#don't be like me lmao that thing glitches
hurglewurm · 3 months
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hohoho populating my wip tag bc the final version of girlie here is posting in abt 12 hours
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afniel · 6 months
AH I REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY EARLIER but it's kind of stupid, lmao.
So my partner is getting into brewing beer and I got them a Tilt, which is a Bluetooth hydrometer. It measures specific gravity and temperature, which are things you want to know so that you don't kill your yeast or whatever. Except the sensor's Bluetooth range is super short, and it basically runs via a phone app, and the temperature we're logging currently is the crawlspace, accessible via the staircase closet. So they were like, wait, what do we do about this, because I can't leave my phone in the closet, that's my alarm clock.
In a kind of ridiculous turn of life imitating art, I was like, hold up, I got just the thing right at my desk. Bam. Old phone. We just needed to scrounge up a charger because the battery is so dead that after charging just enough to power on it claimed it was at 53% (to be fair to it, there is a very real chance that it's correct, and it just holds no charge at this point so the capacity is just THAT low) and now it lives in the closet logging sensor data.
And I was like, you know...didn't I just solve a major story detail with a much larger version of this...yeah, no, this is all vaguely familiar somehow, power supply issues and all. Kind of cool that the concept works though. Kind of weird that it came up at all?
We are not gonna talk about the fact that I still have at least two more ancient-ass phones in a drawer where that came from because look, man, sometimes you just need a camera/mic/mini computer with Bluetooth and wifi that fits in a pocket, and people just get rid of these things, but not me. I actually could build a shitty security system out of them if I was reaaaally inclined. I mean. I'm not. But it's technically possible.
For real though, If I pick up any stupid maker projects I still high-key am thinking about slapping Bluetooth into a necomimi headset and running that through an Arduino and learning to code just enough to let me skip songs/change the volume on Spotify with my brain, because it's entirely doable, and I mean yeah I could do that on my phone remotely too, but that's not funny, now, is it. I'm just not sure it's $350+ of parts funny. Kind of a big investment just to prove the point that haha look I am the extremely ADHD type of lazy where I would rather solve a problem via the most convoluted and complicated Rube-Goldberg type ass machine way possible rather than just perform a single simple action.
YEAH I'VE BEEN THIS SCATTERED ALL DAY AND I REALLY SHOULD GO TO BED SHOULDN'T I. I started playing Satisfactory. Mistakes were made. I'm going to dream about conveyor belts again and I did it to myself...
#you know I used to mostly blog about witchcraft and paganism#and now I'm like. you know what I want to do? chain an EEG sensor to the Spotify API and skip songs with my brain.#it's kind of like magic when you put it like that. maybe things haven't actually changed that much after all#the headset idea actually came about bc I'd gotten so far into the writing zone that I literally just. tried to skip a song with my brain.#because I had so much reploid characters on my mind that it just sounded like a normal course of action I should be able to take#obviously it didn't work and cue me sitting there for a full 3 seconds going 'why didn't it. wait. why did I think it would?'#followed immediately after by 'YEAH BUT I PROBABLY COULD DO THAT ACTUALLY'#because you just Cannot write a character like Glitch without it rubbing off on you a little bit and WWGD kicked in real hard lmao#well obviously he'd [ridiculous chain of ideas ending in 'anyway I installed some shit and now I can control Spotify with my mind']#and I gotta say I do not like the idea of sticking a sensor on the *inside* of my skull. sounds very bad.#but it doesn't have to be on the inside to work soooo there's that!#I have a friend who for quite a long time had a rare earth magnet in one finger so he could find live wires by touch#he ended up removing it for work eventually but when I say I was jelly. man. but also kinda squeamish about it.#I do not like sharp things and I am Very funny about my fingers as an artist/writer/used to be musician.#but man that sounds cool. I want the magnet senses. I don't think I want them enough to have a magnet under my skin though#I think I wouldn't use them enough for that to be helpful actually lmao#anyway do I even need more senses? probably not. mine are already unfiltered and loud as shit.#'boy I wish I could sense magnetic fields' says idiot guy who can hear the mains hum even with no electronics currently turned on#like when the power goes out I can FEEL the fucking difference in the air and it's unnaturally quiet and kinda spooky#I do not think I need help on this front actually. I think I got it handled pretty okay lol
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ladyseidr · 8 months
finally working on henry's pinterest board and <3
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xxxprogamer69xxx · 10 months
Cranky Kong's Dnd planning #0
I guess I'll just start with what I already have. I have the main villain, I have the main government system of where this takes place (don't have name yet lol), might have a religion (i might scrap it it's kinda bad lol) and I have a silly joke character that will surely annoy everyone. I will probably make a map, maybe a new religion, and come up with names for everything (planet, continents, nations, important characters' names, etc.). Next post hopefully tomorrow
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adelle-ein · 11 months
if ribblr has 1 hater i am that hater
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cescalr · 1 year
so close to just trimming out all the shit i never got around to editing for that one stiles amv and posting what remains as is 
audio link mentioned in tags: wrong
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bigfatbimbo · 14 days
Hello, my dear~!
Also, I, uh, I didn't realize I had fans now, hi dearies! 👋👋
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I've been really hooked on a variety of doms/scenarios for the vees with their collective dom + wanting to combine several ideas into one, like:
Influencer/Content Creator Dom
* Perv!Vox would definitely and quite literally buy second hand things. His obsession will be x5 worse because he knows he has to share them, but at the same time, he does get A LOT of content to jack off to.
* Just a silly little scenario that I imagine, what if the reason that cunt!vox was born because he saw the dick imprint (strap/real/packer/etc.) on influencer!dom during in an interview and thought, " I want that in me in ways that I cannot explain," and made his cunt in literally a week LMAO
I would also like to introduce the idea of Perv!Velvette to the scene because I bet Velvette shows most of how she feels through clothes.
* I feel as though she would show her admiration through some some... special... ways, like see through fabric, clothes that barely cover anything, skin-tight pants/shirts, you know? THOSE things.
* Just imagine their dom being a dancer, she'd fucking INSIST that she'd be their designer. Imagine Velvette's face when she sees them perform in this flowy, semi-see through blouse with matching pants? Imagine how her she reacts when catches those peeks of skin underneath the clothes that SHE made.
* She'd be literally behind the camera of every single photoshoot, just watching them pose in her designs. God forbid that you don't take her with you, she'll blow a nerve.
Celebrity dom
I am desperate for the scenario of the vees fangirling over a celebrity, and literally acting like idiots tripping over themselves just for a autograph or selfie with their celeb crush.
I'm aware of the dom that plays musical instruments from a post that you wrote (and I loved, btw) and I wanted to add some variations to it:
* Masked DJ Dom (the face reveal is gonna be lit fam 💥🔥 Vox's already glitching, I can feel it)
* Cover Singer Dom (singing songs from Vox's and Val's era anyone?? Dom!Reader covering Careless Whisper and Val literally throwing and ripping his clothes off once he hears them singing???)
* Pop Idol Dom (imagine them commenting under posts that you should do your next concert in pride ring, amongst other... things... if you know what I mean. Also the amount of merch that they have? Both custom and mass-produced? Would have any sane person cry from how much money was thrown.)
Last but certainly not the least, the one that I drool over the most, Mafia Boss Dom. This combines everything that I could ever want for Sub!Vees. Powerful? Yes, Influential? Yes? Built? Yes. This goes so well with Vox and Val (aesthetic + time period of gangsters), and Velvette (aesthetic + the pull of scary dog privileges)
(Don't imagine human!vox having a mafia leader for a partner that helps with his televangelist power and image. Don't imagine human!vox being televangelist by day, and slutty housewife by night. DEFINITELY don't imagine human!vox getting dizzyingly aroused by how taboo/humiliating it is to get railed by his strong partner)
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Thank you bigfatbimbo (you really did start my ask/ramble journey when I saw that you matched my freak 🔥), and all, for liking my rambles. Really appreciate it! 🥺❤️
Might drop some sub!Val and Vees with their dom exploration next time! Lowkey kinda wanted to start another blog just so maybe I can start writing fics, and reblogging additional info from my previous asks 👀😅
Lots of love, everyone!
- 🍆 anon
oh my god, PENIS ANON, YOU ANSWERED THE CALL, LETS FUCKING GO! Also, just touching on your last note here, if you started a blog I would cream my pants, and honestly you already have fans soooo 🤷‍♀️
Also, DEAR GOD, let me unpack the things I was really fucking with here, because it was a lot.
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Pervy!Velvette? I don’t know how I haven’t considered this… I mean, she would so try to act like she had more self control than Vox and Val (she does) but when it comes to you?
And a famous reader absolutely helps with that, i’ll stay on that topic because I might actually want to expand this on a different post, but you will receive the skimpiest clothing to wear on stage, during an interview, etc. But I also think she’d be so slick about it, see you couldn’t see it in the mirror of your dimly lit dressing room, but when the light hits that shirt just right: Titty city. Completely see-through!
Alright, I know this one was probably just an off handed thought, but with the musician reader singing cover songs from the Vees time periods... you guys do not understand how much I think about this. Your Song by Elton John for Val (He definitely fucks with Elton John), watch him light up, probably slide some of his clothes away, make himself look far more arousing for when you come back stage. Honestly, I think he’d be actually giddy, not just turned on, like you know the happy face he makes while he was dancing with Vox in episode eight?
And for Vox, singing like I’m in the Mood for Love (Julie London) or god forbid ‘Why Don’t You Do Right’ (Peggy Lee), that last one would genuinely give him a boner if you play it up right. You know that Jessica Rabbit scene in the club? Yeah 😊. I mean, if you do go with the first one, he’d probably just fall the fuck in love to be honest. OH, you guys DO NOT wanna know what ‘Way of Life’ by Frank Sinatra would do to this man. HE’D FUCKING DIE.
And… mafia boss reader. KILL ME. FUCK. THAT’S GOOD SHIT????? Imagine Velvette or Val sitting on your lap while you shoot someone in your office, and like… que intense makeout sesh?
See… the little note at the bottom about human Vox. That is genuinely such a good idea. Cult leader and Mafia Boss? Maybe someone’s onto the weird aspects of Vox’s business, well he can always call on his good friend the feared mafia leader to take care of business. What a perfect alliance.
Do you guys understand how DESPERATE the power struggle would be the first time you two fucked, like your both incredibly powerful people, and Vox being a wealthy white bitch-ass man from the 1950s, there’s obviously a complex when it comes to control. Like I think he’d still be a brat when he’s blind with pleasure. But despite his utter reluctance to give into a submissive role, he knows what he’s doing. Waiting in your office room with two glasses of wine laid out. Only to ‘discuss business’ of course. Maybe deep down he knows what he’s doing.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Damn, imagine if all this YT drama was happening when Spot's situation was currently going on too. And, well, since our dimension is fucked and we just seem to jump through dimensions without the watch, what if we end up in Spot's place? (The blank void when he entered one of his own spots).
And, it would be funny to look at him, and for him to look at us and just... stare or wave. He is weird like that, and we are too.
Also, we can start bonding on feeling out of place? Sharing the same experience of everyone leaving us behind/ignoring us. Maybe we can even seek solace in his presence, and in his unique persona (even if he is supposed to be a villain).
And the fact that this is the only place we don't glitch out of? Maybe some bullshit physics as this place literally makes no sense, as well as us. It's like we belong here, with him. He could always teleport us somewhere else, but we look so tired, so pitiful and in so much need of some sort of care... he feels bad for us. And maybe, he can try and convince us to stay with him. After all, he *is* the only one who hasn't turned his back on us, right? He isn't a bad guy like those 'friends' of us were saying!
Meanwhile everything is going to shit in the society's HQ :)
I've actually had a few ideas involving The Spot where he's either the yandere or antagonist or a central character in some way and it's really just a matter of me getting around to. Writing the dozens of things I want to write lmao
But bro your mind 😩 you've just been exiled during the YouTwo incident amd you're glitching and, you know, slowly deteoriating over time, and, suddenly, you're in this weird literally nondescript place where you're suddenly... 'balanced out'? You don't feel like you're being pulled in a bunch of different directions anymore, and you look around and it's just some white void with black dots everywhere that you think you can kind of see and hear things out of if you get close enough, but, first and foremost, is that a person? Spot just like. Is staring at you with this very deer in headlights energy and, you both awkwardly wave to each other, "uhhhhhhh... hi?" "...hiiiii, uh, is this 'your place'? Thank you so much, dude, I've been zipping all over the place, i thought i was gonna die, you saved my life" and maybe you even hug him and he's not sure how to process this because you're clearly a variant of Spiderman but you hold no animosity or hostility towards him whatsoever and 👉👈 this is the most positive human interaction he's had in ages.
Not even his powers, but his knowledge alone would be extremely useful in this scenario because like, he could literally just warp around stealing whatever parts he needed to build something that would "hold you together", given his involvement with Alchemax and the colliders specifically
You're just so understandably and genuinely grateful and Spot feels GOOD about being needed, about being someone's savior. He really had been one of the only ones who could help you and he gets a little drunk off that fact. Whether your glitching is a mutation and is your own power or you're simply some weird anomaly, you two form a kinship, and if it IS some sort of weird ability, maybe he even decides to mentor you a little! Gives him something to do, and it totally isn't to help distract him from how lonely and depressed and miserable he is!
But similar to how the other villains discounted him, you kind of discount him yourself in the sense that you don't see him as a threat. Which, he doesn't necessarily want you to, and it's not some sort of disrespect thing, but, the linger he spends with you, the more he wants you to see him as a man, a man with needs, emotionally, psychologically, physically. Whyd you have to give him all those hugs when he hasnt had human touch in forever, huh?! Don't you know how lonely and touch starved he is?! And you just think you can--can walk away from him? Disrespect him after everything he's done for you, disrespect him like everyone else?
You can always try and 'outrun him' with your little glitching, but, even if you manage to lose him, he'll pick up your tracks again, and one day you wake up from finally crashing from exhaustion to find a pitch black figure at the foot of the bed, slowly pulling in everything around it like some sort of eldritch black hole. And Jonathan menacingly waves to you, "I don't think I'll have trouble keeping up with you this time. I made sure of it"
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter I: The Expo & The Files • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Angst Chapter Warnings: Flashback Death (writing it hurt me lmao), Mentions of substance abuse and alcholism. Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
DIARY / Dream Log #3 / 10 NOV 2024
Dear Diary,
 I dreamt of him again last night…the faceless boy
For the past few nights I've been dreaming of this boy. I didn't remember the dreams but I remember him. I can't remember what he looked like. It's like I remember the essence of him. Like he existed but he's nowhere to be found.
Only this time I remembered.
We were at the studio on a rainy day. I was wearing a long sleeve fitted crop top and matching leggings with my ballet shoes on.The pink of my slippers were a stark contrast against the black of my outfit. He was wearing a black fitted muscle shirt with black leggings under a pair of loose fitting Midtown Tech PE shorts. He was wearing a pair of star wars socks, which I found quite adorable. We were dancing playfully around the studio as we laughed at ourselves for not dancing so seriously but instead sliding across the floor and twirling each other as if we were ipart of a dance number in a musical
I wish I could remember his face.
I remember loving his smile. It's such a pretty smile, that much I know…but I don't remember what it looks like. I just know it brought me comfort and joy. His hair is soft and curly. He has such lovely hair. It feels soft and silky in my hands as I ran my hand through them a few times just to feel them. His eyes are puppy-like but I don't know what color they are. I just…know how they are.
It's strange to dream of someone and have no idea what they look like, but knowing little details that explains what they look like. It’s like running to a destination and then having no idea where you’re going. 
He likes to kiss my cheek and his lips feel velvety on my skin. He calls me different pet names too. 
"Baby, you’re going to hurt yourself."
"My little Lovebug." 
"Are you hungry, Darling?" 
"Princess, you’re doing great!" 
"There’s my Pretty Girl~"
His voice is soft, just like everything about him. (Well…minus his arms and chest and abs…) but his voice is like music to my ears. I would respond with my own pet names for him.
“Don’t worry, My Love, I’ve been doing this my whole life.”
“My Sweet Boy~”
“No, I’m okay, Baby.”
“It’s like you’re my own Disney Prince.”
“And there’s my Handsome Boy~”
We danced around the studio for about an hour until we laid on the floor facing each other tiredly. His fingers traced over my hips and waist several times causing my skin to react to his touch. I scoot closer to him until our faces are centimeters apart. I could hear his heartbeat and I’m pretty sure he could hear mine. We have a special connection that is different from most. It was a biological connection that I couldn’t place. 
I wish he was real. Then maybe I wouldn't feel so fucking lonely.
I leaned in to kiss him before something happened. He glitched. He glitched and my head felt like it was splitting in half with a migraine so painful that I woke up dizzy, shaking and sweating. 
How strange…and terrifying. 
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The night was in good weather and the streets of New York City were bustling and busy, as per usual. Life was moving on as usual. The sun and moon cycled as usual.
The year is 2030.  
Five years had gone by after the incident at the Statue of Liberty. Five years since you were forced to forget him along with the rest of the world. 
No one knew who Peter Parker was. Not a single soul. To anyone that would be a terrifying thought, but it was something Peter himself had to accept.
He was swinging across buildings in the city one night, as usual. He was on his nightly patrol doing the same thing he's always done—protect the little guy. He figured it would be a somewhat busy night considering today was a special day so, he would probably have to protect some of the…not so little guys as well. He only stopped when he saw one of the big screens in Time Square and decided that this was a good spot to watch from. 
It was showing the Stark Expo. 
It had been awhile since he'd been excited about the beloved and annually anticipated event. Before, it hurt too much to bear with everything that happened but he was particularly intrigued with this one this year because this is when you made your official debut as the new owner of Stark Industries, and he knew you always wanted to make a big entrance. Much like your father, Tony Stark.
Only you wanted to do it bigger. Better.
Peter remembered different ideas you came up with for when the tech company torch was passed down to you. You said no to fireworks because the constant loud noises bother you and it was disrespectful to veterans, animals and those who are like you and sensitive to sound, even more so as a mutant human with super hearing.Other ideas you thought of were outlandish like setting something on fire or blowing something up (which Peter reminded you, contradicted your statement about the fireworks) and some were outrageous like blasting out of a giant cake. Eventually you came up with a solid plan that seemed to have fit your personality and mission as the legacy. You had it all planned out in a digital notebook with blueprints, lists, distributors, catering options and many more categories. Peter loved to watch you while you were fixated on something. It showed how much passion you had. He wondered how you felt leading up to the event. 
He wished he could have been there. 
There was a countdown on the screen for when the Expo was going to begin. Peter's friends invited him to go with them to see the Expo but he decided against it and used the excuse of having a lot of work; for school, for home and his job. Really he just couldn't handle the crowd right now he didn’t think he would be able to handle being so close to and yet so far from you. 
Also he's Spiderman. He's got his hero duties to do. 
With school, work, trying to function as an adult and being Spiderman, he was a busy guy, and that was the only thing that kept him distracted from thinking about his friends, his family, Mr. Stark, you…
Especially you. 
There were times when he looked at the necklace you gave back to him and remembered what you had said to him. 
"Give this back to me, I'll remember you."
But he knew it wouldn't be that simple. 
Five years ago, he had full intentions of calling you at seven like he promised but...he didn’t. He went to your window later that night instead. You were sitting on your bed sadly looking at a picture of you and your dad. It had been a year since you both lost Tony but it was taking you a longer time to move on for obvious reasons. He was your actual father and you knew him much longer. Tony was like a father figure to Peter, but he's been to this rodeo four times already. 
This was the first time you lost someone so close to you in such a way. 
Peter recalled that day. He remembered how you were.
Pepper had her arm around a crying Peter’s shoulders. Rhodey had given you a sad and apologetic look as you went over to Tony. You kneeled down by him.
"Dad, we did it." You said going up to him, your voice shaking as you put your hands on his shoulders. "Pops, we won. You did it. You…you…"
You paused when you saw the state of him. Half of his body was fried from using the infinity stones and he was taking his last breaths. Peter put his hand on your shoulder and you glanced at him with a fearful and hopeful look in your eyes. He pressed his lips together in a thin line giving you an apologetic and pained look. He had that same look you had in his eyes a moment ago. 
“No,” you shook your head and looked back at Tony. “Dad, please. We….we….we won.”
Tony looked at you one last time and weakly pointed to his heart before pointing to yours. You understood what he meant by it and you sighed deeply, nodding before he forced a small smile on his face that was barely there and took his final breath.
Your lip quivered and you leaned your forehead on his. “I love you, Daddy. I love you so much.”
Then the arc reactor light on his chest went out. 
Peter sat next to you after a moment and you instantly wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug and you hugged him back both of you crying your eyes out and attempting to comfort each other. Peter had to carry you back and he didn’t put you down until you had cried yourself to sleep on his shoulder.
Remembering that moment and then remembering how you were afterwards, it dawned on him how things played out. Peter was your rock, and you were his, but he had already made his decision. 
Your name was called and you perked up before quickly wiping your eyes and softly calling “Coming!”
You put down the photo on your end table and then walked out of your room. Once it was safe to do so, Peter climbed into your window and gathered any trace of his existence and put it in a box and left with it.
 Would he regret this? He had no idea.
He had run into once or twice or three times after that but as Spiderman and when he was saving your life from any danger. Nothing too eventful.
And that is how he ended up here five years later with a new life so different from yours.
The countdown made it to the 10 second mark and Peter was knocked out of his thoughts to pay attention to the screen. Once the mark hit zero the intro began.
Instantly he recognized the song. Back in Black by AC/DC. 
Different forms of tech and inventions were brought onto the stage in an almost cinematic way. Lights flashed, sparks flew, and the crowd went wild. Fireworks went off in the sky to Peter’s surprise but he was even more surprised when they made no sound. He concluded that you somehow made soundless fireworks. He wondered when and how you came up with that one. 
Once the platforms finished forming on the stage he spotted something flying in the sky. He didn’t sense danger from it but it was headed towards the expo. 
“Hey Karen, zoom in on that thing in the sky.”
“Okay, Peter.” and with that the lens of his mask zoomed in on the flying object. It was red and gold and mechanical…
Wait, could it be…?
“It appears to be an Ironman suit.” Karen stated.
“Who is it…?” Peter wondered.
“Activating X-Ray Scan Function.”
“Wait a minute…!” Peter panicked. “What if they’re naked…!”
“Be serious, Spiderman.” Karen retorted while deactivating the x-ray scan. 
Peter was taken aback by his AI. “Wow, Karen, I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“All Stark Industries AI have been updated with a Bestie Feature created by (Y/N) Stark.”
Peter smirked to himself. “Classic (Y/N/N).”
You landed on a mid-rise platform on the stage as it lowered to the regular height. The crowd was cheering loudly as you stepped out of the iron suit and Peter was taken aback.
You looked amazing. 
You wore an oversized blazer with a black dress underneath and knee high combat boots. Your lips were painted a bright red color and your nails were a teal blue that Peter recognized you always wearing.  Under the dazzling lights of the Expo. You looked happy, healthy and lovely as ever.
Just how Peter hoped for you. 
You danced your way across the stage before you stood poised at the podium, your confidence radiating, much like how Tony was. The audience hushed, anticipation hanging in the air as they waited to hear from the new owner of Stark Industries, Tony Stark's eldest daughter, (Y/N) Stark.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and partners," you began, your voice steady yet carrying an echo of nervousness that Peter recognized all too well that others wouldn’t. “How are we all doing tonight?!”
The crowd went wild and you grinned in response.
"Good glad to hear it because today marks a significant milestone – not just for Stark Industries, but for a legacy that my father, Tony Stark, entrusted me to carry forward."
The crowd erupted in applause, the memory of Tony Stark's genius and charisma still fresh in their minds, even five years after his passing. Your presence on that stage, the spitting image of confidence of your father with a twist of your own determination, stirred a mix of nostalgia and curiosity in everyone. Even people on the street stopped and watched curiously and anxiously. Once the crowd calmed down, you continued on with your speech. Peter sat on top of the tall building that was right across from the screen that he was watching. You looked a little different but you were still as beautiful as he could remember. 
“Tony Stark was many things; a visionary, a genius, a multi-billionaire, a philanthropist, an American patriot, a playboy, a raging smart ass…”
The crowd laughed, and you continued.
“But to me, he was my number one supporter, my greatest mentor, my biggest inspiration and my best friend."
You looked back at the Ironman Suit that you arrived in longingly for a moment before turning back to the crowd. 
“When I was nine years old, my dad was taken by terrorists. He told me those three months were a huge awakening for him and changed the trajectory of his life. Through those dark times he went in a man, and came out a hero. A year later, he had learned that he had made enemies and then one day, our home in Malibu was blown to pieces. Each and every attempt to knock him down only made him come back stronger and stronger...and each time he became more and more my hero.”
Peter agreed with you from his sitting place in the building and the crowd cheered once again.
“Obviously, I began to notice at a young age what was happening. I did inherit his genius after all. And I began to ask questions, lots of questions.”
“One day he pulled me off to the side and He told me, ’(Y/N/N), one day this company will be yours and I want this to be a learning lesson for you. I want you to learn from my mistakes, instead of your own. I want you to grow to be a better person than I am’... I still hold those words close to me and I wonder how I can even be half of the genius and a fraction of the hero that he was...and still is to many people? I don't think I ever could. But because he believed in me so deeply, I will be. Even though he is gone from this world, he's still in my heart, guiding me.”
"Change is inevitable, and with change comes the opportunity to create a brighter future,” you continued, your eyes alight with determination but Peter could tell that you did it to hide the pain. "My father once said that his suit was a cocoon, and he emerged as Iron Man. Stark Industries is my cocoon, and I am committed to guiding it toward new heights of innovation and impact.”
“I remember his speech here at the expo, after he revealed himself as the iron hero and how he said ‘it's not about us, it's about legacy’. I stand before you as a testament to my father's belief in progress, innovation, and the power of human potential," you stated. "Tony Stark was more than a genius inventor; he was a visionary who saw challenges as opportunities, who dared to dream the impossible and then turn those dreams into reality."
The holographic screens around the stage displayed images of Tony Stark's greatest creations: the Iron Man suits, the Arc Reactor, the revolutionary technologies that had changed the world and his one of his greatest creations stands in the middle of all of it. 
“So I will go on with this genius mind and this heart made of gold and iron that I inherited from one of the greatest people I have ever known and be the heir of legacy that he believed me to be.” 
Peter looked at the screen, his heart swelling at your words and the emotion and passion in your voice. He could only imagine how this was for you.
"As the new owner of Stark Industries, I take this responsibility seriously," you asserted. "My father's legacy was not just about technology; it was about making a difference. And that is what Stark Industries will continue to do under my guidance, because with great power comes great responsibility."
Peter could have swore that his heart exploded. That was what his Aunt May had told him right before she died. He wondered where you heard it from. “Now, just because I came down in the suit, doesn’t mean I’m trying to be the new Iron Man. Oh no, I’m trying to be a different kind of hero…but I will work hard to find someone who will be suitable to wear it.” You stated and the crowd seemed to look at you understanding. 
After that, you spoke of a renewed commitment to clean energy, sustainable technologies, and global initiatives aimed at improving lives.The audience was captivated, witnessing the torch being passed from one generation to another, seamlessly transitioning from Tony's leadership to your vision. Peter was also captivated by the strong and determined person you have grown to be. 
Maybe it was better this way. Maybe it was better that he was out of your memories and your life.
“Now a few words from the man who walked and the man who ran so that I could fly.” You smiled.
Your words resonated deeply with the audience as you concluded your speech. The applause that followed was thunderous, a testament to the faith they had in your ability to carry on your father's legacy. Peter couldn't be anymore proud of you than he already was.
He just wished he was by your side, supporting you.
As you stepped down from the podium, Peter couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment.
 The Stark Legacy was in your hands now, and you were ready to honor it and not by imitating your father, but by carving your own path while staying true to his spirit of innovation, determination, and a desire to make the world a better place. Just as you had told Peter once before.
Peter pressed his lips together under his mask as he watched you. He watched as you walked off stage as a video of Howard Stark began to play. He talked about the initial mission for Stark Industries. Then Tony’s video came on, and he spoke about legacy and the future. It sure seemed like the future of Stark Industries was bright with your mission to push it even further with technology for space exploration of the solar system, and making technology that can advance cybernetics and construction tools. 
Peter wished nothing for the best for you, but he couldn’t help but wish he could be by your side while doing all of it. Something told him to go to you and tell you everything but another part of him told him to do the opposite and stay as far away from you as possible, but he had decided a while ago that he would just let you have your own space to grow before he attempted to come back into your life…before he would return the necklace to you, but the more he thought about it the more he feared doing it. He had tried once  with Ned and MJ before they left for MIT, but he also chickened out. He couldn't even get close to Celina since she was training with Doctor Strange. He figured by now it would be a dead end anyways. 
So he promised to support you guys from a distance. A big one. 
The wail of sirens echoed down below fading in and out as they passed by and that was Peter’s signal to resume his duty as the beloved web slinging, wall crawling hero that he was meant to be. 
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You had left the Expo early.
You left after you actually gave your speech. You had better things to do than to pretend that everything was okay. These five years were tough on you. You have lost so much and so many people and even five years later it deeply affects you. You were definitely better than you were years ago though. You pretty much flew off the handle and went off the deep end. You did some dumb shit and did some bad shit, took some dumb shit and took some bad shit and now you’re trying to forget all of the dumb shit and the bad shit. Lucky for you, you always kept a low profile. 
Everyone knew Tony Stark had a daughter but he kept you out of the public eye for good reason.
You preferred it that way anyways. It made life and school easier. You went as far as to take up the name (Y/N) Jarvis and take the bus home from school to keep your identity a secret. You were in no way ashamed to be a Stark, in fact, you were proud of it. You just didn’t want the unwanted attention that comes with being a famous person’s offspring. You could already hear the nepo baby accusations for everything (not that they were really wrong…).
So, when you went on a bender for a year, no one knew who you were. When you decided to take things to forget your pain, no one batted a pretty eye.
Except those who did know you of course. 
You’d rather not think about how you broke Pepper and Happy’s hearts seeing you like that. Or how selfish you had been. It wasn’t until you were at your worst one day, where you finally decided that you were gonna get your act together. It wasn’t easy…it was far from easy. You had spent the first half of the first year utterly depressed from the loss of your father and the next half was your party girl bender era, much too young from doing anything that you were doing. The year after that was recovery and the years after that was making amends with everything you made crash and burn. 
This year you worked. A lot. 
You spent most of your time in your lab at the avenger’s compound creating and inventing while also scolding DUM-E, the help robot your father created, for doing too much. Which is where you were right now instead of networking with people you really didn’t give a flying fuckaroo about at the expo.
You had more important matters to attend to. 
Usually you would be working on a new AI format (that wasn’t the debauchery that Ultron was..) or the car you were supposed to build with Tony before he passed, but with the world in near shambles all the time, you have a different project you were working on.
The NAI— New Avengers Initiative. 
After the fight with Thanos and the blip coming undone by the hands of your father’s sacrifice, shit went sideways in your eyes. You recalled how people reacted when the world went back to normal, you recalled Sam and Bucky going on missions to stop a literal child from causing a mass murder attempt on government officials, you recalled Sam becoming the new Captain America and his beautiful call out speech to those government officials, and you recalled the day five years ago at the statue of liberty.
 Sort of.
You had remembered a battle, you had remembered being there with Ned, Celina and MJ, but you honestly weren’t really sure why you were there and you didn’t understand why you were crying so hard. 
Come to think of it, why were you crying at all? 
You fought all types of enemies including the Big 3 (Aliens, Robots, and Wizards) as Sam likes to put it. You have fought terrorists, governments, hell you have fought in the civil war of the avengers, and yet you had the waterworks about a battle you couldn’t even remember. You blamed it on the realization that you would have to fight big battles without your biological family and chosen family the same way anymore, but…you felt like something else was missing, like a big part of you was carved out of your life. It was like there was this big hole in your chest and you tried to fill it with everything imaginable. You failed miserably.
It must be the dreams you were having. 
You kept dreaming about a boy, and everytime you dream about him you’re super happy. The happiest you have ever been. The only problem is you couldn’t remember who he was and why you kept dreaming about him. Since those dreams began you have been having terrible headaches and nothing has been really fixing them. Morgan would tease you in her oh-so-annoying-little-sibling-way and basically say that your brain is trying not to be stupid for once. 
God forbid she knew you were dreaming about a boy. You wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“FRIDAY,” You stated as you sat in your chair in thought. “Pull up all the files on the Avengers.”
“The remaining ones or All of them?” the voice asked.
“All,” you replied. “Minus me, I know me. Very well actually.”
“Pulling up Avenger’s database right now, miss.”
Holographic screens appear in front of you. “Spread them out. Circular please.”
The screens surround you as if they were a council meeting. You walked to each one studying them as you reminisced on your past relationship and current stance with each of them now. 
You heavily looked up to Natasha Romanoff and she was like a big sister to you.
Now she’s dead.
You deeply admired Wanda Maximoff, and even had a mini crush on her.
But she went rogue and is now nowhere to be found.
You adored Vision, since he was the personification of AI Jarvis.
But you don’t know what happened to him either.
You also admired Steve Rogers, and he was like a big brother to you. 
But he decided to go back to the past and live his own life. 
Thor was like your goofy uncle and you loved him like one.
But he has his own thing going on in New Asgard and with the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Doctor Bruce Banner you felt so much for. You honestly admired him too. You were one of the only people who didn’t fear him as the Hulk but rather felt pity for him.
You decided he needed to be left alone, even though he was better now.
Scott was cool. He was also like a cool uncle figure. 
But he has other matters to worry about. Including a family.
Same with Clint. You learned alot from him.
But he only came out of retirement by force. You didn’t wanna bother him. 
Doctor Stephen Strange you found amusing. 
But you currently hate magic, that’s more of Celina’s thing. Possibly Ned too apparently.
You look at each of them as if this is the only way you could send them off with good riddance…for some of them it was true. Some of them you expect to never see again. You long accepted that already and wished nothing but the best for the rest of them and you hoped they all could find peace as much as they could. You sighed and smiled as you looked over all of them, but your eyes landed on a screen that would change the trajectory of your life.
You let your eyes scan the face of a puppy-eyed figure with brown curls and boyish features. There was something vaguely familiar but so foreign about him. It bothered you. You read the name.
“Peter Parker…” His name tasted familiar on your tongue, like you had spoken it many times before.
Could it be…?
“FRIDAY,” you asked. “Give me all the information on Peter Parker that we have.”
“Certainly,” she responded and pulled up more screens. “Peter Parker. Age: 21. Would have been 26 but he was part of The Blip. Hair Color: Brown, Eye Color: Brown. Ethnicity: Some sort of European descent, seems to be English by the last name.”
“Okay, okay but like ...who is he in the Avengers?”
“He is Spiderman and he was taken under the wing of your father.”
Your face twisted in confusion. “Huh? How…?”
You knew Spiderman. You remember Spiderman as your partner on Missions. You two bonded over the fact that you both had Spider powers. You even built his and your suits and begged your father not to tell him that it was you for some odd reason…oh yeah you had a major crush on him. Your suits synced up to each other making you both the Iron Spider. 
Two Spider Mutants + Stark Tech = Iron Spider. 
As you scanned your neurons for memories, you tried to remember his face. Surely, you knew his face…but you couldn’t place it. Really, all this time you just thought Spiderman was Harley Keener, but now that you think about it…nothing in that thought process would make any sense. After all he’s from Tennessee and has been in the same room as Spiderman. You recall sleeping on the Quinjet with Spiderman with your head on his shoulder and his head on top of yours. You recall even fighting “against” him in the Avengers Civil War.
That’s a different story for a different day.
You went through a plethora of memories but you could never remember his face and it peeved you to no end. Did he just hide his identity from everyone? He was young and honestly you did the same thing for a while, so you don't really blame him. After you gave the heroic works, he continued being the friendly neighborhood spiderman, helping the little guy. But things weren’t adding up in your mind still. 
Especially if he knew your father on a close level to wear he took him under his iron wing. 
“Peter Parker,” you said softly again. “Who are you? How did you meet my father…? Are you the boy in my dreams…?”
“The Database says he was part of the Stark Internship. Which was a Pseudonym for his Avenger call.” FRIDAY responded. 
“Something isn’t adding up,…” you said, chewing your lip, vexed. “Why don’t I recognize him?”
“Would you like me to do a deeper search, miss?”
Invading his personal information? You thought. 
“How deep are we talking, Fri?” You squint your eyes at the picture of Peter Parker, as if you were addressing him. 
“I can go as far back as to the day he was born and as deep as to where he is right now.” 
You nearly fell out of your chair. “FRIDAY…!” 
“It’s the way I was built, miss. You can’t blame me.”
You snorted.
“FRIDAY, that is stalker behavior,” You respond, thinking no more than ten seconds on the idea. After all, if you knew each other personally I’m sure he told you most of this stuff already. 
And if he’s the boy from your dreams…
“Do it.”
And this is how everything changed.
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rubra-wav · 4 months
Entry #7 : Vox and Blackouts, Connection, etc.
A/N / Disclaimer : Fanfic is fanfic, and people are allowed to make things as OOC or just in their own image as possible, so I'm not shitting on that at all. Everyone has the right to make whatever tf they want and explore concepts and stuff.
This is just me vomiting ideas that have been plaguing me for a while.
If I'm proven wrong by the show, then I'll eat my hat and apologise for this one, but for now I'm trying to think about this stuff like - as logically in the frame of what's canon as possible.
It's funny to say that when this is the topic but yeah haha 💀
Ah yes, theorising about the goddamn TV Man again.
Cw: SFW to NSFW/18+ (below cut)
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- So, let's establish some things before I begin to truly dig into this haha.
- Vox is not wireless, and thus does not get effected by things that are not directly connected to him. This is seen with him directly plugging into his set-up before being able to control all the TV's and devices connected to the main-frame.
- This would most likely mean that when the whole system goes down, he isn't affected by it and vice versa if he's not directly plugged into it. So yeah- if he blue screens or glitches out like he does just casually while not plugged in, then the whole city most likely would not blackout.
- An anon asked me about whether he would just go offline if the WiFi was down or if he would be just fine and yeah - he'd be just fine if he wasn't plugged in. If he was, however, then he'd most likely lose reception. He'd probably blackout/shut down.
- For an example: if he's plugged in and it's storming outside and lightning hits the main tower, then he'd probably be pretty injured because his system would be fine. But if he wasn't plugged in he'd be absolutely fine.
- I also could see his face dropping to low resolution and voice doing the blocky-glitchy thing audio over calls does if he's plugged into the system and the reception goes to absolute shit.
- Think 180p quality display and audio Vox lmao.
(Here's the other post as well)
- Having said all that, I also don't think that there wouldn't be any effect at all on surrounding technology if he starts glitching out.
- If he's near things like phones, laptops, lights, etc. Etc. He'd likely effect them, but on a way smaller scale then what most people seem to write about.
I'm gonna start going into directly NSFW below the cut
- So yeah, if you're just casually fucking Vox really hard and he starts glitching or goes to the point of bluescreening while coming, the whole of Pentagram city isn't going to experience a blackout because he's not plugged into the system.
- However
- He would most likely start effecting the direct surrounding technology.
- Think lights blinking on and off or getting brighter and then dimmer to the pace you're screwing him at. Think surrounding devices turning on and off.
- Think light bulbs and phones and clocks in the room - anything electrical or running on batteries - exploding into shattered bulbs, being destroyed, getting fried, etc. When he comes.
- Bro basically starts doing what ghosts/poltergeists start doing to mess with people lmao.
- The trope of him causing whole city-wide blackouts when hes fucked so hard is funny as hell in theory, but going off of canon that wouldn't happen that way.
- And maybe you're saying 'okay - but what if Vox is plugged into the system' That would also not happen.
- Yes, if you did screw him into bluescreening while he's hooked up to everything then yes it would most likely happen.
- but, it goes against literally everything we know about Vox to have that ever happen.
- He is all about appearances and looking perfect 365 days 24/7 to the public.
- I keep seeing these fics where that happens and he's all embarrassed and cute about it, but if that ever happened with what we know about canon Vox he'd be mortified and fucking pissed as all hell around it.
- I feel like if you're in a relationship with Vox, the first thing he'd make abundantly clear is how important his image is to him.
- So if reader was riling him up in his office while he's around all the machines and stuff or actually directly plugged in - he wouldn't be going 'no, stop it' as a kind of bratty thing, he'd be seriously telling you to stop.
- Like, to push him to causing a city-wide blackout by having sex would absolutely in my mind based on all we know about Vox; be violating his boundaries to one of the highest degrees there are.
- His public image is everything, and you would be let know that from day one. Hell, dude would probably jeaprodise/push your relationship to the side if it fucked up his image. Thats how important it is to him. The boundaries around doing something to fuck his image up would be set in stone from the second you enter his life.
- So doing that and causing that to happen wouldn't really be?? Like the cute fanfiction trope it is, he'd be rightfully angry as fuck that that's happened because it's what not to do 101 to not screw up his image.
- The 'blackout' you'd be able to cause and not have him absolutely hating you afterwards would be with your house, hotel room or wherever you're doing the do.
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I'm way too passionate about this, i know, but like I see it so frequently, and it just makes like absolutely no sense to me at all, haha. I liked it the first time i saw it but after actually thinking about it I just find myself raising my brows and cringing each time I see it in fanfics because it just feels inaccurate asf 😭
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gooselycharm · 11 months
hi there! i'd just like to say that your kris and noelle "something else" comic has been driving me insane /pos and i'd love to hear more of your thoughts on those two!! their relationship is one of my favorite things in deltarune and your comic just got everything about them so right 🙏
thank you for reading "something else"! oh man, [more of] my thoughts on kris+noelle.... i sure got some of those.
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this was one of the first tweets i made after finishing chapter 2 nearly... freaking 2 years ago. and basically i've just been saying that over and over again in different ways because i'm still not tired of the concept yet and probably wont ever be LOL. i'm obsessed with how badly the narrative wants to force them into an easily categorizable dynamic, especially the romantic one in snowgrave. the literal THORN RING, the more possessive dialogue options, spamton calling noelle a side chick LOL... it all creates this unnerving visual novel bad end atmosphere that feels manufactured by someone who's only ever learned about romance through secondhand sources. they're two queer teens trying to navigate their changing relationship with the only role models they know being their parents' own failed heterosexual marriages. they're so divorced² (divorced children of divorce).
i also like that for being so tragically doomed coded they can be funny! both in a dark humor way and also like, genuinely funny, like the stories of them as kids with kris covering themselves in ketchup and hiding under noelle's bed lmao. i mean there's even something funny about the romantic trappings of the snowgrave route, like trying to put wedding cake embellishments on a crime scene... you know, funny like kids trying on their parents clothes but they're too big and for some reason they're also crying and covered in blood? um.
i'm also SOOOO interested to see how snowgrave will continue in chapter 3! i really liked the hopeful note chapter 2 ended on (well. i took it as hopeful anyway). there's that bit where noelle is talking to herself and she says something like "recently kris has been acting so strange and no one else has noticed... i have to figure out why" and then kris jumpscares her LOL but i think i took that one line and really ran with it. noelle really is the one who knows kris best and despite how scared she is, she's still determined to help them... i like the little subversion of victim/hero going on, the implication that kris might be the one who needs rescuing.
the additional story/lore that came with the spamton sweepstakes made me CRAAAZYYYYY like my GOD... it's cute that noelle likes glitches/creepypasta when kris is kinda a walking creepypasta <3 also, god, noelle falling asleep listening to kris playing piano in the other room... there's so much like. wistfulness and nostalgia and this like... distant/detached intimacy packed into how noelle narrates that scene. it's kind of funny how much there is to dig into when like on a surface level they're just fairly regular childhood friends who grew apart LMAO they're extremely deep to me okay...
on another note i guess i do ship them? i like their dynamic whether it's platonic or romantic (the best is a weird mix of both 👍). it just can't be boring LOL like... this is one ship where trying to apply cookie cutter tropes to them really falls flat and the game is ahead of you on that anyway. in terms of romantically shipping them, i honestly don't think they're doomed to repeat patterns forever... i think they could actually be good for each other! but that's not really the aspect of their relationship that interests me akldjf;alk;sdg maybe i will make 60 page comic of kriselle going to couples counseling some other time
ANYWAY i'm going to cut myself off here, because i really could go on forever lol. i'll give you some links for further reading though
hellspawnmotel's deltarune art
lula pillowbug99's deltarune art
this art by raspbearis which features prominently in my internal kriselle bible
my own unfinished kriselle playlist
my own essay on gender & allegory in deltarune if for some reason u are not tired of hearing me talk yet
okay bye now & thanks again for reading my comic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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phoenix-downer · 4 months
FFVII Rebirth Demo Impressions
I played the demo several nights ago and loved it! This post is about my thoughts/impressions as I was playing.
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(Quick note: My shipping preferences are Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith, so that is going to influence my perspective and what I write about. There will also be spoilers for the OG game and Crisis Core throughout).
One of the first things I noticed as I was playing through was the graphics. The graphics look fantastic. I can tell the game being on the PS5 is making a big difference. The jump in quality from Remake to Rebirth is really noticeable.
It's so weird seeing Cloud act like Zack. Like I KNOW it's Zack and it's creeping me out a;lksdjfdfj because it's just...so not Cloud. They knocked the "this is wrong" vibes out of the park by using Zack's mannerisms and gestures with Cloud's model slapped on top, and it's giving this uncanny valley feeling to everything "Cloud" does. Cody Christian even sounds more like Zack's VA (Caleb Pierce). The attention to detail with all that is excellent. The updated graphics give them a lot to work with in terms of showing the wonkiness with Cloud's memories.
There was also a clever shot in the truck of "Cloud" asking the real Cloud if he's okay, and you see a hint of Cloud's blond hair peeking through the helmet.
I liked the dramatic/heroic version of Sephiroth's theme that played. And when Zack gets hurt by one of the monsters, I think it was Cloud who made sure he's okay, which was a sweet touch. Also, the screen is tinted with green, which is a cool way to show the effects of the Mako poisoning on Cloud.
Another thing I noticed: Cloud's eyes look SUPER green, more so than in Remake. Don't know if it's the upgrade to the PS5 or if they wanted to show the Mako poisoning progressing, but I thought it was a cool detail.
Okay it's like Cloud swapped he and Zack in his memories directly at one point soon after they arrive in Nibelheim. I swear this is 100% what Zack would've said to Cloud about Aerith, but instead it's one of the "security officers" saying it to "Cloud": "So, any friends here you wanna see? Maybe a girlfriend? Speaking of which, I bet you're dying to hear about mine. Am I right?"
Lmao Sephiroth still has groupies, this is giving Crisis Core fanclub vibes and I'm all here for it. I'm glad the game still has those silly moments and that continuity with past games. It makes the tragedy I know will unfold later on that much more poignant.
Speaking of which, it's depressing seeing all the townspeople in Nibelheim knowing they're going to die. Just walking around talking to them, Nibelheim really feels like a lived-in place that Cloud has so many personal connections to.
An NPC asked Cloud if he's seen his mother yet, another one recognized me, and another couple of people noticed me and asked if I'm looking for Tifa. They Know™️
Also, it's really interesting seeing Cloud craft the welcome home he WISHES he had gotten. He wanted to come back to Nibelheim as a hero everyone praised, but the reality was much different. So seeing that contrast is a really good insight into Cloud's psyche and what he wants (praise, recognition, approval, etc.)
Oh found some cats, I'm glad there's another area dedicated to just cats ;aldjf; (complete with photographic evidence):
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Awwwwww there was a sweet reference to Tifa leading the exercise classes for Nibelheim from Traces of Two Pasts, and she asks Cloud in the modern day if he was able to keep up with the class (she wasn't teaching this particular one, but I love that bit of continuity).
Tifa you can tell is nostalgic for Nibelheim hearing Cloud's recounting of what happened too, the voice acting and dialogue for this part is all really well-done.
The option to see Cloud's mom was really well-done. Cloud never went back to see her in reality, of course, which means his memory glitches out like crazy during this part: he "hears" his mother talking to him about a conversation that happened at an earlier time, like his brain is desperately trying to create something that never happened and is latching onto the nearest fragments it can find. I like how they translated this scene from the OG game, it gave off eerie vibes.
HE DID THE LIL SHRUG AND NOD LIKE HE DOES IN THE OG GAME if you try to enter his mom's house again after the "memory" is over. Also, it's like his mind is trying to protect itself from delving too deeply into a false memory so glitchy (and maybe he feels a deep level of guilt at not actually going to see her as well), and so you can't go back into his house, just like in the OG game.
You can have Cloud go up the water tower too, and he looks towards Tifa's window THE ANGST OF IT ALL a;lskdfj. I love those little moments of Pining™️
Tifa's like wait you went to my place?? Oh Cloud...you were such an awkward weirdo...
"Our reasons, huh? I bet most of them had to do with you." Barret shading Cloud for why he and Tifa didn't hang out more ;alkdjf again I love the humor in these moments.
Awwww Fluffy got mentioned! Nice to hear her brought up again.
"You went into my room?" I'm dead. Tifa sounds so indignant and rightfully so. It's weirdo behavior Cloud ;laskdfj
"You went through my stuff?!" Not off to a great start buddy, but I had him pick that option because I figured he ought to be honest. Tifa and Aerith both call him an asshole if you admit to doing it too, which made me laugh. And naturally my mind is wondering how this will impact the iconic date later on. Did I just piss both Aerith and Tifa off and lose affection points with both girls? Probably lol (and honestly, Cloud deserved it for that stunt).
Tifa's lil moogle plushie on her bed is adorable. I love the touches like that that make the environment feel more lived in.
Awwww I found Tifa's theme to play on the piano hehe. I love that that's the first piano piece you can find in the game. Just one of my favorite FFVII songs because it fits Tifa so perfectly and has this bittersweet sense of longing as well as this beautiful tenderness to it.
Also, I got a kick out of the piano minigame. The first time I wasn't great at it and got a C. I struggled to do both "hands" at the same time. I did it two more times after that, and it starts to sound really nice when you have a streak of a bunch of correct notes in a row. Like Cloud's going to town on the piano with extra flourishes. If you miss notes again though the metronome comes back on lol like "you still need to practice and get the rhythm down."
The second two times I got an A (I'll have to keep practicing to get a star and see what happens), and the gang praised Cloud, which I thought was cool.
Found more Sephiroth groupies and ran into Zangan in the inn. It was really sweet hearing Zangan praise Tifa so highly. Also, "Cloud" saying, "yeah right" when Zangan says "Tifa will go far" is another good clue Cloud isn't himself. Tifa was offended and Aerith was offended on her behalf. I love how Aerith keeps backing Tifa up on stuff, it's really nice to see more of their friendship.
The photographer dude is back and I love him. And he even says the same thing he said to Zack in Crisis Core about how he can't waste his film on Zack because he doesn't know who he is ;alskdfj. What's a guy got to do to get a little respect?
"You look so different" lol yes I do random villager because I'm not me, and then there are some nice creepy foreshadowing moments from her kids. The girl says, "Gonna beat those monsters?" and the boy says, "Gonna be 'em?"
The irony of the mayor saying he'd brag about Sephiroth visiting Nibelheim till the day he dies:
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I still really love Brian Lockhart's design. He's like if the 70s met cowboy fashion, and it just works somehow. And this carries over from the OG game, but his concerns about Tifa's safety are well-founded given what happened when she and Cloud were kids and sets up future reveals in the remake trilogy nicely.
Also, Tifa is so small next to Sephiroth. I love her sass in this part of the story, and this time around there's some country twang banjo version of her theme and I love it. Also Sephiroth shaded the camera guy al;sdkfj;dskf but "Cloud" talked him into it and thus the iconic photo came into being. Again those moments of humor will never not be funny. And I loved how Tifa was being such a good guide and giving info about the area as they started to ascend the mountain.
Also, when you finally get to the title screen, it cracked me up how Nomura is listed first, before Hamaguchi. Probably a seniority/respect thing, but Nomura is the creative director and Hamaguchi is the director.
Also, the version of the main theme that plays as you go up Mt. Nibel is awesome, and once again I had to get a screenshot because this area is just so beautiful:
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Tifa wanting to travel is a sweet touch, though Sephiroth is practical and points out that he travels on business trips and not for fun. Of course "Cloud" points out that you do learn stuff on these trips. It's a nice contrast between Tifa's naive optimism, Sephiroth's jaded world-weary outlook, and Zack's positivity tempered by experience.
Also, Sephiroth's hair is very swishy. I thought that needed a note as I was playing this. Props to the artists, animators, etc. who rendered it.
I chuckled at Tifa racing up the mountain and teasing "Cloud" and Sephiroth about whether or not they can keep up. Just shows a fun, playful side to her personality and also shows how eager she is to prove herself. And then she dropkicked a monster to protect "Cloud" and then teased him about it alks;jfdsf. She's so much snarkier with Zack than she is with Cloud, and it's an interesting contrast.
The real Cloud of course is in the background, protecting Tifa from danger. Even in his rewritten version of history, the real him is lurking in his subconscious protecting her because she's that important to him. She thanked him so sweetly when he did too.
I made a note about seeing the bridge that collapsed with Cloud and Tifa on it when they were kids, man all the little details like this and the foreshadowing is just A+.
Tifa has Trauma™️ from falling off a bridge before, hmmm, wonder what that's from, and she's still like hey I'm the guide I'll lead us a;ldkfj when "Cloud" offers to go first lol.
Still holds true years later but wooooow Nibelheim sucks at constructing good bridges lol. It was a wholesome moment where "Cloud"/Zack grabbed Cloud and kept him from drowning though, and Sephiroth was able to grab Tifa (which is ironic considering how he tries to kill her not much later, and it's sad because it really shows he was a good guy). Of course the other security officer probably drowned rip, poor guy.
"For your performance review" lol I like Sephiroth's sass and how he teases "Cloud" like this.
I just obliterate everything playing as Sephiroth ;alsdkfj and truly love playing as him. And him slamming his own dad will never not be funny, I mean Hojo just really sucks.
At this point I started focusing more on playing the game since there were more monsters to fight etc., but I still got some nice screenshots and had a few more thoughts.
The Mako spring just looks incredible, so I had to include a photo:
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The scenery by the ocean was gorgeous too, I can't wait to go to Costa del Sol:
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The real Cloud helping Tifa get to safety from the monster and "Cloud"/Zack and Sephiroth being bros is top-tier content. Also Sephiroth looks like a model in pretty much every shot he's in:
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Oh the dramatic irony of Tifa not knowing it's Cloud and him refusing to talk and her being sassy and telling him, "You better keep me safe" and then of course he does. The music is creepy now that we're about to enter the reactor lol, of course it is.
"Would it kill this guy to say something" he would die from embarrassment and shame, yes:
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"The company really needs to be more transparent" that's the understatement of the year "Cloud" ;lakfj;asdf
Cool use of JENOVA'S theme. I always enjoy hearing that theme and how otherworldy but also very 90s it sounds.
Zangan's comment here is gold, I love the bee in his bonnet bit:
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The Shinra basement stuff was genuinely creepy l;kasjdf like I know what happens and I was still freaked out! The atmosphere was just really well done.
"I should go. Mother is waiting." There it is, the iconic meme line a;ldal;skdjf;lsdjf it just kills me, Sephiroth is such a psycho.
Loved seeing Zangan helping people get out of the town and telling "Cloud" to get in there and help, but of course the situation is still incredibly dire by the time "Cloud" gets there.
This shot in front of the water tower was gorgeous and really haunting, especially when the water tower collapsed. Just the symbolism with that, the loss of Cloud and Tifa's special place and how not long after this, he feels like he failed her and failed to keep his promise:
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Main Scenario: Check on Mom. Oh Cloud...
And then you see the real Cloud collapsed in front of his house and calling for his mom, this is so depressing:
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This is where the more realistic graphics really serve the story well, because it makes this moment that much more of a gut punch, especially when he hears his mother begging him to live. The last few moments before her soul returns to the planet perhaps, trying to save her son from danger one last time.
And now that "Cloud" is hurt, he looks busted up even in the menu. I thought that was a cool detail to include.
It's like Cloud's memories are trying to right themselves because he winds up on the ground like where he was supposed to be. When Sephiroth murdered the man who tried to help him and then went on his creepy murder spree of several other villagers culminating with the mayor, that was all really well done too. Horrifying because there's nothing Cloud can do to stop the senseless murder of people he's known all his life, and it really shows how cold and ruthless Sephiroth has become.
This moment was good too with the memories seeming glitchy again:
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And then of course I must end this on The Iconic Scene™️ a;lsdkfja;kdslf complete with psycho smirk:
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Needless to say, I very much enjoyed this demo and am looking forward to the Juno one! And the full game, February 29 can't come fast enough.
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Idk if u will do this request but! Miguel’s time is like futuristic set right? ( trans people would just transition and be more accepted in this timeline sí right? 😭) so Miguel He went to college at a high prestige science university and so did reader for he is too an smart as him with his own creations in robotics and chemistry. Miguel had tried to get alone room accommodation but failed and got partnered up with transftm!reader and they became roommates. Reader fell in love with Miguel but he didn’t notice cuz he was too focused on his work and whatever. Years go by aka spider verse but suddenly miguel needs help from his old college roommate. Angst fluff maybe…smut??? Sorry English isn’t my first language 😭😭
Hey anon! I appreciate the idea and i love how much you fleshed it out! Dont worry, i completely understand your vision, and i get it english is hard for me too lol i hope i got your ideas right tho, sorry this turned into angst more than what i was aiming lmao enjoy all!
Tags: Miguel O’hara x FTM!Reader, Villain!Reader, Lyla, Past Relationship, Angst, Falling Out, Fighting, Arguments, Dirty Thoughts, Meet-Cute, Pining, Secret Crushes, Miguel is as dense as ever, poor reader on this one HAHA
They had a history. Of living together, spending time with each other, but despite all of that it all went downhill. Who knew your ex-roommate turns out to be Doc Oct
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(Takes place before Post Credit Scene in into the Spiderverse)
"Miguel, I hate to tell you this but we can't-"
"There has to be another way, you designed this Lyla!"
"Hey! Don't blame the AI, blame the maker! I only followed what you said!" 
Lyla huffs and glitches to another part of the console. Miguel is currently hunched over a table in the corner of his lair, the only light illuminating his project is the light rod over his workbench and the monitors around him. 
The girl busies herself with schematics, working out equations and trying to find where they went wrong.
Miguel's latest work on the multiverse brace is to eliminate the glitches that it makes whenever someone uses it. It could potentially lead to wounds from the cells traveling to a different world, and even the healing factor won't fix it. Worst-case scenario, it would lead to a fatal wound, possibly death, and Miguel can't risk that if he's gonna start interdimensional travel. 
His eyes scan over the chip connected to his computer, adding and removing codings that might've gone wrong. He's wearing the headband Lyla gifted him, or mailed to him when it was his birthday months ago, to be exact. 
"I swear the shell is all good, Miguel. It should all contain the molecules needed for the portal bracelet,"
"Can you please stop calling it that?" 
"What? 'Portal'?"
"Yes. It's not a portal, we already have that," Miguel rolls his eyes, gluing them back to the screen.
"Then what are we calling it?" Lyla pouts, adjusting her heart glasses.
"Transdimensional Pathfinding Wristlet."
Lyla pauses her work, and turns to Miguel, her brows raised, the blinks once, twice. "Wh- seriously?" 
"Y'know what, I'm not even gonna try," He shakes her head before glitching to another monitor. "Leave it to the crazy scientist to name his things,"
Miguel ignores what his AI had said, instead focusing back on the chip. If this succeeds, it’ll be the first dimensional trip the prototype could make, and he’d prefer not to be a piece of burnt toast once he comes out of it. He coded another line, before he ran a diagnostic. The screen glares red, the annoyingly big letters of ‘ERROR’ pops up.
Miguel blinks, before he feels his claws coming out, promptly making him stand and throw his chair across the room. It shatters, the metal pieces clinking to the concrete floor. He heaves, sharp fangs bared, barely causing anger at his fingertips. 
Lyla fixes him with a look. “That your fifth chair Miguel,”
The man takes a steady breath, wiping his hand across his face, working at his jaw. He tilts his head sharply and something pops. He faintly hears Lyla clicking her tongue. 
"There's a guy I know,"
"What do you mean there isn't any- I booked a single room last week," 
"I'm sorry but there must've been a mishap in the system. I'm going to have to put you with an available roommate," 
"I don't want-" Miguel sighs, tapping his foot insistently. "Look, is there any way I can register for another single room?" 
"You can wait a couple of weeks for a vacant room, but you'd need to consult with the head of the faculty." She nodded to him, a regretful look behind those blonde bangs. Miguel huffs, hands on his hips, thinking out a decision. 
"Fine," He groans. "Who's still available for a roommate then?" 
The girl's brows raise before she quickly types something into the computer, reading out what looks like a list with numbers and names. "Oh!" She smiles. "Room 304, on the third floor is still awaiting a roommate,"
"Great, thank you," Miguel grumbles, already picking up his boxes where he left them on the floor.
"If you'd like-" The girl calls for him again. "I can talk to the faculty member, see if I can help you with the room situation," 
"Sure, I'd appreciate it," Miguel's back is already turned to her as he makes his way to the building's elevator. With his gym bag slung over his shoulder, and the boxes of his unfinished work, traversing the hallway takes a bit of an effort. Students were not mingling around because most of them were already in their rooms, with the time turning just after 5 PM. 
Finally, he reaches the elevator doors. Miguel shuffles the boxes into one hand, struggling to press the button before he is beaten to it by another hand reaching for the ascend button too. 
"Here man, let me help you," The person says, already picking up the two boxes that cover Miguel's vision even before he said anything.
"Hey don't-" He begins, before he finally gets a good look at the person that dared to touch his scraps. The man in front of him, standing just inches taller than him, hair with an unintelligible style, captivating eyes and the faintest smirk on his lips. 
Miguel's brain stutters a bit. "I'm- nevermind, thanks," 
"Of course dude," And Miguel's interest plummets. "What floor?"
"Third please," He nods, pressing the button once he and Miguel get in. The door closes and leaves the two in silence, only the faint whirr of the elevator's machine. 
"So, late to dorm assignments?" 
"Nah, they messed up my request," 
"Shit, really?" He turns to Miguel, his brows furrowed. 
"Yeah, now I'm stuck with a damn roomie,"
"Oh yeah? What room?" 
"304, apparently," Miguel huffs, looking down into the box he's carrying, the tape on it peeling slightly. The guy halts, now his brows are raised. 
Miguel's turn to look confused, before the guy chuckles lightly. "Funny you say that 'cuz," 
"I'm room 304," He smirks, readjusting the boxes. 
There's a pause, before he feels the red of embarrassment gathers on his cheeks. "You're-" 
"That damn roomie? Yeah,"
"Fuck, sorry I didn't-"
"No no, it's fine! Really," The guy laughs, shaking his head while Miguel tries to formulate a coherent sentence. "I don't mind man, I get wanting your own space though," 
"Hey, I hope I'll be a good roomie," He bumps Miguel's shoulder lightly, his smile not fading. Miguel finds himself mimicking it slightly. After that, he introduced himself to Miguel, his major and such.
The elevator opens just after that, the two make their way down the hallway. He asks about Miguel's major too, just as they reach the door. 
"I seriously didn't think I'd get a roomie," He chuckles, turning the key with a million other key chains. It jingles, before he pushes the door open and into the room. "I'll go check with the front desk-" 
"Oh!" He turns after putting down the two boxes he was carrying. "Just got the text, said they'll give you the key tomorrow," 
"Great," Miguel rolls his eyes, putting down his box on the vacant desk and his duffle on the chair. He turns, inspecting the room that he's been sent to stay in. One side is already cluttered with his roommate's stuff, plants and books and papers strewn about. He tilts his head when he spots a flag on his desk.
"You're trans?" Miguel asks, turning to him where he was still standing with his phone out. He hums and lifts his head, meeting Miguel's browns.
"Oh that old thing? Yeah," He scratches the back of his neck. "I know, I get it. No one really cares nowadays, the worlds moved on, whatever," 
He glances at the little flag, pink and white and blue adding color to the messy desk. He smiles. "It's a reminder, I guess," 
Miguel stares at the flag, just once, before he nods and shrugs, turning to open his boxes. "Sure, that's cool," 
He can practically feel the sunshine radiating from his roommate behind him. He crosses his arms, turning again to face him, and he's right because his roommate has a really bright smile. "I hope we'll be good friends, Miguel," 
"Miguel there's so many people in Nueva York how am I supposed to-'' Lyla stops, before she grins. "Nevermind, found him!" 
Miguel finishes his spider shot, cracking his neck again as he sets the syringe down. He turns towards Lyla, the AI already projecting the location. "Looks like our guy lives in… the slums? I thought you said he was a prodigy," 
"Yeah well not everyone gets a decent job even if they are a genius," Miguel huffs, running his hand through his hair as he looks at the mirror.
"Who's you said the guy was again?" Lyla begins to scroll through the data. 
Miguel sighs. "Old roommate, back in college," 
"Ooh, interesting," She giggles.
"Lyla don't-" 
"I'm not looking through his history! Just a peek, though," 
Miguel lets out another sigh, walking towards the large opened window. "Uh, hey Miguel, are you sure about this?" 
"Why what's wrong?" 
Lyla displays her screen as it glitches in front of Miguel. According to her research, the old roomie has been caught by the police stealing items from hardware stores and electronic stores, a handful of accounts of disruption of peace according to the other tenants in his old apartment. And he's currently deemed missing.
"Where did you say his location was?" Miguel reads through the file, his brows knitted. 
"Just here, some abandoned warehouse in the slums," 
“Miguel, man, you’ve got to eat,” A tray for warm food was suddenly placed between Miguel's paperwork. He huffs, pushing the plate away and to the edge of his already small table. He hears a sigh, before the plate is moved out of his peripherals, and Miguel is back into his work.
“Dude, you only ate like, one energy bar after going to the gym,” 
“I’m fine,” 
Another exasperated sigh, before his roommate goes back to whatever robotics he was working on. Miguel has been perfecting his latest assignment the whole week, going back and forth on his computer, writing down research papers and consulting with his professors. Meanwhile, the man that he shares his room with is tinkering with a recent robotic piece he’s been pouring his heart into.
It’s correct that they share most of their schedule together. Miguel would wake up before dawn, and so would he. They’d run a couple of laps around campus before hitting the gym just before it gets too crowded. He’d spot for Miguel while Miguel would comment on his form if it needs any improvement. Sometimes they’d share breakfast together, before they head for their different classes, though ever since Miguel has been engrossed in his recent paperwork, their time spent together has been blessed. It'd be a lie to say Miguel doesn't miss their shared time, but he supposes seeing him back in their room after a long day is enough. Though, it doesn't seem enough for his friend. 
Unbeknownst to Miguel, his roommates have been supporting a devastating crush on him. Stolen glances, longing eyes whenever Miguel's back is turned towards him. Times when he’d stare a bit too long whenever Miguel was doing his bench presses, times when he’d stand close just to feel the comforting warmth beside him. He’d fuss over Miguel, bringing food or drinks, bringing things Miguel might've forgotten with his busy schedule. Sometimes, when Miguel worked too late and too much, he’d fall asleep on his desk, at which he’d bring his blanket to cover Miguel’s back. In the morning, he rolls his eyes and says something about Miguel getting a bad back, which Miguel would promptly ignore. 
It’s currently Friday night. The man that's sitting on the opposite side of the room has seemingly lost interest in his robotics and decided to peer out of their bedroom window. Suddenly, Miguel is bombarded by a loud shout coming from outside of their room, and snaps quickly to the source. He sees his roommate has opened the bedroom window and is looking out into the campus’ courtyard. 
“Yeah, I'll join you! Be right down!” He hollers, before he shuts and locks the window. Miguel turns, blinking away the slight dizziness he got. 
“Who was that?” 
“A friend, they're having a party at one of the frat houses, you wanna join?” He grins, pulling on his leather jacket and pocketing his belongings. Miguel has never been to a party and he's not about to start going, especially when he has a deadline to push. He shakes his head, always swiveling back his chair. 
“No thanks,” 
He hears his friend scoff. “Come on Miguel! You’ve been working on that thing for ages now, you deserve a break, and the deadline isn't for another month!” 
“I’m not interested,” Miguel bites back, barely glancing at his pleas. 
“Just this once, I promise it’ll be fun! I’ll be there and I can take care of-”
“I said I'm not interested.” He spits out, already hunching into the part he’s soldiering. He doesn't hear anything, not an answer or another push for him to join. The air has changed, something heavy hangs between them. The tension is palpable, but despite it all Miguel only hears the shuffling of his friend's boots. 
“Sure, whatever,” His roommate fixes a stare at the back of Miguel's head, before he unlocks their door. “Y’know, one of these days that work of yours is going to destroy you if you're not careful,” 
And with that, he leaves Miguel alone for the night. 
“What the fuck!” Miguel jumps and manages to hold on to the side of the building. “Lyla searches for his weakness points!”
“Hah! You think this has a weakness, Miguel?!” The man shouts, a wide grin on his lips. “I’ve perfected these arms, they are practically indestructible!” 
“SO this is how you greet your old roommate?” 
“I’d prefer for us to meet for coffee, but after how you treated me, I think this…” He brings a menacing robotic arm towards him, as if to inspect it. “Is way better,” 
The arm suddenly lunges towards Miguel which he narrowly avoids. He jumps and entwines two of the appendages together as he lands behind the man, at which he growls and breaks free of Miguel’s red webs. “I never treated you badly!”
“No, not really huh,” He smirks. “But you never noticed the shit I did for you anyways!” 
He spears those sharp arms towards Miguel which he does a couple of doges before jumping down the rooftop they were currently fighting on. 
“All of those morning coffees, late dinners, all for nothing! None! All because you were so fucking focused-” He sharply turns, grabbing Miguel’s wrist and stopping him from dropping a punch. He suddenly pulls Miguel towards him, burning anger behind those eyes. “On combining a damn spider's DNA with yourself!” 
He throws the Spiderman across the street, breaking several walls until the momentum finally stops. Miguel groans, cracking his neck when Lyla suddenly pops up. “Boss, the control panel for those arms is on his back, if you could pull it apart from him, it’ll stop him from controlling it,”
“On it.” Miguel swiftly stands, running through the many rooms he passed before leaping into the air, catching the man off guard. He throws a punch that lands on his face, throwing him off balance and into the concrete street below. He grows, and fixes his jaw, before launching back to full force against Miguel. 
“It was all fine until you went out with that fucking brunette!” He shouts, throwing debris towards Miguel which he weaves and dodges. “Did I ever mean anything to you?!”
He’s got Miguel pinned to the ground, and pushes all of the arms to stab at him, but instead misses and gets buried in the ground instead when Miguel swiftly pulls away with his web. He struggles to get the appendages out of the strong concrete, suddenly finding them stuck, an opportunity for Miguel to rip the control panel off. He swings above the man, landing directly behind him where he quickly digs his nails into the seams of the panel. 
“I’m sorry,” Miguel manages before he pulls. An ear-splitting scream, before deathly silence. Miguel could only hear his heavy breath, before sparks of green ran through the man's body, and it jolted him. He shouts, before falling into the pavement. Miguel takes a beat to examine the control panel, before throwing it somewhere on the ground. He spots the bareback of his once roommate, a horrid sight of root-like marks growing around the man's back. Miguel furrows his brows, before he hears the faint police sirens, no doubt coming over to clean up the commotion. 
Just as Miguel was about to make his leave, he heard the man cough, a horrid groan behind him. Miguel glances slightly, as he hears him begin to speak. 
“I was right… Your work did destroy you.”
Requests are opened! Remember to reblog!
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divijohm · 11 months
Guess who?
Is me! 🌱anon!
back again
I've been thinking and was gonna write myself BUT sharing is caring so BEN drowned with a ghost reader and they game but most importantly they torment jeff, for fun. Yk? He be walking and they just be popping out the walls with lighers: >:D. He avoids them like the plauge, poor thing.
Hope you get more requests, you write so well you deserve them
BEN and a ghost reader tormenting Jeff
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A/N: THE CHAOS I LOVE IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:3 ALSO THANK YOU 😭😭😭😭 this is the first time I'm sharing my writing and is getting this much attention it's giving me a reminder that I'm not invisible and people can actually like me lmao
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👻 You both meet in an online chat (duh) and BEN decided to scare/kill/torture you. But when he did go through the internet and stuff to get to your house... It was in a grave yard and you were already dead...
👻 He was taken back a little bit because of it, there isn't that many ghosts in earth, let alone ghosts that still interact with the technology and humans.
👻 He shrugged it off and continued playing games with you from time to time
👻 then this gaming sessions started to be more and more frequent and eventually you became friends, so he (in secret from slender) started to take you to the mansion. You meet Jeff there and with the kind of asshole personality he has you didn't really like him
👻 one time you and BEN were chilling in the mansion and Jeff pulled a prank on both of you. BEN was already in getting back at Jeff but you convinced him to do it 1000x worse
👻 So your plan started in the next day you were in the mansion. Started simple with you and BEN glitching and malfunctioning any eletronic object he wanted to use from his phone to the toaster.
👻 Then you guys started spooking him like traditional ghost, you know? Flickering lights, moving objects etc. At this point Jeff was already pissed off
👻 The cherry on top of this prank cake came when you noticed some lighters scattered around the mansion (thanks to Masky and any other creep that smoke) and decided to light one or two and run around Jeff with them on. BEN joined right away too.
👻 You guys Laughed so much this day that you both decided to do this again and again.
👻 You don't come often to the mansion, otherwise slender would figure out and consequences would take place. But everytime you do come, you and BEN team up to annoy Jeff
👻 He now avoids you two like the plague poor thing he deserves it this is a great bonding experience for the 3 of you though. BEN started to like you more because of it :3
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asoullessentity · 1 year
haiii hello!! I rlly rlly love ur hcs sm and i just got into underverse lately especially with the new episode that came out me thinks, and and i wanted to ask if you could do error fluff hcs possibly?? yipeee
Fluff headcanons ! , ERROR SANS
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— note ; None
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He has no dating experience either…
You both would have matching dolls. A doll of you and a doll of him.
He most def glitches out when he's flustered.
Yk those couples that would wrap their scarves around each other? Yea, that's you and him when it gets chilly/cold
He's surprisingly a good cooker.
He loves cuddling with you under a large blanket as you two watch movies/shows.
He's def the type to slow dance with you and then call It corny afterwards LMAO. (He doesn't mean it.)
He cannot hide his jealousy for the life of him mannn.
Yk it's bad when Ink knows Error's jealous.
He'll flirt and touch you just to make the glitchy skeleton mad.
Don't worry you guys cuddle and make out after Ink leaves ♡
He loves your chubbiness. He cuddles his face into your belly when he's upset.
He's like a cat? Or maybe a puppy.
Mans will not leave u alone…
Follows you everywhere.
He loves laying his whole body on you.
I think he would love cats. He doesn't really like loud and hyper things so, plus cats are chill and quiet and they don't like loud noises either.
If u guys get a cat together you'll probably name it ERROR Jr.
Error acts like he hates the name but he finds it really cute.
Surprise kisses ♡
You love seeing him glitch when you suddenly kiss him out of nowhere.
He loves picnic dates.
Probably libraries too lol.
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You just love him smmm !!!
copyright. ©𝑨 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑬𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 2023 ; 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅.
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broodingheroine · 3 months
tmagp 10 thoughts
oooo what happened on saturday night
oh are we going right in??
talk show?????
BONZO! (I know nothing abt the arg but this and the institute list)
"nigels SOS" is..... interesting.
he was...... imprisoned in the basement by the "imaginary" head of channel 6. do I even need to explain my thoughts on that one.
"you've got buried!" what the fuck. (in hindsight this might be berried not buried but I'll check the transcript later)
you can't remember who came up with the name mr bonzo. deeply unsettling.
the laugh track in this is weird. like it's not in the right places.
it glitched when he said there was a lot of bonzos over the years. unless I'm insane.
not bonzo being a hazing ritual lmao
this is lowkey giving wiggly from black friday
oh my god.......... bonzo butcher..........
oh more murders. in the bonzo costume.
COLIN!!!!! MY BOY!!!!!!!
oh god. it sounds like he's been reprogrammed or smth.
oh colin you are so jonathon sims coded
"a wet hole. and not the good kind either." ALIIIIICE SHUT UPPPPP
carved floor. interesting.
a key..... didn't the redcanary statement say there were no doors? might be misremembering
it's not for you??? who the fuck is it for nigel
did they get easier to hear when the door opened??
wood worm. fuck you tma references.
weird stuff with no context????
the only one left? what do you mean. what do you MEAN. did kids die in the fire?
okay they're getting farther away from whatever's recording. don't like that.
ew whispers ew ew ew
okay so they definitely accidentally freed jonahs corpse or smth right
I can't believe we're getting an actual monster already in episode TEN too. bonzo is horrifying. it's time for me to actually watch the arg summary video.
gwen is going to be a nervous wreck after this and everyone's going to be soooo confused.
are we thinking the bonzo thing was the suit itself being cursed or was it just this Thing that made itself? much to think about
so much happened in this episode I don't even know where to start to be honest
I love that alice and sam were presumably using work hours to go trespassing. very timothy stoker coded of them.
I wanna know what the fuck was in the archives. I'm assuming it's jonahs corpse? but could also be redcanary.
god I cannot collect my thoughts. yk what no actual analysis today yall are just getting my live blog.
so long farewell auf wiedersehn goodnight
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