#diner. yeah
kaoharu · 1 month
so good . . . wails
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maxthesillyy · 20 days
it’s kinda crazy being aromantic and a shipper because i’ll be giggling, kicking my feet, and twirling my hair shoving two characters together like dolls— but the moment someone goes “there’s LITERALLY no platonic explanation for this.” i’ll burst through the door shouting “I’LL FIND ONE.”
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ima-super-natural · 2 months
I can't believe I watched 327 episodes of supernatural only for my favorite character to be a guy who shows up in 5 of them.
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picklesinabottle · 10 months
the writers said "here is a heterosexual explanation" and jake abel said "no thank you" and proceeded to be unhinged about it for years
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citricjoy · 1 month
the passenger (2023) is such a crazy watch from a place of passive suicidal ideation because benson feels so firmly in that camp at the beginning especially on a second watch, like suicidality feels like such a driving force for him. from the moment he has randy in the car all i can see is someone who has had idle fantasies for so long about ending his own life finally seeing the end coming near and he’s fucking ecstatic. like yes! i’m finally gonna be done with this shit, AND i got to help someone on the way out! he’s found this purpose in ‘helping’ randy and he comes at it so manically because he’s just gotta get this shit done and then he can fuck off into a pine box and stop dragging out his wasted life!… but then sheppard happens. and ms. beard happens. and the cops show up. and that fantasy is ripped away, and all benson can do is laugh at what a fucking idiot he was, thinking he’d grow up to be fucking anything at all.
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cowboycostume · 2 years
I just hope to God that we are right when we say: 'I love you' [youtube]
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fieriframes · 4 months
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non-plutonian-druid · 4 months
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[ID: a three color drawing (black, white, and teal) in the style of Seth’s illustrations from the Lemony Snicket series All The Wrong Questions. Five and Viktor (both about 13) are seated at the counter of a diner, talking. Luther (in his 20s), who is a patron seated next to them, looks concerned about what he is overhearing. Grace stands behind the counted holding a coffee pot and gazing into space. A missing poster for Ben is taped to the counter. In the mirror behind the counter, a reflection Diego and Patch (both 15) are visible in a booth. End ID]
i really should leave time between art posts for them to breathe and accumulate their fair share of notes, but also i need something to do while im waiting for my onions to caramelize.
In this installment: Five and Viktor meet over breakfast to discuss business, Luther is a Concerned Citizen, Diego and Patch also meet over breakfast to discuss business but in the background, and Grace is NOT a robot and this diner is NOT fully automated no sir. Also as usual Ben's face provides some ambiance, thank you Ben.
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neptunite-stars · 1 year
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souma for @ophanem’s diner shuffle!
was thinking of a unit name for them and (with the help of a friend) came up with “Soda☆pop!” and maybe the event name would be like Vibrant Flavors → Colorful Start! or smth like that but anyway here u go :D
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taehyungfirst · 3 months
The funniest part 😭
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dilutedbeanibeans · 10 months
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yknow, those old guys who made the robots n shit yknow….
anyways henry design is mines and william’s design belongs to @/valentronic !!! her design rocks :]!!!!!!!!
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angelsdean · 7 months
get those men some pasta. bread. meatballs. chicken parm. and allll the thin crust new york style pizza you can get. need to lock dean in an italian restaurant actually. that one in lebanon. what do u mean they only eat pasta ONCE in the entire show. chuck hates them fr
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neosimi · 1 year
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🍔 4t2 Menu Board 🍟
as i was packaging up speedy's fast lanes, i realized i hadn’t shared this piece of cc yet so here it is now! this is streneesims’ menu board from their restaurant art collection. since i already packaged up the lot, i decided to leave the object as is. (meaning it only has one subset instead of two). at the time, i didn’t know how to separate an object into subsets in milkshape like i do now. but imho, it doesn’t really matter since the recolors are only for the frame and not the menu itself. with that being said, if you would like a subset version shoot me an ask and i will update with an additional link. anyway, that should be all! i should be uploading speedy's fast lanes soon so hang tight if you’re interested in that. :] as always, please lmk if you run into any issues. enjoy!~ ˓˓ก₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎ค˒˒
download: [sfs] | [box] ♡
credits: @streneesims.
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velvetjune · 20 days
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Nite’s Diner at Night Springs promo (Source: Remedy’s @ alanwake)
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
Okay I literally never do this but episode 7 was so good I gotta do an episode review.
Spoilers ahead obviously
First things out of the way: FUCK FUCK WHY IS SHE HERE FUCK OH MY GOD JESUS CHRIST. When she slammed Mark into that crater I legit began hyperventilating (albeit very lightly). I was so not ready for her to show up and oh my god, the terror conveyed in Zazie's voice acting was legit. That fight scene absolutely kicked ass though, I got hyped as hell when Mark dropped that "no". Now that she's in the show I really hope she doesn't garner any fans because WOW they are gonna be in for a shock. And lastly FUCK YEAH ALLEN KICK HER ASS.
The breakup scene was fantastic. The episode focusing on so much of their relationship kinda made it clear something was gonna happen but when Mark changed up his schedule for her I was like "oh that's really nice" and then she showed up. As I said that was all fantastic, from Cecil's panicking to Amber's terror the presentation was great. Although now that they're broken up, I really hope they go somewhere else with Amber that isn't... that storyline.
REX IS THE GOAT. I love how he just tells Mark "pick a day and we'll cover for you". An absolute bro for sure, I'm loving his character arc. Can't wait for everyone to learn his origin and be like "oh shit" like after Eve's special. Speaking of which, do ya think we're gonna get a Rex-focused special about his origin like we did Eve?
Donald talking Rick down from the ledge and learning about himself in doing so was fantastic. We stan Donald. And man, am I glad they replaced Justin. Like, I know they had to after his actions came to light but also if I'm being honest I despised Rick's voice. Justin was good for silly characters but if I had to listen to him try to do the emotional segments I would've pulled a Rick (sanchez) and put my head in a lazer.
Still don't like Immortal's sad arc. Don't get me wrong, they're doing an awesome job with everything post Kate's "death" but the fact that we literally never saw anything more of their relationship than a shower fuck kinda makes it hard to feel anything when he talks about how sad he is.
Last but not least, OH SHIT OH FUCK IT'S HIM IT'S... *checks notes* Langstrom Sleazy...?
Look I'm sorry I like Angstrom and that end reveal was AWESOME and I am so scared and excited for what's definitely gonna be the plot of season 3 but also I can never remember his fucking name for the life of me and I have no idea why.
Anyway with Anissa here at least that means Thragg's not far behind. Hell we might see him next episode what with the whole prison thing.
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sorrowsaint · 24 days
if you arnte playing scrimp music i dont wanna HEAR it.
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