#do people actually put buttons on bracelets? heck if I know
doodle-do-wop · 1 year
@valentinerose529 passed on the brain rot so now I'm dragging y'all down with me
Please buckle up your non-existent seatbelts and keep all hands, wings, feet, tails, and horns inside the vehicle. This is gonna be a long post
As I've previously stated else where I firmly stick my foot in the hill that the Aphrodite Cabin (10) has so much more under the surface of pink and glitter (not that there's anything wrong with pink and glitter)
Aphrodite is quite literally the Goddess of Love if you're a PJO fan and don't know Greek mythology or you're a fan but completely forgot.
She has an ever changing form to each individual as well as an ever changing personality (in the PJO universe) due to beauty standards and the culture of the place she's in.
Love is complicated and messy, it's not the same for everyone or every situation.
Thus why I put Keefe in good old 10. What a better place for an empath than the Aphrodite Cabin?
Now moving onto the ever messy Vackers
I love Fitz and Biana. I do............but I got an entire skeleton of bones to pick with Alden Vacker and of he can meet me outside the Denny's parking lot please-
While not actually smart Alden did manage to become emissary in KOTLC and Athena seems to like mildly smart guys who end up being very mid dad's. Girls got a type and I can only say hopes and prayers she gets better.
Athena is a strategist and occasionally thinks only in the form of a game (I will be using chess). Athena knows when it's time to get sharp and wet the blade and move people to where they have to go. She may be immortal but time is still against her so chop chop guys, we've got a magical meguiffin to snatch and bring back.
Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war strategy, handicraft.
What better godly parent to leave an ever lasting shadow on the eldest son Alvar. And the bitterness that stems from being out shined by perfect child Fitz who developed a far more impressive power than his older brother.
"but Biana feels so Aphrodite coded!" You cry and I hear you but Biana is a fighter at heart. She likes winning Quest Hunt and tackling the shit out of people in Tackle Bramble (she would love rugby). She's competitive and clever though it's not clear where on earth that gene came from, clearly not Alden.
And let's not forget it was Biana's idea to turn shirt ruffles into weapon hiding spots. Girls got strategy and style. Athena would be proud.
(plus the absolute sandal that would be blowing up the Camp's gossip train of Biana potentially being Aphrodite's daughter dispite having two Athena brothers would be scalding hot)
Onto everyone's favorite technopath
"oh Hephaestus, we all know" well you're wrong bucko
Worm, germs, plotted plant I named Timmy. What has Dex Dizznee built so far? Bombs, multiple bracelets for punching, many devices used just to heck the government's most top secret files, a panic button/tracker, more devices that hack into the government's files, a circuit that shall not be discussed.
These are all pretty crazy cool shit and Hephaestus would be damn proud to have Dex as his son.
But Dex isn't his son.
Dex's dad is the father of thieves, travelers, and roads. Hermes
"WHAT?" Yeah I know I know. But think about it. Dex is smart, he's so damn smart but he's tricky too. He knows the chemicals needed to dye an imp pink with glittery nails to match, he can whip up a batch up balding blam to get revenge, he can also be easily lost in the background of things.
So what a major disappointment it must be, to be waiting any day now for the sign of the hammer in a blazing forge and get a stupid winged sandal instead.
The Song Twins
Tam and Linh really gave me a run for my money because they're twins but Linh is an obvious Poseidon kid while Tam isn't and however powerful and weird the gods may be, two gods can't have kids with the same woman at the same time. It just ain't possible.
Linh's water powers are important to her character but so are Tam's. But Tam can still have spooky powers just not in the same flavor. Linh is the pretty side of Poseidon's rule over the seas. The water that heals and the funny animal shapes she makes. But the deeper into the ocean you get the darker it becomes. Tam's powers are the less pleasant things in life.
Now for everyone's second favorite arsonist (not Sophie)
Marella Redek has Pyrokenisis and you're saying "oh this one's eazy, Leo, come pick up your sibling" but you're wrong yet again my friend.
While Marella would probably be super frustrated with getting the tinker cabin over something that could help her mom (y'all remember how helping her mom was her main motivation?) at least with the STEM geeks she could hammer out some kind of magic mood ring to help her mom or make a bracelet with charmed gemstones capable of alerting her mom or herself when danger is near or just something
But no
Instead Marella is stuck in the only cabin that couldn't have been a worst match up for her. Hecate. (I know I previously said Ares but I changed my mind)
Marella, instead of having a knack for magic like almost every other child of Hecate instead got the flaming torch part of the deal. Literally. Marella can also see strings of magic and she doesn't like it one bit.
And finally Sophie (because this is getting too long)
Sophie was a tricky one since she has all these powers and it was nearly impossible to put her in a cabin that really fit with her
What finally got me to decide was actually her teleporting powers and inflicting. They have a sort of lightning and thunder styled description so who better than lord thunderbutt himself, Zeus.
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qilinkisser · 2 years
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Sometimes, you just need to do late night crafts with your girlfriend <3
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allies + eje human au headcanons
I had to look up what eje meant, which was Axis in Spanish 🌮 (there's no sombrero emoji, and I'm mad about it). This is mostly a college Human AU, but there's still some future stuff in there. Enjoy the longest list of Headcannons in one post lol
Human AU Hetalia!
Has rich parents, but doesn't tell anyone, and somehow his big house that everyone parties at doesn't give it away.
The only person who knows is Japan, and that's specifically because Japan's dad works for America's dad.
Is a college student, hoping to go for some kind of music degree.
A first year.
Black T-shirt and jeans. Has a plaid button up for everyday of the month, usually has it tied around his hips.
Has like, one basic tux and refuses to wear anything but converse or airwalkers.
Space nerd #1, except he's more into what's beyond our boundaries, and loves the constellations.
One of the most popular kids, and no matter how hard you try he's not easy to hate.
Gives off dumb college kid energy even though he's one of the A+ students.
His glasses are for show. It was meant to be a rebellious thing since Canada use to get bullied about his own glasses, now it's just an esthetic.
Skate boards and plays the acoustic guitar in his free time.
Jeans are usually missing the knee section.
Once set off firecrackers in a metal trash can as a school prank.
Last year of college, majoring in history after failing his cooking classes.
Graphic tee central. We are unsure how many he has but he's up to 43 different shirts worn on campus.
Usually has his earbuds in, listening to punk rock.
Has an ungodly amount of bracelets. His favorite one is a black snap bracelet with little pirate skulls.
Was practically raised by his older brothers.
Lives alone, but is secretly an amazing writer.
Has a Tumblr blog he writes spooky stuff on.
Top of his class, but can be a dummy if he's put on the spot.
No one is sure how he's been allowed to take nothing but art classes. No English, or science, just art.
Is also a transfer student, he's probably the second richest thanks to daddy.
Is the school stud, despite not sleeping with a single soul, and is actually extremely nervous about dating, and is just more comfortable with playful flirting.
He wants to be a fashion designer, or Model. Mostly a Designer.
Loose shirts and tight pants.
Has a weird obsession with belt sashes.
Plays violin like a god, and is a senior.
Another senior in college.
Had the unfortunate event of being in the same cooking class as England before Arthur decided to switch degrees.
Still hangs out with him and Japan.
One of the few who is taking advanced classes, and is literally everyone's tutor.
Going for a Degree in Cooking. Wants to be a head chef.
His parents are over seas, but he promised to get them to America as soon as he can.
He wears a lot of colorful shirts that is always tucked into his pants.
Most of which look like bowling shirts, but he likes to add little Chinese patches to them. Has a signature jean jacket that is overwhelmed with patches.
Has a panda beenie baby keychain, so everyone knows exactly who it belongs to when he losses his keys.
Very quick to panic, and hates to admit he's wrong.
Third and final transfer student, along with Japan, and France.
Poor confused child is trying so hard.
He's kind of shy, and is fully aware his social akwardness creeps everyone out.
Almost cried the day America and Prussia adopted him into the cool kid circle.
His broken english is probably the biggest turn off for the people at school. It's why no one really talks to him, mostly because they can't figure out what he's saying most of the time.
Biggest sweetheart though, and is painfully smart, but do to the english thing he's stuck in the average classes, but China comes swooping in and his english gets almost fluent by his third year.
He doesn't own a single thing tech, minus a flip phone, but somehow knows all the hot keys on the computer to every program, and it's only because he's lazy about it and it's the funniest thing.
Space nerd #2 but knows more about the planets and can name every single moon, and knows the history of space discoveries by heart.
Secretly a hopeless romantic, and doesn't realize he reads England's blog.
Is pretty much a closet goth, but likes bright colors too much to be seen in all black.
Knows way to much about torture devices and learned very quickly that gets you out casted in a school setting.
Isn't upset that he doesn't have many friends, but somehow attracts all the little kids from the grade school.
He likes his northface sweater, and loose pants. But his shirts are pretty colorful, and he likes collecting shoelaces.
He spends a lot of time in the woodwork shop, creating amazing figures and such.
I can feel the dissapointed stares of Matt not being a photographer. Welp, guess he also gets a degree in art then.
Second year, Because he skipped one year in college.
Clothing style is long sleeves and vests.
He likes feeling fancy, and owns an endless amount of beanies.
One of the few people who talks to Russia.
His locker has a snot ton of polar bear stickers that everyone stuck to it, and he loves it.
Is baby but can kick butt in the wrestling club after school.
Has a tiny white Pomeranian that he rescued from it's mother who wouldn't take care of it, probably because the puppy was the runt of the litter.
Has a Harley Davidson and it's been painted black with the aurora on it, making everyone think it was his non-existent girlfriend's or something. Now it's a running joke.
He's not a jock, but he's friends with them.
Military Dad.
Is usually found hanging out in the gymnasium on breaks. It's quiet and no one is going to bother him. Usually.
Senior, and so ready to get the heck out of college.
Ladies love him, but he really hates the attention, like please help him.
Style wise he's pretty basic, but really loves his camo print.
Has owned countless doggos, and only attracted so many girls the day he walked to school with a fluffy poodle that France Hijacked for the day.
Doesn't ever go to dances after the first one and everyone tried to get him drunk, to no avail.
Had out drank some of the dumber students to shut them up.
Can be mean if you persistently pester him for dumb stuff, especially if he's already said no.
He's into construction and is working on a degree in Construction Management.
Exchange student number 3
Degree in technology is what he desires.
Style = Geek, but like a stylish geek.
Him and Canada are in photography class together.
Japan is also part of the cool kids, but only when they're about to do some dumb stunt, and need a camera man.
Doesn't mind, loves watching them make fools of themselves.
Has a rebellious streak, and tends to be a complete sass.
As soon as something seems to go bad, he gone. He's heading towards the door. Been in detention once, and that was it.
Why does everyone go to him for advice when china is literally down the hall?
Rich kid #3 and his parents are traditional and are having a crisis over their son's rebellious attitude.
Is a first year, and is oddly enough, going for a degree in history.
Really likes antiques and old artsy stuff.
Has a few shared classes with France, and they pretty much own those classes.
Rivals America's charisma, but isn't as popular due to:
Being seen around France, and not doing dumb and entertaining crap like america.
Gets picked on a lot Because he doesn't understand you can't be nice to the Jock's girlfriend without everyone thinking your flirting, even though you just needed directions on your first day of school.
Germany is now his bodyguard and he was kind of like "???" But they get closer the longer they hangout.
Fancy shirt man, like hand me downs from his Italian father. So they're really nice, and a lot of eye melting patterns.
Gets attached to people easily, and is sensitive when he gets taken advantage of during assignments, but toughs through it because he has too.
Has two cats literally named Mona, and Lisa.
Has cried at least once at school because he's a soft guy, but he gets a thicker shell the older he gets and learns to just laugh off other people's stupidity.
Protective older brother gooooo
Second year in school, and his first year made him want to eat brinks.
Doesn't know what degree he wants, but settled for a degree in cooking.
Shares his brother's shirts practically and it confuses everyone Because, didn't Feliciano wear that shirt last week?
Immediately thinks people don't know washing machines exist Because of this, so his sass factor is high up there.
Doesn't really have friends, and also does not care. He's a bit of a lone wolf and needed something to do.
The amount of not caring attitude contrasts his high grades and his teachers are painfully confused by it.
Will jokingly tell people to fight him at McDonald's, and almost fought someone but literally laughed, and suggested they got something to eat instead.
He's somehow, in a bizarre and unwanted sense, everyone's brother which is just...
No one understands him, but they like him, and he doesn't know why and it kind of bugs him.
He's usually in the front of the school daydreaming about, god only knows what...
Is the epitomy of the "she doesn't even go here" joke from mean girls, except he does go to that school.
Why did he need a degree? Oh yeah, Because work places don't care what kind of paper, you just need a paper.
Rival friendship with america, and Russia has had to step in to break up petty fights.
He's not sure why he's part of the popular kids since he's so fricken chaotic and obnoxious. Or so he thinks.
Genuinely a sweet guy in his last year, desperately wanting a degree in mathematics. Like, no one understands why mathematics until he starts pulling card tricks from his pocket that deals with it, and blows everyone's mind.
He is also head of the newspaper club.
Has the style of a teenage band member and will not apologize for it.
Has hijacked the schools speaker system to blast evanescence, which gave a huge boost to his friendship with Russia, since the big fellow shares Prussia's taste in music.
Can eat a whole ghost pepper without batting an eyelash, and this is only Headcannon and a worthy note because he became sick the day after and the whole school had "in loving memory of Gilbert's stomach" posters all over the place.
Teacher's are very much done with his harmless antics. They're noticably stupid pranks, but only to the point it's annoying.
Like he managed to make all the teacher's computer backgrounds as Brad Pitt wearing a sombrero. There's no joke, and no punchline. It's just a poorly Photoshopped sombrero?
Races his brother to school every morning, and afternoon. Cops have stopped them at least twice due to other bystanders getting freaked out.
Him and Romano don't mix well, but try to leave each other alone.
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feeling--pink · 4 years
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Hello and welcome to I redid my age up designs because I wanted to and so I did!!!!!!!!!! :D
uhhhhhhhhh explanations under the cut as per usual!!! :D
Officially speaking: shoot I figured out what I forgot
Okay so whenever I’m drawing I always forget SOMETHING right? That’s just a thing people deal with??
Anyways I forgot the FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS (except for Huey)
It’s very important that they all have friendship bracelets but I drew this over such a long period of time that I completely forgot to give it to people where it would be visible (i.e. Dewey, Boyd, kinda Lena)
It was almost important enough for me to go back but oh my gosh these pictures literally took an hour and I'm not doing that again very sorry
just: they’re there!!!!!! I promise!!!! Its just.... invisible.....
skdhjfgk okay sorry onto the actual thing
In order of left to right also known as height order!
I didn't change much from my first time doing this! 
Basically I gave him a dress shirt and a sweater vest :D
The key difference this time is that last time I made the undershirt red and the sweater vest burgundy! 
This time I made the undershirt pink!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Y’all that pink Huey trend from a little while ago was my life force
I hecking love the color pink so much
Anyways!! Moving on: he’s the shortest lol
As I have said before “Older Sibling Culture is being shorter than your younger siblings (I would know)”
But!!! I do love the concept fo Tall and Stronk Huey so he is actually very strong!!!
Instead he’s Short and Stronk!!!!! 
Webby and Boyd are the only one’s physically stronger than him but that’s because of spy training and literally being a robot (respectively)
But yes!!! Huey in a sweater vest and also very strong are important concepts so I did that here!!!!! 
(hmmn.... sweater vest,, nerd,,, weirdly strong,,,,,,, oh no I turned Huey into Chidi Anagonye klsdfjhgkakjahs)
y’all I messed up so much on this one
literally so many times
since you’re reading this I'll let you in on a secret
that may not be that secret ksdjfhlkds 
Anyways if you look closely at Webby you’ll probably see some weirdly placed lines
specifically around her face, shirt, hand, etc. 
basically I messed up enough that I thinned the paper significantly from erasing (multiple, separate times)
so I had so go in and paste another layer of paper over the thinned layer kjjdkahfgs
But enough about me messing up!! what’s with this outfit?
This one’s mostly about Vibes
I wanted to give off a femme lesbian vibe but still keep that formality we see in Webby’s regular outfit!
Hopefully I achieved that!!! 
This is one of the outfits I resigned completely from last time btw
The old one was fine but looks kinda weird to me now so this!!!
Oh yeah and I love long hair Webby a lot!!! So I included that!!!!
Louie is probably the one I changed the most about that still resembles the original design
Both times I gave him a button up for an undershirt
this is ‘cause I see y’all giving him suit jackets for when he’s an adult and he needs a middle stage before that
skdfjs- a middle evolution if you will jkadfhgkjhsfdka
But instead of a slip on hoodie over that I went with a zip up jacket because that’s just more practical y’know?
Also cheek tufts!!!!! 
I had them last time too but I love seeing adult louie with full cheek tufts so middle evolution effect comes into play again!!!
He and Webby are pretty much the same height right now btw
If you want to get technical about it Louie’s about a millimeter taller though!
I think that’s all I have for him though!
Okay so I barely changed anything from last time for Gosalyn
Mr reasoning behind her outfit is mostly that I wanted a flannel gay and Gos was the obvious choice for that
and I liked that decision so I kept with it!!!
Main differences this time include: hair and shoes
So for the original hair I wanted to give her the “bisexual haircut” and I do like Gos with short hair so I kept that!
But I was having a hard time figuring out how to draw her regular bang situation so I went with a totally different style instead!
But I have sense learned how to draw her hair from the show so I incorporated that instead! 
In the original I also had her wearing shoes! I changed that this time because I forgot to give her shoes until it was too late! jksdafhg
Yeah this happens often kdsjhvfkajl (mostly with Lena)
Oh boy where to begin! 
In the original my one and only goal was to make Lena look like as much of a Lesbian as possible
And I achieved that much!!!!!! 
But in doing so I neglected to make it look like Lena
I mean well it looked like her but it didn’t give off her complete vibe y’know?
So instead of a Hawaiian shirt gay I made her a leather jacket gay!!! Much more Lena in my opinion! :D
I based her hair off of my interpretation of her Phantom and the Sorceress hair! (I know it looks nothing like it but thats how I draw it so???)
In the original I made her hair fade from pink to blue as well and I liked that so I kept it!! 
Then I kept the blue button up undershirt!!
I thought about giving it pinstripes but I don't have a thin enough pen or pencil to pull that off so I didn't :P
Hint of her old green shoes coming from the sock color! 
And then finally: stompy boots
Just to tie it all together! :D
This man is LANKY!!!!!!!!!!
sorry I don't make the rules
Well technically I do sense I drew the thing- but thats unimportant!!!!
Dewey gets to be tall to annoy his brothers but in return he is LANKY tall
Otherwise I largely followed my original design!! 
All my reasons for the original were solely based off of ✨Vibes✨
I did change a few things though! 
For example: last time I gave him a 3/4 sleeve short and this time I just made them regular short sleeves
Last time I meant to give him shoes but I forgot so this time I didn't forget!! :D
Also cool socks!!
Oh and I added fingerless gloves!!!!!!!! 
This is once again based solely on ✨Vibes✨
I can’t put a lot of my reasons into words but I personally think I captured the theater kid meets aspiring pilot meets best friend to super hero’s sidekicks meets adventurer vibe pretty well!!
!! Okay I’m excited to get into this one!
In my original Boyd was the shortest because technically he can pick his own height being a robot and all
BUT for that same reason I made him tall because: he wants to be tall like Gyro
The idea that Boyd wants to be tall like Gyro is literally so cute yall
I also based his outfit largely off of Gyros!!! 
That is: dress shirt, vest, bowtie, pants
But in Boyd’s color scheme! :D
I’m still working out how to Not to make Boyd look like a popcorn bucket but that’s a problem for another day! 
To start off: literally nothing was changed from the original
akjfdsghkskhal I’m serious no color changes, no outfit elements, nothing
I liked the original one a lot so I just kept it and redid it for this!!
My inspiration for the original was as follows: ✨Librarian Vibes✨ 
And I think I achieved that with the original so I hope I achieved it here as well!! 
Also Violet is TALL
She’s the tallest now and will continue to be the tallest!!!
I mean just LOOK at her dads!!!! They’re SUPER tall!!
So therefore she gets to be tall too!!!!!!!!!
And I think that’s it!! Thank you so much for reading if you got this far!!!!!!!!! :D
Have a nice day folks! :D
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
Gale’s Pick: Miraculous Ranking (as of Season 3)
1. The miraculous will be taken at their maximum potential. That means the user can use the special power as many times as they desire and what we know about those powers currently. (Example: I can't assume Chat noir will be able to throw his cataclysm like Chat Blanc, I only know he can destroy something he touches with it.
2. This list does not take into account the Kwami themselves. Their personality and abilities hold no bearing on the rankings.
3. The miraculous ranking will only be including its potential by itself. Not with fusions, power ups, just the bare essentials.
4. I will be ranking this based on Combat usage, practical usage, creative possibilities, and overall effectiveness
5. This is Opinion based and I would love to hear your logic on whether you think certain miraculous should be ranked higher or not. 
13. The Mouse
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It is a super situational miraculous. Its ability “Multitude” is a good ability when paired with other miraculous, but by itself, it sort of lacks in everything except stealth. It does allow for you to be in multiple places at once, but it isn't helpful when you are smaller then an actual mouse. Its not gonna win any fights, In a fight, it isn't gonna help the user out as anything more then a distraction.
12. The Fox
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Now I know a lot of people will be shocked to see this one so low. But really, while its a cool ability, Illusions are kind of useless outside of distraction and deception. If used right it can cause your opponents some trouble and I do think it has a lot of creative usage and practical usage. But the problems set in when the user actually is aware that they are illusions. Now a clever person might be able to use the fact that their opponent knows they are illusions to their advantage... but that is also situational. Also, the weapon is a flute. It is one of the lamer weapons to use, little range, and needed for the power use, so if someone knocks the flute away, the illusion power is useless.
11. The Monkey
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So how did the monkey’s situational power up beat out the fox? Simple, its power is useful in besting other miraculous  wielders and super powered individuals. Uproar is the power to mess up powers, your unique abilities become useless against this mad monkey. In terms of a fight, its like being an equalizer. Though the problem is, its kind of unpredictable. its effects change depending on who is hit and the power’s effect is only temporary, so if you use it, the user should act fast. Also, while the weapon is cool,, the miraculous is probably really easy to snatch off of his head.
10. The Butterfly.
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Yes, I am putting the main villain’s miraculous down here. My reasoning, its highly conditional.
1. You need a consenting individual, usually one with negative emotions, or a willingness to do the user’s bidding.
2. The person with the akuma usually influences the power. Hawkmoth’s influence on their power set is confusing and its unknown. But it leans more towards the user’s mental state.
3. Hawkmoth can only control the akumatized victim somewhat. Again, this varies.
4. Only one akuma can be created at a time without power ups or boosts. 
5. There is a range on how far the akuma is that Hawkmoth can't influence it.
6. If that akuma is out of range, it can't be called back and a new akuma can't be made.
Now the butterfly miraculous does have some cool bonus abilities. Such as feeling other’s emotions from a stupidly far distance. If the akuma isn't purified it can multiply. It can boost the powers of other miraculous, and even make an akuma that has the power to boost its own power but again... that varies.
The butterfly is sort of like the king of conditional powers. It can be useful but it also can be limiting.
9. The Bee
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How did I put the bee Miraculous this high up? Simple, stunning an opponent is crazy OP and its pretty much a one hit KO on most foes. Sure the user has to touch them, but at max potential, the attempts are unlimited and all the user needs it one opening and it is over. It is definitely more reliable in a fight and honestly in general.
8. The Turtle
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Some say the best defense is a good offense, I say the best defense is a f***ing force field. The applications of Shelter are phenomonial. The shield is able to take a good amount of damage, Fu’s shield was able to hold out a long time even with attacks from Hawkmoth, Mayura and a sentimonster. Its a great stalling tool and great for protecting others as well as yourself. Plus the shield means you can Captain America all deadbeat fathers. And if Rising of the Shield hero has taught me anything, a good shield can do wonders.
7.The Dragon
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I was actually surprised by how low I had this on the list. A miraculous that allows the user 3 different elemental abilities. Control of Wind, Lighting, and Water. How can I put this so low? Well the truth is, even though this is totally awesome and versatile. The other miraculous on this list are also stupid overpowered. But despite that, this is likely the best ranged power that is used.
6. The Horse
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Transport is an amazing ability. Its fun with portals. Late for school? Portal. Need to avoid an attack? Portal? Want to send a weapon somewhere far away? Portal? Throw your enemies into the sun? Portal. Transport is crazy over powered, The only drawback being that the user has to jump into the portal to actually utilize it. So if someone sees a portal, they know something can happen.
5. The Black Cat
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The cat miraculous is the best Offensive Miraculous. It’s weapon, the ever extending staff has crazy range, has a tracker, and can split into two weapons for duel wielding make it great to have. And its power Cataclysm can destroy ANYTHING it touches. While at first glance this seems lacking, imagine unlimited destructive attacks, not only that, it acts as the user’s protection from having the miraculous snatched, and it works on anything. Except sentibeasts, it just makes those go haywire. If you want the best example of how powerful and dangerous this power is, look at plagg. A cataclysm can level a city if not controlled. Chat noir has brought down things as large as the Eiffel Tower. And with unlimited cataclysms, One touch and the opponent is done FOREVER. It doesn't matter their ability if their dead. Also on a lesser note, Night vision and the ability to purr.
4. The Peacock.
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The power to create Sentimonsters. Beings that can demonstrate sentience if not controlled by someone. The peacock seems to have the ability to make amok for people if they are willing to accept it or even themselves. The peacock has every advantage the Butterfly has, and more. It even gives the Peacock user free reign on what the amok is, Nathalie was able to make an exact replica of Ladybug with her own version of lucky charm. Meaning a peacock can make an evil version of pretty much any hero to an extent, though the amount of concentration needed is up for debate, which could be limiting. But a bonus is  that if the Sentimonster acts up, she can remove the amok. The only downside is that whoever has the item controls the sentimonster, and that can be turned against the user. But outside of that the weaknesses are pretty limited when it isn't corrupted.
3. The Ladybug
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At first Glance it doesn't make much sense that Ladybug would be so much higher on the list, but the thing is, the Ladybug is crazy powerful, able to undo ALL damage done with miraculous healing. Able to summon an item that is guaranteed to help them in some compactly, and with unlimited summoning, can be used to handle ANY situation.
Plus, her weapon, the Yo-yo is also just as versatile as the Black cat staff. 
The only downside is that the Lucky charm needs to be figured out, in a hypothetical situation, with enough time and preparation, the lucky charm can helpfully beat any foe. But the key word is Preparation. Also there are some shortcomings of the Lucky charm.
1. It randomly give charms that are useful in an situation father in advance. (like the key in season 3)
2. It is not prepared for unknown elements. Like in season 2 finale, it summoned a miracle box, likely to get Hawkmoth’s miraculous, but the Lucky charm wasn't expecting Mayura so the item was useless.
3. If the user is not creative enough to know how to use the lucky charm, its pretty much useless.
But outside of that, at its max potential it is one of the most overpowered Miraculous.
2. The Snake
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Anyone that has played undertale can tell you how OP save points are. Second chance is insanely broken. The user can memorize what their opponent’s attack patterns and counter. They can do this as many times as they want within a 5 minute interval.  Its a redo button and there is pretty much no limit to it at its max potential. Even with the limited 5 minutes before retransformation, it can be abused. In a one on one match, it is pretty much invincible. The only caveat is that the use nerds to slide the bracelet back to go back to the save point. So if the opponent wants to win, they have to incapacitate the snake user. Outside of that, Fu himself talks about how dangerous this miraculous is, and it is completely understandable.
1. The Bunny
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Time travel in this universe is completely OP. Since the ML universe doesn't run on Multiverse theory, Time is delicate and can be changed easily. Bunnyx has the power to alter time in anyway she wants. Rabbit hole not only sends her to any time she thinks off, it takes her to the Burrow which allows her to view MULTIPLE periods of time and look at them like she is watching a movie, she can rewind and fast forward to find key events. Bunnyx could go back in time and simply take the miraculous away before the user even transforms. Heck, the bunny miraculous allows the user to do pretty much ANYTHING. Trap your opponents in the Dino age? Stop them from being born? Travel forward in time and find the cure for cancer? Bunnyx also has Pockets, she can HIDE HER MIRACULOUS!?
Seriously, The snake miraculous can have all the save points in the world, but it can't counter someone jumping through time.
Ladybug’s lucky charm won't work if isnt expecting a f***ing dinosaur to pop out of nowhere after its summoned.
The point is, Time travel is the best power and thus the bunny miraculous is dangerously OP and the best miraculous
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good-doctor-imagine · 4 years
Scar » four
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three // five
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Fem!Reader
Summary: Richie is upset you’re not spending the day with him while you find out that Beverly has a scar that’s eerily similar to yours.
Word Count: 2292
A/N: I didn’t really proofread, I just skimmed over this one... so I’m sorry if there are any mistakes
It had been a few weeks since you met the infamous group of kids. Although they had obvious chemistry, a force that held all of them together like glue, you felt like you fit in well. It was natural for you and Eddie to get closer since he spent so much time around Richie. He often helped you throw playful insults at Richie when he would lose. You were like partners in crime. You weren’t as invested as him when it came to health-related topics, but you began to get used to zoning out as he rants about diseases and viruses that were lingering in the air.
Beverly was also another obvious person that you would get along with. Girls weren’t the easiest to get along with most of the time, but you trusted Beverly. She told you about the other people in school, including Greta who she warned you to avoid at all costs. She also mentioned a group of boys that wreaked havoc around the town, but she said that you didn’t need to worry about them anymore, whatever that means.
Other than preparing you for when the school year starts, Beverly was a very welcoming person when it came to you. While the boys had their own conversation, Beverly was getting to know you. Eventually, she invited you to hang out without the guys, talking about a much-needed break away from the masculine front that they put on. You speedily took up her offer, telling Richie that you were taking a day off from your Street Fighter championships much to his dismay.
Richie couldn’t deny that he was upset that you ditched him to spend time with Beverly. He selfishly wanted you to spend all your time with him. Something about Eddie’s insults without yours made his stomach turn, almost like he could feel you were missing. Richie told himself that it was stupid being so affected by your absence. Heck, you had only been in Derry a few weeks, there was no way that you could affect him this much, right?
Eddie had seen it too. Richie was so upbeat in your presence, the playful insults that you threw at him were taken as compliments and only boosted his ego. Without you, Richie’s mood declined and receiving Eddie’s insults made him annoyed.
“You really want to spend the rest of your summer playing this stupid game?”
“Shut up Eddie,” Richie grumbled, not even making an attempt to comb the hair out of his face. He was putting all of his energy into the game in front of him, wanting the day to pass as fast as it could.
Eddie scoffed at Richie’s response, crossing his arms in front of his small frame. “What’s up with you? You were all happy-go-lucky yesterday but today you’re Mr. Debbie Downer.” Richie rolled his eyes and smashed his fingers into the buttons, the tips of them turning white from the pressure he was forcing on them. Eddie felt himself getting angry at Richie’s lack of response so he decided to just get to the point. “Is it because (Y/n) isn’t here?”
Richie’s finger slipped from the button out of shock. He didn’t expect Eddie to realize what was actually making him so upset. The slip up made Richie’s Street Fighter character unable to move away, taking a lethal blow from the NPC. “What the fuck Eddie?” Richie boomed, glaring at his hypochondriac friend.
Eddie just shook his head, not taking any of his friend’s anger stricken statements to heart. “Don’t even try to lie to me, Richie. I’ve been friends with you too long for you to even try to fib.”
Richie just decided not to answer, his face starting to heat up despite his attempts to hold it back. Eddie smirked at his victory and decided to take the chance to step further.
“Does the trashmouth have a crush?”
“Hell no,” Richie cried out, “What the fuck made you think that?”
“Call it a premonition,” Eddie shrugged, “But really, it’s pretty obvious.”
Richie’s lip curled in mock disgust, he was really trying to hide his feelings from truly showing. Although he didn’t really mind Eddie knowing his true feelings, his pride convinced him to put on a strong front. Digging his right foot into the ground, his mind began to wonder about you. He felt selfish, only focused on himself rather than what you wanted. “She’s probably focused on finding her soulmate anyway.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed, beginning to feel bad for his friend. “How do you know you’re not soulmates.”
Richie deadpanned at Eddie, not believing how ludicrous he was being. “Maybe I should remind you that she swam half-naked with us at the quarry. I think I would know if she was my soulmate.”
Eddie couldn’t help but feel heavy-hearted when looking at his friend. He knew that Richie was trying his best to cover his sensitivity by putting on a strong front. Richie cared about you, yes, but he also felt like he was betraying his soulmate. He may act like he doesn’t care but these feelings that came hurling at him made him wonder more about the mark on his foot. It made him wonder about who his soulmate really was. Did they act like you? Did they look like you? Every time he would think about his soulmate, his thoughts would go back to you. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t stop himself. Stupid teenage love.
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You tapped your foot as you waited in a little alleyway next to where Beverly said she’d meet you. You didn’t have much with you at all, just your bike and a little bit of money in case you two got hungry. Other than that, there really wasn’t much planned for your outing. You both planned to stroll the street and do some window shopping, gazing at items with no intention of actually buying anything. You also just planned to take a much-needed break from the arcade. Although it was very entertaining to play with Richie, you were beginning to feel suffocated by the dark room. Being in the same place doing the same thing every day got monotonous. Not to mention, you were beginning to run out of insults towards Richie and that could never happen. You needed to refill your insult jar as fast as you could. What better way to do that than to spend time with Bev?
Beverly rolled up next to you with red cheeks and heavy breaths. “Sorry I’m late,” She spoke, moving her bike to park right next to yours. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”
“No, I got here like two minutes ago,” You responded, shoulders relaxing at the presence of your friend.
“Great. You ready to go?”
The two of you started your journey down the street, eyes wandering into the windows of the different stores. “So,” Beverly started, the corner of her lip tilting upwards, “What’s going on between you and Richie?”
You squinted your eyes at her, “What do you mean?”
“I’m not stupid, (Y/n),” She replied, putting her hand on her hip, “You know what I’m talking about.”
Biting your lip, you averted your eyes from hers, trying to ignore the piercing gaze of her eyes. “It’s really nothing. We’ve just been getting closer, it’s pretty normal.”
Beverly hummed, tilting her head upwards at your statement. “What do you classify as normal?”
“What about you and Bill?” You quickly tried to change the subject. Although you avoided her questioning, you knew that Beverly was not going to forget about it.
“What about me and Bill?”
“I’m not stupid, Beverly,” You mimicked her, earning a small grin from your friend.
“Well, you know it’s been pretty awkward since-” She gave you a pointed look, instantly making your mind go back to when she told you about the last time that they kissed. “But he’s been really sweet. He even got me this.” Beverly held out her left hand, showing off the small bracelet that hugged her wrist. You smiled at the cute gift, happy that your friend was so excited over a gift. When she turned her hand over, your face immediately fell. Even though her fingers were slightly curled, you could clearly make out the dark line that was etched into her skin.
Your hand shot out to grab hers, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk as you studied the palm of her hand. The scar was so similar that it made your heart race, but your heart dropped when you realized that it wasn’t identical. In fact, her hand not only had a prominent scar in the middle but another lighter line behind it. It was like she had two scars but one of them belonged to her soulmate. They were muddled together.
Beverly was shocked from your sudden outburst, eyes wide as she watched you gaze intently at her scar.
“Where did you get that from?” You spoke, mouth feeling dry.
“The scar?” You nodded your head. “All of the losers have one.”
Your head started to spin as you frantically started searching for an answer. If all the losers had one, then there was a high possibility that one of them was your soulmate. However, you also couldn’t deny the possibility that all of them wouldn’t have a scar that matched yours.
Beverly watched you closely as you began to feel lightheaded, taken over by the shock that coursed your body. “Are you okay?” Beverly asked quietly, eyes darting around you to make sure no one was staring.
“Y-Yeah,” You choked out, recoiling your hands from hers, “It’s just- It looked really similar to mine.”
“Wait,” Beverly sputtered out, mouth dropping open slightly at your statement. “You have one?” You nodded your head and stuck out your left hand, showing the jagged mark that was engraved in your palm. “Holy shit, when did you get this?” Beverly gasped, cradling your hand in hers as she inspected the scar closely.
“It showed up a few days before I moved here. So, maybe a month?”
“Oh my god,” Beverly breathed as she stood in front of you, hand frozen as she thought about when the losers made the blood oath.
“When did you get the scar?” You asked so quietly that she might not have heard you.
A part of you didn’t want to know. You wanted to find out your soulmate randomly, not go searching for them like those crazy people you see in films all the time. A part of you wanted to have that moment where your soulmate accidentally knocks you down and offers their hand when suddenly you realize they're your soulmate. A part of you was terrified that if you found your soulmate this early in life, it wouldn’t work in the end. There had been many cases where soulmates got bored of each other or they didn’t want to be tied to a certain person so early in their life. You didn’t want to experience that.
“Around a month ago,” Beverly responded, gently letting go of your hand.
You took a deep breath, eyes beginning to tear up as you became overwhelmed with emotions. You were happy and upset at the same time; happy that you found something that leads you to your soulmate, but upset that it happened so soon.
“Do you know how great this is?” Beverly lit up, obviously not catching your horror-stricken face. “This means your soulmate could be one of the guys! You don’t have to go looking anywhere else-”
“Beverly!” You yelled, but instantly lowered your voice when you noticed how loud you were. “I don’t want to know. Don’t you realize how terrible this is?”
“What do you mean?” Beverly breathed, eyebrows furrowed as she shot you an incredulous look. “Several people our age know their soulmate already, it’s totally normal. I don’t see what the problem is.”
You shook your head, your teeth starting to dig into your bottom lip. “Do you think any of them want to be tied down to someone right now? We’re only teenagers! Besides, who says the people at school are going to stay with their soulmates forever? Plenty of people who met their soulmate early in life split up. You’ve seen the research: the later you meet your soulmate, the easier it is to stay together.”
Beverly’s excitement started to boil down as you ranted. She thought what you were saying was absolutely ridiculous. She would give anything to know who her soulmate was. She was cursed with not knowing who out of the group was considered her soulmate. Her own scar covered her lover’s and without being able to make out details, figuring out her soulmate is a complete waste. You have the opportunity that she doesn’t. You have the opportunity to find your soulmate and live happy with your other half, yet you’re too afraid to act on it.
“Do you realize how lucky you are?” Beverly scoffed, “You’re taking your soulmate mark for granted.”
You both stood in silence, not sure what to say to each other. Obviously you both had completely different viewpoints. Although Beverly was seriously opposed to your opinion, she knew that going behind your back was something she despised even more.
“If you really don’t want to know, I’m not going to force you to. I’m not going to search for you either, I just don’t think you’re making the right choice.”
You took deep breaths, successfully pulling yourself back together before you responded. “Thanks, Bev, that means a lot.”
She nodded, putting a smile back on her face as she started to walk again. “Let’s do some window shopping.”
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11/11/11 tag game
Answer 11 questions, make 11 new questions, tag 11 persons!
I was tagged by @waterfallwritings for this! Thank you, your questions were really interesting and fun to answer! o(^▽^)o
(Sorry if I got a bit lengthy, it was just so nice to do something not university related after exams!)
1. How do you come up with ideas for your WIPs?
The heavy artillery from the get go, eh? *cracks knuckles* Okay, to be honest, I'm not sure. I've never really thought of it, they're just there, clamoring for attention (plot bunnies are my best ally and worst enemy). I definitely have bouts of very intense inspiration and days when I just,, can't. Even if I know where the scene is going, how it's going, and why, the words aren't there. Or they're all wrong. (This is when I default to writing ugly-crying emotional breakdowns or sex. Likely both.)
Working out a story is a game of association laced with concepts and core elements for me. Like this: dragons (core element) + mountains (association) + tribe/clan (concept) + shapeshifting (association/concept) + relocation/settlers (core element). And that's basically my dragon wip.
Eld's story is based on a Doctor Who quote "demons run when a good man goes to war". Ren and Kuro grew up with me; at some point they just started acting on their own - I just throw shit at them and sees what shakes loose at this point. (They have five kids! How???? did that?? happen???)
(I'm a sucker for prompts. My brain can see a single word and just, run of with it hollering in glee.)
2. How do you get past gaps in the plot?
Urrrrgh, I have to get past them??
I struggle, is what I do. Typically I let it sit, soundly on the back-burner in my mind, until I've mulled through my story to the point where the hole is gone. (This takes months, and with my sci-fi wip I ended up rewriting the dang thing completely at the third draft after eight years of working on it. Scrapping it was painful.)
Or I try a different angle. Sometimes it works.
3. What motivates you to keep writing?
I love writing. There's really no more significant reason than that. Writing allows me to express myself, create and explore worlds and characters who wouldn't exist otherwise. And it lets me just exist without any layers. When I've been hurting, writing has helped me get the pain out with no more than tears.
And I love words and languages; the way we have about 10 different words to say "snow" (partly because Swedish mesh several words into one but still) and maybe 2 (3?) for heat. That there are groups of languages with the same ancestors that are so close; how absolutely amazingly different they can be (I just learned "y" is not considered a vowel in English and I'm???? Completely blown. What. What do you mean it's not a vowel. Are you sure???). And languages with different alphabets and ones that use pictures to represent ideas instead of sounds! And sign languages!!
And idioms! It's so cool how idioms can carry words of wisdom, caution and reassurance, and rarely can be translated (classical examples from Swedish "There's no danger on the roof" and "The rain is standing like sticks in the ground") because they lose their connections to the cultures they are used in.
The universes in my head are as full of life as the real world and not nearly as anxiety-inducing. I have stories to tell. And you know that feeling when you’re in the zone and everything is flowing and you’re writing 10′000 words in a go? That.
4. Do you do any other kind of creative writing?
I dabble in poetry? Like, very sporadically and with mixed results. I have a friend into slam poetry who opened my eyes to it, too.
(Would fanfiction go here too?)
5. Do you have any other creative hobbies besides writing?
Urngh, yeah, too many. If I’m not reading, my hands need to be moving or I’m an unhappy bean. Though, writing is the only thing I never put down. Ever.
Okay, so, I draw (badly), both on paper and digitally. Mostly landscapes. I also try to make house sketches/plans. And I paint (a bit better than I draw), prefer oils or acrylics over water colors. My partner and I also paint miniature models when there is time.
I also crochet and knit, and I love origami. I roleplay (Dungeons & Dragons, whenever the DMs have time), and I play the violin (and piano) and write simple music for myself.
I garden if there's time in the spring and during summer, and I absolutely love these little fairy-gardens that have been popping up everywhere. On that note, I have more houseplants than I have space for.
I'm also thinking to start up a little thing making bracelets and bead strings for fidgeting. I needed some kind of stim toy to be able to focus and I wanted something silent with many different sensations to keep me entertained. I hunted around a bit but eventually made my own and they turned out pretty nice!
(I also like to bake, especially pies and breads.)
6. What do you do when you’re stuck on a scene and don’t know how to get it out / write it?
I slam the key words in. And then I ignore it until it stops fighting back so much.
Or I backtrack. Sometimes I've written myself into a corner unknowingly.
Sometimes I drop a wip that's giving me grief and work on another, or I use word/idea prompts to get me started.
7. How do you decide how to end your WIP?
God, please tell me because I don't hecking know. Should I do an epilogue? Should I leave it open/ambiguous? Should I just cut it off and leave the next step to the reader? Should there be a "true" ending, with goodbyes (actual or metaphorical)?
Urrrrrrrrgh. Good Lord, endings.
8. When in the process of writing do you decide how its going to end? Or do you kind of just wait til you get there?
Either I know from the start, before I write the first words, or I wait. Which tends to mean frustrating the hell out of myself. I have started to go through my wips (whether original or fanfiction) and give them all bare-bones outlines, because not having endings is a big problem for me.
9. Why did you decide to join writeblr?
Basically when I decided I had had enough of the "join to see more" button or the "sensitive material" warning. And when I realized there was a really nice writing community here I could maybe become a part of. (A major reason was actually @concerningwolves advice posts.)
10. What’s your favourite food?
(CW: Maybe skip if you’re vegetarian/vegan/you’d rather not read about meat.)
Chinese deep-fried chicken with sweet-and-sour sauce (not the spicy chili kind, the actual pineapple and tomato juice based kind) with rice. No question about it.
Mom's "blodbröd med fläsk" is a close runner up though, but we only eat it once a year, at the midwinter solstice. It's homemade Swedish tunnbröd (hard thin-bread) with blood instead of water in it that you dip in boiling water to make it soft, with white sauce, and fried, thoroughly salted pork.
(Believe me, some country-side Swedes in the northern parts are still pretty pagan about the sun coming back, me included. It's a big deal when you go between no night/darkness and then very little/no sun.)
11. If you had to kill off a character in your WIP, who would it be and why?
People are dying right and left in most of them already, since three include large-scale wars, so there's no shortage there.
But if I had to choose a main-character or a directly supporting character? (MY BABIES! NO.)
I think Ren, from the sci-fi wip, because he would be free from both responsibility and physical and mental pain. (My boi is a wreck.) It wouldn't be unlikely either. But at this point it would destroy my story! 😂 Less story-destroying would be their foster-guardian Sandra. It would still force me to write a completely new arc, but it would be do-able.
Although, regarding the fantasy wip Firestorm, Kebarock dying in their war would crush Sunling. That could be done without losing the plot entirely. Hmmm.
Puh, that was a lot of thinking! Okay, I'll be tagging.. @concerningwolves @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @adorhauer @focusdumbass @sleepy-and-anxious @els-writes @meteorwrites @sebastian-writer @telvivere @thescribesloft and @aceymichaelis No obligation to do this of course! <3 (And if I tagged you and you’d rather not be tagged in games, I apologize, please let me know)
And here are your questions if you want to:
1. What about your wip makes you smile?
2. What's the hardest decision you've had to make in regards to a wip?
3. What text font do you prefer writing in? Or do you write by hand?
4. Are there pets in your wip? If not, what pet might your character(s) keep?
5. What AU would you love to see/write for your wip?
6. Is there any type of music/a song in particular that you associate with your wip?
7. Are you a night owl or an early bird/When do you write?
8. Favorite beverage?
9. Where do you prefer to write? At home? In a library? On the bus/train?
10. What are your first 3 to 5 associations with the word 'writing'? Why those?
11. What do you do when you're bored?
Hope you enjoy! o(^◇^)o
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amwritingmeta · 7 years
‘Tis the season to Be Jolly, Falalalala and Give Away!!
Hello, lovelies!
Guess what day it is? It’s GIVE AWAY DAYYYY! (well yes obviously because already stated) (but also) It is my BIRTHDAYYYY! And what’s more fun to do on your birthday than give shit away to the people who enrich your life? NOTHING!
Alright, here we go, here are the things you could get your hands on if you reblog or like this post. Yes, that’s right, both options are... optional.
So I’m planning to do this Give Away by hand. That’s is right - by hand. Meaning I shall write down each and every one of you on a piece of paper and put you in a bag and twirl you around and draw names out of that bag.
Simple Rules:
Heart this post --> I write your name once and it goes in the bag on one piece of paper
Reblog --> I write your name three times and your name goes in the bag on three separate pieces of paper
(yes, if you heart this post AND reblog that means your name goes on four separate pieces of paper)
Pay It Forward
If you spot something you think someone you love (or have a secret crush on and you want to tell them using colourful things and your SPN obsession) would absolutely adore, if you’re selected the winner I’ll give you the option to Pay it Forward and your loved one (or secret crush) might find themselves the sudden owner of Awesome Shiny New Things. (aw yiss) More details on the bottom of this post, my peeps!
Ready for the things you could get your (or someone you love or have a secret crush on’s) lovely hands on? Here we go!
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1. Dean Lean Fighting Machine (with the biggest heart)
Items one journal (Things I Can’t Say Out Loud) (this journal will make you dig down deep) (only an option for those ready for this) (you’re ready for it) (it’s awesome) (because you get to fill the Wild West themed journal with your thoughts and emotions using an awesome horse pencil). There’s also a Go Fish card game because, you know, Dean secretly harbours a yearning to go fish. The Wizard of Oz ref speaks for itself, right? (somewhere over the rainbow) (and all that) ;)
2. Multi-Coloured Survival Kit
If you want to go through life without unicorns, I’m not going to judge, but they make everything better, so I would seriously consider hitting the reblog button simply for this option. Colouring book (with loads of amazing quotes btw), tote bag in a bag, lip balm (LIP BALM with a UNICORN on it) and playing cards for those quiet moments in the shared motel room. What more could you ask for? (Misha riding a unicorn with Jensen behind him?) (well I’ve seen that gif so...)
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3. Make Things Write
Are you an angel? Were you an angel in a past life? Well then, here’s the perfect writing kit for you! A lovely silver hardback notebook with angels on the front and the Heavenly light shining on two figures waiting to be let into their mutual forever, accompanied by a crimson red feather pen with a gilt tip. That’s right. A gilt tip, y’all!
4. Wish for This?
The lovely Rachel Miner did her awesome Be the Clarence You Want to See in the World campaign in the summer and if you missed it, here’s your chance to get your sweet paws on some lovely and supportive merc. This T-shirt is a size M. There’s also a bracelet from Misha Collins’ I Wish For This campaign and never forget about the Pay It Forward option! (I will ship to anywhere in the woooooorld!) (free of charge of course)
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Or Misha Me, Baby -- whichever you prefer. A lovely GISHWHES traveling case and an I Wish For This bracelet. This case is bigger than it looks and perfectly awesome. (yes I bought one for myself as well)
6. Do You Believe In Magic?
If not (you should) this Unicorn Quotes Booklet will entice you to believe and gallop around your neeeeeigh-bourhood (okay I’m worried now) (but if you do - please send pictures). There is also one of those fabulous I Wish For This bracelets. (yeah I fell in love with them)
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7. Guess the Episode!
Okay, so I would have loved for you to name the scene when Dean digs around in a Hello Kitty bag, because it is so damn fantastic, but I’m not going to do that. Bonus if you CAN name it, though! This is totally related to an episode anyway, and there’s a small surprise inside. (it’s a tiny wooden Knots-and-Crosses game) (it has yellow flowers) (and red hearts) (shhhhhh)
8. Merchandiiiiiiiise
So this lovely Supernatural merc was brought over from the States by the wonderful @tinkdw (thank you, my dear) and it’s a gorgeous choker necklace and a kickass keychain and yah, you want it? Come and get it! :P
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9. I Like Emoticons
Okay, so this book doesn’t actually literally pertain to Cas because this yellow smiley isn’t technically an emoticon - it’s an emoji - but I couldn’t resist it with that pink background. Hot pink. Dean pink. And rainbow markers because we all need rainbows in our lives and especially to mark things. In rainbow. :)
10. Colour Me Happy
You know you want to. You know you want to go to town on this Supernatural colouring book. Go to town in all the colours of the universe and, as you frantically fill them boys in with all the hope, you think: Live, Be Happy, Breathe, Feel Content, There Is Peace - For You Are Done! (too final?) (sorry!) --> you’ll think encouragingly Carry On My Wayward Sons!!
And that’s all that’s on offer, folks!
Will be drawn and announced on January 4th, 2018
Will be selected by Old School Draw Out of Bag By Hand
It’s First Drawn, First Serve
100 names will be drawn for the 10 prizes. 10 names per prize. (if I generate that much interest...) (*screaming ghost face emoji*)
The winner has 24 hours to Claim Their Prize or the chance to Claim a Prize will be passed to the next name on the Winner List for that specific prize
Pay It Forward
If you win and you absolutely do not win what you’d like to have for yourself, but you do win a prize that you feel would brighten up the day and be a perfect fit for someone you know, you can put into motion the Pay It Forward option. All you have to do is give me your friend’s or family member’s address (or secret crush’s address) and I shall mail the gift there for you with a note to explain what the heck it is an why they’re getting it. :P
And let me restate: if you win I will send you the items free of charge. Of course!
To every single one of my Followers: I love you, you are awesome, and I would make this exclusively for you if I believed in coercing people into following me by dangling bait in front of their eyes. But I don’t. This Give Away is open to all. Like and reblog - that’s it. But if you follow my blog, know that you’re the reason I am even doing this at all. You inspire me to stay on tumblr. You make me want to write meta and post it. You lovelies are what makes this whole experience so amazing and worth while and fun and engaging. I love you!! Happy Holidays! 
And to all - a good night. ;)
PLEASE NOTE: This GiveAway is from Christmas of 2017 and is closed. 😊❤️
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yourarmynoona · 7 years
The Warrior & The Warlock || Chapter 2
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Description:  [Fantasy!AU] You have lost your home, your family, your tribe, and are wanted by a rival tribe for the murder of their general. On the run and seeking vengeance for the destruction of your people in the form of a Sacred Rune, you make an unlikely ally in the form of a wandering Warlock with his own secrets to hide. Your fates intertwine as you journey across to mysterious lands in search of the rune but when destiny has other plans, your journey becomes much bigger than you could have imagined.
Rating: M
Reader x Namjoon
Themes: Fantasy, Smut (eventual), Adventure, Murder, Mystery
Notes: If you haven’t already figured it out, this Fantasy!AU is a D&D!AU following a campaign I’m actually currently on. Yeah, yeah my nerd is showing but I’m hoping to update regularly as we go through our own journey! 
Notes 2: This chapter goes out to @kpopluvwriter because well, she deserves to have a good week and it’s the best I can do! (And she does amazing reactions fyi)
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
The last 24 hours had been a hell of a lucid nightmare for you. You were drugged, nearly abducted and sold into slavery, and now you were bruised and imprisoned for the unintentional destruction of a bar after a handsy bar patron thought it was a bright idea to touch you. Your head was aching, your face was bruise, your ankles were growing irritated with the dirty iron shackles you were currently walking in, and you were hungry and hungover. A winning combination you remarked to yourself sarcastically. Namjoon and yourself had been fetched from the cell you shared and walked to a large room with a single dark wooded table before a hearth and several bookshelves lined with an assortment of tomes, scrolls, and books. Your eyes scanned the room and Namjoon seemed to mumble something about the vast number tomes he has yet to see in the room. You were standing before the large table, your hands bound behind your back and the sound of your chains dragging across the floor as you settled into a comfortable stance while the jail guard stood behind the both of you.
“What do you think they want with us?” you whispered, leaning over to Namjoon at your left who was wearing a serious look. He leaned over slightly stating “No idea” before returning to his standing position.
“Ah, dey look positively fit for de job!” a voice behind the both of you announced. Namjoon and you turned your heads to a man in a brightly patterned caftan and covered in golden chain necklaces, rings, and bracelets. You raised an eyebrow. He was tall and somewhat plump, his round cheeks high into a searingly white smile that was a stark contrast to his dark skin and hair. You could tell he was a Turami like many other of the natives of Port Nyanzaru.
“Please, let dem out of deir cuffs. Dat is no way to treat guests!” he commanded the guard behind you, his hands expressively waving in the air as if batting something invisible away. With a clang, the iron cuffs were removed from your wrists and ankles, and you rotated a sore foot bare on the stone flooring of the room while Namjoon shook his hands out and squatted down to rub his own sore ankles. You scoffed and glared in the direction of the guard who was gathering the chains into his arms. If only you had your axe you would have massacred him by now.
“I am Wakonga, de purveyor of dis place and masta merchant for all of de port. I am sure you are aware by now dat you have done much damage to one of my many establishments. Not only did you destroy property, you started a war in dat tavern and it took a dozen of my men to get it under control.”
You were staring at him as he paced back and forth across the floor in front of you, his hands and face expressively detailing the incident to which you had barely any recollection. “De damage was so great, I had to shut down de place for repairs. Do you know how much dat costs me?” he did a quarter turn to Namjoon and yourself, waving his finger aggressively. You were about to speak when Namjoon cleared his throat, telling you to remain silent. Wakonga again spoke, his voice rising “It costs me more dan you would make in a yeah! So as you can see, de events of last night have affected my bottom line and as a man of business, I cannot just let that slide.” Wakonga walked slowly over to you, his footsteps echoing in the room against the adobe and mud dap walls. He looked straight at you, one of his hands to your face, the cold of his gold rings hard under your chin. You stared into his eyes as he evaluated you, your expression unperturbed.
“I have use for you, barbarian. And you, half-elf.” You could see Namjoon cringe out of the corner of your eye as he let your chin go during that statement and walked over to him. Wakonga stood before Namjoon assessing his clothing and his features before Namjoon spoke.
“I deeply apologize for our actions in your tavern,” he bowed deeply as he continued to speak, “It was not our intent to cause chaos or harm to anyone, much less damage your establishment. In what way can we repay you?”
Wakonga scoffed.
“You cannot repay me in coin, but I have use for your talents. You see, I have a friend from fa away that is sick…very sick. She has asked me to lend my services to her aid but my men are ill-equipped for such a venture. Dere is a plague, a death plague, where anyone who is touched by it will meet a true death. After dey are raised, deir body will slowly rot, waste, and dey will die. You cannot resurrect dem anymore. My friend, she is near de end and she wants to put and end to dis cursed wasting plague. With her magic she has sent two heroes from Baldur’s Gate on de Sword Coast. If you accompany dem an tour dem around de city, I will forgive your debt.”
Namjoon and you looked at one another. He must have been thinking the same thing as you; there was a catch.
“Say we did do this and act as their guides, would you really forgive the debt we have caused?” Namjoon spoke, an eyebrow arched in suspicion. Wakonga placed his hands up in mock surrender and stated with a playful smile “Yes, all will be forgiven and you may go on your way.”
You grimaced. Your brow furrowed before you inquired further “And if we do not comply?”
Wakonga frowned and shrugged nonchalantly before stating matter-of-factly “You will stay in here and rot or be sentenced to hard labor.”
Your frown deepened and you let your shoulders slump with a defeated sigh. It looked like you were going to have to comply with what he was saying. So much for getting the rune you needed and getting out of there.
“We’ll do it.” Namjoon spoke up before you had a chance to answer, his posture firm and his expression serious. Wakonga clapped his hands together excitedly, his chains and bracelets rattling. “Wonderful!” he exclaimed, his cheeks bunching up to his eyes, “I will see to it dat your contract is drafted by dis afternoon. Until den, gather your tings and meet back here at high noon. We will discuss de matter further.”
Wakonga walked around you and Namjoon and as he entered the doorway he stopped suddenly and turned around.
“Oh and barbarian, don’t break anymore of my tings.”
 The jail guards had gathered up your materials left in the jail cell as well as handed back your shoes, coin purse, and axe.  You made sure to check that they had not robbed you of coin and you let out a relieved sigh as all of your money was still accounted for. Namjoon sat beside you on a wooden bench in what would appear to be a moderately sized lobby area with two desks, a receptionist, and guardsman walking about on duty.
“So I guess we’re stuck together for a while.” He stated playfully as he slipped on his jacket and secured the buttons on his shirt sleeve beneath.
“I suppose so,” you said wistfully as you glided a hand across the face of your axe, inspecting it for undue damage from the previous night.
You both agreed to go about your business and meet back in an hour, gathering what material possessions would be needed for the day and so that Namjoon could gather some research from the library on exactly what you were facing off against. As you walked through the streets back to the inn to which you were staying, your mind began to wander. Though you had just met him, you knew you could trust him. He had saved you from being sold into slavery or worse and had upheld a warriors honor. In your culture, such an act of selflessness is to be repaid with servitude. As you imagined in what way you could best serve Namjoon to repay the debt for him saving your life not once, but what could be considered twice, you blushed.
You had begun to imagine his handsome face and warm smile which had somehow morphed into you imagining how his plush lips would feel on yours and if he would accept your body as payment for a life saved. This idea shook you to your core, forcing you to suddenly stop in the streets of the Red Bazaar as you quelled your racing heart and heated face. “What the heck am I thinking?! Of course someone like him wouldn’t do that!” you fought an inner monologue after your sudden stop, continuing to walk straight down the avenue filled with merchants and tourists.
It was not unusual that barbarians would offer a life of servitude to a master if they had been saved by someone of higher blood but it was also not unusual that barbarian women tended to offer themselves in payment for a debt to another warrior. You started to imagine how his caring hands would feel on the exposed part of your thigh, how he would look at you as you removed your breastplate and left yourself bare for him to see. Your mind was out of control and you hastened your pace, picking up speed through the bazaar and attempting to avoid people caught in the crosspath. Faster and faster you walked until your walk became a sprint through the crowd, dodging carts and shoppers. You thought you were in the clear until, BAM! You collided with a solid piece of metal, knocking you, and the metal to the ground with a giant timbre.
“PELANA!!” you yelled in your native tongue, your butt sore from hitting the ground and your bruised cheek throbbing from the impact. You glanced upwards to see what you had collided with and it was a young man with doe-like eyes and an elegant silver suit of armor graced with spirals of gold. His helmet was in hand and he seemed amused as to what had just happened. Just as you began to apologize he smiled and laughed heartily before reaching down to help you up.
“Are you okay? You ran into me pretty hard” he said, his eyes scrunching into crescent shapes. He was very handsome indeed with a moderate build that you could see, brown messy locks upon his forehead, a prominent nose, and large eyes that you could see were full of mirth.
“Yes, I apologize! I should have been watching where I was going!” you nodded apologetically.
“Don’t worry about it, you looked like you were in a rush. Besides, I’m pretty well protected!” he exclaimed, knocking a metal fist into his breastplate where it rang out loudly. “Just be safe and get where you need to, okay? See you around.” And with that, he continued on his way with a wave leaving you to contemplate how it was you were in the port for 3 weeks and all of a sudden, you’re just now meeting people.
After gathering your materials and paying your inn fee, you were feeling quite famished and had grabbed two kebabs and some fruit from a food cart near the inn. As you continued to meet back near the jail with Namjoon, you were giving one of your last looks to the city. Your time in this place was coming to an end and after this, you had decided you were going to travel up river into the jungle to Madukka, the Rainy City and see if they had any information on the Lost Runes.
Walking through the bustling streets you saw children playing with a rubber ball and small Thunder Lizards pulling merchant carts filled with goods through the streets and towards the docks. It was something you always found fascinating. The people of Chult relied on Thunder Lizards, reptiles of all sizes, for transportation and hunting. You had only ever seen them in Chult and you remember the first time you entered Port Nyanzaru from the ship, you almost attacked a small stray Thunder Lizard that was eating fish from a nearby fishing ship on the docks. When you had asked locals about it, it apparently was commonplace but you still could not wrap your mind around the fact they had tamed such incredible beasts.
When you had finally arrived and finished up your meal, Namjoon was waiting with a side pouch and what appeared to be a scroll in hand. His quarter staff was strapped to his side opposite his daggers and his frilled jacket laid out on top of his pouch, leaving him in a loose white shirt and patterned vest. He looked almost regal looking about the crowds. You waved out to him and he smiled, walking over to meet you halfway.
“___! Did you get everything you needed?”
“Yeah, I travel pretty light these days. What’s that scroll your holding?”
Namjoon looked to what you were pointing at and nodded for you to follow him to the outside of a nearby cafe that was near the jail. It was a large establishment that had an enclosed patio area filled with lounging cushions, smoking towers, and covered by fabric awnings and fairy lacrima hanging above the iron fence. He ushered you into a corner of the outdoor portion of the café and you both sat down on some large plush pillows before settling in. A waitress came over and offered a special tea, to which you and Namjoon accepted to quench your thirst in the thick midday heat. Taking a large sip of his tea, he released the scroll from his grasp and rolled it out on the floor before you. It was old and tattered and in a language you couldn’t quite understand but had symbols and drawings you recognized instantly.
They were Runes.
“___, I did some quick digging through our archives at the Academy and found something really interesting. This wasting disease….it isn’t the first time something like this has happened. There have been isolated incidents throughout history and most contributed to failed attempts at Necromancy or weak magic. But no, the things Wakonga was saying and the things this scroll said match up. I think the Wasting disease is related to these Runes right here,” Namjoon pointed at the familiar symbols “The scroll is damaged in some parts so I’m not exactly sure, but there is a tomb in the jungle here that may hold Runes that can stop the curse.”
You looked up at him in surprise. Namjoon wasn’t only good looking, he was highly intelligent, and apparently spoke and read multiple languages.
But he was out of his mind.
“You’re thinking of accompanying our visitors and going into the jungle instead of just being tour guides because….?”
“Because the Runes in this temple have great power. They can right wrongs, grant incredible powers, heal people, cure sickness, make them whole again, and….they can bring back the dead.” His last words were somber and sullen.
You gazed at him sorrowfully but with the realization that he too knows loss.
“Can I ask who you’ve lost?” you settled into the cushion, leaning a slight bit closer to him as if seeking to comfort him. His shoulders were down in defeat and his hands loose in his lap. You were sincere in your words, knowing that maybe you could help him here as part of your servitude. Slowly he looked up, his eyes were somewhat glossy.
“My mother and sister. They…there was war. I was away in the capital studying to become a great scholar and wizard. I wanted to make them proud.”
You frowned in concern.
“What about your father?”
“He...he left many years ago. It isn’t safe for Moon Elves to be near humans for too long. Humans can be vile and selfish, not to say elves cannot, but things are different for them. Elves live for many years longer than humans and live cloistered lives in cities hidden by magic. Their laws are different and life is spent in scholarly ventures and bettering society. Since elves live such long lives, most may take many lovers in their lifetime and have many children until they meet someone whom they wish to bond with until death. This is like human marriage but so much more sacred because of how long it lasts. Elves are prefer to choose mates of nobility or of high blood purity close to royalty. They call this Sacred Bone. Hence, it is frowned upon to marry a human and even more frowned upon to breed with humans because they value this blood purity.”
Your brow furrowed and you could feel the sadness in his voice. From what you knew, half-elves resembled their elven cousins but their lifespans were considerably shorter and they were not accepted by humans nor their elven blood because their existence is a taboo. You recall visiting the Western Highlands and seeing many half-elves be shunned by humans in their villages and by their elven brethren, hearing things like “mutt” and “half-breed” yelled openly. Slowly, you reached your hand over to his that was lying on the map in an empathetic gesture.
“When was the last time you saw him?” you asked softly.
He hesitated in response.
“I…I think it would have been about 23 or 24 years ago?”
You looked up quizzically. Namjoon couldn’t have been more than 24 or 25 so how did he remember his father at such a young age? Taking a sip of tea, you were trying to do the math on just how old he was. As if sensing your confusion Namjoon interjected “I was still young but I think it was when I was about 22 or 23.”
You choked on your drink, a small dribble of tea falling from your lips and onto your chin.
“H-how old are you?!” you stuttered out in shock, wiping the tea from your chin, only for Namjoon to look at you in surprise.
“____ I’m 46?”
You were in shock. When you did the math that means Namjoon’s father disappeared from his life when he was about 21 and you were barely a toddler. Trying to put your shock behind you and act like he wasn’t a 46 year-old man that looked like he was 20-something was difficulty for you to comprehend as you stared at his physical appearance. “If I can ask…when did you lose your mother and sister?” you asked carefully.
“Less than a year ago. My sister was only a couple of years younger than me. I miss them every day.”
Namjoon was looking downwards with a sad smile playing on his lips as he looked on at the map. “What do you say we pack up and go see about a contract?” he said with a heavy breath. With that, you both got up and paid your server and adjusted what equipment you were currently carrying. Straightening out your pelt skirt and ensuring your axe was secured, you wondered how he had been so open with you when he had endured so much loss. You wish you could have told him you know how he felt because you too had lost your family, but you yourself had yet to come to terms with it as well. Perhaps one day you could tell Namjoon that he wasn’t alone. For now, you were content offering whatever servitude you could.
As you entered the jail once more, the pair of you were escorted to the back room where you had first met Wakonga. The air was cooler inside but had a dank and musty smell inside, your nose scrunching in displeasure as you took a whiff of what smelled like day-old dirty, wet fabric and moldy wood. A guard ushered you towards the table to which you and Namjoon were formerly shackled before and on it you saw the contract that had been drafted up. Namjoon went over to take a look and was reading the detailed portion at an alarmingly fast rate when Wakonga made his appearance.
“Ah, my friends! So glad you are back. I see you have read de terms of de contract. Do you have any questions?” he walked around the table, his golden chains clanking as he walked. You looked towards Namjoon for some sense of confirmation. Unfortunately, you couldn’t read Common as much as you could speak it making the words of the contract beyond your comprehension. His brow was stern and focused as his eyes rapidly skimmed through the papers before looking towards you.
“It looks okay to me however, we are at the mercy of our patrons. Are you okay with that ____?”
You nodded in agreement.
“Okay Wakonga, we’ll sign it.” Namjoon stated firmly, being handed a quill and signing Kim Namjoon on the line. You thought it was odd in the manner he signed but realized that Shou and Mulan often put their surnames first. After he signed, he handed you the quill pen and gave you a confident nod. You signed your name in Common before setting the quill back in the ink pot. Wakonga clapped his hands happily before stating “Ah wonderful! Now let me introduce you to de heroes sent here by my colleague, Syndra.”
Just then, you heard a pair of rather footsteps walking across the stone floor and into the room. When you turned around you saw first, a very tall young man of about your age, fluffy blonde locks and light grey eyes wearing a rather unusual silk garment that was colored cream and a dark purple. The top hung loosely from his tall frame and was tucked into loose pants that were held up by a leather belt that had various pouches, small loops with viles attached to it, and what looked like a schmitar. He smiled a boxy smile as he turned to wave at the pair of you, a long silver earring swinging too and fro from his left ear and a charm hanging from the staff in his hand jingling lightly. You simply nodded in return before someone walking in behind him caught your eye. It was the guy in the suit of armor you ran head first in to earlier in the market! The stranger stood tall with his helmet in his hand before clearing his throat.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I’m Jungkook and this is my partner Taehyung. We’re looking forwards to  seeing the city with you.”
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reject-princess97 · 7 years
Doctor Who
(A mixture of 10/11/12 but you choose any Doctor you want.)
Why is it that the more fun a party looks, the less you actually have fun. It was my 25th birthday party and everyone was having so much fun but me, the birthday girl herself, I was sat by my self watching my friends and family dance and have fun to the music my now Ex boyfriend, but still friend, was playing as he was our Dj for the evening.
The club my mum had booked was packed with people, some I didn't actually know, who were here looking to celebrate my 25th year of being a human being on this tiny little uneventful planet.
I've seen so many places in my life that makes Earth look like a petting Zoo for 4 year old son. It's fun as long as you're never seen anything bigger, better and so much more amazing. One you have seen the places I have this little planet compared to others, it looks boring.
I know I sound like a broken record or i even sound crazy, but I've seen things, things that everybody here couldn't even dream of. I've traveled with the most amazing man in the whole history of this and every universe there ever was or will be. We've visited the past, present and the future of the planets and universes around us and I don't think I ever met a greater man than the Doctor.
He was funny, kind and smart. He was as mad as a hatter but in the best way possible and that was one of the things I loved most about him. No matter where or when we were he could make you feel at home and feel better when things got too much.
Over the music, I heard a voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "Come on Y/N it's your birthday, please have a little fun." My little brother shouted.
"I'm just taking a break. I'll be over in a minute." I replied, smiling up at him.
I then watched him as he walked over to my best friend and say something to her before she looked at me and made her way over.
"Y/N, let's go we are dancing." She ordered grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the dance floor just as Fall Out Boy immortals began to play.
"Come on I know you love this song." She called out to me. I smiled and started dancing with her. We mostly jumped about the dance floor, because I couldn't dance to save my life. I looked around weararly because I couldn't shake the feeling something was about to happen but I couldn't figure out what.
And then I heard it...A sound I've heard a million times before. My heart skipped a beat, because over the music, I heard the warpy sound of the TARDIS and if she was here that could only mean he was here too. I looked around looking for any sign of the blue box I had called home less than a year ago. Ok so not really home, but you know what I mean.
I looked like a right weirdo, stood in the middle of the dance floor in my little black dress and sneakers, looking around for something I was sure only I could hear. I decided to shrug it of and keep dancing, it was most likely just my imagination because I have heard the TARDIS so many times I the past year but I've not seen it.
I looked back at my best friend and stopped dead in my tracks. There stood in the conor of the room sat that TARDIS it was sticking out like a sore thumb and yet it looked so natural just sat there. I pulled my hand out of my best friends and ran straight over to it. I looked at if for a second, mostly deciding if it was real or not, before I walked over to the door. Just as my hand made contact with the hard blue wooden door I heard a voice behind me.
"She missed you, you know. Hasn't been the same since you left." He told me. I smiled and turned to see the Doctor stood there, hands in his pockets, smiling at me.
"Hi" I smiled at him, trying to hold in my excitement.
"Hi back" He smiled.
"You're here"
"Yeah, I think the TARDIS missed you." He laughed nodding towards the blue box behind me.
"Well I missed her." I replied, The smile on my face growing a little.
"Obviously I missed you too." He laughed stepping forward and pulling me into a hug.
"I missed you too" I mumbled into his jacket as I buried my face. I pulled away slightly after a minute or too and smiled up at him.
"So, what are you up to?" I asked.
"I had a message asking for help" He replied pulling out his psychic paper from his inside jacket pocket.
"Anyone I know?" I asked curiously.
"I don't think so" He laughed.
"Are you on your own?"
"Have been since you left. I was kinda wondering if maybe you wanted to come with me?" He offered catching the back of his neck.
"Will it be fun?" I questioned.
"Probably," The Doctor smiled walking to the TARDIS and leaning against the side.
"Dangerous?" I stepped closer.
"Most likely." He replied a hint of a smile on his face as he snapped his fingers and the door of the TARDIS swung open. I stepped closer again.
"Can I drive?" I inquired raising an eyebrow, genuinely curious.
"Absolutely not." He laughed shaking his head. "Not after last time."
"Can I change before we go?" I asked pointing at my dress.
"Your clothes are already waiting in the TARDIS" He smiled as he stood straight. "So, what do you say, you up for an adventure?" He asked holding his hand out. I turned to look at my family and took a second to watch as they all danced and sang along to the music, not even minding I wasn't with  them.
I turned back to the Doctor and saw a sparkle in his eye, excitement and something else. I felt my heart skip a bear as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me closer to himself his nose almost touching mine. I smiled and  nodded smirking up at him.
"Well, Doctor, Allons-y." I winked up at him making him laugh.
"FANTASTIC!" He shouted as he swiftly pulled me into the TARDIS and closed the door. The TARDIS began warping and swooshing as the Doctor set us off on our adventure.
I made my way to a huge wardrobe/closet type room and smiled at I saw a rail of clothes marked 'Y/N's Clothes'. I dug through the clothes hung up until I found something I had forgotten I had. All the clothes were bought for me when I was first brought along with the Doctor, by the Doctor and I sort of adapted a certain style when with him.
I undressed, then put on a blue skater dress, a silver belt and a pair of black tights and Blue Converse that had white laces and my name written along the sides, a gift from my mum a while back. I still had on a black bracelets from before as well as earrings. I then proceeded to add a silver ring that had a square one of blue stones surrounded by silver stones that the Doctor had given me on my last trip to space.
I pulled my hair out of its do and brushed it into  some what controlled mess of curls which I then tamed with a beanie I had found. Happy with my look a grabbed a black blazer and slipped it on as I made my way back to the control room where the Doctor was waiting.
"Ah, good, there you are, I was afraid you had gotten lost." He smiled breathing a sigh of relief.
"I'm fine, The TARDIS would never let me get lost." I smiled as I placed my hand on the walls.
"No, you're right, she wouldn't, she would just keep you trapped so you'll never leave us again. I told you she hasn't been the same since you left. She's been very grumpy." He joked, well I hoped he was joking.
I smiled at him, a big cheesy smile. "I will tell you what, if at anytime, she feels like she needs me, all she has to do if call. I only left because...well it doesn't matter why I left, just know I am always up for a trip." I told him. The Doctor only smiled, pressing buttons and twisting things. We were only 'in the air' for a few minutes until the TARDIS came to a bumpy stop. "Ah we're here. Y/N, shall we." The Doctor said, grabbing my hand pulling me outside.
Outside a car flew over my head, just missing the Doctor and I by centimeters. "Holy time lord, that was close." I laughed, ducking as fast as I could, pulling the Doctor down with me.
"Yes well, we were in his way. We should...wait...did you just say, holy time lord?" He asked confused.
"Yeah, it kind of became somewhat of a habit if mine, confused the heck out of the folks back home." I confessed with a slight laugh.
"OK but 'holy time lord?" he asked again.
"Yes, like I said a habit, saying 'holy Doctor' or 'for the love of the Doctor' always sounded like I was asking for medical assistance, So I adapted them to 'holy time lord' and 'for the love of all things timey whimey' and  for people who I grow to dislike I call them Darleks." I explained standing up and brushing the grass off of m butt.
"I like it" The Doctor shrugged, standing up next to me. "Year 3017, one thousand years from when we left." He informed me, raising his hands pointing to the location around us. "Happy 1025th birthday Y/N" he told me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, hugging me from behind.
"You remembered my birthday?" I asked.
"Ofcourse, 1028 years ago today you were born, this is the one day I will never forget." He smiled.
"Thanks, I think."
"What are we doing here?" I asked turning my body around so I could see his face.
"I told you a friend of mine asked me to help. so here we are, come on." He said pulling me with him as he ran of towards what looked like a city. We ran for what seemed like ten minutes before we reached the crowded streets.
"Welcome to Blackpool my dear Y/N." He smiled at me.
"This is Blackpool?" I asked. "It looks so different, what happened to the beached, the hotels, Blackpool tower?"
"Well, about two hundred years ago the whole world erupted into a war and I didn't just mean a few countries, I mean the whole world. World war 6. the whole world irrupted into battle over the rights to..well it doesn't really matter why, but the war lasted 50 years and a lot of the world was destroyed, it took over 100 years to rebuild this planet and of course they made a few adjustments. the pleasure beach is now a planet/Space themed park and the Blackpool tower is now a satellite, helps the human race contact the other planets and galaxies."  he explained, telling me the history of the town we stood in.
"Right, OK, but what happened to the beach?" I asked pointing to the ground beneath me.
"Oh that, the beaches went years ago, they just sort of evaporated /dried up killing everything that lived in it. Fish, dolphins even the plants. After a few decades the ground was strong enough to build on. you, right now are standing in you're favorite place in the whole world." He smiled at me.
I turned and looked around, not yet grasping the information. 1000 years ago from this moment in time, right here stood a pier, the north pier to be exact and right underneath it were steps that lead right down to the beach. I loved sitting underneath, away from the world. It was quiet and even if Blackpool was busy I could always shut out the sound. I was never really sure what I loved about it, I just did.
"My place, my spot under the pier, it's gone. Why do I feel as if I've just lost everything." I sighed sadly, looking up at the Doctor, as I sat on the ground.
"A lot had happened in that spot, your first kiss, it was here. you decided on those big life decisions." he reminded me, sitting beside me.
"It's were I met you." I smiled.
"Yes, that too." He laughed.
"Actually, other than the one time I was trying to decided my next step with college, all my 'big moments' involved you." I told him.
"Correct again."
"So if this is gone, it's like it all never happened." I told him, a tear sliding down my cheek.
"Hey, just because it's not here doesn't mean those things never happened." He smiled.
"Yeah, I know, I guess I just happened to go there sometimes, when I miss you." I sighed. Then I realized what I said, my eyes widened in shock before I began to stutter my words.
"I..I..I mean, I sometimes I feel lost and I don't know you found me the last time I felt lost and took me away. I feel...I don't know." I sighed.
"Y/N if I ask you a question will you answer it, truthfully?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled as he turned me towards him and looked at me in the eyes.
"Why did you leave?" He asked. I sat there quietly until he spoke again. "Was you not having fun anymore?"
I didn't want to answer, I felt that if he knew the truth he would take me home and never see me again.
"Was it something I did?" He asked sadness laced his voice and he looked as though he was fighting back tears. I looked back at him, tears in my eyes. I grabbed his face and made him look at me.
"What, no, Doctor you did nothing wrong at all, you were amazing, still are it's just I had to leave." I told him, my voice soft.
"Why did you leave me Y/N?" he sighed, leaning his face into my hands. "I needed you, I still do."
"I was warned by someone I met at the start of our adventure. They told me that you were a traveler, a lone traveler who occasionally took a companion. I was told to not get attached because before I knew it I would be left behind and you would have moved on." to told him.
"Out of all the companions I have had, the only one I never got over loosing was you. I never even tried to find anybody because nobody would ever come close to you." He smiled sadly.
"I had to go Doctor, I did the one thing I was told never to do." I cried, tears escaping my eyes and my hands shook as I pulled it away from the Doctors face. He grabbed it quickly and held it gently in his own.
"What was it?" He asked and I shook my head, I couldn't tell him. he would hate me for it.
"Y/N tell me, please?" he asked.
"I can't I'm sorry." I shook my head.
"Please, tell me." He pleaded. "What could be so bad that you had to leave me?"
"I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I shouted tears falling down my cheeks. "I fell in love with you and I didn't know how to stop." I whispered, giving in to his pleading.
"You fell in love with me?" He asked, his grip on my hand tightened just the slightest amount.
"I was told the one thing to never do was fall in love with you, they said, not to and I did just that." I cried. "I'm sorry Doctor I didn't mean too I'm so sorr..." I was cut off by the Doctor as he crashed his lips to mine. The kiss was urgent and filled with passion and love. His hands brushed my tear stained cheek and he smiled as I kissed back. he pulled away and softly placed his forehead against mine and smiled.
"I will be honest with you, I fell in love with you the day I met you. You were so lost and alone and I knew what it felt like and when you agreed to travel with me something clicked and I didn't feel so alone anymore and I felt happy for the first time in so very long. I loved you Y/N and I still love you know." He told me.
I smiled as he kissed me again. He stood up and he pulled me up with him. "Come on, let's go find something fun to do." He smiled as he pulled me into his said and walked us back to the TARDIS.
"Wait, what about your friend that needs your help?" I asked and we reached the door.
"OH about that, there never was a message on the Psychic paper, I just wanted to travel with you again and I figured if I had a rescue mission that sounded exciting you would come with me." He laughed nervously.
"You could have just said you wanted me to come with you." I told him as I kissed his cheek.
"Now, wheres the fun in that." He smiled as he entered the TARDIS.
"Come on beautiful, we have and adventure to go on." He smiled over at me. I walked over and stood by him.
"So are you back to stay?" He asked holding my hand again.
"For as long  as you want me to." I answered and kissed him once again before he pulled away and started the TARDIS up.
"FANTASTIC!" he yelled as we set off on our way. 
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; A Series of Lists (Part 20); PG
part 20: five times they were Blushie
From: Taemin Tuesday 4:35pm jonghyun please explain the nut meme to me
1 “Jonghyuuun,” Taemin calls. Whines, more like, raising his voice just loud enough to hopefully be heard upstairs. He pouts to himself as he lays on his stomach on the floor, squinting to see under the couch. He doesn’t know how he lost his swiss army knife under there so easily; he was filing his nails one second, and then the next it was slipping out of his hands and tumbling into the dark void.
“Yeah?” Jonghyun’s voice calls back. Taemin turns his face to face more upwards than downwards when shouts up again.
“Do you have a flashlight somewhere?” he asks.
“Uh,” Jonghyun says. There’s a pause after that, which Taemin assumes is Jonghyun trying to finish whatever cooking task he’s doing up there in the kitchen before he tries to think. He waits patiently, shuffling to his feet and brushing dust off of his clothes. He hears the familiar noise of someone going up the stairs to the motel rooms through the wall and wonders vaguely if the people in the lobby can hear their conversation. “In my bedside table drawer,” Jonghyun calls eventually. “The middle one. In there somewhere.”
“Okay,” Taemin shouts back. He shuffles his way into Jonghyun’s room, flicking the light on as he sits at the edge of his bed. Pulling open the drawer, he peeps inside. Looks like a bunch of stuff. He moves aside a little packet of tissues, a deck of cards, a box of lube and condoms, some cold medicine, cough drops, a magazine with Taemin’s face on it, a--
Taemin pauses, pushing a pack of sticky notes back where they first were, and--yeah, that is his own face looking up at him. Huh. Taemin pulls out the magazine, snorting when he remembers the shoot. He still doesn’t get why they had him pose in front of a wall splattered with paint, but at least he looks like a babe. He smiles to himself thinking of Jonghyun having this magazine. He must have just come across it by chance and saved it. That’s cute. Jonghyun is cute. He loves his cute boyfriend.
When he moves to put it back into the drawer, he’s stopped by yet another picture of himself. He pauses again, looks at the magazine in his hands, looks at the one still in the drawer. When he reaches in to grab that one, he realizes that it’s actually just one on top of a whole stack.
“Oh,” he says to himself, and pulls all of them out at once. “Hmm.” This is a sizeable bunch of magazines. He flips through them all to confirm that they’re all of him. Each magazine is either opened to the ads he modeled for or stuck with a little postie note on the right page. Taemin flips through all of them with varying levels of regret--why the fuck did he he take that ramen job--and the occasional fond smile. He’s never actually taken the effort to look up the shit he’s done; some of these he doesn’t look too bad in.
He also finds himself grinning more and more at the fact that these were all just stacked neatly in Jonghyun’s drawer. That his little bub has looked for and bought and saved up every instance of his modeling career. That they were conveniently placed in the drawer right by his bed. The same drawer as his lube and condoms and tissues.
“Tae?” Jonghyun calls then. Taemin looks up; it sounded like Jonghyun was just on the other side of the bedroom door. Even as he glances back down at the magazines Jonghyun jiggles the doorknob and pushes it open. Taemin doesn’t even really try to hide what he was looking at. It’s not his secret. “Did you find it?” Jonghyun asks as he steps into the room. He looks at Taemin at the bed, smiles, notices magazines in his lap, tilts his head curiously. “What’re you looking at?” he asks. Taemin cocks a brow, then holds the top one up.
Jonghyun looks at it for a long moment before his cheeks start to color pink.
“Oh,” he says, and his eyes flick down to the whole stack of magazines in Taemin’s lap. “Oh,” he says again, and immediately turns and walks out of the room, lifting his hands to cover his face. A wide smile spreads over Taemin’s lips as he catches the bright blush that’s made its way all the way to the back of Jonghyun’s neck.
2 When Jonghyun comes out of the bathroom, fresh and minty and all washed up for the day, he finds Taemin still sitting up in bed, sleepy and groggy and rubbing his palms into his eyes. He smiles fondly. Cute bub. Taemin finishes rubbing his face and looks up as he enters. His lips twitch up into a little smile and he waves softly.
“Happy birthday,” he says. Jonghyun smiles even wider. Bless.
“Thanks,” he says, sliding onto the bed and draping himself over it so his head is in Taemin’s lap. “Wanna take me to breakfast?” he asks, reaching up to poke Taemin’s soft little cheek. Taemin nips at his finger, pets his hair, pats his chest.
“Sure,” he says, “but, first. I got you some stuff.”
“Ooh,” Jonghyun says as Taemin leans over the side of the bed and rustles in his bag on the floor. He loves stuff. He sits up straight as Taemin pulls out a little box and holds it in his lap.
“Uh,” he says, and pulls the top off. “I didn’t wrap any of it, but.” He shrugs and hands Jonghyun a card first. It’s cute; it has pictures of puppies in birthday hats and it says “28? Celebrate!” in bubbly letters. Inside Taemin’s drawn him a heart with little blushies on it that Jonghyun chuckles at. That’s sweet.
“And,” Taemin says, pulling stuff out of the box. “I got you some fancy guitar polish,” he says, handing the bottle over. “And, a custom scented candle that smells like leather and asphalt… and… a notebook to write music notes in… and--oh. This,” he says, leaning down to rustle in his bag again. He pulls out a red and blue plaid button up and holds it up, peeping at Jonghyun from over the collar. “Because I thought you would look cute in it, with that purple hat you have,” he says.
“Ooh,” Jonghyun says again. He knows just the hat Taemin is talking about and he agrees. He puts all of his other new stuff down and reaches for the jacket, pulling it on over his blue tshirt. “Thanks, Tae,” he says, fixing it up over his shoulders. “For everything, heck.” This is all so nice. He pops the lid off of his candle and sniffs, then sniffs more when it smells exactly like Taemin does when he first shows up with the gang after being away for two months. Holy shit. This is a very important candle that he will cherish forever.
Taemin hands him the box as well; Jonghyun giggles as he takes it and gently puts everything else back inside. He loves them and he loves Taemin. They’re such thoughtful little gifts, even the jacket, and--
“Oh!” he says suddenly. The jacket reminded him of something. Taemin hums in question and Jonghyun wiggles to the edge of the bed to get off. “I have something for you too, hold on,” he says, opening the top right drawer. He runs his fingers over all of his hats and bracelets and earrings until he finds the right jewelry box, then pops it opens and shuffles through his rings until he finds it. “Aha,” he mumbles, and takes it out.
It’s a simple thing; a black band with silverish lines on each side. He takes it back with him to the bed and sits pleasantly in front of his babe, who’s looking at his closed hand with curiosity. Jonghyun smiles and holds it up for him to see.
“I’ve been meaning to give this to you for, like, months,” he says. He’d just been forgetting, but Taemin giving him the shirt made him remember. “I think rings would suit you.” He hands it over; Taemin takes it and looks at it in the palm of his hand.
“Oh,” he says. Jonghyun nods, looking around for his present box again. He takes the top and puts it on. He’ll put everything away later. “It’s not, like, a relationship ring, or anything,” he adds as he leans over to put the box on top of his bedside table drawer. “Just, like. An accessory. You don’t have to put it on your ring--”
He stops when he turns around; stops and just looks at Taemin, right hand halfway through sliding the ring down his left ring finger, bottom lip between his teeth, vibrantly pink in the cheeks. Taemin looks back at him, eyes wide and cheeks getting darker and darker by the second. Jonghyun feels the most amused and fluttery feeling inside of him and pulling his lips up into a wide grin.
“Tae,” he says. That’s so fucking sweet and adorable. Taemin hisses a soft curse, puts his face into his hands (the black of the ring stark against his flushed skin), and stands up without looking at Jonghyun again.
“Come on, kid, let’s go get you some breakfast,” he says loudly. He grabs one of Jonghyun’s jackets at random from his coat rack to pull over his sleep shirt as he all but speeds out of the bedroom. Jonghyun follows considerably slower, making sure to grab his purple hat from his drawer on the way out.
3 From: Taemin Tuesday 4:35pm jonghyun please explain the nut meme to me
To: Taemin Tuesday 4:35pm ??????? What
From: Taemin Tuesday 4:50pm idk i say nut sometimes like “wow you really nutted that frisbee when you threw it” and everyone tells me to stop but they say it in the same tone they use when they tell someone else to stop talking about memes but the only memes i know are the booty one and the tag yourself one so im really confused
To: Taemin Tuesday 4:51pm Oh,,,, my god
To: Taemin Tuesday 4:51pm It’s not really a meme but it’s slang
To: Taemin: Tuesday 4:52pm Nut means to jizz but usually in a jokey or exaggerated way
From: Taemin Tuesday 5:20pm ?
To: Taemin Tuesday 5:21pm Sometimes it’s just a synonym for jizz or ejaculate or whatever but usually it’s to say you’re feeling a lot of good emotions about something
To: Taemin Tuesday 5:21pm Like if you see something really rad or something that you’re excited about you say that you’re gonna nut
To: Taemin Tuesday 5:21pm You’re not actually going to jizz about it but it’s funny because the idea of someone jizzing over a coupon for free pizza or a good song is funny
From: Taemin Tuesday 7:30pm oh
To: Taemin Tuesday 7:31pm Speaking of good songs I have a few more for you to listen to the next time you’re here uwu
From: Taemin Tuesday 8:15pm nut
From: Jinki Wednesday 11:30am You explained what Nut means to him didn’t you :/
4 Taemin rests his chin in his hand as he slowly sips the rest of the milk from his cereal bowl, blinking sleepily at the cute strawberry decor of the kitchen tablecloth. The little strawberries smile back at him, greeting him good morning and making him feel sunny on the inside. He knew picking this out for Jonghyun’s house would be a good idea.
At the sink, Jonghyun hums to himself as he washes the dishes of whatever breakfast he’d made and finished before Taemin woke up and slouched down the hallway. Taemin lifts his eyes to smile fondly at him instead, little and cute and peppy with his fuzzy pajama pants and dark tank top. His arm muscles look extra nice today. Not too buff and inflated by the crushing pressures of the patriarchy like they used to be for a few years, but not at that too small point that makes him pouty about too many skipped days. They’re in the middle. Just right.
A line of black just above Jonghyun’s left elbow makes Taemin pause in his breakfast and squint. Scooting his chair closer, he reaches out to gently touch Jonghyun’s arm as he puts the last dish into the drying rack. Jonghyun hums, glancing at him over his shoulder.
“Yeah?” he asks. Taemin glances up at him, then back to his elbow. With Jonghyun still like this, he can see it clearly: black ink that spells out “inspiration” with a thin red line through it.
“You got a tattoo,” he says, rubbing his thumb over it gently. When the frickie did that happen. It definitely wasn’t there the last time Taemin left three months ago, but he’s been back for almost a month already. He can’t believe that he didn’t notice until just now.
“Oh,” Jonghyun says. He smiles, turning his arm to look at it himself. “Yeah,” he says. “Four, actually.” He grabs a dish towel to dry his hands as Taemin’s brows rise into his hair. Four.
“When?” he asks curiously.
“Uh, like, a week or two after you left last time,” Jonghyun shrugs. “Here’re my other ones, see--” He holds out his right arm, pointing to three simple words on the inside of his bicep: “never the less.” Then to his left forearm, where “Story Op. 1 2” is written, and then taps the back of his neck. “The one back there is a secret,” he says, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. Taemin feels himself smiling too. That’s cute. They’re all cute. He’s heard Jonghyun say “nevertheless” a lot; whenever he’s pouty about having to do a chore but he does it anyway because he knows it’s right to do. And “inspiration” was the name he gave his first little set of concerts, and the Stories were his little album names.
“I like them,” he says, reaching up to run his fingers over Jonghyun’s bicep. They’re cute and fun and sentimental. Jonghyun beams back, booping their fingers together cutely before sitting down across from Taemin.
“I was thinking about getting a fifth, actually, I just remembered,” he says, “well, more than that, but--I was waiting to ask you about this specific one.”
“I--why?” Taemin asks. It’s Jonghyun’s body. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to it. Jonghyun smiles down at the table, bites his lip for a second, and looks back up.
“Because, um,” he says. “Inspiration and the stories were for me, and never the less is something I and my other friends say a lot together, and I wanted to get another one for… you.”
“Me?” Taemin asks blankly. A tattoo for him.
“Yeah,” Jonghyun says, nodding eagerly. “Nothing too big, but. It’s still going to be a permanent thing on my body that represents you, so I wanted to see if you were comfortable with that first before I went and did it.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal either way Taemin decides. Taemin hums shortly, not really agreeing or disagreeing. Just processing. A tattoo for him.
“I was thinking, like,” Jonghyun continues. “Hereish, on the inside of my arm.” He flips his left elbow over and draws a little circle with his finger just above the crook of it. “A little black leaf with light green veins. Because, you know, you like plants, and you have all your defense mechanisms on the outside but for me usually now you’re really bright and relaxed, and. I just think it would be cute.”
A tattoo for Taemin.
All of this information suddenly registers to Taemin all at once, and the way his body decides to react to it is by blushing violently and sliding out of his chair to sit on the floor under the table.
Jonghyun wants to get a little symbol to represent Taemin inked into his skin. He wants it there to look at and to smile at and to think about and to show off to everyone. He wants it there permanently, always, so it never goes away, even after he’s gone and in the ground. Future alien archaeologists will dig up his grave and analyze it and find evidence of the tattoo that stood for how much he loved Taemin and--
“Fuck,” Taemin whispers into his knees.
“Tae?” Jonghyun says genty. Taemin doesn’t look up, but he can tell from the direction of Jonghyun’s voice that he’s sat himself on the floor under the table with him. He appreciates that. “Are you emotional because I, your boyfriend of, like, sixteen years, wants a little ink leaf to remember you by?”
“Yeah,” Taemin squeaks. That is exactly it. What the fuck. Jonghyun laughs softly and Taemin hears him shuffling more forward until little hands appear on his knees. Jonghyun paps his knees gently, rests his chin on one.
“So is that a yes?” he asks.
Taemin nods with the tiniest noise of confirmation and feels his whole body getting warmer as he does so.
5 Jonghyun taps his fingers on the underside of the desk as the front door opens and a few bikers come in. He’s twenty-five and far too used to them all to still be getting excited like this, but he can’t help what he can’t help. Hearing all of their bikes rumbling from down the road still makes him shiver sometimes.
It’s around half the group today that parks in the front lot and it’s three that come inside. One of those three is Taemin and Jonghyun fights himself to smile at Jinki when he comes to the front counter instead. He is a professional adult working his very important professional job and he can’t make eyes at his boyfriend just because he’s shown up after two months of being away.
“Hi Jinki,” he says, shaking his excited hands out one last time under the desk before he lifts them to rest on top of it instead. “Welcome back,” he says. He glances at Kyuhyun on Jinki’s left with a little smile to greet him too, and then glances considerably longer at Taemin on Jinki’s right with a considerably larger smile. Taemin holds his gaze, eyes dark and quiet and warm, before Jonghyun makes himself look back to the leader of the gang.
“Thanks,” Jinki hums. He leans one arm on Jonghyun’s counter in a way that looks casually comfortable but Jonghyun knows is actually sleepy. They must have gotten up early this morning. “Three rooms, this time,” Jinki says, reaching in his jacket pocket for his wallet. “And six bikes.” He jerks his head backwards to indicate the little jumble of motorcycles in the parking lot waiting for their garage passes. Jonghyun notes Taemin glancing back out there as well as he nods.
“Mmhmm,” he hums. He scoots a step over to the computer and starts tapping in the normal information for Jinki’s name. “Do you have any preferences for the rooms?” he asks. They’re mostly empty today. Jinki shrugs, shaking his head, but Kyuhyun nods and leans up on the counter next to him.
“Yeah, can I get one in the back by the trees?” he asks. “I’m tired of Changmin whining about the sun,” he grumbles. Jonghyun snorts.
“Sure,” he says, tabbing over to one of the back corner rooms. In the corner of his eye, he catches a sleepy biker babe kind of shuffling to the side. He glances at Taemin as he’s reaching under the counter to grab the three sets of keys. He has his forearm casually on the counter as he slides down it, towards the wall, towards the gap between the two. When Jonghyun hands the keys over and starts entering in the parking information, Taemin slowly steps behind the counter. He starts making his way back to Jonghyun, scooping a business card from a little stack in a blatantly obvious attempt to look like he’s not being sneaky.
Jonghyun grins to himself as he pulls six little placards from a drawer.
“Here you go,” he says, giving Jinki the keys and five of the passes. He sets the last one on the desk, patting it pleasantly as Taemin super casually slides right behind him and slips his arms around his waist. He sees Kyuhyun roll his eyes and Jinki smirk knowingly at Taemin over his shoulder and tries not to smile too wide. He’s really grown to love these public displays of affection Taemin gives him sometimes. He thinks it’s nice that they’re both more comfortable enough for shit like this.
“Thank you,” Jinki says pleasantly, taking both the keys and cards in one hand. With his other he hands Jonghyun his credit card and then props his chin in his hand as he waits. Jonghyun rests his right hand on top of Taemin’s on his stomach and uses his left to swipe Jinki’s card and take care of the money. He’s sure that no one will mind the extra few seconds it takes him to do things one-handed. And if anyone does, he’s sure that Taemin won’t mind taking a second from how he’s nuzzled into the back of Jonghyun’s neck to frown at them about it.
He finishes logging everything into the computer and smiles the customer service smile he’s been perfecting back at Jinki, handing his card back easily.
“Okay, thanks,” he says. “Enjoy your stay.”
“Mmhmm,” Jinki smiles. He glances at Taemin as he slots his wallet back into his pocket. “Dinner at that place you like in town later,” he says.
“Mmhmm,” Taemin hums back. Jonghyun feels him give a little nod behind him. He waves the other two off, watching them walk back outside to roll their bikes into the garage. Jonghyun assumes that since Taemin is here clinging to his back that he parked in an outside spot and is going to move his bike later. When the door closes behind Jinki, Jonghyun starts to turn in Taemin arms. Taemin’s hands on his waist guide him the rest of the way until he’s looking up at his babe, sleepy and quiet.
“Hi,” he says. He slides his hands up Taemin’s stomach to pap against his jacket. Taemin slides one hand up to Jonghyun’s chin, tiling his face up gently. His thumb rubs lightly over his lower lip, dark eyes intent on his mouth, before he leans down and kisses him.
Jonghyun melts into it easily, amused but not surprised at Taemin’s bluntness. He isn’t kissing hard, just deep, each breath a slow movement of his lips against Jonghyun’s. He holds Jonghyun’s face close with a hand on the side of his neck and his body close with a hand on his hip. Jonghyun likes it. A quiet voice at the back of his head nags about being seen like this by anyone but he knows that they have at least another minute before all of the bikers come inside. He can indulge himself in his boyfriend for a little bit if he wants to. And he can let Taemin indulge in him as the very first thing he does here in two months.
“Hi,” Taemin breathes when he finally pulls back. He rubs his thumb over Jonghyun’s cheek as Jonghyun’s eyes flutter open. Jonghyun licks his lips as he meets Taemin’s eyes. Taemin watches the movement, thumb sliding down to tap the corner of his mouth. “I had a dream about your lips this morning,” he says quietly. “I couldn’t stop thinking about them.”
“Oh,” Jonghyun says, and that’s all it takes. Just that one, simple, honest statement that has heat creeping up into his whole face. He hides his face in his hands, pressing close to lean into Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin dreamt about him. What the fuck. That’s so. Beautiful and wonderful. He’s gonna fucking implode.
“I made you blush,” Taemin says. His voice is a guilty little mumble as he wraps his arm fully around Jonghyun’s waist. “Sorry,” he says.
“Nnnn,” Jonghyun says. He shakes his head, leaning back and lowering his hands just enough so he can peep up at Taemin. “It’s not an anxiety blush,” he says. The furthest thing from it for once, honestly. “It’s a flattered blush. Don’t feel bad.” He knows Taemin has been really trying to be gentle with his anxiety lately now that he’s getting a better hold on it and he doesn’t want him to think that he’s fucked up. Taemin looks down at him, relief in the way his fingers curl into the hair at the nape of Jonghyun’s neck.
“So, like, a good blush?” he asks. Jonghyun smiles and nods, lowering his hands to give Taemin a quick little peck.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s good.” Taemin hums shortly, kissing him again. He pulls back and rubs his knuckles lightly over the pink of Jonghyun’s cheeks.
“Good,” he says, and there’s a fond warmth in his voice that makes Jonghyun warm all over again. “You’re really cute when you blush,” he says.
“Oh my fucking god,” Jonghyun says. He buries his face in Taemin’s shoulder again, pink all the way down to his soul as his heart swells.
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: Yuto’s Backstory (1/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
It was another morning in Paradise City. The sun rose up in the sky, casting its rays on the city and through some white clouds, illuminating its light all around the. The birds were chirping their melodies from the trees, the ground, and in the air. The citizens went about with their morning routines, whether it is getting ready for work, school, or learning more lessons about dueling. After the events with the Interdimensional War, Fusion Dimension’s Duel Academy, and even Zarc, it felt nice to wake up to peaceful mornings, especially for Yuya.
The young Dueltainer was glad to know everyone can finally live their days in peace without the threat of Duel Academy looming over their shoulder and to have his father and Zuzu back. The only thing that will never be the same about him and his childhood friend was that their counterparts were now fused with their own. While going on about with their daily routines, the counterparts were managing their individual lives; at the same time, Yuto and Yugo kept their relationships with Lulu and Rin respectively, whereas Yuri and Celina developed a rivalry with each other. Due to people getting carded and Leo’s intentions of fusing all four dimensions to bring his daughter Ray back, Celina had a valid reason to be Yuri’s rival. All in all, all eight boys and girls were getting used to their new lives.
But there was one in particular who may not have changed after the conflict was officially resolved…
The Yu salad were getting ready for the day, each repeatedly switching out their spirits to get dressed and maintain their perfectly coiffed hairstyles. Yuto was currently taking control of Yuya’s body, brushing his thick, spiky, black and light purple hair back, but he was also muttering something to himself. It was hard to distinguish, but it sounded very noble; the gestures he was doing even conveyed his nobility very easily. Was it a force of habit or part of his daily routine while growing up in Heartland City? Whatever the reason, it seemed to grab the attention of the other boys, including a certain banana-banged Synchro user.
“Enough with the fancy talk, Prince Charming,” Yugo said. “We’re not in the Middle Ages.”
“I do agree with the moron,” Yuri chimed in. “Ever since the whole dimension fiasco, I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be acting like a fairytale knight. Why is that?”
“That’s none of your concerned,” Yuto answered, his grip on his brush tightening.
“Actually, Yuri might be right,” Yuya said. “I know he was trained by Leo while Yugo grew up in the streets of New Domino City, but we know nothing about your past.”
“Do you really want to know?” Yuto asked. “My past life in Heartland is-”
“Can’t be any worse than fishing through garbage cans for any good cards,” Yugo interrupted.
“It’s not,” Yuto said. “I just don’t like talking about it.”
“Aw, come on, Yuto!” Yuya insisted. “What made you who you are today?”
Yuto let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine,” he said, putting his brush on Yuya’s nightstand. “This might come as a shock, but when I was younger, I wasn’t always a noble person…”
Yuya, Yugo, and even Yuri were surprised to hear Yuto say that, but it was true; he wasn’t born with a noble personality. In fact, he used to be an extremely shy kid while growing up. It dates back several years ago in Heartland City, long before Duel Academy invaded.
In a peaceful, colorful, duel-loving city like Heartland, one would expect the residents to be enthusiastic, extroverted, joyful, friendly, and full of smiles. They would be right…for the most part. As a young child, Yuto initially was not one of those people. He used to be quite the shrinking violet because he didn’t fit right in with the others, so it made finding friends difficult. Surprisingly, the only thing he regarded as his friend was his signature card: Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon. He felt like it was speaking to him and he kept it with him wherever he went. Additionally, his hairstyle wasn’t always combed back; it used to be short and spiky with his bangs hiding his eyes. In other words, it could be considered a borderline or a straight-up emo hairstyle, something that would stick out like a sore thumb in such a bright and cheery town.
As he grew up in the city, he still remained a wallflower, with Dark Rebellion as his only friend and no one to talk to or bond with. It was pretty much a lonesome childhood for him up until the day he met him. Someone who changed his life forever.
His name was Shay Obsidian.
One day, Yuto continued his never-ending cycle of introverted loneliness when he couldn’t help but notice something occurring right outside Heartland Duel School. It looked like there was a duel going on, but who was it between? Curious, the young boy decided to go investigate. As he got closer, he started figuring out what was going. One side of the field had a Duelist about to lose. His opponent on the other side caught the shy kid’s eye; he had blueish-black hair extending up to his chin and light green bangs swept left and tucked underneath some strands. His eyes were a mix between yellow and green, maybe a chartreuse color? He wore a while buttoned-up shirt, dark grey shorts, and a pair of black sneakers. His choice of monsters intrigued Yuto as well. He could see what looked like some kind of blue, green, and silver falcon with yellow and purple details; what surprised the kid is when the young teen declared its effect.
“Finish him off with Ravaging Rebellion!” the young teen happily exclaimed.
With that, the falcon flew up to the sky and then became cloaked in flames, much like a phoenix. Yuto brushed his bangs aside to try and get a better view of the young teen’s final attack; he had rather poor eyesight and felt he looked weird wearing glasses, so he prefers to not wear them. With an increased ATK of 2700, the falcon destroyed the special summoned Gem-Knight Pearl, reducing the opponent’s remaining Life Points to 0. The students cheered and applauded at his victory and the astonishing duel the two young teenage boys had. Yuto didn’t care if he missed what happened; he was amazed at how the young teen and his falcon finished it with such an exhilarating move.
After the applauding had died down, everyone went back to their routines, talking about the duel they watched. They mentioned how impressive Shay’s skills were and maybe had the most impressive skills in the entire Spade Branch. Yuto’s thoughts were flooding his mind about who this Shay person is. Should he talk to him? No, he can’t; his shyness always got the better of him, so he didn’t see the point of it. He then started to leave, only to find himself tripping down on the ground, which apparently caught Shay’s attention.
The young teen quickly ran up to Yuto. “Are you alright?” he asked.
He helped the kid get up from the ground; as he brushed off any dirt that may have gotten on his clothes, he noticed the person that helped him. It was Shay! The same person who won the duel with his falcon! Yuto tried to respond, but he had trouble responding.
“My name’s Shay Obsidian,” he said, smiling pleasantly. “What’s yours?”
Yuto looked down. “Y-Yuto…” he muttered.
“Huh?” Shay asked.
“Yuto!” the dark-haired boy blurted out. He quickly covered his mouth, embarrassed for shouting like that.
“Yuto, huh?” Shay asked. “Aren’t you that shy kid everyone talks about?”
He nodded slowly, feeling nervous about talking to someone for the first time.
“Well don’t you worry, Yuto,” Shay said, patting the younger boy on the back. “How about I get the honor to be your first official friend?”
This surprised the kid. An actual friend? An actual human friend? Someone besides his Dark Rebellion really wants to be his friend? He never thought the day would come, yet he was unsure about it.
“Are you okay?” Shay asked, concerned due to the young boy’s silence.
Something was running through the kid’s mind, almost like he’s experiencing a flashback. Throughout his life, people had always made fun of his dark appearances. His baggy clothes, his hair, you name it. It was no wonder he felt left out; for a socializing, happy city, the residents teasing Yuto like that could be described as ironic. As a result, he felt like the only person he feels comfortable talking to was his own mother.
The sheer thought of him getting poked fun of like that worsened his anxiety. He was afraid Shay might do the same thing, but surprisingly, he didn’t.
“I heard what other kids at school say about you,” Shay said. “You constantly get teased for having a dark outlook. Right?”
He nodded again.
“Don’t worry about it,” Shay said. “Just stick by my side and no one will make fun of you again.”
A small smile formed on Yuto’s face. This was definitely a moment he wouldn’t expect to happen, but it was. This was going to be a life changer. It made him feel…happy…and relieved that there is someone who will protect him. As he was about to reach his hand out to shake Shay’s, his Dark Rebellion card fell onto the ground, catching the young teen’s attention.
Shay picked up the dragon card. “I never saw this card before,” he said. “Do you duel?”
Yuto shook his head “no”, shocking the young teen.
“Then I guess I should teach you how to play,” Shay said, still smiling.
The shy kid felt hesitant about learning to duel. He had never played Duel Monsters before; heck, he never even had a deck of his own. Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon was the only card he had because of how they’re both connected, so wanting the card back felt more important to him.
Shay noticed Yuto’s nervous expression. “You want this back?” the young teen asked, giving Dark Rebellion back to Yuto. He uttered a small “Yes”, still feeling uncomfortable about dueling.
“That could be the starting point of your deck,” Shay said. “I never saw anyone use that card, but I’m sure it could work for any type of deck. You just need to find your dueling style.”
For several days, Shay has been finding various—and somewhat creative—ways to get his new friend into dueling. Knowing Yuto doesn’t have a deck and a single card, he went with using his own deck to bribe him. With so many imaginative methods to persuade him, it almost felt endless for the kid.
One time, Shay switched out Yuto’s lunch when he wasn’t looking. Upon removing the lid, he saw Shay’s cards, baffling him immensely. Did the lunch lady accidentally mixed up my order? he wondered. Yeah, that’s gotta be it. A couple days later, he opened his locker to get his sneakers after the school day had ended, only to find the same deck behind them. This left him stunned silent; why were these cards appearing everywhere? As for using the bathroom, well… Let’s just say Shay was sitting in the stall Yuto wanted to use, showing the shocked boy his deck. The same deck that kept popping up on places.
Eventually, Yuto decided to give in. The young teen’s “persuasive” techniques were honestly getting more and more unusual per day. Now, he thought, if he was going to learn how to duel, what would be the best place to start? Fortunately, Shay has just the answer.
“You want to join the school’s dueling club?” Shay asked one day.
“Y-Y-Yes…” Yuto muttered. “I want to duel too…”
“That’s the spirit!” Shay happily said, sounding completely innocent. “Meet me at the school gym after class. That’s where we meet every afternoon.”
Later that day, Yuto immediately went to the gym after class. He was wondering how he was going to learn to play. He doesn’t have a deck to use and needs to have a unique, individual style to it. Hopefully, the dueling club will figure something out for him. Outside the gym doors, he saw and met up with Shay, who was eagerly waiting for him. Was he hiding something to surprise the boy? Who knows. Whatever it is, it will definitely change Yuto’s life forever.
“Glad you could make it,” Shay said, ruffling Yuto’s hair. “We were just about to get started with today’s meeting.”
Right as he finished talking, one of the doors opened, revealing a club member. He had blonde hair with a curled point and dark green, spiky bangs. His eyes were blueish-gray and had pale skin. He wore a white t-shirt with blue pants and light brown shoes. Yuto has never met him before, but he looked like he was friends with Shay.
“So this is that Yuto kid you kept talking about?” the young blonde teen asked, speaking in a somewhat hoarse voice.
“Yeah, that’s him,” Shay said. “Yuto, this is Kite Tenjo.”
“Nice to meet you,” Kite told Yuto, smiling pleasantly.
Yuto looked around the school gym. “Wh-Where…” he stammered.
“Where’s everyone else?” Kite asked. “It’s just me and Shay.”
“But we hope to get more members,” Shay added.
This was surprisingly unusual to hear. A duel club with only two members? That’s virtually impossible. Yuto was expecting to find more members, especially regarding how popular Duel Monsters is in Heartland City, but seeing how timid he currently is, two was a comfortable number of people to have.
The sound of the school bell rang; it was time for students to take part in their club activities. “Okay Duelists,” Shay said, addressing Yuto and Kite. “Before we begin I want to see if everyone is present. Kite Tenjo?”
“Here,” Kite replied.
“And that’s everyone,” Shay said. “As our first order of business, I would like to introduce you to Yuto. He will be joining us starting today.”
Yuto felt a little embarrassed being introduced to a crowd, let alone a tiny crowd; there is literally one person sitting down. Joining such a small club felt more awkward than he initially thought. But this’ll be the last moment of shyness he experiences.
For today’s club meeting, Shay and Kite plan on introducing its newest member to various card archetypes. Yuto has never heard of archetypes before. He had questions running through his head: What even represents an archetype? The Japanese symbol on the top right corner of the card? The monster’s typing? Or are they a group of supported cards? These question made him puzzled, but hearing Shay talking snapped him out of his confusion.
“Before we begin today’s dueling practice, we should help Yuto create his very own deck,” Shay said. “He already has one card, so that should be his starting point.”
“One card?” Kite asked. “Can I see it?”
Yuto felt a little hesitant, but he let the other young teen look at his Dark Rebellion card.
Kite read the card’s stats. “Looks like this card can work with any archetype,” he said, giving the card back to Yuto. “I never heard of it before.”
“I never saw that card anywhere else either,” Shay said. “But hopefully there’s some archetype that would work.”
Then it was settled; their first order of business was to help Yuto find the perfect archetype in order to construct his first dueling deck. Shay took out his Duel Disk and after a bit of setup, holograms appeared from the pad. The young boy was about to get his first lesson on how to play Duel Monsters.
“Since your monster is a dark-attribute dragon, let’s start with that,” Shay said, going through the category filters. “You should start off with a basic dragon deck, so you should start off with normal dragon monsters. But you can’t have only monsters in your deck, so maybe the equip spell card Dragon Treasure could work as a starter power boost…”
Shay and Kite scrolled through the various groups of cards to deduce which ones would work well in Yuto’s deck. At the same time, Yuto brushed his light purple bangs aside once again to see their working process and the vast variety of cards. He saw that applying certain filters can help organize the cards based on Attribute, Type, Level, Spell, Trap, and even archetype. He can already imagine millions of Duel Monsters cards that have existed and are existing ever since the day they were first created. His body was filled once again with amazement and awe.
Deck construction seemed to be going at a steady pace. The two young teens discussed and strategized which cards would work best with one another while the boy continued to stare in admiration. He hadn’t felt this happy since he witnessed Shay’s victory several days ago; today was a really good day, something he never thought he would experience in his life, but he is and it feels great. A few minutes later, as deck construction progressed, something caught Yuto’s eye. Whatever it was displayed holographically piqued his interests.
Yuto gasped softly. “What is it?” Shay asked.
“G-Go back…” Yuto said.
“You found an archetype you like?” Kite asked.
Yuto nodded his head. Shay scrolled back to stop at the archetype the boy saw. It consists of DARK Warrior-Type Monsters; some of them looked ghostly while the others were Pseudo-Trap Monsters, having animated armor or weapons surrounded by ghostly flames.
“Was this what you saw?” Shay asked.
Yuto nodded “Yes” once again.
Shay looked a bit concerned. “The Phantom Knights aren’t exactly cheerful,” he informed. “According to their card lore, they’re leftover ghosts from a war that wiped out a once-grand kingdom.”
“And it’s not exactly the best archetype,” Kite informed. “It mostly consists of trap cards, which can be a bit of a problem since a good deck mostly needs monsters.”
The kid then explained that he and the Phantom Kinghts both have dark appearances, making his outlook a perfect match. Shay and Kite were rather surprised at his explanation.
“Alright, Yuto,” Shay said. “If you insist, I guess you can work with that deck.”
“Th-Thank you…” Yuto stammered.
“But you can’t duel with that kind of attitude,” Shay said.
Yuto looked at the ground, blushing heavily. “I-I-I…”
Shay tilted Yuto’s head upwards so he was looking at him. “Just imagine yourself being as brave as the Phantom Knights,” the young teen informed.
“Brave…?” Yuto asked. “I-I can’t do that…”
“The Phantom Knights are noble and chivalrous,” Shay explained. “Remember those knights from medieval films?”
“Y-Yes…” Yuto stammered.
“Channel that behavior into your dueling,” Shay continued. “Can you do that?”
Yuto nodded his head once more and began to think. Be as brave, noble, and chivalrous as the Phantom Knights, he thought to himself. He started to picture an older version of himself, using the Phantom Knights in duels, being brave in the face of danger, and a loyal, chivalrous, and noble person to his friends, much like a knight.
The dark-haired boy responded to Shay with a slight bow. “A-As you wish…” he replied.
Shay looked surprised as Kite repressed an amused laugh. “Close enough, I guess,” the blue-green-haired teen said.
As the years went on, Yuto practiced and perfected his dueling skills. He attended the school’s dueling club everyday, learning how to utilize a monster’s effect, know when to use Spells and Traps, perform an XYZ summon, and use these skills to construct a strategy that works best for him. He even took the opportunity to test them out after club activities ended each day. At one point, Shay declared an attack with one of his Raidraptors, who had enough strength to blow Yuto’s hair back. The teen couldn’t help but comment on the dark-haired boy’s new look.
“What are you talking about?” Yuto asked, speaking more often than usual.
“I said you look good with your hair pushed back,” Shay repeated. “In fact, you actually look better than when you started dueling.”
“Yeah right,” Yuto said. “I don’t feel any diff-”
But he did. He didn’t feel his hair covering his eyes and forehead; they were more exposed. This was a rather interesting hairstyle he received, so he started combing his hair back. Of course, this didn’t change the fact that his new haircut didn’t help his eyesight one bit.
“Yuto, I noticed you have been squinting a lot,” his mother told him one day. “Maybe you should get glasses.”
“Mom, I really don’t want glasses,” Yuto insisted. “They’ll make me look weird.”
“Oh, don’t be silly!” Yuto’s mother replied. “Don’t you want the world to see your pretty eyes?”
Much to Yuto’s embarrassment, he was given his first pair of glasses; the ones he got had dark purple frames. Additionally, his appearance started to change. His gravity-defying hairstyle grew longer and he became quite handsome, especially with the confident sparks in his eyes. He also stopped wearing baggy clothes in favor of more casual ones; his new attire consisted of a black shirt, a black belt with silver studs, a black and cream-colored coat, a necklace, two black wristbands, dark jeans, and a pair of black shoes.
At the same time, his personality also changed. He didn’t notice at first, but people have been treating him differently. They saw that this Yuto wasn’t the same isolated, shy, lonely kid anymore; he has become more open to others, actively participating in and watching duels, developed caring and knightly traits, and smiled a lot more often. It was like he was a new person.
“You want to get more members?” Shay asked during a dueling club meeting.
“Yeah,” Yuto answered. “You said this dueling club is a truce between the Spade and Clover Branches, so we need to get more people interested.”
“Alright,” Kite said. “It would be nice to have other people from the Clover Branch in the club.”
Shay, Kite, and a now 14-year-old Yuto have spent the last few years in the dueling club as its only members, so it would be nice to add a few new ones. Besides, having said new members be from the Spade and Clover Branches can help emphasize the truce between the two branches. The only question is how they’re going to find people who are not only in the two branches, but are also interested in joining.
“So what’s your idea, Yuto?” Kite asked.
“There’s a duel tournament going on between the girls from the Spade and Clover Branches,” Yuto explained. “Maybe we can recruit members during the tournament.”
“I think I heard about that earlier today,” Shay recalled. “My sister is participating in it.”
“You have a sister?” Yuto asked, trying to imagine what the sister of Shay Obsidian would look like.
“Yeah,” Shay answered. “She would make a nice addition to the dueling club.”
“Then we should get going,” Kite said. “Those new members aren’t going to recruit themselves.”
A few minutes later, the three boys arrived at the tournament. As they watched, they saw two girls dueling each other. One had brown hair tied in a ponytail, fair skin, a red, long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, grayish-blue capris, and a pair of blue sneakers. Her opponent was a pale-skinned girl with magenta eyes and long, dark purple hair tied in a bow shape with a wing-shaped barrette and shorter, lilac side tails. She wore a light yellow and white, knee-length dress, a pair of white shoes, and a bracelet with a wing-shaped design and a yellow diamond framed in the design.
Several minutes have passed and the dark-purple haired girl brought the brown-haired girl’s Life Points down to 0, winning the duel.
“That girl’s amazing!” Yuto explained.
“Yeah, that’s my younger sister,” Shay said.
“Oh, she is?” Yuto asked without a second thought.
Suddenly, realization hit him and he looked back and forth between Shay and his sister with a shocked look on his face. Shay just simply glared back at Yuto, knowing he chose not to wear his glasses today.
After the tournament, Shay introduced his sister to his dark-haired friend. “Nice to meet you,” the dark-haired girl said. “My name’s Lulu.”
Lulu smiled at Yuto, causing him to blush. There was something about her appearance that he adores. Was it the eyes? The hair? Or what about the clothes she wore? No, it was every single detail about her. Upon seeing her lips, he developed fantasies in his head…kissing-related fantasies. He started developing this weird feeling in his heart; he could have sworn it just skipped a beat. What is this emotion he was having? He never experienced this before. Was is…love? Love at first sight?
Shortly thereafter, the two instantly grew close to each other. On one sunny day, the two sat at a table with Yuto checking out her deck. From the look of things, her archetype was Lyrilusc, consisting of WIND Winged-Beast Type female monsters; their low Levels, ATK, and DEF were accompanied by really useful effects that increase the ATK and number of direct attacks based on how many monsters are summoned. Her ace, Assembled Nightingale, can even OTK her opponents with the right amount of XYZ Materials.
“Lyrilusc, huh?” Yuto remarked. “This is a pretty good deck. Did you make this yourself?”
“Yeah, I did,” Lulu answered. “I want to have fun, bright duels like the songbirds that fly in the sky during warm summer days.”
“This deck is perfect,” Yuto said as he gave the deck back to Lulu. “Have you thought about joining the dueling club?”
“I have,” Lulu answered. “But I’m worried that my deck isn’t good enough.”
“That’s crazy,” Yuto said, placing his hand over Lulu’s. “You should be proud to have a deck like that.”
Lulu smiled softly at Yuto. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll join.”
And with that, Lulu Obsidian from the Spade Branch became one of the newest members of the dueling club. She even took the opportunity to convince her friends Sarah Glitters and Alex Kablam—two students in the Clover Branch—to join as well, making them two new additional members of the club.
A few weeks later, while she and Yuto were sitting on a bench, they grew closer than when they first met. “Lulu?” Yuto asked. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Lulu answered.
“These past few weeks have been amazing,” Yuto said. “Especially you. You’re the most amazing girl I ever met. You’re beautiful both inside and out, and you’re one of the best Duelists I know.”
“What are you saying?” Lulu asked.
“Lulu Obsidian, will you accompany me to the school dance?” Yuto asked.
“The one that’s coming up in three weeks?” Lulu asked in response.
“Yes,” Yuto answered. “But not as a friend. As a date.”
Lulu smiled with pure delight. “Of course, Yuto!” she said. “I’ll be more than happy to be your date to the dance!”
With that being said, she leaned her head on Yuto’s shoulder, surprising him. He can’t hardly believe he not only got a date for the upcoming school dance, but a girlfriend as well. He happily looked over to see Lulu, who was still resting on his shoulder.
Three weeks have passed and Yuto was getting ready for the big night. However, he felt like something was missing… He now remembered; he officially decided to wear his glasses for the first time. Aside from that, he wore a dull green formal shirt with a dark blue tie, a black dress jacket, dark blue pants, and black shoes. Putting on the glasses, he was ready for the school dance and his first date with Lulu.
When Yuto headed downstairs, his mother was amazed. “Look at you!” she happily exclaimed, hugging him tightly. “You look so grown up and handsome!”
“Mom!” Yuto exclaimed, blushing heavily. “This suit is a rental!”
Yuto’s mother quickly let go. “Sorry,” she said. “It feels like it was only yesterday you were a shy, nervous boy. Now look at you! Confident and about to attend your first school dance!”
Yuto smiled. “Thanks mom,” he said. “The dance is over at 11. I’ll be back home around that time.”
Yuto’s mother planted a kiss on his forehead. “Don’t worry about it, sweetie,” she said. “Just remember to relax and have fun.”
Several minutes later, she brought her son to the school. Upon dropping him off, they said their goodbyes to each other and he entered the gym. Everything was decorated with streamers and balloons tied in a few areas. There was an alignment of food and drinks on the table, even a bowl of fruit punch next to some stacks of cups. A band was performing on stage, with everyone eating, drinking, dancing, and having a good time.
As he looked over at the crowd, he saw and met up with the dueling club, who were all wearing different outfits, albeit Sarah for some reason. Alex also wore his usual outfit, but wore a poncho over it. Shay, Kite, and Lulu, on the other hand, had really nice clothes on. Kite wore a black suit (which included a matching trench coat) while Shay wore a tuxedo with gray pants and brown shoes. Lulu had her hair pinned up and donned large, feather earrings. She also sported a long, silver dress with sleeves on the shoulders and sparkly white heels. Yuto blushed at the sight of his date looking so beautiful.
“About time you got here,” Shay said.
“Sorry I was late,” Yuto said, smoothing out his dress jacket. “My mom was a little too happy about me being here.”
“Hang on…” Kite said. “Are you wearing your glasses?”
Yuto didn’t respond right away, causing the blonde teen to chuckle. “Don’t worry,” Kite said. “You look great.”
“It still feels weird,” Yuto admitted.
“Only during the first few times,” Sarah reassured. “You’ll get used to it eventually.”
That was when Yuto noticed Sarah’s choice of attire. “What happened to your dress?” he asked.
“Briar mistook it for a scratching post,” Sarah explained, referring to her pet cat. “And due to it being a custom, there was no way to restore it in time.”
“Don’t worry,” Lulu told Sarah. “You still look great. And at least you actually put some effort into your outfit.”
“Oh, come on!” Alex exclaimed, knowing Lulu was referring to him. “This is my cleanest poncho!”
“But you’re still wearing that smelly old hoodie,” Kite pointed out.
“You’re one to talk,” Alex replied. “You’re wearing an old black coat.”
“My father wore this coat during his first school dance when he was my age,” Kite explained. “As did his father before him. It’s a family heirloom.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” Shay said. “We’re here to enjoy the dance, not criticize our choices in formal wear.”
“Even though that’s clearly an angel who shape-shifted into a prettier replica of your sister?” Yuto asked in response.
Lulu quickly realized what Yuto just said. “Did you just call me pretty?” she asked.
Yuto smiled softly at Lulu. “Of course,” he answered, reaching out to hold her hand. “Fair princess.” He planted a kiss on the back of her hand, making her blush.
The night went on and it was clear the dance was a big hit. The band played so many great songs while people talked, joked around, laughed, ate, drank, and danced. Yuto, especially, had an amazing night with Lulu; he was even able to share a dance with her.
Near the end of the night, Lulu and Yuto were resting on the gymnasium bleachers. “Thanks for the fun time, Yuto,” Lulu said, leaning in to him.
“You’re welcome,” Yuto replied, smiling softly. He carefully placed his hand on Lulu’s cheek and-
“And what?” Yugo asked. “Come on, Yoot! Don’t leave us hanging! Did you get your first kiss with Lulu?”
No response. Something was wrong with Yuto. Is he okay? He sure doesn’t look like it. He just simply stared at his reflection in Yuya’s mirror.
“Yuto?” Yuya asked, sounding a bit concerned. “Are you alright?”
The only response he got was a saddened look on Yuto’s face. Yuya and Yugo grew worried about their XYZ counterpart. Even Yuri couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Looking back at the mirror, he could see a reflection of himself on the night of the school dance. He looked so handsome in his outfit and enjoyed spending the night with his friends…and with Lulu… But now, it was dashed…dashed by the sudden Invasion. He never forgot that night. The night where everyone ran away in fear from the Obelisk Force and their Chaos Ancient Gear Giants. The night where so many innocent people got their souls carded. The night he lost his mother… He still remembers seeing her death as she protected her own son from one of the Giant’s attacks. Everything that happened completely changed his life, and the only thing he had left to remind him of this painful night were the very clothes he was wearing, which were now ripped and tattered.
Suddenly, Yuya was switched out. “Huh?” he asked, surprised by the sudden switch. “Yuto?”
As the tomato-haired boy was left wondering what was wrong with Yuto, there was a knock on the door. “Hey Yuya, what’s taking so long?” a familiar voice asked. “Your mom just finished making pancakes.”
That voice belonged to none other than Sora Perse, who was recently adopted by Yoko. He opened the door, only to find Yuri taking Yuya’s place. “Oh, hey Yuri,” Sora said, greeting his former Obelisk Force teammate. “Wasn’t expecting to see you this early.”
“Never mind that,” Yuri said. “When did the Invasion begin?”
“Geez, didn’t know you already forgot,” Sora casually answered. “I don’t really remember the exact day, but I do remember seeing a bunch of school students dressed in fancy outfits. Don’t know why, though.”
Based on the given information, it immediately clicked together for Yuri. The Invasion occurred on the night of the school dance (making Yuya wonder if what Yuto initially told him about the Invasion happening during the daytime was a lie); it was no wonder why Yuto was upset and switched places with Yuya. But how on earth are they going to make him feel better? Just then, he developed an idea.
“Thank you for informing us,” Yuri said as he left the room, referring to himself, Yuya, and Yugo. “Now if you excuse us, we need to speak to Mr. and Mrs. Sakaki.”
13 notes · View notes
naferty · 8 years
Could you do a itty bitty prompt of maybe the big three finding an old tape of Tony, when he was young and a punk playing in a band, blown away by his singing voice. That we all know RDJ has in real life. XXXX
I read old tape and I’m doing old tape and these boys won’t know what hit them.
Finding the tape had been a complete accident. They had been in a middle of raiding the old stacks of ‘ancient’ boxes that Tony had unlovingly stashed away in the deepest and most hidden closet to ever exist to search for the elusive pictures of baby Tony that they knew existed somewhere. Tony had refused to hand them over or revealed their locations and had forbidden Rhodey from offering any of his own pictures of teen Tony during their time at MIT.
Not easily diverted the three decided if Tony wasn’t going to offer them willingly, they would go on a massive hunt for them, all secretly of course. They couldn’t risk Tony burning them as a last retort. After some careful inquiring and a bribe or two they managed to learn about the stacks of boxes that haven’t been touched in years and the possible locations for it. Believing the closet to be the most obvious they quickly went through a treasure hunt to find it and were rewarded with four cardboard boxes covered in dust and taped shut. Steve and Bucky didn’t even bother to find a sharp object to cut through the tape, tearing it open with their hands.
They were positive Tony would’ve swoon from the sight had he been there to see it.
The first box didn’t give them anything worth the effort. The second box was no better. The third at least had some old Captain America merchandise, masks and action figures that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time and gave them something to tease Tony about. The fourth box, however, was a gold mine. Inside were chains and belts and thick leather bracelets with spikes and even a pair of boots that seemed to go up to the knees. The find in itself was enough to make them coo and aww at the idea of Tony wearing what was referred to as ‘punk’ style, but it was the two items hidden under the boots that had shifted enough after Steve yanked the box out of Bucky’s arm that that had them itching to hear what was recorded.
It was an old tape and a cassette player. On the tape the words “not worth it” was written on it in chicken scratch that didn’t belong to Tony. The player, to their surprise, still worked and whirred to life, clicking open after Bucky had pressed a button on it. The three exchanged looks, agreeing it was now or never and understanding what they were getting themselves into.
They placed the player in the middle and carefully inserted the tape, fearful that one rough move would cause the entire thing to combust. T’Challa was silent assigned as the button presser and started the tape. They were instantly assaulted by the sounds of a very loud crowd in the distant. People were screaming and cheering and chanting words they couldn’t distinguish. For seconds it continued like this until eventually a voice was heard loud and clear, yet still somewhat obscured.
“You better be grateful for this, Tones. I swear I saw this chick with more piercings than bracelets and she had bracelets covering her entire arm. There needs to be a limit there.”
The three gaped at hearing the voice that could only belong to James Rhodes. It was clear he was the one recording the tape, but what in the world was he doing in an environment he obviously didn’t want to be at?
Another moment of screaming. “Finally, you’re coming up.”
The crowd, in what seemed as an impossible feat, hushed down to murmurs and stomps. The three held their breath, waiting for what was to happen. It had to be something big, considering it was recorded by Rhodey and was hidden in a box instead of thrown away so it had sentimental value.
None of them were ready for what was actually on the tape.
It started off powerful and rough and slowly grew and grew, overtaking the murmurs and causing the speakers of the player to tremble slightly.
Steve, Bucky and T’Challa all saw each other’s mouths drop when they realized… Tony was singing.
Tony’s starting note continued to rise until eventually it broke as he reached his peak and began his vocals, fast and confident and it drove the crowd crazy. They cheered again and there were faint noises of hard things hitting the floor that sounded suspiciously of bodies doing so. Possibly fainting, they concluded. Had they not been in so much shock themselves they probably would have fainted on the spot as well because, holy shit.
“Louder, Tones! Bring the roof down!” They heard Rhodey scream.
Steve and Bucky scrambled to grab the player, wanting it closer. They struggled, bit and kicked and put up a heck of a fight only to have T’Challa snatch the player right out of their hands and hold it above them.
Tony released another note, one that really did cause them to clutch their chest and lie on the floor as they no longer could support themselves.
“Shit,” Bucky whispered while staring at the ceiling.
“Agreed,” T’Challa began questioning his life.
“We need to find Tony,” Steve managed and while the three nodded to the plan none of them made the effort to move and search for their genius.
Instead, when the recording stopped, “Play it again.”
They lost track of how long they were in that closet for, but after Tony found them hours later, rag dolls on the ground and clutching the player for dear life, they decided they didn’t care. It was all worth it.
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Seemed fitting to include this right here
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vegancableguy-blog · 7 years
WARNING: A copious amount of reading ahead! Turn back now or if you so desire, enjoy the copious amount of rambling verbiage that lay before you…
It’s hard to really sum up a weekend like the previous one. It’s an emotional weekend. It’s a physically draining weekend. It’s a constant comedy of ramblings and silliness type of weekend. It can even be a stinky weekend. It’s an “eat all the vegan snacks” type of weekend. And for certain it’s a weekend that goes by way to flippin’ fast!
This was my fourth Ragnar; third as a member of Strong Hearts Vegan Power and they’ve become a second family for me. I’ve raced on a few different teams, and there really is no comparison because they all had people who meant a lot to me but if I HAD to compare them one thing would separate SHVP from the rest and that’s equality. No matter who you meet on this team there is a connection that goes beyond primal, it’s a fundamental understanding you are both on the same level and the thing that you are about to do is so important to each and every one of you. While we may have an A, B, C, D and even an E team we are all one Strong Hearts Vegan Power family.
We had members converge upon PA from all over the country, this time we even had a married couple (Corey and Channon who were in my van) who came from Chattanooga, TN. A good portion of the team is from New York, Boston and Philly but we’ve got folks from the West Coast as well. For most,  the trip started on Thursday. I left my house at about 7:30am to make it to Worcester (Marie’s house) by 10am.
At about 8:15am a series of events played out in front of me and I wasn’t as quick to react, I crashed my truck into the guy in front of me that stopped short. Thankfully this was not some sort of calamitous foreshadowing of the weekend, just a blip in the road; literally. After assessing the damage and realizing it was just a glancing blow, we traded info and were on our way.
I got to where I needed to be, albeit earlier than I thought I had to. Shortly after I showed, the rest of the Boston contingent arrived. We arranged all our stuff in two vans and off to Tamerlaine Farm Animal Sanctuary we went. The plan was to drop our camping gear there as we would be camping out Saturday night after the race. Some of us thought it’d be smart to set up our tents before hand so we got that done and got back into the vans to head to Philly to meet more teammates and look for food.
One of our sponsors was Blackbird Pizzeria, an all vegan pizza joint in Philly. Not only do they do pizza but they do vegan cheese steak subs and the most glorious seitan wings. We got in kind of late and I think they were overwhelmed. I did reach out when we were about 30 minutes away, but they were busy and 10-15 more bodies on top of their rush was formidable at best. Since we had nowhere else to be, we were patient. Most of us had not been to Blackbird before so between the table, we ordered just about everything they offered. I chose the habanero seitan wings and cheese fries. I sincerely regret not getting the cheese steak, but my stomach can only hold so much and with all those miles coming up, I didn’t want to have to deal with gastric stuff mid run; that would NOT have been good. The wings were great, some of the pieces were quite thick and weren’t as cooked as they could have been, but again; they were overwhelmed so I will give them a pass because the flavor was off the charts. The cheese fries were amazing. I’d give them a solid 4.5 stars!
After sleeping the night away (thanks for the hospitality Erin), 4am came really quick and we were out the door by 4:30am. We hit a Wawa for coffee and off to the start line we went for pre-race meeting, team photo and to see our first team off. We had three teams taking off at 830am including my team for the weekend; team C. Even though we officially started at 8:30am, we were van 2 and that meant we weren’t on the clock until runner six hit the first major exchange at Salisbury Township Community Park, which is where we headed off to.
We checked in, watched our safety video and relaxed a bit. While walking around we had to come to terms with a few things. We were in farm country and we surely would see some stuff that bothered us. Looking around at some of the farms close by not only did you see animals grazing but there were some of those small white containers (veal crates) all grouped together. You know, the one’s where young male cows are hidden away from their moms to live a short life and become veal? Yeah, those things were all over and the realization was horrifying as there was not much anyone could do. The best thing we could continue to do though was to stay visible, it was hard not to notice a bunch of (mostly) tattooed vegans dressed in black with “Strong Hearts Vegan Power” emblazoned on the front in white lettering. And that’s a big part of the reason we are at these things, to represent the animals and be a voice for them.
I’m not sure the exact time but Michael Harren was coming in and the hand-off to Corey was imminent. There were a couple other teams hanging out waiting for their runners so we all crowded the exchange and Michael rounded the corner, came up to the line and… WHAT? Yup, Ragnar moment for sure and the slap-bracelet bent a weird way and it hit the deck. Corey recovered and Team C van 2 was on the clock!
It wasn’t until a little before 4pm that my first run started. The sun had peaked and it was beating down. In my first 2-3 miles my water bottle was empty and I could have used an aid station, but I didn’t see one anywhere. This would become a running theme for the weekend. There were either no aid stations on my run or the one’s that were there didn’t have anyone at them or water in the jugs they so blatantly left unattended.
The hills were rolling and there was not as much elevation as my next two runs were going to have. As I mentioned, this was farm country and most of them are run by the Amish. You could see them everywhere. If they weren’t flying by trying to run you off the road in a horse-drawn buggy, they were zipping along on push scooters. Yeah one Amish  guy did try to run me off the road all the while staring me down, it felt very Amish mafia so I just kept running)Even in the hottest heat of the day, the younger kids were outside playing basketball in button down shirts, suspenders and jeans. I started to get into a zone thank to Pandora and the amazing playlist I had going. Nothing like a Black Tongue beat-down as you run through Amish country. The total run was 6.3 miles in 1:08:04 with an elevation change of only a couple hundred feet. Not the best time or pace but I was trying to save something for later, it was about to get real.
At this point, once your van is done you do one of two things, get food or sleep. I say either or because sometimes that is all you can do. We basically lived at Giant Food grocery stores on our time off. Our first stop I grabbed some fresh strawberries, watermelon and a couple of green juices. Everything I bought had a coupon on it and the juices we buy one get on free. This seemed to confuse the person behind the counter and they had to call over some back up. I got over $10 worth of fresh fruits for $3 though; I’m a cheap vegan and look for a bargain everywhere and anywhere I am!! After scarfing our grub we did head to the next exchange and waited for van 1.
I didn’t start my next leg until almost 2am. I was prepared for the hand off and headed up the mountain for some nasty elevation. I was about to see 800+ feet of elevation gain in a 2.5 mile climb. Good thing is there was also a 2.5 mile downhill. Getting up was a challenge as my legs we already a tad tired but I slogged on and actually got some kills headed up the mountain. Not being the fastest runner, I am not one to notch too many kills, so it was nice to get some under my belt. I did this run without music. I’m not a huge fan of running in the mountains late at night without being able to hear what is possibly coming out of the woods to eat me. Luckily the bears didn’t see me so I was off the menu; Aaron didn’t see me either so I was doing a good job at not being noticed (just kidding Aaron). The backside of the mountain was great and I gave it all I had. Again, I’m not a fast runner but using momentum was able to log 7:20 for a good amount of the run down. 6.8 miles after starting this leg of the race I handed off the slap-bracelet to Britt. After our van was done we went to the next exchange and I think we actually got some sleep; I’m sure I did because I woke up not knowing where the heck we were, haha!
At 2pm I finally started my last leg and it was going to be brutal to say the least. I was getting out of the port-a-potty just as Brian was hitting the exchange and I wasn’t ready. I grabbed the slap-bracelet though and started the 800+ feet of elevation gain in two miles span; it was a soul crusher for sure. 3/4 of the way up the top the van had pulled over to give me my handheld, again I was unprepared to start this leg. I started pounding the water right away and probably should have tried to save it. I was losing steam fast and for the first time I slow to a thru-hike like pace. As I hit the top I felt a wave of nausea overcome me and I ran for the woods. I lost whatever I had in my stomach and was out of water.
I have never had this happen before but I’m sure a combo of the heat and the abuse my legs were taking from all the elevation changes had a bit to do with it. I got myself back together and put one foot in front of the other and got a run going again. I felt something in my handheld shaking, yet I knew there was no water. Luckily, Johnny had squirreled away some GU Chews for me and they came in really f*cking handy at that point.I ate them with sincere ferocity and got into a zone to finish this leg. I did!
The rest of the van crushed it and the final 4 runners got a great pace going as we headed toward the finish line. Channon brought it home for us and as she came toward the finish we followed behind her, along with van A, and finished together. There was an overwhelming sense of elation for the team, more so for myself. I’ve done races with elevation before, but PA really taxed my ability to sustain forward momentum. I’m so proud of my teammates, not just C team but ALL of the teams. Everyone truly shined in what was probably the toughest Ragnar course we’ve run to date.
We headed toward Tamerlaine after the race for a pizza party and to crash. I seriously don’t know how long it took me to fall asleep but it was quick I know that. The next morning we awoke to the sounds of farm animals starting their day. There were roosters crowing, goats bleating and in the distance (not at Tamerlaine) a peacock was screaming at the top of its lungs. Well, that’s what it sounded like to me. Gabby and Peter (co-owners of Tamerlaine) as well as other volunteers were getting things settled and were also working on an amazing breakfast for SHVP. There was coffee, bagels from a local shop and just about anything you could want on them. I simply had a untoasted sesame seed bagel with almond butter, I was more looking forward to the view out of the back of the veranda more than anything. There was this stunning sense of peace that came over me just sitting there enjoying my breakfast. With all of the hubbub of the race, it was wondrous to slow down and just be present. It’s been a while since I’ve felt that calm and it was beautiful.
Members of the team that had camped on site were waking up and starting to make their way to the veranda for rations and coffee as others who had stayed at local hotels showed up as well. Everyone enjoyed a fantastic breakfast filled with joy and friendship. There was talk of the race, obviously, but it seems that Tamerlaine kind of took over for people and the animals were calling. We all had to go see them.
We first went to hang with the turkeys and the newest resident, Pecan the pig. Things started getting a little hairy when the male turkeys started getting competitive with one of the woman from the team, we had to leave the pen so they could calm down. We made our way over to the goats and they were all so amazing. They were not shy at all and wanted nothing more than to cuddle and to be scratched.
We toured the farm some more and met other residents such as all the roosters and chickens. Some of those chickens were saved from the Kaporos ritual  (the link is horrifying, watch with caution) that is held in Brooklyn. All of the animals here were saved in one way or another. Whether it was from a slaughterhouse or some crap backyard farm where the owners got over the head. Tamerlaine is doing some amazing work. It was mind-blowing to know that the fundraiser we had for them that ran concurrent to Ragnar raised over $10,000 for those animals. Some of the donations were from readers here and I thank you as do the folks at Tamerlaine.
Later on in the afternoon it was time to head back to the real world so we got the MA contingent together and off we went. Minus getting caught in some major traffic in CT, the drive was far less eventful than my ride to meet them on Thrusday. Here’s where I finally wrap this up and thank you for sticking with me and reading, but I also want to thank the folks in SHVP. When I say this I truly mean it, I love you guys! It’s hard to put into words what you have done for me just by being here and showing me kindness. I am humbled that you have accepted me as one of your own and cannot wait to see you all next!!!
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  Race Recap: Ragnar Pennsylvania 2017 #ragnar #shvp #tothefront @strongheartsveganpower #vegan #veganrunner WARNING: A copious amount of reading ahead! Turn back now or if you so desire, enjoy the copious amount of rambling verbiage that lay before you...
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quartings-main-blog · 7 years
SP Part 7
VENTOR: Ciela-ugh-I was about to tell you I took that bomb out of its casing when I was examining Hobble's leg. CIELA: ...I hate you. VENTOR: You're welcome. And before you ask me what I did with the bomb- Ventor steps forward and pulls what appears to be a detonator from out of his pocket and presses the button on it. EXT. SKYRATE BARGE-NIGHT As Redstar and Hobble stand on the barge as it flies off, curious as to why their bomb hasn't gone off yet, Hobble notices the bomb lodged in her mechanical arm instead. Frightened, Hobble removes her mechanical arm and throws it off the barge, but it explodes midair nearby and badly damages the barge, lighting it ablaze and causing it to fall slowly. Redstar and Hobble are also blown back off the barge, falling into the distance of the town. EXT. ALTOS HOUSE-NIGHT Ciela notices that both the Arbei and skyrate zeppelins have begun to descend. CIELA: Ah dammit! Vents, get my Ma and Pyoma-yes, I know you're here! -back to the ship. I'm gonna go finish Redstar off. VENTOR: Ciela, the Arbei will handle things, just come with us! CIELA: No they won't! The Arbei won't leave without Pyoma and I want Redstar. If I can cause enough of a mess hunting him down to distract them, it's a win-win. 72. VENTOR: C'mon, just follow us back to the ship and we can outrun them! CIELA: Ventor Chanico Nism, you are taking my mom and Pyoma and you are getting out of here safely without me! Do you understand?! VENTOR: Ciela- CIELA: Just shut up and go, ya freakin idiot! I am not havin' anyone else get shot on my watch today!! End. Of. Story! Before Ventor can protest, Ciela tosses Ventor the keys to the Skylark and shoves him away before running off further into town. Pyoma then comes running out to meet Ventor, who is currently in the process of helping Mrs Altos to her feet. PYOMA: Ciela, wait! Where are you- Ventor grabs ahold of Pyoma by the arm. VENTOR: C'mon Pyoma, we're going back to the ship. PYOMA: But where is she going? Pyoma takes notice of an injured Mrs Altos standing alongside Ventor. PYOMA: Oh! Hello? Are you Ciela's mother? What happened?! MRS ALTOS: Yeah I am, not sure who you are though, young lady. VENTOR: -Alright, time to go! Ventor grabs both Pyoma and Mrs Altos by the shoulders and hurries them towards where the Skylark is. 73. EXT. PITCHBLEN-NIGHT Ciela runs through the streets of Pitchblen searching for where Redstar may have landed. As she reaches the outskirts of the town, her surroundings become more and more chaotic, with the wreckage of buildings and airships becoming more and more frequent. As she turns a corner, Ciela sees Redstar and Hobble on another skyrate zeppelin, which has descended to pick them up. However, the zeppelin has begun to ascend back into the sky. CIELA: Oh no ya don't! Ciela attempts to shoot at the zeppelin, but the mounted cannons on it return fire, with the aerial superiority posed by it making things difficult for Ciela. In response, Ciela climbs her way up to the top of a nearby building, using her revolver to shoot the flooring beneath her in order to propel her skywards towards the zeppelin. EXT. SKYRATE ZEPPELIN-NIGHT Ciela lands on top of the zeppelin's deck. Several skyrates immediately take notice of her, while Ciela herself spots Hobble and Redstar sitting further in the zeppelin, recovering. The skyrates charge Ciela, and after a brief fight, Ciela is able to break through them, albeit with several minor injuries. She walks towards Redstar and Hobble, determined. Hobble tries to get up unsteadily, but Redstar urges her to sit back down. He gets up himself to face Ciela. Ciela quickly tries to shoot Redstar with her revolver, but he swiftly knocks the Epheme burst away with his sword. He charges at her. In response, Ciela grabs a nearby hook/sword/pipe off the ground and engages in a close-quarters fight with Redstar. REDSTAR What's wrong, girlie? Can't we just call it even from here- CIELA: -SHUT THE HELL UP!! 74. The fight is fairly even on both sides, though when Ciela knocks Redstar a fair distance back, he opens up a compartment in his sword and fires a miniature missile at Ciela. Ciela attempt to use her weapon to quickly shield herself but the missile explodes against it nonetheless, injuring her and sending her flying off the zeppelin. INT. SKYLARK-NIGHT Ventor, Pyoma, and Mrs Altos notice the explosion aboard Redstar's zeppelin amidst the Arbei ships closing in on the scene, while they make their escape. VENTOR: -Ciela!! EXT. SKYRATE ZEPPELIN-NIGHT Redstar, noticeably exhausted from the fight, takes a knee and leans against his sword for support. REDSTAR (laughs) Fine...now we're even. EXT. PITCHBLEN OUTSKIRTS-NIGHT Ciela falls a great distance all the way from the zeppelin until she falls hard into a river just on the outskirts of Pitchblen City. With a serious injury on her midsection and unable to swim, Ciela begins to sink to the bottom until someone drags her out of the river. Said person is shown to be an Arbei soldier, surrounded by many others, including General Kester. Dazed, Ciela looks up and scowls at the soldiers, attempting to make a rude gesture, but she is handcuffed. Looking up at the sky, Ciela spots the Skylark flying away safely and she smiles weakly in acknowledgement. 75. INT. SKYLARK-NIGHT Noticeably stressed, Ventor continues flying the Skylark away from Pitchblen city. Mrs Altos leans against the wall of the ship whilst sitting on a chair, as Pyoma tends to her. PYOMA: S-so might I know where we are going? We are going to rescue Ciela, right? VENTOR: (Mumbles to himself) PYOMA: Well? VENTOR: Ciela told us to go on ahead, and that's what we're doing. I'm taking you to the drop-off point our clients told us about. PYOMA: No, wait! What about Ciela? VENTOR: She'll...she'll be fine. Don't worry Ventor gets out of the pilot's seat, leaving the ship on autopilot. VENTOR: Now move aside, I gotta- Ventor notices that Mrs Altos has been patched up and her wound has been treated slightly. He points at it and looks at Pyoma. VENTOR: Did you do this? Pyoma nods. VENTOR: Wow, how did you-? PYOMA: I was kept in a fortress for most of my life with shelves full of books. I've learned quite a fair bit from them...if you don't mind my bragging. 76. MRS ALTOS: Aww, such a nice young girl! And so well-spoken, too! I wish Ciela could've grown up like you. But instead, she chose a life of picking fights with random strangers for money. VENTOR: Um, you're making it sound a lot worse than it actually is. But... (sighs) I think all of us here can say that Ciela's not the kind of person who'd ever let other people make her decisions for her. And like it or not, I think it'll stay that way. Pyoma and Mrs Altos look down and reflect on this, as Ventor resumes flying the ship forwards. INT. ARBEI SHIP HOLD-NIGHT Ciela is carelessly hurled into a jail cell in the bottom of an Arbei zeppelin's hold by an ARBEI GUARD. Her midsection has been fairly treated and bandaged, and some of her clothes have been changed. Nonetheless, Ciela still clutches at her waist as she hits the cold steel floor of the jail cell. CIELA: (coughs) Really? Ya keep me in ya stupid clinic for two days and then ya just toss me in a cell? ARBEI GUARD: Be quiet! There are still questions we want to ask you. The guard then walks away from the cell back to his post. CIELA: Yeah, that's right! Just...Just run away. Ciela sighs and drags herself back into a corner of the cell to rest SYMOS: Hello? 77. Ciela notices Symos' voice from the adjacent cell, and looks over to see that he and Mona have also been jailed. SYMOS: Over there! You're the young lady who broke into our fortress! CIELA: Yeah? (coughs) What's it to ya? What're you doing in here, anyways? You blow your noses in Kester's shirt or somethin'? MONA: We're in here because we went against his orders to eliminate Lady Pyoma. CIELA: Hey hold up, what? The heck is he tryin to do? There's so many nutjobs out there going after her I can't keep track of what they all want. MONA: We were brought Lady Pyoma to take care of many years ago when she was about four years old. Kester ordered us to use whatever technological means to erase her memory and try to tap into her suspect latent control over Epheme. CIELA: What the heck...? What sort o' whacko does that? SYMOS: Kester seemed to believe that having control over someone able to manipulate Epheme would make them an invaluable figurehead for the Arbei kingdom's expansion. Though even we don't know where exactly she came from. CIELA: (groans lightly) Sonofagun... 78. MONA: What's wrong, sandscum? I mean, on top of everything else? CIELA: (laughs weakly) I didn't ask to be wrapped up in all this junk... All I wanted was just ta' make a livin' for myself. And now I wind up actually giving a crap about this weird-as-heck little girl. So that just leaves me lying here wondering what the heck to do with myself. Mona and Symos look at each other, then back to Ciela in disbelief. CIELA: I don't think you hoity-toity Arbei types get this, but out here in the real world? You lose people. People ya care about. A lot. So ya either go two ways from there: Stop caring, or start fightin' so you can keep caring. Yeah, it's a lousy choice, but it's the one we're stuck with. So- Ciela grunts as she struggles to get on her feet, carefully removing a leather pouch from her pocket and laying it against the lock of her jail cell. The pouch is partially open, and we can see that it contains Pyoma's bracelet, still glowing green from Epheme contraction. CIELA: I'm gonna make sure Pyoma gets to live without needin' to make that choice. Ciela puts a huge amount of effort into flinging a kick at the bracelet and it explodes in a small burst of sparks and flame, breaking the lock. The blast also sears the bottom of Ciela's boot, and she stumbles back to regain her footing. CIELA: So I don't think she'll mind me breakin' that. However, the noise caused by the lock shattering alerts a couple of guards standing at the end of the corridor and they run over to investigate. 79. As they do however, they are caught off guard and grabbed by Mona and Symos as they run past their cell. Ciela, walking out of her cell, takes this opportunity to grab one of the guards' dropped rifles and shoots them both with it, shocking Mona and Symos. Ciela then shoots the lock on their cell. CIELA: Now c'mon. You two wanna see her too, right? Then help me take this ship. SYMOS: A-alright then. But we are not killing anybody else, okay? CIELA: (pause) How are you two still alive? C'mon. EXT. EPHEME BRINK- DAY The Skylark has flown far up north to a large seaside cliff made of black rock, with a lighthouse standing against the sea at the end of it. Drilled into the cliff is a massive mine shaft in the form of increasingly smaller concentric circles reaching deep into the rock, with mining equipment and residential facilities placed along each layer of the mine shaft. As it flies into the crater to land, silhouetted against the caves drilled into each layer, several misshapen humanoid figures can be seen mining Epheme from the crater walls. INT. SKYLARK-DAY Pyoma looks out from the Skylark at the surroundings. She is noticeably disturbed by what she sees. PYOMA: What...what is happening here? What is this place? VENTOR: This is the drop off point we were given directions to. PYOMA: No, I mean, why is this place so...odd? 80. VENTOR: Oh, sorry! This whole crater is an Epheme mine, run by the Tyflos corporation, I think? The people who work here are basically slaves, and years of mining Epheme has begun to poison their bodies. PYOMA: Oh my goodness. Can we help them? VENTOR: Not as far as we know. There's no cure for Epheme poisoning. And to be honest, Ciela and I were surprised you don't have it. PYOMA: Oh... I see. The Skylark lands at a docking area lower down in the crater. Ventor and Pyoma exit the ship. VENTOR: Okay, Mrs Altos. We'll try to finish this as fast as possible, so just stay in the ship and wait. MRS ALTOS: Ya don't need ta tell me twice! (Laughs) Gonna go get some shut-eye in there! INT. MEETING POINT-DAY Ventor and Pyoma enter the meeting point- a small house near the bottom of the crater. Despite being made out of fairly sturdy materials, the house is clearly very old, and all the furnishings and walls are dusty and worn. As they cautiously wander around the house, Pyoma and Ventor hear the sound of someone approaching them. They keep their guards up as a figure approaches them. From the adjacent room, a middle-aged woman with dark skin, black hair and brown eyes, MRS CENERE, enters. She also shows symptoms of Epheme poisoning, and enters on guard with a gun in her hand, but once she sees Pyoma, she immediately stops in her tracks and lowers her gun.
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