalist vibes and so does Fedya. He obeys people he respects too. So anon you're up to something, this might actually work??
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зайка¹ and any other diminutives of заяц (ZAyats)—bunny rabbit—are used when speaking to loved ones, very close friends, and children (source). //cmiiw
honestly, i'm interested in hearing everyone's interpretation of fedya's character. figuring out this man got my brain in a backflip ngl i just kept on making him kill everyone🥲
♡ @ashthemadwriter
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screemnch · 21 days
About your Danyas and Tyomas
Hi, it’s almost 2 am and I have a flight in like, 9 hours, which means it’s time for pedantic linguistic musings. Specifically I’d like to share some fun info about Russian phonetics (which I’ve stated many times are really weird) and how that relates to the diminutive names that you can give to Russian characters (including these stupid pathologic characters that live in my head rent free)
As a final preamble I want to point out that this isn’t a critique on the English only speakers within the fandom. I love y’all and you are awesome. However, Russian is it’s own language with distinctive phonetics and notations, and the English language is a bit too… Not limited, but different, and it does not convey Russian words and names properly, especially in notation (don’t get me started on how “Tycheek” is actually pronounced in Russian). And since I’m also here to bridge the gap between languages while also trying not to completely Englishize and Americanize my existence… I’ve decided to talk about the dreaded Russian “y-” vowels.
The Russian language has 10 vowels, which are:
а (“ah” sound, but shorter)
o (“oh” sound but without the “h”)
у (“oo” sound but can be as short as you’d like”)
э (“eh” or like the “e” in the word “ten”)
и (“ee” sound, also can be as short as you’d like)
ы (uhhhhhh… Best I can describe it is the sound you make when you get punched in the stomach)
And that’s it! Here’s the part where you go “wait, tumblr user screemnch, that’s only 6 vowels! Why are you lying to me?” The thing is tho, that I am not lying to you. The other 4 vowels “е”, “ё”, “ю”, and “я” are what I can only describe as “composite vowels” as in vowels that are made up of those I’ve already told you about and the awesome letter “й” (which has the same sound as the “y” in “yes”).
The vowel “e” is comprised of “й” and “э” to make a “yeh” sound.
The vowel “ё” is comprised of “й” and “о” to make a “yoh” sound.
The vowel “ю” is comprised of “й” and “у” to make a “you” sound.
The vowel “я” is comprised of “й” and “а” to make a “yah” sound.
With me so far?
The names we’re looking at today are Daniil (Даниил) and Artemy (Артемий), for which people have elected to use the diminutives of Danya (Даня) and Tyoma (Тёма). Based off of what I explained just now, this makes sense phonetically (and I’ll bet my money that it was my fellow Russian speakers that told y’all about them). HOWEVER. Do not be fooled, do not be deceived. Because Russian phonetic laws get even weirder.
The phonetics I’ve illustrated for you make sense in particular instances. Mainly, when a “composite vowel” is the letter in the very beginning of the word (such as the last name of the Russian actor Oleg Yankovsky. The letter “Я” being in the front makes the “yah” sound).
The other instance is when the “composite vowel” is prefaced with either the soft (ь) or hard (ъ) sign, such is the Russian spelling of cognac (коньяк). These signs have no sound of their own, but provide a kind of separation that allows these “composite vowels” to sounds as I described.
Are you ready for the curveball? It happens when a “composite vowel” is prefaced with a consonant. See, almost all Russian consonants have a “hard” and “soft” versions. It’s a very slight phonemic difference that is difficult to catch if you hadn’t been hearing Russian since childhood (cuz that’s how learning how to distinguish phonemes works. You’re most fine-tuned to the phonemes of the language you were surrounded by as a kid) and is difficult to explain. But I will attempt to.
When you say the word “no” the consonant “n” is a hard one. If you were to use the “soft” version while trying to say “no”, it’d sound a but closer to how you say “gnocchi”.
When you say… Ugh, ok, when you say “nya~” the consonant “n” is a soft one. If you attempted to use the “hard” version while trying to say “nya~” it’d sound more like “nah”.
And that’s what happens in the Russian language. The presence of a regular vowel (except for “и”) dictates that the consonant prior to it is a “hard” one. The presence of a “composite vowel” in turn swallows the “й” (y-) sound in return for softening the prior consonant. Consonants can be soft in other instances. Idk if I’ve actually done it in my analyses when attempting to write phonetics, but you may have seen me use an apostrophe after some letters. I got it in my head some long time ago that that’s how you indicate soft consonants when writing in English, and it’s too late to stop now.
So, if the “й” (y-) sound gets swallowed by the prior consonant, all we get to hear is the “-а” although it sounds like a “я”. So let’s try saying “nya~” the Russian way.
You’d start as if you were trying to say “nya~” how you would in English, but stop short before you actually open your mouth. Substitute the “ya” with an “a” or “ah” sound. The softer “n” sound will alter the vowel, creating (hopefully) the authentic, Russian “ня”.
So, when, for example, saying the name Даня you would apply the same logic. The “y-” sound gets swallowed up by the softened “n”. Same for Тёма. The softer “t” (like in “tea”) swallows up the “y-” sound.
And yes, I’m aware that there isn’t much one can do when writing down names using English letters. But I also don’t really want the whimsical and weird Russian pronunciation to go unappreciated. It’s my language, dangit, it’s worth learning.
Also, I’d encourage you to explore some more fun Russian diminutives. With the names we explored alone you can get the actual Russian nicknames of Данечька (“Danech’ka” using the “-ech’ka/ochka” suffix) and Артёмка (“Artyomka” using the “-ka” suffix).
This concludes today’s linguistic ramblings (and totally not secret propaganda to get people to learn Russian.)
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Dear followers, I have seen the light! @the-muppet-joker is not a fraud, he is the coolest Tumblr user ever. To atone for my past actions, please accept this
Joker X Kermit omegaverse horse-ranch fic
as an apology.
Kermit was just your regular old Southern Belle. He lived all his life on his father's horse-ranch / equestrian academy, which, as you can imagine, led to immense frustrations of the sexual variety. He spent his days pining from his bedroom window, watching the many ranch-hands go about their business, but none caught his attention quite as much as the resident horse tamer: Mr. The Joker.
Kermit would often sneak down to the barns to watch Joker work, the sweat glistening on his pale muscles as his alpha scent permiated the surrounding hay. He often wore a deep purple suit jacket over a soft, velvet green vest, accented by a pair of tight leather assless chaps, and, heh, let's just say he wasn't wearing any underwear...
It was enough to drive a Muppet mad. Kermit knew that he could no longer control his temptations. He needed to confess his love, to feel the Joker's body press against his in passionate Muppet boinking. So, for many days and many nights, he worked tirelessly to compose the love letter to end all love letters, stained by tears and muppet juices. Anxiously, he made his way out onto the paddock and called out in a meek yet eager voice.
"J-Joker-senpai!!! >_<"
Hearing Kermit's call, the Joker made his way over, riding atop his valiant hobby-horse steed. Peering down at the diminutive and petite Muppet, he took the letter with a rough chuckle, reading it quickly with the speed of someone who appreciates fine art. Kermit stood in a state of limbo, his heart racing as his mind flickered between all the ways Joker could reject him... but finally, the silence was broken as the Joker leapt from his horse, landing with a masculine thud.
"Kermit..." he chimed, drawing closer to the trembling Muppet. He leaned in close to Kermit's ear, his hot breath making his Muppet Hole quiver in anticipation. But finally, he spoke, his soft lips delivering the words Kermit was waiting for...
"Sorry, I don't date betas"
The Joker then turned around and began making out with his omega, The Batman, throwing Kermit into the dirt to be trampled upon by horses. Dejected, Kermit then had no choice but to marry Miss Piggy and live the rest of his life in heteronormative suburban hell and also the Olipop factory exploded so there was no new kinds of soda to support digestive health.
The END!!!
Haha, I totally tricked you. You thought this was Jermit smut, but it was actually ANTI Jermit smut (the reverse of regular Jermit smut). Statler wins AGAIN!!!
(Also, he's still my rival)
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metanarrates · 1 year
I would love to be one of those guys online who goes by like six names. however i have zero imagination for names and also I don't really care what people call me ("nic" is a diminutive of the middle name my parents gave me lmao.) what if I just became the first user online to crowdfund new names for myself
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mooechi · 9 months
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍! 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
Winter Breathing (冬ふゆの呼こ吸きゅう, Fuyu no kokyū) is a Breathing Style derived from Water Breathing alongside Wind Breathing.
Winter Breathing is a breathing style that mimics ice and snow, specifically their smooth yet sharp structure and replicates it with the user's movements which grants speed to it's user and portrays the effects sub-zero temperatures have on objects, specifically hypothermia and frostbite. Most, if not all, known techniques involve the user bending their body, limbs and weapon in a sharp, swift and fluid motion to gracefully yet instantaneously shred anything within an enormous range accompanied by drastic and almost fatal decreases of temperature. If one utilizes this technique effectively and properly, the use of swift penetration tampering with the opponent's senses is capable of inevitably restraining all movements rendering them paralyzed as the user moves nimbly cadence capable of stirring winds to the point of formulating blizzards which heavily impacts the temperature, decreasing it at a level enough to inflict Hypothermia. Users of Winter Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly manifesting and manipulating destructive natural disasters related to winter itself (mainly avalanches, blizzards, tundras, snowstorms, etc...) when unleashing its techniques.
This Breathing Style was created by Akari Fuyutsuki, who ingeniously modified and amalgamated both the Water Breathing and Wind Breathing techniques to suit her slender and agile form. With a keen focus on adapting the technique to complement her petite and nimble physique, she harnessed her height advantage to execute precise and accurate strikes with remarkable flexibility and astonishing swiftness.
Akari's exceptional control over her body's light density further enhances her agility, allowing her to unleash a relentless onslaught of rapid and devastating blows. This unique attribute empowers her to swiftly incapacitate a single target or engage multiple adversaries within an expansive radius. In doing so, she effectively compensates for her inability to dispatch enemies with a single strike, ensuring that her offensive prowess remains formidable
TRIVIA! there's more to it!
Winter Breathing stands as an incredibly potent and versatile technique, uniquely suited for combat against a wide array of adversaries. Diverging from a reliance on raw strength, this style places a paramount emphasis on speed, potentially rivaling, if not surpassing, the agility of Insect Breathing. However, Thunder Breathing remains the sole known style to surpass it in terms of swiftness.
Notably, Winter Breathing prioritizes attributes such as speed, agility, flexibility, precision, and accuracy, underscoring its adaptability in diverse combat scenarios.
Executing the techniques of Winter Breathing requires exceptional visual acuity, as precise and accurate maneuvers are essential. Although originating from Water and Wind Breathing, Winter Breathing exhibits intriguing parallels with Mist, Thunder, and Insect Breathing techniques. Acknowledging her limited knowledge of these other techniques, Akari humbly acknowledges this fact upon its discovery. Recognizing the constraints of her physical strength, she capitalizes on her diminutive and nimble build to achieve decapitations through astonishing inhuman speed. This approach ensures that unfortunate demons often remain oblivious to being struck until the realization dawns upon them that they have been swiftly beheaded.
The rapidity with which Akari wields Winter Breathing serves to minimize the suffering endured by her opponents. Furthermore, depending on the velocity of her attacks, Winter Breathing can induce a numbing effect in adversaries, effectively determining the degree of pain they experience prior to their inevitable demise.
yes, i thought of all this back then.
feel free to use it, but please credit me. thank you!
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officerrrfriendly · 9 months
More To The Story, chapter one.
So before we go out, what’s your address?
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"Andddd...sent." you huffed, leaning back on the army green padded desk chair - anticipating a response from the mysterious talking heads fan who apparently, had some information regarding Tommy's disappearance.
Whilst you awaited a response, your eyes travelled briefly around your room before they found it, sitting freely on the fresh linen sheets of your bed.
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That damn piece of paper, it broke your heart - shattered it, even.
Earlier on that day, you were working your usual shift at the Tipsy Tangle Bar - sweeping the floors most of the time per usual as you were too useless to do anything else (only god knows why Randy has kept you around for so long) when suddenly, Tammy Parker waltzed in - shaking and frail, holding a fat stack of papers in her right hand, using the other to hold one of the double doors open.
She looked exhausted. Like she hadn't gotten a drop of sleep, her eyes caved in, her eyebags dark, her hair a mess - and her soul crushed but somehow, in a way you couldn't even fathom, her eyes found Randy's and she smiled.
It didn't meet her eyes but...it left you dumbfounded to see how she was even capable OF smiling when she was dealing with one of the most world-crushing hardships anyone could face. Her only son missing and presumed dead. She was admirable.
"Randy! hi, umm...I was wondering actually if I could uhh..." she sighed before selecting about 15 pieces of paper out of the big pile and handing them to the man behind the trim, wooden bar. "give you a few of these, just to hand out and stick up? I already put up a few outside, and one or two on your door if that's alright I just...you know..." nervously chuckling she glanced down to her small booted feet anxiously and frowned.
Randy was quick to react as he held the papers in his hands with a vice-like grip, almost like his life depended on it, he smiled - politely, "I understand Bee, we all do...he's really damn' special, your boy." he nods, reaching out to touch her shoulder with his now-free left hand as he transferred the ownership of the papers into his right.
"I hope he's found soon, very soon..."
You really did hope so too, deciding at the end of your shift to take a paper home yourself, too.
Snapping you out of your melancholy flashback, a dull 'PING' noise sounded from your computer.
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Sighing, you click the green square button on the screen and it takes you to a completely new page, and here the chat began.
ThisMustBeThePlace is online.
ThisCharmingGirl joined the chat.
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
ThisMustBeThePlace: Hey there :)
ThisCharmingGirl is typing...
ThisCharmingGirl: Hi :) nice user lol, talking heads fan?
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
ThisMustBeThePlace: Well spotted, very well spotted.
ThisMustBeThePlace: nice user yourself, a fan of the smiths I assume?
ThisCharmingGirl is typing...
ThisCharmingGirl: Until I die. LOL
ThisCharmingGirl: So, you said you thought something about this kid's disappearance was off? What makes you say that?
You bite your lip, anxiously.
ThisMustBeThePlace is typing...
"how long does this guy wanna take?" you sigh, with a diminutive roll of your eyes.
ThisMustBeThePlace: Yes! I'm just outside of Drellington actually and heard about the whole thing from my Uncle - he told me that he thinks it was the kid's dad and he had taken him out of state due to a custody battle, blah blah blah whatever, BUT when I looked into it online, hence why I'm on the chatroom- I noticed something, a link. I'll attach it on here and hope for the best. Hold on.
'So he's pretty local' - you thought to yourself.
ThisMustBeThePlace: https/videodrive7jfke38GbfE45%3^/file.png
you click the link.
your brows furrow for a moment-trying to distinguish what you're seeing.
you gasp.
"what the fuck is this?" your brows furrow as you frown, trying to understand what was going on in the video.
A man speaking in what you believed to be Russian began to speak in the video uttering words you simply could not understand.
Hand signals making triangles flashed through the video along with clips of people in all black with some creepy ass masks on.
That's when you saw it.
A boy, head shaved- blindfolded and in a hospital gown.
but there it was - the birthmark on the right arm...along with the beauty mark above the left side of his lip.
It was uncanny, it was...
"Tommy." you whisper.
chapter two
@stveharringtn HERE IT IS!! I'm so so happy with it!!
I've decided the plot will be a little similar to Stranger Things in terms of plot - hint to the Russians, and Noah Schnapp portraying the missing boy. However, many aspects will be different :))
lil short but I promise it gets better! just giving this fic a soft launch before it fully takes off lol
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perhaps this is just because i am a tumblr user who speaks spanish, but i so often want to talk about my blorbos as my blorbitos. they're little and cute and should be wrapped up in a blanket! they have earned the diminutive!
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rahuratna · 4 months
The Transformation of Nanami Kento, Part 8 (Final Chapter)
In which Nanami regains his human form, but are all traces of Nanami-pom really gone for good?
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The arrangements had been made, Ichimura suitably threatened and Gojo had managed to secure a steady stream of transformed people from the sectioned-off area where the curse user had been confined. None of the daycare workers stayed long. Each seemed eager to return to their families and old lives, some still moving awkwardly, having to re-adjust to their normal human forms.
Nanami-pom had stubbornly insisted on going last, ensuring that all of the curse-user's victims had been seen to before allowing Gojo, Ino and the students to escort him down the corridor to the confinement cells.
Stopping outside the door, Nanami-pom paused and turned to them. The small hazel eyes fixed on each of their faces, expression earnest, as if trying to convey his thanks for everything they had done for him over the past few days. Ino's eyelashes were looking suspiciously damp once again. The students, as if understanding Nanami-pom's intentions, knelt one by one.
He first approached Yuuji. The tiny paw reached up and patted the pink hair comfortingly. Yuuji gave a slightly crooked smile.
"See you in your normal body soon, Nanamin. And for what it's worth, I'll train hard and make sure that you never have to put yourself in danger for me again."
Nanami-pom gave a small, solemn nod before moving on to Nobara. He stared at her and his ear twitched slightly. Nobara's lip trembled in delight as he allowed her one last ear scratch and belly rub.
Nanami-pom then turned to Megumi. Reaching into the pocket of his miniature business suit, he pulled something out and placed it carefully in Megumi's outstretched palm. Looking closely, Megumi made out the small vial of conditioner he had been using to brush Nanami-pom's fur twice a day to keep it shiny and free of knots. Even though it had only been for a short while, Megumi realised that he would miss having a small, furry person climb into his lap in the mornings and afternoons, a comb pushed insistently into his hand. He knew that this was Nanami-pom's way of saying 'thank you' and offered the short form in front of him a slight smile in return.
Ino was last. He saluted Nanami-pom smartly and received a dignified little bow in return.
"Can't wait to have you back, chief!"
Ino was carrying a neatly pressed suit of Nanami's, fresh from the dry cleaner's and a small bag with other essentials. He handed them over to Gojo who was still looking a little grumpy from Nanami-pom's trickery the previous day. Opening up the cell, Gojo huffed out a breath before turning to Nanami-pom.
"Guess this is it. You ready to go back to your normal, gloomy self?"
Nanami-pom nodded emphatically and Gojo shook his head in fond exasperation before gesturing him through.
"After you."
The students watched as the diminutive form scampered across the threshold, each of them suddenly feeling a tad emotional. It was silly, they knew. This was Nanami in whichever form, after all. They would, however, miss Nanami-pom's little expressions of mischief and humour, his reliance on them, his cute, polite mannerisms and his tiny paw on their arms, asking for their attention or a cup of warm milk. They were all unanimous in their desire for their reliable mentor to make a re-appearance though, as much as they would miss his strange, transformed aspect.
The door swung shut and they waited with growing anticipation. After some time, they heard movement within, what sounded like footsteps approaching. The students stood anxiously to attention and Ino wrung his hands, sweat beading on his forehead beenath the ski mask. With a creak, the door opened into the corridor.
Nanami stepped out. Once more in his imposing human form, the sorcerer cut a reassuringly familiar figure. Dressed in his usual tan business suit, dress shoes polished to high shine and wristwatch gleaming beneath his sleeve, Nanami flexed his fingers before adjusting his cuffs and raising his hands to sweep back his perfectly styled hair.
He was not wearing his usual tinted glasses, however, and the keen, sharp-cornered eyes looked over his small audience, one eyebrow raising in what looked like slight amusement.
"Oh? I thought you'd be more pleased to see me back to normal. Or do you miss my other form already?"
Hearing that deep, smooth baritone, so comforting to listen to after many days without it, was enough to send Yuuji and Ino into a more 'emotional' state.
"Nanamin! You're really back!"
"And there he is!" Ino cheered, "You really did a number on us. We didn't know what would walk out that door, but ... rest assured, I'd respect you in every form, Nanami!"
"And the fanboys strike again," Nobara muttered, but she came forward and welcomed Nanami all the same, her eyes lingering rather wistfully on his ears.
Megumi concealed it well, but even he glanced momentarily at Nanami's hair, fingers twitching with longing around an imaginary comb. Gojo chose this moment to appear in the doorway, closing it firmly behind him. His face was creased in what looked like a deep desire not to laugh.
"What's going on with you?" Megumi asked, curiously.
Gojo's composure lasted a full three seconds before he burst into peals of laughter.
"Oh, wait ... I can't - You should have seen - "
"What? What?"
Yuuji, who had grabbed Nanami around the middle in a firm hug (in spite of the older man's stiff protests) now stepped back, eyes tracking over the tall form before him.
"What are you laughing at? He's back to normal!"
Nanami clicked his tongue.
"Don't bother with this clown, Itadori - "
"No, no, wait!" Gojo waved them to a halt. "I want to know, for research purposes, who packed those boxers with baguettes on them for Nanami?"
A vein had begun to show prominently in Nanami's forehead, and the students were suddenly covering their mouths and looking anywhere but at each other. Ino raised his hand sheepishly.
"Uh, I did? I mean, I just thought that after everything you'd been through, you might have liked a reminder of your favourite food ... "
His voice trailed off as Nanami sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You thought I'd like a reminder ... on my underwear?"
"Eh ... "
"No," Gojo managed to choke out, "No. The real question here is ... why do you even own that? And why is the baguette so stategically placed - "
"I don't have time for this. I'm going to get some food."
Posture rigid with fresh irritation, Nanami briskly walked away, buttoning up his coat. He definitely wasn't stomping. Ino and the students scurried after him.
"Hey, to celebrate you coming back, I'll treat you, okay?" Ino called out.
"Hmm. I suppose that would be acceptab- Kugisaki, why are you staring at my ears?"
"Eh? Who me? I'm not!"
"Hey, hey, Nanamin, what does it feel like to be tall again?"
"Much better. Unfortunately, I can now tell that Gojo has a bad case of dandruff again."
"Lies and slander!"
Shoko and Ijichi were invited to the small celebration of Nanami's return. Shoko arrived with a bottle of whiskey she had been saving for a rainy day, which Nanami looked at in much the same way as Nobara had regarded his ears. All those days of having to drink milk had obviously taken their toll.
When Ijichi arrived, he brought a considerate gift of his own; a small leather harness that would fit around Nanami's forearm and carry another short blade, in case he ever found himself incapacitated again. Nanami thanked him gravely and Yuuji exclaimed in excitement, begging Nanami to cosplay for Assassin's Creed.
In the days that followed, there were few reminders of Nanami's stint as the most adorable mascot Jujutsu Tech had ever seen. There were those photos that Gojo had taken, however. True to form, he hadn't kept his promise and posted them to the Grade 1 sorcerer group chat at the first opportunity.
Nanami soon settled into his usual routine of working himself to the bone and exorcising rogue curses with practiced efficiency, sometimes with Yuuji or Ino in tow. If one were paying close enough attention, they'd sometimes see Nanami quickly place a hand over his mug when others entered a room he was in, disguising the fact that he actually did fancy a cup of hot milk with honey occasionally.
If one were watching with even closer attention, they might have noticed his surreptitious meetings with Megumi, a small vial changing hands in the hallway, no words required. For a few days after each exchange, Nanami's hair would gleam with even greater lustre, and would smell faintly of caramel pudding.
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dzamie-oc · 1 year
Voretober 08 - Sudden
Length: 1800 words Vore type: Oral vore, unwilling prey, M/F, M/M Fandom: D&D Other info: kobold/human, kobold/elf, digestion, fast digestion, smaller pred Summary: How does a little kobold eat adventurers over twice his size? Very quickly, and they don't last long. Apparently eating is a free action.
Saverin wiped the gnoll blood off of his sword, but kept it out - until he and the others knew they'd found a safe room, it was dangerous to let his guard down so completely. Somewhat luckily, one of the gnolls had gotten blasted through the next door by one of Viera's spells. Saverin stashed his rag and raised his shield as he stepped through the stone-lined doorway.
The group passed through the hallway relatively uneventfully. Garren froze a giant rat that even Elise hadn't seen with their breath; Severin was inclined to think it would've left them alone, but he knew better than to argue with their scaly cleric over their hatred of rodents. And then there was another door, this one intact. Elise slipped past the rest of the group to fiddle with the lock, and with a quick click, she soon pushed it open before retreating behind Saverin's guard.
The room was mostly empty, save for a table with a half-finished game of Solitaire, a few scattered chairs, a visibly empty chest, and a single kobold leaning against a door and spinning a fork in his hands. The kobold in question was better-equipped than Saverin expected of his species, with half a metal helmet over the upper half of his face, a few spiked rings affixed to his tail, and a pair of leather shoes that somehow fit his lizardy feet. Saverin had taken only a couple steps in when the kobold looked up and tossed the fork onto the table. "Oh, you guys made good time. You can't go through, by the way. Dragon says no."
Garren started to say, "does she know that we only seek-" but was swiftly cut off by their other magic-user.
"Well, your dragon's about to learn otherwise! Now stand aside, or I'll be opening that door with your corpse!" The red gem on Viera's staff glowed, menacing.
"She's said she has no patience for more slayers, and granted me speed to fulfill her will," the kobold countered, with no worry in his voice, "so… leave. Or stay here forever, but you aren't going in."
A magical incantation in an equally magical language spilled forth from Viera's lips, and a ball of fire shot from her staff, scorching a decent area around him. A quick glance to the side, and Saverin saw Garren murmur a quick prayer; they couldn't stop their fellows from killing creatures who weren't even defending themselves, but they could at least seek forgiveness on their behalf. Saverin wasn't a religious man, himself, but he understood their plight-
Just then, a strange, muffled shout pulled his and Garren's focus from the scorched and wrecked door. The kobold was just past where Viera had casted from, but their mage was nowhere to be seen - well, that wasn't entirely true; the diminutive lizard rested on a massive gut, scales stretched beyond reasonable to accommodate something over twice his size, even curled up tight. His tail swished slowly, and with arms crossed, the kobold looked out of his helmet at the remaining trio. "Okay. Let's try this again. You can't go in, so leave. Once you do, and this troublemaker apologizes, I'll let-"
Elise struck from the shadows, seeming more like a trick of the light than an elf. "Now, when it can't move!" she shouted, driving her daggers towards the kobold's bloated gut, an easy target.
At least, it would have been, had the kobold not landed a solid kick on her, sending her flying into a wall with a crash that surprised Saverin with its lack of sound. The swordsman tore his eyes away from the horrid scene to the door, or rather where the door used to be. Slowly, he started to creep towards it, though morbid curiosity kept him staring at what the kobold was doing.
At the moment, the kobold was hissing, annoyed. "Look, if you really want to try this, I'd better just…" He rolled back, landing on his feet, and stretched. An awful gurgling and growling echoed in the small, stone room, immediately joined by Viera's screaming. Loud cracking and snapping ensued as, before their very eyes, the lumpy bulk of the kobold's stretched stomach grew rapidly both less lumpy and less bulky, shrinking into a noticeable but much more normal-looking gut. He thumped his chest with his fist a couple times, then opened his scaly jaws to let out a truly massive belch, ridding himself of even that amount of bloat. Saverin figured that, if he'd been next to that monster, his ears would be ringing, and that may be the least of his problems. A wisp of red, magical flame issued from the predator's maw, the only sign that Viera had even been in the room.
"Now then, you wanted to fight?" the lizard challenged, glancing around the room. Elise had once again melted back into the shadows, and it seemed that, for all his speed, the kobold's eyes were normal. Saverin shuffled a little closer to the door, over halfway there…
A pair of knives flew at the kobold from behind; it was only then that Saverin managed to spot the shadowy elf. But only for a moment; the swordsman only barely registered the clatter of metal on stone after a blur of scales seemed to instantly transform the sinewy, stealthy assassin into a much more compact, scaly mass hanging off of the kobold's midsection. This time, he leaned one hand against the wall and put his other hand on his hip, more addressing Elise than the rest of- than Saverin and Garren.
"Really, this could have not happened if you just left, or even didn't atta- AGH, OW!" He stumbled, supporting himself on his oversized gut, and gritted his sharp teeth, muttering curses in Draconic that surely made Garren blush through their scales. "Grraah, you wanna fight like a rat, I'll treat you like one!"
Blanching, Saverin turned and ran; it didn't stop him from hearing Elise's cry cut off, or the sickening crunch of bones shattered even before melting, but he at least didn't have to see it, and maybe he could be around the corner and out of the kobold's-
The next thing Saverin saw was a set of small, but very hungry-looking draconic jaws opened unreasonably wide right in front of his face. He grunted, more from discomfort than pain, as his arms and legs were forced to immediately curl up against him; it even took a couple seconds to realize that he couldn't see anything, and that he'd gone from a cool, slightly damp cave system to a hot, humid, and wet…
Kobold stomach.
Saverin tried to reach for his sword, but it had been either knocked away or was trapped against him where he couldn't reach. Fear gripped him in the deadly, acrid chamber as he realized his hands had already started to tingle, and he desperately hoped it was just a lack of circulation, rather than the kobold doing… well, he didn't want to think about it. To make matters worse, the deadly lizard let out a short laugh over his doom. "Ha! Using your own allies as bait to sneak by? Devious, but my mistress's boons are stronger. Will you finally agree to just leave? I'm running out of lessons to give, not that I mind."
"We aren't here to kill her!" Garren's voice was muffled just as Viera's and Elise's voices had been, but this time Saverin was on the other side of things. "She has twenty-three overdue library books and we're asking for them back! Ideally with the fine, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there."
The kobold is worryingly quiet for a few seconds; Saverin couldn't decide if he wanted this ordeal to hurry up or never reach its inevitable conclusion. Eventually, though, he spoke up, "why didn't the other three say anything?"
"After the giant rats, the slimes, and the gnolls, even I didn't expect you to actually speak."
"Oh. That's… I'm not sorry - those two tried to kill me - but I wish it hadn't happened."
Saverin struggled around, pressing out from within his fleshy prison. "Hey! You can let me out now!"
More silence, save for the disquieting gurgle of his captor's guts shifting around. "Uhh… surely this can be done with just one person? And I'll just… keep him until you get back, just in case you secretly plan to try to kill my mistress! It'll be twice as hard with only one person!"
Even through the kobold's belly and scales, Saverin heard Garren's sigh. "KOBOLD," they said, with a severity to their voice. The rest of their words was in Draconic, so the trapped swordsman could only hope the cleric knew what they were doing.
"Y- of course, O Dragon," the kobold said, in a much shakier voice than before. And then, he moved.
Saverin had to squint his eyes against the instant re-existince of light. He coughed and sputtered, getting the stale and sharp air out from his lungs and the kobold drool and stomach juices from his mouth. Shakily, he stood and shambled over to his dropped sword, immediately sheathing it just in case the kobold thought it a good excuse. And speaking of the kobold, the swordsman turned to see him kneeling on the floor before Garren. Saverin did his best to shake off his wet clothes and armor, then turned to the cleric, himself. "Uh… thanks, Garren. I'm pretty sure you just saved my life."
Garren awkwardly rubbed their neck. "Don't mention it, please. I panicked. I should've talked him out of it, rather than…" they trailed off, then gestured to the deferent kobold. "Anyway, are you well enough to continue? We can rest here, if you need time."
Saverin shook his head. "I can go. The sooner I get a proper bath and a proper bed, the better." Rolling his shoulders, he continued on through the doorway, and Garren followed soon after.
"When you return, may I eat him again?" the kobold called out to them, "I'll let him go, I swear!"
Saverin heard Garren's footsteps stop, and turned to see them thinking for longer than he'd like, settling on "only by his permission, and ending by the earlier of his or my request."
"Thank you, O Dragon! Good luck on your quest!"
As they walked down the final stretch to the dragon's chambers, Saverin shot the cleric a glare, to which they meekly shrugged. "I… don't like telling them outright no. So you get to. Sorry." A sudden weight came to their scaly features, and they let out a deep sigh. "When next we rest, I will perform rites in memoriam of Elise and Viera."
Saverin grumbled. "This would never have happened if the damned dragon - no offense - just read her stupid mail."
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t4t4t · 1 year
About your beaddle post, I've seen the word float around for years without ever being able to find any information about what it means nor it's history (I've genuinely tried finding info myself but I haven't had any succes). I'd really appreciate it if you'd explain it or point me in the direction of some info on it. feel free to ignore this ofc.
Well Phoenix chrisdornerfanclub wrote a post about it that I would link but she has me blocked for other reasons. The user baeddel has had a semi tradition of making history posts about the word and has updated that a few times but you could imagine how hard it is to try find posts with that when her name is that, just pulls up random posts from her whole blog. I'm pretty sure other users have made commentaries on it over the years, especially with the transunity debacle. (autogyne-redacted possibly?) But yeah I would have followed Yillow, morphodyke, and baeddel in 2017 so I became attached to the word between those two moments.
Well anyway to be brief, it partially comes from Old English law texts that forbade intercourse with a baedling, and gave a worse punishment for a baedling fornicating with a baedling. Baedan is an anarchist journal that's been around since 2012 (Yillow told me she was unsure if Baedan 2 was written by the same people as Baedan 1) that references this term baedling, but only once at the start.
(They say: "No Future, Edelman’s magnum opus of queer negativity, offers a series of crucial lessons for baedlings; that is, for those of us whose queerness means the refusal of society and not any negotiation with or within it." Which is some explanation but not much.)
Baedan is a verb that means, to defile. The defiled defiler, think of the anti queer groomer narratives. But this was like, the 13th century, I think. Interestingly, it might have been an invented slur of someone trying to translate a slur from Latin, if I remember correctly from baeddel's posts. But yeah.
Also it's probably where the word bad comes from.
Etymonline says:
c. 1300, "inadequate, unsatisfactory, worthless; unfortunate;" late 14c., "wicked, evil, vicious; counterfeit;" from 13c. in surnames (William Badde, Petri Badde, Asketinus Baddecheese, Rads Badinteheved). Rare before 1400, and evil was more common until c. 1700 as the ordinary antithesis of good. It has no apparent relatives in other languages. It is possibly from Old English derogatory term bæddel and its diminutive bædling "effeminate man, hermaphrodite, pederast," which probably are related to bædan "to defile."
"The orig. word, AS. bæddel, ME. baddel, on account of its sinister import, is scarcely found in literature, but, like other words of similar sense, it prob. flourished in vulgar speech as an indefinite term of abuse, and at length, divested of its original meaning, emerged in literary use as a mere adj., badde, equiv. to the older evil." [Century Dictionary, 1897]
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lambangels · 2 years
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[ID: A seven stripe flag with a circle in the center. From top to bottom, the stripes are: Green, light green, pale green, light grey, pink, dusty pink, and red. The circle in the center is black with a light grey outline, and inside it is the alteraffectis symbol, a diamond with a curled trident inside, in bright green. The dot above the center line has been replaced with an eye. END ID.]
(pt: Ocellusaffectis /end pt)
An alteraffectis label where you feel or express attraction through observation and study due to your nonhumanity. This manifests as curiosity towards a person and trying to analyze them, and users may feel detached from humans otherwise. Can be related to the Eye from The Magnus Archives, but doesn't have to be.
Meaning: Ocellus is a Latin diminutive for eye that can also mean darling, -affectis from alteraffectis
@kiruliom @alteraffectis
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inchling-prince · 1 year
I… this is a bot right??
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I can’t tell if this is a bot. The account is empty, the profile picture is a pretty lady, but that fucking username???? That’s the most tumblr user shit I’ve ever seen. Tumblr user diminutive-homosex please prove your humanity
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