#disabled reblogs on purpose lol
official-darkforest · 3 months
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the left being his wiki image rn pisses me off so bad idc if its mean. hes so fuckig ugly
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lacefuneral · 7 months
ok i've seen some posts about the tumblr alternative cohost but none that were actually helpful so!
(disclaimer: i am very new to this website. users who have been there longer can and should chime in with additions and/or corrections)
Cohost Introduction Post
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What is cohost?
Cohost is a fledgling website that is essentially a tumblr clone, but with its own culture and site-specific features. It is also very much a work in progress. You are encouraged to talk in the cohost forum to suggest changes for devs, report bugs, and upvote other people's suggestions. This website WILL grow and change over time. And as such, I do not know if/when the information I share here will be outdated. Edit: To answer an ask I received, anyone can join cohost without an invite. It used to be invite-only. It is not this way anymore.
Is "adult content" allowed there?
Yes. Cohost is not on the app store, meaning that it is not subject to Apple's specifications. You can post illustrations, writing, and photographs (cohost does not support any video formats at this time, just gifs). Cohost has an elaborate filtering and trigger warning system (moreso than tumblr), and you can disable adult content for your entire account or for individual tags. I actually don't engage with the adult content at all on there. Visual CSEM (both real and fictional) is specifically forbidden (although frankly I think the guidelines could be stricter wrt written content. Still, does seem to handle this better than AO3 does, going as far to say that written content about real minors is forbidden.)
How are minors protected?
The minimum age to join cohost is 16, and requires proof of parental permission to join. Users who are under 18 are automatically age-gated and cannot view adult content.
If cohost isn't on the app store, how is it used?
You can, of course, use cohost on a computer, but it is designed with mobile in mind. Opening the website on any IOS browser, clicking "share", and then "add to home screen" will install an app for you to use. The same can be done on an android. There is a guide here.
How does cohost work?
First, you create an account. Then you wait for approximately two days (read: weekdays) for the account to be activated. This is done to prevent spam bots. In the meantime, edit your profile. List some interests, your pronouns, your other social media links. Give yourself an icon. Note: icon and banner file sizes are small. You may need to shrink and compress images.
After the two days are up, make your first post! Write a basic introduction (with what you feel comfortable you feel sharing) and list some interests you like, maybe some hobbies, media, etc. And then tag this post with "#welcome to cohost". This will let existing members know that someone new has joined, and they may initiate conversation and/or follow you.
Next, go to the search and type in "The Cohost Global Feed" and click on the tag. Bookmark this tag. This is essentially one giant community space where you can find random users. (There is currently some discourse on the website as to whether this tag existing is a "bad thing" or not because "cohost isn't supposed to have a global tag". Just ignore that lol). Next, go back to search and type in things you like. TV shows, maybe. Video games. Music. Anything. See if people have posted in the tags. Follow them. Comment on their stuff. Click "like" to bookmark the post if you want to.
Most crucially, make sure that you bookmark the actual tag so you can look in that tag again later without having to manually type it each and every time. Also, you get a feed called "bookmarked tags" which allows you to scroll through all of them at once, which replaces the "for you" feature other websites have.
You can "share" a post (called "rebug" in user slang) which serves the same purpose as a reblog on tumblr. In a rebug, you can add your own tags or comment in the body of the post. Cohost users do not talk in tags as much as tumblr users - they tend to prefer to speak in the body of a rebug, or in the comment section (replies). At this time, you cannot view all reblogs. But you can view all comments in the comment section. Any post that is rebugged will preserve the tags of the OP, with any additional tags added being attributed to you. Rebugs are named after the website mascot Eggbug, a purple bee-like insect.
Posts are called "chosts" - and shitposting is called "shitchosting." Two examples of global shitposting tags are "#css crimes" - which is when a person does goofy things with the HTML/CSS editor to make colorful text, fake chat windows, and such - and "#shitchosting" which is a general shitposting tag. I've also seen people use tags like "#random".
If a post makes you laugh, check out the OP's profile. See if they post frequently, and if you have any common interests. If you realize you want to block or mute someone instead, you can.
You can send asks just like on tumblr, but your inbox must be manually opened first. So remember to do that.
How do I look at my own blog?
This is one of my gripes about the UI. You would think, intuitively, you would click here (at the top of the screen). But you would be wrong!
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It is ACTUALLY under the sidebar menu, called "Profile." And I'm not the only one to to complain about this. (To get back to your dashboard, by the way, you click on the cohost logo.)
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Are there sideblogs?
Yes! Each sidepage (sideblog) has its OWN set of likes AND followed pages (blogs). This allows you to easily switch between multiple sets of dashboards. A lot of users use this to have a SFW dashboard and an adult content dashboard. But it works like tumblr, too. You can have a side page/dashboard for whatever you'd like. Maybe one of your pages is for programming. Maybe another is for photography. You switch between your pages by clicking the arrow next to your icon/username at the top of the screen. ("Ohhhhh.... THAT'S what that's for.")
What's the userbase on there like?
Mostly programmers. Trans people. Furry artists. Plural systems. Furry trans plural programmers. Certainly a lot of shitposters. The website is trans-run and, as such, has zero tolerance for TERFs. Everyone seems pretty friendly from what I can tell. And there's very much a culture of "follow someone randomly based on their vibes" that doesn't happen as much on tumblr. Tumblr is more like "I really like this TV show, I'm going to follow 40 blogs about just this interest." Because the cohost community is so much smaller, there is a lot less content overall, especially fandom content. You can't follow 40 fandom pages because your fandom tag has a total of 3 posts, all made by one person approximately a year ago (well. for me anyway).
Cohost, then, actually has much more in common with real-life socialization. You seek out people with interests that may be very different from your own, and to find a common interest is very exciting! Unlike tumblr, you are encouraged to tag as much as possible. This allows your posts to be seen, to find common interests. And, of course, don't forget to look in "#Welcome To Cohost" too! You may find some new friends there.
What file formats can I post in?
Currently, I am aware of basic image formats working (like jpeg, png) animated gifs, and mp3s. You currently cannot upload videos to cohost. I believe the reason is not related to server costs, but rather as a way to curb the uploading of copyrighted content.
How does cohost make money?
There are no ads, and yet, as far as I am aware, cohost is operating comfortably. There is, however, an entirely optional "cohost plus" that is $5 USD a month. Currently, there are a few perks, but not enough to convince me.
What if I think something about cohost should change?
Cohost has a forum where users can submit ideas for features and other users can discuss/upvote those ideas.
Here is a list of posts made for newcomers to read:
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theswiftheartsystem · 4 months
(New!) The Swift Heart System Introduction💙
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cw: syscourse, and general discourse.
Basic Information:
Collective Name: Refer to us as Swift Heart if not sure!
Collective Pronouns: They/Them, or Ask!
Collective Gender: Pangender, GenderFluid, and genders along that spectrum are all okay with us 👍
We are white, afab and American, keep in mind our perspective is based around our personal experience, and what we have learned about.
Alter Count at the moment: Around 400, but we are aware it’s more, we don’t really care much about alter count all things considered lol.
Host: As of now, none! Even when we have one it isn’t very long!
Origin: Traumagenic
Disorders that we have: DID (what this blog is mainly about), BPD, Autism, C-PTSD, GAD, and possibly OCD (although we would lie to discuss it with a therapist/psychiatrist beforehand for personal comfort!)
Extra: We are Pro-Endo!!!! Although we cannot stop you from interacting if you are anti-endo, We kindly request you please just block us and move on if you have a problem with that.
About Us:
Why are we pro-endo?: When we were first discovering our system we were desperate to be “real enough” and accepted. Although the first system we discussed plurality with was pro-endo, they left the internet shortly after we opened up, and this lead us to being around sysmeds. To prove ourselves we purposely forced ourselves to remember trauma which put us in a worse position mentally. It took a long time, but through working to accept ourselves, we realized how bigoted we were being, which lead us to question a lot of things, such as our beliefs on endogenic plurality. Although we have gone a long way, some of our alters do not agree with us because it got so drilled into our mind that “endogenic systems are somehow just traumagenic and don’t remember” (which is a incredibly misinformed and harmful.)
What do we plan to talk about on this blog?: Really whatever we feel like! We may talk about Syscourse, plural positivity, advice from personal experience, our trauma, special interests and hyperfixations, ect. If we want to talk about it we probably will. (Although we always try to put the proper trigger and content warnings, and if we miss one by accident please tell us so we can add it as soon as possible!)
How to contact us/ask us a question: DMs are normally open unless a situation is happening! Along with that, feel free to use the ask me anything button, comment section on posts, or reblogs!
Mistakes on post: If we make a mistake, please inform us! We are always open to editing post (and do quite a bit), and we aren’t perfect, and especially if we say something bigoted, please correct us we are always open to learning about these topics, and acknowledge that we are privileged in certain ways. We would rather delete a long post we worked hard on if it is harmful then keep it up and go “wellll- it doesn’t affect me personally”
What are we “Pro” on:
We are obviously pro-endo!
We are pro self help. Although we think therapy is beneficial in many ways, not everyone can get a good therapist, wether that’s for financial reasons, none near you, or ableism, racism, sexism, ect in the medical/mental health field. Also it can benefit everyone to learn new coping mechanisms! (Please see a doctor if you are ill! You can only help yourself so much! We do not condone refusing to see doctors when you need to!!!
We are pro self diagnosing! (Just please do proper research before so, and even if it turns out you where wrong, you aren’t faking unless you actively attempt to fake.)
We are pro neopronouns and xenogenders!
People with villainized disabilities and/or mental disorders!
What are we “anti” on:
The trans-Id community. We don’t talk about this on this blog due to a lot of these people in this community being children, although we think what they are doing is dangerous and harmful, We would rather not direct harassment towards children. That being said, please do not harass anyone. (Also wanting to add, we are not anti-BIID, BIID is a completely separate thing.)
”Narcissistic/Borderline/ect abuse” People with personality disorders can be abusive like anyone else can, but the idea of “[PD] abuse” is just to villainies those with Personality Disorders. This stops making sense when you change the disorder. (Example: “Post-Traumatic abuse” this sounds over the top, but we have legitimately seen someone say this.)
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day, and remember you are doing great.
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pass1onepr1ncess · 2 months
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New Pinned Post!
Starting with everything you need to know about me! Or should I say us! We're a DID System who uses "The Arcade System" as a way to collectively refer to ourselves, but you can just call us Arcade if that's easier! We're bodily 20 years old, trans and queer in multiple different directions depending on the alter, and physically and mentally disabled (Primarly AuDHD, BPD, and some unlabeled joint issues we haven't found a name for).
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As for me specifically, I'm the host of the system! My name is Trish and as you've probably already guessed if you're a fellow Jojo fan I'm a fictive of Trish Una from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5; Vento Aureo/Golden Wind! I'm the same age as the body, and I'm a happily taken genderqueer lesbian! Since I use the body's birthday as opposed to my canon birthday in source, I'm a leo!
It's mostly me on this blog, but Hot Pants fronts and will post every once in a blue moon. While this is mainly a Jojo blog right now, I post about and reblog a lot of content specifically about Vento Aureo, Purple Haze Feedback, and Steel Ball Run! A couple of the other fandoms I post about sometimes are Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Homestuck, Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous, and Danganronpa!
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Most of our posts are ramblings and infodumping, but we also post fanfics, media analysis, and digital art! Occasionally, you'll even see some cosplays! We have art commissions open pretty much at all times, but you can always check in the inbox if you're unsure! Our comms post is here for extra info!
Rambles and Text Posts: #trish rambles
Asks: #asks
Fanfiction links and/or Snippets: #fanfic
Art: #my art or #arcade art
Cosplays: #cosplay
I'm also the moderator behind both @askphf and @ask-dinopants!
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Some other things to note: I don't tolerate hate or harassment. If I say something wrong or worded a post incorrectly, educate me. Don't scream at me. On that note, proshippers leave me the fuck alone. I'm not gonna go around hunting you down for the sole purpose of harassing you, but I do NOT fuck with your crowd. This includes JonaDio, DioPucci, GioMis, etc. Also uber specific, but I don't like Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss or whatever other media that horrible woman creates. I don't mind if you like it and again I'm not gonna go tracking other people down for it, but I just don't personally want it in my space.
Other than that, feel free to interact! I'm always open to asks and talking about almost anything, including questions about Source Memories or our plurality as a whole! Obviously there are some questions and topics that I want to avoid, but I'll just say that much if it comes up lol.
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relaxxattack · 2 years
hey, so i still havent read knifetrick yet, but i saw the post you reblogged about it being about capitalism's treatment of disabled people. im aware that this is just one interpretation of your work, but did you consciously make decisions about what messages to send within your story? did you purposefully include imagery or motifs or references or anything else to create a particular theme or idea?
im wondering because im making my own story, and im curious about what others put into theirs. i have a few key ideas i want to send with it, so i'm trying to tie all my characters and their arcs and the symbols and everything in my story to it. my brand of autism tends towards the "everything MUST have a logic to it!" and this is an obvious influence on it, but i still also think it's worth putting a lot of thought into it because theyre ideas i really care about. i want curious readers to be able to look into my story and see how it all ties together, and i want to impart messages of compassion onto my general audience as well. i think that all art has messages within it, whether personal or otherwise, and by being aware of what those are you can create a stronger and more cohesive story. at least thematically. if that is what someone wants to do, of course.
i know knifetrick is a story you started for fun. there is absolutely value in that (in your own joy) and i dont think art without intentional purposes or messages is inferior in any way. but did you ever get an idea for an overarching message in your mind, and implement it? its cool if you didnt, or if you did but dont want to say what it is too btw lol. im kinda just looking for the experience & thoughts another author had with their own thing. (i am very nervous sending this ask. i hope i dont sound like im jumping the gun.)
do not feel bad for asking this question, i'm always down to talk about my written works, even if it takes me a bit to collect my thoughts and figure out a response. yes, the truth is i went into knifetrick from the start with a lesson/moral i wanted to explore and teach. a fun fact about me is that i have several younger siblings, who are often being taught things i personally don't agree with. having conversations with them about what is really "right" or "moral" is awkward and not really doable. but stories and characters have always been a good and safe way for us to have this discussion-- why did this character do that thing, what makes this bad guy bad, and so on. this is why with writing i don't just like to tell a story, but i also like to teach a lesson. as patronizing as that sounds, i kind of just think it's pleasing when stories have a good moral behind them. although they don't need to for me to enjoy them. but back to the actual topic, yes. i did intentionally choose to explore the idea of capitalism's failure of certain groups of people in my story. that is what the main plot is actually wrapped around-- there's the obvious struggle with the main character, ran. he is physically and mentally disabled, he is treated differently than his peers. in a way he is fed from a young age the idea that the only way he can be considered equal to everyone else is to have a use to other people; to be the hardest working member of the order. his society encourages this worldview so that they can take advantage of him, but they don't actually care about him at all. they would discard him if he stopped being useful to them. the second example of this is the other main character, jackie. jackie's society also failed to take care of him-- he was orphaned, and then immediately lacked a support system of any kind, personal or governmental. he turned to a life of crime to make ends meet and repress his emotions, but all that did was eventually make his severe depression worse and manifest itself in a lot of anger issues and lashing out. by the time ran meets jackie, he's attempting to turn over a new leaf and take this opportunity he's been given to make an honest living; jackie cares a great deal about the people around him. the missing children are failed by society in the fact that they go missing in the first place, and nobody has bothered to try and find them (although the blame for that rests mainly on watson's shoulders, seeing as he tricked the king into thinking that was being solved). scoots and clem are failed by society as well- scoots is denied the job she actually wants to have due to her disability, and they are very poor. obviously this is made worse when clem goes missing, and since no one else is doing anything, scoots stops working to look for her sister. possibly the most obvious examples i can think of are maia snail and laggius maximus. maia's children are both autistic, with one of the two showing much more severe symptoms than the other. she's dealt with this in the way she best can as a mother, which is give them things they can comfortably work on to get their energy out and be helpful without having to do anything they don't like. society fails them as well, in that laggius is killed in the pit. but the more important part of their story is something snail tells ran: "i would have loved my brother even if he was never useful a day in his life, because he deserves it". essentially all throughout knifetrick, especially through ran, we are shown this idea of usefulness as equivalent to worth; i.e. how capitalism teaches us to view ourselves. we are shown how faulty of a system that is through the various characters. eventually ran realizes that he does not actually have to do anything useful to be worthy of existence, comfort, or love, and that is the sort of “end moral” of the narrative. ran ditches the council, showing that he knows his own worth and refuses to be tied to people who only ever hurt him, and then jackie helps the king start to reform subbin’s systems so that less people will fall through the cracks as he did.
so yes, that is essentially how i explored the idea of capitalism failing disabled people through knifetrick. there’s likely more stuff that i forgot but that’s what i remember off my head right now. anything anyone else sees in knifetrick about this topic is probably fair as well, death of the author and all that. this is what i intended while writing but other people might have seen more things in other characters that i didn’t think of too hard.
i hope that helps.
(bonus: firefox completely froze while i was at the end of this ask and made me fear for my fucking life. it took so much waiting and minimizing the program before i could safely save this to my drafts and then close firefox. terrifying.)
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overheaven · 1 month
bleh i’ll probably delete this l8r it’s just tumblr users making me upset lol
the ‘i don’t listen to rap music’ thing that’s happening here is SO embarrassing, it’s like 2006-ass discourse and yeah everyone could stand to shut up a bit LOL but i saw the latest version of that big post that’s going around now has a screenshot of someone admitting they’re afraid of their echolalia picking up slurs in rap music and now there’s a bunch of “if you say a slur it’s not that autism it’s you pal” n stuff in the tags and that’s my least favorite type of tumblr ableism like yeah yeah whatever it’s easy to twist that person’s comments into “i can’t listen to rap because i’m autistic” for dunking purposes but. that is not what they said. fear of echolalia or verbal tics or even just intrusive thoughts picking up stuff like that is a real thing. “i get intrusive thoughts that are slurs but i don’t say it!!” good for u! but your experience with intrusive thoughts isn’t universal and intrusive thoughts aren’t the same as having echolalia, coprolalia, or verbal tics.
BUT!! even more than hating that type of ableism, in the screenshot of that person saying they’re afraid of their echolalia picking up slurs... they literally list their fave hip hop/rap artists & nu metal bands, which i looked up and they are all black musicians (or have black band members)!! yeah i personally probably wouldn’t have phrased it the same way if i were that person but they’re clearly not trying to use it as an excuse to not give the genre or black artists a try? i thought the joke was shaming white people for being biased, challenging preconceived racist notions about whole music genres, and trying to encourage people to expand their musical interests to things that are not just white or white people-approved? clearly this person likes black musicians & rap or music with rap elements so what are we doing with dunking on them aside from making someone feel more anxious and insecure about their disability? there was a tag saying “just find music that doesn’t have slurs!!” they clearly did and you’re just admitting you don’t know the artists they recommended and you couldn’t be assed to look them up! (side note they sounded cool so at least i got some new music out of this!!)
i’ll take that person admitting to their fear in a kind of heavy-handed way and recommending artists i’ve never heard of over the “i’m the only white girl that listens to rap <3 i love childish gambino” reblog LOL???
i’ve been seeing posts that compliment this ongoing embarrassment that are like “you don’t have to like rap music, but you should engage with black musicians and genres; try jazz, try blues, etc etc” which! yes! absolutely! like. look we have a person who has done that and found that hip hop and nu metal or music with rap elements by black artists are more their style than stuff categorized as rap. yet they’re up getting roasted in the hall of shame alongside the “i like hamilton” people and that just feels mean-spirited. idk. just makes me sad.
but i rly shouldn’t be surprised because assuming the worst in others and living out high school bully fantasies is just the tumblr way lollllll
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gentle-positivity · 6 months
That was possibly the worst response to someone with obvious depression that I’ve ever seen in my life. Seriously what are you thinking? The VERY LAST THING that someone who’s looking for solutions wants to hear is some useless, and I do mean, USELESS, euphemism. “Hey I’m holding a blade to my wrists, gonna end it all!” “Lol have you tried not being sad?” And then you have the gall to reblog it?? Shameful. Please disable your page.
wow. bringing nice energy to the new year, huh. and a lack of reading comprehension? damn. hi ya 💥
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Anywho, for clarification purposes, I'll say that I wasn't saying 'just be happy'. My whole schtick is that it's okay to be not okay. I'm saying there are things you're able to appreciate and be proud of, even if you have/did jack diddly squat. don't put words in my mouth.
aand I don't think I'm licensed to be giving any solutions to mental health issues. considering there aren't any soundproof solutions, anyway. and I'm only a freshly grown adult. woo. 🤷
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ultrastupid · 11 months
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My pinned post: Hello, my name is Echo! I come in relative peace. My dysgraphia will leave me making all sorts of typos, so be ready for that lol.
If you're curious about things like my queer labels, pronouns, names, and just what I have that makes me disabled and mentally ill, you can click here.
I have been on tumblr since 2011 originally, and have been using a secret account to follow and like and reblog posts that has no connection to me lmao, since about 2015. I guess I got tired of doing that and now I am here as myself.
Main fandoms are: No Straight Roads, Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss), Welcome Home, Cult of the Lamb, and Steven Universe right now.
I am sir-swears-a-lot, just warning in case you don't like a lot of swearing! Also, sometimes I spam reblog from my mutuals or people I follow, just a warning!
Click/tap the read more for boundaries, my main tags (plus tags you can use for filtering if you have triggers, squicks, phobias, or just don't want to see me post about certain things!), and misc info!
I have a queue set up to post 12 posts per day, and I shuffle it 3 times after I get done adding more to it. The blog pretty much runs on it now.
LAST UPDATED: June 9th, 2024 (06/09/24)
I hate DNIs because they don't really work, but I will let you know what types of people I tend to block! Some of these have a higher chance of being blocked than others!
Minors (This blog is nsfw and at most has an "nsft tw" tag on SOME posts, minors get DA BOOT)
Queer exclusionists (I'm everything you hate, also anyone who uses TME/TMA to describe themselves and others gets DA BOOT)
System exclusionists/sysmeds (I'm both a traumagenic system who was diagnosed professionally in childhood, AND an endogenic system, eat DA BOOT)
Ableists/sanists (I'm a bipolar borderline psychotic schizo crippled bitch, fuck all the way off and get stomped by DA BOOT)
Anti(shippers) (I'm the scary proshit that you were warned about, ooky spooky! You get DA BOOT extra hard since you tend to be deplorable people who value pixels over REAL fucking lives!)
Pro-c/neu-c for non-consensual paraphilias/The Big Three (I support anti-c paraphiles and also pro/neu paraphilies getting help and allow for anti-c's to interact with me, if you don't like that, DA BOOT is waiting xoxo)
Anti-Satanists, or anyone who believes in SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and related terms/conspiracy theories (Hello, I am a practicing Satanist! Hi! Get DA BOOT)
Also generally if you have rancid vibes or I feel impending doom when I look at your blog or replies, you get blocked (And of course DA BOOT)
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System-related stuff: Click here for more detailed info about my system! Below are tags that my alters use:
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My main Ao3 is indeed my tumblr username. The real "social media" place that I use most is a mastodon instance, you can find that in my linktree on Ao3 if you're brave enough (and 18 years or older) lol. I am completely unfiltered on there, so be careful and stay safe!
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Tags for reblogs (and maybe posts) in case you need to filter (not all tags are listed her btw):
#Q = Queued posts, aka what this blog runs on
#discourse tw = Most forms of discourse
#shipcourse tw = Ship discourse specifically
#ableism tw = Discourse, but ableism focused
#queerphobia tw = Discourse, but queerphobia/exclusionist focused
#racism tw = Discourse, but racism focused
#sexism tw = Discourse, but sexism focused
#current events tw = For (mostly USA) politics, wars, genocides
#traumacore tw = Traumacore/ventcore related things
#mental health tw = Mostly dark humor relating to mental health
#abuse tw = Mentions of abuse (relationships, child, etc)
#drugs tw = Drugs and drug mentions (regardless of use purpose)
#rapid switching images tw = Rapid switching images (for epilepsy)
#flashing lights tw = Flashing lights (for epilepsy)
#shaking images tw = Rapidly shaking images (for epilepsy)
#eyestrain tw = Bright colors, optical illusions
#loud sound tw = Loud audio, typically sudden
#ai tw = AI-generated images/video/whatever else
#insect tw = Any bug or bug-like thing, so spiders included
#sea creature tw = Fish, sea creatures (seaslugs, octopus, etc)
#rodent tw = Rodents (rats, mice, squirrels, etc)
#bird tw = Avians, flying or otherwise
#bat tw = Real/realistic bats
#reptile tw = Reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc)
#amphibian tw = Amphibians (Frogs, salamanders, etc)
#dog tw = Canines in general, so yes wolves are included
#horror tw = General horror tag (body, psychological, etc)
#trypophobia tw = Clusters of holes
#scopophobia tw = Eyes that are staring
#dead dove tw = The "typical" problematic themes
#gore tw = Gore, guro, etc, lots of blood here
#nsft tw = "Not safe for tumblr", aka nsfw or suggestive stuff
#PSA = For important stuff. Tends to have other TW tags on it too!
#mutual aid = Mutual aid reblogs, self-explanatory
#polls = Polls, both ones still going or done
#the dream = An eclectic tag that can mean many things tbh
#reblog bait tw = Stuff that can be considered "reblog bait"
#AOE = Psychic AOE damage (aka cursed, usually NSFT posts)
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Specific fandom tags I use because I am too scared of getting dogpiled while using main fandom tags:
#En Es Ar = NSR (No Straight Roads) #Double U Aitch = WH (Welcome Home) #Aitch Aitch = HH (Hazbin Hotel) #Aitch Bee = HB (Helluva Boss) #Sea Oh Tee El = COTL (Cult of the Lamb)
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Tags for my own purpose, typically text posts I make.
#burntembers.txt is my tag for text posts or general rambles and general stuff. Will use this a lot when making text posts!
#warmembers.txt is for nsfw rambles/talk, maybe some links to Ao3 stories if I'm feeling brave haha.
#sparkingembers.txt is for ranting/rambling about disabilities, mental illnesses/disorders, and general neurodivergent shit.
#moltenembers.txt is for fandom related talk/content. Typically me blabbing about headcanons and general deranged shit lmao.
#snuffedembers.txt is for ranting/rambling, discourse related things, and general venting. Because why not, why not?
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rileyshahar · 2 years
Writeblr Introduction
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Hello hello! I'm Riley Shahar (they/them or ze/zir), old to tumblr but new to writeblr and looking to make some writer friends :) Especially to help get through NaNo, lol. Feel free to come chat with me anytime you'd like!
I'm a mid-20s genderqueer lesbian who mostly writes (dark) fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, with a focus on queer, disabled, and/or Jewish characters. Also, characters with Issues. Feral freaks (affectionate). "Poor little meow meows," as the kids say. Always a lover of a good redemption arc.
I'm forever the victim of shiny new idea syndrome, currently wrangling multiple novels and short stories and begging my brain to finish one. In addition to writing, I also enjoy folk ballads, Dungeons & Dragons, tea, goth music, cats, bdsm, kpop, and getting lost in the woods by my house.
My blog is 18+ as I write sexual content and dark themes!
Current Novels in Progress:
#PiratesWIP: Dark Fantasy. Luca, a navy sailor, has turned twenty years old, meaning it's time to visit the oracle and see which of seven deities has chosen him as a devotee. He assumes he'll be picked by the God of Death, as his well-respected parents and brother were before him. Instead, he earns the mark of a disgraced Goddess who has supposedly been dead for a thousand years -- executed by Her husband, the God of Death Himself. While fleeing, Luca is kidnapped by pirates, led by a captain still devoted to the fallen Goddess despite the futility and illegality of worshiping Her. The captain intends to kill Luca, but when he sees the fresh mark of his Goddess on the sailor's skin, he instead brings Luca along on a harrowing journey to resurrect Her.
#MorticianWIP: Supernatural Horror. A Jewish trans man goes back to his late mother's Appalachian hometown with a grant to research a disturbing anomaly in the local wildlife. Doing so brings back his unwelcome childhood ability to see ghosts, and has him crossing paths with the shy mortician of the local funeral home. The researcher falls hard and fast for this mortician, despite the growing evidence that he may be dangerous, and something more than a mortal man, and could even be playing a part in the wildlife corrupting around them.
#TheaterWIP: Dark Fantasy. When they were thirteen, Elec's identical twin sister Zuli was scouted by the world's most prestigious theater and left home to train with them. A decade later, Elec lives a blissfully simple life in their home village, while Zuli is a successful actress abroad, famous for her role as the main villain in an ongoing story told through weekly performances. When Zuli goes missing, Elec is asked to come to the theater and take her place in performances until she's found. They agree for the sole purpose of discovering what happened to their sister. As they learn to live and breathe the arts the same way Zuli did, Elec comes to find the playhouse apparently haunted; and not by the spirit of Zuli, but by the spirit of the fictional villain she played.
(Those are just the ones I'm actively writing, you might see more tags pop up for my dozen other ideas lmao)
If you think we have a thing or two in common, please like or reblog this post! I'm looking for cool folks and blogs to follow. :)
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bearballing · 2 years
that post i reblogged with the angie jackson quote made me remember a thing. i happened to see a post on nextdoor a couple weeks ago, a woman asking for donations like any other donation post you see on here or twitter. disabled husband, two kids, recently homeless and living out of their car. she started the post saying how she hates to have to ask like this and like says she will post proof of doctors bills and eviction notices and all that. being a reasonable person and because i had the means to, i sent her a bit of money.
80% of the comments were accusing her of scamming people (one dipshit even thought cashapp was something she made herself for this purpose). 15% were people being like “call this number” with her replying she did and xyz reason she was ineligible for help. the other 5% was me saying “pretty obvious nobody in this thread has ever been homeless or close to it. [some reasons why it’s so hard to live these days]”, with replies like “SORRY BUDDY YOU GOT SCAMMED!” and “lol it’s actually because nobody wants to work these days” and i swear on my life an actual real live guy who said “i was homeless once and i bought bulk ingredients for lemonade and ran a lemonade stand over a weekend and made $500 and then i could afford to not be homeless”. sir was your lemonade stand in a 1950s cartoon? jesus h christ
just the sheer amount of cunts who thought she was lying. she understandably got super mad after the 68596th comment and ended up replying to every accusation with pictures of bills and stuff. then the thread was deleted. like this isn’t even one of the rich retiree areas, this is one of the normal people in normal houses with no HOAs areas. you’d think they’d be maybe a LITTLE less like that?????
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About Me Post? and a convo, some thoughts
Idk time for this ig L -i’m gonna be editing so this is a RD cause this account is old and just needs a disclaimer lol
im 20 and a college student (sociology ftw)
i’ve been working with LGBT+ communities in my area since i was 15 and have been running a GSA on my college campus for 2 years. so i have the real life experience and am getting more of it every day. I might talk more about that experience later.
i’m a disabled, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer, polyamorous (relationship anarchist), loser of a "man" with a lot of “issues” but way to much fight in me to let me go anywhere
this account is old and dates back from my “radmed” days, i’ve changed a lot. i still don’t hold disdain for those that keep themselves busy with the inclusionist/exclusionist debates but i find their individual communities to each have their own purposes. in the discourse i would consider myself a "revisionist" - tho i havent seen this term used, ive seen similar conversations - in about how both sides come to more agreements than not and its all a fight over semantics i do not support any harassment, bullying, or undermining of larger causes. step back from it all to see we’re all fighting for the liberation of us all, *regardless* of anything the semantics be damned. cause guess what it’s all the same in the end.
i will not be removing “transmedical” or exclusionist posts from this side blog just as i will continue to post what i want to it and start to bring my voice into the crowd now and then. i am not inherently against any good faith labels, so dont claim that i am
do not speak on my opinions based on what i reblog, i do not always reblog things in agreement, but rather in reflection. everyone should reflect on every piece of information they see.
okay that’s all for now? maybe more to come.
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dontbelasagnax · 10 months
Did you reblog that goblin post so many times in purpose? (If you did, I'm sorry you are suffering! I'm sending hugs)
Oh, yeah, that was on purpose lol! Thanks for the hugs, it's just a bit of a disabled mood haha <3
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I had a horrible breakdown yesterday because I was late for something, but then, when I had finally calmed down some, something specifically made me feel so much better :)
My dad asked me if I wanted to go to a concert with him (very nice in and of itself, but it's not the point here, though it will be fun I'm sure)
He said he emailed the venue to ask about seating options due to my HSD :'))
Skin watered, crops cleared 😌😌😌
That made me feel so many emotions that like I can't even explain it
I am living my best life :'DD <33
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that d*ke-crossing blog gives me bad vibes.. (not against his reclamation of the word, I just don’t feel comfortable using it as a non-lesbian)... ey responded to that ask saying ey’re a hater in a non-serious tone, but with nothing even in the tags to prove that, so now I’m just forced to take em that hir word. Like, the way he speaks about a lot of things has a tone ambiguous enough that he *could* be a fan, but with that ask you’re just forced to assume everything they say about mcyt is with malicious intent, even though it’s clear ey’re not entirely serious, because ey didn’t explicitly say that.
And in that context, pretty much every single post hy’ve made about the mcyt/dsmp fandom is just. mocking it for clout. but in a way that gets the fandom itself to give hym clout; utilizing the mcyt fandom’s invulnerability to being called cringe and enjoyment of mocking haters back (ex. psmp). Hir entire attitude toward the fandom is “ew cringe” and we just. let that slide because it’s funny? But it’s not. It’s the definition of “toxic”.
edit: this is back on my mind and someone else sent them a serious of asks with my same confusion and they refused to clarify, responding jokingly each time. Like just say what you fking mean!!
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campyvillain · 3 years
Hey guys just letting you know - if you see my twf art on redbubble up for purchase, that isn’t me selling it. I don’t have a means of receiving any payment online and to date I never have, so there isn’t any way I could set up a means of selling my artwork whatsoever. Anyone selling my artwork is not to be trusted, and for the record, no, I do not and never would give someone else the go ahead to sell my own work. The only one I’d feel safe with selling my art is myself. The people selling my art on redbubble have not reached out to me in advance for permission to use my work and for all intents and purposes they are stealing my artwork and using it for their own profit. This revelation is extra upsetting to me because without a storefront to sell stuff on, there’s no official alternative I can offer to this. I cant receive compensation for this. I know art theft on redbubble is as common as seeing fish in the ocean but this stings a lot more considering my art gets stolen/used without credit all the time but at least then there’s the chance I can reach out to the person using my art to get them to either take it down or credit me. I cannot do such a thing in this case, and even if I could, I’m on vacation with my family and I don’t have the time to worry about this sort of stuff. So the most I can do is make you all aware of the different art styles and indicators of my art so you can spot people stealing my content more easier.
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Style 1
vibrant/dulled vibrant colors (this can vary from piece to piece)
chunky, thick outlines
very angular and cartoonish
this is my main style as it’s easier to draw in
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Style 2
simplified, limited color palette
big cartoony eyes with smaller pupils that can often look exaggerated to push the expression of the drawing
softer more rounded body proportions, designs have a clear use of shape and are very simplified
thin-medium sized lines
shading and lineart often done in greys
warm tones
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Style 3
semi-realistic yet still cartoony proportions
shares a lot with style 2 (same color palette, warm tones, grey shading, has a “soft” look)
painterly, fully rendered, lineless style
lush expansive toned-down colors with lots of red typically included
dreamlike, surrealistic imagery
use of blockier shapes
This is nowhere near all the styles I use as I tend to switch things up a lot, these are just the styles whose pieces get a lot of notes (often in the thousands) and therefore have a higher risk of being stolen and used for profit without my knowledge.
Another thing you should note is that nearly all of my art contains a signature - it’s really simple, it’s just the first initial of my name, Jack, stylized as “J.” with a dot at the end. This is how you can tell that a piece was made by me.
Thankfully, it’s also something a lot of these resellers tend to forget to crop out.
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Idk how to end a post like this because i am not used to this type of situation happening to me. Again at the time of writing I’m on a vacation with my family so I don’t want to have to think about this, and I can’t really get involved anyway. So if you browse redbubble (and i’m not familiar with how redbubble works) I ask that if you see my work under a name that is not me, find a way to report it and get it removed.
Even if you’re not a fan of twf or you’re just a mutual of mine I encourage you to share this post around, as I’m a poor disabled nd trans artist and I need all the recognition and credit I can get from my work. Also instead of buying uncredited work you can just like….reblog my art instead? LOL i dunno. I just hope this situation gets resolved quickly as I’m so fucking tired of not getting credit for my work -_-
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simonalkenmayer · 3 years
lol why do you comment on reblogs instead of in the tags
lol why do you feel the need to police people and waste your time by going to their inbox and leaving anonymous asks that serve no purpose except to stroke your fragile ego?
Answer to your question: Because I’ve been here for almost 7 years (since you were in junior high school) and that etiquette is not only new, but disabling the full potential of the platform. The purpose of Reblog is to add what you want so that it creates a new and interesting or entertaining chain. Commenting on the tags erases the ability to make interesting conversation without the additional step of a screenshot of notes, which would then require image descriptions and so on. If you don’t like that, then either block me so that you cannot see my additions, or shut off notifications for the post. If you don’t like that feature, then I suggest you leave the platform.
Answer to my question: because you’re far more rude than I.
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