#do the same around you. i feel like thats very important. ive had so many people praise my workint style- more than ive ever had before+
lightthatibecome · 1 year
Something that I've been trying to do more and more is not letting my mistakes define the rest of my day and it's been really REALLY hard, especially in sales and customer service, but I allow myself a couple seconds to be mortified/cringe at myself and then shake it off.
Literally. That's part of what helps, shaking it off in public view, because it reminds me that Nobody Cares about your fuck up but You, and nobody bats an eye at the weird full-body wring after. It is LIFE-CHANGING. I stutter greeting a guest, a make a mistake on transferring their plans, I say something stupid and weird? It's fine. It is truly fine. The anxiety lasts a second because I have given myself concrete proof that everyone usually minds their own business about 98% of the time.
Let yourself cringe at your mistakes and then move on. Don't agonize over them. It takes work but it makes all the difference.
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caffstrink · 1 year
do you have any tips on how to live off as artist professionally?
First of all art isn't always a viable option depending where you live. The only reason ive been able to live off art is because the american dollar is worth 5x more than the brazilian real so even if i didn't get many comms i could still get by with the few i had. and if that wasn't the case I'd pretty much be eating breadcrumbs off the floor like a pigeon.
1. Whore yourself out and draw fanart of every popular or trending thing to gather attention to youe art
2. Learn your platforms: learn how each websites algorithm works, learn what are the best hours to post, etc
3. I cannot stress enough how important it is to find your niche
4. Everyone is fake no one wants to be your friend, other popular artists will start following you the moment your following becomes good enough. They'll start to interact with you too and want to become mutuals in order to share followings/traction. If you can play into that you can get them to share your stuff as well, but honestly don't fall for it bc most of them shittalk other artists on their privs or personal servers and the stress isnt worth it
5. Draw nsfw if possible/if you're comfortable with. People who commission porn pay well and they often have very few options when commissioning stuff bc most artists don't accept porn commissions.
6. Accept being an artist is a hard job that doesn't pay really well. If you're freelancing on comms life's always going to be a tightrope, so i suggest trying to do professional work once in a while so you can at least have the security of a salary. Draw backgrounds, gestures, scenes, studies, and the likes, bc those are what companies will want in your portfolio
7. Depending where you live it's extremely hard to live off as an artist, and being an artist is often means a very difficult struggle with finances. It's a job that requires passion, and more often than not turning art in a job causes creative burnout and complete loss of spark for it. Ask yourself: why do you want to be a professional artist? Isn't it better to keep it as a hobby? Maybe a side gig if you need money? You can still pursue art even if you don't do it to earn money, and it doesn't make you any less of an artist. It's a difficult job, and you need to understand its not going to be viable at all times and sometimes you'll have to throw in the towel and do something else to survive and there's 0 shame in that.
8. Be professional and courteous with your clients. Don't be a doormat, but don't go around ghosting people or being passive aggressive or taking them for granted and never deliver any product. Doing art for money is a JOB. Treat it like such. Inform your clients about delays, or any issues that may come up.
9. Take care of yourself and by that i mean eat decent food, exercise your arms, get 8 hours of sleep and get some sun (or take vitamin D periodically if youre a basement dweller). This isn't some self care uwu shit, it's actual science that your body is a machine and not providing what it needs to function leads to issues, and some of those issues include affecting your mental health, and mental health issues include and are not limited to: anxiety, depression, burnout, loneliness, feeling like your art sucks, feeling unmotivated, feeling like you're a failure, etc. Same with physical: for the love of GOD you DON'T want wrist issues. You dont want carpal or ulnar nerve entrapment. Don't draw 24/7. Don't push yourself either. If youre feeling shitty its time to STOP. Just picture a shitty graphics card trying to run minecraft with 5 shaders and 10 mods at once on fullscreen with 60 fps. Thats you. Youre the graphics card
10. Don't be a bitch, don't get involved with drama. Can't be an internet artist if you get cancelled so don't try to start shit at any point in time. Don't be a shit person.
And from the top of my head thats it, hope you like eating plain bread 🍞
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beebundt · 2 months
fwiw that rude commenter is a transphobe, a post a few down on their blog is real blatant (and in that vein I think their comment was less a judgement of your anatomy and more saying Charlie is 'too' muscular/angular)
It's rude and out of pocket REGARDLESS but I also think you're a little hard on yourself! You even said, you hadn't illustrated exactly what you were after with her, and you hadn't intended for a collection of doodles you happened to still like to blow up. You're entirely right that we should all be drawing more than conventionally attractive people, but idk. It's a process and you're a great artist who's working toward it! Don't feel like you have to answer this btw I mostly wanted to let you know that commenter was a double idiot and started rambling. Hope you have a lovely day!!
oh absolutely! i have a feeling you're right abt what they meant considering i saw the transphobic comment they made a couple posts down on their blog lmao but i wanted to add that part anyway. and i appreciate your words a ton, but dw im not hurt or upset! i get a lot of weird comments all the time, i just wanted to use that one as a platform to bounce off of a thought ive been having lately. i wouldn't post a negative remark like that unless i wanted to use it for something. the actual comment was mostly irrelevant to the point i wanted to make, which is also not meant to be super serious, just a thought soup to stir around
and i mean my interpretation of my art as purely objective, i think its important to think critically about yourself and in general. from an objective standpoint, i dont believe the way shes drawn is too out of the norm and is fairly tame (disregarding her ox/bull parts lol), thats basically what i was aiming for with that section. i constantly get stuck in a rut without improving by much because im usually just drawing to doodle after a school day and not rlly with any purpose. i tend to keep drawing the same things out of habit and it gets stale really quickly. so i know my faults and im rlly looking forward to getting better!
also rq, what you said about how we need to draw more than conventionally attractive people- while i do agree with that, in my post i was more saying its important for people to be more open-minded about how they view gender expression and attractiveness in general, myself included! i dont think how i drew charlie was very revolutionary, but ive seen so many tags speaking otherwise. which is either reflective of how small the bubble is for whats acceptable or maybe i have a skewed perception of things? for example if having a bush or something is gender envy we need to look at ourselves. bush is so normal to me. (which i dont if thats what even drew ppl to it BUT. just as an example). would those same people say the same if i drew a very fat woman with a beard, unibrow, etc.? i have no idea. but i have had my eyes opened so many times before its incredible. little things ive never thought about before through new perspective. so thats why i want to encourage it too. i hope that makes sense. thank you so much i hope you have an equally lovely day!! 🫶🫶
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cupidssrosses · 2 years
i care about this too much
hangman and roosters relationship follows, BEAT. FOR. BEAT. the ‘ex’s getting back together’ plotline i’ve seen in 100 other films about straight relationships. 
the first scene, where hangman swaggers up to rooster, stands like five inches from his face, smirking the whole time while they insult eachother. they’re glancing at eachothers mouths, everyone around them is watching them like this interaction is nothing new. 
rooster telling him he looks good as hangman plays pool veeery slowly and somehow antagonisingly. you can feel how much hes showing off. hangman leaves and pheonix goes up to rooster and says ‘he hasn’t changed’ and rooster is STILL just STARING in his direction and says ‘no he hasn’t (or something like that lol)
then their always making eye contact in the meetings, bantering while their flying then
omg THEN
roosters about to get into the plane and maybe never come home, and this SHOT i swear. it’s like, romantically coded cinematography but a canonically platonic relationship?? and it drives me CRAZY. the camera follows rooster as he walks, and hangman enters the shot and their still for a second. 
they don’t. know what. to say. this could be a goodbye for all they know. the warm lighting, the eye contact, the tension, all of it. 
then finally hangman SAVES HIS LIFE and they say the ‘you look good’ ‘i am good’ lines again. HE LITERALLY IS THE REASON that rooster is still ALIVE. rooster comes home safe, he gets off the plane, hugs EVERYONE ELSE except of the main character and RIGHT here
right here is where after 20 years of watching movies my brain has been trained to expect the love interest to appear and for the romantic subplot to resolve. (idk why how to train your dragon is all i can think of rn but do you remember at the end!?! its the SAME SCENE. hiccup is greeted by a crowd of secondary characters, he talks to them for a second, then the music changes, the crowd parts, and astrid comes up and they have their little ‘thats for everything else’ moment, anyway)
here is structurally where in every other movie the next person to talk to rooster would kiss him. and what do you know hangman arrives, everyone steps back, there’s this importance you can feel. the music changes, so does the tone. this isn't just another character, this interaction means something. god and the way they’re smiling at eachother it gets me everytime. but of course, like he considered going for the kiss but decided against it, hangman offers his hand for a handshake. 
ALL of these scenes. ALL these interactions would have read as romantic if one of them, was a women. its crazy to me. they use the same cinematography, the same type of dialogue, the same direction that you would expect to be used for a romantic subplot, but use it for a platonic subplot. 
a man and a women could interact once with the slightest amount of tension and people would without a second thought assume they’re love interests. these two were out here saving eachothers lives, having the most flirtatious interactions ive seen in ages, but no, they’re just really close friends. 
EDIT/ADDITION: I’ve seen so many people say that rooster and pheonix were ‘clearly fucking’ or ‘clearly had history’ and you know what?? i totally see it!! so valid. plenty of tension. but if you think they had chemistry but rooster and hangman didn’t, the only difference between the two is that they’re the same gender. they had the same amount if. not. more chemistry/tension than either of them did with pheonix
oh also, another example of romantically coded techniques/tropes being used in apparently non-romantic plotlines is the tv show suits. its not every episode but mike and harvey have a bunch of scenes that would read as HEAVILY romantic if either of them was a girl (eg. harvey running in slow motion to stop mike from putting himself in danger was very ‘running through the airport’, but oohhh no they were ‘brothers’ )
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marrow-minded · 1 year
What is it about Jaune that makes you like him? /gen
i know a lot of what im about to say can be boiled down to "hes miles self-insert" but like. as a certified Miles-Hater thats so dumb to judge a writers fav character (i dont think jaune is even miles character) or the character they heavily base around their own experiences on the feelings you have for the writer. many MANY writers far better than miles luna have based characters on themselves-- which is what jaune is btw a self-insert/mary-sue is ENTIRELY different-- anyways
you see, something that made weiss and pyrrha (and somewhat blake) in vol 1-3 many peoples fav characters, including me, was that they had functional character arcs. pyrrhas was far more deep and interesting than weiss' (bc the writers were scared to actually tackling unlearning racism) but functionally: weiss started off as an uppity racist bitch that was entitled and self-important, and by the end of vol 3 she had not only learned to summon, but also did it in protection of a faunus-- regardless of the quality of writing, this was a perfectly acceptable story arc during vol1-3 era that made weiss a standout. pyrrha went from a sort of empty mentor shell character to somebody that the audience understood to struggle with her identity, her destiny, her talents and lack of agency, coupled with this idea that she might be forever changed should she take on the burden of her destiny... and then she kissed jaune and took on cinder solo (meaning that if she was rescued [meaning she escapes the stigma of being the unbeatable girl, thus escaping her destiny] or somehow won, she could return to jaune [thus gaining the joy she was always afraid she would never have] OR she would die [again, escaping her destiny]
you see, people LIKE character development and that is in woeful short supply in RWBY. but jaune is constantly changing, while other characters remain static for massive bouts of time (ren, weiss, yang) or repeat the same character arcs again and again (ruby, nora) and while hes changing, its always for the benefit of others
jaune starts off as a doofus cringelord that throws up on the ship to beacon. hes a liar, getting his hands on fake transcripts (ive always wanted to know how the hell he did that), hes a poor student (like everyone else tbf) and he struggles to fight. hes unprepared, and he struggles with leadership, like ruby! where ruby had to deal with internal team struggles (blake v weiss and weiss v ruby), jaune struggles with external factors (his own backstory and cardins bullying)
ive seen Certain Individuals say they hate jaune because hes mean to pyrrha when she offered to help him but like. isnt that the point of character arcs and development? jaune started off as thinking he had to shoulder the burden of what cardin was doing to him (which btw was physically bullying and mental exhaustion, he was doing the burden of five people and in the meantime was being physically harmed) as well as the guilt of his own backstory (failing to live up to a huntsman legacy [which GOD why havent they come back to this at all] and his lies.) and by the end of it, off the advice of ruby, he fights back to protect his team and DEVELOPS into someone that willingly and genuinely apologizes to pyrrha and asks if she would still be okay with training him. its genuinely good development for both of them!
jaune continues to change post pyrrha. he honors her by incorporating her armor into his own, carrying her silently alongside them, while also keeping up his training because he knows that the best way to honor pyrrha is to keep up the fight, to protect their friends, to make sure she didnt die in vain. hes ALWAYS supported ruby from the very beginning, following her, supporting his teammates
im not going to pretend jaunes flawless or faultless. especially in vol 4-6 where a LOOOOOOOT of writing flaws and character issues crop up for me, in all characters including jaune. i hate the way they all blame Oz/Oscar, i hate his stupid plan to steal an atlas airship (cordovin literally offered to escort weiss just have her claim oscar as a servant boy and have qrow go along as her pet bird, have her go to atlas with oscar and qrow with the lamp and then ironwood would have given cordo orders to have everyone else shipped out GOD), i hate the way they all just SIT AROUND at haven, i hate the way they all act like qrow turning into a bird is some fucked up thing, yadda yadda yadda. the fight at haven is bad and ugly and he (like everyone) fights like an absolute ding dong but OUGH his semblance...
listen one thing about me? i love paladins. love healers. im a support main, i play clerics and bards, i LOVE paladins. theres something really great to me that his aura was set up from the very beginning as something he had a lot of and now his semblance is literally giving that away to his friends, literally giving his SOUL to others to heal and boost and protect. that's genuinely so beautiful to me. its not only a wonderful semblance that has really good utility and synergy (regardless that he only seems to use it with ren) but its wonderful that it heals, because thats the first thing he found out aura can actually do; pyrrha unlocked his aura to HEAL him. and he struggled for so long with the fact that he couldnt help pyrrha because he didnt know how but now? his literal super power is to help others. (i mean. not that the writers use it to great effect but still. the potential is there)
and then the atlas arc starts and man this is some of my favorite jaune era because a lot of what i like is background details! i ADORE his friendship with marrow, i truly wish more characters got to make friends with the characters in atlas (give me blake/neon NOW!!!!!!!!! give me weiss/flynt NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! double date!!!!!!!!) guard dogs is literally one of my top five ships (i also adore marrow to death and back so its a no brainer) i like that he actually steps up to do huntsmanning work that isnt glorious or battling, even if at first hes a little disappointed and then!!! it literally comes back around in the finale episodes!!!! it showed that even seemingly silly tasks like escorting kindergarteners to school and back can be utilized in the right situation, bc hunting in atlas isnt just about fighting monsters, its about taking care of the people, from evacuation procedures to literally escorting children. i loved it and it felt really satisfying to watch (even if it did make me judge literally everyone else like what now suddenly you dont care about the civilians in mantle?)
and also, this entire time, its been wonderful to see jaune slowly build up his arsenal and his fighting skills. ill admit, some of my fondness from jaune comes from my own headcanons regarding his legacy and such but tbh the fact that only some of my enjoyment comes from my headcanons and not literally all my enjoyment (like most characters) is an improvement. but also, its just ingrained in my media to want to root for the underdog, the clumsy bad fighter that gets cooler and cooler, thats the appeal of the literal Heroes Journey (sora, noctis, link, jaune; all swordfighters, all either knight/royalty coded, all went on the heroes journey, all some of my favorite characters... coincidence? i think not!)
im not really going to speak on vol9 too much because its a lot and its unfinished rn and i dont know how this series arc is going to end for him so i cant make an informed sort of conclusion but i think hes very in character as a naturally continuation of his character before the time in the EA that was put through the Horrors for a couple dozen years. it makes my heart Ache
anyways this was already a lot. basically, i like jaune because he feels like a genuine paladin and feels like what a huntsman should be like. one of my biggest complaint that is specific to him and not a series wide issue with writing is i wish his designs were better? im loving the rusted knight look with the full armor and the longer hair and i hope that he keeps the ponytail (if he survived vol9). hes a genuinely good friend who ive never questioned whether he actually would be a good huntsman (as ive questioned with literally everyone else of the main cast except ruby) or if he even wants to be there at all! he has his own motivations to be in this fight beyond just following ruby and he actively gets better throughout the show (unlike rwby, who all started off goated and then have had to be nerfed through the show). i think he had a lot of potential that was wasted but i think hes genuinely one of the better characters we've gotten as a main staple of the show and hes been there since the beginning!
i hope this answered your question! i could literally go on for hours (it took me an hour to respond to this alone) so if you have specific scenarios you want me to break down i can totally gush about jaune, or my headcanons (for example i have a hc that he has a drag persona named Matre Domme, a play on matyrdom (bc joan of arc) as well as being french for Master Domme bc of course jaunes experience with feminity and what he would explore through drag is rooted in strong dominate women)
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lightlycareless · 8 months
IM BACK i got so busy right around when the last chapter was posted but im HERE NOW. and ive been reading so much,, all the lore from chapter 36 was SO GOOD im so sad im late to it but ohhhhhmygod. so much going on there and setting up REALLY good parallels between y/n and naoya when it comes to their relationships w their parents. the way both of them had their mother slowly get more and more distant due to circumstances outside of their control/caused by some fucked up third party... ough... this also reveals so much DRAMA like WHO CURSED Y/N'S MOTHER?? im throwing hands. and thats such a fucked up TYPE of curse too the way it fucks with the personality/behavior-- someone REALLY hated her huh
but ohmygodmyGOD chapter 37 has SO MUCH going on. like just starting off with matsuo being. insufferable. man. can a woman not get a drink in this house.
the entirety of this chapter is SO rich with so much emotion... like the way they're finally feeling like a couple is so sweet?? i KNEW naoya had it in him to be nice, even if it does take being on his death-bed for it to happen..
THE WEDDING RING HE CARRIES THE RING ON A NECKLACE W HIM AUAHUGHEHGH,,, i cant even begin to describe how emotional that made me the last section of the chapter where they're just talking to each other for once means SO much after having read the last 36 chapters of animosity and standoffishness like they're FINALLY talking and like. seeing each other? as people? its SUCH a pivotal moment and at the same time so small and domestic its amazing
AND HES GOING TO TRY TO LET HER SEE HER FAMILY AGAIN?? that opens up SO much drama and so many questions like-- is he going to stick to that when he recovers? CAN he stick to that or like he said is he not in a position to negotiate that much? (would he help her sneak out or sneak in a way for her to see them somehow if it came to that?) what kind of interaction would that even BE for her to see them again after so long-- would it lead to them not wanting to let her leave/go back to the zenin estate? theyd for sure know somethings up.. my favorite couple is finally coupling. 12/10. still obsessed w them
Awww, don't worry about it!! Ngl I was a bit like, I wonder if they liked it, maybe I finally scared them away lol, my perfectionism slowly killing me inside 😭 But really, the most important thing here is that you're ok, and that you liked the chapters!! ❤️❤️❤️
I'm telling you, I didn't mean to make it that way but how Naoya and Y/N ended up being similar to one another is... wow, perfection. And ironic haha Y/N hates Naoya so, so much, that she literally can't see him as anything else but like complete opposites I mean, if you were to tell her "Hey, the two of you have similar backgrounds" she'd be like "ew no wtf!!!"
Which is why she was so baffled to learn that it's true 😭 they share the pain of having loss a mother, and in some ways, being disliked by their own family.
Also, for Minako's curse... I don't intend to explore more about it, so I'll just say it was someone very, very jealous of her and her children. Someone that just wanted to see the family burn, you know? (LOL, it makes it seem like Eiichi had some secret admirer or something. Or maybe her?! Like the yandere type "If I can't have you, no one can!!" Oof, I hope not on either accounts)
Now onto chapter 37 :>
The way Matsuo's behavior did a 180 was... I don't know what I was expecting, for it to not happen?? Let's be real, that man as soon as he got a bit of power decided to abuse it. Probably some resentment towards Y/N and her staff, how happy they are and the good relationship they have with her or whatever. Honestly, I do not care about that man. (I wonder what Naoya's reaction will be once he figures out how he's been treating her... HMMM)
I'm so glad you liked the fluffy parts with Naoya hahahahah even though as you said, it's when he's sick... oh, I just hope it doesn't all go away when he's not sick anymore, you know? GOD this whole thing hurts me so much for Y/N hahahah like she's trying so desperately to hold onto the fact that maybe this is the change she was unwittingly hoping for, that Naoya finally woke up from his stupidity and decided to act like a proper husband.
Because more than leaving the house, I think she, very, very deep inside, wants this whole thing to work. I mean, who wouldn't... she grew up in a loving family where her mom and dad loved each other very, very much. It's only natural that she wants something like that too if it ever happened! And Naoya... oof, he's handsome, rich, and she doesn't have to put herself in danger in order to make a living. At that point it was a win-win... until his personality came out 💀💀💀 Anyways, it's difficult, but I WILL MAKE IT WORK. I PROMISE.
Also, if you liked their interactions on this chapter, I think you're going to like the next one 😏 (Idk if it's worth anything, but I always thought Naoya would be like Kang Dooshik from Pearl Boy when he's not being a raging misogynist)
As for the promise... that is something we'll see next chapter as well. What's going to happen with it and whatnot. I'm like Y/N right now, a bit shocked that it happened, but on edge to see if it's true 😭 after all, it's a pretty heavy promise to make ... but that is something only Naoya can choose.
I just hope all the pieces are falling in place (correctly, I mean HAHAH) for that one chapter!!! I can't wait to write it, I think we're like... 2/3 chapters away from it. I swear, everything that will happen next is leading to that moment.
And I gotta say, thank you for being patient with me 🥺❤️ I swear, everything that is happening leads to that. EVERYTHING!!!! I just hope it pays off!!!! If not, I'll disappear from the internet. The shame of it all.... hahaha.
Anyways, thank you so so much for coming back for another update! And don't worry about reading the chapters later! My story is intended to be entertaining, relaxing (yeah sure, look at all that angst) so read it whenever you can ❤️❤️❤️
Once again, thank you so much for your support 🥺❤️ I hope you continue to like the rest of the story!! Take care, and see you soon!!
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astranauticus · 7 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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mueritos · 2 years
Do you have any college advice for someone starting next week who is trans (FtM) and technically pre-transition (and is very obviously queer and gnc)?
Oh phew. This is rough because I started university in the exact same position. I was pre-transition and visibly queer/GNC. I'll insert a read more
The best thing I can say is 1. make sure you dont make the same mistake that I did and go to a PWI (predominantly white institution). That's difficult to avoid, however, but the kind of white people who r at your school could make or break your experience. I unfortunately go to a PWI full of rich adidas/nike/hollister white kids who have never spoken to a BIPOC/Queer person in their life. But, there r plently of awesome white students who r from Philly or BIPOC communities, and they know exactly how to be good people.
If you unfortunately ARE going to a Uni thats the worst kind of PWI, I'm sorry, and I hope that your experience is much better than mine. The next best thing I can say is find queer people who are like you, and who have similar morals. I've encountered many a queer students who turn out to be flat out ignorant about other BIPOC/Queer issues, and I hope you do not encounter them. Run to your schools Diversity/LGBTQ association as fast as possible. I mean it, make connections and introduce yourself to the people working in the office and get to know the club members and presidents if theyre there. Most colleges have a club fair of sorts the first month of school; dont miss it, you'll likely find other clubs that the cool people migrate too, things like D&D or Tabletop clubs, sewing/crafts, etc. The Diversity/LGBTQ office will provide you community, resources, and just a place to be. Becoming involved earlier gives you a sense of security and a place at ur uni if you dont feel it elsewhere, but DO NOT. And I really mean it, DO NOT invest yourself in trying to "fix" your college. If there are institutional issues, you can tell people about them, but dont ever let them make you fix it for them. I have been taken advantage of time and time again, and it has put my entire personal safety on the line to improve the racist and putrid environment at my school. Save that energy for yourself, your friends, and your community on campus.
Lastly, I would say be as unapologetic as you can, but I cant hide that Ive had days where I've dressed down, avoided eye contact, walked with my head down around campus because I was anxious and terrified. Other days are much easier. Your safety and well being are much more important, but I do hope you never have to find a place in yourself to put on a brave face every time you step onto campus. Medically transitioning in public was also extremely stressful for me (its already stressful in general), but if you intend to medically transition while in school, be kind to yourself, because I often wasn't.
I'm not trying to scare you, but I do want to prepare you in case things go toward a more stressful end. You're going to have a great time in college experiencing independence and freedom, and you're going to grow so much :) I just hope you grow from the good and not the bad. Best of luck my friend, and if you ever need me, my pms are open :)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hello! ive gone through some of your posts and i gotta say, you give pretty solid advice. i hope your own life is also going as smoothly as the advice giving! ❤
i was wondering if i could ask your opinion, as much as you can offer it to a stranger from the internet.... i know its not easy to give meaningful advice on complicated matters to total strangers.
im 29, i have a very good degree and a decent job, i am not more insane or annoying than an average person and i look just fine. i do however have a problem finding a long term partner. ive been working very hard at uni/later as an intern so it didnt leave much time for a rich social life and lot of dating. i also had the misfortune of spending several years in a very unhealthy relationship when i was about 20, young and stupid. several years of determined singleness followed immediatelly after that.
so now that im old and less stupid, ive tried dating apps, ive tried going out for drinks with acquaintances but never more than 2 or 3 times with the same guy. i do have high standards... and im a smart independent woman which im told is not extremely popular with men. anyway.
i recently met a guy 1 year younger than me who works in the same profession but is only just starting, in contrast to me being a bit of a bitter old veteran. ive been kind to him as one is to new people, and hes been slightly smitten with me as a result, if i dare guess so. we went out for drinks a few times, he seems sweet, kind and doesnt harbor any extremist political beliefs (its important to me not to date fascist-sympathisers). thats all very nice but unfortunately he doesnt exactly look very attractive to me. i feel good around him bc he is kind and lovely but i think i have too much edge and that he couldnt handle my darker sides (lots of cynism, LOTS) bc he is sich a sweet summer child. and i also feel that i havent yet lived wildly and slept around and experienced all the instant gratification options life has to offer, definitelly not enough to just drop everything and consider a serious relationship with someone who doesnt feel like ive won the dating lottery (its bc of certain personal problems hes told me of having, and its bc of the looks. im an impossibly visually-oriented person. and shallow.)
so i am very tempted to slowly explore this and the options it could offer (for example a serious relationship) but i also feel like i might be setting myself up for failure and him for a lot of heartbreak. whatever should i do?
until now ive only ever continued dating people i was really attracted to... sometimes despite their dubious political beliefs. so actually this might be the new strategy that would yield positive results, dating someone for their impeccable moral standards and kindness rather than a pronounced jawline. (am i, deep down, really that shallow?)
this got long and tedious, i wont blame you if you chuck it in the bin instead of reading and answering. maybe all i needed was to write it out. might need to use my journal bit more often.
thank you for your time and efforts in any case. take care!💕
Hi love! Thanks for your kind words and support. Firstly, from how you describe yourself, I could totally see us being friends – we seem to have similar beliefs, values, and priorities when it dating comes to dating (no fascists allowed, career-oriented, endless cynicism, and making a pronounced jawline a top criterion of a date night lol).
Here's my take – given the information you so kindly and vulnerably shared with me:
If you're still single, there's no reason to make the prospect of dating (generally or casually dating a specific person) into a black-and-white experience. You can casually date as many people as you would like until you mutually decide to be exclusive with someone. Think of dating as a networking experience: It's a chance to meet and connect with various types of people. They can become (business or pleasure, in this case) partners, friends, acquaintances, or connectors to others who will soon become members of your close inner circle (maybe even a further partner or spouse – who knows!).
You can decide to date different people for different reasons. Sometimes, you just want good conversation and decide later that you're better off as friends. Exploring the emotional intimacy aspect of a relationship with someone of the gender you're attracted to can teach you a lot about yourself and the type of partner you ultimately want to end up with – even if you don't ever kiss, let alone sleep together. Just make sure, in this case, to share that you only have a platonic connection with him before he gets too invested. Being selfish when dating is essential, but never be cruel and lead people on.
Suppose you want to see where this connection goes, without commitment. In that case, you can always indulge in casual sex with others you are physically attracted to and only go on dates with this man in a more casual dating/companionship way.
I don't think it is shallow to not want to date someone you're not physically/sexually attracted to. Unfortunately, in our current society, you wouldn't even need to question this if you were a man. There are plenty of people we really like and are emotionally attracted to in this life but have no sexual feelings towards – we call them friends.
While it could take some time to find a partner with who you're compatible in every major area, consider how much longer this process would take if you settle with men you have no true interest in before you inevitably break up with them because you're unhappy in the relationship? Staying single until your values align and mutually want rip each others' clothes off every time you see each other in the beginning stages of dating is the best strategy – in my opinion at least. It is better to be technically alone than lonely in a committed relationship. You deserve nothing but the best. Never settle for less. Keep your standards high to maintain your most valuable assets: Your happiness, success, and peace of mind.
Hope this helps xx
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lem-argentum · 5 months
hi would u like a post of all my favorite anime openings/endings. no? okay. here it is 💛 ^^
-my favorite dr. st.one opening is good morning world, please know that whenever i say “good morning world” it has always been in reference to that hehekmnf <333 THE SONG IS GREAT AND ITS A STRONG FIRST OPENING, IT GIVES ME EMOTIONS. my favorite shots are the one where gen appears + the suika sunflower scene, because the sunflower scene is important to me :) <3
-bloody stream from jojo is the coolest opening in the world thats the only way i can express it i love the art in it. (it’s kind of funny that in my years of knowing jojo i never had a crush on joseph??? are you seeing him in this.) also because part4 is my favorite i have to mention crazy noisy bizarre town it is SO GENDERRRRRRRRR. <3333 alllllso because part5 gives me EMOTIONS i have to put fighting gold here too that song is SO sick. AAA.
-oh right sgt fr.og. KERO! to march is iconic of course, sore ike!!! is really fun i always forget how attached i am to these stupid frogs until i rewatch these hfkdnfm <33 VIVA VIVA VIVA’S SONG IS FUN TO SING ALONG TO. MY FAVORITE ENDING IS PEKOPON INVASION ONDO. THE END (<- KERO.RO IS ONE OF HIS MOST INTENSE INTERESTS AND COULD TALK ABOUT IT FOR FOREVER BUT IS SHY ABOUT IT)
-i’m not particularly attached to de.mon slayer but i’ve always been SO in awe of its art and animation so i have to include gurenge & the entertainment district arc opening (not my main crush from the series but i did like u.zui. walkz away) ….. those songs are So good too augh <3 .
-NAMAE NO NAI AO, THE ENDING OF EI.ZOUKEN. AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i adore the entirety of this anime. everyone please watch it. <3
-okay including something from the de.vil is a part-timer! feels ridiculous but i want to include the ending centered around chiho because i love her and we are birds of a feather (pink-haired sillygirls). okay thank you. <3
there are definitely more from more things that just aren’t coming to mind but there u go c: so many interests ive never talked about oooo~~ <333
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Vol:9 - Looking back at the Phalaris tour
Part 2 (To part 1)
J: Well, you toured nationwide, so im sure there are many stories to be told of your travels. So Leader, what have you brought for us...some photos from your trip? You've brought some photos to show, especially for Niconama.
T: Oh, exciting!
J: Ok, lets have a look at the photos that Leader took for us. Here they are! These look interesting. Shall we go through them one by one? Here is the first one. 
*photo shows some old gacha mahines*
T: Whats this? "Jyan jyan no anaba"?
K: This was in Shinsekai, in Osaka...near Tsūtenkaku and stuff. 
T: Its old fashioned. 
K: Yeah, this type of stuff is still around there. 
J: Its has a very Shōwa feel. 
K: The next photo is of the shopping arcade where this is...is arcade the right word? *next photo appears* There, look, you can see the machines at the side. 
J: Oh yeh! A lot of the shops are shut, aren't they?
K: Well, this was about 10:00 or 10:30 at night. 
J: I see. This has character, doesn't it?!
T: Yeah, it does.
K: The thing was, our manager said he wanted to eat kushi katsu, so we came down here to get some. He nearly ate himself to death. 
J, T: haha 
J: Ate himself to death? haha. This street looks kinda scary to walk down, was it ok?
J: Isn't Shinsekai a bit scary?
K: Well, some of the outer areas might be a bit dubious, but its mainly a tourist area, so its totally fine. 
T: Everyone, do you know the guy eating loads...its Fujieda, right? Fuji fuji. 
J: Does he really eat that much?
K: He eats a tonne. 
J: Its like what is he doing there, eating that much??
K: Well, he said he wanted to eat, so its ok, haha. 
J: Ok, next photo please. *photo shows a buffet table* Oh, more food. 
K: This was in the venue in Osaka. At long last, we had a buffet put out. Its usually only been bentos during covid. We couldn't just walk over and get something to eat. 
T: What is that?
J: It looks like rice crackers pilled up.
K: Its katayakisoba, noodles. 
T: noodles?? 
J: Interesting!
K: And you put sauce and stuff on them. 
J: Did the members request those?
K: No...
J: But how did they taste?
K: They were good. 
J: Thats the first time Ive seen katayakisoba in a buffet. 
K: Yeah, same. 
J: When I worked for Rolling Stone, where was it that I came to see you?
K: Osaka, this venue. 
J: Ahh, I remember the buffet. It was so nice!
K: Uh, this was the 20th anniversary for this venue, Namba Hatch. And you know, recently, we played our last live at Shinkiba Studio Coast, that was our 74th live at that venue. Well, on this day at Namba Hatch, it was our 75th time to play there. This is our most played venue. 
J: Oh, amazing! Ok, lets see the next photo. 
*photo of lots of whisky bottles*
J: Oh, again, all of a sudden...
K: This was Kyoto. 
J: Kyoto??
K: I went to the Yamazaki Whisky distillery. You know our manager Fujieda, he loves whisky, well..I drink it too. So, we had a free day in Kyoto, so he said, 'Lets get tickets to tour the facility'. 
T: Haha, he loves it that much. How was it?
K: Well, it was the type of thing you can't usually do, you know, seeing inside the distillery. 
T: Did you see the barrels and stuff?
K: Yeah. 
J: Can you do tastings too?
K: Yeah, you can. 
J: Someone commentd "I wanna drink Hakushu!!" haha. But taking a break during the tour is really important. 
T: Did you get drunk? 
K: Well, I posted this on my blog, I did a little video, well not of the inside. No filming inside. *photo changes to a 25yr old bottle of Macallan* Yeah, they have Macallan in there too. 
T: 25 years old. 
J: I bet thats expensive. 
K: This wasn't for sale. Im not quite sure what it was doing there. 
J: Someone asked, did you buy any whisky for yourself?
K: I bought a bottle of non-aged. You can but that there. 
J: You havn't drunk it yet, have you?
K: No, not yet. Its the type that you wont be able to buy there for much longer.  People keep reselling it. They sell it for three times the price. 
J: Really?? Well, maybe if Hanshin win, we should open it. 
K: No, we need something better than that if Hanshin win. 
J: Ok, lets go for Champagne!
K: Nah, I don't really like Champagne, haha. 
J: Ah, thats a shame...Ok, next photo. 
*photo shows a red carpet leading up the wing to the stage*
K:This is the stage wing. 
T: Ehh? Where? 
K: Well, in the tour venues. Our stage director came up with this idea for our 25th anniversary. He put a red carpet leading up to the stage for us, for when we enter. 
T: Cool!
K: This was for all the venues. 
J: Ah, such a happy thing. The audience can't see this though. Its a gesture of love towards the members. 
K: Yeah, I think so. 
J: So great, a red carpet. Ok, next photo. Oh, its him! You know who this is straight away, right?
K: Who?
J: Haha, its Shinya.
K: This was probably when he was taking the photo to upload to his Instagram. He's needs the light to make it Insta worthy. 
T: You took a photo of that moment?
J: From behind! His most embarrassing moment. You've been caught, Shinya!
K: Hahaha. 
J: Shinya wears white a lot, doesn't he?
K: Yeah, he does. 
J: Have you got any recent stories about Shinya?
K: Stories?
J: There's usually something about the members doing something to him right?
K: Yeh, its only stuff I can't say. 
J: Hahaha 
T: Stuff you can't say?
J: Haha, I feel like I need to hear this now. 
T: Uh, we have some mesages from viewers here, can I just read some of them? 
J: Oh, thank you! Die did this part last time, didn't he?
T: Yeah. Uh, From Yuko san, "How do you feel when you see Shinya playing the drums like crazy during The Perfume of Sins?
K: During lives? I don't have time to look at him. 
T: Haha. There you go!
J: Any more messages? We've been asking for communications from you all. Im not sure about using the word 'communications' these days though. 
T: Ok, this one is about Hotarubi, which we mentioned earlier...from Imo san? "Good evening, Kaoru, Joe, and Tasai. Kaoru, well done on the tour. When I heard Hotarubi on the first date of the tour, I got goosebumps, it was so cool. My question is, is there any reason why you chose Hotarubi for the first day? I love this song, so I was so happy to hear  it. Im looking foward to the next tour!"
K: Well, yeh, it was because it was a fanclub live, we did Hotarubi for that. We usually do this, like, do one irregular song for the fanclub live. 
J: Ahh. Ok, one more please. 
T: Ok, this is from Nanatsu san. "Hi Kaoru. Ive been excited to hear the new songs on tour, but which is the most difficult song to play live on Phalaris? Also, please tell us what to look out for in the 25th anniversary tour. Im also looking forward to Phalaris Vol:2". Please tell Nanatsu san which is the most difficult song to play, or any other difficult parts, if there are any.
K: Well, im always nervous at the start. But on the otherhand, this time, no one knew the songs at first, so they wouldnt know if we messed them up. 
J: Ah, before the release?
K: Like, even if it was awful, they dont know, so...haha. 
J: Well, yeah, but thats part of the enjoyment of watching the first song. 
K: Hm, yeh, I think so. But yeh, the hardest song was probably Schadenfreude. 
J: And being the first song too...You must have been nervous. The audience would enjoy it though. 
K: You know that song starts with Die's acoustic guitar. Its a fade in effect. So with the fade in, you have to start playing first, and then fade in, right? When we first played it, it seemed like some people thought his guitar wasnt working, haha. 
J: Really?? You had that kind of trouble?
K: No, it wasnt trouble. The sound doesnt come out at first, it fades in. So, he's playing with no sound to start. But the audience dont know the song, so some people apparently though the sound was broken, haha. 
J: Ahhh, I see, because of the fade in, f couse. Do you have any other stories, or mishaps to tell us about from this tour?
K: Mishaps?
J: Or like, interesting stories involving the members backstage?.....Oh, we'll save that for the second half. Our producer knows how this is done! Ok, so after this we are gonna dive into the second, but like I just said, we'll have more stories from the tour then. And like we said at the start, we have various ways to pamper, and reward Kaoru, which you can look forward to. Now, how to watch this. The second part of this show is for members only, so you need to subscribe in order to watch to the end. If you subscribe, you can watch this broadcast in the archived for one year, and there will be member only videos to be released later. We have a lot of plans in store for them, so please sign up to watch them. Ok, how to subscribe. Can you all see the blue link at the top of the screen? Leader is pointing to it. If you click this, you will be asked to choose your preferred payment method. Choose your method, and click proceed. Then you can input your details. If you havnt already joined, please do so to enjoy the rest of the show. Ok, we'll leave you for a breif monent while we change over into the second half. A changeover screen will appear, so if you are a member, please wait a moment. If you are not a member, please subscribe to enjoy more tour stories, and our pamperIng of Kaoru.
K: The members only video that we filmed recently was fun, wasn't it?
J: Very fun. 
K: It was wild, haha *snorts while laughing*
J: You just snorted! It was so much fun, Leader snorted! You need to watch this everyone!
K: No, they'll wonder what the hell we are doing. 
J: No, its artistic...artistic! I think the viewers will enjoy it. So, everyone, please look forward to this members only video too! Ok, Leader, a final word from you. 
K: Yep, See you in a min. 
*Info which I gathered from the comments during the paid contents, which are publicly viewable. 
They mention the towel incident at Namba Hatch. 
They talk about underpants preference, with reference to boxer style or otherwise, ck, tiger pattern, fuji patern (Kaoru got given Fuji Q underpants froma fan???).
Talk about tour goods from the last tour.
Kaoru was eating potato salad, but he wanted beer with it.
Then he was talking about all the different veggies he likes to add to it.
They were then trying out a few massage devices. Joe had one of those vibrating massage wands, and was using it in dubuios ways, causing the viewers to scream in the comments. Kaoru had a try with a face massage roller, apprently resembling a cat.
They talk about the upcoming tour, and mention some of the venues. 
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jeromefart · 1 year
ok so update, i just found zee and went back to pyloons saloon. i havent gotten very far but i just have so many things to say!!!!
ok so i dont know if i already mentioned this but i loveee the customization. its so in depth and i really like that you unlock small paint collections with a couple different colors/materials. and from there you can change every individual part and choose how polished they are, then you can change the ware overall. i love the vibrant coruscant color set so first, i made a silvery lightsaber with purple and pink accents with a purple blade. and same thing for bd-1. right now, i unlocked some more orangy colors so right now i have a brownish-orange saber with vibrant orange accents and an orange blade. might fuck around with it some more. and i am loving the tactical jacket that has a CAPEE. my boy is so stylish. i made his undershirt the scrapper one (because it has rolled up sleeves and only one glove) in blue. i cant wait to unlock more things and continue to play with customization. only thing is that i WISH you could save designs you make. maybe you can and i havent unlocked it yet (praying)
i really like the upgrades to the camera feature. i didnt mess with it a whole lot in fallen order but i really like how much more in depth it is. heres a picture i took
Tumblr media
i really appreciate how much attention to detail there is. the decoration around the saloon is very nice and it feels very homey there.
also i need to mention that the subtle nods to jokes are so good. greez’s salt shaker, cal’s ponchos, THE LITERAL LIVE SLUG REACTION CREATURE (not the same one but you know.). also i must mention that the bathroom in the saloon is really cool? (and i laughed so hard when cal removed that thing from the toilet). ive never seen a star wars bathroom, except the one in disney land 😭 it was so dirty and ugly in there and it STUNK so bad and there were like 30 people in it. also the sinks were really weird and it took me a hot minute to figure out how to activate the sensor lmao
okay characters. mosey? she is so hot im gonna die. i like doma’s design. OKAY ZEE? i will die for zee. i love her so much shes the best droid ever. i love my high republic era droid and will protect her from all harm.
this game really is an upgrade in all categories. especially in cutscenes and story, it just feels much more polished and smooth. the cutscene after cal woke up was a particularly emotional one, what with the first real dig we’ve seen into cal’s emotions. we see him acting rash and emotionally, getting angry. its so interesting to see how he’s changed. and to see the rift between him and cere especially. he’s clearly avoiding it and i haven’t seen much yet, but im guessing that theyve gotten into more disagreements about how jedi should act. cere is very traditional in a lot of ways, where cal is doing what he needs to survive. from the trailers, it looks like cere’s trying to build up the jedi archives again, where cal is working with saw gurera or however you spell his name and trying to hit the empire where it hurts. cal is a man of action and that can’t be reasoned with. its just how he grew up. with the jedi order gone and him having to fend for himself and protect his identity from the ripe age of 10, he’s definitely not going to be a traditional jedi like cere, who became a master with her own padawan before it fell. she’s had more teaching and learned more lessons and overall taken away more than cal. he can’t just settle down. that’s not who he is. he needs to fight back and help others. he’s active and cere seems more passive. so anyway im excited to see where this goes.
thats about it i just wanted to sit and write my thoughts before i play too much and forget these things over more important things i’ll see later on.
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wooahaes · 2 years
Ahh we all have that one professor who makes u go ??? The fuck ??? At least 5 times in 20 mins lol I get you
Also the nct thing was purely by accident lol aksnsksms I initially listened to boom by nct dream, thought I’d listen to a couple more songs, fell down the rabbit hole and now I actively Stan 20+ men 💀 yeah I did that to myself lol but fr nct has some weird shit but a LOT of bops like if you like slow ballad type of stuff I recommend from home and my everything but nct u or if u like smth cute Touch by NCT 127 is p well liked by most people I introduce that song to! And most of nct dreams older songs are p cute too! I feel like you’ve made a grave mistake letting me talk ab NCT because I could go on FOREVER aksnsksms also I totally get the mark + Haechan duo lol I have a particular fondness for mark because we share the same birthday lol plus he’s so cute I just wanna fucking SQUISH
I would LOVE to hear you talk about Shinee!! All of their music fuckin SLAPS I’ve been obsessed with Body Rhythm every since it came out and like I got into the fandom p late so I don’t know much but I think taemin is fucking hilarious like he is very much my pathetic lil meow meow
-Baby Teume
literally i love her but the way she runs her classes... headache inducing. im probably going to scrape past with a C unless she decides to drop our lowest grade (highly unlikely but very welcome)
... my confession is that i actually enjoy sticker lmao like ik its not great ig? but i can still vibe with it
i have made NO mistake asking u to talk abt nct!!! pls talk to me about nct whenever u feel like it lmao i love hearing abt other ppls groups and the stuff they get passionate about!! literally i love when ppl give me song recs even if i dont end up getting into them bc its a lil 'hey i thought u might enjoy this' and i think thats sweet <3
i learned that marks emojis are a tiger and a lion and im like omg... tiger... another tiger boy to add to my collection. AND lions too??? mark nct ill give u a kiss omg /j
omg... u will regret asking me abt shinee i love them SO much. im ignoring the fact taemin just showed up on my playlist (highly recommend all of the shinee members solo stuff!!! i can absolutely give recs for my fave from each member even tho minho has like two songs to him rn but theyre both good fdkhdshf)
i always say taemin is my bias (hes adorable AND funny like... king stop my expectations are too high-) but i think im truly ot5 because all of them are so important to me. they were the first kpop group i ever listened to forever ago (sherlock (clue + note) is a legend and i love her so much), and i think dropping off shortly after getting into them (which would have been around 2015 because it was the time view came out) and then picking them a little over a year ago was genuinely like... something that really helped me out of a shitty place + hurt because i had missed the news about jonghyun entirely. but even then, i think its made me appreciate him and everything he's done so, so much. i won't get sappy but i truly love jonghyun so much and i'm glad he's no longer hurting. it'll always piss me off when people reduce him down to his death and nothing else because he was such a good person.
moving on from that before i get too emotional... i genuinely just love shinee a lot. i watched one of the shinee world concerts (IV i think?) earlier this year and its amazing how talented they were and still are. shinee truly helped pave the way and inspired so many idols and i adore them. its also fun to just watch them interact, tbh. i don't genuinely ship anyone because i find that weird, but minkey as a (platonic) pair are my faves lmao they always bicker like an old married couple but you can tell that they do love each other and are genuinely close friends.
and jinki!!! onew my beloved!!! i love him so much. he has such a warm presence and GOD his vocals... i die every time... coincidentally love phobia just came up on my playlist lmao but still!! highly recommend listening to DICE if u haven't!! the entire album itself is good but the title track is soo good <3 i always feel like i forget he's the leader of shinee because they're all so close-knit, it feels like they're all on completely equal footing even if jinki is the one leading them.
i didnt rly get into my love for taemin but genuinely i adore him. he's so, so talented both vocally and dance-wise, i love to see the difference between his stage persona (typically his solo persona lmao taemin and his slutty slutty music... <3) when he's really just this very sweet catholic man who apparently only really interacts with his group mates and a few others outside of that. he's so funny and i honestly admire every live he did where he spoke english and messed up and accepted his mistakes? like. learning a language is hard enough, especially one as fucking weird as english, but he just seems to eager to try speaking english and accepts his mistakes. i think he definitely has a very good support network both in the people helping him learn english (job-wise) and in having someone like key there to correct him (and maybe rib him a little bit--but it's all out of love). also i still think its really funny he broke into keys place to leave him a birthday cake and then proceeded to steal one of his jackets. stole my heart at the same time smh
i will stop here bc i still have two questions left on my final but !!! i will absolutely give u shinee recs if you want!! shinee has SUCH a good discography with only a few songs that are... not good at all lmao. but every group puts out some bad songs sometimes, especially when they've been around for a long time! nothing wrong w that! + i'll probs throw in recs from each member's solo career because i genuinely love a lot of their solo stuff as well <3
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pesterloglog · 4 months
John Egbert, Roxy Lalonde, Calliope
Prologue, page 3
JOHN: she looked alright. mostly just tired.
JOHN: at least she seemed to have enough energy to babble at length about philosophical gibberish, and things about canon and such.
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: guess she filled you in on all the ultimate self junk then
JOHN: the what?
ROXY: the shit where she starts knowing everything and feelin bad
JOHN: oh. that’s not the term she used. she just kept describing it as a condition.
JOHN: you haven’t been feeling anything like that, right?
ROXY: what getting to know my ultimate self?
JOHN: yeah.
ROXY: man ive barely got a hold of my basic ass self
JOHN: heh.
JOHN: yeah, she said she was the only one going through this, that she knew of.
JOHN: poor rose.
JOHN: at least all that medication seems to be keeping her sort of functional.
JOHN: she said it wasn’t like that!
JOHN: i mean... she said it was under control.
JOHN: well, what the fuck do i know. the only illicit substance i’ve ever done is lick that STUPID trickster lollipop.
ROXY: yeah w/e
ROXY: cant say its much my business anymore
ROXY: rose and i arent as close as we used to be
ROXY: maryams been keeping her real busy since they got hitched
ROXY: they both vanished down the brooding caverns and that was p much that
ROXY: only since she got sick and spent more time at home did we start talkin more again
ROXY: its been great but our conversations have been a lil bit upsetting
JOHN: so, are you and callie still living at the same place i last saw? the one near the tower?
ROXY: yup
JOHN: that’s cool.
JOHN: it’s a nice place.
ROXY: yeah i like it here
ROXY: ive thought about it but ill probably never wanna live in a different kingdom
ROXY: still feel most at home around the chess guys
JOHN: makes sense.
JOHN: that’s about how i feel about the salamanders.
JOHN: which... i realize actually makes no fucking sense.
ROXY: haha
JOHN: they lead simple lives.
JOHN: i don’t really care for the chaos of human or troll cities.
ROXY: neither do we
JOHN: uh, so...
JOHN: what?
CALLIOPE: please forgive me if i come across as impatient. bUt if we are finished with the pleasantries, i believe yoU have a choice to make.
JOHN: huh?
CALLIOPE: the choice as to whether yoU will go defeat my brother, or stay here.
CALLIOPE: have yoU decided yet?
JOHN: there’s a choice??
JOHN: i was just assuming i had to go.
JOHN: because if i don’t, then...
JOHN: a lot of stuff will stop being real. or i mean, stop being canon?
JOHN: to tell you the truth, i’m a little confused about what will happen if i don’t go.
JOHN: but it sounds like it will probably be bad!
CALLIOPE: that may be so.
CALLIOPE: we are not here to caUtion yoU aboUt the conseqUences of yoUr decision either way.
CALLIOPE: bUt there is always a choice!
CALLIOPE: roxy and i merely wished to invite yoU here for a nice hUman picnic, and show oUr sUpport for whichever decision yoU make.
ROXY: tbh its a relief to finally be doin this
JOHN: it is?
ROXY: mm hm
JOHN: how much have you actually... talked about this? i mean, how many people knew this was going to be a thing?
ROXY: just us and rose. well dirk too i think
ROXY: shes been talkin to me about it a bunch
ROXY: and him too but i dunno how much
ROXY: hes got like
ROXY: “thoughts” about all this shit
ROXY: but whatever thats not important or even remotely surprising
ROXY: bottom line, rose has been tormenting herself about having to tell you
ROXY: im just glad she finally said it so she can rest
ROXY: now its up to you
CALLIOPE: yes. take all the time yoU need.
CALLIOPE: again, we aren’t here to inflUence yoU. it’s very important that the decision come from yoUr desire to go throUgh with it, one way or another.
CALLIOPE: any tampering coUld taint the resUlts.
JOHN: taint the...
JOHN: wait, what?
ROXY: so whatll it be john
ROXY: john u ok?
JOHN: ...
ROXY: looked like you were gonna pass out there for a second
CALLIOPE: of coUrse! what was i thinking.
CALLIOPE: this decision is far too important to be made on an empty stomach.
CALLIOPE: here, before yoU choose which path yoU’re going to take, yoU shoUld decide what yoU’d like to eat!
CALLIOPE: i have packed a wide variety of provisions. easily enoUgh to satisfy even the most ravenoUs picnic-goer’s appetite.
CALLIOPE: behold, an array of savory delights for the carnally inclined.
CALLIOPE: or perhaps something for yoUr sweet tooth, if a lUst for treats is what stokes yoUr desire?
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ginnsbaker · 10 months
Hiii I finally had some time so I thought id give you my thoughts
First the character I honestly feel the most sympathy for is kate shes the only one who hasn’t actually done something wrong. Even when she accidentally told reader about her and yelena its clear that wasnt done with malicious intentions, and it must be so hard for her to be around someone she loves as much as she is. Especially because yelena dropped her the second reader came back into her life like that sucks so bad.
I am so surprised no ones been into wanda this whole time cos that woman is a catch. I wonder if peter will tell wanda that valkyrie asked about her I don’t think wanda will go for it at all but I don’t think she’s gonna notice. In fact i have a funny feeling readers gonna find out about this little crush before wanda does. Not much to say on this yet as its early days but looking forward to see how this develops.
Very proud of wanda setting boundaries by not replying to reader after shes making progress and its really great to see. The way you wrote this series is paced in such a way that the character development really gets to shine and it works brilliantly for the type of story you’re telling that is all about personal development and changing circumstances that shift your perspective on things so kudos to you. I feel like with every chapter shes making progress and its a testament to your writing :)
The twins relationship is really sweet and im glad they do the check ins not just to make sure wandas alive but just to talk that sibling bond is clearly very important to them and its nice that at least one good thing came from a very tragic incident. I think pietro is a good balance of protective and understanding at the minute its clear he’s not readers biggest fan but instead of berating wanda about it he’s supporting her which is the best thing he can do.
Wanda was not a bad wife because she couldn’t get pregnant and I don’t want to hear another word 😤. I feel so bad for her for feeling like that because it really isn’t her fault and i hope she knows that. For some people its really difficult to do and making the decision to stop trying is also incredibly difficult sometimes its just a case of wrong time like you never know miracles and luck can just come. She would be the best mom too and i don’t want to hear anyone say otherwise about that either.
And finally reader and yelena.
My first thing to say about reader specifically is what the fuck is wrong with them. Spike of pettiness so they text wanda??? Leave wanda out of it (wanda protection squad over here) but seriously it’s basically using her to make yourself feel better by essentially taking a jab at yelena it is so unbelievably petty. And im glad wanda kept the conversation brief yay boundaries. In readers defence they don’t know what wanda did but still don’t use her in this way.
Reader and yelenas make up was (as much as i hate to admit it) pretty good they talked about what bothered them and why good communication. I wonder if they’re actually going to be intimate because last time I feel like reader was hesitant.
The thing i wanted to talk about was the L bomb at the end and something yelena said that ive been saying for so long now. She doesn’t know this new reader. She knows who the reader was in the past when they were younger but they’ve both changed now and im so glad she acknowledged this cos its killing me, which leads to my second point.
The L bomb. Im not sure either of them mean it properly especially reader. From yelenas point reader is the one that got away her greatest what if. Feelings from the past resurface and thats when things get complicated because is it love now or is it the love from then that she never got to express. I’ve said it so many times but these two are not the same people and they’re slowly realising that but do these new versions love each other too? Im not so convinced.
And for reader it seems like they’re confusing platonic love or even possibly feelings of nostalgia for romantic love. They just came out a 10 year relationship now a girl from their past is offering herself up to them. Its an easy option for reader a simple choice you could call it a safe choice. Some people say love isn’t supposed to be easy some say it is im not sure which i agree with because i guess there’s points for both. To me though love isnt supposed to feel like you’ve settled for less which is how i feel about this relationship. I understand readers mindset on this an easy relationship where you won’t get hurt is safer than one of those passionate ones where you might.
This is super long so im gonna add something to a separate ask its more specific about the love thing if thats okay
I think by now we more or less agree on most things and you really have an almost perfect grasp or how everything is going to unfold.
To answer your question, about r and yelena being intimate, it was hinted at the end of chapter 11. "Then show me".
L bomb: another perspective: when i first told my partner i love her, i uh, didnt mean it the way i do now. So basically, ppl say they love someone to make the declaration, to make the decision that moment to love them, not because it was 100% what they're feeling at the moment.
Curious to see what other questions you have :)
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ferrn0 · 1 year
heads up / TW: this looks at personal stuff + vent(? sorta) ALSO this is not super important / not essential for you to read
less posting due to massive lack of motivation
want to post more and take art serious but its hard
could be depression or hormones idk dont know what to do
overthinking lots -> dont know why this is happening
crave regular change but havent had it + difficult to get change bc of parents -> maybe this is why??
going to try my best not to stress abt it
do not worry about me, im going to be okay
i havent been posting much proper/ finished/ full art ( not sketches ) because ive been really struggling with motivation this year. For all i know, it could be a depression(?) thing or perhaps hormones ( i have a uterus unfortunately) or maybe it just comes down to ADHD.. i do take medication for adhd but they dont really do much regarding dopamine so my motivation is still kinda low even when i take the meds. I really want to be posting proper art and i want to take my art more seriously however, without motivation its really difficult. Im finding myslef slipping back into what feels like a depressive mindset. kind of. yet, im super happy in so many aspects of my life where i used to be affected by this mindset. I have found a better group of people to be around ive found more things i want to do and ive got goals for the year- i didnt have those this time last year. And now.. my creativity has been affected and i dont know what to do.
I feel guilty for not posting. Or maybe i feel frustrated that i dont post (which leaves me with noone seeing my work). Either way, i want to post. but i cant get myself to.
this leaves me thinking...
"maybe i just need to improve my skills"
"maybe im not putting enpugh effort in, what if im just not 'trust(ing) the process' enough"
"i might need to just try a new medium"
"maybe i need a new intrest or fandom to join so i can make fanart"
"what if i was just qrong my whole life and im not cut out to be an artist?"
"perhaps theres something else wrong with me and thats why i cant get myself to do things"
And this circles round and round. So what do i do about it?? should i just take a break and not focus on posting? but i already do that anyway! do i just try to do a month long or a week long challenge? but i always miss days and eventually give up!
The more i write about this the more i realise i am not okay. and that im getting worked up over a small thing. but i am miniscule and to me this small thing is ginormous.
i am a kind of person who craves change. but only when i want it. And i have gone a very long time without the kind of change i need in my immediate environment. so maybe thats the issue. but i happen to be a child. who lives with his parents. so that causes some problems, dont it? not that my parents are horrible people or incredibly unfair. but because they have their own ideas of how we (me and my brothers) should grow up and what sort of privileges we get ect. because they are my parents. My parents believe that we should each have atleast one physical out-of-school activity we do each week. I do basketball. and i have been since i was in grade 5. its been almost 5 years. dont get me wrong, i love the game and i love playing it. but i find myself dreading going to each game everyweek. i need change. i want to quit bball. i also do drama classes each week(since yr 6/7)- but i like that. and i dont want to quit. because its different every week, every year. My bedroom has also been that same for the past 3 or so years, yes i have moved things around, but the furniture hasnt changed, and the walls have been the same colour with the same wall stickers since we moved in when i was in year 1. I spend a lot of time in here(my room) and it doesnt feel like mine anymore.
TW- eating
my medication for ADHD gives me a smaller to no appetite during the day. I no longer bring much or anything to school to eat. i dont really eat breakfast either(but i did that before i got meds anyway). I still eat dinner everyday, just a little less that i used to. and i will eat lunch (depending on situation) during the holidays and weekends mostly because it ends up getting made dor me half the time. i do suspect the rather sudden change un my eating habbits might be affecting me. but nothing terrible has happened to me yet(i have lost a few kgs but that isnt worrying as i was a little overweight beforehand). perhaps this is affecting my motivation too. but who i am to know for sure?.
i think i will just continue as i have been. but i will try my best to not worry myself over not posting. although i cannot make any garantees. not many people follow or interact with me here so i doubt this will cause too many concerns but if it does, please do not worry. i will be okay. i am working on myself.
I apologise to those who want/wanted to see my work more/more often. i hope this all makes sense and that you can understand ♡
with sillies,
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