#doll maker vine
ivydarkrose · 2 years
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cementarybf · 3 months
Haiii !!!
I was wondering if you could make art of Bloody Painter? I love Helen sm and it’d make my day!!
I more specifically would like art of him and the doll maker!! But just Helen is cool too!!
You don’t have to, it’d just be nice if you did :333 : )
But here's Helen and doll maker, tbh I didn't even know who vine was originally 😭‼️ I DID FORGET TO ADD HIS SCARS SHURHRHD
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starsareshinning · 2 months
High School AU: What year everyone is in and some Info
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Annalise Lusen Mia: She’s a student nurse that had an opportunity to learn from the nurse working at Proxy High. She took it now she goes to the nurses office whenever she can to learn and help out.
Liu Woods: Moving from Ottawa to Toronto he’s brand new to the district and city. Liu looks like your average loser, but he’s much more. A lot more social.
Helen Otis: Helen was actually sent to jail for attempted murder. He lied and manipulated his way through, pretending he was getting better. He is now back in Proxy High. He has a weird obsession with blood.
Candy Pop: Funky little jester who looks as if he’s ready to catch Pokémon! He was born in New York but now lives in Toronto Canada with a weird man (human Night Terrors) who he avoids by filling up his free time with after school activities.
Nathan Maxwell Lux: Goth guy who’s a hater and can be a bitch. He’s also Candy Pop’s best friend and neighbor, which can suck because Candy Pop is annoying as hell. But they get along. Somehow.
Dina Angela Clark: Dina is known for being a sweetheart, her whole reputation was built upon her sweetness. She helps out whenever and whoever she can. Everyone calls her an Angel. However, just because she is an angel, doesn’t mean she’ll let people walk over her.
Kagekao: School’s one and only plug. I’m not kidding when I say that. Kagekao provides people with drugs and alcohol, though he only provides it to trusted and known people. Ones who won’t snitch. He’s also one of the rich students that attends Proxy High.
Jason Meyers: Honor student. His parents expect highly of him, and so his own exceptions of himself are high. Though his wish is to be a toymaker, he knows his parents would kill him if he ever said that out loud. Jason gets bullied because he is: British, a born red head, self-centered, and worst of all…he wears a top hat.
Ciara H. Callaghan: In a loving and healthy relationship with Nathan. She’s a confident student, doesn’t let anyone mess with her or someone she care deeply about. Lives with Candy Pop and (human) Night Terrors.
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Alice Marie Jackson (Zero): Alice prefers to go by Zero. Her adopted father is abusive to her so she usually spends her nights at Kagekao’s rich ass mansion. It’s gotten to the point where she can be called a roommate.
Jack Nyras: Most people dislike him because of his personality. Which is sarcastic while also being a smart ass. Group projects with him? You won’t be doing anything. He does all the work. He chooses to do all the work just because he doesn’t trust anyone else. Despite this, he can be caring for some people. He lives with his three siblings and older cousin.
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): He’s sort of a sad little man these days. Found out his girlfriend cheated on him, but he has his best friend Helen Otis. Jon likes instruments and arts! He works as a delivery person. Delivers pizza at night and newspaper in the morning.
Laughing Jack: Schools personal clown. People either hate him or love him, he pulls pranks on anyone, anything, and everyone. No one is safe from him. Not even the teachers! He’s gotten in trouble because of his pranks. Oh and. He’s most likely never going to graduate. So. Have Fun LJ. His childhood best friend who was Issac Grossman turned out to be a serial killer, so that fucked him up a bit. But, he distracts himself with jokes and avoids people who want to question him about it.
Laughing Jill: She is Laughing Jacks twin sister. She’s the better twin. She does pull pranks, however her pranks only targets assholes like school bullies! Sometimes she gets pulled into LJ’s shenanigans. She does ballet after school!
Jane Richardson: She’s in a relationship with Mary. She’s also an honor student! Jane doesn’t mess around with her grades, she does everything on time and completed. She wants to make her parents proud (they already are).
Natalie Oullette: Natalie is known for getting into fights. She’s a sucker breaker through and through. She skips most of her classes and leaves the school when it gets to lunchtime. Her family is a mess which she avoids ever interacting with.
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William Grossman: Will loves crime podcasts, especially the ones that talk about his cousin: Issac Grossman. He works at a hotdog stand at the malls food court, needing money because he’s poor. He gets bullied because he’s poor. It’s not fun.
Jeffery Alan Woods: Liu’s younger brother who helps Liu sneak out of the house occasionally. Jeff is a closeted homosexual who wants to become emo, but unfortunately cannot because of how strict and religious his parents are. He hates going to a new school because he has to make new friends, and that’s a bit difficult to do when you keep moving.
Frankie: He has an alcoholic deadbeat father who uses the money he earns to get more alcohol. And his mother is a junkie that won’t quit doing drugs. So to provide for him and his little sister, he sometimes steals his parents booze and drugs to sell them on the streets. Frankie sometimes works at the mall as well. Part time worker.
Cody Richards: Cody is a science and biology nerd. His adopted father is a famous scientist so he wants to follow his legacy. However he’s also a straight forward guy who will insult anyone who annoys him, even when they’re right in front of him.
Tobias Erin Rogers: Toby’s parents are going through a divorce, which meant he could no longer stayed homeschooled. It was a hard decision, but his mom had to let him go into public school. Toby’s excited to start his first year at Proxy High! (Oh he’s so cooked.)
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Nina Hopkins: Nina runs the biggest gossip blog, she’s been running it since elementary. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Because her parents are busy she lives with her grandma and her little brother, Chris.
Kate Milens: Kate is sort of a social student! She talks to anyone that she thinks is interesting enough. When she’s not talking she listening to music and sketching on her sketch book. She likes hearing Nina yap about her blog.
Vaughn Pavel Volikov: Or more known as Vine is a very sad and traumatized student. His foster parents sent him into public school. He hates interacting with older men that isn’t Papa Grande (who he finds comfort in). Once he’s at the age of eighteen he inherits his father’s fortune.
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perfectiondarl1n · 2 years
General headcanons for the creeps?
Jason and Julius gossip at Starbucks, sipping their coffee and wearing sunglasses. They judge everyone in there, louder than needed.
Vine is in a queer platonic relationship with Jason and Julius. I HC Vine as aroace.
Tim and Brian are kind of father figures to the creeps.
Helen and Julius are good friends, they have different friend groups but go to each other when there's issues in their friend group.
Helen does hangout with Jason, Julius and Vine since I see them being art friends. He makes the red 'dye' for them to use.
LJ and Candy Pop get along pretty well, clown and jester unity! They'll play pranks on the other creeps.
Puppeteer and Killian get along pretty well
Jane, Nina, and Kate are a bit of a clique but not the kind that are mean to everyone else.
Jane and Jeff actually got over their rivalry after Jeff had a sexual orientation crisis. Jane helped him through accepting himself as bisexual and held his hand coming out to everyone.
Jeff and Nina are dating (sue me)
Candy Pop and Nina are friends
Ben, Jeff and EJ are best friends.
EJ and Liu are dating secretly.
Julius and Killian are engaged, Tim and Brian are helping them plan the wedding
I'll stop here for now but feel free to ask for more 🖤
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dollmakersfans · 1 year
Midnight facts🌃
If Vine the dollmaker/jqson the toymaker/ticci toby/nathan the nobody were real they would get thousands of models agencies proposes cause they are the only 4 creepypastas to be confirmed to be hot af.
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creepypasta-darling · 2 years
What happened when Julius met LJ? What are your HCs regarding Julius when it comes to the rest of the creeps?
(I'm not sure why but I feel like julius would get along very well with liu and bloody painter)
Anon you are absolutely right!
Julius the Dressmaker + How He Met The Creeps
I feel like he was alone for a long time. He just didn't need another partner in crime or another person getting in the way.
He met LJ at the local Speakeasy. Everyone there was confused on why a monochrome clown was there. They started to talk and LJ saw right through Julius. "So, you're like a demon, right?" The question caught Julius off guard and had him questioning whether or not to leave or kill LJ right there. "It's okay, I'm somewhat of a deity myself. You should meet some of my friends, you might get along with them."
That's how he met Candy Pop and Jason. Julius and Jason hit it off right away, but it took at least another decade for Candy Pop to even care about Julius. It wasn't until Julius one day brought one of his creations that Candy Pop even saw potential in Julius.
With becoming friends with Jason, he became friends with Vine. They met by accident because about another decade later Julius came to visit Jason, and Jason and Vine were hanging out. Which put High Alert in Julius's mind. Was he already going to lose a friend? But alas, he just gained a new one once Vine saw how much Julius's design looked like dolls.
Because Julius and Vine got along well, Vine had Julius met Papa Grande. Papa Grande was very skeptical of Julius, and the two never really got along well. They are two lone wolves when it comes to one another.
Because Julius had made friends with LJ's close friends, LJ invited Julius to the mansion to hang out In 2015. LJ introduced Julius to everybody there.
BEN, Puppeteer, and Suicide Sadie all thought Julius was a ghost at first due to his complexion. They tried to make him out how he passed so they could make him meet Sally. Julius, though, never told them.
Jeff and Nina didn't like him at all. Indifferent, passive, and ignorant towards him, even. Smile Dog liked getting pets so he tried to get Julius to pet him. Grinny Cat also tried to get close to him upon first meeting.
The Proxies saw right through Julius and decided to stay away. (I headcanon that the Proxies are kind of casteist and don't really like the demons. Hopefully I'll expand on it later but it's a big thing that is hard to explain. Think of Hamilton though. "Immigrants, we get the job done." But with demons.)
Speaking of demons, there was a small power struggle between him and them. EJ usually keeps out of stuff like that, but Kagekao was trying to pull pranks on Julius as soon as he entered the building. Yeahh that didn't really go well. Since they always hang out in the basement and LJ has his own room up near the actually demon/deity floor they don't interact a lot so that saves the heartache.
Clockwork liked Julius. He reminded her a lot of herself and Helen, who she deeply admires. Any artistic person usually gets on her good side, so it's no wonder she liked him lolz. Him, on the other hand, finds her desperate and clingy. And where he hates women it's hard for him to respect her. ESPECIALLY because she's so outspoken and dominant.
When he went to leave the mansion after hanging out he found the cabins. There, he met Helen and Dina. Helen and Julius instantly clicked when Julius saw Helen painting and using a body for a reference. Dina took some getting used to. It took a few times of Julius coming over for her to leave the two alone. (I headcanon Dina has BPD which is me projecting but it really makes sense for her character lolz. So it's hard for her to leave Helen alone.)
Then, he met the Rake, Momo, and BOB. Did not like any of them. Found them too be "too ugly" and in need of fixing. Which resulting in him getting toxic urine on him, which he did not appreciate.
All in all, he made quite a few friends, and there's only a few he doesn't know yet. He still has no idea about Zalgo and Zalgo's children, which is a good thing. And Puppeteer one day wants Zachery to meet Julius. Even if it's just to spy on him lolz.
I hope these were okay!! I'm so sorry this post is so long I got so excited to talk about it because I have this whole timeline I've thought about posting about when the creeps entered the mansion and how they interact with each other lolz. I'm so glad that I got to post some of it with Julius lolz I hope you guys like it!
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nathan-the-nobody · 1 year
Would you date Vine the dollmaker?
" Vine? Eeer, isn't he afraid of men??? I'm not about to cross lines here."
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comfybelphie · 8 months
NO VINE!! So late to drawing this but who cares >_<
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gh0stofpast · 2 years
I Always thought Doll shows himself as a very innocent person, he will never kill when somebody is around and always being kind and educate to other pastas, can you pls do some HC abt Nate discovering his ""evil"" part?💕💕
always Vine will be so sweet soft speaken and gentle round Nathan, he will never guess about Vines anger
Vine waits for Nathan to go to sleep to go take out his anger on punching bags so Nathan never knew Vine has good self control restraint
One day toby got a little too excited he started hugging Nathan lots it was just platonic but too much for vines liking
Vine gers into fight with Toby, Tim Brian has to pull Toby off Vine and Jason Julius has to pull Vine off Toby
Slenderman made a rule no more fights allowed after this
Nathan was shocked but knowing vine is overly protective makes him feel really safe and happy 💕💕💕💕
Everyone made by the next morning! All is well💕💕💕💕
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Dom / switch / sub headcanons for all the creeps? (like who’s a Dom, who’s a sub, yada yada)
a/n: i'm honestly not sure if i explained any of these properly because they sorta just make sense in my mind but here u guys go i hope u can see my vision. second time writing nsfw content teehee hope i did a good job <3
dom/sub/switch headcanons.
includes: slenderman, jeff the killer, eyeless jack, laughing jack, jane the killer, nina the killer, the bloody painter, candy pop, the doll maker, jason the toymaker, dr smiley, nurse ann, the puppeteer, clockwork, zalgo, hobo heart, ticci toby, zero, kagekao, nathan the nobody, homicidal liu + sully, and laughing jill.
warnings: minors dni, nsfw discussion, inconsistent word length, mentions of the following: praise, degradation, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, asphyxiation, overstimulation, dumbification, fingering, very brief mention of a corruption kink in sully's part.
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SLENDERMAN is none. it isn't interested in sex whatsoever. the thought never even crosses its mind, and it will turn down any and all advances. it has no desire to partake in sexual acts with anyone.
JEFF THE KILLER is a dom but that's not a surprise. he prefers being the one in control, and will more than likely never be willing to sub during sex. it also feeds his ego a bit, seeing you squirming underneath him, begging him to fuck you until his name is the only thing on your mind. he likes having this type of power over you.
EYELESS JACK is a switch. he doesn't really have a preference. if you want him to dom you, he'll make it to where you can't walk in the morning. if you want him to sub, he'll be a whining, moaning mess underneath you as he comes undone.
LAUGHING JACK is a switch. he has fun doing both! he's always willing to mix it up. whatever you want, he's willing to be. i actually kinda imagine sex with him will be a little difficult?? y'know, pointed nose, long nails that he can't clip. i'm not entirely sure how certain aspects of sex will work with him but... i imagine you guys figure something out.
JANE THE KILLER is a sub. you would think that she would be a dom but hell no she needs to be treated like a princess during sex. definitely a bratty sub for sure. she's the type to say make me when you tell her to behave.
NINA THE KILLER is a switch. she's definitely a softer dom, always so gentle and praising you so sweetly as she cares for your needs. and when she's the sub? then she is the sub. she becomes a whining, needy mess as she begs you to use her, wanting to be good just for you.
THE BLOODY PAINTER is a switch. honestly, i think he's a virgin so in the beginning of your sexual relationship with him, you would definitely have to take the lead more often than not. he comes to learn that he doesn't really care if he's a dom or sub.
CANDY POP is a dom. through and through. he's a hard dom, at that. he'll deny you orgasms and he'll have you fucked stupid before he finally lets you cum. he degrades you as well. look at you, taking his length so well. it's almost like you were made to be fucked like a slut.
THE DOLL MAKER is sex repulsed. for a variety of reasons, vine is repulsed by the mere thought of sex and will vehemently avoid and turn down any advances made toward him.
JASON THE TOYMAKER is a dom. this also probably isn't a shock, given his nature. he definitely leans more towards being a soft dom, but if you want him to degrade you and use you as a toy then all you have to do is ask. he's eager to please you.
DR SMILEY is a dom. i haven't written much about him but he definitely doesn't seem like a sub or switch. i think he enjoys being in control, and he definitely likes having you at his mercy.
NURSE ANN is a dom. you couldn't get her to sub for you even if you tried, i'm sorry. ann is like a fucking animal when it comes to sex man her stamina and endurance are crazy. she'll have you forgetting your own name.
THE PUPPETEER is a non-partaking dom. he doesn't feel sexual attraction but he's not against helping you get off if you beg him to. he directs you on how to please yourself all while praising you for being a good listener. and maybe he'll end up degrading you a bit too, who knows.
CLOCKWORK is a switch that doms more often than not. she rarely ever subs, finding that she derives more pleasure when she's dominating you and making you scream her name. when she does sub, she's a lot more needy than you'd expect. she's a brat too.
ZALGO is a dom. he's also a hard dom, though i don't think that's shocking to anyone. he's the type to praise you while he degrades you. he'll leave marks on your skin as well, and he'll fuck you until you're in tears because you just look so adorable when you cry. he's an aftercare king tho don't worry.
HOBO HEART is a sub. trust me guys he's a desperate and needy sub. he's so so so sensitive and he'll be coming undone even if you don't touch him. he'll be a crying and drooling mess by the time you're done with him, and the praise you give him for being so good just makes him feel so, well, good.
TOBY is a switch. he just wants to please you in any way he can. if that means pinning you down and filling you up until you're both exhausted or letting you use him to satisfy your needs, then so be it. he doesn't really care as long as he gets to please you.
ZERO is a dom. she absolutely lives for the control she has over you in the bedroom. she'll probably manhandle you, to be honest, she loves how easy you fold to her touch alone. she's also the type to praise you while degrading you. and if you're into it, she'll probably choke you.
KAGEKAO is a switch that doms more often than not. sex is really just another way for him to tease and play with you. he likes having you beg for release, and he loves overstimulating you. but sometimes the tables may turn. it'll be rare, but you very well can get kagekao on his knees begging to worship you.
NATHAN THE NOBODY is sex repulsed. it's just not something he's interested in, and the thought alone tends to make him feel nauseous, to be honest. if you want, you can go and fulfill your sexual desires through someone else.
HOMICIDAL LIU is a switch that subs more often than not. and trust me when i say that he will worship you. his only goal is to fulfill your every need in any way that he can. most of the time, it's him begging you to let him fuck you while you tease him. however, sometimes, when he's the dom, he will fuck you so hard that you end up a dazed, babbling mess only able to get out a jumbled mess of please and don't stop. AND HE'S SO SWEET ABOUT IT TOO god he praises you the entire time, acting as if he literally isn't rearranging your insides right now.
SULLY is a switch. sully just goes with the flow, to be honest. he doesn't lean towards being a dom or a sub, he just is. one moment you could be fucking him until the only thing he can think about is you, and then the next he could be fingering you while marking your body up and making you beg for him to fuck you senseless. and honestly, he probably has a corruption kink tbh.
LAUGHING JILL is a sub. she is so desperate and needy, eager to please you and do whatever you want her to do. she'll cry, she'll beg, she'll be a brat, she'll do anything and everything to get you to touch her. she loves it when you praise her. she just wants to be a good girl for you <3
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taybatwo2 · 6 months
Lenore Loomington Review Part 1 of 2
I already did a preliminary post on here where I compared her price point to other Monster High dolls and delved into some head cannon to try and tie down her design choices and give her personality (I want to pretend she’s worth $81.95 by getting really attached to her….)
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Here she is in box! She came in really quickly. Her box has some really bright hot pink and teal and has a plastic slip cover with more teal designs on the outside. Good news: she already looks better than her promo pics, but her shimmery skin is a bitch to try and photograph.
Box photos and accessory break downs under the cut:
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Trippy. :) The right side of the box. I like the effect, I just wish that the colors or the imagery tied more in with the character’s design.
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The left side of the box has her name in a nice, specialized font.
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The back has a poem on it saying that Lenore followed a light to a spooky garden full of strange creatures and plants, decided to stay (with some “persistence”) and she died, becoming a ghost. Well, that’s a start of something. The artwork on the back is fine too. The most interesting thing from this art is seeing the color differences in the art vs the doll (especially the shoes; seen here as a more lavender/duller color vs the brighter magenta that is seen on the doll).
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A close up of the poem, the signature, and a bit of the artwork. The more I look at what I thought were vines on her accessories, might all be dewy spiderwebs….?
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You can actually make out the detailed sculpting on the flowers better in this artwork than the actual pieces themselves (which is odd as I usually think that Mattel has the better sculpts when compared to competing companies).
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The top of her box is also decorated.
Okay, now let’s rip this bad boy open.
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Here’s the Certificate of Authenticity, taped to the back of the inside sleeve the doll is strapped to. They got specialty textured paper for this, but it feels thinner than the usual paper-board thick ones.
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Here is the inner sleeve. It actually looks a bit menacing and it reminds me of looking at photo negatives.
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Here’s a cute little rat, hiding in the corner, and the poem is also written in parts on the right hand side of the sleeve.
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And here she is out of the box and after I ran a metal comb through her hair. Her hair is soft saran and is a bit fuzzy on the ends.
Let’s look at what she comes with…
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Here is her unnamed spider pet….? Captor?? Accessory maker…? The candles are not removable, but at least it’s a different sculpt than the other spider pets of Monster High.
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(Webby from G2; credits to Serendipity Doll Boutique for Memphis Longlegs and BuzzyLittleBee for the G3 Tarantula pic).
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She also comes with a very tall, sparkly stand….and I get why it’s tall (so she can float) but it makes her hard to fit on my shelf, the bracket wants to bunch up her dress and my doll sinks farther down the stand once she is clipped onto it.
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Here is her major “purse-akin” accessory. It has some cute detailing on it and it’s made of a really light plastic. Actually most of the plastic accessories feel like the really light plastic found on cheaper toys. I was expecting the plastic to be heavier and/or more rubbery (like the chains used in the Haunted Line). The spiderwebs are removable and the candle glows in the dark (which is a really nice detail).
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Okay, her earrings!
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They have the eyeball pansies on top (they’re kinda hard to make out). And dripping candles under it. Sadly, their flames do not glow in the dark.
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Here is the head piece. It’s connected to a headband and it also doesn’t glow in the dark (booooo). It’s an odd size and I feel like the spiderweb should have either been much bigger or much smaller (like stopping at the inner spoke of the spiderweb).
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Everyone (me too, not going to lie) was giving her crap for having hot pink, blobby looking shoes. And honestly, that’s because the photos for it were meh and the color was also….a choice….but I ended up liking them more than I thought I would.
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The eyeball pansies shoe clip-on remind me of the Bloom and Gloom shoes (see Jane’s shoes? that hibiscus POPS in comparison to the mold Lenore was given)….but not executed as well. The sculpt on the flowers are really flat and blend in with one another. :/
Okay, now what shoes sculpt is hiding behind there???
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Look at that hidden detail! The buttons have little button holes, all the little frills and stitching and all that filigree detail on the back of the boots….if only it was PAINTED….
The spectral waves on the bottom of her shoes are reminiscent of Art Class Draculaura’s paint shoes (credit for image: CoyoteCrowCollectables).
From her boots that I was pleasantly surprised with, to my least favorite piece from her: her belt…chest thing…
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Again, the flowers don’t really pop out in the sculpt and it sits really baggy on her in random spots, it just doesn’t seem to lay well on her and needed a few more tweaks.
Now that her accessories are looked at, the next part of my review will focus on her dress(s) and comparisons to other Monster High dolls.
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choicesholidays · 1 year
Choices Holiday’s Festival of Fears Halloween Prompt Event
It's almost October and that means Halloween/Samhain time! In the spirit of Creepy Campfire Tales (Special thanks to the creator of Creepy Campfire Tales, @annabellewynter for her gracious support of this endeavor), Choices Holidays is hosting a creepy prompt event!
Welcome to a month filled with Murderous Mondays, Terrifying Tuesdays, Witchy Wednesdays, Threatening Thursdays, Fiendish Fridays, Sinister Saturdays, and Spine-Chilling Sundays!
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Below are a series of quotes, prompts, and memes meant for inspiration, but you are not required to use them. Any scary story will get reblogged and added to the master list. This is open to all choices fandoms.
All creative endeavors are welcomed: Fics, art, edits, mood boards, whatever you’re inspired to create!
The deadline is All Hallows Eve: October 31st, 2023, 11:59 p.m. CST.
Be sure you tag @choicesholidays #choicesholidays, and #festivaloffears for reblogging and inclusion on the master list at the end of the event.
Please feel free to reach out to this blog or @angelasscribbles with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Prompts are under the cut.
Quotes for Inspiration:
“The night is dark and full of terrors.” ~Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin
“Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” ~ Tim Burton’s Batman (The line belongs to The Joker)
“Quoth the Raven nevermore!” ~The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe
“We all go a little mad sometimes.” ~Psycho (1960)
“Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.” ~A Nightmare on Elm Street
“I see dead people.” ~The Sixth Sense
Writing Prompts:
The following prompts came from The Write Practice.
Creepy Story Writing Prompts
1. It's late at night, and you hear footsteps in the cellar but you're definitely home alone…or so you thought.
2. You've put that doll in the cabinet, in the closet, in the attic, but no matter where you tuck it, it always shows back up on the sofa. On Halloween night, you find it watching you…
3. A bad-tempered businessman is driving home after a long day of work. He thinks he sees his kids trick-or-treating and stops to pick them up but those aren't costumes.
4. It's Halloween night and you and your friends think it would be fun to visit the local town's annual corn maze. But when you're inside it, someone inside the maze doesn't look like an actor in a costume. And shortly after, your friends start to disappear one by one.
5. You don't believe in the rumors that say a certain scary book is cursed—and that anyone who reads it will meet their maker by the end of the week. So naturally, you read it. And then things start going wrong…
Monster/Ghost Story Writing Prompts
6. A young woman goes to her grandmother's house for tea on Halloween night. They have a wonderful time together, sharing stories, joy, and the best times of family. The next day, the woman learns her grandmother has been dead for a week and no one could get ahold of her to tell her.
7. A little boy is lost in the woods, but at least his faithful dog is with him. As they look for the way out, the dog defends his master against terrifying monsters and animals. But the closer they get to escaping the dark forest, the more apparent it is that they'll need to face the person, or thing, releasing these monsters in the first place.
8. A farmer who dreams of being a scientist experiments on this year's pumpkins, hoping to enlarge them. He has a lot of success, until one of his potions is tampered with, and the cute pumpkin in his patch morphs into a monster that eats anyone who stumbles over its vines.
9. Your girlfriend/boyfriend brings over your favorite treat on Halloween, but when you eat it, you transform into a giant, poisonous snake that kills anyone who touches you. What do you do next?
10. You wake up on Halloween night, look outside your window, and see your sister sleepwalking away from the house. You chase after her but can't catch her until she plunges into a dark lake, where there's a mysterious song that starts to pull you deep below the surface.
Not-So-Spooky Story Writing Prompts
Not all people love scary stories. If this is you but you'd like to try to write a scary story—and have a fun time writing it—try tackling a (not-so) scary story prompt that could turn a potentially scary tale into something that is fun (even funny):
11. You hate clowns, which makes it even worse when your husband secretly decides to hire a clown for you son's birthday party—which just happens to be on Halloween.
12. Aliens have just landed on Earth and boy, did they pick a weird day to come. How do they respond to Halloween, supernatural or otherwise? Do they decide this place is just too bizarre and get the heck out, or do they stick around and join in the fun?
13. On Halloween night, lovers get to come back and spend the evening together one more time. One couple from the Roaring Twenties decides to come back from the grave to help their extreme nerd great-grandchild or the kid will never get married.
14. You decide that this year you're going to crash the ten top costume parties in town—and prank each one while you're at it.
15. A mad scientist determined to destroy the world falls hopelessly in love with a not-so-wicked witch. As hard as he tries, he can't impress her.
Meme Prompts:
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undead-clown · 4 months
Hai everyone!! xP
If anyone could reccomend me creepypastas to read i’d love that!!! Honestly i just started getting into reading them,,, last time i was into it i just watched fanon stuff..
But it’d be appreciated if anyone reccomennded me stuff to read/watch!
ONES THAT IVE READ (not in chronological order)
BEN Drowned
Bloody Painter (all partz)
Vine The Doll Maker
Jeff The Killer (and reboot)
Eyeless Jack
Seed Eater
Hobo Heart (both partz)
Laughing Jack
I Found A Letter From My Stalker
He Who Wander
Smile dog
The puppeteer
Judge angels
I eat pasta for breakfast (the creepypasta one,, i forgor what its called)
Started watchung everyman hybrid
Marble Hornets
:3 I hope that’s helpful !!!
I will update this as i read/watch stuff!
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starsareshinning · 2 months
Here are some known groups at Proxy High!
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Demon Squad
Kagekao, Laughing Jack, Liu, Zero, Jack, and Candy Pop are in this Squad. They unfortunately didn’t pick the name themself, the students at Proxy High all collectively have decided when those six are hanging out they become demons. And they aren’t wrong, whenever Demon Squad is involved in anything, something bad is bound to happen.
Party while demon squad is there? Candy Pop and Laughing Jack pull the worst (evil) pranks on unsuspecting victims. Kagekao is either selling drugs to his customers or flirting with someone. Liu is drinking until theres nothing left. Jack is ignoring everyone— matter of fact he doesn’t even attend the parties unless he’s dragged into them. And Zero is well being Zero The Hero. And 99% of the time a fire is going to happen. Where? Somewhere. Somewhere at the party. Why? Because Demon Squad Is Just That Chaotic.
Originally Kagekao, Laughing Jack, and Zero were the only members of this squad. They were the B&W Trio (Black and White trio) but then they met Jack. Who was then just pulled into their shenanigans, because why not. Next thing you know LJ met Candy Pop and he was dragged into their shenanigans. Finally, they all meet Liu. And guess what happened? He got pulled into their shenanigans.
In the Squad there’s some duos, those duos happen to be:
B&W Twins: Laughing Jack and Zero The Hero they enjoy messing with people, in fact, they don’t when to stop.
Circus Duo: Laughing Jack and Candy Pop, they pull the most outrageous pranks when they’re together.
Scarf Duo: Liu Woods and Kagekao, they’re more calmer the others. They get along with each other really well!
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Circus Squad
Jason Meyers, Nathan Maxwell Lux, Vaughn Pavel Volikov (Vine), Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer), and Candy Pop are in this squad. They’re less chaotic than the Demon Squad— in fact, this squad barely gets into shit. They usually avoid (annoying) people, and would rather keep to themselves. These five when hanging out don’t cause much trouble, if they do it’s usually because of Candy Pop and Jason getting into arguments about stupid things. It’s pretty rare to even catch them out in public with each other, they only hang out at school, during lunch.
Vine and Jon met Jason, Nathan, and Candy Pop through Papa Grande, their English teacher. Papa Grande suggested that Vine made friends with some students he knew and trusted, Vine who was still skeptical about everyone hesitated, but agreed. Jason, Nathan, and Candy Pop came to his classroom during lunch and met Vine there, it was difficult for them to have a conversation with Vine, but it worked out. Jonathan had a question for Papa Grande one day and decided to come to his classroom during lunch, there he saw the rest of the squad reading? He was a bit confused. Papa Grande gestured for him to join them, and he did. Forgetting his question until the end of lunch.
Now, every lunch time they all gather up in his classroom, even if Papa Grande isn't there. It’s like their own small book club, the members just being them. Papa Grande is proud of all of them, he even occasionally gives them homework! They don’t complain because they’re all nerds. The homework usually consists of writing a few paragraphs about the book or reading another book.
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perfectiondarl1n · 2 years
Some of your HCs for the makers? <3
Jason the Toymaker:
6'3 and 21 years old
bisexual with a preference for men
He/they pronouns
loves plushies, soft things and pastel colors
He won't be caught dead without his nails manicure 💅
Gets cold easily
he works hard into the late hours of the night but refuses to wake up before noon
Addicted to lattes
Smells like vanilla, with a hint of wood and paint
loves physical affection
big softie sweetiepie inside
Julius the Dressmaker:
6'2 and 20 years old
Gay; attracted to men and enbys who are masc or androgynous
They/he pronouns
Obsessed with the color pink
Another lover of plushies and all things soft
I hc Julius to often wear vintage dresses from the 50s
Loves baking and always smells like cookies
Drama queen
Such a diva that he will wear sunglasses inside
✨ Carmel Frappes ✨
Makes the most beautiful dresses and will make dresses for Jason and Vine's dolls (and his own dolls of course)
Loves his beauty sleep
6'4 and 25 years old
Aroace; in a queer platonic relationship with Jason and Julius
he/him or they/them pronouns; agender
protective of Jason and Julius
Doesn't speak usually but won't shut up once he does start talking
Puts his hair in a braid to keep it out of the way when working
This man never sleeps lol
Loves dark colors
He's messy but his work is flawless
Is the type to always be there to comfort his friends and a shoulder to cry on
He comes across as cold and uncaring though get to know him, it couldn't be farther from the truth
i have many more but I'll stop here🖤
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dollmakersfans · 2 years
Idk what to do in my free time so I will write something here
If I had to add Ciara to my favourite ship, Vine the dollmaker x Nathan the nobody, well....
Ciara goes talk to Vine/Doll about Nathan because she thinks they're close friends. Doll/Vine is in the living room reading she sits down next to him "Doll, we need to talk" Vine looked at her "I like Nathan and I noticed you're very close to him" she proceeded "Sorry" Vine/Doll said, Ciara looked confused "why?" she asked "I stole your man. Nathan is my boyfriend" the russian man said with a smile. Ciara was shocked and went away...
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