#doesnt matter what you know from thr shows
enderon · 1 month
I'm playing Digimon: World Tour and while the aspect of not knowing exactly what digimon it will digivolve into, entirely dependent on which stays you raise, is kind of fun, the fact that it can turn into something you did not at all want and is butt ugly is def a negative.
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obscure-entity · 8 months
your shading is AMAZING specially when its conveying organic forms..... do you have any tips for people who dont know wrf going on (with shading)
ok so HI. hi. my old tutorial pisses me off so i will make a new one
i made a guy whose sole purpose is to be shaded so dont worry he likes it. and his name. his name will be mr. Boob. mr boob does not have to be blue
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theres probably way better explanations of how to do it but unfortunately trying to "emulate" shading does ask you to somewhat understand ur character in a 3d way. like what would the 2d shape be if you "sliced" it? mr boob is made of so many circles. his tail also does a kind of weird perspective foreshortening thing because its pointing at you. is this being conveyed
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you obviuously dont have to draw a horrendous grid on your characters skin to do this . BUT it helps you put down (or at least envision) the lines of the form shading :
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dont worry about cast shadows or the shading color because this is FORM SHADOW time only. think about what surfaces of the character are obviously facing away from the light source and put down the "separation line" of the shading based on that. thr most important thing is that youre trying to separate light from dark
im going to pick the first one for cast shadows bc it will be the most obvious to me
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ok so. his ears and snout are blocking other surfaces of his body from the light, which means a shadow is cast!!!! bam. i saw someone describe cast shadows as what the light's pov "can't see." his entire body is putting down a cast shadow on the ground too
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im impatient so i blended the form shadows now. its usually the easiest to just NOT blend cast shadows as a way of conveying that they are still cast shadows. but you can still blend them if you want to show "distance" between the obstruction and the surface its blocking. but its just a way of saying form and cast shadows should not be treated the same even if their softness coincides
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im going to lump reflection and ambient light together because theyre like. similar. reflections dont just happen in mirrors
since the sky is blue, making the ambient lighting, i tinged mr. boobs existing shadow to be a bit blue. (*this is kind of important because it can help you decide a shading color, which should USUALLY be based on the environment) (unless your character is just in the transparent void then it doesnt matter)
since the ground is pink, i made pink light bounce off of him. pointed and labelled. i dont rlly know how to go more in depth than that
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contact shadows are literally shadows formed from direct-touching contact. very little light can reach in there, even from how reflections disperse, which means youre free to use the darkest color available (black). in this case mr. boob is making contact with the floor. because he is sitting on the floor.
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i touched him up a bit and wow!!!!!!!!!! look at mr. boob!!! he is so beautifully sculpted.
and one more thing
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thats right. i made mr boob PINK. hes fucking ruined now. just kidding i would never say that to him
what im trying to convey here (its the easiest with really light colors) is a transitional color. this can also show subsurface scattering depending on how you use it which is fun to look at. the mistake i made on my last tutorial was "Just pick a warm saturated color!" which is really wrong in examples like Blue mr boob. because it would be weird to use a warm color to transition from blue to blue.
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if you have a character that isn't bright enough then obviously the shadows wont be as visible. its BEST to bring more attention to highlights and reflections to reveal the form a bit. they play the biggest role with darker colors
thats all i can think of. fun things to look up:
structuralization + contour lines + foreshortening etc. 3d lingo
form shadows
cast shadows
ambient light
contact shadows
subsurface scattering
im also just speaking out of my ass otherwise. i didnt look up any of these terms until the end now im inferring and hoping i got them right
and remember every time you shade mr boob will be rooting for you
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rotisseries · 9 months
the next cut is . after hours of walking. "these tunnels go on forever and we've been down here for hours." <- theo. "no real news from the  last time you said it 20 minutes ago." "i wasnt doubting thr plan 20 minutes ago." "if you're so concerned just go. i mean no ones forcing you to stay here." "yeah and leave you and our 'army' in charge of my survival? dont think so." "whatever it takes just to save your own ass, and just nobody elses." which is objectively not true. saved liam. saved scott. "im Here arent i? .. maybe i wanna be in the pack." he sounds so hopeful and . well. after he says that mason slows down and theo doesnt realize at first and looks back at him bc he walked past and mason js like "yeah Right. you-you expect me to believe that? " and hes breathinf HARD. he feels strongly about this "a pack js about trust.  i mean the first thing youd do is figure out a way to kill all of us. and and it doesnt matter who forgets. i wont." his hand is shaking on his bat in anger and fear and also because his leg got shot and its killing him and mason says "i saw scotts mom. i saw what you did. and as much as im terrified of whats down here, i am way more terrified of turning my back on you." excuse me while i wipe a tear. theo looks so hurt when he says that and his hands start shaking and he hadn't really shown any physical signs of fear until then. and then he shifts and tackles mason to the ground and its NOT what you think. HE WAS SCARED BC THE ANUK ITE WAS NEAR AND HE KNEW IT. HE SENSED IT. AS SOON AS HE TACKLED MASON , AARON SHOWED UP BESIDE THEM AND SWUNG A PIPE OR SUM WHERE MASONS FACE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. he probably noticed his fear along with masons because of what he was saying and how hard he was shaking and sweating and . his voice cracking and . yeah. say what u want about theo but never say he's not perceptive. idk why i said that thats like one of the first things u learn ab the guy. core character trait. 
i need to talk about mason saying "and and it doesnt matter who forgets. i wont." because i know hes talking about liam. mason knows theo and liam are close now. in a way. liam is his best friend he knows why he was okay with mason leaving and being alone with theo. yeah sure he can handle himself but he knows liam sees theo's different now. masons not saying hes not. hes saying he's not going to let it go. that its something he cant erase no matter who he gets to trust him. BECAUSE HE KNOWS LIAM IS STARTING TO TRUST HIM AGAIN. (MAYBE EVEN REALIZES THAT THEO IS IS LIAMS ANCHOR) AND THIS IS WHY MASON HAVING THIS DEEP ROOTED FEAR AND HATRED FOR THEO IS SO BAD. theo knows thats his best friend!!!!!!!!! that no matter how theo acts now for years and years no matter how much he helps and sticks by liam, mason will never approve. because its him!!!!! and that fucking sucks. the CLOSEST PERSON TO LIAM besides scott!!!! literally like your boyfriends best friend telling you you'll never be good enough for them. that you will never be good. basically what happened. i can get worse tho. just a little bit.
shovel talk!!
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se3, ep11 (part 1)
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Breaking toxic bonds & accepting healthy ones isn’t a miracle. A bond that started with love could end up chained & toxic, another that started wrong could’ve become the joy of a life time. You can do it. Break the cycle of abuse & stand up for yourself, it is easy yet so difficult, you aren’t alone, tho, loved ones stand nearby cheering. Be kind on yourself, otherwise you’ll throw your life away. Life isn’t just happiness & joy, it’s also sadness & loneliness. Break free from the shackles that held you down. Embrace life & Live.
-Tohru’s “ I’m okay” mask is finally shattered! (the Importance of kyo’s rejection for her development):
This is the last part of tohru’s character development! The last few eps were abt her role in Akito’s redemption & their similarities. she staood up for herself & choose a path away from her mom while keeping her mom’s memory in a healthy manner. No more planning my life according to mom’s wishes, no more talking to mom ‘s picture 24/7. Now, I’ll plan my life & move forward even if it is with the guy mom said she cant forgive. even If it is without him, I’ll move forward. I love him so much, yet I won’t force our bond & let go. So easy yet so difficult!. tohru doesnt know anything abt kyo after her fall. All she remembers is his heart-broken face as he wept beside her. Those tears on his face, she caused them. He cried cuz it is too painful to see her hurt. She was a burden to him! tohru restored to her old coping mechanism of pretending “ i’m Okay” & smiling. She did so numerous times before. Always worked. No one noticed. Except him. Se02, ep7. he urged her to show her true fears. Now, she’s faced with a pain so big she can’t pretend no more. the pain of loosing him. She cried in front of yuki! The smile & chatting abt chores couldn’t conceal the running tears! Yuki’s first time seeing her like that. Se01, ep14, yuki wondered how could tohru smile after her mom’s death. She can’t pretend no more! She’ll have to wear her feelings on her sleeve! cuz it IS ok to do so! She tells kyo to give her a moment to compose herself. She couldn’t lie & pretend like she did with yuki. Here she either run away or just try to compose myself! I LOVE THAT! This way, whenever kyo/tohru fight or have any misunderstanding in the future as a couple, you’ll know tohru won’t just bear it & pretend, “ i;m okay” No! she’ll talk to kyo & express herself! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It gives her so much strength as a human & I’m happy all the obstacles & set backs in kyo/tohru’s romantic journey has led them to be better ppl little by little to build healthier & more realistic love! 
-The mechanics of writing a compelling slow-burn romance:
1. Igniting the romantic feelings slowly: Slow burns don’t work with love at 1st sight. It must first sparkle naturally, slowly & subtly. Both kyo & tohru repeatedly stated they don’t know exactly when they first fell in love. The author’s decision to create an environment where the two live together is a genius way to start & nurture their romance quietly & subtly. Kyo was tricked to stay in shigure’s house while tohru had to stay cuz she had no home, Natural reasons that force the two to spend days together & get to know each other gradually.
2. Dynamics of their personalities: For slow burns to work, the two characters need to be similar yet opposites! Kyo & tohru are both kind, endearing, innocent, good at chores, independent & hardworking. They both have history with their mothers that is filled with love yet traumas. However, tohru is calm yet prefer maneuvering around subjects, can’t stand up for herself, reads ppl easily, tends to trust ppl easily & disregard herself. Kyo is fierce, strong, tends to distrust ppl, despite ppl loving his spontaneous character, he has hard time figuring out if they’re mocking him or teasing him, very straightforward with his words & actions. The similarities helps them understand each other, however, the differences creates chances to clash & come even closer thro various situation. Ex, se01, ep2, kyo apologizing for hitting her head with the table which created the situation where she needed to confess she always loved the cat zodiac! It is HER gush of emotions that struck kyo. ppl really want my friendship? the cat is loved? Thro those difference they learned to better themselves so they won’t hurt the other, kyo toning down his anger for her, tohru desiring to know him even more as he becomes even more awkward.
3. Creating natural, realistic  & convincing obstacles that prevents them from being together:  This is the most important part! Slow-burn is two characters in love & cant be together despite everyone wanting them to be! if the reason that stops them from uniting is trivial, stupid, one-sided, can easily be solved, then the slow-burn would be a fillery & no one would cheer for it! Takaya-san is a genius!
Kyo can’t be with tohru cuz he thinks (a) he killed her mom! we saw thr flashback, he could’ve saved her & couldn’t save her. It was a split of a second difference & he hates himsef for NOT trying! that split of a second also prevented from thinking of better ways to save her than holding her! it happened to fast, he couldn't think of a better alternative cuz this was his 2nd time loosing someone (b) his mom’s sucide being pinned as his fault created this immense guilt & defeated feeling that “ no matter what, I just cause death & misery! There’s (c) too!, he knew tohru! thinks she deserves the world & cuz he didnt save her mom, he watched tohru talk to a freaking picture for two years! heck! he is the only one who can see thro tohru’s “ i;m okay” mask, so in se01, ep 14 in the grave yard! kyo wasnt the only one who is sad! tohru was too! & kyo could tell! (d) her mom’s death is the reason tohru is accepting shigure’s offer to stay with them rent-free in exchange of doing housework! (e)? he saw her confess crying her heart out abt missing her mom so much that she imitated her dad! so tragicly sad! (f) he saw her die in his nightmare!! how can he accept her love,now? Perfectly orchestrated obstacles! 
Tohru, unfortunately, in the anime it wasn't that clear due to shortening her backstories & trauma in se03, ep6. But she too couldn’t see herself confessing love to kyo. Tohru is has low self-esteem, always thinks she’s a burden to others, an orphan who just wants her mom, so scared, lonely & sad! we the audience believed the mask! we saw her work her motherly charm yuki, isusuz, kisa & believe her issues are not that deep.  tohru wont cry for herself but shed rivers for others! grief is so ugly it broke her! I cant let go of mom, must keep her always in my heart, such a hard emotions to write & I believe 100% the director couldn’t understand her grief & decided to split ep6 between her, kyo, isuzu & shigure. But Tohru struggling to confess to kyo is no laughing matter. ppl who are grieving find it the hardest to live after the loved ones die. they wont mostly commit suicide, they are alive, but they arent living. they just go thro the motions & live for the sake of those around them but not themselves. Tohru deciding to confess to kyo is her deciding to live for herself.
4. Writing a perfect psychologically & emotionally packed climax: I dont need to explain how perfect kyo’s rejection of tohru in se03 ep9 was. How much we felt for him yet were mad at him. He we were “ ugh! kyo no!!!! I mean I get why you do that , but you idiot no! come back! poor kyo! He was just so sad & broken! OMG he’ll kill himself after finding tohru’s injured body!! he totally would! his nightmare came true! But Tohru reached him! she wanted him to be okay! he wont kill himself but still feels hella guilty! but so utterly in love with her that his instinct upon seeing her come to life after near death is kiss her! Perfect display of psychology & emotions! filled with right, wrong, sad, happy, guilty, innocent! basically so human~ As the audience you MUST have this mixture of feelings of wanting to hug him so bad cuz this boy has been killing himself for years now yet want him to stop & just see that he was a good boy afterall. Tohru is THE best girl & if the audience are cheering for kyo to be with her, kyo really deserves her! The only problem is for kyo to see that now.
5. The Perfect wrap up of all romance: If you make your audience suffer the slow-burn this long, you gotta reward them good! & Takaya-san delivered! Just like how the entire romantic story is realistic, the reunion must be as realistic too! Tohru is hurt by kyo;s words. Facts remain his words were hurtful to her. I love that was addressed! tohru gets to tell her side, too! If you love someone, you are bound to be hurt by them as much as be happy with them. Simply cuz they matter so much to you! you arent one person, but two ppl coming together. Kyo must work hard for this confession. Must run & chase her. Must earn her proper! He gets on his knees, I cant express how important that is! he is way taller than her, Imagine apologizing while she looks way up & he looks down? He gets on his knees & apologize like a man, for every mistake, all while not loathing himself. He aint going back to that deep abyss again. He did wrong by her & he is owning up to his mistakes. Give me one chance. I’m not gonna force you with persistence or guilt you into taking me. Give me ONE chance cuz i deserve it & no more. The choice is yours. She asks to confirm, he shows her, they kiss, they hug, they are rewarded with a blessing from the heavens! One of the most simple yet emotionally fulfilling confessions in anime!
- Hugs over kisses: (And her kiss hugs her & the curse was lifted):
Prince charming kisses the princess & she wakes up~ they live ever after~ except furuba is all abt “ eternal ever after is not true, real life is where the real love is”
Kyo kissed tohru once, she didnt wake up, she didnt even think he loved her back. didnt even remember the kiss.
Kyo hugged tohru once. se01, e024, He initiated it, tohru was all in tears, surprised, happy & so utterly in love. he called her name for the first time ever, for a brief moment, they both connected, they both comforted each other. The rain stopped, he became a man not a monster, she got him back. She got her kyo that she fought for with none other than kyo himself.
kyo hugged her again, se03, ep6. They both initiated it. He made the first move, pulling her just a little closer, she made the second move & hugged him hard, he transformed, it was a moment were they both connected, both so sad & broken, both feeling needy for the other, both desperate for the other, both just living the moment. the result is them coming closer, her wanting him more, him realizing her love, there is no escape. Admit it. she loves you. You can tell.
Kyo hugs her again today. He asks permission. No spur of the moment feeling. But a long lasting permission to be together. To hug. He wants to hear her acceptance of his cursed body. “ is ok to hug you? this body will cause you pain as it wont be able to fulfill your wishes of constant hugs & intimacy”. She responds, permission granted, for love, for hugs, for a life long acceptance of you as a whole. weakness & strength, sadness & happiness. I accept you all in better & worse! we’re invincible. Why? cuz we understand love isnt magic. It is a path for us to walk together~~~ reward curse break!
Every time kyoru are closer it is a hug. The one thing the zodiacs cant do. A hug. They can kiss. But cant hug. comes this Zodiac Ruler girl so lonely, away from ppl, so sad, meets a cat boy who comes to the house she’s living in, a house away from ppl, the boy is drawn to the girl, However, when the boy needed to leave, the girl was able to let go despite loving him, the boy comes again, this time wanting to stay, the girl accepts the boy. They both accept the realistic reality of life. Embrace the obstacles & the achievements, celebrates the weakness above the strength. Both so imperfect. Both so endearingly dumb! that’s why the girl’s hug broke the boy’s curse. The girl’s acceptance of the cat broke all curses.
Side Note:
Kyo’s confession is so kyo! so straightforward, so direct, & so physical. He’s on his knees, holding her hands, looking at her eyes. “ i want to be WITH you. If I’m gona live, I want to to do it with you & no one else! cuz I love you” that’s it. That’s all.  So sincere & so romantic!
it is crazy how different tohru & kyo are now after the confession! she stood confidently & happily & said “dont you know, I love you!” all while teasing him, her giggle is so girlish & cute! my girl is a happy woman in love! long buried the angelic mother image of se02! YES! also, kyo’s happy face is love! Dude! when was the last time he smiled so freely? Did he ever do that? He smiled in se01, ep4 with kazmua, but not like this! T_T. my son is healing~
Kyo’s “ i wont ever feel afraid if you’re with me” is a huge growth from his “ I want to protect her” mindset. Now he realizes it is two-sided mutual desire. She gives him strength as much as he does! <3
I dont like open eye while kissing, but here it is so perfect for tohru in this moment! cuz she spent days thinking kyo rejected her & even ran away as soon as she saw him, now he’s not only confessing, apologizing, admitting she is his life, but also kissing her signaling they’re romantic couple. kissing on lips is so personal, what more evidence she needs? still, her thoughts? “ it’s like a dream?” aww~~~ tohru~~~ my precious girl! she just cant believe all her suffering is over, now? She was just practicing “ i’m okay” smile & now she’s an official girlfriend to the man of her dreams? He just bent da kneeee~ go for it queen!
yuki’s face when tohru cried is exactly what I meant of “ allowing yuki to have strong facial expressions”! XD these types of faces humanize yuki so much into the teenage boy he is! Unfortunately the anime team only sees him as the pretty prince in most times. That’s why fave yuki is when he’s with kakeru. He becomes so un-princly as he should be.
Speaking of yuki, I see you anime team~ postponing his moment into next ep so him & machi wont be overshadowed by the long awaited kyoru!! While this defies the perfection of all cursed zodiacs breaking on the same ep making akito’s breakdown less perfect & poetic, I take it as the anime team admitting they underdeveloped yuchi & decided let’s give them more screen time & not putting them in close distance from any couple. A week later ep is enough with lots of time. I dont mind at all, I’m just saying more time after/while confession is not what i was hoping for~~ sigh~ At least I hope yuki would say sth along the lines” all this time I was looking at you, i realized i love you” to imply he was thinking of her as a lover not his kindness for someone he helped. I just dont want their love to be sudden simply cuz yuki needs happy ending. oh well~ I’m sure whatever it will be, the anime will give it utmost attention.
That sad moment when kagura wasnt allowed a moving image. lol. girl was given a still image that didnt even move with the breeze! T_T
Not gonna lie... the scene with kazuma & kyo was underwhelming. Why the wide shot? I mean you dont need budget for that. Just give me a closeup from the waist up with kyo head buried in kazuma’s chest. Dont need to waste budget on kazuma’s face, either.... do the old trick of hair covering eyes & show me glittery tears~  why the awkward shot of kazma towering in his own house! how tall is this man & why cant he he fix his roof?...lol
Also, shigure, you got scars man... who can hurt shigure? akito? gotta be her. I dont think hatori scratches...lol.. Aya? nah~ too busy with Mine! yup, akito... another steamy night? could be, she’s changed as he wish now. But scratching a face is weird while..um..kissing? a quarrel? but why? I bet she wants him now & we know he wants her....
More on part 2! especially abt the curse’s lore~
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HC: what if Su-Han went after Fu to like, berate him and stuff? He struck me as the type who would go out of his way to yell at a guy bc he can. Like, either just before he tries to get the Miracle Box he makes a stop by Fu and Marianne's place to be a dick (and gives the couple a chance to shoot Mari and the team a heads up message about the incoming asshole), or he plans on going to bitch at Fu after and mentions this to Mari and the team and gives them a chance to be all 'hey, they guy made mistakes and wasn't the best mentor, but maybe of you guys had been better mentors to him and like, didn't use child abuse as a training method, none of this would have happened in the first place, so maybe do some soul searching before you go yell at an old man trying to enjoy retirement!'
I was never a fan of Fu, but Su-Han grinds my gears in a way that makes me like Fu by comparison.
Tbh he would but he has no idea how to locate Fu and like fuck is Marinette handing out his new address.
Seriously though while I've been salty at Fu in the past he's better than Su-Han because like.
Despite his mistakes, Fu mostly had a reason for this sort of thing. Usually it was a paranoid "the less people know the better" reasoning. So while he made choices that fucked over LB, CN, and even himself in many ways, I could at least see where he was coming from in terms of decision making.
I still disagree with said decesions, but I understand. Especially because Fu was sympathetic to the situation. I make jokes on him not caring about CN but he was pretty "I understand this isn't the best situation but for the safety of the Miraculous it has to be this way. I will do what little I can without risking too much". He also is a bit easier to learn that he might be wrong about things.
Su-Han shows up and his reasons for doing what he's doing are a bunch of arbitrary rules. It's not about protectjng the Miraculous, other than "if they're in the Temple they can't be used for evil". It's just... Rules and control for thr sake of trying to contain things beyond his understanding.
Su-Han doesn't give a shit about the Kwami, seeing them as tools. He doesn't care that Ladybug and Chat Noir are protecting Paris and that he should probably find Hawkmoth first before getting rid of these two. He doesn't even fucking care that giving up the Miracle Box will erase Marinette's memories!!! I bet your ass that if Mari didn't already know he wouldn't have told her! Bullshit!
Fucker also sees an actual fight going on and just goes "eh. Not my problem. I'm here to collect the Miraculous, not deal with the Akuma problem. It doesnt matter to me if you lose. Just makes it easier to get your Miraculous away from Hawkmoth instead."
God I am going to have Ariel show up and drag his ass in HC.
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no-worshiped-roads · 3 years
Alright next part of mutant au
Zuke has finally arrived to eve’s district and boy does the conversation go south fast
Eve is just... so angry
She makes it clear she thinks zuke abandoned her and zuke has no idea what shes talking about
Most of this fight is dodging and talking/arguing
Thing is zuke and eve had been running away ftom horrible humans that kept them prisoner, at one point they wind up seperated
While running zuke fell down a cliff and the humans presumed him dead, he survived obviously but eve was recaptured while he was out
Some mutants from vinyl city found him and brought him back to be healed
By the time he woke again 3 days had passed and he had no idea where he was
He also found the humans were long gone with nadia from his rescuers
It took another week to heal and he’s got back problems from it
At some point, about 2 weeks later tatiana rescues nadia from the humans
She had been outside of the city making sure they were far away cause they had been close to discovering them when she found them with nadia
After rescuing her and taking her back to the city she gave her time to heal
It took nadia a long time to trust anyone again because to her, it seemed zuke abandoned her and saved himself
Especially when years passed before they had contact again (nadia learned he was in the city but zuke didnt know till after mays kidnapping given that she went by eve)
Zuke actually has to start fighting back which doesnt help especially with a particularly hard blow is landed on her head
It isnt till after eve retreats into her own dimension that theyre able to talk things out, somewhat. Eve at least understands he didn’t abandon her but she seemed really disoriented
Zuke asked her where may was and she seemed to be even more confused when he heard may shout
He left her dimension in a hurry to try and find may, since she was defeated, her other dimensions should have disappeared and dumped their contents back into reality
Unfortunately by the time he gets to where he heard may theres nothing. Just some scorch marks leading out the door
Kliff calls and tells him he needs to go and face the head of nsr, tatiana, in order to get may back and stop all of this
It later occurs to zuke as hes heading to face tatiana that kliff called him and knew what happened
Without zuke telling him
During the talk with eve tatiana had shown up. It didnt take her long to track down where may was held. After a bit of a scuffle, cause may did not go down without a fight, she was able to winnand knock may unconcious.
Thing is while may is strong she has poor control. And tatiana is stronger. I mean fire and time powers so. Yeah.
May wakes up in a chair at nsr tower on the upper floor. Before her with their back turned is tatiana.
“Awake i see.”
May finds she cant move desite not being tied down or anything.
“Dont bother. I used my time abilities to freeze your body in place. You will wait here for our meeting.”
“M-meeting?” May cant help but to feel nervous.
“You dont think i run this on my own do you? I have an individual at my side that needs to meet our newest members of nsr. And help to prepare them.”
“Im not gonna to join nsr! Zuke will bust me out of here and-“
“I plan on him coming. He’s a perfect addition as well. Since you two seem to make a good team, i’ll likely put him in your district.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To protect others.”
“No? Why are forcing them into this, taking them away if they dont want to? Why-“
“Enough. Your friend has arrived.”
Zuke manages to get up to the tower, finding that these fights are a lot harder without may. He sees may in the chair and goes to rescue her only to be stopped by tatiana. The two fight eachother, with zuke barely being able to avoid losing. Zuke gets knocked down but before tatiana can freeze him too may attacks from behind.
Zuke managed to fight her long enough that she was letting her power on may slip till may could move again. The two fight her side by side till they win. With a very disoriented tatiana on tge fround they realized that all the artists seemed confused and lost after their defeat. As they wonder that out loud, a voice interrupts them.
Kliff shows up at the end of the fight congratulating them for helping form a new nsr. And joining it as their newest members.
Theyre understandbly confused when this happens, but dumbfounded when kliff reveals who they really are
Theyre the real head as nsr as they revealed, and kliff has been controlling everyone by force
kliff is a psychic genius, but his powers arent strong enough to control so many prople, much less ones as strong as the nsr artists
So he made chips that went in heads to amplify their powers, mainly his mind control powers, and when he hot a hold of sayus team he was able to make them upgrade the chips, but had no need to use em yet
However the chips had been wearing off, and he no way to get the update into them cause they had weakened do much he was shut out unless the artists were severly weakened
Kliff tricked b2j into fighting nsr to weaken them so the chips could be reprogrammed to be stronger, while simultaneously getting the two out of hiding so they can be controlled as well
Zuke is still confused but mayday stiffens remembering the injury she woke up to in eve’s realm
“Seems one off you figured it out”
He activate the chips and while its a bit useless on tatiana given how weak she is, it works well on mayday
Zuke is frozen st first seeing mayday gets into a fighting stance at him and is blown off his feet when she attacks
Zuke mainly dodges and tries to talk to her as she attacks mercilessly
Zuke is reluctant having to fight her but when nothing he says snaps her out of it, he realizes he has no choice
The fight isnt easy as mays powers out match his easy in power
However he has one advantage over her
May is strong, but has poor control over her powers
So he uses that against her to make her powers backfire on her till he manages to win
She collapses to the ground and doesnt move and this freaks zuke out till he finds her pulse
Kliff part 2
Now zuke is beyond pissed, with may out cold by his feet
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Kliff (k): see you will be a perfect canidate. Tatiana was right, you two make a good team.
“Why are you even doing this?!”
K: humans are vile disgusting creatures that hunt torture and kill us for sport or entertainment or some bullshit holier than thou attitude, pretending they were some kind of savior for humanity!
K: I am going to build up the strongest mutants and unify them, to protect the weaker who cant fight back. And any human that dares to stumble across here? The artists will KILL them.
“Wtf kind of logic is that?! Youve taken away their will and are trying to make them into killing machines!”
K: hah. It doesnt matter if you understand, you just need to obey.
“You know for someone who hates humans so much, you sure sound like some ive met before.”
This pisses kliff off and the fight starts though its not much of one
Like i said kliff is a weak pyschic relies on controlling stronger mutants in order to get what he wants
So he’s easily beaten
So Kliff activates something on the satellite, it was meant to send out a beam over the city to control everyone all at once
But it wasnt ready and kliff causes it to short circuit and fall
Zuke panics cause hes the only one at ready to stop it but then tatiana and may start coming around, cause when the satellite went out of commission so did the signal that Kliff was using to amplify his powers and control over them
It mostly happens like it does with thr original game in stopping the satellite including kliff getting smacked, but with more confusion because Tatiana doesn’t really know who they are since she’s been under control for so long
They stop the satelite and kliff keeps trying to fix it so he can regain control before eventually slinking off
The end kind of has them all talking and figuring out what’s happened and where to go from there
They keep nsr around but allow others being controlled to go free once their chips are removed and actually make it a place of protection, rather than the oppresive fear it had been before
And there is a lot of aftermath stories if you all have questions about them
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godswhiteson · 3 years
you know you are on some self drstructive shit when your willing to say “i dont wanna succeed cause they are gonna say they were there or they got to see me before”
like i sit here purposelly not doing shit self destrcuting so that noone can see me happy cause the world doesnt deserve that from my eyes & thats some mentally twisted shit.
to sit here and say fuck my life cause they hurt me instead of fuck them they hurt me. it just shows how much it mattered to me thru this whole 5 years.
& im still on thr same mentality of killduheveryone but i just wanna see the world drown in everything its asked for. thats how my heart feels& thats some lonely and demonic shit. but its my true emotion how i really feel inside of my skin past the surface. soiting myself is soiting them cause they “believe”
and to me that belief makes me not want to do nothing it makes me want to drown in my sorrows & say fuck the world. fuck the world out of spite of everything despite the good i have in my table. like yea its cool but its noot good enough id rather kill you & make your mom cry & laugh at it all from hell but im sure you felt the same way.
i know someone felt the same way. i know it. thats why im choosing not to act irrationaly im choosing to be what i should be. just me. nothing abnormal. the problem is there is a addiction to myself & an addixtion to the thought of me which both provide nothing. do nothing.
people will ruin your whole self esteem then trll you pick your chest up. then kick you to the ground & ask if you need a napkin to clean your pants and hands .
your belief is why id rather be broke. you saying im good enough makes me want to kill you. it makes me want to fucking murder you. cause to everyone except me its that simple & to everyone around meirs a simplified math problem with no emotions or feelings involved,
just post music kid
promote your music
do videos
etc etc etc
but its not like these long winded messages get me anywhere or help me at all, to “real niggas” Its a nigga who talk too kuch talking to much cause he likes to talk.
to me a, its just me being naked on the interenet.
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deesdoodleswastaken · 4 years
I just wanted to share a trippy dream I had the other day about Daisy from The Great Gatsby. Context: I have never read the book nor watched the movie so I have no idea what it's about and I don't want anyone to be explaining anything to me. In the dream, it's thr 1920's and I was Daisy's male bodyguard with a thick New Yorker accent, jacket and tie. (PS. I am a 5'2" asian girl but that's unimportant)
The dream starts off with me smoking by the front of this swanky mansion. It's late and there's a party going on inside, everyone's laughing & drinking loudly when suddenly a very upset-looking Daisy comes out with a gentleman walking after her, taking off her heels & telling the butler to tell her husband she's not coming home till after midnight. "Or maybe 1AM. Maybe never," she says & asks me to get the car. So I get the car.
So this Daisy lady she's unhappy in her marriage and her husband cares about money but without him knowing, this guy friend of theirs propositions her & offers to show her a good time like an or*gy kind of good time (or maybe it was just a three*some idk) and she's down for it cus her sex life sucks. And me as her loyal bodyguard with the New York accent, a slick vest suit who carries his jacket over his shoulder; my job's just to accompany Daisy & make sure she doesnt get hurt etc. I'm not interested in the menage a trois but I'm not uncomfortable with just hanging around until the show's over.
We get dinner first since she was still upset & hadn't eaten anything except martinis all night. The gentleman suggests a place so we stay there & crack jokes until she's feeling better & starts laughing again. While talking, the topic about pregnancy came up for some reason & someone asked if she'd rather have a girl or boy. Daisy hesitates, not knowing what to choose until I said "Does it fucking matter?" and shes like ur right, it doesnt matter.
So I say to her again, in my thick New York accent: "Ya see, Daisy. At the end a'the day, yous gotta ask ya'self: does it really fuckin matta?" And she nods thoughtfully as if I'd cracked open wisdom from an oyster's shell when I'm pretty sure I was just being lazy & talking outta my ass.
Daisys finally getting in the mood when suddenly she gets a call from hubby who's wondering where she ran off to cus apparently the party at their house was still going on & she says something along the lines of "Buzz off, at least im getting 10k and a good nights sleep outta this" and hangs up. So the dream, like a movie, fades to black and we see Daisy wake up in the morning with two guys in the bed. My character, the bodyguard, brings her a glass of water and asks how shes feeling & she starts talking like she's had an epiphany! She couldn't stop talking like all of a sudden all these brilliant new ideas were filling her head & she just had to get it out there! Like the night of orga*sms & endorphins and seratonin did wonders for her body & brain that suddenly she was spouting new age philosophy like the modern feminist, demanding equal rights for women, equal pay, ending systemic racism, saving the environment & working against climate change. And a montage shows me that Daisy was bringing this to the streets, running for mayor and stuff & I'm just like WOW that escalated quickly!
My conclusion upon waking up was: when you don't satisfy people even at their most basic needs, you rob them of reaching their fullest potential. The end.
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keydawolf · 4 years
Calming the Flames
Chapter 3
Boscha growls through the halls, she had woken up in a bad mood and everyone knew it from her posture, her clenched fists, the way she bared her teety at anyone walking by and the way she walked heavily on each foot, givimg very audible warning that she was approaching. One student however, didnt seem to get the schoolwide memo to leave her alone. Indigo seemed to run into Boscha after almost all their classes and happily waved and tried to speak to her, no matter how many times Boscha growled and told them to "Buzz off" Much to the dimay of anyone who liked Indigo, they kept at it, Luz, Willow, Gus and even Amity had told them they would end up hurt if they kept approaching the fuming witch, yet Indigo just shrugged with a smile. Once lunchtime came around, Indigo noticed Boscha heading for the gymnasium once again, this time they decide to not disturb her, lest she damage the door most, they do howver wait outside the gym. When Boschs did eventually come out, their mood was a little lighter, but upon seeing Indigo sitting there, obviously waiting for them, that mood changed back to anger. "Alright Weirdo, I've had enough of you following me around!" Boscha yells but the reaction she got was not what she'd expect. Rather than suprise, fear or anger, the weirdo simply smiles and stands up then has the audaxity to ask "Why? You seemed lonely to me" "Lonely? As if! I can't stand all you goody goody idiots, even if I was lonely, which I wasnt! Why the heck would I want to hang out with YOU instead?" "Cuz you are lonely, even if you wont admit it, I KNOW you don't hate seeing me around" Boscha felt her thrid eye twitch in irritation, then, an idea comes to mind and a smirk forms on her face. "Alright then, how about this, after school, one v one grudgby match, if I win, you have to leave me alone from now on" Indigo's eara twitch upwards in interest "And if I win?" Boscha snorts "If you win? You can bug me wherever the heck you like! I wont even get mad!" Boscha says, the weirdo may be good at dodging, but there was no way they could beat Boscha at scoring. "Sounds good to me" Indigo says and sticks out a hand to shake on the deal. Boscha looks at the hand in disdain but shakes it anyways, it wasnt a deal if they didnt shake on it after all. "You better not flake out on me" Boscha snarls and walks away. "Wouldnt dream of it" ----‐------------------------------- "You did WHAT?!" Amity almost yells as Indigo sits back down at the table with her news. Willow, Gus and Lux just stared, Before they all started talking at once, which made following all their words difficult. "...make an oath?" "....Can't possinly expect to..." "......Gonna really hurt you...." "....need to think before you...." Indigo's ears twitch downwards ans they frown at the others, which makes them all stop, Indigo wasnt one to frown often, so when they did it caught everyones attention. "I'm doing this" they state and even use their full worded voice to make it clear to everyone before them. The others don't argue, staring at them. "Why are you putting so much effort into Boscha?" Willow asks suddenly, gaining Indigo's attention "All she has ever done is hurt others, mentally and physically, heck she's clearly not opening up to you, why put yourself through all this just for her?" Indigo is silent for a long minute "Because she's stuck in the dark, she doesnt know what the light feels like yet, but she never will if no ones willing to show it to her" Indigo says and to Willow and Gus it just seemed like a metaphore, but Luz and Amity knew exactly what Indigo was reffering to and their eyes met for a moment, a look of slight understanding passed between them. Amity sighs and looks at Indigo. "Boscha is very prideful in her abilities for grudgby, she doesnt take defeat well at all, she WILL try to hurt you if she thinks she will lose to you" Indigo nods "I'll keep that in mind" Willow pipes up as well "Also make sure she doesn't pull the rusty smidge ploy again, make sure it isnt on the field" "Got it"
The line of concersarion continued until the end of lunch, apparently others had heard about this 1v1 match and were planning to come watch and see who won, though apart from a few grudgby fanatics, it was pretty much just Skara and the other grudgby teammates, Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus. Indigo stood on the grudgby field, staring across at Boscha, Indigo had chosen a nice blue uniform, Luz and Amity had done their face paint, red and blue lines down their cheecks from their eyes. Boscha had gone for the normal Banshee design. "You know the rules weirdo?" Boscha asks with a smirk. "Yup, is the rusty smidge on the field?" "Nah, if i'm gonna beat you, I wanna make it a good one" Boscha says with a smirk. Indigo smirks back as they wait for the ball to fly. Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus are cheering for Indigo on the sidelines, as the ball is sent into the air, Indigo had the height advantage and was able to grab the ball first, keeping it however, was harder than it looked. Boscha knew how capable Indigo was at dodging and didnt have any qualms charging full tilt at them for the ball, Indigo had to dodge a lot of attempts, trying for a goal too early just to get Boscha to stop, it misses and bounces off the goalpost, right into Boscha's waiting arms, she tears off to the other side, getting halted by an earth spike trap, which lead to a tackle from Indigo. Bischa had to commend the weirdo for their form on the tackle, but she refused to allow them the ball that easy, struggling out of their arms with a lot of effort and kicking the ball before they reach her again, scoring first. Indigo stands, wiping the dirt off their face, catching their breath. "Nice one" they compliment as Boscha gets back into place. "Hmm, your tackle wasnt too bad at all, but your aim is terrible" "Heh, we'll see" Indigo replies as their hand circles behind their back, unseen by Boscha, a clone of Indigo appeared behind her and as the ball shot up, the clone tackles Boscha before she can jump so Indigo can hop over them with the ball and head for the goal. "Agh, forgot you did Illusions too" Boscha grumbles and elbows the clone hard, it poofs away and she gets to her feet in time to see Indigo toss the ball through the goal with ease. Indigo's group cheers loudly, Gus waves his flags with vigor. Indigo jogs past Boscha to her place, grunning from ear to ear. "Pfft, you look like you just won the whole game, it eas only ONE goal" Boscha says condesendingly but Indigo doesnt falter at her snide comment, simply grinning as they waited for the next ball. "Man, psyching them out is NOT working" Boscha thinks to herself in annoyance. A few more goals on each side and it was all tied up, 5 points to each of them. Boscha glares up at the clock, only time for one more play, someone HAD to get this one. The ball flies and both girls jump, but rather than grab it, Boscha bats it right into Indigo's chest, Indigo couldnt dodge in the air, the shift in intent was too fast for them to even register, they hit the ground with a cough, clutching the ball. Boscha lands and folds her arms, waiting for Indigo to call it quits. "Hey! That cant be legal!" Luz yells. "It's a completely legal and well known play in grudgby" Skara answers from the next aisle "Besides, Boscha gave up control of the ball, if Indigo can get back to their feet, they keep it unless they miss" Amelia adds in. "They're right Luz, its a common play, but most grudgby players know not to leave their middle wide open" Amity adds with a look at the two, who nod in response. "Yeah... its usually for well prscticed captains that the other team want to slow down, but Boscha is risking a lot giving up full control of the ball like that, if Indigo can score, they win, if they cant, its a tie, so the only winner here is Indigo in the end" Amelia replies. Amity thinks it over "Yeah... that... isnt like her, what is Boscha trying to prove?"
Boscha waits as Indigo struggles to their feet, making their way slowly towards the goalpost, she hadnt skimped on that impact, they were quite resiliant, though the hit had very obviously hurt, they were still doing what they could to get the ball close enough to score.
waiting for Indigo to call it
"Hey! That cant be legal!" Luz
"It's a completely legal and well known play in grudgby" Skara answers from the next
"Besides, Boscha gave up control of the ball, if Indigo can get back to their feet, they keep it unless they miss" Amelia adds
"They're right Luz, its a common play, but most grudgby players know not to leave their middle wide open" Amity adds with a look at the two, who nod in
"Yeah... its usually for well prscticed captains that the other team want to slow down, but Boscha is risking a lot giving up full control of the ball like that, if Indigo can score, they win, if they cant, its a tie, so the only winner here is Indigo in the end" Amelia Boscha waits as Indigo struggles to their feet, making their way slowly towards the goalpost, she hadnt skimped on that impact, they were quite resiliant, though the hit had very obviously hurt, they were still doing what they could to get the ball close enough to score.
Indigo got to the goalpost and looked up at it, they had 20 seconds left, in one last ditch effort, they tossed the ball as high as they could, but it wasnt high enough, bouncing off the very bottom of the post and falling back.
One very small vine errupts from the ground, catching the ball and tossing it through the post, just before the timer ticked to zero.
Everyone looked surprised, naturally everyone also looked at Willow, who immediately raised her hands up,.
"Willow didn't cast that, I checked when I saw it" Skara confirms immediately when Bosxha looks their way.
Boscha shrugs and nods "Must have been the court itself then, guess it liked their determination" she says and walks away, no fuss, no screaming or flaming grudgby balls flying everywhere.
Everyone watches in astonishmemt as the three eyed witch leaves in complete calm.
Indigo had fallen back to a sitting position with a grin on their face.
"Thah was.... so much fuuun!" They yell loudly as they try to get on their feet.
Luz was the first over to help them up "You did great!"
Amity walks over soon aftwr with Willow and Gus in tow "I have to admit, if I was still captain I'd definately ask you to join the team, those were some smart plays"
"You did iiiiit!" Gus yells as he runs in circles around Indigo and Luz and waves his little flags eagerly.
"That was weird at the end though right? The court normally stops goals, it doesnt usually score them" Willow says quietly.
"Heh, this one tends to have a mind of its own, I hate to say it but Boscha must be right, it didn't send one obstacle to stop Indigo getting to the goalpost" Amoty observes.
"So wait... what was it you got if you won?" Luz asks curiously.
"Boscha can' geh mad if ah hang around 'er now" Indigo replies matter of fsctly.
"Wait... thats all you wanted?" Willow asks with a raised brow.
"Yeh" Indigo says with a grin."Eh was de opposi'eh oh whah she wan'ed" they explain
"Oh, I kinda doubt she'll keep to that, she was way too calm when she left, normally when Boscha loses... everyone loses... and I dont mean the game" Amity says.
Boscha sighs as she heads to change, noticing her potted plant had poked out of her bag for some sun, it had three little buds growing upwarss now.
"Hmph, is that some cheesy reference to my eyes? Titan damn it Amelia, if this flower matches my hair too I swear" she says and rolls her eyes, zipping her bag up so no one would see the plant.
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midnightmarginalia · 4 years
Ho fuck this is long
Ok so like. I made a fucking mistake. I wrote an essay for my creative non-fiction class. We had to write a Lyric Essay. simple enough. it's whatever. I transcribed parts of my journal. it was fun. HOWEVER, I made the mistake of telling the class that I did some heavy editing to get rid of some unconventional grammar I use cuz internet, ya know? this was 3 days ago. jump to today. I wrote a 7-page essay trying to briefly explain SOME of the grammar conventions that have evolved alongside the internet. I had to explain this to a group of 40+ year-olds. so NOw I present this to you, o Tumblr. for the love of god let people read this and add to it, I spent eternally too much time on it 
So "Internet English" or "New English" is a linguistic phenomenon that centers on conveying tone and different connotative meanings through informal writing. Linguist Gretchen McCulloch actually released a book on this called Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language.  Her book actually is really interesting (I highly recommend it) and covers some of what I'm going to be talking about today. In the first section, she compares the process of learning literacy to be similar to learning how to talk solely through exposure to formal writing like speeches, screenplays, audiobooks, etc. You miss all the nuances of informal speaking. Well, the same is true for written language. Before the Internet, informal writing was extremely hard to come by and even harder to study; even letters, postcards, secretive notes and the like were still written fairly formally because there were no mass text-based communication practices. Now, we have this vast intangible library of infinite knowledge and human interactions, making the necessity of informal writing more prominent. As such, internet users, especially people from my generation, have evolved a subset of written English to better express connotative meaning through the use, abuse, and misuse of capitalization, spacing, spelling, punctuation, incomplete sentences, and more. Let me show you a little of what I mean.
Capitalization is a common convention used to convey emphasis, although which type of emphasis that is changes based on how the capitalization is used.
Random Capitalization is meant to grab Attention and express that Something is Very Important or should be Stressed by Your Inner Voice when reading.
CaPiTaLiZiNG a RanDoM AsSoRTmEnT oF LetTerS ConVEyS SaRcAsM oR a MOcKinG TonE.
I cannot really articulate why but this, thIS, tHIS, and THIS are all different. This is called Varied Capitalization and can apply to any word, though I most often see and use it with articles.
not capitalizing anything in a sentence is an excellent way to express a monotone voice that seems very apathetic towards everything and everyone. "oh look. john and i went to the store. how exciting."
Spacing Conventions are less common, and ultimately there is only one that I find noteworthy. Spacing out letters in a word like r e a l l y conveys that the word is significant. It takes up more space than really and thus needs to be stressed. It is also important to note that this convention is often coupled with full capitalization. There is a significant difference between "I am really hungry" and "I and r e a l l y hungry" and "I am R E A L L Y Hungry"
Spelling, like Spacing, is less varied than some of these other conventions. The most common spelling convention you are likely to encounter is the Intentional Misspell. This is used to express one of two things; you can discern which by the context of the rest of the message. It can be used to display excitement. The misspell conveys a kind of excitement that interferes with dexterity, like how your hands shake after a jump scare: "gyus I just swa A Quiet Place  an d it s one f thr svsriest movis I've ever seen." The other emotion the Intentional Misspell can convey is much more subtle and complicated. It is the sense of false apathy. it is nit uncommun to putf a typo in everyr other werd or so to shwo yu don't realy give a fukc but yiu actually do. This is much harder to discern and your best bet on understanding this half of the convention is context clues.
Punctuation and Lack Thereof
Punctuation is, in my opinion, the best, most diverse option for conveying a specific kind of tone. There's a lot to cover here, so I will do my best to keep it brief.
A full stop is a short sentence with a period. It is meant to be read in a scolding tone. The usage of this is especially important in text message and chatroom settings because you can signify the end of a sentence by sending the message. A good rule of thumb for the tone is that the shorter the message, the more scolding the tone.
Putting. A. Period. Between. Words. Conveys. That. The. Matter. At. Hand. Must. Be. Taken. Seriously. This is simply the act of emphasizing each word with a full stop.
not having any punctuation or capitalization at all makes for a very fluid reading experience yes the sentences can get mixed up but those who read and write this way regularly can discern separate trains of thought if you've noticed the lack of capitalization you may recognize one of the earlier discussed conventions it is important to note however that the monotone voice of that convention disappears with the punctuation
Question marks now signify an upturn in the voicing of a statement rather than forcing something to be a question. now you may be asking yourself "why would they do this." The only answer I have for you is "it just seems right?" the upturn signifies a tentative statement while the flat delivery of the question signifies frustration or bafflement.
Punctuation Frequency is meant to signify the amount of severity accompanying the statement. This is exclusively used with question marks and exclamation marks. A common example is extending the simple “what?” to “what???????” Notice the difference? The same thing can be done with exclamation points. Note the increased excitement between “The baby was born today!” and “The babe was born today!!!!!!!!!!!” These, of course, can be amplified even further by incorporating some of the other conventions we’ve discussed previously.
Exclusive Punctuation is a convention most commonly found in messaging systems, but it is still important. “???” is an expression of pure confusion. If you were to receive this message, that whatever you sent the person prior has left them amazed, confused, flabbergasted, awe-struck, bewildered, and more. On the other hand “!!!” is an expression of pure excitement and glee. The best description I’ve seen for this is that it is a noise of happiness.
While there are dozens more grammatical conventions, these are the primary ones that a vast majority of people will use. It is time to move on.
Yes. This is punctuation. But it elicits its own category. Ellipses are great tools for signifying that there is more to this statement than meets the eye. However, there are now multiple types of ellipses that have different meanings.
Periodic Ellipses or Hard Ellipses are just that. Hard. Say I were to text someone “Hey can we talk after class...” The ellipsis generates a cold tone that has some worrying connotations. Something important to note here is that the length of the ellipsis can signify severity, though after a certain point it becomes superfluous and silly. The only friendly usage of a Hard Ellipsis is the Two-Dot Ellipsis. “Hey can we talk after class..” is far far less sinister than “Hey can we talk after class…”
Commatic Ellipses or Soft Ellipses are just that. Soft. Instead of being composed of periods, these ellipses are composed of commas and have a vastly different meaning. These are meant to convey either worrying or flirtatious tones. To go back to our previous example, “Hey can we talk after class,,,,,” is going to be read in a flirtatious manner. However, “Hey can we talk after class,” is going to be read worryingly.  The trick to discerning the different tones is the length of the ellipsis. Three commas or less conveys a worrisome tone, whereas five or more conveys a flirtatious tone.
Sentence Structure
Look! We’re almost done! There are many people who will play with sentence structure to convey meaning but the most widespread practice is the Incomplete Sentence. This one is actually fairly straightforward. Leaving a sentence incomplete expresses exhaustion (either emotional or physical) and adds a sense of trailing off in the speakers voice. I mean, have you ever started a sentence and then just
Noun/Verb Dichotomy
Ok last one. This one is also pretty straight forward, though still quite complex. The Noun/Verb Dichotomy is simple the act of using a noun in place of a verb to get your point across. For example, a more expressive (and in my opinion more accurate) way to say “I like to get a midnight snack at 2 in the morning” would be “I like to velociraptor around my house at 2 in the morning.” The second conjures such a specific image that it can more concisely convey the actions and emotions being done. The possibilities are endless. This opens up the door for someone to sentence how they want. Although many people will get a headache and want to clothesline into a wall. These all make sense to a native speaker of this kind of english because, while our brains do brain logically, english doesnt logic englishly so the brain brains by itself to logic the english!
So that is my mini-lesson on Internet English. please remember I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what’s changed.
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Lost In Japan (Jimin x You)
Tumblr media
A/N: this idea just popped in my head while I am taking a bath, and I rushed through my skincare routine just so I can jot this down 😂 anyway, I am going to combined this request with another. This being part one and the other part two. but it can also be read as a oneshot. I had wanted to do a story based on this song ever since I heard it (Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes) bcs it just reminds me of the feeling you get at night on your holidays when you are just strolling around after a long day of exploring the city and met someone exciting ❤ and I dont know from what country you are anon, and I am not from Japan either, its just based on this song so you can imagine elsewhere ❤ Sorry if this is not what you have in mind
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
A/N: I cant just keep a good thing to myself, so for those who are looking for a variety and affordable BTS and KPOP merchandise. visit this link right here okay
"Ahhh finally!" Jimin dropped his carry on on the floor and lie down in the middle of the bed, spreading out as wide as he can after taking off his stuffy jacket and mask. Airport arrivals are fun. Fun seeing their fans coming out all the way just to catch a glimpse of them and to welcomed them to their country. But as much as it is fun, it is also damn tiring. Especially when they are mobbed by crazy fans. Jimin is thankful he and his brothers managed to get out from the commotion as fast as they could and arrived safely at the hotel. And he is more thankful that they  have individual rooms now.
Dont get him wrong. Sharing a room with Taehyung or Jungkook or even one of his hyungs are fun. Theres someone he can talk to and do fun vlive clips with, but sometimes he needs some space without anyone breathing down his neck too. Times like this, where he juat want to rest his tired body.
A country they are so familiar with already.
Two days of concert here and three days of free days for him and his brothers to roam about before they fly back to Korea for their other schedules.
Jimin cant wait to shop, sightsee and of course eat. He had learn long ago to treat every tour like a vacation in order to make the whole journey less tiring, more fun and less stressed. Just like what the others told him, it doesnt matter as long as they have fun performing, their fans will surely have fun with them too.
But Jimin can feel that something more exciting is going to happen this time.
He can just feel it.
Y/N calmly look up from the table shes wiping. Shes so used to her bestfriend yapping around like crazy. She used to get excited at first, but now, she learns that its better fir her to actually hear the news first. Mika can get super excited about a rock for all she knows.
"What is it that I wont believe Mika?" Y/N laughs. Thank god the cafe she works in has less customer today.
"BTS is coming! For a two days concert!" Mika shrieked.
"Okay... and?" She give her friend a short glimpse and turn back to her task.
"And?! What do you mean and?!" Mika went around and shakes her shoulders.
"Mika, they come here fir a concert every year! Sometimes even twice a year. Its not really a huge news," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Oh right, I forgot," she giggles.
"You forgot they have a tour here every year? Every year that you become crazy everytime its announced?" Y/N eyed her friend, tapping her foot.
"No. I forgot about the news that you will not believe. The great news is...." she paused for dramatic effect before jumping and yelling, almost breaking Y/N's eardrum. "I got us two VIP tickets and a special fansign invite for both days! Both! Aaaahhhhhh!"
"Oh, thats great Mika! No wonder you are excited!" Y/N's smile grew. Mika has been trying to get tickets every year but she never made it. Online or physically lining up, she never gets the chance to get one. Y/N wonders how hard she work to get the tickets this time.
"Well, arent you?" Mika looks at her weirdly. "I know you are an ARMY too. And arent you excited? You can actually meet them, and converse with them! What if they fall in love with one of us?!" Mika exclaimed, already excited at the thought.
"Well, I am an ARMY," Y/N laughs at her friends cuteness. "But I only like them as a talented idol Mika. I dont even know what to talk to them about. And falling in love?" She giggles. "That only happens in fan fictions my friend. They will most probably already forget about you once the next fan came in view," she shakes her head and continue to clean the table, making Mika pouts.
"Sometimes I hate how practical you are. Cant you just let me dream a little?" She crosses her arm across her chest. "But still, you are coming with me right? Riggght?"
"Well, if you are willing to take me, then of course Mika," Y/N grins. "Of course I'll go with you. Who knows, maybe one of them will really fall in love with me," she giggles at the ridiculous statement.
Or she thought so.
"Lets go people. We can do this!" Namjoon calls out behind the curtains, a few minutes before they are meeting their lucky fans who won the fansign event. After some peptalk and group hugs they went out and start the event.
The crowd is packed and loud, as usual. Girls screaming out their names and waving, trying to get their attention. Each of them did they usual routine, smiling, asking basic questions, answering the questions given to them, making aegyo, handshakes, posing for photos, wearing cute headbands and all sorts of fan service. Jimin is enjoying his time meeting his fan. He loves the attention they gives him and he appreciate all the support they gave to him all these years.
"Next!" The security calls out so the line will move as the fans switched to the next members. Jimin reaches out for the album and booklet in front of him, still looking down at thr album, flipping to the post-it where he should place his signature. But the post-it came empty, its just there as a mark to where he should place his signature. Iy seems the fan has no questions for him, which is a first. Their fans always have multiple questions for them to answer
"No question?" He looks up and immediately stopped blinking. In front of him stood the most beautiful angel he has ever since. Well, shes an angel to him, at least as everyone else seems to be perfectly normal.
"N-no question to ask?" He stuttered and mentally slapping himself. Shit, what is wrong with me. You are Park Jimin, composed yourself!
"Oh," she laughs, the most beautiful sound Jimin has ever heard. "No. Just an autograph will do,"
"Uh.. o-okay," with shaky hands Jimin put down his signature. God, what is wrong with me. I have met so many girls before and I am never like this. Calm down Park Jimin, composed yourself before she thinks you are weird. Come on, say something!
Jimin look around at the laughing fans by around him, talking to to the other members, talking to Taehyung and Jungkook, who is on his right and left side and he realized how quiet and awkward he is with this fan.
"O-oh right. I am Jimin. Whats your name?" Introducing yourself at your own fansign? Are you stupid Park Jimin?
She giggles.
And Jimin's heart skipped a beat. How unusual.
"I know you are Jimin. How can I come here and not know you," she leans forward to a whispering gesture, making Jimin's heart thumped faster at her close proximity. "ARMYs will kill me if I dont," she giggles more and leans back to her normal position in front of him. "And my name is Y/N,"
Jimin smile. How bold. How interesting. And what a name. Beautiful. Just like her.
"And Y/N.. how come you have no questions to ask? Arent ARMYs always curious?" He taps her post it to show the blank paper and Y/N shakes her head.
"No. Not really," she smiles. "Nothing that I want to know,"
"Just nothing for me or for everyone?" Jimin feels the need to ask. He felt like he needs to know if Y/N is just not interested in him or she really doesnt have a question for everyone.
"Well, its not just you. I dont have a question for everyone," Y/N's smile got bigger. Jimin raised an eyebrow curiously.
"Oh? And why is that?"
"Well, because everything you are allowed to tell me, it will be published in the news, or articles or something anyway. And if I asked you a real question, you wont be allowed to answer truthfully anyway. Isnt that right?" she laughs. "So no. No questions,"
Jimin was stunt. Never has anyone ever throw that cold hard truth to his face. Its true. Whatever they are showing and potraying in public, the character that they show, all of it is something that they want their fans to see. There are still parts of them that their fans doesnt know. A part of them, rhat is the real them that they didnt show the world. Mouth agape, Jimin looks at Y/N's face, not knowing what else to say.
His gut js right. Jimin is right, fron the moment he looks up to her face, he knew theres definitely something special about her.
"Well, whats your real question?" Jimin finally find his voice and the bravery he needed.
"When you are allowed to answer it, then I'll ask about it," she giggles, just in time for the security to shout next, and Y/N waves a hand and move aside before Jimin could say anything else. Y/N move to Taehyung, leaving Jimin speechless, and fascinated.
Y/N... hmmm.. his feelings is right then. Japan is going to be interesting this time around.
Jimin knew he is going to see Y/N again at the concert. Everyone who attends the fanmeet has a VIP ticket, which is a particularly small section that is made special for them right in front of the stage. He is sure if he look hard enough, he will see her. Shes too beautiful, and too special to him now for Jimin not to notice.
And sure enough, the moment their went on stage, Jimin saw her face, smiling brightly with her Army bomb in hand, giggling with her friend. A surge or energy runs through him. Jimin suddenly feels like he needs to do the very best tonight, no, extra best tonight. He needs to show her that he is Jimin, and he is up here, looking at her  and apprently, only at her.
Jimin never kept her eyes off her, which is a little hard to do considering he needs to sing and dance and converse with his fans, well, other fans too. And its a stranger feeling for him, when a pang of jealousy hits him hard when he saw Y/N waving and taking photos of Taehyung, jumping and singing along to the other members' part.
What the hell is wrong with me? Shes a fan! She didnt pay for the tickets only to see you alone Jimin.
Without realizing, Jimin suddenly feek the need to futher make his existabce known. Known to Y/N. And keeping his eyes only on her, he starts to show off his dancing skills, making extra sexy moves and flirty gestures, which of course, make the packed stadium roared with cheers but reveiving weird looks from the other members.
It doesnt matter.
The crowd. The music. The members.
What matters is that if this will make Y/N looks at him, it was all worth it.
At least he hope she understand the sign hes trying to tell her.
"Woah, what is wrong with Chim today?" Mika stares at the satge, mouth dropped opened. "I mean, I know he is sexy and all, but thats like being possesed with a sexy spirit or something," she points to Jimin who was grinding on the stage floor. "I dont remember the cheography being like that,"
Y/N shrugs.
"Maybe its a concert only special performance," Y/N justified.
"How are you so calm? He is even looking at you while doing all that. Oh my god, he really is!" Mika jumped, waving her Army bomb with excitement.
"Not at me Mika. My direction. Our direction. He cant even see the crowd with all those blinding lights. And look around you, theres thousand of people here," she laughs. "You think he wouls pick me out from the crowd?"
"Hey, you never know. You personally met him at the fansign. Maybe he remembers you," Mika giggles at how practical her friend. Girl, dream a little!
"Hello," Y/N rolls her eyes. "Everybody here went to the fansign Mika. This is the VIP section!"
"Oh my god. I forgot! Maybe you are right. But hey, its not wrong to imagine!" Mika laughs, Y/N joining her.
"Stop imagining useless things and just enjoy the rest of the concert!" Y/N yells through the noise, laughing. "Besides, its Park Jimin, being sexy and flirty on stage is his thing. I dont think thats anything extra anyway,"
"Okay, okay, you are right. Lets just enjoy this!" Mika grab her shoulders and starts bouncing, waving her Army bomb around. Y/N joins in, singinf along and recording videons of her and Mika, totally not realizing how hard Jimin is trying to wink her way.
"I did everything I can, and she still dont even acknowledge me!" Jimin huffed.
"Are you serious? Shes a fan and you still cant get her to even look at you? Wow Chim, you really have no jams," Namjoon laughs.
"Hyung, its not funny! What do I do?" Jimin grumbled.
"Okay, okay. Lets think. The whole two days. She didnt look at you? At all?" Namjoon inquired, trying to help the younger man.
"Well, she does look at me..," Jimin ponders.
"Okay. Then whats the problem? You did talk to her at the fansign yesterday right? And today? Did you guys hit it off? Did you two share any interest? Maybe you are just not her type. What did you two talked about? Tell me everything from A to Z," Namjoon pulls a chair and sits in front of him, giving Jimin his full attention.
"Yeah. Talk. Like what we are doing right now. Hi I'm Jimin, I like you, can I have your number so I can take you out sometime, that kind of thing," Namjoon eyed him carefully.
"W-well... I didnt really talk to her hyung.." Jimin trailed off.
"What do you mean? You get her name. What else did you ask her? You met her twice at a fan sign Chim," Namjoon eyed him curiously.
"Well, at the first meef, I asked her for her name, so I can sign her album. And she explained to me why she dont asks any questiona, and then I blanked out and before I know it, it was already Taehyung's turn," Jimin pouted. "The time is too short for each person!"
"Well, you never complain before!" Namjoon roll her eyes. "Them what about today?"
"T-today?" Jimin stutter nervously as the memory of today's fansign entered his mind.
He was in no mood at all today After the concert on the first day, Jimin was frustrated. Y/N didnt notice him. After the concert she went back like everyone else. She went out so fast he didnt even get the chance to ask security or his managers to call her out. Jimin knew that he wont evenr see her again. Having that in his mind ruin his whole mood.
He went by fan by fan, signing their album and giving small smiles when required. When asked, he only says hes a bit tired and his fans will express their worry and tell him to get some rest. Never would have thought that he would hear the voice again as a a flatten box of their offical light stick and the photocarda were slide in front of him.
"You already sign all my albums and posters yesterday, so this is all I have left for you to sign," Jimin look up to the smiling face of Y/N and he thought hes dreaming.
"Yeah," she smile. "Wow, you remembered me!"
"O-of course I do!" Jimin tries to calm himself. "I didnt think you would come again, and both fansigns? Wow,"
"Well," she giggles. "I guess I am your biggest fan. All of you were great last night,"
"Yeah? But you went off so fast!" Jimin pouts and cursed himself for saying that when Y/N gives him a weird look. Now he sounds like a stalker.
"So fast? How did you know?" Y/N asked him curiously. Did Jimin really saw her in the crowd?
"Uh well.. call it intituition," he laughs awkwardly and Y/N just nodded.
"Well..." Y/N looks around, feeling awkward as she waits for the fan in front of Taehyung to move and lets a breath if relief when she does. "Okay, I'll go now,"
"Wait!" Jimin panics. This might be his last chance to have any sort if way to contact her. "Do-you-think-you-can-give-me-"
"And oh, good luck for tonight," Y/N suddenly say at the same time as his word jumble and patted his hand. The moment her hand touched his, eventhough its just a pat and for a second, Jimin blanked out, all his senses gone, heart pumping so rapidly it almost burst out. Bedore he can calm himself down and find words again, the security already shouted next and Y/N quicy waved and move on to Taehyung.
"Both times? Seriously? You blanked out both times??" Namjoon is shrieking out now. "God, you are hopeless!"
"Y-yeah..." Jimin look at his hyung, scared. "Its not my fault she touched my hand hyung!" Jimin try to defend himself.
"Touch Chim. Not even hold. And you have done this with countless fans! Girl fans!" Namjoon is at the brink of giving up.
"But hyunggg," Jimin wailed. "Thise firls are not Y/N! She's so pretty and smart, and not startruck and everything she said to Tae and Kookie are funny and smart then I'm the one who kinda got starstruck..."
"Oh my god, you are a bigger idiot than I thought," Namjoon hissed and slap Jimin's forehead, making him rubbed it  "Okay, fine. But if you barely even talked to her, why are you saying she didnt acknowledge you? I mean... even if she does, which I think she should with your stupidity, she didnt even have a chance to say it, right?"
"But hyungggg, even if I didnt directly say it, its obvious I am flirting with her. And only her!" Jimin answered as if his effort is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Flirt? How?" Namjoon asked, curious on what Jimin meant by flirting if they never even have a proper conversation.
"Didnt you see my extra sexy moves on stage? My winks, my flying kisses, my hip thrusts, how many times I run my hand through my hair, and seductively too if I might add, during these two concert?" Jimin smile proudly.
"Wait, are you saying your little cabaret show this past two nights is you flirting with her?" Namjoon rubs his chin.
"Duhh, of course hyung. What else? I am not a man slut like Kookie who do it for fun hyung,"
"Idiot!" Namjoon slap his head hard this time.  "That is what you call flirting? We thought you were possesed by some strip club ghost or something!"
"Ow hyungg, what the hell??" Jimin rubbed his forehead.
"How the fuck is Y/N supposed to know you are flirting with her when you do that in front of a packed stadium you dimwit? A stadium full of screaming girls too! And you always do those shit, yeah, its a little extra this time, but she will just think you are doing your typical flirting with the crowd thing," Namjoon hissed
"W-what?" Jimin panics. "Do you really think she thinks like that? That I am justsome big flirt to my fans?"
"Duhhh," Namjoon roll his eyes.
"But its all for her!" Jimin wailed.
"She didnt know that dumbass. You should have shown your interest during the fanmeet. Both freaking times!" Namjoon sighed and stands up.
"Wait, where are you going hyung? We are not done yet!" Jimin stands up and follow his hyung like a puppy.
"I am not entertaining this dumb shit. Im going,"
"But what am I going to do?!" Jimin wailed for help.
"Nothing. The concert is over Chim. Just pray that you will see her again," Namjoon shrugs before he leaves the room. "You have three days before we fly back home. Make it count,"
Their free day was filled with sight seeing, shopping and eating. Jimin had fun, yes, but he cant help but feeling down whenever he thought about his lost chance of getting to know Y/N more. He has never been this interested in a woman before, nor has he even felt this kind of amazing chemistry towards a girl. Y/N is special, Jimin know she is. And although he doesnt know for sure if she really is the one for him, but he is sure that he atleast wants to get to know her better. And he wants to see where they will go from there.
"Cheer up hyung! Its only a girl. You will forget her soon. I am sure of it," Jungkook smile and roughly hug his shoulder, dragging him into the anime store. "Atleast your amazing favorite maknae is still here with you,"
"Yeah. Annoying maknae," he laughs. "I am in no mood to look at animes abd robots Kook, and also in no mood to hear you and Tae arguing about whos the better hero or whatever," he looks around the street. "I am going to head there, the coffee shop. Meet me there okay?"
Jungkook shrugs and pulls Taehyung to the store instead as Jimin make his way to the coffeeshop. Securing his mask and cap, he enters and nothing surprised him more than seeing the perfect girl smiling at a customer behind the cashier counter.
"Okay.. if thats Y/N.. why are the three of us hiding behind this huge flower pot like some criminal?" Jungkook asks Jimin in confusion. His hyung rans in panics and drags both him and Taehyung to the coffee shop. And with panting breath, he nervously points towards a girl and only one word comes out from his mouth. "Y/N" and they have been hiding behind a huge flower pot in the coffee shop since then.
"Well, because I dont want her to see us. See me. What do I say?" Jimin wioes his sweaty forehead.
"Thats it? Thats the reason you ran all the way, drag me and Tae-hyung here, and hides behind this pot for 40 minutes now?!" Jungkook looks at his hyung, not believing his reason. "Thats it, I'm going in and introducing us and getting you her number!"
"Wait. What?? No!" Jimin drags Jungkook back behind the pot.
"Why? Isbt that what you want hyung? Her number? You have been moping since last night!"
"Y-yeah.. but how can I just ask her. Thats Y/N. Y/N! What if she say no? O-or she laughs at me? Or thinks I'm weird?" Jimin is freaking out and even he hinself doesnt know why he is like this.
"Well, we dont know if we dont try Chim. Let me and Kookie go and ask for you," Taehyung speaks up and stands up, revealing himself. Jimin panics and pulls him back behind the pot.
"What the hell! No! Sit Tae. Let me just think of something okay? I need to impress her somehow. So she would never ever say no," Jimin rubs her chin and the three sits behind the pot for a while longer, all in silence before Jimin suddenly shouted. "Okay, I got it! She will say yes to be my girlfriend after this! I am sure of it!"
"From Park Jimin? The Korean idol Park Jimin?" Y/N eyed the flower delivery man curiously as he smile and nods. "Is this a prank? Tell me, who put you up to this? Its a girl right?"
"Uh no.. its really Park Jimin. He came to the shop. With Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. I know its them because I am a fan and also," he taps the note on the flower, "Park Jimin put his name there,"
"So right now... you are saying.. that the world famous idol, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung, just walk into your store, in broad daylight, and ordered flowers.. for me?" She points to herself.
"Uh.. yeah. Thats about right," the deliveryman nods again and smile. Y/N lets out a loud sarcastic laugh.
"Okay, good one. I am pretty sure this is a prank now," she received the flowers and sniff it. "Atleast I get flowers, prank or not. Thanks,"
The delivery guy shrugs and leaves, but not before looking at Y/N as if shes crazy.
"It must be Mika. Shes the only one who thinks Jimin is looking at me at the concert," Y/N shrugs and continue her work, the flowers forgotten.
Or so she thought.
Throughout the day, many more weird deliveries were made. More flowers, big, expensive ones too, cupcakes, balloons, choclates, chocolates bouquets, and even a puppy, which Y/N immediately asked to be sent back. At this rate she knows it couldnt be Mika. Is it really Jimin?
But why?
How does he knows where she works?
Even if he did finds out, did he really remember her?
And even if he did remember, why is he sending her all this stuff?
Y/N was confused for the whole day, and shes also embarassed when the customers and even her supervisor keeps complimenting how sweet her boyfriend is. Truth is, shes nor even sure if its really Jimin whos sending her all this stuff.
The gifts continue for the next three days, and Y/N just accept and places it all at the store room, even fivinf out the food to her colleagues and loyal customers. After a long hard shift, its finally time to close up. And deciding to leave everything she receives today at the shop, she cleans up and cloaed up the shop. While locking the door suddenly someone tapped her back.
"A delivery for Miss Y/N..."
"Seriously?!" With a frustrated and tired sighed she turns around. "Its almost 12 am at- J-Jimin?"
Y/N couldnt ever imagine thats its really Park Jimin standing in front of her, holding a huge bouquet of flowers. His face is covered with a mask, yes, but theres no doubt that its him.
"Well.. yeah. Are you expecting someone else?" Jimin cocks his head. Even he is nor sure where he gets his sudden confidence.
"Well... no. But I didnt expect it to be you either. Is it safe for you to roam around Japan like this? Are you lost?" Y/N furrowed her brows. How can he be lost? Where is manager?
"No. I am not lost. Unless you count loss of words everytime I see you," he smile.
"Uh.. no, no, nothing. Uh.. you dont sound excited to be receiving all the gifts I sent you?" Jimin suddenly remembered hows frustrated she sound earlier when she thought he ia the delivery man.
"Well, to be honest. Not really. I mean.. I am not even sure it its really from you. And even though it is, I am still curious as to why? I mean... you dont really know me... and we are not really friends. Right?" Y/N looks at him.
Jimin is speechless. Doesnt girls like that kind of stuff? Especially from someone like him? But as he look at Y/N who is standing in front of him, face full of confusion, he realizes, Y/N is not like normal girls. thats why he felt attracted to her. Look at her right now, standing in front of him bur isnt starstruck at all.
"Uh.. to be honest, I kinda feel a chemistry between us when we first met at the first fansign..." Jimin takes a deep breath. Courage dont leave me now. "And.. I uh.. would like to talk more with you. To get to know you,"
"Okay..m so you decide to stalk me?" Y/n take a step back, a little scared. Jimin raised his hands up defensively.
"No, no! Its not like that. I didnt stalk you to find out where you work. I accidentally found out where you work 3 days ago, so I thought I could send you gifts, as a way to break the ice-"
"Wait, so you had known where I work for three days, and instead of coming in and say hi, like a normal person, you decide to flaunt your money and buy me stuff?" Y/N is trying to understabd what is the man trying to do.
"Well.. uh.. it sounds bad when you put it like that...but-but I thought you knew about my interest in you!" Jimin tries to safe whatever dignity he has left as Y/N eyes him carefully. "I have been flirting with you for the two whole concert days!"
"Flirting? When??" Y/n questioned him. "You barely even talk to me during the fansign Jimin-ssi," Y/N reminds him.
"D-dont you see me malong eye contact with you on stage? All those dance moves? Those extra stuff I did?"
"Huh?" Y/N looks straight at him. "Are you telling me that is you flirting?" Y/N didnt know if she should laugh or be pissed right now. "Thats the way to show me that you want to talk to me?"
"Jimin... If you want to talk to me you can just ask. To be honest, I find you interesting to talk to too," Y/N smile.
"Yeah... but after this weird gift giving thing... I am not sure..."
"What? No! I am not weird! Uh actually," Jimin panics. Is Y/N really going to just shut him away now? He has to do something. The thing that he planned to do when he came here. "Actually, I'm flying back to Korea tomorrow but before I leave... I just uh... wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend," he quickly pulls out a box with a white gold diamond bracelet inside. "And give you this,"
Y/N was silenced for a moment and Jimin hope that thats a good sign. He knows its rash, but hes leaving to Korea tomorrow and he needs a way to stay in touch with her. To just... make her his.
"Are you seriously kidding me right now?" Was Y/N's answer after the silenced.
Y/N scoff.
"You never even introduce yourself properly to me. Or get to know me. Or even talk to me for the matter! How do you know you even really like me? If its only a blind atttaction, only because you like how I look, then I dont want any of it! Yes, I am your fan and I kmow mostly everything about you, but I dont want to know you as BTS' Park Jimin, I want to know you as Park Jimin... do you get it? And giving me ridiculous expensive gifts for three days is flirting and a way to talk to me?? And please know that hip thrusting and swiping your hair back on stage doesnt count either. What are you trying to do? Do you think I am that kind of girl Jimin?" Y/N look softly at him.
"I want a guy to ask me out, to ask me if I have plans and take his time to know me. I dont need your money or your fame Jimin. If you really like me, you would know thats the kind of girl I am. I am leaving, I am sorry, I have to declined. Have a safe flight back to Korea," Y/N bows and walks away, leaving Jimin alone.
Jimin was silenced by her unexpected outburst. He really didnt think ahe would say all this, nor did he think about how stupid his plans are. Taehyung and Jungkook has warned him, even suggested to just greet her and ask for her number, but noooo, he has to feel like he needs to impress her with expensive gifts. Now look what happen.Everything she says just make Jimin realized that she is excatly what he wants, who he needs in a woman. In a life partner. He wants to get to know her, all of her, but it seems like hes too late now.
"Hyung? You okay?" Jungkook sat beside him on the bed. Its been a few days after the tour, and Jimin has been sad and locking himself in his rooms ever since.
"Yeah.. I guess?" Jimin answered lifelessly.
"You dont look okay Chim. You look... lost?" Taehyung sat at the other side of him.
"I am lost Tae. I have never been this lost in my entire life. I think I lost myself in Japan, I acted the way I would never have, and because of it, I lost my love,"
"Well.. if you lost something in Japan... I guess you have to go and get it back. Simple Chim," Taehyung grins and pat his back, hoping his best friend will understand what he meant.
What happened last week is still a blur to Y/N. Did Park Jimin really sent her gifts for three days straight? The Park Jimin? Worldwide idol Park Jimin? And did he really showed up to her coffee shop and tell her he lijes ber, and wanted her to be his girlfriend? And did she rejected him, just like that?
Everything is like a dream to her. She is not even sure if it really happened it shes just imagining it all. But the wilted flowers and uneaten chocolate bars proves that all of it is too real.
She cant lie to herself. Her heart did do a little flip at the sight of Jimin that night. Yes, shes practical, but theres still a part of her that wants a fairy tale ending for herself too. She almost say yes, her heart is beating out from her chest. She cant believe its happening, Park Jimin likes her... but then her practical side takes over. Reminding her that they barely knew each other, what if Jimin ends up not liking her? And what she told Jimin is true, she wants someone who will ask her out, who will take his time to learn about her, just as mich as she will learn about him.
Maybe Jimin is only a drean afterall.
As she walks along the sakura covered park, Y/N sighed. Shes at her happy place. Her beautiful home, but she has never felt so lost.
"Thank god I found you here," the voice behind her pants. Y/N immediately turns around only to see Park Jimin panting, holding his knees. Is she hallucinating in broad daylight now?
"Jimin? Is that really you?" She looks at the figure closely. Jimin looks up after catching his breath
"H-hi. I'm Park Jimin, and I came all the way from Korea just to find you, and someone told me that you are at a sakira park, but theres a lot of sakura park during during spring in Japan and I went to like 30 of them and then I got lost all over Japan, but I dont care, because I can handle being lost in Japan, but I cant handle losing myself again and worse, losing a chance to know you," he smile at her stunt reaction. "Y/N.. I got lost all over Japan, just so I can ask you..," Jimin wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans as Y/N smile at his stuttering form.
"Yes, Park Jimin?" Y/N flashed him a wide smile, easing his mind and making all his doubts dissappear, a surge of confidence suddenly surfacing in him.
"Do you... do you perhaps have any plans tonight? Because I want to take you out. I want to spend the whole night getting to know you, all about you," He took a step forward and bravely hold her waist, grinning widely.
"And why would you want to do that when you just met me three times Park Jimin?" Y/N hide her smile any longer.
"Because I.. well, because honestly Y/N..." he tuxks a stray hair behind her ears and look straight into her eyes, "I cant get you out of my mind,"
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redpandapanic8 · 5 years
how the kwami swap shoulsve gone
 instead of saying whh has it easier or why ladybug doesn’t make jokes(she litterly makes puns and calls him kitty but idk whatever) 
it starts with ladybug getting a ton of praise from everyone while chat sorta chills in the background. their miraculouses beep and boom, they both gotta go. as they go away Ladybug asks chat whats the matter cus she can tell he’s a lil upset. He makes some comment about why does she even need him for, she can do perfectly fin without him. She says that its not the truth and that he’s a super important part of the team. He says yeah right and mentions how his cataclysm almost fucked up her luck charm. she says thats just one instance and they argue a lil more and then sorta seperate.
The stuff with juleka is basically the same but when they ask adrian to help, he is a little more eager because he wants to feel useful and Mari wants to help Juleka because she is trying to help her feel better that way she couldnt help chat.
But Juleka gets nervous, the kids sorta rush Mari and Adrien into the shoot, they leave behind their miraculous.
The swap happens, Mari getting the chat one first. Adrien meets tikki and is like noo you need to take it to Ladybug Im not cut out to be ladybug. cut to mari being lady noir and then tikki says theres no other choice and gives him this little pep talk about how master fu chose him for a reason. 
The fight starts and at first adrien hits himself in the face and is awkward. Mari automatically starts acting chat like as an attempt to show him he can do this. when her goofing around doesnt help, when they are ducked to the side she gives adrien a pep talk saying he can do it. He is a part of this team and she knows he has what it takes. He takes a breath and nods, takes the mirror and looks around. He see the little coin slot thing and you get the adrien vission pointing it out. Also in black in white adrien vision he looks around sees the slit, looks down at the mirror it lights up and then himself in the reflection lights up and he nods at himself reassuringly He tell mari how shell need her help, “Can you get me in there my ladynoir,” “You can count on me buggaboy”.
they defeat the sentimontser and reflekta. Adrien catches the akuma and says, “I always wanted to do this” still. Mari says, “Told you were an important part of the team” or something similar. 
They switch back the same, except maybe a bit where mari says, “I guess chat isn’t as cool and confident as he acts” to plagg and plagg says something about how there nothing to lift your spirits like changing routine” similar to thr original but a lil different.
they go back and the rest of the ep goes the same.
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chromaji · 5 years
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OK we got the new gang here for EO3 dungeons. EO3 is the only game i never uhhh played/owned except for like, testing it with an emulator (and it worked... badly. so i didnt get far)
this group also happens to consist of the remaining 5 classes i hadnt made yet lmao.
ok so im gonna do the character info in the post itself this time?!? just under a readmore. mostly bc i noticed how crowded all this stuff looks in the notes 😅
Noire is the team leader!
Noire just wanted a chill team of explorers to wander around thr labyrinth together with for materials and stuff! So she’s not in it for fame fortune or anything.
Noire doesnt mind the dangers of the labyrinth, buuut she’d love to be able to explore and forage without having to worry about where monsters are every ten seconds.
Noire is like 20 years old. Since Boruni seem to always look tiny no matter what (well, im GUESSING that Syrik is an adult?? running a whole ass shop?) i just thought id say that?
Noire sees this team as a family, though she wont say it. Noire would kill for anyone in this team. She’s got a glock and is prepared to use it.
Albatross (Alba), Celice, and Soreis were all part of the same pirate crew at one point, but Alba eventually disbanded the crew after a particularly bad incident. The only ones who stayed out of the surviving ones were, ofc, Celice & Soreis.
Alba is very theatric & chuuni!! He’ll go ham over the smallest things if you give him the opportunity. honestly he acts like this more to... distract himself from thinking about various shit he’s gone through than anything else. Basically dont leave him alone with his thoughts, he would Rather Not.
Celice is a generally reckless kid, but she’s been trying to work on reeling it in when things get serious. She looks up to Alba & tends to get theatric & bold like him!
Soreis is the “straight-man” who usually keeps Alba & Celice from going too ham, especially during battle.
Soreis is the only one that Alba has talked to about some of his past life.
Soreis is overprotective, and secretly a bit posessive, which they’re starting to realize... the latter aint that great of a thing to be!! They’re embarrassed by it & are trying to not be like that. In secret! Absolutely no one can know!
Emeralda was told that she had exceptional healing powers as a kid and has grown up to be pretty haughty about it.
Emeralda & Celice actually met in tharsis when they were children, but Celice doesnt remember. Emeralda is sad about this ofc, buuut doesnt let it show.
Emeralda puts up a hell of a brave front, but is actually terrified of fighting and seeing her allies wounded. She’s made it her goal to learn as many healing methods as possible so she wont have to worry, no matter what. She hasnt reached that point of ‘perfection’ yet, but eventually she might!!
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eb-the-gamer · 7 years
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A Purpose @piranhartist @dreamwithintheheart @pan-pizza (note: long and sad, i put a ton of emotion and effort into this. I hope you enjoy part 1) —-
A strange creature sits at a desk, mumbling to itself as it makes a picture in the light of a single lamp , using what could be considered hands covered in ink to draw. Each it unceremoniously pushes some of its drawings to the floor, then slams its hands against the table in frustration.
“That blasted creature was perfect…something like that Little one would have put my name on the map!”
It had seen something for sure. While out in space the monster had seen…something, flying through. He could only describe the being as a living star, and any creature with energy like that would have been a power supply even thr most elite could bid for.
His magics allowed him to bring his creations on paper to flesh, and of course, trying to recreate that star had been nothing but a chore. The multiple variations he made never held a candle to that being he saw. This last one was no different.
“Time to move on from this. Hurrushe!”
Slowly, the various drawings peeled themselves away from the paper, leaving it blank for their creator to draw something else. Nearly all of them were barely formed scribbles that managed to scuttle about, bumping into each other and their surroundings. The creature rolled its eyes as one scribble managed to get both crushed and flung into a garbage bin.
The last of these drawings raised up as the monster re-gathered its paper and set it back on the table. The girlish creature’s colors began filling in its monochrome appearance, vibrant yellows there, an obsidian blue here. The creature stared as the drawing came to life…maybe this time it would work… —- I came to the world groggy…but warm. So cool! I already know so much too! I think i can speak…but i want to take this all in. There are gears hanging, turning in the air, along with tubes full of black and steaming pipes connecting from one wall to another. Theres a soothing rhythmic clanking, mechanical hums and an occasional hiss, unintentionally creating something of a tune to follow! The smell…well that’s gross, the oil smells so bitter i can nearly taste it…the floor is also distressingly cold and hard. Well, The guy staring at me is floating, so i guess it wouldn’t matter much to him.
Senses are AMAZING! This life i feel is great! Ok, ok…the guy looking at me seems board, i want to ask him some stuff, I dont want to screw this up, I’m so nervous… —- The monster’s hopes slowly died as it observed the complete creature that had come to life. It was like all the others, no energy like what it had witnessed in what inspired the drawing. It simply looked around silently like a bird would. It didn’t glow, or spark, or even rev up or anything to show any meaningful excess energy at all.
“Uhm..hi, sir?”
Same questions, as per usual…The monster huffed this time.
“I am Plaijur the Djinn. I created you. You are just a copy i tried to make of something else. You did not work out.”
The drawing’s smile fell slow. Plaijur had been through this same scenerio multiple times, and though it had made him sad at first, he learned to be callous against it.
“Your name,” Plaijur continued, thinking “is, Stelluna.” For all his work copying things, he found it easy to make puns and word hybrids, especially names, he’d even renamed himself. Stelluna’s smile returned, apparently she liked the name too.
“So does that mean that you’re-”
“He heh heh heh heh-No. Dont call me dad, master, father, or creator. As far as I’m concerned, you are a failure on me.”
“But D-Plaijur. What am i supposed to do then?!”
Plaijur got up, turned around, and began to speak more terribly bluntly than ever.
“I don’t care. You can go anywhere you want, but don’t stay here. You can do whatever you like, but don’t do it here. You can be whomever you please, but be it somewhere else.” —- This is…awful… What had I done? Why am I a failure? There’s a rising unpleasant feeling in my stomach, and it continues to grow the more i look at that one eye of his…
the stupid eye of this dummy! I want to run, he needs to care about me enough to chase me. He doesnt mean all of this, right? Its a test! Its got to be!
The rising feeling it up to my chest now, behind my lungs…The more i look at Plaijur’s face the more i believe what he says is completely honest. It, hurts. It hurts, so much.
“Please! What can i do about it Mister Plaijur?!” —- Plaijur was not used to this…usually by now the drawings would run out the door, typically crying. Stelluna was asking for a way to prove herself.
He stayed silent for several moments, thinking. He turned to his desk and pulled out a card, red on either side, from a drawer under the table. Then he drew what appeared to be a wand on one of the sheets of paper.
Plaijur took the wand from the table, handing both it and the card to Stelluna. “Come along.” He said leading the copy to a long moving sidewalk. —-
This is uncomfortable now. Plaijur handed me a stick with a star on it. Looks pretty rough…even considering the fact he literally slapped it together. Stranger still was the completely red card.
“My point still stands that i ultimately don’t care what you do now that you haven’t worked.” The no-legged cyclops jerk says. “But…if you can make me proud of you somehow, I’ll grant you your deepest desires.”
“How do i do that, Mister Plaijur?”
“Well, if you find someone interesting, use this card, particularly if they look like you. Try looking for something flying through space maybe.”
Why do I want to make Plaijur happy? Its not like he has done much for me…except create me, and bring me to life…he could have disposed of me if he wanted to, like that scribble trying to get out of the garbage next to his desk.
Also…Deepest desire? All i want is him to care about me….let me have a place to belong….Yeah!
We reach a door labeled “exit ”. Plaijur looks down at me with a faint, condescending interest. I feel the cold metal beneath my feet.
“That little wand will let you travel through space. Now get the f— out.” He says as he pushes me out the door.
I regain balance on a single platform as the door locks behind me. The massive metal wall of Plaijur’s home is behind me. But in front of me is an endless expanse dotted everywhere with stars and planets.
I sit down , putting my wand and card in my pockets, and hang my feet over the bottomless expanse. And then everything hits me.
I am now alone, disowned, left with no place to stay in front of the unknown.
The rising feeling bubbled up to my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I wail and gasp for air, despite there being none.
I briefly consider staying on this platform, hoping Plaijur might change his mind after time had passed and take pity.
I know he won’t, and It hurts…
I wipe my eyes after a while, sniffling. I calm myself down.
What should i do? Just go? How long will it take before i find some place…or if something finds me? Its terrifying to think about. But, then something catches my eye:
Something, I can’t tell what, is flying through space in the very far distance.
I scramble up to stand and make sure my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me. Something is definitely moving over there.
I cry again, but i feel light a weight is lifted. I take my shoddy-looking wand and point it forward, and just like that Im flying through space!
IT’S SO COOL! It feels like every awful feeling is being outpaced as i go. I feel like i have a chance now as i get closer and closer to the thing i saw flying through space.
-to be continued -
0 notes
On May 2, echoing the cries of a weary nation, Gizmodo ran an article titled “At This Point, MoviePass Is Just Messing with Us.”
It was a response to the many changes that MoviePass had made to its service in the past year, and particularly in late spring, when the subscription service altered its offerings from a movie-per-day plan to four per month and an “extended trial subscription” to iHeartRadio, a thing nobody seemed to have asked for.
The company quickly reinstated its standard plan in early May, with CEO Mitch Lowe claiming that “we never planned to abandon the flagship product that everybody loves,” and that the short-term change was a promotional tool. MoviePass users sighed with relief, but also a bit of trepidation.
And that trepidation felt justified when, in July, MoviePass announced it would be instituting “peak pricing,” apparently modeled on Uber’s surge pricing model, in which particularly popular or in-demand movies would incur an additional cost of between $2 and $6, depending on some algorithm and charged to the user’s credit card.
If you’re starting to doubt at this point that MoviePass really has a long-term plan, you’re not alone — after all, the current $10-per-month plan (plus peak pricing) is just the latest in years of retooling from the company, which has at various times offered a $50-a-month plan that spectacularly backfired, a voucher-based partnership with Hollywood Movie Money, and a $30-a-month plan using a debit card, which looked a lot like today’s MoviePass except it cost more.
MoviePass may survive. Or its business model may, in the end, be unsustainable. But on a broader scale, the more interesting story may be the way MoviePass alters how people go to the movies — and what that means for an industry that is struggling to survive.
Most people agree that there’s one big reason they don’t go to the movies more often: Movie tickets are expensive.
“I used to see maybe one movie per month,” Tyler told me. In his 20s and living in Portland, Oregon, Tyler said the price of movie tickets was the limiting factor in going to the theater. “The movie had to hit some kind of threshold of ‘cultural moment’ (like a Marvel film) or acclaim (like an Oscar nominee) in order for me to justify spending the $10 to $15 to see it, when I could just as easily wait and watch it at home.”
That’s a common chorus for many people. Gavin, who is in his 30s and lives in a small town about 90 miles from Nashville, told me that “since about 2012 I’ve mostly avoided theaters because of ticket prices and being a dad to young children. I knew it would be cheaper and more convenient to wait a few months and catch new movies at Redbox.”
Last August, AMC Entertainment Holdings announced its stock dove 25 percent, citing weak ticket box office. Frederic J. Brown//AFP/Getty Images
A recent report from the National Association of Theatre Owners showed that the average movie ticket price nationwide had risen 3.6 percent over the past year, from $8.85 to $9.16. That price varies widely across the country. And when you add in the cost of travel, food, and maybe a babysitter, that’s a lot.
But someone who paid the $10 monthly MoviePass fee introduced in August 2017 could make back their investment by seeing only two movies per month — and in some markets, where average ticket prices run more like $12 to $18, the cost of a MoviePass subscription is less than one ticket purchase. So it’s not at all surprising that when MoviePass introduced this offer, enrollments shot up — from about 20,000 in August 2017 to 2 million by February 2018.
MoviePass reimburses theaters for the full price of the tickets, which means the more people use the service, the more money MoviePass loses — which led a lot of people to wonder how on earth it could be a sustainable business.
People have speculated about how MoviePass plans to stay afloat, including leveraging data it collected from users, sponsorships from studios to help push specific films, and strong-arming theaters into sharing profits from concessions. The AMC theater chain, in particular, voiced strong objections to MoviePass, arguing that it couldn’t remain viable and would set unrealistic expectations among customers. And in late April, an external auditor voiced doubt over the business’s sustainability.
But for now, MoviePass’s cheap, mostly unlimited plan helps undercut the high cost of movie tickets — which seems to be changing the way people go to the movies.
When movie tickets are expensive, people tend to wait until they can go with others — an outing with friends or family, or a date. Moviegoing becomes an “event,” like going to a concert or a play.
Before subscribing to MoviePass, Tyler said, “I would almost never go to the theater alone, mostly because the type of movie that hit that cost-effectiveness threshold for me was the kind of movie you specifically want to see with friends.”
Gavin had a similar experience before getting MoviePass. “My theater trips were usually one of the following: my wife and I occasionally going to the movies on a date, taking my kids to see the latest Pixar movie, or going alone to see a new thing by a favorite filmmaker like the Coen brothers,” he said. “I would guess I’d go to the movies less than 10 times in a calendar year. Probably closer to five theater trips a year.”
The “event” nature of moviegoing often meant that people tended to go to the movies on weekends, when other people were free. And some people were deterred from taking a risk on a movie with mixed reviews or that they weren’t sure they’d like. If you’re going to spend all that money, you want to know it’ll be worth the investment.
MoviePass effectively takes away the limiting factor of cost. Subscribers pay one monthly fee and can go to a movie every day, if they want, without the risk of investment.
Taking away that barrier to entry appears to already be having an effect. In a survey of MoviePass users published in April, the Hollywood Reporter found that the subscription had altered viewing habits for subscribers — sometimes substantially.
THR’s report found that on average, MoviePass users watched six more movies in the past month than nonsubscribers, and that subscribers were twice as likely to attend a movie on opening weekend as nonsubscribers — a metric that matters to movie studios since opening weekend numbers can play a big part in creating buzz around a film. And significantly, 42 percent of subscribers were parents, compared to 28 percent of nonsubscribers — indicating that cutting down on movie ticket costs may make paying for a babysitter and a night out more appealing. (See the accompanying chart for more of the survey’s relevant findings.)
More than half the THR respondents named specific movies they saw because they had MoviePass. The most popular included big-budget studio comedies Bad Moms Christmas and Daddy’s Home 2, alongside arthouse fare like Phantom Thread, All the Money in the World, Molly’s Game, and Hostiles.
Robert, a senior citizen living in Brooklyn, cited a similar trend in his viewing. He uses his MoviePass once a week. “I’m more likely to try something that seems less of a sure thing, or that has mixed reviews,” he said. “For example, I saw You Were Never Really Here, which I had mixed feelings about but was glad I saw.”
Gavin concurred. “I’ve been more likely to take risks and see movies I wasn’t sure I would enjoy, like The Shape of Water and Game Night,” he said.
MoviePass has also brought flexibility to cinephiles living on a limited budget. Thomas, who is in his 20s and works for a church near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, used to go to the movies with his wife on Tuesdays, when the local Cinemark and AMC theaters had discount nights. But that had its drawbacks. “Since MoviePass, we can now go on any night of the week,” he said. “I work for a church, so a lot of my nights are taken with work events, meetings, Bible studies, and so on, so it’s definitely been a huge gift for both of us.”
“Now, I worry less whether a movie will be ‘worth it,’” Tyler said. “So now I see three or four movies per month. I probably go alone 75 percent of the time. It’s made the ritual more appealing because of the cost-effectiveness.”
And the MoviePass model is attractive even for those who are inclined to see lots of movies anyway. I have a MoviePass, but as a working film critic I see almost every film at press screenings or festivals, long before they hit theaters. Still, there are times I want to go to the theater — to see a movie with my husband, or to catch a film that wasn’t screened for critics, or to rewatch a movie I haven’t seen since a festival release months or years earlier, or to watch an older film at one of New York City’s many excellent repertory theaters. In the past, the high cost of a New York City movie ticket was enough of a deterrent to keep me away — but now I’m much more likely to go to the theater on the spur of the moment, or because I find myself with an unexpectedly free evening.
That’s true for many MoviePass holders. The THR survey found that MoviePass subscribers are 38 percent more likely to decide what to see once they show up at the theater. “I favor particular theaters, so if I’m anticipating a movie, I’ll choose based on that,” Tyler said. “But I also make more last-minute decisions now, like, ‘Oh, this is playing in 30 minutes nearby — sure, I’ll go see that.’”
For MoviePass, though, that spur-of-the-moment system is both a feature and a bug.
On the upside, it can mean people take a chance on movies when they wouldn’t have in the past. But one reason people may wait to choose their movie is that MoviePass’s system requires them to be physically near the theater before they “purchase” the ticket — and that can be a problem.
MoviePass’s system presently consists of two parts: an app and a debit card. Users have to be within 100 yards of the theater to reserve their ticket via the app. That’s smart on MoviePass’s part: It means that users have to turn on their phone’s location services in order to reserve the ticket, creating data that MoviePass (in which the data analytics firm Helios and Matheson bought a majority stake in August) can in turn collect and use for various purposes.
MoviePass debit cards can be loaded with funds and used to purchase tickets at theaters. Darron Cummings/AP Images
But it also can be restrictive — particularly for subscribers who live in areas with highly trafficked movie theaters. Laura, who’s in her 30s and lives in San Francisco, got a MoviePass subscription, but she hasn’t used it yet, largely for this reason. “I bought the pass primarily because you could use it at Alamo Drafthouse, which I love and is near to where we live,” she said. “But trying to compete with tons of other people for limited spots at the theater is kind of a drag.”
“In the age of being able to buy a ticket and choose a seat on an app a week before a movie comes out, it’s super inconvenient to have to wait until the day of and go to the theater in person, hoping there will be tickets left,” she added.
The risk of being shut out of a film during busy times may in fact be one reason that MoviePass users are more apt than nonsubscribers to show up during the week. “I think 100 percent of the 12 or so movies I’ve seen with MoviePass in the past three months were matinees or weeknights,” Tyler said. “The fact that you can’t buy your ticket in advance of the date makes me want to pick times I think will be less crowded — I saw Infinity War at a 10 am showing.”
Several people I talked to also said that MoviePass made them more flexible about which theater they went to. Many favored nicer theaters, with more comfortable seats, or theaters that were closer to home. But if the MoviePass app showed that the film they wanted to see was at their less favored theater, they still were likely to go to that one.
One big recent change to MoviePass’s service is the decision that people can no longer see the same movie more than once using their MoviePass. While plenty of people don’t see movies multiple times in theaters, others do — including me — and the change has been a source of frustration.
Gavin said he saw movies he really enjoyed multiple times, including Annihilation and Black Panther. “That is something I have never done in my life due to ticket prices,” he said, but MoviePass’s new policy “bums me out.”
I reached out to MoviePass for comment, and the public relations team offered this statement:
We recently made some updates to our Terms of Service, including the policy that MoviePass subscribers are only permitted to see any movie in the theaters once with their MoviePass. This falls within our continued effort to limit fraud on our app and has been effective in doing so in the past.
The company did not respond to further requests for comment.
But there are two obvious reasons why MoviePass would enact this policy. One is that people in a household (spouses or roommates, for instance) could theoretically share a MoviePass account, with people trading off days. An update to MoviePass’s app released in late April locks each MoviePass account to one mobile device, making this much more difficult, but it still wouldn’t be impossible. Restricting users to only using MoviePass for a movie once, though, makes it even more difficult, discouraging would-be sharers.
And because MoviePass is reimbursing theaters for the full price of each ticket, it has a vested interest in making sure a person can’t see the same movie every day — it costs them money. (If you think that’s unlikely, don’t forget how many times people went to see Titanic back in the day, or how many people were planning repeat viewings of Black Panther before it even came out.) A finite number of movies are available in theaters at one time, and so by restricting the number of times a user can see a movie to one, MoviePass potentially cuts down on the number of times a subscriber will use the pass each month.
Still, while that kind of policy might drive some subscribers to see a wider variety of films, the new policy could also be annoying for the sort of cinephile who wants to rewatch the same movie over and over while it’s still on the big screen. The net effect, in all likelihood, is that some of those people will now simply not see the movie again a second time, because of the high cost of buying a movie ticket. Why not go see something else instead?
That sort of change in moviegoers’ viewing habits is probably what AMC was worried about when it said MoviePass “wasn’t doing moviegoers any favors.” When MoviePass changes moviegoers’ habits, it also changes the way they value movie tickets, AMC argued, and “only sets up consumers for ultimate disappointment down the road if or when the product can no longer be fulfilled.”
But MoviePass’s continued popularity despite its many changes to its model indicates that the real need for change might lie with the movie theater business itself.
Subscription models — in large part prompted by Netflix’s DVD-by-mail service, which killed Blockbuster — now drive home entertainment. People don’t want to pay a per-viewing fee to rent or buy media anymore. Netflix, Hulu, and other services trade on the idea that you should be able to get your movies and TV for one fee per month, something you are happy to pay because it’s predictable.
Millennials in particular love the subscription model, something that retailers are taking note of as the demographic grows in buying power. A study conducted by the payments processor Vantiv in 2017 found that more than 70 percent of millennials have a product subscription and 89 percent a service subscription — a reaction, they suggest, to being “bombarded with an abundance of choice,” and a percentage that far outpaces boomers and Gen-Xers.
Rapper Big Boi performs at the MoviePass x iHeartRadio Festival Chateau in La Quinta, California, on April 15, 2018. Joe Scarnici/Getty Images
I’m 34, which makes me a millennial; among my subscriptions are streaming music, film, and TV services; several magazines and newspapers; a coffee roastery that sends me a pound of coffee every two weeks; and a subscription to a software suite from Adobe that would be too expensive to purchase outright and constantly upgrade. Others I know maintain subscriptions to vitamin and health supplement providers, razor manufacturers, and wardrobe rental services.
MoviePass fits right in with the subscription economy, and in a demographic that advertisers are eager to reach — something the company likely hopes to capitalize on. And the numbers seem to make one thing clear: Given a subscription model for tickets, people are more likely to go to the theater.
For a struggling theater industry, that could be a boon. The National Association of Theatre Owners recently indicated that the number of tickets sold in the second quarter of 2018 fell 6 percent from the first quarter, and that US movie admissions in 2017 fell 6 percent, for the lowest earnings since 1995. The industry is in trouble, and it doesn’t seem like adding comfier chairs and better food is going to save it if à la carte ticket prices keep going up.
So it makes sense for a subscription service to evolve to compete with that older model. And even if MoviePass fails, the model it’s operating on is already being tested by other theaters. Some cinemas (especially small and independent theaters in locations that have a devoted filmgoing audience) have started membership programs that give subscribers access to discounted or free tickets and other special events.
The movie theater chain Cinemark announced a membership program of its own in December: For $8.99, members received one free movie ticket per month (with unused tickets rolling over into the next month), discounted ticket prices, reserved advanced seating, and a 20 percent concessions discount. Independent theaters, like Chicago’s Music Box Theatre or New York’s Metrograph, have introduced membership programs of their own. Some of those benefits don’t measure up to MoviePass’s one-movie-per-day model, but some of the other benefits may be attractive to regular customers, like being able to reserve tickets ahead of time (instead of having to be within 100 yards of the theater).
Still, what’s not yet clear is whether MoviePass’s model, or anyone else’s, can save the movie theater industry. For most people, prices are still just too high — a symptom of a struggling industry that MoviePass treats but doesn’t cure. But if MoviePass can’t figure out how to turn a profit, it will eventually crash. If it can figure out how to turn a profit, it may still cut into theaters’ bottom line. And even if MoviePass implodes, some other company may come along to disrupt the business.
All that’s sure about the movie theater business’s future is that nothing is sure. What’s clear is that MoviePass represents the first act in an ongoing cultural shift in how we see movies on the big screen. But to know the future of the movie theater business, we’ll have to wait and see how the second act unfolds.
Original Source -> Why MoviePass is the future — even if it doesn’t survive
via The Conservative Brief
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Critics can’t agree on anything about ‘Fate of the Furious’
Where's Dom?
Image: Universal pictures
It’s “the most spectacular one yet” and it’s “the worst of these films since 2 Fast 2 Furious.” It’s “bloated,” “exhausting” and “narratively unnecessary” with “sentiments as fake” as the “lifeless action scenes” and its “Fun!”
It’s … pretty much all over the damn road.
SEE ALSO: First look: ‘Fate’ takes the ‘Furious’ franchise into James Bond territory
Critical reaction to Fate of the Furious is like watching Fate of the Furious: confusing, highly conflicted, but you pretty much knew what you were getting into here.
The embargo on reviews for Fate lifted Sunday morning (Mashable‘s Angie Han will have her own take this week) but for now, here’s a sampling of the hot-and-cold reactions to the latest installment in this franchise that is so loopy, you can literally write two separate reviews one good, and one bad and get away with it.
Charlize Theron is a supervillain that no one can agree on
Jim Vejvoda, IGN
The real standout among the cast is the series’ new adversary. Charlize Theron brings the proper degree of icy cruelty to Cipher, who is essentially a Bond villain. … Theron underplays the role, making Cipher’s head games and willingness to kill anyone and delivering it all with a cobra-like stillness all the creepier.
Owen Gleiberman, Variety
Theron proves an ace villain: imperious yet personable, with a leonine cunning and directness. Cipher is some sort of vaguely left-wing power-mad cyber-warrior (she doesnt want the usual money or chaos she wants to force the worlds nations into accountability), and even her curled finger-taps on the keyboard dance with personality.
David Ehrlich, Indiwire
It stalls the moment Charlize Theron shows up. As dull and uninspired here as she was riveting and iconic in Fury Road, Theron plays Cipher, an embarrassingly named super hacker who plunges F8 into the most half-assed story of cyber-terrorism since Live Free or Die Hard … her villainous plot is so stupid that the film tries to pretend it doesnt matter, and most of Therons performance is confined to cut-away shots where she says things like Get ready for this before hitting a button that triggers some bad special effects halfway around the world.
John DeFore, THR
Theron, on the other hand, carries plenty of weight in the story, however, she appears to have little fun doing it.
Scott Mendelson, Forbes
Charlize Theron is a compelling baddie, yet she spends most of her time in a single location pushing buttons and making threats. Not since John Malkovich in Eragon has a villain spent so much time doing so little, and she also gets zero action beats.
If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s Jason Statham
Jim Vejvoda, IGN
Jason Statham also gets several cool action moments, but it’s these two rivals’ verbal sparring that proves even more ridiculously macho as their insults grow increasingly crude yet funny as the film proceeds.
David Ehrlich, Indiwire
Jason Stathams Deckard Shaw makes for some of the most fun moments in F8 (the best of which is too good to spoil), but the ease with which Doms pals allow the Furious 7 villain into their club is not only a fatal misread of what fans loved about these films, its also a tacit admission that their sentiments are as fake as their stunts.
But overall, it’s … the best and the worst Fast movie
Image: Universal pictures
Owen Gleiberman, Variety
If this series, over the last 16 years, has taught us anything, its that just when you think its about to run out of gas, it gets outfitted with an even more elaborate fuel-injection system.And thats never been more true than it is of the eighth film in the series … which may just be the most spectacular one yet.
David Ehrlich, Indiwire
F8 is the worst of these films since 2 Fast 2 Furious, and it may be even worse than that. Its the Die Another Day of its franchise an empty, generic shell of its former self that disrespects its own proud heritage at every turn … feels like a heap of random parts that were thrown together in the hopes that fate might somehow weld them into a roadworthy vehicle. Its exhausting.
Mike Ryan, Uproxx
Like, how did it escalate to this? What has to happen in someones life to go from a person who races cars and steals DVD players to a person who has to fight a submarine with a fast car? Oh, yes, the gang also fights a submarine in The Fate of the Furious. This movie is insane. I cant help but love these movies.
Scott Mendelson, Forbes
For much of its running time, Fate of the Furious goes against what has made the franchise so enjoyable of late. The plot, with Dom being forced to go rogue and work for the side of villainy, keeps the core cast separate from each other for most of the film and keeps most of them in a state of misery and gloom. This eighth installment must depend on the relative chemistry of its dwindling ensemble. The picture cannot escape its arbitrary nature, existing as the first episode since the third with no real reason to exist.
Dan Callahan, TheWrap
A jaunt through Russia and a chase over ice arefar less interesting, and the plot twists in The Fate of the Furious suggest the kind of games that 11-year-old boys put together on the playground during recess, with women in peril and so many different parts for everyone to play that you begin to lose track of who everybody is and who they are supposed to be to each other. When this gets to be too much, of course, another car will soon be sailing through the air to distract us.
WATCH: Here are 7 ‘Fast & Furious’ facts every ultimate fan should know
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2nx22fJ
from Critics can’t agree on anything about ‘Fate of the Furious’
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