#dirt culture
spartanlocke · 7 months
every time i say tumblr staff (and tumblr itself let's be real) made social media worse by never punishing harassment, allowing people to get comfortable pushing cancel and callout culture so they could harass and dehumanize anyone (especially minorities) they want without ever having to worry about consequences, an attitude they brought with them to other websites like tiktok and twitter after the 2018 porn ban....
This is what I'm talking about. tumblr staff doesn't give a shit if you're stalked and harassed, but if you're a trans woman posting selfies? instant ban.
tumblr staff has NEVER done anything to protect its users, but now they're actively participating in doing the harm.
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xxconnection · 11 months
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This Lesbian Poem by Akhaji Zakiya from Lisa C Moore's Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories
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artofmaquenda · 1 year
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Amazing stardust tattoo for Aaron done by Dirtnaptattoostudio on IG! I love how they added the stars in the middle to make it a streamlined full arm piece, it is gorgeous ;_;
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souplover-69 · 1 month
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moss covers all
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buddydolly · 4 months
I am dead fucking serious when I say I wish I saw more fat women in public. I want to see fat models. I want to see fat women in department stores getting absolutely HYPE when they find racks and racks of clothing in their size and sizes up, so they too can get the "oversized, baggy fit" like women who fit into smalls and mediums. I want to see fat women wearing crop tops proudly and rocking mad midriff. I want to see fat women trying on clothing for their friends and family and saying "look! it compliments my body shape! it's like it was made for me!" I want to see fat women with "cankles" wearing pretty jingling anklets skipping and jumping just to show them off. I want to see fat women on TV, in magazines, on billboards, in all manner of ads, and in online shop images because I want to see my fucking self and all the women I know who don't see enough of themselves. I want to see fat women living, loving, and being visibly proud of who they are because they are beautiful, WE are beautiful. I want to see fat women because fat women need to see other fat women.
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autismcultureis · 4 months
autism culture is i love being outside during spring and summer but im really sensitive to light and glare so i’ll go outside for 10 minutes and get overstimulated and go inside and have a migraine for the rest of the day when all I wanted was to go out and relax and connect with nature
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ganondoodle · 1 year
i have a deep hatred for how media thats also aimed at kids are totally fine with having characters die on screen but allergic to show even a little bit of blood
(yes this is about how sonia died in one little punch, you could have had gan use some magic miasma weapon that goes through a body but doesnt open a wound or something anything like its already shitty that sonia is the embodiement of anime mom that dies bc shes the mom who dies but then also in such an insulting way, i dont even like sonia in canon bc she doesnt really get to have a personality so tbh whats there to like besides her design which i also dont care about really but im still mad on her behalf nggbjkfnnbgdshydvayhg)
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fitzrove · 22 days
Hate when someone online vents about not liking traditionally feminine things - and ESPECIALLY not liking the fact that society forces them to do it - and every response is
a) pick me accusation
b) "i used to be like you too but now i love my 294050 step skin care routine and playing with makeup and skinny jeans and gilmore girls teehee :) you'll grow out of it <3 anyway you should like it more because it's really good for you and helps your confidence!! Don't you want to have something to talk about with other girls :3"
c) "it's not valid to say you hate those things that's misogynist :("
d) "those things are not gendered, everyone should have a 294050 step skin care routine and wear makeup <3 especially queer people regardless of gender because everyone knows queer = femininity and if you don't do this you're ugly and boring and also queerphobic"
The worst thing is that some queer women do this, like bestie I thought living outside a pretty major societal norm meant we all had to reflect on the ways in which society (and the people it consists of) tries to put everyone in a box and, you know, fight it when we see it....... Even some lesbians do this and if you call it out they say "just because i'm a lesbian doesn't mean i'm not hot and conventionally attractively feminine!!" which I find terrible
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lieu-rey · 2 months
3am thought: modern au javier dragging john to a quebradita concert
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pokeattorney · 2 years
guess who just found out valla took inspiration from south asia in the year 2023
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A concept for you:
Cybertronians are much more respectable about gender preferences because in a society where anything can be changed by a visit to the doctor's office, gender isn't as controversial to them as it is to humans.
Imagine Miko talking with a friend with Bulkhead nearby, possibly listening in, and as they drive back to base Miko refers to the friend with "They". Initially Bulk's confused since as far as he knew humans only used he/him and she/her, but as Miko explains, he thinks it's cool that humans didn't limit themselves if they thought the default didn't fit them.
Miko thinks it's cool too, but idly mentions that it'd be cooler if there wasn't a lot of controversy around it.
This stops bulk in his tracks, "What do you mean?" he asks, but Miko says she would rather discuss this further at base because... she's been thinking about using they/them along with she/her but worries about how it would affect her relationship with her friends.
So it's safe to say that she's floored by all the support she gets from not only her fellow humans but Team Prime as well when she finally speaks her mind.
Interesting concept. Hope you don't mind if I use this as a chance to make more lore up on the spot. But don't worry, Miko still gets her support, its just more toward the end of this post.
Cybertronians and Gender
Cybertronians as a general rule, do not care at all for gender like humans do. As Cybertronians do not actually have any physical differentiations that would give them reason to have gender, they didn't bother coming up with a set of terms for any. As such on Cybertron there was only ever one symbol used to speak of, describe, and refer to a bot. The way they differentiated each other was not through using separate terms, but by adding special tonal indicators in their glyphs that pointed toward a more feminine or masculine nature in an individual. Cybertronians only really used pronouns when interacting with other races, mainly to make themselves more relatable and appealing to possible allies.
Simply put, they had no males, females, or whatever other classifications came from other species among their people. They merely adapted to better suit their environment as needed. When not on missions, Cybertronians fall right back into using their universal designators. But since the bots arrived to earth, they have taken the time to research human customs to create designations, pronouns, and even voices that would best fit the world they have come to see as a second home of sorts.
Everything the bots presented to the humans was catered and altered to best be understandable, right down to tone, body language, and speech. Like the best actors in the galaxy, everything they did was thought out and carefully mulled over in sub-processing routines to ensure the clearest communication. Still, they did not forget their origins despite playing such an intense game of pretend. So when Miko came to base speaking of a friend who wished to go by different pronouns, the bots were a little put off but not startled in any way.
Miko: I have a friend who uses "they" as their pronouns.
Bulkhead: They as in plural?
Optimus: Is that not incorrect grammar?
Ratchet: I thought you humans only had two sexes?
Miko: Um, well they refer to themselves that way because they don't feel like either gender. And since there isn't another word for someone who doesn't feel like either, we use "they".
Arcee: And why is this such an issue?
Miko: Most people don't like it when a person deviates from the normal he/him and she/her. So it's a bit scary trying to ask others to use new pronouns.
Bumblebee: That's ridiculous! We swap genders all the time and its no big deal!
Miko: Wait, what?!
Jack and Rafael who had previously been paying little attention were suddenly very invested in the conversation as the bots shrugged like it was completely normal. When asked what they meant by that, Optimus stepped forward to explain.
Optimus: We are autonomous robotic organisms. We have no components that set us apart biologically like organics do.
Jack: So you don't have genders?
Optimus: No we do not. On Cybertron we all use the same symbol to refer to one another.
Rafael: Then why use pronouns here?
Optimus: Other species have trouble comprehending that while we use the same words to refer to one another, we still recognize our individuality. So to make things easier, we take on the designations used by whatever species we are interacting with.
Miko: So when Bumblebee said you swap genders all the time he meant that-?
Ratchet: We adapt our behavior to suit our environment. Did you really think our voices naturally sounded this way or that we have the same body language as you humans?
The children were left a little dumbstruck once the explanation was complete. But it didn't end there, soon they began questioning more and the team had to explain to them why it simply wasn't a big issue for them. However after a few botched attempts to verbalize their reasoning normally, they ended up telling stories of their other experiences to make their point.
Optimus told the children of his experiences making deals with a species of techno-organic whose largest and most dominant citizens were all female. And so to get along with them, Optimus had taken on the pronouns that equated to she/her in their society, made his voice higher pitched, and did his best to meet their customs. He was dressed up in silks at one point and danced among the noble woman of their courts. He wore bright colors and adjusted his body language to be more feminine to get along. And he even went out of his way to perform what they considered more lady-like activities since all their ruling class were female. To the surprise of the children, Optimus didn't mind all that much despite preferring to lean toward the more masculine end of the scale.
Arcee then added to the tale by telling the children of her experiences with that same group of techno-organics during a mission she had there. Among their kind the males were all very small but highly agile and the most aggressive little things known to their sector of the galaxy. And Arcee being a small bot ended up taking on their version of he/him pronouns and worked her way into their society with practiced ease. She deepened her voice, adjusted her body language, and joined the males in their activities. She fought alongside them as a battle-brother, she performed their rituals of combat, and aided them in their duty of protecting their females and young despite their small size. And once again, the children were left a little bewildered as Arcee shrugged and stated that it wasn't an issue for her since she had been integrating into other societies for centuries.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack shared their story of the time when they were working with some organics who possessed both sets of genitalia needed to produce offspring. The wreckers had used both male and female pronouns interchangeably to make their companions more comfortable. They had adjusted their behavior and swapped between male and female body language and voice pitch every other day or so just like their companions. Wheeljack had been particularly fond of using feminine pronouns while beating tailpipe since organic species tended to find the idea of a female demolishing them in battle outrageous. He then found it equally entertaining to use masculine pronouns to make terrible dad jokes around the crew. Bulkhead on the other hand liked to use feminine pronouns while working on artistic pursuits since it made him feel more inspired. And at the same time he liked using masculine ones while fighting since it aided him in feeling confident.
The children for their part didn't find this particularly odd since Bulkhead and Wheeljack already gave them mixed wine aunt/fun uncle vibes. As such they nodded sagely as Ratchet threw in his own tale to the mix.
At one point the medic had been among a technological species that was built with a specific function based on two models that were akin to male and female. They viewed those who were not forged in either of these models as holy and to respected. So when Ratchet turned up to do some research during his medical schooling he found himself heralded as some sort of saint due to his effective androgyny. Not wanting to be bothered figuring out the specifics he took on the species' version of they/them and moved on with life. Although to keep them from being uncomfortable he evened out his voice, adjusted his alt-mode to something that didn't lean too far toward either side of the gender scale, and did his best to remain focused on his studies. He actually ended up enjoying being referred to by their version of they/them since it meant he wasn't obliged to do anything outside of his studies or comply with any of their cultural norms.
The children blinked rapidly in disbelief at hearing this but opted to not think on it too hard. Ratchet had always been so much like a dad, a grumpy uncle, and a tired grandpa that is was hard for them to see him in a more androgynous light. Jack and Rafael weren't all that invested in Ratchet's story, but Miko was totally enthralled at the idea of one of the bots going by they/them at some point. She only grew more interested when Bumblebee added his own experience to the table.
Bumblebee upon seeing Miko's excitement perked up and went on to tell her and the others all about his younger years. On Cybertron, to allow younglings and sparklings to discover themselves, they were not given gendered pronouns when interacting with other species no matter the situation. Bumblebee was always given the species gender neutral pronouns whenever he interacted with them or he was only referred to by the Cybertronian designation used for all bots. It stemmed from the belief that sparklings and younglings were pure and therefore should not be tainted with the sinfulness of the world around them until they had fully developed. As such he spent his entire sparklinghood using the Cybertronian designation or other neutral pronouns all while never being forced to be more feminine or masculine. It was his choice and only once he was grown in frame did he choose to use masculine pronouns when interacting with other races when possible.
Miko's eyes sparkled at this, although Bumblebee made sure to clarify that like the rest of the team, he did not care for gender like organics and would willingly swap as needed. Of course after every bot shared their stories, one question hung in the air.
Wheeljack: So kid, why did you bring up the topic of gender anyway? Something going on or were you just interested?
Miko: I was thinking of using they/them alongside she/her since I don't always feel comfortable only being seen as a girl.
Bulkhead: Cool. Do you want us to start using they/them now or a later?
Miko: Cool? You don't think its weird?
Arcee: Is there a reason to? We just told you about how gender does not bother us at all.
Miko: I'm an organic and I can't rearrange my body like you bots can. I don't know... I guess I was worried you would think it was silly for me to want to be seen differently.
Optimus: If I were you, I would take some time to do some "soul searching" as you call it before you make any changes to your body. But beyond that, we will gladly support you in your journey of self-discovery.
Miko: You mean that?
Bumblebee: Of course! It's better to be your true self rather than remain locked in a box your whole life! How can you figure out who you are if you never try anything new?
Ratchet: So long as you don't make your chosen designation your entire personality, I see no issue with you changing your pronouns.
Miko: Guys...
Miko was quickly met with casual and not at all overbearing support. The team didn't make a big deal out of her decision and quietly began referring to her as they/them every now and then to help her decide if she liked it or not. Optimus would take time with her on occasion and swap his persona around to match hers to make her feel more comfortable. On such days he would swap to using more non-gendered pronouns to show his support, even adjusting his voice, tone, and body language as he would with other species to show his support.
Ratchet took it upon himself to ensure Miko felt at peace with her feminine nature and female body to contrast Optimus's gentle teachings meant to safely help her explore this new idea that she was fostering. To ensure her desire was not due to her changing body and hormones, Ratchet sat down with June and walked Miko through a deep-dive of the female body (much to her boredom). Once that was done, he went through a series mental health questions to assess her and once again look for possible issues that could have caused a degree of dysmorphia. Then finding nothing serious he took the opportunity to also swap his pronouns, voice, and overall disposition around to give her a better idea of what she was trying to become.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack didn't so much as stutter as they rapidly began swapping through pronouns over the course of a few weeks. They both preferred sticking to a set, but they were willing to swap around to show their support and show Miko that gender really isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things. They made a point to still do what they always did even while adjusting their voices and body language. They didn't want her to feel that she was an outcast or that her choice of pronouns changed anything about her place among them. Miko appreciated their efforts and often enjoyed watching them present differently.
Bumblebee for his part didn't change his pronouns or anything. He was content to just give Miko words of affirmation and treat her kindly as he always had. There wasn't a need for him to make a big deal out of it since it really wasn't all that big of a deal. Miko wasn't altering her body or harming herself in any way, so Bumblebee was not pressed to make it an issue by being super outspoken about the whole thing. Although at one point he did teach her a few of the other alien versions of they/them that he had used over the centuries just in case she found one to be interesting.
As for Rafael and Jack? They literally did not care, but in a good way. They didn't change anything about how they treated her or interacted with her. They just gave her a thumbs up as she went about figuring out what she wanted to be called and continued on with their day.
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Got home from the dig this week and am significantly broken, as usual
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 9 months
Summary: during the ffps fire, michael afton accidentally travels back in time to 1950s england and meets his father as a child. he tries to fix everything his father did
Author: @peariandpine
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autismcultureis · 5 months
Autism culture is wearing socks everywhere, all the time because you hate the feeling of the floor on your feet
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savage-rhi · 3 months
I'm a bit of a tea witch/tea goblin.
If you come over and I give you a regular tea bag of something, I like you. If I give you anything from my loose leaf and herbal personal stash, you're an honored guest. Now, if I give you any of the VERY limited and expensive matcha I have, you've hit one of three categories:
1. You're beyond a friend or a guest. A secret 3rd option. Dragon/unicorn status. I want you to have a wonderful experience drinking this amazing cocaine in green powder form.
2. You're going through hardship, and I'm willing to put my therapist cap on. This is your sign to lay it all out, and I'll listen without a peep nor judgment while the matcha works it's magic.
3. We're both about to spill a copius amount of tea of another ilk and need all the spititual energy we can muster for this shit cause the words we have are piping hot AF.
Bonus: if I give you a teabag that comes from the same drawer where I keep spare condoms, I'm worried about you staying safe for more reasons than one. This is mom energy coming out and saying: "sweetie, we need to have a serious talk. If the condoms weren't a strong metaphor, you're fucking up."
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animezinglife · 4 months
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I haven't posted any country music content in a long while but regardless of how the movie turns out, this soundtrack already slaps.
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