#does he succeed ? u decide
oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
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very late for a halloween post but these guys are literally
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in this order and yes kaido is the cupcake
perfect halloween costumes
i think some variations of this have been drawn (i know for sure i've separately seen saiki as freddy, kaido as bonnie, and nendo as freddy before) but ive never seen hairo be included..
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3416 · 4 months
the thing about the mitch talk that makes no sense is like. yes, an organization CAN get someone to waive their nmc by saying they're not going to pay what he wants and it would be better for everyone involved to get on board with the idea of a trade if that's the path the organization has Most Certainly decided on, but mitch marner has all the leverage with the leafs in this situation, and it still hardly makes sense to force that or be sure of it at this moment. IF they approached him about not wanting to sign him for what they know he's going to ask which is prob 11.5-12.5 i'd guess (which... why THIS year would suddenly be the year they changed their mind about having a forward group make so much after signing absolutely ridic contracts last year is already lol and before a huge one comes off the books w jt... like.. flkdjs it feels like a fan fueled narrative of frustration here), that would essentially force him into giving them a list of teams he'd be willing to go to. it will be a short list of competitive teams who also are not going to want to be giving up much. the LEAFS would then have to find a trade that works within those very specific teams and is worth it to them, and they might say fuck it, mitch will be the better option to try to get us to the post season this year. and then be a) forced to let him walk for nothing in return if they still don't want to sign him at the end of the year or b) tempted to give him an extension where he MIGHT have driven up his own price based on performance that year. like it just. this narrative that mitch marner in the last year of his contract with a full nmc will be somehow forced out of the leafs and that's the LIKELY outcome is so ????????? tell me one trade where this team improves w the guys out here on expiring deals as it stands rn and why the organization would see improvement bc i can tell you they aren't just going to trade for the sake of cap space. i know the trade deadline and everything will also come into play if he hasn't been re-signed by then, but there's a very real chance mitch marner drives up his own price the way nylander did and then what. people are going to be even more furious like ??? just the surety with which people act like it is happening and Has to Happen despite not knowing whats available on the market or having a genuine proposal is actually terrible for the leafs, lol.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 2 years
what if MK found the spirits & such consultations office and payed for reigen to help with LBD
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what a hero
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reineydraws · 9 months
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@giurochedadomani this au is eating my brain.
someone in the replies of the last post brought up dogsred, a hockey manga where a figure skater becomes a hockey player so that could be zoro lol
i mentioned it there but he becomes a meme bc he was messing around during practice and managed to score with three hockey sticks, one of which was in his mouth! three stick style 😎
like u mentioned, ace is roger's son but it's not common knowledge bc he wanted to make it on his own name instead of under his dad's, who has like, gretzky-level hockey fame. also holds some resentment bc the peak of roger's career was when ace needed him at home.
also like u mentioned, garp totally doesnt believe professional sports is a reliable career in the long run, and despises that most of his grandkids are pro hockey players, and his son went into speed skating and eventually became the olympic coach for the country's olympic speed skaters (incl sabo). koala is also one and her and sabo are on the mix-gendered relay skate.
by the time luffy gets promoted to captain, he's somehow amassed the weirdest team of pirates players ever seen, where many of the regulars just. don't have backgrounds in hockey? where did he find them? how did he convince the league to take them? who knows.
cross guild productions is the brain child of crocodile, who lent buggy a bunch of money to start his company and decided to do this when buggy couldnt pay up when he chased him diwn years later. croc also coaches mihawk, so he decides to strong-arm mihawk into doing guest performances, since he's such a big figure skating name, having the most olympic golds ever win by a single figure skater. mihawk doesnt want to do it until he hears the storyline for the performance, sees his costume sketches, and holds the prop sword. he's just a huge goth dork underneath it all.
after mihawk's grand internationally-aired romantic gesture succeeds and he gets shanks back, shanks manages to convince the cross guild that he's still a good enough skater to do an easy ice show, as long as he doesnt fall on his bad arm like a dumbass. he never does tricks, but people love the character they write for him, as he's so charismatic. he plays mihawk's rival in that season's little show, and gets his own prop sword. every single performance sells out bc mishanks is till a hot topic among ice skating and hockey fans.
sanji comes from a very strict, very decorous mma family, and he never fit in bc he likes cooking and skating. he ran away from home and found a fister parent in zeff, and worked at the baratie growing up, where zeff put him in hockey bc his kid likes skating but he also needs friends his age. despite never wanting to be like his birth family, ironically sanji's one of the best fighters on the pirates.
usopp is a forward and their best shot, and generally always makes it into the net from wherever he's shooting. despite this, he finds being a forward absolutely terrifying and is refularly intimidated by the big guys they face that have no problem getting in his face and starting fights.
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116t98 · 11 months
My Heartsteel Headcanons
(Except they’re real things real kpop idols really did)
The guys solve all their problems/make all their decisions by playing rock, paper, scissors. Ezreal always loses
Except for that one time when he didn’t, and he literally got down on his knees and thanked God for him finally not losing
(Yone was the one who lost that time, btw)
Kayn ripped his pants in the middle of a televised performance
While playing charades, the others try (and fail) to make Yone guess “luggage”. A few minutes later, he’s only able to guess the word after Sett (with Aphelios’s help) pretends to be a luggage bag
Kayn can play “Mary Had a little Lamb” on the recorder with his nose. Yone asked if he could play something else, which promoted him to immediately play “My Heart Will Go On”
Ezreal told their fans during a live concert performance that he used to have a really nice jacket that he wore for some performances… until one of his stylists accidentally left it on a lighting device
Long story short, his Gucci burned
Sett cries at the end of every concert
A fan once left a comment during an Instagram live that read “I’m crying in the club”, and Yone immediately responded with “you’re in the club?”
Aphelios can perfectly forge all of his bandmates’s signatures; he’s signed Heartsteel memorabilia with everyone’s signatures before, without anyone else knowing
Ezreal yelled at Sett on TV for wearing insoles in his shoes even though he’s already tall
They like to play games during their concerts, like limbo and “who can unravel a roll of toilet paper the fastest?” (it’s K’sante, but Sett’s a close second)
When he first debuted, Ezreal promoted himself by passing out mints to strangers and asking them to listen to his song
Yone wasn’t able to join the others for a live stream once, so they called him to chat for a bit. Aphelios thought it be funny to hang up on Yone as soon as he answered the phone
He was right
Kayn once showed up to the airport wearing a dog head mask
During an encore performance, the guys decided to have a push up contest while they sang
(Sett swears he won, but everyone else begs to differ)
K’sante once mentioned during a TV interview that Kayn didn’t want to watch a movie with him bc he “doesn’t like watching movies”, which got Kayn (who didn’t want to look bad in front of any movie producers who were potentially watching) so worked up, he threw a pen at the table they were seated at… which bounced right into Yone’s eye
While he was promoting his debut song, Ezreal’s brightly colored stage outfits became a meme after he compared them to different kinds of Listerine online. The meme gained so much traction, Listerine actually sent him boxfuls of mouthwash and a customized cake decorated with some fondant Listerine bottles and a sugar doll version of himself on top
The guys tease Alune a lot. Like, a lot. Sett even once jokingly asked their fans to help them set Alune up on a date bc “she’s always solo” and “it’s so sad 🥺” (pray for her u guys)
K’sante accidentally knocked the head off of a department store mannequin
After watching one of their performances, the CEO of their record label complimented the group members individually, telling them things like “your voice is good”, “you look great”, “keep it up”, etc. But, according to Kayn, the CEO only told him: “your forehead’s wide, so you’ll succeed” (wtf does that even mean??)
Kayn and Ezreal had a Twitter war where they enlisted the help of their fans to Photoshop dumb memes of the other using whatever unflattering images of themselves could be found online
Sett has a habit of napping wherever he can. The guys take advantage of the opportunity by taking pictures of themselves posing around him while he’s asleep; some favorites include K’sante standing above him to recreate “The Creation of Adam”, Aphelios putting q-tips on his mouth, and Ezreal stacking random things on his chest
For his birthday, K’sante was surprised with a birthday cake at the end of their concert. As soon as he blew out the candles, the guys shoved him face-first into the cake. He then proceeded to chase them all down, lobbing chunks of the remaining cake at them
An interviewer once said “Ezreal’s not big” (referring to his height). Ezreal responded by saying, “how do you know I’m not big? 😏” (not referring to his height)
Aphelios choked on his water when he heard Ezreal tell a different interviewer “I’m an innocent boy” (he absolutely isn’t). As he choked, Sett told him to “watch out, babe”
Ezreal told Ernest to leave the frame of a video they were filming, but he spoke the command in Korean (I hc that he’s trilingual). When Ernest actually obeys the command, Kayn asks, in the most incredulous way ever, “your dog speaks Korean??”
*Sett promoting their music to random strangers*: “You want to be happy? Buy the CD! From Riot, listen in your MP3! You are not you and I am not me, bc we are one big family! 😁”
The guys once left Sett and K’sante behind at a gas station at night
Aphelios wrote Ezreal a heartfelt letter, written in Hangul, that he requested to be read during a live performance. Ezreal read the letter out loud; it started out well, until he realized that he recognized the words
He’d know the lyrics to the Sailor Moon theme song anywhere
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utilitycaster · 21 days
How can Molly's death be considered a major mistake? It's the crux of the entire campaign.
so I think about this a lot, because you're right, and it really comes down to like...a lot of factors in how people interact with fiction, and some stuff I feel about fandom.
The short answer is that Molly is some people's favorite character, and they really wanted to watch him for 141 episodes and not just 26, and they didn't get to, and so it's valid to feel sad about that. But I think what personally grinds my gears is the idea that it's a mistake and because this is a Fan Favorite character he SHOULD have come back. Setting aside the fact that he had both his fans and his detractors from the start and a lot of people (myself included) who found him irritating didn't say much for a good chunk of C2 because, well, he was dead, this isn't a fucking competitive reality show. You don't get to vote on your phones to decide who wins a resurrection.
I think the longer answer is that there is a certain type of person in fandom, born of a certain type of person in social media communities, who just...is not willing or interested in considering not just that their experiences, preferences, and philosophy are not universal, but also that they are not objectively best and correct and that everyone who disagrees is wrong. It's often really common in, though not exclusive to, people who have particularly limited experiences - young (like, teenager/early 20s), people who haven't lived in a diverse area or in multiple different areas, people who for whatever reason do not get out much - which both makes sense (haven't been exposed to a ton of different perspectives irl) but also means that you get people who, for all they may talk about global politics, kind of unconsciously seem to act as though everyone they interact with online is a variant of someone from the same 3000 person town in the United States in which they've spent all 21 years of their life. ANYWAY getting back to the main point I feel like Molly attracted a lot of that kind of person, who just...doesn't get that while Molly is, to them, a deeply validating expression of gender identity, for many people he is "guy you meet at your friend's birthday party in a two-bedroom 6 floor walk up and within 5 seconds he has pissed you off so profoundly with his overfamiliarity that you go into the kitchen and mainline as much vanilla vodka as possible to not stab this guy with a secondhand knife that says "CHEESE!" on it even though you hate vanilla vodka and it's summer in NYC and you're on the 6th floor in a small apartment with too many people so it's approximately 117 degrees Fahrenheit in this kitchen and the vodka isn't much cooler, and you succeed in this goal, and then after sending your friend who couldn't make it because they were at a family thing that weekend a picture of a rat on the tracks of the 3 train with a caption "this u?" at 1:54 in the morning you're like "so this guy Molly was there" and they're like "oh my god I met him at Cameron's last party, he SUCKS" and you're like "I KNOW". Like a lot of people just do not get that Molly was very popular with their circle, and also a lot of people either were neutral-to-not-feeling-it. This is before we get into the post-death idealization of who he was that takes him from "irritating but I think he'd have grown on me in some ways eventually had he lived" to "horrible and insufferable fake-ass bitch."
And then we get to the true impasse: the idea that something that does not fulfill every single one of your personal wishes might still be a great story.
I'm certainly not perfect, and there's things I thought I wanted for the end of C2 that I didn't get, and there's some things I do wish we'd have gotten to see (or that we'd have done in C3), but I like to think that I try to remain at least partially open to the possibilities. I like to think that my enjoyment of a story isn't contingent on whether one single character survives, even if they are my favorite (and I say this as someone whose favorite ASOIAF character was immediately Ned Stark, a statement that should surprise no one who follows me) nor that the story precisely reaffirms my existing worldview. I want stories to tell me something new and interesting that wouldn't come from my own head, and I want them to sell me on it. I think that a lot of people lost the thread of the importance of representation, namely, they forgot that while it's great to see people like you in a story, you should also be trying to see people not like you and perspectives that aren't yours. I am extremely defensive of my and other people's right to say "I didn't like this story and here is why" without someone being like "Give it a chance! Here's why I think it's good" but at the same time, there is a difference between "I really wish Molly had stayed alive and I don't like that he died," and "everything that happened after he died was A Mistake because it wasn't what I Wanted, and someone should fix this." Like that's what toddlers do. That's not an adult way of interacting with narrative.
So those people don't even get to the point of "the entire campaign is deeply influenced by the loss of Molly; that is what binds the rest of the Nein together and makes them what they are; the fact that Lucien wears the face of a departed friend is crucial to the entire final arc comprising about 20% of the campaign; and the fact that he does not come back, but someone new, with new chances and new choices to make does is emblematic of a campaign about people who find that they cannot undo their pasts, but neither are they trapped or damned by them." They're stuck at "guy I liked died and I'm throwing a tantrum 6 years later."
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l0sercat · 2 years
Chishiya from Alice in Borderland please 🥺
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Chishiya NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Since we are talking about the Netflix adaptation and not manga he would d some aftercare. Just a little like getting you a glass of water.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his mouth. Not only can he make you squirm with it but when he flashes you a grin it makes you melt. He likes your hair, he just loves to play with it when you rest your head in his lap.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He doesn't like messes a lot so he prefers to cum in you. Doesn't matter if it's your mouth or hole. Sometimes he might cum on your chest or back but it bugs him a bit.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He secretly has fantasies of him and Arisu fucking you. Chishiya hitting from the back while Arisu fucks your mouth. It's a little fanon ikik but hear me out..
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I'm gonna say he only fucked 1-2 people and it wasn't even passionate. So he has hardly any experience but he knows a lot about the body. Plus he's pretty confident can please you.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary. He can see your face while you moan out his name.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's more serious. Need I say more.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
So imma go out on a limb here and say he's a bit bushy. He keeps it nice and tame but he doesn't care about shaving. It doesn't bug him and it's a waste of his time. But once every 5 months he shaves it all off.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's not really romantic but if you want he can try to be. He'll succeed dw
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Only jerked off once or twice. He just comes to you or just ignores his boner.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Anything where your submissive. He's not opposed to tying you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere with privacy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you needing him. Relying on him in diamond games. Practically attached to him and trusting your life with him. Definitely more manga Chishiya sorry..
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Being tied up. He doesn't find it pleasurable or enjoyable.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
I can't decide but honestly imma say receiving. But he is semi-skilled at oral and as much as he loves your cum the mess bugs him.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I really can't decide. I'm gonna have to say s mix of both most of the time. But sometimes when he gets possessive he gets rough and fast.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn't mind quickies. You guys have them often.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He okay with experimenting as long as it isn't super messy. He doesn't really take risks to often.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last 4-5 rounds 7 if he has a lot of stamina.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nohe doesn't own toys or want to use them on him but hear me out... he'll use some on you...
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases you a lot in a condescending kinda way.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not loud but sometimes because he knows it turn you on he'll whine in your ear. But most of the time he'll groan and moan but it's quiet
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
I'm gonna say he can be possessive. He see's you taking with Niragi and he's grabbing you by the arm and fucking you in the nearest room.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's thick that when you wrap your hand around him your hand doesn't fully cover him. He's 5 and a half inches long.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not that high. It's hardly there lol. Although I do wanna write a fic where he is super horny, maybe he ate something with a aphrodisiac in it...>:))))
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He sometimes falls asleep after 30-45 minutes after fucking you. But sometimes he doesn't fall asleep at all and you have you snuggle/cuddle with him.
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husky-studies · 1 year
What is with this little gremlin I have to babysit-?
Concept: Blade had to take care of teen!reader (who kafka picked up after a mission cus they keep calling her mommy /hj) who acts like a little gremlin and he had to make sure reader doesn't end up blowing up an aeon or something.
Character(s): Blade, mentions of Kafka and Silver Wolf
Warning(s): none, this is platonic btw
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-Okay first of all, you lucky ass being a random teenager just walking by and had the thought to call kafka mommy/mom/mother when you see her to the point she brings you back
-second of all now you have blade (balde) as your babysitter, have fun tormenting him with your shenanigans
-"Where are you parents." "Kafka is my mom" ~you two when you first met probably
-you probably call him Baldie because you saw Silver Wolf making a typo when texting with him
-at first Blade didn't think much, you're just a teenager. What can you do? Blow up and aeon and their followers?
-yes. Yes you can.
-when that happens for the first time he genuinely panicked because HOW TF R U DOING THAT?! Kafka is gonna be happy but he DOES NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH AN ARMY OF ANGRY FOLLOWERS ALONE RIGHT NOW
-When that whole shenanigan is done, he's going to carry you like a sack of potatoes and carry you back to the headquarters...and give you an earful for doing that
-but is that going to stop you? Absolutely not
-"kid..what is that" "Nothing you need to worry about :)" "I swear if thats a nuk- i know that face. No." ~Blade when he saw you bringing in some boxes
-ALSO yk that Blade got captured in the Xianzhou Loufu right? YEAH YOU BEING THE ABSOLUTE GREMLIN YOU DECIDED TO BREAK HIM FREE
-In the most destructive way possible...
-"GENERAL JING YUAN! WHAT HAPPENED?!" "A teen nuked him" "Wait what-"
-Also the fight with Jing Yuan:
"What are you youngster up to? This isnt a place to hang out" "AND THIS ISNT A PLACE TO KEEP BALDE IN. LET HIM GOOOOOOO"
-annnnd you started nuking the place, the room is filled with explosives and your whines to let Blade go
-did you succeed? Hopefully, now you can continue to torment him /hj
-now the astral express is confused when Jing Yuan told them to keep an eye out for a teen with nukes
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Tag(s): @mitzukitsuna (for the idea :])
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
ok i have GOT to make a halloween request. i don’t really care which characters (tho scarvio main cast + jacq or turo is preferred at the time of writing this) but how about them reacting to the reader having halloween as their birthday? bc ofc it’s MY birthday so i feel obligated to request this lol and ofc u don’t have to do this but i thought it’d be fun to make some kind of halloween themed request ESP after seeing the security breach one. anyways have a nice day!!! :DDD -galaxy
Happy birthday!!! I haven't written for Pokémon in a hot minute
(Sorry,,I couldn't think of anything for Turo or Jacq so I hope the main trio is okay!)
"Wow, little buddy..so does this mean we can only celebrate one or the other?"
He's joking, of course, but he finds it cool that your birthday also falls on Halloween.
Growing up, he never really celebrated either occasion himself....although that doesn't mean he can't celebrate them with you!
He gifts you your favorite sandwich (of course, it's what he does best) and sets up a picnic where you two hang out for most of the day.
By nightfall, you learn of a mass outbreak of ghost types and drag him around, trying to catch them all before dawn.
Although Mabosstiff has the clear type advantage should any of them wanna fight, Arven still gets spooked easily.
Especially as a mischievous Trevenant disguising itself as a normal tree scared the hell out of him.
Turns out you asked it to beforehand (with you promising to catch it should it succeed), and he's not amused in the slightest.
He doesn't stay mad forever, though. It IS your birthday, after all.
Girl goes above and beyond tbh.
And by that, I mean she organizes a whole Halloween/birthday party for you in one of the classrooms (with the director's permission, ofc).
She got cute little outfits for her main Pokémon team and had them all surprise you when you walked through the door.
You expected nothing less from her.
So the rest of the day is filled with fun spooky activities that she (unwillingly) drags Arven and Penny into.
Her gift to you is a Dipplin!
Since it's like a candy apple and a super cool dragon type, she thought it was perfect (her connections in Kitakami came in handy this year).
She would def make sure to celebrate your birthday like this every year even after you all graduate.
She already knew long before you told her (girl does her research).
But she doesn't plan on making a huge deal out of it. Big celebrations were never really her thing, and you knew that too.
The most she'll do is send you a present and a card tied to her Umbreon (who shows up at your dorm in a cute little ghost outfit).
Team Star catches wind of your birthday being today and decides to throw together a little surprise-Halloween party, eventually convincing their leader to help them plan it out and get permission to use one of the old classrooms.
You love it, but poor Penny jumps like 10 feet into the air when everybody suddenly pops out wearing masks.
"Is this surprise party for you or for me?" You jokingly ask, although she just gives you an awkward smile before you all proceed with the festivities.
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planetdream · 18 days
r u okay with expanding more on mafia au skz and how they treat their lovers? thank you!!
excellent bc i've been watching the sopranos lately. thank you for asking for this !! cw; cheating, toxic relationship practices sorry
in the previous post, i mentioned chan basically being the type of mafia boss who does his best to separate you from his work, while still lavishing you in the money and spoils of his dirty work. there is absolutely no doubt that you know exactly what he does for work, but there's a part of him that still finds the need to lie to you about his line of work and what he's doing all day. tells himself (and you) that it's because he wants to protect you and keep you safe. he loves that at the end of the day, he can always come back home to you, a safe haven. needs to work on not lying.
honestly, minho wants a lover that can handle themselves. he's not always going to be there to protect you. at the end of the day, min see's you as a person first, unlike some other the others who may or may not view their lovers as their possession or even their property. you're the one person that he tells everything to, almost surprisingly. he's not one to shield you from the lifestyle, but if you're one to overindulge (spending, drinking, drugs) he will have something to say about it and that when his more possessive side shows and suddenly his restricting your access to cards and party favors.
changbin takes pride in his lover. call him mr. faithful because there is nothing that could stop him from loving you and being with you (unless u tell him to get out the mafia, he'll think for a few days, and he might just leave you). he might be one to show you off, to make sure everyone knows that you're his—but he's extremely private about the things that the two of you go through. your relationship is between the two of you and he's not one for outside opinions (whenever one of the others has relationship problems, he'll talk his shit, tho).
not sure why but I envision cheater!hyunjin. like, he cannot commit worth a damn (he says it's because he loves too much). serial cheater who comes back home at 4, sometimes 5 am, high out of his mind, smelling like perfume, liquor and cigarettes. or, he doesn't come home at all. it takes his partner throwing all his shit out the window for him to get his act right—well, not quite, he still loves to party. he'll probably be 100% faithful for like a year at most, unfortunately. hyune n his partner kinda give toxic on-again off-again relationship.
you are jisung's shoulder to cry on. but that doesn't mean he's going to listen to your advice. in fact, he might just do the exact opposite of what you said. then, when shit goes left exactly like you said it would, he's back crying to you. it's only natural that you get sick of his shit and you decide to call things off; maybe a break, at the least—you think he needs to work on himself and grow up, he's always in the streets. he might argue it, but he lets you go—make no mistake, he almost keeps you at arms length, watching out for you 'just incase something happens'. will try to bullshit his way back into your life (probably succeeds). he genuinely does love you, though, he tries to be better at showing it.
oh, felix has a five star work-life balance...you don't even know he's involved in illegal, nefarious activity until he doesn't show up for date night or something on day. no call or text—and this goes on for days until he randomly pops up thinking you'll forget about it—you make him work for it; and he does the work. he'll be honest, vulnerable; telling you about his past, his childhood, why he's in his life of work. he wants you to understand him, take him or leave him. that gives an extra amount of strength, love and understanding to your relationship. he knows it's a lot to deal with, that it'll take time, but if you continue to love him as much as he loves you, he promises you that he'll show you the world.
in the prev post, I said that seungmin isn't into dating. he's seen how relationships end up for guys like him: the constant sleeping around and arguing and fighting. and then there's the concept of kids...things are better how they are right now for seungmin. absolutely no strings attached and no problems, he already has enough stress from his job as it is. he simply lays pipe and walks right out that front door. he's smart, too, unlike some of the others, he brags about the fact that he uses a condom; when he says no attachments he means, ZERO attachments.
jeongin is another one who is just, not to be tied down right now. "think of all the pussy in the world." he's too young n turnt to be tied down. he gets into a relationship and then purposely tries to find literally any ick possible so that he can step outside of the relationship or break it off completely. he's kind of.. king of situationships, although he doesn't purposely try to lead anyone on he absolutely does ghost a lot. [probably got cheated on or set up by a pretty lady and decided to adopt a 'don't trust hoes' mentality from then forward]
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causenessus · 3 months
figure skater atsumu who is literally at the bottom of the barrel despite having just won gold in pairs because of the nightmare behavior with the mc in cold kisses + calling her a bitch on live tv! he is all around hated and no one is wanting to see him succeed and no one want's to be his skating partner. it's undeniable how talented he is, and everyone thinks it's such a shame that someone with so much talent has to be so much of a dick. but that doesn't mean he can't grow and change, and after a few years of kind of fading away into the sidelines atsumu has decided enough is enough. he can't come back from this, as much as he tried, and he thinks it is just time to quit. that is until his coach finally presents him with a new partner—a skater who was at the top of her game before suffering a terrible knee injury that almost caused her to have to retire. she recovered, yes, but the experience was all around traumatic. as much as she tried to build her confidence in her singles skating, she couldn't, so her coach had asked her if she would consider doing doubles. when she agreed to this, she did not at all think this would mean getting paired with the notorious dick that is miya atsumu. he is a cocky bastard, yes, but he surprises her nonetheless. she's quick to see how much of it is just a wall that he puts up, and how underneath all that he's surprisingly... sweet? he's so gentle when they skate together, never once pushing her past her limit knowing how scared she still is to be on the ice again. he is so incredibly encouraging when she does gain the confidence to do jumps and throws, and when he grins at her on the ice after their first successful throw she thinks maybe she might like miya atsumu a little too much. atsumu is smitten, of course, but he also is so scared of fucking things up like he did with mc in cold kisses. he's lost any sort of confidence he had in thinking he could read people, and is sure he will just ruin things all over again. he refuses to let himself act on his feelings and he is completely oblivious to how much she adores him. he tells himself he has to just hope the feeling goes away, that he will stop feeling his heart skip every time she skates towards him on the ice, that he will stop wanting to kiss her at the end of every routine. (of course, it doesn't go away. no matter how much he wants it to.)
I AM SMITTEN!!!! *I* AM SMITTEN IT'S ME GOODNESS THANK YOU GOD FOR PUTTING THIS IN MY INBOX TODAY OMG 🙏 i almost want to pull out my cold kisses taglist and tag everyone here BC THIS!!!!! this is so sweet THIS IS JUSTICE FOR ATSUMU AND I LOVE IT THANK U FOR AGREEING W ME BC I KNOW HE'S SUCH A HARD WORKER like maybe people think he has a bad personality at first but can you ever deny how attentive he is to his figure skating partners??? no. never. OMGGGKLNERKLNGBJJBKEUHOIFPNJWFERJPOF SORRY I NEEDED TO KEYBOARD SMASH THIS LITERALLY MAKES ME WANT TO CRY THINKING ABOUT HOW HE GOT A GOLD MEDAL BUT DID NOT FEEL HAPPY ABOUT IT BUT HIS REDEMPTION AND THE WAY HE TRIES TO HOLD HIMSELF OFF </33333333 he learned from his mistakes and i want to kiss him all over and tell him how good of a job he's doing I LOVE HIM THANK YOU FOR THIS
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valdangelodreams · 3 months
Au9 (my head screamed this at me)
I am, as I'm writing this, bracing myself for this to be found and repercut on me, but I'm posting regardless
-no TOA but canon au
-I've decided this is called the "the right one doesn't have to try" au
-leo returns sooner, this is important
-there's technically solangelo in that Will is trying to flirt with Nico
-actually, the au is that will tries and fails, and leo doesn't try but succeeds
-anyways, nico still does the line thing and Leo still takes it like a champ
-but leo's internally like, wtf? why is he this angry? did I miss a memo? are we friends and I didn't know?
-and so he kind of feels bad, bc he thinks Nico thinks they're friends, and Leo's been kind of really shitty to him
-so he starts acting like an actual friend
-meanwhile Will tries to do romantic shit and it keeps being read as friendly (it's not like, movie romantic, just him showing he cares u know)
-also meanwhile, Nico himself is trying to make sense of why he'd been so mad, cus now Leo's actually friendly and it puts shit in contrast
-also, we know Leo likes creating shit for those he cares for, and now that includes Nico in true fic miscommunication fashion
-some of the gifst could read as romantic coded, and like Nico's obvs having the epiphany of what we all thought when we read that one scene in TOA (u know the one)
-ie, Nico knows he has a crush, and is reading into thingsTM
-actually, this whole au is Nico being terrible at reading signs yet winning somehow
-Leo and Nico get closer, and Leo's not dumb so he immediately realizes Will is into his new friend
-he feels kind of bad, but also not? which he has to process
-I also, at this point in the dream felt kind of bad, but I also found it really funny
-Leo, being Leo, still acts the same despite the mental crisis, but finally does something that totally reads as romantic (unconsciously)
-so Nico is like, holy shit, but he still wants to say nothing, so he does something for Leo in return
-probably makes him something from scratch, cus he figures Leo would appreciate that the most
-this is where my alarm woke me so y'all can have fun figuring out if the sillies ever say anything
-or the much funnier option of them never confessing but still becoming an item
-everyone else finds out somehow, even in the second version
-that's all, I'm gonna go hide now until I think something else up, love y'all
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justeyuko · 5 months
Flavy's bad friendship, and her attachment issue.
Flavy is a person who can get attached to someone very quickly, she will stick to them once she sees that there is a friendship, or even a feeling of love, Flavy seeks to be loved and that is is his first goal in life. If Flavy sees that no one loves her, she will simply decide whether to accept the forced marriage that her parents had chosen if she remained single at 30, or she will simply resort to suicide, unfortunately, she knows that if she disappears from life, the cult will try everything to bring her back, and knowing that they have already brought someone back alive only to torture them and leave them alive, she would prefer not to use the second method.
Bad old friendship of Flavy:
Lol I told Moon that she was miss misfortune, but in reality it's quite true, Flavy doesn't really know human feelings, practically throughout her childhood until she was 18, Flavy was almost locked up at home, by only going out to go to school, and if she arrived, to have a partner, except that she only managed to have a partner when she was 20-24. The only people who could keep him company were Yuka and...Her best friend Joe, who was a very handsome young man from the school. The two of them were best friends and almost inseparable, the problem, as I said, Flavy gets attached very quickly to someone but also in a romantic way, she very quickly developed romantic feelings for Joe, Joe grew fond of it. I realized very quickly and instead of confronting this, he preferred to play it and hurt her with it. Until the day when he was at Joe's for a friend's and pajama party, Flavy wanted to confess her feeling while asking him what he thought of her, Joe was completely honest and said:
"Flavy, I'm not in love with you, to tell the truth, our friendship is based on nothing at all, I'm just friends with you because you're naive, stupid, dumb, and because you're the most beautiful girl in the world. high school, I only hang out with you to have a good image. Know that no one really likes you, whether in high school, or otherwise, frankly I pity the person later who risks being in a relationship with you, even if I very much doubt it."
Joe was only with Flavy because he only found her beautiful, otherwise nothing at all. During the night of this evening, because Flavy was silent as she never would have been, she didn't speak at all all evening and just wanted to leave, in her mind it wasn't over, she told herself that he would surely forgive himself and that he was just tired, which she was wrong because during the night, Joe took the opportunity to try to sexually assault her, which did not succeed because Flavy woke up just in time, feeling hands a little too wandering for her taste during her sleep, she quickly took her things and left his house in the middle of the night. Flavy didn't believe it and just wanted to cry, someone he was abandoning and someone close to her at that! Flavy promised not to get attached so quickly, in the end she didn't succeed and still does.
insert music
“More awake inside of my dreamz waz dat rlly u nex 2 me?”
“Gimme wut I want, who am I supposed 2 plez?”
“Who am I supposed to be 2 plez?”
“WHO AM I????!1111!”
“More awake inside of my dreamz waz dat rlly u nex 2 me?”
“Gimme wut I want, who am I supposed 2 plez?”
“Who am I supposed to be 2 plez?”
“WHO AM I??!!11”
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tokosparrow · 2 years
Hey toko I understand ur profile going through a lot since all ur works are delted so I thought maybe I can send u request to start fresh start hopefully ur doing well 🫶🏻
I was wondering if you could do like semi crossover request based of episode For the future you know in one that scene how willow lost control of her plant powers etc will maybe it reader instead but only scarlet witch powers so I was thinking Hunter x x scarlet witch reader maybe she different type witch and trying figure out her maybe finding the Darkhold and losing control of her powers via corruption (referance to multiverse marvel flim if u seen it I hope this makes sense ) but I hope this ok I just wanted added mix between marvel buys cuz I love scarlet witch u make it angst and fluff it be great 👍🏻 aslo can u add some moments between reader Hunter from new episode instead o willow it’s reader he likes if that makes sense
a/n: sorry if this is very late since i kinda didn’t know how to really put this together but i hope this is ok enough for you to read through :) , i’ve also removed and added a little bit of stuff from the original scene since i’m too tired to go all in and it’s getting pretty late where i live.
info: reader is gn (i only use you to refer to reader so everyone is safe >:))
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> hunter will obviously be worried for you after seeing how much stress can effect you and how you use your magic.
> he knows it can be dangerous if driven more then you could handle yourself.
> like with willow, he would try to calm you down withs words of affirmation, it helps but you are still unable to control your magic.
> if he was being honest, he was a little scared seeing your magic be this bad, even bad for you, he just hope you don’t hurt yourself badly.
> “i could do it, i could it..” you say looking at the book ahead of you then looking away trying to take hold of your magic
> he soon found out that the dark hold was the source of your outburst magic, soon he tries to get it away from your hold.
> when he does succeed in this dangerous plan of his, he watches as you calm down from your little frenzy before deciding to place himself on his knees infront of you and pulling you into a hug.
> a very tight hug i must say, it’s almost like a kid finding their favorite toy after loosing for who knows how long.
> he pulls away and looks at you with tears falling down his cheeks, oh now that breaks you so much seeing it.
> “you guys mean the world to me, and i just didn’t know how to say that yet”
> maybe using the dark hold was a bad idea after all, after seeing that hurt face placed on hunter, it was for sure a bad idea.
> “it’s just, if i loose the only person i liked in like… you know… how amity and luz are… i wouldn’t be myself completely Y/N..”
> you soon pull him into another hug, it was maybe even tighter this time as you soon let out sobs filled of stress and huddled up emotions.
> soon calming down enough to speak you look to him, smiling just a bit.
> “i like you to hunter”
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rollercoasterwords · 6 months
hi rae, i was wondering if there was any specific reason for y regulus is the first one to leave/rebel in atwmd, and sirius being the one who is the most dedicated to being a death eater, bc their roles r inversed from what they r in canon, and im curious if there is a reason y u chose to do that or it was just something that worked better for the narrative (just to be clear bc the marauders fandom is a bit weird, this is a genuine question, im not shitting on your characterization)
lol appreciate the clarification dw tho i get what ur asking! it's mostly explained in the fic in pt ii + the reg pov ch, but happy 2 summarize & explain the thought process etc.
atp i no longer remember if i was planning 2 have reg be working w the order or just be dead when i first started the fic, but i decided pretty early on that i wanted him 2 have a locket-arc similar 2 canon & to be seemingly dead when the fic begins bc i love giving s a dead brother <3 & from there i decided it would work better 2 have him secretly be alive + joined up w the order bc that helps explain how s comes around 2 working w them. so then i had 2 figure out how 2 make that fit both their characters!
the thing abt this fic is that i'm still writing it trying 2 preserve like...what i personally view as the characters' core traits/key parts of their personalities from canon, just transplanted into a completely different world. so s is actually still less dedicated 2 the d.e. than reg in this fic; s is essentially forced 2 join the d.e. the way that some parents ship their gay kids off 2 military school (in the u.s. at least), but bc of the way he was coerced into it he resents the d.e. from the beginning & even tho he's internalized many of the prejudices he grew up with he still has a pretty strong moral compass that creates this ongoing internal conflict w what he's doing. at the same time, the power he gets from becoming a higher-ranking d.e. is what allows him 2 then go let loose & like...fuck around + be gay, essentially, without fear of repercussions, bc he can basically do whatever he wants in private (even if it becomes a bit of an open secret) as long as he's got this scary public-facing persona. so he chafes against pureblood society more throughout childhood + into adulthood, but he's also powerful + charming + able 2 succeed in that world.
reg, on the other hand, doesn't rebel the same way s does growing up + kinda flies under the radar, which would be fine in theory--except reg does want 2 be powerful + recognized, & he develops this sort of inferiority complex + almost resentment of his brother in some ways. that's why he compares s 2 a sponge in his pov ch; even tho s kind of protects reg growing up by taking up their parents' negative attention, he also soaks up all the positive attention, and reg ends up feeling forgotten. as they get older, this same dynamic is echoed in school, where s gets shit on 4 being gay but also is undeniably magnetic + talented, and reg doesn't understand why his brother can't just be normal bc he'd be so popular if he didn't insist on like. being so open abt who he is. & then s joins the d.e. + suddenly he's like this entirely different person & everyone is scared + in awe of him, and he doesn't have time 4 reg anymore. & even tho reg has resented him 4 soaking up all the attention, s is also the only person who's actually paid attention 2 reg in turn, and suddenly that's gone, and he feels even more invisible. so he goes + does this fancy difficult alchemy program but even then nobody seems 2 care, so he finally decides 2 join the d.e. himself bc he wants 2 become a powerful + noticeable person the same way his brother is.
so as in canon, reg actively decides 2 join the d.e. in this fic, and wants 2 be there. but when he joins s pulls the same old trick: he starts soaking up all the attention, suddenly becoming one of voldemort's best soldiers. & for s he's trying 2 protect his brother from being noticed + used for horrible things, but bc he's doing such a good job of it reg doesn't even know what he's being protected from, and he resents s 4 stealing the spotlight again. so reg decides he'll have 2 get voldemort's attention some other way, & he starts paying really close attention 2 things + picking up information he probably shouldn't, which leads 2 him figuring out about the horcruxes on his own--but through that process, he realizes how stupid he's been 2 join the d.e. & like...the depths of depravity in the organization, & ironically by trying 2 impress voldemort he's learned way too much & essentially doomed himself, bc he knows voldemort will kill him if he finds out, and he will find out eventually. so in his frustration + hopelessness reg decides "fuck it if i'm gonna die i'm gonna go out swinging" & goes after the horcrux on his own, & that's when the order intercedes bc they've been after this same horcrux, & james saves his life, & then he's like hey wanna join the order. & reg is like well. what else am i gonna do i basically need 2 kill voldemort now if i ever want 2 show my face in britain again.
so even tho this leads 2 reg rebelling + joining the order rather than s, the roles aren't actually meant 2 be inverse to canon! in fact, the reason s doesn't rebel is largely bc he's trying 2 protect his brother, and then once reg is dead he's just kinda going thru the motions. he's a product of his environment & so there's only so far his questioning goes; he disagrees w a lot of pureblood society but doesn't really question the foundational assumptions (wizards + muggles are inherently different; wizards r superior 2 muggles) + still goes along w the path of least resistance even when it eats at him, etc. but ironically from the pov of basically anyone who didn't grow up w them it seems like reg rebelled + joined the order, even tho reg was the one who actually wanted 2 join the d.e. (unlike s!) so their actions kinda flip-flop, but their motivations remain the same as in (my interpretation of) canon: reg decides 2 join the d.e. + then changes his mind + works against them; s acts out against his family + gets punished for it + ends up doing his best 2 protect those he's loyal to + himself--only in this world, when he acts out + gets punished there's nowhere 4 him 2 turn, and the main person he's loyal to is reg, so he has 2 figure out how 2 protect himself & his brother as a d.e. fun!
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justaghostingon · 2 years
Wei Ying, Wannabe Fem Fatale Extrodinaire
A crack au
Wei Ying is a man on a mission: to become the city’s most infamous Fem Fatale!
He’s going to seduce so many rich evil dudes, have them die under mysterious circumstances, and then inherit all their money while wearing full lenght black satin and a fetching red boa
Jiang cheng is in the background, covering his face in embarrassment and pretending he doesn’t know him, and why would you make this ur career???
But jiang cheng has no way to stop him because wei ying is officially out of the jiang family thanks to *reasons* to the disappointment of the jiang children
But though he’s got the look if he does say so himself, getting a rich, evil old fart to marry him is far harder than it seems
It certainly doesn’t help that despite Wei Ying’s charisma and flirtatious nature, he’s a blushing mess who’s never even kissed another person whenever someone tries to flirt back.
This is a problem, since Wei ying needs the money so he can reassure jiang yanli and jiang cheng that he’s fine and totally not bitter about those *reasons* that prevent him from getting in a good college or having the life he thought he’d have
And what do you know, one of those *reasons* showed up in Wei ying’s favorite bar to find targets, the burial mounds
Wen chao aka *reasons* aka took offense to wei ying scoring higher than him in a citywide competion and blacklisted him from every college + getting him kicked out of the jiang (or else) + trying to have him killed three times just because
Wen chao, the king of overreacting. Wei ying has a bone to pick with him. So wei ying decides to make him his first target
Wei ying adjusts the woman’s dress he’s wearing and make-up, and attempts to be an interested lady
He fails pretty much immediately. Wen chao had some very mean things to say, and so Wei Ying was forced to get his revenge the old fashioned way.
Satisfying, but not very lucridtive
Thus Wei ying is forced to move on, attempting to seduce big shot-wen after big-shot wen into marriage and failing each time
(He prob could have succeeded with Wen Ning, but he was so nice and apologetic that Wei ying ended up apologizing to him and giving him what cash he had on him (9 dollars) and making a friend for life in the process)
Now the Wens aren’t just anybody, they’re the most natorious mafia family in the city, infamous around the world for just about every horrible crime u can think of. When they start dying off left and right, people start to notice
Whispers fill the street of the yiling patriach, named for the district of his first killing, who dismantled the Wen mafia with the singlemindedness of a ghost
He’s said to play the flute (wei ying tried to use his nonexistant musical talents to seduce wen xu) be as ugly as sin (someone heard wen chao’s mean words) deft with a blade (wei ying was trying to show off knife juggling and dropped one)
All these rumors reach the gusu police force, who sends out their best detective: Lan Wangji
Lan Wangji tries to go undercover to the burial mounds bar to “hear the local chatter” but he is so awkward and out of place its immediately obvious to everyone that he’s not from here
So naturally, wei ying slides up next to him to annoy him (and keep him company)
Lan zhan very quickly proves himself to be far to good to be a target for wei ying’s fem fatale scheme
But the buisness he’s here on, finding the yiling laozu and bringing him to justice, now that sounds promising!
Wei ying will find this yiling patriach, seduce him into marriage, and then turn him over to lan zhan for his crimes! Its a win win! Lan xhan gets his man, wei ying finally succeeds at his chosen profession!
If only wei ying realized this yiling laozu was him. But alas, he’s been too busy trying to learn fem fatale-dom to pay enough attention to the name
So wei ying decides to become lan zhan’s guide, showing him the ins and outs of yiling district, and all the horrible wen crimes he “just stumbled upon”
Because if the police are finally gonna show up they mught as well do something. God knows wei yimg could have used them back in the day
Lan zhan continues to prove himself to be the type of policeman wei ying didn’t think existed, who actually cares about the victims and tries to help them, and wei ying finds himself in trouble, becUse he’s falling in love!
Fem fatales don’t fall in love!
Meanwhile lan zhan is havinf his own problems. See he’s not dumb. No one “accidentally” finds that many secrets on the wens. No one is this good at tracking them down. Wei ying is definitely more involved than he’s letting on
He might even be the yiling laozu himself
But whenever lan xhan tries to confront him, wei ying just batts his perfect eyelashes and denies it all
And lan zhan realizes he has two choices, stick to the rules and bring in wei ying as a suspect…or let him go, and let a potential murderer walk free
If it were the lan zhan from earlier, he would have handed him in for questioning no problem. But the lan zhan of earlier did not know the sound of wei ying’s laugh, or the smell of his perfume…
So lan zhan comes up with a compromise with himself. He’ll stay close to wei ying, provide him the support and money he must need so badly, so he won’t feel the need to go out and seduce and kill again
And yes, lan zhan thinks wei ying totally seduced them before he killed them, how could anyone resist wei ying?
His increased spoiling of wei ying leaves the man very flustered and very confused. He thought the fem fatale was the one who did the seducing? Why is lan zhan being so nice? Why did he give him a credit card? What is going on???
Thus wei ying finally suceeds in seducing someone as a fem fatale, only to be instantly seduced back. He now lives in wedded bliss with a handsome husband, two rabbit babies, and a prenup skewed wildly in his favor, plus all his husbands life insurance.
Every Lan knows him as the infamous fem fatale “Wei Ying” who seduced the righteous Hanguang-jun onto the path of earthly pleasures and “sleeping in past 5am! Gasp!”
Wei ying bears this all with good grace, until someone asks him how he did it, to which he will hastily change the subject, rather than admit he has no idea, he thought he was 0 for 0 on seductions, and since when was Lan Zhan rich????
And they lived happily ever after
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