#disaster crew
sodamnbored · 15 days
Leo: *dazed after a spanner hits him on the head*
Nico: If it’s a concussion you have to keep him conscious. Ask him questions.
Jason: What’s seven times seven?
Nico: No, you gotta ask him stuff he knows!
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prankprincess123 · 1 year
I find it really funny that in Star Wars, Han is canonically about the same age as Kanan & Hera (only a few years younger even in old canon), but because of how they grew up they veiw people 10y younger than them completely opposite ways.
Like Kanan & Hera grew up in active war zones with Generals as parents. They were forced to grow up FAST. They had to be functionally adults before they got a chance to be teenagers. And resultingly they look at anyone young enough to not remember the Clone Wars as babies. They see an angry Mandalorian teenager as the toddler she was in the Clone Wars, drawing on walls to express emotions she can't otherwise express. They see a force sensitive street rat as the tiny crecheling who wasn't even born till the final days, and wouldn’t have even entered the temple until a few years after the war, but who would have ended up his Padawan eventually anyway. And they adopt both in a heartbeat. They're in their 20s and see these teenagers, and are just like "Ah yes, our kids," and they are VERY much parental figures with an obvious generational gap.
But while Han does remember the Clone Wars vividly, he wasn't on or anywhere near the front lines. And he didn't have anyone actively raising him. He didn't have a chance to grow up and got stuck in a mental standstill during adolescence. So he looks at Luke & Leia, and he sees peers. It doesn't matter that he lived through an entire war before they were born, cause he sees very little difference between that one and the one they're currently in. He sees them as his own age group just a little younger and treats them accordingly. He treats them as friends and equals. Leia isn't a kid in his eyes, she's a spitfire woman who has seen more war than he has. And there's a little bit of big-brother-ing to Luke - but more based on Luke's naïvety than age. Theres nothing to suggest he views any real age gap between them, let alone a generational one.
But they're still the same age, and from what we see of their interactions are very much peers and friendly rivals themselves. Which makes me laugh at the confusion Han would react with to realizing that Hera's children are older (even if only by 2 days) than the twins and childhood friends with Leia...
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dimdiamond · 1 month
I started it as a joke based on this post but it went out of my hands as every project ever got into my hands.
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Part: 1 / 2 / 3 (Speech bubbles in alt text)
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timetodiverge · 8 months
Ahsoka browsing the Ghost crew for potential apprentices
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maize-is-lost · 1 year
Pikmin 4 au where instead of landing near the S.S. Shepard you land near wherever Leafling Olimar hangs out and instead of developing your fun little found family with your crewmates you're out in the wilderness reenacting Survivor with every castaway you pick up and this Leafling guy who wakes you up everyday at 4 am like "Wake up kid it's Dandori or Death" and keeps trying to convince you and everyone you rescue to embrace the leaves
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nocternalrandomness · 8 months
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In remembrance of the crew of STS-107
The mission was commanded by Rick Husband, who was a colonel in the U.S. Air Force and a test pilot. He had previously flown on STS-96 The mission's pilot was William McCool, a U.S. Navy commander who was on his first spaceflight. The payload commander was Michael Anderson, a U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel who had previously flown on STS-89. Kalpana Chawla served as the flight engineer; she had previously flown on STS-87. David Brown and Laurel Clark, both Navy captains, flew as the mission specialists on their first spaceflights. Ilan Ramon, a colonel in the Israeli Air Force and the first Israeli astronaut, flew as a payload specialist.
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anicehomicidaltree · 7 months
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I saw a reference and it was so Kyborg core I just had to
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“I had an overall arc that in mind that [JJ Abrams] wanted to do,” Driver continued. “His idea was that [Kylo’s] journey was the opposite journey of Vader, where Vader starts the most confident and the most committed to the dark side. And then by the last movie, he’s the most vulnerable and weak. He wanted to start with the opposite. This character was the most confused and vulnerable, and by the end of the three movies, he would be the most committed to the dark side. I tried to keep that arc in mind, regardless if that wound up not being the journey anyway, because it changed while shooting. But I was still focused on that.”
“The last one, it changed into being, you know, about them and the dyad, and things like that,” Driver said. “And evolving into Ben Solo. That was never a part of it. He was Ben Solo from the beginning, but there was never a version where we’d see Ben Solo when I first signed up for it.”
Daisy Ridley revealed back in 2020 that her character, Rey, started out as having a connection to none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi before she ended up not having any connection to a pre-existing character in “The Last Jedi.” That was then retconned in “The Rise of Skywalker,” when Rey was revealed as a descendant of Emperor Palpatine.
“At the beginning there was toying with like an Obi-Wan connection,” Ridley said at the time. “There were like different versions, and then it really went to that she was no one. Then it came to Episode IX and J.J. pitched me the film and was like, ‘Oh yeah, Palpatine’s grandaughter.” I was like, ‘Awesome!’ Then two weeks later he was like, ‘Oh, we’re not sure.’ So it kept changing. Even as we were filming I wasn’t sure what the answer was going to be.”
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this is what a shitshow production looks like, kids. not the actors' faults, it's allllll on the people upstairs. but this right here?.....this is what a shitshow looks like. 🫠
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sodamnbored · 1 month
Arguing about the death prophecy again:
Jason, finally: No arguing. This time - it’s gonna be me.
Leo, rolling his eyes: Okay, okay. You don’t need to get all NSYNC about it.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Meeting of Team Avatars
Krew (Korra), Gaang (Aang), Kompany (Kyoshi), Yircle (Yangchen), and Krowd (Kuruk).
Yangchen: *looking at Krew, Gaang, Kompany* Oh my god.... My prayers didn't work. Kyoshi: What? Yangchen: Especially you. You're the worst offender! Kyoshi: What???? Yangchen: Don't worry about it.
Krew: Omg it's the Gaang! Oh you guys are LEGENDARY! Gaang: This is amazing! So everything has been going well since we left you in charge? Krew: Wouldn't say "well" but we're doing what we can.... Gaang: I get it, totally! Yircle: So theses are the famous "team Avatars?" Should we even be called one? We're more like a spy group. Kompany: That. Is. So. COOL! W-we also do jobs too! Breaking and entering and other sabotage! Gaang: And who are you guys? Kompany: We're the Flying Opera Company (plus old people allies). We're Kyoshi's team. Krew: No WAY! I always thought Kyoshi would just have a mini army of Kyoshi Warriors! Kompany: A what of what now? Krowd: Haha! So you're who takes over after us? Well nice to meet you-wait why does your firebender have Hei-Ran's face. Rangi: God....DAMN it..... Krowd: What was that? Rangi/Kompany: I said stay THE FUCK away from us. Krowd: ????? O_O Huh?
Kyoshi: This is going to be a disaster.
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acewizardinspace · 1 year
Time travel AU where Kanan gets a message from Ezra that he is doing some reckless/dangerous thing and says something like, "I was never like this as a kid."
Only for Depa to immediately get a message from Caleb that he is with Ezra doing the reckless/dangerous thing.
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Ahsoka & Sabine: Don't worry Kanan, this plan is:
Sabine: Self destructive.
Ahsoka: Absolutely over the top.
Sabine: Fear endorsing.
Ahsoka: Eventually deadly.
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fishareglorious · 7 months
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one full block of text that's just Matilda being a lesbian disaster (in full french mind you). i love this french duck.
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vaguely-concerned · 8 months
man I'm still thinking about just how cool stray gods is. it took what I find to be one of the most interesting features of Dragon Age 2 (Hawke's personality types, consistent even outside your active dialogue choices) and went 'yeah that's cool but watch me I'm going to do that again, backwards and in heels and with a soundtrack of such dizzying scale and modularity you could pick it over for hundreds of hours to find every nuance'. and I just think that's neat.
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bithegai · 8 months
i was FULLY unprepared for the return of the stress-iskall-false-ren squad but now that it's back i am going to combust
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scribefindegil · 1 year
I queued that last post a few days ago but it's great timing because I started my reread of Sword today and just got to Seivarden's Most Awkward Breakfast Conversation. she is suffering so much. it's great.
Like on the one hand the way that they're constantly talking at cross-purposes--because Breq can't believe that Seivarden cares about her except as a tie to the past and the memory of a thing she no longer is (because of course she's not a *person* but she's not really a ship anymore either), and Seivarden can't ask for any kind of intimacy that falls outside the paradigm of a patron/client relationship which Breq can't provide--is extremely compelling and kind of tragic. But also Seivarden's hopeless pining that Breq is utterly oblivious to is SO funny.
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