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Javier Escuella reflects the immigrant experience I went through and it hurts to see that be disregarded
I understand him in the way that coming to a new country is a terrifying experience, to leave everything you know and love and people you care for behind never knowing when or if you'll ever see them again. Trying to escape something you know you won't live thru and not wanting to be subject to an unfair way of life, trying to do something good for yourself and necessary to survive, somehow you feel guilty about it and you think why didn't I save someone else? why did I do this? do I deserve a better opportunity and a better chance at becoming someone in life?
Coming to a country and hoping for that better opportunity is a gamble and In my case I don't even know if I'm winning or losing. Coming to America from Mexico we're promised big cities with endless opportunities and equality for all and we're told we will always have enough of everything and never have to spend a day on the streets, but like Javier says, it's the same here as it is back there, the only difference is that America has the money and the power to hide that from the outside world and it creates a mirage enticing people into coming here and leads people into a trap of never having enough, not for yourself much less your family and even much less to just LIVE. Luring people into the cold venomous heart of what we hoped to be the American Dream
I never lived in a house we own. the house I'm in today is not ours and we pay ridiculous rent, I lived in a single room for most of my life with my parents, and I think Javier would understand what it feels like. He'd understand wishing you could've had what you do now years ago but you just know what's done is done. Javier understands the struggles that come with adapting and evolving with the world around you, the teases and insults thrown at you for broken English until you finally become some what fluent and realize you don't understand a lick of your native dialect and how your Spanish has become broken.
Having to comply with what makes the people above you "comfortable" takes away your sense of identity, you cage the once passionate and hungry spirit in you so it's enthusiasm won't scare off people or opportunities. He'd understand what it feels like to constantly feel like people just assume things because of how you look. He would get why I feel humiliation sitting, waiting for the food drive and seeing the kids around me and realizing the thing we all have in common is our blood. He'd understand what it's like to have people disregard your intelligence because to them someone like you with your skin and someone who speak the language you do can't be as smart as them.
When I was little I often tried to scrub off my brown skin because I felt ashamed of it. and I think he'd understand why. I love my country and what makes me Mexican but I live in a country that makes me fear being proud will get me killed and I won't sugarcoat that. I make myself more American for the sake of fitting in and in that act I've lost a part of myself.
I think he understands feeling shame but still being prideful because if not pride then what else is there?
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regularbeans · 1 year
the more people write thinkpieces about why you're problematic if you dont reblog and only like posts (especially art and fics i guess) the less ill reblog those posts. i have three aries placements, dont tell me what to do /hj
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antivivziepopparade · 2 months
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Just found out that Vivziepop has a Bluesky. -and of COURSE it contains horrible takes (like shown above) as usual.
Plus this:
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YIKES! (Vivziepop flipping people off for the 40th time.)
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Then there's her bad mouthing Kediketizen because of course she is.
(This was only made after Vivziepop thought that Kedi was the one behind the transphobia document btw.)
The white entitlement and unprofessionalism I dont know which one is worse! Its all so bad!
Speaking of Bluesky.... I now have one!
So make sure not to forget to follow and to like and subscribe on my Youtube channel! I love you all! Thanks for watching!
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byeeizzy · 10 months
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Ghostly tales is here!! An exclusive comic only on webtoon!! Dont forget to create a account on Webtoon so you can subscribe and like to help me 🩷👻🌺
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katiifaestarot · 7 months
Before todays reading: Thank you to the anon who enjoyed my cat Blu's message for everyone. There was only one ASK message regarding that post, so i hope you see this! Im so happy it helped and resonated with you like that! Thank you for taking the time to write up that message! Means the absolute world to me!
THE READING TODAY IS: Positive Morning Tea 🫖
☆this reading will include some positivity you need to hear !! Could apply to anything in your life and/or even yourself as a person!
☆the message will be short as i am filming content for tiktok and youtube today as well!
about me
Take a peek at the Links for more Messages, Guidance, Clarity, Confirmation, etc!
• i am posting on tiktok again! Cant wait to see y'all there too ;)
♡ Youtube ♡
• i am doing a youtube collab with @faerytreealtars !! Super excited! Stay Tuned and DONT FORGET to subscribe to BOTH our Channels so you can see our lovely messages once they've dropped!! 😊 ( march 1st, hehe )
☆ Paid Personal Readings will be opening up in March; 15 slots will be available; March 1st -- March 10th, 2024.
•It will be Email Readings Only.
•I accept only Zelle
•ALL readings will be done in a 'first come, first served' basis. ALL readings will be done On or Before March 10th.
•OF COURSE i will let you know if you made it into one of the 15 slots, and dont worry if you miss out because i will be opening my slots again March 12th, so dont be afraid to try again!
•Will make a separate post on Paid Personal Readings + how you can PROVE to me that YOU did in fact pay me for the reading!!! and Pin it to my blog
☆ Free readings will be done on my Tiktok Lives! (go follow me over there!)
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the Angel Number Index Cards in the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- 101 + 999
PILE 2- 333
PILE 3- 1221
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
Your mind and tongue are sharp, your wit unbeatable, you talent....unimaginable to others.
You hold so much truth, clarity, and purpose within you. You must be secret about your moves sometimes though. People will want to ruin what you have. Make sure you are talking to the correct people.....so your plans arent FORCED to change by either you or an unseen outside force.
Regardless of that though, YOU are embarking on a new journey and for that i am proud of you pile 1 :') !! No matter who you are, what you are doing, or how you are living and being lately, the world is calling for change and you have some great innovative ideas waiting to be shared! Dont be afraid of the change or shift either! Embrace it !!
You are cool pile 1.....thanks for letting me channel for ya' ♡
No negativity allowed here pile 2!!! Dont be fearful, doubtful, or scared of the future you VERY clearly deserve to have for yourself. Make sure your attitude matches the vibe you want to be in and give off !! I.E- MAKE SURE YOU ARE POSITIVELY THINKING AND THAT POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT IS SOMEHOW OCCURRING IN YOUR LIFE!
You are such a sunshine baby pile 2, and i am sorry if people or the world at large has made you feel dull. Because you are SO not dull, you are literally a perfect baby angel who needs to stand in their power, authenticity, and truth. KEEP building positivity around you and KEEP going towards your dreams and goals! Do NOT give up, because you can achieve EVERYTHING you want! Trust ♡
Things around you might be falling away fast OR happening at a speed that causes discomfort for you pile 3. And that is okay and ACTUALLY apart of your plot line right now! HAHA
You are actually doing so well and taking things in stride like you should be doing. You are releasing so much negativity, so much hurt + pain, and so much angsty BS that no longer should reside within you.
Good F---ing job pile 3 !! Right now, you should be planning, planning, annnnd more planning!! Ask yourself deep, tough, LIFE questions! Examples: How can i create the future i want? Am i being too ambitious and keeping in mind the resources i currently have for my ambitions? How can i cultivate better understanding with me and my future? How can i practice self discipline and balance that out with my current reality?
There are so many more examples i could give, but i uuuhh,,,, guess this where you start to do the necessary research to help YOURSELF! ;)
You got this pile 3, i believe in you!! the answers will come!! DW♡
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me! Dont Forget to follow me on Youtube and Tiktok for more messages, guidance, and advice! 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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goldenpinof · 11 months
As much as I love the new dnpg era we're in (and Im not complaining in the slightest) in the back of my brain I am finding it a bit strange that dan and phil are currently creating the exact content that for the last 5 years they (especially dan) have been saying they are tired of making. The whole "heres our sponsor, please hit the bell, like and subscribe!" Content. It feels very nostalgic right now, which I love, but also isnt necessarily sustainable. And the idea that they're only doing it to pay the bills on their house doesnt sit right with me either.
Im wondering if maybe theres a bigger picture. I feel like the gaming videos they are churning out are to sort of ease us in to a new era of dan and phil. If maybe they are playing a bit into the nostalgia of dan and phil, to gain back the audience that they lost after 5 years hiatus, so that then, they can slowly start to transform the content and the brand of dan and phil into something that better fits them as they are now. Because an abrupt change after 5 years of being gone, would honestly kind of mean they would have to almost start from scratch (bar the few thousand people that have been following them throughout), and honestly idk if an abrupt change would work for them either, bc even with dystopia daily, it was a cool idea, and not badly executed (apart from just kind of stopping halfway through) but it was also so different to anything else, that I think people found it really jarring, because it didnt really feel like the dan people were used to. I also dont know how well it really represented dan creatively anyway. I feel like bringing the gaming channel back, and also making it clear that its going to be different, its not specifically limited to games, is allowing them to take us with them on the journey of figuring out their new creative direction, rather than starting a few projects that get announced suddenly and then not going anywhere. It also means that when they are working on things behind the scenes that take months or even years to come into realisation, that can also just be cancelled at anytime, they are not banking on their audience just happily waiting with nothing to show for it, and can atleast still produce content that they enjoy and we enjoy, so that when dan inevitably does more standup or phil announces a project or they announce a new dan and phil project, it didnt come entirely from nothing.
Idk, basically i feel like the gaming channel is only the start of something bigger, and I dont think that bigger thing is them reverting back to 2016 dnp. Im interested to see.
oi, big asks bring so much pain ehfeliwdskd only because my answers usually are also big as fuck.
what i find interesting about this relaunch of dnpgames is that it's treated like the main place for joint content. what Dan said in the baking video can only mean that what was posted on AP channel or Dan's channel before, will now be on dnpgames. this gives them (Dan specifically) a way out of the dan and phil brand. it's like the joint branding exists outside and in parallel to their solo brands but doesn't intervene (it still does with AP but maybe it won't in the future). there's a better, more strict division between dnpgames + what's allowed on it and AP and their social media. it's so interesting to see how far they will go with it. they might bring back small portions of what they did before the hiatus (livestreams, dan vs phil, spooky week, gamingmas, game series and etc) but there will be new stuff as well. i wonder if the promo for all dnp brand related things will go on dnpgames now. before that, it was on Dan's channel (tours, books). i'm manifesting ladydoor tour 2.0 if the gaming channel thrives and there will be an audience to fill out the venues.
don't forget that Dan's decision to resurrect dnpgames allegedly came only in 2023 and because of his semi-flopped tour and difficulties with the dvd. no one wants to throw money into it, unfortunately. something happened in Edinburgh with BBC (wad related or not, hell knows). this dnpgames return is like a filler between solo projects (re: they are not banking on their audience just happily waiting with nothing to show for it). and it will be dropped the moment they are offered something serious. unless that something is gonna be precisely dnp brand related.
i don't think there's gonna be a huge change in the direction of dnpgames. we missed it how it was, Phil missed it because it allowed him to work with Dan and have fun. it can co-exist. i have an unpopular opinion maybe, but today's vibes are so unhinged. it's different from what it was before the hiatus, and i'm not talking about gay stuff. it feels like we're constantly running somewhere with them, and i don't like it. too much, too suddenly. and for someone who likes rewatching videos to find something new or just relax and laugh, it's a very uncomfortable schedule. and even dnp in the videos seem a bit frantic. plus different editing styles are visible, so it's like constantly jumping on a trampoline never knowing how high. i like consistency, so i need time to adjust? it's not a criticism, just an observation.
i think i have a bit different opinion to yours :) if it's the start of something bigger than only in the variety of content, but i don't think dnpgames will live for more than 3 years. 5 max. and this insane schedule will be dropped eventually. because it's unhealthy and EXACTLY why Dan backed out in 2018.
thank you for sharing your thoughts! let's see how it goes.
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red-elric · 1 year
back at it again w classpect deepdives!!! i only did one of these before forgetting about it completely but i have some THOUGHTS ABOUT VOID LETS GO WOO!!!
so for starters: i used to never really subscribe to void and light being an inverse pair, key word USED TO. idr why exactly; part of it was i hadnt fully thought out what the other pairs would have to be, part of it was wanting doom to be lights inverse through similar logic that ppl apply to seers and mages being inverses. which, ironically, is also smth i dont consider to be true anymore BUT I DIGRESS. i now think of void and light as true inverses for a couple reasons. most obviously being the light vs dark thing that gets played up in the comic proper, esp w the lalondes. but theres entire dimensions of the two aspects that also have to fit, right? right.
lets look at light for a second. (i promise this is a void post.) the light players we have, rose vriska and aranea, all have classes that take light in its more..... nonliteral sense. its not about LITERAL LIGHT like an heir or a knight or a maid would use, its about LUCK and FATE and...... whatever the fuck is going on w araneas abilities. not really sure how her shit works but i think a large part of it is just..... aranea was able to justify how her power would work, so it does. and i think thats a big part of light as an aspect too; the NARRATIVE. all three light players are biiiig big players who assign importance to the roles they play and make sure everything they do is significant. and its about IMPROBABILITY too; its about the unlikely outcomes that are very lucky for the player that fit the narratives flow and, as such, become the only fated outcome for the hero. for light players, everything is a PERFORMANCE.
so, conversely, we look at void! roxy, equius, horuss..... lets ignore horuss tho bc we just dont know enough about him. (tho isnt that smth in itself, a void player fading into obscurity.... whatever.) theres defo some metaphorical interpretations of void going on in hs proper, but we cant ignore the more literal stuff either!! or.... i guess we can; void comes up a lot as a way to HIDE THINGS. equius's blood is used to block out text in rose's journal, hiding information from seers, both literal and those who do it more as a hobby (callie). roxy causes the cherub's viewports to blackout, and she is able to help callie's ghost hide in the void. equius and darkleer both are able to create dark spots in doc scratch's omniscience, notably hiding the cue ball from him (specifically FOR some light aligned folks!). following along w literal interpretations, theres two more things that jump out at me: one, the repeated references to void as 'nothingness' and two, the fact that the void symbol clearly references the space symbol, as the spaces in between space's spiral. space is pretty generally agreed on as the aspect of stuff, like all matter and distance and concepts in the three traditional dimensions and whatnot; by contrast, void would have to refer to the SPACE IN BETWEEN. kind of confusing terminology but like, on a universal scale, if 'space' refers to planets and stars and people and asteroids and whatnot, 'void' would be like..... the vacuum. the vast majority of the universe where all that 'space' stuff ISNT. coming back to the first point, the NOTHINGNESS. space has strong ties to life, too, or like.... natural evolution? reproduction? the whole frog thing. and in any universe, sustained life is extremely rare, improbable, lucky....... and here we are coming back to light again! now were getting somewhere! which leaves void as a reference to the PROBABLE, and the MUNDANE, because if you pick a random point in the universe to look at theres a 99% chance youre coming up with NOTHING. void :3
bringing this back to more abstract stuff! tho tbh thats kinda hard bc i think void is just..... generally more predisposed to the literal than light is, which would make sense; light wants to tell a good story, void just shows things as they are. but when you have a class like a rogue, that steals the void from shit, you start to turn things on their head a bit. stealing the void moves the balance a bit more towards light, in a way, so you have roxy able to do kind of what aranea and vriska do, in that they come up w a narrative of what they SHOULD be able to do and through that have the ability to do it. notably, roxy didnt come up w the idea herself, and was told she could do it; her natural voidy things were much more literal interpretations of the aspect. but i digress. a rogue of void can steal the nothingness from an idea and make it a real object. if we think of that in more light friendly terms, we have the rogue considering a concept...... an object that is VERY PROBABLY not real, or not here in the present moment or universe or whatever. the odds are astronomically low that roxy would have a matriorb in the alpha timeline, right? it doesnt make sense, that would be fantastical and improbable and would be something out of a narrative; thats a light thing. and thats exactly why roxy can make it happen; she takes that concept of her just HAVING the matriorb, and she removes the improbability from it, the mundane details of how it could possibly exist, and in turn, very luckily is able to create a real matriorb to give to kanaya. and the luck here is critical! kanaya comments many times on how impossible it seems to ensure the return of her race. and the rogue of void thing DOESNT work when condy demands it of her, as if its a given that roxy can do it; instead, it only works when shes under no pressure, but trying to be heroic for someone else, with callie aka the MUSE OF SPACE, a super powerful class that inspires others wrt space stuff, including life in a universal sense..... yeah, w that many narrative signals theres no way light wasnt going to show up w void being rogued away.
anyway. what does this all mean? not too much, just.... some things to consider when classpecting a void player :3 a void player blends into the background, doesnt feel like a hero or a main character, and has little to no association w fate or luck (even bad luck! bad luck is a doom thing, its also improbable. void is more neutral luck, the v probable concept of just being normal). they likely seem like a fairly cookie cutter member of whatever society theyre in (yes, even equius. most of the trolls were not standard trolls; he was the one to give us insight on actual troll culture and norms). theyre down to earth, in a sense, and may feel as though they cant let their true feelings show for the sake of more 'narratively important' characters. little to no association with life or nature, probably more scientifically inclined (tech, not bio). stuff like that
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sgtbecks · 1 year
i miss august 2020 for the fact i could sit around and watch megamind all day and no one could stop me
fun facts about my megamind episode below the cut
if you start at midnight and dont pause, you can watch megamind approximately 16 times in a day (i guess the same goes with any ~90 min movie but who cares if its not megamind)
i claim to have watched megamind 40 times in a week but the truth is that within the 7 day period i only watched it 37 times, but i did watch 3 times in the days following that week
the only reason my megamind episode stopped is because my family went on vacation to lake george and we all shared one motel room and no one else wanted to watch megamind
i could recite the majority of the dialogue and if any of my family did want to watch the movie with me they couldnt stand me repeating every single line
i saw online ONCE that metroman’s real name is Wayne and i stick to that to this day if i ever post anything metroman related i will refer to him as Wayne
my stance on megamind’s real name being Syx is umm.. i am against it- i like to call him Megs (ironic given i took to Wayne so easily)
over the course of the 7 day megamind tirade i wrote a 10k word self insert fanfiction, with side scenes written separately, nsfw alphabet was included
the most times i was ever able to watch megamind in a day was seven times and it was on August 27 2020
that was all my megamind facts about myself that i can think of off the top of my head before i end up making myself late for work.. if u read all this i hope u enjoyed dont forget to like comment and subscribe
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Shawn Michaels vs Stone Cold Steve Austin pt 2
So before I begin I must give my apologies if you were waiting on this as I've been backed up with other projects. Next I wanna give all proper credit to Wrestling Bios on YouTube, his reliving the war series made this a whole lot easier instead of having to look up various different resources to put this series together, and if you arent subscribed to his channel you can click this link here!
he reviews classic games like No Mercy, WCW/NWO Revenge, WWF Attitude and Warzone if youre nostalgic for those games. if not here we are!
So the next night on Raw after No Way Out of Texas, DX were said to be pursuing legal advice following their loss to Steve's team. The broadcast airs a vignette with Chyna and its showcasing her achievements so far...and ends with her receiving a Stone Cold Stunner at the previous nights PPV. They aren't on the show tonight..but that stunner was pretty damn funny still.
The following week on Raw, DX cut a promo from Shawn's house. Triple H mentioned that the only way for Raw to raise its rating was for them to come to Shawns house, and if they get ratings from chaos then the next 4 weeks are about to set the nielsen rating books on fire. Shawn says Owen, Steve, and Mike Tyson are due to be on Raw the next week in Cleveland and that would be a great place to start raising hell and so the best place to end it is at...YOU GUESSED IT....WRESTLEMANIA. Shawn not only confirms but guarantees the match with Steve at Mania. Triple H says to the camera that from here on out, Wrestlemania is going to be X Rated...(of course they changed it to DX rated).
The next week on RAW opens up with DX, and Triple H says "The road to Wrestlemania Begins tonight, Wrestlemania is X Raided (Rated whatever), Parents need to get their childrens permission because discretion is advised, but will be completely ignored." When Shawn takes the mic, he says DX are going to make Tyson an offer he cant refuse, and should he refuse he wont ever forget DX and thats a promise (his words not mine). He then says Steve is going to face the Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event (you know that 97 Shawn Michaels spiel) and hes going to show that the toughest S.O.B in the WWF isn't tough enough to deal with the Heartbreak Kid. Shawn tells Steve to put on his dancing shoes because hes going to taste some Sweet Chin Music tonight..and of course Steve makes his way down to the ring and right before he gets a chance to square up with Shawn the lights go out and Kane makes his way down while Shawn and DX manage to escape...of course Steve is pissed. A lil later Tyson arrives with Shane McMahon.
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Later on in the night Tyson comes down to the ring with Vince and the pre-Corporation keep in mind the crowd is booing. In the ring, Vince asks Tyson if hes going to be the enforcer or is Austin going to enforce his own rules..all questions will be answered at Wrestlemania and the crowd boos even louder (I dont blame them i wouldve booed McMahon too. Right when Mike is about to speak DX music hits and they come down to the ring. Shawn snatches the mic from Vince and says his name isnt Steve Austin and DX isnt here to disrespect Tyson as thats not their style. But they will call people out face to face. Shawn says to Tyson he should make no mistake hes looking at the WWF champ and the champ is calling him out right here right now..BOYYYYY (Yeah he really called him boy, not sure in what context but moving on) After agreeing to a throwdown, Shawn clears the ring out. Tyson dares Shawn to hit him and after a little suspense building Shawn rips his WWF Attitude shirt off to reveal a DX shirt and the crowd goes WILD.
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They really werent feeling this until he was revealed i thought that was insane as a kid but getting older and seeing celebrities come in and out of the WWE. I realized why just didnt know it was going on back in 1998. But regardless, still this was great. Just this shot alone.
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Before he gets in his car to leave the arena, Tyson is being hounded by Michael Cole with Cole asking Tyson about what just happened and MIke says that Stone Cold is going to get knocked out cold at Wrestlemania, he shuts the door and drives off. At the end of the night Steve was scheduled to go against Kane. While making his way down to the ring he notices Triple H standing on the stage so of course he goes after him, Shawn comes from behind out of nowhere with a Sweet Chin Music as soon as Steve turns around.
One thing I want to mention about the March 2nd episode of Raw. This was the night the scratch logo officialy made its way into the stage display, going from the simplistic curtain and titantron combo to now having an arch like structure with the logo situated right in the back...ahhh good times. This version of the logo was prototype as hell and it makes me cringe especially when you see they had a more proper version of the logo in the scaffolding on the sides of the stage, but its still history nonetheless.
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The following week on the March 9th episode of Raw. Triple H comes out with Chyna and once again reminds the crowd that Wrestlemania is going to be X Raided (Rated). Talks about how Chyna got into Owens head last week and this week, she might get physical if she wanted to, he then tells the crowd Shawn isnt there and of course they boo. After cutting to a replay of last weeks Superkick to Austin, Shawn is shown in a diner. He says thst Tyson joining DX changes everything at Wrestlemania. He then says whats even sweeter than that is the fact that Shawn said last week Steve is going to taste Sweet Chin Music, he proved Steve is just like everyone who steps up to HBK. He gets dead serious when he says the old line "HBK doesnt lay down for anybody and hes certainly not going to lay down for Steve at Wrestlemania. Steve is nothing more than a fad when HBK will always be IN in the WWF... (hmm yeah we'll see about that sir). Shawn is going to knock him down and drag him out and he's going to walk out of Wrestlemania the WWF champion..and Triple H says if youre not down with that then they've got TWO WORDS FOR YA!!!! Before taking a seat at the commentary table right before Owens match.
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And it seems someone who had two words for Triple H..
Annnnnd of course during Owens match with Barry Windham (Bray Wyatts namesake), Chyna gets involved and causes the DQ.
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Would ya look at that face, she really put her all into that low blow didnt she?
At the end of the night Raw airs an interview with J.R and Tyson.
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Mike says he is excited to be working in the WWF, but he was skeptical on how he would be received..looking back on the episode when he joined DX, he wasn't wrong but the reveal must've lead to a pleasant surprise to him with him being cheered on. J.R asks him how he feels about Austin shoving him the night after the Royal Rumble. He admits Austin pissed him off but he cant wait to get his hands on him at Wrestlemania. Jim asks him abotu his role in DX and warns that Triple H and Shawn use people to get ahead and Tyson said pretty straightforward that every body is using everybody including the guy giving the interview. Last words of the interview pertain to whether or not he will be a fair ref and Mike says life hasnt been fair to him and he ended it with "fair is winning". Its like I get where he was going but that shit went completely left. Im sure Mike knew it didnt make sense but look at that face, does it look like he cares? As long as the checks are cleared, he's good.
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Now on to the main event of the night.. Triple H vs Savio Vega. Now because Austin made his threats security are heavy out there and mere fucking seconds after the bell rings...
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Shoved the ref and head of security..with his old ass...WHATS THE POINT OF ELDERLY HEADS OF SECURITY BACK IN THE DAYS..(DOUG DILLINGER IM LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU). But back to the match..... STUNNERS FOR EVERYONE... and by everyone I mean Savio
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And after laying almost everybody out he turns around into a big surprise...
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And down goes Austin....
And Shawn almost went down too
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Keep in mind his back was out of commission at this time and he wasn't supposed to be getting physical..but like the team player he is.. he plays it off even though you can see it in his face.
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Now this night Raw pulls one of Nitros signatures and leaves the crowd on a cliffhanger when DX has Austin prepped up for the chair shot...they go off the air...not kidding check it out.
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They literally went off the air right when Shawn cocked back for the swing LOL.
Next week on Raw sees a lot of hype videos since Wrestlemania is officially two weeks away. The first hype video is of course of Shawn, Michael Cole is jocking for position on Shawns...nevermind... hes giving him his flowers saying why hes synonymous with Wrestlemania, the glitz, the glamour, the pomp and pagentry...sounds like someone describing British traditional ceremonies (not a shot, I rock with the Brits...seriously lets party)
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A very glitzy and glamourous man indeed...
We have a promo segment with Vince McMahon and Kevin Kelly (Yes Kevin Kelly from New Japan for all the younger wrestling fans). Vince starts off by saying his in ring meeting with Steve was unfortunate and unprofessional. They show a replay when Steve flips Vince off and Mr. McMahon says he didnt appreciate that and this was again very unprofessional. Vince then says it was Austin that was stunned when Shawn brought out Mike Tyson to join DX. A clip shows Austin offering Vince a free shot that he refused to take. Vince said Austin wouldve had a broken jaw if he took it. Another clip shows Austin kicking Vince out of the ring and Vince said he obliged because it wouldnt look good to see the boss drop Steve's punk ass...no he didnt say the punk ass part but he did let his "grapefruits" hang on this night..everyone including Jerry Lawler found it hilarious. One question remains unanswered and its if Mcmahon wants to see Steve as WWF champ.. and its not just a simple "no" its a "OH HELL NO!!'
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Vince was definitely breaking out of his shell as an on screen character isnt he? ...cant wait to cover the feud between him and Austin.
Anywho...afterwards they show a Steve Austin hype package.
DX havent really been featured tonight but while Owen was on commentary, Triple H comes down unannounced.
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A pissed off Helmsley comes down talking mad trash and gets in his face calling him less than a man for stealing the European championship. He says he wants a match tonight for the belt.
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Owen tells Triple H to wait until Mania so to get under Owens skin and make sure he gets his wish, he mushes Owen in the face.
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If "I'm going to kick this guys fuckin ass" was a facial expression this would definitely be it.
They begin to brawl. And since theres a referee on hand, it seems as if we have a title match boys and girls! While brawling, Triple H gets thrown into the steps, once they get in the ring, the bell rings. After the match starts they spill back to the outside and this time Owen gets thrown in to the ringpost. Triple H causes a distraction looking like a medieval wench..
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Was I wrong? (best jokes in the comments)
But Chyna comes from behind with a baseball bat and smacks Owens injured leg. Once Owen is rolled back into the ring, Triple H puts him in a submission hold and the referee calls for the bell.
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Triple H won his title back and tells Owen hes going to send him back to Calgary in a wheelchair if he shows up to Wrestlemania. He then says he has two words for him..
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Next up...the go home show before Wrestlemania!
I'm going to end this here because I guess I went overboard with the imagery and I wont have the necessary room to add any more images with my description of next week so I will talk about the next episode soon after I make this upload. Stay Tuned and thank you again for coming back.
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epicaandk0 · 2 years
Not sure if your still doing this but 68. 69. 70. 72. 78.
Feel free to ignore this ask
(Sry if you have already answered some of these Tumblr likes to hide posts from me on phone)
No worries! I'll happily answer more
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
Yes. I've read a lot of fanfic, particularly ship fics or character x reader fics. Especially from fandoms of Doom, HLVRAI, and Dragon Age.
As for specifics... it's hard to say. I am very forgetful. I don't remember their titles or authors or anything, sorry.
69. What are your favourite fics at the moment?
HIGHLY recommend the following:
"The Courtship of the God of Death" by glass_and_waves on ao3 i dont know their tumblr sorry
"The Five Traitors" by @t-inbound on both tumblr and ao3
"Loyal Lamb" by DeckofDragons on ao3 I have no idea if they even have a tumblr
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
Jokingly? I like it when people yell at me for the angst or cliff hangers hehe
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This one is one of my favs, very much enjoyed my writing being compared to warm bowl of soup.
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
Music, mostly. I love turning on some good tunes and getting started writing. Spewing ideas into my word doc and then moving things around until I feel satisfied.
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4arconinoma · 1 year
And on the topic I just have to rant about Bruno's characterization in this fandom. Listen uusually i dont give a fuck about mischaracterization for the simple fact that I am so used to it and it will happen inevitably. So i dont let it bother me But there are some examples in which its so egregious, that it feels like people watched a different show or something...
After rewatching Vento Aureo it just blows my mind how the fandom got to this, weird, "mommy bruno" thing this state for his character that is hardly even present in canon. Its strange because when I was younger and i first watched it I kind of subscribed to it too, i think just by seeing people act that way it cemented itself in my mind as fact But rewatching it now, its so obvious that its just MISSING his entire character, and so many little details and aspects of it that the show makes quite Clear!
Its not just the fact that he is so young. But that bothers me too I wish people acknowledged that hes barely an adult. People act like hes 30 or something HE'S TWENTY he's BARELY AN ADULT okay and I Know he acts older than he really is and maybe that's why people mix it up, maybe people haven't seen his age on the wiki, but don't they state it in the show ?!?! Either way, the thing is that's Literally a canon element of his character, he DOES act older than he is because he HAS to he HAD to grow up so much earlier than everyone else he has to act more responsible than even the 22 year old on the team because that guy just cant step up like he does And hes had no other reliable figure to guide him ever since he was young it was only Him and he had to become entirely independent at what fucking 12 years old.
Right and wouldn't it just be really cool if people actually took that into consideration? That he's so young he's tired that maybe he's JUST as scared as everyone else on the team and he feels lost and confused too but he just CAN'T let that show because he's the ONE person who is keeping the team glued together? And Giorno yes he stepped into his place — Which is its own sort of tragedy to me, that the 15 year old had to follow in Bruno's same steps of growing up too soon because no one else could manage things like he does and he has only himself to depend on now while running the Entire Italian Mafia — but either way it's just the way this attitude of his is brushed off as Mommy bruno mama bear hes such a mom 🥺🥺🥺 Is almost insulting? And i wont even get into the gender role aspect of that, some people have discussed that before too, that in contrast with Abbacchio who is the "father" (nevermind that he can barely even take care of Himself, and is cold to his entire team, not a great example of a father is it) is mischaracterized too for the sake of woobifying Bruno! Also hate this as a Bruabba enjoyer but thats another discussion entirely
And the last thing that puzzles me is just, that he doesn't even act close to being motherly in canon. Maybe save for the Trish thing, and the thing with Narancia's backstory, which is indeed him caring for younger people But due to what i stated previously, he HAS to and Id bet he feels compelled to. I wont deny that he is kind and he doesnt want kids to lead a life like his, because that's literally a part of his character that they show. But I think people are forgetting that he fucking beat up a 15 year old immediately after meeting him, then didn't even invite him to his gang: GIORNO did that HIMSELF, Literally went "you Will let me join your gang. I will join it' now." and bruno was like Okay. And the thing from my previous post, is that they literally canonically show that Bruno does act detached to his gang, not... not the other way around. See why this characterization misses so much. He doesn't have TIME to build any particular bonds with his gang Yes he is kind to them of course he is But like the scene of Abbacchio's death where he orders everyone to just go on because they don't have time for this even though he's just as distraught, or Trish feeling frustrated that he acts so cold, he puts some sort of wall between him and the gang even if it's subtle. Narancia even says he knows this about Bruno, that he knows him because of his past with him he noticed that Bruno PUSHES people away because he doesn't want them to go down the same path he did, not because he is their "mommy" it's because his life is fucking MISERABLE and he is a kind person so he doesn't want that for others, especially not younger people because HE was in that same spot too so YEAH okay he cares about kids WHO WOULDN'T What kind person would want to let a child down his lifestyle... This displays his kindness and virtue as a leader, not his. """"Motherly instincts"""".
Okay. I don't know, I just wish the fandom left room for this sort of nuance to his character. I have never seen anyone bring this up. It's always people just making up this completely different Bruno than the canon one, I understand why people confuse this. I used to as well, when I was young and many people in this fandom are, but fuck, it would just be nice if people took this aspect of him into account, because I think it's interesting! Its so much more interesting than going Aww Mommy Bruno he loves his kids (ugh) and completely ignoring the rest of his character! Just... a thought !!!!! Or several !
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sparatus · 2 years
what's your favourite kind of landscape?
send me "what's your favorite..." asks
oh that's tough actually, i'm very partial to seascapes and cliffside stuff but i'd probably have to say the tundra!! to uh. the surprise of absolutely nobody who's been following my work with the sparatus clan and tiirtias subscribe to NoisyNoiverns on ao3 kids i have adhd and forget to link my stuff constantly or talked to me on discord :lmao:
i think it gets overlooked a lot cause oh it's the north pole wooo frozen wasteland, but like. it's a BEAUTIFUL place, and the biodiversity and the way all the different living things up there have adapted to the extreme conditions are really fascinating to me. yes this is a special interest yes that's why i slapped the sparatus clan down there for my own joy
also the RANGE of landscape photos you can get!! it's not all snowy hellscape all the time!! it's beautiful!! don't get me wrong, i love the snow, snowscapes are utterly gorgeous and i can't get enough, but you can get beautiful lush plant-covered landscapes in the summer and gorgeous snowscapes in the winter, the tundra can do BOTH.
like, here's an aerial view of the noatak national preserve in alaska:
[all of the following photos were found on the encyclopedia britannica page for "tundra" here, with further image credit listed]
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(image credit: us fish and wildlife service)
[more pictures under the cut so i dont spam everyone's dash lol]
look at the colors! and the musk oxen! i love musk oxen! a handful of my ocs for the tiirti mariners' union draw design inspo from various tundra animals and i'm very fond of musk oxen after getting attached to moxatus!
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(image credit: nichole andler / us national park service)
and FLOWERS! people don't tend to think of the tundra as having flowers but they exist! they might not be as flashy and showy as the ones further south but they exist and they're important to their native ecosystem!
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(image credit: us fish and wildlife service)
look at these gorgeous hills, it's not all flat and barren!
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(image credit: chris russoniello / us national park service)
here's some really cool rocks sticking out of the ground in nunavut:
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(image credit: brian milne / first light)
these are a really cool and unique soil formation called a pingo that happens when water trapped in the permafrost freezes and forms a lens of ice that pushes the ground above it up into these mounds:
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(image credit: emma pike)
just. god man we live in such a beautiful world. i love the tundra i love how unique it is and how much of a testament to life and its perseverance even in the harshest of conditions. there is no one biome that isn't beautiful in its own way, i'm just a particular sucker for the extreme ones like the tundra.
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mathstheoryy · 1 year
Which letter is missing A B C D _? It's not E
If we follow the same sequence of the alphabets then the letter "E" comes after D.
But according to the statement of the question it's not E. Thus means that if we skip E than comes "F" comes after "E". 
Therefore the missing letter is "F".
U can watch more videos on to my channels!!
https://youtube.com/@MathsTheoryy https://www.facebook.com/Mathstheory https://mojapp.in/@mathstheory https://sharechat.com/profile/mathstheory?d=n
Happy Watching :) 
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nmgpodcastnetwork · 3 months
Wrasslin Family,
Happy Juneteenth, it’s imperative that you watch this episode cause we are covering so much! Important hard hitting issues like Pinky or Cherokee, what wrestler is invited to the cookout, HOW DO THEY MOVE FORWARD WITH THE WYATT 6; WHY IS OUR WCW SO DAMN FINE!!! ALL THAT AND MORE!!! DONT FORGET TO LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!!!
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katiifaestarot · 7 months
Before we get started: IM GOING LIVE ON MY TIKTOK TODAY; February 29th, 2024 AND GIVING OUT FREE READINGS!!!
TIME: 3:00pm EST
Don't miss your chance! Go follow me on TikTok
THE READING TODAY IS: A Message from the Fae: Using Charm Casting + Mini Tarot ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆This will be my first time using Charms to aid with my reading!����🏽‍♀️
☆Please let me know if this resonates and/or suggest other readings you would like to see!!
☆Take a peek at the Links for more Messages, Guidance, Clarity, Confirmation, etc!
Me and @faerytreealtars are posting our collab video ALL ABOUT YOUR SPRING BLESSINGS tomorrow, March 1st, 2024 !! So dont forget to subscribe and tune into our videos!! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️😊🥳
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the Crystals/Worry Stone in the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Amethyst + Clear Quartz Wand
PILE 2- Aragonite Star Cluster (Raw)
PILE 3- Hawk Worry Stone
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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Your message from the Fae is more of a gentle reminder that you must course correct yourself at this time. While you are doing what you can and must for yourself during this period of your life (no matter what that looks like rn) you are being encouraged to take one step back and fully feel, release, and move towards a better outcome or future. The universe wants you to keep an open mind and for you to have fun again!! Keep your plans to yourself, Keep yourself in TIGHT, tip, top shape!, and give yourself freeedom however, and whenever you can! Its not childish to play like your child self would've or consume things your child self would've loved to consume: its healing. Dont feel shame for taking a break or vacation if you have that privilege! and dont stay wallowing or in a negative mindset because of your past: Move on, gain the proper clarity, stay rooted in your truth and honesty, and release those emotions that want to come out!! Take your time, do not rush yourself♡
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Your message from the fae is unique and rather specific, so let me know if you chose this pile and how it resonated with you if you can! This pile will NOT be for everyone so please exercise discernment: Yes, you're cunning and very good at getting what you want pile2, but you are using this talent and skill on the wrong person/people/situations at this point in time. You could easily manifest more for yourself if you trusted the fact that what is leaving your life is meant too. You keep looking back on "better days" that aren't better. They're just familiar or comfortable for you. You create unnecessary conflict within your mind or your immediate environment because you're acting on thoughts that aren't true. You must walk away from things that trouble you or keep you stagnant and stuck. If you want to get what you deserve... Make sure your attitude and actions are geared towards YOU, not anyone else. Make sure your intentions are in the right place and that you continue to trust yourself and release what no longer serves you. Dont try to hold things together that are clearly broken for good.♡
extra things: scorpio energy, night owl, wanting to buy cute keychains, gold jewelry.
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Your message from the fae is very light and positive, even if you dont feel very...light or positive in your life. You are holding onto many burdens and this is your reminder; Drop Them. You have the world at your finger tips but you cannot go out and explore when your worried about unwanted/unnecessary things. Allow the tower moment(s) to happen so you can rebuild a solid, fun, worry free ( hehe there is a reason you picked the worry stone ) foundation for yourself. Maybe pick up a worry stone for when your anxiety becomes overwhelming. Pile 3, you will figure things out in time and you will ultimately be victorious and achieve great things for yourself as long as you watch your own back, believe prosperity is possible for you, and stay optimistic! Go out in the sunshine and bathe like a flower! Blossom into who you were always meant too. Authentic and Bubbly ♡
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for more messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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lifesymphonies · 5 months
The World's Most Dangerous Animals
#everyone #followers #highlights
Subscribe now and join us on this wild adventure! 🐍🦈🐺 #dangerousanimals  #wildlifeexploration  #naturefacts "  
✅DONT FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE ON MY CHANNEL✅ 👉           https://www.youtube.com/@LifeSymphonies
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