#do NOT ask me about Seraph I WILL NOT shut up
lostbizkits · 3 months
Would definitely like to hear about all your Seraph headcanons please!
Congratulations I will now never shut up about my Seraph headcanons >:)))))
Uh this entire post has spoilers for DDS 2 so don’t read if you haven’t played that
Ngl my whole blog is a giant DDS 2 spoiler why the fuck are you here 😭😭😭
Ok so one thing that distinguishes the way I personally draw seraph from canon is that I actually gave them heterochromia, as well as reflecting their hair colour all over their body. The left side of their body has black hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair, and the right side is white/silver.
But the eye colours are swapped, the silver side has Sera’s human eyes, and the black side has Serph’s. Seraphs pupils are also different but that’s because of a general headcanon that I have for the junkyard. You see, since the AI never had complete atma(in the Buddhist/Hindu sense, not the powers) their being is fragmented, so their pupil’s reflect that. It’s also because most of the Asuras are just fragments and stitched together chunks of Sera’s perception of the people that she met.
You’ll be able to see this in the way I draw Seraph, and most Embryon members that I’ve drawn recently.
Some Headcanons That Aren’t Necessarily in Their Design :D
Seraph’s Atma brand glows. If I got to remake DDS 2 (Atlus please let me remake DDS 2) I’d give Seraph’s head a soft glow, maybe with some particle effects. I personally think that the light from their brand is very strong, at times obscuring their face like an angel. And at other times it’s very soft :) and it ebbs and flows, changing intensity as they breathe (like a heartbeat)
Their voice also doesn’t sound like how it does in canon (to me) it’s more of a blend of both Serph and Sera. When they’re calm it’s a near perfect blend, both Serph and Sera’s atma working in perfect unison, but since the Seraph in DDS 2 is very young, when they get agitated or nervous their voice tends to fracture, going out of sync (Serph’s voice will be heard with a slight delay) or different voices speaking different sentences. But since Serph and Sera are very close this doesn’t happen often :)
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slutmegeto · 2 months
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you should really learn; you're his.
tw. teacher/student relationship, age gap, non-con, dub-con, bondage, unbalanced power dynamics, thigh high kink, sex toys, ring gag, edging, punishment, gagging mdni!
pairing: getou suguru x f!reader
his grip is tight. bruising. fingers pinching into the soft skin of your arm, dragging you faster than your legs can move, making you trip over your own two feet.
his name leaves your lips in a desperate, pathetic whine and has been since he pulled you out of class but he's relentless.
he continues to drag you through the halls, taking multiple turns, and up a flight or two of stairs until you reach a familiar door.
with one last glance at you, geto yanks open the door and all but shoves you inside. you stumble, nearly losing your footing as you slam against the desk lined to the right of the door. just as you catch yourself, you hear the door slam shut, echoing off the side boards and causing you to jump as you slowly chance a glance over your shoulder.
geto is practically steaming. he's silent, scarily so, just like he's been since he pulled you out of class. he doesn't look at you, even as your eyes carefully watch him, eyes following him as he makes his way to the windows in the office, lowering the blinds and making sure it blocks any sight inside the room out.
leaving you completely alone with him.
nobara, to her credit, had seemed less than okay with how geto had pulled you out of class, megumi and yuji looked on just confused. but all it had taken was gojo telling them it was fine and there was nothing to worry about and really, why should nobara doubt her teacher?
swallowing thickly, geto finishes with the final window and finally, finally he turns to face you.
whatever you'd been about to say promptly falls silent, mouth snapping shut as geto narrows his eyes in that way that you know means nothing good. you'd been scared before, but this is the angriest you've ever seen your teacher and you're not really sure what you even did.
he crosses the distance over to you, still eerily silent, until he's right in front of you, chest pressed against your own and leaving not an inch of space between the both of you. you meet his eyes and his flicker across your figure briefly before, with a blink, his hand is raising, gripping a handful of your hair and tugging so that your head tilts backwards.
its agressive, harsh and pulls a cry of surprise from your lips as your neck strains, hands raising to press against his chest.
"shut it." he finally speaks and it has your heart dropping, falling to the pit of your stomach as you let out a whimper. "i don't want to hear your excuses."
excuses for what? but you know better than to ask.
geto's free hand falls on the hem of your blouse; your uniform jacket having been shed after training earlier that day. instead, all you have on is your white button up blouse and flared skirt with your thigh highs on underneath. he's pulling it out of the top of your skirt, until it's hanging loosely around you, and you feel, slowly, his hand slip underneath until the cold of his skin touches your bare tummy, eliciting a gasp from your lips.
"i saw the most interesting thing this morning."
swallowing thickly, head still kept back, you glance at geto through your lashes.
"i was heading to my office, when i caught sight of you and itadori having breakfast together."
you freeze. geto's eyes darken.
"now, normally, something like that wouldn't upset me. not this much," he continues, voice low. "but imagine my surprise when i saw the little brat brush a strand of your hair and you blush, only to giggle at what i can only assume was some sweet little nothing from his lips."
he tugs, one sharp tug that has your back bending awkwardly over his desk as he splays his palm flat against your stomach.
"do you have anything to say about that?"
your mind races to find something—any excuse you could use.
"geto...geto-sensei, it's not... it's not what you think!" your voice pitches at the end just as geto presses you tighter against the edge of his desk. "yuji—itadori just, well, he was just being friendly!"
"it looked more than just friendly, slut."
swallow thickly, you let out a whimper. "it didn't mean anything! i'm sorry!" you cry, desperate. "i won't do it anymore! i'll make sure to decline him next time and-and—!"
geto suddenly lets go of you, hands leaving you completely as he steps back and you let out a breath of relief, shoulders sagging with confused relief as you try to find your footing. straightening yourself out, you glance over at him, baffled.
"it's okay," he says, a complete switch from his tone before. he lets out a gentle smile, eyes crinkling at the corners as he nods. "i forgive you."
but you knew better—that smile was anything but sweet.
frazzled, you nod, hesitant, body shaking violently as he turns, watching him lock the door to his office, and you know that can't mean anything good.
"now, y/n," he speaks up, back still turned to you but turning to glance at you over his shoulder. "i want you to get undressed, leaving on only your thigh highs, okay?"
you feel sick.
"geto-sensei, please—"
"y/n," he's turned to face you now, voice sharp. "now."
forcing back the bile that rises in the back of your throat, you lower your gaze, hands shakily raising to your blouse. you know you have no choice, having learned long ago what happened when you didn't listen to geto, memories of his frightening curses flashing in your mind that makes you move faster, fingers hastily unbottoning your shirt.
you slip your shirt off your shoulders, wiggling out of your skirt, all whilst geto watches closely. his eyes never stray from you, stood by the door, and he doesn't move, not an inch, even as you unclasp your bra and free your breasts from their restraints. then, finally, your fingers slip into the hem of your panties and you yank them down, before stepping out of them.
per his request, you're left completely bare except for your black thigh highs.
your arms twitch to cover yourself, until; "you know the rules, pretty. arms down."
forcing your arms to your side, you avoid geto's heavy gaze, feeling embarrassed and exposed in a way you've never liked.
geto stands there for a moment longer before he makes his way over to you before stopping just in front of you.
“you look so pretty like this.” geto whispers, and you turn your head away as his eyes trail across your form, drinking in the sight of you. he’s the one who’d picked out your school uniform as soon as you enrolled. you still remember the day and how your life turned to hell from that point on.
he’s never given you a choice in anything. starting from your uniform and on.
then, just as you prepare yourself for him to touch you, he simply walks past you, not bothering you another glance as your eyes follow him. you feel your eyes water when you see him bend down to reach into the bottom drawer of his desk.
no. no. you knew what that meant.
"p-please, sensei!" you're turning desperate, all sense leaving you as dread fills your entire being, shuffling back on your feet and trying to inch towards the door. "i said i was sorry! i won't do it again! i promise! just, please, don't—"
"come back here."
his voice cuts in and you let out a cry, frozen in the spot.
you meet his eyes and now it'll only be worse if you don't listen now, so, forcing your legs to move, you make your way back over to him. you try to ignore the many things he's laid out on the desk, or the way you're crying, stopping just as you reach the edge of the desk.
"lay back on the desk, tummy up."
you do so numbly. grabbing the edge of the desk, you lift your knee, and ignore how cold the desk is against your skin or how bare you are, shifting until your back is flat against the desk and you're staring up directly at geto.
he's smiling, pleased, eyes drifting across your bare form.
"good girl," he praises, "that wasn't so hard was it?"
you just let out a shaky breath.
he moves then, disappearing from your view, but a second later you feel his hand wrap around your left wrist, the familiar coarse feeling of rope wrapping around your wrist before it pulls, tugging your arm down the side of the desk in an uncomfortable angle. he fastens the other end of the rope to the leg of the desk, and then does the same with your other arm and both of your legs.
leaving you bound to the desk.
once he's done with your left leg, he stands, letting his hand drift across your thigh, up and across your stomach, around the side of your breast before he's hovering over you once more.
"open your mouth."
slowly, you listen, parting your lips, eyes stuck on geto's as he reaches forward, pressing his pointer and middle finger flat against your tongue. he presses down and you gag slightly at the motion, before he's pushing his fingers back, to the back of your throat, causing you to shift in your binds.
"close," he orders, and you listen, letting your lips wrap around his two fingers. "suck."
ignoring the humiliation of having to suck off your teacher's fingers, you listen, letting your tongue wrap around his fingers like he'd taught you, sucking and gagging yourself on his two fingers.
"that's it," he croons. "good girl. such a good little girl when you listen."
he leans forward and you watch him through blurred vision.
a second later he pulls his fingers from your lips, wiping your own spit across your face, laughing when you try and move your face away.
"keep your mouth open, pretty girl."
pulling his hands away, you listen, eyes watching his figure as he moves, making his way around the desk before suddenly, there's something dark being wrapped around your eyes.
you're cut off by a sharp slap across your left breast, one that has you jumping as you hiss out in pain. it stings, and although you can't see, you're positive there's a bright red hand mark left in place of his hand, skin prickling at the sensation.
"what did i say," geto hisses, moving to pinch your nipple and tugs. "keep that mouth open and don't speak."
fearing another hit, you listen, keeping your mouth as wide open as possible, fear striking you deep when he wraps the blindfold completely around your eyes, completely blocking any vision from your sight. he nots it tightly against the back of your head, leaving it impossible to try and wiggle off.
your lack of sight has you even more scared then before, shaking in your bondage as geto shifts. you can hear him fiddling around with something but he doesn't say anything and you can't see him.
a minute later something hard and metal is being forced in between your teeth.
a ring gag.
geto is quick to fasten it around your face and you let out a gargled cry as he does, pulling against your binds to no avail. you're stuck in place, unable to do anything as he forces your mouth open and merely laughs at your struggles.
"look at my pretty girl," he coos, letting his hand fall once again against your stomach, rubbing your tummy with soft circles. his fingers feel like knifes against your skin, but you can't buck away from his touch; trapped in place. "all gagged up with a blindfold. you can't see anything, can you? completely defenceless."
you let out a strangled cry and then suddenly, geto's fingers are back in your mouth, gagging you as spit dribbles across your cheeks, unable to pull away or close your mouth. he shoves them far back, to the edge of your throat, the sounds of your spit gargling all you can hear as you shake your head, trying to get away.
"you'll remember this next time you try and flirt with someone else."
his words are dark and you're full on subbing, gagging and choking on his fingers before he pulls away.
as you try to catch your breath, chest rising and falling rapidly, geto falls silent once again. you can hear him shuffling, your anxiety building, but it's impossible to see what he's doing even as you desperately try. minutes pass before you finally feel him again and this time he's at the other end of the desk, one hand gripping your thigh, slotted in between your legs, while the other reaches for your pussy.
you jump at the touch, the sensation stronger with your sight impaired, unable to focus on anything but his touch.
you can feel his gaze on you, even if you can't see, and you let out a whimper as his fingers softly stroke your clit in languid movements, swirling around. the fingers he'd gagged you on seconds ago brush faintly across your clit, as if hovering, your muscles tense as you're forced to feel pleasure from a man you can't stand.
then, he's pulling back and you feel yourself relax, just faintly, before something cold presses against your clit. it's cold and plastic and you try to pull away, but can't, because in the next second you hear the familiar sound of tape being ripped as it's taped directly to your clit.
you know exactly what it is.
a remote controlled vibrator that geto loved.
it wasn't the first time geto's used on you, but you certainly wished the last time had been the last.
"you know what this is, right?" geto strokes your thighs, digging his nails through the fabric of your thigh highs. he pulls at the fabric, letting it snap back in place against your plush thighs. "it's your favourite."
you try to deny, but any words just come out garbled.
he pulls back, leaving your skin hot and your body tense, waiting.
then, the vibrator comes to life and your whole body jumps in the small space it's allowed, a cry pulling from your lips as the sensation shoots straight to your core. you fight against your bonds, turning your skin raw as your wrists rub against the rope, but nothing allows you to break free and all you can focus on is the vibration directly against your clit.
he turns it off a second later and you involuntarily let out a whine, heart racing.
"gojo's given you the rest of the day off," geto moves to explain, and he sounds further away. "call it, hmm, detention. you're going to stay here until i deem otherwise."
you shake your head, trying to call out in denial.
"don't worry. you won't be impacting my work."
you growl, pulling violently against the rope. as if that was what you were concerned with.
"i have a meeting with the principle. but you stay here and take your punishment like a good girl, okay?"
you hear the sound of the door unlocking and dread fills you when you realize he really is going to leave you.
your cries grow louder.
"do try and be quiet, though," he calls out, as if an after thought, "we don't want anyone finding you like this, do we? that would certainly be embarrassing... imagine what your precious friend itadori-kun would think?"
falling silent, your chest heaves, tears soaking your blindfold.
"i'll be back later, okay? be a good girl and wait for me."
the door slams shut behind him and you're left there, unable to move, say anything or see, violently shaking. your struggles against your binds halt five minutes in, knowing it's useless; it does nothing but leave your skin burning.
you're trapped.
it's ten minutes later that the vibrations start again against your clit, your hips bucking upwards as you mewl out in response, muscles tensing. this time, geto, wherever he is, leaves it on longer than a minute, the vibrations strong and straight to your core as your pleasure builds and builds, unable to focus on anything but how good it feels.
then, just as you feel your climax building, the vibrator turns off.
you let out a cry, forgetting yourself, as your pleasure is cruelling ripped from you.
you slump against the desk, skin hot and pussy tingling, your breath catching as you slow from your ruined high. your mouth hurts around the metal of the gag, trying to shift in any sort of position that's more comfortable, but it's useless.
sobbing, you accept your fate.
a few minutes later, the vibrator starts up again. and just as before, it stops just as your orgasm starts to build.
over and over and over again.
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heavenlyraindrops · 2 months
♱ Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Twelve ♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Twelve Warnings: profanity Click on the first tag to see all the other chapters
♱Where the purest soul in Heaven falls for the Devil♱
[Chapter Twelve]
You set your phone down on the counter as someone pounded hard on your front door. You flinched, immediately recognising the knocks.
You opened it, standing in the doorway and blocking the entrance before smiling thinly. “Adam. Lute. To what do I owe this displeasure?”
Adam arched an eyebrow. “Well someone’s gotten cocky,” he sneered, trying to brush past you. You put your foot in the way, making him stop and whirl around.
“The fuck’s your problem?” Lute snapped, storming forward. “Let us in.”
“Back off. You’re not coming inside until you tell me what you want.” You put your hand on her chest, pushing her back. She blanched, and looked at Adam helplessly.
Adam’s expression darkened as he leaned in to whisper. “Are you forgetting what I know?”
You bunched up his collar in your fist, dragging him in even closer. “There’s still one month left before I decide. You tell, I fall, and you’ll never fucking marry me.” You released him and he stumbled back a little, face hard, but you could tell you had frazzled him as you stood aside to let them in.
“Go in, then,” you said flatly. They both flashed triumphant smiles at you.
“Where’re the hellspawn?”
“We just wanna talk to them,” Adam said, smiling innocently as if he hadn’t been threatening you five seconds ago. His lips moved, mouthing more threats as if he had no shame in blackmailing someone.
“Upstairs,” you said reluctantly, then jabbed a finger in his direction. “And if you lay a hand on them…”
“Pinky promise,” came the reply, thrown over his shoulder as he sauntered up the stairs. Lute glanced back at you, her frown deepening.
You sat down at the kitchen counter, an internal debate raging within you. A letter lay on your right, next to your elbow. You wondered if you should have asked Charlie to deliver it to Lucifer for you, or not.
You sighed, shutting it away in a drawer.
It had been hours since Charlie and Vaggie had left, shortly after Lute and Adam had stormed out. You’d waved them off, wishing them good luck. As you shook Charlie’s hand, your hand clamped around hers, pulling her in to whisper.
“Between you and me, love,” you muttered. “You’re more than just right in this.” You hesitated. “Tell Lu…” you mumbled the rest of the sentence, trailing off into a volume barely audible as you chickened out. She blinked at you, befuddled, before her lips stretched into another smile as she pulled you into a hug.
“Thank’s, [name],” she said. Vaggie nodded approvingly from behind her, before they both turned around and left.
You watched them fade into the distance, before stumbling back inside. You took the letter out of the drawer and crumpled it up, throwing it in the bin. You felt like you were about to throw up.
“Fuck,” you gasped.
“Emily? How was the trial?”
You blinked down at the seraph, who gazed up at you solemnly. You could tell there were angry tears behind her eyes, threatening to spill out. “Tell me you didn’t know,” she said, voice trembling. You took her hand, pulling her inside and setting her at the couch.
“Didn’t know what?” You asked, gently and cautiously. At the same time, the door swung open again, and Adam barged in.
“Sugar tits, we fuckin’ won,” he cackled, grabbing your wrist. “I kicked those cunts back downstairs where they belong-“ he paused, eyes sliding over to Emily.
You gulped.
Emily stood up, hands bunched up into fists. “You did, didn’t you,” she hissed. You let out a small breath.
“Emily, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“She’s talking about the exterminations,” Adam rolled his eyes, slinging an arm around your shoulder with a hand on his hip as he stared Emily down. You stiffened, looking at him as if to say ‘what the hell did you do?’ But refrained yourself from saying anything aloud.
She blanched at the look on your face. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t anyone tell me?” She stretched her arms out wide, and her wings stretched with her. Your heart sank.
“No one is supposed to know about the exterminations except for the exorcists,” you said calmly as you could, despite a slight shake in your voice as you straightened up and pulled your shoulders back.
“You know, and you’re not an exorcist,” she retorted, eyes accusing. You stepped back.
“[name]’s special,” Adam sneered, looking at you. You couldn’t meet his stare.
“It’s for the greater good. Are you really questioning Sera’s judgment?”
Emily’s shoulders sank. “You don’t believe that,” she said, as if she was trying to convince herself instead of simply making a statement. You gulped.
Did you agree with the exterminations? You had never really thought about it. But if they hadn’t existed you never would have met-
“Emily, I don’t like them either,” you said, leaning forward and gripping her shoulders, desperation oozing from your like an aura. “But Heaven needs to keep the pure- the good souls, safe from the bad.” You felt a stab at your heart even as you said it, because saying those words made you feel like you were betraying Charlie and Vaggie, but you pressed on. “Emily, no one enjoys the exterminations.”
Adam scoffed from behind you, stalking forward and yanking you back. “Oh please, sugar tits.” He looked hard at Emily. “The exorcists love the extermination. It’s the perfect form of entertainment!” His eyes and grin widened, and you flinched away as his gaze snapped back to you again. “And don’t pretend like you’re against them, sugar. You wouldn’t have met your demon boyfriend if it weren’t for them.” His tone was lined with hurt, as if getting with Lucifer was the biggest betrayal you could have done to him.
And, you realized, in a way, it was.
“What?” Emily said, wondering if she had heard him right. You could feel your face heat up, your golden blood turning to fire in your veins.
“I said,” Adam clarified, “if it wasn’t for the exterminations, she’d be bored as fuck here.” Emily frowned, but you could tell she believed him. “What’d you think I said?” He didn’t wait for an answer, turning back to you. “Don’t act like you threw yourself at the chance to come along with us down to Hell.”
You chewed your lip furiously, mind racing. “Don’t you dare throw me under the bus.”
“Why fuckin’ shouldn’t I?” He hissed, eyes glittering darkly. You could sense the meaning underneath, cutting you like a double edged sword.
“You know what?” You said, flatly. “You’re just pissy that your dick is so fucking tiny, Like- opposite the size of your fatass ego, which is so big it’s fucking obese, by the way- that you lost three women to a guy who lives in a dimensional oven.” You jabbed your finger at him. “I’d rather date the Devil himself than a fucking cunt like you,” you scoffed. “At least he’d last more than thirty seconds.”
Emily stared at you blankly, amazed, not ever having heard you swear so much, and also by your blatant blasphemy. You pulled back, smoothing down your shirt, satisfied at Adam’s shocked expression. You glanced at her.
“I wouldn't actually,” you reassured her, lying straight through your teeth.
A/N: first of my double chapter release. Two chapters in one day isn’t that crazy?!.?, turns out my 400th follower was my friend stalking me… they read all my smut. I’m cooked 😁 Coco if ur reading this… get off my blog rn
I’m giving up on the taglist cause it don’t work anymore sorry guys 😔
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lovely-peace · 10 months
Unveiling Loyalties
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Summary: As you spend more time with your new friends, you slowly realize how toxic your ex-best friend was. And now when you are fake-dating her ex the past years of 'friendship' begin to haunt you...
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious, fake dating
Thanks for all the love <333 Wc:+4800
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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I rushed down the halls trying to ignore the stares, but failing miserably. I was getting overwhelmed by the attention. How did I shut it all down? How did I ignore seraphs deathstare?
Her words were clouding my mind. I felt guilty towards Sirius because I left him alone in the library, but I was just so scared. I was scared that this fake relationship will fuck me up. That it's all just a game. Because for me it's so much more.
"He's just passing the time with you."
Every minute I spend with Sirius I want to make it 2 more. But I don't know if he feels the same. The fear that I am pretending more into his actions is following me.
"You're so naive, whisky. You just think to much about it." the little girl felt embarrassed as her best friend told her the hurtful truth. "But don't worry. I will help you fit in."
And I did fit in. I went with her to the meetings with her slytherin friends and didn't stand out. I kept quiet and just did what she wanted. But I neber felt like an equal. I was just decoration to make them look better. But that wasn't important right now.
It was late afternoon, so there were still many people outside. However, I went to our dorm to avoid them. I ran up the stairs to our room and finally stood in front of the door. I sighed and wanted to go in, but then I heard it.
Carefully, I pushed down the handle and entered. The crying stopped. "Who's there?" Lydia's voice trembled.
"It's me," I whispered and walked slowly towards her. She looked surprised and turned away. "Did something happen? Why aren't you with Sirius?"
"We finished earlier," I said and sat down next to her on the bed. "That's not important now. What's wrong?"
She still looked into the distance. "Nothing," she said. Her eyes were red and swollen. Yes, that definitely didn't look like nothing. We were silent for a while, and I didn't know what to say.
"Where is Maya?" I finally asked to lighten the mood. But it seemed to have the opposite effect as she hunched even more.
At first, she didn't say anything, but eventually, she answered, "She's on a date."
"Oh." I was confused. Why hadn't Maya said anything about it? "She didn't say anything about it."
Lydia snorted and looked at me with a sad smile. "No, she probably wanted to keep it a secret. I saw her with Luke today; he's from Ravenclaw, and we're good friends. But apparently, I didn't know how good of friends they were because I saw them together in Hogsmeade today."
Her voice was trembling again, and I slowly took her into my arms. "Maybe you misunderstood something?" I tried to help her.
"Yeah, maybe…" she mumbled into my shoulder and hugged me back slowly. She was shaking and i heard a small muffled sob.
"Do you like him?" I asked her. Somehow, she reminded me of myself when Seraph started dating Sirius. The devastation after you realize that you will never have a chance. I'll probably never forget that feeling.
She was quiet for a moment. Then she gently pulled away from my shoulder and looked into my eyes. Her red swollen eyes were trying hard to not let another tear escape, but that seemed impossible. She seemed to struggle to maintain her composure. Then she took a deep breath. "I like Maya."
"Oh, Lydia…" She looked into my eyes, and I could see new tears forming. Then she cried, not holding back. She buried her head in my shoulder again and sobbed while I stroked her back.
"For how long?" I asked her gently, and she sobbed again. "Since the third year." she whispered. "And she's been going on dates with other guys. It's just hopeless." Another sob escaped from her.
"Have you talked to her about it?" I asked her, and she laughed briefly without joy.
"About what? Hi, I'm actually completely in love with you, and I hope you like me too, even though I know you actually like boys!" she snorted, and I felt her cry even harder.
"I'm just so afraid that she doesn't love me as I love her. I don't even know why I am bothering you with it, we don't know each other that well... " she whispered to me, and I felt the words deep in my bones.
"I'm here for you, okay? I'll listen to you." I whispered to her. It felt wrong to give her advice when I couldn't really understand her situation. I wanted to show her that she could talk to me, that was the best thing I could do. "We are friends, right?"
"From today on, we're all friends, okay??"
I felt a little smile from her, but it quickly faltered from another sob.
"I know I should get over it, but I can't. I can't forget her; I can't even be mad at her. It's not even her fault!" another sob. "That's the curse of Hufflepuffs. We stay even when the other person is long gone."
Eventually, she fell asleep from exhaustion. I had put her in bed, covered her up, and left some water beside her so that she had something to drink when she woke up since she had lost so much water.
I thought about her words for a long time. She couldn't let go of her feelings for Maya because she was trapped in a complex sense of loyalty to her. I felt guilty. How could I not have noticed her suffering all these years?
She must have cried alone here many times before. How did I never notice that?
Because I was with Seraph. I was always out with her or doing things for her in the library. Was it really always like that? Was I really so blind?
Lydia probably hadn't gotten used to the fact that I would be spending more time here now. Or she had expected me to spend more time with Sirius.
Slowly, the door opened, and a tired Maya looked at me. She was holding something, but as she saw me, she quickly hid her it behind her back. "Oh, hi (y/n)!" she said, almost nervously.
She looked behind me, and when she didn't see anyone, she looked at me with tension. "Is Lydia still awake?"
I shook my head and looked at her questioningly. "Why?"
She first looked at me assessingly. Then she sighed and stopped hiding what was in her hands. It was a small yellow teddy bear.
"I was looking for a birthday present for her and bought it today. I don't want her to find out, that's why I didn't tell you, sorry." She carefully passed by me and hid the bear in a box under her bed.
"That's why you were in Hogsmeade today with Luke?" I asked and immediately regretted it. Lydia had confided in me about the situation under distress, I shouldn't tell Maya anything about it.
Maya looked at me questioningly. "How do you know that?"
"I… saw you guys going." I finally said and hoped my lie would come off convincingly.
It didn't.
"Okay… But yes, that's why I went with Luke. We searched also for a present for his brother Luis. He got heartbroken and even though he is stubborn to say that he is happy for her, he is really suffering. But Luke also wanted to help me pick out the gift since Lydia had apparently told him what she wished for."
Maya tiptoed over to Lydia's bed and looked at her for a while. "Why didn't you just tell me?" she whispered so softly that I could hardly hear it. She looked at Lydia for a long time. She wiped a little hair strand out of Lydia's face. She seemed almost... Debilitated.
As she turned to me, she quickly hid that impression behind a mask and smiled. "Let's look together tomorrow at what you want to give her. Let's sleep now before we wake the dorm up even more."
And I went to bed feeling very confused.
I woke up very early from loimpresud noise coming from outside. I looked out the window and saw brooms flying and balls swirling around. The training for the game must have already started. Today, classes were canceled to fully enjoy the match.
"Do you see him from here?"
Lydia was sitting awake on her bed. The cup I had placed here was empty. Maya was fast asleep.
"No?" I knew she was talking about Sirius, but I didn't understand why she was asking me.
She gave me a crooked smile. She would have giggled softly, but she still seemed exhausted. "Then you'll have to go out."
"What? Why?" I was confused.
"You like him. He likes you. So go out and cheer for him so he can play for you!" she said and stood up. She went to the mirror and combed her hair.
"I don't know if…"
She still looked at me with a smile. "What don't you know?"
"I don't know if he wants to see me now." I confessed finally, and she looked at me puzzled.
"Did you guys fight?" "No…" "Then why wouldn't he want to see you? You're together, aren't you?" Now she looked at me with concern.
I looked away and didn't know what to say. Somehow I was ashamed of worrying. I was ashamed of even ending up in this situation. I hadn't even wanted to make Seraph mad, but I couldn't resist Sirius's smile.
I was ashamed of my feelings.
"You're scared. What are you scared of?" Lydia's voice was soft.
I stayed silent and looked at the flowers on my table. Their shine was much fainter than yesterday morning. Was that just my imagination?
"You know… you don't have to tell me anything if you feel uncomfortable. I just want to say that you can talk to me as well as I talked to you yesterday."
She got up and sat down next to me on the bed. Maya was still sleeping. "I trust you. I would also hope that you trust me. Of course, I can't force that, it takes time. But I hope you know that I value you and would never exploit anything you say here. You're my friend, little mouse. I'm not Seraph."
She smiled encouragingly at me now.
"She wasn't on a date." I whispered back. I somehow felt guilty and wanted to help both of them. I didn't want to see miscommunication between them.
Lydia's shoulders relaxed, and it seemed like a huge weight had been lifted off them. But then she shook her head.
"That's not important right now. It's about you, not me. How do you feel?"
Inside me, a little girl cried as her best friend told her she had no chance with her crush. The little girl believed her. Still believes her.
"I'm unsure. I'm afraid of getting false hopes. That everything I'm doing right now is a mistake and she's right."
"He's just passing the time with you." The little girl burst into tears again because of the words of her former best friend.
Lydia looked at me with concern and put a hand on my shoulder. "What false hopes? He's with you." she whispered to me encouragingly, and tears welled up.
Her eyes widened as she saw the tears. "What's wrong?"
"It's not like that…" I tried to calm myself down, as it was pathetic how much of a fuss I was making.
But Lydia just gently stroked my back.
"We're not really together." I finally confessed, and then the tears flowed. All the emotions I kept with myself seemed to flow out of me.
"What? What do you mean?" Lydia was confused, looking at me as if I had said the Earth was square.
"He wanted to pretend to be with me to make Seraph angry. And to divert attention from my hair and the prank." I paused between the statements to catch my breath.
Lydia stayed silent for a moment. Then she hugged me.
We sat there for a while, and eventually she broke the silence. "Go to him. Because I believe he really likes you. He hasn't looked at Seraph or given her any attention in ages. I don't think it's about her anymore."
I looked at her skeptically, and she smiled at me. "Plus, you didn't see how he looked at you yesterday. That can't all be fake. Unless he is a proffer actor."
I let go of her and gave her an uncertain smile. "He's also nice and understanding towards me, I just don't think he likes me that way…"
"If you don't hurry up, the practice will be over! Come on, go to him. How would you know if you don't even try?" we stared at each other for a while.
Finally, I stood up and prepared to go out. Lydia looked at me questioningly before I left.
"Can I explain this to Maya? Otherwise, we won't tell anyone, I promise!" she said, and I smiled. I nodded, and as I walked out, a warmth spread within me. I wasn't alone. I could entrust my feelings to them.
I trusted them.
I walked through the corridors of the castle and felt tons lighter. It felt good to be able to tell friends how I felt. Seraph had never cared about that.
The corridors were empty since it was still very early. The only ones awake were probably outside watching the players warm up.
Excitement slowly rose within me. Maybe Sirius would really be happy to see me. I looked forward to watching them and wishing them luck before they played this afternoon.
I went outside, and you could already see the large Quidditch field from a distance. I approached the spectator stands. There were a few people from Gryffindor in the stands as well. I approached the stands when suddenly someone behind me laughed.
I wanted to just keep going, but I stopped when I heard the voice behind me.
"Ahhh, Whisky! I haven't seen you with us in a long time." I turned around and saw Leander grinning at me. The Slytherin boy and his best friend Damien were on the Slytherin Quidditch team.
"Why did you bring her? I thought it would only be us..." the boy in green told her best friend. But the little girl was used to this words. She was used to not being wanted.
He was standing with his broom and uniform. The team was on the other side from the Gryffindor people and seemed to be waiting to start practicing themselves.
"You should be in Slytherin right now. Especially since you're acting like a snake!" Leander continued grinning at me, and Damien burst out laughing. "Yeah, I have no idea how you ended up in Hufflepuff! Loyalty isn't a word I associate with you."
I wanted to keep going, but Leander shook his head behind me. "You're a real slut, you know that? Seraph took you in, and how did you thank her? You betrayed her." His voice was venomous.
Damien grinned at me. "Yeah, I mean abandon your friends to be with a boy that is so obviously a self obsessed asshole is really a move. If you needed dick that hard you could have just asked me!"
I felt ashamed and disgusted, but anger was rising within me. "Last time I checked, Leander wanted her to get over Sirius so badly?"
Damien stopped laughing and became quiet. I turned to Leander. "I thought you wanted her to finally stop chasing after him? I thought you wanted her to turn to you, why are you so angry?" I didn't know where these words were coming from, but it felt good to defend myself.
Leander looked at me with narrowed eyes. He approached menacingly, and I wanted to step back, but I stayed in place. "Listen to me carefully…" he whispered as he stood right in front of me. "Just because you're with Mister Playboy doesn't mean you're better than before. You're still the same embarrassing Whisky who can't do anything for herself. Soon you'll come crawling to Seraph and beg her for forgiveness. And she'll have to clean up your mess like always."
He stood dangerously close, and I tried to back away, but he grabbed my arms and held me tightly. "You're just incapable of doing things yourself. Not one decision was made by yourself."
"What's going on down there?" a shout came from above.
"Hey, man, let her go, she's not worth it." Damien tried to convince Leander, but he continued to hold me tightly. His grip was so tight that my arms hurt. I wanted to scream and everything inside of me was alarming me, but my voice didn't spoke up.
"And I thought you would appreciate her. You know, I liked you. You were good to Seraph. I didn't expect such disgusting behavior from YOU." he continued talking.
I tried to free myself from his grasp, but he tightened his hold, and his fingernails broke the surface of my skin.
"Let me go!" I finally shouted. For the first time, my voice did what it was supposed to.
Then he pushed me hard against the wall of the stands. My head hit hard, and it throbbed.
"Here, I let you go."
I tried to get up and run away, but my head hurt terribly. I looked at Leander, who was giving me an disgusted look. Then he was lifted into the air. In an instant, Sirius rushed down on his broom and seemed ready to pounce on him, but was a moment to late.
"LEANDER!" Damien reached out to him but couldn't reach him in time.
Leander looked around frantically and screamed. I looked for the person responsible and saw someone on the stands with a raised wand.
"Marlene, you bitch!" Leander shouted at her, but Marlene just looked at him critically.
"Be glad I brought you to safety." she said.
Sirius in front of me looked like he could kill someone. But then he turned to me and looked at me with concern. "Are you okay?" he sat down in front of me and examined my face and arms.
He saw the blood streaks on my arms and looked furious. "It's all right, it doesn't hurt. My head is already feeling much better." I tried to reassure him, but he shook his head.
"Now Selwyn, you have really messed up!" he turned to his broom, but Marlene held him and looked at him critically. She had let Leander fall to the ground. He seemed to be in pain, but nothing serious.
"You won't start a fight before the game, Black. We need you for the game."
Sirius glared at her. "I'm glad you think that, but I couldn't care less about the game right now."
Instead of running away, Leander came in our direction. "Come on, Black!" he shouted from a distance. He had a look that could rival Sirius'. He was searching for a fight with Sirius like he wanted one for ages.
"Sirius, it doesn't matter. I provoked him too." I said, trying to calm him down, but he didn't calm down in the least.
"If you're too scared, then listen to your slut! I could always beat you up!" Leander spread his arms wide.
Sirius seemed to shake of anger. "He didn't call you that." he said through clenched teeth.
Leander smiled at him. "But isn't that what she is?"
Sirius wanted to rush at him, but James, who had been flying in the air until then, landed in front of him. "Don't let him provoke you, mate." he said to him, but Sirius didn't listen to him.
He tried to push past him, but James held him back.
"Let me through." Sirius hissed, but James shook his head. "Sirius, I'm not going to lose you right before the game. After the game, you can beat him up, and I'll be happy to help, but please be patient!"
"What? No!" I cried to them, but they didn't listen to me. I felt terribly helpless as I watched them. I was fine, so why was Sirius so angry? I had never seen that murderous look on him before.
Finally, Sirius turned around. "You're lucky, Selwyn. I'll finish you off in the game."
"I can't wait, Black." this one hissed back.
James clapped loudly afterward, signaling the other Gryffindor players to listen to him. "Guys, we're clearing the field now anyway so Slytherin can prepare to be demolished."
The Slytherin team glared at them until they finally got ready to start practicing.
The Gryffindor team went to the locker room, but Sirius approached me before that. As he was standing before me, he seemed to struggle to find the right words.
He was still looking in the direction of the slytherin team and his eyes were narrowed. He took my arms and gently pulled me with him. When they were out of sight he looked at me with this look that made me feel safe. He was still full of anger, I saw that in his eyes, but it soothed me that this anger wasn't directed at me.
"Will you wait for me?"
I just nodded, and he even managed to smile at me.
I didn't even get a chance to watch him play.
After Sirius went into locker room Marlene approached me and seemed delighted to see me. "When Selwyn bothers you again tell me, okay? I can deal with him." she said with a completely different attitude than the one on the field.
I remembered her words in the bathroom and managed to smile back. "Thank you."
She grinned at that. "That also applies for black. Just say if he gets annoying." She winked at me and went to the other Gryffindor girls that were going back to their dorms. The girls that were standing there smiled at me and I didn't feel judged for once.
I had to smile when they walked away, towards the castle.
While I was alone I looked around and took in the nature. The wind blew through the grass and made it dance in waves. The trees rustled and seemed to sing a beautiful melody. The great lake, which wasn't so far away, was babbling. They all seemed excited for the game that was coming up.
Or was that just my interpretation?
"Can I come with you?" The little girl asked her new best friend. This one didn't seemed to be very happy about it. "Why do you want to watch it? It's not even your house?" The naive girl smiled. "I want to cheer with you!"
I tried to shake the memory away but it didn't really get out of my mind. My excitement for the game wavered and my mind rotated around seraph. Why were her words always on my mind?
"Are you coming or not? If you are so scared than perhaps you should find new friends you can be boring with!"
I heard voices that seemed to be from little girls. I looked around for them and eventually found them on the wide green field of grass. There were two girls, seemingly first graders. One was from Gryffindor the other from ravenclaw. The voice was coming from the girl with the red tie and her face was frowning.
"I'm just... Not sure if that would really be worth it. The forest isn't really inviting and when it comes out we would be in massive trouble!" the other girl was shaking and she had to take a couple of breaths between her words.
"You are just a coward!" the other girl glared at her. "I'm not being friends with a whiny coward!" then she turned around.
The others girls eyes widened and there was something glimmering in them. "No, don't leave, please!!"
Slowly I approached them. Something about them triggered something inside of me. I wanted to do something. I wanted to help the ravenclaw girl that was gripping her rope for dear help.
"Is something wrong here?" I asked to make myself noticed. Four big eyes looked at me. Two were glaring the other two were desperate.
"Come on do it! If you drink the whole bottle, you can finally be accepted as an equal in the group!" But the girl was scared to drink a whole bottle of whiskey. "But I don't know if I manage that much alcohol." Her friend rolled the eyes. "Well, if you are such a stuck up, then I guess I have to find a new best friend." The little girl was scared and did drink the whole bottle in front of the slytherin students.
And she vomited on her test the next day.
"No, there is nothing wrong." the Gryffindor girl said and smiled at me. The ravenclaw looked at the ground and was still shaking.
"Is everything okay with you?" I asked the little girl that tried to hide from my gaze.
"She is great!" the other girl said.
"Are you okay?" the boy with the black hair asked the little girl. He probably didn't know her but it meant so much to her. But like always her friend answered instead of ber. "She is great!"
One hour later she was carried to the hospital wing because of very high blood alcohol levels.
"I didn't ask you, I asked her." I said to the girl with the red tie. I looked at the little girl before me and smiled softly at her. "You are right the forest is dangerous. You shouldn't go."
The Gryffindor girl looked at me furious. "Don't you know it's rude to eavesdrop?!" she yelled at me.
"Don't you know it's called the forbidden forest because it's forbidden to go in?"I asked back and her face went red. She looked at her friend and stomped her foot on the floor.
"This is all your fault! I hate you!" she screamed and ran away in direction castle.
The little girl before me looked after her and quivered. In her eyes was something glistening and water flowed down her cheeks.
"It's not your fault."
Big eyes catched mine and looked uncertain. A hiccup escaped her and she tried to muffle it with her hands. After a while she said something.
"But it feels like I am always ruining her fun."
I sat down on my knees in front of her to be on one level with her. I wiped her tears away and gave her a small knowing smile.
"You know what friendship is?" I asked and she looked at me questioning.
"When you can do anything with each other." she said after a while and her sobs became calmer.
"Not quite. Friendship is not that you have to do everything she wants. Friendship is when you can trust each other with everything and don't have to pretend. Friendship is when you understand and accept each other's feelings. If this understanding is not there, then you are not really friends."
She looked at me with wide eyey.
"Your feelings matter just as much as hers. And if she doesn't understand those then she isn't your real friend."
She began to cry again and hugged me. I was taken back a moment but then hugged her back.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"Nera." she softly said.
"Well nera, I am (y/n). If you need help with anything you can always come to me, okay? I am here for you."
She smiled at me and nodded. Her cheeks started to dry and her eyes didn't shine because of the tears anymore.
"Thank you, (y/n)." she shyly said and waved at me as she walked in direction castle. I looked after her and smiled to myself.
A whistle came from behind me. I turned to Sirius who smiled at me. "You should be a prefect, love. You handled that so well."
I laughed softly. "I wouldn't go that far. I just helped the little girl a bit."
He came closer to me and I could feel his warmth as he stood before me. I noticed his wet hair and the one earring he wore. He shaked his head. "You were amazing, love. Not just helping, you comforted her. You have taken care of her. That's one of the tasks of a prefect, love."
I softly smiled at him and for a second I let myself admire him. His eyes and their depth. His hair and their shine. His lips.
"We should go to lunch now, love. I am almost certain you haven't eaten enough today." he teased me and tapped on my nose.
"You have to eat enough too! You have a big game before you." I teased back and he softly laughed. He took my hand and we went to lunch.
The little girl was called whisky after that. At first she didn't mind, but after a while it became like a reminder of that evening. Now she hates the name.
Taglist: @theofficialmadman@fanboyluvr@fjdjsiskcjfj@starsval@olkathedestroyer@helloitsmeeeeeee@xamapolax@maripositanoctruna @ancientimes @cloudlst @marina468
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flufffilleddonut · 2 months
Seraphic Distraction
Summary - Emily’s duty is to ensure the happiness of the residents of Heaven. When she ends up being the one upset, Sera provides a welcome distraction.
Word Count - 750
Sera was walking through Heaven, trying to locate her fellow seraphim, Emily. Sera had not seen her in quite some time, and it was unusual for Emily to remain on her own for this long.
Opening a door, Sera was greeted by a room filled with golden chairs on either side of a large, round table. She spotted Emily at the far end of the room. She was facing the large, golden window opposite the door, staring at the view of the clouds it provided.
“Emily?” Sera called out, the door shutting behind her.
Emily gave a small start before turning around.
“Oh, hey Sera.” She said, turning back towards the window. The small seraphim’s usually cheerful tone was replaced by one of sorrow.
Sera was immediately concerned. Emily was always bright and bubbly. She had to be.
“Whatever is the matter?” Sera questioned, making her way over to Emily.
Emily sighed. “I know that it’s my job to spread joy and to make sure that our people are happy, but I just can’t stop thinking about the poor souls in the realm below.”
Sera tensed. Emily continued.
“They may be demons, but in the end, they’re still human souls. Maybe if I could make them happy too, they’d realize that the world’s not all that bad. Perhaps they would have a change of heart and try to become better people. The kind of people who end up coming here.”
Sera, hiding her nerves, placed a hand on Emily’s shoulder.
“I know that you want everyone to be happy, Emily. You’re very good at your job in that regard, but this is the way that things must be. There’s nothing we can do.”
Emily looked Sera in the eye for a moment, before shifting her gaze down to the ground.
“It’s just difficult to think about how they must be suffering.”
Sera didn’t like where Emily’s train of thought was going. If she continued down this path, she may begin to question things, and could very well end up like Lucifer. Sera couldn’t bear to see Emily suffer such a fate.
Racking her brain for ways to distract Emily from the subject matter, Sera remembered one of the more unorthodox methods Emily occasionally used to cheer up the citizens of Heaven. It may be unconventional, but it was just the thing that Sera was looking for.
Moving closer to Emily, Sera reached out her arms, softly dancing her wiggling fingers up and down Emily’s sides.
Emily burst out into bright giggles.
“Ehehehehe! Sehehehera!” She pulled her arms close into her chest, making no attempt to protect herself.
“You can’t exactly spread joy if you’re not joyous yourself! Come on, show me that little smile.” Sera cooed, adoring the sight in front of her.
“Sehehera, ihihit thihickles! Ehehehehe!” Emily giggled out, twisting her body left and right, but not trying to evade Sera’s light touches.
“Yes, I know it does. I can see how much you love it.” 
Emily’s cheeks became tinged with blue. 
Sera halted her fingers and pulled back her hands. Gently taking hold of Emily’s arm and waist, Sera pulled the angel closer to herself. Using one hand, she took hold of Emily’s dress and carefully raised it up, exposing her stomach. Sera brought her face right up close to the surface and began fluttering her long, feathery eyelashes, giving it butterfly kisses.
Emily squeaked loudly. She placed her free hand on Sera’s head, her giggles turning into light laughter.
“Ahahaha! Sehehera nohohoho! Ihihits tohohoo tihihickly!”
Sera couldn’t help but let a chuckle out. “Good to know.”
She continued for a little while longer before pulling away, releasing Emily’s arm and pulling her dress back down.
As Emily was regaining her breath, Sera placed her hand under her fellow seraphim’s chin, lightly wiggling her fingers against it.
“Feeling better?” Sera asked as Emily’s light giggles returned.
“Yehes.” Emily said, holding onto Sera’s wrist.
Sera pulled her hand back and planted a kiss on Emily’s head.
“Good. Come now, we have places to be.”
Emily followed Sera towards the door to the room, which Sera held open.
“At least the sinners have their whole immortal lives to live out. Maybe they’ll change their behaviour on their own, and learn to bring joy to their fellow demons.” Emily suggested as she walked out through the doorway.
Sera’s smile faltered. Stepping out of the room, one final thought crossed her mind before she shut the door.
Emily can never know.
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seungmin-mongmong · 5 months
Let’s do it now
pairing: sub.felix x dom.fem.reader
warnings: unprotected sex, alchohol, car sex, smut, names (good boy, baby)
Felix had planned a romantic date with you. You ate at a fancy resturant, talked with eachother, and went to a bar afterwards. It was late at night, and Felix may have had too many drinks.
“Y/nnieeee.. im tired.” he said, resting his head on your shoulder. You stroke his hair carefully. His features were so soft and delicate. “Let’s go home then?” you ask. He nods against your shoulder. As you help him stumble over to the car, he almost trips. “Maybe you should rest in the car, lix.” you suggest. “Nooo, i need youuu.” he says. Thinking he’s just tired and drunk, you help him buckle his seatbelt. He grabs your wrist, stopping you. “I need you right now, y/n.” he whines. “Please.”
Was he being serious? It was hard to tell, due to all the drinks, but he kept begging. “Im so horny for you right now.” he says. “Want you to ride me.”
He looks at you and smiles. “Lix, we can at home. We’ll be there in 10.”Still standing there, with his seatbelt in your hand, you blush. The thought of him made you wet, but you couldn’t do this. It was too dangerous. “Can you drive to that nice forest we had picnic in? Im sure it’s about 3 minutes away, and thats all i can take without you.” he asks. This was getting too tempting. His seraphic look, aluring you.
You buckle his seatbelt, quickly getting behind the wheel. As you start the engine, you look over at him, giving him a nod, slightly smirking. It felt weird, thinking of doing it in the car, but at the same time, so hot. You park right by the forest. It’s quiet here, no one around. The only light here was from the moon, shining directly on his body. You climb to the back of the car, patting on the seat next to you, signaling for him to come to the back. He unbuckles his seatbelt, and climbs beside you. His lips, so plump, and appealing. You pull in for a kiss, deep and passionate. He kisses back, sloppily. You reach down to his pants, unzipping them as you kiss. Carefully dragging them down.
You both pause for a second to catch your breath, then you pull your pants off, along with your underwear. Seeing his hardened cock made you blush. You got to have Felix’s dick all to your self. You sit on his lap, putting his wet tip inside your soaked cunt. With a slow pace, you take him deeper and grind, while he moans. His warm cock inside you, making you feel good. As you go deeper, his head rolls back, whining. The pleasure he gave you was the best feeling. As you both moan and whine, he cant help but roll his head back, as his eyes flutter shut.
He sounds so needy, like this, it makes you go mad. You want him more, grinding. His hips against yours, his warm bare skin. “You’re such a good boy.” you whisper between moans.
He only whimpers in response, eyes still shut. His hips rutting upwards as the feeling hits. You feel you orgasm slowly approaching, riding fast. “Ah, y/n..” he stutters. He pulls your hips down on to his dick, pulling you deeper. God, he felt so good.
You get off as you feel the orgasm crash onto you, while you feel a wave of pleasure. How did you get into this? A night out, turned into drunk car sex. It was weird, but it somehow awakened something in you. It was intriguing to you. On the other hand, Felix, sitting there slouching, with cum dripping from his cock, and a small spill on his belly. He looked exhausted. You almost felt bad for him, but you got an idea. You may had thought of teasing him a little, even though he’s tired. You just couldn’t get enough. You bend down to his belly, sticking your tongue out. Slowly licking his cum up. He slightly shivers, looking at you. You licked so slow he almost got hard again. You worked your tongue down to his dick. Carefully licking upwards to his tip. His cum was delicious. You looked at him. “Do you like this baby?” He nodded silently. You know he wanted more. “Please.” he said. You got up, and put his pants on. After you got yours on too, you buckled his seatbelt and climbed to the front. “Let’s finish home okay? Be good.”
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floareadeaur · 3 months
Hi! Could you please write some general fluff hcs about Ferid Bathory?
• Series: Owari no Seraph/ Seraph of the End
• Pairing: Ferid Bathory x female!reader
• Author's words:
Honestly, I thought about what I could write here and found myself unable to simply string together some "fluff" ideas about Ferid. Maybe it is because I am too used to writing prose, or I find this character way too deep?
The point is that Ferid suffered a lot from the lack of genuine love from his family, Rìgr, God, the world in general. That is why I felt the need to explain a little about his whole falling in love process.
It is a brief description, and perhaps chaotic.
But I think that the most "fluffy" thing about Ferid from a romantic perspective would be his openness towards the woman he loves, showing his real nature: meditative, maybe sober, with deep philosophies and always determined for the ideal. Offering that delicacy, fragility that he hid in an attempt to survive. For him to allow himself to be vulnerable in the face of this love.
That is what I have tried to present here. And from this point, obviously, a whole dynamic is born between him and the woman he falls in love with, the one he loves.And I think I will describe this dynamic further in other posts. Those will definitely contain more explicit "fluff headcanons".
Now, I think Ferid has a very sensitive layer in his soul and we have to take him slowly.
I am sorry if it is not what you expected it to be. I find myself in the position of being very particular when writing about Ferid. I feel like I can not fit him into something "general". Or is it the fact that I would write about him continuously?
Tell me, dear anon, what do you think and if you want to continue the philosophy on his fluffy behavior in a romantic relationship. I currently have so many ideas and scenarios about this. ( thousands of them )
Ask anything about this topic, what I wrote about. I will happily answer and philosophize about Ferid in general, or his way of falling in love, of loving.
That being said, feedback is really welcome and I wish anyone who finds this post a good day!
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The world he loves
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It is not easy for Ferid Bathory to fall in love. In fact, he never did. But this boy has found himself in the position of longing for genuine love since birth.
From his parents, from his brother, from his adoptive father.
Family love betrayed him. And the one for a good God collapsed under the realization of this non-existent good god.
In general, the world in which Ferid lives has not given him love. Always only criticism, reproach, forcing unfamiliar attitudes on Ferid.
Thus Ferid shut himself up, isolating his soul behind learned attitudes in order to survive.
There was no one who loved him for who he was, for that simple fact.
Therefore, it is reasonable to say that Ferid did not meet love, but only his objectification for a certain interest.
...Superficial, broken, miserable...
Maybe these words are not too harsh to describe the world.
And yet Ferid continues to analyze and observe this very world. And his observations are never biased or incorrect.
That is why he cannot deny or not see her genuine love.
When Ferid meets this woman, his senses are on high alert. He observes her, analyzes her.
This women's presence unsettles him.
And as Ferid Bathory realizes why she seeks his presence, his unease grows.
It is difficult for him to even look her in the eye.
It is difficult for him to look into such deep eyes that remind him of the sky.
Why is she reminding him of this?
Because her eyes are the second place where Ferid finds himself looking again in the hope of being loved.
Just as he once looked up to the sky and was not honored with any answer.
Maybe that is why he is like this in the beginning.
The same arrogant noble vampire, on whose face dances the same almost mocking smiles.
Maybe for this very reason, and maybe for he thus taught himself how to hide.
Maybe, that is also why, he welcomes her to his library, at first, with the same arrogant smile and smug attitude.
Because it is an unusual situation, for which Ferid does not have a prepared answer.
It is a situation that risks touching a deep and fragile part of him.
And she touches Ferid.
There are no detailed stories of his bitter past for her to come close due the mercy of these forgotten histories, for Ferid would be a victim in her eyes.
He still hides it and just observes her. It is hard for him to bring out that unwanted boy anyway.
But slowly, his arrogance disappears.
She notices deep in his small gestures, how with time, certain suspicions of hers are confirmed.
And she sees how, from the arrogant noble who welcomes her formally in a public library, letters written personally by this noble appear.
But in his elegant writing it is not just a formal exhortation, or deceptive games.
"Please come to this room."
The room is indicated to her. The girl goes at his directions.
And after months of seeing the mask, she discovers there the man she is actually felt all this time.
The one she fell in love with.
Ferid Bathory, sitting on the edge of a bed.
The surrounding room is simple now, devoid of all those crowded and heavy ornaments, which are repeated as if obsessively in everything that always surrounds him.
Ferid himself is simple: the white shirt, without frills, the classic black trousers, the knee-high boots in black leather.
That black velvet ribbon is missing, his silver hair is undone and loose, framing his now smileless face. The red ruby ​​earrings are also gone. Perhaps the passion symbolized by their cold stones is no longer necessary.
It is just the deep, meditative look of his red eyes. Beyond that cursed shade, as if unsuited to this man's features, a concentration is now felt.
Ferid Bathory is now focused on looking only at her.
His gaze stopped wandering contrary to his facade smiles. Now he is just focused on her, to the point where he is almost intimidating.
But she feels only that living, human warmth that shudders her body and heart to the core.
Ferid finally lets that warmth out, his living passion.
And then, when he rises to his feet and approaches her, his walk is no longer dancing as if, sparkling. The filthy pomposity that adorned him, that grandeur, dissipated, not being part of his real nature.
She can now observe the elegant yet sober walk and deep gaze of a noble soul.
From the way Ferid holds out his hand to her, in which his slight smile brightens his almost melancholic face, she can see the true refinement of this man.
A deeply worked refinement, accompanied by bitter suffering.
Perhaps precisely from the way this refinement was actually gained.
From that old, oppressive childhood, which Ferid has not forgotten and she does not know about.
But which, this woman who sincerely loves Ferid, suspects.
And she is happy that he is starting to show his sincere reality. Her warm hand reaches out and rests softly in his cold one. But the contact is not like between a living and a dead one.
Another thing she noticed.
Ferid is not a dead man wounded by vampirism. He is a living man wounded by the dead world.
From here, Ferid continues to welcome her like that.
Books read together, many books read in that intimate, simple room.
He is no longer afraid to look her in the eye. The man smiles lightly, serenely. Ferid is quiet. He knows that beyond those eyes there is love for the real him. That is why Ferid cherishes that look and every moment he can spend with her.
It is a situation he has never encountered before and it is difficult for him. But happiness comes and from that is born a warm tenderness, which Ferid finally has someone to give it to.
The world is putrid and unforgiving, however, as she tells him.
"I too am a part of the world"
Ferid tries to unravel this paradox, where a genuine love for someone like him is born out of a world that should not have such a thing.
His only logical response is that she is his world.
And Ferid decides that he must protect this world that looks lovingly back at him.
The only love that does not betray him.
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inkyinkwells · 7 months
Welcome to the Inkwell Au!
The ask box is now officially OPEN and ready to answer any questions, unless you read the rules down below! Please read before asking a question, thank you! - Zillion (Owner)
Please be respectful of my AU and HCS, there's no reason for debate and arguing, you'll just be ignored and forgotten about. It's incredibly rude to be a negative person on this blog, even if you hate my views, just please move on!
Keep 18+ asks to a minimum and censored, don't just outright explain your weird kinks and fetishes you wanna see in characters. I'll allow such as outfits and positions.
Anonymous are allowed as seen previously on this blog!
You are allowed to hug characters! The characters you can hug will be listed down below.
You can ask me questions just no 18+ , I'm not comfortable when it's about me.
Don't spam the ask box please! One person can submit 2 questions only!
Do not harm any characters! You'll be ignored.
OCs will be included in this blog and drawn at a later time however their names will he listed, some are available for questions.
You can ask the benry (bendy x henry) children however the older ones will be answering the questions, their names will be listed.
PLEASE DO NOT MAKE FUN OF MY SHIPS AND DEBATE ME. This goes for bendy x henry, I have different views on their relationship, just leave me alone, I get its a controversial discourse in the fandom but shut up! It's not hurting anyone! Ships will be listed.
If you want me to draw your character (for the non-anons) just attach an image, I love drawing your guy's ocs!
DO NOT STEAL, TRACE OR REPOST MY ART. I WILL FIND OUT. Reposting is forbidden, I have a Twitter for a reason, soon I'll make a pinterest.
Don't try kissing characters please, hugs and head pats are allowed.
Characters for asks:
Ink Demon/Bendy
Henry Stein
Linda Stein
Joey Drew
Audrey Drew
Shipahoy Dudely + Crackle the Crab
Alice + Allison Angel
Tom Boris
Buddy Boris
Sammy Lawrence
Norman Polk (Projectionist)
Jack Fain
Wilson Arch
The Keepers
The Butcher Gang (Charely, Barley, Edgar And Carley)
Bertrum Piedmont
Wally Franks
Lost Ones
Atlas Angel (Available For Asks/Questions)
Boaz The Unicorn (Available)
Kiki The Angel Demon (Available)
Cheshire (NOT available)
Zadikal Angel (NOT available)
Inky Angel (Avaliable)
Cupid Angel (NOT available)
Seymour Cloris (NOT available)
Rebecca Arachnid (Available)
Pie The Lovebird (Available)
Lila Stein (Available)
Swan (NOT available)
Axis Angel (NOT available)
Raveen Ravin (NOT available)
Seraph Angel (NOT available)
Sindy (NOT available)
Percy (NOT available)
Nondy (Available)
More to be revealed...
Benry Kids:
Older = Available For Asks
Leviathan (Older)
Endy (Older)
Tinie (Older)
Bendy Darling/Junior (Baby)
Classi (Older)
Wendi (Baby)
Allin (Baby)
Jasper (Baby)
Bammy (Child)
Zenith (Older)
Bendy x Henry
Sammy x Norman
Allison X Tom
(That's all for right now...lol)
Bendy (In toon form)
Buddy Boris
Sammy Lawrence
Audrey Drew
Henry Stein
(Not many but yeah...)
Thanks for reading and being respectful, another post with a short fanfic about the AU will be published soon!
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(Alt Text Added.)
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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✦ @apocryphis asked: "i know you do not burden yourself with material possessions on your long journeys, so, rather than encumbering you with another one of my ceramic creations..." a joke - one of the very rare few to ever pass the threshold of the iudex's lips (perhaps that, in itself, is a privilege), before the dragon of water flips a file on his desk shut, and decidedly pushes it to the side. he rises to his feet, and joins up with his beloved seraph, draconic eyes softening at the clear moment of reserved confusion he sees in star-branded sapphires. gloved hands rise to cusp the curves of his face, admiring it as though contemplating the finest treasure in all of fontaine - perhaps in all of teyvat, if one were to ask him his humble opinion. "so, in my meagre attempt to follow a few human traditions here and there, i thought that for this day - albeit not a fontainian custom per se - i could perhaps take the day off and spend it with you." the palais mermonia will not collapse if he disappears for a few days! furina had once said. perhaps today is the day this theory is put to the test. "is there anything you would like to do, my dearest love? any sights not yet seen, any whims i could help satisfy? you keep following me into the depths of the sea whenever nostalgia strikes me, but what about you? what would make you happy?" (haha plot twist, what do YOU want mr i always put the world before myself very literally dainsleif)
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It is said that sharing is caring. Dáinsleif could confirm this firsthand with every little trinket of the dragon's making in appointed moments in time. How could he forget the smile on his lips, the primordial sea hues dancing within the depths of his irises with renewed light every time he handed him one of his creations as he waited in anticipation to see his reaction? And the warmth that never fails to bloom from within his chest, spreading throughout his body as his own stellar pupils quivered with delight and joy at the gifts and the thoughtfulness behind Neuvillette's actions, the love and care he engraved in every sacred moment of theirs.
Twilight Sword is no obtuse man to not detect the jesting tone in Leviathan's voice, yet strong sentiments he reserves in the depths of his heart leads him to confusion, to wondering: were his reactions to the other's gifts insufficient for him to know how important they are to him, in order to consider a different approach for gift-making?
For all the intrigue he has, seraphic heart comes to a calmer stillness when his beloved's hands cradle his face with tenderness that soothes the most terrifying of nightmares. His own gloved hands reach up to hold the other's wrists gently, a manner to say he doesn't want him to let go as he looks at him through albescent lashes and leans a tad further into his touch in silent wait.
What does he want?
Truth be said, whatever answer he'd choose to give wouldn't be sufficiently satisfactory in view of this special occasion that Neuvillette dares to take off his obligations as the Iudex. Reason why Dáinsleif searches a bit deeper into his repertoire of answers. From all of them, the most earnest and genuine he could muster is given. ◜I would like to share with you what I do.◞ He knows about Leviathan's awareness of his deeds for the past centuries to the point where their first meeting was punctuated with one such deeds on its own. But the occasion, the timing merit it and not without reason.
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Roseate lips curl in a reserved smile seconds before he places a soft kiss on one of his palms. ◜It will be a trip into the depths of the sea, ironic it may be.◞ A nigh muted chuckle follows thereafter as his gentle gaze turns towards the window, his mind imagining a spot under the great waterfalls that rise Fontaine closer to the sky. ◜There is something that must be done there, someone who might want to meet you and that needs help.◞ Namely the prince of vishaps, whom has taken the mantle that Leviathan would've taken otherwise if he were to be born sooner— and whom he might delight in meeting. He wishes.
Glacial sapphires return to Neuvillette, his hand gives his wrist a small squeeze. ◜If you wish to come with me, I have to warn you that you'll be stuck with me more than just this day... in the olden Remuria.◞
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@fluffbruary Day 8
Have some Lightwood siblings fluff for day 8!
“You alright down there?” Jace smirked at him from up in the rafters.
Alec groaned in response, stretching out on the ground in an effort to get rid of all the aches. “No. C’mon, Jace, enough training for now. It’s still early morning.”
His parabatai shrugged and then took a flying leap, doing a flip before landing on his feet. Alec didn’t even bother getting up or being surprised. Anyone who knew Jace knew how performing impossible feats was part of his routine.
“What do you want to do, then?” Jace asked, running his hand over the swords on the rack idly. “Sneak onto a mission? I heard Kadir’s leading a pretty good one, nest of Amphisbaena demons near the—”
“By the Angel, Jace, do you ever think about anything other than training and missions?” Alec rolled his eyes and jumped to his feet.
Jace considered that seriously. “Food,” he decided. “The piano. Demon languages. Regular languages. Plants. Runes. Girls. Sure, Alec, plenty of stuff.”
Alec ignored him. “I’m going to go check on Max,” he decided, “See if he’s up yet. He’s due to start physical training today, and Brynn Stormhurst is his trainer, and she isn’t kind with tardiness.” He walked off, knowing Jace would follow. Sure enough, he felt his brother’s body next to him near instantly, moving soundlessly.
“Which unit is he on?” Jace asked interestedly. “When I was his age, I’d already gotten my first rune. And killed several demons.”
Alec had several thoughts about Michael Wayland’s parenting, none of which would be a good idea to express in front of Jace. “That’s too dangerous,” he replied instead. “Max’s only six. You’re telling me you really want him out there?”
Jace grimaced. He was more protective of their younger brother than anybody else. “Fair enough.”
They found their sister at Max’s door, apparently having had the same thought. Isabelle was in a pale-yellow dress, her ruby at her throat and whip bracelet on her wrist, runes they needed to put on themselves daily neatly inked out. Fully dressed, fashionable as always.
“You’re up early,” Jace said in surprise. “Normally we can’t get you out of bed until eight.”
“Yes, well, it’s not everyday my little brother starts his physical combat unit!” Isabelle clapped in excitement.
“He’s starting his physical combat unit?” Jace gasped.
“Yep!” Max opened his door, beaming. “Finally! Izzy promised she’d give me some tips.”
“You’re getting Isabelle to talk about something other than clothes and fashion?” Jace whistled, mockingly impressed. “Amazing work, Max. High-five!”
Max giggled and raised his hand to meet Jace’s.
“Says the one who won’t shut up about training,” huffed Isabelle.
“What time do you have to report for training?” Alec asked, ignoring the two.
“Seven o’clock,” Max said, worrying his lip between his teeth.
Alec glanced at his watch. It was only five forty-five. He had time. “Okay. What do you want to do till then?”
Before Max could reply, Jace and Isabelle cut in. “We should go see the sunrise!” Jace suggested. “In the greenhouse. I’ll get you a practice seraph blade and we can go through the basics.”
“No way!” Isabelle said indignantly. “Alec and I can’t come there. We need some sibling bonding time!”
Both Alec and Jace rolled their eyes. As soon as Max nodded excitedly though, they softened.
“Alright,” Alec conceded. “Your room, Iz?”
“Are you kidding? The colours of that room give me a migraine,” Jace said disgustedly.
“Only because your room is as drab and ugly as a monk’s,” Isabelle muttered under her breath.
Jace opened his mouth to retort, but then saw Abraham Penfound approaching them. The nineteen-year-old was here for three months of his travel year. “Alright, Lightwoods?” He asked, before moving on. “Jace, Alec, Maryse wanted me to ask you two to take the shift on the midnight patrol.”
“Why?” Isabelle asked, eyebrows furrowed. “I thought it was full?”
“Wendell’s got kicked off active duty, and Rani got a call from Idris, she has to go there now,” he explained. “So?”
They exchanged a glance. Jace cocked his head to the side. Alec shrugged.
“Alright,” Jace said. “Tell her we’ll take it, and one of us will come to get the details after the kids’ training starts.”
“Why once the – oh. Congrats on the Physical Training entry, Max!” Abraham said, already moving to go.
“Thanks!” Max called after him. “Can I come with you? Pleeeeease?”
“No,” all three of his siblings said in unison. He pouted.
“You can hang out with me,” Isabelle said. “I’ll help you revise your runes, teach you some tricks with the whip and blade. I’ve been meaning to get an audience for a lecture on Paris’ current fashion trends anyway,” she nodded with satisfaction.
Max looked torn between a weapons lesson and sibling hangout vs no fashion lecture or extra studying. “Okay,” he said gloomily.
Jace clapped a hand on his shoulder. “You know what, we have an hour. Let’s go to Central Park and teach you how to spot fairies.”
“Right in time for sunrise!” Max brightened up before Alec could protest. “I love seeing the sunrises!”
“Yeah,” Jace said, his eyes soft, fixed on Max. “So do I.”
Alec knew that the sunrise was one of Jace’s fondest memories of Idris and the manor house he’d grown up in. He blew out an exasperated breath. How on earth could he argue against that without seeming like a grouchy buzzkill?
“C’mon, big brother,” Isabelle said, clearly noticing his hesitation, while Jace and Max excitedly planned a picnic. “It’ll be good for Max to get out before his first training. We could probably teach him better than Brynn anyway,” she muttered contemptuously. She disliked the other girl. “We’ll make sure he gets back in time.”
“Of course,” Jace said offendedly. “We can’t have Max being late for such a milestone! Shame on the Lightwood name,” he imitated their father’s heavy set tone, and Max giggled.
Alec sighed. “Fine. At least I’ll be there to keep you lot in line.”
“We don’t need keeping in line,” Isabelle sniffed haughtily. She lost the look soon enough though, and added excitedly, “Let’s take a blanket! And food! A picnic on the grass! Sounds amazing,” she clasped her hands together, beaming.
“Hopefully nothing you cooked,” Jace drawled.
Isabelle scowled at him and ruffled Max’s hair pointedly. “We can even feed the ducks!”
Jace’s suddenly alarmed look was enough for even Alec to laugh. “Shut up, Izzy. Alec, tell her!”
“Sorry,” Alec said, already dragging a giggling Max down to the kitchens to get a picnic basket. “I don’t take sides in idiotic arguments between my siblings. Get a blanket, see you in the elevator!”
“Alec, get back here—”
“You traitor, Alec—”
“Bye!” Max called as they sped away.
Alec could hear all three of his siblings laughing, and suddenly he couldn’t wait for sibling bonding time.
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abysslll · 9 months
8, 18, and 38 for the music asks
8. tell me about your favorite band. go on infodump for me.
glass animals !!!! :D the singer/songwriter/only guy who matters (<- SORRY but you never hear anything abt the other members and like hes the only one writing the songs and i mostly like them for the lyrics so) has my birthday which is fun ! a lot of their songs are about his life, abstract moments and emotions he's felt throughout it as well as base concepts and people he's known. their album how to be a human being (my favorite album EVER please give at least poplar st a listen) is mostly composed of songs about people he's met or heard about and its really cool !!!! im not sure what the base concept of dreamland is but its Also very cool, it's more about Feelings than People imo but there's still space ghost coast to coast which is abt a childhood friend of his. their songs all have just such a nice VIBE they all sound so cool and i love love love that they're all about stories (i love abstract songs dont get me wrong but NARRATIVE SONGS??? literally so obsessed)
thank ash seraphic--heretic for getting me into their music bc i will never be the same person again
18. what song in your playlist sounds like this 🖤🩸⛓💣🗡🪨 but the lyrics are 💖❤️🥰🤩💘💕
literally every song by takayan
38. did one of your favorite bands/artists do a cover???? tell me about it!!!
miy_yuu mostly does covers but hes so fuckingnggng talented i love him sm. this one and wozwald both have incredible range but i love all his covers
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ichika27 · 2 years
OnS Chapter 118
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Finished reading this more than a week ago and I have some... mixed feelings about it. It took me a while to write this cause stuff happened lol
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Krul isn’t the only one now as the Shinoa Squad is also trying to restrain Yuu with Guren trying to reason with him.
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Meanwhile, Yuu and Asuramaru are still fighting on the other side. Asuramaru uses the Asura-Kannon which manages to stab Yuu. Yuu uses Mika's ability and was able to slice Asuramaru. Yuu looks like he's going to win but Asuramaru doesn't want to give up.
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Asuramaru tells Yuu that he's turning into the very monster that his parents accused him of back in the day.
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Because of how his parents had treated him, Yuu had felt like his life had no value until he met Mika, like the First Progenitor planned.
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Yuu is then shown a fake version of his first meeting with Mika but Asuamaru tries to snap him out of it. Asuramaru tries to remind Yuu of his family waiting for him outside.
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In the real world, the Shinoa squad plus Guren are talking to Yuu and are also trying to snap him out of it. They're all calling out to him and Guren tells him that if he goes completely berserk, then he'd never be able to return to normal.
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The whole Shinoa squad apologizes to Yuu for pressuring him into making a decision and tells him they'd talk about it with him. They all tell him they're family and that he's important to them, too.
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Shinoa pleads to Yuu not to go anywhere as she doesn't think she could go on without him.
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Asuramaru talks to Yuu once more asking him to listen to the others and things seem to finally work out. Yuu apologizes to Asuramaru and calls the latter by his real name.
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It seems it's too late though as Yuu lies and used the opportunity to bite Asuramaru. As Ashera disappears, he apologizes to his sister.
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Yuu won and he calls out an angry Mika. Mika asks Yuu if this meant that yuu would betray everyone and follow Shikama Doji's orders so that he could bring Mika back. Yuu's answer is that he won't - he has his own plan and it meant he won't do what either Guren or Shikama Doji wants him to do.
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Yuu wakes up to the relief of his friends (especially Shinoa) but he apologizes and leaves them behind.
You know, them trying to bring Yuu back by reminding them they’re family would’ve been really touching if the one saying it wasn’t Guren lol. After everything that happened, Guren is the last person I wanna hear that from. He was the reason Yuu is acting bonkers right now.
On the other hand, the others are apologizing to Yuu as well although I don’t think they did as bad as Guren. They didn’t even get to say a lot after the reveal cause they were as surprised and confused like Yuu and Mika were. The moment that seemed like they did something was fighting against Yuu but that was cause they were convinced Yuu would go on a rampage on them not realizing Yuu just wanted to escape.
I still think that if Guren actually thought his plan would work out, it’d have been stupid of him. He’d been with Yuu and raised him for 4 years and we have seen that Yuu would not shut up about how important the orphans and Mika were to him. Did Guren actually think Yuu would immediately just say ‘yes’ if asked if it’s okay for Mika to die?
Also, it won’t have worked with any of them. There’s so much focus on Yuu and Mika recently that I nearly forgot about how Kimizuki and Yoichi would’ve felt. They would’ve reacted the same way Yuu did if they were in his shoes.
Yoichi lost his sister and he does feel guilty cause she protected him. He still wants revenge on the vampire who killed her and he might be polite about it but he was angry at Guren too when he found out Guren had something to do with her death.
Kimizuki got to live with his younger sister longer and had to take care of her all this time. He entrusted her to his fellow humans hoping she’d get cured but things got worse, she was turned into a seraph and now killed. Kimizuki is still bringing his sister’s corpse with him wherever they would go and he was also mad at Guren knowing this was part of his plans, too.
These two would not have agreed with Guren either. I want to assume the same of Mitsuba as well. It wouldn’t be easy to choose either humanity or someone you love personally.
And the only reason Kimizuki and Yoichi haven’t blown up at Guren yet was that Yuu had been calming them both down and convincing them to trust Guren. They did and this is how it all ended up.
I guess Shinoa telling an unconscious Yuu that she can’t live without him is her way of confessing. I still don’t like the ship but eh, I knew this would happen one day. I didn’t get as uncomfortable as I would’ve thought I would though cause so many things are happening.
Anyways, Yuu was able to fool Ashera. I was fooled too thinking Yuu had gotten calm and was gonna listen to everyone. Haha I didn’t think he’d be good at acting. He even stopped calling Asuramaru by his demon name and called him Ashera.
Okay, while I felt bad that Yuu lied and stuff in this moment, I can’t say I felt super bad? Before finding out he’d just been used and would be thrown away, Asuramaru is determined to do what the 1st Progenitor had wanted him to do and even looked like he was enjoying it. He’s proven that he wasn’t on Yuu’s side and with everyone else seemingly the same, Yuu doesn’t need that at the moment.
That said, Asuramaru is also another character who wouldn’t have accepted Guren’s proposal had he been in Yuu’s shoes. He was willing to follow the 1st Progenitor who is shady as fuck because he wanted to protect his sister Krul.
I can’t really blame any of them for this cause they’re living in the apocalypse where everything around them might just disappear and they might even die, too. The only thing they know that they still have to cling on are their loved ones or at least, their memories of those people. With that in mind, I guess we could say that it’s the same for Guren. He’s also just fought for what he cared about years ago (although that makes me wonder more why he didn’t realize that what he’s doing right now won’t end well).
Alright! Yuu finally found a way to choose a third option like he’d been wanting! He’s not gonna follow Guren nor would he do what the 1st Progenitor wants - he’s doing his own thing. Not sure what that would be or if he even has a plan right now but at least he could get away from those who are trying to get him to choose what they wanted. Since the Progenitor team (that’s what I’m gonna keep calling Rigr and the others) also wants to take another option, I wonder if this meant they could meet with Yuu and team up?
I mentioned before on a different post that recently, character comparison-wise, Guren and Shikama Doji are kind of similar in their roles like how Yuu is kind of the same as Rigr and this is an addition to that. Not wanting to do what their parent/superior asks of them, they’re gonna try and [ick another option and if that option doesn’t exist yet, they’d look for it. If Guren and Shikama Doji’s paths are crossing with their plans, then Yuu’s and Rigr’s might cross as well.
It’d be interesting if that happened.
Just a little thought about these recent chapters.
In other shows, especially shounen anime, if the MC is given two unlikable choices, they’d choose a third one like Yuu had been trying here. It would’ve worked out easily and it’d be fun and all but here in Owari no Seraph, it’s not that easy. Made me wonder why at first. Was the series getting a bit darker for it? But then I kind of thought that maybe it’s cause Yuu isn’t the only protagonist.
Yuu is the MC for the main manga series, Mika is it’s deutragonist, and Guren is the MC for the prequel spinoff. And all of their stories seem to be crossing paths now currently when they’re all together. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like, the story is still treating all three as protagonists so Yuu just can’t easily have what he wanted. Guren’s story still needs to get somewhere in the present timeline and Mika’s life isn’t over yet and is connected more than ever to Yuu’s story.
I’m not entirely sure where I’m going with this but just putting this out there.
Well, I guess I just need to wait for next month’s chapter to see where all this is going. Now the party lists are: Yuu+Mika, vampries, humans, Guren+the others, Progenitor team. What a mess! Haha it’s getting more interesting at least. How exciting.
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manygalaxiesinone · 2 years
Panty & Stocking: Disgaea AU Pt. 18 Angel or Demon
A few days have passed since the sisters patched things up with Flonne. One afternoon, in the Anarchy household...
Panty: “Hey sis, just a heads up, Muffler’s coming over soon.”
Stocking: “I can already guess why.”
Panty: “Yup, turns out that woman from before decided to head back to give a nice tip.”
Stocking: “And you’re gonna watch?”
Panty: “Pfft. Hell no! I’m getting my own share of the booty!”
Stocking: “Never figured you for a bisexual.”
Panty: “I dabble.”
Stocking: “Alright then, guess I’ll take a walk outside.”
Panty: “Now THAT’S something rare around here.”
Stocking: “Oh shut up, sl$%.” leaves.
After buying some sweets, she starts walking and eating until she hears voices nearby.
Woman angel: “So I heard you’re really good friends with those Anarchy Sisters.”
Stocking: “Hmm?” Stops in her tracks and listens from around the corner.
Flonne: “Yes. Although we did had a fight the other day, we managed to make it up.”
Woman angel: “Really? Are they as bad as all the rumors say?”
Flonne: “While some of them are a little true, they’re good people. Instead of asking me, why don’t you find out for yourself?”
Woman angel: “Why do that when I can just ask other people about them and save myself from potential danger?”
Flonne: “I understand what you mean, but how can you tell that the person you’re learning these facts from aren’t just making it up? Everyone is prone to mistakes after all.”
Woman angel: “Well if I can’t trust Master Vulcanus, then who can I trust?”
Flonne: “Master Vulcanus is the one responsible for all of the rumors?”
Stocking: “...” (That bastard)
Woman angel: “I don’t know, but he believes everything that was said about them so why should I question it?”
Flonne: “Master Vulcanus must be mistaken. After all, there must be a reason why Master Lamington allowed them to stay in Celestia, isn’t it?”
Woman angel: “Yeah to spy and plot against us.”
Flonne: “Huh?”
Woman angel: “Didn’t you hear? Those angels are likely demons in disguise.”
Stocking: -!!-
Flonne: “Demons?”
Woman angel: “Yes, demons. You know, the lowlife scum from the rotten Netherworld. You know how dangerous they are right? After all, it’s our job to protect humans from them.”
Flonne: “You say that but...I’ve never met a demon before. So even if they are demons, I don’t really know what to think about them in that regard. Besides, does it really change who they are deep down?”
Stocking: “...”
Woman angel: “Wow, Master Vulcanus was right. You really are a naive little girl. It’s no wonder you’re still just a trainee.”
Flonne: “Call me whatever you want, but at least I don’t judge anyone without getting to know them! Besides, what have either of them done to you personally to deserve such harsh treatment?!”
Woman angel: “I suggest you watch your tone you little-”
Lamington: “That’s enough!” Appears before the two.
Flonne: “Master Lamington!”
Woman angel: “L-Lord Seraph!”
Lamington: “I believe I made it quite clear that the Anarchy Sisters are to be left alone, have I not?”
Woman angel: “B-But sir-”
Lamington: “They are angels in this world and you are well aware of the consequences of doing harm to another angel, correct?”
Woman angel: “Y-Yes sir...”
Lamington: “Good. Now hurry along. We have new souls arriving soon. Make sure to greet them with a proper warm welcome.”
Woman angel: “Understood sir!”
Flonne: “Yes, Master Lamington!”
After Flonne and the other angel leave, Lamington slowly walks over to the corner with Stocking is hiding and holds out his hand. Stocking responds by silently going in for a hug, slowly increasing her grip on his robe. Lamington just stays there and give her small pats until she’s finished.
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drawnbadly-blog · 1 month
Hellish Bells 6: Heavenly Discussions
“Oh. My. GOSH!” Emily squeed, hands up on her mouth, her feet flailing in joy under her, and her wings spread wide. She settled down after almost a solid minute and then asked, “How was it?! Was he nice about it!? Dates normally include kissing, right? Did you guys kiss? Did ya? Didja?”
“Emily, it’s Alastor . The fact that it was a nice dateis more than Vaggie expected,” Charlie explained.
A sly smile on her face, Emily queried, “What were YOU expecting?”
“Me?” Charlie paused. She admitted, “I, ah, didn’t really think about it. I thought we’d be doing weird things, like, I don’t know, eating freshly-dead deer.”
Emily froze. Then, in disbelief, she asked, “Do people…go on dates like that?”
“Not normal people,” Charlie reassured. Not that Alastor was normal. She didn’t say that part out loud.
“Soooooo you ate dinner! What was all of it? Was it tasty? Where did he get it from? Pineapple doesn’t grow in Hell, does it? DID YOU GUYS KISS?!” Emily’s questions were quick; Charlie didn’t have a chance to answer one before another was asked.
“For the last time we DID NOT kiss!” Charlie emphatically yelled. That seemed to snap Emily out of her rapid-fire questioning.
“I’m sorry! I’m just so excited AAAHHHHHHH !” Emily cradled her face, eyes sparkling. “I don’t think there’s ever been a wedding like this in the history of ever! EVER! The Princess of Hell herself, an Angel from Heaven, and a Sinner? It’s so unique! When else would something like this happen?”
Charlie resisted bringing up her own parent’s marriage. Instead, she said with excitement as she tried picking up from where they were, “So, I know we’re going with a mix of red and blue - the Heaven/Hell play, as you know - and I was thinking about having mixed streamers on the ceiling-”
“I can’t wait for you guys to kiss!” Emily cried out.
Charlie couldn’t help the flat look she gave the Seraph. “We’ll probably only kiss at the altar.”
“Awwww, why?”
“Alastor is-” Charlie paused. What was Alastor? Asexual? Aromantic? He was against any sort of sex. ‘Exchanging fluids’ and all. But…aromantic? She tried to picture ‘aromantic’ on top of the Alastor she saw two nights prior, enjoying the music and dancing with them. It wasn’t definitive proof, but Charlie was seeing under the mask little by little and finding someone that wasn’t completely homicidal and monstrous. What had that tale been? Beauty and the Beast? More like Beaut ies and the Beast… Shaking herself back to the conversation, she said, “Jury is still out on what he is.”
“That’s sad.” Emily paused for a moment. Then she held up a couple of red and blue balloons. “Are we alternating balloons, or will they be the same color on each side?”
Charlie walked into the back boardroom in the Heaven Embassy, ready to have a cute little party while they discussed who was doing what during the wedding. Anthony had wanted to be the flower girl, to which his twin sister protested. Hopefully they would have that worked out. Husk wanted to run the bar, Sir Pentious wanted to be the DJ for some strange reason, and Cherri wanted to be in charge of security.
At least, that’s how she’d pictured everything. Except when she entered the room no one was talking. They were all sitting, staring at the door. The look in their eyes made Charlie feel like they were waiting for her to show up. Then she realized that her fiancee was present.
“Vaggie! Hi!” Charlie shut the door behind her. “What brings you here?” After Vaggie had battled Alastor on the wedding colors, she’d taken a back seat and let Charlie take charge. Alastor occasionally also gave his opinion and helped Charlie.
“Charlie, toots, this is an intervention,” Anthony said right away.
Charlie froze halfway to the nearest seat. Confused, she dumbly asked, “What?”
“We’re worried about you,” Husk said, his pink and white color scheme so different from his colors in Hell. He took a drink of one of his Heaven ‘cheap booze’ concoctions before he continued, “You’re taking this whole ‘marriage’ and ‘soul eating’ thing pretty easy.”
“I-I mean…” Charlie finished sitting in the chair facing everyone else. She defended, “It’s not like I have much choice. Gotta face it with a smile!”
“Who ssssaid you had to do that?” Sir Pentious said, clearly reading off of a notecard. “You musssst…hn, I can’t read thissss.” He motioned at Cherri.
“Oh my FACKIN’ GOOOOOD, Edgelord! Give me that!” Cherri snatched the card from his hand. The fingerless white gloves she wore matched perfectly with the loose white blouse and blue shorts. She crumpled the notecard up as she pointed a finger at Charlie. “Look, we’re damn sure ya don’t want to do this. Why fake being happy when ya could not hide how you’re feelin’?”
“ESPECIALLY around us!” Anthony growled, his arms spreading wide to indicate everyone in the room. He thumbed at Vaggie. “She ain’t even trying to act happy.”
“Hell no! Why would I be happy about, about any of this?!” Vaggie slammed her fist against the table. “That bastard Alastor…I bet he learned about us planning to propose to each other and wanted to be a dick and ruin everything!”
Charlie had to admit, that sounded like something Alastor would do. Rubbing her wrist, she said, “I’m not so sure.” A thought occurring to her, she asked, “Why would he trap himself in this deal? He’s at as much risk as me and Vaggie!”
“He could be fuckin’ lying,” Anthony said.
“Nah, no lies from him,” Husk butted in. “If there was one thing that Alastor has going for him, he isn’t much of a liar. Omit the truth? Sure. He might have other reasons for doing something on top of the ones he gave you. But outright lie? No, that isn’t it.” His fingers danced along the edge of his bottle. “That’s the most dangerous part of him. Like dealing with some trickster god.”
“Then he’s purposely not telling us something,” Vaggie growled. “There’s no way he simply wanted to be fair with his ‘brides’.”
Charlie was tired. Of all the suspicion, the paranoia. So she said, “So what if there is?”
Everyone looked at her, surprised. Anthony was the first to recover. “What?”
She repeated, “So what if he does have another reason? Should we really distrust him so much? He’s been with us for four years! And in all that time, nothing too terrible happened!”
Vaggie rubbed her head. “We need to be prepared for it, Charlie! Not blindly accept things!”
“What if I want to trust him this time?” Charlie challenged. “Why can’t any of you trust him now?”
“Bitch, he took my soul hostage!” Husk snarled.
“Yeah, he’s done some real heinous things. I certainly can’t trust him,” Anthony noted.
“He gave it back when I asked nicely,” Charlie said to Husk. “He apologized! As all of you know-”
“It all starts with saying ‘I’m sorry’,” they all dutifully finished for her.
Cheerily, she said, “Yes! I’m so glad you guys remember!”
“How could we forget?” Cherri almost snapped. That lesson hadn’t sat well with her.
“Sooooo what does that mean with Alastor?” Charlie leadingly asked.
A collective sigh echoed in the room. Sir Pentious pointed at Vaggie. “Ssssee? I knew she meant it!”
“She CAN’T be okay with it!” Vaggie yelled, standing and leaning on the table to glare at Sir Penious. “That’s disgusting! Alastor is a MONSTER!”
“VAGGIE, STOP IT!” Charlie shouted. She suppressed her more demonic side; that would make things worse. “Why can’t you believe in me that believes in him?”
“Charlie…” Vaggie calmed down, still firmly saying, “I know you have faith in everyone . I…I just wish you’d trust me about him being a selfish demon.”
Charlie’s heart tore. “I can’t give up on him! The fact that he’s marrying us makes me want to help him more .” She got up from her seat and moved down the table to hug Vaggie. Muffled by hair, Charlie softly said, “Can we compromise on this? Please?”
She pulled back to gauge Vaggie’s response. Vaggie was looking away from Charlie, thinking. Then she sighed out her nose. “What should the terms be?”
“How about…you make more of an effort to help me and actually try to get to know Alastor, and I’ll be a more active listener when you’re trying to warn me about him doing something fishy?” Charlie offered.
Vaggie shook her head. “The ‘active listener’ thing won’t cut it. No. Instead, you’ll immediately get away from Alastor, run for your life, if I give you the code word. No questions.”
Charlie thought on it only for a moment before she nodded. “Okay. I’ll listen more and I’ll run if you tell me to.” Feeling a bit cheeky about it, Charlie held out her hand and said in the same octave as Alastor, “Would you like to shake on it?”
The two women burst into laughter. Everyone else exchanged glances.
“Who wants to bet that Charlie’s gonna get hurt by this?” Anthony asked the room.
Molly, who had been quiet up until then, said, “Tony! You want to bet on your friend getting hurt?!”
“Emotionally hurt! Not physically!” he defended. The frown he got in return made him gulp.
“I’m willing to bet that this is all a ruse to take over Hell through Charlie,” Husk muttered.
“I’ll TAKE that bet!” Sir Pentious said, reaching into his jacket and slamming some money on the table. “I bet that Alasssstor issss genuine in hissss wooing!”
“Welp, so much for dinner,” Cherri grumbled as Husk collected the bet. She turned to Sir Pentious and asked, “What the hell, Old Man?”
“The oddssss musssst be incredible for thissss bet! I imagine the proceedssss would make ussss a fine workshop for EXPLOSSSSIVESSSS!”
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pr3ttyb0ym2g · 4 months
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POSSESSIVE ꒰ADAM 𝘅 male! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳꒱
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ;; Romantic. You're Adam's third lover, but you're not his wife, you're his husband. And you are definitely annoyed at Adam's snide remarks about you leaving him. Epilogue: COMFORT 𝘼/𝙉 ;; Sorry not so sorry, Adam is too fine and I'm going crazy for him, RABID actually. Def a lil cringe, but possessiveness + Adam was too good to pass up.
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Maybe it was the way Adam suddenly gave you attitude, but you were pissed. Your infamous lover, was going on a tangent about Lucifer after his daughter had just met with Heaven. He went on and on about Lucifer and how anyone associated with him, his daughter along with Eve and Lilith, were "shit-fucks". But with his complaining about Lucifer, came the topics of his two stolen wives. Now, you weren't jealous per say, you understood Adam's attitude towards his past wives. But what you were mad about, was when Adam decided to run his mouth about you. "Can you believe it!? Eve, Lilith! I wouldn't be surprised if it was you, at this point. I swear when I catch that son of a— " You snapped. You grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him close to you, face to helmet. Adam choked up on his words as he stared at you through his helmet, breathing heavily as his tangent was cut short. He saw how pissed you were, even when your face remained neutral, your eyes were glaring at him. He felt as though you were staring right through him. "Haha, sorry babe, did the truth hurt?" Adam forced out a snide remark while very apparently nervous. Your grip only tightened, and you uttered his name in a whisper. Your voice was low and you clearly weren't fucking around. First man or not, you don't take shit.
And Adam heard you loud and clear, he knew you were patient and he rarely ever saw you mad, but you were furious at him. Him of all things. "Sir, the Seraph—" Lute, one of Adam's closest exorcists, walked into the room. She was used to the man and often just stepped in, knocking only on occasions when she felt like it. Lute, knowing Adam, always expected him to be doing something vile or crude in his living quarters, but this was a different situation. Adam looked to be in a fight with you. She paused in her steps, taking in the unexpected sight. Your back was to her and she could clearly see Adam being in your grasp (literally). "Lute, get out." You didn't turn around, still staring intently at Adam, who took an unsteady breath. Adam prayed Lute had an emergency that would get him out of this situation. "There's a issue that needs to be—" "Lute, I said get out." You left her no room to argue. "I.. Yes sir. I'll notify the Head Seraphim." Lute never heard you ever ask her for something. You were humble and you never intercepted her relationship with Adam. So when you, for the first time ever, ordered her to get the fuck out, she did. It was out of character for Lute to just back down, but here was something she couldn't shake.
Lute is loyal to Adam, but she has a big sinking feeling he initiated whatever mood you're in now. "Shut the door on your way, please." The door was quickly shut. "Fuck [name], what if that was important?" He grabbed your wrist, trying to pull you off, but you didn't budge.
"We both know you wouldn't give a fuck if it was." Whilst Adam was somewhat cooperative with his boss, Sera, he was also very out of line. So much so that Sera has to often just appear and discipline him and Lute. And the man didn't care about anything that wasn't the extermination, one of his limited entertainments. "Adam, I want you to listen to me." He didn't respond. "Don't you ever spout anything like that again. Do you understand me? I am not a temporary lover, let alone a trophy to be displayed for your past mistakes. I agreed to marry you with every intent to stay with you, so I expect the same from you." Adam didn't say anything for a short moment and you both just stared at each other. "Okay."
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Seraph of Academia chpt.4
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Recovery date: March 24st, 2020
Description: Our favorite ONS teens training to be heroes! Will Yuu survive Guren's class? Will Yuu confess to Mika? And most importantly will the become heroes?
Notes: Unfortunately this series of entries was corrupted and recovery is unlikely, apologies for the inconvenience. This is an abandoned work
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7---Quirk List
Word count: 643
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Akane woke up to the sound of her alarm. The sun wasn’t even up yet, not like it would be at five in the morning. She reached over and shut her alarm off, she yawned and ran her fingers through her hair. It was extremely tangled, but that usually happened if she didn’t braid it. Hopping out of bed, she pulled the blankets back up before heading to the door and turning the lights on. Fumie flinched at the sudden increase in light, and Ako buried herself further into her blankets.
“Alright everyone!” she cheered, clapping her hands together. “Get up and get dressed. Let’s see who can get dressed first.”
“I got breakfast,” Chihiro groaned, finally sitting up. “You get ready.”
“Thanks!” Akane cheered, leaving the room.
Before heading to the bathroom, she went to the boys room. Knocking on the door, she opened it and turned the lights on. For once, Yuu started moving right away. Mika was still the first to actually have some semblance of consciousness. Kota and Taichi just rolled over away from the light. 
She left the boys to Mika and headed to the bathroom. Stopping by her room again because she forgot her uniform, Chihiro was trying to get the other two girls moving. Grabbing her uniform, she finally made it to the bathroom only for the door to be locked. Before she could knock, the door opened and Mika was there trying to push Kota out the door. She laughed and waved Mika off when he apologized.
“So…” Mika started once they sat down for breakfast, “let’s have a better day than yesterday! What do you think, Yuu?”
Yuu stopped shoveling food into his mouth. “Huh? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Akane stifled a giggle. Mika had told her all about how noisy his class had been, and how angry Yuu had been all day. She didn’t say anything though, it seemed to be best to leave Yuu to Mika. It probably had to do with Yuu’s massive crush on him, and somehow Mika was the only one who hadn’t noticed. Somehow…
“Oh that?” Yuu asked when Mika brought the noise.
“That wasn’t me.”
“Then why were you so angry?” Mika asked, he didn’t believe him a bit.
“Mister salty pink hair was being an ass-”
“Yuu!” Akane raised her voice, and smacked him upside the head.
“BUTT! He was being a huge butthead…”Yuu exclaimed.
“Hehe, big bro said butt!” Fumie giggled.
“Anyway there was another kid in my class. He’s really loud, and he picked a fight with the teacher,” Yuu finished before returning to his food.
“Huh,” Akane said, “For once it wasn’t you.”
“Hey!” Yuu yelled while everyone else started to laugh.
Breakfast was finished, and once again they split outside the house. The three highschoolers heading to the station, and Chihiro ushering the others towards their school. Akane frowned, yesterday she’d been too excited to realize how sad not walking everyone to school made her. They’d all walked to school together since Taichi and Ako started school.
When they got to school, they went their separate ways. Akane watched as the boys met up with Shinoa, and “Mister salty pink hair”.  I should go make some more friends, she thought as she headed towards her class. Akane had never really tried to make friends, she’d always had her family and that was enough. 
For the morning, Todoroki-sensei had told them to design a costume in small groups. They’d been assigned a hero, and had to find anyone else with that hero. Sadly, she hadn’t gotten the same hero as Mitsuba. Akane had gotten the pro hero freeze burn, real name Todoroki Shouto. No, he was not related to their teacher, he’d cleared that up right away. 
"Alright. You can start now, you have til lunch," Todoroki-sensei announced.
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