#do I talk about Dragon!Pierre enough?? No???
espithewarlock · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@duquesademiel making me do words on Tumblr instead of writing fic (love you!!! 😘)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 30 posted, 1 complete in drafts, and [redacted] anonymous 😈
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
according to the stats page, 440k! (but the one I have in drafts will get me over 500k and I'm thinking about doing a giveaway when I hit that milestone?)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Formula 1 RPF!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’ve Got a Feeling That I’m Not Complete Anymore, Take Me With You, The Boy With the Storm-Colored Eyes, Another Deep Dive All The Way Down, Croissants in Aub Dhabi
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Very very rarely. I use comments as a metric and adding my own makes it feel like I'm artificially increasing the count. Plus, if I start thanking one person I feel like I have to thank them all and then that spirals out of control. (Not to mention I have so much anxiety over reading comments and sometimes the brain just goes eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to prefer 'angst with a happy ending', but probably Another Window To Break Out from my 1016 week fics.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably With You Around Me It’s Just So Easy To Be In Love. This whole series is just fluff. Everything else tends to have some angst along the way, though I think the series A Nymph's Heart also has a stupidly happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, I got some on I’ve Got a Feeling That I’m Not Complete Anymore, but it's also my most-kudos'd (at least, until I get 3 more on Take Me With You) so I kind-of assume those were anomalies? It definitely sucks that I can't go back and read those comments since I haven't (and won't) delete the bad ones and I know there are lovely people who left me nice comments.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. The sort of smut that has too much exposition, plenty of aftercare, and frequently bondage. There has to be feelings involved with my smut and, in my opinion, that's the best part of the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! (I hope...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Well...technically there's one in-progress but my co-conspirators are too busy and have too many other projects so it's on the back-burner and I'm too shy to ask them if it's ever going to get done but I'm sure it will someday and I'm patient and I don't want to bother them about it and I'm perfectly happy posting my own stuff and...
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That is so difficult to answer. In F1 RPF it's easily Piarles. I used to read a fuck-ton of Drarry but Harry Potter anything gives me the ick these days, even fanfiction. If I had to pick an All-Time favorite, it's probably SuzaLulu from Code Geass. (Honestly I haven't touched the fandom in years but I might go check what's on AO3 these days hmmmm.....)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm good about finishing my WIPs...eventually. The good thing for anyone who likes reading my stuff is that I do not post unless it's finished so you'll never have an unfinished work from me!
(That being said, I was writing some [redacted]!Charles and it was hitting a little too close to home so I might not go back to that one...)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fantasy worldbuilding. I love the setup and introducing a strange new place. Actually probably worldbuilding in general, fantasy or not.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Resolutions. I often *hand wave* over an ending and it's just...yep! everything's good here! all done!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am hopelessly monolingual so I will not. I will use commonly-known endearments (Calamar, mon amour, schatz, etc.) but no actual dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
You will have to pry that information from my cold, dead hands.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Bittersweet, That Glitter and it's not even fucking close. It's just...everything to me. The world, the characters, the story...it's so fucking good.
I have exactly zero clue who else has answered this already so @golden-fairylights, @hrhgeorgerussell, and @your-littlesecret if y'all haven't and want to play along??
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shadowfloofster · 1 year
Honestly, seeing everyone who was live's reaction to the Q!ElQuackity assassination is kinda the perfect show of how united everyone is.
Q!Bad and Q!Max set up the plan first, getting it ready before telling anyone (most likely to make sure it didn't get spread around by accident) but once they were ready, they got everyone else online aware of the plan and told them exactly what the plan was.
Bad, Jaiden, Foolish and Pierre set up a small watch party ontop of Foolish's dragon with Leo, Pomme, Richarlyson (I think?) And Ramòn to make sure they were all safe and able to watch it without being in danger of anything.
Cellbit and Roier hid behind the building to listen in person and could be there if anything went wrong (though nearly got themselves blown up lmao)
Everyone was listening to the answers El Quackity gave. Idk about Roier and Cellbit but ik that Bad, Jaiden, Pierre and Foolish were all analysing El Quackity's answers, because the real Quackity is their friend. They know him well enough to see the signs of it not being him, like how he hardly acknowledged Wilbur and didn't even mention Tilìn until Max brought their name up, then moving past the topic which confirmed that wasn't their Quackity.
So they all prepared to use the camera to set off the tnt, everyone doing it around the same time as eachother before everyone immediately was able to make it seem like none of them knew, Cellbit and Roier joining in with the others asking if they were okay in chat.
The way they did this shows just how much they all trust and care about each other, Bad and Max trusting everyone enough to show everyone online the camera to set off the tnt and telling them the plan, setting up the watch party on Foolish's dragon to keep everyone safe which left them vulnerable but they knew none of them would threaten the eggs, everyone immediately knowing it wasn't the real Quackity purely from a few of his answers and word choices. Quackity wasn't seen as often after Tilìn's death, yet they all knew him well enough to know that he loved his kid to pieces and would take any chance to talk about them. And once it was over, they immediately all went to a 'secret' area (that just about everyone knows about now, another sign of how much they trust each other) and started discussing what they all found out, all agreeing it wasn't the real Quackity and deciding they had to find the real one.
It's just really nice seeing just how much they trust each other, some not coming on too often, others not being around as long yet they all would drop just about everything to keep each other and their kids safe is really nice to watch.
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soullessduck13 · 1 year
q!Tubbo Headcanons
This is gonna be a long one, so buckle up! There’s gonna be several sections and some headcanons are from other people and I will not care if you ‘steal’ mine, in fact I will actively encourage you to do so
All of this will be about the cubitos, even if I didn't put q! before every name
Visual (Outsider perspective)
His eyes looks like they’re clouded in a way? very muted, almost grey, green
He has a bunch of scars running across his face and assumably the rest of his body that looks like lightning or cracks
Brown hair with blonde tips, but when he joined it was just blonde
He’s missing an arm from spinning the wheel and replaced is with a robotic one that he can change depending on what tool he needs
He looks like some sort of avian. Sometimes.
...and sometimes, he looks like some sort of dragon.
Sometimes he looks like a goat!
Tubbo is a very specific type of shapeshifter! He takes on traits from the people he hangs around the most, or the people he trusts a lot. And the eggs recognise that which is why Chayanne calls him an egg - because they do it too!
Some traits include
— The blonde hair, he got it from Phil, the reason it’s mainly brown now is because of Coypiso (will explain more)
— Feathers that kinda look like wings, got them from Phil
— Fangs, he got them from the eggs
— Talons/claws, from both Phil and Pac
It’s mostly from Phil, because they knew each other before Tubbo was unfrozen, and also I think Tubbo would say his prosthetic is enough mimicking Pac and Fit
He can hide these features, and he does with the wings because they get in the wings. When he first joined the island, he shifted between the different traits he's picked up on over the years (goat/bugs/avian/dragon) and depending on who he was talking to he was a different one. All of them included talons, and later on fangs after meeting the eggs.
Tubbo and god.
Tubbo is friends with a lot of demigods and knows a Goddess, who happens to be the wife of Philza!
The three that are the most present in his life on the island are
— Tommyinnit
— Bekymon
— piso4 / coypiso
Some posts that are related to this
What they’re demigods of
Who Tubbo follows also more thoughts on the demigods, how Tubbo connects with them etc
Who Tommy is connected to (and also how that relates to Phil and Wilbur)
The lightning that strikes him down? I don't think that's the feds. I think the admins and federation should be seperated more because they are. The admins are the ones striking Tubbo with lightning and blinding him. The admins are a higher power. That also absolutely hates Tubbo's guts because he has befriended three demigods, possibly more, and knows the Angel of Death, and the actual Goddess of Death. And their son, Wilbur.
He gets possessed by people a lot!! He's such a vessel and constantly has people talking inside his head or taking over his body. Chat is actually voices inside his head.
Just silly extra stuff
This is kind of species thing but also.. not? Tubbo can hear machines in a way only really aypierre can? Even then it's very different, because pierre speaks to the machines. Tubbo doesn't. Tubbo just like.. gets them.
Tubbo straight up has a phone. Why? Who knows! How did he get it? Good question! Why on god's green earth is the federation letting him keep it? Because they don't even know he has one. Who does, you ask? Nobody! Except for Chayanne because he called Jack Manifold that one time. Tubbo only uses it to call his friends and text his parents. He doesn't even realize he could use it to get out of here, or that maybe he should tell people he has phone.
The reason for Tubbo's eyes looking cloudy is mostly visual design! His vision is so much worse because of the fact he gets blinded by the admins so much that it permanently affected his eyesight. His goggles help him see better, he added prescription to them so he could see.
This post will absolutely get added onto as time goes on, I hope everyone who read this like my silly headcanons
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lovetornnatasha · 3 years
Queen songs that remind me of characters of The Great Comet of 1812 and why
Pierre Bezukhov
All Dead, All Dead: "of course i don't believe you're dead, and gone" this one reminds me of him because of Andrey's death, they were really really close and Pierre admired Andrey way too much and his death would have affected him a lot but he learns to just live with it and remember his friend with love
Jealousy: "i wasn't mad enough to let you hurt my pride, now I'm only left with my own jealousy" The consequences of the duel. Not really that hard to explain but y'know that moment where he gets back from the duel to think about it and Hélène is (RIGHTFULLY) very mad at him and all that? yeah.
Natasha Rostova
Dreamer's ball: "You'll love me when you see me, I won't have to worry" i mean i think it's really obvious <33 it's a song about a ball and all of it and ball's are Natasha's thing, i imagine her dancing to it with a pretty dress BUT ALSO it's a song about a something like a break up? so it reminds me of her and Andrey too, between while he was away to after his death.
In the lap of the gods: "i touch your lips with mine, but in the end, i leave it to the gods" no specific reason besides how it reminds me of the way she loves and stuff she says
Anatole Kuragin
Let me entertain you: This one is more about the kind of life he has with all the parties and all the women and all the alcohol and stuff. His job is being pretty and stupid.
Dragon attack: "gonna get me on the track, got my dragon on the back" It's mostly the vibes tbh, same as above while i feel it's something that would sound on the background while he's walking with his usual jaunty step™
Fedya Dolokhov
Liar: "Liar, Liar, they never ever let you win, Liar, Liar, everything you do is sin" I'VE SEEN @/dolokhoded SAY IT BEFORE BUT I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE EXACT SAME THING TOO, besides is my favorite song ever so i shall assign it to my favorite character. The whole song is so Dolokhov coded, the part about promising a mother to pray all day long, about asking for forgiveness, about sinning and at the end not really caring, i love it, it's Dolokhov's song.
Flick of the wrist: "Mesmerize you when he's tongue tied, simply with those eyes, synchronize your minds and see the beast within him rise" this is more of a war and peace thing but it's about the part of the book where Dolokhov makes Nikolai lose all his money? yeah. The flick of the wrist would be a reference to the cards and just generally the song lyrics give so many vibes of Dolokhov and Nikolai's relationship you could tell me it was written about them and i wouldn't doubt you
Andrey Bolkonsky
39': "your mother's eyes, from your eyes cry to me" Though the song is about a science fiction story, it reminds me of him and Nikolushka and somehow also how he felt after Lise died, which was very guilty.
Death on two legs: "you suck my blood like a leeck, you break the law and you preach" ABSOLUTELY NO REASON BESIDES HOW HE CONSTANTLY TALKS ABOUT HOW BE HATES EVERYONE AND UNDIAGNOSED NPD.
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givenlemons · 2 years
Spring Week 2 - Downtime
I still don't have many reagents stored up, but after my very stressful foraging trip to help Pierre, I wasn't eager to head back into the wild. So to the village it was. It's good practice to both introduce myself to the village and to check on past patients. About a week later is long enough for any effects to be clear, and fast enough to address any side effects they haven't come to me about. It helps build trust.
High Rannoc is truly lovely. It's everything that you think of when you picture a village. There's a town square with a small selection of stalls everyday and a full market once a week. The Copper Fox tavern opens onto the main square and on nice days like today, they drag some tables and chairs outside into the sun. They seem very popular. The square is made even more welcoming with the smell of cooling bread. The baker sets his bread to cool on a window ledge facing the square. If it's to entice people to buy some, it certainly worked on me. I stopped off on my way to the Copper Fox to buy myself a honey cake. It was all going well, until there was this shriek from inside. The baker's apprentice came running out flapping their arms to shoo away my demon bird. While I was talking to the baker at the window, Oriana hopped through the door, into the kitchen, and helped herself to a strawberry. The apprentice managed to shoo her out before she got her beak on anything else, but she was still a menace. I apologised to the baker and offered to pay, but he waved it away saying that it was just what birds did and if it wasn't her it would have been a pigeon. The apprentice wasn't very happy though, so I doubt she's made a friend there. After that, Oriana was on strict orders to stay perched on my shoulder. She wasn't happy either, but she wouldn't have had to if she had just behaved. I'm supposed to be making a good impression here!
To head off any further mischief (I bet a moth familiar would cause less trouble), we went straight to the Copper Fox. Elisa was behind the bar drying some glasses, but was happy enough to talk to me over a small ale. She looked much better than she did last time I saw her. Her cheeks were rosy, and she didn't have either the frantic energy before the cure or the exhaustion she showed when she headed home. Elisa asked how I was settling in to High Rannoc, and offered to show me around the village. She told me it made a huge difference when she first moved here. Elisa spent most of her youth as an adventurer travelling around fulfilling requests and passed through High Rannoc often. There's a dungeon nearby called Hero's Hollow that is very popular. I remembered seeing it in my predecessor's notes, but I haven't been there yet. Maybe I'll ask Elisa for advice before I go. She also told me that there's this place called the Strange that a few people can get to through the dungeon, but she's never seen it. I asked her why she stopped adventuring and how she ended up settling down here. her adventuring party used to pass through High Rannoc often, because of the Hero's Hollow and looking for the Strange, and she got to know the tavern owner over the years. They fell in love, and when she got injured and couldn't adventure anymore, they got married. Her mother-in-law was the one who showed her around the first time she arrived and taught her how to brew when she got married.
After a stressful week foraging for Pierre's dragon sickness cure, I wasn't eager to jump back in just yet and I knew that if I went back to the cottage and my empty storeroom, that I would feel like I had to do so. So I just didn't go home yet. Instead I decided to wander around the village. I justified it to myself by saying that it would help build my relationship with the villagers to be seen around town, but I think I just wanted a break. And it was nice. During my wandering, I heard the tell-tale rhythm of a postal harpy in flight. Something to do with weight distribution with carrying a parcel. After circling once, she dropped the parcel into my hands. How odd. There wasn't any protection or verification, so I knew it couldn't have been expensive or sensitive. The question of just what it was was enough to send me back to the cottage, even with its empty storeroom. It was from my friend Beatrice. Beatrice was a fellow apprentice before I moved to High Rannoc, although she was training to be an artificer rather than a witch. She's very accident prone, which meant she was in and out of my last practice often, and gave us the chance to catch up often. It's just like her to send something, arriving a bit late. Inside the parcel was an old battered tin and a handkerchief wrapped around some wool. I opened the tin first, and Beatrice had sent me a box of biscuits that she baked herself. She only makes one type of biscuit, with rosewater and almonds, and she always makes them as a celebration. The lamb's wool was cushioning a number of glass bottles I can use to store potions or ingredients. Not everything she makes can be used to craft magical items, so when she has bottles like these she usually gives them to me. Now I just need something to fill them.
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chaifootsteps · 3 years
It’s so frustrating when the first thing people associate with femininity is being weak, fragile, and delicate (especially when we’re talking about a dragon of all things). You can have a character be fierce and still “look female”. I actually think HTTYD did this well with Windshear. The metal around her eyes look like eyelashes and while that’s unnecessary, I don’t feel like it takes away from her design. She doesn’t look out of place like the Light Fury does. I don’t understand why they wanted to stress that the Light Fury was female when they didn’t do this with the other characters nearly as much :/
The weird, creepy obsession with making the Light Fury "look female" and the very real possibility that Pierre-Olivier Vincent designed these characters based on whether or not he would personally crank his hog to them (see also Astrid, see also Valka) is always going to be one of the more horrifying things about THW.
The Light Fury being white with blue eyes was more than enough to make her "look female." I promise you, Dean, that people would have gotten the idea.
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kova-killian · 3 years
Lady of Light episode 3
Just at sunrise Thallan tries waking her. Her eyes flutter open, greeted by an understanding smile as he brushes her hair off her forehead with his armored hand, "I'm sorry, we have to keep on schedule." He holds a fresh bread pocket full of sausage and potatoes out to her.
"I didn't realize I was so tired."
"That's alright, Pierre had to wake me too. I'm ready to be home." He chuckles to himself.
"After four years away, I don't blame you." She smiles, taking the bread from him.
Thallan pulls a bag of feed over and dumps some out for Alrune before sitting in front of Axelia, "he's patient with you, he's been awake for a couple hours already." Axelia looks at him with her cheeks full of food making him laugh at her.
She swallows hard and frowns, "be quiet, I'm starving!" She wipes the corners of her mouth with her sleeve.
"I've only ever seen you at the events your family held where you never ate and always left early."
"Oh. . . That's right. You know I never saw your face before the wedding? Only the tattoos on your hand."
He narrows his eyes with a smirk, "I noticed you, often actually."
"I noticed you, but you were always turned away from me."
He smiles to himself and grabs his horse's saddle as she devours the bread pocket. Once finished, she stands up and dusts herself off as Alrune pushes himself off the ground. Axelia pats the dust from his side and hoists the saddle onto his back but one of the straps folds underneath. Thallan presses against her back as he reaches over her head. He really wasn’t much taller, he had to stand on his tiptoes to reach over her. She’s smaller than an eagles wingspan, he seems to be just about the same size as a full grown eagles wings, wearing heels would probably make them just about the same height.
She freezes, her cheeks burning as she feels the warmth of his skin from a break between the chest plate and plackart pieces of his armor against her. He flips the strap and the blanket out from under the saddle and runs his hand along her arm as he walks back to his horse.
Alrune huffs and his ears perk up at her changed demeanor, “shut up.” she grumbles at him before tightening the straps around him.
Alrune reaches around and playfully pulls her hair loose from her braid, “oh you ass.” she nuzzles her face against his.
She turns around to grab her daggers and sword but is suddenly covered by her cloak. Alrune playfully whinnies and pounds his massive hooves into the dirt. She quickly uncovers herself and whips around. “Stop it you overgrown foal,” she scrunches up her face as the knights around her chuckle.
She situates her weapons on the saddle and sticks her foot in one of the stirrups before kicking her other leg over.
“Well I guess you can mount him without him bowing,” Pierre pokes fun.
Axelia smiles as they all travel down the path. Again she rides behind Thallan with knights on all sides of her now. The only woman in a sea of noble knights who fought alongside her father. She sighs as she takes in the dense forest around them. It wasn't as eerie as it was last night but very little sun filters through the leaves.
The rest of the day was much of the same, dense trees and very little sun. Again they stop but there is no silver protecting them from the Werewolves that hunt in the dark. Drest and Thallan house the horses in an old barn and the knight's light fires to keep warm. Axelia wraps her cloak around her and curls into herself unable to get warm, even near the fire.
Thallan grabs two stones nearby and tosses them near the fire as he sits next to her. “It's only going to get colder. Hopefully when we get to Pulet in a couple days I can find something warmer for you.” his face drops when she tries hiding her shivers from him. “Come here.” he grabs her arm and pulls her into his lap.
“I’m fine.” she tries pulling away from him.
“Sit still a minute.” he grumbles, pulling off his armor and setting it in a pile next to them. She does as she's asked and nervously sits watching the knights trying to avoid looking at them.
“Thallan. . . you don’t. . .” she stammers.
“You're cold. I don't want you getting sick, we aren't even half way.” he grabs the warmed rocks and pulls his cloak around both of them as she continues to shiver for a few moments, until the warmth from the rocks fills up the space under the cloak. “Are you always this cold?” he gently touches her hands.
She smiles, “my hands are always cold, yes.”
Thallan leans against a rock and pulls her to lean against him. She sits rigid until exhaustion forces her eyes closed before supper is ready. As she sleeps, the sound of running footsteps and loud crashes invade her dreams until Thallan throws himself on top of her as a large tree smashes over the rock they were laying against.
Her heart slams into her chest as Thallan whips around with his sword drawn, “what's attacking us!” he yells to the scrambling knights.
“I can't see anything!” Pierre howls from the darkness around their camp.
Shit, all my weapons are with Alrune.
A dark silhouette looms in the darkened trees, “Above you Thallan!” she yells.
“Giants!” he alerts the others.
She scrambles to her feet and runs to the old barn where all the horses anxiously stamp their feet. She freezes as the ground rumbles around her and the hand of a giant appears above the barn's roof. She quietly unclips the old stalls and opens the doors.
“Axelia!” Thallan’s voice carries down the hill.
“Make sure everyone gets to the farm, I'll go find her!” Drest yells.
Just as she gets the last stall door open and the horses run free, the giant swings his massive hand taking the roof clean off. Axelia crouches down and covers her neck as wood and hay rain down on her until Drest roughly grabs her and flings her out in front of him as all the horses sprint away towards their yelling knights.
She tries keeping up with his pace but falls behind, it's been a while since she was out like this even if she had just run away from the castle. The darkness of the forest envelops Drest right before her eyes.
I don't know where I'm going.
The sound of pounding hooves approaches from behind her, Alrune nudges her as he slows down enough for her to grab his halter. Dashing off again she throws her legs over his saddle as he gallops as fast as possible out to the clearing where Thallan anxiously paces, watching the road back into the forest.
He’s actually worried about me?
His anxiety leaves his tense shoulders as he spots her. She pulls Alrunes reins and Thallan effortlessly grabs the halter and throws himself into the saddle behind her.
“We have to ride for a while before the farm, hold tight,” he wraps one of his arms around her as the other knights group around them.
“What about all of your armor and your horse?” she asks, seeing all the knights in just their tunics and black cotton pants.
“Most of it was crushed by the giants, mine was scattered into the forest when that tree came at us,” he shakes his head. “Frost will follow, I want to make sure you get there safely.”
“Isn’t armor hard to come by?”
“We all needed new armor anyway,” he chuckles.
Late into the night, a large farm appears near the river. They all ride up to the farm house and Drest hesitantly knocks on the front door.
“Do you have any idea what time it is!” an angry man answers the door, “knights. . . the dragon slayers and the rogue killers. What are you doin’ here?”
“The giants are on the move.” Drest sighs.
“Well, the back house has plenty of space for all of you. No workers here at the moment.” The man looks around at all the knights, “don’t know if my wife would appreciate me not at least offering a room in here for the young miss.”
“It’s alright, I don't want to disturb anyone already asleep.” Axelia smiles at him.
“Are you Duchess Demonne? You gotta be!” he rushes towards her and Thallan, “you are! You’re the reason this farm isn’t abandoned.”
“I. . . think you mean my sister or step mother.”
“No you. Axelia Aruna Demonne, right?”
“Yes. . .” she furrows her brow.
“At the beginning of the war, my wife and daughters traveled to Castle Luvon because I had been in an accident. You granted us money to hire help for harvest,” he excitedly explains. “Now I insist that you and your. . . suitor? stay inside.” He smiles
“Husband,” her voice catches, “and I couldn't bother you. I’ll stay in the back house.”
“Oh bless the stars, you are far too humble for a noblewoman.” he holds his hand out to her helping her down off Alrune. “Are you traveling back to his land? Is that why you're this far from the castle?” He quickly grabs Thallan’s wrist as well as hers and begins pulling them inside.
Thallan uncomfortably looks back at Drest and the rest of the knights as they all conceal their laughter. He quickly pulls them up the stairs while he continues talking and to an empty room at the end of the hall. Axelia looks at Thallan just as confused as he is as the farmer closes the bedroom door.
“What just happened?” Thallan raises an eyebrow with wide eyes.
“I. . . didn't realize people would act like that. I didn't think I did all that much while my father was gone.” she furrows her brow.
Axelia nervously sits on the bed as Thallan leans against the wall by the door, looking at her and then at the ground. Then suddenly he walks over to her and cups her face in his hands as his eyes dart around her face. She looks at him confused for a second before he attacks her with nervous kisses. But just as quick as he started, he stopped.
“I'm sorry. . .” he breathlessly backs away from her, “I’ll sleep in the chair. Try to rest a little.”
“Wait. . .” she grabs his tunic, making him freeze. He slowly turns towards her. “I’m. . . cold.”
He softly smiles and climbs into bed behind her pulling her into him, she lays there nervously for a few minutes until his steady deep breath softly moves the hair on her neck. The next morning the sound of a lively kitchen wakes her. She squints against the sun through the green and white curtains and closes her eyes again until she realizes she is facing Thallan. She quickly scoots away from him, making him raise his eyebrow.
“You moved, why?” he slightly opens his eyes, his voice still tired.
“Everyone is awake. . .” she nervously says.
He scowls, “it's morning already. . .”
"Come on, you lump." She playfully pushes his shoulder.
"Lump!" He laughs at her, "Pulet is Drest's estate so we'll stay there a couple days before heading off to Honeyport."
"Is Pulet as big of a city as I've been told?"
"It's a large trading city in the middle of Castle Luvon, the capital and my city."
"Oh. . . I didn't realize it was the main hub."
Everything is changing so fast. . .
He smiles at her, "we better get downstairs."
"Fine." She half smiles.
"Is something wrong?"
"I'm not sure. . . I just feel heavy."
Thallan furrows his brows, "You're leaving the only home you've known. Even if Cordelia and your half siblings ruined it for you, it was still your home."
"I'm more sad about leaving because it was the last place I saw father."
Thallan’s soft expression turns sad as she sits on the edge of the bed with her hands clasped in her lap.
He sits behind her, wrapping his arms around her, “your father loved you. . .”
“I know.” her cheeks burn as she fights back tears.
He quickly gets off the bed and cups her face in his hands, “please don't cry.” he kisses her forehead.
“Did he die the way the letter said?” She refuses to look at him.
“I never wrote a letter. . .” he tilts his head trying to get her to look at him, “Axelia, I never wrote a letter about your father dying. I sent a rider.”
Please be lying.
“Show me your hand writing.” She finally looks at him.
He looks at her confused for a second until he gets up and grabs a piece of parchment off the dresser and an inkpot. He scribbles something down and hands it to her.
“Cordelia. . . that conniving. . .” Axelia crumples the paper as her hands shake with rage. “Fucking conniving slimy bitch!” she snaps startling Thallan.
“So you don't know?”
“All I know is what Cordelia forged in that fake letter.”
Thallans jaw tightens, “what did it say?”
“That father died from the cold.”
“Luvon? A skilled hunter and knight killed by snow?” he looks at her stunned, “Your father died because the rogue king tried sending hired hands to kidnap you and he fought them off before they could get through the pass.”
“I. . .” Axelia clenches her fists, but then someone knocks on the door.
“Thallan you lazy ass, let's get going so we’re at least halfway to Pulet by nightfall.”
“Be quiet Pierre, we’re up,” he snaps at the door and then looks at Axelia still vibrating with rage, “you’re with me now, and you're safe from her lies.” he touches her hands.
“Have you known Pierre for a long time?” she asks, trying to calm herself down.
“Since we were young squires,” he smiles.
“May I ask how a boy from a fishing village turned knight was able to become the lord of Honeyport?”
Realizing she was trying to distract herself he humors her, “my father was mayor before the attacks but once I was knighted I went and raided monster lairs.” he says pulling on his boots.
“Ah.” she nods lacing up hers.
He furrows his brow, “Why that reaction?”
“No reason,” she smiles.
She walks out of the door before him and down the stairs to the bustling kitchen full of knights and the farmers family. The second she steps foot through the doors, the farmer's wife adorned in a sweet pink ruffly apron covered in embroidered flowers she must have let her daughters do when they were young, rushes up to her and throws her arms around her.
“Duchess Axelia, I almost didn't believe my husband when he said you were here!” she cup Axelia’s face and then pats her cheek, “you look hungry.”
Axelia can't help but smile as the farmer's wife scurries off to get her a plate of breakfast.
“My lady, come sit here.” Drest stands from his seat at the table.
The farmer’s wife places a plate piled high and then scowls out the window, “there goes that Clydesdale again.” she grumbles, “he’s been agitated all morning.”
“Alrune is a bit protective of our lady here,” Drest chuckles.
“He’s yours?” the wife turns around shocked.
Axelia sheepishly smiles with a mouth full of a biscuit smothered in honey butter, “yeah. . . he’s a bit of a pain but I love him and he protects me.”
The farmer scoffs, “I told ya he was her’s.”
“Oh shut up.” the wife waves him off.
Axelia smiles and then Thallan catches her eyes as he enters the kitchen.
Will our relationship ever be like that? Or did he do this just for father?
Thallan grabs a biscuit and a patty of sausage before heading outside to get away from the noise. Axelia furrows her brow and looks at her plate piled high.
“Don't worry about him, he does this when we’re all confined to a small area.” Pierre smiles at her.
“Does he not like being around his brother knights?” She tilts her head.
“He’s a bit of a. . . what's the word?”
“An ass, that's what.” Drest chimes in cackling.
“No, he just likes his time alone.” Pierre says as Axelia looks out towards the front door again.
She picks up her plate and slides between all the knights before finally getting to the front hallway and then the porch where Thallan sits petting one of the barn kittens.
Axelia places the plate of food next to him and dangles her feet over the side, “I know for damn sure that biscuit did not fill you up.”
“I feel guilty is all.” he half smiles not looking at her.
“Over me not knowing what happened to father?” she nudges him, “it's not your fault, you sent a rider like you were supposed to. It's Cordelia’s fault I didn't know.”
“When you didn't come to the battlefield to collect him I should have sent another until you knew.”
“Oh stop it. I know now. No need to feel guilty over something that happened four years ago.” Axelia sighs. Picking up the plate again she places it in his lap, “we’ll share.” she smiles.
He smiles at her and hands her something to eat every few bites he takes before the rest of the knights come outside, ready to head off.
“I have new armor being made for all of us in Pulet, we need to ride quickly before some sort of creature attacks us.” Drest nods at them before heading towards the barn.
“That fast?” Axelia furrows her brows.
“He sent a falcon the second we stopped.” Thallan stands up and hands the plate back to the farmer's wife before helping Axelia to her feet.
“Thank you for allowing us to stay here,” Axelia smiles at the farmer and his family as Thallan disappears to the barn.
“So humble for a noble lady,” he winks at her.
The wife elbows the farmer and then smiles at axelia, “It was no trouble my lady, anything for you. You kept us afloat when we needed it.”
Axelia sighs, "I'm sorry my step mother is in charge now. I wish it were me. . .I know she won't help many people."
"We'll come all the way to Faekran Manor if we need you my lady."
Thallan stands below the porch with Alrune and his own horse, "Come on, we need to ride before it gets too late," He smiles.
Axelia thanks the farmer again and situates herself in Alrune’s saddle before they head off down the road. The trees become scarce, only low lying shrubs and small rolling hills line the road now.
"So boring!" A young knight squirms in his saddle a few hours down the road.
"Quiet down, there's rock ogres out here," Pierre snaps.
"Yes sir. . ." He mumbles.
As the sun sets and the shadows of the mountains wash over the hills, Thallan backs from the front of the group to ride next to Axelia, but says nothing.
"Thallan?" She furrows her brow at him.
"There's more than just rock ogres out here." He whispers and places a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet.
"What's out here?" She asks.
"I'm not sure but I feel it." He glances at her and then to the hills behind her.
They ride through the hills at the base of the claw tooth mountains in silence listening for anything. The caravan moves even more silently than before as the echoes of rocks falling wash over them.
“How much longer. . .” the young knight from before grumbles.
“We have to get out of the hills,” Thallan hisses.
“That's going to take all night.”
The sound of stone against stone charges towards them. The rock Ogres are awake.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
WS Chapter 56- Let’s Get Down to Business
Previous Chapter
Totally inspired by Mulan, both Red and my favorite disney princess! All the minesonas are together, the hermits are here, and the battlefield is ready! Just one last bit of red angst, brought to you by JoeHills
Red belongs to @theguardiansofredland​
Ecto belongs to @cooler-cactus-block
Mentioned: Pierre belongs to @cabbagesenpai​ , Star belongs to @thatonewannabedragon​ , Bre belongs to @mintyhotchocolate​ . (If there are any others i missed let me know! Credit where credit’s due!)
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Morning sunlight rises over the tents and small cabins within the battlefield. Not much after the sun has fully appeared over the horizon, black wings jet across the camp- followed by a second smaller pair of wings. 
Red groans, wishing Avon had never found that damned bell she has. “Wake up everyone! We need to get as much training in, we never know when the hellspawns will arrive!” 
“I was the best fighter ever seen in any world, I don’t need training.” Etho groans, face dragging along the ground as Avon pulls him by the feet out of his tent. 
“Key word ‘was’. Let’s see if that still stands.” Avon chuckles, tossing his feet to the ground and joining Ecto on the dunes. The two clasp hands, pulling each other into a half hug. The warriors share a moment of silent conversation in their eyes, enemies turned friends. And now friends turned generals of a small army. 
“A stick? That’s a pretty dinky weapon, man.” Mumbo looks at the staff Ecto hands him. 
“Ugh, again with the weird english words.” Iskall hisses, thwapping his friend in the ankles. Beside the other two architechs, Grian lets out a giggle at Mumbo’s pain. 
“I don’t trust giving any of you a weapon in our world.” Ecto mumbles, rolling her eyes and handing off a staff to Ren. 
“Just like a lightsaber. Thanks dude!” Ren gives her a wink, spinning his staff and planting it into the sand. 
Avon pulls off her cloak, draping it over a cactus and getting a feel for her staff. It’s lighter than her trident, but it reminds her of her earlier days. Jessie flits off the warming desert sand, wrapping around her neck and curling her tail around her bicep. “Avon, I don’t think you made enough sticks for everyone. I don’t have one.” 
Ecto glances to the other wanderer, and both bite their lips. Avon avoids Red’s anxious gaze, the way he bounces on his feet to get to training. She looks anywhere else, fearful eyes meeting with Pierre, flitting to Star, before staring down Impulse. “Red… Ecto and I talked it over, and we aren’t sure you’re ready for the rage of war.” 
“Wha-what do you mean?” The entire desert gets quiet, everyone staring at the three. Making it even worse. “But I can fight! You saw it in the mansion, in the nether! I want to help you all!” 
“Red, we don’t want you to get hurt.” Ecto whispers. “This is more than just a woodland mansion, or even our botched infiltration to the nether. This is war.” 
“This is for the best, Red.” Avon pulls Jessie off her shoulder, plopping the dragonet into Red’s open arms. “Just… try to stay out of trouble. Stay safe, okay?” 
Avon and Ecto turn away, yelling for the hermits and other fighters to begin sparring. To get back to business. Red backs away, sniffling as she tries to keep her tears from catching the sunlight. Is she really that useless? That her own best friends would rather she stay out of their way? Stay out of trouble? Jessie chirps, purple tongue lapping at Red’s warm tears. 
He turns away, feet slipping as he runs across the sand. Away from the army, into the campground, tripping over stakes and vines. He collapses into a pit of water, Jessie floundering to the surface as Red sinks lower. Feeling warm tears sting and mix with the water. Salt against fresh. 
Red thought he was a part of the team. A part of this all. That he wasn’t useless to them, to anyone anymore. He could be a friend, a part of this battle. To get justice, make the nether pay for Mama Gummi’s death. But he’s been sidelined. Too weak, too useless. He was an idiot to think that he was anything but that. He should just stay out of trouble. Always out of trouble- that’s all that caused this anyways. 
He’s not sure how long he’s underwater, curled in a tiny fish ball. Jessie had crawled out, but he could see her curled up in the sun. Laying in the grass just above him. Even Jessie will eventually be something more. More than just a baby. She’ll grow into a massive dragon, with firebreathing and massive claws and wings. She’ll be useful. Red flinches when a hand taps his shoulder, peeking from over his shoulder. 
A hermit has his head shoved underwater, glasses floating away from the bridge of his nose. His hand opens, inviting for Red to take it. And for some reason, Red does. Something about his face, his calm smile and jovial eyes eases Red from his wallowing.
“You’ve got quite the lung capacity to stay under there.” The hermit hauls Red out of the water, plopping her onto the grass beside Jessie. 
“I can breathe underwater. It’s not that incredible.” Red mumbles, not willing to meet his eyes. 
“I dunno, that’s pretty sweet in my mind. I’m Joe Hills. My friends just call me Joe.” He offers a hand, his other reaching out and petting Jessie. The dragon chirps, pressing into his palm like a kitten. 
“Red. Why aren’t you training with the others?” Joe stands up, and Red follows him. He isn’t sure why, but Joe just exudes a feeling of comfort, easy and friendly. Standing near Joe alone makes Red’s spirits rise.
“I’m not really the kind of person to fight with weapons. I’m more of a ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ kind of guy. What better way to beat your enemies into submission than with a damning remark on their ill actions towards the safekeeping and prosperous balance that nature provides us?” Joe summits a rise in the plain, plopping down on the grass. Red sits down beside him.
“I think I understood about half of those words, Joe.” The two look out across the battlefield. The training has split off. Some remain with Avon, working on strategy and further practice with fighting. Others have spread across the field, Ecto traveling between groups as they build up traps. Bre works with Stress, setting up potion dispensers. Pierre and Etho play with fire charges.
“Hey Impulse can you help me test this redstone trap?” Tango waves his friend over to the other side of the forest. Impulse takes off from the campground below where Red and Joe sit, watching the work. 
Red isn’t really keen on this whole fighting thing, but she understands that all attempts to talk have faltered. But she asked for the traps to be survivable. Maybe if the hellspawns see that a battle will cause harm, they’ll stop. It’s her hope, at least. But just another thing he can’t do right. He can’t even kill right. She sits, watching Tango explain the setup to Impulse. Tango is covered with redstone, the same color as his red eyes. Impulse was working with water, so he’s a little cleaner. Both laugh, and a glint of something metal appears in Impulse’s hand. 
Red squints to see what it is, but Impulse disappears from view. The ground beneath him has dropped away, and black vapors escape the pit. His head only reappears as he jumps around within the trap. “Is that…?” 
“Wither roses. Quite a poetic flower, I must say. So beautiful and delicate. Yet so...deadly.” Joe hardly looks up from his notes on the field. Red can’t take his eyes off of Impulse. His veins turn black as the wither roses deliver the sickness, and he grabs onto a ladder that was set above the trap, pale hands shaking as he climbs out. He still clutches whatever’s in his hand. 
“He looks like he’s not going to make it!” Red stands, realizing that Impulse is covered in wounds. The wither races across his body, penetrating into his heart and lungs. And the entire time, Tango can hardly breathe. Not from fear. Tango is laughing so loud Red can hear it from the hill he’s atop. Impulse’s writhing stops, but Tango’s cackles don’t. Horror etches across Red’s face as he realizes what’s happened. What kind of sick friend laughs as their friend perishes from wither sickness? Why would Tango not help him? 
A loud crack echoes from the forest, forcing Red to cover his ears and cringe. Joe doesn’t even flinch, used to the crackling noise. He glances over his glasses, seeing the horror on Red’s face be replaced by confusion. 
Impulse is standing up, brushing wither vapors off his shorts and playfully nudging Tango. Tango’s now on the ground, clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. Red wipes her eyes, blinking away the tears as if that was causing her to see things. “What happened? How is he alive?” 
“We’re all carrying totems of Undying. Once Xisuma warned us that there’s no respawn in your world, we all keep them around.” Joe pushes his glasses up his nose. “Do you not know what a totem of undying is?” 
Red shakes his head, and looks back at the pair. Impulse and Tango are looking at the trap that just killed the former, smiling quite proudly at the redstone work. He can see a glint of gold, covering Impulse’s cheek where a thorn had scratched him. The trap is deadly, but it’s possible to escape. Impulse closes it up, so no one else falls in for now. “What is a totem of undying?” 
“You’ve been carrying one around the whole time.” Joe points the feather end of his quill to Red’s backpack. Pointing at the golden statue, haphazardly tied onto the straps like a knick knack. Red sits down, plucking Fred off his string. Running his fingers across the smooth gold, ringing the emerald eyes. “When the holder’s heart stops beating, their soul perishing, it activates the totem. It breaks apart, and the magic instilled in the metal brings them back from death, gold melting into their wounds and healing them. It’s quite a beautiful sight to see up close.” 
Red’s lips form a thin line. Scar gave him this. Why did Scar think he’d need this, or was it a precautionary measure? The idea of having to use such a tool scares Red. But now, he just wants to keep it with him at all times. Red tucks the totem into the pocket of his vest. Just in case. “I’m not going to die. I’m not going to use this. I’m not useless.” 
“You should prove that to your friends. Look across this battlefield, little fish. What’s something we’re missing?” Joe lays out his journal, showing the map of the field. 
Reds eyes look around, noting the traps and offensive moves. His mind remembers something that Blu said, long ago. When they first met the hellspawn. “I’m the most dangerous. But why?” 
He watches a drop of water fall from his hair, quickly drying in the sun. The nether is the realm of fire. The hellspawns are made of fire, of lava and magma. Red remembers the way Blu recoiled from the blast of water that night. The steam and crackling of Endo when he washed over her with a wave. “Water. I can stop them with water! I can defend us all...with water!” 
Joe looks up, grinning as he gazes over his glasses. “And you can do it in a less deadly way than any of their blades of blasts can. You aren’t useless, and I don’t think your friends feel that way either. You just haven’t embraced the strongest side of you.” He nods to where Ecto and Avon are training together, using fire charges to simulate hellfire. 
“Thank you, Mr. Joe Hills!” Red leaps from the hill, running down and through the campground. “I won’t forget this!” 
Red feels the wind brush through his hair, feet pounding across the ground. As joyous and determined as he ever felt. His emotions take over, and soon he’s no longer running. He’s swimming, water pulsing across the grass with him. Easing him over the stakes that would trip him, the pits that would cause him to stumble. 
Crossing the battlefield, he raises ice walls, defending the hills and mounds that archers and fighters plan to make their stand upon. Moving water creates a trench, a moat around the campground, protecting them from all sides. Safe from attacks by land from the nether. Red hasn’t felt this much power, this much energy in his whole life. 
And he nears Ecto and Avon, struggling to defeat one another and avoid the hellfire surrounding them. Always dueling, equal matches for one another. Ecto shoves Avon backwards, and she narrowly avoids falling into fire by spreading her wings and flying. Avon tosses a fire charge, igniting the grass around Ecto. Trapping her. “You’ve been caught by the nether Ecto! Again!” 
Red lets out a holler, the water building up into a wave. The crest of the wave, and Red, comes crashing into the battle. Hellfire extinguishes into sputtering smoke, and both of the wanderers are swept off their feet. Red sees both of them look at her, and she snaps her fingers. “I won’t stay out of trouble. I am the eye of the storm. I am the trouble!” 
Dual whips of water lash out. Both Ecto and Avon narrowly avoid the strike, Avon blocking hers and Ecto dodging to the side. Both are shocked, glancing at one another before looking at Red. The three wanderers, the three friends, sharing a silent conversation without a word being spoken. Seeing the strength each has. The strength that makes them a team, that makes them friends. 
Red begins to laugh, followed by Ecto. And finally, a giggle bubbles free of Avon. Fire burns bright in all their eyes, and Avon launches her trident at Red. He easily blocks the attack, and deflects it towards Ecto. 
The wanderers duel, all three together. Playing like children, laughter ringing across the battlefield. No matter what happens, what the end of this war gives, they’re still together. They’re friends. Allies. 
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orlissa · 4 years
Shadow of Night Read Along: Chapter 29
Matthew manages to arrange a meeting with Rabbi Loew. To make time for it, Diana feigns illness to get out of her court appointments, which only sparks the emperor’s interest more, prompting him to send her gifts. Matthew and Diana make their way to the Jewish quarter, where they meet the Rabbi, who is, according to Matthew, “one of the finest men who has ever lived.” The Rabbi first thinks that Matthew—Gabriel, as he knows him—is there about the witch who created the golem, but Matthew is honest with him, and tell him that they are there about the book. The Rabbi confirms that the emperor has—or at least had—the book; he was called to the palace to see it, but couldn’t read it, and now doesn’t know where it is. However, it makes Diana realize that the book still must be complete. Rabbi Loew agrees to take Diana to the Prague weaver, but only her—on their walk there, they talk about tolerance and acceptance. Abraham, the weaver is glad to see Diana—although he is not happy about her husband—and the two of them have a jovial conversation about their familiars. During her visit, a vampire, Herr Fuchs arrives, who puts Diana on edge, along with Herr Maisel, the emperor’s financier, who escorts Diana back to Matthew. Before they part, Abraham tell Diana that she must let the book come to her. When they get back home, another gift is waiting for Diana from the emperor: a puppy, looking like a mop. That night, Matthew sends everyone away so he and Diana are left alone. They have a heated argument over what Diana did that afternoon and what scents she is carrying. Diana calls him out on only tolerating her magic, not accepting it. Their argument concludes in wild, possessive sex against the wall, which Matthew regrets right after, even though Diana tells him that she didn’t mind and that she is not afraid of him.
I love the respect that narrative has for Rabbi Loew.
It’s interesting that Rabbi Loew starts out with speaking to them in Latin.
Diana took dance lessons as a child.
It’s precious how Matthew just casually sits down on the floor to show his respect to the Rabbi. (Also, why does it conjures the mental image of him sitting on the floor and playing with the children?)
Previously it has been implied that Diana doesn’t know much about the Bible because of her pagan roots, and yet here she shows enough knowledge to use theology to get to Rabbi Loew.
Another sign of Phillippe not caring about such fickle things as “modern” religion: he has worked against and for Jews.
I’m living for the mental image of Matthew sitting on the floor, hugging his knew to his chest.
I wonder what kind of stories Pierre is telling the children.
The “bathhouse for the women” Rabbi Loew mentions must be a mikveh, a ritualistic bath taken by Jewish women after menstruation and childbirth to cleanse themselves.
The text mentions the emperor’s “holy war against the Turks.” Rudolf was also the king of Hungary, which, at this point, was torn into three parts, the middle part (most of today’s Hungary) being occupied by the Turks.
The treatment of Jews by Christians has been infernal for centuries.
Another trait I share with Diana: I, too, have a limited understanding of German.
Abraham says that there were more weavers before the Congregation—which makes sense, a weaver needs daemonic ancestry, and if witches and daemons cannot mix…
Although the golem is referred to as a familiar, his creation sounds very different to Corra’s. And while Corra very much has a will on her own, the golem does not.
I’m gonna be honest: I do not like the scene with Benjamin, I mean on a technical level. The point here is that we meet Benjamin, but the way he is inserted is… awkward at best. Forced. It leaves too many unanswered questions.
However, I like Herr Maisel. He seems like a delightful man.
How old is this “touching the side of the nose to indicate mischief” gesture is? Honestly, I learned this from Hollywood, and totally thought that it was like a mafia thing.
Oooh, actual Hungarian stuff! Lobero is a komondor. Theay ARE huge, and they do look like a mop—however, their corded coat takes time to develop; puppies don’t have it. Puppies loook like this. Komondors are actually not that common, and least not around where I live—I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in person—but they are considered a traditional breed. There is another, similar breed, called puli, with the same corded coat. However, pulis are about half the size of komondors, and they are commonly black instead of white. For comparison, here’s a komondor and a puli.
Gosh, I’d like to slap Matthew here. This behavior is unacceptable, someone really needs to put him in his place. Also, not bearing the scent of other’s mingling with Diana’s? That’s rough, bro. Then make sure your scent overpowers theirs. You know, the way cats rub against their owners?
Even enraged, led by his instincts, Matthew makes sure that the sex is good for Diana, too.
Favorite quotes
“I’m young enough to sit at your feet like one of your pupils, Maharal.” Matthew grinned and folded himself gracefully into a cross-legged position.
“The town is buzzing with reports that Meshuggener Edward was flying around Malá Strana with the devil. Naturally, I assumed you were involved.” This time Rabbi Loew’s tone held a note of gentle reproof. “Gabriel, Gabriel. What will your father say?” “That I should have dropped him, no doubt. My father has little patience with creatures like Edward Kelley.”
“Typical,” I muttered. “Three grown men and a woman, and guess who gets stuck with the dragon?”
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dermankey · 4 years
Lucas and the Vampire - Part 2
         Lucas arrived at Rose’s house promptly at eight fifty-five, the sun having set not too long ago and the moon in the sky. Stepping out of his dark crimson Cadillac, he was dressed in a buttoned down shirt with small green circles of various shades on it and a black pair of dress shorts. He originally thought to wear pants, but the night was much too warm for that.          The house that stood in front of him was just as Rose described it: larger than the other houses on the block and a deep purple with black accents. It gave off the feel of a haunted mansion one would see at an amusement park. Then again, Lucas thought as he walked across the lawn’s pathway and up the stairs, this is the home of a vampire.          The house had a large front porch, but there was not a single thing on it save for the welcome mat in front of the door that read “Welcome to our haunt!”. It made Lucas feel a bit unnerved but also a bit nervous, as the whole setup almost made the house feel abandoned. There was no doorbell, but a brass knocker on the door, which had a smiling styrofoam bat stuck to it. He took hold of it and rapped it three times, making it feel like the whole house was shaking.
         He stood there for a moment, and was quickly put at ease by the sound of incoming footsteps. The door opened, revealing a woman who looked like she had just woken up. She was wearing a Beatles shirt that was very obviously too big for her, nearly reaching her knees. Her hair was short and dark as the night, with her skin looking slightly paler than Rose’s did.          The woman at the door blinked twice. “Who...who’re you?” She asked, yawning mid-sentence.          “Uh, hello, I’m Lucas,” he greeted with a friendly grin. “I’ve come to pick up Rose.”          “...oh, yes! I remember you now!” She exclaimed with a laugh, sounding a lot more awake. Her accent sounded much stronger than Rose’s. “Rose told me about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucas! I’m her cousin Violet. Please do come in.”          The inside of the Bailey home was a lot more inviting than the outside was. In fact, it seemed relatively normal for a home of vampires. The main entrance entered into a living room that had the classic set up of a couch and chair, both leather, and a coffee table. Along the right wall was mostly a staircase, with a single doorway leading to what looked like a den. Across the room was another doorway that led into a kitchen.          “Rose!” Violet called up the stairs, “Come down! Lucas is here to take you out on your date!”          “Be down in a minute!” She called back.            “Well, I wouldn’t call this a date, really,” Lucas laughed awkwardly in response. “It’s just a...more like a night out, than anything else.”          “Same thing, different name,” she gave him a sly smirk. “To-may-to, to-ma-to, as they say.”          Lucas gave a slight nod as a kind gesture. “So, is it just you and Rose in this great big manor of yours?”          “When she visits, yes,” Violet smiled, clasping her hands in front of her. “Usually it’s just me and the occasional guest that stops by. You see, I’ve recently begun renting out some of my unused bedrooms for a bit of cash, as it is not cheap to keep a house this big running. Fortunately, I’ve only had other vampires come in, so I don’t have to worry too much for breakfast for them, but there is still the odd human or werewolf who pops in. In fact, there was this one chap who came here a week ago and stayed here for quite a bit. When he was here, he and Rose had such grand conversations on vampire culture and—.”          “Vi, please do not bore my new friend so quickly,” Rose spoke as she descended the stairs, her voice and clicking of her high heels being heard before being seen. She wore a one-piece dress that was tan in color and decorated in a red floral pattern. While it did flow behind her, the front part of it was removed, revealing her legs that were covered only to the top of her knees. Her brown hair also appeared to be curled slightly, most notably at the bottom of it, and across her shoulder was a silver purse. “Not everyone is so intrigued by our lives as housemaids.”          “Oh, Rose!” Violet made a mock-scowl at her, and turned back to Lucas with a smile. “My apologies if I did bore you. I do tend to ramble on now and again.”          “It’s fine. Happens to the best of us from what I’ve seen,” Lucas assured. “Ready to roll, Rose?”          “Ready, indeed,” the vampire said with a smile. “And might I add you look rather handsome tonight.”          “Oh, uh, thanks,” Lucas blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “You look nice, too.”          “Oh, this old thing?” She asked playfully, spreading out the flowing part of her dress. “I just put this on when I want to feel pretty.”          Before they left, Violet called Rose back just as they were descending the stairs. From where he was, Lucas could not make out whatever she was telling her, but she seemed somewhat angry at Rose. Despite that, Violet’s expression softened and the two hugged, and Rose quickly rejoined Lucas down to his car.          “So, if you don’t mind me asking,” Lucas began as they drove through the residential square, “what did Violet tell you?”          “Playing the nosy game again, are we?” Rose said with a smile. “Well, she just so happened to warn me that the Miller family has a track record of doing terrible, unspeakable things when they are alone with a woman.”          “I would—!” Lucas began defensively, then thought for a moment. “You’re joking, right?”          Rose giggled. “See, now you’re getting it. No, she just told me to be careful out here, that there are bad humans out in the night. Common big sister like stuff.”          Lucas nodded. “That’s nice of her. Are you two close?”          “Close? We practically are sisters,” Rose said with a laugh. “We have been together for as long as I can remember. We haven’t always lived together, mind you, but we have always kept in touch. She is all the family I really have left, and I really care about her.” She turned and looked out the window, the quiet houses replaced with the loud lit up stores as they entered the city.          “Are you...gonna be okay, Rose?” Lucas asked, turning to look at her as they were at a red light.          “Uh? Oh, I’ll be fine. It was years ago, anyways,” she assured him, and her smile quickly came back on. “So what is this hidden gem of a restaurant you hinted at earlier?”          “Just a little place called Pierre’s,” Lucas told her. “It’s a local restaurant, but it’s pretty darn good. And no, before you ask, it’s not French, it’s just the owner’s name. In fact, here it is up on the left.”          The front of the restaurant—which was the only part visible as the rest was embedded in the block—was made of a red-brown wood, with a single line of windows high enough to just make out the heads of the people eating inside. Higher than the windows was the name Pierre’s written in a golden cursive.          Fortunately, there was a parking spot along the side of the road not far from the restaurant, which Lucas quickly took advantage of. Inside the restaurant, square tables filled the majority of the room, with a single row of booths along the left wall. At the very back was a bar that boasted a large wall of drinks, as well as the doors to the bathroom and the kitchen, the latter of which had waiters popping in and out at a constant rate. The whole place was nearly full, with almost every table seated with people dressed both casually and formally, the combined chatter of them nearly drowning out the swing music that was playing.          Lucas walked up to the host at the stand. “Yes, hello. Reservation under ‘Miller.’”          “Yes, right this way,” the host nodded after checking his book, guiding the two to an unoccupied booth. A waitress soon followed after him, asking for their orders on drinks. Lucas ordered a coke, while Rose got a wine.          “Way to be the dutiful designated driver, Lucas,” Rose joked from behind the menu.          Lucas gave a small laugh. “Well, someone’s got to be it. I’m not really a big fan of liquor anyways. Maybe every once in a while, and on special occasions, but usually not when I go out.”          “Is not tonight a special occasion?” Rose asked, leaning over the table slightly, the menu now flat on it. “Or do you get to date beautiful girls every Friday night?”          Lucas’s face flared up as he tried to hide it slightly behind his menu. “Well, um...we were going to continue our conversation we had earlier?”          “Yes, I believe we were,” Rose agreed, rubbing her chin as she laid back on the cushioned seat, “Now let’s see. You asked if vampires still eat normal food, am I correct?” Lucas nodded. “Well, we can, but it does not do much, so we tend not to. Most of our strength and energy comes from drinking blood, and one would not need protein and nutrients when one’s body has stopped being alive. Sometimes, though, if we eat food often enough, we develop the feeling of being hungry again.”          “That’s interesting,” Lucas commented. “So, what about other stuff you like to do besides reading?”          “Other stuff?” She pondered, tapping the tabletop in thought. “I do like—oh, this is sort of embarrassing—but I do like to play video games.”          “Really?” Lucas responded, a smile coming onto his face. “That’s cool. Play anything good recently?”          “Oh, I know! How—!” She began somewhat dramatically, but stopped herself in surprise. “Uh, pardon me?”          “Have you played anything good recently?” He asked again, this time noticeably slower. “Sorry, I just talk fast sometimes. It’s something I’m working to get better at.”          “Okay, um,” Rose started again, seemingly at a loss for words, “I have been playing some of Dragon Quest XI on the Switch.”          “Nice. I haven’t gotten the chance to play that yet, but I want to!” Lucas said. “Never really was into the series before, but it piqued my interest when they put the Hero into Smash Bros.”          “Oh, yes! I have gotten into Smash, too, recently,” Rose replied, a smile growing on her face. “I like to think I play a pretty good Inkling.”          “We should totally get together for some quality Smash time, then!” He declared. “We’ll see how well you do against my Mega Man.”          The waitress soon returned to their table, their drinks in hand. She also got their orders: Lucas a classic reuben with fries, and Rose a New York strip. “As rare and bloody as you are willing to serve it,” Rose added. The waitress gave her an odd look, but nonetheless took the order and went off.          “The less cooked the meat is, the more blood remains inside of it,” Rose explained to Lucas as she sipped her wine. “Plus, it makes the blood taste like steak. That is a thing a vampire with experience only knows.” She winked at him.          “Cool. So, back to what we were talking about—.”          “Hold on there,” Rose stopped him with a raise of her hand. “You got the drink order round. It’s my turn to find out about you.”          Lucas smirked. “Alright then. Ask away! I’m an open book!”          “Ooh, my favorite,” Rose giggled to herself. “Where to start...I believe you said you worked at a comic shop?”          “Yep. Old Maelstrom Comic down on Blizzard Boulevard,” Lucas confirmed proudly. “I’m one of the founders there, actually.”          “Oh?” Rose said in surprise.          “That’s how most people react to that,” Lucas chuckled. “Me and my pal Regina started it up, like, six years ago. We got some pretty big names like Marvel and IDW selling at our place, and we even got some local comics on the shelves. There’s also something of an open mic night Regina started up a couple of weeks ago, which we run alongside some local card and video game tournaments.”          “Sounds like quite the all around comic shop,” Rose commented.          Lucas leaned back in his seat, looking wistful. “Hard to imagine that two kids like me and Reggie fresh outta college could start up a pretty successful comic shop. We even get people from outside Calume at our tournaments sometimes. Oh, yeah! We’re having a Smash Bros. tournament coming up in a couple of weeks. It’s gonna start pretty late, so you should be good to come.”          “I will see if I can be there,” Rose smiled. “Now what else are you into besides your silly comic books and video games?”           Lucas thought for a moment, making an exaggerated thinking expression that got a small laugh out of Rose. “Well,” he began, “I’ve started drawing again after I dropped it a year ago. I’ve gotten a bit rusty from not doing for a while, but it’s been fun being able to just draw whatever pops in my head.”          “An artist, eh?” Rose raised an eyebrow and bit part of her bottom lip. “You wouldn’t happen to have some certain...life drawings, would you?”          Lucas sighed, but smiled. “Yes, Rose,” he whispered to her. “I did draw some nude models. It was a part of my college drawing class.”          “Glad to know I’m dealing with an experienced man, then.”          “And just what is that supposed to mean?”          “Maybe you will find out when you are older,” Rose jokes, smiling as she sipped her wine. “Just know that if you ever need something to draw, you know where to find me.”          Lucas’s cheeks flared up, and before he could say anything the waitress returned with their food. “Are you sure you're okay with your steak being that rare, Miss?” She asked Rose, indicating the large streak of red that revealed itself when she cut open the steak.          “Yes, this is just fine. Thank you,” Rose confirmed with a nod and a smile. The waitress gave her another odd look, this time with a bit of concern, and took off without another word.          Even Lucas was looking at Rose’s meal with a raised eyebrow. “Jeez, it’d be generous to even call that steak cooked.”          “Remember who you are dealing with here,” Rose reminded him as she cut off a small chunk of steak. Instead of putting it in her mouth right away, she stuck her fangs right into it and a small sucking sound could be heard. Slowly, the red faded into pink, and before the pink faded all the way she dislodged her fangs and ate the piece normally. “I tend to not suck all of the juice out so there is still some flavor left over.”          “Huh. Rad,” Lucas chuckled, and began on his sandwich.          “Pffff, ha ha!” Rose barely tried to hold back the laughter. “Lucas Miller, of every human I have ever met, you are by far the most relaxed in response to my vampirism. If I may be so bold to ask, how is that possible?”         “Well,” Lucas paused as he swallowed the bite in his mouth, “you seemed pretty nice when we were first talking, and you didn’t really change your demeanor when you revealed you are a vampire. So I didn’t see any reason to treat you any differently if you weren’t gonna, like, suck my blood out of anything, heh heh.”         Rose did not laugh. “You seemed a bit too trusting there,” Rose replied as she cut off and sucked on another piece of her steak.         Lucas shook his head with closed eyes. “No, no. No offense to you, Rose, but I don’t completely trust you yet. You haven’t done anything to get me to not trust you, but you haven’t earned my full trust. Does that make sense?”          Rose took the steak chunk away from her fangs, any traces of pink completely sucked out of it. She looked up at him with a soft smile. “I understand, Lucas. So, got anything else that is interesting about you?”          The two continued talking over their meal, though discussion was sparse as they focused on their food. When they finished, the waitress returned and presented them with the dessert menu. Lucas passed, but Rose eagerly ordered a strawberry shortcake.          “What was that about vampires and not needing to eat food?” Lucas commented on her enthusiasm for the desert with a smirk.          “Oh, hush,” Rose playfully told him with a wave of her hand. “Shortcakes used to be my favorite desert when I was alive. They are one of the few things I still enjoy having every once in a while.”          “Alright, but now I remember something I wanted to ask you: when were you alive?”          A slight grin came to the vampire’s face. “I’ll tell you, when you trust me, capiche?”          “Fair enough.”          When the waitress returned, she had both Rose’s desert and the check, which Lucas quickly snatched up. When both were done, they headed out and went back in the direction of Rose’s house. “Hold on, turn right here,” Rose spoke up at an intersection, at which her home was usually straight ahead at. “I want to show you something.”          The alternate path took them to the outer edge of the residential area along a straight road. The moon was now visible and high in the sky above all the rooftops, giving a slight illumination to the city. “You can park right along there,” she pointed out to an open spot on the right side of the road.          “The cemetery?” Lucas questioned as he parked his car. “Um, any particular reason for coming here?”          “It’s nothing personal, mind you,” Rose assured him as the two got out. “I just find this to be a quiet place for an evening stroll.”          “Through a graveyard?”          “Well,” Rose asked, “have you ever been to a loud graveyard? Come on, Lucas, don’t you want to trust me?” She stood at the cemetery’s entrance, her hand extended to him.          Lucas gave her a cautious look. “...okay, I’ll trust you.”          He took her hand, and she playfully pulled him across the entrance’s threshold and by her side. There was a premade path in the cemetery, wide enough for two people to walk by in opposite directions. Save for the moonlight, the two walked together in near complete darkness, with Rose’s hands clasped behind her and Lucas’s stuffed in his pockets.          “Were you,” Lucas spoke with great hesitation, “ever...buried in a graveyard?”          “No, but being buried is part of becoming a vampire sometimes,” Rose stated in such a way that he decided to just drop the topic.          Eventually, the graveyard dissipated around them as they entered the next door park. A bench appeared on the path, and the two took a seat, looking up into the night sky that was empty save for the moon and the clouds that were lighter in color than the sky.          Slowly, Rose began nudging herself closer to Lucas’s side, until she was close enough to rest her head on his shoulder. She could feel him tighten up for a moment in surprise, and she could so clearly smell the blood that flowed right under his skin. Her fangs were already out, part in anticipation and part in routine, and she exhaled with a smile on his neck, sending a shiver through him.          Just as she was about to say something, Lucas quickly started before her. “R-Rose,” he began a bit hesitant, “I just wanted to say I really enjoyed our night together. Probably one of the more enjoyable nights I’ve had this week.” He laughed a bit, and to her surprise she felt his arm slide behind her and around her waist. “You seem like a really cool person, and I’d, and I’d like to get to know you better. Maybe we could do something like this again? Something a bit more casual?”          Rose’s smile was gone from her face, replaced with a look of contemplation. Lucas’s face, on the other hand, had a healthy amount of blush on his cheeks and his mouth was curved in nervousness. Neither of them could see the other’s face as silence filled the air around them, save for the sound of the creatures of the night.          “...Rose?” Lucas asked.          Rose sat up and looked at him. “Lucas, your hand, please.”          He was confused for a moment, then realized. “Oh! Uh, sorry.” He retracted his hand from behind her. “I-I just thought that—.”          In another moment of surprise, Rose took his hand and held her free one over it. She mumbled something that Lucas could not make out, but as she spoke her fingertips glowed purple and a tingly feeling came onto Lucas’s palm. When she let go of his hand, he saw a phone number written onto it, accompanied by a smiley face with fangs. “Just a little something vampires can learn naturally,” Rose explained, “and don’t worry, it comes off with soap and water. Just make sure you get it down first.” She gave him a fanged grin.          A goofy grin came across Lucas’s face alongside his returning blush. “So, um,” he began as he stood up offering his hand to her, “how about something like this on Sunday?”         “Asking a vampire out on a holy day?” Rose sounded appalled, putting her hand to her chest dramatically. “You have quite the nerve, Lucas Miller.”          “I get the feeling you don’t really care,” Lucas replied as the vampire got up and took his hand. “I was never big into religion myself anyways.”          “That makes two of us then,” Rose smiled, and the two walked back the way they came, the air between them now filled with jokes and laughter and their hands together.
         “You can just drop me off,” Rose told him as they pulled up at her cousin’s house. “It’s pretty late for you, isn’t it?”          “Yeah, it is. Jeez, eleven already. Where does the night go?” Lucas sighed with a smile as Rose got out of his car. “Well, see you Sunday, then.”          “Until then,” Rose waved goodbye as Lucas drove off. She walked up to the path to the house and gave a sharp rap on the door with a single knuckle.          “Come in!” Violet called, and Rose did so. Her cousin was seated on the couch, wearing a gray college sweater and black shorts. She was halfway through some slices of toast and had the old widescreen TV turned on to a show with a black cat in a red cape on screen. As Rose closed the door behind her, Violet asked, “So, how was this Lucas tonight? Was he an adequate meal?”          “Actually, I let him live tonight,” Rose told her as she pulled off her high heels with a happy sigh.          “Oooo!” Violet replied with genuine surprise. “Is Rose finally feeling charitable tonight? Or has she finally given into her true desires?”          “Hmph,” Rose smirked, somewhat amused. “Don’t get any ideas, Vi. He merely amused me and nothing more, so I’ll let him live a little longer. I wouldn’t be one to give up O negative so easily.”          “If you say soooo,” Violet teased in a singsong voice.          “And I do,” Rose assured her as she began ascending the stairs. “Maybe if you're lucky, I can bring him here and we can share him.”
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espithewarlock · 9 months
Some end-of-2023 asks that didn't get asked but I'm answering them anyways! Some are from AO3 Wrapped and some are from the more general 2023 reblog.
How many works did you publish this year?
20! It's so much more than I thought I would post, let alone write!
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Bittersweet, That Glitter (aka, Dragon!Pierre) by a long shot. I love the fantasy & worldbuilding and it's some of my best stuff. (I also loved dropping it on Sol unexpectedly and having her start shouting at me within a minute of posting it. Seriously, AO3, you chose then to be speedy with email notifications??)
What work of yours has the most hits?
My Pierre/Charles/Max Soulmark AU. Probably because it's one of the few chaptered fics that I have and probably because it's lestappen tagged. Of my oneshots, Omega!Pierre just beats OnlyFans!Charles by a few hits.
What work was the quickest to write?
I started Take, Take Me Over at 6:30am, wrote 1.9k words, edited, and posted it by 8:30am. (Then I went to the gym and found the perfect song inspiration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
What work took you the longest to write?
Another Deep Dive All The Way Down (aka, the Carlando Coffeeshop AU that's a companion to Mermaid!Charles) probably had the longest time start to finish because I kept procrastinating writing the ending.
What’s your shortest work of the year?
I wrote exactly 1,016 words for the short-fic prompt challenge, Trading Controllers, and I'm impressed at how much story I squeezed into just over a thousand words.
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
I'm sitting at 2,307 while I'm writing this and that is simply insane! I'm done posting Coffeeshop and I'm hoping to get a few more on that one since it's now 100% complete. Honestly, the fact that over two thousand people have liked my stuff enough to say they like my stuff is incredible!
Which work has the most comments?
By sheer number? Soulmark AU at 66 comment threads, but that averages to 3.9 per chapter. Mermaid!Charles has 4.1 per chapter, for comparison. Of my oneshots, Nymph!Pierre has 8 (including an ESSAY that makes me 🥰), Baker!Pierre has 7, and OnlyFans!Charles has 7.
What do you listen to while writing?
I actually usually listen to Twitch streams. The video game music + the commentary/content gives me something to flip back to while I'm thinking over story ideas and doesn't pull me out of the writing flow like listening to distinct songs.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
It's so hard to pick just one! Here's some of my favorites: 1. The 'little squid' bit from Nymph!Pierre 2. The whole meet-cute scene from Baker!Pierre (+ Kimi's "But that did not go well") 3. The line from Dragon!Pierre after he leaves ("Now that he knew the warmth of Charles' hands, of his mouth, on his body, there was no way the sun could compare.") 4. The absolute heartbreak of Pierre saying goodbye to Mermaid!Charles 5. OnlyFans!Charles pointing to himself ("what a coincidence! I also like your shirt.")
Talk about a new friend you made this year
Literally everyone in the Calamar's Club, but especially Logan & Sol. Sol for being the sweetest person ever, letting me be insane about dragons, and inviting me to the server after seeing me shout into the void for friends. Logan for dragging me into the chaos, the constant encouragement of everyone, and for making me melt every time they react to anything I post.
How was your birthday this year?
Excellent! I visited my sister, went to her wedding dress fitting, and we saw the musical Six! It was my first time seeing it and it was AMAZING.
Favorite book(s) you read this year?
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune & The Near Witch by VE Schwab
What are you excited about for next year?
Posting my PWFE fic, meeting up with a local-ish fandom friend, and hopefully planning my first overseas trip!
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Read your fucking comments, Espi! You could have been making new friends and having fun conversations all year and you were too much of a coward to try that until ~September~. Most of them are lovely and you should ignore the ones that aren't!
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Yep! I resolved to start lifting at the gym (instead of just doing cardio) and I've made pretty good progress! Going to continue into next year for sure!
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goodlifewrites · 4 years
I wanted to actually respond to this specific review by Celine Griffyndor:
“to me, Harry is a dick, why didn’t he say what he really thinks about the other boy? and also Harry agreed to go with a girl he didn’t even know and threw Ginny to the enemy, I thought Harry would try to talk to Neville to call Ginny. Harry doesn’t really look like James’ son, unfortunately, he has the profile of a withdrawn teenager (as well as growing up with his uncles). I really liked the fic proposal and the plot, congratulations on your creativity and writing. however, this Harry is an idiot and I also agree that he does not deserve Ginny, are you sure he has already kissed and been with other girls? why would Ginny be interested in him? It is quite contradictory. this last chapter left me very frustrated”
I think the review is fair, if a bit tactless.  But let’s go point by point:
“to me, Harry is a dick, why didn’t he say what he really thinks about the other boy?”
Of the ways one could describe Harry, I doubt “dick” would be one of them for not badmouthing someone else to another person. But a lot of people have issues with Harry not telling Ginny what he really thinks of Jean-Pierre.  For me, I wrestled with whether this felt true to canon Harry.  I thought about his relationship with Ginny, why they work so well together. And part of that is their understanding of each other’s needs.  This helps me answer the question of why Harry would refuse to badmouth Jean-Pierre to prevent them from dating. Because he knows it won’t work.  He knows how stubborn and independent Ginny is. Her deciding to be friends with him is an act of rebellion against her family, even if she agrees not to be so open about it.  Harry feels that telling Ginny how awful Jean-Pierre is and how she shouldn’t date him won’t actually work.  That Ginny will do what she wants to do, or do the opposite of what other’s tell her.  Putting down someone else won’t make Harry look good in Ginny’s eyes, he assumes.  Of course, there is also the fact that Harry has stubbornly decided nothing can ever happen with him and Ginny due to their families.  So he is doing the “noble” thing in not dissuading Ginny from dating Jean-Pierre.  Because in the end, he will never get to be with her anyway, so why fight every boy who wants to date her. Ginny, of course, is aware that Harry is being noble.  She isn’t so dense, so keep that in mind when she agrees to go with Jean-Pierre.  Ginny has her own game she is playing.
and also Harry agreed to go with a girl he didn’t even know and threw Ginny to the enemy,
Let’s try to avoid treating Ginny as if she has no agency.  Harry didn’t “throw her to the enemy.”  He did the noble thing and let Ginny make her own decision.
Harry doesn’t really look like James’ son, unfortunately, he has the profile of a withdrawn teenager
I’ll admit I’ve struggled with this a bit.  Harry does come across a bit too reserved and passive at times, even for my liking.  But I really try to consider the context of his upbringing and what canon shows.  Canon shows Harry does not love popularity.  And my Harry similarly shies away from the adulation.  But Harry in canon stands up to bullies and can be a tad confident and very sassy.  I feel like I did show this side of him in my fic. The big issue with Harry is that he is weighed down by his father’s expectations, yet also rebels against them.  So its a constant internal struggle between rising to those expectations and shunning them, which often causes indecision, and perhaps some passiveness.  But I would hardly call him “withdrawn.”  He has friends, he plays Quidditch, he celebrates his triwizard victory. He acts flirty with Ginny.  I don’t see him as withdrawn, just that he likes to keep his friend group small.  He still is suspicious of others due to his experiences at Beauxbaton and being a Potter.
Having said all that, I do think I can do a better job of showing Harry taking the initiative. Hopefully you all will appreciate that.
this Harry is an idiot and I also agree that he does not deserve Ginny, are you sure he has already kissed and been with other girls? why would Ginny be interested in him? It is quite contradictory.
Honestly, this is a very fair criticism.  I don’t think I’ve done enough to show why Ginny would like Harry.  In canon she likes his bravery, but to this point, I doubt he has shown much of it.  But Ginny and Harry clearly get along well and have a lot of fun together. Ginny also admires his quidditch skills and the risks he takes during the game. So perhaps he is a bit braver than even I give him credit for.  Maybe the fact that he isn’t gung ho about competing in the tournament?  But in canon he wasn’t really enthused either.  And in my fic, he did go up against a dragon with determination.  So actually, Harry has demonstrated a lot of bravery.  
I think what you mean, and others who have made a similar complaint, is that Harry is dumb for not pursuing Ginny, despite all the signs she is giving him. And to that, I say:  Yes, he is but its understandable.  He’s being noble and trying to do what’s right by his family. Harry deep down is aware that there is mutual attraction between him and Ginny.  He may be telling himself there isn’t, but that’s just self-preservation.  It’s easier for him to pretend she isn’t into him because then it makes his decision not to pursue her much easier to follow through on.  Also, consider in canon that Harry didn’t pursue Ginny during 6th year in large part because of Ron.  He didn’t want to jeopardize the friendship.  Is that really much different than what he’s doing now?  And all I will say is that in canon, Harry wasn’t going to do anything with Ginny until he got caught up in the moment and kissed her in the common room. Perhaps that will be another parallel???
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[previous dragon princess imagine]
Things had been... tough. After Lewis came to visit she thought things would start to improve. Yet when she finally ended her self-imposed exile and went back into town no one would talk to her. The townspeople actually fled from her when she approached. Penny left her book in the grass. It hurt. It hurt to see the fear in their eyes.
She tried to buy some seeds from Pierre, but he just told her it was free of charge and then slipped into the back of the store to his living quarters, leaving her standing by the counter. No. This hadn’t been what she wanted. She had hoped revealing her secret would bring them closer together, but instead she just opened a rift between them. With a hanging head she left the store and made her way to the forest.
Lewis had said they just needed to build their trust in each other again, but how could she do that when no one even wanted to be near her? He had said Marlon wanted to speak with her, the possibility of being a protector of the valley, but Marlon hadn’t come to her himself yet and given how everyone else had been treating her she didn’t feel like going to him. She wasn’t sure if she could handle making the effort only to get rejected. Lewis had given her the message, but even he didn’t seem to want to talk to her anymore.
She walked past Marnie’s ranch and saw the cows in the pasture walk away from the fence line. She was used to animals avoiding her, but the sight just cemented the fact that no one wanted to be around her in her mind.
No one expect the wizard.
That’s where she was heading now. He had been the only one to have known what she really was from the start. Not a simple farmer, not a human, but a dragon. She hadn’t gone to see him since she made her big announcement to the town. If there was anyone who wouldn’t mind her visit right now it would be him.
When she knocked on the old wooden door she heard him call out to enter. Stepping into the tower she felt the magic tingle across her skin. It was an old sensation, one that was oddly comforting in these times.
“What brings you here? I can sense you are troubled.” the wizard said as he arranged some crystals on his shelf.
“I... I showed the town what I truly was.” the farmer said, sitting down in a chair.
The wizard paused in his movements before glancing over at her.
“Yes, I... had heard about that.” he said.
“They’re scared of me now.”
Silence fell over them and he went back to his shelves.
“You’re not going to comfort me?” the farmer asked, watching him
“What comfort could I give? A small town of small minds, your decision has shattered the fragile peace they believed to be in the valley. Do you wish to be coddled? You are a dragon, not a sparrow.”
The farmer was insulted. He knew she was hurting and he decided to just not do anything for her?! He wasn’t even looking at her! Her hands gripped the arms of the chair she had taken with a strength outside what should be contained in her small form.
“Yes, I am a dragon, so what? What good has that done me? Back home I was worshiped and I hated it! I had no friends. I came here and finally had some, but now they all hate me!”
“You made your choice to leave where those knew of what you were. You ran instead of changing how they treated you,” the wizard said, finally turning fully to face her. “You hid here and hid who you were. Then you were unhappy with hiding and must suffer the consequences of your ‘truth’. This is why I live alone in my tower and only reach out to a select few. I do not hide who I am, I am careful with whom I trust with information.”
“So what? You’re just telling me I was stupid and I should have done things differently? How does that help me now?” the farmer growled.
“There is no help to be had. You have more power than anyone, yet you have decided to mire yourself in self-pity.”
Furious the farmer rose from her seat and stomped out. Slamming the door behind her with enough force to rattle the whole tower. How dare he! The only one willing to even talk to her and he says things like that! She was so upset with Rasmodius that she transformed into her true draconic form. Scales glistened in the sun as she hissed.
A scream was heard and she swiveled her head to see a terrified Leah dropping a basket of forageables and running back towards her cabin. No, this hadn’t been what she wanted! Not more fear!
With a roar the farmer jumped into the air and with a tremendous flap of her wings rose high into the sky. She couldn’t stay here anymore. Things had fallen apart too much. It hurt too much to see the terror in their eyes. The wizard was right, she was a dragon. She was a monster. Why did she ever believe she could hide among humans?
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sassylavellen · 6 years
Retribution: Chapter 6
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Story: Dragon Age Retribution
A short(?) story by Sam Shenberger
Words: 3,523
The dawn broke slowly on a cold morning. Amanda rode up to the steps outside the Circle tower. A small group of Templars on horses were already gathered near the front gates, with Markus at their front. He looked up as Amanda approached.
“So you’re really going to come with us, are you?” he asked.
“I am, Uncle Markus.” She replied.
“What of your husband, your children?”
Amanda took a deep breath before continuing. “Bartholomew is taking them to his mother’s while I’m gone. They will be fine.”
“Your place is with your family, girl…” Markus began, but Amanda cut him off.
“My place is here.” She said firmly. “Alyssa is my family too.”
Markus nodded. “Very well. We will set out soon. Grab what supplies you need.”
Amanda hopped off her horse and led it over to where there was a cache of supplies. As she was packing her supplies on her horse’s back, another Templar came up to her. “I see we’re getting the royal procession with us.” He said in a raspy voice.
“I’m going, yes.” Said Amanda curtly. She knew this Templar well, though she wished she didn’t. His name was Aldrich, and he could be a nasty, vile man. The stories of Templars abusing mages seemed credible when he was involved. He carried himself with an air of superiority, and his stubbly face was often curled in a sneer. Amanda had always done her best not to associate with him, and to keep Alyssa away from him.
“I know your sister was one of thems that was taken.” He said. Amanda’s jaw tightened. She was going to have to put up with him this whole journey?
“Yes” she replied shortly.
He snorted. “Well don’t worry, we’re going to find those bastards and make them pay.”
At that moment, Markus came over to them. “Amanda,” he said. “There’s something I wish to try.” Amanda turned and saw Markus carrying a tool in his hands. The tool was small, but it had a sort of vial on one end and a sharp, needle-like protrusion on the other. She knew this tool, but didn’t know what he was doing with it.
“What’s that, Uncle?” she asked, curious.
“You know what this is?” he asked, holding the tool up.
“Of course. It’s used to create phylacteries for every mage.” She said.
“Correct.” He said. “Your sister’s phylactery was stolen when she was kidnapped. We have no way of tracking her. However, there may be something we can do. Since phylacteries are made with the blood of mages, perhaps we can use the blood of a relative mixed with some strong lyrium to create method of tracking where they’ve taken her.”
“Will that work?” Amanda asked, confused.
“It won’t get us her precise location, but it may point us in the right direction.” He said.
Amanda nodded. This method was weird to her, but she didn’t know how these things worked. If it helped find Alyssa, then she was willing to try it. “I assume you want me to use my blood.” She said.
“I was to use my own blood,” Markus began. “But since you are coming with us, your blood will be stronger than mine.”
Amanda nodded. Without another word, she rolled up her sleeve and held out her arm. Markus took the tool and inserted the needle’s point into a vein in the crook of her upper arm. She winced as it entered through her skin and watched as the tiny vial slowly filled up with red blood. “So this is what the mages go through…” she said tensely.
Markus removed the vial from the tool and held it up to the pale sunrise. He held out his hand and another Templar gave him a small pouch of Lyrium dust. Amanda watched as Markus carefully poured some of the powder into the vial, then encased it in a holding device. He held the device out like a compass. All the Templars fell silent as they watched the newly made phylactery. Slowly, the vial turned in its casing, pointing towards Amanda. Markus’s face fell. “It was worth the try…” he began, but then the vial began turning again, away from Amanda… pointing to the west.
Amanda stepped forward, surprised. “Is it working?” she asked.
“I believe so.” Said Markus. “Men! Prepare to move out.” _______________________________________________
The sun came in through the windows of the cabin. Evelyn had barely slept a wink. She had spent most of the night trying to patch Alyssa up. The wound in her side was very deep, and it had possibly become infected. Alyssa had passed out not long after Evelyn had found her, and only had the strength to croak out that she didn’t want anyone to find her. Evelyn was no healer, but she did her best. She had used a fair amount of alcohol to sterilize the wound, and ended up drinking the rest herself. Now there was nothing but an empty bottle and a splitting headache to go with her regrets.
Slowly, Evelyn stood up and trudged over to her kitchen. She opened a cabinet, pulled out a small loaf of bread and without bothering to cut it, took a huge bite out of it. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in a nearby mirror. She stared at it for several long seconds. Her eyelids were heavy, and there were very pronounced dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was tangled and sticking out in weird ways, no doubt from her night on the couch. “I certainly look just like I feel,” she mumbled to herself with her mouth still full. She put one hand in her pocket, and then became aware of something in it. Confused, she pulled it out. It was the envelope Moira had given her the day before, the one that supposedly contained her father’s last words. Evelyn looked at it for several minutes, her mind racing groggily. Should she open it? She didn’t want to. She needed to know what he said. She wanted to throw it in the fire. What could her father possible say that would make up for the years of abuse she had endured? Nothing could be said. It wasn’t worth it.
After a moment, she heard Alyssa stirring in the room behind her. With a sigh, she tucked the envelope into a nearby drawer and turned back into the sitting room. Alyssa was indeed awake. She was attempting to stand up from her chair, but fell back down into a sitting position with a groan of pain.
“Easy, there.” Said Evelyn. “You had one hell of a night.”
Alyssa said nothing, but felt her side where her injury was.
“I’m not much of a healer,” Evelyn continued. “But I did my best. You’ll live.”
Alyssa nodded. After an awkward silence, Evelyn cleared her throat again as she sat down across from her.
“I’m Evelyn, by the way.” She said. “You’re welcome.”
Alyssa nodded again.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on but I do know what happened at the Ostwick Circle. The family is going to want to know you’re safe-”
“No.” said Alyssa firmly.
“Oh, you can speak.” Chuckled Evelyn.
“They can’t know I’m here, I shouldn’t have even come here… If anything happens…”
“You’re worried about the Templars?” Evelyn asked “Your sister is already gone looking for you, I don’t think you need to worry about…”
Alyssa shook her head. “I’m not talking about the Templars.” She looked around, as if afraid to keep talking. “I’m talking about… them.”
“Who’s ‘them’? ‘Them’ could be anyone.” Observed Evelyn.
“The ones who attacked the Circle, the ones who killed a dozen mages and half a dozen Templars, they stole our phylacteries and kidnapped me and three other mages!” Said Alyssa with a shudder. “They wore black robes, black as night, but with a symbol of a red hand on their shoulder.”
Evelyn sat up straighter and leaned in. “Black robes and red hands? Was the hand making this gesture?” She held up four fingers.
Alyssa nodded. Evelyn swallowed hard.
“Shit,” whispered Evelyn under her breath.
“You know of them?” asked Alyssa.
“We’ve met. There was a band of them fleeing north through the forest. They attacked a Dalish clan.”
“Attacking a Dalish clan? Why would they do that?” asked Alyssa, brow furrowed.
Evelyn stood up.
“No idea.” Said Evelyn. “Listen, I get you don’t want Mum and Dad to know you’re here. Fair enough. But Holli and Stephen need to know about this.”
“No! No one can know! It’s not safe!” Alyssa cried, sitting up. “They still have my phylactery, they can find me! I can’t let them find me or my family!”
“Then why did you come here?” snapped Evelyn, losing her patience.
Alyssa sat back down. “I was wounded. I had nowhere to go… I wasn’t thinking straight.” There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “Why do you say Stephen and Holli need to know?”
“Because they were there too.” _________________________________________
The dawning sunlight crept in through the windows of Holli’s bedroom. Holli looked at herself in the mirror while an elven handmaiden helped tie her into a corset. Another handmaiden came up to her with a pallet of make-up, while a third stood ready with an elaborate yellow dress.
“Must we do this all again?” yawned Holli sleepily.
“Yes, My Lady.” Said the second elf as she started applying a deep road blush to Holli’s cheeks.
“It’s too early for this shit.” Grumbled Holli.
The handmaidens giggled. “But My Lady!” said the first, “You always look so beautiful.”
“Thanks, Deirdre.” She sighed. She continued to stare at her reflection as she slowly began to look less and less like herself the more the make-up was applied.
About ten minutes later, Holli made her way down to the study. The room was empty apart from a chair next to the window, a half painted canvas on a stand, and a short pudgy man wearing a ridiculous mascaraed mask. The man bounced up and down as Holli entered.
“Ah! Zere you are, mademoiselle!” he cried in an Orlesian accent.
Holli forced a smile. “Good morning, Pierre.” She said.
“You are not a moment too soon!” said Pierre as he lead Holli over to the chair. As soon as she was seated he leapt back over to the canvas and picked up his paint and brushes. “Now zat you’re ‘ere, please assume your position!” he said joyously.
Holli arched her back slightly and folded her hands in her lap. She yawned widely.
“Madame, please! No yawning!” cried Pierre.
Holli shook her head hard. “Sorry. Long night.”
Pierre closed his eyes, looking like he was putting himself into a trance.  After an awkwardly long couple seconds, he opened his eyes again, almost about to put brush to canvas. At that moment the door burst open and Evelyn came in, trailing a flustered servant behind her. “Miss! You can’t go in there!” shouted the servant.
“Funny. I think I just did.” Said Evelyn dismissively.
Holli stood up. “Evie? What…?”
“Larmes de Dieu!” cried Pierre. “Zis is an outrage! You ‘ave caused me to lose my focus!”
“Yeah well, funny thing about focus, it always comes back.” Quipped Evelyn. She ignored the servant and the painter and turned to address Holli. “Holli, we need to talk.”
“What, now?” asked Holli.
“Now.” Said Evelyn.
Holli nodded then addressed the servant. “It’s fine. Leave us.”
The servant bowed and left. Pierre remained, muttering curses in Orlesian under his breath. “You too, Mask Man.” Said Evelyn.
“Mask Man?!” cried Pierre indignantly. “Avez-vous une idée de qui je suis, couteau-oreille? We will lose ze light! How can I-?”
Evelyn came up to him. She was quite a bit taller than him and practically blocked the light from the window, throwing him in shadow. The man took a step back and Evelyn reached into a pouch on her belt.
“Now see here, zere’s no need for…” he began, but Evelyn pulled out a handful of gold coins.
“The sun comes up every day. What’s one day without?” she asked.
The man said nothing, but after a moment he did take the money. “So it does.” He said begrudgingly. With a huff, he left.
Now alone, Evelyn turned to Holli. “Evie, what’s going on?” asked Holli, concerned.
“Remember those black robed cultists yesterday?” asked Evelyn.
“Of course.” Said Holli, confused.
Evelyn took a deep breath. “We need to find Stephen. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.” _______________________________________
It had been years since Alyssa had been in this cottage. She sat there in her chair as memories began flooding back to her. How old had she been when she was last in here? She couldn’t have been older than 20. That was when she found out she had magic. Most mages discover their abilities at a much younger age. She remembered coming here on that day. She was hiding from her family, not strong enough to break this horrifying discovery to them. Now that she was thinking about it, the memory became stronger. She had sat on the couch across the room and cried for what had felt like hours. Eventually Amanda had found her. She had to confess it to her. By that time, Amanda had just become avowed as a Templar. It wasn’t a pleasant conversation.
Tears were starting to fall from her eyes again and she wiped them away quickly. She heard the door to the kitchen open and sat up. She hadn’t seen Holli or Stephen in at least a year. What would they say?
Evelyn led Holli and Stephen through the kitchen door. Stephen started walking towards the sitting room, but Evelyn stopped him. “What is all of this?” he inquired.
“Before you swarm her, just be aware that’s she’s hurting. A lot.” Said Evelyn.
“What does that mean?” asked Holli.
Evelyn stood aside, allowing Stephen and Holli to enter the sitting room. As soon as they did, they both froze. The silence was uncomfortable as they both stared in shock at their eldest sibling.
Alyssa broke the silence. “Sister, brother...” she coughed.
Holli sped forward and threw herself down on her knees by Alyssa’s chair.
“Alyssa!” she cried. “Are you okay? What are you doing here? We’ve been worried sick!”
“Is that… your blood?” asked Stephen carefully.
“Yes.” Answered Alyssa.
Evelyn cleared her throat. “You three have a lot to catch up on, I’m going to make breakfast because I am starving. Have fun.” She backed out of the door back into the kitchen.
Stephen turned back to his sisters. Holli was crying, her make-up running off down her face. “Are you… are you injured?” he asked.
“I got stabbed in the stomach when I was captured. But I escaped.” She replied.
“What do you mean escaped? What happened?” asked Holli.
“The men in the Black Robes attacked the Circle. There was no warning; no one was prepared. One moment, I was sitting in my chambers studying and the next thin I knew there was a loud explosion. One of the walls of the dormitories had been blown down with a mighty force, yet there was no battering ram, no tree that a storm might have knocked into us. It had to be magic. Then the men started swarming in. They killed several Templars and a few of the mages who fought back. I attempted to fight, but they got me…” She lifted up her robes to show them her wound. It was mostly cleaned up, but her skin was still red from the blood. Evelyn had stitched the wound back together.
“Maker’s breath!” whispered Holli under her breath. “What happened then?”
“I went down. A lot of what happened next is a blur… I must have been slipping in and out of consciousness. But there were many of them. So many men in black robes… We never stood a chance. I woke up a few hours later. They had taken me and three other mages. Two of them I didn’t know but one of them was a friend of mine, an elf named Varahel. He told me that they also broke into the vaults and destroyed most of the phylacteries, but they took ours.” Alyssa continued. “We don’t know why they did it, or what they planned to do with us. Perhaps they wished to hold us for ransom, but then why take our phylacteries? Why destroy the others?”
“Perhaps they were trying to cover their tracks with the phylacteries. Trying to make it appear as though the mages were rebelling.” Conjectured Stephen.
“Maybe. But there were so many witnesses they left behind.” Replied Alyssa.
Holli nodded. “She’s right. We all knew it was an attack.”
“How did you escape?” asked Stephen.
“The group split off. Some of the cultists left north, while the smaller group took us west. There was a gap in our guard’s patterns and we took advantage of it. One of the mages was killed. He couldn’t have been any older than 16…” Alyssa choked up a tiny bit. “Varahel tried to draw them away so that I could get away. I don’t know what happened to him or the other mage.”
“And they still have your phylactery?” asked Stephen.
“Yes” nodded Alyssa.
“So… that means they can track you.” He continued.
Alyssa nodded again. “I know I can’t stay here but I had nowhere else.”
Stephen began pacing. “The group that went north must have been the group we ran into.”
Holli had fallen silent through all this. Finally, she spoke up. “Don’t worry. We will keep you safe.”
“How?” asked Alyssa.
Evelyn reentered the room, carrying a tray of breakfast sandwiches.
“I’m probably not as good as your kitchen staff but it’s better than nothing.” She said as she placed the tray on the table. “How are we doing?”
Holli stood up. “We’re going after them.” She said firmly.
It took a second for this to settle in for everyone. Evelyn was the first to break the silence. “You’re what now?”
“We’re going after those bastards who hurt my sister. We’re going to bring them to justice.” She said.
“Holli,” Stephen said, stepping forward.
“Stephen, don’t.” Said Holli. “I know what you’re going to say, but no. I will not let this offense on our name stand.”
“Offense on your name…?” asked Evelyn. “Look, Holli, I get you’re upset but you realize this isn’t something you can just do on your own.”
“That’s why I said ‘we’. We’re all going.” She said.
“Holli, are you sure…” Stephen began, “What’s brought this on?”
“This is what I have been training for! I can do this!” she said.
“You’ve trained for a year.” Reminded Evelyn.
Holli looked around to each of them in the room. Finally she addressed Evelyn. “I’m not the only one with a personal stake in this! They attacked your clan too!”
“You think I care about my clan?” snorted Evelyn.
Holli shook her head. “Then what about… What was her name…? Your sister?”
“Moira.” Said Stephen. Evelyn gave him a look, confused why he remembered and why he would blurt it out so quickly.
“They attacked your family too, Evelyn. Doesn’t that mean anything to you? Doesn’t that fill you with the rage I feel?” pleaded Holli as she stepped towards her.
“It does.” Said Evelyn seriously. “I know the rage you’re feeling. I know it like an old friend. You know what else I know? I know what it’s like to feel this rage and have no control over it. You start to make bad decisions; decisions that will hurt you in the long run.”
“Then help me to learn!” said Holli.
Evelyn fell silent. Holli turned back to the room, defeated.
Stephen cleared his throat. “We don’t even know who these cultists are. Where would we even start looking?”
“I might have an idea about that…” said Evelyn quietly. Everyone turned to look at her again. Evelyn reached into her pocket and pulled out a scrap of cloth. Stephen recognized it immediately.
“That’s the symbol from the cultist’s robes…” he said.
“I ripped it off during the fight.” She said. “I may know someone with ties to the criminal underworld who can tell me who they are. It’s a long shot but it’s something.”
Holli smiled. “Then we have a lead!” she said.
“We maybe have a lead.” Evelyn corrected. “If it pans out, then yes.”
Holli held out her hand. “Then we’re going to do this?” she asked with a hopeful tone.
Stephen stepped forward and put his hand out on top of hers. Evelyn rolled her eyes and threw her hand in too. “What the hell, sure.” She said. The three of them looked down at their locked hands, then a fourth hand came in and was placed on top of Evelyn’s. Alyssa had finally managed to stand and had thrown her hand in as well.
“Count me in as well.” she said. “I wish to make them pay.”
“Then let us begin.” Said Holli with a smile.
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thepaperpanda · 6 years
Ben Bazen || Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Summary: Bucky Barnes is spending nice time by your side during common trip to Paris.
Warnings: none
Words: 974
Authors: Rouge
Request by: @karina-marina9 Request: Hi, can I ask for a one shot based on song named "Ben bazen"? I got into that kind of music lately, and I wondered if you could write something like this. I would like to read about Bucky and reader just fooling around during summer months, maybe they take a trip around the world?
A/N: I hope you'll enjoy it! ♥
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“... Ben bazen...” You were humming softly, resting your head against the window of a car.
“You do this again, Y/N!” Bucky couldn't help but giggled loudly as he poked your side with his metal hand. “Calm down, soon we're gonna get there, Y/N.”
“What?!” You improved your position, putting legs on a dashboard. “You don't like me singing?”
“If I can be honest...” Bucky paused, so you turned your head toward him. He was grinning, looking straight at the road. “I like it from time to time but you sound more like a dying cat, honey.” Bucky shrugged and looked at you.
“Oh, you!” You pecked his lips and opened the window by your side, sticking head out.
“Watch out! I don't want you to lose your head so easily.” Former Winter Soldier said as he briefly looked at you.
“Focus on the road, Buck!” You miffed but you curled your lips into a bright smile. “Shit, we're here!”
In front of you, on the horizon, the Eiffel Tower loomed.
You squeaked, clapping your hands.
“Y/N, easy! It's just a monument!” Bucky rolled his eyes as he looked for a place to park the car.
When he finally did, you jumped out of the vehicle.
“C'mon, Buck!!!” You were jumping in the place, doing everything to rush him.
“Easy, girl!” He closed the door and activated the alarm. Bucky put his leather, black jacket on and circled the car to grab you by hand.
The sun was going down slowly as you two were walking along the Avenue Pierre Loti.
A gentle wind was ruffling trees and grass, adding a specific charm to this moment.
You were walking slowly, proudly holding your head up and leaning a bit toward Bucky, who let your hand free only to wrap his metal arm around your waist.
“Ah, isn't it beautiful?” You asked softly, breathing deeply.
“Mhm...” Bucky muttered, looking down at you.
You rolled your eyes, you were a bit annoyed.
“Buck, you know, how to be romantic.” You said with irony. “We're at one of the most romantic cities on the planet and you are like 'yeah, whatever', seriously?” You stopped and slipped out of his grip, crossing arms on your chest. “Thanks, Buck.”
He blinked.
“What? I do like this place. I don't know, what are you talking about right now.” Bucky shrugged slightly.
You turned with your back to him.
“Oh, come on, Y/N!” Bucky took a step toward you and placed his hands on your shoulders. “Don't be like this. I didn't mean anything bad, yea?” He put his chin on your left shoulder, only to kiss your neck shortly after. “Come on, honey.”
You smirked and giggled, reaching with your hand to his neck to stroke him there.
“You know that I can't be mad at you for too long, don't you?” You turned your head to him and kissed his lips. Bucky gave the kiss back, humming softly.
You grabbed his palm and pulled him ahead.
Soon, you and Bucky arrived at Eiffel Tower.
“Good morning, Mr. Barnes.” A guard smiled at Bucky and showed him the way.
You were surprised seeing, how you and Bucky were passing all the people from a queue by.
“Bucky?...” You asked quietly, tugging on his sleeve. “What's going on?”
He only turned head to look down at you with a bright smile on his lips.
“You'll see, Y/N.”
You were led on the highest floor, to the restaurant.
From this point, there was a beautiful view of the Paris skyline.
Bucky shifted a chair for you to sit and you politely took your place.
“Buck... How... I've heard that you have to book a place here few months before the trip... It's a very fancy restaurant...” You smiled, feeling how blush was forming on your cheeks.
Bucky took a seat in front of you and reached for your hand above the table.
“I know. That's why I made a reservation four months ago. Just for you, my love.” He gently nodded with a smile.
Your heart skipped a beat. He did this FOR YOU!
“Bucky...” You whispered when a waitress brought a bottle of red wine. “You shouldn't have...”
“Hush.” Bucky put the metal finger to his lips. “Enjoy the moment, Y/N.”
Some time later, the dishes that you ordered have arrived.
“I would never say that you'll do something like this for me.” You smiled at him, taking a bite of duck in spicy sauce. “It's... I can't find suitable words to describe how happy I am.” You were looking at him with love.
Bucky raised a glass of wine.
“To us. To another happy year.” He smirked softly.
You did the same.
“To me and my sweetest boyfriend. To our love.”
“Y/N, I have always wanted to ask you something. Many times I heard you singing 'ben bazen'. What does it even mean?” Bucky giggled quietly, putting the glass down.
You put your fork down and nodded.
“Indeed. 'Ben bazen' means 'I sometimes' in Turkish.” You explained simply. “I like the song with the similar title, it somehow stuck in my head some time ago.”
Bucky was looking at you. Suddenly, he got up and walked to your chair, reaching the hand toward you.
“Y/N, may I have this dance?” Bucky asked and it was when you realized that your favorite song was on.
“Oh, Gosh, Buck!” You blushed hardly but offered him your palm.
Within a minute, you and Bucky were rocking slowly to the music beat, being so close to each other.
“It was the best surprise I have ever gotten.” You climbed on your toes to kiss his bearded cheek.
Bucky pulled you closer.
“And you called me not romantic enough today, Y/N.” He poked your nose gently.
You both were dancing slowly, admiring the setting sun.
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kova-killian · 3 years
Lady of Light episode 2
Alrune keeps pace with Thallan and the silhouette of Linden comes over the horizon cast in a golden haze as the fog begins to roll in and the sun starts to dip down.
Thallan reaches the city gates before the rest of them, "open quickly! There's wolves behind us!" He yells up to the guards standing atop the wooden wall.
The gates open just enough for the horse's to fit through and slam shut behind them as the growling of the wolves on the path grow closer. Axelia gently pats the agitated, panting Alrune as they make their way to the inn. The red roofs of the town cast a strange red glow onto the streets below. Thallan goes inside the inn for a moment but tosses his cloak behind him, annoyed.
"There are no rooms available anywhere in town." He scowls, "we have to get moving, maybe we can reach the Glen before the sun completely sets." He looks at Axelia worried.
"Is the Glen safe from the wolves?" She asks.
"It's surrounded by silver ore, they can't cross the threshold." Pierre smiles at her.
"Let's move." Thallan snaps as he gets back in his saddle, "I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything warmer, it's going to get colder the closer we get to home." He tilts his head at her as they make their way through town to the other gates by the church.
"It's fine, I have my wool cloak." Axelia nods at him.
Out of the gates again, Axelia keeps her ears trained on the sounds of the forest. The darkness starts to set in and the crystals on her daggers glow.
Axelia quickly looks down and then at Thallan, "magic crystals?" He asks.
"It tells me what kind of danger is near. White means we're safe, moss is an Ogre, red is wolves, pink is Pixies."
"Well we're worried about wolves so keep an eye on her daggers lads." Thallan calls back.
"Yes sir." They all say together.
The eerie air around them keeps Axelia’s nerves on edge as not even the moon's glow touches them in these deep woods. Every small animal scurrying in the fallen leaves makes her flinch.
"Not out much Duchess?" One of the knights chuckles.
"I was hunted while I was trying to run away for the last five days. Pretty sure it was those wolves." Axelia gives him a snarky smile before listening to the forest again.
"She's on edge Vax, shut up. Duke Luvon was a skilled hunter and he taught her, she knows what she's doing." Pierre punches the young knight's shoulder.
"Quiet." Thallan hisses.
"Yes, sir." They whisper.
Axelia’s eyes widen as she listens, but all she hears are happy voices up ahead and a soft silver glow lighting the path.
Paying attention to the voices, none of them notice her daggers glowing red. Out of the darkness of the forest, six Werewolves attack, sending Alrune bucking, knocking Axelia to the ground and unbuckling her weapon from the saddle. She curls into herself and guards her neck as all the horses react violently, before running off towards the soft silver light.
Thallan grabs Axelia and pulls her to her feet before whipping her towards the silver glowing light, “Run!” he snaps as he pulls his sword from his hip.
That's a fairy glen blade. . .
How does he have a fairy glen blade?
She darts for the soft glow of the Glen but stumbles back towards Thallan as one of the wolves pounces onto the path in front of her. She takes a deep breath and pulls her claymore from her back. Planting her feet, the wolf charges at her. She clenches her jaw and squeezes her eyes shut readying herself for the inevitable impact. But it doesn’t come, only the sickening sound of hardened limp flesh smacking the compacted path. And then Thallan’s calloused hand swiftly grabbing her jaw as his gloves and sword clatter to the ground next to her.
Her eyes snap open, his eyes searching her for wounds. He gently takes her sword from her hands and hands it to the equally panicked knights behind him. As if he had been holding his breath he lets out a long sigh and as his stern worried expression softens.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she stammers. “I’ve never fought a werewolf before.”
Thallan smiles, “you don't have to explain. They caught us off guard.”
“Take her to the Glen, we’ll search for the horses.” Pierre hands her sword back to Thallan.
Thallan reaches down for his bloodied sword without taking a hand off of Axelia. Without hesitation he pulls her towards the voices in the silver glow of the Glen.
"Wait, we don't know who's there." She resists his pulling.
He smiles at her concern, "they are brother knights, they fought the dragon while my men and I went for the fortress."
"The Opal dragon?"
"Yes, their leader took him down."
Great. . . dragon slayers.
He realizes Chain Breaker is a dragon right?
She gives in and follows next to him, "if you trust them. . ." She sighs.
The sound of a soft stream fills the silence as they step inside the circle of silver ore. All the voices go quiet as the tired eyed knights turn towards them.
"Lord Thallan! I thought you would have been in your little fishing village by now!" A man taller than Thallan with blue black hair and onyx eyes smirks as he stands from the roaring fire.
"Just picking up a certain Duchess of castle Luvon, Drest." He smiles looking down at Axelia.
Drest finally notices her, "Oh! Well my apologies Lady Axelia! Go sit, I insist." He furrows his brow at Thallan as she walks away but still within earshot. "Was Luvon serious?"
"Her bitchy step mother forced me to marry her before allowing her to leave." Thallan grumbles as a knight with soft grey eyes hands Axelia a warm bowl of stew.
"Lady Cordelia?"
"She's horrid. The way Luvon talked about Axelia I expected her to be this proper noble woman. She tried taking on a wolf just now." Thallan looks over at her.
"Is that what I heard?"
"Yeah." He lets out a frustrated sigh, "the four men that came with me are looking for the horse's that were startled. You didn't happen to see a jet black Clydesdale run through here did you?"
Drest furrows his brow, "I think it ran down to the river, I'll go check. Go sit and eat supper with your pretty new wife." He pokes fun.
"Oh fuck off." Thallan punches Drest's arm as he laughs before joining Axelia.
They sit around the fire with the dragon slayers. She tries to be meek about her hunger but it takes over and she devours two large potatoes, the bowl of stew and a few pieces of bread before Drest, Pierre, and the three other knights that were looking for the horses return. The Glen becomes more lively when everyone's stomach is content. The knights get rowdy, singing pub songs about the dragons they killed and the rogue king. Thallan even joins in the fun as they toss around a piece of broken dragon horn. Axelia watches him closely. He wasn't beastly like Cordelia and her sisters had said, only a man with a playful side from a fishing village.
She covers her mouth as she yawns and Alrune lays down for the night after eating grain with the other horses.
So tired. . .
Axelia quietly slips away from the fire and over to Alrune. She lays against him and gently places her wool cloak over herself.
“Where’d Axelia go?” Thallan breathlessly asks just before she drifts off.
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