#discourse is scary...
revvethasmythh · 2 months
You know, I think there's something so, so insidious to the idea that Orym's perspective of the Vanguard is "flawed/human" or that him repeatedly reminding his friends what the Vanguard does (kill innocents to achieve their means) "blocks nuance" in the conversation, etc, because it implies that, in this mythical "objective" perspective that apparently exists, the Vanguard aren't so bad. If only Orym could put aside his petty grievances, such as the murder of his father and husband, and let people be nuanced about this situation, he'd see there's two sides to this story. And why discount the Vanguard's perspective just because *checks notes* they're a massive, manipulative cult that preys on vulnerable people to join their ranks and turns them to violence, or that they work with a centuries-old fascist eugenicist literally mind-controlling psychic government with the goal of freeing a creature that could very well destroy the world as we know it and even if it doesn't, will leave an enormous power vacuum for that fascist government to potentially occupy when they invade Exandria?
I think there's some misconception people have that they think war shouldn't ever be personal and if it does become personal for someone then their logic is too clouded by their feelings to see the situation clearly, just automatically. And perhaps sometimes, in some contexts, this can be true! But not here. It's actually quite cut and dried that Orym's "flawed, human" perspective is the one reminding everyone of the human cost to Ludinus' grand plans, all in the name of so called "progress"
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apdreadful · 1 month
Well God Forbid Buck have a healthy long term relationship with a stable, understanding, well adjusted man who clearly is into him, has ties to the 118 without any potential messiness that would occur with still being AT the 118 (meaning he understands the job)..A man who clearly makes him very happy.
When he could instead mess around with his best friend who works with him and has given no actual indication he’s into dick..let alone Buck’s dick.
A best friend who has clearly shown that he would definitely struggle with self acceptance if he were to question his own sexuality.
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iintervallum · 11 months
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scary sketches
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horseshoemybeloved · 1 year
Why does non lesbians sapphic art always look like this
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Why is it always
“ oh uh… um woman ❤️ wow I love, I uh I Love women…🥺….. wow I love queer sapphic wlws all they do is sit in meadows and play with each others hair…. Nothing eecky and gross like hairy stinky lesbo secc 🤢…. Just dainty small white women being dainty and small and feminine and so wlw sapphic 🥺🥺🥺”
“ this is my MEAN and EVIL SCARY ASS LESBO OC who is SCARY omg STEP ON ME MOMMY she is such a BITCH who is also a MURDER who MURDERS MEN bcus she’s EVIL SCARY LESBO xoxo I love lesbians!!”
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aro-aceattorney · 1 month
almost every story can be improved by having a bitchy evil teenage girl in it
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kenny-pilled · 16 days
Hey antis on tiktok!! Someone drawing themselves literally killing an actual real life persons little sibling is not the same as proship art and comparing those things is literally fucking insane. Hope this helps!!!
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hotdrinks · 1 month
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girlinlavender · 2 months
can we stop pretending that the internet’s insane vendetta against morally gray women in fiction isn’t deeply and intrinsically rooted in misogyny??
listen. not coming for any male morally gray/villainous characters, they still slay, but the way y’all actually come for ANY female characters who are even a little bit bad SO HARD???
it’s fucking wild. there is nothing wrong with disliking a character because they’ve commited crimes or whatever. cool cool. people have different tastes and i get it. but pls don’t come for anyone who does. it’s fiction. people will literally say that if you enjoy, for example, catra’s character from she-ra or princess bubblegum from adventure time that you are JUSTIFYING ABUSE ?? girl.
sometimes we all need to take a deep breath, and remind ourselves that this is fiction. they are not real people. liking a character who does a lil bit of murder is NOT the same thing as justifying those actions.
go touch grass. with love <3
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kaiasky · 3 months
i think a lot of the notes on that "stemlords are nazis" post (not the post itself, but like the notes going 'yeah, the engineers at my school are weird and robots and scary') are tinged with an undercurrent of like... barely suppressed anti-indian/chinese racism too lol like. "oh they can barely form coherent sentences that's why they're using chatgpt" i mean like yeah I don't think writing a paper with cgpt is a good idea, but how sure are we that it's because they're soulless engineers vs not speaking English as a first language and chatgpt is a pretty good translation tool?
But more broadly than that it's like. "what makes a moral complete human? well it's fluency in English, exposure to the western classics in high school, believing sociology results from colonial Britain, and having grown up watching the colbert report like i did"
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anti-transphobia · 1 month
Everyone posts about how Stardew Valley is a cozy LGBT+ inclusive game but NO ONE mentions the lack of a platonic option for the bachelors/bachelorettes. Which would be good for aspec people and also just more pleasant for many casual players I believe but that's not even the point. I just want to become best friends with everyone and not only does that require me dating everyone at once and feeling like a sleazebag because of it (ik the bad cutscene can be avoided but I know in my heart they'd be hurt if they knew) BUT it also means the women flirt with me!!!!! Constantly!!!!!!! It makes me sick to my stomach. Truly ruining the characters I liked
#this post is not that serious or meant to be an Analysis or a Discourse Post or a Hot Take or whatever#i just think the dating thing needs to be handled differently#i should be able to Not Date characters and still get 10 hearts with them#also ive never made it far enough in stardew valley to marry someone and this is the first time i could even date someone#and ive heard that the flirtatious comments dont stop once you're married which is. really awkward for me#i mean i could probably handle the guys flirting with me while im married but id hope being married would be an off switch for it#its just awkward to have ppl im not actually dating and only gave a bouquet to so i can be their friend be called my bf/gf when. they're Not#i seriously need to find some kind of mod to fix this once i finish getting all the girls up to ten hearts#i will deal with the stomach churning grossness of the flirting for a while so i can see everything#but then I'm DONE!!! I'm DONE!!!! I just want my friends back!!!!#maru and abigail and haley !!! my buds!!!#NOT emily shes scary and NOT leah because we just didn't click and DEFINITELY not penny because i fucking hate her#penny sucks. penny dni#but yeah the flirting feels gross because im gay and repulsed by women romantically/sexually#and even though i did open myself up to this by playing the game. because i dont want it it feels like its being forced on me#which makes it feel even WORSE than normal#and its like. not only do i feel like I'm stringing along these characters#but i feel like my friendship with my favourites is ruined :(
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elantedronai · 11 months
Tired of people saying ‘I hope no one loves Snow after the ABOSAS movie.’ You can love a character while simultaneously admitting they’re a piece of shit who would deserve death if they really existed. I love Snow as a character because I find him entertaining, and the way he continually lies to himself throughout the entire book about being a hero while he’s actually sociopathic is fascinating. I would read an entire trilogy about him, I think he’s a great character. I also love the themes THG + ABOSAS bring up - it’s easily possible to enjoy a fictional character while also acknowledging that the narrative is a warning against people like them.
There’s a huge difference between loving/enjoying a character and romanticizing them. If someone is saying ‘hey, I agree with what Snow is doing’ then that’s a whole different ballgame. But moralizing about how ‘if you like this bad character then YOU’RE bad and don’t get the nuances of the story’… C’mon, people. Sure, there are some fans who are that brand of crazy, but I like to think the majority of us are capable of critical thinking. Especially since a good chunk of THG fans are adults now.
Also, young President Snow is canonically hot. Complaints about how people will drool over him because the actor is hot are wild to me because that’s part of the point. Evil can be beautiful and dressed up; I know for a fact there would be endless amounts of bitching if he was some butt-ugly, misshapen, obese hunchback or something because ‘Hollywood always makes the evil people ugly and the good people hot.’ He’s hot and people will thirst over him for that. And that’s fine too. As long as everyone can differentiate between fiction and reality, let them enjoy what they enjoy. Truly, who cares if people wanna be railed by a fictional evil president.
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blackmageeljin · 4 months
I haven't posted in a long time.
My anxiety and depression have backslid a lot in the last year. My social anxiety and agoraphobia are particularly out of control.
I have fallen out of producing fandom content, frankly because I have been too afraid to. Fandoms have become a lot more charged than they were when I was younger. I keep trying to get into new fandoms that I hope are less problematic only to stumble across the same patterns, up to and including someone being harassed and told to 'kys' repeatedly over fandom drama to the point of ending their own life.
But being isolated is hard. I haven't stopped making content I just... Stopped sharing it. I don't really know what to do, or if any followers I have here are even still active. I got back into JoJo's and expected most of the discourse to be more 'gay vs not gay' type stuff but some parts are... Really, *really* bad. Worse even than KH. And inconsistent! Censoring myself to fit some fear mongering anti's agenda seems like an anathema, so I just haven't posted anything, even the stuff I have I know isn't problematic.
To me the 'right' thing to do would be to post anyway and stand up for a censorship free Internet and community, but I'm afraid that, especially right now, I just don't have the resilience.
I guess I'm asking people more in touch with a 2024 Tumblr what they think. If it's even worth it. What tools there are. I've spent half the day blocking hate in a tag and trying not to panic about it. As an actual abuse survivor, seeing some of these accusations fly over such inane things is just... Disheartening. Especially knowing my abusers will never be prosecuted, but I'm getting accused of those crimes by trying to cope through artistic expression.
Also if there is anyone interested in some of the 'problematic' ships I've tagged, please give me a ring. I might try finishing and posting some stuff after all of it will actually make people happy. But after seeing witch hunt posts calling for people to haze or blacklist certain crators? It's just... Really scary.
But I'm so tired of being alone.
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dreamings-free · 4 months
January 25, 2024 by Tristan Kirk, Courts Correspondent @kirkkorner
A woman accused of stalking Harry Styles has been remanded in custody after allegedly causing serious alarm and distress to the pop star.
Myra Carvalho, 35, is accused of harassing the former One Direction singer in an alleged incident on Monday this week in north London.
She appeared at Highbury Corner magistrates court on Tuesday, and was sent for trial at Harrow crown court with a hearing set for next month.
According to the charge, Carvalho is accused of “stalking involving serious alarm or distress”, with her actions allegedly having “a substantial adverse effect on his usual day-to-day activities”.
Carvalho, who has been staying at a backpackers hostel in Earl’s Court, did not indicate a plea to the charge as she was remanded in custody by District Judge Denis Brennan. She is next due in court on February 20.
The incident happened shortly after Styles had returned from a Caribbean getaway with girlfriend Taylor Russell and TV presenter friend James Corden.
In 2019, Styles was stalked by Diana Tarazaga-Orero after offering to buy food when he saw they were sleeping rough near to his north London home.
Tarazaga-Orero pushed money and notes through his letterbox and tried to grab Styles as he went out for a jog.
Styles told a court he had been left “scared” by the attention and was forced to upgrade his security, including installing a panic lock on his bedroom door.
Tarazaga-Orero then, in 2022, broke a restraining order by barging into Styles’ home.
Styles has not commented publicly on the alleged incident with Carvalho, but was reportedly left “shaken up”.
He told Willesden magistrates court in 2019 that he had previously tried to live a normal life and been approachable for fans, but the incident with Tarazaga-Orero left him feeling wary and needing to upgrade his security.
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the amount of men on Twitter beefing with Leo now 😭😭. Mostly seems to be Alonso fans.
Wait till they find out about the FIA driver breeding program
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xxjeffthekillerxx · 6 months
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that one mystreet episode
(dont tag as zanmau pretty pls)
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the-l00ker · 5 months
I like seeing the difference between how people act on here compared to twitter.
Like on here people be like, "Here smajor fanart" and "I think he's a really neat dude" and "we love him! He's just a vibe tbh"
And on twitter it's, "HE CONTROL EVERY DECISION ON MCC AND I DIDN'T LIKE THIS ONE THING, KILL HIM" and "I swear if I ever see him" and "I know how easy it is to fake allegation of content creator, so I'm going to make a burner account for every single slightly famous mcyt person I know for a brief moment of fame. Tee Hee."
Tumblr is the best, yall are a vibe and don't get dragged into bullsh*t, and I appreciate you all for it!
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