millssimmer-blog · 1 month
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My new doctor who fanfiction! It's my first Wattpad story so I'd appreciate any views and reads!
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southernpansy666 · 10 months
Doctor Who (The 14th Doctor Adventures/MichaelSheen)
(Michael Sheen)
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orinokomcgee · 2 years
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All aboard the good bus Victoria!
Artwork for a story I’ve written over on Twitter, which was then uploaded on AO3 under the same name.
Yes, that is the same bus from Planet of the Dead, which was last seen flying off with Lady Christina at the wheel.
Should really expand on the story at some point as there’s only one chapter.
#DoctorWho #DoctorWhoArtwork #DigitalArt #Bus #VictoriaBus #Space #Fanfiction #DoctorWhoFanFiction #AllAboardTheGoodBusVictoria 
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memelovescaps · 4 years
Even if it sends me to Heaven
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The Doctor has been taken and made to see things he can't unsee. When he manages to escape, battered, in the haze of exhaustion and need of comfort, he goes to the only place he feels safe: with Clara. It's up to her to bring the Doctor back from the depths of his own terror.
Twelfth Doctor Whump, hurt/comfort and fluff.
Give it some love!!
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thedoctorcried · 3 years
Runaway - Prologue
Concept: Hazel Richards is a twenty-year-old woman living in London. When she meets a mysterious time-travelling alien known only as the Hunter, she’s thrust into a world of wonder she could only have imagined. 
Warnings: swearing, follows S1 of Doctor Who.
When I was four years old, I saw a woman die. I didn't understand what was happening at the time. I didn't know why she was lying on the floor. I didn't realise I was stepping in her blood. I just thought my mother had gone to sleep, and, in a way, she had.
When I was eight years old, I saw a man turn to drink. My father was struggling to deal raising me without my mother, and alcohol was his coping mechanism.
When I was twelve years old, I saw a man lose himself. The alcohol had not helped my father, and when the drugs came along, things got even worse. The man I used to love had changed, disappeared, and in his place was a drug-ridden wreck of a man, who barely knew my name anymore.
When I was sixteen years old, I saw a man die. I understood exactly what was happening. I knew why he was lying on the floor. I realised I was stepping in his blood. I thought my father had gone to sleep, and, in a way, he had. And it was my fault.
Back then, there were three of us. But I'm twenty years old, and it's just me now.
My name is Hazel Richards, and I'm the only one left.
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Hand in Hand
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Pairing: 10th doctor x reader
Song: Mumford and son's- Beloved.
Warnings: Angst then fluff. F bomb is dropped twice. I am absolutely sorry if this makes no sense.
AN: Enjoy!
Fear will take ahold in many ways. That body shaking kinda fear that leaves you feeling drained and exhausted. The one that roots itself deeply into the pit of your stomach. It makes you feel ill and wishing that you were anywhere else.
Then there's the one that makes your blood run cold. The one where your body loses all warmth and makes it feel as if you've been eating cotton balls. It makes your mind run rampant and go blank at the same time.
It's the one where you don't know wether to scream or cry. Maybe you should run? Would that work? Or should you curl up and into a ball and hope that whatever has a deep rooted hold onto your heart will go away.
But that's never the case.
It never goes away.
It's always there at the back of your mind even if the thing your scared of is light-years away and flung deeply into the past.
But. You know.
Time travel and aliens have a way of throwing the wrench into that one.
So. Here you where. At some unknown point in the future. Standing on a foreign planet with your greatest fear standing before you. Behind you. Whispering honeyed words in your ears.
They travel around you. Trail up your sides and tangle within your hair. Trying to poison every crack and crevice they can get ahold of.
So. You fall back onto what you knew as a little kid. Little tricks you learned when having your parents check the closet and under the bed wasn't quite enough.
You close your eyes and pretend that you can't see them.
Because if you can't see them they can't see you.
You try to think of happy thoughts. Puppy's and kittens and
So they can do that know.
It's face was directly in front of yours. Grinning like a mad man set free. Laughter rings in your ears as you open your eyes.
Screaming you fall back.
Happy thoughts happy thoughts.
Fucking happy thoughts!
That's what The Doctor had told you before you got separated.
These beings fed on fear. Thrived in it. And the only way they could get it was by trapping unsuspecting travelers.
They made the planet to look enticing. To draw you in like a siren's song and down you in a sea of gut wrenching terror.
The planet was washed in seas of blue and draped with blankets of deep green. When you land on it the first thing you notice is the sweet smell of flowers. Maybe even the fresh scent of baked bread. The floor was carpeted on the softest moss you could ever hope to see.
It made you feel at home. It drew you in. You wanted to go in deeper. To explore and see more of the beauty it has to offer.
And we fell for it. Both me and the Doctor. He grabbed ahold of my hand and off we went. Seeing new sights I've never seen before. Finding new soft looking animals the Doctor is just now learning of.
The first howl should have sent us back running to the Tardis. And we would have to. If the Doctor hadn't insisted on staying just a touch longer. I'm not blaming him. Lord no. I wanted to see the waterfall to. I trusted that he would keep me safe. So off we went. Hand in hand to see the world as we always did.
Except this time letting go wasn't something we had planned together. The rocks were slick with wet moss. Little pebbles would scatter with every step we took. The bank to the river was a rainbow of colors. The water the deepest shade of blue.
We went towards the water fall that fed the river. It's great roaring sound as it sailed to the ground deafens us the closer we got. Having to shout at one another to be heard.
And down we went. Laughing to one another as we pointed out some great unseen sight. Birds colored with every fiery hue nauture could create. Fish the same scaley green as the oceans back home.
Oh it's was absolutely stunning!
But. All good things must come to an end.
The howling from earlier had gotten louder. Had gotten closer. We could see them in the corners of our eyes. Heads peering over huge boulders as we swiftly made out way back to the Tardis.
My heart pounded deeply with in my chest as a hollowed filling made itself home in the base of my throat. I gripped tightly onto the Doctors hand. He squeezed back just as tightly.
It was him who figured it out first. Of course. He payed attention to how swiftly they moved. Watched as our breathing became erratic and our hearts drummed out a hurried tune.
"Think happy things y/n" He told me. "Tell me about the happiest thing you can remember. Maybe we can call down." So I did. I told him about the time me and my parents went to the coast for the first time. About the way the salty hair clung to every inch of skin. The way the briney air would fill your lungs. About the tide pools I showed my siblings once they came into the world.
And it worked! Both me and him were calm and it was a few more miles back to the Tardis.
Aliens have a way of ruinning things. Remember that if you ever have the chance to travel with this man.
A glob of mud sailed through the air and landed squarely on the Doctors suit jacket. We both spun on heel as another hit the side of my face.
They had us surrounded from the back. Hands filled with mud balls and rocks.
We took of in a blind sprint. Hand in hand as the forest blurred around us. The Doctor lost his footing as the ground suddenly slanted downwards. We lost each other as we tumbled to the bottom of the large hill.
Which led me to where I was now. In pain. Dazed and confused with monsters surrounding me.
One shuffled closer to me. Snuffling it's way around my neck and into my ear. I breathed in deeply trying to distance myself away. Trying to think clearly.
Trying to think about what the Doctor would tell me.
Help me figure out on my own.
With every ounce of strength I had I pushed the creature back. Yelling and screaming.
"You have no power over me!" I whirled around in my spot. Hair whipping wildly as tears welled up behind my lashes.
"Do you hear me! You'll starve with me here! You are just and insignificant little aspect of my life!" The creatures sunk back. On tried to bravely run towards me. I grabbed a broken branch and waved wildly at it. Breaking the branch in two as it came into contact with a burley arm.
"You don't scare me! The demons I face within my own head have told me scarier lies than you could ever hope to whisper." I walked towards the shrinking group hot tears spilling down my face.
"Don't you see! There are scarier things in this universe. And believe me I've seen them all. But you. Your just the monster under the bed. No one's going to remember you." My chest heaved as I breathed in deeply. The monsters shrunk and skittered away. Leaving me alone in the middle of the woods with nothing but my thoughts for company.
I dropped the branch that was still clutched within my grasp. Tears spilled thickly down the sides of my face. My nose ran an my head began to throb in tune with my rapidly beating heart.
I folded in on myself wrapping my arms around my stomach. I gasped for air as my legs trembled before giving out.
I was alone.
Oh God I was alone.
"Y/N!" I jerked up and off of the ground at the sound of my name. The Doctor was sprinting towards me. His suit jacket torn and dirty a deep purple bruise cradled the side of his face.
"Doctor!" We clashed against one another trembling as we pulled each other as close as we could. The Doctor's hand rested against the back of my head his long fingers weaving through my hair. I grabbed fistfulls of tattered fabric while resting my head against his chest.
"It's ok." He whispered. "We're safe now. They're gone." He pressed a kiss to the top of my head swaying side to side. I sniffled and wiped away still falling tears.
"Are you okay?" It came out in a ragged whisper. The Doctor smiled softly. His deep brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He pressed another kiss to my forehead and grabbed ahold of my hand.
"I'll be okay when once we get into the Tardis and away from this planet." We began the slow trek forward. His hand held mine tightly and deep down I knew that he needed this more than I did.
I looked down when the ground suddenly felt a little more wet and a lite more squishy.
"Y/n?" He turned to look at me one brow curved towards the sky.
"I... I lost my shoe." We met each other's gaze and burst out laughing heads resting on each other's shoulders. Hands held together in a gentle embrace.
We began laughing even harder when the Tardis whirred a little ways away from us.
Hand in hand we would take on the world. Heaven forbid we were one without the other.
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sapphirelazuliart · 4 years
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Do we dooo Weee do weeee Do we doo Do we do we We doooooo Doo we dooo Wee doo weee !!!!🎶🎶🎶 . . . . . This is my Doctor who fanart.... Hope you like it.... More to come soon.....❤❤❤❤ . . . . . . #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhoart #doctorwhofan #doctorwhomemes #doctorwhodrawing #doctorwhocomics #doctorwhobbc #doctorwhoclassic #doctorwhofanart #doctorwhofanfiction #doctorwhofeels #doctorwhofunny #doctorwhofans #doctorwhofanfiction #doctorwhoforever #doctorwhofanfic #fanarts #fanartdrawing #fanartist #fanart🎨 #digitalartist #digitalinfluencer #digital_art #digitalart #drawingdigitalart #drawingdigitalart #digitalsketchbook #artwork #fictions #sciencefictionart #sciencefictionbookseries #sciencefictionyoung #sciencefictionnovels https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVi0FCFBTa/?igshid=x2pz62b04wzy
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melusine0811 · 5 years
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CHAPTER 4 IS UP!!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/21163841/chapters/50373140 Please leave me some love!
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Part 1
The Doctor stood up and her eyes slowly focused on the tardis console.
Her whole body felt like it was broken, just moments ago she’d been blasted through the doors of the TARDIS by the gunfire of a Judoon squadron as she tried to resist arrest. She probably should have realised the little girl they were surrounding was the Child Queen of the Andraz, not a hostage, and they were her hired body guards.  
“Sometimes,” she thought out loud, laughing to herself through the pain “I should probably think before I go charging up to people twice my size, I'm not as tall as I used to be.”
And that was true, of all Thirteen of her previous bodies, this one was her smallest, even if it was only a centimeter smaller than her Seventh and besides... she was significantly less broad.
The TARDIS hummed in solidarity, almost warning her that although she was older and wiser than ever, at 2000 years old she should know to be more careful.
“Stop worrying dear.” She said whilst stroking the console, “when have I ever got into more trouble than I could handle?” The TARDIS let out a low growl and the console hummed beneath her fingers. “Okay, point taken.”
Without warning, there was a knock on the TARDIS door. The Doctor whipped her head around, pulling the monitor across to her so she could see who was outside, and pushed the pedal down on the floor with her foot to dispense a custard cream.  
“Have I mentioned how much I like this new desktop before?” she whispered to the machine before turning back to the monitor, a hooded figure was stood outside. She found herself overcome with curiosity, a familiar emotion for this version of herself.  
The figure raised their hand to the TARDIS door once again to knock, and when they were greeted with silence, quietly pushed the TARDIS door open. The Doctor quickly dashed behind one of the Crystal pillars in the control room, keeping her eyes glued to the figure but making sure the intruder couldn’t see her. The latch on the door clicked shut behind the figure and they raised their cloaked arms to lower the hood. A mass of curly blonde hair tumbled out as the hood fell, and the Doctor held back a shocked yelp, clamping her own hand down over her mouth.
The woman laughed flirtateously with the Tardis, who dimmed the light emitting from the large columns in anticipation.  
“Hello gorgeous, where shall we go this time?” River Song said to the ship, grinning. “I LOVE the new look, very otherworldly, is my Husband going a phase?” The TARDIS responded with a series of high notes. Almost like a chuckle.
“You could say that.” The Doctor remarked as she side stepped into Rivers view.
River Song thought she knew her husband better than anybody in the universe, but even he could surprise her.  
She’d been on Darillium with him for 15 years so far. Neither of them felt any different from the night they arrived to watch the singing towers, but that may have been because not a single Darillium day had passed during that time. The Doctor and River had spent all the time they could exploring the universe and getting into trouble. However of late River found herself craving an adventure of her own, like she used to have before they settled down. One that didn’t involve her Scottish companion, and that’s how she ended up stranded on the planet Andrazco, in the Nebula of Piltrane. A nearly successful bank heist had lead to the destruction of her vortex manipulator, but luck would have it, whilst she was crossing the market place with no way home, her head covered to not show her pursuers who she was, she heard that familiar wheeze, shortly followed by shooting, and instinctively ran in the direction of the noises.
Surprised she was when she saw a redecorated TARDIS, the royal blue dimmed into a greener hue, the white sign turned black and opened the doors to a crystallized haven. She thought The Doctor must have gone on one of his own adventures (which she knew he took when she wasn’t around) and reconfigured the desktop in a moment of madness. She did love the new look, wondering when the Doctor must have had the time to do it up, and where on the planet he must be if he didn’t open his door to her, planning to take the ship home, where she could programme it to return to its current spot without her, as if she (and the TARDIS) had never left.  
Her scheming was cut short when a smaller woman stepped out from behind a TARDIS Pillar. This woman was northern, from the sound of her yorkshire accent, with short blonde hair and dark green eyes, that held a wisdom older than the years her face allowed. River felt her heart stop with the same electricity flowed through her body every time she met a new version of her Husband... now wife.    
The Doctor smiled softly at River, not daring to believe she was really there. It had been over 500 years since the last time she’d seen her wife. Knowing that she was going to the Library and still letting her leave was one of the hardest losses the Doctor had to suffer. She never really got over the pain she felt knowing that River was gone from the world, even if she was never truly gone from the Doctor. Kept alive in the library database, the Doctor knew River was, or would be, at peace in the end, but she still felt guilt for not keeping her safe. She stood still, with her hands in her coat pocket, just staring at the taller woman for a few moments, drinking in the face she so longed to see.  
“Were you always this tall?” She mused. River blinked momentarily, before letting out a laugh that filled the Tardis with warmth and light. The Crystal pillars brightened, causing every corner of the console room to flood with colour, blues and bronzes and deep deep oranges. Alien, but still familiar to River.  
“I think that was you, sweetie.” River smiled before walking up to the doctor and kissing her softly on the lips. She couldn’t believe how differently each Doctor reacted to her, this one was softer, scared even, from the moment she crossed the room. She still wasn’t sure even after all this time whether each Doctor would feel cheated when she spent time with another, she never really asked, but in the end, they were all the same person, and she loved each version she met. New casing, same software.  
The Doctor felt Rivers lips touch hers and felt the air she’d be holding in her lungs leave her body as she breathed out into the other womans arms. She may be newer, but River certainly felt like home no matter who she was.
They pulled apart.  
“So where are you now?” She asked, it was time to Sync their diaries.
“Much ahead of wherever you may be.” The Doctor said sadly, averting her gaze from Rivers. River wasn’t sure how to take that information, realising the sadness and nerves this version felt were because she hadn’t seen her in a very long time. “But where are you?” The Doctor continued.
“We just saw the dance of the 24 disciples,” Said River, “and stopped them performing the ritual of the Getisse”  
“Didn’t we go home after that?” The Doctor asked, not remembering visiting this planet before today.
“Ah well... yes.” River replied cheekily, “but darling you MUST have known I'd be sneaking out, just like you.”
The Doctor feigned surprise, and as she went to respond to her wifes comment, they found themselves on the ground as the TARDIS began to rock violently from side to side, like somebody was trying to tip it over.  
River pulled out her guns from her leg holsters and whipped around to face the door.  
“RIVER, WHAT DID YOU DO?” The Doctor yelled as she felt the TARDIS begin to rise, like it had been hijacked.
If you’d like me to continue with this, please like, reblog, follow me and please let me know!!
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doctorwhoish · 5 years
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Loveless and The Doctor - Part 1, Chapter 4 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/MPHqAAuXhW 
 Francesca Loveless works as a GP for a small town in Devon: a small town where, for the last 100 years, nothing has happened. That is, until Franny makes a shocking discovery about her town, and unearths a secret that will change her life forever. 
Meanwhile, the doctor, recently returned from a traumatic experience that will haunt him until the end of days, encounters a very old foe in a new form... 
The first volume of the 'After the Sun' series, 'Loveless and The Doctor' explores uncomfortable themes about human life in the sci-fi setting of the Doctor Who extended universe. Featuring the doctor as you have never seen them before, this series takes place shorty after the events of 'Resolution'. Updated twice a week (at least!) on (usually) a Friday and a Monday.
NEW CHAPTER PUBLISHED TODAY!! Check it out if you have a minute 
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kenneth-omega · 5 years
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The Forgotten Time Lord (Eleventh Doctor)
"I've never met someone quite like you, Elanor. You truly are an enigma."
"The good kind, I would hope."
"Of course. You couldn't be anything else to me."
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dom-lyne · 5 years
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Something a bit different from my usual output. Today I published a short story based on Doctor Who to the BBC’s Mixital site. . I fancied writing something different from my typical transgressive stories, and I’ve never tried my hand at writing for the revived series Doctors. I wrote a few classic Doctor Who stories when I was a teenager, with one of my ambitions being to write an official Doctor Who novel. That novel remains partially written, but fully planned, waiting patiently for me to return to it. Who knows, maybe I will. . #dominiclyne #domlyne #doctorwho #doctorwhofanfiction #fanfiction #shortstory #skeletonsinspace #twelfthdoctor #claraoswald #bbc #mixital #tvshow #scifi #sciencefiction #shortadventure #tardis #timelord #fan #geek #ukauthor #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #author https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEcyIBAEhm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bo8tcwoej1bu
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ingenioustimelady26 · 6 years
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The Man in the Long Brown Coat - Chapter 7 | The Star-ship UK (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/2qVc0ue3JO Regenerate alone and losing a certain companion, the Doctor crashed in Earth, and was found by Sam Piper, a tenth years old boy who was alone at Christmas. The two lonely souls met and started their adventure through time and space.
I have no idea what am I thinking, so I need a bit of support to tell me about what you guys think of the story.  Sooo.. Yeah. Thank you! 
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southernpansy666 · 3 years
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Bad Omens: A Companion True (Novella) - Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1093612078-bad-omens-a-companion-true-novella-part-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SouthernPansy666&wp_originator=rmqAzw0a4%2BIt99Xhs0uOFVzqK96aulG%2FqQ2YukXShUeIWwIkchNEpIkoeMVgjUwnCJ7KG0Ex26kkLvX5cB%2Bbsm7o4xSkNSUAlVRfzDI3s9ZopBiuupQ9EKry%2Bd8zvMpB Eden Alexandria Queen Fell is still in recovery and will sadly spend this year's Halloween in bed. It doesn't help that she's suffering from nightmares and pain.... Desperate to cheer up his daughter, Crowley puts together a costume and gets into character as his daughter's childhood hero.....The Tenth Doctor!
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Yeah. Let’s just add another fanfic to the billions of other unfinished ones I have. #doctorwhofanfiction #iwritetoomanyfanfictions #innermeme #doctorwho
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twelftholmes-blog · 6 years
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I'm still me. {Tentoo & Rose} - - requests (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/IdW0Ki9DoK A series of chapters/one-shots/headcanons of what life might be like for Rose and the Meta-Crisis Doctor in their alternate universe. ~let there be fluff~
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