#don't spin out please
okay so I had a thought today that made me wonder whether I need to up my meds. but also it's kind of true.
isn't living just really slow motion suicide? some methods just....slower or faster? like a campfire... gives off carcinogens. most medications could potentially kill you. there's no road to take that isn't a dead-end eventually.
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iizuumi · 3 months
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Side effects of wearing your sentient Kaiju suit too often ,,,,
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sparrowmoth · 4 months
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➳ It's never too early to say happy pride month and never too late to say save #sixofcrowsspinoff and #saveshadowandbone. ♥️🌈✨
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idliketobeatree · 8 months
okay. listen. whatever you do, don't think about how nothing about Heaven feels loved.
certainly not in the way Aziraphale's used to, a sunshine warm unexpected delight. there are no flashes of love from places or people falling and grieving and caring too much. it took him a while, but ever since he can tell the difference it's like forgetting how to breathe, can't stop the wheeze. within the air occupied by the angels (their chests don't move, do their hearts have a rhythm?) a wrong-shaped, lost cabin pressure meets him halfway, only they don't hang masks from that ceiling, he's looking down at the aeroplanes. he could always breathe easier with - red and black at the periphery - yellow too, if he's lucky. (he's not anymore)
put a hand to it, and he can pretend that the burning too high in his throat glows steady and low inside the chest; pray, so it matches someone, anyone, way Down below.
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locallepidoptera · 1 year
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We’ll rebirth. Second earth. I’m awakened. Their forsaken. Meant to be. Don't you see. I guarantee. Please believe me.
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stardust-vi · 5 months
Dumb ramble but I hate that you can't critique The Thing you love within a fandom space without some dude breathing down your neck like "Well actually that means you hate The Author and The Thing! And what about all the times The Author did this Good Thing? Checkmate, liberal." as if you can't be critical of something because you love it and want it to be better.
#just. i'm in a rush rn so i'm probably not articulating myself well and i could go more in-depth with my thoughts#at the risk of someone spinning my words into “cringe blue hair pronoun wants to cancel araki!” which... will happen inevitably#even though i don't know how many times i can repeat “i do not hate araki#this is specifcally about jjba btw because like.#look i love it and araki has done some good things (or at least had good intentions in most cases)#but i'm so over the fact he constantly has to reach for some form of traumatizing women in his writing#and I already hear “well it shows they're a villain!”#but does he HAVE to use assault? why does he have to use that instead of demonstrating their villainy in other ways#that don't need to use it as a crutch#i'm not even saying you can't ever write about assault#that's not my argument either.#I'm not even accusing him of being a bad writer or person but just. Can we please retire the overusage of assault for shock value?#i obviously don't hate people who enjoy the series regardless#i'd be a massive fucking hypocrite#i mean i've literally been in this damn fandom for 6 years and just now decided to post my art.#but i'm tired of any time someone brings up legit criticisms of the misogyny in his writing#it's met with “but araki did this-” like it changes anything.#i'm glad he did somewhat improve writing women over time compared to the earlier parts#that said. that doesn't cancel out the blunders he did make or will make in the future#even if he has good intent.#or really any criticism of the writing being hit with “but its not supposed to make sense#anyways rant over. probably going to delete later bc im tired.#tw assault#assault tw
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muzzlemouths · 2 years
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🎉🎉 HELLO HELLO! @robinette-green, I was your secret santa all along >:)
Originally I was writing you a (D&D) related fic - fitted with both graveyards and thunderstorms - but something personal came up and I wasn't able to finish it on time without it feeling rushed, so I switched gears and went for some art of your Jesters and Dragons boys, instead! I'm a little obsessed with their designs ❤️
That being said, there's way too much of said fic already written up, so you can expect to still receive that as well later down the line. Consider it a follow-up gift lol
Hope you had a great holiday season!
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man. i cannot emphasize enough how nice it is to have female characters who are actually developed and treated with significance.
it means so much to me that yeah, we're missing a lot of info about susie and noelle right now, but that's because we don't have the complete game--everything about the way the story is structured promises that we will learn more about them, that the reason there are gaps in their backstories is that that info is vital to the story going forward. there's an implicit promise that their hopes and dreams and sorrows and joys will affect things just as much as everyone else's.
in so many stories, we would be missing characterization just because the writers didn't care. it is so refreshing to like. be able to be invested in a female character without having to work for it.
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puppyluver256 · 3 months
Okay, I don't think this should have to be said for like...anyone, but since it's happened I'm gonna make a note of it.
Do not submit my OCs to character rating blogs, especially fmk/"bed, wed, behead" style blogs without running the idea by me first, and if I say "no" then accept that "no" and don't just do it anyway.
In fact, don't do this sort of thing with anyone's OCs without their express permission. Yes, even if they're your close friend. Yes, even if they're a very well-known artist.
People's OCs are often very personal to them, and if someone outright says they're not comfortable with someone who didn't make them taking them and throwing them to the wilds like this, it's a complete lack of respect for the person's boundaries. Just don't.
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pochapal · 1 year
finished my phd induction today and stuff is going really well!
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rubiatinctorum · 9 months
MY FORMER CRUSH IS IN KITCHENER???? I'VE BEEN IN KITCHENER. SHE'S IN KITCHENER. i wonder if she knows how close she is to where i grew up. i wonder if it matters anymore. i can't remember the last time we had a conversation and i don't know if i'm ready to start one again
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lacking-artdration · 7 months
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today my demons won. i thought about what could've been
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heartofannie · 10 months
Hey mutuals!
I haven't been very active the last couple days because I spend hours with campaigning against Netflix to save Shadow and Bone.
I felt like sharing this with you because we all came here to have a place for the things which are important to us and keep us going.
The Grishaverse books helped me during one of my depressive episodes and I found a world to belong. Netflix decided to cancel the show before it had a chance to grow!
So I'd be sooo cool if you sign the petition. We don't know if it'll work but the hope keeps the fandom (and me) going! 💗
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chronomally · 11 months
I watched 1966's Gambit and found out there was a 2012 remake but honestly the only changes to the original Gambit I would want are to make Nicole actually Asian, have her fall in love with Shabhandar, and wipe clean the uncomfortable veneer of imperialism over the top of it
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23meteorstreet · 2 years
the gang does a clip show is yet another episode that i know some people really hate that feels like it was made for me to be obsessed with
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boyzphantasy · 2 years
self rec game!
(i may regret this.)
i was tagged by alex @gothbat99 💗💞💖 (and subsequently yelled at to finish things /this is a joke i promise)
most popular
what would they say if they ever knew?
word count: 15.2k chapters: 3/? summary:
But then he sees Robin smiling around him, and he sees Eddie smiling, and he feels like he’s having heart palpitations. It’s obviously because of Robin, there’s no way a guy could ever make him feel this way (and he’s deeply repressing those times growing up, when play wrestling with Tommy H. would make him a bit flustered, he’s not thinking about the times in the locker rooms with his teammates where his eyes would linger just a fraction longer than they should—no, that never pops into his mind at any given moment, not at all).
OR, if Eddie was introduced in Season 3 instead of Season 4.
wrote this immediately between vol. 1 and the release of vol. 2, because fuck you eddie would’ve been such a fun addition to season 3 and it’s my favourite season of the entire series (yes, even before s4 -- sorry, eddie </3). it’s definitely still in the works, it’s been a long time, i know, sorry guys. i promise it’s not abandoned!
it’s too cliche, i won’t say i’m in love
word count: 21.6k chapters: 4/7 summary: 
Hopper’s plan is fucking insane. No, really—it’s nuts. Eddie’s got no idea why he even agreed to go along with it. Since he’s now the pariah of Hawkins, Indiana, Hopper’s ingenious plan is to ship Eddie across state lines. All the way to fucking Illinois. Oh, and that’s not the last of it! No, because they didn’t want to leave Eddie alone—it’s not that they don’t trust the guy they’re sending him to (apparently he can hold his own, or whatever), but they, apparently, don’t want the kid to feel lonely.
What a lovely sentiment.
Too bad it’s lead them to send Steve Harrington along with him to this stranger’s home-bound lockdown in fucking Illinois.
(OR, what I like to call: The Murrayfication of Steddie.)
i included this one, too, because it’s SECOND in terms of popularity by a very, very small margin (i checked). that, and honestly? probably one of my more favourite aus that i’ve written for ST and steddie. very emotional, very angsty, very fun times with murray on my end (not so much steddie’s end, though). also not abandoned! i’ll be getting around to it, i promise.
hidden gems
shine bright, little star
word count: 8.5k chapters: 2/? summary:
A run-in with a different type of camper at Camp Know Where leads Dustin into a whole new world, and a new lifestyle. She’s Stella now, and she has a family that loves her.
(Please note this story will contain a mix of period-typical LGBTQ+ phobia, specifically transphobia, and will use the words queer, transsexual, and other period-specifical historical LGBTQ+ terms. Read the note(s) inside for more!)
trans dustin my beloved headcanon <3 this is more personal for Reasons i shan’t disclose in public, but i love this series a lot. i haven’t touched on it in a while, but it’s still not abandoned! there’s a few more things i’ll likely write for it in the future!
i won’t be afraid, so long as you stand by me
word count: 5.7k chapters: 1/1 summary: 
Even though he was swimming to be the best now, Steve still enjoyed it. It was a routine. A constant in a world that was constantly changing around him. When his parents started leaving more and more often, when their marriage began deteriorating right before him, when Nancy came into his life and swept him off of his feet and made him fall in love (at least, he had thought he had fallen in love—now, he’s not so sure). Swimming became something he could rely on. Something that wouldn’t let him down, a true escape.
He needed it.
He craved it.
He lost it.
STEVE’S TRAUMA WITH WATER! STEVE’S TRAUMA WITH WATER! GOD, i love steve’s entire thing with water. like it’s not touched on at all in the series and i HATED that but my god that boy would have some series fucking issues with swimming and water after everything that’s happened. don’t even get me started on it. i legit love this hc for him so much, you can pry it from my cold, dead hands.
your hand touching mind; this is how galaxies collide
word count: 3.8k chapters: 1/10 summary: 
Steve grimaces to himself, looking down at the papers. He wants to rip them up, wants to crumple them up into balls and throw them in the garbage, because he doesn’t even want to be here. He never asked for this—never wanted to be like this. He’s so angry with himself and the situation and everything going on—
Then it hits him, like a freight train.
None of them asked for this. These… powers, these mutations.
It wasn’t something anyone asked for.
It was something that just was. Something that is.
welcome to the mess that is my own personal steddie x-men au. yes they’re basically just rogue and gambit. no i do not care if that’s cliche or dumb or not. no it is not abandoned i promise. i literally have the entire fic outlined i just struggle with finding motivation to actually write things at the moment that aren’t what my brain is interested in. (ST is still in there, rattling around, just to a lesser degree. i’m slowly working back up to it all!)
as you can see most of my works are unfinished, unfortunately, but that’s just how it be. i’ll get around to finishing them in the future, hopefully, and if not, i’ll be sure to at least not abandon them completely! my brain thinks up a lot of stuff, and it’s usually always a bit more than i can always get around to at specific points in time. such is the life of a write, though, am i right? thank you for understanding, though, and for still supporting my works either way 💖💖💖
uh i’ll tag a few people? hopefully they haven’t been tagged already, but if you have -- sorry! don’t feel pressured to do this! <3
@stevethehairington @riality-check @santasteve @santababysteve
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