#don’t believe me? look at the story of Semele
sarafangirlart · 6 months
Rick Riordan made Hephaestus have a cuck fetish and also in his books Hitler might be the demigod son of hades and it's confirmed that Harriet Tubman is the daughter of Hermos
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a-d-nox · 2 years
dionysus, god of wine and ecstasy (asteroid 3671)
“when talking about such a popular god or goddess i am going to for warn paraphrasing - of course all these stories have more details and all these popular gods have stories within stories. i would love to share them all/in detail but i would need a book and a lot more time to write it. my attempt in writing these posts are to inform you on the high level story of the god’s or goddess’s life. that being said if any one of the events regaled in the post pique you interest - please let me know i don’t mind giving a more in-depth tale of any of the events mentioned.”
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Dionysus is the son of Zeus and the mortal, Semele. This is considered a rare occurrence for such a high ranking god to have a mortal parent. Hera had tricked Semele into making a wish to physically see the immortal’s true form which ultimately ended with her burning to ash after just one look. The fetus Dionysus was saved, after being found amongst the ashes by Zeus who stitched him to his thigh until he was fully formed - this act is was made Dionysus immortal. Hera was disgusted by Zeus having stitched a wedlock fetus to his thigh so she began her plot to have the thing killed as soon as it was fully formed. She had titans tear apart the young Dionysus - Rhea, Zeus's mother, found the child pieces and put him back together again (lol Humpty Dumpty). When Rhea returned him to Zeus, Zeus immediately arranged for the child to be raised away from Olympus. He gave the child to mountain nymphs to raise (there are many stories that say it was Hermes, Rhea, Persephone, etc. but the nymph kind of makes the most sense based on his wild nature and popularity amongst the woodland creatures). As a child he discovered how to make wine - he went around the world sharing this knowledge. Somewhere in his travels, Hera hears of Dionysus being alive and strikes him with madness which causes him to wander around in a haze until Rhea heals him of Hera's curse. In his travels, a cult began to form around wine and the creator himself. Dionysus also was kidnapped by pirates in his travels due to his beauty as they wished to ransom him thinking that he must be royalty. Dionysus told them that he was a god and to release him and when they didn't believe him, he made the boat swarm with vines and pushed the pirates overboard. It is thought that Dionysus turned these pirates into dolphins. When arriving on shore he discovered Ariadne, recently abandoned by Theseus, who he fell in lust with at first sight. Soon after they were married and she bore him a few famous children. Reestablished in Greece, Dionysus's cult grew more rowdy in nature - there are stories of followers killing animals and eating them raw, people being pulled limb from limb, people driven into madness, etc. Needless to say wherever Dionysus is there is chaos. IN MY OPINION Dionysus in a chart represents a) premature birth (harsh pluto, uranus, or moon aspects may be reflected in your persona charts 1h - pluto, aquarius, and/or capricorn - i only know one pre-me baby so lemme know if you see other stuff in your chart if you are a pre-me yourself), b) your connection with your father, c) having a lot of enemies and followers, d) wine preferences, and/or e) the drama your presence causes.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of dionysus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of dionysus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede dionysus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: zeus (5731 / h42), semele (86), hera (103), rhea (577), hermes (69230), persephone (399), and ariadne (43)!
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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Ariadne and why the Mycenaeans can fuck right off
Warning: Includes brief mentions of r*pe, cultural destruction, ancient patriarchy reminding us why no woman would ever time-travel more than 5 years into the past if that and a great deal of spite for male historians/public education history/mythology classes. 
Possible side effects may include a sudden intense rage for an ancient society equivalent to the innate rage one has for the Romans burning the library of Alexandria, a distinct hatred for ancient men not being able to let anyone have nice things, and a sudden fascination for Minoa. 
Usually, I stick to writing imagines and being happy with that. It’s fun! I love it! But every now and again, in an attempt to escape the crushing forces known as reality and responsibilities I’ll put on a few cutscenes from games I’m: A) Too lazy to play B) Too broke to play C) Too unskilled to play D) All of the above
because cutscenes are free and why torture yourself with impossible levels when its free on Youtube?* *In all seriousness please support video games and video game creators, but no shame to those of us who prefer cutscenes to gameplay.  A few weeks ago I added the game Hades made by Supergiant to the list because the cutscenes were bomb and the characters are so much fun! Intricate as all hell! Hella cute too but that’s unrelated! Now my pretty little simp patootie is especially a big fan of Dionysus and his gorgeous design so the cutscenes with him are my favorite.
I’m re-watching his cutscenes a few nights ago for fun as background when he has a certain line about Theseus. Don’t quote me on this since my memory is foggy at best but roughly it was: Dionysus: Good job with Theseus. Never cared much for him- what he did to that girl was just horrible.*
*I know that’s not his exact line but this is clearly a rant post fueled by spite and ADD-hyper-focused obsessions with ancient civilizations so let’s not worry too too much about the semantics here. 
Now, I like mythology! Personally, I prefer the Norse mythology due to the general lack of very very gross dynamics that several other ancient mythologies seem to include, but I’m decently familiar with Greek mythos. Enough to go - “Why does the God of Wine give a single fuck about the frat bro of Greek heroes being a dick to a woman? Grossness is embedded into the very DNA of all distant relatives of Zeus, a woman being harassed by Zeus or his bastard army is a typical Tuesday in ancient Greece.” 
Wikipedia confirms that Ariadne is the only woman in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, which I kinda knew already so unless Theseus did some f’ed up shit to some other princess of Minos, Dionysus could only be referring to her. Disregarding what I know about Wikipedia and how it can suck you down the rabbit hole of rabbit holes through sheer fury I stupidly clicked the link to Ariadne’s article. 
By the time we get to the end of this shitstorm, I will have two separate plotlines for two separate stories based of Ariadne, 2k+ notes (and going) on an ancient civilization prior to a week ago I didn’t know existed and within me there will be a rage towards a different ancient civilization I vaguely recall learning about in high school. 
Here’s how this shit went down. 
First of all, apparently after Theseus abandoned Ariadne on an island to die (yep! He did that! To the one person who is the only reason he defeated the minotaur! Fuck this guy.) there are multiple storylines where Dionysus takes a single look at Ariadne and falls in love. 
“A god falls in love?” you say, aware of how most love stories in Greek mythos can be summed up with Unfortunately, Zeus got horny and Hera is a firm believer in victim blaming. “This poor woman is about to go through hell!” I thought so too! And in one variation of the story, Dionysus does his daddy proud by being an absolute tool to Ariadne. In the majority though? He woos the fuck out of her, and ultimately marries her by consent!
Her consent!
In ancient Greece!
The party dude of the Greek pantheon knows more about consent then his father and modern day frat brothers!
Okay! That’s interesting, so I keep reading. 
Ariadne getting hitched to Dionysus is a big deal in Olympus, to the point of getting a crown made of the Aurora Borealis from Aphrodite who is bro-fisting Dionysus, beyond glad she didn’t have to give him the talk about consent. The rest of the gods are pissy especially Hera who doesn’t like Dionysus much since he is the son of Zeus and Semele but they don’t do much. Ariadne ascends to godhood, becomes the goddess of Labyrinths with the snake and bull as her symbol and that’s that on that. 
Colorin, colorado, este cuento se acabado.  And they lived happily ever after. That’s the end of the post right?
NO! Because curiosity has made me their bitch and there’s more to this calling me. 
Also, I was pissed! Still am! Why the fuck-a-doodle-do did I have to learn about the time Poseidon r*ped a priestess instead of the arguably healthiest relationship in the entirety of the pantheon? Why is Persephone and Hades’ story (which has improved since it was first written and I like more modern versions of it, no hate) the only healthy-ish Greek love story I had to learn when Dionysus and Ariadne were right there? The rage of having endured several grade levels of “Zeus got horny and Hera found out” stories in the nightmare of public education led me to keep looking into this. 
There’s this wonderful Youtube channel called Overly Sarcastic Productions that I highly recommend that delves a lot into mythology, and I have seen their bombass video about Dionysus and how his godhood has changed since he was potentially first written in a language we comprehend. 
Did ya’ll know this man is the heir apparent to Zeus? ‘Cause I didn’t know that!
YEA! Dionysus, man of parties, king of hangovers and inducer of madness, is set to inherit the throne of Olympus! Ariadne didn’t husband up the God of Wine, she husbanded up the Prince of Olympus and heir apparent to the throne! Holy shit! No wonder some of the gods were against her marriage to Dionysus - can you imagine the drama of an ex-mortal woman sitting on the Queen’s throne of Olympus? Hera must have been pissed.
There’s more.
The reason we know Dionysus is a very important god and is possibly even more important than we think is because of a handy-dandy language known as Linear B, otherwise known as the language of the Mycenaeans!
For those of you fortunate enough to have normal hobbies and interests, the Mycenaeans were the beta version of the Greeks. Their written language of Linear B is one of, if not the first recorded instance of a written Indo-European language. This language, having been translated, gives us an interesting look at what the Greek gods were like back in their beta-stages before they fixed the coding and released the pantheon. 
Interesting side facts of the Mycenaean Greek gods include:
Poseidon being the head god with an emphasis on his Earthquake aspect, and being much more of a cthonic god in general. 
Take that Zeus, for being so gross. 
The gods in general being more cthonic, as Mycenaeans were obsessed with cthonic gods (probably due to all the earthquakes and natural disasters in Greece and Crete at that time)
Several of the gods and goddesses that we know being listed, alongside some that we don’t consider as important (Dione)
The first mention of Kore, later Persephone, but no Hades because since a lot of gods were cthonic, there would be no need for one, specific cthonic god to represent the majority of death-related rituals.
That’s not what we’re focusing on though! What we’re focusing on is a specific translated portion of Linear B that we have. One of the translated portions of Linear B that for the life of me I can’t find (someone please help me find it and send the link so I can edit this post) says an interesting phrase. “Honey to the gods. Honey to the Mistress of Labyrinths.”
One more time. “Honey to the gods. Honey to the Mistress of Labyrinths.”
Mistress of Labyrinths. 
Now wait a gosh darn minute. Isn’t there a goddess of labyrinths in the Greek mythos? Why yes! Yes there is! Ariadne!
Here’s a question for you. If Ariadne is but a minor god in the pantheon, a wife to a more predominant god, why is it that while all the other gods and goddesses are bunched together in a sentence of praise, the so-called ex-mortal gets a whole-ass sentence to herself singing praises?
And thus, we have arrived to Minoa!
What is Minoa, you ask? Minoa is to Rome what Rome is to us. An old-ass civilization either older than or younger by a hundred years to ancient Egypt. Egypt, that started in 3200 B.C-ish depending on who you ask. That’s old. Old as balls. They were contemporaries to their trading partner, Egypt until 1450 BC-ish. A 2000 year old civilization.
Minoa was founded on the island of Crete, and was by what artifacts we have found a merchant civilization with its central economy centered on the cultivation of saffron and the development of bronze/iron statues of bulls. Most of what we know about them comes from artifacts and frescoes found on Crete that managed to survive everything else I will mention later, but what matters is that we know a few things about them. 
Obsessed with marine life for some time, given their pottery. 
Had the first palaces in all of Europe, some of them ridiculously big. 
Wrote in Linear A and Cretan Hieroglyphs, both still untranslated languages. 
Had a ritual involving jumping over a bull, for some reason. 
Firm believers in “Suns out, Tits out.”
You’d think I’m kidding on the last one but no! No no no! All the women apparently rocked the tits-out look in Minoa!
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^^^^One of many, many Minoan works featuring women giving their titties fresh air. ^^^^
“Wait a second Pinks! What does this have to do with Ariadne being the Mistress of labyrinths?”
Well you see dear wonderful darling, while we know very little about Minoan religion because Mycenaeans (we will get to those bastards in a second), we do know this:
All the religious figures appear to be exclusively women.
The most important figures of their religion seem to be goddesses as there are few artifacts featuring male gods.
Because of the religion, the culture may have been an equal society or even a matriarchy! Historians who are male aren’t sure. 
A frankly ridiculous amount of their temples, including the ones in caves in the middle of fuck-all feature labyrinths. A lot of labyrinths!
Their head god is a goddess! Whose temples have labyrinths and whose main symbols are snakes and bulls. Who do we know is a) the mistress of labyrinths and b) is symbolized a lot by snakes and bulls?
Ariadne didn’t upgrade by marrying the prince of Olympus! Dionysus wifed up possibly the most important goddess in all of Crete and becoming her boy-toy! 
I’m not even kidding, most Minoan depictions of the goddess’ consort features a boy/man who cycles through the stages of death. Dionysus himself in several myths goes through the same cycle - life, being crushed, death, rebirth, repeat.  Cycles the consort goes through in Minoan legend depictions too!
Okay, that’s great, but what does that have to do with the Mycenaeans? Why do you want to single-handedly go back in time and strangle the beta-Greeks with the nearest belt?
Everything I just said about Ariadne being a Minoan goddess, the Mistress of Labyrinths being hella important on Minoa, is all theoretical. The Mycenaeans are partially to blame for making it theoretical. 
Minoa thrived for 2000 years but it had a lot of issues, mostly caused by natural disasters. Towards the end of their civilization (1500 BC-ish), the nearby island of Thera, today known as Santorini, decided to blow up. The island was a hella-active volcano that when erupted, destroyed a lot. 
How big was the eruption? Well when Pompeii was wasted by Mt. Vesuvius, the blast was heard from roughly 120 miles away, 200 km. 
The blast on Thera was heard from 3000 miles away. 4800 km away.
Fuck me, the environmental effects of the explosion were felt in imperialistic CHINA.
Holy shit that would waste anybody! And it did! Minoa went from being a powerhouse in the Mediterranean to scrambling to recover from losing 40,000 citizens and who knows how many cities. Tsunamis may have followed the blast, further destroying ports which for a navy-powerhouse of an island nation is a bad thing and the theorized temperature drops caused by a cloud of ash lingering for a while would have destroyed crops for the year.
Minoa was fucked. 
The Mycenaeans and all their bullshit made it worse.
Up until a few hundred years prior to Thera’s explosion, Minoan artifacts don’t depict much in terms of military power. Why would it? Crete is a natural defense post. Sheer cliffs, high mountains and a few semi-fortified areas would make it pointless to invade. It’s only when the Mycenaeans in all their bullshit decided to attack/compete that Minoa really needed any army to speak of.
Guess who decided to invade while Minoa was reeling from an incredibly shitty year? Mycenaea!
Guess who won?
Also Mycenaea!
Nobody knows how this shit went down though because wouldn’t you know it, the Mycenaeans in all their superiority-complex glory decided to destroy most written accounts about Minoa, a good junk of the temples and culturally eliminated most of Minoan beliefs. 
Minoa isn’t even the real name of the civilization! It’s just the name Arthur Evans, the guy who re-motivate interest in Minoan archaeology, gave to the civilization because the writings that would have included the name of the civilization were destroyed.
“That sucks!” Fuck yes that sucks! “What does that have to do with Ariadne though?”
Oh ho ho. Strap in because you’re about to be pissed. 
Those of us unfortunate enough to be aware of all the bullshit the Christians pulled on the European pagan belief system are familiar with the concept of cultural, religious destruction. There’s a special name for it I don’t know but if I did I would curse it to be absorbed by the horrendous will of fungi. 
An example: Christianity was not the most popular of religions amongst the Vikings. A monotheistic religion that is heavily controlled did not strongly appeal to anyone with a pantheon as rad as the Norse one. 
In order to appeal to the Vikings, what monks would do is they would write down traditionally Viking stories which up until that point were orally passed down. Beowulf, the story of the most Viking Viking to have every Vikinged, was one of these first stories. 
However! Did these monks write Beowulf as closely to the original oral transcript as possible? Of course not! They took liberties! While Norse features such as trolls and dragons and all sorts of Norse magic occur, there is a lot of Christian features added in. 
This happened across all Pagan religions that Christianity came into contact with in Europe. Stories would be altered when written down to be more Christian (this happened to the Greek Pantheon too btw), holidays that were Pagan magically lined up with ones the Vatican just happened to suddenly have. Even names of mythological figures were taken and added onto Christian figure names. Consequently, a lot of pagan religions they did this to got erased over time, with many of their traditions and details being lost forever, and the details we do know being tinted by Christianity.
The Mycenaeans were likely no different. 
Minoa and Mycenaea were as culturally opposite as can be. Minoa is theorized to be a matriarchal or equal society*. Mycenaea and most of early Greece absolutely was not. In fact, during early stages of their religion where they believed in reincarnation, the Mycenaeans believed the worst thing to come back as was a woman. 
Did you get that? With your options ranging from man to ever single animal on Earth, a woman was ranked as beneath literal animals in Mycenaean society.
Fuck the Mycenaeans.
* This is not to say Minoa was without fault, as a society that is matriarchal or equal can still have rampant issues such as privilege, classism, racism, sexism and more, but when history has a shortage of civilizations that didn’t treat women like shit, you find yourself rooting for them more. 
 What do you do then, when you take over a society that is very much the opposite of a nightmare of a patriarchy? You fold their beliefs into your own to bait them into yours. Going back to the Linear B line about “Mistress of Labyrinths” that line would/could have been an early tactic of incorporating Minoan belief into Mycenaean belief. Other goddesses and gods were made into aspects of Mycenaean gods. Bristomartis, the Minoan goddess of the hunt, would become Artmeis. Velchanos, a god of the sky, would become Zeus. 
With more time, the religion shifted more into Mycenaean and eventually into ancient Greece as we know it. Through trade other gods and goddesses would continue to shift and change, some being straight up imported (Aphrodite for example). Dionysus himself changed a lot too, going from a God representing freedom and attracting slaves, women and those with limited power into his cult, to a God of parties for the wealthy. 
Theseus and the Minotaur was a myth likely based on a Mycenaean myth based on a Minoan myth that changes Ariadne from an important, possibly the important goddess of an ancient religion and relegates her to a side character in a pantheon so vast that she would be lost within it. 
All of this brings us to today. Today, where as soon as work ended I spent most of the day, as well as the past two days, looking up everything I can on Minoan civilization and added it to my notes. Spite is fueling me to write two possible different stories for two different fandoms where Minoa dunks of Mycenaea and it is giving me life. Expect an update within the next two weeks folks as I lose control of my writing life once more. 
In summary: Ariadne deserves more respect, fuck the public education system for skipping over the good parts of Greek mythology instead of the r*pey as shit parts, the Mycenaeans can eat my shorts, and a world were Minoa became the predominant power instead of Greece would be an amazing world to live in.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Pink out. 
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terramythos · 3 years
TerraMythos 2021 Reading Challenge - Book 16 of 26
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Title: Tales From Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle #5) (2001)
Author: Ursula K. Le Guin
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Short Story Collection, Novella, Third-Person, Female Protagonist 
Rating: 8/10 (note: this is an average)
Date Began: 7/2/2021
Date Finished: 7/6/2021
Tales From Earthsea is a collection of five short stories and novellas which take place in the Earthsea universe. In addition, there’s a supplementary timeline of Earthsea’s history, tradition, and cultural details of note. The last story in the collection, Dragonfly, serves as a bridge between Tehanu (#4) and The Other Wind (#6), the final book in the series. 
Of the five stories, my favorites (both 10/10s) were The Finder and On The High Marsh.
The way one does research into nonexistent history is to tell the story and find out what happened. I believe this isn’t very different from what historians of the so-called real world do. Even if we are present at some historic event, do we comprehend it— can we even remember it— until we can tell it in a story? 
Content warnings, individual ratings/commentary, and spoilers below the cut.
Content warnings for the book: Death and violence, child abuse (including implied sexual abuse), police brutality, slavery, reference to torture and execution, brief reference to inc*st, misogyny, animal cruelty, mild body horror, very brief implied mind control via a "love charm" (it doesn't work).
#1 - The Finder (10/10)
In The Dark Time, magic is widely mistrusted. Petty tyrants use the once noble art in pursuit of power and glory. Medra, the son of a shipwright in Havnor, has magical talents honed in secret. One day, he curses a ship built for a warlord’s fleet. Unfortunately, he gets caught and sent to a prison camp. There he is forced to use finding magic to locate veins of cinnabar.
The prison exists to refine quicksilver, a substance the most powerful mage on the island believes will turn him into a god. While in the refinery, Medra feels a spiritual connection to a dying slave, a young woman named Anieb. The two of them devise a plan to kill the mage and escape. Medra’s journey eventually takes him to the island of Roke and the founding of its prestigious wizard school. 
‘The dead are dead. The great and mighty go their way unchecked. All the hope left in the world is in the people of no account.’ 
I really enjoyed this novella. The Dark Time is largely unexplored in the stories of Earthsea, so it was interesting to read about it here. I get the feeling that we’re approaching or in the middle of one such time in the real world, so seeing a version of it on the page is depressing yet hopeful. The story is dark; mass feudal warfare, a literal concentration camp in the opening half, widespread enslavement, and abuse of power. But it also offers hope and the promise of change. The story also explores the integral role of women in not only the preservation of magic in a bleak age of humanity, but the very foundation of Roke. 
Medra’s story spoke to me; how he resists the despotic powers-that-be, his connection with Anieb even after her tragic death, and how despite his disillusionment with humanity, he ultimately fights to create a better world. I also thought Gelluk was a horrifying villain. He’s characterized as a soft-spoken, almost kindly man who loves children and animals— yet his narrative thoughts involve burning hundreds of slaves alive in order to better fuel the quicksilver refinery. “Nice doesn’t mean good” taken to an extreme, and a mirror of many villains in the real world. 
Le Guin was anti-capitalist, but that way of thinking seems peripheral in the Earthsea series. The Finder, however, definitely has a Marxist reading in it. A recurring theme is the disenfranchised rising up against the powerful. Indeed both antagonists, who are despotic wizards of great power, are soundly defeated by groups of people they consider powerless. Magic is only considered relevant for the value and power it produces, an idea antithetical to the rest of the series. The quicksilver refinery also embraces anti-capitalist rhetoric; this section focuses on how mass enslavement and death is used to manufacture a meaningless commodity only one person “benefits” from. That’s not even getting into the prison-industrial complex. 
I dunno. This story slaps. It’s not at all what I expected from a Roke origin story.
#2 - Diamond and Darkrose (5/10)
Diamond, the son of a prosperous lumber merchant, struggles to find his true calling in life. His father disapproves of almost everything he does, including his close friendship with the local witch’s daughter Rose. While he loves music, his father derides his talents and forces him to abandon the pursuit. When Diamond shows some  promise in magic, he travels to a neighboring town to serve as the local wizard’s apprentice. But when this path estranges him from Rose, he grows disillusioned.
Rose had looked after herself from an early age; and this was one of the reasons Diamond loved her. With her, he knew what freedom was. Without her, he could attain it only when he was hearing and singing and playing music.
I did not like this story very much. I gave Diamond and Darkrose a 5/10 because it’s competently written (duh), and the protagonist has a character arc not entirely dependent on the central romance. But that’s about all I can say for it.
None of the characters are especially appealing. Diamond’s mentor figures are all extremely narrow-minded. Rose, supposedly his true love since childhood, drops him the moment things become difficult. And Diamond himself is a pushover who only grows a spine and pursues his dreams at the end of the story. I understand that’s his character flaw and his arc is about overcoming that. But due to all these factors, I was annoyed by every major character. The only person I didn’t dislike was Diamond’s mother, who only shows up for a couple of scenes.
Someone please tell me there are love stories out there where the romantic tension is NOT based on a fucking MISUNDERSTANDING. That shit drives me up a wall! It’s so overdone and painful to read.
#3 - The Bones of the Earth (8/10)
Dulse is an aging wizard on the island of Gont, reflecting on his life and relationship with his former apprentice, a young man he calls Silence. But he senses something amiss on the island; a massive earthquake poised to destroy a nearby port town and its inhabitants. To avert disaster, Dulse realizes he must turn to an ancient form of magic taught to him long ago— and he needs Silence’s help to save the town.
In there he knew he should hurry, that the bones of the earth ached to move, and that he must become them to guide them, but he could not hurry. There was on him the bewilderment of any transformation. He had in his day been fox, and bull, and dragonfly, and knew what it was to change being. But this was different, this slow enlargement. I am vastening, he thought.
So I’ve always liked Ogion in the main series; I love the idea of an immensely powerful wizard who lives an unassuming life of silence, contemplation, and appreciation of the natural world. In The Bones of the Earth, we get a glimpse of Ogion through his mentor’s eyes. Ogion’s heroism and how he stopped the earthquake is mentioned several times in the main series, but this is our first look at what actually happened.
Dulse is an unexpected and fascinating perspective character. It would be so easy to tell this story wholly from Ogion’s perspective, but I think making Dulse the protagonist was the right call. In particular, Dulse’s mind is starting to go. Le Guin presents this by utilizing flashbacks and connecting them to the present. This technique conveys Dulse’s disorientation and confusion so the reader experiences it alongside him... it’s hard to describe without actually reading the story. I also loved the little twist at the end regarding where Dulse learned the ancient magic that saves the island. There’s also a strong thematic connection to The Farthest Shore; death and becoming one with the rest of the world.
#4 - On The High Marsh (10/10)
A half-mad wanderer named Irioth comes upon a small settlement on the volcanic, marshy island of Semel. A murrain has been devastating the local cattle population, and Irioth offers his powers as a curer to heal the animals. He settles into a calm rural life with Gift, a widow working a small dairy. Though Gift likes Irioth, and the animals instinctively trust him, she senses something amiss with the man. Soon, Irioth’s dark past threatens to return and disturb the peace.
“Oh, yes,” Irioth said. “It was my fault.” But she forgave, and the grey cat was pressed up against his thigh, dreaming. The cat’s dreams came into his mind, in the low fields where he spoke with the animals, the dusky places. The cat leapt there, and then there was milk, and the deep soft thrilling. There was no fault, only the great innocence. No need for words. They would not find him here. He was not here to find. There was no need to speak any name. There was nobody but her, and the cat dreaming, and the fire flickering. He had come over the dead mountain on black roads, but here the streams ran slow among the pastures.
This story is a banger. It has a Western vibe— a stranger coming into a cattle town haunted by a mysterious past. Also cowboys. It’s an atmospheric story, and I think hits on the “small rural town” vibe better than Tehanu did. But there were several writing choices I especially liked.
We don’t learn Irioth’s name until a little while into the story; his physical description, temperament, and ability to immediately identify Gift’s true name just by looking at her makes one assume he’s Ged. He’s also got an interesting redemption arc, because it’s presented in a reverse order. We see Irioth’s genuine desire to do good, and his gentle and patient manner with animals and other people. He doesn’t even consider asking for payment for curing the murrain until Gift tells him he should. But there’s a sense that something is off; he’s paranoid, clearly running from something. The use-name he picks is Otak, a fictional ferret-like creature— which Gift asserts looks nice, but has sharp teeth.
Near the end, Ged actually does show up and explain what happened to Irioth. They have pretty similar backstories; both were powerful, arrogant young mages who messed with forces  they shouldn’t have, then went through great personal sacrifice to right the wrong (oh god the initial deception was intentional they’re narrative foils oh god). Ged embraced the darkest aspects of himself to avert calamity. Irioth came to Semel to escape Roke and atone by helping others. One detail I especially liked was that Irioth once considered healing beneath him, but now he takes a deep joy in using it to help. 
#5 - Dragonfly (8/10)
Irian lives a solitary life-- her father is a drunkard living in the ruins of their family’s once prosperous estate. Her closest relationship is with the local village witch, who named her in secret in the dead of night.  When a disgraced young wizard named Ivory comes to town, he sees Irian as a potential conquest. To gain power over her, he hatches a scheme; disguise Irian as a man, travel to Roke, and sneak her into the male-only wizard school— humiliating the great Masters.
But Irian is restless. She knows she has power, but her true nature is a mystery even to her. Irian sees Ivory’s plan as an opportunity to find answers from the most powerful wizards in the world. When the Doorkeeper actually lets her into the school, she finds herself in a magical and political conflict over the future of Roke— and discovers what exactly she is.
“Dark is bad,” said the Patterner. “Eh?”
Irian drew a deep breath and looked at him eye to eye as they sat there. “Only in dark the light,” she said.
This is one of those stories that has a rocky start, but a great second half. The first part of the novella felt dry to me; I’ve read plenty of tales about social outcasts with weird, unexplainable powers. On top of this, a chunk of the early narration is from Ivory’s POV, and he’s a complete tool. That can be a fun perspective to take, and I like the fact that he thinks he’s manipulating Irian when she’s the one pulling the strings. But since he’s an irrelevant character who disappears from the story halfway through, it feels like a waste to devote a huge chunk of the story to him.
However, once Irian arrives at Roke, the story gets much more interesting. Her presence at Roke causes a huge scandal that divides the Masters. Women being forbidden from Roke is a Series Thing at this point, but Earthsea is in an era of change (although I DO question that she’s the first woman to try it). The Finder demonstrated that women were pivotal in the foundation of Roke, something largely erased from history. Barring women stems from a power hungry bigot codifying it into tradition.
Irian finds some unexpected allies--minor characters in the previous books. The Doorkeeper continues to be the coolest motherfucker there. The Patterner is a major character in this story; he was in just one scene in The Farthest Shore, so I liked learning more about him. The Namer is the kind of guy you’d expect to be a stodgy traditionalist, so him siding with Irian is surprising. The Summoner, a heroic figure in previous books and stories, is a sinister villain here. As for the ending, well… if you didn’t see it coming, I’d wonder if you even read Tehanu. The same hints are there.
There were little particulars I liked, such as Irian moving into a decrepit hut that’s definitely Medra’s old home. My favorite detail is that this story has a parallel scene with The Finder. In The Finder, there’s a scene where an antagonist, Early, invades Roke in the form of a dragon. He lands on Roke Knoll, a site of power that reveals one’s true form. It turns him back into a human, leaving him defenseless when the residents of Roke attack him and repel his invasion. The reversal happens in Dragonfly. Irian gets attacked by one of the Masters while at Roke Knoll — and its magic turns her into her true form, a dragon. Props to whoever picked the cover design, since it references both scenes.
#6 - A Description of Earthsea
I’m not rating this since it’s basically a lore dump. It’s a deep dive into Earthsea’s history, languages, cultures, and other relevant world details. It’s the kind of bonus info a lot of fantasy series tack on as reference material.  According to Le Guin, she wrote this to get some idea of the timeline on each of these stories.
As a series, Earthsea has relatively little worldbuilding exposition. Sometimes characters reference legends or historical events, but usually the reader lacks the context to fully understand them. The focus is more on the lives of the characters and their personal experience of the world. I think something like A Description of Earthsea has benefits and drawbacks for the reader. On one hand it's nice to have some definitive information to tie things together. On the other, this does represent a loss of some of the mystery in the story.
I think this is the first thing in the series that even mentions homosexuality, so props for that I guess?
Closing Thoughts
A short story collection is always going to have high and low points. I tend to look at each story individually and score that way, but an average is always misleading. Diamond and Darkrose dragged the score down since there were only five stories total. But I enjoyed the majority of them. I am interested to see where the human/dragon subplot goes in the final installment; I assume Irian will show up at some point? We’ll see.
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ancient-myth-daily · 4 years
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Ariadne After Theseus
We all know that Ariadne was abandoned by Theseus on the Isle of Naxos after giving him vital help defeating the Minotaur.  (If you didn’t know that, you can read about it here).  It should be noted that there is not a way to determine the chronology of Ariadne’s myths past a certain point, and that also the details vary greatly from version to version.  
So when she was asleep on Naxos, everyone else left (including her younger sister Phaedra).  Now Naxos belonged to Dionysus, and when he came across the sleeping Ariadne he fell in love with her.  
There was a nymph named Psalacantha in Dionysus’ company who herself was in love with him.  She told Dionysus that she would help him win over Ariadne if he also became her lover.  Dionysus refused, and angered by the rejection Psalacantha slandered him to Ariadne.  Dionysus was pretty pissed off and turned Psalacantha into a plant.  
At some point (chronology uncertain), Ariadne died; how she died differs from version to version.  In Book XI of the Odyssey Artemis kills her, for in this version she was already betrothed to Dionysus before falling in love with Theseus.  In another version she gets caught up in one of Perseus’ wars, and he kills her or perhaps turns her to stone.  In the version that makes most sense to me, Ariadne when abandoned on Naxos hangs herself on a tree, purportedly due to grief over her abandonment.  This version is my favorite because it neither tries to absolve Theseus of abandonment, as the Odyssey does, nor does it confuse the places in which Ariadne appears, as Perseus was said to have killed her at Argos - how did she get there?  Additionally, the symbolism of the hanging myth meshes well with Ariadne’s connection to string and thread.  It makes sense, on a very mythic level.  However, I might add that I do not believe the motive behind Ariadne’s suicide was originally Theseus’ abandonment.  While I do not have any qualification to say this, I suspect that originally the act of hanging from a tree was the beginning of a ritual: her descent into Hades followed by her ascent as a god.  Sort of a self-sacrifice to facilitate her divinity.  That is just my theory as to what Ariadne’s myth may have originally looked like before it was appropriated, like many myths, by the Athenians who added her to the story of their hero Theseus.  
After Ariadne dies, Dionysus descends to Hades, returns with her and also his mother Semele, and then they all go to Mount Olympus.  Dionysus and Ariadne wed, and her wedding crown is set in the stars as the constellation Corona Borealis.  Ariadne and Dionysus had like 13 kids, including Oenopion and Staphylus, who had all to do with wine and grapes, and also Thoas, who ruled Lemnos before all the women there were cursed.  (This of course makes absolutely no sense as by the time Theseus abandoned Ariadne the quest for the Golden Fleece was long over as evident my Medea’s second marriage to Theseus’ father, but along that quest they meet the daughter of Thoas, but apparently he wasn’t even born??? Ok greek mythology, sort yourself out I guess)
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Ariadne, only part human by lineage in the Theseus myth anyway, has always possessed some divinity.  Historians theorize that she was originally a Cretan goddess, the Mistress of the Labyrinth, and some also associate her with the Minoan snake goddess figures (pictured above).  It certainly isn’t a large jump to associate the labyrinth with the coils of a serpent.  
In conclusion, Ariadne was originally some super cool ancient goddess, but sadly today is mostly just the princess that helped Theseus and then got left on an island.  Most modern retellings of the Labyrinth myth that I’ve seen don’t even mention Ariadne’s connection to Dionysus.  They just kind of leave her where Theseus does, which is pretty lame.  I really like exploring myths that are less agreed upon, like this one.  You get a glimpse at the more ancient, meaty ritual and symbolism that you just don’t get with the more universally known myths.  I always love talking about goddesses, especially lesser known ones, and for me Ariadne really does fit the role of a goddess.  It seems like she has even more divinity than Medea does.  
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mossrotts · 4 years
Do you like Greek mythology? Any favourite stories?
if you’re asking about greek mythology i’m gonna assume there’s some figures or stories that you’re familiar with. and like, the story of orpheus and eurydice is a pretty well known one. a bard goes to the underworld to win back his love with music, almost succeeds, but on the way out he falls to a flaw and she’s lost forever. but like, after that, he goes about mourning and then a group of ladies (sometimes called maenads or the bacchae or other shit) are like hey we’re tired of your sad songs, come sleep with us. when orpheus says no they’re like boo to that and literally rip him to shreds.
so like. what the fuck was up with those gals?
there’s a play called the Bacchae by Euripedes--which is a play i haven’t actually read! (i think maybe i heard a professor tell me about it?) but i gotta sometime cause i think it’s just! a really neat tale of revenge! i fucking love revenge stories. i’m gonna give you my best summary of it: so dionysus is a dude. he’s a real neat god cause his dominion is over a lot of things that seem both unrelated but also like they just fit. take a look at these credentials: “god of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.” woah! i think any depiction of him as a kind of drunk frat boy really misses the uniqueness of those last three things. oh, and also, he’s related to death and rebirth and his followers (the maenads/bacchae listed above) were sometimes considered liaisons between the living and the dead. how cool is that? oh, ALSO also, why the fuck does he have a cult (the maenads/bacchae) when other greek gods and goddesses don’t?
some of that’s related to his rebirth. he was first born of zeus and hera (depending on what myth you’re going by. can be unclear.), but then was torn to pieces (a reoccurring theme for both dionysus and people who cross his path) by the titans, but THEN zeus has a son with this mortal woman Semele who is Dionysus reborn. so dionysus is bACK, BABY. but unlike other gods born of immortal/mortal pairings, dionysus’ human family just goes “nah. dio ain’t no god. semele, stop lying.” in fact, many think that maybe semele’s husband is just trying to save face and that semele had a tryst with someone else--which seems reminiscent to more modern opinions on the idea of christian immaculate conception where some folk say that mary was just trying to hide some infidelity and it got out of hand. so like, semele’s family exile her and dionysus and it makes dionysus PISSED cause like. greek gods don’t demand worship, but being denied recognition is huge. eventually he shows up to thebes where his cousin pentheus is ruling and says he’s going to prove his divinity and vindicate his mother by being godly and establishing himself a permanent cult. a lot of people, including dionysus’ aunts, say hey don’t believe this guy, semele was just trying to cover her ass. he’s kicked out again, but comes back in a mortal disguise and just starts sowing chaos everywhere. he causes his aunts to go mad, more and more women join his cult (with him pretending to be a prophet of it) and go to the mountains where they do things like party and chill with animals instead of people and perform cool supernatural feats. his cousin pentheus tries to outlaw the cult of dionysus when pentheus’ dad goes to revel in the cult with his bff blind tiresias.
there’s this cool feeling of like... descent and spiraling in the narrative itself where those of the cult oscillate between freedom from society (i honestly feel like this is why most of dionysus’ followers are women) where it gives a sense of power and control, to freedom from reality where it becomes nightmarish and horrific. more people who once scorned dionysus, including members of his own family (like pentheus’ dad and mom) are joining the cult and losing their once prominent status in society and becoming equal with those around them (for better or worse). and pentheus, the character kind of opposite of dionysus throughout this, is constantly in this push and pull where he’s fascinated by dionysus’ story and his cult and the potential of freedom, but also his loathing of it and his attempt to keep control.
when pentheus gives in and goes to the mountain where all the cult activities seem to take place, he is, of course, torn to pieces by the bare hands of the bacchae (those ladies love their bare-handed shredding)--led by his mother who is completely disconnected from reality. she brings his gory, decapitated head back to her husband. she thinks it’s a like wild animal’s head and is confused when her husband is horrified. she calls for pentheus (whoops) to come help her mount it, but the madness is waning at this point and she realizes what she’s done. the play ends with pentheus’ family trying to reassemble his body to the best of their ability, the palace of thebes in ruin, and dionysus just moving on to fuck up the next town with whatever bacchae who want to come. oh. also dionysus turns pentheus’ mom and dad into snakes.
i probably missed a lot (or misremembered a lot) so i recommend finding a summary somewhere. or like, just look into dionysus! he’s an underrated, complex god that i think gets either oversimplified or overlooked too often when greek mythology comes up.
ALSO, even though i’m positive they didn’t do this story, i also really recommend looking up jim henson’s storyteller sometime and either streaming or pirating it! i’m more familiar with the fairytale one, but there was also a greek miniseries of it and puppets and the oral art of passing on stories is just. idk, a delightful combination. 
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thatbangtanbloom · 5 years
Dionysus | jhs
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dionysus | jhs
characters: hoseok x reader
au(s): greek god!au, historical!au
categories: angst, fluff, lots of tension
word count: 2,013
For as long as he could remember, Jung Hoseok was taught the grand distinction between the gods and the mortals. It was a once in an epoch phenomenon, to cross paths with someone as rare as Dionysus (the immortal name that his father had bestowed upon him); someone simultaneously both within and without; to exist as both a god and a human. This duality of nature prompted Hoseok to a childhood of hardships. Before the time that he could hold a kylix* in his hand, his father had told him of his mother, Semele, who had burned to a crisp the second she saw Zeus (Hoseok’s father) in his truest form. This was the first time Hoseok realized that he was to be untalked of, unseen, and unloved. 
Hoseok still recalls being looked down upon by his many brothers and sisters for being the very breed that his father governed and ridiculed for being ‘too’ human. Athena laughed when he bled from falling from Mount Olympus. Apollo scolded him for his humanly movements when he stroke his harp. Artemis scoffed when his actions were too in-deliberate and Heracles expressed disconcert for his lack of strength.
Hoseok did not expect to be admired by anyone as he grew older. His younger, much more vulnerable years were marred by the criticism of his siblings and the hateful vengeance of his step-mother (or step-witch, at times, Hoseok didn’t know what the difference was). He found himself growing more drawn to the rhythmic lilts of music, often paired with the toxic effects of inebriation that allowed for him to feel more at home. Those two things accompanied him to the edge and granted him his title as god of wine and patron of the arts. But a lesser known fact would have been that he was a patron of you, as well.
You were small, insignificant, a mere mortal that a god would not pay attention to. You did not have much to your name; nothing but an arranged marriage with a local village boy named Jungkook, and more movement that a woman of your class, stature, hell, era should have had. Your father called you everything short but of a perfect daughter and you knew that you likely scared your husband-to-be with each time he saw the movement of your hips in broad daylight.
Everyone would have beseech you to stop.
Everyone, that is, but Jung Hoseok. 
Hoseok admired the courage you took, the confidence and poise that you held while balancing your own free will. While he was never one to take women to the woods to join his cult (despite it being what he was infamous for), he found himself wishing that one day you would fall into the palm of his hand. 
It was almost as though he could not pinpoint it - was it admiration? Adoration? Infatuation? Obsession? As he resided over Mount Olympus, watching over you like a preoccupied guardian, he found his attachment growing more and his insatiable desires (or lust? Hoseok never knew these things) that always drew himself back to you.
“Have you heard of the Cult of Dionysus?” Agafya asks you from beside the riverbed as you stare out into the thin confines of water. You have always hated the way that you were pigeonholed into society; expected to marry, expected to produce children, expected to have no dreams outside of making sure your husband satisfied his.
You nod, not paying attention to her as you dip your toes into the cold water. It’s freezing, almost suffocating your ankles with the iciness, but you feel that it somehow feels better compared to how you feel above water. 
Agafya rubs her arm nervously as she notices your disinterest. “I have heard from the other villagers that his presence has been felt in the woods.. I fear that he grows near.. Y/N, what shall we do?”
“What can we do if he is as irresistible as they say he is?” You reply with a raised brow. “Who are we to defy the fate of the gods when they have so generously given us a haven to exist on?” You ask with a scoff.
Agafya’s frown deepens at your apathetic attitude. “Do you not remember the oracle and your story? YN! You should be the most afraid of all… you are susceptible when you are not under the influence of the god’s divine drink! Have you no shame that he may… covet you without so much as lifting a finger?”
The mention of the oracle makes your skin crawl. It had been the final nail in the coffin to how your parents intended you be wed off to a sensible, strong man. As the story goes, you would follow the fate as other foolish women entangled with the gods did - to be a divine gift, another crown jewel for Zeus, Hera would see for your immediate end. 
But unlike them, you refused to believe in such things. Why would you not choose your own autonomy when you choose to wash your face, brush your hair, read, and cook for yourself every morning? What was the difference in autonomy with choosing life over death? You knew the values of the gods - the misconstrued reasoning that often plagued them and their tendency of fooling mortals. But not you, you would not be blinded by the materialistic riches or the lustrous desires. You knew yourself better than that. 
“His father converted a mortal.Do you think he would make a mistake to grant a child who is no immortal at all?”You click your tongue before shaking your head.  “No man, whether god or not has the reason, charisma, or persuasion to me to do things that go against my value. If anything, he ought to be afraid of me who walks this Earth.” 
And little did you know, Hoseok was laughing to himself. He was, in fact, very afraid of you. Or rather, afraid to the degree of which he would find himself tripping over you (in a total god manner, of couse). He pondered on how to approach you, of what means he should do it. Would you fall for his immortal charm? Be blinded by his smile to the point where your eyes could no longer see the sun? Or should he have taken a card from his father’s deck and came in disguise? 
“Dionysus… he is here…” Is the first thing you hear in the market as you finish paying for the last of your grapes. You almost find yourself smiling, watching the men who tried to dictate your life scatter in collecting their wives, sisters, and daughters, as though it would protect them from the inevitable. 
You do not know the feeling that you find yourself experiencing. Is it pride? Happiness? Euphoria? There is an unnatural swell in your chest, a twinging feeling around your heart. Something in you is yelling, screaming, to enter the forest. For a split second,you question if it is a figure of your imagination. Then the next second, you realize you hear a noise.
The noise is barely above a pin drop, the slightest melody from a flute.
Dionysus’s flute.
Hoseok’s flute.
And for the second time, you find yourself smiling more.
The first person to try to drag you to the house is Agafya, eager to keep you safe through the bustle of the crowd. Her curly brown locks are a mess on her head as she pulls you behind her, running towards her house. It’s a monstrous scene, how women stand upright and walk through the front door, their peplos* dresses barely hugging their figures as they make a slow but strong descent to the forest. 
“YN….Why do you walk so slow? Don’t you know that his influence is pervasive? These words may be my last to you!” Agafya screams as she pulls on your arm, nearly falling to the ground to pull you. “Can you not see that you are under his mass influe-”
You do not hear anymore of her. She almost dissipates into dust when your eyes fall on his figure.
He is taller and more beautiful than you could ever imagine. His eyes look as though they hold the secrets to a thousand worlds and his gaze pierces through you. You can barely make the sublime smirk that crosses on his face.
“My.. my… my.. It is the one that I have waited for,” Dionsyus - Hoseok - purrs to you in a tone that could reduce you to nothing more but a pool of adoration for him. “Do you think that this is our first meeting or our last?”
“If I am the one that you have waited for, I wish that you would have chosen to make an appearance earlier.” You retort and Hoseok nearly chokes at your response. You were everything that he could ever imagine; intelligent, brilliant, witty, and beautiful. He wonders if the gods have looked favorably upon him for once. 
Hoseok finds himself smirking at your words, “I think that our crossing paths is a providence of the universe. It is not often that a mortal has the will, let alone strength to speak to me in such a manner.”
“I could say the same of you… It is not often that an immortal has the intelligence, let alone the brashness to speak to me in such a manner.” You reply with a soft smile before tilting your hands to the side. “Is this a cause of religious celebration? Of sacrifice, my god?” 
He stares at you for a moment, almost in awe of your presence and he wonders if you are the divine and he is a worshiper. He thinks that the roles should be reversed when you manage to command a room, to command him without spite, without malicious intent. 
“I think that our meeting is a divine interaction,” He lilts in a soft tone as he takes a seat on his chair. It is the first time you notice the pure whiteness of the room that is intersected by the gold trim of the edge of the desk, of the chair, of the table. “You have heard the story of the oracle, surely?”
“I have.” You say simply as you take in his appearance. The white is the same shade of pure dianthus caryophyullus flowers, or in simpler terms, carnations. It complements the honey brown that protrudes from the collar of his shirt. 
“And you are not afraid?” He asks as he leans forward to pour you a glass of wine. The smell is intoxicating and you find yourself growing faint just at the sight of it. 
You smile sweetly and it is from then on that Hoseok knows that he is a goner. “I think it is reasonable for you to fear our end as much as I do.”
“Does fate not scare you? I am sure you know as well as I that our story is ill-fated by the stars. While I have found myself in awe of you, I do not find myself afraid of losing it all as long as I find myself able to be with you in the presence, YN.” He whispers your name like a prayer and you wonder if this is real.
“Scare? Yes. Deter? No.” is your humble reply when his eyes finally meet yours. When his eyes meet yours, it is almost as though you can see a thousand other lifetimes with him. An intangible culmination of love, life, deception, and regret all rolled into one and all Hoseok does is smile.
He smiles because he knows that the ends may not justify the means. He smiles because he knows that perhaps you are willing to risk it all like he does, to risk it all like the Muses have destined and you wonder to what extent that this is the end. Until you realize, perhaps this is not the end, but the beginning.
- - - - -
* Terms:
-kylix: traditional Greek drinking cup
- peplos: delegated wear for Greek women in ancient Greece
- - - - -- - - - - 
I really like this idea.... Perhaps I could turn this into a series! Tell me what you think! Feel free to ask questions or leave your thoughts. Don’t be a silent reader! 
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
The Sun and The Moon Curse/6
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Part 6
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
AU TVD story
set after tvd 3x15
a/n: in this part there is quite a bit of Mythology, but fluff and romantic moment too. I really hope you like this story. Thanks so much for reading. It means a lot. xoxo
Warning: smutty, +18
tags: @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000 @idkhaylijah
" How-am I your family?"- Elena said looking at the witch amazed to hear that they could be related.
" It sounds really strange, I know. The way I look now is not the way I looked then, the spirit reincarnates, but you are my family. I will show you the genealogy tree"- Lia opened now a file on her computer  and continued-" my mother's sister Semele is the ancestor we share. I see her in your eyes, your hair, your slender figure, but also in your  kindness, purity -all of this must be too confusing for you."
"Nothing is confusing to me anymore- and I want to know everything!"-  Elena stressed out, her eyes sparkling with the eagerness to find out more.
Elena looked at the family tree that was really extensive. The witch explained how she collected all the data, having travelled around Europe and  the US to get all that was written on their family members. 
The research showed that different witches kept diaries and logs of  the vampire Katerina Petrova especially, and the infant that was given to a family, who had a witch following the child's upbringing. Elijah listened to it all without interferring, allowing Elena to take it all in. It was important to him as her family was in many ways connected to him and now it mattered even more. He had enclosed her in his heart completely.
"There were more doppelgangers?"- Elena then asked seeing that Lia noted next to other names the word.  
"Yes- Tatia, was the fifth doppelganger, you are the seventh!"- Lia said and continued- " you probably now wish to know who was the first, the one from whom it all started- her name was Zana, part human, part sidhe-spirit of nature, the fairy folk. From her, using black magic- the beasts of the night were created- living of blood from other creatures. The witches created them because- well, they needed the vampires to fight against demons. They were called Moroi, unfortunately, they were souless. Zana's blood gave them the ability to still have feelings, be more human. They were to be controlled by the witches, as they were the ones who created them."
Elena looked now at Elijah as she remembered their conversation and what he had told her - 'witches wouldn't allow anything truly immortal walk the Earth, every creature needs to have a weakness to maintain the balance'.  
"But they couldn't control them? -"-Elena muttered looking at Lia now.
" Although they have managed to, nearly, completely destroy the Moroi, they started to sire their own creatures, creating their own families, and so they spread- until four witch-slayers came and destroyed them all. Witches then still had  great powers, so they could maintain the balance. A period of peace and tranquility followed. It was never an easy task. Tempering with nature brings consequences- and so the doppelgangers appeared, natures way to  secure herself and make it right again. But the doppelgangers were in danger, hunted and the three before Tatia were killed. Their children and families were sheltered by a coven of witches from our family. Still, there were always those who could fight against us. Many of Tatia's family members got killed. One of our ancestor helped Tatia to flee to a land across the ocean.The witch was helped by another one- Esther Mikaelson."
 Lia now looked at Elijah, who didn't flinch at the revelation. He knew that Tatia had to flee, but she never disclosed the real nature of it.
The witch then continued-
"There were indications that another doppelganger existed. It was you. But before I could travel to the US, I was attacked. They almost killed me. Luckily, another reincarnated witch helped me. But my recovery delayed everything, otherwise I would have traveled to meet you, and bring you to safety. Black magic is still at work- Now that I am linked with another reincarnated witch, I am much stronger- but your brother managed to become a Hybrid, anyway."
The last sentence was aimed at Elijah.
"Why were you talking about a war?"- Elijah swayed off the topic.
"Signs- readings from runes- the stars- the power from the witches who use black magic-and it is getting stronger by the day. There is Klaus Mikaelson with his own army, that he is building. And they will soon march when he finds Esther, who has made a deal with a powerful warlock named Dragan. He solely uses black magic. My suspicion is that  he will trick her to use her powers."
"You know that Esther is in Romania?!"- Elena said slightly shocked, although Lia had demonstrated what powers she had.
"Her appearance in Europe caused quite a stir. I was surprised that she had been brought back. She is still very powerful, and knows how to hide her whereabouts-  it was really hard to find out what she was up to. I couldn't do much till I got the scrolls- now- it's a different story. The reason she is so eager to find  Elena is because she wants to sire another hunter." - Lia divulged.
Elena suddenly felt uneasy. Lia may have pledged to save her, but she was afraid that this witch, who claims to be her family from a distant past, would harm Elijah. Lia had sensed their connection straight from the start, and now uttered to calm her- "the vampire hunter that she wishes to create would not be able to kill the hybrids as they have mutated. This is were the problem lies."
Both Elijah and Elena couldn't hide their feelings to the newest revelation. Elijah knew that his mother would not stop, but he didn't know what she was aiming at.
"There are certain things that I need to do, as tomorrow I have a lecture to give. But before that, I'd like to say that I don't advise you to go back to the place you were staying - Dragan is not someone you should underestimate. The attic is renovated as an apartment. It is very private- and you are welcome to stay here, as this house is protected from any unwelcomed visitors. I am sure there is a lot you wish to discuss now -but I have to leave you." 
Before the witch left the library, she put the hand on the box with the scrolls uttering words in Dacian language, and excused herself politely before she got out.
Elena turned to Elijah, who now got up from the chair he was sitting in and went to the window overlooking  the beautiful park full of chestnut trees. Everything was in bloom. The green new leaves fluttered in the spring light breeze. Seeing the pensive state Elijah was in, she walked to him, touching his arm, she sat on the window sill.  
"You are worried about Esther?!"- she then said.
He looked at her with adoration and caressed her face softly -
 "All of it. Everything changed- in so many ways- it is all very apocalyptic sounding."
"I know"- Elena thought about what Lia had said about the doppelgangers and then herself-"I've always felt I was different somehow, and the world was calling me,and I thought that there must be  a greater life outside of Mystic Falls and that I shouldn't stay and follow the line- and Damon-ugh"
"What is with Damon?"- he was now surprised that she brought him up again.
"There was more than that one compulsion- "- Elena said. 
Elijah waited for her to continue wanting to know more, so she explained- 
"Ah-we met before I even knew about the existence of vampires, and- it's so crazy"- she thought for a second how she fought with Matt about how their lives would be in the future. Matt had it all mapped out for them. It seemed that things were all mapped out for her anyway-
"I didn't know what I wanted-and he had said that I wanted what everybody wanted- love, passion, an adventure, even a little danger-boy, was he right-and all of it hundred times over"- Elena now took Elijah's hand in hers, looking at him sweetly-
"I can take anything that comes my way if you are with me."
Without uttering anything he circled his arms around her into a dear embrace. Her warmth enveloped him. All her emotions seemed clear, and she found it unusual how strangely it all came into its place. If somebody had told her a year ago that she would be with the Original vampire half way across the world, she would probably dismissed it as an unbelievable fantastic story.
She moved out of his embrace slightly so she could face him, look into his eyes, which gave her all she wanted to know, that he is there beside her and that no matter how harrowing it may get he will stand by her.
" Klaus is your brother!"- Elena reminded the Original once again that all the decisions he would make would have great affect on him personally.  
" I know that Elena- but he must be restrained. I will not let any harm come to you. And we must stop more hybrids being sired."
" We have not really talked about Klaus- I mean really- you let it pass, and so did I. You could not kill him then- and I get it- and I don't want any of it to be on me again-"
" Yes."- Elijah said- " nothing is the same, the lines have been crossed- there is so much to process as you would say"
" You and I are in the middle of everything! it was all jumbled up in me when you returned, ok, when you got undaggered, when I found out what Esther's plan was-and then Venice- you just -and I didn't know how, when exactly- it became so full blown- maybe I do-when Esther told me that you were to be linked as one- I could not have you killed- I knew then that I feel so much more than I thought I did-"
"Let's not go back to that anymore. It's true. I have sensed that there was more than just simple compassion that made you change your mind. At least I wanted to believe it was so- Now it is so!"
She nodded and her eyes watered with the shot of gladness.
"Shhh-  no tears!"- he said. Kissed her hand and removed a tear that escaped with his thumb, swaying from it to the subject of his brother-" we will have to negotiated with Lia to give Klaus over to me."
"You think she can kill him?"
" Lia is very powerful from what we have seen,and the scrolls contain magic that probably make her even more powerful, maybe enabling her to create the witch-slayers that could kill the hybrids-and Klaus."
" You don't trust her!?"- Elena said.
"A part of me is always weary."- Elijah said, adding-" I guess there is more she has to share with us."
Elena nodded. Sighing a little she now said-
 "I have to talk to Jeremy."
He kissed her on the forehead and left her so she could have some privacy and went out to check the attic apartment.
Somewhere in Canada, Yizel, the witch that Katherine recruited, did another locator spell. She was not happy, as it gave her an answer that she didn't expect.
"What?"- Katherine was impatient for the answer.
"He is in Hungary."- Yizel said- " but his witch might be using the deceiving counter spell."
"Ugh- can you do it or not?- What's with Europe? Must be because of Elena?!"
"Who is Elena?"- the witch asked.
"Ah, my shadow."- Katherine replied playing with her bracelet. 
"Right- let's hope he is there." The witch was intrigued why Klaus would be following a woman.
Bucharest, Romania
Lia returned to the library seeing Elena talking on the phone. As she finished her conversation,the woman apologised for the intrusion. Elena put her phone in the pocket and explained about Jeremy.
"It would be good if we could find him a shelter."- Lia suggested.  
"Noone will be safe, right? All the people I love will always be in danger-"
"You have already lost a lot. I know."- Lia said- " even when we become of age, it is always nice to know that somewhere there is a home where you can go and load all your problems off- my father died when I was a little girl, and my mum was an actress, she spent most of her time in the theatre and I with my books, and with my nanny Adele. My mother remarried and lives on the seaside, we don't see eachother. Adele died."
"You are alone?"- Elena said.
"Some of us accept that this is the way it has to be. Being supernatural is not an easy burden to carry."
" No... I don't care what happens to me, but if something would happen to Jeremy-I knew I shouldn't have left him there, but Elijah made sure there is a person that would look after him."
" Better be safe than sorry. Elijah feels profoundly for you. That is very rare. Vampires are lustful, greedy for power and control. All worst human emotions enhanced- what I had found written about him- the books didn't describe him soulful at all, let alone- loving. "- Lia remarked.
"You say you are going to be by my side because I am your family, you have to be by Elijah's side too."
"It is a given."- Lia said with a little smile.
Elena was surprised that she didn't oppose to it or tell her how dangerous it would be to trust him or be in love with him.
"Don't be surprised Elena"- she said - " there is more to Elijah than meets the eyes, I am very well aware of that. He has taken a road that will not be easy for him. But you needn't worry- you're home now."
Elena sighed. They both stood there in silence for a moment. And then Lia said- "I hope you find the apartment comfortable."
"Yes, thank you- he has already gone up."- Elena said and the with a little wave of her hand said- " See you later"
"Yes"- Lia said nodding and sat down at the computer and started writing. 
Elena made her way to the attic apartment. The whole house was beautifully, but all the old features of the house were accentuated. As she entered the apartment, she found Elijah writing a message on his phone. Having finished, he put the phone away on the mantlepiece.  
"How are you?"- he asked now walking to her.
"Ok. We came here to find out how to stop Klaus, and again there is more. She thinks we need to get Jeremy away."
" What did you tell him?"
" All -well, something. I - just - I hate to keep things for him, but the less he knows it is better for him- huh- I’m so tired.”
Elena sat down on the sofa of the living room. 
"It's been a very long day."
" It has."- " I don't want to talk about any of it- at least not tonight."- the doppelganger said.  
"Come"- he said holding his hand out to her.  
The phone buzzed, but Elijah disregarded it. The display said -Niklaus.
Esther's efforts connected her with the notorious warlock Dragan, who offered her the use of his magic to strengthen her.
" Witches rule the world!"- he said-" we hold the power and the vampires will succumb to us"- to the closest to him.- " the doppelganger will be mine." 
Feride, a fellow reincarnated witch, worked in finding the other two witches, who also bore a small birthmark that represented five celestial objects they pulled the powers from as they were the metamorphoses of one's being.
 Lia bore the mark of sceptre for Venus, Feride the mark of shield and spear for Mars, the other three would have the globe for Earth, caduceus for Mercury, and sickle for Saturn. Together they would complete the circle of power, so together when linked they could withstand any creature black magic would bring forth. Her efforts seemed futile for the moment. Although both she and Lia knew all about black magic- they vowed not to use it, as then those who do could use their powers or manipulate them through that channel. 
She left the small bunch of sacred herbs on the grave of the witch's ancestors in a place near Nebra in Germany. She then sent a message to Lia notifying her that she would stay a day or two longer to see if the witch might contact her. She added finally that she was happy to heart that the doppelganger was safe with at her home.
Elijah not having answered to Klaus' call made him toss the phone away.
"Too busy with the doppleganger, are we, brother dear?!."- the Hybrid sifted to himself. One of his men came into the room, with very good news. They had found the witch they were looking for.
"Good- at least something has gone right. Just do not tell me that you haven't brought her in?!"
" She is waiting for You in the lobby."
"And why is that?! Get out of my sight. I always have to do all by myself. " - he took off to get the witch.
A girl in her late twenties waited in the lobby, being duped that she would meet an investor for her project. Klaus came up to her introducing himself politely.
"Zora Jelic-" - she said holding her hand out. They shook hands, and the coldness of his touch kicked an unpleasant pulse in her.
"Shall we discuss business?"- his devilish charm could sway even the most suspicious. She agreed and he suggested a late supper.
Elijah moved his arm out from under Elena's head. The doppelganger just moved slightly to adjust to the pillow he put under it, not waking up. He changed and went down to find the witch. It was time to talk to Lia alone. He straightened his shirt a bit, and put his jacket on, glanced at Elena who continued sleeping serene.
Lia was preparing herself breakfast when he ventured in the kitchen.
"Good morning"- she said in a friendly manner expecting to see him. "May I offer you something? I have some fresh blood for you, or maybe tea or coffee?."
"Thank you, tea. I see you are preparing Earl Grey yourself."
" Tea it is."- she said. He took a seat at a long wooden table made out of ancient cork oak. She served the tea and poale'n brau,  traditional sweet  buns that looked like little gift wrappings.
He sipped the tea as did Lia who now awaited his questions.
" I must admit I haven't yet met somebody as prepared as you are."- Elijah then said.
" I guess there is a first for everything. Why don't we discuss what is really on your mind, namely your brother."-Lia said, and those who knew her very well would say that she was a person who didn't beat around the bush.
" By killing your brother, I would be hurting you, and if I hurt you, that would mean hurting Elena, and I cannot have that."
" I do appreciate your frankness."-he said. And she continued in the same manner.
" You have this one leverage that changed my position towards you, and I said as much to Elena, I will find a way to restrain your brother, not killing him."
" How?"- he said. She admired his composure. He had all attributes of a clever diplomat, yet she knew that behind that swank exterior, a very dangerous monster lay hidden.
" Make him human again"- she responded.
" How is that possible?"
" It is not going to be easy. Firstly, we need Klaus here, and Esther to link her as she was the medium who had created you. Elena's blood. Hybrid eclipse. One takes place in 4 days in North Norfolk, England. There is no time to waste.Also, I had promised Elena I will make sure you are protected too- so I need some of your blood for the spell."  
She could see that he was reluctant to oblige. Lia left it to him to reconsider the offer. She finished her pastry and sipped the remains of her tea.
"What leverage where you talking about?"- Elijah said.
"Love"- Lia said and got up-
" You will have to excuse me now. I have to go to the University."
"Please- "- Elijah also  stood up in a very gentlemanly fashion as she did. Lia nodded respectfully.  
She left him thinking about it all. It was very clear that Lia doesn't pull any punches. But for now he returned to the attic, where Elena was still soundly asleep. He sat on the bed.
"Love."- he thought looking at the brunette lovingly.
"Bears it out even to the edge of doom."- he murmured. She moved as if she had heard him, opened her eyes and smiled seeing him there.
"Hey"- she uttered- " you're up?"
"Yes. I have spoken to Lia before she  left to her daily duties."
Elena sat up, straightened her hair and moved over to the Original, taking his hand.
"Klaus?"- she said.
"Very much so. Lia didn't hide the fact that she wanted to kill him, and that she needed the scrolls for it."
"You told her that this can't happen?" -Elena said, thinking of Caroline and Stefan.
"She has changed her mind. Must be something you said. "- Elijah looked at the doppelganger with a shine that made her quiver inside.
"You didn't hear us?"
"This house is a magical fortress.”- Elijah said. 
She smiled a little to the remark, and then told him that she asked Lia to keep him safe.
"Yes, she told me as much. You are a tough negotiator- I know that first hand."
"You know that I dared you?!"- Elena said now playfully wanting to see Elijah’s reaction to it. The daring part of her personality was something that drew him to her as she shared that with her predecessors. 
One thing was for certain- there would always be some traits that connected her to all the other doppelgangers, and although so alike in appearance, their souls were so very different. Elena was a rare gift bestowed upon him by nature and he had felt it immediately. And having broken his promise to her affected him more than he anticipated,having tried to convince himself that he should not allow himself yet another mistake. Those words were now meaningless words uttered.
"Oh yes, you did -with remarkable courage and conviction."
"Yeah- real girl on a mission!"-she said with a whiff of sarcasm in the tone. Elijah looked at her seriously. The doppelganger sighed a little and confessed her thoughts.
"Last night- again-all went through my head- about how and when it all changed for me, everything " 
"That what marks us profoundly stays embedded. "- Elijah said.
"Scars"- she muttered.
"Elena"- he started but she interrupted him-
"I said to myself that I wouldn't look back-and I won't"
"But it follows you - and it will. One can only learn to live with all the regrets and carry them, and despite everything stand tall." 
"You know that I don't regret coming with you-any of it- being here, with you-" - Elena placed her hand on his cheek. He was so very much aware of it all and he just  listened to the humming of her precious heart. Her eyes were clear when she looked at him, glistening with love.
Her  words seemed to make him look like compelled, and in a single heave of her breath, his body stilled against hers. She could feel the rise and fall of his chest, the hot press of his hands at the small of her back, the wild hammering of her pulse in her ears. Suddenly, she was painfully aware of his nearness, bare inches away from his lips. His hard-muscled chest was so close she could feel his heart racing through his shirt while the musky scent of his cologne whirled her senses. His breathing quickened as was hers, his eyes gleaming at her warmly. He brushed his hand through her hair, his gaze lowering now to her lips, whispering her name delightfully with a whiff of sultriness in the tone-
Just the way he said her name made her body flush with heat coiling through her so strong, making her swallow hard now. 
The silence was deafening as he stare deepened, now eclipsing to a dark fervor.
“Elena”- his breath hitched as he uttered her name again, stroking her chin gently with his thumb everso lightly. 
“Elijah”- the doppelganger stepped closer, her own eyes now lost in his, shivering slightly as his hand now slid to her neck pulling her to him, his lips descending on hers with a gentle touch, brushing them against hers, before gripping them firmly, making her release a small muffled moan. A shiver of desire and need shot right through him, his undead heart now jumping uncontrollably. 
Easing out of the kiss, his eyes once again meetings her warm almonds, looked for assurance that this is what she wanted. She looked up at him, so beautiful, her gaze blurred by the desire burning in them, her breath stilling in her throat.
“Yes”- Elena slipped faintly, her hands now gliding up to his shoulders, removing his custom-made Zegna suit jacket off. 
Elijah breathed in now resting his head against Elena’s for a second, his hands now descending on her hips. 
“You are so very beautiful - and I have dreamt of this - and all of me wants you so much - this is so much more than just -”
His voice was soft and low and so full of love that it made her tremble. 
“I know. I feel the same - but - you know, don’t you? You can hear my heart”
“I do.” - Elijah gulped a little, the amber in his eyes glowing dearly at her.
Elena smiled a little and wrapping her arms around the Original’s neck, pulled him into a fervent kiss. Yes, her heart sang to him, she more than wanted him. Swooping her up now, he walked them to the bed. Peeling off the clothing between kisses dancing on their faces, both stilled for a moment.
“Elijah-”- Elena gazed at the Original, her eyes enveloped in a gulping haze.
“You are exquisite” - the Original gasped now, his eyes now disappearing from hers as they flickered over her curvatious slender body. Something primal and male, blazed to life in the depths of this ancient vampire.
 He now pressed his lips against the rapid beating of her pulse, kissing a path over the soft, sweet skin, tasting her, the heat of his lips raising goose bumps on her skin. The hard press of his body on top hers made everything inside her now quake with a burning sensation. 
The Original's fingers traced the contours of the soft curve of her hips, streaming down to her thighs.
She had never felt anything like this, never even imagined it. The heat, the intensity, the overwhelming feeling that now encompassed her heart. Her body trembled, and her heart raced, her breathing stopping in her throat as he now dipped his head down and drew one of her nipples into his warm mouth. Tugging at her with his lips, teasing her with velvet strokes of his tongue,  he made her gasp loudly.
Trailing down his fiery lips, Elena bit her lip, as he reached her wet core.
He darted his tongue in and then out and stroked her folds so delicately sending sweet shiveres up her spine. The doppelganger's fingers knitted into Elijah’ hair, and her legs shook as his tongue sank in deeper into her folds, brushing with his thumb lightly over her bud. She moaned and cried out his name, clutching the bed covers as she felt her body wash over with the sweet rupture. 
With her whole body still trembling, Elijah trailed small butterfly kisses up to her neck, smiling dreamily as she now met him into a small but searing kiss. 
“Elij”- Elena breathed a little, now her hand taking hold of his hardness, shifting now, him pulling her under him. 
His eyes beamed up at hers, as he now positioned himself at her entrance. She slid her hands up to his shoulders, encircling them as Elijah pushed in slowly. Her body arched, giving him perfect access. He pushed deeper inside, savouring the feel of her for a second, reconnecting his eyes with hers again. 
She breathed hard against his shoulder, moaning softly with pleasure that made his hips move just a fraction faster. Her body was alight with overwhelming heat, fluttering around him as he kept thrusting into her, groaning raggedly. With their hearts thrumming entrancingly, they both felt their bodies now whorl on brink of orgasm. His blood roared through his veins like wildfire, burning and stinging, feeling her walls clench around him as she flew over the edge, him following her, burying his cry in her neck. Still floating in the sweet release, they held on to each other as if the world would burst apart if they let go.
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Remember Me
Author’s note: HELLO FRIENDS!!! I can’t believe I’m posting another thing again in the same week! This story was originally inspired by Disney Pixar’s COCO and my bestest friend @tinyseawarrior , who got me addicted to these couples. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Word count: 2243
Rating: Like M for swearing
Warnings: Talking about death and loss of a parent
           “Ay! Mar’i! Not so many candles, you’ll burn the whole tower down,” Milagro rolls her eyes at her grandmother’s over reaction.
         “Abuela, it’s not that high,” She assures her.
         “Silencio! ¡Se ayudas!” Mrs. Reyes orders.
         “Si, abuela,” Milagro goes to help her friend.
         “Am I doing something wrong?” Mar’i whispers. Milagro smiles a little to comfort her friend. Mar’i more than anyone understands how important festivals and the traditions within them are.
         “No, princessa. She’s always like this. Especially after my bisabuela died.” Milagro adjusts a few of the candles and turns to her grandmother,” Abuela, mira por favor. Es bueno, ¿sí?”
         “Es Bueno, mija. Mar’i, would you like a tamale?”
         “Sure, Mrs. Rey- “
         “Abuela, chica. You can call me Abuela.”
         “Sure, a-bu-wel-a,” Milagro can’t help the laugh as Mar’i walks to the kitchenette. Not in a mean way, never in a mean way, but of course her grandmother would make the half- alien non-native English speaker try to speak Spanish. The room is full of people, not unlike at her house, but there’s so much happening. Mar’i and her pseudo-brother pseudo-uncle Damian’s family are all there, making a ruckus and- is Jason pick pocketing Bruce? Jon and his parents chat happily with The Flash family. Her big brother Jamie rolls his eyes as Bart does something stupid. Milagro can’t help but shout at him,” Tu esposo es muy guapo, no, hermano?”
         “Callate, pequena mocosa,” Jamie shouts back. Milagro laughs, then feels two strong arms wrap themselves around her waist.
         “You having fun tormenting your brother, beautiful?” Colin asks, smiling against her cheek.
         “Always. Did you put your picture on the ofrenda? My grandma will have your head if you don’t.” Milagro turns to face her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his neck.
         “Yeah, the nuns gave me the picture that was left with me…” Milagro hates seeing his sad face. She stands on her tiptoes to kiss his face.
         “Oh, mi Corazon. We have each other. And you are more than welcome to share my crazy family.” Colin smiles and leans down to kiss her. He tries at least.
         “INCOMING!!!” The couple falls to the ground as Irey West slams into them. Irey jumps up, running away at neck breaking speed, followed by her twin brother, now covered in lemonade, yelling swears at her in Korean.
         “Weirdos.” Milagro grumbles. Colin laughs as he helps her up. They enjoy the celebration as much as they can. Given the several speedsters there, everyone had brought something to eat. They all trade stories about the people on the ofrenda and what they left. Mar’i, for the first time since most of them have known her, gushes about her mother and how much she loved to grow flowers. Her eyes water a little but it’s happy tears. Jai and Irey both talk about their Aunt Joan and Uncle Jay. How they were like an extra set of grandparents and the peanut butter cookies Aunt Joan made just for them. Milagro and her family laugh about her bisabuela and other family members.
Lian is quiet, resting her head against Jai’s shoulder. She’d lost her parents five months earlier and hasn’t completely recovered. Jai keeps kissing her hair and, a few times, wipes her eyes with his thumb. Jason doesn’t look happy about how close the two are sitting, but he doesn’t say anything. As the evening wears on and the food begins to disappear, the instruments come out. The musicians of her family play her bisabuela’s favorite songs. She and Colin dance together, her long skirt flying around their legs. He laughs as he spins her, both ignoring the protective glares from her male family members. If asked point blank, Colin would be the first to admit that she could kick his ass. But that’s just one reason he loves her.
Irey and Mar’i dance with her, all of them pulling Lian to join them. This is the part of being a hero they never talk about. Losing people. The scars it leaves. The guilt. The pain. But sometimes it helps to just have a distraction and celebrate the memories they made with the people that are gone. Lian manages a small smile as Jai dances with her. If just for a while, they all forget their worries and their pain. If just for a moment, everything is perfect.
Slowly, people head to bed until it’s just the four couples, Dick, and Jon Constantine. The younger heroes loved Constantine more than the older heroes did. He’s brash, sarcastic, and willing to do anything. Basically, he’s an asshole. Which all of them can understand. They chat about old missions and their families. Constantine keeps looking at Mar’i strangely and frowning.
“Is something wrong?” She asks after a while. Her legs are swung over Jon’s and she’s cuddled up to his chest.
“Yeah, yer ghosty there is givin’ me a headache, luv.”
“Ghosty?” Mar’i tilts her head,” What ghost?”
She turns her head as if she’d be able to see the specter. Constantine rolls his eyes,” You tell me, luv. She’s a tall thing with massive red hair and eyes like yers.”
Mar’i and Dick stop breathing. She pulls away from Jon and looks at Constantine,” Wh-What? Th-tha-that is im-impossible.”
“Nothing’s impossible this time o’ year. The veil between worlds is much thinner.” Looks at Dick,” Do ye’ know who the ghosty is?”
“It’s-I think it’s Kor’i, Mar’i’s mother. She-she died when Mar’i was little. That’s why Mar’i came to live with us.”
“Well, yer mum is nagging in my ear about wantin’ to talk to ye.” Jon feels Mar’i tense up. She’s blinking rapidly, trying to process what he’s saying to her.
“Can you do that?” Milagro asks,” Abuela says that the dead move on after some time.”
“I can do that. Her mum is a little easier than humans bein’ an alien. But Mar’i has to be the one to invite her here.” Constantine takes a swig of his whiskey. Mar’i looks at Lian. Since losing her parents, Lian and Mar’i have been closer than ever. Mar’i’s been able to provide insight that no one else their age can. They’d talked about wanting to see their parents one more time and what they would say. But now that the opportunity is here…
“Do it. Do what you need to.” Lian says softly. Mar’i nods and looks at Constantine.
“I-I want to talk to her.”
“Yea, put that together. Go stand over there.” He points to a spot in the middle of the room,” You too, Dick.”
           Dick and Mar’i go to the middle of the room. She takes her father’s hand, shaking like crazy. Dick wraps an arm around her shoulder, holding her close. Constantine pulls a few jars from his bag, mixing the contents, and begins to chants in Latin,” spiritus, voca me audies. Rogamus dabis nobis tuo verum est forma. Quod illi visus non potest videre. Viventes semel contineat. Spiritus ostende te.”
He blows the powder on them. For a moment, it felt like all the air in the room has been sucked away. The lights flicker. Damian holds Irey a little tighter. Milagro bends over, Colin’s head in her lap, to shield their eyes. Lian, Jai, and Jon watch in awe, horror, and morbid curiosity.
When it’s over, the teens all look up. A tall, beautiful woman stands in the room. She has wild red hair that cascades down her back. Her green eyes are warm and soft as she smiles at Mar’i. They all know who she is. They’ve seen her pictures. But the soft white glow around her is unnerving. Mar’i looks stunned and slowly approaches the woman. The look on her face reminds Damian of the first time she met her father. The fear. The uncertainty. The need to be loved.
“M-mom?” Mar’i whispers. Kor’i smiles. She reaches out and touches Mar’i’s cheek, causing a shaky breath to rock her body.
“Look at you…you have gotten so big, bumgorf.” Mar’i tears up and throws her arms around her mother’s waist.
“Mom!” She sobs. Kor’i holds her daughter, stroking her curly hair. She looks at Dick.
“Hello, Dick… It has been too long…” Dick approaches her. He brushes his fingers against her cheek. She smiles a little wider,” I knew you would take care of her…”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant sooner?” He asks.
“Because I was scared,” Mar’i’s shaking in her mother’s arms,” it is alright, my star, it is ok.”
Mar’i looks at her and everything she’s ever wanted to say comes flooding out,” I miss you. I miss you so much every day. I miss your hugs. I miss you singing me to sleep. I miss cuddling you on lazy days. I miss gardening with you. I miss you, Mom.”
Mar’i is sobbing almost uncontrollably now. Kor’i wipes her tears away with her thumb,” I have missed you as well, starlight.”
“Why did you have to go?” Her friends feel slightly uncomfortable. As if they are intruding on a private moment. But none of them can bear to leave her alone, even if her father is with her. Kor’i doesn’t speak for a moment, pushing Mar’i’s hair from her face. Like she’s trying to find her little girl in the face of the young woman before her. She presses a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“My star…I was sick for much longer than I let on…but I fought for you. As long as I could. But X’hal called her to her side.” She wipes another tear away,” I wish she could have waited a little longer though. I feel as if I have missed so much of your life.” She smiles at Dick,” but I am happy you are with your father. That he has been here to protect you when I could not.”
“I wish you were still here…I wish we could have been a real family.” Kor’i rests her forehead on Mar’i’s. Mar’i closes her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. Dick presses a kiss to the top of his daughter’s, hugging her from behind.
“My beautiful, strong girl…If I could take all the pain in your heart away, I would. I am sorry my fears kept you from having the family you wanted.” Mar’i’s breathing is shaky. Kor’i presses a kiss to her nose,” Do you remember what I would tell you when you were scared? Jakeni proc th’am…”
“F’kun te thaan…” Mar’i looks up at her,” ‘from the flames, I rise again.’”
“Mar’i, you were the most precious thing in my life. From the moment I first felt you move in my womb…” Mar’i smiles a little,” You gave my life so much light and so much beauty. I loved each day watching you grow and watching you learn. And even in death, I have seen you at times.”
Kor’i nods,” I have seen you when you needed me most. The first few months of your life here. Some dances that you have done where you wished I was there to see. Even a few times where you wanted me to see your friends.”
“Speaking of,” Mar’i wipes her eyes,” Mom, I want you to meet my friends.”
Her friends sit up. Jon looks a little freaked, but nothing really prepares anyone for meeting their significant other’s undead parent. Mar’i turns to her friends, sniffling.
“Mom, these are my friends. Milagro Reyes, Colin Wilkes, Lian Harper, Jai and Irey West.” She smiles at them.
“I remember you two.” She gestures to Jai and Irey,” You both were born about two months before I left for Tamaran.”
“Really?” The twins smile at that.
“Yes. If I remember correctly,” points at Jai, then Irey,” You won’t stop crying and you wouldn’t stop eating.”
Dick snorts,” Not much has changed.”
“Rude,” Jai rolls his eyes. Irey laughs.
“This is Damian Wayne, Grandfather Bruce’s son. He’s kind of my brother,” Then she looks Jon with a smile,” Mom, this is Jon Kent…he’s my…He’s the love of my life.”
“Oh really?” Kor’i smiles at Jon,” And has he gotten your father’s blessing?”
Mar’i laughs at the red blush on Jon’s face,” We haven’t gotten to marriage yet, Mom.”
“But if he asked, I’d give it to him.” That makes all of three of them laugh. Mar’i has a beautiful mixture of her parents laugh. Bright and warm and full of life. They all smile at that. Mar’i looks at her mom.
“You have to go, don’t you?”
“I fear so, my star,” Kor’i kisses her forehead. She smiles at her daughter,” I am so proud of the woman you have become. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. Mom…Can…can you sing to me before you go…please…”
“Of course,” Kor’i hugs her. Dick is hugging her from behind. Mar’i takes a deep breath, trying to enjoy the only hug she will ever get from both her parents. Kor’i sings softly to her in Tamaranean. She starts to fade away, pressing kisses to her hair. Mar’i takes a sharp breath when her mother disappears. Mar’i hugs her father, trying not to cry. Lian stands and walks over to her. Mar’i looks at her.
“Did you say what you need to?” Lian asks. Mar’i nods.
“Good. Don’t leave anything unsaid.” Lian’s voice breaks. Mar’i pulls her into a hug. The others stand and hug their friends.
“Happy day of the dead, mis amigos.” Milagro says.
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utterlypure · 8 years
on the ambiguous unity of the Dionysian woman
Tricked by his own oath,    Zeus slew his beloved Semele       with his own thundering power.
She descended.
From her    the thunderous bull-god rescued       the Divine Child, Dionysos;
who himself would die and be reborn;
but she descended.
He saved her heart       and bound it to himself.
As a bull    he raged across       the seas;
he seduced       a shining goddess;
who some call Europa, a maiden
but others call Pasiphae, a wife;
either way,       the bull-god seduced her,
and to her he fed the heart,       and she conceived the pure
rebirth of the god's lover,       the purest one,
Ariadne! The blessed star-bride!
Who at last       met Semele's son
in the underworld,
where they raised
each other up
to become lords and queens of heaven and earth.
For this post, I set aside perfect citations. The poem above is a mess of loosely associated mythemes, not something that echoes beat for beat any given recorded myth. I will discuss my sources somewhat below, but much of this is very much down to personal interpretation and experience.
If you’re going to trace Ariadne to a Minoan precursor of the Eleusinian Persephone, as I do, then what do you do about Demeter? Kerenyi, who was instrumental in promoting that identification, is oddly silent on the matter. But some clues can be gleaned from the things he discusses in Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter. Specifically, he devotes some time to considering the potential syncretism of Persephone and Demeter, with Demeter functioning as the public aspect of her more secret and mystic daughter, who was known much more often simply as the Kore than as Persephone.
In ancient Greece, not just in the Eleusinian Mysteries but in other festivals and lesser mysteries as well, Demeter and Persephone were known as the Theia, or “the goddesses,” and the Potniai, or “the mistresses.” And associated with most of these festivals and mysteries was Dionysos. We don’t know what role he played, but he was there.
To me this says that it makes sense to apply some of the dynamics we have reason to believe existed in the secrets of the Eleusinian Mysteries to the stories of Dionysos and the women who surrounded him as well.
Now, the number of female mythological figures associated with Dionysos is tremendous. He was, after all, uniquely a god of women to the ancient Greeks. But most of them have historical cults and mythologies of their own, rather than being seen as primarily Dionysian.
(This does not mean I do not have ideas about their significance to an Ariadne-focused mythos, but those are beyond the scope of this post for now.)
Only two major female figures in the stories of Dionysos are associated with the god from his earliest Hellenic mentions: Ariadne, who Homer essentially described as Dionysos’s unfaithful wife, and Semele, his mother.
We have a pretty good idea where to go looking for Ariadne’s origins, thanks to her strong association with the Minotaur and the labyrinth, as well as the fact that her name is a specifically Cretan variant on an epithet for a maiden goddess. Semele, however, is a total mystery; her name is definitely not Greek. There is a rough scholarly consensus that she derives from a Phrygian earth goddess, but upon closer investigation this falls apart like a house of cards. It’s an outdated relic of a time when Dionysos’s entire cult was thought to have arrived from Thrace, and there’s very little actual evidence to back it up. Attempts to trace her name to Semitic origins have also run up against linguistic problems.
However, we do know that when Dionysos brought her up from the underworld and had her deified, she was called Thyone, the Queen of the Raving Ones--or Maenads. Why did he make his mother the queen of the women who followed him, and not his wife? What’s going on here?
For that matter, why do we have so many stories of Ariadne dying, but Dionysos always seems more focused on bringing Semele up from the underworld? Is he just really that much of a mama’s boy?
It’s true that the mythical women sometimes called maenads were often seen as motherly figures: as the nymphs who nursed both Dionysos and animals of the forests and mountains, wild creatures all. Yet when mortal women were made into maenads, they did not care for their sons, but instead tore them to pieces and sometimes cooked and ate them.
In this we see a reflection of the Orphic Hymn to Persephone I quoted earlier: you nourish all, always, and kill them, too.
The Orphics claimed that Dionysos’s mother was not Semele, who figured nowhere near in their myths, but Persephone, who conceived him by the serpentine, chthonic aspect of Zeus. This was one of their most enduring stories.
And yet that neglects a key element in most myths of Dionysos: that he sought to prove his divinity due to his half-mortal parentage. And what does that say about his choice to marry a mortal princess? Of course, you could argue that Ariadne was no mortal princess but rather the memory of a goddess--
But again we return to the myths of her death, and how crucial they are to her character, both as Ariadne and as Persephone, as a girl subject to mortality.
It is my personal response to all these confusing traces to embody Ariadne as a rebirth of Semele, both her own entity as a mortal girl ascending to great divinity through death and the carrier of the mother’s heart.
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7livky · 5 years
Dionysus - Park Jimin
Chapter 8
2000 Before Christ, Mount Olympus
The wind doesn't dare to shake the undisturbed peace of Olympus. Untouched by rain or snow, cold or wind. Surrounded by the vault of the sky, the white glow of the sunshine spreads over its walls. So high that mortals would never attempt to climb it. Out of human reach, protected by the clouds. A great cloud gate opens to allow the deities to make their way to earth and receive them on their return.
But this is where the Olympian family lives, and just as with mortal families, jealousies and quarrels reign and end cruelly.
The mortal Semele arrives with her dirty clothes torn to shreds on the way up here and her bloody feet after which she throws herself to the ground. Her abdomen hurts as badly as when little monsters would rip open her belly and burn it.
When she puts her hand on her bulging belly, closing her eyes, a tremendous force pierces through her body and makes her resurrect.
A tear runs down her cheek, "And if a single soul dares to take you away from me, your Father will ensure that your name will be preserved to infinity!"
With the strength given by the unborn child, she walks with large steps along the metre-wide columns. The undescribably large gate leaves her standing in its shadow and does not open.
"Ruler of Olympus, Zeus! You wanted me to come here! Now please open the gates to me!" Her screams sound like a low whisper up here. Semele knows she would see her lover now. He wouldn't keep her waiting any longer.
But someone else appears behind the columns. Semele's old fostress Beroe. She runs towards her, putting her arms around her body, "Beroe!"
This older mortal embraces her back and strokes her head. Semele lets her go, entirely happy, but also surprised. "What brings you here?" ,she looks around frightened and breathes heavily. The air is much too thin.
The fostress smiles. "It's a long story, my little one. She sees deep into Semele's brown eyes. "Why are you here?"
She proudly replies, "I'm here to see my beloved."
Beroe grabs her by the arm, but immediately loosens her grip again. "Semele... "What if Zeus... is not Zeus?"
Semele's joy is suddenly extinguished. "Why do you talk like this?" Her curly hair falls on her face when she looks down.
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is? Think about it, listen to the old lady" ,she puts her hand on Semele's cheek.
Without any further ado she leaves Semele there alone and sets off on her way back to the human realm. The pregnant Semele sits down on the cold marble floor. Her heart is sown with doubt. She thinks it over for a long time until she makes a decision.
"Zeus! I beg you to show yourself to me!" ,she screams with all her remaining strength.
The floor almost collapses as her path becomes clear. As soon as her left foot enters the place, a prick occurs in her stomach. She hisses and can't walk any further. Two almost invisible people appear in the light in front of her, all she feels are firm grips on her arms and being pulled outside.
"I know you can hear me!" she cries. "I beg of you to show yourself to me in your true form!"
The guardians disappear behind the gate, leaving her alone.
"As a token of love, I am allowed to see in all your glory!"
Zeus can no longer watch his dejected lover begging him. He appears to her with body and soul. Semele finally sees him again after their night together. A well-grown and strong man with full hair and a very well-groomed full beard, with a physical size that far exceeds the normal size of a man. He wears a white tunic that reaches to his knees and brown sandals. He has a very handsome face, radiating trustworthiness and kindness. Grey-blue eyes that look very wise.
„I command you to stand up and end the crying!" The timbre of his voice is incomparable. An echo of his words that reaches even far over the mountains. Semele's trembling never stops, but she stands up. Zeus raises his hand and lets it rest on her belly. The more he smiled, the stronger the sun shines on their bodies.
"Zeus, whose child I carry in my womb.. Doubts and restlessness were sown in my heart, from which only you can free me! Now grant me this wish!"
He looks into her glassy eyes, admires her wonderful face and kisses her forehead. "How dare you doubt my love for you, Semele?"
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is? Think about it, listen to the old lady."
She takes a step back. "I need certainty! Show me your true self!"
As much as he tries to talk her out of it, his heart wins against his mind and he decides to grant her her only wish.
Poor Semele who is in love is waiting unsuspectingly on the spot before a violent storm comes up on Mount Olympus.
And this woman was the victim of her love.
Destroyed by Zeus' glory and his flashes, just like any earthly body that comes too close to him and can no longer exist. With another bolt of lightning, Semele sank to the ground.
The foster mother comes out of her hiding place before she transforms back from head to toe. Hera, the sister and wife of Zeus. The jealous and vengeful Hera. A merciless and cruel daughter of the Titans, who in a disguise persuaded Semele and sowed her heart with doubt.
Those who have incurred the wrath and displeasure of the goddess Hera should fear for their lives.
Now, Seoul
Diona's POV
"Diona wake up! You gotta wake up!"
I screamed for my life, clawing at the sheets at my sides. I could barely breathe as my entire body fidgeted. This time I thought it was really happening. Dying.
"Calm down, please calm down!" Jongsuk said, frazzled, putting my pills in my mouth. He was so nervous that all the water was on the bedding and no longer in the glass. I swallowed the tablets with the rest of the liquid and waited a few seconds that felt like hours, but in the end I finally came to I recovered.
Jongsuk's whole forehead was soaking wet when he fell on the carpet. "I", he started, "thought you were going to die here and now", and cried.
I stared at the back of his head while he sobbed like a child. "Jongsuk I'm fine!"
"You little whore!" he screamed, got up before hugging me immediately. "Why did this happen?"
Slightly I shrugged my shoulders when I couldn't breathe again. "Jong-" ,his grip didn't even loosen one percent, -suk, let me go."
I coughed nonstop. "I don't know" I answered then before I looked in the mirror. My hair and face were as wet as my bed, nice.
"Hm," I blinked at him.
"You... don't remember anything, do you?"
My eyes widened. That sounds anything but good. I smacked my my own face. "Did I have my first time with a BTS member I can't even remember?!"
He pressed his fingers into my cheeks. " Ouch!"
"Shut your sweet mouth, okay? I'll never let any of them touch you again" ,he growled.
Touch.. again?
"I meant it as a joke",I jumped out of my bed, "We came in, you and I danced and at some point we were just dead drunk, right? And then you called us a cab and you're gonna pick your car up from there. Like you always do when we go out partying!" ,I nodded decisively.
He pressed his middle finger against my forehead so that I had to lie down. "Ow", I murmured as I rubbed the spot.
"You're way off," he started. "We walked in, started drinking, two overly hot women danced with me while you did the same with JK, Suga and Jimin-"
"What what?"
I grabbed him by the collar.
"Do you know how expensive this fancy shirt was?!" He cut my fingers off.
"I thought I just hallucinated that part!" I screamed. Oh, no, no, no. "Then what?!"
"At some point, I lost track of you because it got fuller and fuller. The two chicks took me to a small room, do you believe me, everything looked like a brothel? The blonde one pushed me onto the bed while the other one sucked my fucking elbow. An elbow fetishist!"
Oh, dear God, please let it rain brains.
"Skip the details, tell me everything from where you found me again."
He gave me an insulted look before continuing. "A few hours later... or minutes? I'm not sure. Anyway, my bladder was about to burst, so I went to find the toilets. After my business, I go out and I hear what? Your loud voice."
Why does this boy always drag stories out like this? Why does he create so much excitement?
"What did I say?!"
"I quote" ,he cleared his throat briefly, " HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I DREAM OF, YOU FUCKING GHOST!"
"And then I witnessed your fist hitting his beautiful face."
"Huh? Diona?"
"Hello? Are you stuck?"
"What...happened next?" ,I stared at his mouth, which opened again.
"He was talking some bullshit, who knows how drunk he was. He seriously said he was the god of wine and..what was it? Oh yeah, of ecstasy" ,he giggled. "And how you dared to hit him-"
I immediately covered his mouth.
He reached for his bleeding nose.
"Come ooooon, show me who or what you realllllly are." Diona swung back and forth, one eye was already completely closed.
Jimin's chest rose up, smoking with rage. "Isn't the moment you put your hand on my heart proof enough?!" ,he roared like a lion.
Diona's mouth opened to a huge big 'O'. She punched him hard. "YOU KNOW THAT DREAM, TOO?! OH MY GOD!"
He caught her by the shoulders, shaking his head slowly. "Don't do that. Stop asking me to do that. Stop it."
She clung to his neck and tried to pull him down. "Show yourself in your true form or I will kill you."
End of flashback
Show me yourself in your true form?
Where... Where do I know that from?
"Jongsuk you have to leave now. I need to shower and everything. I'll see you at the lecture tomorrow." I pushed him to the door before throwing his leather jacket on him. He insulted me until I couldn't hear him anymore.
I sat down on the floor and brushed my ankles against my temples. I guess I had read that sentence before in my mythology books? Or in the dozens of documentaries?
"Why did this happen?"
Or did I have another nightmare? Maybe that's why I was so scared.
Youtube recommendation: Watch now "Don't leave me - BTS"
I put my phone aside and did what it said. I stared at the seconds that went by as the song started and already at the tenth second my body tightened. I let my head fall back to feel the cold wall. It felt like the song had the power to control my thoughts, digging out my sensory and emotional side in me, even though I didn't need it right now.
Before it comes to an end I wanna know everything
"Don't you understand, Semele? It can all be deception. Is he really who he says he is?"
This woman..
The more time flows, the more it deepens I'm between your past and future right now
"I ask you to show yourself to me in your true form!"
Don't leave me I believe, start running No ending... you're my heartbeat No matter what, rain falls No matter what, darkness erases I'll definitely save you You are not alone
A dream! It was my dream? I remember it all again.
I opened my eyes and filled my glass with water. After I drank it all up, I grabbed my cell phone and entered something.
Death of Semele
I nibbled my nails to ignore my pathological uneasiness.
Zeus appeared to Semele as a mortal, one of his many transformations to win the woman he desired. Hera , the wife of Zeus, was jealous when she learned of the new love of her husband. She too was transformed - and took the form of Semele's old nurse. As the nurse, she sowed the seeds in Semele's heart, namely that Zeus was not Zeus at all. Semele now asked her lover for one single wish, namely to be allowed to see him in all his glory. Zeus, who loved Semele, tried to talk her out of this, but she wanted certainty and was able to ask for it, so that he finally showed himself to her, whereupon she was destroyed by his glory.
Who was Semele?
Semele (greek Σεμέλη) is in Greek mythology the daughter of King Kadmos, founder of Thebes, and the mother of the wine god Dionysus.
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smartshopperteam · 8 years
9 Crazy Breakup Stories That Will Make Yours Seem Normal AF
SAVE ON WEDDING & PROM DRESSES at http://ift.tt/23SccX9 Where Smart Shoppers Shop!
Breakups are the WORST. I mean absolute, kick-you-in-the crotch, spit-in-your-face worst. Most of us have experienced the pain and heartbreak of being dumped, but what about when you’re the one making the break? It’s general knowledge that it takes two to be in a relationship, but the truth is it only takes one person to break up, and that shit ain’t fun—hence why so many people choose to ghost, instead (never cool, BTW).
For those of you with New Year’s resolutions of singledom, read on for real women’s survivor stories. Being the breaker-upper may not always be pretty, but it’s usually worth it.
I tried to slap him but ended up punching him.
Punch Line
“I casually dated this guy for about eight months, during which I made it clear that we were NOT a serious couple. For one thing, I was seeing other people, and for another, we were absolutely wrong for each other. It was the kind of relationship with great sex and horrible everything else. Every time I tried to end it, we’d end up in bed together again, and again, and again. I finally succeeded on the night of my best friend’s birthday. I hadn’t spoken to my non-boyfriend in about 24 hours, and I think we both knew that the end was near. I was at a birthday party with my girlfriends and he showed up, uninvited, with his friends.
He proceeded to make out with any and every girl in my eye line—no joke, I’d turn my head and he’d walk into my sight and find a new girl to make out with. After the fifth shot, I decided to confront him and end us for good. He started shouting at me about how I couldn’t break up with him because we were nothing, and I was nothing. I tried to slap him but drunkenly missed, and ended up punching him. Not my classiest moment, and the only time I’ve ever hit a man, but the knuckle bruises were worth it.” – Sarah, 27, Manhattan
Not-so-Happy Birthday
“I’d been seeing an OKCupid guy for three months, but wasn’t feeling it. I hated the way he smelled, and wasn’t really attracted to him. The day after my birthday I was at home with a broken foot, and he came over to watch TV with me. I could tell he was about to lunge onto me so I blurted out, ‘Listen, we need to talk, I just don’t think I can be romantically involved with you anymore.’ He sat there and looked at me for a few minutes and then said, ‘OK, yeah, sure, I was thinking the same,’ and stayed for an hour awkwardly watching trashy TV while I wished he would go away. Never heard from him again.” –Kate, 26, London
I broke his heart and then made him drive me to the airport.
The Saddest Ride
“The worst break up I had was with my boyfriend of five years. It was so serious at that point, that marriage, kids, and future cities had all been laid out before us. Even though I had a nagging feeling it wasn’t right between us, he had been my best friend for so long, it was a long time before I could articulate that I needed to get out. When I did, he was completely caught off guard and confessed he had been wedding ring shopping only days before. The whole conversation was completely heartbreaking, and to top it all off, it was a day before I was set to leave town for awhile to visit family. I broke his heart and then I made him drive me to the airport. Even though he offered, I still wish I had paid for a cab.” –Margery, 30, Boston
Blackout Breakup
“I dated Eoin for four years, and it took several tries before breaking up with him stuck. Finally, one Halloween towards the end, I got completely trashed. The booze gave me the courage to FINALLY lay into him about everything I was pissed about—supporting him financially and catering to his every emotionally need—and unequivocally end things. However, this was news to me the next day, as my ex came by to tell me how pissed he was. My response? ‘I don’t remember doing it, but I still stand by it.’ Thanks, blackout me.” –Semele, 28, Manhattan
MORE: 8 Women on Their Most Embarrassing Hookups
Getty Images
A Little Too Thirsty
“I broke it off with my ex of a few months, which involved me having to explicitly tell him I didn’t like him and didn’t want to see him anymore. After this awkward word vomit, he tried to kiss me in front of the train. Terrible. I even went so far as to tell him I was sleeping with someone else for a couple of months and hated having sex with him. He still didn’t get it and kept trying to date me, literally, for years.” –Mags, 26, London
Middle School Fail
“The first breakup I ever initiated was with a boy in eighth grade. He called my house, asked if I wanted to go to the movies, and I politely said ‘thanks, but no thanks,’ in the nicest way I knew how—sorry, but he was shorter than me, which was a feat considering I barely grazed 5′ back then. He then proceeded to make fun of me—in a mean, bully-ish way, not a cute, teasing way—for the remainder of middle and high school. Glad that life phase is over.” –Hailey, 30, Brooklyn
I pretended to be sick to my stomach so I didn’t have to have sex.
A Real Pickle
“My boyfriend and I were both back in our hometown for winter break—we’d been long distance in college—and I was at his family’s house. I wanted to break it off because I hadn’t been into it for awhile, but was too chicken to do it around his family, so I pretended to be sick to my stomach so I didn’t have to have sex with him. I even skipped the dinner his family made. I was so hungry later that night, I remember eating like 10 pickles, saying the salt made my stomach feel a little better! He believed me, of course, being the nice guy he was, and I eventually gathered the courage to end it a few days later. Why I just didn’t leave that night with my ‘stomachache’ and eat a real dinner I’ll never know.” –Sheri, 29, San Diego
I replied to his text with one word: Unsubscribe.
A for Effort
“I was dating this guy for around four months and everything was going great. Then, out of nowhere, he ghosted. No word, no explanation. About six weeks later, he tried wooing me back. Texts, calls, even flowers. I let it go on for awhile, about a week, saying just enough to keep the groveling going until I got bored one night and replied to a particularly long text message proclamation from him with a single word: ‘Unsubscribe.’ I never replied again, and he got the hint.” –Bethany, 31, Manhattan
Double Dump
“I broke up with my ex on St. Patrick’s day after months of a sexless, fight-filled relationship. This was a holiday he considered sacred—he was a borderline alcoholic with Irish heritage who loved a good publicly sanctioned reason to drink. He ended up out drinking on his own because I had to work the next day. When he came home in the early hours of the morning, he decided to show his disappointment by slamming glasses and pots around in our kitchen and loudly exclaiming, “I can’t BELIEVE you didn’t go out with me! This is like ignoring my birthday!” Side note: earlier in the year he ACTUALLY forgot my birthday, so my past rage was enough to haul me out of bed to tell him it was over.
After we talked it out for an hour, I ended our relationship on social media and went to bed. I woke up to a text from his best friend: ‘I can’t believe you broke up with him via social media.’ Turns out my ex hadn’t remembered our breakup. I had to break up with him all over again. Turns out, it wasn’t easier a second time.” –Anastasia, 29 Brooklyn
MORE: A 12-Step Guide to Making a Clean Break from Your Ex
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from 9 Crazy Breakup Stories That Will Make Yours Seem Normal AF
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