#don't get me wrong the art and music for it go hard!! I just found the characterization and story a lil disappointing
flamebearrel · 5 months
since you're doing an osc ask game, do I ask a number to you? if so, let's go with number 14
14 - What do you care about most in an object show?
While both are important, loveable characters will always stand out over perfect writing to me! I always like it when they focus on what makes the characters unique, between their interactions with each other and how they take on the challenges or even normal situations. I mean, they’re literally objects
BFDI does a really good job with both aspects in and out of the focus of the competition! They use each others' physical quirks (magnetism, flight, machinery, etc.) and personality quirks ("Needy", DPA's pact) to progress all the time; otherwise you also have IDFB + the shorts to fill in the gaps where they can just hang out.
While ONE only occasionally references their limits as objects, it's used at very careful times to remind you of that link between worlds. In terms of personality though, the little conversations about their home lives and just. Interactions with them helping each other up, studying the world around them, etc etc. help flesh out (most of) the characters a lot and make them that much more human to the audience. You particularly get eps 8 and 16 dedicated to "hang out" time, albeit... twisted.
(Little bit of negativity/general critique towards The Nightly Manor under the cut)
Out of the other shows I’ve watched so far (II s1-2, BFC, and TNM) I honestly found TNM the weakest. Why? Because only half of the main cast feel like they have any character. Sketchpad is definitely fun, and Spraypaint and Mouse are interesting, but besides that???
It wants me to root for Top Hat and GPS but like, barely shows me anything of those two actually connecting before the latter dies? They have like one short conversation before getting split up and Top Hat spends the rest of the time grieving. The only other hinted interaction is that offhanded comment of GPS teaching him how to drive, which is easy to gloss over since they aren't named.
Maybe it's because the first half went by so fast, but since they just revealed at least one more episode is in the works hopefully these dynamics will get expanded on
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gummygowon · 10 months
my girl(s) | choi san
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word count: 1.27k hehe
genre: fluff bro so much, slight childhood friends to lovers, established relationship, soon to be dad!san x pregnant!reader
warnings: san just worrying too much that he gets exhuasted
song playlist: my girl - the temptations, be my baby - the ronettes, la vie en rose - èdith piaf
author's note: seeing san get heated about how that one husband treats his wife made me think about how sweet and caring san would be in a relationship and then i started playing fifties's music and boom here where we are
choi san was just an absolute gentlemen, it was one of the many reasons why you loved him so much.
you vividly remember when you were younger, san declaring to the dinner table that his wife's hands will never be wet in the future, promising that he will be doing everything for her which impressed all the other neighborhood parents. a few parents joked at him to remember their daughters in the future which you rolled your eyes at. san was obviously bluffing and trying to impress everyone. you found it hard to believe that a man would be able to care so much for his wife like san said.
it was almost laughable how wrong child you was.
san quite literally did everything around the house, always insisting that you go lie down and relax even though he just came home from work. it was definitely a hassle trying to get your husband to relax let alone sit down after dinner since he was always insisting that he did the dishes even if he cooked.
"san, baby go shower," you whisper into his ear while he was doing the dishes, "let me do this. go relax."
instantly turning around in protest, san folds his arms in front of his chest, "no."
"san," you warn, the mother in your voice coming out.
"absolutely not." san protests, standing up even taller to tower over you, "you are my pregnant wife who needs to rest. i need my girls to rest."
"san, we don't even know the gender yet." you argue. it was only today that you found out you were pregnant after you realized that you were two weeks late and sped to the nearest drugstore for a test.
"i know but i think we're having a girl." san says knowing with smile on his face, he was just getting excited at the thought of having a baby girl. "still though, you should rest."
"san, i'm fine, you on the other hand should rest."
"who has a eight hour shift at seven am tomorrow baby?"
"i do." san dejectedly answers with a pout on his face. san didn't hate his job as a martial arts instructor but if he had to choose between you and his job, he would choose you without a doubt over and over again.
"i promise when my belly grows you can pamper me all you want but not yet. you still need to take care of yourself before i'm unable to take care of myself."
"promise?" he asks as he intertwined his fingers with you.
"promise." you answer before sealing the deal with a kiss.
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a few months later, when the baby bump began to show, san became even more protective of you.
finally on your maternity leave, you spent the time at home reading parenting books and knitting clothes for your baby making an assortment of colors. sometimes, you ventured down to the dojo that was connected to the house causing san to stop whatever he was doing and guide you down the stairs.
"yah! choi san!" you shout at your husband who completely abandoned his lesson to aid you, "i can walk down just fine! go back to teaching!"
"no!" he argues before turning back to his class to yell, "five minute water break!"
a collective "yes sir" was heard from the group as the students dispersed to the sidelines.
"san, i love you but i promise i'm fine!"
"i know, but i still worry over you my love." san confesses as he carefully holds your hand as you walk down.
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closer to your date, you spent most of your days either in the dojo working at the front desk so that san could keep on you (more like you could keep an eye on him) or upstairs reading more parenting books and preparing the baby's room.
"how's the baby?" wooyoung asks, an old friend of san who occasionally stopped by the dojo to check up on you and take out san to relax.
"doing great! the doctors are saying the baby is healthy and don't see any problems or complications yet."
"ahhh, that's great to hear! how's san doing though? still stressing?"
"oh you bet he is." you sigh, running a hand through your hair. "taking him out for a drink tonight?"
"trying to but you know he doesn't like to leave your side."
another sign escapes your lips, it was possible that san was stressing you out by not being able to relax. "i'll convince him. he's been worrying too much."
"good luck with that one." wooyoung laughs.
"woo!" your husband shouts at his best friend coming out of the studio to the front with a towel in hand. "what brings you here?"
"just checking in your wife and the baby." wooyoung starts before flashing a quick glance at you, "but the boys and i are about to head down to the bar if you wanna grab a drink."
"ahhh, you know i would love to but," san says looking down at you with a smile. lately he's been running around the house trying to satisfy you're weird pregnancy cravings and help with the morning sickness all while still working full time down at the dojo. the stress and exhaustion was evident on your poor baby's face as the eye bags deepened and he wasn't his cheery self.
instead of returning the smile, you frown at him confusing san. "go sannie, i'll be fine."
"san, i will be okay." you laugh a little, trying to ease san's nerves, "i'll be down the street okay, baby? you deserve a break."
san looks back at wooyoung who looks eerily similar to the devil on his shoulder. "are you sure? what about dinner?"
"your mom dropped off some soup for us earlier, i can eat that. go out, have fun! you need to have some fun once in awhile baby."
"fine, but not too late." san complies while pointing a finger at wooyoung.
"i promise to bring him before eleven ma'am." wooyoung promises saluting to you before shooing san to go get changed.
"take care of him woo!"
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the day of the pregnancy was absolutely terrifying yet exciting. it was the thrill of finally becoming parents that was the only thing keeping you sort of calm. your mind wandered every now and then to the idea of you being a bad mother but san was quick to shut down those thoughts.
you guys still didn't have any idea of what the gender was, deciding it would be fun to find out the day of. san was still confident that you guys were going to have a girl even though all the ajummas begged to differ with their superstitions.
"it's a girl!" the doctor exclaimed cuddling the newbown baby.
"i told you!" san shouts jumping into the air out of excitement before wrapping his arms tightly around you, his lips on your forehead. "thank you. thank you so much." tears of happiness flowed from san's eyes as he held you close, his warm embrace making you feel overwhelmed with his love.
"i love you so so much." san cried into your neck as he looked through blurry eyes at you cradling your daughter.
you couldn't even say anything too tired and overwhelmed to give a proper response. instead, you just cried with san holding the baby so close to your heart.
it felt refreshing? calming? something like that to be able to cry away your emotions. even the worries of becoming a mother washed away and instead hope and excitement for the future replaced the negative thoughts. you couldn't believe that you finally have a kid with the love of your life, not even just the love of your life but your best friend in the whole wide world.
god, you were so lucky to have a san in your life and he was just as lucky or even more to have you in his life. now, the both of you were fortunate to have a third in your new little family.
san let out a sniffle before planting a wet kiss to the crown of your head, "my girls."
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goosefruit · 6 months
vanessa shelly x reader
tw: none really, slight mention of william afton killing kids
a/n: this is really random but i love the way vanessa says "frickin'" in the movie so i included it in this fic
You scanned the room around you one last time, checking that everything was in place as planned. 
Gold and white balloons adorned every corner, streamers hung off the ceiling, and a romantic candle-lit dinner was prepared on the dining table. The only thing missing was the subject of celebration, who you suspected should be arriving any moment now. 
"Happy birthday!" You cried out as Vanessa finally stepped through the front door. She was immediately taken aback; however, her expression quickly became one of joy.
"What is all this, Y/N? You didn't have to!" 
You knew that Vanessa didn't like to make a big deal out of her birthday. Hell, you weren't even sure if she remembered that today was her special day, with the way she never mentioned it (in fact, the only reason you knew her birthday was because of that singular time it slipped into the conversation when you were just a month into dating). 
"Nessa, babe. I know you have a hard time celebrating yourself, but today is your day, so let me help you feel special, m'kay?" You helped her out of her work gear and guided her to the dining table. Arranged was a variety of all her favourite dishes, alongside a vase of roses. You gave a shy laugh; the food had taken you several attempts before it was satisfactory. "I'm not the best cook, but I tried my best."
"God, I don't even know what to say," Vanessa couldn't suppress the grin that stretched across her face. "Thank you so much, my love. You are the sweetest frickin' angel ever."
One hand cupped your cheek and the other found its home on your waist as she pulled you in for a kiss, her cherry flavoured-lips fitting perfectly against your own. She smelled amazing, like an elixir of vanilla and jasmine that you had now associated with warmth and comfort.
"How about we eat before the food gets cold, and continue this later?" You whispered when you finally pulled apart for air, your face a centimetre away from hers. 
"You're right. I gotta see if I should make you do all the cooking from now on."
Dinner was filled with laughter, flirty exchanges, and your girlfriend complimenting your culinary skills. You swore that your face was bright red by the end of it, with her praises and the way she made you giggle till you couldn't breathe. 
"Alright, alright, if you thought the steak was good, just wait till you see the cake," you got up and proudly made your way to the fridge.
"There's cake too? You're going to put me into a food coma!"
"Wouldn't be a birthday without a cake. Made it myself too," the excitement in your voice was evident as you set down a colourful cake on the table. Vanessa gasped as she took a closer look. 
On the cake was your best attempt at drawing you, Vanessa, and the four animatronics in icing. You were definitely not a professional artist, but your years of art lessons as a kid paid off, if you said so yourself. It was a depiction of your girlfriend's favourite picture: one taken at the pizzeria while the six of you danced to music, Vanessa in your arms as the animatronics looked on with joy (as best as they could, in their robotic ways).
You looked to her for approval, but were alarmed when you were met with her tear-streaked face instead.
She caught you staring in concern and buried her face in her hands, shoulders trembling as she sobbed. You had rarely seen Vanessa cry like this, not even after almost getting murdered by her own father. 
"Vanessa? What's wrong, sweetheart?" You wrapped an arm around her, thumb rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
"I'm sorry," she lifted her head to look up at you with teary eyes. It was astounding how beautiful she looked, despite her smudged mascara and red puffy eyes. "I'm not sad, I promise. It's just, as cheesy as this sounds, no one has ever made me feel this important before. I think you're the first person in this world that has ever loved me like this."
"Baby," you kissed her forehead, on the verge of crying yourself.
"And I can see that you put in so much effort to learn all these little details about me, not to mention the time you must have spent putting this whole thing together. Y/N- fuck, I feel like I don't deserve you."
You rested your head on the nape of her neck, your hand finding hers to interlace your fingers together, 
"The last time I had a birthday party, I was eight," she continued with a sniffle. "And," 
A sigh interrupted her sentence, and you could guess that this next part was hard for her to say: 
"You know, when there’s a bunch of unsuspecting, innocent children around, my father...h-he takes advantage of that. I begged him to never have a birthday party again after that, because though I might not have been able to stop him, I couldn't bear to be an accomplice to his crimes."
Vanessa's father really messed her up----that much you knew----but it still broke your heart every time you heard her speak about it.
"What he did will never be your fault, Nessa. I love you more than you know, and I need you to know that you deserve nothing but the best." 
She cracked a weak smile. "Okay, okay, enough sob stories. I want to be in a good mood when we cut this gorgeous cake of yours."
"You know what, I have something else that may be able to cheer you up." You shook your head in amusement. "Don't you wanna see the presents I got you?"
From behind the living room couch, you grabbed a large gift bag and presented it to her. 
And oh did she love it. She couldn’t stop squealing in excitement as she opened your present: a book that was on her reading list, a candle with her favourite scent, a gold necklace that you caught her eyeing at the jewelry store, and a photo album filled with pictures of the two of you. 
The cherry on top was a heartfelt card that brought tears to her eyes, once again.
“And also,” you began to unbutton the top of your blouse, allowing her to catch a glimpse of the hot pink lingerie underneath. “A bonus gift.”
“Holy shit, I really am spoiled!”
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hyunjinners · 9 months
✧:・゚Our Promise → Lee Eunhy-uk x reader ˚₊· ꒰🎀꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊Sometimes bringing up happy memories can lift moods.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊Lee Eun-hyuk x Fem¡reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊Angst (a little), cute ending.
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊slight trigger, racial differences, Eun-hyuk being a complete cutie ^°^
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊1,2k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊One more chapter for you! Remembering that English is not my first language, so I apologize if it is in old-fashioned writing or any spelling errors.
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Bored, Eun-hyuk walks through the corridors of the green building, looking at how the residents are getting along with each other. He carries an imperceptible smile on his face from the little memory of his sister proposing between the lines to Hyun-su.
Crossing the hall, his eyes fall directly on her figure sitting absently. Beautiful. He couldn't help thinking. He watches as he crosses his arms, attentive to her details. The pencil in her hand, tracing perfect lines on the notebook in her lap, your foot tapping frantically to the music playing in your headphones and even the way you would unnoticedly tuck the lock of hair that fell across your face behind your ear.
For anyone this would be a cute or ordinary scene. But Eun-hyuk knew you. He loved you. Which of course guaranteed the fact that he knew you very well, and he knew something was wrong. You were nervous, anxious - worried to say the least. You always do that when you're worried, nervous or even scared. Art always called his attention and, from Eun-hyuk's point of view, he found an interesting way of escape. But still his worries did not diminish.
He really noticed how restless and distant you were for a while during the days. He is really distant because of his role as leader of the group, so it's common for 𝗵𝗶𝗺 not to see you. But strangely 𝘆𝗼𝘂 didn't go see him, which sincerely worried him, but he just thought you were thinking that you didn't want to bother him - which wasn't very unusual for you to think, as you always gave him space when needed.
He walks slowly and silently towards you. He watches intently as his fingers scratch the edge of the notebook nervously. Her head hangs down as she hums softly, wanting to concentrate on the music - anything but her problems.
Sitting down next to him, Eun-hyuk gently removes the headphones from his ears, which results in a slight fright on his part by the sudden act. You sigh as soon as you realize who it was and put on your face the widest smile you could manage - which wasn't particularly much.
"Oppa! How are you?" Through her eyes he could confirm with all certainty that something was not right. In response he just smiled, holding your hand, making you let go of the pencil, thus resting it on the notebook.
"how are you? I haven't heard from you lately, so I was worried."
"I'm fine, don't worry." lie. This was clearly a lie. You could even lie very well, but not when it comes to Eun-hyuk. His heart ached when he realized you weren't going to tell him anything, maybe to keep him from worrying.
"something happened, didn't it? You are restless. Besides listening to music, it's something you do when you're really nervous or sad. You can count, y/n. It's okay." You watch him with lost eyes, wondering if you should speak or not. Leaning back against the wall, you sigh as you stare at the ceiling above.
"it's something silly, Eun-hyuk."
"but it's still something. Tell me."
"It's just… today would be my test. The most important of the semester. The proof that I spent weeks studying because I wanted something for my future but, with all this monster business, I wonder if it even really has a future." you let out a sad laugh. You didn't want to tell because it seemed silly, but only you know what happened. a foreigner, who left her family behind to be able to make her proud and become the most studied in the family, being able to bring the life she wanted so much. Only you knew how hard you and your parents worked for you to be here today.
"I know it sounds silly but…I've been waiting for this since I was 14. I struggled, studied and even worked for it. Which in the end became nothing." a silent tear rolls down her cheek. "sorry…it's stupid, I know."
"No…it's not stupid." he guides you to sit between his legs, thus leaning on his chest. He cuddles in her arms while resting his chin on her head, not before leaving a seal in place. "I know it's important to you and I understand more than anyone what it's like to be forced to drop out of school for a bigger reason."
"but the worst of it is that I won't be able to keep our promise."
The promisse. He remembers clearly.
You were in your small apartment for an afternoon of study together. Eun-hyuk was sitting in her swivel chair while you were sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall. You let out a sigh, dropping the book onto the bed with a low grunt.
"Oppa! Why is studying so tiring?" he turns his chair towards her, looking into her eyes with a small smile. He adjusts his glasses as he gets up to sit beside her. You intertwine your hands, looking into his face in awe.
"want to know something? When all this studying, tests and simulations are over, I'm going to marry you." You said suddenly, making Eun-hyuk surprised.
"Marry?" he asks, a little desperate due to the impact of the fright.
"Of course you do, you silly! Or would you rather I marry some college freshman?"
"What? No no! Of course not… I agree to marry you."
"then…" you intertwine your pinkies, joining your thumbs together like a seal. "…it's a promise."
He loves that memory, but it grew sadder and sadder when he stopped to think about their predicament, how their futures were compromised. You bite your lower lip remembering every effort you made to finish college. It was all down the drain.
"Do not think like that. The world could go up in flames, but that's no reason to part with you. I love you. Of course it's hard but, at least for me, if we're together it's just something we'll get through. Together. No matter what happens."
You are silent, absorbing his words. You couldn't disagree, he was definitely your everything, and you couldn't let the situation stop you from thinking about a better future. He also knew that maybe things would never really get better, but he loves you. Very. And I wanted to get through it all with him.
"…Thank you, Eun-hyuk. I don't know how I would be without you. I love you so much and I want more than ever to be with you until the end."
"I love you too, so I'm going to make it happen. I will keep the promise, my love. Don't worry."
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꒷꒦ ⊹ ๑ ❛original by: @hyunjinners ¡ Like × reblog❜ =͟͟͞♡ ‧ ˚ ₊
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dross-the-fish · 5 months
I found myself thinking of Jekyll today and wondering if it causes him physical pain to have to fake a smile. To what extent is Henry Jekyll, pleasant doctor and sophisticated upperclass gentleman a painful mask he has to wear and does the discomfort ever feel physical?
I was at the local aquarium today (this is the perfect time of year to go because it's open but there are no tourists so it's never crowded and admission is cheap) hanging out and doodling on one of the benches while I watched the fish. I had on headphones to listen to an audio book and to provide a buffer between myself and anyone who might try to talk to me and I had been looking forward to relaxing for a couple of hours when a family walked up and the father waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention. The minute they started asking me questions about what I was drawing I was filled with what I can only describe as intense dismay.
Obviously the family being present isn't in of itself an issue, it's a public aquarium, it's aimed at families and parts of the aquarium are geared specifically at children, but the family noticed me drawing and stopped to talk to me.
I reiterate that this was not something they did wrong, they were just being friendly, but I was really not prepared to have a conversation and I found the whole ordeal to be...well an ordeal. They were interested in what I was drawing (a sketch of Henry Jekyll because he's been on my mind off and on) and just the thought of having to explain who this character was, hoping they got it, and having to potentially explain why I was drawing him felt overwhelming.
And it was, they did not know who Henry Jekyll was, they were vaguely aware of Jekyll and Hyde but weren't the type of people to read classic literature and had never heard of the musical or actually seen for themselves any movies featuring the character. The mom commented that he looks like "a Disney villain from back in the 90s" which...fair assessment, I can't pretend I don't see why she would have thought that. The older kid was probably the most interested and wanted to see more of my drawings which made me really uncomfortable but I let him look through my sketchbook anyway because his parents kept saying he was interested in drawing and he loves art and I felt too anxious to say no.
I made small talk with the parents for a while, all the usual, "what's your name, where you from, what's your job?" (I hate those questions, they are usually the least interesting things about any people, myself included) and I wondered if this is what Henry does on a regular day. Has ordinary conversations with reasonably nice people and feel completely like a fish out of water the whole time. I felt pretty terrible about it too, I didn't have any hard feelings or resentment but the whole time I was thinking "Stop touching my things, go away, please fucking leave so I can get back to my audio book and my drawing. I just wanted to sit with the fish for a few hours because it's supposed to be quiet here this time of year."
No one ever seems to catch on that physically talking to people is an effort for me. I've gone my whole life and no one has ever noticed that I'm anxious or uncomfortable in situations where I have to speak out loud because I've gotten good at faking small talk and I know how to make my voice sound pleasant.
It's strange because I express myself easily enough in writing and I like messaging with people over text but the minute I have to be verbal with people I don't know I feel like I'm putting on an immense effort. I have to consciously choose a tone, figure out what words I want to say, be ready with an explanation in case I'm asked questions and I have to do all of it in real time on the spot. It feels like improve, like I'm constantly doing an improve routine and I know most people would say "Just be yourself!" But myself doesn't want to be doing this at all. Myself wants to be drawing and looking at fish. Even as a child I was never very social, I liked to doodle or daydream or build with my lego sets. I got reprimanded a lot for being too quiet. So I made myself more talkative and learned how to hold conversations. I learned to blend in but it's so tiring at times and I can swear when it's at its worst it feels almost physical. The discomfort becomes a suffocating "texture" on my skin and in my brain and I have to keep pretending like I don't notice it because every time I try to articulate how I feel people don't understand it. It's just not a thing they experience.
So I just keep "acting normal," and wonder if there's something wrong with me, like I'm operating on a different frequency from the people around me and I'm the only one on that frequency so other people don't even know it exists. It's...incredibly isolating at times. Even my partner doesn't seem to hear the world as loud as I do or experience the "texture" it's just a strange THING that I'm stuck with by myself. I wonder if it was the same for Henry Jekyll? Except instead being of too quiet he was too loud, too boisterous, threw tantrums, didn't know when to stop rambling about anatomy and weird gross medical facts. So he learned how to cover it and move through life pretending to be interested in everyone else but keenly aware they could never share his interests because his favorite subjects were too grisly and if he started talking about diseases he'd put everyone off. I head-canon Jekyll loves what he does, but he doesn't love it for reasons a doctor should, he doesn't care that much about healing the sick, he cares about conquering illnesses, he likes to learn about symptoms, he enjoys the disgusting viscera of his work. But he can't let on that this is what he enjoys about his work because that's not noble or heroic, it's something most people would find creepy of him. So he buries it and pretends he cares about curing the sick. He pretends he enjoys talking to people who don't know anything about who he is or what he does but they think they do because they are aware of doctors and understand that medicine exists. All the time he loathes it, it exhausts him and he can't even indulge in activities he enjoys to blow of steam because he enjoys things like brawling, doing drugs, and fucking. All things a man of his status shouldn't be seen doing. There's an image people associate with Henry Jekyll and it's an image he can't afford to tarnish...
but it's not really HIS image, it's just a buffer he keeps up to make himself more palatable. I wonder if that ever hurts him physically, if the mask ever feels like a "texture" muffling him.
there are times when I feel like it's no wonder he wasn't repulsed by Hyde when he first saw his reflection. Because I can only imagine by the time Hyde showed up he was already completely burnt out on being Jekyll.
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nanakiwii · 1 month
What the actual-?!
The voices won.
I regret nothing.
Prison was boring.
Being locked up, as Hannibal expected, was all about routine and schedule. You wake up, eat, shower and shit when they tell you to. Good behavior was the key to bring back some of his old life pleasures: books and music, for example, were some of those achievements he earned.
But, Hannibal sensed he still needed something, or, someone to fill this void he called existence. After three years of isolation and intense silence, Hannibal couldn't help but to dig in every interaction he shared with his beloved.
In the time while they were apart, Will - somehow - managed to get engaged and marry a faceless woman and, as much as it hurt Hannibal, he couldn't deny he was happy to see Will as desperate as himself to try to easy the pain of their distance.
The lack of human contact didn't do great to his temperament and Hannibal knew we was becoming more "sassy" as days passed. He was bored. The bliss of the attention he received by the media was gone for ages. He found every assumption of his "diagnose" wrong and very dumb. "If this is the proof of human brightness, then we're destined to live in darkness" he thought.
It was this boredom that made him poke Alana Bloom until he discovered a way to taunt Will and to end his sickening loneliness.
Stardew Valley.
Apparently, it was farming game he could play with friends and family. And who was Will if not a friend and part of his family? Well, Hannibal guessed he had to find a way to play this exquisite video game with his precious Will.
~ Inspired by this horrendous comic I drew on the printscreen brush tool a long time ago while I was sleep deprived and very very bored.
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Will: "What is this game about?"
Hannibal: "I suppose it's a farm game, Will."
Will: "And, why you wanna play with me?"
Hannibal: "Well, Alana commented about it, and I'm curious."
Will: "I don't believe you."
Hannibal: "Come on, Will. I'm locked and bored. Help me out."
Will: "Fine."
Will *behind a computer screen*: "I still don't know how you manage to have those things."
Hannibal *also behind a computer screen*: "I'm a very behaved prisoner."
Will: "..."
Will: "No, look, let's just play."
[Stardew Valley home screen]
Hannibal: "Soo much hair options."
Will: "Shut up."
Hannibal: "What do I put on 'favorite thing?'"
Hannibal: "Such a hard question!"
Will: "I wrote 'dogs'"
Hannibal: "Yeah, I suppose you did."
Will: "You want me to ask, don't you?"
Hannibal: "Ask what?"
Will: "What did you write?"
Hannibal: "Oh, hoho... You would be surprised."
Will: "If you say 'pork' I'll kill you."
Hannibal: "Then, you better pick a knife."
Will: "Fuck you and your cannibal jokes, Hannibal!"
Hannibal: "Me and my jokes."
[Hannibal's character building screen:
Name: Hannibal M.D
Farm Name: Hospital
Favorite Thing: Will Graham ]
I wanted to post it somewhere because I keep laughing alone about what I made and wanted to share with other people.
The art is shit, but someday I'll make something better (I probably won't. Will I?)
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miyakuli · 4 months
Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum
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Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Pocket Mirror is a horrific game in which we follow a young girl with amnesia who is lost in a gloomy, absurd world and tries to escape through a series of puzzles. While the aesthetics and atmosphere of the universe won me over completely, I have more reservations about the writing and the emotions it seeks to convey.
❤ Let's start with the game's biggest strength: the atmosphere is insane (literally). The pixel art is highly detailed, the lighting effects are magnificent, the scenery can go from cute and neat to chaotic and sinister, and the light animations are dynamic and often bloodcurdling effective. I also loved the contrast between the horrific aspect of the scenes and the cute chara-design of the characters, a bit like Puella Magica for those in the know. There are also quite a few visual ideas that play on this contrast of tone to make you feel extremely uncomfortable, without resorting to easy jump scares or excess hemoglobin. ❤ The sound atmosphere is not to be outdone either. The music is memorable, adding a touch of mystery and disquiet to the exploration of the rooms. But the game also relies on scary sound elements (footsteps, evil laughter etc…) as well as moments of oppressive silence, which worked extremely well on me x) ❤ The gameplay is fairly varied overall, with exploration, puzzles, chases (I hated every second of it), mini-games, etc. I never felt redundant during my game.
+/- The game's puzzles take two forms: on the one hand, there's the rpg aspect, with objects to find to interact with elements of the setting; on the other, there are text-based riddles in the style of Sphynx. The difficulty can alternate between easy and a little more intermediate, which provides a bit of a challenge, but I found some of the titles very confusing and their solutions sometimes convoluted. +/- The story is captivating from the start. We face all these horrific events without understanding anything, totally perplexed like our MC who has lost her memory. But this confusion lasts right up to the end, in fact, because the scenario remains far too ambiguous, and even though the game hints at some answers here and there, it ends with a feeling of incompleteness. I did understand the underlying plot, but the way the game skims over the truth left me rather indifferent in the end. +/- The characters are excellent in their creepiness, but we don't get attached to them at all. And yet the game seems to want us to feel something, given certain scenes where the heroine sincerely tries to create a bond with them....but it just doesn't work. First of all, the main girl is just too bland and interacts with everyone in the same way (all sweet and naive) which, in my opinion, doesn't create any real chemistry with the other girls. But on top of that, these ones have very short "arcs" where we're more often dealing with their demonic character than their more human side, and as a result, I find myself rather indifferent to their fate. +/- There's a good amount of replayability given the various endings, but there's no quick skip for the dialogue and some of the cut scenes…and some of the endings are hard to reach without reading a guide, which is a shame.
✖ The game has a lot of game-overs, which isn't a bad thing in itself, but some of them occur after actions based on chance (for example, you take the wrong direction in a corridor and you die, or you make the wrong choice in a dialogue that didn't indicate any fatal fate). It wouldn't have bothered me so much if the save points weren't so far away from these events, as it often means having to take again a long path or even a cut scene that you can't always get past. It got very tiresome at times. ✖ I've got nothing against dubbing in onomatopoeia, but the little laughs and giggles from the damsels are far too frequent and almost annoying. ✖ I find the object interface a bit messy and not quickly accessible.
I was totally drawn into the world of this game, and it succeeds perfectly in its aim of making its audience both nervous and enchanted by this hellish wonderland. But it left me on the side of the road when it came to its story and its characters, who were a little too elusive for my taste.
➡ My Steam page
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meirimerens · 1 year
Geniune question how do you draw so much? I really admire your work but I have such a hard time not getting constantly hit with artblock I wonder how you do it.
i'll begin to tell you that being unemployed and out of school does help. won't lie! the art you see posted here is part of a bigger pattern of Making Art (for portfolio-related reasons & whatnot) so i'm always. Makin Art. i'm fully focused on Art for the better or the worst. second disclaimer is that i hyperfixate and not in a fun teehee enjoyable way - when i start a piece, i will neglect getting enough sleep or feeding myself well until i see it finished. this is not healthy, and while it is part of how i Draw So Much, it's unsustainable for you as much as it is for me. do not fret if you can't Churn Art Out like i do - you're probably healthier off this way. i'm trapped in cycles of Arting and when i stop drawing or writing get get genuine physical symptoms of restlessness, my limbs itch or ache, i pace a lot, i have racing/disordered/cyclical thoughts, like Not Fun. tldr i pray To God You Don't do it like i do.
now some actually helpful tips lol:
have multiple things going on at once. it might seem counterproductive but not being hyperconcentrated on Art allows for your mind to get inspirations from multiple areas. that might be having a job, being in college... for me it's having both personal and fanart on my plate among other things. - i've found that art block can come when you try to cram too much art at once, a form of burn-out, a psychological bottleneck; it's like constantly pulling on the reins of a horse, it will get used to the pulling, and you cannot out-strength a horse, nor can you out-block artblock. when i'm not drawing, i'm writing, listening to music, checking out movies, traveling (even on small scales): all of that feeds into my art, it's all inspiration fodder. when i'm writing, i might write a line which i think would have a banger foundation for a scary image, and the scary image appears to me. new idea!. - don't force yourself to draw, you cannot out-block the block, do something else and inspiration will come.
artblock can often comes when your ideas/desire to draw outdo your current skills, which is a Very, Very common issue, especially if you're improving fast. identify what you're struggling with, and take the time to study it, even if it's just for 10 minutes. full focus, nothing else going on. i also have on my phone entire folders will of references, typically "how to draw [bodypart]" refs, some art pieces i find are visually striking and inspiring, pictures for poses, etc. - if you're struggling with backgrounds, try to trace a picture as study, then reproduce it without tracing, just with it as a visual reference. watch tutorials on how to paint a landscape, or how to understand perspective. - if you're struggling with anatomy, try to do some live poses studies on quickposes, line of action or something of the sort. - something else that has helped me tremendously is anatomy for sculptors PDF. it's pretty expensive but you can find it online for free. wink wink nudge nudge. it breaks down all the muscle groups on the body and gives you a better understanding of the way the human body moves. invaluable resource imo. it's very thin-centric though, so i'd recommend pairing it with like. google search [how to draw fat on a person], [body type you want to draw] and pairing it with the knowledge in the PDF. if you're pudgy or chubby or fat yourself you can use your own body as a reference ain't nothing wrong with that and see how the anatomy underneath reacts with the different levels of body fat or muscles. - i also have saved a tab for head angles ref, light on a face 3d ref model, and the pose tool. the pose tool has collections of live drawing pictures for both clothed and nude, in different poses (sitting, reclining,...). it's also very thin + young-centric (mostly for the women, how curious) & a number of the female poses are eroticized/male gazey but I Grit My Teeth And Bear It. i use them in application with the anatomy knowledge i learned from mentioned above, etc.
something that might seem counterproductive but works for me is that I Hoard WIPs. this makes it so that if i'm not fuckin wit a piece i'm working on and it's frustrating me, i put it aside for a little bit and go work on something else.
preddy much it... tldr I Do It in unhealthy, hyperfixated ways that if i catch you reproducing i'm coming to your house and hitting you wit a stick, however there are a few things that help me power through artblock, namely I Be Studyin What I Draw, i keep these mfer thangs [my refs] on me, and i find inspirations in multiple areas of life.
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mitraoki · 1 year
I saw your latest kaveh fic and I just wanted to ask if you could do some kaveh x rockstar reader?? (Btw it's my first time making a request so I might do this wrong ╥﹏╥)
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the moon and star (kaveh x gn! reader) (modern! au)
note; HIIII ANON! i'm SO SO sorry for the extreme delay on this - my new semester has officially begun and it has been a wild ride.... and it's your first request too OMG🥺🥺 i really hope you enjoy this though!!!! i really love this idea hehe🤍🤍✨ i also decided to write modern! au model kaveh hehe (bcs think about it....)
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(god i'm going insane just looking at this gif-)
+ gorgeous model kaveh takes his time to appreciate the little things. an form of art is an emphasis. i'm sure one of them is music. he enjoys music, dances when no one is looking, feels like he is high up when he's listening to it. no one can bother him - it's his world.
+ i think you can already tell how MUCH support he's going to be providing to you and your career of being a well-known rockstar.
+ there are all kinds of music around him that he can bop his head to, jam out, or possibly even rage to; but something about your music has allowed him to finally come to terms with the existence of his comfort zone. he loves the fact that you were able to discover various different genres and create music out of them. each time you do it, it just works.
+ i think kaveh has been your 'since day 1' kind of fan. but he certainly had NO idea he would be talking to you as often through your social media platforms, to eventually growing a strong bond with you, all the way to the constant dates whenever you both had the time of your busy schedules - and the fact that your hand is now in his. for a couple of years now, too.
+ he couldn't help it - you were so, so breathtakingly alluring. the same person he was with at the very moment is the same person's face being all over billboards, attending show after show, touring the world. kaveh wondered if he was in a trance himself; for he was experiencing them all with him by your side.
+ naturally, fans do have mixed reactions when they found out you were taken. both his and yours were all over the place. kaveh didn't take it lightly at first - was it because of how he looked? why weren't they happy about it at all?
+ you were, on the other hand, worried about how distant he got from you around that time too - you thought it was his schedule being super packed due to high demands, or it could be because of the way you may have treated him.....? you don't remember any mishandling, but enough is enough. you two needed to talk it out.
+ 'nothing is going to come our way, kaveh darling. be as it may, those nasty comments aren't going to take me away from you.'
+ 'us against the world?' he questioned teasingly, his ruby red eyes dreamily staring into yours.
+ 'i know we both made the right choice, kaveh. and i know it can last till the end of our time.'
+ when i tell you this man MELTED- and then a wave of relief crashed into him so hard he felt like he could conquer the world with just his love for you. (kaveh has a wild imagination i just know it)
+ he's always backstage or at the very front, admiring you from any angle. his gallery is FILLED with videos and pictures of you. i can guarantee you this man has taken a selfie while you were on stage, and he's pointing towards you as well.
+ OF COURSE he's going to be posting that on his feed as well, and it's probably captioned "that's my lover right there!!!" and yes of course he has a thread of it.
+ has a special account dedicated to you, this is where he posts almost all of the pictures he has taken of you over the years. this man saved up throughout his career to get a camera and when he did, i guess he finally found his purpose🧎‍♀️
+ will tweet "get y/n's new album or else🤺" will spam his friends about how amazing you were. when you were away, they would hold a listening party. thanks to kaveh, they were all big fans of you too. <3
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all created content belongs to mitraoki. reposts/remakes are not allowed.
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
Played the Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley demo
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teehee will the real Snufkin please stand up??
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First of all the art and music are so gorgeous. The watercolor effect and paper texture are enchanting. I felt soothed just watching the intro. It's very moomin-y and made me remember how I felt when I first discovered the books. When you walk through puddles, there's the sound of splashing water, and when you cross a log bridge, it sounds like hollow wood. Ideal vibe.
I did try *cough* to jump off the cliffs and stuff... but no, you can't kill yourself in this game, bahahaha. Unsurprising but Idk I've played Sims too long and "how can I kill everyone" has become my modus operandi. Not even Moomins are safe.
You pretty much just use space bar, S, and A, so playing was easy. I encountered some trouble when jumping at times, but Idk if that was jumps being glitchy or just me still getting the hang of it.
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Snufkin in this is freakishly strong. Able to carry rocks while jumping across a rushing river and push a giant boulder around. Superstrength!! But it is a lot of fun, really, running and jumping everywhere, climbing things... I got stuck at one point where you have to climb behind a waterfall, because I didn't think you could climb horizontally!
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Now this game stars Snufkin, but don't be fooled, it's really a Snufkin roast. You watch Teety-woo (who is leading the tutorial basically) follow Snufkin around getting ignored for ages x'D and he's so complimentary the whole time that it morphs into an insult. The rest of the time, in the name of helping, he does a lot of nothing and you stop feeling bad about ignoring him bahahahaha.
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Your "mighty" harmonica x'D has the ability to calm and charm other creatures and make them fall in love with you. I don't care what anyone says, I love this whole music therapy angle. I also like finding inspiration in random bushes. It WAS a bit weird to use the harmonica on this Creep only so he could give me a boost up the cliff lol what was wrong with stacking rocks?
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But the harmonica's best use is DEFINITELY hypnotizing birds and then launching them at a target. Who need guns when you have birds?? Seriously this was way too much fun, who knew Looney Tunes humor would be this amusing to me as a full grown adult :P
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You get quests, like "rescue all the baby birds." But whenever you feel like it you can fuck off and go fishing for a while. Sorry mama! I didn't notice any game-related effect from it, like catching actual fish. So idk if that's the way it's meant to be, for relaxing, or if I'm just stupid.
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I was a little confused when I got like three quests and didn't see how I'd made any progress on any of them. Then all of a sudden the mama bird, who says "woo" when she's sad and "teety" when she's happy, led to the completion of the "Find a name" quest. And I love Teety-woo praising the existential beauty of his own name, and then fucking off to pay some bills. The great Snufkin who?? I've got responsibilities!
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Oh no... signs! Oh no... a park! Being asked to look after it is pretty funny! But the ensuing complete and total property destruction is even funnier!
Not even kidding, Snufkin demolishes this park. It was really fun! This game isn't hard, but for someone who doesn't play games, it wasn't too mindlessly simple for me either. I enjoyed dodging the park keepers, launching birds at their heads, and yeeting signs into oblivion.
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And we end with the discovery that Moominvalley has dried up and Moomintroll is nowhere to be found! An excellent prologue. I'm definitely looking forward to this game. I like the idea of a game that has both relaxing elements and more energetic ones without being too terribly kiddie (of course it's perfect for kids, I'm just saying, as an adult, I wasn't bored), as well as one that is whimsical and silly without losing emotional depth, with manageable, personal stakes. The demo definitely didn't take me very long to get through and I have no idea how long the full game will be. But long or short, the story seems promising.
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cboffshore · 1 month
Hey there - I'm Lila!
If you're seeing this, it could mean any of the following: you're already a mutual, you like Ninjago, you really like Ninjago's infamous (ha!) sixth season Skybound, or you know me from something else entirely. Or it's none of those and you've just taken a super wrong turn. No matter what - I'm glad you're here!
Join me under the cut for a more detailed look at my account, or just venture off on your own - the choice is yours.
You can call me Lila! I've been around the Ninjago fandom since 2011 under a whole bunch of different names and accounts, with all the bizarre stories and memories to show for it. Now, though, you can find me under one of two handles: @cboffshore (here and on Twitter, where I'm not as active as I used to be) or OffshoreWriter over on AO3.
My title as Skybound Analysis PhD holder was born from a joke (initially given to me when I overanalyzed Skybound's color scheme and then Flintlocke's development in a Discord server) but grew into, well, not a joke; I take Skybound about as seriously as someone can take a toy commercial cartoon. Through all of my years in the Ninjago fandom, I've never seen a season as misunderstood and contentious as Skybound. Unfortunately, I happen to like it a lot for what it is, and I'm willing to defend it very hard (but don't get me wrong, I know it's got flaws! I'm not completely nuts!). Read this ask for a detailed overview of my position on Skybound analysis.
Outside of Ninjago overanalysis, I'm into a few other things: crocheting, the occasional piece of digital art, music (special faves include I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance), and Bionicle (but only on a casual "wow cool vibes and killer writing" basis because that timeline does NOT make sense to me.).
The best way to get into my work is just to explore all the nooks and crannies of my blog, but for those of you in a rush, here are links to some of my favorite projects:
On Sea, Sunlight, and Sky, aka OSSAS, is what I'd consider the crown jewel of my AO3 catalog: a Nya-centric series diving into her experience during the last few episodes of Skybound. Updated every December until I decide to lay her to rest (which, by the looks of it, will be the 2024 installment), this is my longest-term project that exemplifies how I approach Skybound as a season. If you only check out one corner of my work, make it OSSAS. You can find all things OSSAS under #ossas tag here on my blog (newcomers beware of spoilers!)
Yours To Keep: Rethinking Skybound Through Fashion is an older project of mine that blends fashion design and Nadakhan character analysis. As in, I drew a trio of banger outfits and then wrote essays about what all their details meant. Trust me on this, it's a cool one! (This is a holdover from when my fandom involvement was almost exclusively Ninjago character analysis-based couture fashion art... you can thank Giles Panton for that.)
Sorrow is All The Rage: An Analysis of Sexual Assault in Jay-Centric Skybound Fanfiction is a two (technically, three) part essay detailing my attempts to come to terms with the (frankly rather concerning) trend of gratuitous SA inclusion in a surprising swath of popular Skybound fanfiction. (Spoiler alert: I still think it's weird as hell and I haven't come to terms with it... but I have gotten way better at using the block button to keep it out of my line of sight.) The link in the title will take you to part one; part two is linked at the end, and part three's mini update is lurking somewhere in those tags. Please note: this essay is not an attack, or a condemnation, although it may come across that way at times. This was written largely as a vent piece about an issue that has disturbed me deeply and affected how I go about interpreting Skybound, and that definitely impacted my tone. If you'd like to reference this for any reason, or if you have any questions, please shoot me an ask or DM.
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(Luka Sabbat) [THE MOMENT]. Please welcome [SYDNEY CLIFFTON ROWE (HE/HIM/SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [HAIR STYLIST AT BEST CUTS/DRAG QUEEN]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
(Luka Sabbat) [THE MOON]. Please welcome [SOL ELIJAH ROWE (HE/HIM)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [27]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [PAINTER/POET/TAILOR AT THE BOUTIQUE]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Syd first because he's technically the oldest and won't let Sol forget it...
Full Name: Sydney Cliffton Rowe Nicknames/Aliases: Syd, Candice B. Love (his drag name) DOB: TBD (But I feel like I've said they're Gemini) Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA Orientation: Homoromantic, Homosexual
-Unlike his brother Sydney he got into far less trouble (even if he had a bigger mouth). Sol used his fists Sidney used his words… So maybe he did get into just as much trouble just not with the LAW. He's always had a sharp tongue.
-Both he and Sol are artists at heart. Whereas Sol focused on poetry and visual arts, Sidney pursued dance and music. He got into drag from a young age. He was meant to preform. Sol didn’t want to be in the spotlight, that was fine; Sydney would gladly soak it all up.
-The drag scene in Philly was fine but he wanted to see the world. Syd left the nest earlier than Sol, bouncing around from city to city and eventually moving to Hollywood in the hopes of making it. He did well for himself. Forming relationships always came far easier to him. He’s charming and confident and it didn’t take long for him to get engaged.
-He was with his ex fiancé (who acted duelly as his manager) since he was 18. While Syd's experience with him was no where near what Sol went through, there was still a lot of emotional manipulation and weird power dynamics. It often left Syd feeling out of control of his own life but he often found himself going back because his ex was consistent and rebounds were never the real love Sydney wanted.
-Speaking of, Syd and his ex fiancé split recently — they’re “””taking a break””” — hence why Syd moved back in with Sol and agreed to come to Huntsville with him after they inherited their grandmother's house.
-He’s calmed down a lot from the wild teenager that he was. He still likes a party, still likes to fuck and drink and be a mess, don’t get me wrong, but he works just as hard. He's a business woman at heart and at the time of getting stuck in Huntsville he was a pretty well known Drag performer and makeup artist on Instagram, TikTok, etc.
-He can do hair, he can do nails, but baby don't ask him to sew nothing.
-Sydney’s drag name is Candice B. Love. I imagine his style is very Shea Coulee/Naomi Smalls. He is an excellent dancer/performer and often incorporates stand up in his act. Sometimes he’ll just do comedy, sometimes he’ll dance, it depends on what the venue calls for.
-10s 10s 10s across the board; a very kind warm disco energy with this one. He does lack a filter, but doesn’t go out of his way to be nasty to people. That’s bullshit. Syd’s the friend that wont mince words or coddle you because he cares deeply about you. And he will be the first to come to your or a strangers defense. He loves his friends fiercely and openly.
Full Name: Sol Elijah Rowe Nicknames/Aliases: N/A, Syd calls him variations of Sun or Sunny occasionally DOB: TBD (But I feel like I've said they're Gemini) Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA Orientation: Aromantic(?), Homosexual (he could MAYBE be pan? But also I'm not sure. I don't think he is either. Who knows. Miracles happen every day.)
- He was bullied heavily in school. While Syd seemed to own who he was from a young age - was popular and bright and charismatic - Sol struggled. He was the quiet, mute, shy boy. It resulted in a lot of fights in the school yard with much bigger boys.
- In high school he got into more serious trouble. And though he excelled in his art and english classes he skipped a lot of school and hung around the wrong crowd. Ultimately, he ended up fucking one of his classmates who’d been the main perpetrator of this violence against him for years so that’s one way to lose your virginity. It was a whole internalized homophobia thing on the other dude's end, and a self loathing on Sol's. Bad, bad vibes.
-Sol doesn’t regret much, but he regrets that ^. It was a toxic on and off thing that went on for far too long. There was physical and emotional abuse involved. Things like yelling, or loud noises, sudden movements etc. make him very nervous.
-Despite graduating High school by the skin of his teeth Sol is one of the most well read, intelligent people. Books have always been an escape. He independently studies philosophy and anthropology and poetry. It was his writing that got him a full ride to get a higher education and college was truly the best thing that could have happened to him. He has a duel degree in literature & creative writing and sociology & anthropology. He later went on to get his masters in philosophy.
-After cleaning up his act he got serious about community work and activism. Urban agriculture, homelessness advocacy, Harm reduction etc. He's written countless essays and used his poetry and art to break out of his shell a little. He was working as something of a community leader, organizing events at an anarchist book store and gallery space when he left Philly to come to Huntsville with his brother.
- He's a radical little socialist and was always yelling about or demanding something or causing trouble or riots. again this put him in precarious situations and he has spent many a nights in jail for things including but not limited to: resisting arrest, causing public disturbance by means of protest, trespassing, vandalism, defacement of statues etc.
-He's always helped Sydney with his drag, finding solace with working with his hands. Since they were in high school, Sol had been sewing Sydney's garments. It was a skill he learned from their mother. It's not his passion. But there's little work for a paint/philosopher/poet in Huntsville.
-He doesn't mean to be standoffish. His face is just naturally looks disinterested.
Fun facts about the twins...
-They've been in Huntsville a couple of months having come here to go through their grandmother's house.
-Telling the twins apart tip #1: Sol has finger, palm, and back of hand tattoos. While Syd does have some tattoos he has far less than his brother.
-Telling the twins apart tip #2: They both smoke but Sol smokes far more than Syd. In the off chance you see both with a cigarette, the one in pink is Sydney.
-Telling the twins apart tip #3: If you can hear him, it's probably Syd. If his hair is pulled up and out of his face, it's probably Syd. If he's talking to you willingly, it's probably Syd.
-Open connection (for both): They have 5 younger siblings (a pair of which are also twins)
-Open connection (for Sydney): His on/off fiancé who he's been engaged to for like 6 years now. It's not a good situation so we can chat about that if you're interested. They're currently on one of their breaks.
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serial-meddler · 5 months
How to abandon kpop ships and throw yourself into the water of sanity
First things first, i used to ship a few idols to the point of utter obsession and i wasn't liking the toxicity. I used to thrive on their interactions and crumbs but then i was never ever satisfied cause let's face it, they were just normal things or conversations anyone would do to someone in their group or band.
So I've been trying to get out of these inescapable ships cause i personally believe its toxic and misguiding especially to young fans, trust me, they take it very seriously. I mean, that's only my opinion and if you guys are shipping only for funsies, that's tooooootally fine. Please don't come at me, folks. (。╯︵╰。)
SO i found a way to stop obsessing over these strangers on the internet :
Pressure from Companies : Their companies 70% of the time force them to have these interactions. I'm sure some are genuine, obviously ლ(•ω •ლ) but i think some of this are deliberately captured in a way that attracts shippers. I mean, the companies know about the shipping and I've heard that(from undisclosable resources) most idols are very uncomfortable with shipping.
Korea is a (90%)homophobic country : Again, i'm not saying everyone is homophobic but in reality most Koreans are in fact homophobic and that includes some or most of the idols as well. Some of them may be an ally but they may not be homosexual themselves. Even if they are by any chance, they will never disclose it.
Focus on their music/work/art and then go home : If you are into kpop, then only view them as music artists and nothing more than that. That is, unless you don't want to remain sane. DON'T view their content that's got nothing to do with their work/music cause at the end of the day, they're really music artists and that's all we should really focus on. I know some of you can disagree with me and that's okay. I mean they are just regular people (albeit attractive ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ) like us who are doing their job. Tbh, I'm not into pop music much and i like very few artists and am choosy over the songs that i listen to. By no means, do i think pop music is inferior. Infact its great and i do like a few pop artists but generally listen to other genres. These days, kpop has also evolved to fit in many other genres which is noice SO getting back to the story, i was watching all their content (vlives, yadayada) for no reason at all. I mean some are entertaining, no lie, but honestly we don't have to watch all their content cause one, its time consuming and two, why. This may differ for everyone and that's okay. You do you.
Idols are different off screen and are not innocent : most (90%) idols generally have idol persona and are completely different off screen. I heard (questionable resources so take this with a grain of salt (¬‿¬ )) that most idols, especially bg idols are not what you think they are. They tend to be womanizers/playboys and sympathise with trash dastards like ykw big bang guy seungsrice, the other guy , i don't know his name and don't want to know it either. I could be wrong but i heard that senior bg idols have chat groups for the sole purpose of ogling and objectifying female idols (by posting inappropriate content) and these seniors add the junior idols to those groups as well. Being disrespectful to women or anyone for that matter is immoral (atleast to me) and I'm sorry, i don't get the men will be men trope. Men/everyone can be respectful. It's not that hard. So basically these idols are not saints and can be utter assholes just like the rest of the world. I also heard some really young bg idols around their early twenties, i won't say who, go to clubs for ons and tend to like sleeping with a lot of girls so 99% of the homosexual ships are not real.
Self-love sista : i know it can be hard to break up with a ship so take your time. Start focusing on yourself and view their work only as a source of entertainment. Its not offensive cause that's what they are. They are people doing a job. They also only view you as a collective, just a fan, so what's the use of knowing them or their personality in-depth. Its irrelevant. When you start viewing them as employees, the obsession towards them should reduce and they also would get the privacy they've always wanted. So i think its a win-win.
that's about it. Toodles.
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esperanta-dragon · 1 year
How did you get into glasswork?
Prepare, this is gonna be long and there is no tl;dr.
This is one of the good things my father did for me, actually.
I always wanted to study art school, and I chose it but my older brother always wanted to destroy everything for me or claim what was mine, so instead of going to a business school as he should have (as he was all about money and making money but he only knew how to spend them and not make them back), he said he will study as a blacksmith in the same school. Even though he never wanted to do it or was never planning to continue after school. And until this day, he never thought of opening an atelier.
I was pretty mad and after years I still don't get it but I tried to prepare myself for admission. My father had a company for making whirlpools and he wanted me to be part of it so he just put into my head I should study industrial design. So he doesn't have to pay for designing stuff and I can do it for him.
That did not happen because the industrial design was full as apparently a lot of people wanted to do it. So I signed up for restoration to be a restorer of statues, architecture, etc. I no longer remember why, if it was my idea, or if it was put into my head by my father that it's a lucrative profession and would be cool to have a restorer in the family.
I was accepted into the school without any problems. My class had around 30 people. And you can imagine that sitting in a big classroom with around 30 people was a nightmare for me. Worse, we did not vibe and I was suffering. Because big classes can never be connected so they divided into a few smaller groups and me, as a geek weirdo, was never part of any.
Plus, my brother did a very good job of gossiping about me before I even started how horrible and stupid I am so he made sure that people will look down on me and it was even harder to find friends there.
What made matters worse, the atelier was in a remote city, so I had to wake up around 5 am (I am chronically tired and I haven't had a good night of sleep since I was 12) to get there by bus and it was a lot of walking. My brother was going into the same village where the atelier was, just a different building so I never had a break from him.
And then... my professor. She was an artist with a big reputation apparently because there was an interviewer once in the atelier and he was asking us too how is it to be her students. While I was writing this, I found out that she has her atelier in Prague and even an exhibition.
I did not like her. Because she did not like me. I knew I was the best one in our group. It was not my ego, it was just visible from drawings who is on a higher level. But she decided to motivate me by putting me down. Because she thought I will grit my teeth and say: "I will show her." Which did not happen. For me, it was bullying and it was not fair.
She would give A to the rest who were on the beginner's level and I got B or C for much better drawing because I should get better. Once I drew a very nice and detailed study of one of the busts we had there. She came to me, and said: "This line is 1 mm wrong, put the whole thing into a trash bin and start over again."
"Can't I just use an eraser and redraw it?"
"No, you will redraw the whole thing."
So 4 hours of my work for nothing. Meanwhile, she came to my classmates, telling them how talented and good they are for their much worse disproportional drawings.
She did not let us have music in the atelier and when I don't have music, I suffer a lot because time slows down, and suddenly 8 hours feels like 16 hours. Instead, we had to listen to a radio station where only classical music was playing or there were only interviews. Don't get me wrong I like classical music but I don't want to listen to it while doing art stuff because it's draining me of energy.
And... she was a heavy smoker. Not caring that we have a headache and it's hard to breathe in the atelier. She was flicking cigarettes everywhere, not using ash tray, so the cigarette ash was everywhere on the ground.
As you might imagine, I've had enough after 1 year. It felt like 4 years and I have no clue how I managed that long. Maybe because I did not want to disappoint my parents. But after 1 year of bullying from my professor, waking up at 5 am, disconnected classmates, having to suffer bullying from my brother as we were going in the same atelier... I couldn't do this anymore. Plus, I realized that we spend more time learning in school than being in the atelier and I really wanted to learn and use my skills.
So I told my parents I am quitting restoration. Of course, they did nothing about my brother, they never did, he was always the chosen one so I had to suffer his bullying at school, at home, and on a train when we were going home. I never had a break from him. But I could at least remove a few stressing factors if not my brother.
Fortunately, my father had another obsession. He loved architecture because apart from having a whirlpool factory at home, he knew how to build a house from scratch. And he loved Frank L. Wright. Wright was using stained glass a lot in his architecture, so my father said why I don't try this.
I agreed. My high school had glass blowing atelier, painting, glass engraving, glass grinding, etc. Everything with glass because Czech republic has a huge tradition of glasswork in general. And there was a huge glass factory in the same city.
And we had a stained glass atelier too. Because the professor who was teaching it was a stained glass master himself and lived in the same city, an old guy with 3 adult sons but none of them wanted to do stained glass. So he was going to our school, teaching kids so he could pass on the knowledge and skills. What more, the atelier was in the same building as the school and dormitory.
But I had to go to a different class with different classmates. It was better because it was only 8 of us. Even though 4 girls there were gossip girls and not very bright, which mostly results in them being mean and you never know if you can trust them. But it was better and I was just ignoring them.
The new class was set up for those who wanted to learn the skill and were not planning to go study university but still wanted to graduate and have a paper with a final exam. And set up their own atelier. We were looked down upon but I did not care, I knew I will learn a lot. Because it was 2 days vs. 5 days of practice per 2 weeks. And as you can see, when I graduated, I was ready to do stuff.
I had -1 year to learn the stained glass but I managed just fine. I've learned everything I needed to know and I've created a lot of big projects. Sadly, I had a bad phone with a bad camera and no good place where to take photos and I don't want to present myself with those.
And my new professor was much better than my previous one. He wanted us to learn everything, he was always in a good mood, joking around and he was making fun of everything and everyone. Including headmaster. School officials never knew he was making fun of them. And even if, he wouldn't care, he was making a lot of money from his profession and he would be teaching in the school even for free. He was there only to pass his knowledge, not to make money.
Sadly, I was bullied at home by my parents, by my brother both at home and in the school, my boyfriend was a gaslighter and mental abuser who moved into our house and my parents did not show any desire to help me get rid of him even though they were giving me hell for him and they allowed him to move with us, I had low self-esteem and my father ended up few times in mental hospital, so I was explosive and my behavior was not ok. Because I was very troubled and had nobody to talk to or who would support me because I had no safe space (WoW and writing became my only safe space). So I was sometimes explosive and mean to my professor too which I deeply regret now. But at least I understand now why I couldn't be different. Still, he did not give up on me and was very patient, he probably knew better than me that I am just troubled and lost.
Meanwhile, my old professor moved the atelier into the same building and on the same floor. When she met me, she showed her dislike that I left because I had a lot of potential. I told her: "So why were you putting me down and demotivating me all the time then?" She was pretty mad. But I don't regret I left. When I met my best friend years later, she studied restoration too. And I found out how hard it would be to even start or even find a master who would take me under their wings because most of the time they want to do things alone. And getting a paper or contract for restoration is much harder. No regrets I left restoration.
After 3 years I graduated from stained glass. I could not work straight away because we had barely money for food because my parents had a lot of debts so we barely finished high school.
But in 2019 I started my Etsy shop. Sadly, I had to run away from my apartment where I had my atelier (after agreeing with landlords) because suddenly landlords were not ok with the fact I am actually making money from that (as I got a big contract for Carnival Row Season 2 stained glass decorations and they randomly found out) so I had to stop for 2 years as I had shared flat and could not do it in 1 room with 3 cats around which wanted to be with me all the time even though they belonged to my flatmate.
So I could come back to it in 2021 when I moved into an appartment I have only for myself. And my cat ofc.
Kind of a journey.
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spitblaze · 1 year
ever start writing something and then drop it because you don't know how to write it, and also don't really know where you're going with it?
Anyway here's like four or five paragraphs of Neku and Beat hanging out and talking about writing rap lyrics
The sun beat down on the bustling city, a city full of art, full of culture, full of people. The unexpected heat wave sent a ripple through the crowds, redirecting destinations, changing plans, as people crowded towards shade, towards the inside of buildings, cafes and restaurants that offered cold drinks, shops that offered air conditioning, awnings and underpasses that offered shade. And as the living inhabitants of the Shibuya ward sought refuge from the sun, the less-than-alive followed suit in their own realm, the ‘Underground’ plane of existence that- while Neku wasn’t completely sure how or why- experienced the same weather as its ‘Realground’ counterpart, heat waves included.
At any rate, physics, metaphysics, thermodynamics, or meta-thermodynamics be damned, the two partners found themselves avoiding the sun by squatting in the shady alleyway of A-East. Being undead (or just regular dead? He wasn’t very sure) thankfully meant no need for hydration, but that didn’t necessarily translate to ‘no want’. Neku took another sip of the soda in his hands, still somewhat shocked that he never thought to try the vending machines while in the UG. He had assumed that the only places he could purchase things were storefronts with Reaper decals, but it wasn’t like a vending machine cares if it can see you or not. As long as it gets the money, it’ll give you what you want. 
It was Beat’s idea, really- he saw a vending machine, stuck a few hundred yen in, and got a sports drink. He hadn’t even considered the fact that he was dead, he just walked right up and did it. That was the thing about Beat- he was impulsive, and rarely thought before he did anything, assuming he had the mental capacity to do so. Neku could try and talk some sense into him, but it was hard to argue with the kind of results Beat got by just...doing what he does. Well. Most of the time, anyway.
“Shibuya...blew ya...nah, no…” Beat muttered under his breath, tapping intently on his phone. Neku raised an eyebrow in his direction, completely unnoticed. “Shot through ya...yeah, okay, hm…”
“Beat?” Neku finally asked.
“Whuh-huh?” Beat snapped to attention, almost startled.
Neku rolled his eyes. “You’ve been talking to yourself all afternoon. After Joshua, the last thing I need is for my partner to go insane on me.”
“Nah, yo, you got it all wrong.” Beat moved his legs from a squat to a crisscross on the ground, turning to face Neku rather than the street. “I’m thinkin’ up some rhymes.”
“Aw, c’mon, Phones,” Beat sighed. “Rhymes, lyrics, somethin’ I can put to a rhythm. How you gonna wear those things on ya head all day and still not know what I’m talkin’ bout?”
Neku glared in response.
“Well, anyway,” he continued, completely undeterred, “I got struck with a bit of inspiration a while back, and I got some music stuff stewin’ now.”
Awfully big word for Beat, Neku thought. “What kind of stuff?”
“Aw, it ain’t much.” Beat looked up and scratched his head through his beanie. “When I get real stressed I like to put it into somethin’ more creative. Punchin’s cool, but sometimes you gotta use ya brain, right?”
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Get To Know Me
Thank you for the tag, @quite-right-too <3 No pressure tags - @bronzeagepizzeria, @naaer, @hgracieeees
What is your name? Lily.
For how long have you had this account? Technically around eight years (the original @demdifferentstories account), but this one is around nine months old I think?
Favourite food? I'm forever a slut for chocolate!
Favourite drink? Really depends, honestly! But you can never go wrong with Coke/Pepsi (can you tell I have a bad sweet tooth yet?).
Do you have any siblings? Three, and I'm the youngest of them.
Do you have pets? Yes - a very silly, chaotic bichon frise. He's the third dog I've had. My cat passed away earlier this year and I miss her deeply!
How old are you? Just turned twenty!
How many languages do you know? Just the one (English), however, I was pretty damn good at Japanese in high school and I'm keen to learn other languages.
What's your all-time favourite movie/tv show? Movie is easy - Spider-Man (2002). It's been my favourite film for sixteen years! In terms of TV, Friends has always been a big comfort show for me as I grew up watching it. Broadchurch and Jessica Jones Season 1 are some of the handful of shows I've rewatched multiple times, so I think it contends. Regarding Doctor Who, I really only genuinely care about RTD's era, so not overly sure if that would qualify!
What are you enjoying to do in your free time? At the moment, all I really do in my free time is write :,) But I also read, play guitar and sing, and I draw and embroider every so often.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambiverted with a tendency towards extroverted - once I'm comfortable with you, it's hard to keep me away!
Your favourite music genres? Metal and rock! More specifically, I've always enjoyed metalcore and other emo subgenres, but I listen to an array of bands.
Your dream place to visit? I would really like to visit the UK/Europe - specifically (Northern) Ireland, England, Scotland and Italy. I'm not the biggest fan of travelling, so I'm content with staying where I am.
Something you wish you were better at? I've always had really bad practising habits, so I wish I was more proficient in my guitar playing - it's something I always add to my New Year resolutions lol. Would also like to pick up piano, and I wish I was still into art/drawing as much as I used to be. Also would like to be a bit better at acting - I think I've gone a bit stiff since transitioning from high school theatre to university theatre as the classes aren't as practical.
How long do you take to respond to texts? ASAP! I'm not afraid of being an immediate responder. However, I might take a while if I'm busy/unavailable or if I'm not in the mood to talk to people (not anything personal - constantly socialising at uni and work drains me a lot and can make me a bit overstimulated/whelmed, so I just need alone time to balance it all it as I can find messaging to have the same effect as physical interaction/communication).
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would like to? I have three - one is a peace lily (namesake), and the other two are text ones related to the band Muse. I have about a dozen more planned, but they are expensive.
What's your sexuality? Bisexual!
Do you like reading? If yes what's your favourite book? Love reading, but I've found myself with not much time for it this year (including fics :(). My favourite book is Red Dragon by Thomas Harris - it's the first installation in the Hannibal Lecter series, and I think it's criminally underrated and overshadowed by The Silence of the Lambs. I also really loved The Handmaid's Tale when I read it - stuck with me for a long time.
Have you ever been in love? I don't think so. Maybe a little bit?
What's your relationship status? Single, but content.
Have you ever been heartbroken? Not romantically, but definitely by friends and family.
Best memory you could think of? I have a pretty horrible memory, but I can still recall the excitement I felt about my first concert.
Worst memory you can think of? Ah, my greatest strength! I won't delve into the more sordid/upsetting parts of my life, but things like having meltdowns/overstimulation prior to my diagnosis and not really understanding what was wrong with me were always quite upsetting for me.
Do you have any fears? I've always been a pretty bad arachnophobe, but I've gotten better. We won't get into others.
Are you a morning or a night person? It tends to shift depending on an array of things, but probably night - I have bad habits of staying up.
How many pictures you have on your phone? 12,314 (yes, I know - I'm insane).
Who was your favourite childhood crush? Oh, boy. Well, we can credit Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslet to my (subconscious) bisexual awakening. In terms of men, I always thought Tobey Maguire had a cute quality to him.
Are you a romantic? I mean I don't really have the data to back it up, but I'd say probably - I have plenty of romantic fantasies and desires. Plus the shit I write can be so mushy and intimate.
What’s your dream date? No idea, really. Probably something that allows us to be relaxed, take our time and chat - a meal, a walk, etc. I imagine I would probably already be heaps stressed out about going out on a date, so avoiding overstimulation and such would help my case heaps.
What are your hobbies? Music, writing and reading are the primaries. Embrodiery is a smaller one that I hope to make more regular again. I also collect vinyl and CDs. Hope to get more involved in acting/theatre production during the rest of my degree too!
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