#does it count as torture?
something about how both wei wuxian and jin guangyao repeatedly say they ‘didn’t have a choice’ in their actions. in both cases, it’s not literal impossibility, instead determined by their mindsets and personal conduct…. but while for wei wuxian that means he can’t do something immoral, even if it means losing all his social power, for jin guangyao it means he can’t do anything to lose his social power, even if it means doing something immoral. the other option is still there, but it’s never one they’d pick.
something about how they’re trying to walk the same path but in opposite directions: wei wuxian willingly left the nice, broad road in favour of upholding morals and debts, while jin guangyao is trying to claw onto it and stay there by any means necessary. in both cases, being parted from it so easily is only possible because this nice, broad road — full of people whose social power is unconditional, given at birth, independent of their actions — was never truly theirs to begin with. but despite how it is possible to be forced off due to nothing, as we see with wang lingjiao, the positions of both these characters were ultimately due to actions they took.
(about how no matter the similarity of the paths, no matter the narrowness of the choices, the direction you take is still up to you.)
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
Since the sleeping beauty is set in France do you think the dipsomania gang can speak French🤔?
Omg I forgot the tale was written by Charles Perrault... somehow I thought it happened in germany because the disney castle was inspired by the Neuschwanstein castle :') I could see them having learned french since Malleus is royalty and it must be important to communicate with other nobles, protocol stuff etc etc... In my mind Lilia can speak french but it's absolutely outdated, Malleus and Silver could absolutely nail it, but somehow imagining Sebek speak french is ?? kinda cursed ?? He'd try but it would sound like the poor guy got cursed and it'd worry the others immediately. "Sebek contracted french, get well soon 😔🙏"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Advanced Interrogation Technique: Dog
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mothsparksghost · 1 month
"He Taught Me That the Hand That Feeds Deserves to be Bitten When it Beats"
-The Hand That Feeds By The Crane Wives
Corporate Greed Strikes Again
TWs: Corporate Greed, Kidnapping, Human Experimentation, Torture, Violence, Blood, starvation
Danny was running away, it was getting to dangerous in Amity for him to stay. There were new rogues every other day getting more and more powerful as they popped up. The GIW had gotten even more competent in their weapons making, but not in their situational awareness. Just the last week, he had gotten shot at least seven times keeping civilians safe.
For the safety of everyone in Amity, it was bet for him to leave.
For good.
So he packed a bag, made sure there were no current loose ghost, made sure no one was inside Fenton Works, and then promptly blew up the portal with a modified ghost shield to keep the damage to a minimum. Unlike others, he was well aware of where people were and how the could be killed.
So now that everyone thought him dead, he ran. To where? He didn't know. But he needed a pit stop somewhere to get some food. Danny landed on the roof of a building reaching for a map he had stored somewhere in his bag. Shuffling things around he couldn't seem to find it.
"Damn, must've dropped it," Danny muttered. Turning, he only got a second to look at the blur coming for him, but then Danny only knew darkness.
Danny runs away when theres more and more causalities in Amity. He blew up Fenton Works while inside to make it seem like he died, and to those that did know about Phantom, dead dead.
He makes pit stops, and at one point accidentally cuts himself as Phantom and leaves not knowing there was ecto left behind.
A scientist about to get fired from some big corp trying to get green/clean energy stumbles upon it, and thinks its his big break.
Soon he had the entire company board on board with his idea, no matter that it could be breaking meta laws and could get them all life in prison.
The hunt for the unsuspecting meta, one Danny Phantom, was on.
And then when the bounty hunters, somehow getting their hands on ecto weapons (Maybe the GIW donated them? Maybe they had commissioned them from the Fentons? who knows) get a ping of his location? They sent their best hunter and got poor Danny.
Danny soon wakes up and realizes that "Oh no, where am I?!"
He soon learns that is the least of his worries.
Danny is then tortured, and the people soon realize he has a human side, so they quickly modify the ghost chains to make sure he stays a ghost.
He then Bites a guard and is then muzzled.
The Big Corp soon starts draining him of his ecto while trying to figure out how his body produces it
After all, he who controls the supply controls the market
So while Danny can't turn back into a human, in a low ecto rich environment, and constantly being drained of what fuels his ghostly body, he begins to feel the effects of starvation, because "Ghost are dead, they don't need human shit." and quote.
Well Danny was a special lil halfa and needed food in order to fucking survive
Soon, his hazmat suit starts to become baggy, not fitting anymore and it slowly progress until his eyes start to become clear, becoming the pure ecto green of his flesh in blindness, his bodies way of trying to conserve enough energy until he can get out.
The scientist, seeing the green eyes immediately rip one out, wanting to see if his eyes had a more concentrated ecto that they could use. They quickly learn, no, its clear and has little to no ecto.
Danny's voice has stopped working a long time ago at this point.
The Bats then notice a once failing Clean energy company suddenly thrive.
They investigate and are disturbed to realize that they are using a purified Lazarus water as the main fuel.
They then hunt down the source building and sneak into it, trying to find the source
Bruce is then distracted, going down a heavily guarded hallway unnoticed.
He opens what could only be a vault door, then peering through a black netting with a green sheen, he see's Danny.
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What happens after that? Idk but if someone wants to pick up they can :D
Tbh its been a hot min since ive actually drawn smth so im a lil out of practice lol.
Anyways i wanna thank the besties (gender neutral) in the Batphantom Club House discord for giving me songs to put on the list 🤗
I needed smth to make the brain worms go brr and so im making my way through the list.
The songs on the list help me catch a prompt for a drawing, and, well a prompt lmao, whether its the lyrics or the rhythm or overall vibes lol.
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whump-queen · 3 months
tags: forced intox, manhandling, "servant" whump but lets be honest he's basically a pet
Seven could smell the sharp sting of tequilia on Wes’ breath before he even saw the bottle.  
“Open up, servant.” Wes smiled and leaned in, forcing the stench further into Seven’s face, making him nearly gag at what he knew was coming. God he could already taste it. 
Seven tried to pull away, but a heavy hand found the back of his neck and harshly gripped his hair, holding him fast while the other hand messily shoved the bottle of silver upward and forced it past Seven’s lips. 
Seven knew not to struggle. He how to close his nose without plugging it by now. He’d hold his breath. He’d hold his—fuck. It burned in his empty stomach instantly. 
Considering all the occasions Wes had forced his servant to drink, Seven should’ve been an expert at this. But experience didn’t mean his nights went without mishap, and just because he knew how to drink it down for a few sips, it didn’t mean Wes would let up this time, forcing him to take gulp after excruciating fiery gulp until his mind was screaming for oxygen and for the poison to stop. Just stop. 
He could feel hot tears running down his face. He needed to breathe. It took everything in him to swallow and not fucking wretch as soon as Wes yanked the bottle away. Oxygen hit his lungs and he gasped for breath until he felt lightheaded.
“Can’t waste it all on a fucking servant,” Wes sneered, releasing his fingers from Seven’s hair, roughly tousling it instead. The force of his hand made the room spin and Seven could already feel it hitting him. Burning away deep his stomach and making his face feel hot and tingly. 
Wes turned away and Seven instantly grasped the wall, taking a few agonizing deep breaths, just trying so hard not to throw up. 
He’d done that before. On a night much like this one, and Wes had made him clean it all up while still nearly blacked out, promising that the next time, he’d clean it with his tongue. 
So Seven braced himself against the wall and tried to focus on his breath. He inhaled. God fuck. He exhaled. Fuck. He was going to gag.
He needed water.
This was going to be a long night. 
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petrichormore · 1 year
also crazy how skewed the morals are on the qsmp in both directions because of the situation. You cannot kill the probably artificial children that the evil organization who kidnapped you all gave you. Placing mines is okay though. Even when they almost kill the fore mentioned children.
q!ElQuackity is a villain for acting mean and suspicious, supporting the evil government who kidnapped all the islanders, and attempting to kill them and the artificial children that the evil government gave them.
q!Bad is also a villain, but for lying, stealing things, for being a vocal anarchist, and for kidnapping and torturing a lower-class, presumably-innocent-but-maybe-not member of the evil organization that has kidnapped and tortured him (because what q!Bad and the other islanders have gone through is certainly some kind of torture - just very drawn out) for months on end.
Think about this for a second. Just think about it. The island itself, the situation has warped people’s frames of thought. What q!Bad is doing, if we step back for a second, would probably land him with an anti-hero title or something similar. Because sure, he’s tortured an innocent worker but they were the Federation’s uniform - which has tortured him worse and for longer, of course he’s attacking the workers. Why isn’t everybody attacking the workers? Well, because the workers seem to be as trapped as the islanders. Well, after q!Bad discovered that for certain (because until Ron told us, we didn’t know that for certain), he’s now treating Ron kindly in a twisted sort of familial bond. Well, but he’s still keeping him captive and that’s wrong. Well, well, well - this is morally grey character stuff.
If you described a character in q!Bad’s situation to me - I would certainly say the character is in the wrong, and committing cruel, violent acts, but I wouldn’t say they were evil nor would I even call them a villain. I would point at the Federation, I would go “that is the evil, that is the villain” and I would point at the character and go “that is a cornered, injured animal that has finally decided to bite”
But it’s the island. so it’s not like that. And on the island, q!Bad is an evil person, and he’s horrible, and he’s a villain. He is the only one who has dared to beat the Federation at their own game. And, most importantly, he is a threat.
I don’t know, just interesting to think about.
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straight-to-the-pain · 4 months
I don't know if anyone else in the whump community has read 'A Constellation of Vital Phenomena' by Anthony Marra but it is genuinely a really good book and also has some of the best depictions of torture and its aftermath that I have read in fiction.
I wanted to share some of my favourite quotes, hopefully without too many spoilers as it is out of context, but maybe skip this post if you don't want to know anything at all going in.
To give a brief summary, the book centres around the lives of people in Chechnya during the first and second war between the Russian government (Feds) and the separatist rebels. The main story focuses on a man (Akhmed) who is trying to save his neighbour's daughter from being killed by the Feds after her father is taken away in the middle of the night. He does this by taking her to a hospital where he then volunteers. One of the people in his village (Ramzan) becomes an informer for the Feds after being tortured, and this is explored in the excerpts below.
‘Information the Feds would torture them for was written here on the walls for all to see. It was well understood among the men that the Feds had as much sense as two bricks smashed together. It was also understood that pain, rather than information, was the true purpose of interrogation.'
'During his first detention in the landfill, in 1995, in the first war, he had refused to inform. They had wrestled down his trousers, shown him the bolt cutters, and still he had said no. Screaming, thrashing, with his manhood half severed, he had said no. He had done that, and now he was ready to start saying yes.'
'He would have confessed everything, but they didn't ask, weren't interested, threatened to cut out his tongue and put pliers to his teeth if he spoke one more fucking word. Electric wires were wound around his fingers. A car battery was drained into his bones. God might have been watching, but it wasn't God's finger on the battery switch. The interrogating officers didn't speak. Instead he was an instrument they played, performing a duet, and in their own way they conversed through his sobs. They both wore very shiny shoes. That was all he would remember.'
'He had trouble walking, He had forgotten torture could be so exhausting. The new interrogator, the one with less shiny shoes, held him upright, using his whole body as a crutch, and helped him walk. He carefully wiped Ramzan's forehead with a handkerchief before opening the door to the next room.'
'The interrogator with less shiny shoes crouched behind him. His hands were wet. Ramzan promised everything, and the interrogator, like the parent of a child too old to believe in ghosts, watched him with disappointment, his clear eyes saddened by Ramzan's sincerity. The interrogator took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves, laid the live wires on Ramzan's chest and mapped the border of their shared humanity. Ramzan offered his soul. He begged to be enslaved. The known universe contracted to the limits of the cement floor, and on it, the interrogator was both man and deity, prophet and god. By ten o'clock the interrogator with less shiny shoes asked his first question. By eleven the electrical wires were unwound from Ramzan's fingers. By noon he was allowed to dress. By one he was on the FSB payroll. He kept thanking the interrogator with less shiny shoes.'
‘Greed didn’t motivate his informing, at least not primarily; primarily he informed by necessity, to survive, for his love and hate and above all awe of the power wielded by the interrogating officer with less shiny shoes.'
'That was his greatest fear. Could he stay silent? Could he withstand what awaited him? He told himself that his love for the girl should fortify him against any torture, but this, like so much of what he told himself, was a lie. After all, he was squeamish at the sight of blood, what would he say when lying in a puddle of his own? But he saw no other way. He would pray for the strength to stay silent, for a quick heart attack, and leave the rest to God.' (This is Akhmed POV)
'When they threatened to beat me, I said nothing, Akhmed. When they threatened to beat me, I said nothing. When they threatened to electrocute me, I said nothing. When they threatened to castrate me, I said nothing. I said nothing, Akhmed. Whatever you think of me, you remember that once I said nothing when a wiser man would have sung. And the interrogators, they couldn't believe it. They called in others to examine me. I was there on the floor, and above their faces were dark ovals silhouetted by the ceiling lights. They had beaten me hard and I couldn't hear right, but I kept saying no, with every breath I had. The main reason they let me go, the only reason they didn't shoot me right there was out of perverse respect, some sort of professional courtesy. But I wish they had shot me, Akhmed, because the good part of me died there, and all this, everything since, has been an afterlife I'm trying to escape.'
‘I knew what was coming. I knew it never stops. They put a shame inside you that goes on like a bridge with no end, the humiliation, the fucking humiliation of knowing that you are not a human being but a bundle of screaming nerve endings, that the torture goes on even when the physical hurt quietens. People treated me differently when I came back the first time.'
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caitlynmeow · 4 months
When Daniela graduated from high school and was about to enroll in university:
Bela: What do you want to major in?
Daniela: What do they have?
Bela: This is not a restaurant, Dani 😭😭😭
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echoing-gravity · 8 months
Can Marinette Bench press a building?!
(Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles, are able to carry objects that are up to 1,000 times their own weight due to the unique structure of their exoskeletons. An exoskeleton is an external protective covering that provides support and protection to the insect's body. This covering is made up of a material called chitin, which is a strong and lightweight polymer. The exoskeleton also gives ladybugs their characteristic shiny, hard shells. Ladybugs use their powerful leg muscles to lift and carry heavy objects, such as large leaves or other insects. The unique structure of their exoskeleton allows them to distribute the load evenly across their body, making it possible for them to carry heavy objects without being weighed down. Additionally, their strong legs and other muscles are equipped to sustain this weight too)
But like with her legs???
I wanna see a MLB x DC fic where Marinette is working with young justice and like a building fucking falls on them but marinette just fucking kicks it away. Or picks it up. Itd be even more absurdly funny if she wasn't transformed and the super strength is like a kwami side effect.
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weepingwitchkingdom · 1 month
I want Cyril to use his Wood Lore to make Leopold's life a living hell
Here is a list of what I mean by this:
Cyril making door frames shorter so that Leopold will hit his head on them.
Random bumps in wood flooring that make him trip.
Furniture is in just the right place for him to stub his toe every morning.
Several other things that I can't think of right now.
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henrysglock · 7 months
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stories that gut me tbh
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blake-ritson-love · 11 months
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Blake Ritson is cast in an upcoming 8-part adaptation series of Count of Monte Cristo as Danglars, one of the main antagonists. The series is currently in production and will air in 2024. Sam Claflin will be playing the main role of Edmond Dantès, and the internationally produced series is directed by Bille August.
Blake is also likely to appear (not fully confirmed yet) in season 2 of Interview with the Vampire as Morgan next year.
16 days to go till the premiere of season 2 (October 29) of The Gilded Age on HBO, starring Blake as Oscar Van Rhijn.
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Something I really find interesting about Don E is that he a) seems relatively squeamish about too much blood and violence happening in front of him considering the line of work he is in, like that's an acting choice that comes up on several occasions b) he also seems really into watching Blaine torment and generally mess with people (especially psychologically) and it makes him so weird.
like, Don in the "zombies tearing up a prison bus" scene:
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Drake's gutshot scene
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Chief's death
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but also:
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you even have that scene where he specifically drags Tanner back to Blaine's office in hopes of ganging up on the poor guy
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also I'm going to argue that this scene - also an example of this dynamic between them
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I don't really have a conclusion to any of this other than -
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but also you get scene like the one where they're torturing Gabriel for the utopium recipe where he's clearly having a good time but also is visibly wincing everytime they beat Gabriel -
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gunksh1t · 1 year
So this is how it felt to finally be useful. It ached all over, it just got worse and worse but you were grateful, you were happy. You...you wanted this. Your God said you did. He was never wrong. Your blood drummed loudly yet his words were loud and clear as he smiled that same loyal, loving smile which you happily returned. Until his fist met your nose with that same and familiar crack
“What was that doll?”
you silently shook under his gaze, the pouring blood pooling into your waiting palms, droplets squeezing between your fingers. The pitter patter the only sound along with his pants. You had the honour of having him waste his energy on you since you couldn’t do anything correctly. That’s right. You were just his doll, God’s plaything, Your God’s punching bag. Of course you didn’t deserve to express anything, not even how thankful you are that God was fixing you - especially not in his presence. After all, it was a blessing in itself that he allowed you to breathe around him. Your knees throbbed from the drop of your body but his satisfied hum was enough to drown out all pain. All the air was forced out of your body, his heel digging into your chest, your ribs almost audibly groaning under the force. There was no escape, of course not that you wanted to. Why would you ever leave your perfect God when he was going through the effort of correcting your mistakes? It showed how much he cared, how much he loved, how much he wanted you. That’s why you could bear through it all. For his love, for the love of God. That’s why you would always stay, even as you watched his retreating back through tears and a wide grin, tasting the blood on your teeth. You would forever stay for him. Your very own Lord and Saviour.
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d1sheclectic · 5 months
tumblr bitches try to be normal about taylor swift challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!!)
“She’s not a tortured poet, she’s a billionaire!🤓☝️”
i did not expect people on TUMBLR of all places to make shitty, insensitive, misinformed comments about mental health and the ways it can devastate ANYONES life.
Not liking her music is one thing but y’all will find ANY EXCUSE to justify your biases concerning talented women in the music industry. same mfs who preach about feminism and how taylor swift is somehow its antithesis will endorse hole as a great feminist band in the same breath.
you aren’t bettering the lives of minorities by denouncing taylor swift’s music. you’re not partaking in a revolution. you just come across extremely bitter.
you guys aren’t activists. revelling in your own hypocrisy isn’t cute.
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booigi-boi · 1 year
Honestly I'd love to see more of Ted and chibi Tinky on adventures. It's such a funny concept, setting as Tinky wants to torture him
Ted's the only one who can see Tinky and is slowly driving him insane by casually annoying him
Ted driving Pete to school while Tinky keeps obstructing his view, making Pete annoyed at his big bro for driving drunk again since Ted just won't sit still
He probably tried to explain to Pete about the weird yellow goat he was seeing, but Ted being Ted, Pete just thought he had been drinking at 7 am or something
At CCRP Tinky keeps fucking up Ted's work and making everyone there mad at him (as if they already weren't)
Tinky's just stealing office supplies and hiding them in Ted's office, and every time someone confronts him, he tries to blame it on the yellow goat, but of course no one even entertains that excuse
Tinky's also eating the office supplies. His favorite is probably Bill's pens (He's also probably made his brothers mad at him for fucking with their respective humans, especially Pokey cause he doesn't like sharing anything, i.e. Paul)
This goes on for like weeks and everyone starts making fun of Ted and his "office goat", making Tinky extremely happy since Ted is about to blow a fuse with all the jokes
Ted can't go anywhere without Tinky ruining his social life; even Charlotte won't come over anyone and Pete tries to make excuses every time Ted offers to do anything for him, like taking him to school (this one is especially hard on Ted since unlike Pete, Ted probably doesn't interact with the rest of his family anymore)
Eventually Ted just has to accept that this bastard goat he keeps "hallucinating" won't go away, so he either has to come to terms with it and the fact it's ruining his life and relationships with everyone, or he has to do something drastic so it goes away
Little does he know the fuzzy little bastard would love the latter
But before that, Ted has to take Tinky to the Honey Festival cause he's eager to go support his fellow farm animal brother 🐐🐖💛
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