dinosaurloverman · 2 years
Tried to make a post about titanoceratops but the website didn't like that. So instead I shall enlighten you all to albertosaurus the tyrannosaurus of the north.
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Now I must warn there isn't alot of art for Albert here saddly. His American cousin got all the love. I'll do best however.
Now for the albertosaurus!
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One of the more mid sized tyrannosaurs it roamed Northern American mainly around Canada (mostly alberta hence his name. As well as some specimens in mexico) as one if the top known predators. It's stats for size and weight are as follows. (growing 8 to 10 m (26 to 33 ft) and possibly weighing 2.5 tonnes (2.8 short tons) to 4 tonnes (4.4 short tons). As for their speed they could reach from 14 to 22 KM an hour. Max bite force is agreed to be over 3000 newtons.
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What also made it interesting is the little horn shuts on its head. Have it a nice look however I don't believe it would have been similar to albertosaurus from jurassic world. Sorry buddy. However they were confirmed to be used for mating displays.
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Another fact is so far there's only been 30 individuals found as of now (PROTECT FOSSILS) and 26 found very close to one another in what has been theorized as pack hunting.
Saddly if your a youtube lover such as myself finding videos informing people about albertosaurus can be tricky so if you find videos of albertosaurus please keep them safe and share as much as you!
Also if there's any paleontologists here on tumblr and see this post please inform us if we did good or bad on this post. Any additional information is most welcome to our personal hellscape here.
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 3 years
If we humans were somehow able to bring bacj extinct animal species with some editing done so they would better survive our modern earth would you join the efforts to protect these animals to survivable numbers and do on?
Honestly my short answer is, no I wouldn't. This is, however, one of those "I already have a rant locked and loaded" questions for me, so here's my longer answer...
De-extinction is an extremely complicated subject, but my personal opinion is that in the vast majority of cases de-extinction would more often than not be extremely ecologically irresponsible, especially since the species that would receive the most funding would mostly be charismatic megafauna that have been extinct long enough for earth's ecosystems to have moved on without them.
Let's take woolly mammoths as a case study, since they're the Big Topic that de-extinction tends to revolve around. Even in the best case scenario the woolly mammoths that could exist in real life would be genetically modified Asian elephants, not true mammoths.
But, let's say in this hypothetical we can bring back a true, 100% genetically accurate mammoth. The amount of time and work and money that it would take to bring back a sufficiently large population to actually begin breeding and become self-sufficient would be absolutely staggering. Moderns elephants have a very slow gestation period and birthrate, and if mammoths were anything similar then breeding a viable population would take multiple decades at the least, and more likely over a century.
But let's say they do breed, we get a viable population, and we introduce them to the Siberian tundra. There are three options of what could happen next:
A: Mammoth Re-Extinction
The environment has changed too much since mammoths were last here and our new mammoth population cannot get the resources they need. In trying to feed themselves adequately, they cause serious destruction to an environment that cannot support them, before dying out and going extinct again. An insane amount of money and time has now been spent on a failed experiment that caused more harm than it solved.
B: Success!
The mammoths are able to survive in the changed environment, they establish a successful breeding population, and we start to reap the potential benefits of their reintroduction. The researchers in favour of mammoth de-extinction claim that they would promote the return of the old Siberian wilderness and help combat climate change by encouraging the growth of grasses. There really is absolutely no way of testing these benefits and they are currently purely hypothetical.
A new population of mammoths now also means resources have to be invested in protecting them from threats such as poaching. They would also be just as at risk from climate change as any other species in that region, since mammoth-driven enironment regrowth would never be enough to adequately offset the rate of global warming on its own.
C: Mammoth Plague
The mammoths are too well suited to their environment and become invasive, feral species that cause massive ecological damage, driving other native species to extinction and potentially wreaking havoc on human settlements too. We now have a pest species on our hands that is bigger than any that humanity has ever had to deal with. The mammoths would have to be eradicated, which would cost an untold extra amount of money and may not ever be truly successful.
In my opinion, the potential risks involved even in scenario B, a successful introduction of mammoths into Siberia, are far too great to ever be worth the amount of resources that would have to be invested to achieve it, and the two other options are completely disastrous. While the specific risks and benefits involved would be different for every species this could be applied to, the basic principle of "disaster on either side of a very narrow margin for success" remains the same.
I guess for me, what it comes down to is the fact that these species are gone, but there are many, many other animals at risk of going the same way that we can still do something about, right here and right now. Why sink an uncountable number of resources into de-extinction efforts that most likely will fail, when instead those resources could be used to actually preserve the species we have left.
Our hypothetical scenario is basically a pipe dream at this point, but conservation efforts for living species can and do work absolute wonders. The numbers of bluefin tuna in southern oceans are in an unprecedented rise at the moment thanks to conservation efforts, and have already overtaken the population goals set for 2030. And that's just one example of the tangible effects that conservation biology is having for real living species.
Compared to that, de-extinction is extremely high-risk, mostly very low-reward, currently untested, and extremely resource-intensive. Honestly I feel like the main motivator behind the whole concept, beyond any ecological benefit, is a feeling of guilt around the extinction of species, especially those that died at the hands of humans.
And yes, extinction is an absolute tragedy, and my heart absolutely aches for the species that we've lost. But I don't think undoing our mistakes through de-extinction is the right way to utilise that guilt. Instead, we need to be focussed on protecting the world, ecosystems, and species that we have now.
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dinosaurloverman · 1 year
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
Hey guys girls and unspecified.
I'm very sorry I've been gone. Brain has been jumping around between moods. So it's been hard to write stuff.
Another thing. I dont think I can ever do a review on prehistoric planet. I don't have the worlds of gual to make a proper review on such a piece of historical art.
It's just amazing. It's successfully shown mondern accurate dinosaurs. Not monster that scream. Just animals that do animal stuff. I'm so proud and happy that the BBC was able to make this story a reality. They did amazing.
We all are still upset for the carnotaurus and how he never got the love. Also fuck mosquitoes. That is all.
I'm so glad this doc was made and I hope we see way more one day. Perhaps all the prehistoric timezones. I wanna hug them all. Love ya. Have a good night. Sorry I'm dumb.
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
The Last Tyrant
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
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dinosaurloverman · 1 year
I'm sorry this isn't a dinosaur post or a humans are space ork post or anything like that. I just need someone to know.
For a very long time I've been diagnosed with a combo of PTSD, autsium Spectrum disorder, severe aggressive anxiety disorder, ADD, and sever self terminating depression. What's more is I'm overweight and diabetic. I'm currently having major leg pains and no one is examining my legs. Instead it's always my stomach. And let me tell you it's the worst combo you can ask for in a human being.
I'm always told when I'm depressed in public to "turn it off" or "think something else". It's not like that. There's only two ways I can properly describe it. A inflamed tumor forcing so much mass into that one spot weighing you down as it threatens to rip you apart. Or a terrible storm cloud that turns everywhere you walk into a horrid swamp land that drags you far below any point a human should ever go.
It's not something I can ignore. It's not something I can think away. It stays there. It stays until it decides to calm down. I have no control over it in the slightest. And I'm always expected to.
But of course being the gifted autistic child I'm not allowed to have issues. No one ever outright says it. But I know. I know they want me to be perfect. I know they don't care. And it hurts. It hurts to know that strangers you've never touched or hugged or even physically met care for you. It hurts that someone you consider your adoptive father is the only one who cares for you physically and your terrified of him (thanks bio dad).
I'm sorry for the dark post. I just needed someone to know.
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
It's my Birthday today. And I'm sick. And I have become the tumblr sexxy man. Hehehe.
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
Hey so I need some help with a project. Recently I've wanted to write a story about mobile suit gundam. Mainly the UC timeline. Here I'll list the differences down and what I hope to do. Any and all forms of help are greatly welcome.
However it is an alternative with the success of operation British breaking every faction during the war making new factions and causing chaos. The main villains would be a group of old men controlling the chaos as best they can in order to make their own dystopia world where they are revered as gods for wealth and knowledge.
Many characters in the normal UC timeline either arnt born here, died, are missing orhave taken a new style of life. Amuro and Char mainly are MIA. Other characters like Hamon and Bright are alive but have become leaders of their own factions.
So here's are some notes on our heros. 4 main ones to be exact. All with their own problems. Two humans, a boy and a girl. And two AI a man and a woman. See the boy and man both are blind to the good of the world. Such as the miracle of birth, life, sunshine, and love. They can't see it it feel it but understand it's exists. Meanwhile the other two are blind to the evils of the world. Such a war, murder and so on. They also understand it exists but can't feel the negativity with it. All four characters are in essence blind to the side of the world. They can't see the full painting. It also dosnt help the human heros are half blind as one of their eyes is underdeveloped. (Originally I wanted them to be fossilized to symbolize the death of sight but I changed to underdeveloped). Their character designs I havnt chosen yet. Sorry everyone.
A note for the AI, despite looking like fully developed humans they are both in essence children AI. They both have alot to learn about the world around them and develop as people would.
Now for the mobile suits. The list holds all the suits used during the one year war but the RX78 saddly was never finished and given to a new project instead. True soul to make a new gundam. The gundam Penuma. To protect its completion it was split into two mobile suits so even if one was destroyed the other can carry the name. They would be named Honest Gundam and Gundam Lies. What makes this Gundam is its nano machines as well as abilities to copy data at a near hyper speed with near perfection. Say it fights a phsyco frame mobile suit. As it fights and perhaps steals pieces of the mobile suit it'll develop its own phsyco frame. What's more it can repair the easiest as ir can take materials and rebuild its broken parts or weapons.
The state of the earth itself can be called a healing Warhammer 40k battlefield. Many ecosystems are either damaged or extinct. Some deserts are now near total glass from all the heat and beam weaponry used. It can be repaired yes. But will be very difficult.
The moral of this story is that all this violence, hatred, and war isn't part of the human condition or spirt. The age of pain and war can be ended and humanity can gain the paradise it walkways dreamed of. It can have true peace and happiness.
I even wrote the intro for this story.
"The date is January 04 0079 UC. The whole of humanities soul has been broken. Operation British was both a failure and success. With it came the nass destruction of Australia, the death of billions and a forever changes earth. It is estimated half of all humanity will perish from various effects and events after this act.
Both the Earth Federation and Zeon has collapsed in mere hours turning into hundreds of independent factions all looking for their own goals and dreams. The Zabi family has been slaughtered with its head Degwin missing. In this new era of conflict, war and fire can a bright future of tommorow be possible? Or is the destruction is yesterday inevitable?"
If anyone can help me write this story and make it a true experience I'd love help! Any help! Thank you!
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
I return to you now in the turn of the season. I have finally seen a film I've wanted to see since seeing the promotional image. The empty man.
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But Dinosaurloverman why did you come back and why are we talking about spooky bois and girls? LEMME EXPLAIN!!!!
Just yesterday in the middle of the night I finally decided to watch the empty man. After a while of searching online I finally found it. On Disney plus. And my God's this film.
Ill do my best not to spoil the film but I wanna day this. Horror films normally do not scare me. At worst they make me really sad and they make me think alot. This film. This fucking 2 and a bit hour long horror film cause me to shake uncontrollablly, have mental fits, made me sleep in 5 min intervals, and made me think someone else was in the house. This film made me afraid and no other horror film has done that before. This film is incredible.
The reason I learned from various sources on why the movie has bad reviews is cause of Disney. When the film was greenlit 20th century fox loved the idea and concepts and threw a shit ton of money at it. They loved it alpt and made good friends with the director. Who was a first time director BTW. Then the Disney merger happened. They slashed the film to 90 minutes threw it to a one day screening and said fuck you to the director!
There's no physical release its on Disney plus and deserves so much more love! If you have Disney plus give this a watch at night and enjoy.
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
Hey. I'm back after a break. Much calmer now. Things have been fixed and I'm ready to talk again.
I'm just gonna keep preaching this message until either my whole world is so shattered that my brain cannot function anymore, or I'm dead, or until dinosaurs killed my parents like that one gnomes movie...I can't believe I just said that.
Anyway I set a order for more dinosaur models. They will arrive...whenever I don't know. I hope the services take their time and take care of their employees. Covid is still going on. Be good to one another.
Also I'm still looking for a store in canada to buy from instead of
Because up here in the frozen north called Canada it'll cost extra to buy from them. They got an amazing selection however no price convert and so far no Canadian store that's comparable. :(
You can thank jobby the Hong
For showing me the big bad existed. Now if only I bought more dinosaurs before.
If anyone here in canada known a store comparable to big bad lemme know!
Back to dinosaur stuff. My mom for Christmas got me a ceratosaurus skull. Of course it's not real and much smaller but I still love it. Will look great with my triceratops skull! The tooth is something my adopted dad got me. A replica of a spinosaurus tooth! Fooking ace dood!
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Anyway that's all I got. Have a good night/day
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
Prehistoric Park is what Jurassic Park should have been!!!
This post is based on another post from Twitter user MechaMeg75
And her post here
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So this kinda woke me up on something. Jurassic park and world *the parks themselves not the movies* were meant to fail. Almost designed to fail. The entire situation looks like it needed several more view points and discussions before even starting to build the park. However they didn't see animals. They saw dollar signs. Prehistoric park was a nature reserve and location of study. So now I wanna discuss both stories here so "Hold on to your butts".
Jurassic park and world: So I've made posts here discussing how much I love dinosaurs and how I would love a real like jurassic park. That's still true, however! I would very much love the park to be built by animal enthusiasts, care givers, vets, and so on and not people who would cause the animals much pain and suffering. Huge fences are cool and gives a massive impression of "oh wow these animals will be huge". However the amount of volts would cause pain. What you want is just enough of a shock to make them stay and not hurt people.
The biggest flop I think for the park is the inability to properly plan and speak to people. They seem to be all super private in their construction and planning. No discussions wiry animal specialists, no major plans to stop animals fighting or causing chaos, no making the scientsist talk about what they are making and using, and so many other issues. Underpaid staff, managers who won't budge when informed of the situation, buying or accepting dinosaurs blindly without what the animal is made off, no proper trainers, nothing. Animal care should have been first. Human care 1.5. Human enjoyment 2nd. And profits 3rd.
Now there's alot of dinosaurs scattered world wide doing whatever damages they are doing to the ecosystems, getting hurt by humans or hurting humans, new hybrids are being made, and more. The whole situation is screwed up. Not because someone made dinosaurs. But because people didn't care at all, weren't prepared, and now we must suffer the consequences!
Prehistoric Park: Meanwhile Prehistoric Park is a far safer and more wholesome expericne. Using time travel our favorite host Nigle Marvin gose and save dinosaurs and other animals from the past and brings them to the present to be cared for, treated, loved, and researched. They don't need massive harmful wires and electricity to keep the animals from going apeshit. They just need water, lots of attention, animal specialists and proper care for the animals.
They did have an incident with the female trex they have going apeshit. However this incident was quickly fixed, no casualties, no animals hurt, all ended well due to actual team work and planning. The animals were returned to their locations in the park and all ended well.
Prehistoric animals have returned to the mondern world yes. However they are in a large wide safe area with all their needs being cared for. There's even vehicles and items that the animals can use to play with and enjoy life. Here they arnt attractions for money. They are here because they are here. They are loved and cherished and protected.
All in all prehistoric park is what jurassic park should have been since day one. Animals no matter what they are or how they were born deserve love and life and rights. We can't stoop to the riches levels of ignorance and evil. If we somehow bring these animals back we must be ready and we must treat them as living things. They are now our responsibility. And we can't ever forget that
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
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dinosaurloverman · 2 years
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