#dont know what this could mean but yeaah
romeofthestars · 5 months
honestly quite interesting by how the mr bonzo statement things seem to have alot of mentions and references to nostalgia - especially with the party in episode 12 (their reaction to the merch and all that)
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
Bandit Crush
I just look at this art and is so cute, I wanna give it a try!
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*Blackwatch base, they were having a reunion about last mission...failed mission*
Gabe- I told everybody to back off! Why the fuck you stay there, Genji?!
Genji- Hm...*cross his arms looking away*
Moira- *open the door* I got bad e good news.
Cassidy- Ooh hey snake poison, we missed you *chuckle*
Gabe- Where the hell were you, Moira?
Moira- Jack Morrison find me on the laboratory and he wanted me to give news for you, commander.
Gabe- *sighs* What is the good new?
Moira- We're having a little help for the next missions.
Gabe- And the bad one?
Moira- Is a She.
Gabe- *looking around* And why this is bad?
Moira- Bad for me having to handle with young girls trying to look strong and feminist *roll eyes and step out the room*
Gabe- Moira we didn't...! WE DIDN'T FINISH THE REUNION!
Cass- Jesus...! Commander, can you scream lower? *lighting the cigar*
Gabe- No smoking inside...
Cass- ...fine...*sighs putting back on the pocket* So! Is a "she"? Interesting have a new woman figure here...I hope she is more...normal.
Genji- I hope she is at least hot...
Cass- Hey hey! *laughs* Don't be so thirsty, Genji.
Genji- A pretty woman would definitely make me feel better....
Cass- Oh yeah, I forgot that you were a playboy guy. Anyway! *gets up*
Gabe- Sit down, I'm not finished.
Cass- Alright...*sit down*
Gabe- Next mission...I- *someone open the door* GOD DAMMIT! What is it now?! *look at the door and feels embarrassed* Oh...
You- Should I have knocked, commander?
Gabe- *look up and down* Yes but I'm sorry yelled at you, miss. You may be the one.
Cass- Howdy, lady...*gets up taking off the hat holding against his chest*
You- Cole Cassidy...*wink and smile*
Cass- Oh...*laughs embarrassed* She knows my name! *whispers to Gabriel*
Genji- *take a look and sighs* Ok, she's hot. I'll take it.
You- Excuse me?
Cass- Hahaha! I'm sorry, miss! *put his hat on Genji's face* He is just a kid, you know!
Gabe- Well, so...can you introduce yourself, please?
You- Y/N strike commander of the Unit Forces in Canada.
Gabe- And you're Canadian?
You- Does it make a difference?
Cass- Uuh she's a tough...*talking to himself*
Gabe- How do you know Jack Morrison? He never mentioned you before?
You- Are you jealous, commander? *smirk* He never had a reason to mention my name.
Gabe- And what make you so special to come help Blackwatch? We make the dirty work here...
You- *laughs* I know, that's why I accepted... I'm the one who murder in cold blood, torture... first, I was trained to be a assassin and second, strike commander. I pass trought some good shit, commander Reyes. Trust me.
Genji- I trust her *wearing Bassie*
Cass- Give me the hat! *grab it putting back* Anyway! I need some coffee break, we'll leave both of you to speak a little bit more about...missions and...torture *wink and pull Genji with him together outside*
*After a few minutes, Gabriel and you leave the room and you spotted Cassidy coming out of the kitchen with another coffee mug, he stopped looking at you and smirk*
Cass- Howdy, miss.
You- Howdy...Jesse Mcgree...*cross your arms and smile* Changed your name?
Cass- Yeaah, you know...starting life from 0.
You- *smirk* It worked?
Cass- We will see *take a sip* Wanna a coffee?
You- No, thanks...*approching* I've heard that you were in Deadlock gang...*look at his tatto*
Cass- Well, old times! *laugh nervously* I mean, the boss there doesn't know I'm here yet, so...
You- Elizabeth Caledonia?
Cass- Oh...you know her.
You- I chased her for a long time, but now...whatever *fix his vestments* I could use you to catch her, but...I dont want to waste your charming, Cassidy.
Cass- M-My...My charming? Hehe...! *blushing*
You- *Grab him by the clothes pulling him to you* But if I catch you with Deadlock gang...you're a dead man! Understood?
Cass- Yes...! Yes! Of course! *swallow dry* Don't worry, strike commander, I will never be affiliate with Deadlock again, miss.
You- Good boy... *tap his chest and smile* You know...I always felt a little uneasy with cowboys *Playing with his collar*
Cass- Uneasy in a strong word, lady...*blushing* ~Why the hell I'm so fucking nervous around this woman?! I don't even know her! ~
You- Always so rebel and egocentric.
Cass- Don't believe in what you see in the movies *chuckles* I'm a cool cowboy.
You- You're a nice cowboy? *sexy voice taking your hand to his face feeling his face warmed*
Cass- Ye-yeah...*blushing harder* I'm...nice!
You- I always had a crush on you, Cassidy. Don't disappoint me...*pull his chest and smile walking away*
Cass- I...I...*laughing like a goofy* Yeah...I won't...*hearing something dripping and looking down, the coffee was dripping out of the mug* Wha...?! AH! My coffee! Clumsy cowboy! Dammit!
Genji- ...the fuck was that? *looking at him from the sofa*
Cass- Wha? Which part?
Genji- You literally turned you mug...are you ok?
Cass- *laughs* I'm feeling wonderful, partner! Hehehe!
*Later at Gabe's room*
Gabe- *laughs* She flirted with you? Really?
Cass- Yeah! I'm not lying!
Gabe- *take off his shirt* Right, you did not flirt with her? She did?
Cass- Yes!
Gabe- How can someone leave you so fucking embarrassed, Cole?
Cass- Her! She's so...! So everything!
Gabe- You just met her, Cassidy...
Cass- She knows me! And she said that always had crush on me!
Gabe- A crush on you?! Come on, Cassidy! *laughs*
Cass- She knows the Deadlock gang, God Dammit, Gabe! She were after Ashe a few years ago, I do even remember her talking about someone following all her tracks!
Gabe- Really? Oh, so she may have some stuffs about you.
Cass- Exactly, that's why! She have a crush on me *smirk* Got it?
Gabe- But you were a bandit.
Cass- She may like the bad guys *laugh*
Gabe- You're...not...a bad guy, Cass *holding laugh* Actually you're pretty nice for a bandit.
Cass- Hey, come on! I use to rob and...
Gabe- Kill innocents? I don't think so.
Cass- Ok, I do have a problem with being a actually bad guy! *lighting cigar and Gabe open the windows*
Gabe- *sighs* Well...so, what you gonna do? Hook up with her?
Cass- That would be interesting *walking close to the window*
*someone knock the door*
Gabe- Come in.
You- Excuse me *go in with some papers, look at Cassidy and smile* Well, am I interrupting something?
Gabe- No no...just talking. What is this?
You- Next mission, take a look yourself, commander.
Cass- Well...good thing you'll be with us this time *smirk looking outside the window*
You- *smirk* Yeah? It would be a good thing if you show up at my room tonight, Cassidy.
Cassidy- *look at you completely red, like the photo* Wh-what...?
Gabe- *surprised and trying not to laugh* ...!!
You- I need some cowboy to teach how to ride tonight...*wink and walk out the room closing the door*
Cass- *paralyzed*...oh...
Gabe- That was...*chuckle* insane!
Cass- I...I talk to you later...Commander...*getting out of the room* I got some...business to...take care.
Gabe- Take a good care, Cassidy, I'll only let you both do this time! *laughs*
Cass- Yeah yeah, whatever! *ran away*
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Yeaah a short one! 1 shot! Yay! \o/
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walnutcookie · 1 year
What’s your take on an AU that expands on why Roguefort has their Pursuit of Lost Time costume?
inhales deeply
(this is very poorly explained im sorry)
okay so . I have made a whole story for pursuit of lost time/search for lost time because i am Neurodivergent and Yeah it probably is the farthest thing from canon but so is the rest of my fanon/hc au
for some brief context, when roquefort (aka roguefort outside of their thief persona) was 15 their family mansion (the blue cheese manor) was burned down due to *unknown circumstances. their oldest brother earl grey managed to grab hold of them and their younger brother eclair and tug them out of the burning house, and as they stared at their whole life burn down in front of them, roquefort notices a strange white feather drifting through the wind ,, they still remember that odd detail into adulthood
*originally my oc feather sequin burned it down cause it was funny but ive decided against that
Flash forward to when they are 35 !! aka 1 year before "present time" in my fanon
AUGH it would take too long to explain everything tbat happened before this point but . Long story short roque feels trapped because they have no real friends and their onlu source of human(cookie?) interaction that isnt their cousin cheesecake can only happen when they are phantom bleu . they feel so trapped because they cant be themself and their fans Scare them they are freaked out by the constant admiration and idolization !! also their self image has gone to shit . not that they ever had much confidence but theyve convinced themself they are unlovable unless they put on an act.
then its announced on television. their old family watch was found and auctioned off to an anonymous someone.
(their costume story says "A weathered heirloom of the Blue Cheese manor was auctioned away. Apparently, winding this unadorned watch transported the wearer back in time... Phantom Bleu is desperately in pursuit, going so far as to procure all timepieces in the city. What is your endgame, Roguefort Cookie?")
They snap . suddenly everything they can think about is that watch. that watch could save them, bring them back to a time where they were loved and maybe they could fix all of their past mistakes...
they dont remember how bad their family was to them. they lived in A Very abusive and neglectful household and they were not loved at all their older brother practically raised them but theyre just desperate to be free. the problem is that they Dont know what the watch looks like because it was so long ago so their solution is to just ! steal every watch in parfaedia Thumbs up
(walnuts story: The city is bustling with word of a serial thief who only swipes clocks, watches, and timepieces! With a new magnifying glass in hand, Walnut Cookie is in hot pursuit of Phantom Bleu, who has left a message: "I am pursuing lost time.")
walnut is close behind the whole time, always just barely out of reach though,, if she had been able to catch them she could have prevented A lot of suffering . at this time its not that drastic , clocks are a strange thing to steal and she doesnt know about their origins so she cant really piece together why theyre stealing all of these watches.
then comes timekeeper !
its awfully slow to get around, isnt it ? thats why she steps in and offers to help roguefort (in a Totally non-malicious totally helpful way !!!!). they havent had any luck stealing every single clock in parfaedia, so she proposes a new idea,, timelines/time travel
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Infinite timelines means infinite watches!! theyll have all the opportunities in the WORLD to find their watch. or alternatively they could go back in time and just get the watch before its auctioned off , Right ??? yeaah timekeeper doesnt make it that easy she thinks its fun to watch them suffer so shes going to make it as hard as possible <33
she lends them an airship from the tbd which allows them to travel through time and basically just . Sits back and watches as they hoard hundreds of watches from different universes
walnut comes across this person named croissant (im.not sure how) and they realize Hey wait a mimiye . You're chasing after the person accompanying the one IM chasing after (croi wants to stop tk from fucking with the timelines im not that educayed abt tje tbd sorry) and thwy team up Wooo !! they are riding crois timecraft together and following tk and rogue but again theyre always Just barely behind them </3
timekeeper then ditches the airship and just Carries them through timespace to different universes and shows them The Horrors (trippy shit and everyon they love being subjected to death and torrutture Themself being subjected to that etc) and fucks with them by throwing rhem into random time rifts without caring if theyll hit the floor too hard . Yea ‼️‼️walnut Also sees some of this as theyre following the pther two but croi tries to shield her eyes
and then . Finally timekeeper is like "What if we just go back to when your family manor still existed and get the watch there ? :)" and then after watching through the windows for a bit they realize . they will not be loved here
they just did all of that for nothing. theyre fucking exhausted and running on nothing but adrenaline and they get nothing for it. and now theyre just pissed that their family was ever like that because they could have had a better life
Andthen timekeeper hands them . gasoline and a match. and theyre blinded by rage at this point they dont really think about what theyre doing. and looking at the flames growing doesnt feel any better. they just feel so hurt but they just sit a distance away watching it
and then they hear screaming. They see their brother dragging them and eclair out of the house.
and they see a white feather from their costume fly off of their outfit, flying in front of their past selfs face .
and now they realize what theyve just done. They werent thinking about what would happen after they lit it on fire. they thought of it as a simulation or something but they have just caused the event that first destroyed their life in the first place. theyve just caused suffering to themself, their brothers, their cousin, theyve killed a dozen different people including the ones who had never hurt them like their sister palmier . They just killed their fucking family Time loop babyyy
croi and walnut dont find them until this point, and theyre a little ,,, confused by the scene ?
walnut has Never heard of the blue cheese manor before. but she can see roguefort on their knees sobbing hysterically (which is WILDLY out of character for them SHE HAS NEVER EVEN SEEN THEM FROWN BEFORE !!!!) and she knows that this has something to do with their past.
unfortunately evej though this was a big hint to their true identity She did not have the resources to figure out much about it and it turned into a dead end </3 she was able to find the name of the house and the location and a name or two but she couldnt find the names of the kids . there was no listed cause for the fire (she would never guess that it was roguefort themself) so she couldnt really get anywhere with it . It was very surreal seeing phantom bleu like that though because,, at the time she was 11 and She didnt really. see rogue as a normal cookie?? like it was hard to believe someone so mysterious and flawless on the outside would have been through such a traumatic incident. she was SO hyperfixated on this she was so sure she would finally figurw out who tjey were
little does she know her history teacher could give her all the information she needs LOL
on rogueforts side they are just . Holy fuck girl they feel so insanely guilty they cant get themself to tell cheesecake . they cant admit to her that they were the one who ruined everyones life. they get home and they try to sleep and they just hear their clock ticking in their room and before they know it their hand is cut and bloody and theres glass shards on the floor (thye pumched the clock they have Clock trauma thye cannot stand that ticking noise it fills them with so much dread cheesecake cannot have clocks in that house anymore that arent digital)
also for the people who know who bleu is . Rogue shoved it in a box before they went on their watch stealing spree because it kept trying to stop them and so it wasnt there to stop them or help them during the whole thing.
Rogue has so many nightmares aftwr the whole thing Mostly of the screams they heard as they watched the flames eat up their childhood home and everyone inside
again this is Very far from canon i understand that like . if you look at a lot of the quotes it doesnt rlly make sense in this context but oh well i like my version i tjink rogue ahould be a murderer As a treat (i promise i dont suppoet murder)
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hii first of all i hope youre doing great! Make sure to drink water‼️
So i saw that your requests r open but idk if u can do matchups so feel free to ignore this if u dont
But if u do, i was wondering if u could do a jjba matchup from parts 2-7 (any gender idm)
Some info ab me:
Im agender but i use any pronouns, im aroace (! Aroace ppl can still feel romantic feelings js limited, just letting u know bc ppl get confused🥲!)
Id like the matchup to be romantic and some characters i wouldnt rlly like u to include r stroheim, kira, pucci and funny valentine
Okay lets get to the main stuff
My personality is pretty confusing even for me tbh
I can be very serious at times but i can also be very js energetic and yk goofy ig? My energy gets drained quickly after that tho so yeaah
I get told pretty frequently that im harsh but im just honest🤷‍♀️
I prefer saying whats objective and truthful rather than sugarcoating stuff
I can be very supportive tho dont tske this the wrong way
Im an ambivert and idk if yk mbti but since it might help im an Intj e3
Also im a night owl so yeah i love staying up and stargazing from my window💁🏻‍♀️
As for how i act in daily life well, i always try my best to get everything that im assigned done and most of the time i do. I strive for perfection and success in whatever i do and i am very ambitious🏃🏻
At times tho i feel like i need breaks so once in a while i like to just stop and relax, to do absolutely nothing
I like to read books every now and then but i dont have a good attention span and i zone out A LOOOTT
Not just while reading, if im doing anything at all ill just zone out eventually
I really enjoy being in my head with my own thoughts its like my safe space even if its not safe ykwim
Im just a very brain-ish person yk i like thinking i spend hours in my head its like my comfort place
I also like being productive it makes me feel alive
Like doing stuff
Im also a result/success oriented person so yeah
Also other than reading im also into make up and i like to listen to music if u consider that a hobby
I have a very mixed music taste but my friends say its good
I really like lana del rey and indie music but I also love rock and grunge like ac/dc, nirvana, pearl jam etc.
I also listen to stray kids sometimes their music is cool (kpop) but i also listen to j-pop and classical music (ascends me to heaven fr)
I also listen to 90s hiphop. Yeah.
Thats a lot of stuff I KNOW but i told u its a mix
As in fashion i dress either very y2k-ish or like my friends always tell me i look like those 2 girls from mean girls (my clothes)
I like to dress coquette-like though too!
Id also like to be a gothic lolita but i cant so thats sad
I also have brown hair and brown eyes and im average heigthed
My friends say i have the best style so yeah
I dont really have a type but i do have a preference for either people who are like me bcz yk they get me
But i also like funny people like very energetic funny people
We can be like sun moon dynamic idk😭
I like every love language ngl
I have a slight preference for gift giving though
I mean thats the one i use so
The fic is up to u idm what it is
Tysm for ur time, ik that was a lot, feel free to ignore if u dont feel like it have a nice day/night <3
notes: omg hi!! I am finally doing your matchup <3 I feel like it has been in here forever omg. but i am so glad im getting to it today!! i literally have the PERFECT character for you tee hee so let's jump in <3
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him have a very similar personality. you can both have a serious front, but goof off with each other, which is the most fun
it makes you a super successful couple too because you both know when it's joking time or not
though you will find him making stupid jokes more often than not
he likes that your harsh/honest
it just really shows that you know who you are and you cant take certain stuff
it just means your strong-willed and that's what he loves about you
there is nothing wrong with being harsh and he tells you that all the time
you and him are very supportive to each other and it really helps the relationship grow
i feel like gyro is honestly a morning person, so you wont find him staying up with you late that often
so while he sleeps next to you pet his hair
but he will 100% stargaze with you while you talk about life and cuddle
you get shit done and that's what he loves about you
and when you two are together, you're literally unstoppable tbh
as ambitious as this man is, he is also lazy, so he will ask you to just sit and cuddle him so you can take a break
and who are you to deny gyro??? i would cuddle in those arms any day
doing absolutely nothing sounds amazing to him, so please stay wrapped in his arms
just know he will fall asleep
since you love reading, but zone out a bit, this man will read to you
he loves to read to you
even if you zone out, he will catch you up
he overall just enjoys reading out loud a lot, so you're going to hear a lot of it
while you're just thinking, he'll be right beside you
you are your own comfort space, but you begin to feel that he is becoming your new one
he is also a mixed music dude, so yall listen to whatever
literally force him to dress up to and you will be walking ICONS
do his makeup
he loves when you make him all pretty
he'll braid you hair if you braid his
he is super energetic and funny, so you have the literal perfect man for you
and he will provide every love language, just expect a lot of words of affirmation from him and way too many cuddles
and if you give him gifts, he gets all flustered and blushy
and then he'll get you gifts too :)
and now for your fic :)
You stayed up on the edge of your shared bed with Gyro and watched the stars from your window. You lived in a nice enough area to see all the stars and you were very thankful for that. You couldn't go to sleep, so you decided to open the window and get a breath of fresh air along with your view. Your boyfriend slept quietly next to you, his arms hugged around his own lanky body. You watched his breaths for a moment. In. Out. In. Out. You smiled and ran your fingers through his long sandy blonde hair before looking right back to the window. "Darlin?" You heard from Gyro, making you jump. "What's up?" You asked, seeing his long arms stretch in front of him as he sat up. "Can't sleep?" He asked, avoiding your question. "No, not really. Just wanted to do some stargazing." "Come here," he said, patting his chest. You gladly laid your head on your chest, having an even better view of the stars as he petted the top of your head until he fell back asleep.
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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honestly, while i dont watch the show so I don't know the full context
she could be late by her losing track of time, oversleeping, etc
like i get what they're saying, but the distance isn't always the reason
I mean yeaah fair.
But also like. She literally lives right across the street. Even if she realizes she's late because she can literally hear the bell ring, it shouldn't take her 15 minutes to sprint across the street.
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soukeyed · 1 year
01 matel gear 02 otasune strangeboss and/or whoever u want 03 Talk about my bff Strangelove please. and/or whoever
Favorite character: STRANGELOVE !! OR THE BOSS. OR OTACON . OR SNAKE. or emma or meryl or eva um theres a few
Least Favorite character: ummm ummmmm ummmmmmmmm. huey obviously lol. also mgs4 naomi specifically mgs4 ... sorry girl im so sorry. also senator armstrong/sundowner/monsoon/whoever tf else is part of the rising guys im just sick of seeing their ugly faces
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): STRANGEBOSS NUMBER ONE FOREVER YEAAH. otasune number 2 obviously :) umm fortune and olga is pretty cute ... bosseva as well .. i cant fucking think of a 5th help. meiryl? also i like bosselot but specifically for how stupid fucked up they are
Character I find most attractive: the boss strangelove eva (specifically big mama) or mgs4 meryl :P
Character I would marry: MERYL !1 GIRLFRIEND FOR ME NOW itd be the boss or strangelove but i would never break them up like that.
Character I would be best friends with: STRANGELOVE !! together we will kill huey mwah. or para medic even if she is insane we will watch movies together. slay
a random thought: i think about that post about otacon being the one to carry out the boss' will without even knowing every single day. Oh my god. wauh. ok hang on one second i found it. AUHHH
An unpopular opinion: rising mid as fuck and the fans make me hate it. also i um. dont really care a lot for bb and the bb focused games sorry. like i get the point and mgsv's visuals+gameplay do slay but bb as a character i didnt really find myself invested in a lot and the weird hero worship some of the fandom has for him does NOT help LOL. like the people around him (ocelot eva miller eli etc) were way more interesting . also EVEN MORE unpopular opinion as a result of this ... mgs3 isnt really all that for me and even though its objectively pretty shit mgs4 is one of my favourites (behind mgs1 and ghost babel)
My Non-canon OTP: calling otasune noncanon feels so sickening but i need to face reality. so otasune
Most Badass Character: Hrmm. hrmmmmm. ok its a bit out there but otacon. after the shitty childhood that he came out of pretty um.. (gestures at the whole making a nuclear weapon thing) convinced he/his family was cursed etc etc. forming philanthropy, adopting sunny, basically ending the cycle that his grandfather and father started+perpetuated and fulfilling the boss' will :) just makes me happy. hes great. also he got to marry solid snake at the end of it all so like slay? like hes not badass in the usual sense of the word but his character development and evolution is incredibly badass to me. next step: therapy
Most Epic Villain: i dont think you can call a lot of them epic on account of every mgs villain being goofy as fuck. BUT. liquid ocelot as a villain in what was (supposed to be) the conclusion of the entire series was pretty fucking awesome though
Pairing I am not a fan of: pbbb. umm. i dont really care for snake/fox im way more emotionally invested in fox/gustava personally (still upset she didnt get mentioned in mgs!!!!!!!!! RAHH.) also johnny/meryl was so out of nowhere i still do not understand it like its funny as fuck but JOHNNY??? IT SHOULD BE ME WITH MERYL!!1 ME !!!!!!!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): arhg. raiden. i mean gestures at rising. this could also count as unpopular opinion but i preferred him as inexperienced and a little stupid i mean even then the direction they were going in in mgs4 was pretty good with him being jaded and feeling alone. and then rising was just. huah ?!?! what ?!?!?!? also. um. ok naomi. mgs1 naomi was so so fucking good ok her speech at the end slays i loved everything about her can you imagine my shock and dismay at her doing all THAT in mgs4 ?!?!? like i could write a 50 page essay on how it fucks up her (and otacons LOL) entire character development ALSO WHY WAS FOX LIKE NEVER MENTIONED DESPITE THEM LITERALLY GOING BACK TO THE PLACE WHERE HE DIED BTW I THOUGHT SHED HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT. but honestly just the thing i hate about it all most is at the end of it all shes framed as like.. the hero. using emma+sunnys code to save da world or whatever and i guess maybe that speech was supposed to reflect her mgs1 speech but it just doesnt work when mgs4 didnt give her half of that nuance. her morals are still so ??? to me, her and vamp was such a WEIRD choice, her and otacon was um. ok look i know the writers 100% didnt mean to portray otacons csa as that at all but like it is ... anyway having a csa victim be once again manipulated via sex and not really talk about it was just ?!??!! guys ?!?!? anyway AGAIN if all of that was portrayed as nuanced as it should have been. like naomi doing what she had to to save the world and struggling w her own morals. which it IS but we learn this only in that fuckign speech for like 1 line. like its jut bad. ok to end this half the women in mgs were done horrifically but we all know that. sorry for the wall of text i love you
Favourite Friendship: SNAKE AND MERYL funny as fuck whenever she insults him in mgs4 like deserve. sorry snake. ok no WOAH though i just loved mgs4 meryl entirely even though she definitely couldve been written a bit better, like her talking about how she used to admire snake so much and now hes just BITTER and OLD like ohhh its so slay. like i dont know if you could even call it a friendship but the way they clash entirely and debatably the only place where they can agree on things and work together is in the context of the battlefield ITS SO GOOD
Character I most identify with: otacon D:
Character I wish I could be: similar to utena NONE i would not put myself through that.
otasune time
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: again i was aware of them before the games because (points at dmitri) so i guess like always
My thoughts: GRAHH. the way theyre like all but canon like kojima just say the word. that cigarette lighting scene in mgs4 WHEW. like the way they invented love its just crazy to me like really. theyre everything to me.
What makes me happy about them: everything :) the way theyve both grown as people over the years... i already talked about otacons character development but SNAKE TOO!! him finally letting people in .. finding a place for himself OUTSIDE of the battlefield .... its all so WAUGHH. like they just work off of eachother so well. love wins. gay marriage. slay. bursts into tears
What makes me sad about them: mgs4 that is all. they had so little time together. i spend half the time watching the game yelling ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: umm i dont read a lot of fic to be honest so i guess standard fanfic complaints. also more of you should write about mgs4 there is so much untapped potential.
Things I look for in fanfic: again. WRITE ABOUT MGS4.
My wishlist: MGS4 OTASUNE !!!!!!!!!!!! BECOMES A WEREWOFL.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: sorry they are simply endgame to me.. i cant think of anyone LOL
My happily ever after for them: snake gets cured post-mgs4! how i dont care he just is. gay marriage becomes real. together they raise sunny and grow old together and everything is peace and love on planet earth :) god bless
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: ok not until i actually got around to pw! dmitri you mentioned a few times but i didnt realise until then to be honest
My thoughts: AGAHRHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. GOD. GOD. lesbianism. women. they are genuinely just everything to me. how can a relationship be so fucking powerful and tragic when you only ever hear about it from one side. Oh my god. AUH.
What makes me happy about them: canon lesbians in my metal gear games in the fuckass 2010s :) ok no but the way strangelove talks about the boss with such open earnest love. like i just. wauh. listening to her tapes is just. WAUH.
What makes me sad about them: i mean everything. as strangelove said they were just ships passing in the night :( THEY SHOULDVE HAD MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again dont read fanfic a lot but ive checked and theres not a whole lot for them at all anyway LOL
Things I look for in fanfic: any strangeboss fic to begin with would be nice. if you have recs give them to me. i'll cry
My wishlist: umm.. again more content of them in general. konami youre shit the least you could do is make a strangeboss spinoff.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: umm idk considering they both die LOL. bosseva is a fun ship but honestly i dont think strangelove ever really got over it so i cant see her with anyone else in a serious relationship
My happily ever after for them: isnt it crazy how they both managed to fake their deaths and now live happily in some random country away from the horrors of war? like woah!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: man what dont i feel about her. shes amazing. shes bitter shes heartbroken shes dramatic as fuck and shes a badass. like its tragic but tell me creating a whole ass ai based off your dead girlfriend in the fucking 70s isnt slay as fuck? women in stem strong!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: THE BOSSSSS. as i said b4 i dont really see her with anyone else tbh
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: ok yeah there .. isnt a lot. i wish her terrible and awkward relationship with bb had been explored more though like the way she just HATES him at the start is amazing.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhh.. yeah idk shes not really talked about enough for me to know if any of my opinions ARE unpopular lol. a shocking amount of people see strangeboss as unrequited so i guess my unpopular opinion is that they were definitely both in love LOL
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just give her more relationships tbh... i already talked about bb but like do you think she knew ocelot was the boss' son ... what did she think of him shed probably dislike him for doing the complete opposite of the boss' will (though in the end he does help take down the patriots so liiike?) ... i would pay millions of dollars for them to interact it would be atrocious. in general i wish shed been given just a little more depth outside of the boss (like give me more about how she grew up!!! what kind of mother was she to otacon!!! and ps i wish hed spoken about her even though ik she wasnt even a thing before the solid snake era wrapped up) though ig that was the point considering she was so consumed with grief... but yk. shrugs.
Favorite friendship for this character: again idk. GIVE HER MORE FRIENDS.
My crossover ship: again i dont do crossovers. SHRUGS!!
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heartless-curr · 1 month
i hate the "bare minimum" shit so much. like your analysis of that scene was very good and in-depth! i think you covered pretty much all of its points, your writing was very good (it is NOT easy to write meta and make it interesting and easy to follow!). understanding all of the themes of a work is not the "bare minimum", it requires engaging with it for a while to fully connect (and word into an essay!). dont think they meant anything by it, its just an annoying fan thing people do and it suckssss
(disclaimer it's nearly 1am and i'm dyslexic i'm so sorry if anything here is incomprehensible).
yeaah, i don't know why this impacted me so much but i think it's the fact that they were super negative (there was a Long Rant about the fandom as well. also a minor analysis of the headmaster) on a post that was ultimately meant to be positive that got to me. this isn't the only example of people being really negative on that post but this one Bugged Me the most. probably because of the jab at my analysis not being good enough when it wasn't even meant to be a deep dive in the first place tbh. i could have explored more, but i didn't — because a deep dive into every bit of nuance in the entire chapter wasn't the point. this genuinely was me just trying to gush about a scene that i liked and why it impacted me sksnsks.
also. my post was specifically about atsushi (and the scene where he cries!!! it was about those frames!!) — and if we wanna narrow it down further — about the need to allow victims of abuse to have complex feelings and. this 1 person in particular started analyzing the headmaster and how he could have had a better relationship with atsushi and it's like. y. yes the headmaster's motivations are important. not what my post was about though?????? something about making a post as a victim of abuse about a victim of abuse only to essentially be ribbed at for not also analyzing his abuser in depth as a "gotcha" to others is uh. Something.
and yeah — sometimes i tend to take it for second granted how easily we tend to be able to analyze media nowadays, but our media analysis skills took like. around 3 years of us constantly working at them to try to improve them. it's not something that comes naturally to everyone — i mean hell there are people that literally /are not/ able to analyze media due to things like disabilities so it's. definitely not bare minimum aaaa???
i think in general the amount that post has been used to hate on fans and spread negativity when the. first sentence discusses how that post was born from a place of love. Really annoys me.
like i get it the fandom can piss me off at times too but ohhhh my god not the post to complain about this on. please. i've engaged in some of the more respectful criticisms of how people discuss this scene but also it's not the nicest thing to get in my notifs dndkdnsm.
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sadeyedcritter · 7 months
film diary, pt. 1: The Devil Wears Prada
im making this a ramble site,
and so i watched the 'devil wears Prada' today, and im not really sure if it picked it protagonist right.
i mean, for me it just falls flat on its ass with the payback. i don't care for the main protagonist at all? it feels so overplayed and stereotypical that i can barely see andy as an actual person. i don't like her nor most of the characters, that are made kinda sympathetic?? later on. i think that Miranda could make an interesting main character, but she's not. the film is not about her, its about andrea.
also, how come i see no love for Nigel?? he's literally the only singular character i liked.
that's that for characters i cared about. i mean dont even get me started on that bs writer guy(whom i dont care to remember the name of),
like shut the fuck up and throw your self off a bridge into citric acid, you shallow himbo piece of shit.
ughh yeaah, im not saying taht the main character is some sort of villain, because she isnt. but again, i think my dislike for her just comes from the fact that she feels really shallow in a lot of the nice moments. for me and we don't really see her feeling even a bit bad about hooking up with yhe writer guy, i mean her bf didn't even know, right?
the entire end had bit too smudged edges, like it was going out of breath, trying to turn the characters around. uhhh that being said im sure this movie has an appel with people who like shows like sex in city or relationship driven reality shows, good for them!
oh i WON'T SHUT up about what they did to my boy Nigel, nuh uh!!!!!
on a last note, the movie was certainly not for me, but it still managed to be entertaining even with characters i didn't quite care about, would not watch again, but not a waste of time.
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What Gauntlet Red looks like, and how the glitches kicked him in the face
[February 2, 2023]
anyone know of any arts/ visual design things for gauntlet red?
oh yeah theres that white hat i uded on the pin
From what I know, he just wears lots of white stuff. The sprite on Run Status got changed to something else a bit ago but it used to be exactly what I said.
yeaah i found a whit sprite of his
i def referenced that for his pin bc i gave him a white hat.
was confused where the hat came from since his current runbar sprite has a red hat, lol
I think we were gaslit by that sprite change.
white hat red doesnt exist. white hat red is a figment of your imagination
reds always have red hats, you fool
'what about ceecee?'
ceecee doesnt exist
'waht about-'
no reds have green hats, you fool, green hats are luigis
Oh no.
or pepes
I mean, I drew one for him but I think most have him in a white vest instead
like so
Okay I'm spamming at this point, but I forgot about this piece and it's cool
Also this may be hard to see but due to Kelcyus deleting their account, the bottom row has the gauntlet kids
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ehes worn both black and white! stunning lad
@Haji is yours meant to look like hes wearing lipstick? cus i dig it
Knowing him? Very well could be :tppWowee:
tis but the nature of nature!
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..i dont really like my pin of him..
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hes got the hairbanana before pk got the hair banana
got metal tiped workgloves or gardening gloves. he has gardener vibes
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his flat cap was a mistake, my brain was farting so bad when drawing his hat, i wrangled with it so much (within the speedy time i was trying to get though these)
but its cute
g.red if he wasnt in a cult right here
garnening boy
would b good friends with dippy
So one of the things about Gauntlet Red is there's two main branches of lore. 1) that this is a reset timeline and Red has a chance to change things. 2) The kid isn't even named "Red", he's grown up in the Cult of Helix and was told he was going to be the next Red and bring the second coming of Lord Helix and whatnot and somewhere along the line, he said fuck dat shit. He was one of those kids who went off the deep end into full rebel nature after getting away from the church to a dangerous point
in my lore the latter angle led to straight up possession :Keepo:
At the end, we were given free time to do Glitchmancy (there had been a patch in place before HoF) and we're told the game would either end when the timer ran out or we crashed the game.
.... We crashed the game :tppWowee:
I think this was inevitable for us
Just like it was inevitable that AshGrey was going to be massively derailed by chat
they gave chat a challenge. what did they expect to happen
And yeah, as Sol said, that was one idea to what happened after the crash. Red was checking out the glitches off the coast of Cinnabar, we ran into a wild Tentacool and I think the crash was caused by our Ditto, but I'm not sure. Either way, lore said he either lost out to the glitch and got possessed / corrupted or he drowned. Possession seemed WAY more likely when we did the Mt. Silver battle in Crystal where we fought Red0 and then suddenly he got replaced by original Red so Dippy had to take on both of them
Cooltrainer is one of the most volatile things in Gen 1
it was inevitable :Kappa:
corruption ehh?- wow it just went white huh
just frikkin caput
Yup! Just like that, he was gone :tppSpinarak:
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just leavbing screancap here bc boy does this come and go like capow
gen 1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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suckjasmins · 3 years
The love story, Bakugou x Reader
A/n soooooooooooooooooooooo... i dont really know what to say soooo.. exept IM SORRY DEKUUUU ....this chapter is going to be about...
As the party begins, you run into someone unexpected. When they then freak you out quite bit. Someone, you didn't expect, then rescues you... And tells you a quite a bit of news..
Parings: Bakugou x Reader, Midoriya x Reader
Tags: Fluff, jealousy, kinda hating on deku lol
Word count: 1030 words
Chapter: 3/??
The music was so loud it felt like it was beating inside you. It and other people laughs was the only thing anyone heard. You were dancing with Mina, of course. But around you was everyone, Eijiro, Denki and Kyoto. But also less familiar people, Midoryia, Uraraka, and a lot more. Everyone was there, partying. As you looked around, you noticed a pair of green eyes looking straight at you. But the eyes blended too much in with the crowd and you lost them. When you looked at Mina again, you noticed she was with Eijiro. Sightly grinding on him, they both looked a bit too exited. Deciding to dance with someone else, you moved around. Kyoto and Denki? Nope, they also were grinding on each other. Hanta was no where to be found, who else was there? Bakugou...? No, he also was no where to be found. You then stumbled on someones feet, maybe even your own. And someone had caught you, saving you from laying on the ground with feet on you. But when you looked up, you were a bit surprised.
It was Midoryia who had caught you. He smiled and chuckled a bit nervously. His rough hands were on your exposed upper arms. When you could finally stand on your own, his hands lingered a bit then he removed them from you. His fluffy hair had been braided down, and it looked pretty good.
"Heey Midoryia! I'm sorry, but thank you for catching me!" you smiled and laughed a bit. Midoriya and you weren't close but had nothing against each other either. He blushed slightly but it could have been because it was so damn hot around all these people.
"No no! No worries, I mean I am worried about you because you could have fallen but you didn't so I'm not worried its just great that you are ok and not hurtand-" you put your hand on his upper arm, silencing him. He often would start rambling on and on if no one stopped him. He slightly blushed more and smiled.
"Thank you, Midoryia" you finished, and was ready to move on, to find someone else to dance with. But he then grabbed your hand, and held on.
"Why do you call me Midoryia?" he asked with slightly pleading eyes, like he had wondered that a long time. It kinda baffled you, he wanted to be called Deku?
"Oh um... do you want me to call you.. Deku?" you kinda uncomfortable baked away, but still pretty close considering he still held your hand.
"I mean everyone calls me that so rather that than Midoryia... or even Izuku..? I mean you call everyone their first name so I didn't think it would be weird!" he laughed before rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of your hand. It was a bit too much...
"Oh umm.. well I ge-"
"Oi Deku!" Bakugous voice interrupted you, and you could not be more grateful about it. Deku pulled his hand away and turned to Bakugou.
"What is it?" he impatiently asked, a bit upset.
"The old hag wanted to see you, something about the hunt or some shit" Bakugou glared down at him, putting his hand on his hip.
"Oh well then" he turned to you and smiled "I will see you later!" when he then left, you relaxed more and let out a breath. Bakugou smirked and let a little snort.
"He freak you out that much?" he snickered, when you turned to glare at him, it shocked you how close he was.
"No.. I just got some weird vibes from him that's all... kinda normal at this point" you grumbled, Bakugou looked at you. After a whole minute, he started to laugh. Or well if you didn't know him you wouldn't know he was laughing. You would think he... was chocking on something and that he was an old man. But it was still pretty cute.
"Yeah no.. he only gets so when he likes someone, and it's only gonna get worse" he snickered after taking multiple deep breathes.
"What?!" you barked, he had to be lying. Midoryia couldn't like you, you were so different.
"Yeaah... he has since we were kids too" he nonchalant said while looking at Uraraka in the crowd. He had been doing that a lot actually. Maybe he liked her, they would be pretty cute together. You cringed, no they wouldn't.
"Wait... he has liked me since we were kids? How is that possible... I wasn't that.. nice to him." you carefully said, choosing your words carefully. But it was true, you weren't exactly nice to him.
When you were younger, you hanged out a lot with Eijiro. Who hanged out with Bakugou, which meant you hanged out with him. Eijiro was the only thing that stopped him from bullying Midoryia too much. But then he went away a summer, and things got much worse. But you and Bakugou got much closer during that summer too. And being around Bakugou too much could affect you a lot. You ended up, kinda, maybe, also bullying Midoryia. But not as harsh as Bakugou, thank god. There was one time where you defended him against Bakugou. He had pushed Midoryia to the ground, calling him useless. But then he backed off when you told him, and you helped Midoryia up. Apologizing too.
"He's weird, what do you expect? And I think he gets off when you'er mean to him." he snickered, and slightly nudged your shoulder with his own.
"What am I supposed to do?" you looked at him with pleading eyes. You also stood exactly in front of him, only a few inches between you.
"Tch... How am I supposed to know?" he backed away, and looked to the side. "I can talk to him.." he smirked, and now you backed away.
"Maybe not..? I don't really trust you two together" you swallowed nervously. "Not after last time.." you muttered.
"Fine tch... maybe Deku will compete for you" he glared at you, waiting for your reaction. When you slightly cringed, he smiled but then looked neutral.
"No no no... maybe Eijiro can talk to him" you glanced at him "he's nicer, no offence" you smiled. He scoffed and looked away.
"None taken.. fine have Deku trying to kiss you" with that he left, stomping away. Leaving you there, shocked and confused. But shaking it off, you decided to find Eijiro.
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gh0styyt0astyy · 3 years
hm.. now i'm thinkin, right.. with your other two fics of deimos being an absolute little shit, what if either hank, sanford, or both got back at him for it... sanford getting involved would be a pretty big betrayal after helping him out with hank... (ps despite the fact that i did make it before i saw it i'm 99% sure i posted my drawing of dei and san ganging up on hank a couple hours after you posted the fic of them and i'm now unofficially half jokingly declaring it as fanart of that fic because good scenario PFDNKNDGKDJSF)
✨ [Karma’s a bitch] ✨
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⭐️ [Summary] — In which Deimos comes to understand the meaning of “your actions have consequences.” (Lee!Deimos and Ler!Sanford + Ler! Hank)
guess the dude cant take what he dishes out…
⭐️ [Warnings] — TICKLE FIC; MILD LANGUAGE; also hank accidentally gets kicked in the face; if you don’t like then please just scroll on T_T
⭐️ [Prompts:] no. 8 + 10 / hank and sanford get their revenge
✨ Enjoy ! ✨
If there was one thing that Deimos was good at; it was being an absolute little shit. (Minus his hacking, fighting and semi decent medical skills.) A cocky little shit who was way too good at all of this.
“All of this” being; tasering Hank in the ribs, suddenly grabbing Sanford’s sides and running away, sometimes getting both Hank and Sanford in one good day.
Hank was done with Deimos’ shit, and Sanford just wanted revenge. So that’s what would happen. Sanford was gonna get his revenge, and he knew Hank would want in on that too. (I mean, c’mon. Hank is ALL ABOUT revenge.)
“Hank,” Sanford walked up to the man, poking him in the back. Hank’s shoulders jumped as he turned around quickly, shoulders falling back down but remaining tense. “I want your help.”
Hank stood there quietly, staring at Sanford. It was always so hard to understand what Hank was thinking behind those goggles.
“What is it.” Hank said, tilting his head slightly; Sanford grinned widely before he looked around the place. He grabbed Hank’s wrist (electing to ignore the jolt in Hank’s body) and dragged him to a different room.
“I want revenge.”
Hank perked up.
“I wanna get back at Deimos. You in?”
Hank thought, silently staring at Sanford. (At least, Sanford would assume he was being stared at.) “…So…?”
“What’s your plan?”
Sanford pumped his fist in the air as he leaned up towards Hank.
“Deimos!” Sanford called from another room, causing the other to lift his head from the little tablet he held. “Yeah?” Deimos called back. “C’mere for a sec, will you?” Deimos furrowed his brow. “Uh, sure.” He set down the tablet and headed off towards Sanford’s voice.
“San?” Deimos called out, entering the room he had heard Sanford in. “Over here, Dei.”
It was their storage room. Where the three would usually drop their weapons and stuff for the day before they conked out. “Hey San. What’s up?” Sanford motioned Deimos over. “Come here, I need you to look at something.” Deimos walked over, crouching down next to Sanford. “I thought I saw something glowing in there.” Sanford said, pointing into the closet. Deimos raised an eyebrow before peeking in. Something glowing? “What color?”
“Not sure. Didn’t get a good look at it.”
“Hm.” Deimos hummed. And then he saw it— a dull red glow that shone in Deimos’ face. “What the hell?” The glow got brighter and brighter before—
Hank leapt out of the dark closet and tackled Deimos to the ground, wrestling with him for a moment before Hank overpowered him and kept him to the floor. “GOOD GOD! Holy shit, Hank! What the hell!?” Deimos struggled under Hank’s hold.
“That was easier than it should’ve been.” Was all that Hank said, looking up at Sanford. “Excuse me?” Deimos said, a small tone of offense in his voice as Sanford walked up to stand beside the two. He crouched down with a small smirk on his face, Deimos looked between Hank and Sanford. “What are you two planning?” He asked, suspicion lacing his voice.
“Deimos. You ever heard the saying, what was it… “Karma’s a bitch?” Hank asked.
“…Yeesss…?” Deimos answered, suspicion rising.
“How about the saying “your actions have consequences.”
“Yes Hank, I’ve heard these sayings before. Why are you—“
Suddenly it hit Deimos, the way Sanford sat at his head and took his wrists from Hank’s hands. The way Hank kept him on the floor. “Oh. Oh shit.” Deimos muttered.
“Yeaah. I’m sure you see where this is going.” Sanford said, holding both of Deimos’ wrists with one hand.
Deimos, honestly, was extremely nervous. But he huffed, refusing to show through his facade.
“I wonder how long you can go without laughing.” Hank mused, tilting his head again (in a way that looks threatening, but no harm was showing.)
“I can last longer than you did, Wimbleton.” Deimos said with a huff, flinching inwards on himself at a sudden jab at the spot where his shoulder met with his ribs. “You’re awfully cocky for someone who’s ticklish.” Sanford shot at him, tightening on Deimos wrists as he tugged. “Oh no, you aren’t going anywhere.”
“First of all, I am not ticklish. Second of all, you guys are just wasting your time.” Deimos said, brows furrowing. Hank just stared before looking at Sanford. (In all honesty, Hank had no clue what to do. He’d just follow Sanford’s lead.)
“You aren’t, huh?” Sanford said, poking at Deimos again. Sanford didn’t miss the way Deimos flinched inwards again and (seemingly) bit the inside of his cheek. “Nope. Unlike you two.” Deimos grinned. “Alright then, you cocky bastard.” Hank butted in, latching onto Deimos’ legs. “You obviously wouldn’t mind us doing this, then. Would you?”
Deimos blinked, before seemingly understanding the situation he was in. “Look okay— usually I’d let you two have at it but I- um— okay okAY LISTEN-“ Deimos’ voice raised an octave, nerves jumping in his throat.
This was gonna suck.
“…would an apology make you let me go?” Deimos tried, watching as Sanford and Hank passed each other glances. “No.” Hank said, Sanford just grinned.
“Okay, I’m done waiting. Hank? Y’ready?” Deimos sucked in a breath, nervously. Hank was the master of making people antsy with how long he took to answer. The goggled man nodded.
Deimos tried to prepare himself, but he let out an awkward squawk as Sanford tased and circled on Deimos’ ribs. “AHAHGK—!” He yelped, clamping his mouth shut. Hank kneaded and clawed Deimos’ hips and lower sides. Deimos looked determined to keep any laughter inside. He shook his head. “Noh- nope— I’m naha— I’m not ticklish!” “Bullshit!” Sanford said, tickling the other side of Deimos’ ribs; it earned him a small snort.
Hank didn’t relent from his spots, either. He kept one hand on Deimos’ hips and the other started tweaking the skin of his legs.
“bweAHA- SHIHIT!” Deimos yelped again, trying to move away from Hank’s hand. “Oh? What was thaaaaat, Dei-Dei?” Sanford drew out, earning a frustrated and embarrassed whine from Deimos. “Huh… that’s funny,” Hank said, looking at Sanford, then Deimos. “I thought you said you could last longer than me? You didn’t… lie, did you?”
“I think he lied about a lot of things.”
“I dihihihid nohohaHAHT!” Deimos suddenly squeaked, arching his back before flopping back down. Sanford was vibrating his fingers into his stomach. “waHAHAIT WAHIHIHIT! SHIHIHIT!” Deimos tugged his arms again, trying to release himself from Sanford’s grip. “Lehehet gohoho!” Deimos whined.
“That’s funny, I thought I had said the same thing!” Sanford hummed in thought. “But alas, you didn’t listen…”
“I—Ihihihi’m sahahohorry!” “Hm.” Hank hummed. “You know, laughter in an apology doesn’t make it sincere. I don’t think you are.”
“Cohohohome ohohohon! I dihihihdn’t meEAHAHN IHIHIT—!” Deimos kicked his legs, trying to get Hank’s hands off as he tried to move away from Sanford’s. “Remember when you did this to me?” Hank asked, clawing at Deimos’ hips and sometimes shooting up to his ribs.
Deimos pulled his elbows to his face as best he could, hiding the creeping blush. He squealed when Sanford pinched his stomach. “SAHAHAHANFOHOHORD YOU TRAHAHAHAHITOR!” Deimos belted out loud laughter as Sanford only grinned.
Slowly, the tickling sensations stopped on Deimos’ body, the man in question letting out shaky laughs and breathing. Deimos sucked in a sharp breath as he felt his shirt ride up. “Wait wahAHAHIT WAHAHAIT! Lehehet’s tahahalk about thihihihis!”
Sanford thought, and so did Hank. The two looked at each other before shaking their heads. “Nah.” Was all Sanford said before blowing a raspberry on Deimos’ stomach.
“OHOHOHOHOH SHIHIHIT- OH MY GOHOHOHOD!” Deimos let out, his body going limp while his legs frantically kicked.
It was all fun and games until—
Sanford and Deimos stopped immediately, after realizing that Hank had accidentally been booted in the face. His goggles having broken and fallen off. If Hank was in pain he sure didn’t show it.
“OHOHO SHIT! Hahahnk! Hahank I’m sorry!” Deimos gasped, sitting up after Sanford had let him go.
Hank laid there on his back for a minute before sitting up and touching his face, already warm with a bruise forming.
“Well. Shit.” Was all Hank said.
“Are you okay?” Deimos asked, Sanford sitting in between them. Hank nodded. It wasn’t the worst he had been through before.
“…Okay, well- I think we all got our revenge?” Sanford said.
With Hank’s new lack of goggles, it was a little easier to see he was, indeed, looking at the other two and thinking. He looked at Sanford with dull eyes and looked like he wanted to say something before standing up. “Sure.” He said, offering a hand to the other two men.
They both stood up, Deimos still giggling slightly. Sanford hit his shoulder lightly. “You liar…” He grinned as Hank picked up his goggles in the background.
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laddumb · 3 years
OMORI SPOILERS, but it accidentally turned into a long appreciation thread for the game and fandom??
[TLDR] I am very greatful for this community and the game because it pretty much got my life back on track ♡
Anyways thinking about how in the "netural" ending when basil yknow, uses the garden sheers on himself, sunny decides that nothing is there
Sometimes i wonder if sunny really still cared for basil or not, but thinking about it now
He did
He still cared for everyone.
In his mind basil was still his best friend, and to see his best friend do that
Fuck man
Omori hurts bad
Whenever i sit here and think about the little things
The slight details that i missed in febuary
Theyre all so
So greatful that i found out about this game man, it means so much to me, before Omori i spent all day miserable thinking about the same thing that upsets me so much but
Omori gave me something new to think about, something that wasnt distracting because it made me sad or someones life was at stake, but because it made me happy
I finally have the motivation to draw and animate again, and sure the bad things are still on my mind all day but, i see an omori video or meme or fanart or just think about the game and the bad thoughts are completely lost for a moment
I could talk about this game for hours on end, truly
And Basil man, ive never related to a character so well, its so nice seeing someone whos like me, even if its fictional
Its like nobody understands me as a person but if Basil were here, he would because he IS that person
Ik it sounds corny, but its 5 AM and im in a strange mood, no, more like a greatful mood
I think im starting to be happy with the things in my life, and that happiness started because of Omori. And fuck yeah this fandom is amazing, a majority are great people, you guys make beautiful art and animations, hilarous memes, cool ass fanfics, all the good shit
Its stupid, i know, to say a video game is whats picking my life back up, but ive felt so fucking terrible for over a year and finally, finally im starting to be okay again
Its not just omori of course, but i can thank omori for being the reason i started appreciating the things i had more, and loving my people more, i spend time with my family now, i dont just sit in my room miserable all day. I sound like an idiot huh
Idk man im just rambling
Rambling my thoughts onto this silly app and like 10 people will see this and read it through
Idek how this post got to this point, i just wanted to talk about a little detail i noticed
Idk man, this game will likely forever be my number one, maybe im wrong but, right now, where im at, this game is like motivation for me
Thank you Omocat for creating this game, thank you everyone who donated and made the games creation possible, thank you to a majority of the fandom (excluding the ppl who would look at or make r34, blame basil, and argue over ships aside from the hero x anyone but mari and the sibling ships cuz wtf?? Why would u ship siblings or hero with the friend group??) Because truth be told, with how small this fandom is, its like every day i have new fanart to look forward to
Just off the top of my head, ginumo and tabdood i owe you 2 a lot <3 U two are one of the main reasons i stayed in the fandom at the beginning and i look forward to every piece of art you guys make, so thank you
Theres others but im bad with names
Not just them tho, every piece of fanart i see, i love it
I love beginner artists making fanart because fuck yeah its so sweet, and one day they'll look back at it, thats where they started, and they'll want to revisit omori, and all the artists that have been drawing for years and years making omori art, YEAAH MAN EVERY FANARTIST BRUH <3
I love all of you, every creator in this fandom, yeah im talking about you
What you just made one drawing?? Oh u just discuss the game?? FUCK YEAH I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THE GAME !! THAT ONE PIECE OF FANART IS GOLDEN BRO !!
Dont get me started on the comics yall make
Even the people who like or reblog, yall keeping the fanartists and discussors going bro
Love yall
Everyone of yall
Goodnight ♡
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 3.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word count: 2,076
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
“I have a plan that could probably fool everyone” he says slowly waiting for a sign from you to continue. You speak up, “Go on..”
He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “We could fake date.” As you open your mouth to speak he speaks up again, “I mean think about it. We would have to lie about how far along you are but it would fool everyone. I think. We can say we fell in love with each other but we are taking our time until one day I accidentally get you pregnant...” He looks at you while you think about his idea. He chews his lip waiting anxiously for your response.
“Let’s do it” You finally say and smile at home. He smiles brightly and says, “Hopefully it works.”
“How does it feel, Kiri, to be a dad?” You say jokingly. He freezes and realizes, “Oh snap you’re right- IMMA BE A WHOLE DAD- this is the happiest day of my life-“
You look at him in admiration. Come to think of it... he willingly accepted to raise a kid who wasn’t his and he never hesitated even if it was fake. You see his face beam with joy. ‘That joy doesn’t seem fake...’
You spend the rest of the day thinking of the story you’d have to tell others when you suddenly realize “KIRISHIMA-“ he looks at you frightened thinking something happened, “YOU MISSED YOUR PATROL-“
He looks at you for a while and laughs, “Oh yeaah- I forgot to mention I took the day off to stay with you”
You look at him with a wild look, “Why did you do that?”
“Like I said, so I could spend time with you and because I wanted to help you unpack. But you were done when me and Izuku came over.” He gives you a loopy grin.
You feel butterflies at his smile but ignore the feeling pretending its you appreciating his kindness. There is no way you’re falling again so soon right?
You get up and hug him, “Thank you so much Kirishima for being here for me. Thank you in advance for putting up with me when I get bigger and more annoying”
He hides his blush in the crook of your shoulder. And hold you near. “I promise to protect you and this baby, even if the baby isn’t mine.” He says softly. ‘I promise to protect you both because I love you more than life itself. And I know i will love you’re baby as my own.’ Kirishima knew this was the only way he could show his love for you and not worry about you rejecting him. He knew you didn’t love him like he did you but he settled for that.
As it nears dinner time you walk to the kitchen and begin preparing dinner. Kirishima wanders after you and watches as you seem content and thinks of what it would have been if he did live a life like this with you. Before he knew it dinner was ready and you serve him a plate and place it in front of him snapping him out of his daydream. He thanks you and waits for you to sit and eat with him.
After dinner he insists on washing the dishes and for you to relax because you’re pregnant. You almost argue that you were fully capable but as soon as you open your mouth he sweeps you off your feet and settles you on the couch as he runs off to do the dishes.
When he swept you off your feet your heart began to race furiously. You tried to push down the feeling but couldn’t help to think of why you felt that way. The only thing you could come up with was love but no that can’t be.
After Kirishima comes back he sits beside you and you both continue to talk about how your plan is going to work.
You spend the rest of your time off with Kirishima and Izuku whichever is off or has time. Other times you spend it alone or shopping for your baby because in your mind, it was never to early to start shopping. Heck, even Kirishima would come over after work and have something for the baby. He was as excited as you were. You notice how he took the role of being a dad seriously even if it wasn’t his child.
You finally return to work but after a couple of month of returning to work again, your pregnancy belly began to show causing you talk to your agency about having an indefinite leave from hero work until after your baby was born. They understand and let you go on maternity leave.
So again you find yourself at home. Tired of sitting around you decide to take a walk. You put on a loose dress that does a great job at hiding your belly and head out. As you take a stroll, you bump into someone and you mutter an apology as you look up and freeze. ‘Shit’ You dont know what to do or say so you stay quiet hoping he leaves you alone. “Y/N?” You hear him say and curse quietly, “Hey bakugo...”
He looks relieved and speaks again, “I’ve been trying to contact you and explain... but it says your number isn’t available. I also tried looking for you but I dont know where you live...”
“And I intend to keep it that way too, Bakugo” You walk off and feel him reach out and as he is about to grasp your arm you yank it back and you feel yourself fall and twist your ankle. Bakugo pales when he sees you fall and twist your ankle. “SHIT SHIT- IM SORRY Y/N- LET ME TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL-“
“No-“ you try to stand but cant so you relent, “Fine, but please call kirishima for me”
His face scrunches up and wonders why you want to call kirishima. As he sits you in his car he dials Kirishima’s number and when he picks up you calmly begin to speak, “Hey kiri, Bakugo is taking me to the hospital... I twisted my ankle”
“Y/N? WHAT HAPPENED- HOLD ON I HAVE TO FINISH MY PATROL AND ILL BE THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DONT GO ANYWHERE” and he hangs up. You sigh, ‘where the hell am I supposed to go with a twisted ankle’ and set the phone down and see that you’ve arrived to the hospital. You see bakugo head inside and comes out a couple of seconds later with a nurse pushing a wheel chair. You wait as they sit you on the wheel chair and roll you inside.
After an hour the doctor comes back, Bakugo who insisted to stay mutters out, “Finally.”
“Well Miss. l/n, its a good thing that its only a sprain. And Also, did you know you’re pregnant-“
You pale and watch as Bakugo stiffens. You softly respond “Yeah, is the baby okay?”
“Yes! The baby is okay perfectly healthy, the fall did not harm them.”
You sigh in relief and before you answer you hear a familiar but out of breath voice say, “Oh crap I’m sorry I’m late but its a good thing the baby is healthy.” You smile at Kirishima but that smile doesn’t last when you look over at Bakugo who is so furious it looks like he’s about to let out some explosions.
“Can we have some alone time doctor?” Bakugo asks coldly and the doctor nods and walks out not wanting to be stuck in that drama.
“What the hell does he mean by your pregnant?” He growls out.
Both you and Kirishima pale and look at each other. ‘Well shit.’ None of you say anything so Bakugo speaks again,
“Is it mine? Is the baby mine?” He says almost hoping its true. Hoping that it will be a way to win you back.
You hesitate before answering, “No, that baby is Kirishima’s”
You grow angry but before you can say anything, Kirishima speaks for you.
“Dont you dare accuse y/n of being a whore. She is the most loyal person I have ever met. We did not mean to fall in love with each other but we did and now we are expecting.” He says it so calmly almost like he isn’t mad but oh boy he is furious. But unlike Bakugo, he knows it isn’t manly to loose his temper.
You stare in shock as you watch Kirishima defend you and as Bakugo sadden at Kirishima’s words. Did you really fall in love with Kirishima he asks himself.
“Please leave Bakugo,” Kirishima demands, “You’re stressing Y/N out and she doesn’t need that stress right now.”
Your heart beats uncontrollably as you watch him worry about you and the baby.
The doctor walks in after Bakugo storms out and says you can be released after you sign some papers. After signing them you are about to getup but before you even touch the ground you’re being picked up by a pair of strong arms making you blush. Kirishima notices your blush and blushes as well. He takes you to his car that not even gonna lie is parked terribly in his attempt to rush in to see you. He sits you down and buckles you in, “I can still buckle myself in Kiri” You say giggling slightly, “I know, but I still like to do it for you, princess” he shuts the door and runs to the other side. He buckles in and sets of home. When you arrive he insist on carrying you in all the way into your apartment. You thank him and before he leaves he makes you promise you’ll call him if you need anything. You laugh and promise.
After a week of being cared for by Kirishima you finally convince him to let you go shopping for baby things. He reluctantly agrees but only if he goes too. You sigh and agree. As you finish getting ready you stand in the mirror and look at your belly. ‘You’re getting bigger and bigger everyday, my love’ you think as you rub your belly. Kirishima walks in to see if you were done and sees you looking at your belly. He smiles and approaches you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“Do you think I will be a good mother?” You ask him.
He is taken aback by the question but answers truthfully,
“I think you’ll be the best mom this little blessing could ever hope for.”
You smile and respond, “and you’ll be an amazing dad as well”
He smiles at that and says, “Y/n... I need to get something off of my chest...”
You look at him scared fearing the worst and answer, “What is it?”
“I think I’m in love with you...” He removes his arms from around you and looks at you waiting for rejection but it never comes, instead you say,
“I think I’m in love with you too” He smiles at that and gives you a small kiss on your lips. He feels so happy he could burst.
“I was so scared of telling you but I knew I couldn’t hide it anymore.”
“I’m glad you told me Kiri, I was scared to admit I had feelings for you because I was scared of being broken again but I know you’re not like that” You smile and speak again, “Now lets go because I want to go shopping for our baby” You pull him along and you leave your room and apartment.
You both decide to walk to the mall and enjoy each other’s company as you walk even with your twisted ankle you dont mind it because you have kirishima that was distracting you. As you arrive you head straight to the maternity stores not seeing a certain pink haired girl walk near you. Kirishima speeds up trailing after you not wanting to be apart from you.
As you browse the clothing you hear a familiar voice behind you,
“Y/N?! Is that you??? What are you doing in the maternity store-“ she trails off when you turn around to face her. She stares at your stomach, then at kirishima, and then at you and then back at the stomach.
“Holy shit- YOURE HUGE”
Tumblr media
A/N: this chapter is wack- sorry about that also sorry for it being so long I didnt realize it 🤧 also can you believe I wrote a chapter that was filled with very little angst? < I wrote that before I wrote the falling scene- Whew, anyways, if you’d like to be tagged you can send a dm, ask, or comment <3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
even if you’re afraid in falling in love again, i’ll wait till you’re ready.
pairing : kageyama x reader
a/n : so uhh,,,the next few weeks(let’s just be safe and say the next month) i have tests after tests, and some of them are graded TmT. So this mean i’ll have to take some time off writing because- as much as i say f school and that it sucks, i still have to at least ace it so i’m trouble free TmT. So,,yeah. But do send in some requests and i’ll (hopefully) make drafts of them when im free and soon publish it.
but for now, enjoy more milk boi content:)  (i hope i dont f this up like my previous one hngg)
yall know the drill: apologies if it doesn’t match the characterrrr. okay enjoy:)
you look absolutely stunning. your smooth, silky hair, your heartwarming smile, your toned body and perfect glossy eyes, every little detail about you just makes kageyama fall into a deeper hole. Ever since you moved in to karasuno, you had people drolling over you. Including the hot-tempered setter.
Honestly speaking, you could have gotten a boyfriend by now after the popular boy in the school hit you up. But to his surprise, you turned him down. Every boy who tried to ask you out or confess their feelings for you, you constantly turn them down. Not one of them did you accept. This brought kageyama to the thought that if he were to shoot his shot, it’s very clear he wouldn’t even have a chance.
But just seeing you everytime during practice, talking to yachi about your school work and other stuff, he just can’t thinking of you. He’d shoot glances at you from time to time, making sure he’s not being suspicious at the same time.
Hinata actually noticed this and took this as an advantage to tease the setter.
“hmmm? Is kageyama seeing someone ??” He cooed. Kageyama would have grabbed his hair and yank him to the wall but he stopped himself to not make a scene. after you left the gym, he was finally able to breathe normally. Your presence always tense him up, hoping he won’t embarrass himself infront of you.
Practice ended and everyone was changing when kageyama sighed heavily which caught everyone’s attention.
“aw, is someone upset that he can’t win a person’s heart?” tsukki said along with yamaguchi giggling afterwards. Kageyama glances his way before picking up his bag. Before he could even head out the changing room, Daichi stopped him by putting his hand on kageyama’s shoulder.
“you know, if it really bothers you, you should just go for it. Even if she were to turn you down, at least get that feeling off your chest.” Sugawara nods is agreement along with ennoshita. Kageyama couldn’y do anything but sigh, then nodding afterwards.
“alright, i’ll do it. today.”
“eh?! uhh- i mean take your time and find the right moment kagey-”
“thank you, daichi. I’ll be off now.” Kageyama bowed before leaving the captain standing still, facing the door that was shut closed.
“don’t worry, daichi, i’m sure he means well.” suga tried to comfort his captain who is dreaded with fear for his teammate.
“y/n !” you heared someone calling you from behind. You turned to see kageyama running towards you. You stopped your tracks as you slowly waited for him to get closer.
“kageyama ! finished practice ?” he nodded as he tried to catch his breathe. After a while, he stood up straight, clearing his throat before speaking.
“let me walk you home.” you could feel your heart throbbing. But you shook your head, declining the offer.
“no it’s okay, i’m fine. well, i’ll see you-”
“please, it’s late and very dangerous.” He pleaded. You sighed before allowing and you both then began walking back to your house. The walk was silent, with an awkward tension and a small gap between the both you. You both barely spoke to each other, just occasional ‘hello’ and ‘how’s your day?’, so to walk home with him is something you weren’t prepared for.
You both reached the playground near your house and you stopped for a second. Kageyama noticed and he stopped his tracks, walking back to check if you’re okay.
“y/n, is something wron-”
“i’m so sorry kageyama. but i don’t like you” your sudden of words really shattered him. He wasn’t ready yet. He wanted a few more moments before accepting the fact. But the truth has been told, and he soon have to accept it.
“it’s okay, im not forcing yo-” his words were cut when he noticed tears rolling down your cheeks. You tried your best to hold into the tears but after feeling his sudden touch, rubbing your shoulder, you couldn’t help it. You bawled your eyes out and kageyama was freaking out internally. He didn’t what to do. So he just guided you to a bench, sat you down, and waited patiently as you let loose of this tight feeling.
you’ve never really told anyone that you’ve always been afraid of falling in love ever since your previous relationships. To date someone and fall in love with them so deeply, only to realise they don’t feel the same way anymore after some time. Everyone you loved, left you. not one of your lovers ever stayed for long. This resulted you into losing hope, feeling unwanted or just used. So to constantly get love letters or being confessed under a sakura tree, it really upsets you that one day any one of these boys will leave you if they ever get tired of you. Which is something you never want to experience, ever again.
Kageyama sat down beside you and patiently waited as you eased up. You slowly catch your breath, sniffing and wiping the excess tears. After a while, you’ve slowly calmed down from the sudden outburst. 
“i guess i shouldn’t really keep it to myself” you smiled to the ground and kageyama looked at you with concern.
“take your time, i’m always hear to listen” he reassured. God, you miss this feeling. The feeling of someone taking their time to just sit down with you and listen to your thoughts. You let out a heavy sigh, before looking at him with puffed up eyes.
“i’ve been into a few relationships. Unfortunately, all of them didn’t turn out well. I felt used, unwanted. Because of this, i’ve always thought that every boy who i’m going to date, will eventually leave me. That is why, i constantly turn them down, just for the sake that i won’t go through the same thing over and over again.” you admit. You were expecting kageyama to tell you to just ‘go for it’ or ‘don’t be scared. you won’t know if it will work out this time’, just like every boy said to you. But all he did was looked at you, staring deep into your eyes, as in he was guilty to make you speak up about something personal.
“i understand.” he cut the silence. He smiled slightly as he look at you. His smile, just something about his smile made your heart skipped a beat. Before it could go any further, you sprung up, grabbing your bag before turning back to kageyama, flashing the same smile which is now known to kageyama that it’s fake. 
“well, it’s late. i have to go now. i’ll see you tomorrow !” you waved before walking away. Kageyama took a few moments to recollect his thoughts, before grabbing his bag and sprinting back to you again. no, he can’t let you lose hope. He wants to be the one to change your perspective of love. He wants to show you that he generally cared. and most certainly, he wants to let you know, that in any circumstances, he would never, ever, leave you.
You felt someone caught your wrist before pulling you closer towards them. You spun before looking directly at kageyama, who’s giving off an expression that you’ve never seen before.
“ I don’t care how long will it take for you to slowly open up again. Days, weeks, months, even years.But I want to let you know, that i’m always here. I’m never leaving you alone. Whatever it takes, i’ll trade anything, absolutely anything, to see you happy once more. So,,even if you’re still afraid of falling in love again, i’ll always be here. waiting.” The way kageyama spoke didn’t feel like a lie. It felt as if he really spoke from the bottom of his heart. he slowly loosen the grip around your wrist, bowing politely and walking back home.
you slowly watch him walk away, clenching your heart. Did he really meant that ? Was he really stating the truth? whatever it is, you felt that kageyama would actually keep his promise. 
Maybe, he is right. You shouldn’t lose hope. Not all of the boys are the same, because someone made you think otherwise. Which was none other than Kageyama Tobio.
a/n : OKAY!! Due to personal reasons, i will now dig my grave ;-; but yeaah hope this is okay. Wrote this on the spot when i had a sudden thought about love. Technically i do feel like love is really,,,a jigsaw puzzle. In order to work things out, communication is key. But i’m afraid a few of the relatonships i have observed didn’t work out well because they lack in that aspect. but this is just my personal opinion (please don’t attack me). Anyways yesshh uhmm i’ll be taking a break for now, but i’ll still be active (reading other people’s haikyuu hc huhuhu) and stuff. Also once again, feel free to send in request or just random questions (i love doing Q&A lmao) and i’ll answer them :3 alright, see yalls in a few weeks time ;)
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banghans · 4 years
Noo I'm really sorry tho, and like you have no need to apologise!! I know you were busy so it's absolutely okay, no worries!! (yeaah, I would put this whole ask under read more if I could but I can't so I try not to spoil anything for others)
I don't think there would be moment what will live up to that sport festival maybe that one moment kacchan..you know what. Anyway that sport festival is truly unforgettable moment!!
Aizawa.. Im truly in love with that man as well.like I'm so mad he's sometimes so underrated..
DNDJDJDDJDJ IT'S NOT MY FAULT.. I don't know after that thing something broke inside me and....shut up._.💕 Exactly!! He's..whys so hard to put it in words..mom i love him🥺 but like he's not negative, he's just.. Ah I won't repeat your words you get me🙄😅But As someone who take feelings as weakness I do see a lot why he's like that and yeah, It just took me some time to realise.Eheh..you will riot huh?uhh....
Pff top three is something like that even legal to ask lmao.. Well as we know definitely todoroki,Katsuki..And still izuku. Although pikachu is kinda growing on me for no freaking reason. But yeah I totally get you, there's so much characters to be soft for🥺
I was crying, it truly becoming my favourite part because everything from the start was so..amazing.and it truly made me realise how much I love them all.. Dont mind me being little emotional right here lmao..Also you really underestimate me if you assume that I got to the rescue part by now.. ..even like 7episode after it all made me too emotional and I'm concerned😂
I'm actually starting 4th season now^^ I mean..by the time I send this ask I probably be in half or something😅I'm kind of quick watcher. I saw some news about the 5th season and I'm so, excited as well!! Oh my gosh that also reminds me..did you saw that emotional poster with kacchan and izuku? it honestly made me cry🤧 its so cute yet you can perfectly see how far did kacchan personality change, I'm proud of this boyy -✨
god its taken me 2 weeks to sit and answer........sincerest apologies
but ohhhh i just wanna rewatch season 2........a simpler time, im catching up with the manga now and its just.....all pain.......horikoshi please let these children be happy 
my greatest joy is u slowly becoming softer for katsuki :)) he’s such a bastard but god i love him....he deserves the world i will riot for him !! i mean it !!
ur top characters are so VALID, mr denki is a fave for me, i wanna cosplay him So bad its not even funny, lil pikachu man
i think u might like the upcoming season a lot if u liked s2!! they have combined training with the other classes at UA and im!!! really excited for it to get animated (im still not quite caught up but....my boi shinsou finally makes a comeback and im Thrilled) by now ur probably done with s5 i swear ur better at binge watching than me......WAIT
THE POSTER WITH KACCHAN AND IZUKU.....YES. the way i want to print a huge poster of it and hang it in my room i. ugh. yes. vety much enjoy 10/10
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tahimik-blog · 3 years
traciouswink's Xanga Blog 1.1 20031308 traciouswink's Xanga Site traciouswink [email protected] traciouswink traciouswink [email protected] traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:35:29 -04:00
ohemGee.. this is totellie NOT tracyy.. lalalalala jp muahaha.. so yeaah.. hrmm juszz wanna tell yaah a pinch of todaaaiii.. issh maaaaiii fun dayyyy!!! woop woop!!! hrmmm.. why? damnit iono.. hahahaa jp ;] well, hrmm.. lemme see wut happend todaaaaii bitchesssss well.. yeaaaah....basically well todaaaiii isss.......... a fun dayyyyy!!!! okaii there yaaah go.. ;] I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need/ (and I) Don't care about presents/ Underneath the Christmas tree/ I don't need to hang my stocking/ There upon the fireplace/ Santa Claus won't make me happy/ With a toy on Christmas day/I just want you for my own/  More than you could ever know/ Make my wish come true/ All I want for Christmas is you.../  You baby/ x0x0 for yooh :: do not cut tha lerix cuszz issh purdyyyy!!! kaii cya later ;] muaah ;] hope to have more fun daaaays taah cumm!!! <3
2005-12-16 01:31:06 2005-12-16 06:31:06 open Private post 407536629 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:35:16 -04:00
tagalog letter for maii hunnyee [[leet and tagalog slang]] EVe|2 L|_|v3E |)u8eE |{0|\|9 k|-||21$, |-|4'/'/... 54|\|a |\/|@g1NG 4U5|\|e$5 |\|4 74|2ic|-| K451 M15$NE$$E$s N4 |{174k|-|... ;] LjK|{ 0M9 50|3r@ $08|2@ 1717k|-|! |_| N03 |34 L4Gi |\|@ L@n9 4|{3kh N49 Ka k|2j (|2'/ k4$1 508r@Ng 0U(|-|'/! |{4$1 \/\/4La K@ |}i+0... |-|@'/'/.. a11 3@|\| |{0 845$|-|.. 47 |-|37o p4, \/\/@L4 4N9 p@|}U|{ |/\|@L4 @|\|G |\/|4d1|2, $@|}Ne$sNEs5 74L@G4 e\/E|2U(|-|1! 4nG kh|_|V@ K0 XMp3|2|}sz @L|/\|a'/5 4|\||} F0|2EV3|2 |-|3|23 N0|-|.. |-|UNn11 |{0, $0|3|2@nG |\/|1s5NE$|_|$ Na K1+@.. s4|\|@ m49K45@|\/|@ N@ +4L4G4 +4u 3VEr Ka51 $0|3|2@Ng |-|U|2ti|\|9 1|\|51dE |\|@ 4K|_| $araNG|-|ae |-|uNN1i, d1 |{1747(|-| ma9L3F+'/ 0K@11? |)1+0 |\|@ L@|\|G @Nd 570p5iGn, |{4$1 |\|4g 0|_|k|-|'/ N@ a|\|9 K3yb0r+10N k0 4+ F1N93rpUpp3+s. |3j3|3jE, mu4@a@|-|! <3 @|\|G 1y0|\|g pi|\|4Ka|\/|4|\/|@|-|4L X1Nf1ni7j 3\/3|2, $wEE7y
2005-12-11 21:18:14 2005-12-12 02:18:14 open Private post 404893145 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:34:59 -04:00
thingyees i want for Xmasz ;] aka :: tha wish list <333 a] new cellyee [done, from daddyee&&`mommyee ] b] d&&`b or coach purse [puh-weez? jp]  c] new digicam woop woop ;] d] new american eagle track jacket e] bear cuddler [this is for maii p.i., again, p.i. friends puahaha, i miss bear cuddler!!!] f] go to chinatown and jusz eat a bowl of BEEF WONTON!!! woop woop g] roadtrip to seattle, and meet maii sissie Dannii <3 h] anklet, a purdy one ;] i] a thousen` comments on maii mS before newyear j] a pink pen jusz because ;] K] tha aeropostale bear <3 l] that big Patrick Star stuffyee m] tha starbucks gift card ;] N] and to be with maii Chris on Xmasz...sigh... there you go puahaha... ;]
2005-12-10 23:39:59 2005-12-11 04:39:59 open Private post 404305659 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:34:44 -04:00
hi hi.. well 3-day weekend woop woop! friday... melissa asked me to go to cp cuszz we be havin` a snowball fight and we be makin` snowmen yanna-mean? i told chris and he`s lykk.. okaii ill go.. but i remember that imma drop-off maii dad AiiRPORT... =[.. to cali, then pi!!! woop woop.. but mann.. i wnna go too.. nahhh, not really <3... right hunnii? <3 so yeaah.. i went to tha airport.. then went to cp.. omg it was fun! hee hee.. then.. chris and i went to.. STARBUCKS! lol.. then... we read sum books there.. ;] is cool hee hee.. oh yeaah.. thenn.. waaah waaah before sleepin`.. kaii thasz it.. saturday.. OK so basically i went to maii hunnii`s place.. and had a snowball fight with our ni-san niko.. hee hee.. then chill.. then..     cha-ching! hee hee.. we went to towne center.. ALL HAPPii.. hrmm.. lol <3 [[im not done.. im fuckin` tired!!!]] imma jusz type it tomaroe byee!
2005-12-05 02:36:47 2005-12-05 07:36:47 open Private post 400580117 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:34:16 -04:00
>by chris: I scored a 67% on the "How Korean R U?" Quizie! What about you? 73% on the "How cool are you?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 27% on the "How Starbucks Are You?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 74% on the "Are you addicted to the computer?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 24% on the "Addicted To AIM??" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 15% on the "how myspace are you?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 33% on the "How Starbucks Are You?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 23% on the "How iPod Are You?" Quizie! What about you? >i scored="" a="">26% on the "How white are you??!" Quizie! What about you?> I scored a 42% on the "how chinese are you" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 46% on the "ObsesSion??? Harry Potter..." Quizie! What about you? I scored a 53% on the "How Japanese Are You?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 54% on the "hOw FiLiPiNo ArE yOu?" Quizie! What about you? by tracy : I scored a 35% on the "how chinese are you" Quizie! What about you? i scored="" a="">37% on the "How Vietnamese are you?" Quizie! What about you? >I scored a 100% on the "How cool are you?" Quizie! What about you? >I scored a 68% on the "How white are you??!" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 77% on the "Are you addicted to the computer?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 53% on the "How Japanese Are You?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 52% on the "Addicted To AIM??" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 75% on the "hOw FiLiPiNo ArE yOu?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 69% on the "how myspace are you?" Quizie! What about you? I scored a 52% on the "How Korean R U?" Quizie! What about you?
2005-12-03 01:58:27 2005-12-03 06:58:27 open Private post 399267611 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:32:56 -04:00
adopt your own virtual pet!
I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetusfrom Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
2005-12-03 01:03:16 2005-12-03 06:03:16 open Private post 399246177 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:32:26 -04:00
kenti new way xien** so gyeaah.. uhh... saturdaii.. hrmm lets see.. my lover and i woke up at the same effin` time.. how coolsz that? lol.. KOOL........................... =] then we talked by our CELLiiEEE! ;] ;] ;] then.. ate lunch.. then.. computurr.. o0ohh.. i downloaded songs ferr my gangsta`-pod!!! woot woot.. thasz a lotta songs.. i swear.. SWEAR!!! l0l hrmm.. while dloadin`.. im talkin to maii friends.. and of course maii lover.. =] well thasz about it.. hahaha.. oh chyeaah.. me and chris talked that night.. as always.. <3 sunday<3 hrmm.. woke up a lil early then maii lover.. lol then cleand maii room! while talkin to hunnii and TAKIN` PICXSZZIES! HAHAHA.. so funnii.. not. so yeaah.. ate lunch agiin and maii dad and i went to south hill mall jusz because.. and yeaah shop shop shop! not. then computurr.. tAlked to maii lover and friends. hrmm.. laughed a lot.. *wink chris.. solved a problem ;].. did maii laundry T_T.. and eat eat eat!!! purdayy much it! see ya next week! x0x0 oh yeaah.. maii dad we be goin back to cali,   THEN.. all of tha fams we be goin to tha pi.. ... ... ... yeaah, bye! PURDAYY_NENE we love you tito genie <3
2005-11-28 00:45:48 2005-11-28 05:45:48 open Private post 396048877 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:32:12 -04:00
chrisz survey!!!
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:christopher [11/26/05]Birthday:jan.8 19xxBirthplace:seoul, koreaCurrent Location:lakewood with my babygirlEye Color:brownHair Color:not jet black with highlightsHeight:5`10``Right Handed or Left Handed:rightyYour Heritage:half korean, half whiteThe Shoes You Wore Today:nothing. Your Weakness:tracyYour Fears:losing tracyYour Perfect Pizza:whatever we orderGoal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:stay @ cp and stay with tracyYour Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:lolThoughts First Waking Up:1]what time is it 2]i wonder if tracy`s upYour Best Physical Feature:smile as told by tracyYour Bedtime:11pmYour Most Missed Memory:my papaPepsi or Coke:cokeMacDonalds or Burger King:phÖ thaiSingle or Group Dates:singleLipton Ice Tea or Nestea:nesteaChocolate or Vanilla:neitherCappuccino or Coffee:capDo you Smoke:noDo you Swear:pssh..yeahDo you Sing:yeahDo you Shower Daily:uh huhHave you Been in Love:i am right nowDo you want to go to College:yupDo you want to get Married:definitelyDo you belive in yourself:most of the timeDo you get Motion Sickness:noo0o0o0o0o0!Do you think you are Attractive:not really [tracy:heck yeah hunnii!]Are you a Health Freak:noDo you get along with your Parents:pssh..noDo you like Thunderstorms:who does?Do you play an Instrument:im korean, of course i do.In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:yesIn the past month have you Smoked:noIn the past month have you been on Drugs:nopeIn the past month have you gone on a Date:yesIn the past month have you gone to a Mall:aww..noIn the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:i dont like chocolate, they dont even come in boxes. wait, do they?In the past month have you eaten Sushi:yesIn the past month have you been on Stage:noooo.. stage frightIn the past month have you been Dumped:noIn the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no. but i wish i did with someone*wink wink [tracy:ur wrong hunnii, who can skinny dip without sum1?]In the past month have you Stolen Anything:no. im a good boy...not[tracy:yeppp..not!]Ever been Drunk:noEver been called a Tease:i hope not [tracy:pssh....]Ever been Beaten up:by my brother. ass [tracy:jusz say yes..gosh!]Ever Shoplifted:when i was a kid [tracy:cusz u dunno ur rich? gosh....]How do you want to Die:painlesslyWhat do you want to be when you Grow Up:iono [tracy:pssh...]What country would you most like to Visit:philippines with tracy [tracy: =(]In a Boy/Girl..Favourite Eye Color:brownFavourite Hair Color:not jet blackShort or Long Hair:longHeight:5`4``Weight:doesnt matter to meBest Clothing Style:ionoNumber of Drugs I have taken:noneNumber of CDs I own:iono.. u can countNumber of Piercings:0Number of Tattoos:0Number of things in my Past I Regret:1, making my sweetheart cry [tracy:awwww...] CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!
2005-11-26 18:06:51 2005-11-26 23:06:51 open Private post 395128187 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:31:56 -04:00
Your Kiss (with pics!)Name/Username Age Kiss Passion-O-Meter - 66%
This cool quiz by Lookoutbelow - Taken 147558 Times.
New - Dating Advice written by YOU!
How sexy are you?Username: You are this sexy: - 95%
This QuickKwiz by Flippant - Taken 79357 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz
How Many People Think That You\'re Sexy?First Name Desired "Sexy" Name Age Gender How Many People Think You're Sexy-O-Meter - 91%
This Quiz by BooOnYouTimesTwo - Taken 125396 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz
Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]You are Super-Cool!Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com
The Amazing Love Tester!Test Results for chris> SUPER HOT! < WOAH Flame on baby!! HOT! WARM MILD COLD
THUMB HEREEnter your Name Place your thumb on the Thumbpad and click
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The Amazing Love Tester!Test Results for TRACIOUS> SUPER HOT! < WOAH Flame on baby!!HOT!WARMMILDCOLD
THUMB HERE Enter your Name � ï¿½ ï¿½  � ï¿½ ï¿½  � ï¿½ ï¿½  Place your thumb on the Thumbpad and click � ï¿½ ï¿½  � ï¿½ ï¿½  � ï¿½ ï¿½ 
From DatingTips.ws
Take the quiz: "Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)" Regina George Your the hottest girl in school. 2005-11-26 15:21:21 2005-11-26 20:21:21 open Private post 395049887 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:31:41 -04:00
hihi.. hee hee.. w0w.. l0ng weekend ferr me huh? hee hee.. well let`s see, let`s see.. 0kaii, thursdaii.. hrmm.. i woke up earlier then maii l0ver chris! hahaha.. then.. we went t0 maii granniie`s h0use tah eat lunch yepp yepp, guys.. lunch.. cuszz issh thanksgivin`, duhhhr.. haha.. s0 yeaa.. then.. stayed here ferr lykk tha wh0le daii! freakiin` arrgh! then.. maii hunnii bunch decided t0 g0 here since he`s around maii `h0od.. then.. we partied!...n0t. we talked about funniie stuff.. haha.. yeaah.. im hypurr.. =] then i lent him maii track jackiit cusz his track jackiit was wet lykk hell.. im shweet lykk that <3 i ate chicken, 2 times! lol so yeaah.. then.. he left.. *s0b buh yeaah.. issh co0l th0u.. <3 then.. well stayed hurr.. g0sh.. [sike] then.. had a l0ng celly marath0n with maii hunnii.. issh c0ol 0b c0rsz.. =] -end FRYDAii <3 ii WOKE UP ii THiiNK EARLiiER THEN MAii LOVER.. WELL iiONO.. HRMM YEAAH.. THEN.. WE WENT TO TOWNEY.. ATE LUNCH!!! SPENT 140+ DOLLERS WOOT WOOT! [SiiKE] iiSH PROLLiiE TRUU ;] THEN YEAAH.. STAYED HURR.. THEN... MAii HUNNii CAME OVA AGiiN! HEE HEE~ WE ATE GRAPES CASHEWS AND DRANK COKE PLAYED TiiBiiDiiBiiDiiB SCORE WAS :: 13 TO 5 ii WON! THEN WE PLAYED YANKEE DOODLE! SCORE WAS :: 18 TO 3 HAHA! HUNNii U SUCK! JP! GOSH! LOVE YAH HUNNii <3 U MADE MAii DAii LYKK ALWAYS <3 AWWW.. SHWEET ii NOE, ii NOE.. OHH YEAHH.. DON`T HATE BITCHES! WE NOE WE`RE LUCKiiE! SO YEAHH.. THEN.. HE LEFT.. *SOB.. THEN.. WELL STAYED HERE.. THEN.. TALKED TO MAii FRiiENDS BY AiiM AND COMMENTS JUSZ LYKK EVERY FRiiGiiN` DAY! LOL OH YEAAH.. THENN.. ATE STEAK AND GARLiiC BREAD.. YUMMiiE! THEN ATE BiiL GAW GHii AND BUTTERED DiiNNER BREAD.. YUMMiiE TOO! HEE HEE.. THEN.. THASZ PURDii MUCH iiT! OKAii.. iiL JUSZ ADD THA NEXT 2 DAYS PROLLiiE SUNDAii OKAii! BYE BYE! SO HYPURR! PURDAYY_NENE
2005-11-26 01:46:03 2005-11-26 06:46:03 open Private post 394747549 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:31:11 -04:00 People see love in your eyes. You either love everyone around you ooor...somebody's in loooove, no? Seriously, though... You seem to have a lot of love in your heart right now. You're singing songs and picking flowers...or at least you feel like doing so. And we can't forget floating on air, right? Well, don't let anyone ruin that for you, and if things don't turn out...don't worry over it. There are worse things, and you know it. What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla You're a good person.  You know how to be nice without being OVERLY nice...You always try to think of others and their needs, but you know that it's impossible to please everyone and you are willing to accept people as they are. That's great! Are you a Nice Person??  (Girl anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla The bad girl. Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs) brought to you by Quizilla ~Fan~ The fan is your weapon! Heh, don't laugh, this is can be weapon and not a decoration as it usually is you know! Though it is rather a defensive weapon, when used carefully, you can disarm an opponent and therefore, use their weapon instead! It's pretty and light to carry, and a great disguise, fooling others that you have no intention to harm them, when you really do! What's Your Perfect Anime Weapon? brought to you by Quizilla You are the Sweet Cat. You are one of the friendliest Cats around! You love to make new friends and to meet new people.You are also Outgoing and a Joyful Cat. You Hate to be ignored by others but......you talk alot so they usually ignore you. What Anime Cat Are You? //.:With CUTE Anime Pics:.// brought to you by Quizilla Your eye color should be pink. You're the classic girlnextdoor, a sweet, loving, daddy's girl. You can be shy when meeting new people and absolutely adore cute and cuddly animals and toys. What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla Love Interest What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper!  As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth.  You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives.  Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be.  But why waste the effort? How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla You are Usagi, from Sailor Moon. Which Popular Anime Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla You belong on a lazy-day beach or anywhere where you can set up a relaxing bench or chair and watch the world go by. You don't want to make any changes, watching is enough to make you content. The blue of the sky and the light of day beat into your soul and you drift into the world and around without harming anything or making any ripples in the fabric of humanity. Enjoy your peace, few have it, though few would want it at the cost. Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you, because you're a great person to have around and it's always happy about everything ^^. congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^ Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!! brought to you by Quizilla You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~ What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla You are a summer. You are a time bomb of fun.  You just wait for your moment to burst and let your hyperness shine.  You are very energetic and people know that you are hard to get mad because you are having too much fun to really care.  You are a social butterfly and you love to talk and meet new people.  You keep you hyper ways up we need some in this world! ^_^ What Season Best Fits You? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla   Like oh my gosh. You got a guy who's cute and sweet. He's so sweet that he'ld take you out for dinner or at a cafe just to buy what you want:) Even if it's just a candy stick. Yup it's love. You got a great guy waiting for you somewhere. You just gotta look harder;) Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and care for a lot of people.There is no evil in you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people don't feel the same way as you do you keep on trying to change their mind.You love to help people out and you are always happy.Keep on trying to make the whole world smile because you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it seems like there is nobody who could love you as much as you could love them it doesn't matter the thing is that the only thing that matters is that he cares and loves you and it doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but don't set you standards to high cuz then you'll find nobody If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural charme and your simple beauty. You only want to be the person you are and be accepted as that. Go you! What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla You are a Princess, accustomed to only the best. Elegant and poised, you believe in High Standards, and like your standards to be met. You are gracious and kind, to those you find deserving; but woe betide anyone who does not meet your standards, you would dismiss them with a casual wave of your hand. Not only do you set high standards for others, you set them for yourself also, and sometimes find yourself struggling to meet them. Most of your life you have gained what you wanted, probably an only or youngest child, you put you first. However, saying that, you are not entirely self-centred,it's simply you've learnt to put yourself first. When moved, you are capable of empathy and kindness, and would willingly do your best to help others; but your life so far has taught you, that you must come first. You are also well learned.
At your best, you are kind, gracious, noble and focused; at your worst you are selfish, dismissive and stubborn. If you don't agree with something, you would nod your head graciously, and refuse to be swayed.
You are special, and everyone should know that. Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad?  (with pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla Your Japanese name should be
which means "child of light".
You're a very optimistic person and spread out your happiness! You're a real social butterfly; you love to be around people and can't stand staying home alone too long. You're really a bright, shining light! Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results +  absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!] brought to you by Quizilla You enjoy the hell out of life. Be happy, that's your motto. Good for you, just keep on brightening the world, one friend at a time. *Your inside self.* -G irls Only-..::Anime Pics::.. brought to you by Quizilla Your a sweety!You care a lot how others are and always ready to help! What kind of candy are you? brought to you by Quizilla You look best in a dark blue kimono with blue flowers on it. You are happy and content with your life you don't need anything all that you what you all ready have. Your True Kimono brought to you by Quizilla He dated Barbie and G.I. Joe, but are you sure, because he might date himself next! What sexual orientation is Ken of Barbie fame? brought to you by Quizilla You're an alcoholic cheerleader. So your favorite pastime is hanging out with mindless sorority boys?? Don't be so superficial. Once you get past the apperance, it's all about someone's personality. Don't sell yourself short and meet some REAL men ~ What kind of messed up barbie are you?~ the ORIGINAL version brought to you by Quizilla You are Hollywood, California!You like for people to notice you and to be in the spot-light! What State/Country r u? (with Pics!) brought to you by Quizilla Water--You're calm and collected. Nothing phases you really, except when someone messes with someone you care about, then you jump in with an attitude that could scare their hair white. You're great to be around and pretty smart when you want to be, or you can be pretty dumb when you wanna.Your Song: "Do or Die" By Papa RoachYour Color: Dark Blue, a dark color with depth to it and can hold mysteriuos things.  What Element Fits You Best? (7 results)(animepics)(girls only) brought to you by Quizilla You are a light angel.  You are a very happy individual.  You show people the way to enlightenment.  Your enemies are angels of darkness and clouds. What type of elemental angel are you?  (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla Theres Nothing Hidden Behind Your Smile when you smile you mean ityou don't try to fake your feelings ylou let the world know very clearly if you pissed off, or feeling the slightlest bit sad. What's Hidden Behind Your Smile? brought to you by Quizilla
2005-11-20 17:57:52 2005-11-20 22:57:52 open Private post 391178525 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:30:18 -04:00
omg!!! this is so fetch!!!
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2005-11-20 17:24:24 2005-11-20 22:24:24 open Private post 391159225 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:29:58 -04:00
hi hi.. hee hee.. im bored.. gossh.. my weekend is almost over so.. here i am.. once agiin.. writin` nonsense.. lol.. truu truu thou.. well yeaah.. my weekend wusz emotional.. well.. kinda.. buh yeaah.. =[ im okaii now.. i guess... it`s jusz that.. fuck.. never mind hehehe.. jusz ask me if yooh lykk.. lol.. okaii.. let`s start fridayy night.. hrmm.. so chris and i wer talkin` on aim.. and im lykk.. man im bored.. he`s lykk.. gyeaah me too.. then.. i asked him [randomly].. do you wnna go to tha movies.. hehehe.. and he`s lykk sure.. at first really wer jusz jokin` buh iono wut happend lol.. and then i asked my dad if i can go to tha movies.. and he's lykk.. wut time.. and im lykk.. right now.. and he's lykk.. dang.. and then lykk.. he said okaii.. and then i went to towne center on time.. chris arrived @ lykk.. an hour and a half later. sike.. hahaha.. well yeaah.. then lykk.. tha tickets are sold out.. dang! haha.. im not surprised.. haha.. buh yeaah.. wer lykk.. so wer dyoou wnna go..? iono.. okaii lets jusz walk.. so we walked. dang chillyy.. buh issh okaii.. and lykk.. while wer walkin` we takin` picxzzies! hahaha.. yeaah cool huh.. sike.. uhh.. gyeaag.. we went to.. uhh.. i forgot tha name buh issh a pet store sumn.. issh either petco or.. pet... yeaah.. i forgot.. lalala.. =] so.. yeaah... we went there and look for uhh.. chrisz pet i think.. iono.. lol.. then we went to riteaid.. cuszz he wansta buy a drink.. yeaah.. then.. we took picxszzies agiin.. lol.. hrmm.. then we left.. we went to target lol.. omg we love target now! lol.. jp.. and yeaah.. hrmm.. so we walked and took piczsiisz agiin.. then.. we went to tha loew`s and did nuffin.. lol.. then we went to barnes and well.. chilld and.. talkd i guess.. haha.. then.. we went to.. argh.. iono.. i forgot hahaha.. then.. yeaah.. i left. then yeaah.. end.. oh yeaah.. we talked [celly marathon].. okaii so saturday.. nuffin happnd.. hrmm.. jusz stayed home.. chris came ova.. we chiill`d.. yeaah thasz purdy much it.. then yeaah.. sunday.. boring day.. huhuhuhu.. okaii baii baii.. end.. lykk.. end!!! PURDAYY_NENE
2005-11-20 16:18:40 2005-11-20 21:18:40 open Private post 391122638 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:29:42 -04:00 2005-11-20 02:35:49 2005-11-20 07:35:49 open Private post 390798148 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:29:26 -04:00 hi hee hee.. so cool huh.. wer so cute together!!! lykk goshness! 2005-11-19 16:56:54 2005-11-19 21:56:54 open Private post 390510266 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:23:23 -04:00
wow.. this is new.. i think i`m fallin` ferr animes agiin.. lol.. no! haha.. jp.. well.. look at my lover yuna..
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isnt she purday? omg.. she is my fave.. lykk supah fave anime character.. hee hee.. i remember one time.. o0oh.. nvm hahaha! well.. yeaah.. i think imma be readin` sum mangas agiin.. well.. iono why... buh oh well.. at least im not gonna be sad and bored that much huh.. okaii thasz it.. buhbyee <3 PURDAYY_NENE
2005-11-19 03:04:43 2005-11-19 08:04:43 open Private post 390186172 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:23:09 -04:00 animes are so cool! You are a Sexy Girlfriend! You love your boy, not only in youre also the type that is willing to give him a little something! Be careful though, you dont want to go too far on the first date! ^_~Quote: Love is everything it's cracked up to beIt really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. Erica Jong What Kind of GIRLFRIEND are YOU? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla 2005-11-18 21:32:15 2005-11-19 02:32:15 open Private post 390028257 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:22:48 -04:00
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?Name: Age: Sex: MaleFemaleSexuality: StraightGayBisexualFlirting Skill Level - 54%
Kissing Skill Level - 61%
Cudding Skill Level - 80%
Sex Skill Level - 92%
Why They Love You You have a way with words.Why They Hate You You talk too much.This cool quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 2949961 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
Your Seduction Style: The NaturalYou don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.
What Is Your Seduction Style?
- - --^[muh quizzesz]^-- - -
You scored as Prep/Jock/Cheerleader.
Ghetto gangsta
Drama nerd
What..s Your High School Stereotype? created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Popular Bitch.
Popular Bitch
Preppy Girl
Nerdy Girl
Athletic Tomboy
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Emo Kid
What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To? created with QuizFarm.com
2005-11-17 22:28:00 2005-11-18 03:28:00 open Private post 389497376 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:19:13 -04:00
Fucking Long Survey... Trust Me You'll Like It!~The Basics~Whats Your Real Name::christopher smith, oops. tracy ignacio Your Middle Name::secret! we're not that close Birthdate::june 22 Birthplace::pi Current Location::lakewood, wa Zodiac::cancurr Eye Color::brown Hair Color::not-jet black Heritage::filapina and part azn by injection lol jp Age::one`five Height::5`four Currently Living With::my dad and a fat lady who loves to fart loud xinfinitee What Time Is It::6:16pm ~School~What School Do You Attend::clover park high school Mascot::uhh.. warrior [chris told me] School Colors::green and yellow, so cool! soff`murr power! Grade::1oth Hottest Teacher::as-if.. Uglyist Teacher::as-if.. Favorite Subject::treble choir! and health && fitness! Least Favorite Subject::personal finance Hottest Guy/Girl In School::chris smith/ tracy ignacio Favorite Teacher::mr. ninnis [cusz of track] Least Favorite Teacher::ms. jensen [ i dont noe her buh i hate her cusz chris hates her] If You Could Have Any Teacher Fired, Who Would it Be::ms. wekell, bcuszz chris and i hates her more then tha world hates her.. College You Wanna Go To::i still dunno.. ~The Future~Do You Wanna Get Married::ob corsz.. At What Age Do You Hope To Get Married At?:hrmm.. iono.. How Many Kids::iono! gosh! What Type of Wedding would it be?:o0oh beach! Where would it be?:iono! What do you wanna be when you grow up?:a rich bitch! Where would you want to live?:anywhere in tacoma Where would the honeymoon be?:chrisz apartment, korea If you parents didnt like the person would you still marry them?:of course ~Favorties~Color::pink Food::azn foods Chocolate::i love chocolate. so basically i will eat a worldfull of chocolates and still dunno wutz tha best chocolate ever.. Drink::bubba tea! and frap! Magazine::teenvogue Chanel::63 Sent::adidas for women Perfume::i forgot tha name! *sob Colonge::endless love Website::myspace! Person::chris smith Time in your life::hold on imma think of sumn! Grade::1oth Number::sixx Screen Name::iissh sumwhurr here in muh xanga jusz look ferr it Pick Up Line::ahaha.. as if i got one.. Song (at the moment)::miss you [krn] Movie (at the moment)::well.. nuffin buh i really wnna watch hp4.. Song (of all time)::burn Movie (of all time)::so close Way of Communication::celly Item::tf? lappitappi Store::american eagle, aeropostale and pacsun Piece of Clothing::track jackets Shirt::roxy shirts Pants::capris Shoes::flipflops please Band::pcd Boy Band::i dont have any, sorrii Type of Music::rnb, slow jams, hiphop, rap, rock, techno, aznpop.. Day of the week::saturday Country::usa Language::hangul! haha.. issh cute! Car::chrisz rx7 SUV::my armada baby! Word::smashing! Place to Make out::his place Place to hang out::towne center! lol Street Name::PIMPTASTIC TRACY DAZZLE State::wa Fairy Tale::sleepin` beauty Love Story::my love story Love Quote::uh.. yeaaah.. Ice Cream Flavor::strawberry Model::me! Veggie::i dont eat veggie that much.. Fruit::strawberries! Swear Word::eff! Question::are yooh freakin` serious?! hahaha so funnie! ~Have You Evers~Fallen For Your Best Friend::yeaah.. i think.. not sure!!! Lied to your parents::yeaah.. Made out with some one::yeaah.. Sung at a karioke bar::yeaah.. Danced on top of the table::yeaah.. Drank Alcholol::yeaah.. Watched Languna Beach::yeaah.. Watched The Notebook::yeaah.. Loved someone::yeaah.. Black mailed someone::yeaah.. Skipped Class::nope Licked something::yeaah.. Gone AIM::yeaah.. Watched Porn::yeaah.. i did! Kissed Someone that was just a friend::yeaah.. Been Rejected::nope Been In Love::yeaah.. Cheated on someone::nope Been cheated on::nope Used::nope Used someone::nope Fallen for someone you just met::yeaah Done something you regret::yeaah.. Do You:Forgive easily::nope Forget easily::nope Trust easily::nope Love easily::prolly Color Your Hair::yeaah Shave::yeaah Drink Soda::yeaah Kiss on the 1st date::yeaah kiss random people::nope say "I love You" to much::prolly, iono.. say whats on your mind::yeaah, all tha time like to smell good::yeaah of course.. lykk who doesnt.. imma stab yooh! take a shower daily::yeaah want something/someone you can have::yeaah ~This Or That~Coke or Pepsi::pepsi McDonalds or Burger King::taco balls, oops.. bells KFC or Wendys::taco bell Subway or Quiznos::subway Cadillac or Mersadces::marcedess - correct spelling!!! hahaha.. VH1 or MTV::mtv Vanilla or Chocolate::chocolate The Oc or Laguna Beach::laguna beach Paper or Plastic::paper Computers or Phones::phones Jay-Z or Nas::jay-z Ja-Rule or 50 Cent::ja rule 50 Cent or The Game::5o cent Addidas or Nike::adidAs Baby Phat or Roxy::omg.. roxy! Rocawear or Element::element Rap or Rock::rock Jay-Z or Linkin Park::jay z Love or Lust::love Truth or Lies::truth! duhh.. Yankees or Red Soxs::iono! Red Soxs or White Soxs::iono! Abercrombie or Hollister::american eagle Carpet or Hardwood::carpet Walf or Run::run Sunset or Sunrise::sunset Cancun or Cabo::cabo!!!! Laugh or Cry::laugh Silver or Gold::silver White or Black::white School or Crack::school ~Friends~Best Friends::all my un niies! Funniest::lucy Loudiest::darrielle One you can trust most::yejin! one you went out with::pssh.. Preppiest::yejin Emo::frances Ghetto::iono! Punk::phoebe Model Type::can`t think Longest::iono Shortest::iono Hottest::iono ~In a Guy or Girl~Hair Color::black with brown highlights Eye Color::brown Height::5`ten Weight::he dont noe Age::16 Style of Clothing::preppy! hahaha Personality::so nice.so cool.so fetch.so true.so you! Best Physical Quality::eyes hee hee.. and tha guns i pinched earlier! Worst Quality::nuffin.. cusz he's perfect... oh yeaah eat breakfast please! All Most the end!!!What time is it now?:7pm How long did it take you to take the survey?:iono.. do tha math bitch.. Was it Worth it?:i guess.. The EndTake this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d
2005-11-17 22:00:36 2005-11-18 03:00:36 open Private post 389478502 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:18:51 -04:00
You've Got Guys Lined Up Around the Block
While your little black book isn't as thick as Paris Hilton's... You get the most dates of any girl you know It's your whole five star package that attracts men - Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue.
Are You Attractive? Take This Quiz Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
You Are a Total Girlie GirlYou love looking good, and wooing men with your womanly ways. You're so feminine, men are in awe of you ... which is a very good thing.
How Girlie Are You?
o0o0ohh sexciiii!!!
Your Vibe is Super SexyYou feel 100% sexy at almost any moment And this inner sexiness really does boost your appeal You're confident, playful, and outgoing You know what you have to offer - and you're proud of it!
How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
o0o0ohh.. tha heck!
Men See You As PlayfulMen want a challenge and you are the perfect playmate You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that!
How Do Men See You?
oohh.. chris look at this T_T
You are a Great GirlfriendWhen it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!
Are You a Good Girlfriend?
Your Kissing Purity Score: 37% PureYou're not one to kiss and tell... But word is, you kiss pretty well.
Kissing Purity Test
2005-11-17 19:36:47 2005-11-18 00:36:47 open Private post 389372164 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:18:37 -04:00
one.you.love with.somebody.else nuffin.you.can.do.about.it u.had.tha.chance u.turn.away gotta.take.it thou.it's.heartbreakin`
2005-11-15 19:53:36 2005-11-16 00:53:36 open Private post 388120657 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:18:20 -04:00
dang.. long weekend.. it suxx lykk BIG TIME! wut happend? nuffin! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! im so bored, lykk GYEAH... hrmm.. friday :: i jusz went to tha mall with unnie lucy <3 and David..<33 well.. issh fun lykk... haha, yeaah.. well.. wut did we do? hrmm.. lemme see.. okaii so first, i was late lykk.. cuszz lucy told me to be there lykk at 2:30pm i think and lykk.. im lykk okaii.. imma be there.. then.. lyk.. wutt happend is.. IONO! i wuszz late! 1 hour.. arrived there @ lykk 3:30 sumn.. sucka... hahahahaha.. well yeaah.. then, im lykk.. i told lucy if imma be late and lykk im still not there @ 3:20 ill give her an ice cream or whatever.. so yeah.. i gave her an ice cream, hee hee.. <3 so yeaah.. first i went to old navy to lykk.. fetch her.. and lykk.. yeah.. then called David to lykk.. check onhim.. if where is he @ tha mall.. and lykk.. he said.. he's sumwehurr.. i think he said he's eating.. or yeahh.. then im lykk.. OKAII/.. see you at AMERICAN EAGLE.. and he's lykk.. okaii.. so lucy and I went there.. to check on sum cute stuff.. and lykk.. yeaah.. im jammin btw.. i brought my ipod.. haha, cool cool.. then.. well wer checkin` on sum stuff and lykk.. i found this cute track JACKET.. woot woot.. i bought it.. lucy bought nuffin from aeo.. David came btw.. so yeaah.. we went outside.. and lykk.. lucy said we should go to uhh.... wet seal.. yeaah.. wet seal so we went there.. and lykk.. we went there.. buhh.. i wnna check those pink track JACKETS @ pac sun so i told her that imma go to PAC SUN.. and she's lykk.. okaii and im lykk.. cool.. hahahahhaa.. so yeaah.. then i brought david with me.. hee hee and lyk.. we went there. and omg.. i bought that jacket.. issh so cute! hahaha.. so yeaah.. so went to.. CLAIRE'S cusz we cant find lucy there.. (tried callin her, buhh.. no answer) so yeaah.. we found.. a cute stuffed patrick star! woot woot! nd omg CARE BEARS!   WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! hee hee.. so yeaah.. well.. we didnt bought nething.. cuszz.z. iono.. well.. okaii so we went to wet seal agiin and yeaah we found her.. and lykk.. David kept laffin on them shoes.. hahaha.. iono why.. buhh., they look funny thou,, hahaha.. so yeaaah.. we sat.. then.. lyyk... iono.. we jusz.. uhh.. waited for lucy *wink hahahaha.. so... yeaaah.. we went to.. baskin i think.. oh no wiat.. we went to aeropostale first.. oo0o0ohh.. GOD.. i saw this cute track jacket.. and omg.. i bought it! uh huh.. hahaha! so yeaaah.. lucy bought nuffin and David bought sumn earlier.. so... yeaah,, then.. we went to baskin robbins to buy lucy's ice cream and i bought a smoothie too! my fave.. lykk ultimate fave! strawberry citrus.. hee hee.. and lykk.. yeaah.. then we went sumwhur.. cuszz David wansta buy a buy 1 take 1 drink.. oo0o0hh.. so yeaah.. he gave me tha other one.. uhh.. i think i picked.. citrus sumn.. and he got tha strawberry sumn.. my fave too! so yeaah.. and then lykk.. yeaah.. lucy left... and i jusz waited ferr my dad.. to pick me up.. o0o0hh.. they went to tha mall btw.. hahaha.. and lykk.. they shopped ferr sumn.. pssh.. dont care.. o0o0hh i ferrgot.. chris went sumwhurr too, thasz why.. sorri bout that hunn.. saturday :: hrmm.. wut happend.. is.. iono.. well jusz stayed here i guess.. and lykk.. chris asked me if.. lykk.. imm go to his place.. buh i said i cant... wer both bored! puhaaaa.. sucka.. well.. jusz download sum songs ferr muh ipod.. woot woot. issh cool.. issh cool.. so yeaaah.. thasz about it.. o0o0hh.. yeaah.. did a long celly marathon.. with chris.. sunday :: no idea.. well.. imma do sum werkk.. so yeaaah.. i guess imma go now.. puhaaa! PURDAYY_NENE
2005-11-13 17:36:55 2005-11-13 22:36:55 open Private post 386712514 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:18:05 -04:00
4:27 PM 11/4/05gosh.. bored.. got 2 hours left before muh flight to oakland.. so bored.. lykk gwoah.. pssh.. chris is not calling.. i called him lykk a while ago buh... dang.. oh well.. my dad is walking.. me dont care really.. hrmm.. i thought they got connection here.. buh dang.. no connections! lotsa lappietappie around buh.. dang.. no connections! puhaa.. so yeah.. so bored.. lykk.. omg yeah! cant think of nething to do.. i hope they got connection in oakland cusz omg.. imma be dead! or at least tha place is lykk around a starbucks thingy so yeah.. lalala.. so bored.. so bored... dang i repeated that lykk.. 20 times already.. puhaa.. jusz playien.. so yeah igtg.. imma read sumffin aite. byeeeee.. <312:55 PM 11/5/2005hihi.. well yeah so bored.. jusz chillin` hurr @ joseph's room.. dang.. lotsa awards!!! puhaa.. =]  so,, yeah.. hrmm.. i called chris lykk a while ago, buh i guess he's sleeping or whatever.. haha.. well, jusz called muh mom and lykk.. i told her i sent sum greens.. 100.. haha.. yeah im sweet lykk that.. hrmm.. she said she'll be goin to s.o.p. [tv show] later.. pssh.. jellie jellie.. haha... buh yeah.. hrmm.. im plannin to buy an i-pod mini.. o0ohh.. chris is callin! so hold up haha.. =]2:07 PM 11/5/2005so yeah.. so bored!!! lykk blah blah blah.. im lookin ferr a song that'll suit what im feelin right now puhaa.. <3 i miss chris lykk so much now.. lykk i still got a day and a half before i giit to see him aggin.. oops.. wrong.. lykk 2 days still huhuhu.. i miss u chris! lykk so much!!! lykk xbijiliion!!! huhuhu.. so yeah.. iono what to do.. my dad went sumwhere.. and iono where to go.. well im a lil bit hungry buh i can survive hahaha.. buh i want to go to tha mall lykk waaaa.. i wnna go to tha mall now... !!! cusz i wnna buy my i-pod haha.. so yeah.. im bored.. 8:59 PM 11/5/2005sigh.. i miss chris lykk so much now.. agiin.. well.. wut happend is.. we went to my lolo [granpa] teddy's house.. and lykk chill there for a bit.. then my celly died before we went to pump it up.. its lykk a cool  place for KIDS.. puhaa.. puhaa! for kids..! so yeah.. well i miss chris when i wusz there.. i cant go ne where.. my celly is dead.. so yeah.. jusz played puhaa! and lykk we're all filapinos there.. how cool is that? haha.. so yeah.. i saw this girl and her brother.. and omg i couldnt believe my eyes.. they are filapino and korean..! huaaat? haha.. yeah they are filapino and korean.. lykk gwhoa.. chris and i want to lyyk see this cross-breed for years.. puhaaa.. and muh tym came.. last night.. hahaa.. poor chris.. 12:05 PM 11/6/2005hi hi.. jusz woke up haha.. well yeah im hungry.. and lykk.. iono what to do.. they asked me if i want rice or palabok to eat for breakfast.. or .. lunch.. buh im lykk.. uhh.. palabok.. and they're lykk.. oh u dont want rice no more cusz yer a citizen now huh.. what tha heck is that.. puhaaaaaaaaa!puhaa.. so yeah.. so bored.. blah blah blah.. chris is church-ing right now.. i think he's playin tha piano.. puhaa.. thasz a good laugh on tuesday.. or later... puhaa! puhaa.. so yeah.. it's our first month anniversarayy and lykk.. last night.. we didnt sleep until 12mn.. hrmm.. yeah.. so.. we talked about random, buh cool stuff.. puhaa! issh so cool cusz we never talked lykk that.. for lykk.. ever! so yeah.. gtg.. 12:35 PM 11/6/2005hihi.. so yeah. i jusz ate.. palabok!!! woohoo.. and meat sumfn.. i think it's called pochero or cochero.. or whatever.. why do filapinos hafta name their viands hard.. haha.. buh wer kool lyk that hahaa.. so yeah.. i ate eggpie for dessert.. hrmm.. dont eat that thou buh.. oh well.. no rice. drink sprite. so yeah.. gtg... eat chocolate puhaa! 1:27 PM 11/6/2005so bored.. i think we be goin to tha mall later.. with auntie claire and auntie pam.. dang they're lykk a year older than me puhaa.. jp.. 3:00 PM 11/6/2005hi hi.. jusz got from tha restroom haha.. i took a bath sillii! so yeah.. imma call chris so hold up aite.. <34:03 PM 11/6/2005jus ate bibinka.. o0oh it's so cute.. issh so small haha! well yeah i guess u dunno wut a bibnka is.. iono howta make one so me cant tell you wut bibinka is made of..hungrayy.. jpjp.. jusz sitting here waiting for muh dad.. dang i think we'll be goin sumwhere @6pm.. i think we're eating sumwhere.. or wutever.. haha.. lalalalalalala.. im bored...5:26 PM 11/6/2005bored.. hee hee.. well be goin to tha dinner thingy now.. so yeah.. u noe wut, i jusz counted my money.. now... and omg.. issh $430!!! omg.. well yeah.. issh sapous ta be $550 buh i gave muh mom sum greens remember, lol, cusz issh her bdaii! woot woot.. =] so yeah.. im sweet lykk that.. well yeah tomaroe.. imma be goin home.. im plannin to buy an i-pod nano btw.. cusz yeah.. got lotsa money.. [basically cusz i went here..] lol.. aite gtg.. =]10:51 PM 11/6/2005hihi.. jusz got back from tha living room.. watched sumn while talking to muh chris hunnii.. hihi.. and omg u noe wut.. my uncle reggie gave me a hundred bucks.. hoohaa! w/c means i got lykk 500+ bucks now! woot woot.. yay.. hahaha.. so yeah.. imma go now.. cusz i need to go to bed cusz we be goin to tha hospital [for uncle gennie] then to tha airport tomaroe.. aite bye bye.. =]5:32 PM 11/7/2005hihi.. so yeah.. im now in tha plane.. dang gots nuaffin tah do so yeah.. jusz updating muh blog rara! so yeah.. playin a good, mushy song.. i bought chris and niko a stuffed beanie bear.. o0ohh i bought one too ferr myself.. yeah it's a pink bear, how cool is that, hee hee.. so yeah.. my mom called me earlier.. and she's lykk blah blah blah.. haha.. dang my mom is so cool.. hee hee.. aite laterz.. =]9:22 PM 11/7/2005well... jusz checked my myspace and yeah.. jusz wnna wrap this up.. =] aite buhbye <3
2005-11-08 00:24:00 2005-11-08 05:24:00 open Private post 383079028 traciouswink Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:17:51 -04:00
hi hi.. well im jusz bored. and still dont wnna do tha thing i hafta do.. haha i need to pack my bag cusz imma be goin to oakland tomaroe.. yepp yepp.. sigh* well yeah i miss chris lykk gwhoa.. well honestly.. jusz talk to him by our celly lykk 5 or 10 mins ago.. haha.. so0o0o.. hold up, imma play sumfn.. okaii so sum filapino song is playien.. o0oh, so mushy <3 jagiya........ sigh* so sleepy.. buh still hafta do tha packien.. suxx..... well hrmm.. wutsz new, wutsz new.. well.. yeah im a myspace whore now.. puhaa! im LiL MiSZ [myspace whore] puhaa! dang.. i wnna go sumwhurr.. buh time check :: 10.42pm puhaa! wut tha heck am i thinkien.. oh well, my dad is acting so ghetto now.. along with her "wifey".. pssh.. i dont really care, hoo haa.. <3 this s.o.n.g. is so mushy.. lykk, omg gyeah! <3 sigh* i miss chris.. huhuhu.. well i guess imma go now jusz wnna update muh xanga aite guys.. take care dont miss me that much aite=] love yah bunchieesz <3 x0x0 muaaah~ PURDAYY_NENE
2005-11-04 01:48:17 2005-11-04 06:48:17 open Private post 380470905
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