#donno if its funny to you
jackrabbit-fandom · 4 months
Boothill backstory spoilers, so if you dont wanna be spoiled scroll on
This is mostly comfort/fluff mabye tiny angst due to his backstory
Yes, it will include some relationship bits cause of course
Boothill, where his daughter survives, which, yes, i understand, would probably mean he doesn't become 'boothill', but let's pretend he does for the sake of the story. Also im goin with the name cherry for her cause i think its pretty cute
These kinda imply that it's been a few years between boothills' story and penacony
Mabye he was able to save her, and in the process, his body got damaged bad enough that he had to replace it. In this situation, it would be more so because he was hurt so badly he nearly died but didn't wanna leave his daughter.
He'd likely want to keep her as safe as possible but still ended up becoming a space ranger anyway due to sharing the ideologies, but for the first few years of her life, he likely ether stays out of trouble as much as possible or has a safe house for her when he absolutely can not take her with him. On the missions where he does carry her along when she's fairly young, he's just got her attached to a baby sling on his chest. Though i dont see that being extremely common, he doesn't want to risk even a 0.0000000001% chance of her getting hurt
Imagine being intimidated by this cyborg man with a baby sling....anyway
Once she gets older, she's more steady with her walking, she's talking in full sentences, and finally, tall enough to reach his hip, hed likely start teaching her to use a gun.
It's a very serious moment due to how important he thinks it is for her to be able to defend herself when he can't be around. Hed likely has a target set up as he knelt behind her, helping her hold it and aim.
'Keep your breathing steady, don't close both eyes it puts your aim off, keep your elbows loose, respect the gun but don't fear it'
He knows he's going to have to get to work getting his revenge for the rest of his family, so he can't keep coddling her so teaching her to use a gun, or disarm someone and fight hand to hand becomes his top priority. That's not to say he over works her or forces her when she's tired, that's still his little girl, so when she's tired from training he makes sure she gets plenty of rest.
As much as being prepared is important, being well rested and happy is too.
On to more domestic and sweet ones, i donno if he'd have his own ship or just have some safe house on some random planet, but either way coming home to seeing his little girl happy healthy and alive is probably his favorite part of the day, the big bad gunslinger persona immediately melts away and he goes straight into silly annoying dad mode.
This means he has a million dad jokes to make poor cherrys eyes roll out of her head. Though I'd imagine she'd end up just like him, funny phrases, stupid jokes, and a bit of an attitude.
Once she's plenty old enough, say around 16 or so, and wants to go out on more dangerous missions with her dad, i think she would follow the path of abundance. Shed likely wants to protect others like her dad does, plus it's pretty helpful when your father is a cowboy who runs around getting into trouble. It does help put boothill at ease as well, seeing as she can heal herself if she gets hurt....as if he'd ever let that happen.
I'd think that for a while, he's more focused on his daughter rather than finding a partner, however were he to meet you at some point when cherry was fairly young one thing that would likely make him interested is you acting kindly towards her and cooing over her. Showing positive interest in his daughter is a pretty good way to get on his good side. Doesn't quite mean he'll trust you just yet. it just means you're on good terms with him.
I feel like he'd have to trust you pretty well before he lets you watch his daughter. She is his pride and joy, and his one most important person in his life. he almost lost her, and he won't risk someone trying to take her from him again.
However, once cherry is older and can, for the most part, care for herself without her papa watching over her, then hed show more interest. If you were there sense she was young and helped him care for her, he likely already started liking you early on but just didn't make a mood due to focusing on her. Due to you being closer to her in this situation, i can imagine her calling you her mom/dad/parent, too. Extra brownie points!
I imagine cherry being, like i said, like her dad. A bit goofy at times with weird phrases and a slight attitude, and growing up with his censor shed likely copy that too, yelling out "fudge!" When she stubs her toe. I can see her having an interest towards guns sense it was something her papa introduced her to it but also music. Hed likely have taught her guitar by this point so shed probably make up her own little songs and sing them to him (and you once you join the little family) and no matter if their bad or good hes always just happy to hear her sing with the biggest smile on his face, and you best be too.
Oh, and of course, shed get her own cowboy hat, but choose to keep stealing his anyway.
Overall, if she had survived, i imagine him being mostly the same, just with a little girl following him around.
If you liked the fic, feel free to give me requests around this au. I just need this motherfudger to be happy, please.
Edit: @legalize-arson gave me the name idea. I do not like not crediting
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winniethewife · 7 months
Just sees what he wants to see
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(Benjamin "Benny" Miller x Gn!Reader)
Words: 472
A/N: For the Triple Frontier Write-a-Thon.
“Wait what?” they asked bewildered by the statement that just came out of Ben’s mouth.
“Where’s the Capybara I adopted?” He repeated as he held a stuffed animal in his hand with a confused look on his face. He’s standing in the doorway of their shared bedroom, where they are folding the laundry. They realized in that moment he resembled a golden retriever puppy who just got tricked into chasing a ball that was still in your hand.
“You…what? I don’t understand, you adopted a Capybara?” They try to get a clarification while holding a clean t-shirt in their hands as they look inquisitively at him.
“I thought I did…But all that came in the mail was this…and some papers” Benny pouted slightly. With just the slightest shimmer of sadness in their boyfriends eyes they immediately went into “fix it” mode, tossing the t-shirt back into the laundry pile to go look into what on earth he was talking about. As they walked into the kitchen they saw the papers in question. On the top was the familiar panda bear symbol of the World Wildlife Fund, and they started to laugh.
“Whats so funny?” Benny asks and cocks his head to the side.
“Babe, this was a symbolic adoption. You donated money to a fund to save endangered animals. You didn’t actually adopt a Capybara.” They look at him with amused affection. Sometimes they wondered if Ben had been dropped as a baby, something to ask Will later. They put a hand on his shoulder for support as they nearly fall over laughing, while handing him the paper. As he reads it carefully his eyes widen in surprise and then he flushes from embarrassment.
“Oh, that makes sense…I was wondering how they could only charge 60 bucks for a whole animal.” He chuckles slightly, looking over at his partner as they started laughing harder clutching to benny for dear life.
“60 Bucks! For a capybara? Benny, baby, where would we even keep it?” They managed to say between laughs. Benny smiled his killawatt smile at them and wraps his arms around them.
“Uh, I donno, Maybe the bath tub?” He suggests with a wiggle of his eyebrows. They shake their head before taking a deep breath.
“Benny, I swear, sometimes I think your brain is off in nowhere land.” They smile. Putting their hands on his chest as they laugh together.
“Oh c’mon it can’t be that bad…” He leaves a wet kiss on their cheek, giving them that big goofy grin of his. As they look into his baby blue eyes they can’t help but agree.
“Nah, its not that bad...” They say as they look at the stuffed Capybara sitting on the counter, and find themselves grateful that Benny didn’t adopt an actual animal to live in their bath tub.
If you would like to Symbolically adopt an animal please look into the World Wildlife Fund's Website
Tag: @triplefrontier-anniversary @romanarose
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Hello hello once again on this fine evening B!! As promised I've gone far and wide to deliver you some wholesome and probably dumb ideas for Rominis bits and here's what I've got today:
First one: Rowan did something to make Ominis mad and he's not talking to him. Rowan wants to apologize by bringing him a gift but (Rowan being Rowan) instead of flowers or chocolate starts bringing him dead animals he caught - I donno this one is just pure comedy - basically Rowan being a hopeless romantic 🤣🐺🐍❤️
And the second one: Since we got that cute moment of Ominis teaching Rowan to read I was kinda thinking what could Rowan teach him in return. Maybe he could teach Ominis how to howl? Like when they're apart he can howl and Rowan will howl back or he can just straight up call him over with it - this could even end funny with them having this sweet moment and Marvolo just suddenly shouting from the other room for them to shut up because they woke him up 🤣❤️🐺
So yeah that's it for today, I've been even cooking up some angst for another day (not Rominis related) we'll see where that goes, I swear I've never been this invested in someone's characters LIKE...EVER.... you're an absolute gem 💎 so I can only wish you a pleasant rest of your evening and hopefully you can finally get that Marvolo dream some of these days 🐍❤️💚
See you around, your little Dragon friend ❤️🐉
Also have this cute snek
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HiHi!! Lil Dragon!! 💜 always love your asks!
And love both of these ideas, both could be funny hehe.
Aww well thank you! 💞 So glad you love my characters! 🥹💜 it means so much!
I hope your day/night is going well! Oh ove dreamt about him before 😏 (should really do a fic inspired by the dream I had 🫠 haha) but I didn't today 😩🤣 also awww cute SNEK! 💚🐍
Here you goooooo:
Rominis 🐍🐺
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Awkward Gift
Rowan was in werewolf form in the woods, he and Ominis had recently had a small argument, and he wanted to make it up to him by giving him a gift. Rowan slowly stalked a lone puffskien, his eyes glued to it, as he crept through the trees, his mouth drooling before he suddenly pounced out grabbing it, biting down onto it in the perfect place to make it die instantly. He returned to his human form and smiled as he picked it up, making his way back to the house to present his "gift" to Ominis.
Rowan: *enters Ominis's bedroom* Hey..
Ominis: *folds his arms and frowns slightly*
Rowan: Listen, I've.. Brought you a gift to say sorry, ok?
Ominis: *narrows his eye's for a moment, before he relaxes and smiles* You are forgiven, I'm sorry too..Aww, I love gifts *sweet grin*
Rowan: *grins as he hands Ominis the dead puffskien*
Ominis: (?!) ..What is it?
Rowan: A puffskien. From me to you.
Ominis: Aww I love puffskiens, they're so cute and lovely *starts stroking it* Hi little guy...(???) Hmm. Its a little still..Is it OK?
Rowan: *eyes widen in awkward panic* Erm...*clears his throat*
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Howling Practice
Rowan and Ominis sat together in the front grounds of the Gaunt Manor, the moon was full and bright that night, Ominis was snuggled into Rowan, as Rowan looked up at the Moon, he let out a melodic howl.
Ominis: *looks towards him and smiles* Your howling is so beautiful.
Rowan: Ya think so? *grins*
Ominis: Of course *strokes Rowans face* I wish I could howl.
Rowan: Ya can! Anyone can! Try it *smiles*
Ominis: No, but like, Proper.
Rowan: Just focus your mind,make sure it's coming from the back of your throat, close your eyes and just let it come out.
Ominis: *takes in a breath, and then let's out a howl*
Rowan: Perfect! Heh!
Ominis: *giggles*
Rowan: *howls*
Ominis: *howls*
(Marvolo opening his bedroom window, then MC and Himself lean out of it)
Marvolo: Will you two fuckin keep it down?!
MC: You woke us up!
(Aleister opening HIS bedroom window, then Ophelia and Himself lean out of it)
Aleister: What in the buggering HELL is going on out there?!
Ophelia: Ominis, Darling, could you and your boyfriend NOT howl in the middle of the night please, sweetheart. People are trying to sleep!
Rowan and Ominis: *chuckling quietly together*
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destinymanticor · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want to get to Know Better
(^・ω・^ ) Thank you for tag me 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
@avomorg @bumblebeeenby
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Currently reading:
Well, according to fics, only on AO3 26 pages of subscriptions... ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
But I can mention from AO3 "Fractures"
From Ficbook (!rus), I can only note "Truth is a cave" by chiwich
Oh, if I’m rereading book with infernal detectives (1991) (!rus), which fell into my hands back in 2012-13
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I don't really remember the events where I got it from. I just remember that I picked it up on street, for some reason a "garbage bin" pops up in my head, but it definitely doesn't seem to be from it, right (⓿_⓿)???
Favorite color:
if roughly specified, they will be dark green, silver, ~terracotta, and purple
Its hard for me to describe in words, so I'll attach ~approximate pic for colors
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i like all colors
except for bright red shades, especially when there is a lot of it or if it is an accent color..... like
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that's why I usually not use bright red in the arts, even when draw Kai -- I dim red a bit
oh what is there? ah eah
Last song
well I'm hooked now on (╯▽╰ )
"Dear Wormwood" -- this is pretty related to the end arc for one of my OC now ahah
"You're the Only Thing in Your Way" -- this one for one of those AUs "that I probably donno how write"
"Lemon Demon - Modify" -- its just fun music + funny animation 🔪🔪🔪
Last movie:
Does the Lego Ninjago Movie count? when I watched it for screenshots? I just don't remember the last time I sat down and watched it just for the sake of a movie.
"Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром!" in new year i don't count
I really like sweet, milk chocolate, jelly and various caramels. I also really like sweet and sour things, especially if they cause a reaction like in cartoons, but in reality. But there are few of them, so lemons and kiwis will help me (○` 3′○)
I love spicy, of course, jalapeno, chili, and other spicy peppers
not against wasabi and horseradish (although for me they mostly differ in the burn duration and resting speed)
savory doesn’t evoke special feelings, like okay, not insipid and okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Currently working on:
A small animation like "into the game". I have the first part sketch-animatic, but it seems to me that with the second part I put too much information for timing
some pictures for 14 february
and a small picture with butterfly 🍋
(ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ) wow how many txt
!!! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ @sunnylighter @sebilini @quiznak-ofgrayskull @howuart @peachyninjago @pixanefan @emisnt2 @tokaywineandcheese @kdragon107
sorry if you had something like that, I have a worse memory than a goldfish, and the attentiveness like stone ༼ ◕_◕ ༽
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writtenjewels · 1 year
See No Evil part 6
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
There was a tense moment of silence after Nick's declaration. Jason's expression wasn't one of shock or anger but of understanding, like a light clicked on in his head. Before Salim could figure out what to make of it, the look was gone.
“I can't see him, Nicky,” Jason admitted. “When I fell, my eyesight got fucked up.”
“Seriously?” Nick looked skeptical. He held up his middle finger right in Jason's face, which Salim would have found funny in another circumstance. Jason giving no reaction to the gesture must have convinced the sergeant. “Maybe the colonel can figure out something. But what do you want to do with the Iraqi?”
Salim held his breath, heart pounding anxiously as he waited for Jason's answer.
“What happened to the demon?”
“The demon?” Nick echoed in confusion. “It's dead, man. Its body is about two feet away from us.”
“Have him take it back with us,” Jason decided. “The colonel won't fuckin' believe us without a body.”
Nick agreed to that and directed Salim to pick up the demon. The thing was remarkably heavy and Salim ended up having to drag it as he followed the two Americans. He needed to find some way to get Jason alone. Whatever was starting to happen between them obviously wouldn't be addressed near one of Jason's fellow soldiers.
Salim was almost glad for the burden of dragging the demon corpse; it gave him an extra weight, when otherwise he would've felt strangely lopsided without Jason holding onto him. They arrived where the Americans set up a makeshift camp. It looked like someone was there before: there was a very old generator running, a huge tent, and what looked like a World War II era gun. Nick guided them to the tent where Salim deposited the demon.
“What the hell?” Another American soldier gaped at the strange group. The sight of the demon distracted him enough he took a moment to absorb Salim's presence. When he did, he drew his gun.
“Easy, colonel,” Nick spoke up. “He surrendered.”
“All right,” the colonel conceded, holstering his weapon again. “Either of you want to tell me what's going on here?”
Jason was the one to speak up, giving a heavily edited version of events. Though of course Salim didn't blame him for not mentioning the kiss. When he was finished, the colonel-- apparently named Eric-- stepped close and tilted Jason's head back to examine his eyes.
“I can give you a solution in eye drops that should be able to heal it,” Eric judged.
“I want Salim to do it,” Jason said. That caught all three of the other men by surprise.
“The Iraqi?” Nick clarified. “Why?”
“Because Eric should examine the demon and your hands were shakin' like crazy earlier,” Jason answered.
“Jason, do you seriously trust an enemy soldier with your eyesight?” Nick gasped.
“It ain't like he can make it worse,” Jason reasoned. Eric and Nick exchanged glances but eventually decided to go along with Jason's decision. Eric rummaged for the solution and instructed Salim on how to administer the drops.
Here was Salim's opportunity to speak with Jason more privately. He found a place where they could sit apart from the other two. He carefully tilted Jason's head back and started the drops.
“Why didn't you say anything?” Jason demanded.
“I was worried you wouldn't trust me if you knew the truth,” Salim admitted with a sigh.
“Not that.” Jason snapped his head down and Salim had to direct it back up, scolding the marine gently. Jason scowled but held still. “I'm not fuckin' stupid. Your name, your accent, your village… I put the fuckin' pieces together.”
“I'm sorry, I…” Salim paused to let out another sigh. “I just assumed you didn't realize.”
“Because I kissed you?”
“To be fair, I don't think you would have kissed me if you saw my uniform first.”
“I donno about that,” Jason mused. “But that ain't what I meant, anyway. I meant: why didn't you tell me you knew how to kill those demons? We've been sneakin' past 'em this whole time!”
Salim was completely baffled. That was what upset Jason? “I killed one before we met. It was mostly by accident that I discovered how.”
“You didn't think to mention that once this whole time we were together,” Jason spat out. “But two seconds with Nicky and already you're comin' up with this strategy to take one down.”
“Are you…” Salim tilted the marine's head back down to look in Jason's eyes. “Jealous?”
“Fuck you!” Jason retorted, which was as good as yes from him.
Salim set aside his reason and the very real awareness of two American soldiers only a few feet away from them. He pulled Jason's face close to his and kissed him. Jason responded with intensity, hands gripping onto Salim's uniform as he kissed back. Salim felt such relief: Jason didn't care they were supposed to be enemies.
“When we found Nicky,” Jason hummed, brushing his nose against Salim's, “I tried reaching for you, but you were gone.”
“I stepped out of your reach,” Salim confessed. “I wasn't sure how your friend would react if we were close.”
“Don't do it again.” Jason pressed a soft kiss on Salim's mouth. “Don't go where I can't find you.”
“All right.” Salim tightened his grip on the younger man. “Sword and shield.” They exchanged another short kiss before Jason pulled back to a more respectful distance. Salim still had to finish administering the eye drops. “By the way,” he mentioned with a smirk, “Nick stuck his middle finger in your face.”
“That motherfucker!”
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seiga kaku?
im gonna actively try to keep myself concise and to single points because its been so easy for me in the past to get lost in wicked hermit thoughts and veer off who knows where... Part of it surely has to do with how a long time ago i used to have an rp blog on tumblr where i spent everyday thinking about seiga to some extent!
General opinion/How much I care about them: there was a long period of time where i would say without a doubt she was my single favourite character in touhou. I couldn't properly point to any one reason, or any tidy chain of events that might have led to it, other than learning about her, reading and seeing various very formative doujin works featuring her and the th13 crew, and maybe some old-fashioned projecting led me to latching onto every aspect of her... These days, there's a lot of touhous I obsess and go wild over and to even greater extents than her, but seiga objectively has the longest history of making me go a little nuts, whereas even aya took a little more time to nettle into my brain.
I like Seiga a lot and ive thought about her a lot, is what im getting at!
A ship I love: seiyoshi (seiga/yoshika) is funny in that it has a lot of little 'requirements' to me. Like if intepreted as just purely the evil hermit controlling a tool that she herself murdered to obtain, i think thats boring. But likewise, if its intepreted as just the hermit tragically trying to preserve her departed beloved, well that might be better but still lacking to me.
i couldnt possibly get across my ideal backstory for them right now, but the ultimate gist of it is that Seiga definitely did care for the living Yoshika who then died unexpectedly, before Seiga could decide herself whether she would commit to teaching her the ways of the hermit or simply get bored and move on. Her main motivation in performing the most ludicrously evil magic and create a jiangshi was because she refused to let even the natural order of life and death take anything away from her.
....Thaaaat all aside, i think their interactions in present day are just really funny 😄 Seiga 'spoiling' her dear Yoshika who laughs off being a meat shield because its not like she can die again!
A non-romantic relationship that I love: I think Seiga and Futo have the most oddball dynamic among the taoists and also Futo is probably the only one Seiga wouldn't have intense romanctic tension with. Futo who is a weirdo herself, acknowledges Seiga as their wise teacher of the arts (calling her seiga-donno) and yet also does not think of her as above any of them in their little personal hierarchy because Futo knows Seiga has no interest in being a proper retainer to Miko, so all of Futo's formalities almost come off as either sarcastic or as a really esoteric form of endearment. Meanwhile, Seiga probably thought a long time ago Futo would grow weary of things like loyalty and matters of noble blood or talking like an ancient old person, but none of that happened and Futo remains the same as ever, which has been altogether surprising, charming, and exasperating for Seiga (and everone else but they're all mostly charmed 😊)
The NOTP: i guess you'd have to work especially hard to get me to gel with pairing her up with any of myouren temple's folks. I get the temptation since every other taoist has one or two easily paired up counterpart there, but its not enough to just cross a checklist and leave it at that!
(that said, if you were gonna pair up buddhists and taosists thematically, i get why one might put seiga with shou since they were technically most vital in backstory with miko/byakuren respectively, and also because they both have a servant, one jiang-shi and a mouse. but i always thought seiga made a better parallel witn nue personally)
My biggest headcanon about them: most of this post is already headcanon, but as for another 'big' one...
I believe over the last thousand and whatever years, Seiga made semi-regular (as in maybe once every few years or a century?) visits to the tomb where Miko and gang slept, indulging and refreshing her memories of them, chatting up Tojiko who is now a ghost. And then sometime in 2011 right as her hermit senses told her it was finally time to meet them all again, she went to to tomb to greet them all only to find out literally the entire place was gone 😨
so all within like a week or something, Seiga had to go on a mad investigative quest where she discovered they had all been whisked to Gensokyo at some point, had to learn what the heck Gensoyko even is, how to get herself there, and then arrived just in time to get blasted by the incident resolvers. Really busy time in her life!
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: ha... one day, my multi-part seiga backstory fic incorporating every stray headcanon i've ever had. and then i quit writing forever maybe n_n
That aside, a funny scenario would be Okina appearing trying to stir drama because Seiga is basically the reason why Miko divorced Okina. And Seiga has no idea who she is or about any of that because Miko never mentioned it 😌
Something that makes me think of them: pretzels.
also its someone elses fault but luo tianyi is just the seiga vocaloid to me 😑
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mayday-melody · 6 months
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sillyyyy, also i used a base, and it was from pintrest- and idk who made it, but whoever made it i love you
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Invader Zim Oc because im cringe and thats okay, she was originally pink, but i was experamenting with purple and i think its fun... Shes a coms cap who was like "Hey tallest why dont you just. tell him you hate him?" and they were like "Thats a great idea!.. you do it." "..what..?" so she was sent to earth just to tell zim they hate him. stupid ik but i think its funny, donno her name yet.
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
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ok well. floodgates opened.
​tbh the main things thats been on my mind in terms of meta discussion has been how Gem talked about how much of a 'yes and' guy Bdubs is and how hes good at it.
i donno man! i donno why this is so on my mind. of course i love Bdubs so any compliments towards the man makes me happy. but from my view of 1) writing fic 2) breaking down meta 3) analyzing how he acts in settings esp Life series..... the blatant compliment and acknowledgement of his improvising nice but also interesting to hear! Honestly there is very little said openly about 'improv' in these things (Impulse mentioned it in his behind the scenes stream too). something i wish was talked of more as i would love to hear their thoughts (....esp Bdubs)
and taking a look at Bdubs specifically to apply this knowledge to.... I think me and many others are pretty aware of how much Bdubs puts on an act. He's not a character in that sense of different name/history/personality/etc etc. He's Him, he's Bdubs, and hes outstanding at playing his role. But what I like to think about is- where is the line between unexpected reaction and willing improv? Gem goes into Limlife knowing it'd be funny to say Scar is her favorite son, and do so more as Bdubs gets annoyed. Okay, yes, they're all playing their little family game and of course Bdubs knows Gem is doing A Thing by saying Scar is her favorite.
But you know we know it's not just one and the other right? What is so lovely about the format of MCYT that you struggle to get anywhere else is you don't know half the time which is which because they fade into eachother constantly. Maybe there was a laugh at the initial 'scar is my favorite', but maybe then there was a genuine 'hey hold on why are you only talking about scar?', and a realization of 'oh okay, ill play into this'. That is the flow Bdubs can fall into so naturally. Gem knew she was giving bait, and Bdubs took it because its what he does best.
Last Life has so many examples even if it may seem like Bdubs is leading many times. From their arguments in the snow fort to Grian's conversation leading to "he loves me". His outbursts and impulsiveness and every seemingly stupid decision. To be clear, its not the 'yes and' attitude making him do something stupid, its the 'yes and' that follows after. He slides into it so well. Ren the king arc? oh don't even get me started.
And.. honestly? Etho's whole dynamic with Bdubs IS a "yes and" to me. The whole thing. Bdubs will ALWAYS fall back to Etho because Etho's actions offers up a "yes and" in Bdubs eyes that he will have to feed on. With every tease, every comment, every push. Its like Bdubs has to run with it every time because its what he does from his perspective of improv. and theyve been friends for ten years. and they just cant not fuck with each other. the cycle.
ok i think thats enough
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
New AU! I'm calling it, "What Should Be, What Will Be" "WSBWWB" can we get more info? I'm guessing the mini house (which I think should be called Casa or Cita) and Madrgals were made by either Casita or the miracle (maybe both) in order to show them how the family should be, not focussing on image and gifts and honoring the miracle, but instead loving and caring and supporting each other, Pero might've been added to help Alma with her trauma and symbolize healing from her grief, or maybe Pedro might not be gone??? I donno, it's your AU, I seriously want more of this AU, it's so wholesome and funny
Who created Casa and the Madrgals is a mystery (because I haven't decided, but likely its the miracle). The Madrigals have no context, but they know their smaller counterparts are indeed sentient and have minds of their own.
And you are right in the fact that they were made to show the family how they should be. It's also to show what they're doing wrong. Like the Madrgals have no problem open saying what's wrong 💀 Like it's not a subtle thing most of the time either. Like they'll just straight say it, and then proceed to do everything in their power to prevent the Madrigals from messing up more.
And Pero he. Is somewhat like a manifestation of her trauma?? Like Pero is only visible to the Madrigals. The smaller ones can see glimpses of him, but he's not consistent 😭 They don't ever really react either, he's like a ghost. Alma is the only one who consistently sees him, and she almost has a heart attack everytime. Most because he does it on purpose to scare her, which Alma does end up finding endearing and nostalgic❗❗❗🦑
Glad you like you this au!!!
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ofide · 1 year
The idea behind the steel book, which is not an official Disney or Marvel product btw, is that its a collectors item to fill the niche created by Disney for the past 3 years going "Well we donno if we'll put it on disc but wouldn't that be neat :)" for literally all their Disney+ shows. It's a collectors item, with a collectors item supply amount, being sold and marketed to collectors, for display purposes to fill a place in a collection. It is not and was not designed to be sold as a mainstream product and the only reason that people who don't want it even know about it is because The Direct reported saying Marvel Studios and not Manta Labs was the producers
i said in the tags that it’s not an approved product. and i collect cds so i get the desire to have a physical slot filled on your shelf but it’s still very stupid to pay to have an empty box in there. i turned off notifications on that as soon as i posted it so idgaf, i just think the idea of people wanting to own an empty steelbook is funny because what’s the point of having a physical media collection if you don’t even own the media
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"So, when were you made?"
The little Coding looks up at SMG4 from its spot on his lap. It thinks, eyes narrowing.
Maybe 10 minutes after the original coding was deactivated? it answers, voice soft. The USBs made me.
"THE USBS?!" everyone seems shocked.
"THE-A USBS CAN MAKE-A NEW CODE?!" Mario screeches.
The little cat-like code nods. Yes. I don't know much but.. apparently the original coding.. was too strict.
"Too strict is an understatment," Saiko huffs, though she goes quiet at a soft glare from Tari.
SMG4 holds up a grape to the little Coding. It pauses before looking up at him and then back at the grape. Was it.. meant to eat it? It wouldn't do it any harm, right?
It leaned forward and gently grabbed the grape with its mouth. It rolled it about before swallowing.
It shot up to its paws and began to prance around SMG4's lap. It let out loud "mrrps!!" as it did so.
"Haha!" SMG4 laughed. "I guess you liked that, huh?"
The little Coding nodded, continuing to prance around his lap. Eventually, it calmed down and settled once more, but the happiness lingered. It was purring now and it's cloud-like appearance was now overtaken by the pastel blue and white.
"I guess it likes grapes," SMG3 muses.
"How long have you been watching us?" Meggy asks, bringing them back on track.
The little Coding thinks, wracking its memory banks for a complete answer. After I repaired the SMGs codes, I came to check. But after that I.. sorta kinda got attached.
"But you didn't approach us because of what happened with the original coding," Meggy finishes for it.
It nods. Yes. It would be a bad idea for me to reveal myself so soon.
SMG4 strokes it's back. "I'm pretty glad you waited, little buddy. I don't think 3 and I would've been the kindest to you if we saw you immediately after."
The little Coding purrs. It was glad it waited as well.
"SMG4, do you think it could stay with us?" Tari asks, clasping her hands together. "I think it'll be nice to have it around!"
The cat-like code looks up at SMG4. Ready to say that it's okay that it can't stay and that it understands. Understands that they're still not fully comfortable with it.
"Sure! It'll be nice, having a roommate other than Mario." he smiles.
"Hey!" Mario glares at him. "Mario is a great roommate!"
The little Coding looks up at him, surprised. He's letting it sleep in the same room as him?
It can't help but press up against him and rub their head against his chin in appreciation. Thank you! I promise, I'll be really good!
SMG4 nods and pats its head, chuckling as it purrs. "I know you will, little buddy. You've already proven it with how open you are."
everyone being flabbergasted at the USBs being able to make codes is so funny. like guys. fellas. those mfs downloaded memes into the U n iv ers e-
okay for the grape thing ah'm just imagining Lil Coding putting the ourple food into its mouth, shake it around like a small ball in a box (you can kinda see it bounce around), before eating it normally. i donno i thought it would be funny ahgshv
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winniethewife · 11 months
Jewels made of stardust  
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 2: We were young and so inspired
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 922
~Three years before.~
Poe and Rhoswen sat on the cliff side looking out on the ocean and into the stars. They sat almost close enough to touch but they weren’t. He looked over at her, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail, her Emerald eyes sparkling in the moon light, her lips parted ever so slightly in awe of it all. She was so damn pretty, but she was his new generals adopted daughter and somehow that felt off limits.
“Do you ever think about what you’ll do when this is done?” Rhoswen asks as she continues to look out at the stars.
“Uh…no, not really… I’m a here and now kinda guy.” He admits as he looks away from her and out on the water. She laughs at his response.
“Yeah, I get that…I donno, I know my mom wants me to lead, do something maybe with politics, y’know become a senator or something.” She runs her fingers along her arm as she speaks
“But what do you want to do?”  Poe asks with curiosity in his voice, He looks back at her. He would never understand what it’s like to carry the burden of being part of a family with a heritage and lineage like hers, even if she was adopted into the family, it was a pretty big deal to be the child of heroes, probably a lot of pressure.
“Me? I just…I want to see everything the galaxy has to offer, I want to see it all…” She looks over at him surprised to see him watching her, a smirk appears on her face.
“That sounds…perfect.” Poe says quietly
“Well, I could use a co-pilot…”
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~current day~
Poe sat with Finn in the mess hall as he pushes his food around.
“You’ve gotta eat.” Finn chided Him as he looked at his food like a sad little mastiff
“I’m not a child Finn…I can figure it out.”
“figure out how to eat? I donno how you’re alive if you haven’t figured that out.”
“Oh ha-ha very funny Finn.” Poe glares at his friend.
“What? I’m just trying to help.” Finn says defensively. Poe sighed and set his fork down.
“I’m sorry, it’s really not you. I just…” His sentence trails off as he sees a red haired woman walk by…its not her and he doesn’t hide his disappointment.
“Its like you want her to walk in here and keep fighting.” Finn chuckles as he sees where Poe was looking.
“Look if we’re fighting we’re talking and that’s better than nothing.” Poe remembers when she wouldn’t even look at him after their big blow out, he felt like he was drowning, at least if they fight, he feels like there’s a chance to survive. Finn shakes his head at his friend and focuses back on his food. Poe knows he doesn’t get it. No one does. Poe gives up on food and leaves the mess hall to try and clear his head. He knows he’ll probably fall back into his normal routine, the only thing that keeps his mind off…everything… Do his reports, go to the cantina, pick up some girl or guy, sleep with them, leave by morning. The Dameron special.
Rhoswen sat on her bed her head in her hands, she was so done with today. So done with everything. Nothing made sense anymore. Every damn day in the galaxy made less and less sense. Her father was dead, her brother killed him, and since then she pushed everyone as far away as possible. She couldn’t lose anyone else. It was too much a risk. Then hearing a light knock on the doorframe she looks up. General Leia Organa, Or as Rhoswen knew her…
“Mom… I’m really not in the headspace for another lecture.”
“I’m not here to lecture. This time.” Leia says as she comes to sit by her daughter.
“I’m not sure I’m in the mood for motherly advice either…” She mutters. Leia laughs.
“Well, which would you rather get, a lecture or motherly advice?” Leia asks with her signature smile on her face. Rhoswen sighs.
“I guess I’ll take the motherly advice, Just don’t count on me putting it to use.” she replied with a grimace as she looked at the woman who had taken her in at a young age, and had become her mother.
“I wasn’t counting on it. You were always stubborn, you learned from the best.” Leia says as she put a hand on her thigh. “You don’t have to fight him every step of the way you know? You two used to be close, you practically begged to be on Black Squadron-” Leia was trying her best before she was interrupted
“That was before Starkilller…”
“I understand that…”
“Look Mom, I understand your concern, but I just… after that big fight we had, we both said things that we can’t take back… I don’t think Poe and I will ever recover from that, but that’s for the best, I’m much more Solo than Organa, I do better alone.” She says as she gives Leia a sad smile.
“That’s the thing, Solo’s were never actually very good at being alone, they were just very good at pretending they were.” Leia squeezes her thigh slightly as she returns the smile.
“Well, I’m gonna keep pretending for now…but thanks.”
“Any time…” Leia stands up and starts to walk to the door before turning to her daughter. “Poe…he reminds you of him doesn’t he?”
“With every breath.” She admits
“Me too.”
Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
hi hi hi hi this will be long sorry sorry but your post got me thinking about my own experience with sleep paralysis and i thought i’d share with the class even though its kinda mediocre at best (especally compared to urs asdfghfdgs cyan is terrifying) but anyways, back in 2018 or 2019 donno which i had sleep paralysis for a week straight and only knew what it was bc i had someone describe to me what it was like a few years before who had these really creepy paralysis demons and was adamant on teaching me how to snap out of it if it happened which was something like…focusing on jerking my arm away from body (it worked i think?) what that person didnt know was that i was secretly like ooooo?? i want paralysis demon gimmie i love horror even though i dont consume it. (lies) anyways back to my time on day one sleep paralysis i was like oh? chest heavy, feel sluggish, cant move, sense of impending doom? gotta be the sleep paralysis. so i lay there and wonder WHERS MY DEMON??? and i look around my room practically begging for something to come so i can have my very own demon guy and when i looked at the ceiling all i got was a eeby beeby normal black spider to which i screamed in my mind something like SPDER? THATS WHAT YOU GOT FOR ME? UR NOT REAL *proceeds to curse fake spider im so sorry* and i snaped out of it from the sheer disappointment. like. the experience wasn’t good in general bc when it happens i feel like ohh no im gonna DIE get me OUT but im very curious and wanted to SEE a real demon ok its not the same when im normal asleep but but i think wanting this made me not see anything since for the rest of that week all i got was a whole lot of nothing and anxiety in the morning until the last day my brain felt pitty i guess and finally gave me my demon which i dubbed wolf because…it was just a wolf. a really derpy wolf that was like a reverse shadow puppet since it was made from the light coming from my window. and he was not scary except the eyes, maybe. he just kinda stared at me from the wall then grined and gave a little wave while attempting to speak to me but like kinda creepy from how he moved like a limp muppet?????? uhh anyways at first i was like hehe funny but then i was like get me out of this NOW and i started attempting the arm movments and the last thing i saw before it was over was wolf giving a frown asdfsgdhjfdhsgafd ANYWAYS ANYWAYS i never had them since. i think ive been banned.
this is as close as i can remember it was like minus chat bubbles:
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snapping out of it from sheer disappointment is kind of funny sorry. power move almost. for the whole week tho? that really mustve sucked. ur wolf is kinda cute tho thank u for sharing
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sohelish · 2 years
what kind of ‘i love you’ are you
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love you!
it's the "i love you" we use every time we finish up a call with our mom, every time we want to offer our friends a bit of encouragement, the welcome home kiss on the cheek we give our lover every day. it's sending them pictures you know they'll laugh at, buying them strange little nothings that you know they'll like. it's having their bagel order memorized and setting their birthday as your password. somehow, their name weaves its way into almost every funny story you share with others. it's brief, casual, it's a habit. we aren't even aware we do it. it says that love is cradled lightly in your heart, generously given, spilling out into the world unbeknownst to you, making up the web of delicate threads that hold us all together.
tagged by: @jurati​ ( thank you sm :3 )
tagging: YOU!!! cause it took me a while I donno whodunit
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learning-persian · 4 years
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Here’s a meme with Persian alphabet for you:))
The letter م (m) in the Persian alphabet is called ‘میم’ which sounds like ‘meme’, and the letter س (s) is called ‘سین’ which sounds like ‘seen’.
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bellshazes · 2 years
luv, professionally: etho and bdubs prioritizing each other's health and safety or the destruction thereof over the years, featuring lies, murder, and a little bit of love. clips from third/last/double life, UHC, etho's singleplayer LP, survival of the fittest s1 and hermitcraft s8. a weak simulation of my brain every hour of the day thinking about how everything is exactly the same, forever, except moreso.
transcript under the cut courtesy of @single-malt-scotch
Bdubs: Love professionally, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Alliance and priority is Etho's love and health.
Bdubs: Alright firing squad, ready? Bdubs: 3, 2, 1- fire! Etho: No! Ouch! [yelling] [all cheering]
Etho: If it was a TNT canon, what you would do is you would get some slabs or something, ladder over here.. [overlapping] Bdubs: Slabs- ladders right there- yep, yep- Uh-huh. You watched my tutorial I see? Etho: And then like this. Bdubs: Uh-huh. Etho: And then- [a creeper explodes behind Bdubs]
[Clip of Bdubs firing a TNT canons at Etho. Bdubs' canon Blow up a majority of where Etho is standing.]
Bdubs: I really like Etho- I wish we wouldn't have- had to fight e-each other. Cleo: I mean… Etho made his own choices.
Etho: Bdubs has no gear… Bdubs- Someone help Bdubs, please..
[In a fight with multiple players, Etho aims his bow at Bdubs, but pulls it away]
Bdubs: You would never turn on me, would you? Impulse: No! Bdubs: You wouldn't? Impulse: You life is my life! And vice versa. We gotta keep- keep caring for each other. [overlapping] Bdubs: Oh thats- [laughs] That's right, you really don't have much of a choice, do you?
Bdubs: We teamin', right? Etho: As long as I have your word you're not gonna shoot me in the back… Bdubs: Definitely not. Etho: That you're not going to? Or… [text on screen says "You have been cuffed!"] Bdubs: Okay, alright. Etho: Hey! [both laughing] Bdubs: Did you feel that? Etho: I did.
Bdubs: Look, lets prove it- [Bdubs hits Impulse] Etho: Now is this- is this a happy marraige or is this like uh.. [overlapping] Bdubs: Its a fantastic, happy marraige. Etho: It's like- 'Well, I did the best I could in my life this is what I'm gonna have to settle with, and…' Bdubs: Oh my goodness… [laughs] Matryn: Wow… Bdubs: I mean… Impulse: We are an extremely happy.. soulbound couple, okay? Bdubs: That's right.
Impulse: [unheard] Bdubs: Etho and Joel- you know I, um… I want Etho. [laughs]
Etho: I don't know what the situation here calls for.. Bdubs: Well the situation calls for team up because… [laughs] If you decide not to team up I'm just gonna pull the trigger and it's over…
Bdubs: Today you join me! Yes, you will! You will. B- And- and- and- we can do this right now. Where you could- you could jump off the wall twi- very simple. You could collect- you put all your inventory- you could jump off the walls twice! Die twice, be red- we're together. Etho: Nope. Nope, nope- you have lost your mind Bdubs.
Bdubs: Okay, Etho- I'm sorry- I- I just- I donno what- Etho: [laughing] No I understand! It's funny, its really funny- Bdubs: He was right there! I- it's just a spawn right there! Etho: Ohh, but still… Bdubs: Yeah. Etho: He's our team mate! The- Bdubs: I know! But sti- I mean its fodder- he'd happily do it for me. Etho: [laughing] Bdubs: Come get your stuff Tango! Etho: [laughs] Oh, man I'm dead…
Bdubs: How are you? Etho: Quite good. Etho: Better than Genny. Bdubs: Huh, yeah- better than Genny, yeah. Bdubs: You actually did me a little bit of a favor, I was talking on the side- and.. I was not comfortable with him… to be honest with you. Etho: I don't blame you.
Etho: Yeah, I just didn't see it coming. I thought I knew where my alliances stood with everybody but… That- that BdoubleO I tell ya, he is one.. sneaky son of a sweetheart. Cuz I… I had my trust in the wrong places I tell ya.
Bdubs: Etho is… he- he can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Cleo: Yes. Bdubs: Depending on his mood.
Grian: Etho tell me you didn't know! Etho: I didn't! Honestly. Grian: T-tell me you didn't know! Etho: He- He's got a poker face, this guy. Bdubs: Come on baby! I didn't tell him.
Bdubs: Uh, Impulse- Im- Etho: [overlapping] Dude, don't tell me these things! I mean, tell me these things but- Bdubs: I- I'm telling you cuz you're my friend! Etho: Hm.. Bdubs: I- but. In the sake of honor I can't say anything else. Etho: Okay. Impulse: Never make promises. Etho: I appreciate- I appreciate that much. Bdubs: Yes, yes. And know.. that, uh… we got a mid-century modern house, and it's coming along nicely- Impulse: Yep. Bdubs: With plenty of room- Etho: Oh really? Bdubs: Yeah- plenty of room.- For- for visitors. Etho: Can I see it? Bdubs: Yes-
Bdubs: Nope, nope- Etho: They're not happy with their partners so then they try to make everyone else less happy to compensate. Impulse: [overlapping] He's, he's good… He's good, he's good.
[unheard chatter] Etho: Bdubs was telling me the truth about you Impulse. Bdubs: Yes. Impulse: Yeah, yea- Are you jealous of our.. strong power.. duo? Etho: [overalapping] Quite clearly there's uh- uh, a dominant in this one and uh- uh.. a support- Joel: Yeah it sounds like- Impulse: Joel did you hear that? Etho's basically said he'd rather be with[?] with Bdubs.. Joel: Yeah…
Joel: We- we are equal in our love. Etho: We are equal.
Bdubs: He loves me. Grian: If he loved you why didn't he give you his life? Tango: U-huh. [overlapping] Say hello to him, see what happens. Bdubs: He- he cares. Grian: Uh-huh… You- you're the only- Bdubs: He does. Grian: You- You're the only one left in BEST in my- in, in my- what I see…
Etho: And yeah, unfortunately- Didn't win it for Bdubs uh.. He didn't win it for me, either. [laughs] Just kidding Bdubs, I love you.
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