#disable ai
shinsources · 7 months
Okay, so I'm currently on the Tumblr app and I've been trying to figure out how to disable AI usage via Mobile App and it looks like there's no way for me to do such a thing in the app. That's a major red flag for me because I know there are TONS of people wo use the app more than they do the browser (or on PC) for simplicity's sake. So please spread this around and/or post a tutorial on how to do it on the app because, otherwise, you're gonna have to log in via Firefox or whatever long enough to disable AI usage and that's one too many steps for people who don't use their browser for Tumblr.
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crippleculture · 1 year
Saying AI art is good cause it means disabled people can make art is an insult to disabled people, disabled people who can't hold a pencil can make art in so many different ways including mouth styluses and eye-tracking and theres alternative art forms and youre saying that's not as good or as valid as using a machine to steal other people's work and chop and screw it? Art is so much more than just making pretty drawings and disabled people of all types have been making art since the beginning of humanity.
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I'm a disabled and chronically ill writer. I can't write every time i want to. I can't use a keyboard or handwrite for disability reasons. The only way i can write is by typing in the notes app on my phone. This is also painful and i can write a few hundred words at most.
Isn't it interesting how i still wouldn't consider using AI to write my stories instead? If the only way for me to write my stories is by using voice to text and i can write only a single word everyday i still wouldn't choose AI
Fuck AI and fuck you for pretending to care about disability people just so you can steal art made by disabled people
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miraculouslumination · 7 months
"But AI makes art more accessible to disabled people!" your AI schlop is clogging the search results and making it actively MUCH MORE DIFFICULT for ANY artist to find a real reference for their project
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senseigrace · 20 days
In the midst of another NaNoWriMo controversy, I'm going to take a second to recommend TrackBear (https://trackbear.app/) to anyone looking for a new way to track their writing.
You can have multiple WIPs going at once that can all count towards the same goal, or you can make it so only select WIPs can count towards a goal.
You can have "Habits" or "Goals." A goal is 50k in a month, and a habit is 1667 for 30 days.
It also has a leaderboard for you and any friends that you are writing with.
I've enjoyed it a lot these past couple of months, and I find it a fantastic (and a better) alternative to NaNoWriMo's word tracker.
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With what's happened with Duolingo, I'm looking for a new language app, but need some help.
Is there a Japanese language app that is:
Great for people with learning disabilities (my brain struggles with language and has to learn it very slowly)
Kid friendly
I've seen a bunch of posts with all these recommendations, but it's super overwhelming and I have no idea where to start.
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atomicraft · 5 months
Tremors: a zine about being an artist with chronic shaky hands!
hello !! I’m atomic, and we’re an artist with a mild hand/limb tremor, so what better thing to do then make a zine about it 👀
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blaacknoir · 20 days
Hi, you recently reblogged a post about how Nanowrimo is not disallowing or disavowing AI because doing so is classist and ablist and in your tags suggested that you consider this "yikes."
Honestly, it kind of hurt my feelings as a person with a disability who occasionally uses AI as a disability aid. Let me explain.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
The fact that people do not imagine this sort of use in conjunction with AI IS a form of ablism. They immediately assume all use is infringing. If they actually talked to people with disabilities (who do use AI), they would discover these other uses, and perhaps the conversation could be elevated to a more constructive state instead of trying to make everyone who uses a tool feel "yikes" for using it. Many of us are extremely conscientious and well informed of the issues involved.
Consider that if someone has said something is ablist (or classist or any other -ist,) they just might have a point and that you should try to discover what that point is before assuming that it's fake. Don't take everything at face value, but don't dismiss it out of hand either. Listen to people who have differing opinions and try to get the nuances of the conversation.
When people think about AI being used in conjunction with writing and visual art, they only consider the egregious uses - which makes sense, as that is how AI is advertised; as a magic technology that solves ALL problems. But those egregious uses are not the only use of these tools. AI does not have to be a magic wand that replaces the creative process of an artist. I have given one example of such a use above, but I could list many more.
If your "yikes" is in regard to the ecological impact - I hope that the overzealous implementation of AI into everything takes the ecological facts into account and that is ammealorated, but please do not throw people with disabilities under the bus while trying to make buses less polluting.
//The only use of AI in this post was to help me remember the word Natural Language Processor - I know my tone is pretty formal and sometimes comes across as AI, but it's not.
Jeezly fucking crow, dude. It was a single-word comment. I hope you sent this to literally everyone else who commented in a similar manner.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
I also have ADHD. I also struggle with word recall. You know what I do? I google things. I use dictionary and thesaurus websites. I use OneLook, which suggests associated words, similar words, and similar concepts.
Not everyone who uses AI is stealing from artists, no, but it's well known that AI does scan people's art--almost always without their consent--to generate pieces. It's also been seen around places like AO3, scraping fics from unlocked accounts.
Personally, I dislike the implication that disabled (or poor--that's what "classist" means here) people are incapable of writing without an AI generating something for them. I've written 100k+ words on AO3, and all of them are mine. I've talked to friends, I've written parallel fics, I've rewritten my own stories, but those words are mine. I wrote them. A disabled person. To imply that I need AI to do that pisses me off.
And believe it or not, my primary dislike of AI isn't ableist or classsist or whatever. (I'm not even against all forms of AI! I understand that in some fields, analyitical AI is quite helpful--I've read that it's great at finding breast cancer, for example.) My primary beef with AI, especially generative AI like ChatGPT is the fact that:
It will just lie to you. It will just make up things. There are people who have used it in court cases (it didn't work), and there are people using it to write books--everything from cookbooks to mushroom identification guides. (Guess what amateurs need expert help with when they're starting out? You know, so they don't die?) It's also happened with animal care guides. AI doesn't need to be used in a generative context at all.
There is also a massive environmental impact that I rarely, if ever, see talked about.
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dentarthurdent · 6 months
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how we doing
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bwbawa · 10 months
The other day i was talking with my girlfriend about the use of AI in art. I as an artist myself believe that as long as there's transparency and honesty on the fact that IT'S AI, people shouldn't be judged for using it to express their own feelings.
There's multiple reasons why someone who likes expressing with art may use ai; maybe a disability, bad coordination, or even just not "being good" at art.
so i wanted to ask tumblr, mostly because I'm bored and i wanna see the opinions on this. Of course feel free to reblog and comment!
again, pls feel free and encouraged to comment and reblog!!
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sherbetyy · 3 months
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walks-the-ages · 16 days
Nanowrimo made a half-assed, desperate ""apology"" post
Full text, for when they inevitably try to edit it; as of right now it's August 6th, 2024, around 5:30pm est.
A Note to Our Community About our Comments on AI – September 2024 To the NaNoWriMo Community: In early August, debates about AI on our social media channels became vitriolic. It was clear that the intimidation and harassment we witnessed were causing harm within our community of writers. The FAQs we crafted last week were written to curtail those behaviors. We wanted to send a clear signal that NaNoWriMo spaces would not be used to bully or delegitimize other writers. This was consistent with our May 2024 statement, which named a lack of civility in NaNoWriMo spaces as a longstanding concern. Taking a position of neutrality was not an abandonment of writers’ legitimate concerns about AI. It was an acknowledgment that NaNoWriMo can’t maintain a civil, inclusive community if we allow selective intolerance. We absolutely believe that AI must be discussed and that its ethical use must be advocated-for. What we don’t believe is that NaNoWriMo belongs at the forefront of that conversation. That debate should continue to thrive within the greater writing community as technologies continue to evolve. We apologize that our original message was unclear and seemingly random. Our note on ableism and classism was rooted in the desire to point out that, for people in certain circumstances, some forms of AI can be life-changing. We certainly don’t believe those with concerns about AI to be classist or ableist. Not being more careful about our wording was a bad decision on our part. Our Mission is about providing encouragement to writers and cheering them on as they progress toward their goals. That remains our primary focus. In the future, we will be more transparent about the issues that we are trying to address with any messaging we provide. Finally, we recognize that some members of our community have other questions and concerns that go beyond general context for our comments. We don’t think we can address all of these in a single communication. Additional context here is that we are a very small team (including our Interim Executive Director, who is a volunteer). We want to take the time to read through your letters with the care, attention, and concern they deserve. Please expect more in the coming weeks.  In partnership, The NaNoWriMo Team
I sincerely hope their other sponsors bail ship and leave them to flounder at this point lmao. There is no going back from "if you criticize generative AI you're just ableist classist and racist".
They've also once again edited their "What Is Nanowrimo's Stance on AI?" post:
New text, in full; looks like it was updated sometime late yesterday or early today (August 6th 2024):
What is NaNoWriMo's position on Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 13 hours ago -Updated Not yet followed by anyone
NaNoWriMo neither explicitly supports nor condemns any approach to writing, including the use of tools that  leverage AI. We recognize that harm has been done to the writing and creative communities at the hands of bad actors in the generative AI space, and that the ethical questions and risks posed by some aspects of this technology are real. The fact that AI is a large, complex technology category (which encompasses both non-generative and generative AI, applied in a range of ways to a range of uses) contributes to our belief that AI is simply too big and too varied to categorically support or condemn. NaNoWriMo's mission is to "provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people use their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page." We fulfill our mission by supporting the humans doing the writing. Please see this related post that speaks to our overall position on nondiscrimination with respect to approaches to creativity, writer's resources, and personal choice.  We made mistakes in our initial expression of this position. We speak to those mistakes in this letter to our community, and we've simplified the language on this page to reflect our core position. 
If you're wondering why Nano's posting all these non-apologies, its because they started this debacle with seven huge sponsors.
Over the course of the last three days, they've gone down to four.
They have literally lost about half their sponsors because of their support of generative ai.
And, as you can see in the "apologies" above, they're still defending their AI stance, by now claiming that their stance is because they were defending poor, hapless AI users from a horde of harassment and bullying from all sides, and they're not a platform that condones bullying! totally! (sarcasm).
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lastoneout · 19 days
It's also like super fucking infuriating to see people continue to argue that generative AI is the best way for disabled and/or poor people to make art because like, you know what helps make art more accessible? Giving poor and disabled people money.
Like take me for instance, I'm disabled. I get severe migraines and intense leg/back pain if I sit at my computer for too long, my hEDS makes holding pens and pencils hard, my ADHD makes it hard for me to start certain tasks and/or stop them before I potentially hurt myself, my neck also hurts if I look down too much, my dyslexia AND my ADHD both make it difficult to keep track of a story as I write and use correct spelling and grammar, plus, I need to prioritize taking care of myself and going to appointments and keeping my house clean and that takes up a lot of my free time. All of these things make creating the kind of art I want to create difficult if not occasionally impossible.
So what do you think would solve my problems better? Giving me money so that I can have a drawing tablet and desk chair that won't hurt my neck or back, another tablet + pen and a lap table and comfortable body pillows for drawing in bed, easier transportation to my doctors appointments, effective treatment for my chronic pain and migraines, the ability hire someone to help me keep my house clean, a spelling/grammar checker that isn't complete ass, and a therapist and psychatrist who can help me manage my ADHD better?
Or an AI program that takes my input and spits out a drawing or story made of stolen content glued together that, in the case of the art, I cannot meaningfully edit without starting over, which also destroys the environment in the process?
Seems pretty obvious to me. I don't need AI, I need help to manage the things that are actually stopping me from being able to write and draw.
Or take my mom. She's had severe rhumatoid arthritis since she was a small child, her hands are deformed and she relies on her wheelchair to get around. She doesn't need AI to help her paint, she needs special paint brushes she can actually hold, a table her wheelchair will fit at, and someone to help her with personal hygiene/keep her house clean/take her to doctors appointments so she actually has free time to paint.
Does that poor kid growing up in public housing with parents who are too poor to afford art classes or supplies or to send them to college really need a computer program to draw for them, or do they need support to help them take those classes, buy drawing supplies, and money so they can go to college.
Blind people can paint, deaf musicians exist, people with missing limbs find all sorts of ways to make art, people with parkinson's paint with typewriters, my mother can't hold a normal paintbrush and she makes some of the most beautiful watercolor paintings I've ever seen, Van Gogh had bipolar disorder and only sold like one painting when he was alive, I mean for real how many different artists have you heard of who's biographies start with them being born into poverty?
This is not meant to be inspiration porn, these people are just ones who were able to find ways to make art despite their struggles. They shouldn't have had to struggle at all, but god imagine how many more artisrs and writers we could have had if none of them had to overcome those struggles. It breaks my heart to think of all the wonderful art that never got to exist because no one helped the people who could have made it actually have the time, money, support, and safety they needed to make it. AI would not have saved them because making art isn't the problem, being disadvantaged is the problem. Living in a world that refuses to make room for you is the problem. Being fucking poor is the problem. Humans have always found ways to make art despite huge barriers, the solution isn't a computer that makes art for them, it's SUPPORT AND MONEY SO THEY CAN OVERCOME THOSE BARRIERS AND MAKE THEIR OWN ART.
As a last example: I love watching dancing and I would love to be able to dance, but I'm terrible at it(I got kicked off a dance team for not being able to learn the dance at all despite spending weeks on it, idk my brain wasn't made for dancing) and my disabled body makes it more pain than pleasure if not actively dangerous, anyway. Having a robot dressed to look like me dance next to me while I get to watch would not make me feel like I'm getting to dance. It would actually be extremely fucking demoralizing and frustrating. I would hate that!!
Having an AI spit out a painting or book would not make me feel like I got to paint or write a book. It's a fucking anamatronic doll running on stolen ideas and it will never be the same as getting to actually expirience the joy of creating art first hand. AI is not the solution. Helping people who need it is the solution. And I am CONSTANTLY pissed to think about all the time and money that goes into these fucking AI programs that would be better spent helping disabled and poor people get the help they need so they can make art themselves, all while the people running the nightmare plagiarism pollution machines pretend that their horrible inventions exist to help people like me.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 10 months
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Nobody knows what AI, or even machine learning, actually are, huh?
(Also, ignoring the fact that most articles about this concept note pretty strongly that deaf groups are skeptical about the gloves at best, centering hearing people and all)
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a-semiverbal-cloud · 1 year
stop say not use ai voice
know mean bad stolen voice
but see many many time never acknowledge about good voice
only say stop use ai voice period
say stolen
not all ai voice bad
not all ai voice stolen
stop ignore us
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ink-asunder · 20 days
The thing about the whole "being anti ai is ableist" is like...
Disabled people are effortlessly and needlessly excluded from everything all the time. So why is allowing generative ai in a fucking Writing Competition framed as an inherently anti ableist move when the genai submissions are NOT proveably created by disabled participants?? It would be different if ai was ONLY used by disabled people, but the majority of ai users are able bodied people using disabled people as an excuse.
In this world, a more believeable outcome of the "what about disabled people" perspective would be disabled people making art with ai and not being allowed to submit it to competitions. Disabled people are bitched out for asking for accommodations and often times just denied entry places out of laziness and ableism. Why are healthy able bodied people bending over backwards to create viable careers out of generative ai specifically if not for their own benefit.
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