#dinobot leader
pocoslip · 11 months
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I Hate how the Non-Transformable Grimlock Figure look So Much Better than the Studio Series 86 Toy because of his Red Eyes and Sword too
(i'm still waiting for a g1 toy repaint of ss86 grimlock but they only did shattered glass and g2 repaints which i do not want)
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hampterguts · 4 months
forever amazed and confused at how often transformers franchise just straight up depicts suicide attempts. like not even considering the superhero trope of "i have to save everyone!!! by choosing to die!!!!!" thing. like. non-allow-yourself-to-die-to-stop-a-thing-from-killing-everyone-immediately type situations. which tbh i wish more ppl talked about but not the point here
like. sure mtmte, a comic abt mentall illness and war, i expected it to be aware of the concept. but its not handled well and mostly used for shock value or "im better now i swear! i have a husband and everything" BUT ITS IN THE KIDS SHOWS TOO??? MY BESTIE G1 RODIMUS?? BEAST WARS DINOBOT???
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mubthemoff · 1 year
Actually my problem with beast wars Voltage may be Volt is often a character I use to look at cybertronian politics and implied social structures, and beastwars is not rlly abt Cybertron-
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jazzluca · 1 year
DINOBOT SNARL ( Leader ) Movie Studio Series 86 19
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Continua la proposta dei classici Dinobot grazie all'arrivo di SNARL nella linea Movie Studio Series, quella col suffisso "86" poichè dedicata alle apparizione dei Transformers nel primo film d'animazione del marchio uscito quell'anno… anche se il buon Stego ci entra quasi per il rotto della cuffia, poichè a guardar bene quell'epico lungometraggio, a causa di disguidi nella sceneggiatura, fanno bella mostra di loro solo gli altri 4 colleghi Dinorobot, con Snarl che appare quasi per sbaglio in un paio di scene.
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Giustamente non sono stati lì a cavillare ed hanno presentato pure lui nella linea ( anche per evitare sommosse popolari dai fan in caso contrario! ), e pure Snarl quindi come ROBOT si palesa ottimamente, anche lui alto come i colleghi e sopratutto bello robusto e con un torace imponente, questo sì eredità delle forme del giocattolo originale, cui si adeguano due ottime braccione. Magari, sempre per via del grande torso, risulta un po' sproporzionato sulle cosce, piccole rispetto al settei ed anche a quelle dei colleghi, ma niente per cui strapparsi i capelli.
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Al solito, la fedeltà al settei del cartone è mitigata nello stile Generations dai numerosi dettagli scolpiti che si rifanno ad adesivi e scultura del giocattolo del 1985, così come dalle gambe spariscono "magicamente" gli orpelli del G1 nella forma degli avanzi dell'alt mode del muso diviso in due e delle zampe anteriori, ma giocoforza invece dietro gli avambracci s'intravedono gli artigli di quelle posteriori, blando richiamo al modellino originale che, anche qui, non da affatto sto gran fastidio.
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Poco altro da dire se non che il robot è davvero bello solido e senza fastidiosi vuoti o che, a parte magari quelli all'interno delle parte basse delle gambe, ma sono davvero gli unici e vi si chiude un occhio, visto come il resto funziona, ed anzi, "per fortuna" non ci sono capitate le ali / due metà della coda vuote all'interno, così come il pannello dietro la schiena con le scaglie è anche qui fedele, e non ci si prende libertà estetiche nascoste ad una prima occhiata come magari la coda avanzata dietro il sedere del collega Leader Slag / Slug.
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La fedeltà al settei si mantiene anche nelle armi, anzi, nella sola arma vista nel cartone rispetto alle 3 del giocattolo originale - come già i suoi colleghi, purtroppo -, ovvero la spada grigia ( qui argento, almeno! ), esibita dal personaggio in tv e nei settei. L'arma bianca ha un'ulteriore spina sull'elsa, per poterla sistemare a riposo nel foro dietro la schiena, così come sono presenti fori ai lati e dietro le spalle, e sotto i piedi.
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Inutile dire che la posabilità è ottima nella media, con pugni che ruotano e solido pure nelle articolazioni, dopo la non felicissima esperienza del precedente Sludge e le sue ginocchia molli. ^^'
La TRASFORMAZIONE, a differenza degli ultimi due colleghi sauri SS, qui è davvero fedele al giocattolo G1 ( proprio come fu per Tiran Leader, insomma ), con tanto di busto che si allunga dal bacino, ali che si chiudono nella coda, testa che rientra, pannello sulla schiena che copre il petto, bacino che ruota e gambe che si ripiegano, salvo solo tirar fuori da dentro le succitate testa e zampine anteriori, così come risulta bello elaborato il passaggio delle braccia alle zampe posteriori, con i pugni che rientrano ed i gomiti che si piegano completamente per far spuntare dagli avambracci i succitati artigli.
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Lo STEGOSAURO robotico risultante non è affatto male, bello fedele e graziato da una bocca che si apre, così come le zampe sono ben articolate, sopratutto quelle posteriori, pieno di dettagli scolpiti e dipinti come i solchi dietro le zampe anteriori o il simbolone Autobot sulla fronte… ma il guaio è che è appunto "solo" uno stegosauro, a mio avviso il "dino" meno carismatico del gruppo e più goffo, che pure Slug per dire non avra chissà quale posabilibità, confrontati entrambi con il collo di Sludge, ma Stego qui con le zampe così corte sembra davvero un fermacarte! ^^'
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Ma per carità, magari questo tipo di dinosauro è il preferito di molti e lo adoreranno comunque: un altro "problema" però si rivela nella scelta rendere col giallo scuro tutte quelle parti che dovrebbero essere dorate, a parte la coda e le scaglie dorsali ( piedi del robot compresi, ora nascosti nell'alt mode ). Forse è per renderlo parzialmente più cartoon accurate, dato che in tv erano semplicemente gialle, ma più che altro il problema è che se ne accorgono solo al quarto Dinobot, differenziandosi così inspiegabilmente dagli altri colleghi precedenti. é___è
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Una nota positiva però va sicuramente menzionata, ovvero quella di poter nascondere la spada sotto il corpo, e sarà che è "solo" una spada quindi non è troppo ingombrante, ma perlomeno abbiamo infine un'arma nascosta adeguatamente, dopo il fucile integrato nella coda di Slug e contrariamente a quanto (mal)visto negli altri due…
Sennò, volendo, la spada si può sistemare sul foro sul dorso o in quelli ai lati delle cosce, ma di sicuro è meglio lasciarla nascosta, anche se tali fori è buona cosa che ci siano per la giocabilità.
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Insomma, tutto sommato un'ottimo acquisto nel suo complesso, con un gran bel robot, una trasformazione fedele all'originale ma comunque appagante e un dinosauro anch'esso fedele ma … beh, non è colpa sua se il modello d'ispirazione originale non era il massimo! ^^' Ovviamente quindi consigliato, dato che a parte il bislacco cambiamento cromatico delle parti dorate, si vede che hanno imparato dagli "errori" visti nei colleghi che lo hanno preceduto.
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probablybadrpgideas · 8 months
Instead of using Grimlock, the monster in your D&D campaign, use Grimlock, the leader of the Dinobots
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Bot Buddy the Dinobot who has a crush on Bumblebee
SFW, Platonic, Slight Romance, Cybertronian reader
Buddy was created as one of the original dinobots.
She was the team’s scout/medic in training.
She is very curious about the other autobots and humans.
“Friend Chip, Buddy has question.”--Buddy
“Sure, what is it Buddy?”--Chip
Buddy points at his face.
“What are those on face?”--Buddy
“Oh, these are glasses. They help me see things.”--Chip
Buddy tilts her helm a bit.
“Chip, not see?”--Buddy
“I can see a bit, but these help me see things better.”--Chip
“Chip optics need repair? Buddy help! Buddy help! Chip wait here, Buddy get med kit! Buddy help friend Chip!”—Buddy
“Powerglide. Why Astoria call you ‘Baby--”--Buddy
“How about we stop talking.”--Powerglide
She has a bot of the week she follows, usually it’s at random. No one knows who the lucky bot will be. There isn’t much room for rejection as they don’t want to deal with an angry Grimlock.
There is one bot however, that sees more of Buddy than any other bot on the Ark.
It was a common sight to see the larger dinobot trailing behind the smaller yellow minibot, like a duckling following its mother.
Bumblebee did find it a bit strange how Buddy hung out around him much more than the others, but he wrote it off as her being herself.
Plus, it was almost a guarantee for back up in case any Cons decided to show up!
Starscream pointing his null ray at Bumblebee.
“Too late Autobot! For I, Starscream, have finally—AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!”--Starscream
Buddy jumps at the Seeker and clamps her jaw on his servo.
“Thanks Buddy!”--Bumblebee
Buddy turns and gives him a proud smile before going back to beat up Starscream.
Jazz and Prowl walk up behind Bumblebee.
“Gotta hand it to ya Bee, you sure know how to pick ‘em.”--Jazz
“What do you mean?”--Bumblebee
“What do you mean? You and Buddy being--”--Prowl
The three Autobots look over at Buddy body slamming Starscream to the ground.
“She the best friend a bot could ask for!”--Bumblebee
Everyone and their cat know that she has a thing for Bumblebee.
Bets have already been placed on who will confess and how.
Even Grimlock knows!
The Dinobot leader approves of the relationship and wants Buddy to confess already. He doesn’t push Buddy to confess, but rather strongly suggests the idea because this is killing him.
Grimlock, Wheeljack, Prowl and Jazz watch Buddy listening to Bumblebee ramble about his outing with Spike.
She has a lovesick look on her face plate.
“How can he not see her making ‘gushy’ optics at him?”--Jazz
“Human term big guy.”--Wheeljack
“Didn’t you finally have that talk with her about confessing?”--Prowl
“Is she going to do it?”--Prowl
“Why?!”—Wheeljack, Prowl, and Jazz
“Buddy says ‘Not time’. Grimlock respect Buddy decision.”--Grimlock
“Wha—That’s actually very thoughtful of you Grimlock.”--Wheeljack
Grimlock puffs his chassis a bit at the compliment.
Buddy giggles a bit at something Bumblebee said.
“Maybe the suffering will end soon…”—Jazz
“Doubt that at this rate…”--Prowl
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What if Starscream was competent when he later left the Decepticons?
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*Armada Starscream basically pulls a Dinobot and leaves the Decepticons for the Autobots (and Alexis) as fast as possible...
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*Animated Starscream still plants the bomb on Megatron that helps the Autobots win the battle, but Starscream is actually a surprisingly competent leader and helps the Decepticons conquer many worlds with Autobot Colonies.
When the Allspark eventually reactivates on Earth years later, Starscream brings Blitzwing, Lugnut and Blackarachnia with him to hunt it down; as a result Starscream doesn't confess to placing the bomb on Megatron.
Starscream kinda becomes the Main Villain of Season 1, while Megatron's head still works on trying to restore his body.
Starscream is also Bumblebee's nemesis.
When Megatron's head created Soundwave then Soundwave gets defeated by Bumblebee and Bulkhead, Soundwave finds and joins the Decepticons.
Despite Starscream not confessing, Megatron still had a feeling that Starscream still had something to do with his defeat... So, after Megatron's body was restored, he gives Soundwave permission to destroy Starscream, if he believes the commander is being traitorous.
Starscream find an Allspark Shard and places it on his head to create his clones, insisting to Megatron and Soundwave that they're to help the Decepticons.
Starscream hunts for the Allspark Shards like Megatron and Optimus do, but secrets keeps a few for himself.
He wants to use them against Megatron.
In the Season 2 Finale, Starscream's clones attack Soundwave, Blitzwing, Lugnut and Blackarachnia, while Starscream tries destroying Megatron.
The Decepticons get sucked through the spacebridge except for Srarscream, his clones, Soundwave and Blackarachnia.
Soundwave tries to somehow get Megatron back to Earth, while Starscream hunts for more Allspark Shards.
When the Autobots later get mind controlled by Soundwave, Sari and her father are forced to team up with Starscream and his clones.
Shortly after the team-up with Starscream and Sari, Slipstream (Starscream's female clone) stole almost all of the Autobots' Allspark Shards.
However, the Autobots managed to steal them all back before the finale.
Meanwhile, Blackarachnia focuses on her techno-organic science experiments.
In the Season 3 Finale, Starscream watches the final battle between Optimus and Megatron, deciding to attack whoever the victor is, after the battle weakened them.
Starscream loses his forehead shard to Prowl and Jazz, thus he and his clones are forced to escape.
But Starscream was smart enough to keep an Allspark Shard hidden in his jet seat and Starscream plans on using it to create a new kingdom for himself.
Starscream with his clones, Blackarachnia with her techno-organic creations and Soundwave all escape being captured by the Autobots in the end.
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*Prime Starscream still destroys Cliffjumper, Megatron still ends up in a coma and everything stays the same until Megatron wakes up.
After getting beaten up by Megatron again (despite taking care of Megatron's army for years alone, without the Autobots detecting them), Starscream decides that he might have leave the Decepticons soon before Megatron decides to destroy him.
Starscream stopped caring about the war and only cares about his own survival now; Starscream goes on solo missions to get extra energon for himselg and hides it in a place that not even Megatron or Soundwave could find it; Starscream also creates a remote that makes groundbridges anywhere he wants.
Starscream is also trying to find a way to destroy dark energon, to weaken Megatron (so he keeps a few shards with him, but he never uses it on himself).
Later Megatron finds out from Soundwave about Starscream hunting/stealing energon from caves for himself and tries to attack Starscream for it, but then Megatron sees the Autobots and attacks them.
Starscream escapes Megatron then finds Bulkhead (forced to hold on to a boulder) with Miko... Starscream is willing to make a deal with the Autobot; if Starscream gets Miko safely out of the caves, then Bulkhead owes Starscream a favor in the future.
And the favor could be energon or medical supplies or even important information.
At first Bulkhead refuses, but when Starscream points out that Miko is losing oxygen and the other Autobots might not make it in time... Bulkhead reluctantly says yes and promises to help Starscream (which the commander had recorded).
Starscream takes Miko out of the caves and places her in a tree, where Arcee then finds her.
Starscream is amused that Airachnid thinks that she can handle being Megatron's second in command and isn't bothered when she wants the job.
When Starscream leaves the Decepticons, he tells the Autobot about Bulkhead's favor; Starscream wants protection from the Decepticons, in exchange for saving Miko.
The Autobots take him as a prisoner (since he can't be trusted), but they treat him decently (except maybe Ratchet) and Starscream NEVER tells them about who truly destroyed Cliffjumper.
Starscream stays as their prisoner until the events of the Autobots trying to restore Optimus Prime's memory, with everyone distracted, Starscream escaped his cell and took half their energon to his special hiding place.
Starscream never loses his t-cog and he never makes the clones.
Starscream saves Arcee from Airachnid and he says he did it, so Arcee would have to spare his own life someday, since she has Autobot honor.
Eventually, Arcee learns from either Knockout or Breakdown or Soundwave that Starscream destroyed Cliffjumper... but she's forced to spare his life, since he saved her life as well as Miko's life and he could help her rescue Jack from the Decepticons.
Starscream gets captured by Soundwave in Season 3, with Ratchet.
They both kinda bond over how much they both hate Megatron.
Starscream then helps defeat Soundwave during the final battle.
When Megatron is finally defeated, Starscream escapes while everyone is still distracted.
Starscream makes a hidden life on Earth, since he isn't welcome on Cybertron anymore and the Autobots still want to imprison him.
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Finally decided to talk about my Fan Continuity again—mainly with revealing the rest of the characters that I just haven’t mentioned yet. But with this one, I’m going to put everyone together—ones I’ve already mentioned (with new bits), and the ones I haven’t yet.
Again, really everyone is still around (besides a few), but these ones are all the more main ones.
I would’ve done this sooner, but I just kept forgetting.
1: Optimus Prime: They/Them/Themself, He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
The leader of the Autobots, who, only a short time ago—three months, to be exact, had still been Orion Pax. However, that changed thanks to the Matrix of Leadership, changing them into a Prime.
Residing on Earth with his Autobots, Optimus Prime is still grieving over the loss of their Conjunx Endura, Elita-1, while quickly growing protective of the others, and promising to stop the Decepticons—not wanting anybody else to suffer.
2: Wheeljack: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself, She/Her/Herself:
One of the most well known Autobot Scientists... and in general, despite the known fact that a lot of their inventions tend to malfunction or blow up in his face. Although, they are still one of the only remaining ones on Earth.
They stick around, helping out the other Autobots, but the scientist has some... issues, that they’ve been trying to fix for a while.
Shortly after the arrival to Earth, Ratchet and the Dinobots suddenly went missing, with Wheeljack making it his personal mission to find them. All while dealing with an unfortunate change that happened because of an encounter with a ‘Con, and one of her inventions.
3: Ambulon: They/Them/Themself:
The only remaining Cybertronian medic that resides on Earth—due to First Aid’s death back on Cybertron, a... situation, involving Pharma, and Ratchet’s disappearance not all that long ago.
After leaving the Decepticons, and officially becoming an Autobot some time before leaving Cybertron, they discover that some treat them far better than how others treat Mirage, another former Decepticon.
Shortly after the switch, Ambulon suffered permanent damage, which still affects them in some ways, they remain a medic, helping their fellow Autobots. They can’t fight anymore, though.
4: Mirage: He/Him/Himself, They/Them/Themself, She/Her/Herself:
An outlier with the ability to turn invisible, as well as creating holograms of anything. While Mirage may be an Autobot now, back before the arrival on the new planet, they had originally started out as a Decepticon.
Despite the side that they are on now, Mirage takes notice to certain Autobots who just... seem to not trust her, or like her—considering him a spy—which doesn’t help when Mirage has been a little... suspicious, as of late.
They are tired of all of this.
5: Cliffjumper: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
An Autobot who, while seeming to have trouble trusting others—fellow Autobots included—seems to trust Mirage the least. He doesn’t want anything to do with them, but she’s still with the team... and the two keep getting put together.
Shortly after arriving on Earth, Cliffjumper was captured, and during that time, clones were made of him—all planned on being used as soldiers for the Decepticons. Which... leads into moments (quite often) where he and the clones are easily mistaken.
Cliffjumper has been shot at more times than he can count because of this.
6: Pipes: He/Him/Himself, She/Her/Herself:
An Autobot who had originally been a very excellent spy... until she made a horrible mistake, and the Decepticons figured out who Pipes really was, and what he had been doing among them.
Now fully back with the Autobots, Pipes is on a lengthy road of recovery from being crushed after the Decepticons figured everything out. Despite not being able to do much, the minibot is still trying to find ways to help... and to not worry anyone with some other problems.
7: Scrounge: They/Them/Themself:
An Autobot who... well... nobody can exactly remember too much about them—Scrounge died years ago during the earlier days of the war, but stuck around with everyone as a ghost—but it doesn’t seem like anyone can see them.
Scrounge has obtained several tasks that they want to accomplish:
1: Find Blaster—they learned from listening to the others that he went missing, alongside others.
2: Discover a way to let the others see and hear them... maybe they could try possession?
3: Find their arm—they lost it right before their death, and has constantly been wanting to finally try and retrieve it.
4: Finally join the After/Allspark.
8: Sunstreaker: It/It’s/Itself:
An Autobot who, upon it learning of the others suddenly disappearing, never thought too much of it (except for happiness when involving the Decepticons). But then it’s brother disappears, too, and Sunstreaker decides to do something about it.
Aside from trying to figure out where it’s brother is, Sunstreaker can’t help but feel like it’s being... drawn. To where? To who? It doesn’t know. It’s just trying to take in the sights and find it’s sibling—the strange feeling can wait.
9: Rewind: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
An Autobot who is seen typically recording—but for a while, he wasn’t seen at all. Like Ratchet and the rest, his fellow Autobots assumed he was taken—except he seemed to be the only one who returned.
Although, Rewind claims that he doesn’t remember anything—nothing is recorded, either. So, perhaps something else happened... but there is certainly something off about how he’s been acting since he returned. Rewind doesn’t want to talk, though.
10: Dinobot: They/Them/Themself:
Originally a neutral for a good half of the war, Dinobot eventually became an Autobot after a few things happened—including a chat with Optimus Prime. They know a few of the Decepticons personally.
Despite knowing all of the more major issues—dealing with the Decepticons, finding who all is missing, etc—Dinobot is dealing with a more personal thing, and seems to frequently disappear.
11: Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus: She/Her/Herself, It/It’s/Itself:
The Second in Command to the Autobots, and close to Optimus Prime—the two having known each other from years before the war ever started.
Ever since others started disappearing, among all of the other problems, Ultra Magnus has been... really stressed. She hopes that she can get to the bottom of this.
1: Andie Gray: She/Her/Herself, He/Him/Himself:
A human who, while on his way to get to his college classes, stumbled across a fight between the Autobots and Decepticons. Despite trying to ignore all of that, she still ends up getting roped into everything.
After a more proper introduction, Wheeljack is made her guardian. And despite the fact that he’s more focused on personal life things, he still sticks around, and decides to help the scientist out.
Andie communicates through sign language.
2: “Raven” (Real Name Unknown): Any Pronouns:
A younger human who, while running around, stumbled across a long-gone Cybertronian, and Censere—who hadn’t expected to be seen—neither of them had expected this to happen.
After an introduction, with Raven giving a fake name, the two decide to stick with each other... but there are things that she doesn’t plan on telling Censere—like how he’s hiding.
Rampage: It/It’s/Itself:
Rampage (or “X” to some), used to be held in some sort of facility in another Universe, before it had a chance to escape—taking it, which led it both out of the facility and out of that Universe, ending up in a new one.
It shortly meets Transmutate—who isn’t the one it vaguely knew from the other Universe—who also seemed to have gone through a similar situation.
Teaming up and sticking together, the two have to worry about... a lot, such as others from each of their universes coming to catch the two—especially Transmutate.
Transmutate: She/Her/Herself, It/It’s/Itself, They/Them/Themself:
She was originally held in an old facility somewhere in a different universe, before hurriedly taking a chance to escape—quickly discovering that, after jumping through a portal, that it led them to another universe, too.
After arriving, it quickly met Rampage—a different one—yet it also seemed to go through a similar situation. The two decide to team up and stick together... but there’s a lot to worry about.
It has abilities that it cannot control.
Censere/The Necrobot: They/Them/Themself:
Censere... or as everyone else knows them as, The Necrobot—a neutral who seems to catalogue the deceased—yet also thought to not exist.
Residing on Earth, they were alone... until a young human managed to spot them while they were listing a Cybertronian off. At first, they thought that would be it—but the two kept seeing each other, and eventually, the two made the decision to stick together.
Krok: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Monoformer that is haunted by events from his past—which causes him to see... spirits (those are real?)—and the leader of a small group called “The Scavengers”. Years before the others, he first met Spinister, after the surgeon repaired him.
His time with everyone has, so far, been... chaotic, that’s for sure. But, it quickly becomes worse when, after a visit to a planet, they all discover that they are being tracked and chased—but nobody knows why or by who.
Spinister: They/Them/Themself, It/It’s/Itself:
Spinister, a rather strange (in everyone else’s optics) surgeon, who, years ago, ran into a severely damaged Krok. It didn’t know who did this—but it never asked. After fixing him, Spinister never left.
Out of everyone, they notice how Krok seems to understand them the best—but it’s still somewhat a mystery to the monoformer—there are certain things that Spinister keeps to themselves.
However, one thing that is known, yet still a mystery... is that Spinister seems to see and hear the spirits that hang around Krok. Yet nobody else can.
Misfire: Any Pronouns:
Misfire doesn’t remember much of anything—and he isn’t all that sure on the reason why. But, they do know that they have a terrible shot... everyone learns that quickly.
It’s the newest member, the others having met her and vise versa after the flier got into some trouble at the bar the others were visiting, before joining.
He’s not all that worried about what they can’t remember.
Crankcase: No Pronouns:
Crankcase, a Pilot, who before joining the Scavengers (being the third to join), used to be a member of the DJD—but has no intention on telling any of the others this—figuring that it doesn’t matter.
The only explanation Crankcase has ever given them was that the pilot used to work for someone, before deciding to leave—but when doing so, was wounded—receiving the nasty head wound.
Kaon and Vos were the cause of it.
Fulcrum: They/Them/Themself, He/Him/Himself:
Fulcrum, a Decepticon who... isn’t all that sure on what he was doing in an old, seemingly abandoned, lab—which was where he ended up meeting the others—being the fourth to join.
Unlike Misfire later on, they can remember everything... except for anything involving the lab—they just can’t remember why they were there, or their time in it. They... feel weird, and can no longer transform, among other unfortunate details.
While dealing with the chaos of the Scavengers, they slowly start to realize why they were there...
1: Starscream: No Pronouns:
A Decepticon, who, originally, was the Second in Command, even after everyone arrived on Earth. But, when Megatron suddenly disappeared without a trace, Starscream finally became the leader, much to the disappointment of the other Decepticons.
Starscream is going to make sure everything stays like this.
2: Soundwave: They/Them/Themself, It/It’s/Itself:
Originally the Third in Command, they became the new SiC after Megatron’s disappearance, and when Starscream became the new leader... which is quite unfortunate.
They were the first to notice everything happening—other Cybertronians just disappearing without a trace, for example—not just Megatron. Ratchet, Wheeljack’s Dinobots, all of its minicons...
Deciding to get to the bottom of this, Soundwave starts digging—wanting to find its true leader and its minicons.
3: Thundercracker: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
After Megatron’s disappearance, with Starscream becoming the new leader, and Soundwave becoming the new SiC, Thundercracker found himself with the position of the new TiC.
Ever since he’d arrived on Earth, among the more major situations, the Decepticons have noticed how strange he’s been ever since... practically the first day.
Sure, they know certain things—like how he created a film once, a month or two after the arrival. But... what’s going on now? Thundercracker wants to keep it a secret—he doesn’t want anything bad to happen—or, more simply, for anyone to be bothered.
4: Megatron: Any Pronouns:
The original leader of the Decepticons, and an old friend of Optimus Prime’s before the war—having considered the mech like a younger brother in a way. They were still around during the first month on Earth... but then something happened.
Megatron doesn’t know what’s happening. Doesn’t know that it’s not just him that’s missing. Doesn’t know where he is. Everything feels weird.
He’s not sure what’s going on, but she’s going to escape—after all, knowing Starscream most likely became the leader... it’s not going to let that remain for much longer... and it’s not going to let anyone else destroy the Prime.
5: Tracks: He/Him/Himself, She/Her/Herself, They/Them/Themself:
A Decepticon who had been a spy for some time... and was also the first one to discover that there was another spy—Pipes, and informed the others so that they could deal with the minibot.
After a few weeks of being on Earth, Tracks ran into a human... and although she’s a little iffy about humans in general (but doesn’t necessarily hate them), they really like this one—a lot.
The other Decepticons know of what is going on—but don’t exactly do anything about it—there’s more important things to worry about.
6: Tarantulas: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Decepticon scientist with a beast-mode—others typically stay out of his way, only coming to the mech if they absolutely need to—nobody approached him at all the day that his creation went missing.
Throughout most of his time on Cybertron, he spent his time working on another Cybertronian—a son—who others heard Tarantulas refer to him as “Ostaros”.
On Earth, Tarantulas discovered that Ostaros was just.. gone—he vanished. Unsure where to start, Tarantulas teams up with Soundwave, wanting to find his son—but not really caring about the others that are missing.
7: Nightbird: She/Her/Herself, (MtF):
A robot, but not exactly a Cybertronian—she was created by Tarantulas shortly after arriving on Earth, but the scientist had no clue what to really use her for... but, after Ostaros went missing, Tarantulas and Soundwave decided to use her for assistance.
Nightbird is still getting used to, and processing, a lot of things—she hasn’t been alive for all that long. She considers Tarantulas her father.
8: Red Alert: He/Him/Himself, (FtM):
A Decepticon who... nobody has exactly seen much of—mainly as of recently. The others decide not to bother him—none of them know what to do, but they figure it has something to do with everything that has been happening recently.
Red Alert typically stays back in his quarters... unsure of what to do about the situation(s) in front of everyone. He wants to help, but is terrified of disappearing, too—what if one of his fellow Decepticons is causing it? It could practically be anyone who is causing all of this—which is unfortunate.
But, he wants to figure it all out.
9: Makeshift: It/It’s/Itself:
Another robot—but not exactly a Cybertronian—who was created by Tarantulas back on Cybertron—also considering the scientist a father. Thanks to Tarantulas, it is able to shapeshift into any Cybertronian.
It doesn’t care all that much on the situation that’s going on, but even if it did, it’s more focused on its current mission—pretending to be one of the Autobots.
10: Jazz: She/Her/Herself, He/Him/Himself:
A former Autobot, but something happened back on Cybertron to make her leave and join the Decepticons—something that he prefers not to speak about, and something that the others don’t ask about.
While she’s not exactly a medic, she still has enough medical skills to be considered one—and he has a lot to do, considering that the others come back wounded a lot.
11: Skybyte: They/Them/Themself:
A Decepticon with a beast mode—shark, to be exact—and a Decepticon who isn’t all that sure on what’s going on. They know of the war and similar things... but, they accidentally got into a pod years ago, and ended up on Earth way before the others.
They were awoken by Jazz and Tracks after the two found them, and brought back to the current base. Skybyte is still surprised by everything that’s happening—which nobody told them about for a while, having forgotten.
Skybyte never really fights, spending time on other activities and projects.
Tags: @aecholapis @bramble-b0t @novafire-is-thinking @kawareo @critcallylowhp
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aeonmagnus · 5 months
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Studio Serices 86 Leader Class Dinobots - including newest addition, Swoop.
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arceespinkgun · 21 days
The Flaws of the Autobots (and How MTMTE/LL Does Not Portray Them Well)
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This is something I've been thinking about how a while—in MTMTE/LL, it's clear that James Roberts really doesn't like the idea of Autobots being unambiguous heroes. I mean, he wouldn't have the systemic issue of Autobots forcing lobotomies and violating people's minds as a major plot point otherwise, and he wouldn't have written Thunderclash the way he did if he wasn't satirizing what an image of a heroic Autobot might be. I mentioned once before that a large number of major villains in MTMTE/LL are or were Autobots, as well.
But something that bugs me a lot is that JRo was a huge fan of the TF UK Marvel comics (I read through the letters pages and he sent in questions multiple times), and many little details and major plot points are taken from them… but in TF UK, the Autobots were already majorly flawed! But their flaws are almost entirely different than what's presented in MTMTE/LL. So I want to talk about what their flaws once were and about how JRo didn't really do anything with these ideas, and in fact ended up writing an extremely lazy attempt to flesh out both sides of the War.
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In TF UK, by the end of the continuity, I'm pretty sure every single major Autobot suffered from suicidal ideation, expressed intense desire to sacrifice themselves, or actually did commit suicide. I'm going to list a bunch that I remember, but there are so many more: Optimus Prime (does die), Outback, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Blaster, Scrounge (does die), Jazz, Prowl, Inferno (does die in one timeline), Kup, Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Wreck-Gar, Impactor (does die), Fortress Maximus… this is just off the top of my head, there are many more examples and this is a faction-wide issue.
The epitome of this issue is, of course, Optimus Prime. His death-seeking behavior is intense throughout the entire continuity, and at the very end when he dies but then comes back to life—as Optimus Prime normally does—it comes across like he was doomed to life.
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"Perhaps even in death there is beauty," —Optimus Prime
Hating the Homeless
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A bizarre and disturbing detail in this continuity is that several Autobots—most notably the resistance cell on Cybertron Blaster is part of—hold a lot of disgust for homeless people? They even use the word "Empties" for these neutrals.
No real explanation is given for this behavior, either. If I had to guess, I suspect some awful turning point in the War or something caused a lot of resentment and exhaustion, but we never find out. In "The Magnificent Six!" annual story which is set early in the War, the titular team is trying to save neutral transformers and technically do end up helping them in the very end, so I'm not sure what is going on and this really should have been explored more.
Codependency and an Unwillingness to Meet Challenges
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The Autobots sometimes seem to consist of unstable leaders and codependent followers. They have an almost pathological need to serve their leader, and it allows an authoritarian strongman like Grimlock to seize power and terrify everyone. When Grimlock is first in-charge, the other Autobots stop doing their jobs and going to meetings, but none of them want to actually fight him directly and beg Blaster to do it for them and save them. This leads to a death match between Blaster and Grimlock where all the Autobots cheer for Blaster except for the Dinobots!
Even Optimus Prime, the usual leader of the Autobots, has a huge issue in which he shirks responsibilities. He does this repeatedly throughout the continuity, a major moment being when the moment he sees some degree of reasonableness in the Decepticon leader, Scorponok, he plans to have every Autobot surrender unconditionally to him in order to forge an alliance to fight Unicron (lucky for him this worked, imagine if it hadn't)!
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The worst damage caused by these issues was caused by Fortress Maximus, however. He became so disheartened by the War that he takes his contingent away from Cybertron to intentionally settle on a planet he knew was inhabited, Nebulos, and then when the Autobots face prejudice and the Decepticons show up, he waffles about fighting for so long that in the end he's reintroduced War to a planet that had supposedly been peaceful for centuries and has destroyed swaths of it.
Prejudice and Ignorance
Several Autobots display prejudice toward various groups, such as humanity or the Decepticons. However, I think it's important to stress that these are not ideas shared by all Autobots. Here's a good example, where Ironhide unfairly distrusts Jetfire and Jazz has to step in to defend him:
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Early in the continuity, the Autobots have some negative kneejerk reactions to humanity, and issues with this build up over time to the point that Sparkplug Witwicky wants his family to have nothing to do with the transformers anymore.
Unsurprisingly given some other things I described above, Grimlock is probably the most prejudiced Autobot around. For a long time, he just thinks the Autobots should kill humans who are in their way (the first thing that led to Autobots disobeying him) and he also literally believes that Decepticons are part of some separate, evil race. This is a completely nonsensical idea in TF UK—everyone used to be Autobots! There are no races among the transformers!—that we see characters like Prowl and Hi-Q (Optimus's Nebulan partner) give long impassioned speeches trying to refute, but ultimately Grimlock is kind of rewarded for his prejudice by the narrative which sucks. It's one of my least favorite things about this story, especially when it's entirely illogical—earlier in this continuity, a Decepticon, Carnivac, literally joined the Autobot Earthforce, which Grimlock was in charge of!
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Though of course Prowl had to convince Grimlock to let this happen and was the actual one who welcomed Carnivac to their ranks later….
MTMTE/LL and False Nuance
So, that was a lot. I didn't even get to the time Inferno, Sandstorm, and Broadside got excited by a holiday and accidentally trampled a town.
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Somehow this is a real thing that happened
You might be curious about how I can root for the Autobots so much and consider many of them heroic and aspirational in the TF UK continuity given all of this. To that I would say that it's two things: 1) overall, the intentions of nearly all of the characters and the faction's philosophy are good and compassionate. They generally believe in the preservation of life and freedom. 2) They are a diverse group of extremely traumatized individuals who have been at War for ages. They would not be flawless. It's shocking that they're as kind as they are, really. They should have tons of issues.
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The Autobots also actively try to improve all the time even though they often make mistakes
So what is my issue with how MTMTE/LL handles the Autobots being flawed? Well, the first thing is that JRo did not explore any of the things I just described. He took incredibly minor details like the Matrix Flame of TF UK, but seemingly chose to barely expand on the major themes.
When he did try to explore things like the Autobots' complicated feelings toward organic life, he completely fumbles it. In issue #51, the main cast is debating whether to probably die fighting the DJD to save organic beings, or to save themselves. They talk about how they regret how they haven't focused on saving organics and how they regret it. This is portrayed as a dramatic moment in which Megatron convinces everyone to stay.
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But oops, the Autobots already saved and liberated a bunch of organics in issue #12 and #50, and the latter was only ONE issue before this!
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Those are some of the few beings the crew of the Lost Light were ever shown protecting? So why are they suddenly acting like they'd never done such a thing just so Megatron can prove how compassionate he's become?
Another, way worse issue that JRo ends up creating is that his focus is on how the Autobots are flawed, he usually puts their villainy first... but he also decided that the Decepticons ran Nazi-inspired death camps and that Megatron alone is guilty for the deaths of 100+ billion people, including many genocides and extinctions and the destruction of entire planets. The Autobots... did not do this. So this means that we're left with really awkward face-offs like this, that I think really showcase what I mean when I say "false nuance":
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Also, genuinely, I feel like the evilness JRo added to the Autobots doesn't make anything more complex whatsoever. Is anybody going to look at extremely flat evil Autobot characters like Hannibal ripoffs Sunder and Froid and be like, huh, I really wonder what complex societal factors could result in people like this? And I know in this continuity he's a neutral, but would anyone look at a flat minor villain like Star Saber and think, I wish I knew why he became "The Mad Evangelist?" I have doubts that they would, because there's nothing there to actually analyze.
When there's stuff that maybe could be explored to flesh some of these characters out, it's not. Like evil Autobot Pharma, for example. We know that he was tortured and held prisoner by the DJD who made him harvest transformation cogs in order to fuel Tarn's addiction, and Pharma decided to start killing patients out of fear instead of calling for help and risking being killed. We learn that this situation drove him insane. But... everything I just said is stuff that's just told to the reader. We don't really get to see any of this. But then with Decepticons like Megatron and Overlord (who is a character with basically no redeeming qualities whatsoever in this story), we actually get to see their tragic backstories in flashback form.
When we do see an Autobot villain's backstory, we can look at how it's framed in comparison to how Decepticon villains have their stories framed. With Getaway, who becomes the main villain of MTMTE/LL, we see his origin story because he's telling it to Tailgate... the guy he's grooming.
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We have no way of knowing if what he's saying is even true then, right? His purpose is to manipulate.
With Megatron, we have his tragic backstory shown to us as an interlude that's not even being presented to us by anyone but the author, JRo. And with Overlord, we see his backstory because the Autobot, Chromedome, violates his mind and injects a trigger into it. Do you see how these treatments are not equivalent?
Also, in Megatron's backstory, we learn that he has a fear of having his mind violated because characters who would later become Autobots did this to him in an attempt to stop his rebelliousness.
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The Autobots nearly violate his mind again right before Megatron's trial, and he's triggered by the thought of that happening.
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You know what really bothers me? JRo actually took this trend of Megatron's mind being violated from TF UK. Megatron is mind-controlled multiple times and has several identity crises in those comics. But guess what? It was Decepticons who did this to him.
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Straxus and Shockwave (also Unicron later I guess who is a neutral when he turned him into Galvatron) violated Megatron's mind and traumatized him, not Autobots! So instead of exploring flaws Autobots actually had, JRo took a thing that characterized the oppressive nature of Decepticon infighting (and Unicron's desire to make other beings his slaves) and made that a crime the Autobots committed instead!
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pastelpaperplanes · 10 months
How did Optimus get the scar on his chest?
also for a knight he doesn’t really have a lot of scars which could mean he’s either really good or really inexperienced (or both)
The scar on his chest is from this incident right here!
Granted this AU doesn’t have a linear plot in mind organized, I‘ve just used this event as a major conflict Megatronus and Sir Orion face. It would take place not long after Optimus finds out ‘Megatronus’ is actually King Megatron himself. Obviously this reveal wouldn't go down so well, making their partnership out of convenience so much more high stakes now that Optimus knows that this mech he’s shared his journey (and his heart) with isn’t after a bounty on the sacred Allspark at all–but has every intention of securing it by any means necessary to save his own people.
In the height of all this drama, Megatron leaves Optimus’ side per the Knight’s wishes, soon after facing a near blinding blizzard and getting ambushed by a hoard mercenaries who caught word of the mission and had every intention of taking both down getting everything they knew about the Allspark out of them. Optimus ends up following after Megs (those damn FEELINGS) and ends up taking a couple of very nasty hits by the straggling few Megs managed to miss after he was finally brought down! Here is where KOBD shows up to pull the near frozen mechs out of the snow and drag them along to the Dinobot Isles where they eventually recover
He doesn't have many scars, but the arrow wounds definitely are the worst of them.
And you're right, it's a bit of both!
Optimus, Sentinel and Elita were all knighted about a decade after the Great War. The Council found themselves in need of a lot more Guard leaders with the looming possible threat of the Decepticons making a return, as well as the dire need for spirited and eager to serve young mechs to venture out for their kingdom to recover the Allspark, wherever it may be. All three nobels were set on the fast track for knighthood due to their status, as well as their prowess on the training grounds.
There were few things that could keep Optimus’ mind occupied from the weight of being the last member of House Orion, pushing his skills and body to the limits in his training seemed to work best. Out of his partners, Optimus was without a doubt the most experienced and promising of all.
Knight Elita’s untimely death was a terrible loss for both the Guard and Council, as Iacon lost one of it’s most promising potential command units which quickly fell apart due to grief. Sentinel and Optimus never emotionally recovered and the rift between them was to great for even the Council to make attempts to amend, such wasted potential…..Knight Optimus was promptly demoted from his station after claiming fault for the incident, however, he still holds the title of Knight for ceremonial/status purposes despite being removed from official service.
Since all those years ago, he does not lead any guards whatsoever and he mostly helps to train young and plucky new guards in basics. (He is the favorite instructor of just about every soldier that comes his way) So no, Optimus has not seen true battle nor faced much injury in his time as a ‘glorified’ Knight within Iaconian walls. Again, grueling training, and now his ragtag group of unlikely friends, Bulkhead, Bee, and Ratchet, are some of the few reasons that gets Optimus up in the morning.
Currently though, the quest to recover the Allspark is his sole purpose in life so that he may pay his penance to his Kingdom and Elita. He’s faced a lot of danger throughout his quest, but with Megatron watching his six, very few have come close to touching him.
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nova--spark · 6 months
(RiD2015) Bee angst cause why not, if it's ok at least.
So like, what if Bee almost kills a con because of a PTSD attack?
There was the good days, for Bee Team.
Days where they could take down a Con with ease, where they didn't need back up, didn't need to worry about old wounds being opened.
Had this been one of those days, they wouldn't have had to see what they did that day.
Another of Steeljaw's rogues had been on the rampage, and it was getting on Bee's nerves, especially with how Sides and Strongarm refused to work together, because of yet another argument they brought back with them onto the field.
And then, to make it worse, Grimlock was hurt.
Actually hurt. And it took a lot to down a Dinobot, and that had Bee on edge. And the straw that broke the camels back, was that Russell, who had snuck with Sides, wanting to help, was now the target of this Con.
He was sprinting to Russell, when the Con, who had some form of electric control, sent a current through the air, that struck both Bee and Russell as he tried to shield him. And he opened his eyes to seeing the boy unconscious, and pale.
And suddenly, all Bee could see wasn't Russell.
He saw Raf. He was back in that moment, when Dark Energon struck them both, when Megatron nearly killed the 12 year old, who Russell sometimes reminded him of.
His breathing grew heavier, and suddenly, all Bumblebee could see, was red.
Placing Russell away danger, he shouted orders, without a hint of the playful, tired but caring tone he had.
That mask slid into place, and the weapons he held in his hands were dropped, as he lunged for the Con. It pained him, but he forced his old war mods out, and he flew on instinct.
Energon blast after blast, moving faster than the Con could react.
His team watched, both in awe, and in horror. This was not their Bee.
This was a warrior. Someone who had fought the war and survived.
And every blast, every punch, every hit, it sunk in more, that Bee was not stopping.
It took Grimlock tackling him, and using his entire bodyweight, though it pained him after the fight he'd had, to hold Bee down, as the red, war filled rage began to fade, slowly, from Bee's eyes.
But it was just a peek at what the old Bee was like.
The one they were lucky, they hadn't been the target of.
The one that survived Megatron, multiple times.
The one that died, and came back.
And they were now afraid. Realizing that there were still things they'd yet to know about their leader.
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that-glitter-chick · 1 month
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MegOp Week 2024 Day Five, more than halfway through, phew. Today’s prompts are Heat/Scars and I decided to do this one set in the Beast Wars original cartoon universe. I’m more of a Dinobot/Optimus shipper, so this was a challenge for me, and even then I couldn’t help letting some of my OTP slip in, sorry not sorry.
Optimus Primal’s heat cycle kicks in stirring up all kinds of problems for the Maximals. The worse of which is that Megatron begins openly courting his fellow leader. Unfortunately for him, Dinobot knows his habits and is determined to protect the Maximal from a fate he knows all too well.
Beast Wars is one of my favorite comfort fandoms so I had so much fun with this one 🥰
I hope you enjoy the fic too🩷
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ughohyoumadeafunny · 4 months
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transformers-mosaic · 3 months
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Beast Wars: Second Chances - The Covers
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Cover A - Daniel Olsén Covers B & C - Seb Quickstrike - Ed Pirrie Depth Charge - Loke Mei Yin Snarl vs Terrorsaur - James Ferrand Waspinator - Jeremy Tiongson Dinobot sketch - Matt Frank
wada sez: Okay, this one was as much a surprise to me as it is to you. Prolific Mosaic contributor Mike Priest asked me if I had any plans to archive Beast Wars: Second Chances, a full-length comic he originally pitched in a similar vein to War Journal and Spotlight: Stunticons. As nearly all the writers and artists who worked on this one were also Mosaic contributors, and I’ve always felt like there weren’t enough Beast Wars strips in Mosaic, and because Mike asked nicely, I couldn’t say no! Thanks to Mike’s involvement, I’ve got the original scripts and his original story treatment, titled Beast Wars: Beyond, which you can read below—although the final story ended up wildly different, if you want to read along without any spoilers whatsoever, I’d recommend coming back to this post later! It seems that Matt Frank was originally tapped for the project, as he produced a sketch of Dinobot which you can see below, but no further contributions from him ever surfaced.
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Okay, this is my initial rough pitch for the story.
Again, anything and everything here is mutable and subject to tweaking and whatever, or downright ignoring and trashing.  I won’t cry.
We start roughly a month or two Earth-time after Primal’s crew left.  The first page should explain this and whatever, and then something akin to “BUT SOMETHING STILL STIRS on this planet!”  Cut to Depthcharge dragging himself out of the surf.
(I’m trying to work AROUND the Mosaic “Eternal”, making it more retroactively tied-in.)
We establish Waspinator as leader of the proto-human tribe, out on a hunt or something with some other humans.  Perhaps some brief proto-human comedy before we hit the nitty-gritty.
We establish Depthcharge wandering around, arguing with himself, totally nuts, screaming at no one in-particular (He’s arguing with Rampage, who only responds through text boxes, so to anyone else, DC looks like a nut).
Waspinator encounters Depthcharge, is initially scared and confused, but decides, what the hey, see what’s up with fishie-bot.  Waspinator honestly is curious/wants to help.
Depthcharge, in a confused, blind rage, grabs Waspinator and viciously beats him near to death.  And not in a funny, usual-Waspinator way.  He’s pleading, BEGGING for Depthcharge to stop.  I’m talking the reader needs to actually feel really bad for Waspinator; he is an endearing character and kind of our “hero” for this story.
Only when some of Waspinator’s human tribe start hitting Depthcharge with rocks and spears does he snap out of it, and is literally horrified at what’s he done to poor Waspinator. (Rampage is in ecstasy though; this is exactly what he wants to turn Depthcharge into; a killer like Rampage himself).
Depthcharge retreats, transforms to jet mode and flies off, horrified at what he’s become.
The proto-humans can’t do anything to help the dying, whimpering Waspinator.  So they make a stretcher and begin carrying him home.
Only they don’t make it.  Something attacks and kills them; Waspinator is too weak to help them.  And it takes Waspinator’s remains.  (Hints of a giant metal spider, perhaps in this sequence)
We establish Tarantulas.  Or rather an AI program that approximates Tarantulas’ personality and goals.  It is housed in a sub-level of Tarantulas’ former lair.  He “lives” through his Steel Tech proxy body, the (black and grey Transmetal Tarantulas), but he cannot particularly control it too well/or it really is just a poor substitute for a sparked body.
Tarantulas has a blank stasis pod that was affected by the Quantum Surge.  He plugs Waspinator’s spark into it.  And Transmetal Waspinator is born.  Waspinator comes back online strapped to a table, with the Steel Tech drone working on him (And Tarantulas’ face on a computer screen, establishing that he really is housed in his lair’s “hard drive”)
Tarantulas explains that he still has to accomplish the Tripredacus Council’s goals, even after death, and Waspinator is one of his new tools.
Faux-Tarantulas ALSO reveals that he has the bodies of Scorponok and Terrorsaur (both Transmetalized), which he recovered from the lava pit.  (TM Terrorsaur’s fine, but a new design for Transmetal Scorponok is essential.  NOT the McDonald’s toy design.  Make him larger and bulkier and his third mode should have flight capability- this is important for later)  
Fitting all three with “neural implants” that ensure obedience, Tarantulas explains he will use them to breach the Ark and carry out its destruction (His Steel Tech drone isn’t dexterous or durable enough to fight through the Ark’s automated defenses).
And Waspinator is a test subject.  Tarantulas releases him from his bonds and orders him to obey.  The neural implant holds, and Tarantulas decides to send Waspinator for a test-drive.  Waspinator speeds out of the lair in his new jet mode.
As he travels over the landscape, he is watched by someone new on the ground.  We don’t find out who it is YET.  Just a close up of a wide, toothy grin and an “Interesting”.
Meanwhile Depthcharge is having a nervous breakdown.  Rampage is slowly driving him insane, and Depthcharge starts repeatedly trying to kill himself.  It is MESSED UP, including Depthcharge throwing himself on his own sword, tearing bits off, and such.  But all the damage heals.  Exhausted and pained, Depthcharge suddenly becomes aware of a visitor watching him.
Cue DINOBOT II, standing arrogantly and grinning down on Depthcharge, telling him it won’t work.
Both Depthcharge and Rampage are surprised to see him.  Rampage particularly.
Meanwhile, Waspinator’s test-drive includes going back to his proto-human village and is ordered to raze it to the ground by Tarantulas.  But Waspy surprises Tarantulas (and the audience) by fighting the neural implant and eventually succeeding in burning it out, overcoming Tarantulas’ will by plumbing that can-do never-give-up Waspinator spirit and his genuine affection for the proto-humans.   Tarantulas is surprised by this, but notes he has back-ups anyway, activating Scorponok and Terrorsaur.
Back with Depthcharge and Dinobot, who, of note, acts somewhat uncharacteristically, giving half-answers and grinning a lot.  Rampage begins to suspect something is different or wrong with Dinobot.
Meanwhile, Scorponok and Terrorsaur are both activated and forced into line by the neural implants.  Terrorsaur is still his arrogant self, but Scorponok is more quiet and almost more professional (It’ll be seen/developed that he’s a bit disillusioned that Megatron never saw fit to recover him from the lava pit).  Anyway, as neither of them have any particular strong will to oppose the neural implant, they go to carry out Tarantulas’ orders to attack the Ark.
We establish the VOK, who realize the danger to the time stream is not yet over.  The two that “killed” Tarantulas decide to intervene.  They go to where Tigerhawk died and begin pulling his shattered pieces together with their powers.  (Tigerhawk would be dead, just a zombie shell animated by these Vok and while his body is whole, it is in horrendous shape, missing an optic, generally looking like a terrifying zombie).
Meanwhile Waspinator is speeding along, knowing somehow he has to go back and stop Tarantulas, when he sees Scorponok and Terrorsaur in their new Transmetal vehicle modes, headed in the Ark’s direction, along with Tarantulas‘ Steel Tech proxy body.  Waspinator isn’t particularly positive he can take both of them, even with his new body, so he decides to go look for “crazy fishie-bot” and hopes Depthcharge is somewhat more lucid now.
Back with Depthcharge and Dinobot, Rampage suddenly senses a familiarity between his own spark and Dinobot and realizes Dinobot’s shell is now possessed by STARSCREAM!
Guilty as charged, Dino-Scream shrugs.  He’s been stuck in this time zone for a while and returned to the planet, but everyone’s left now.  So he looked for the Nemesis (Hoping to find something there he can possess without damaging history) and found Dinobot II’s ravaged, sparkless shell.  Possessing that and healing its injuries, Starscream set out for the Ark next.
Before anything can be done, Waspinator finds them, telling them (as best as he can) about Tarantulas’ plan to destroy the Ark and what not.
Depthcharge and Starscream don’t want to be erased from history, so they agree to help (Rampage even finds it interesting).
Faux-Tarantulas, Scorponok and Terrorsaur arrive at the Ark, and the latter two fight their way through Teletraan-1’s automated defenses (which come out of “sleep mode”).  Faux-Tarantulas hangs back.
But by the time they make it through, Waspinator, Dino-Scream, and Depthcharge/Rampage arrive.
We have a three-on-three battle.  Scorponok fights Depthcharge/Rampage (Scorpy’s new Transmetal body is bigger than his old one and almost a match for Depthcharge, even with the new ferocity that Rampage’s presence in his mind gives him).  Scorponok angsts over his abandonment by Megatron while they fight.  Terrorsaur fights the groundbound Starscream/Dinobot II (Starscream grumbles that this body sucks cuz it can’t fly) and manages to actually hold it off, as Starscream is unaccustomed to fighting like this.
Waspinator faces off against the Steel Tech Drone, and despite some initial trepidation, realizes he’s far more powerful now than any drone and takes the faux-Tarantulas down easily once his confidence is up.
Meanwhile, the zombie Vok-possessed Tigerhawk arrives at Tarantulas’s lair, runs roughshod over the meager defenses, and destroys the Tarantulas’ hard drive/AI for good.
This causes the neural implants in Scorponok and Terrorsaur to fail, and they stop fighting now that they are no longer under Tarantulas’ will.
Confused at what is going on, everyone leaves the Ark.  The Vok-possessed zombie Tigerhawk arrives.
First order of business is noticing Dinobot II.  The Vok declare (The Transmetal II clone body) an “abomination” and perversion of their technology. (Starscream’s like “Whoa, wait a minute!”)
The Vok incinerate Dinobot II’s shell in a blast of lightning from Tigerhawk.  We don’t see what happens to Starscream’s spark.
The Vok explain that the constant interference with the timeline has TO STOP, and tells everyone to get the hell off the planet.
Of course, everyone is like “uh, HOW?”
The Vok tells everyone to go into Earth orbit.  They will self-destruct Tigerhawk’s remains, with the release of alien energies ripping a Transwarp wormhole that’ll send everyone back to the right era.
Everyone of course is like “But…how do we get home from the middle of space?”
And the Vok of course are like “We don’t care, you’re going back to your rightful place in history or we’ll just kill you here and dump you there”
So everyone engages flight modes and follows Zombie-Tigerhawk up into space.  They stand back and the Vok do as they promised, detonating Tigerhawk’s shell and making a wormhole.  Everyone flies through in a flash, the Vok take their leave with some end dialogue about cleaning up some more small glitches or whatever.
Everyone arrives in the middle of space, nowheresville.  Depthcharge isn’t hanging with these “Preds” anymore and “Besides, I’ve got enough company as it is”.  He flies off into the nothingness of space, deciding to either find a way to deal with living with Rampage…or destroying them both.
Waspinator and Scorponok get into an argument about which direction Cybertron is, which ends in Waspinator engaging his jet mode and flying off alone.  Scorponok sighs and goes in the opposite direction, asking if Terrorsaur is coming.
Terrorsaur (who hasn’t said a word since they left Earth) just widely grins and unseen to Scorponok, we see the ghost of Starscream possessing Terrorsaur’s frame.  “Sure thing, pal.”  He follows Scorponok.
*Inferno and Quickstrike…well, seeing as Quickstrike’s head was hollowed out and made into a mask, I think they’re a little harder to swallow as still alive.
*I kinda tried to do the exact opposite of what the Botcon comics did…bring Tigerhawk back (albeit a Vok-possessed zombie) instead of Tigatron and Airazor.
*When the zombie Tigerhawk destroys the Tarantulas AI core, depending on preference, we can have him say “You last bit of Unicron” or some such, depending if everyone agrees on Tarantulas’s origins.
*I have Starscream possessing Dinobot’s shell and later Terrorsaur, trying to avoid the clichéd possessing of Transmetal Waspinator.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Everytime after reading your Bot Buddy, i would end up with a headache from laughing too much with the bots skits😭 i love em. I've been looking around for some RiD fics but there's not much of em here so thought i could request. Bot buddy who's Megatron's kid, dropping by earth to look for Bumblebee after he left Cybertron. The two reunited (platonically) and was introduced to Team Bee.
Also, StrongArm and SideSwipes reaction to when Bumblebee casually mentioned that Buddy is Meg's kid
This has no connection to Buddy going to different dimension or meeting anyone outside TFP.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting Team Bee
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
When Buddy had the vision of Optimus, she nearly screamed herself awake.
Optimus had instructed her to help Bumblebee and his new team.
When Buddy woke up there was already a portal inside her room.
She didn’t even have a minute to herself and already she needed to go.
Buddy leaps into the portal and comes out to a familiar landscape.
She was on Earth.
A sudden clang surprises her and she looks back.
A rather large scrap yard had presented itself in front of her.
There was a lot of yelling behind the wall.
Buddy figured that that would be the first place to check out.
She manages to climb up a tree and hop over the wall.
Buddy looks around the intricate scraps and older things around.
The clang comes back with more frustrated yelling.
Buddy quickly hides behind the wall of scraps and pers over her shoulder.
To her surprise she sees Bumblebee trying to talk to some of his team mates out of a fight.
Some of the other ones just stay out of it and watch.
The Dinobot accidentally whipped Bumblebee with his tail sending him flying and landed straight at Buddy’s pedes.
Buddy laughed a bit looking down at Bee’s surprised face.
Bee gets up and immediately picks up and sings Buddy around enthusiastically.
He had missed his friend dearly.
Everyone else is very confused.
Especially where in the world did that minibot come from?
Buddy gets put down and properly introduces herself to the others and explains her vision.
Bee is more than happy to have Buddy as part of his team, especially since they were a little bit short on a medic.
Bumblebee and Buddy often talk about the old times during the war or about things they missed on Earth.
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Strongarm was a bit confused about seeing this new minibot with Bumblebee.
She finds it a bit hard to believe that the mini was a part of Team Prime, but trust Bees word on it.
She is confused when Buddy refuses to go after any cons, but figures that it had something to do with being a medic.
Absolutely floored when Bee casually mentions that Buddy’s father was Megatron.
Strongarm does get the feeling that Buddy may have ulterior motives that do not benefit the team and decides to bring it up with Bumblebee.
She had never seen him defend someone like that.
After a bit of thinking she decides to ask the source herself.
Buddy keeps all details about her life with Megatron as vague as possible.
That’s when Strongarm realizes that Buddy isn’t a bad bot at all and apologizes the assumptions.
Buddy forgives her.
The usual place to find the two is in the training area as Buddy tries and coaches Strongarm on kicking techniques the best she can.
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Like Strongarm, Sideswipe was on the fence on whether this bot was a part of Team Prime.
But then again, he was reminded of Drift’s mini’s.
He is a bit confused in why Buddy refuses to fight, rather sticking to the base and the humans.
Also, like Strongarm, floored hearing about Megatron being her father.
But for a different reason.
Megatron was one of the greatest fighters in history, how come Buddy hasn’t shown them some moves.
Bumblebee gets furious when Sideswipes nagging gets to be too much, again surprised how mad his leader got when Buddy’s past was brought up.
Buddy does explain that she knows some things, but they bring up bad memories of her time with Megatron and rather use them, when necessary, but she is willing to teach the team some moves to protect themselves.
He gives a bit of an apology when he finds out through Strongarm some of the things Megatron did.
Buddy forgives him.
The usual place to find the two is playing and discussing who’s music taste is better.
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Grimlock was the first to welcome Buddy on the team.
Fully believes that she was on Team Prime
Why would anyone lie about that?
Is shocked to hear that the biggest bad of the Cons was her father.
He does ask some questions about it, but he knows when to stop when some things look a bit too painful to talk about.
One thing he has learned from the team, that if someone wants to talk about their past, they will with time.
Otherwise, it gets messy quick.
Grimlock does quietly defend Buddy against the others when they ar acting a bit too rude, even for him.
He is one of the first to hear from Buddy about her experience with Megatron.
He feels for Buddy and does offer his support in any way he can.
If they are seen together it’s with Buddy on top of his helm while they just chat about random things.
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Drift believes Bumblebee when he says that Buddy was on the team.
That is no lying matter so it must be true.
His minis and Buddy constantly chat to each other.
Buddy does make sure to talk to him about letting them have more freedom.
Drift is on high alert hearing that Buddy was Megatron’s daughter.
Refuse to have his minis be near her without his super vison.
Like Strongarm does question Buddy for any alternative motives and goes to Bee.
He had never seen Bee move so quickly or get that mad in a spit second.
Drift is the longest to come to terms with Buddy, simply because he doesn’t want to talk.
His minis hear about some of the things Megatron did to her and urge their teacher to talk to her.
They eventually do and they exchange stories.
The hostilities settled down after that.
If the two are ever seen together they are usually enjoying each other’s silence or Drift is watching over Buddy and his mini’s so they don’t do anything that could hurt each other.
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