#do i fly up in the clouds because i one day dream to land?
fluffypotatey · 4 months
i hope there’s a part of me that reflects a past i never got to know. i hope that others can hear certain inflections in my voice that tell them of places i know are a part of me but find unfamiliar. i hope there’s still a part of my body that bleeds the same blood of my ancestors— ancestors that resemble wisps of smoke more than concrete figures in my mind. i hope, one day, i can connect all the threads that were cut off and abandoned
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theostrophywife · 1 year
the prince of hell | part two.
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we might just get away with it, the altar is my hips even if it's a false god, we'd still worship this love
author's note: i have chosen violence today and i won't apologize for it. anyways, enjoy this soft fluff.
song inspiration: false god by taylor swift.
The underworld was nothing like you expected it to be. 
It was a land of perpetual night, but it wasn’t the frightening unending darkness of nightmares, instead it was moonlight and constellations, twinkling stars and violet skies. Never in a million years would you have predicted hell to be dreamy. 
But it was. Everything about the place was an absolute dream. None more so than the winged male carrying you in his arms. 
The Prince of Hell smiled softly as he cut through the cumulus clouds, flying towards an enormous castle perched atop an obsidian mountain. The peaks glittered like dark diamonds, the gothic spires and turrets spearing through the endless night as you floated through the sea of stars. The moon shimmered overhead as Azriel landed on the open balcony. 
Though his feet hit the chequerboard floor, Azriel made no move to release you from his grip. He merely continued carrying you through his home, past the moonstone walls and marble pillars, through countless rooms full of lavish furniture and extravagant paintings, and underneath a crystal chandelier that projected starlight onto the polished onyx floors. 
You gaped in wonder as he slipped past mahogany doors and into a bedchamber with a four poster bed. The sheets felt like silk to the touch as he carefully set you down. Across the room, you stared at your bewildered expression through a gilded mirror, your hair wild and unbound, your wedding dress smeared with blood and ash. 
Azriel’s brows furrowed in concern as he wiped a streak of dried blood from your cheek. “Are you sure you’re alright, my heart?” His fingers skirted over your hairline, brushing a stray strand behind your ear with surprising gentleness. “You’re shaking.” 
You gave him a watery smile. “I’m fine. Just a little rattled, that’s all.”
“I won’t apologize for what I did to that mortal, but I am sorry if it frightened you. The way he spoke about you, the way he grabbed you—” he released a shaky breath as if the memory still stoked his anger. “I wanted to do more than just rip out his wretched heart.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed in reassurance. “You saved me.” Honey eyes dawned on you like sunset, disbelief dancing in Azriel’s gaze as though no one has ever said such a thing to him. “You saved me and I owe you my life.” 
“You owe me nothing,” Azriel declared with determination. “You will never owe anyone anything ever again.”
Those words released another floodgate of tears. As the Prince of Hell cradled you in his arms, his soft voice a soothing lullaby in your ears, the realization that you were free—truly free slammed into you. You didn’t know how long you stayed like that, maybe minutes, maybe hours, but what you did know was that Azriel was a refuge in the storm.
As he had been in your dreams for far longer than you could remember. 
“I thought I’d dreamt you up,” you said, looking up at this stranger who really wasn’t a stranger at all. “How are you real?” 
There was something about the way those golden eyes softened that made your heart leap in your chest. Azriel brushed a tear away and took a deep breath. “Once upon a time, there was a raven with a broken wing. It searched high and wide for shelter, but because of its injuries, the raven couldn’t fly very far. One day it landed in the countryside, half-frozen and half-starved, where a girl found it buried amongst the snowbanks. The girl took pity on the raven and brought the bird home, offering it shelter and mending its broken wing. As she nursed the raven back to health, he did something very foolish. He fell in love with the girl. The raven knew it was a mistake. She was beautiful and gentle and kind and he was a creature of nightmares. Eventually, he healed and she set him free. That should have been the end of the story, but the raven was a selfish bastard. It kept coming back—watching over her, leaving her gifts, and visiting her dreams.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you listened, realization slowly washing over you as Azriel spoke. “Then one day, the raven heard the girl’s father praying to the old gods. Heaven ignored his pleas, but Hell listened. The raven listened because he had never forgotten the girl’s kindness. What the girl didn’t know was that the raven wasn’t a raven at all. He was the Prince of Hell. The day she found him, he had been attacked by his step brothers who sought his throne for themselves. They held him down and drove a spear through his wing, nearly severing it.” 
His right wing flared out and you saw a large scar running through the underside of the red and gold membrane. “Before they could kill him, the Prince of Hell shifted into his raven form and fate took him to the small village where the kind girl rescued him. The raven would have died if it weren’t for her. When she set him free, he knew it killed her to do so. But the girl understood what it was like to be in a cage and she didn’t want him to have the same fate as her, so she let him go. As the girl watched the raven fly away with a heavy heart, he promised that one day, he’d set her free too.”
The room was silent as Azriel’s fingers raked through your scalp. “So the raven bided his time. Bargained with the girl’s father. Slaughtered his greedy step brothers. Reclaimed his throne. Then finally, the raven fulfilled his promise. The girl thought that he had set her free, that he had saved her, but what she didn’t know was that she saved him first. Before he met her, everyone always said that the raven had no heart and they were right because his heart was tucked away in that small, snowy village.”
The Prince of Hell brushed his lips over your temple. “That’s what you are to me,” Azriel said softly. “My heart.”
“Why me?” you asked. The memories flashed through your mind. Finding him in that snowbank. Bandaging up his wing. Your father had scolded you for it. Called you soft hearted. Always bringing in the strays of this world. The girl who desperately clung onto magic and fairy tales to escape the harsh reality of her own life. “I’m just a girl who has a weakness for the wild things.”
“Being kind is not a weakness,” Azriel said firmly. “I used to think it was. My father taught me as much and so did his father before him. But they were wrong. It was the kindness of a stranger that brought me back to life. A girl who gave me everything when I had nothing to give in return. That is true strength.”
Tears fell from your eyes like raindrops. It felt good to be seen. To have the whole of you reflected so clearly in someone else’s eyes. “You’re my freedom. You’re my salvation,” you stroked his cheek almost reverently. “I think I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”
“As have I, my heart,” Azriel whispered softly, pressing his forehead against yours. “As have I.”
“You saved me,” you said once again.
“We saved each other.”
Your heart thundered in your chest as he traced the outline of your jaw, his thumb brushing against your lips. His touch was featherlight, but it set your entire body on fire. Azriel’s gaze marked you, burned you. It felt like he was embedding himself upon your soul.
“Azriel?” Your voice came out in a whisper, low and breathless. 
“Yes, my heart?” 
“Kiss me. Please.”
The Prince of Hell shuddered a breath. Then his hand slid into your hair, tilting you back. There was nothing but tenderness in his eyes as he closed the gap between you. Lips brushed against lips, tasting, testing—it was excruciating agony, it was sweet release. The kiss sparked a fire in you and you burned for Azriel, arms wrapping around his neck, fingers tangling through his silky locks like you were trying to get lost in the dark paradise that was him with no desire to ever escape. 
Azriel pulled you into his lap, his lips never leaving yours. The way your bodies moved in perfect synchrony, melding together, melting together seamlessly made you think that maybe you were created just for this purpose. He was intoxicating; there was nothing more divine, nothing more sacred than the feel of his mouth against yours. Kissing him was an act of worship. 
You had the vague sense that you’ve never felt true hunger until Azriel’s tongue slipped past your parted lips and filled you with lust and desire so strong it made you feel like a depraved hedonist. There was Azriel and only Azriel. 
Desire was a lit match catching fire on a field soaked with gasoline. The need for Azriel was endless, like staring into an empty abyss and realizing for the first time in your life that you were finally seeing what lay inside this whole time. You were hungry. 
Azriel groaned as you rolled your hips against him. His hands found your waist, gripping you like his life depended on it. The gold dancing in his irises flickered to black. His eyes fluttered close as he nuzzled his nose against yours, reeling himself back to reality. 
Then, in a voice full of care and restraint, Azriel said, “We don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready to do. It’s your choice, my heart.” The words cracked your heart open, letting sunlight into the shadowy crevices. “From this point forward, it will always be your choice.”
You cupped his cheek, marveling at all that he was. “My entire life, every decision has been made for me. Other people have always told me how to dress, how to speak, how to act. Tonight is the first time that I actually get to choose something for myself. I want my first choice to be you, Azriel.” 
The words seemed to unleash something within the Prince of Hell. Azriel surged forward and kissed you, his mouth full of passion and heat. You arched into him and he took the opportunity to graze his teeth against the column of your throat before flicking his tongue over the sensitive spot just below your ear. 
“I choose you, too,” he said softly. 
You smiled, tugging him down until you both tumbled against the mattress. Azriel pinned you underneath him, taking his time to stroke your curves, his featherlight touch awakening goosebumps along your arms. He peeled the dress off of you gently, kissing your collarbones, your breasts, your stomach, and your thighs. You helped him out of his clothes, peeling layer after layer until the two of you were bare to one another. 
You had no idea where to look first. Azriel was a work of art, a sculpture carved out of marble, every inch of him perfectly crafted by the gods themselves. The forbidden fruit seducing you to taste, to bite, to savor. He shuddered as you pressed your palm against his chest, feeling the beat of his heart as if it were your own. 
“You will be my undoing,” the Prince of Hell declared. “I would worship at your altar tonight. You are my own little piece of heaven.”
“I don’t want to be your heaven,” you said, voice stern and unwavering. “I want to be your hell, because their god is the only one who has ever answered my prayers.”
Azriel looked down at you as though you were a god yourself. A treasure that he would give his life to guard and cherish. With your legs wrapped around his trim waist, Azriel hovered above you. His gaze was contemplative, searching for any sign of hesitation. 
When he found none, Azriel kissed you gently while easing his way in. You were wet, soaking with arousal, and the length of him stretching your walls was a welcomed sting. He kept his eyes on you as his cock filled you deliciously. You moaned into his mouth and the sound seemed to completely unravel him. 
It was ruin and restoration, life and death, pain and pleasure combined in one single act. Azriel twined your fingers together, holding your arms above your head as he made love to you. His wings flared behind his back just as his shadows swirled above his head, encircling him like a crown of smoke. The Prince of Hell was a dark god. He was night and mist and shadow. The space between the stars. 
You would pray to him a thousand times over. 
“Gods,” you moaned, the word falling from your lips like a solemn prayer. “It feels too good. You are too good, Azriel.”
He kissed you deeply, fusing your very souls together. A white hot heat seized your body and suddenly you were careening towards the cliffs, falling hand in hand with Azriel. The Prince of Hell growled into your mouth, his forehead pressed against yours as you both surrendered to release. 
For a moment, nothing else in the realm existed besides the two of you. 
Azriel opened his eyes and it was like staring directly into the sun after centuries of darkness. With a soft smile, he pulled you into his arms and kissed your temple. Like pieces of a puzzle falling into place, your limbs locked and something within you just clicked. 
This was right. 
He was right.
You nestled against Azriel like you belonged there all along. “You never told me.”
“Told you what, my heart?”
“How the story of the girl and her raven ends.”
Azriel smiled, pulling you into his arms. “It doesn’t. They just find a new beginning instead.”
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @heart-defendor @momlo @mali22 @roselensage @searchingford@nessianxgwynriel@azriels-angels@brekkershadowsinger@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @mattte-black @marina468 @lillithathecathecat @highladyofillyria
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hinny-canons · 11 months
@corneliaavenue-ao3 ‘s Several Sunlit Daylights
Speak Now: Sparks Fly
They were sitting in the Common Room, playing Exploding Snap. They’ve played multiple rounds before and Ginny won all of them. Harry knew she was a pro player, but he knew he needed to be better.
“Do you wanna play the House of Cards version?” Ginny asked, gathering up the cards.
“Oh, that would be fun.”
They started playing again and Harry saw that Ginny was being reckless with what she was doing. She was a fast and concentrated player and Harry admired that.
He admired everything she did.
Sunlight spilled through the window, lighting up the Room. Harry thought Ginny looked rather pretty bathed in sunlight.
He almost missed his turn because he was staring at Ginny and she laughed. “Distracted are we?”
“Of course, not,” Harry said. “I’m completely paying attention.”
“Right,” she smirked.
When his turn was over, he couldn’t help but stare at Ginny again. He realized that he was closer to him than he thought. Close enough to touch.
He wondered what it would be like to touch her. To hold her hand, to run his fingers through her hair, and kiss her.
She looked up at him and Harry willed himself to stop thinking about her like that. He hoped she couldn’t see what he was thinking of.
They continued playing and then when Ginny won again, Harry declared he was bored so they decided to go for a walk on the grounds.
Harry didn’t want to stop spending time with her and he liked to think that she didn’t want to stop either.
Spending time with Harry was something she didn’t want to stop doing, so she suggested a walk on the grounds.
She had the mad urge to hold his hand and had to physically stop herself. She knew that would be all wrong.
She had been dreaming about him for a couple of days now. She knew she shouldn’t be, it was so wrong, but she couldn’t control her dreams.
“I think I should start walking around the grounds more often,” Harry said. “It feels nice.”
“It does,” she smiles. “That’s why I come here a lot.”
“Maybe I could come with you.”
“I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
Suddenly, she felt a drop of water land on her hand. She looked up to see the grey clouds covering the sky. “Shoot, I didn’t know it would rain!”
The moment she said that, it started raining harshly and Harry and Ginny were soaked in seconds.
“Come on, let’s go inside!” Harry took her hand and they both began to run inside.
When they reached there, they stopped to catch their breath. They had walked pretty far from the entrance and running back was so hard.
They both burst out laughing, trying to get the water out of his hair. Harry shook his head trying to get it and Ginny swatted him away.
“Stop it, you’re gonna get me all wet again!”
“Sorry,” Harry chuckled, running his fingers through his hair.
Ginny looked at him and her breath hitched as she looked directly into his eyes. His hair was all wet and his shirt was clinging to him. He looked utterly handsome. Ginny's mind began to wander to a fantasy where she kissed him in the pouring rain.
When he smiled at her, she swore she saw sparks fly around them. She felt butterflies in her stomach that she’s never felt before.
“Wanna go back to the Common Room?” He asked.
She liked him. She really liked him. It wasn’t just some silly old crush anymore.
Harry understood her. He’s become one of her best friends. She liked how kind he was and how gentle he is with her. She likes how freely he laughs with her and how he touches her sometimes without realizing it.
He didn’t even realize that he was still holding her hand.
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some-1writes · 1 year
The Second Potter
Sirius Black x potter!reader
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Warnings: fluff, she/her, one swear word
Summary: what if James Potter had a younger sister and Sirius fancy’s her
Being James Potters sister was never easy.
Being y/n Potter had its ups and downs, some of the pros are, no one really pays attention to me because they are all worried about my brother, although I am my mother’s favorite, con’s are that anyone I meet would know me as ‘James Potter’s little sister
James has rules set for his friends, the marauders, saying that none of them were allowed to date his ‘baby sister’ if anyone were to get to close to me without my brother near by they would have hell to pay.
Remus and I became friends from our mutual love of books, anything to do with plants and animals, we love sitting in the library for hours on end researching our favorites and having a competition between which is the stronger or more helpful animal or plant.
Peter and I became friends, because I love to cook and bake, and he will eat anything anyone makes, as long as it’s edible. He’s my taste tester, if I make a new recipe, he will try it and tell me if it’s good or not
But Sirius is different, I feel like he’s been  distancing himself lately, we used to be best friends, I like to think we still are, we used to do everything together, stealing chocolate from Remus, and playing pranks on Peter, I even used to assist on playing pranks on the Slytherins, we used to sneak into the kitchens and get midnight snacks together, I helped him with girl trouble (even if it pained me to do so) and he offered to help me with boy trouble. We were each other’s ride or dies, but one day something changed between us.
Hearing a wand slap against the desk, waking me from my day dream, I look up to see Professor McGonagall looking down at me, “Miss Potter need I remind you that you are in class, not I’m dream word.” After she finished her sentence I heard low giggles throughout the classroom, and once I hear these my face started to heat up as I send her a small smile continuing with my work.
~time skip~
Walking to the dining hall, with books clutched tightly to my chest, turning a corner, I bump into someone and I fall to the floor while my books go flying, I look up to see a tall figure standing above me.
Realizing it was Sirius I send a large smile towards him while receiving a grin in return from him.
“Hey Siri, how’s your day been?” I say happily while picking up my books that I had previously dropped.
He chuckled while leaning down to help me pick up my books “my day was good thank you sweetheart”
When he replied I looked up at him and at the same time he looked at me, our eyes locked, while staring into his dreamy brown eyes getting lost in the color of the warm chocolate, I look towards his lips feeling as if he was moving closer towards my face.
I look back towards his eyes and open my mouth trying to get something out but it’s as if I had forgotten how to form any words, closing my mouth feeling as if I were to say anything it would come out as a blubbering mess.
As he looks at me with a look I cannot place I quickly move to close the gap between us, I close my eyes as he pulls me closer in by my neck taking charge of the slow kiss, I feel as if I had just landed on cloud nine.
As I slowly pull away I look at his face and give him a warm smile as he asked “what was that for?”
“Siri, I like you, I have liked you since my second year, I know that you probably wouldn���t want to move past anything other than friends but I like you and I’ve been to scared to tell you.” I say in one breath surprised I didn’t pass out from the lack of air going towards my lungs.
Meanwhile he looks at me with admiration lingering in his eyes he leans in and kisses me once more and whispers “I like you too love”
I smile up at him and lean in once more but before I kiss him we hear a shout from the hall.
“What the fuck!?”
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 months
It is March, it's when the daisies and dandelions are out.
It's when the sky is blue and the clouds are running over the hills at rapid speeds, and everything is as cold as it is sunny and windswept.
I have sown seeds today - planted mallows and chives and sunflowers. The garden does not belong to me, but I sow in hope. Hope that with the gardening skills I learn today, I WILL end up having my own garden one day. On a different patch of land, with soil just as rich and black as the one I turned over with my hands today.
My soul sings. The person living across the street has put a silver wind chime in their window. It blinks and glitters and beckons with every gust of wind, be it strong or soft. It makes me think of flying.
My soul remembers all the things it has been fond of since long ago. My soul sings, and grieves for what has been, and longs, and yearns for a future in which the beauty that I secretly dream about might just still be possible. The line "Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return" by Leonardo Da Vinci never leaves my mind. I keep thinking of birds. I keep thinking of that fateful day when we went on a walk through the woods, and when we got out on the other side, there was the amazing view of the snow-capped mountain range right in front of us. Endlessly vast pastures stretched before us, and overhead there seems to be a frequented airplane route, because a metallic bird passes over our heads every couple of minutes. I went back to check the same spot two summers ago... the planes are still flying overhead when you reach the end of the forest and step out into the clear there.
It was that day back then - there was no doubt about it somehow - where I knew that one day I would fly just like those planes. In the very same instance, on that very same day, we discovered that I had poor eyesight. I have become a different girl that day. Withdrawn. Different. A dreamer, but never a doer, for what use is a pair of eyes when you can't do everything your brother does, and not even what you yourself want. You can't fly airplanes with bad eyesight. But the dream isn't dead. Ah yes, let your ambitions fly high, but keep your reality grounded, isn't it like that. What if this was my reality.
What if I don't even want to fly airplanes. But what if I didn't even get the chance to try it out to see if I like it. I still dream of the wind. I take a look at the clouds above me and whisper "great day for flying" or "strong winds, dangerous for flying" (details on Hiccup's map) under my breath. I'd still like to get the chance to try it out. When, doesn't exactly seem to be up to me. I'm still fine with that. For now.
So in the meantime, I do what I can do. I stay on the ground. I stay grounded. I watch the first bees of the year and taste the nectar of lamium nettles. I check whether the public water fountains have been turned on again, which means that the likeliness for nightly frosts has waned. I take a walk and lie in the wet, muddy grass and look up at the blue sky and bask in the warm Spring sun. I greet the Red Kites that come around and whistle sweetly, announcing that summer is near.
My dream is alive. I am alive. Life is abundant. Here's to flying.
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Lauraaa, i’m so excited for this event and I have a request for you if that’s okay 🥰! May I request a Soda, Picnic, and Playing with Hair for YuNeva please 🥺?
Thank you and sending you lots of love 🥰🫂💕!
Hiya Lyra! ^^ Of course!!!! I love YuNeva and they deserve all the love in the world! Sending lots of love right back <3
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Pairing: YuNeva (Yuno x Neva) Fnafic type: Oneshot Prompt: Soda (fluff) on a picnic where he plays with her hair, and they talk about... life. About how they'll be alright in the grand scheme of things Length: ~1.4k
Blades of grass swayed in the wind along with the wild flowers of the field. Yellow, purple, and white.
Yellow, perhaps even gold, like his amber eyes that sparkled in the light of the sun.
Purple, like the jewels that were her amethyst eyes glittering like gems of the earth.
White, like the clouds that floated by high above in the clear blue sky.
A couple of birds flied through the scenery, carried by a breeze while making a few loops, higher and higher before taking a dive down and then back up again, as if without a care in the world. And maybe they didn’t. After all, the wind carried them. The ground supplied them with food and a place to land when they were tired. So, they were free to fly. They were free to play.
They were free, simple as that.
Perhaps that was why Yuno had gotten lost in thought while looking at them as he and Neva walked through the field. His feet kept moving forward, but his eyes looked at the birds. For something about them made him feel the faintest of senses of recollection. As if he had seen the birds, or a flight, just like that. Perhaps a memory of something in the past. He wasn’t sure.
And yet, he watched, imagining that he knew how the birds felt.
Which was a silly notion. He wasn’t a bird.
He might have been a wind mage, or, he might have been partly a wind mage, who enjoyed soaring high above in the sky, but he wasn’t a bird. He couldn’t fly off into the wide, wide world, just like that. But still, there was no envy in what he felt.
“What are you thinking?” Neva asked, through the silence.
“Hm?” He uttered, awakened from his thoughts.
“What are you thinking about?” She repeated while glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
“Nothing… in particular,” he added as his eyes flickered to her for a moment, but was followed a small shrug, because it wasn’t, really, anything particular that he was indeed thinking about.
She hummed and looked to the sky where the bird still danced.
“They look happy,” he said while stopping at their usual spot on the field, overlooking a valley, under an apple tree.
“Maybe they are,” she only commented, not thinking about it.
There was something about it, the whole situation that was … odd. Not the picnic. Not the day. The date. None of it. But the conversation must’ve sounded like idle talk. Small talk. Something, past of which they were.
It wasn’t silence that made either of the uncomfortable. There was no need for awkward words, just to fill the silence. And in a strange way, it was as if the words weren’t idle. There wasn’t anything awkward about the whole situation. But still, it was as if they were… onlookers to the whole moment, as if in a dream.
Maybe it was disbelief. Disbelief that they were there, after everything that had happened to them. As if against all odds.
Still, he hummed as a reply to her while placing the picnic basket down and spreading the blanket onto the ground with the aid of his wind magic.
One might’ve thought that it was a bit of showmanship, though she had seen him do things that would muck better have fit under the wording of ‘showmanship’, than that. But still the chance to note it to him, was far too sweet to pass.
“Showing off?” She asked with an amused smile that bore a hint of a smirk.
“Not really,” he smirked, as if to himself, but more to her words.
“Yeah, right,” she mused while sitting down and taking the drinks and snacks out of the basket as he stood there, looking into the distance. “But you are thinking about something,” she still continued.
And she wasn’t entirely wrong. He had to admit. But the thing was: he wasn’t entirely sure about what it was that he was thinking about either.
“Not sure,” he said while sitting down himself.
“What does that mean?” Neva asked with a curious look.
“I mean…” he had to think about it for a while, but instead he closed his eyes with a sigh, or perhaps a mere deep exhale, and laid down on the blanket on the ground. “A lot has happened.”
And she couldn’t argue against. They really had been through a lot. Not alone though. Everyone they knew, their friends and families, had been through a lot, but… it didn’t make it feel any less.
“Yeah…” she agreed with a silent tone, almost as if a thought that had come out with a sound, and laid down next to him.
The branches of the tree reached over them, but still sunlight flickered from amidst the foliage. The singing of the birds, the happy chirping, flowed through the air, carried by the wind.
And they did sound happy.
“Carefree,” Yuno said, with a muffled tone.
“Hm?” She hummed, looking at him, and saw his eyes close again, right before he rolled onto his stomach, closer to her.
His face was close to hers, so very close. His hair was almost touching her skin, and she could feel his breathing flowing over her forehead. It was enough to make her feel warmth rising to her cheeks.
Her eyes widened for a while, as his studied her face; wandering over her, complexion, her expression, as if trying to imprint it into his mind. A sacred treasure, like a jewel.
“Carefree,” he whispered.
Her eyes flickered, looking at him in return.
“The birds. They are so…” he swayed his head as his hand found its way to her hair, and twirled a lock around his finger. “Carefree. The birds are carefree. Happy.”
“And?” The word came out before she could think about it. It just flowed from her, but it was something she wanted to hear. After all, he was going somewhere with this.
“And…” he uttered, looking up to where the birds still flied, even if he couldn’t see them. “I think… I understand them.”
He wasn’t usually this talkative, so it must’ve been something that he had really been thinking about for some time.
“There have been times when… flying away, like those birds… Seemed nice. To be able to just soar to the sky and feel free,” it was nothing more than a quite thought, one that he was, perhaps, only now admitting to himself, too. “I wasn’t going to give up on becoming the Wizard King,” he added with a serious tone, glancing at her. “But sometimes I…”
“You just wanted to feel free. What it’d be like,” she spoke in his stead, because she understood it; the curiosity of what it’d feel like to be free. Truly free. Like going anywhere and doing anything, was an option, was like.
At the end of the day, neither of them would have seriously considered it, going away, or ‘flying away’, but the feeling was a curiosity.
“But I am… free,” he said. “Now, I am free.”
She frowned, not quite sure about what he meant with it as his fingers still played with her hair.
“I feel… free,” he admitted, as if a secret. “When I’m with you, Neva.”
“I…” she uttered, unsure of how to reply. But it didn’t mean that she wouldn’t have understood the feeling in her heart. So, that’s what her soul spoke in her mind’s stead. “I feel free with you too, Yuno. Carefree. Like everything will be alright.”
“Everything will be alright,” he told her, and he meant it. He was sure, that everything would be alright. It had been alright until then.
They were there, after all. Not because things had been easy, but because they had managed to get through it all.
“We’ll be alright,” he whispered before placing a kiss onto her forehead.
She closed her eyes, and took in the moment. The promise and the notion she knew to be true.
They’d be alright.
She knew it.
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Holding On for Dear Strife.
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*Nagito continues to fend off an onslaught of attacks from Matta! The masked monster slams onto the ground, then kicks the large debris towards him. Nagito obliterates the debris with a punch, but only in time to see Matta pounce at him and send him flying through another bark!
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How incredibly disappointing...
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*Nagito bursts up, rage in his grey and blue eyes. He lunges at his opponent, who bends over and laughs!
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Hmhmhm...Come on then!
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*When Nagito flies forward, Matta pounds the ground with both his fists! This causes a shockwave that turns up the ground and smashes into Nagito!
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You claim that you’ve always seen yourself as worthless! But we both know you’re LYING to yourself!
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*Nagito flips backwards as Matta brandishes a scimitar and nearly cuts him!
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You were killing your family for YOUR DREAMS! You fought them relentlessly until your legs couldn’t hold you anymore!
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*He dodges as Matta throws the sword.
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You get a little taste of power, and you change! As soon as you realized there will be more than one Ultimate Hope out there in the world, you snapped. And the people you claim to love...PAID THE PRICE!
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*Matta brandishes a variety of sharp weapons and flings them all at Nagito, who swiftly dodges and deflects them.
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Hajime, Hiyoko and Teruteru’s deaths were a grave and terrible miscalculation! I never meant for any of them to die!
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You decided to ally yourself with the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization, and you DIDN’T expect your friends to die or for places to be destroyed!?
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*Within fast, consecutive motions, Matta shoulder charges into Nagito, punches him in the gut then launches him into the air with his fists. He grabs his legs, slams him back down, throws him back into the air, then jumps and tackles him, sending them flying until they crash on top of a boulder. Matta, expressionless, grabs Nagito firmly by his neck and starts to choke him. The Ultimate Lucky Hope starts to gasp for breath.
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So tell me why you believe these Ultimate’s you love oh-so much will even give you the time of day once you find them? You killed their family and destroyed their home! You’re a VILLAIN! Plain and simple!
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So tell me what I want...and the pain stops. What...do you...WANT...? What is your purpose!?
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Why would I...gagh...tell that to someone who won’t show my his face!? What’s YOUR purpose, HAGH!?
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Right now...my sole purpose...is KILLING YOU...
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*Nagito throws Matta off him, rolls over and pins him down, landing punch after punch on his metal face!
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*Nagito punches Matta with such ferocity, the boulder underneath them splits!
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* Aagh...
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*Nagito struggles to catch his breath in the cloud of dust and sand that follows the destruction, but isn’t able to in time for Matta to grab him by the waste and suplex him skull-first into the ground! He then reels back and kicks Nagito, sending him tumble-weeding along the ground until he smashes through another tree.
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Struck a nerve, did I!? Is it because...you know I’m right?
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Everybody thinks the same thing you know...Even your precious Seiko...None of this - NONE OF THIS! - would have happened, if you hadn’t defected!
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Everybody wants it...You serve zero purpose...You should just DIE...!
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*Nagito grabs the trunk of the tree Matta threw him through and smashes the masked man with it like it’s a baseball bat! The impact sends Matta flying until he smashes straight into a cliff face!
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Let’s see how YOU like it!? CHOO CHOO!
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*Nagito aimlessly and wildly charges straight into Matta and sends him crashing through several trees and rocks in the compound! Matta continues to elbow his spine to break free, but Nagito doesn’t relent until they collide with a small cliff-face!
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It’s not up to me to tell you how to do your job, but for an enigmatic assassin, you sure TALK A LOT!
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*Nagito punches Matta in the face a few times, only for the creature to move so fast, he practically teleports behind him, then hit him with such a fierce punch, he becomes lodged in the cliff!
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*Nagito bursts out of the cliff, slams into Matta and smashes his face against the tree! He smacks him in the face with his fist, splitting the trunk wide open! He grabs Matta by the face again, plants him on the ground and runs forward, dragging his opponent through the dirt, until he slams him back into the cliff! He then leaps up.
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Ugh...Alright, that happened...
Nagito: HEY! MATTA!
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*Nagito, who leaps on top of the the cliff, stamps down on it so hard a large chunk of the face falls off at the top! It falls, and completely crushes and buries Matta underneath it!
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.......*crumble* *RUMBLE!* CRUMBLE!* *RUMBLE!* *CRUMBLE!*
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...I’m watching...
*Matta rises from underneath the avalanche and lifts the slab of cliff up above his head with one hand! He reels back and...!
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*POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *POW!* *KER-POOOOOOOOOOWWW!*
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*...throws it at Nagito, who is unable to dodge in time! Matta immediately follows up by casting out his grappling hook towards the airborne Ultimate Hope, and LAYS WASTE to him with a flurry if iron-fisted punches, finishing by knocking Nagito to the ground!
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*Nagito’s vision goes hazy, and the ringing in his ears sounds louder than ever. But despite that, he still gets up, and once again squares down the horror in front of him, who tries to plant two fists into him before he catches him! The pressure around them rises and the ground begins to crack!
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All I wanted was to simply do as I was tasked...AND for you to answer a question of mine, but NO! You HAD to get foolhardy with me! Dodging all my questions because you’re too afraid or can’t be bothered to answer!
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Of course not! I’d rather just destroy you and be on my merry way!
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It wonders me how you’re even able to see with your head so far up your rear! Have you seriously not realized it yet, Komaeda? You AREN’T wearing me down...I can’t feel ANY of this...!
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*Matta spins around and throws Nagito across the ground again, kicking up tons of dirt and covering the Lucky Student in mud. Nagito scratches at the ground, dirt getting underneath his fingernails as Matta slowly draws towards him, brandishing his blade once again.
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This fight was a foregone conclusion the moment it started. You can’t hurt a creature like me...You can’t even rely on Hope or tenacity of determination to keep going like the likes of Kuripa Kurafto can! You have NO OBJECTIVE of your own!
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*COUGH!* Ngh...
*Matta condescendingly strides around Nagito and points his nose to the sky.
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This fight is pointless...Your struggles are pointless...and your DEATH will be...POINTLESS! Hundreds of Ultimate Talents don’t save you from being a pathetic mess, who can only fall in line with that of what he narrow-mindedly believes the world wants...
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I’m asking you, Nagito Komaeda...What...do YOU...WANT!?
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*Nagito suddenly feels a strange flash of emotion in the back of his mind...As Matta stares him down, he grasps at the ground beneath him, and while his body is on the verge of collapsing, he rises to his feet.
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Why do I need...to justify my existence to you?
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I’m alive...Even after everything I did, I’m alive, and I can still make it right! Whether or not I can doesn’t matter; I have a CHANCE!
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What I WANT...is to make things right...but you know what?
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I don’t NEED a purpose! I’ve made mistakes, many of which I will never be forgiven for, but that’s ok! There’s nobody I would rather be...than ME!
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So feel free to try and kill me here and now…But know…I will fight until my last breath...
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Because I want to exist! Because I WANT TO EXIST!
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Let’s finish this...GYALUSETSU!
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Yes...You’re right...! HRRGGH!
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*Matta flies forward at an impossible speed, fist clenched and blade brandished, and Nagito stands there, preparing to take the hit and counter!
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*The hit never comes however. Nagito, having shut his eyes to brace for the impact, opens them to see Matta’s fist right in front of his face, having stopped himself. Not only that, but his strength has depleted and his eyes have returned to normal color.
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And that’s the end of that...Commendable, Nagito Komaeda...
*He dusts off his gloves and tries to wipe himself free of as much dirt and grime on his suit as he can. Nagito just stands there in confusion.
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Wait, wait, wait! What’s going on!? Wh...Why did you stop fighting me? You were just trying to kill me a second ago!
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I already told you...Tell me what I want...and the pain stops. Now, I have what I want.
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You mean...the real reason why you started kicking me to the curb was...? Was that some kind of TEST!?
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You finally understand. Talents...Hope...Reasons for needing to exist at all...all meaningless.
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These ideals were created by humankind...NOT the other way around…People don’t need to justify their reasons for living...Hinata doesn’t...I don’t...And YOU don’t.
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You wanted me to realize what it is I truly wanted...And you want me to strive towards it.
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I thought redemption was impossible so I never tried; confining myself to Zetsubou’s evil because I thought there was nothing left for me. I thought these talents were a waste on me and that I had long strayed from the path of absolute Hope...
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Even if that was true, nobody in this world, not even someone with my power, can stop you from finding that path again. 
*Nagito frowns at him.
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So who’s side are you really on? You help my friends, then you betray them, now you’re helping me again?
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As you’ve no doubt realized yourself, I strive for the things I believe in. I’m not comfy with Zetsubou, but for now, they’re useful to me, so I play along with their façade. But I will not abide by one being forced into a role as a hero or a villain, when your role in your life, is yours to choose. Such is the case for everyone.
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And you wanted to make sure I saw that, right? It’s a shame it took me so long, but I get it now...An Ultimate Talent is nothing more than a stupid title that Hope’s Peak Academy gave their individual students just to make themselves seem like bigshots and the top dogs. It’s nothing more than a bunch of self-entitled losers telling children what they can and can’t be...And it’s wrong...It never meant anything.
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Hmph...Wise words...I’m surprised they came from you.
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They didn’t...Hajime once said those words to me…On the day that I left Jabberwock Island and came here...At the time I didn’t listen...I didn’t CARE...But now I know what he meant...
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I’ve spent my whole life believing in the wrong things...Believing that Hope was the Ultimate Virtue and that talent was supreme but...I’ve spent my whole life making so many horrible mistakes...
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Then spend the REST of it…fixing those mistakes.
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I am not Kuripa Kurafto, Komaeda. I believe that there’s always a way to go back, no matter how hard you fall, or how deep into the hole you go. We all have our own depictions of what Hope truly is…You’re determined to find yours…But let me tell you mine…
*Matta stries forward with his arms crossed behind his back. Nagito watches him.
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Hope’s true form is not a shining light, or a heavenly gateway.
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Hope is a man, standing in a desolate wasteland, blood on his face, dirt on his clothes and several broken bones. He’s so exhausted that he can’t even muster the strength to whisper words. There is nothing out there for him. No one to call for. No home to return to. Nothing. 
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And yet despite all that, he searches. He gets kicked down again and again and again, but still searches .He loses the feeling in his body, is about to collapse into an eternal rest at any moment…He still searches...
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So, Nagito Komaeda…How long will YOU search for...Until you find YOUR home...?
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*Matta leaves Nagito alone with this question...
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wd-ghosty · 2 months
Chapter 1 - Resurrection
Haiii! It's me again bringing you more fics, this is chapter 1 of Ophelia's backstory.
TW!!!- Mid writing
It’s 3:45 am, and I’m in a dark room illuminated by fluorescent light, from screens surrounding my bed. I linked up to all these tubes, I’m constantly getting shots, my mind has been infiltrated by that wretched beating sound coming from the heart monitor. I dont know how I got here, I remember being at the beach with my friends, we got on a boat with a bunch of guys we didn’t know, I think we got drunk. And after that, all I can remember is a splashing sound and I stopped breathing…
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did I mention I can’t swim?
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I grew up with three older brothers they all had their own interests but one of them went through a ninja/samurai phase, and I watched all those shows with him, Ninjago, Randy Cunningham, and Power Rangers Samurai, but my favorite was the one about the turtles.
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They had a very passionate fanbase one i was a part of, I made so much fan art, and OCs hell one of my OCs was an obvious self-insert. Well she didn’t really look like me, she was tall, thin, pretty, the most confident person you’d ever meet, she would always be that one person people would go to if they had a problem, she was adored by everyone and hated by those envious of her. Nothing like me at all, I dont stand out in a crowd, I try my best to blend into the background I want to be almost invisible. Hell, she basically is an OC because she’s not one bit like me, comparing the two of us is an insult to her perfect being.
I made her so I could draw fanart of her and Donnie. Stupid right? I would draw the two of them in situations I imagine the two of us in. We’d go shopping together, and I’d give him the montage he deserved in the clothes dont make the turtle, in rise. I’d always be by his side willingly, helping him with anything he needed, in 2012. In the bay-movies, I thought I'd be the owner of his favorite cafe, and I'd always stay in late to make him whatever pastry I thought he’d want that day, and a coffee. When I got the finished product I was so happy sure I couldn’t let anyone see it out of embarrassment, but I was so proud of them.
Hmm… the beating is starting to slow down, and I hear a bunch of people running into the room, I think I’m gonna die. This reminds me of a short comic I made, Ophelia was assassinated by whatever villain and Donnie completely lost it. I wonder if he’d lose it if he knew I was seconds away from dea- everyone stopped talking and an irritating ringing sound replaced the beating.
“Ladies and gentlemen we are now landing in Manhattan New York, please get your bags from the overhead compartments, collect all your things, and thank you for flying with us.”
I rub my eyes open and get up from my seat. “I just had the weirdest dream ever. I was some random girl and I drowned to death, I think?” I take the two suitcases from the overhead compartment, and hand Nasir his.
“You have dreams of drowning all the time, yet you still go to the beach and crash into waves ten thousand feet taller than you. At this point, you’re seeing the future.” Nasir is one of my best friends, and also one of the most useful people I know. If you have a problem with somebody, just tell him and he’ll dig up some shit that’ll ruin their life.
“Oh my god, are you saying I’m psychic!?”
“No I’m saying you’re stupid, Stop standing there and move so we can get off this plane.”
Scoff, “Whatever, I can tell the future.”
“Your delusions cloud the part of you that's actually worth having, common we have to go before the Uber leaves us.”
Oh, I don’t think I properly introduced myself. My name is Ophelia Mafuta Chenett, you might ask “Why did you tell us your full name?” and my answer to that is, that's what the villaness does in every manhwa when they introduce themselves so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m a soon-to-be freshman at Manhattan Institution of the Arts, (It’s not a real school) After passing the entrance exam I moved across the country to pursue my passion of becoming a fashion designer. Sounds stupid right? Doesn’t it sound like I'm some quirky girl from a 2010’s show? Well, I’m kinda going for that, as the main character of this world I have to keep up my spirits and believe that I can do whatever I want and even live in one of the most expensive cities in this godforsaken country. Oh, I’m also 17 years old, and my birthday is coming up soon so I'm basically 18, other facts about me, I'm from southern California, I have three older siblings, I’m 5’9 but basically 6’2 when I put my shoes on, into alt fashion, and I’m really big on video games especially when they’re story driven. Well, I think that’s it, you guys can just follow along on my journey to become… well, ME, aka perfection. XOXO byyyy!
“Please dont tell me you’re talking to your fictional 1audience again.” Nas slumped into his seat side eyeing you.
“They’re very much real I’ll have you know” She rolls her eyes at him and puts on her headphones.
“Drug addicts are probably so jealous of you, you dont need pills to get high off your ass, you were just born like that. You’re most definitely a crack baby.”
The two of them expected to get to their destinations rather quickly but, the traffic was honestly something that crawled out of the ninth ring of hell. Nasir got accepted into Princeton so he was especially irritated by the traffic. And Ophie got to campus two hours late but still managed to register and get settled in her dorm.
“Well it’s nice to know that all my stuff got here without issue.” then her phone started ringing, she got off her bed to check who called and her heart dropped. “Telli! Please dont tell me you left early, I'll hate it if you left early!”
“Nice to talk to you too Ophe, and no. I’m still in the lair because your plan landed hours ago and you haven't texted called or posted about it, so I knew after you got M.I.A. you’d unpack, and then pass out. We’re meeting tomorrow,”
“Oh… well that's embarrassing. It’s nice to talk to you again Telli, I've been so busy lately I forgot when we spoke last.” She flops onto the bed and gets under her pillows.
“Yesterday, at 5:45 am before when you were getting ready for your flight at 10”
“I’ll have you know I'm African, we usually leave ten hours before a flight, my mom was rushing me out of the house. And I find it shocking someone who’s never left the CITY is talking shit about me.”
“I've been to Tahiti before, what other countries have you been to?” she can feel the sassiness of his bum-ass eyebrows through the screen.
“OH let me correct myself. I CAN’T believe that someone who has never been to an airport IN HIS LIFE is talking about me.” She can hear him laughing his ass off through the phone, “So I think I win”
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“No, I’m letting you off the hook. See you tomorrow Ophe.”
“By Tell, kiss kiss.”
She hung up the phone and rolled on her back staring at the ceiling. “Hmm… I’m an adult now. No more mom, no more siblings, just me. AAAH!” She screamed in join and kicked her feet. She hopped off her bed and dug through her bag to find her laptop, camera, and ring light. After clicking record she gets in position. “Ehem. You hear that watchers I’m a grown-ass woman now! and you hoes better prepare for Escapism season 8, watch me as I live out my college dreams! This is gonna be amazing, you know looking past all the exams and homework. Yeah, I know now I’m not special, I'm surrounded by other talented people. But I’m the MC, I’m better than them by default, and I’m special in general, all those current fashion designers that slap a print of a t-shirt and call it a day won't survive here. I have to watch out for the people who actually make their garments, but being able to sew doesn’t mean they’re a good designer and I’m BOTH. Everyone else on my wave length will become an ally or an enemy, but I crush all those who oppose me under the heel of my platform red bottoms rest assured. Well, that’s all for now bitches, see ya!”
She turns off her camera and gets back on her feet, “Well, I guess I'm done for today. I have three more days before orientation, and I don’t have my roommate yet. So I guess I should decorate my half of the room.” she turns her head and sees all the boxes stacked on top of one another.
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“Or I could take a bath. She grabs her towel and opens the bathroom door, so she can bathe in boiling hot water while listening to Nightcore on repeat.
After her bath, Ophelia lays in bed scrolling through Tumblr when she starts to think of that dream she had on the plane. “That girl. What was her name?” she thinks to herself. Ophei tries to recall all she can about her, “She was on the bigger side. Short hair. I only ever saw her in muddy browns and greens.” she eventually drifts off to sleep, just to wake up again.”
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“Sweetheart wake up.” She feels someone nudge her awake, “Hun you’ve been sleeping the whole class period.”
“Oh sorry Ms. Mayflower.” She scatters to put her stuff away and tries to leave the classroom before Ms. Mayflower stops her.
“Bear, sweetheart can we talk?” She pulls out the chair on the other side of her desk, and Bear sits down in it. “You’re failing this class, and I've talked to your other teachers and you’re not doing too well in their classes either. Is everything okay at home, did something happen with Mom and Dad?”
“NO. I um… I'm just not good at school, it’s just not for me.” Bear looks down at her lap fiddling with her fingers.
“Hun, you’re only passing art, but that’s an AP class we’ll have to pull you out if you keep this up.”
“But, math and science are hard. And I always try during PE I just never pass, and Mr. Brown SUCKS. A simile and a metaphor are basically the same thing, and nothing makes sense. And I like history but I never pass the test despite the fact I always get good scores on classwork.”
“Hun I’m sorry but me, including the rest of your teachers, have talked about it.” Tears start to swell up in Bear's eyes, as she stands up. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, you’re fine.” she leaves the room tears threatening to fall down her face, when she accidentally bumps into a small girl.
“What the hell is yours!- oh Beary, I haven't seen you all day. You look…cute.” she stares up and down Bear, and she decides to wear the sweet Lolita dress her dad got her today. She got self-conscious and covered it with a jacket but she left it in Ms. Mayflower's room.
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“Oh thank you, my dad got it for my birthday.” she uses her arms to try and cover her body.
“Yeah, you look like a baby doll,” One of the other girls said. “You know the things babies throw up on?”
“Aww look at her skirt it has plushies on it. do you sleep with them?”
“No” she whispers
“What was that?”
“No, i dont sleep with them.” she raised her voice
“Oh, well I thought you still slept with plushies, considering no one’s ever sleeping with you.” the girls start laughing and bear laughs with them trying to play it off.
“What are you talking about she's sleeping with the bears on her skirt, dont diss her man!”
The girls continue to make jabs at her dress nitpicking every single part of it to oblivion
“Haha you’re so funny Bailey, but I need to go now.” She tries to leave before the girls see her crying, but she’s stopped.
“Noo, where are you going we’re having so much fun eat lunch with us.”
Isn’t it shocking how much girls preach about sisterhood yet be so cruel to their fellow “sisters”? They’re pestering her trying to get on her nerves, she just wants to leave and they won't let her. Tall and big vs short and thin if they were guys then this would be clear cut, but for women with’s a lot more complicated. One of the girls, the smallest one grabs her arm and tries pulling her.
“Common eat with us bear we know you can eat a lot. Oh! I didn’t mean it like that.” all the girls laugh with her, and Bear starts crying.
“Oh my god bear! Why are you crying?”
“If you keep wailing like that then someone’s gonna call Peta” at that moment she pushes one of the girls to the side but she falls on her ass and started crying. And at this moment the bell rings, and everyone flods into the hall they’re currently in.
“Oh my god! The bear threw Bailey!”
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“She’s gone feral!” everyone started staring at her, and some people started recording. Then someone started barking at her, and a bunch of people joined in. so she just ran away. She hid in the girl's bathroom where she cried until the security guards forced her to go to class.
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Then Ophie woke up with someone patting her back and tears trickling off her face.
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That's it. Hope you all liked chapter 1 XOXO luv ya<3
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taetown410 · 11 months
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The Little Prince | W. Junhui
- Drabble
- Not Requested
- Not Beta-Read
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Little Prince!Junhui is mysterious, to say the least. You met him in a dream you had. He would meet you in a garden of roses and lead you to a magical world in the clouds. But, right before you could see it, you would wake up. Then, things in your life started to remind you of him. Like when you look at the stars every night, you can only imagine how that world in your dreams would look.
As you drift off to sleep one night, you see the faint figure of a man through your window. You quickly clear your eyes and see that this man is familiar to you.
'Do you remember me?' The man asks. You see now that this is The Little Prince from your dreams. He's come to take you away to the world in the skies. He only approaches you once you give the okay, then he takes your hand, and you're suddenly flying on a tiny boulder in the shape of a planet.
Little Prince!Junhui doesn't ask you any further questions on the journey, but he turns to you smiling.
'You are my new friend. We will be together forever, and after that, too.' He looks at you as if he had known you for years.
Which he technically has, through dreams. Similar to you, he had dreams of a person who will make him feel less lonely. He had been very sad after the departure of his friend Rose!Minghao, but with you he would have a new friend.
All of a sudden, you come to an abrupt stop in between the clouds. You, confused, start to question what was happening. Little Prince!Junhui however, looks as calm as ever. In fact he steadily reaches a hand over one of the clouds and blows on it. As he does this, the clouds then disperse in a flurry of star dust and magic. He looks back at your bewildered face and takes your hand gently as he steps off the rock and begins walking through the clouds.
This is usually the part of your dream where you wake up, so you pinch your arm to check if you're still conscious. Little Prince!Junhui assures you that you aren't asleep, and that this is very real.
The two of you keep walking and are met with a giant gate that protects the world in which he resides. He gives you a quick affirming glance and calls in a special language that you wouldn't even try to understand.
'Let us in!' He calls, 'I bring a friend'. The gates then open with the sound of faeries singing through them.
You are met by an officer by the name of Seungcheol, and are being led to a castle. Then you feel fuzzy as you wake up in a strange place.
The land from you deam was real, and you now resided in it. The doors to the room or opened attentively, whoever was on the other end must be considerate of who they might be waking.
You are met with Storyteller!Seungkwan as he slight opens the door.
'The Little Prince', he starts, 'He requests your presence in the hall' He then waits for you to get your barings and accompanies you down to the hall.
Little Prince!Junhui looks at you with soft eyes and says, 'I've waited for your return to our home .'
To Be Continued...
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a/n: she lives! This was something that came into my head today and thought, why not. I usually save bigger writings (in my standards) like this to be written over time, but I squeezed this out in one (two) days. should i make this a series, i lowkey like the concept (I would actually write about this one, as it's shorter, and I have more free reign with storytelling).
ps: i might hold off on the dream of me in wonderland story, because it's a really big project, and i get intimidated by lots of writing. so until further notice, dream of me in wonderland is to be determined.
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sabraeal · 1 year
want your heart (to be for me), Part 1
[Read on AO3]
The last of my Holiday Gifts for the year, posted a few weeks late due to this particular fic growing COMPLETELY out of control. It was supposed to be a one shot, but since this is nearly 5K in and of itself...I decided two parts would be the best decision.
A god’s work, Nanami has found, is never done.
She spends two weeks rolling about the ocean floor, trying to untangle the complex politics of the courts of the sea gods and their tumultuous marriages, but when Himemiko’s wedding drama settles enough for the waves to spit her back out on land, she’s sure-- certain, really-- that this time she’ll keep her feet dry and nose clean long enough to make it through exams.
That is, until some sky god falls in love with Tomoe, stealing him away to her cloud city or whatever. Three days of growing wings-- painfully one bone at a time-- and nearly a week of learning how to use them all ends in a burst of shimmering feathers the moment her toes touch the tip of Mount Kurama, all her hard work amounting to little more than pillow stuffing. Two days before the test.
Her just-barely passing marks would be worth it, if only that jerk would appreciate the effort.
“Thanks again for letting me stay, Kei-chan.” Nanami’s sure to put on her brightest smile, the one that makes Tomoe choke and Mizuki sigh.
Kei barely bothers to look up from her phone. “What? Oh, yeah, no problem.”
“Really--” she sprinkles a little more earnestness on this one, teeth hurting as she keeps them bared-- “it means a lot to me! It would have been a real pain trying to get back to the shr-- home tonight.”
“Yeah, totally, I get it. You really live out in the boonies.” Her fingers fly across the keyboard, nails ticking and tacking in the same staccato bursts as a typewriter. Or gunfire, maybe, considering the amount of bodies she’s leaving behind. “It’s no problem. My parents are never home, so you can come by whenever.”
Nanami blinks. “Wha--? Really?”
“Why not?” Her shoulders twitch in what might be a shrug’s lazier cousin. “I mean, I’ll probably be on a date, but if you need a place to be...the door’s not always open, because I don’t need my stuff stolen, but it’s here.”
It’s not the first time she’s had the rug ripped out from under her, but this is the first time it’s felt like a magic trick. Sure she stumbles, but she’s still on her feet, and what’s beneath her is so much sturdier than some raggedy old tablecloth. “That’s really kind of y--”
Kei flicks off her screen like punctuation.“Ami-chan’s at the door.”
The girl’s all limbs, but when Kei sweeps up from the couch it’s graceful, in a way Nanami could never manage. Or well, in a way she’d think she’d be able to, up until Tomoe slunk in with his stupid smirk, insinuating that everything about her was so unfortunately human. “Make yourself at home or whatever.”
“Oh, okay,” she murmurs faintly from the floor, the impulse to jump up and hug her fading as Kei strides through the door. “Thank you, I gue--”
The door slams shut on any more earnestness. Knowing Kei, that’s on purpose.
“Well well, Nanami-chan,” a reedy voice pipes from behind her, more confident in its welcome than it deserves, “it’s not quite as spacious as home, but I suppose we could do worse.”
Nanami twists around so tightly she nearly wrings herself out, her limbs tangled up so hopelessly that she can do little more than gape as Mizuki paws through Kei’s bed, making himself right at home. “Mizuki, what--?”
“As much as I hate to give that wild fox any credit, he certainly dreams up better bedding than this. Is this even real cotton?” He tugs at the fitted sheet, mouth thinning out to a grimace. “Ah, well. Beggars and choosers.”
“What are you doing?” Here, specifically, but she’ll settle for any answers that wrap up before Kei can saunter back in, Ami in tow. “You’re supposed to be back at the shrine!”
“Where else would I be?” he asks her, expression rumpled reproachfully. “I’m your familiar, Nanami-chan. If you’re leaving because of that nasty fox, then I will help you settle in your new shrine. Even if it means I’ll have to cut back on my brewing.”
Mizuki’s words may be nothing but aggressive support and positivity, but the disparaging glance he spares Kei’s bedroom-- well, he could teach the mean girls at school a thing or two.
“I’m not leaving! And certainly not because of Tomoe!” There’s no sense in doing that when he’s already spending all of his time sulking in the spirit realm, punishing her for daring to enjoy a kiss. “It’s just a long walk from the city to the shrine. It’s not safe for a girl in the dark!”
At least, that’s what Ami had told her, wide eyed and trembling. It’s the sort of thing Nanami would typically wave off-- it’s hardly the first time she’s had to make that walk after the sun’s set, and it certainly won’t be the last if Tomoe’s going to bury himself in tanuki every time her crush rubs his fur the wrong way-- but Kei put her phone down, serious, and agreed. And when Ami added, especially since Tomoe is out of town with his family, for good measure, and well--
Stretching her legs outside of the shrine seemed like a better and better idea every minute.
Mizuki tilts his head, eyes narrowing until he’s more snake than human. “You’re right,” he decides. “It’s much better for you to be here. I’d hate to think what that wild fox would do if he caught you on your date.”
Nanami whips around with a yelp. “My what?”
“Your date,” he clarifies, too confident for someone living so far from reality. “With the crow god.”
“Oh, that.” She laughs, the tension slumping straight out of her shoulders. “That’s not a date. I’m just showing Jirou around the city. It’s the least I can do after he taught me how to use those stupid wings.”
They hadn’t felt stupid at the time; no, they’d felt powerful and dangerous, like she was a Real God, not just some high schooler thrust into the spirit world at the whims of a butterfly who thought she might make a good lesson for his familiar. Ha. If she’s a lesson, it’s one Tomoe sure isn’t happy to learn.
“Oh.” Mizuki pulls the sound too long; goosebumps pimple up her arms. “Well, I suppose he will be very disappointed, then.”
A strange knot knits itself in her stomach, heavy as a stone, rattling around as she shifts onto her hip, frowning at him. “What do you mean by that? This is what he asked for.”
Or rather, he’d said, I have grown curious about this mortal world. I want to see why it draws so many crows off the mountain. Same difference, if you ask her.
Mizuki stares at her. “You told him it was a date.”
Her jaw drops. “I did not.”
“You did, you said--” he pitches his voice higher, nothing like her own-- “Is that all? It’s a date!”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” she insists, cheeks burning. “It’s just-- it’s a saying. I’m sure he knows that.”
Even still, Nanami can’t forget the wide-eyed way Jirou had looked at her, nor his murmured, is it...?
Mizuki hums, unconvinced. “If you say so, Nanami-chan.”
Her mouth opens. To say just what, she’ll never know, since the door flies open at the same time, and with the reflexes of a god-- or a girl who has learned not to get caught-- she shoves Mizuki straight out the window.
Ami blinks, staring at the place he sat only seconds ago. “Did you just--?”
“Hey, keep it moving,” Kei snaps from behind her. “We don’t got all night, do we? Nanami’s got a date to go on.”
“It’s not a date.” She’s sure of that, certain, but as Kei elbows her way into the room, dropping down to her vanity with an expression that could only be called stern, it comes out much meeker than she‘d managed with Mizuki. “It’s just an old friend--”
“Whatever.” A drawer rattles open, and oh, Nanami had thought her little compact with two shades of blush was the height of luxury, but Kei’s got enough make up to glam up a small country. “You want to look hot or not?”
“Ah...” Nanami blinks. There’s glitter in there. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt...”
Kei’s the kind of girl whose mouth is too sharp for smiles, but a smirk fits her just fine. “That’s what I thought.”
“So what’s the deal?” This is the longest she’s ever seen Kei without her phone, her hands too busy dancing across an absolutely massive palette instead. It’s the sort she’s only seen in store windows to make the big ones look reasonable by comparison. “Should we take pictures of his license plate? Have Ami follow you in disguise?”
“Me?” Ami hiccups, flushed.
“Well, I can’t.” She sniffs, reaching into her vanity for yet another little plastic case. “I’ve got a date too.”
“Ah, no, that’s not--” Nanami imagines Kei flashing a phone in Jirou’s face and can’t decide whether to laugh or grimace-- “he’s a friend, I promise. That’s all.”
“That’s what they want you to think,” Kei warns her sagely, unimpressed. “But guys our age only have one thing on their mind.”
“Oh, well, he’s, er...” It’s impossible to explain that he’s an ageless being that typically sits in a hall outside of time and space. “A little older. So it’s fine.”
“How did you meet?” Ami asks, so sweet-- too bad it’s drowned out by Kei’s, “Does he have a brother? Friends?”
Somehow she doubts that either Kurama-- er, Shinjirou or Jirou would appreciate her spreading around that they were related. Or, well, whatever the tengu had going on, living on Kurama. “Through, er, Tomoe’s family.”
Ami’s eyes round. “Oh.”
“What about that guy anyway?” Kei leans back, her hand guiding Nanami’s chin this way and that, inspecting her work. “I thought you two were, you know...?”
It’s stupid how her eyes tear when she says, “We’re not.”
Kei frowns, grip easing on her jaw. “His loss then. What about this guy? Is he hot? Would it drive Tomoe nuts if you--?”
“Kei-chan,” Ami gasps, hands clapped to her cheeks. “Nanami already said that this was just a friend! There’s nothing for Tomoe-kun to be upset about, and even if there was, Nanami-chan would never!”
It would be nice to be as kind and put together as Ami thought she was. “Right,” she lies. “There’s no way he could complain about me showing our friend around, nope!”
Kei arches one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows, skepticism palpable. “Right. Now what are you going to wear?”
It takes the whole half hour for Kei to lean back, one of those dagger-point grins on her face as she declares, “Oh yeah, he’s going to choke on his own tongue.” 
Considering how she’s the only woman he’s ever met, she doubts that will be a high bar to clear. “This isn’t a date.”
“Okay,” Kei says, unconvinced, which is all she manages before the doorbell chimes, delicate as crystal. “I’ll get it.”
“No!” Nanami catches herself before she can grab her, pushing her mouth into the semblance of a harmless smile. “I mean, he’s my guest! You don’t need to put yourself out.”
A spark flares deep in the morass of Kei’s green eyes, and oh, she has made a mistake, saying the exact thing that would pique her interest. “No, no, let me.”
It’s only five yards to the door, but with both of them on their feet, it becomes a contest of inches, Kei’s sharp elbows fending her off at the same time Nanami tries to catch her ankles with a heel. It’s a tumble, really, one of them making headway before the other draws her back, over and over until Nanami knocks the phone from Kei’s hands into the couch, making a mad dash before the girl can recover.
The door’s open hardly more than a crack, but she calls out, “Jirou!” nonetheless, like she can audibly mark her territory, her smile wide if strained, and when it swings wider--
Intellectually, Nanami had known he couldn’t walk around the mortal world in his monk’s robes and beads-- and there’s no way his wings would fit in the subway-- but still, she’s not prepared to see the former fourth Soujoubou of Kurama idling in the hall with jeans. There’s no red dabbed at the corner of his eyes either, no tabi or wings or undefinable magic something-- he’s as mortal as they come, just some guy--
A camera clicks behind her, and she turns just in time to watch Kei pocket her phone, gaping. “This is your not date?”
Oh, that’s right, he’s gorgeous too. Because the spirit world runs on soap opera rules.
“I told you, you didn’t have to take pictures!” Nanami hisses through her smile.
“This isn’t for your thing,” Kei assures her. “This is for personal use. Are you sure he doesn’t have a brother?”
It’s quiet, pitched to stay between them, but she sees Jirou glance back, brow furrowed, before his gaze slides to her. “Nanami,” he says, serious as always. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”
All she can do is stand there stupidly, staring at the way his hands flex at his side. Oh no, this is definitely a date.
“Hey,” That knife’s edge of a smirk splits Kei’s lips, one of her hands already outstretched. “I’m Nanami-chan’s--”
“Leaving!” she gasps, surging forward to drag him through the door. “We’re leaving!”
The door slams shut behind them with the force of foxfire, her hair billowing out around her shoulders as it hits the frame. With a smile grit so bright her teeth ache, she chirps, “Well, let’s get this show on the road!”
Only hours ago, there’d been a whole plan for this whole debacle. Not a solid one-- Nanami didn’t really do itineraries, and she doubted Jirou would appreciate being hurried along like a tour group-- but she’d had ideas. Tokyo Tower, maybe, or the Skytree for something more current. The art museums in Roppongi were also an option, though she thought one of the ones down by Ueno Station might be more convenient. Cheaper too, since she doubted the former fourth Soujoubou would be flush with pocket money.
But none of that is Date Material. Not that she wants it to be, it’s just-- Nanami hates to disappoint. If this is going to be Jiro’s single trip to the mortal world, then she really should try to make it special, maybe even go along with--
“I don’t understand,” Jirou huffs, coat shrugged so high it must itch his ears. “It’s a tree.”
It’s a long way down from the gallery to the mall’s lowest floor, but Nanami leans over anyway, wondering whether she could grab one of the snowflakes hanging from the rafters if she just reached out her hand. “I’d think out of anyone, you would understand how important a tree can be.”
“The sacred sakura is the source of Kurama’s life and power.” His lips peel back in a sneer. “This is indoors.”
“It’s a Christmas tree!” The bulky banister digs into her back as she turns, grinning up at him. “Don’t you guys have--?”
Slouched in his wool coat Jirou looks like any other guy walking past, but skepticism pulls his spine straight, putting him head and shoulders above even the tallest passerby. With his arms crossed and face drawn into a forbidding scowl, it hardly matters that he doesn’t have his wings or isn’t dressed in his monk’s robes-- he’s every inch a god.
Or a spirit, or-- ah, whatever tengu are. She’d never been too clear on just who made the cut for kami, and at this point in the game, it’s a little late to ask.
“Ah, right, no, you wouldn’t.” With the way time works on the mountain, Jirou might even predate the concept. “It’s from the West. It’s a night where couples go out, and--”
Her teeth clamp down, biting back the words. What’s wrong with her, mentioning couples’ holidays to the only guy who has ever confessed to her? Especially when she already rejected him for reasons-- reasons that have flitted off to the spirit world, probably to discourage her too, and--
“Are you going to get souvenirs for your brothers?” she asks, breathless.
She braces for him to scoff, to tell her that the once-soujoubou has no need for gifts, but Jirou only blinks. “Souvenirs?”
Ah, right. The tengu never leave the mountain. “When you go somewhere, it’s polite to bring back gifts. Food and stuff! A little slice of the mortal realm for everyone to enjoy.”
Only a few months ago, Jirou’s frown would have been enough to make her back track and tremble, hoping his wrath wouldn’t come down on her the way the gods were so fond of doing, But a week under his wing, so to speak, and now she knows: he’s thinking. “...Polite?”
“C’mon.” She hooks her arm around his. “There’s a store right over there.”
It doesn’t strike her until they’re in front of the novelty chocolates, Jirou standing as still as a deer in headlights, that oh yes, the man from the magical mountain might be paralyzed by choice.
“There’s so many,” he manages, strained. “How do you do this? This whole world is so distracting. It’s a wonder any one of you gets anything done with all this going on.”
Nanami leans a hip against the wall, not bothering to smother her grin. “It’s because we’re getting stuff done that there is all this.”
His mouth rounds. “Oh.”
She plucks a box off the stacks of snacks, a to-scale miniature chocolate Skytree. “Do you think this is why the mortal world corrupts the tengu? I’ve never thought about it, but I suppose we’re spoiled for choice down here. And everything must seem so fast.”
“Maybe.” He approaches the word slowly, lips wrapping around on tip-toe, as if sneaking up on it might make it easier to say. In the end he grimaces anyway, cheeks flushed. “I’ve since realized that the corruption of the mortal realm might have less to do with its vices, and more to do with its, er...”
His dark eyes flick toward her, pink creeping up to his ears before they skitter away. “Taking into account the other prohibition of Kurama, the first Soujoubou might have been more concerned with keeping his brothers from distracting themselves with the, er...mortal women that lived there, rather than any other excess.”
“Oh,” she squeaks, her own face suddenly hot. “Yeah, I guess that would be...”
“I agree.”
Her head snaps up, watching as he delicately picks up a snow globe from the shelf behind him, a small version of Ueno Park painstakingly modeled inside. “We are told that we hatch from beneath the branches of the sacred sakura. I certainly don’t remember anything before my time at Kurama. But for Shinjirou to be the Soujoubou’s son, then that means he must have...”
Jirou’s mouth pulls thin.
“Well, there must be some lady tengu, right?” Nanami can’t recall ever seeing one, but she’d be the first to admit: her sample size is small. “On one of the other mountains, maybe? It’s not like the Soujoubou...”
His steady stare is more answer than she needs, and yet he still tells her. “I heard he was a handsome man, in his younger years.”
He lifts his shoulder, cheeks burning too bright to be casual. “The last century was a hard one.”
“Right,” she murmurs faintly. “I’ve heard kids will do that to you.”
An hour and three stores later, Jirou finally settles on some wagashi shaped unseasonably into sakura blossoms, sold two in a package, grimacing as Nanami shakes out the shrine box to pay for them.
“Don’t worry,” she tells him, with a smile, “I planned for this!”
He does insist on paying for the lucky cat three stores over, pulling out a stack of bills that certainly aren’t from the spirit world. “It’s for the Soujoubou,” he explains, firm. “It wouldn’t be appropriate to ask you to pay.”
“You’re bringing Manekineko onto a mountain full of birds?” Her mouth twitches as his furrows wearily. “He’ll be one well fed cat!”
“The Soujoubou likes them. Cats, I mean.” He softens as she gazes down at the bag, like he can see the figure even through the glossy paper. “He says they carry their weight keeping the mice out of the kitchen.”
Nanami blinks. “You guys get mice in the spirit world?”
His mouth hooks into a smirk. “ Whether they are made by gods or men, few things have as little respect for boundaries as a mouse.”
“Ah.” She stares down at the bag. “I guess that makes--”
The gloss shimmers as it flies from his hand, knocked back to the pavement. Nanami needs a solid second of blinking for the moment to come into focus: the bag laying on the ground, Manekineko’s box slid half out of it; Jirou standing stock still on the walkway, as if the ground was made of glass and even a breath could make it shatter; a little boy sprawled on the ground at his feet, staring up and up and up, tears already beading on his eyelashes.
“Stupid.” The mountain of a man-- of a god glares down the long slope of his nose, just as remote and aloof as Kurama itself, and Nanami stiffens, her breath caught in the heavy weight of her lungs. Even without his robe, he’s imposing, and the boy on the ground shivers the way Botanmaru used to at the very sound of Jirou’s name. She can’t forget how the little crows had all feared him, how they would flinch at even the gentlest raised hand--
“Here,” Jirou murmurs, crouching as much as a man his height can manage. “Are you hurt? Can you stand?”
“N-no.” The boy blinks, shaking his head. “I mean, yeah. I can...I can get up, I think.”
“Then there is no reason to sit on the ground.” His large hand juts out, just in front of the boy’s face. “Who do you belong--?” Jirou catches himself. “Do you have a guardian nearby? A...parent?”
“Y-yeah.” That small hand folds into Jirou’s, allowing himself to be pulled to his feet. He can’t be more than six or seven, too young to be wandering alone, but too old to suffer being stuck to someone’s side. “My m-mom.”
“A mother.” Jirou’s face softens. It does things to her stomach that Nanami refuses to contemplate. “She must worry over you.”
The boy flushes, tucking his face into his shoulder to hide it. “Yeah, I guess. Maybe.”
“Come, then.” With an awkwardness that’s almost endearing, Jirou shifts his grip, holding the boy’s hand so delicately it might as well be made of glass. “Let us see if we can find this woman. Your return will go a long way toward easing her mind.”
The boy’s cheeks blow out, half a pout. “Okay, mister, if you say so.”
It takes only a minute or two to locate his mother, weighed down by a half dozen bags and on her phone, placing a frantic call to the help desk.
“Daisuke!” she gasps, clutching the boy to her, not letting him shake her off. “How many times have I told you to stay close! There’s too many people for you to go running around!”
“I just wanted to check out the Lego store,” he huffs, suffering through her kissing and scolding with belligerent embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to go far. I would have come right back if I hadn’t run into-- er, I mean...”
“Run into?” His mother blinks, and that’s when she notices Jirou, looming awkwardly a few steps away. “Daisuke!” she hisses, manhandling him into a bow. “I’m so sorry that my son inconvenienced you, sir. I promise that we raised him better than to be such a bother.”
“Ah.” One hand raises, soothing. “Please, you don’t have to explain to me. I understand. Young boys often seek out their own adventures.”
“Oh.” The woman’s eyes trail up him, from the thick sole of his boots to the fur trim of his hat-- and when she’s done, she glances over his shoulder, squarely at Nanami, before she asks, “You have children of your own?”
“No, no.” His hands wave between them, a soft denial. “Younger brothers.”
“I see, I see.” Or so she might say, but the gaze she fixes on Nanami is far too speculative, the implication so heavy she can’t help but turn away, flushed. “Go on, apologize for interrupting their night, Daisuke.”
“Sorry,” the boy informs the pavement. “I’ll be more careful next time.”
“Really, it’s no trouble.” Jirou’s voice is always heavy, each word spoken with a palpable weight, but for once--
For once, there’s a laugh bubbling beneath it, too light to be smothered by seriousness, one that sets his lips twitching, a smile haunting the corners of his smirk. Happiness.
It looks nice on him. 
It takes another ten minutes for Daisuke’s mother to be content with her son’s apologies; Jirou’s protests going unmarked with each bow and scrape. Don’t go easy on him, she insists, he needs to learn some manners.
“I think,” Jirou murmurs, humor clinging to the shadows of his words, “that maybe Shinjirou is lucky the Soujoubou did not bring his mother to the mountain. They are fearsome.”
There’s an ache in her chest, an old one, the kind that never fills but simply is grown used to, until it feels natural to never heal. “I wouldn’t know. I don’t remember much about my mom.”
His mouth is already open with his next question, but she can’t stop herself, not when the words are already struggling their way out through her lips. “You’ve changed.”
She glances up at him just in time to catch the way his eyes round and his mouth slackens, a blush blooming across his cheeks that has nothing to do with cold. “What...?” He clears his throat, and once again he’s Jirou, aloof and alone, the strongest tengu on Kurama. “What do you mean?”
“The Jirou I met a few months ago wouldn’t have helped that boy.” Her elbow pokes into his unyielding side. This guy obviously doesn’t skip ab day. Or...whatever day they trained to make what should be love handles into solid steel. “He would have just told him he was weak and a disappointment to his ancestors. He certainly wouldn’t have helped him to his feet, let alone find his mom.”
“That’s...true enough,” he admits, reluctantly. “My mind was always bent toward pleasing the Soujoubou. To living up to his example and becoming the strongest of his sons. I thought that if I became a man he could rely on, if I made the rest of my brothers as strong as me...”
That it would protect him. Or rather, their way of life. He’d explained as much, when they descended into the Thunderbeast’s lair.
He coughs, cold steaming his breath. “All those years, I worried over only the most superficial aspects of being Soujoubou. I neglected to see even the most basic truths, the ones my master had gone to great pains to show me, even as I proved over and over that I did not understand. There is more to strength than the physical. There is more to discipline than denial.”
Nanami hooks a hand around his arm, squeezing it. “It’s good that you did learn it though. It takes a very big person to admit when they were wrong.”
She doesn’t add, especially a god. She’s learned the hard way that you never know when one is listening, especially when their winds are such tattletales.
“It was you that showed me that, Nanami. I allowed my vision to be clouded by pride, and you--” Jirou glances down at her, that stony glaze softening to something almost human-- “you saved me. All of us on Kurama. Our lives have been changed by your touch, and I, for one, will never forget what we owe you.”
“O-oh.” The way he looks at her, it’s so-- so intimate, the way she catches Tomoe looking at her in the breath before he turns away. The way she wishes he would without needing to hide it. That someone would, without acting it was some great sufferance, a lowering of their standards.
And here Jirou is, giving it to her for free, no strings attached. In a way that makes her want to turn toward it, the way flowers do for the sun, unfurling her petals to bask in its glow--
It’s too much.
“Oh, is that, um--” her eyes dart over the street, trying to find something to hold onto, some flotsam in the storm of these feelings-- and she finds it. “Ice skating?”
Jirou blinks. “Excuse me?”
“Come on.” She hooks her arm through his, dragging him toward the stop light, eye fixed on where the crowd presses around Ueno’s plaza. “Let’s go.”
18 notes · View notes
avathestarwarrior · 11 months
It was an evening where the sun was like a cozy blanket.
Kirby was walking alone on the path while looking at the blue sky.
Usually, on a nice evening like this, Kirby would have been chatting with his best friend Bandana Waddle Dee or went to play with him, unfortunately, Bandana Waddle Dee was very busy.
Because it has rained restlessly for couple of days, the laundery has piled up.
"Would he finish his work early, Waddle Dee. King Dedede. He could just atleast wash his own gown."
As Kirby was about to make a step while thinking.
Far away from the sky, a star with a beautiful yellow glow came down.
With a welcoming mind, Kirby's expression suddenly became brighter.
Warpstar would come to Kirby whenever he calls for him.
But today, since it came even without the call of Kirby, it seems like it will play with Kirby.
"Okay. Let's play together, Warpstar!"
Kirby, who felt much better now rode on the Warpstar.
Warpstar started to fly faster. Kirby shouted out of excitement.
"Faster! More, more higher! Around Castle Dedede……!"
As soon as Warpstar put its power on going up.
Suddenly, a strong wind blew, causing the Warpstar to lose its balance.
Kirby was bewildered. But luckily, he avoided falling by lying flat holding the Warpstar.
"Wh, what was that wind……?"
When Kirby looked around, he couldn't close gis mouth out of shock.
Because of the strong wind, the grass and even the trees had fallen to the ground.
It was as if the ground itself was about to get torn away.
"Is it a storm……? But it's such a nice weather……?"
Kirby looked at the sky.
It was a strange sight.
The skies that was just blue now was covered with greyish clouds.
And, between the clouds, a Mysterious Vortex was to be see. The Vortex was sucking in everything with its strong power.
With wide opened eyes, Kirby looked at the Mysterious Vortex.
He didn't knew what this Vortex was, but if he didn't did something, the entirety of Dream Land would become a mess.
"Oh no! I got to do som……!"
Kirby shouted out loud. And, as if it replied to Kirby, the Warpstar started to speed up.
Dream Land was in total chaos from this sudden event. The roofs, the walls, and even the pillars of many houses were all broken and was sucked into the Vortex.
The citizens all ran away while screaming.
The bigest building in Dream Land, Castle Dedede was no exception to this.
A pack of Waddle Dees who were working in the yard, one by one started to be swiped away by the wind and started to get lifted.
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As they tried to grab the pillars and shout out of desperation, it couldn't win the strength of the Vortex.
Bandana Waddle Dee Sticked in his precious spear into the ground and was enduring from getting pulled.
King Dedede who came running out of the castle stretches his hands and shouted.
Bandana Dee tried to grab Dedede's hands, but ended up getting swept away by the strong wind.
"Waddle Dee! WAAAAA?"
King Dedede was then also sucked into the Vortex with the Waddle Dees.
Kirby sticked on the Warpstar as he looked at the Vortex.
He should stop the Vortex... But how…….
As soon as Kirby noticed Bandana Waddle Dee being pulled up, Kirby screamed.
Suddenly, a broken pillar hit the Warpstar, causing it to lose its balance as well as Kirby's.
Kirby was flinged ot the air and was also sucked in by the Vorted.
As soon as Kirby was inside the Vortex his body stretched from the strong power.
Kirby's body twisted like a spiral.
And then, everything stopped.
He had no idea what happened and passed out.
Index|Next Chapter
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idiotlittleme · 1 year
Saw this and thought it was a cool idea so--
My favorite lyrics of each each song
"Diçka mrena frymën ma nal' s'di çka bohet, bohet po du me e nal'"
"Something inside me takes my breath away don't know what's going on but I want to make it stop"
"Ու դու ինձնից հեռու Լքված ես հեռու, հեռու ես դու Երազումս ես ու դու էինք լուռ Մոլորվում էինք հեռու - հեռու հեռվում"
"You're so far away from me, left alone, far, far away, you and I, silent in my dream, we're lost, far, far away"
"Have you ever been alone too much? Have you ever prayed for human touch? Have you ever lost a little part of you to find a little something new?
"Oh, mio padre, there's a ghost in my body"
"Oh, my father, there's a ghost in my body"
"I want to buy a land a thousand miles away from the city I've never even chosen, I think the reason why is all because of people who treat you like a fool and make you wonder for the reason"
"Remember when they told us "you're not good enough"? Then you came into my life and you changed my world for good, you told me to love myself a bit harder than yesterday"
"Mama, mama, mama, me she idem igrat', mama idem u rat"
"Mommy, mommy, mommy, I'm going to play, Mom, I'm going to war"
"An all-time low but I'll get by, and over you I'll find the highest high, you did your best to do your worst"
"Moje sestra do kouta nepůjde ani tebe poslouchat nebude moje sestra v srdci je divoká, copy zaplést, nikdy si nenechá"
"My sister won't stand in the corner nor will she listen listen to you, my sister, wild at heart, will never let you tie her down"
"Now I remember, I used to tell you my deepest fears, when fighting, you used 'em just to force some tears"
"I remember all the things that I went through, all the lies and blurry lines and city lights I knew, now I'm strong enough to see what lays inside, and I can feel it all"
"Rankka viikko ja paljon pitkii päiviä takan, Mielenkiintona piña colada ja rata, Ilta on vielä nuori ja aikaa kumota, Tää jäinen ulkokuori on aika tuhota"
"This exhausting week and the many long days are behind, there's only bar and piña colada on my mind, there is some time for a few, the night is still youngish, the icy shell is something I have to demolish"
"Dans mon jardin d'enfer poussent des fleurs que j'arrose de mes rêves, de mes pleurs, on a beau être sur le toit du monde, ‎‏on ne peut toucher le ciel du doigt"
"In my hell garden the plants are watered with the dreams and tears, even at the top of the highest mountain you still can't touch the sky"
"My soul's like a fortress, I feel I'm progressed, words getting worthless, love is wordless"
"Keep your head up in the clouds, with two feet on the ground, life's too fast so make it count"
"Life and I hate my feelings, I'm overwhelmed and heated, can't say what I'm longing for, another day to break my spirit, insane and I can tell who's winning"
"I'm ready to let you go, won't hold you back no more, go on spread your wings and fly away"
"We take out first breath, and then we exhale, then give it all we got, until we fail"
"You can call me queen, אין לי דאווין"
"You can call me queen, I'm not trying to impress"
"Siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo, e non conosco ancora bene il tuo deserto, forse è in un posto del mio cuore dove il sole è sempre spento, dove a volte ti perdo"
"We're the only ones awake in the whole universe, and I still don't know your desert well, maybe it's somewhere in my heart, where the sun never shines, where sometimes I lose you"
"Aijā, aijā, saldā miegā"
"Lull, lull, in sweet sleep"
"Čiūto tūto"
"It's too loud"
"The tention I'm getting, the faces I drew on, I can't focus, should've known this"
"I-am promis miresei mele Nuntă sub un cer cu stele, I-am dat în a șaptea seară, I-am dat în a șaptea ѕeară, Un inel cu piatră rară"
"I promised my bride a wedding under a starry sky, I gave her on the seventh evening, I gave her on the seventh evening, a ring with a precious stone"
"Between falling in running I've been trying to get on my feet in time, I've never been good at crying, always wanted to be the tough type"
"Combatteremo sempre bensì amore e fede la gente rapì, Il nostro motto sarà così: veni vidi vici"
"We will always fight, but love and faith kidnapped by people, our motto will be like this: I came; I saw; I conquered"
"Tell me, now, was it worth it? Playin' me dirty? But now who's laughing, baby?
"Sinto-me tonta, cada dia pior, já não sei de coisas que sabia de cor, as pulsações subiram quase pra mil, estou louca, completamente senil"
"I feel dizzy, every day worse, I don't know things that I used to know, my pulse is racing like mad, I feel crazy, totally senile"
"Oricât scriu, cu-oricât skill, pe-orice stil, cât de fin, ea mă bagă-ntr-un film de mă simt iar copil, Mă învârt gen vinyl, Că eu vreau să joc în filmul ei, yeah"
"How much I write, with any skill, with any style, however smooth, she brings me into a movie, I feel like a child, I spin around like vinyl, 'cause I want to act in her movie"
San Marino
"You have, you have snake eyes, and I get, I get butterflies"
"Ноћ је, бесконачни сати На рамену ђаволи Желим само вечно спати Тако да их победим"
"Night, infinate hours, devils on my shoulders, I just want to sleep forever, to beat them that way"
"Igra sovraštva je za vas, hvala lepa, ne računajte na nas"
"The game of hatred is your thing, thank you, don't count on us"
"Mi niño, cuando me muera, que me entierren en la luna, y to'as las noches te vea, to'as las noches menos una"
"My child, when I die, may they bury me in the moon, so that I'll see you every night, every night but one"
"I don't wanna go, but baby we both know, this is not our time, it's time to say goodbye"
"When we were boys, we played pretend, army tanks and army men, hide and seek"
"Незважаючи на біль Я продовжую свій бій, Світ палає А ти - дій"
"Despite the pain I continue to fight, the world is on fire and you act"
United Kingdom
"When you said you were leaving to work on your mental health, you didn't mention the cheating, you kept that one to yourself"
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Find the Words!
Got this tag a while ago from @charlesjosephwrites, so thanks for the tag and apologies for the delay lmao I'm gonna pass it on with soft tags to @elijahrichardwrites, @witherednightmare, and @eccaiia, as well as leaving it an open tag for anyone else!
Your words will be bound, hack, twitch, and ahead. If you can't find one, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words were dream, star, across, rest, and contain. These excerpts were taken from the second book in my fantasy series
Dream “Come on, Mokie,” Old Tom said. He padded over to where Mokie was and gave him a gentle nudge with his shoulder. “You should be coming with us.”
With an excited chirp, he jumped to his paws. “I can?”
“Why would you not be allowed?” Old Tom blinked in bafflement.
“Because I left.”
“So have I. More than once,” he said with a purred laugh. When Mokie hesitated out of embarrassment, he added, “We also might need you to show us the way back here.”
“Right! You need me!” His whiskers twitched, and the two cats trotted after the humans.
“We need you, indeed.” Old Tom stifled an amused purr.
It was because of him that Mokie had left Gatherin in the first place. Like all of the other cats, he’d loved to hear stories of Old Tom’s adventures. Unlike the others, however, Mokie had decided to follow through on his dreams of having adventures of his own. His mother waited every day for him to return.
It was fitting, Old Tom thought, that he would be the one to bring Mokie home.
Star It looked so different from the sky he’d seen when he first broke out of the castle. It had been lighter then, and the sky had been alive with writhing, twisting storm clouds. Dark angry grays and swirling whites had warred in the sky as sheets of silver rain poured down.
It had been terrifying. And beautiful. Full of danger and ferocity, but it took his breath away. His first sky.
Now he stared up at his second sky, which was just as breathtaking, just in a far more peaceful way. Endless darkness, full of shining white dots. Stars. The clouds had broken up, but the moon was still covered, hidden from him until a cool breeze hurried them on their way. A full moon gazed down at him, huge and smiling at his awe. It was beautiful. So beautiful it made his heart ache.
Across “Okay, Aero and Nuka are headed to the kitchens, and I just thought you’d like to help me deter them.”
“Wait, wait, who’s Aero?”
“He’s new. I’ll explain it in a bit—”
“No, you’re going to explain it now.”
“Aero is from the mainland. He was teleported here by a witch, but he doesn’t remember why. Not everyone is awake, and we’re under attack by a bunch of enchanted wolvins. Captain Nightwish took a team to the Rudikas to try and stop the attacks. They haven’t come back yet. ”
McKenna glanced down at the black and white mounds scattered across the floor. She nodded, then looked back at Arial. “Is he cute?”
An immediate flush colored her cheeks. Embarrassed, she mumbled, “Yes.”
Rest To Lukalt’s astonishment, the light disappeared. One second, Blue was standing in a patch of full sunlight and the next, he was in shadow just like the rest of the Hall. There was a rumbling sound from the top of the hole that echoed in the cavernous room. The ruckus of stones sounded like a crepitation as they tumbled down.
Then Blue jerked away, backing up as something scraped and clattered its way down to him. There was a massive thump as the dragon landed on the floor just in front of him.
The sun streamed down on Faerdega, causing his radiant blue scales to gleam. A shake of his head sent small rocks flying from where they’d gotten lodged. He snorted a puff of black smoke that surrounded Blue before drifting up and clinging to the ceiling.
Contain “Another way…do you mean what I think you mean?”
“I mean we’re going to steal it,” Raavi confirmed.
Seen had a hard time containing his excitement. “You do? Are you serious? Is this a joke? You mean it? But I thought you and rules were married or something.”
Raavi shot him a sideways scowl to which he shrugged. “I’m not married to rules.”
“Because it’s against the rules?”
“No, because—” Raavi sighed. “You know what? Go away.”
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 5 months
Fear of Falling
CHAPTER ONE [Masterlist]
Pairing: Hiccup x ftm!reader (can be read as just masc!reader) Summary: You've lived here long enough that you've certainly heard of Chief Hiccup and his unrivalled intelligence. You never expected to actually meet the man- or become someone he takes notice of. Tags: carpenter!reader, awkward!Hiccup, meet cute(?), Warnings:  [y/n] used like once, obsessive use of the word ‘really’ according to grammarly, nothing really A/N: Hey y'all, glad to be back to writing. I take such long hiatuses but every day that I'm alive I dream up stories and wish I could gain the inspiration to write. Even if this is just a bunch of self-indulgence packed together, since I'm sure there's not many people out there right now searching for hiccup fanfiction, I don't regret a bit of it. Anyway, chapter 2 is already in the works so no need to fear on that front. Send in your thoughts please, I live off of validation Words: 6156
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Your eyes fly open and dart around to try to rest upon something, anything. Anything besides the clouds surrounding, then rising above and beyond you. Anything that might save you from the eventual inevitable.
You are falling. You always knew it would come to this, so adamant you were about your 'fear of heights' that you kept correcting others to a 'fear of falling.' You told them, but no, they had to push and push until you relented.
You finally see his form, on the back of a black blur racing toward you. You hear your name screamed out just as your vision turns to white all around you. You can't help but feel this is the end, and your last thought ends up being 'I don't regret any of it.'
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New Berk. It almost reminded you of old Berk except, well, more normal-shaped. Why the Viking ancestors before them decided to settle on a land more vertical than horizontal, you'll never know or understand. But with the incoming refugees from other Viking clans, along with the dragons that the Chief keeps rescuing, the town definitely needed an expansion.
There are a lot of similarities to the old Berk. The majority of the town still stands along a tall cliffside. There is construction underway to build a long ramp leading down from the cliff to the water's edge. Odin willing, even the people are the same- mostly.
But there is a lot different too. More landscape meant more room for the town and even more room for the dragons to nest and hunt. People are more on edge, from the recent move because of the threat of dragon trappers attempting to find them- but also from the fact that the majority of this land being settled on hasn't yet been completely explored. There is even the slightest possibility that there's already a town here.
Chief Hiccup assured everyone that after multiple scouts and fly-overs, the likelihood of another civilization on this island is close to zero. You believe him, for some reason. He just seemed really earnest, you guessed. You didn't actually know the guy, but you've heard a lot.
You move to your next project, pulling yourself away from your relaxing break. Being a carpenter was especially useful when you were building an entirely new town. You're still rather new to the whole thing, the carpenter's axe was a bit more awkward in your hand than the battle-axe you had trained on as a kid. Sometimes you still bent nails when hammering boards into place. No matter your mess-ups, which were happening far less often, the other carpenters caused no trouble with you- often teaching you the correct way to do whatever task you needed help to figure out. For Vikings, these lads sure were nice. Another influence from Chief Hiccup, if the rumours were true.
The Great Hall had been constructed first. A place to eat and drink, and turned into a temporary shelter until the rest of the homes were built. It was essentially the central point to the entire town, what there is of it so far, so that's where you were walking to. You heard your name called once close enough, turning to notice Skullgar waving you over. He was a nice enough older man- gruff, but attentive. There wasn't a leader in the construction crews aside from the Chief, but if there was Skullgar would be the closest to it.
"Hey, mind grabbing a couple extra boxes of nails from the shed? We're running a bit low and gotta patch up a few holes in the Hall." You nod, changing direction with a wave to him. The 'shed' was the carpenter's shed, where the tools and extra supplies not being used were kept together. You were intimately familiar with the building, having been part of the crew who built it, and spending the majority of your time there. You've even taken to sleeping there behind a few boxes, feeling more comfortable by yourself instead of surrounded by the whole village in the Great Hall.
You pushed the door open with a squeak, the fading sunlight catching on the dust motes hanging in the air. Something moves suddenly and quickly inside, causing you to jump and press a hand to your chest. It was just a guy, but you hadn't expected the room to be occupied. It’s a public building, however, so nothing unusual. The man, who also had jumped and was looking at you with such wide eyes he seems to have been caught doing something he shouldn’t have been, starts scooping a bunch of papers spread across a table into a pile.
“Sorry!” The man calls out, looking between the pile of papers scooped together and back to you. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone would be here, I’m not trying to get in the-” The man curses, dropping a few metal pieces onto the floor with tiny clanks. You stare at his stumbling awkwardness, trying to hold back a chuckle. “Were you looking for me? Did someone send for me- was it Astrid?”
“Okay, okay,” You hold your hands up peacefully, waving him down. “I was just sent here for a box of nails. Nothing to worry about.” The more you stared at him, the more familiar he became. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You watch the man’s shoulders slump in relief as he lets himself fall backwards into the chair he had probably just been sitting in, his shaggy brown hair flopping around his head at his jerky movements.
“Oh, right. Right,” He chuckles nervously, raising a hand to rub the back of his head. “This is the carpenters’ shed, I forgot.”
“You forgot you were in a shed?” You question him as you walk to the closest wall of shelves, plenty of boxes of freshly hammered nails just lying in wait. You grab a couple of boxes in each hand, turning to eye him.
“Right, well. I was just,” He hesitates, looking up to you with a wince, “I had a few ideas I needed to jot down on my notes, and everyone kept harrying me. I was hoping for a place of respite.”
“Trying to get away from it all?”
“Just for a bit,” His tone slowed, looking at you with confusion before suddenly changing the subject, “I’m sorry, are you new?” You shrugged in response, making your way back to the door.
“Sort of. ‘Was new in the old Berk, but moved here with the lot.” You glance back to him, standing once more in the doorway. “You do look familiar, though. Do you work any of the manual labour jobs?” You watch him tilt his head consideringly, shrugging.
“Well, I’m sort of a blacksmith. Been helping with those,” He nods toward your hands, indicating the nails. You squint your eyes for a moment- and then it finally comes to you.
“Oh! Thor’s hammer, you’re Chief Hiccup.” You laugh then, shaking your head in disbelief at yourself. ‘Didn’t even recognize your own Chief. Really?’ He immediately starts shaking his head, using his hands on the armrest of the chair to push himself to stand.
“Please, don’t- not the whole title. Just Hiccup. Hiccup is fine.” He takes a step closer toward you, and you’ve realized you’ve been threatening your exit without actually stepping away. He was entertaining to talk to, but you were probably holding the other guys up.
“Just Hiccup then.” You smile softly, pushing the boxes in one hand under your other arm to extend the hand toward him. “I’m [y/n], one of the carpenters here.” You watch Hiccup move a bit too quickly, tripping slightly before righting himself in front of you, reaching to shake your hand.
“Carpenter, right. Yeah, that,” He chuckles nervously, looking around the shed, “That does make sense.”
“It was nice to officially meet you, Hiccup, but, uh-” You hesitate, waving the boxes of nails in the air as an explanation. Hiccup looks confused for half a second before stumbling back again, nodding quickly.
“Yeah, right of course! Duty calls!” You laugh, your chest beginning to expand into something pleasant at the sight of this awkward man. Who knew the Chief could be such a… a normal guy?
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Construction moves a heck of a lot faster when you have dragons to help. Of course, that was only if they wanted to. Some dragons were so close to their riders that they’d do anything to help, eagerly waiting for their next task. Some, you were told, were just bored enough to offer assistance. Between the dragons with large, axe-like tails knocking trees down in a quarter of the time and the larger dragons able to lift the entire log to move to the saws easier, plus the ones able to fly up and hover above any building to place it’s roof quicker, homes were being built in record time.
You didn’t have your own dragon, never seeming to find one that meshes well with you. To tell the truth, no dragon seemed to pay you any attention. You didn’t mind, honestly. You were mostly just scared of them when you first moved to the old Berk, but you’ve since grown used to their constant presence. They each had their own personality, and you’ve quickly learned which ones with the pricklier attitudes to avoid. Plus, they provide a never-ending amount of work with their accidents- whether burning things unintentionally or knocking their giant bodies into buildings- so you feel a sort of job security here. At least these people wouldn’t kick you out, your job was important.
You mainly helped with the ground-level projects. You’ve been helping build homes for all of the residents, and while few people still claimed shelter in the Great Hall, most now were no longer homeless. You were still sleeping in the shed, still unnoticed, even though you’ve been offered every house built since the beginning. The self-assigned leaders decided that the carpenters and blacksmiths- the manual labourers helping to build this town- were designated the most important to be given a home first. They needed the best rest they could get if they were to build the rest of the homes and shops. However, building from the inside of the town outward meant that every home offered to you would be located in the center of town. If anything, you were a home-in-the-outskirts kind of guy.
You were currently helping to build the ramp down to the ocean’s edge, kneeling on the edge of the path to hammer the nails into the steps when you suddenly let out a loud curse. You drop your hammer, bringing your thumb up to your mouth to suck on it. It wasn’t bleeding, but the force alone had hurt. You might’ve even bruised yourself once again. Glancing down, you mumble another curse through your thumb as you eye the bent nail sticking out of the plank, mocking you. Shaking your head, you lift your hammer once more to pry the useless nail out, adding it to a pouch on the front of your leather apron. You reach to the side, knocking your hand against the box of nails- of empty nails, apparently.
Shaking your head at yourself, you take the empty box and stand, adding your hammer to a loop on the side of your apron for easy access. You make your way to the top of the cliff carefully, the ramp having no railings yet, and breathe a sigh of relief as you get to the top. Heights don’t generally scare you, but the idea of falling off of the side of that dangerous railing? Now that was frightening. You make mention of your plans to Skullgar, who happens to be nearby, and he grunts in reply as you make your way to the shed.
You eye the building in the distance, remembering only a few days earlier when you had met Hiccup for the first time. Since then, you have begun to see him everywhere. He was always around the construction sites, pointing out the next place available for a home to be built, planning where the blacksmith’s forge and shop would be put, and even deciding on a building specifically to make the dragon saddles so the queue wouldn’t stop up the construction materials. You particularly liked when he offered to help, holding large pieces of lumber in place for the supports of a home, or lifting large boxes onto a dragon for transport. For such a skinny man- compared to the rest of the Vikings- Hiccup sure has a good amount of hidden muscle.
But you were sure everyone liked to stare at Hiccup, he was the Chief after all. And incredibly handsome. They were just better at hiding it, you supposed, since you’ve never seen anyone else so distracted by him as you appear to be. You’ve even taken to trying to avoid the major areas that he’s been frequenting, trying to keep yourself from being distracted so you could properly work. It worked well today, when you decided to go halfway down the cliff’s edge, you couldn’t see anyone else besides the dragon riders flying back and forth, from the top to the bottom. They had to build the docks down there, and the supports for the ramp.
You pushed open the door and realized now why you hadn’t seen Hiccup amongst Skullgar and the rest earlier. He glances up just as you enter, and you watch a smile grow across his face. His eyes drew you in, such a deep colour of green that you couldn’t help but be breathless for a second. They almost seemed to reflect the light pouring in from the door, like a star shining in his eyes. He unconsciously took a step toward you, his smile growing.
“Seems every time I need a moment away, I find you.”
You breathe in, tearing your eyes away from that mesmerizing sight. Right, time away. “Sorry for interrupting then, I’ll be quick.” Your voice is more mumbled than you would’ve liked, but you try to quicken your pace to the shelf, grabbing one box to slip into your apron. Hiccup was quick to rebut, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder.
“No, no! That’s not what I meant.” You turn your head slightly, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. “It’s a nice surprise, is all. You helped me to relax last time.” You try to hold back a laugh, your lips tilting up into a smile with the effort.
“I helped you to relax?” You turn, leaning your back against the shelf behind you, the wood digging a painful line into your spine. “I scared you half to death, you tripped like three times, and stuttered the entire time?”
“I did not stutter,” Hiccup refutes, pointing a finger toward your chest. He drops his hand with a laugh, shaking his head. “I can’t really argue the other two points.” He seems to be having trouble keeping his eyes off of you, trying to look around the room nonchalantly before being inevitably drawn back to you. It felt weird, to have someone’s full attention like this. “I don’t know, you brought me out of my head for a bit.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help,” You mumble, dropping your gaze to your apron. You begin to pull the bent nails out of their pocket, dropping them into the empty box you had carried back from the ramp, as you continue. “I’m always looking for more ways to be helpful around here.”
“From what I’ve seen, you’re helpful enough.” You glance up at him briefly before looking back down, and you hear a bit of stuttering in response from him. “I mean, that is to say, you help out a lot. A lot more than some of these guys, anyway. Half of them just let their dragon do all of the work, they don’t ever even pick up a hammer themselves anymore.” You chuckle blandly, nodding along. Of course, you’d noticed this, but it wasn’t your place to judge anyone. At least they were trying to help.
“Well, thank you for,” You hesitate, your eyes moving back to him as you finish your sentence slowly, “Noticing.” Was he really noticing you? You didn’t think anyone besides Skullgar even registered your presence. Hiccup begins his awkward laugh, once again trying to drag his eyesight away from you to go anywhere else in the room, raising a hand to rub the back of his head.
“Ah, well. It’s sort of my job, isn’t it?” His eyes lock into place, unseeing. “I mean, that’s exactly it, right? It’s my job to organize the building process of the town, so I gotta’ keep an eye on everyone. Make sure that everything’s running smoothly. That no one is slacking off,” He continues his awkward laugh, finally meeting your gaze once more, “Those… dang slackers.”
You finally laugh, the familiar laugh from before that feels like something in your chest is loosening its grip. You feel lighter, somehow. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I’ve been noticing you around a lot more.” You close the box of bent nails, waving them around with a jingle. “Decided to take on more chiefly duties now that your dragon is off being distracted?” Hiccup glances at the box in your hand, seeming distracted.
“Yeah, something like that,” He reaches a hand out, stopping your movement and taking the box out of your grip. “What’s this? Why are there so many of these bent out of shape?” You chuckle nervously in response, crossing your arms and pulling them into yourself.
“Ah, well. I get distracted, or I don’t angle the hammer the right way. Still learning, after all.” Hiccup raises his gaze to meet yours, a gentle smile gracing his face. You feel the tightness in your shoulders loosen.
“Well, that’s fine. Easy enough to fix.” He reaches inside and takes one of the 90° angles, inspecting it close to his face. Concentration was apparent, his eyebrows scrunching together to create a small line between them, his eyes squinting tighter, his lips pursing just slightly. How could anyone get any work done around this man? His expressions were so vivid, each one with its own little face shape and quirk. You could spend a lifetime studying this man- if you were an artist you would find yourself drawing him and never getting bored. “I’m hurt.”
You jump, clearing your throat and coming back to yourself. You tried to play off the fact that you’d just been staring at him directly, feeling an awkward pinch in your stomach. “What?”
“These were the nails I made,” He meets your eyes for a second before pointing a finger toward the top of the nail. “Gobber puts tiny grooves in the tops of his nails, said something about supporting the shape better or something.” Hiccup shrugs, dropping the nail back into the box. “I’m not talented enough for those fine details yet.”
“But I thought fine details were what you did? Don’t you make dragon saddles?” You shifted your weight to your other foot, curious now. You watched Hiccup hesitate for a moment, tossing the box onto a nearby table- empty of papers. What had he been doing in here if not-?
“I’ve gotten pretty decent at leatherworking. Gobber tends to help more with the metals, I never really got the hang of it.” You nod along, shifting your weight again. You felt yourself getting antsy, glancing toward the open door and watching a random dragon lumber past.
“I’ve never really gotten the hang of anything,” You admit quietly, unsure why. Hiccup takes a step closer, lessening the distance enough that you can almost feel his presence right next to you.
“But, you’re a carpenter? Wouldn’t that mean you’re good with wood?” You shrug, glancing back toward Hiccup from the corner of your eye once again. His expression now is one of confusion, maybe even pity? No, not pity, but there was something there that you couldn’t quite read. If only you could spend more time with him, perhaps you’d know his expressions more clearly. You could already feel every expression of feeling being burned into your chest, you were learning more and more about him and it almost terrified you how much you yearned to learn more. You remained quiet for probably a beat too long before you spoke.
“Better at it than I thought I would be, I guess.” You push yourself up, moving toward the door. You stopped on the threshold, turning around to meet his eyes once again. He hadn’t moved aside from keeping his eyes trained on you. “I should get back to work.”
“I’d say I’ll see you later in the Great Hall, but I don’t think I’ve seen you eat there once.” ‘Does he really notice?’
“I tend to take my suppers on the go, or in bed.” Hiccup nods, looking almost as if he wants to say something, but refrains. You look back to the blinding outside, the darkness of the shed having messed with your vision. “I’ll see you later, though, I’m sure.”
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Your meetings in the shed become more frequent, and begin to last a lot longer as well. You talk about everything and yet nothing at the same time, learning his favourite colour and telling him yours. Gossiping about the other carpenters, laughing about Gobber awkwardly trying to flirt with some of the new men. They also begin to be interrupted a lot more- the longer you both stay huddled in the shed, the more opportunity for someone to need more nails or a replacement hammer. They always looked at the two of you with a weird side-eye, causing you to grow uncomfortable and cut the talk short. It was one day, almost a week after these talks began to grow comfortable, that Hiccup finally asked.
“So, which house did you claim anyway?” You look up to him with a smirk, then drop your gaze once more to the block of wood in your hand, careful not to cut yourself with the sharp knife in your other. You’ve taken to whittling this last week. Hiccup suggested it the time he saw you after you said you had no speciality, saying perhaps you were just better with the finer details than the larger projects. You were willing to give it a try. Now, every time you two meet up you pull out this same block of wood and continue to shave away at it, still unsure what you were making. It helped to be doing something with your hands.
“Looking to pay a late-night visit, are we?” Hiccup chokes and stutters, attempting to say words yet not quite reaching that goal. You laugh, feeling light and airy, something you’ve grown accustomed to whenever you’re with Hiccup. “It’s a joke,” You reassure, continuing with a shrug. “I don’t have one.” It’s quiet for a few moments, and you can practically hear Hiccup’s confusion.
“Don’t have one?” Hiccup lets that thought sit in the air for a moment before beginning his tirade, “But, wait what? All of the carpenters got a house before anyone else did? Weren’t you able to pick which one you wanted? Did they somehow forget about you? But- wait, where have you been staying though? I always check on the lads still living in the Great Hall- just a check-up, y’know, to make sure they’re doing alright. But I never see you there. Still. Even at night, when you should be sleeping- where do you sleep?” You feel your chest shaking in laughter, raising a hand to rest your fingers against Hiccup’s arm to finally stop his words. You’d noticed that one already, whenever you touch him he always stops everything, paying his full attention to you. It still felt weird.
“I sleep here.” You take your hand back, moving to continue your whittling.
“What, here?”
“Yes, here.” You glance up to see him looking around the space in disbelief. Then his eyes are back on you, those glorious emerald eyes. They always seemed a deeper green inside the shed, probably something to do with the lighting. They were of a yellowed green when outside, the sun shining on his face.
“What do you mean?” You set your work aside on the table, standing from the chair you’d been lounging in. At some point a second chair had been added to the shed- you were suspicious that Hiccup had done so, but have yet to prove that fact. You move to the side of the shed most people just avoid, full of planks of wood, pallets, and boxes filled with supplies. At the farthest wall, you motion behind a few of the stacked boxes, indicating your own little space. All there is to see are a few boxes with hay piled on top, a few changes of clothes pushed behind your pillow and a canteen lying on its side nearby. You didn’t need much, and Skullgar allowed to you stay once he discovered you one late night.
Hiccup stood quickly, limping slightly at first before straightening. He had to push in close to you to see the space you indicated, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body. He was always so warm. He soaked in the sight of your ‘bed’ for a few heartbeats before shaking his head, mumbling “No.
“Nope,” He continues, his voice getting louder as he keeps taking steps away, shaking his head more, “No! What? No!” He laughs, disbelief colouring his voice. “You mean to say you’ve been sleeping on that this whole time? You’ve been staying in this drafty, unfit-” He laughs again, looking around the shed as if with new eyes. They land back on you with something new. You’ve yet to see this determination in his eyes. “No, we’re building you a house.”
“It’s fine, really-”
“I’m not hearing it,” He replies defiantly, taking a step forward and taking your hand, pulling gently. “Come on, we’re picking you a house.”
“They offered them all to me,” You injected, but followed along. He led you to the door before stopping, turning to look at you curiously, his head at a tilt. “Skullgar has made sure to offer every home that we’ve built. He’s even said I could design my own at some point, and I’m extremely grateful, for everything.” You shrug, acting like it’s no big deal. Because it’s not, to you. Besides, you were living in a barn at the old Berk. If anything this was a step up. “It’s just that- well, none of them fit.”
“Why not?” Hiccup turns his attention solely toward you, and you feel like he’s forgotten that his hand is still in yours. “Why haven’t they fit? We’ll make one that will.” Laughter is forced out of your throat, shaking your head in disbelief at the gall.
“They’re all just really close to the Great Hall. To the majority of the whole city.”
“Yes?” Hiccup nods at you to continue, but still doesn’t understand. “It’s safer?”
  “It’s not very comfortable for me,” You mumble in reply, shrugging again. “I like being a little farther out. On the outskirts.” You smirk then, looking over his shoulder to the outside. “Can’t exactly build a house on the outskirts if you don’t know where the town will end just yet.”
“We’ll pick a spot. You and me, we’ll go walk out into the forest and when it seems far enough then we’ll settle it. I’ll make sure of it, I can borrow Grimrar from Skullgar, clear the area of the trees. And-” In Hiccup’s distracted mumbling he finally smiles, meeting your gaze once more. “We can design a blueprint for your house. Together.” He startles slightly, rubbing the back of his head once more. “I mean, if you want to. Just that, I’m really good at drawing blueprints and designing things, I’m just offering my help. I also have paper, y’know, and-”
“And I think that’s a great idea, Hiccup.” You interrupt him gently, tugging lightly against his hand still in yours, and you see the moment he remembers he was still holding your hand. You’ve never quite seen such a cute blush light up on someone’s face before. Still so expressive.
“Do you want to right now?” Hiccup stutters out, and you’re surprised that he hasn’t pulled his hand away, instead tugging you back in reply. “We can go and-”
“Hiccup!” You glance over his shoulder, spying the second-in-command, Astrid, looking relieved and beginning a jog toward the shed. You were sure she’d only seen the back of Hiccup, and you were still inside the building unseen. As Hiccup moves to turn and face her in response, you pull your hand away and take a few steps back into the shed, looking at the shelves. You came in here for something earlier, something you had to grab. If only you could remember what that was. Astrid’s voice sounds closer now as she speaks, “We need Toothless to come down and settle a fight between a few dragons. If they keep going the way it looks, they might end up tearing down half of the Great Hall. I swear, something has gotten into these-” You hear her stop herself bluntly, followed by a, “Who is that?”
“Astrid, I-” Hiccup hesitates, and you watch him look between you and her from the corner of your eye. “That sounds- I mean to say, I was just, uh-”
“Go on Hiccup,” You mumble quietly, trying not to intrude on their chiefly business. You turn with what you hope is a comforting smile, nodding at him. “It sounds pretty dire. You should go take care of that.” It seems almost like he’s going to argue when he gets jerked to the side, looking back toward Astrid.
“Come on, we can talk on the way.”
“I’ll see you soon, ok?” Hiccup calls out to you, already making his way in the direction of the Great Hall. You just wave in response, looking back to the shelf. Was it the nails you needed?
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You’ve already grown accustomed to the sounds of New Berk at night. With the number of dragons here, some of whom already being nocturnal, there are plenty of noises that would’ve kept you up at night back home. ‘Not home,’ You remind yourself, ‘Just back where I’m from. It’s not home any longer.’ Though, nothing really feels like home anymore.
The sound of the door to the shed opening, however, was not part of the common thread of sounds. You felt yourself stiffen, laying unnaturally still as you try to listen. You hear a quiet footstep, then the sound of metal clanking against wood. Once more, a repeat of those sounds, then silence. Then your name was called out softly. You push yourself up, flipping off your blanket and practically crawling out of your little hiding spot. Once standing, you lock eyes with none other than Hiccup.
“Can’t seem to get enough of me?” You ask, whispering. Neither of you really needed to, but it felt appropriate at this time of night. You lean against one of the boxes hiding your bed away, crossing your arms. “How’d the dragon taming go? Do I have some extra work on my hands in the morning?” Hiccup had such a soft look on his face that it felt almost out of place being directed toward you.
“No, no extra work. Toothless always comes when I whistle for him, and being the alpha has its perks. We also separated the duelling dragons to either side of the town, so it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.” His voice was low and rough, and you shifted your stance unconsciously at the sound. You really liked it. “But, enough of that. We have work to do.”
“Now?” You ask, shooting a look toward the open, shutterless window, out to the pitch black of night. “How long ago did dinner even end? I doubt we could go scouting in the woods right now.”
“Maybe not, but we could begin designing, maybe?” Hiccup chuckles nervously, taking a few steps toward the empty table and pulling a handful of papers out of his pockets. “I managed to grab some past schematics that were used in the construction of some of the other shops and houses. Thought we could use them as a starting point, pick out the features you like the best and condense all of them.” As he rambled you stood there in shock, listening to his plan. It almost sounded like he’d been thinking of this since he left you earlier that day.
“Right now?” You ask, disbelief colouring your voice. Hiccup looks up quickly, locking eyes. “It’s the dead of night? When do you even sleep?”
“Oh- right, no, that’s,” He did his nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head and turning fully toward you. “I have a place, up the hill on the edge of the cliff. I sleep there. At some points. Sometimes. Sometimes I go out and find Toothless in a clearing nearby and sleep against him. I-” He shakes his head, widening his eyes and looking away as if berating himself. “No, but if you want to sleep, yeah, I can totally just go.”
“No, it’s- it’s fine-” You stumble over your own words now, shooting your hands out as if you could make him stay.
“I just thought maybe,” Hiccup speaks over you accidentally, stopping himself to nod toward you, restarting his thought. “I just figured we’d get interrupted a lot less if- well,”
“If everyone else was asleep?” You finished, a subconscious smile spreading across your face.
“Well, yeah.”
“You’re gonna’ be too tired for your chiefly duties tomorrow.”
“You’re gonna’ be too tired for your carpentry duties tomorrow,” Hiccup shot back, as if proving a point. You just silently chuckle until he realises that the point he was proving was your own, and he turns his head in thought. “I just mean-” He hesitates like he’s trying to come up with an excuse. “I can just tell people you need some rest. You can take a break.” This thought seems to spark another, causing him to turn and look at you with a curious look. “Wait, when do you take a break? I always see you working or- well, here.” You look away guiltily, shrugging.
“These little sessions are my breaks.”
“No, but they only last less than an hour.” You weren’t so sure of that one, but you didn’t deign to argue the point. “That doesn’t count, everyone should get a day off. A full day off.”
“What would I even do?” You shoot back, half-seriously. There really wasn’t anything for you to do besides just help out. And talk to Hiccup, apparently.
“You could go fly?” You laugh nervously, shaking your head.
“It’s fine Hiccup, let’s just take a look at these plans you brought.” He seems ready to argue the point, but you tap your finger against a random paper. “I really like how this room is shaped.”
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“Are you sure you don’t want to be closer? I mean, you can’t even see the town from here.” Hiccup continues his complaining, glancing nervously back the way you both came to tilt his head this way and that, as if that would help his sight.
“I don’t really want to be able to see the town,” You insist, stopping and taking a long look around the area. “Just enough away that the town doesn’t bother me, but close enough that the walk to work won’t take too long.” Your words were mumbled, nodding your head slowly. This looked like a decent place. You heard the trickle of a stream nearby and thought you could see part of it through the thick brush and trees.
“But, it’s not really safe, is it? I mean, if we’re going to be attacked they’d pick off the people on the edges and work their way in.” Hiccup demonstrated his point with his hands, moving up next to where you were standing.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I’m not saying you can’t, it’s just- I just-” He hesitates, looking around as if the words would come to him.
“What, you’re worried about me?” You laugh, the thought being ridiculous enough to be a joke. As you look back at his face, your laughter dies down.
“Well, yeah.” His voice was quiet and sincere. You were startled and confused. Your response was to break eye contact, waving ahead of you at the area.
“I think this is a good place.”
“Alright,” Hiccup begins with a clap, smiling toward you brighter than the sun shining through the trees. “Let’s get started.”
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little-miss-moonshine · 10 months
the thing they never tell you in school is that nothing ever goes the way you want it to. the world is a tide, and you are a seashell fragment tossed around the invisible line between land and sea. some days, I wish someone told me “the heart is fickle, dearie. you can never stop it from taking a leap. all you can ever do is glue it back together, coax new skin over old wounds. wait for scars to fade, and hope there won’t be any new ones.” but there always are.
I look up to see you one day, and you look like a god among men. charming smile, honest eyes, and all I can do is look for the catch. two weeks in, I ask you if you regret it. you say, “even if we’re a mistake, I want to make it. give me that chance, don’t run away.”
and so I stay.
you become my world, because what else can a deity do but assume dominion? you work your way into my heart and plant your flag. you scare me, I tell you, because everyone leaves me, and I keep looking to see if you want to, too. and every time I do, I see you at my side, hand in mine, reassuring words on your lips. I think about making a run for it, because you will leave me too, and this way, we can cut our losses. “I don’t want us to hurt, but I want to be with you,” you say. “then be with me.”
and so I stay.
every day, I fall more in love with you. I believe I found someone, finally. I fly with the constellations in your eyes, but inevitably, I fly too close to the sun. the truth scalds, you know. and the only thing worse than falling in love is falling alone. what happens then? like icarus, I crash and I burn. the ashes of our-no, my-love float around me as I drown. I push you away, squeezing the hole in my heart to make it smaller, but what does it matter? what’s gone is gone. then one day, the pain overwhelms me, squeezing my lungs like a vice, eyes full of tears. I’m screaming, but only in my head, and the pain’s so bad that I can’t breathe, can’t think, can’t stand, only scream. my tunnel vision stains sky blue. your eyes come into focus, and oh, but my heart clenches. oh, but it slows down. “breathe. (call an ambulance!) focus on me. (she can’t move! I can’t tell what’s wrong!) it’s okay.” your forehead presses against mine so gently. “stay with me,” you say.
and so I stay.
there’s a throbbing pain in my side as you walk me to class. you look at me with concern, with pity. I hate it. but I always melt when you look at me. you pull me close sometimes, and then, you push me away. sometimes, your eyes are both clouded with doubt and alight with joy. I mould myself like dough, into whatever shape you want that day, trying to be the only one you ever choose in the bakery. but everything has a breaking point. one day, I beg you. “tell me you don’t love me, and I’ll go.” you sigh. “you know I can’t, but you know how much I care about you.” “I do,” I say.
and so I stay.
we lose something precious. we lose a bit of ourselves. but we do it together, and we have each other. the sadness hangs over you like a comforter in the summer, stifling under the circumstances. in my dreams, I am covered in blood. some days, it’s mine. some days, it’s ours. one day, sitting next to you, I see it. you have me, but I don’t have you. you regret it, you tell me. you can’t bear to see me sad, and I looked so sad for a moment, you tell me. the almond croissant lies untouched between us, your peace offering I keep telling myself not to accept, but do anyway. “we have two weeks, one week, a day. what do you say?”
and so I stay.
the second you walk through the gate, passport in hand, I turn away. the official at the door offers me a tissue for my tears, but I refuse. I feel like a pound of flesh has been carved from my chest. a week passes, and suddenly you’re the one with the hole in your heart. “I miss you,” you say. and I miss you too. you call me, you text me, you call me nicknames. you treasure me just as you did before. I hold on to you as hard as I can, keep myself in the space next to you, and you let me.
and so I stay.
but it happens. the drunken truth inside you fights its way out and knocks me down. in turn, it fights its way out of me, and I tell you. I tell you it was never one-sided, that I know what you will never admit to yourself. I scream into the void, just tell me, just tell yourself, but you don’t. “I love you,” I whisper, in every language, at every moment, because I do, and because I don’t know how much longer it will be true. you kill me slowly, deliberately. you say you hate to see me hurt, say you’ve never been in so much pain as the times you see me being wrenched in two. but all that means is that you look away as you shoot me through the head and stick a knife into my heart. all the fight has gone out of me.
and so I stay.
not for long. I find solace in others. others who see me, in more ways and more detail than you ever did. I feel beautiful in someone else’s eyes, I feel precious in someone else’s arms, and I feel happier in my own skin. so I finally admit it. everyone has their limits, and I’m tired of loving somebody that’s not mine. if you wanted to, you would. but you don’t. and you never will. I come to realize that your presence brought me joy, but it also brought sadness, and in your absence, there is only sadness. I want to be happier, so I push it away, once and for all. you say you’re fine, you’re not an emotional guy, but as I go to end the call, fighting the sobs in my throat, I hear you. “I love you,” you whisper, but too late.
and so I turn away. 
0 notes
elshells · 1 year
This was my home, Even as the walls fell down Under the weight of the hoard of the gold that we cannot afford, And we began to suffocate in each other's air.
But that's all I have ever known. This is my home. Even as everything I've ever known slips through my fingers, And I'm left alone in a tiny room that crumbles in on itself, Until I myself am dragged away, Kicking and screaming, As strangers invade to rob me of my stability.
My new home is a hive, a twisted maze. I'm always wandering, always lost. But every time I cry out for help, Someone shoves my head down And buries my face in the dirt. Silenced while anxiety's screams ring in my ears. She won't shut up. She will never shut up. Nostalgia and melancholy can't hear me now.
But we were still lucky When plague swept overhead, Like clouds of circling vultures. Had we lingered on our weathered doorstep, It would have choked us, Pressing our bodies into the rubble Until our bones ground down into the fine powder on our tongues. Until our blood and saliva seeped into the earth Like a nourishing broth. Until our eyes popped, Like the wine grapes in the backyard When the sun denies them of shade. Until we lost all of our senses Before they expired on their own.
I promise I'm thankful for the roof that shields our heads. But the betrayal leaves me bitter, like the flavor coating my mouth. The carpet matches the walls, the same shade of brown, And I sleep on a mattress in a cardboard box. It's comfortable in the way that you lose the feeling in your fingers When the cold settles in. It's comfortable in the way that it hurts so much That you forget how to feel pain.
But now the dogs are fighting, Eyes and teeth flashing, Lunging for each other's throats. It's my fault. I haven't taught them any better. I can't control them, Because I'm too busy controlling myself. The day I snap is the day they put me down.
But that never happened, Because I crafted myself a mask to wear. I draw a smile on my face and paint over my scars. They burn and flare, so I layer on more paint. I darken my eyelids so they grow heavier and heavier, And it becomes harder to see, Leaving me stumbling blind, bruised, and stupid. And when I finally remove the mask, When I can finally see again, I'm no longer lost in the hive.
Is this stability? I think so. I think I've learned how to live again. I think I'm happy, And when I not, My cardboard box is my escape. This could be my home, Except this will never be the home I see in my dreams.
When I close my eyes, I return to my ruined temple. The one place where I can never return. Asleep, I never know the difference. Awake, I realize something's not right. When will I learn that none of it is true? Years later, I still don't know what's real. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, Or maybe I never made it home.
The fear chases me down. My wings grow faster than my heart So it doesn't swallow me whole. I can't make a safe landing, Because the world is never stable. I can't keep flying, Because my mind never settles.
There is nothing I can call my own. Nothing lasts forever. I sometimes forget that, but I always remember, And when I do, I panic, Because I'm still not home. I can't go home. But I want to, I need to.
So, tell me. If I'm not supposed to dwell on the past, Where do I go from here?
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